Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought

Imam Ali

The Great Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S.)

The Great Virtues of Imam Ali (A.S.)

He said: Abu Ja'far Muhammad b. Ali b. al-Husain reported to me from his father, who reported from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Attar, who reported from Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Isa, from Ali b. Al-Hakam, from Hisham b. Salim, from Sulaiman b. Khalid, from Abu Abdillah Ja'far b. Muhammad al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, from his forefathers, peace be upon them, who said:

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Imam Ali (A.S.), the Ka'ba of Faith

Imam Ali (A.S.), the Ka'ba of Faith "Most surely the first House to be set up for mankind is the one at Bekka (Mecca), blessed and a guidance for all nations." (Holy Qur'an 3:96). This is how God Almighty describes the holy Ka'ba that the Father of the human race, Adam, was ordered to build in Mecca at the dawn of mankind's creation.

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Imam Ali (A.S.) is the Holy Prophet’s Soul

Imam Ali (A.S.) is the Holy Prophet’s Soul It is made clear that the phrase “our souls” cannot be taken to mean the Prophet (saws) himself and since the narrations already cited confirm that those who were present during the contest of prayers were Ali (as), Fatimah (sa),Al–Hasan (as) and Al–Husain (as), God’s blessing on them all, it follows that the phrase “our soul” applies to no one other than Ali (as), and this is one of his outstanding merits, or perhaps one of the most remarkable virtues.

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Imam Ali (A.S.) the Mawla (Master)

Imam Ali (A.S.) the Mawla (Master) The event of 18th Zilhaj 10 A. H. was neither a matter of secrecy, nor an underground gathering nor a hidden endeavor. As such no room is left for any sort of doubt, suspicion, uncertainty or ambiguity. This mammoth congregation attended by thousands was held by the mandate of God, under the supervision of the Prophet of Islam, in a vast desert, in the full light of the day. The main proceedings of this feast are preserved in the official documents of Islam (Qur'an and Hadith).

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Imam Ali (a.s)'s Viewpoint Toward Government

Imam Ali (a.s)'s Viewpoint Toward Government The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.) passed away with his head on the lap of Imam Ali (A.S.). He departed to his Lord, the Most High, while still worried about the future of the Mission and nation In the last hour of his life he asked for an inkpot and a sheet of paper to write on to the nation about that which would protect them from going astray after him.

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What is Nahjul Balagha?

What is Nahjul Balagha? The Nahj al-balaghah is a collection of sermons, precepts, prayers, epistles and aphorisms of 'Ali ('a) compiled by al-Sayyid al-Sharif al-Radi about one thousand years ago. However, neither the recorded words of Mawla 'Ali are confined to those collected by al-Sayyid al-Radi, nor was he the only man to compile the sayings of Amir al-Muminin. Al-Masudi, who lived a hundred years before al-Sayyid al-Radi, in the second volume of his work Muruj al-dhahab , writes: "At present there are over 480 sermons of 'Ali in the hands of the people,"

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A Perspective of Imamate in Nahjul Balagha

A Perspective of Imamate in Nahjul Balagha There is a famous tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) recorded by both - the Shias and the Ahle Sunnah traditionalists: 'One who dies without recognizing the Imam of his time, dies the death of ignorance.'

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Wilayat of Ali (A.S.) is a Strong Fort of Allah Almighty

Wilayat of Ali (A.S.) is a Strong Fort of Allah Almighty To distribute wealth among those who do not deserve it amounts to squandering the wealth. The Holy Qur'an also says. Do not squander your wealth wastefully. The squanderers are indeed Satan's brothers and Satan is ungrateful to his Lord. (Surah Bani Isra'il, 17:27)

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Imam Ali (A.S.): The Greatest

Imam Ali (A.S.): The Greatest Among the wonderful signs which God, the Exalted, has brought forth through the hands of the Commander of the faithful, 'Ali b. Abi Talib, is one, the reports of which have become widespread among the biographers and historians ('ulama' al-siyar wa al-athar) and about which the poets have composed verses (namely) when he, peace be on him, sent back the sun (to its earlier position) on two occasions, once during the life of the Prophet and another time after his death.

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Imam Ali (A.S.) as Guardian and Successor

Imam Ali (A.S.) as Guardian and Successor Among both Shias and Sunnis it has been established that the Prophet (s) had appointed Ali to be the Caliph and Imam after him. At the Well of Khum (Ghadir Khum), he proclaimed Ali to be his successor in the presence of groups of Muslims coming back from his last Hajj. He made sure that every one heard this in spite of the big crowds on that day. The news had reached everyone and everywhere. The chain of transmission of the news of Ghadir Khum in Sunni books has been uninterrupted and certain.

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Imam Ali's Maxims of Warning, and Admonition

Imam Ali's Maxims of Warning, and Admonition So now, surely slyness and cheating will be in Hell. Fear God and be cautious of His power. God does not accept to surprise the servants with destructions before He warns them. From this cause, a servant slackens the efforts until he forgets the pledge –God’s warning- and thinks he is doing well. Thus, a servant sinks in guess, hope, and inattentiveness of what has come to him.

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Imam Ali (A.S.) and the First Two Caliphs

Imam Ali (A.S.) and the First Two Caliphs The discussion above will suffice to elucidate our view that the origins of Shi'i feelings and inclinations may be found in the conception of the sanctity for which the Banu Hashim were widely known, in the special consideration with which 'Ali was held by Muhammad (who was, above all, fully conscious of his family's traditionally religious heritage and exalted position), and lastly, in the events in favour of 'Ali which took place during Muhammad's lifetime.

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Islamic Government According to Imam Ali [a]

Islamic Government According to Imam Ali [a] Upon appointing Malik Al-Ashtar as the governor of Eygpt, Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [a] sent a letter advising Malik in his post. This letter is an invaluable document highlighting the Imam's outlook towards government, societal needs and the value and rights of a human being in society. It is a message of significant importance and a reminder to Muslims today of the Islamic viewpoint towards Islamic government.

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Imam Ali (a.s.); The True Successor of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)

Imam Ali (a.s.); The True Successor of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) During the time of the three Kholafa, although Ali (a.s.) did not take part in any of the battles, he was always available when they sought his advice on religious matters. His position as the jurist was on the top of the list among the companions of the Holy Prophet (saw).

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Golden Words of the Leader of the Believers Imam Ali (A.S.)

Golden Words of the Leader of the Believers Imam Ali (A.S.) Ali was the only baby born inside Ka’aba, the house of God, built by Abraham (A.S).He was brought up by Mohammad (S.A) from his very childhood. He was a writer of the holy Quran with detailed references about all Aayaat revealed to the holy messenger (S.A).

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Why do the Shi‘ah regard the sons of Imam Ali (A.S.) as the sons of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)?

Why do the Shi‘ah regard the sons of Imam Ali (A.S.) as the sons of the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)? Reply:  A study of the exegesis {tafsir}, history and hadith books will show that this idea is not accepted only by the Shi‘ah but by almost all Muslim researchers from all Islamic groups.  

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Short Sayings by Imam Ali (a)

Short Sayings by Imam Ali (a) 1- Piety, concealment of the good actions, steadfastness against disasters, and suppression of the misfortunes are within the treasures of Paradise.

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Hadith Al-Tafdhil, Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah Raises Objections

Hadith Al-Tafdhil, Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah Raises Objections Our Shaykh Ibn Tamiyyah (d. 728 H) is obviously not comfortable with the fact that the Sahabah used to consider Amir al-Muminin, ‘alaihi al-salam, to be superior to Abu Bakr during the lifetime of the Prophet, sallallahu ‘alaihi wa alihi. So, he fights back:

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The Battle of Islam at Nahrawan

The Battle of Islam at Nahrawan After the unsatisfactory conclusion to the Battle of Siffin, Imam Ali (A.S.) returned with his army back to Kufa on the 13th of Safar 37 A.H. During the march, a group of 12,000 men kept themselves at a distance from the main part of the army.

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The Holy Prophet’s Counsel to Imam Ali (A.S.)

The Holy Prophet’s Counsel to Imam Ali (A.S.) With my continuous chain of transmission reaching up to the best of the traditionists and the foremost of them, Muhammad ibn Ya’qub al-Kulayni (R) from Muhammad ibn Yahya, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Isa, from ‘Ali ibn al-Nu’man, from Mu’awiyah ibn ‘Ammar, who says,

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Alhassanain(p) Network for Heritage and Islamic Thought