Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Various Articles

Principles of Islamic Political Theory

Principles of Islamic Political Theory

In relation to philosophy and the Islamic political theory, it must be borne in mind that there are some people who accept all its principles, some who acknowledge some of them, and, some who accept none of them. Nonetheless, in a bid to elucidate and establish this theory, it is imperative to explain these principles. Since some of these principles are self-explanatory, we shall mention and explain them briefly, and only explain other principles which require more space for discussion and examination.

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10 Tips for Remaining Positive (When you feel frustrated, lazy, or incompetent)

10 Tips for Remaining Positive (When you feel frustrated, lazy, or incompetent) * Post reminders of your objectives in places that you look at often (i.e. computer screens, back of the bathroom door, on your dashboard, etc.

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Living in Harmony: An Islamic Perspective

Living in Harmony: An Islamic Perspective Mankind without religion is a pretty sorry lot. It has never been able to survive without faith. Yet, surprisingly agreement is never reached on a such vital subject. Thus, they have their own zealots who attack the religions of others, the result of which is intolerance and contention.

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The Islamic Theory of Distribution

The Islamic Theory of Distribution The first step to end the contradictions in the economic structure of society begins with the distribution of economic resources among people. A just social system is one that allows all people to benefit from economic wealth. The Islamic economic system, accordingly, is based upon this criterion.

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Western Nationalism and Islamic Nationhood

Western Nationalism and Islamic Nationhood The relations, conflicts and clashes between various nations have in the present age become a daily issue which has acquired much greater significance than in any other epoch of human history. One of the problems related to it, or perhaps one of the most fundamental of them, is the problem of nationalism, its constructive elements, its scope and limits.

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Towards a Definition of Terrorism

Towards a Definition of Terrorism * Terrorism is a term that has been much bandied about in recent times in the world media. This paper was presented by the author, who is Director of the International Relations Department of the I.P.O., at the International Conference on Terrorism called by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Geneva, from June 22-26, 1987. It is an attempt to define terrorism and to put it in a broad perspective.

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The Place of Knowledge

The Place of Knowledge In Book Two of the noble Mathnawi-, Jala-l ad-Di-n Muhammad Mawlawi- [Balkhi- ar-Ru-mi-] has a short and elegant story. An ignorant desert Arab has a sack full of grain and he wants it to load on top of his camel. But instead of dividing it into two, he takes another sack full of sand so as to balance the weight of the sack full of grain and load the two on both sides of the camel.

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The Principles of Moral Education in Supplication

The Principles of Moral Education in Supplication The supplication of Imam Ali bin al-Husayn Zaynol Aabideen (a.s.) for his parents and his supplication for his children. In these supplications, Imam Zaynol Aabideen (a.s.) has comprehensively shown the principles of moral and material education together. He has emphasized the importance of the relationship between the progenies and generations connected with each other in the light of the principles of the true religion of Islam. These principles are to be believed in the hearts and applied in the conducts. Let us read these unique themes ponderingly and reverently.

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Anaesthesia in Islamic Medicine

Anaesthesia in Islamic Medicine Science and medicine belong to no ethnic or national group. Of the innumerable scientific discoveries made by man, only few are really the work of a single person, nation, generation and locality. Often a medical discovery is the summation of the many partial contributions made by predecessors throughout the ages.

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Fighting Bad Habits

Fighting Bad Habits The state of anger is one of the most dangerous states that overtake man and if he is unable to control himself in this condition he is likely to become almost a lunatic whereby he fails to check himself. Consequently he commits such serious deeds that can put him to a life long shamefulness and restlessness. Islamic traditions have censured this state of mind. We suffice here with the following few: Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: Anger destroys the heart of a wise man.

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How Does Islam Regard Other Religions?

How Does Islam Regard Other Religions? This century has witnessed the growth of a new awareness that mankind must live together, every group interdependent with all the others. The unity of mankind is being felt with increasing intensity around the globe. There are a number of implications regarding the interdependence of Man from Islam's theory of God, its theory of revelation, its theory of Man and its theory of society and each of these in turn carries implication for the place of other faiths in Islam's consideration.

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The Evidence of Experience

The Evidence of Experience Were the phenomenon of the spirit, which is non-material in all its aspects, to be made the subject of experimentation, so that its autonomous existence became fully proven, despite its remoteness from sense perception, it would have a profound effect in causing men to believe more fully in the spirit. This would be the case particularly with those who are unable to understand subtle and complex questions and who are more inclined to accept empirical scientific data than they are the truths of philosophy.

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Repentance And (remember) Jonah when he went forth enraged and thought that We would have no power over him, then he called out, "There is no God but You. Glory be to You. I have done evil." So We answered him and delivered him out of grief even so do We deliver the believers. (Quran 21:87-8) In my last two discourses, I explained that worship and prayer, if correctly performed, eventually leads to a true affinity to God. The human being, through worship, will be a real servant of God and a real servant has a true affinity to God. In other words, to be a real servant of God implies a sacred journey which culminates in affinity to God.

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Worship and Prayer

Worship and Prayer We sometimes notice points in our Islamic interpretations that raise questions for some of us in connection with worship. For example we are told in the case of prayer that either the Prophet or the Imams have said, "Prayer is the pillar of religion," or if we think of religion as a tent, 'prayer is the pole that keeps it standing." This remark is also quoted from the narrations attributed to the Prophet, "The requisite for the acceptance of other human deeds is the acceptance of prayer". In other words, the good deeds of the human being will be null and void if prayer is incorrect and thereby unacceptable.

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Lessons in Islamic Ethics

Lessons in Islamic Ethics All these reasons are fine, but some people dress to show off and to look attractive so that other people can stare at them. This is not right since you are using the clothes to make other people gaze at your body.

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Issues in Islamic Biomedical Ethics: A Primer for the Pediatrician

Issues in Islamic Biomedical Ethics: A Primer for the Pediatrician The United States is becoming increasingly pluralistic. Pediatricians must become familiar with the factors that affect the emotional, physical, and spiritual health of their patients that are outside the ken of the traditionally dominant value system. Although many articles have addressed the cultural and ethnic factors, very few have considered the impact of religion. Islam, as the largest and fastest-growing religion in the world, has adherents throughout the world, including the United States, with 50% of US Muslims being indigenous converts.

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Harmfulness of Jealousy, Greed and Covetousness

Harmfulness of Jealousy, Greed and Covetousness The meaning of jealousy is that man desires that a blessing may be removed from his faithful brother though he knows that the said comfort is befitting him and hence the title. But envy means: to desire the comfort possessed by others without a wish that blessing may go away from others. In other words, an envious person ones not want a halt the progress of others but makes effort to equal others. Perhaps this attitude can be divided into five kinds:

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The Shortest Road to Success

The Shortest Road to Success In the scheme of creation, every being that comes into existence develops and grows in struggle and adversity right from the first day of its life until the time when it attains to the apex of its perfection. This is a law of nature that rules over all existents.

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A Criterion of Human Values

A Criterion of Human Values Personality is that which makes every individual different from others and by means of which we determine the real worth and station of a human being. Despite the fact that all persons possess common characteristics as well as common reactions particular to the human species and are similar in regard to the social instincts, nevertheless, every one of them possesses certain congenital and acquired qualities and certain particular gifts that distinguish him from the rest of his kind.

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Perfection in the Light of Morals

Perfection in the Light of Morals Man is a being that has the best ability to reach the peak of perfection. It is an entity that has begun its upward journey from nothing or point of zero or nothingness and which moves ahead toward the point of endlessness and never will its journey toward perfection stop should he keep moving on its route.

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought