Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)0%

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma) Translator: Batool Ispahany
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Miscellaneous Books

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Translator: Batool Ispahany
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)
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Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Islamic Medical Wisdom, The Tibb al-A'imma

Islamic Medical Wisdom is the first English translation of a text in the Twelver Shi'i medical tradition. As such it will prove of both interest and importance to specialists and non-specialists alike. The former include those pursuing study of various aspects of Islamic history and civilization in general and especially students of the history of Islamic medicine. The latter include both those wishing greater awareness of the Twelver Shi'i faith and heritage in general and those desirous of greater familiarity with practical dimensions of the faith in particular.

Translator(s): Batool Ispahany

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications – Qum


Table of Contents

Preface 9

Notes 15

Foreword 19

The Interest of the Companions in the Medicine of the Imams 24

The Sons of Bistam 26

Introduction 28

The Measure of Reward for Each Illness 30

For Pain in the Head 32

A Medication for Phlegm 34

An Invocation for Headache 35

An Invocation for Migraine 36

An Invocation for Pain in the Eye 37

An Invocation for Pain in the Ear 38

Description of a Medication for Pain in the Ear 39

[An Invocation] For A Pebble in the Ear 40

An Invocation for Pain Afflicting the Mouth 41

An Invocation for Pain in the Teeth 42

The Charm for the Tooth 43

A Proven Invocation For The Teeth 44

An Invocation for Coughing 45

An Invocation for Anxieties in the Breast 47

An Invocation for a Pain in the Belly 48

An Invocation and Medication for Pain of the Waist 49

An Invocation for Pain of the Spleen 49

An Invocation for Pain in the Bladder 51

An Invocation for Pain in the Back 52

An Invocation for Pain of the Thighs 53

An Invocation for Pain of the Genitals 54

An Invocation for Pain of the Legs 55

An Invocation and Medications for Hemorrhoids 56

An Invocation For Pain Of The Feet 57

An Invocation for the Hamstring and the Sole of the Foot 58

An Invocation for Swelling in all the Joints 59

An Invocation to Neutralize Spells 60

An Invocation for a Woman Experiencing Difficulty in Childbirth 61

An Invocation for a Child Who Cries Often, for One Afraid of the Night, And for a Woman Sleepless From Pain 62

An Invocation for a Stubborn Beast 63

An Invocation for a Journey 64

An Invocation for all Illnesses 65

An Invocation for Sciatica 66

An Invocation for Consumption 67

An Invocation for Pustules 68

An Invocation for Colic 69

An Invocation for Fever and For the Fever of the Messenger of Allah 70

The Invocation of Al-Ridha’ for Every Illness and Fear 72

An Invocation for Every Ache 73

Invocation for Days Of The Week From al-Sadiq, peace be upon him 74

[Invocation For] Saturday 74

Invocation for Sunday 75

Invocation for Monday 75

Invocation for Tuesday 76

Invocation For Wednesday 76

Invocation for Thursday 76

Invocation for Friday 77

Invocation for the Ensnared and Bewitched 78

Permissible Invocations, Charms and Spells 80

Certain Charms Are Traps 81

Permissible Invocations 81

On Fever And The Manner Of Its Treatment 83

Quartan Fever And The Method Of Its Treatment 83

An Invocation For Quartan Fever 83

On Various Remedies Described By The Imams, On Them Be Peace 84

Water From The Well Of Zamzam 85

On The Soil of the Grave of Al-Husayn, Peace Be Upon Him 86

Adhan And Iqama On The Shirt Of One Suffering From Fever 87

On Apples 88

On Scattering Wheat For Fever 89

On Cauterization and Clysters 90

Cupping, Inhaling [Medications], Steam Baths, and Clysters 91

On Signs of Disturbance in the Blood 91

An Invocation During Cupping 91

Chooosing Days for Cupping 92

The Benefits of Cupping 92

The Various Times for Cupping 92

Cupping In Various Parts Of The Body 93

Looking at the Flow Of Blood 93

Cupping At The Base Of The Neck 93

On Abstaining From Certain Foods 95

On Indigestion 96

For Pain In The Waist 97

Description of a Drink 98

Disapproval of Taking Medications except When Required 99

Wine Used In Medications 100

Medications Prepared With Wine And Pig Fat 101

On The Urine of Cattle and Sheep 102

On The Medications Of Jews, Christians, And Magians 103

On Theriac 104

On Apples 105

On The Continuous Flowing Of Blood 106

On The Weakness Of The Body 107

On The Common Cold 108

For Al-Kham, Cold In The Belly, And Colic 109

On Looseness Of The Bowels 110

On Phlegm and its Treatment 111

On Dampness 112

The Excellence of Lump Sugar 113

On Drinking Sawiq 114

On Vomiting 115

On Wild Rue 116

On Fennel Flower (Al-Shuniz) and its Benefits 117

On Dripping Urine 118

Gripes 119

For Severe Labour Pains and Difficulty in Childbirth 120

On Blood Vessels Throbbing in the Joints 121

On Penetrating Winds 122

On The Evil Wind Which Strikes The Face 123

On Leprosy and Vitiligo 124

On A Pain in the Head 125

For Pain, Cold, And Weakness in the Abdomen 126

On Stones in the Waist 127

The Medication for Jaundice 128

An Invocation for One Who Has a Burning in the Head 129

An Excellent and Tried Medication for a Throbbing Ear 130

Medication for Anxiety, Excessive Thirst and Dryness of the Mouth 131

On The Evil Eye and Ailments of the Belly 132

On Headaches 133

An Invocation for All Illnesses 134

Medications For The Aforementioned Illnesses 135

[Pain Of The Bladder And Urethra] 136

On Pain in the Waist 137

The Medication for Sciatica 138

Medications For Heart Flutter, Strengthening The Abdomen, Pain In The Waist, Increasing Brightness Of The Face, And Removing The Yellowness 139

A Marvellous Remedy For Swelling Of The Belly, Pain Of The Abdomen, Stopping Phlegm, Melting Stones In The Bladder, And For Pains In The Waist 140

A Medicine to Increase Intercourse, Etc 141

A Medication for Pain of the Belly and the Back 142

On The Severe Agony of Death 143

On Instructions for the Dying 144

The Condition of a Dying Person 145

On A Change In Colour 146

Excessive Dirt 147

On Truffles, Manna, And 'Ajwa Dates 148

Antimony 149

An Invocation For Inflammation Of The Eyes 150

On Fish 151

On Clipping the Nails 152

An Invocation for Inflammation of the Eyes 153

For Inflammation Of The Eyes 154

On Consumption 155

On Coughing 156

Jasmine Oil 157

Myrobalan 158

For Whiteness in the Eyes and Pain in the Teeth 159

On Cold In The Head 160

Flatulence 161

For The Newborn Baby Suffering From Moisture and Weakness 162

For The Sting of a Scorpion 163

The Medicine for Puffiness around the Eyes 164

For Semi-Paralysis and Facial Paralysis 165

For Pain of the Throat 166

On Coldness of the Abdomen and Fluttering of the Heart 167

A Medication for Pain of the Spleen 168

For Pain in the Side 169

The Medication For The Belly 170

On Stones 171

A Beneficial Invocation for a Young Boy 172

For Persistent Pain 173

An Invocation for Someone Afflicted With the Falling Sickness 174

Oil of Violets 175

The Oil of Ben 176

The Oil of Jasmine 177

The Pains of the Body 178

An Invocation for Difficulty in Childbirth 179

An Invocation for Childbirth 180

What is Written for the Newborn Child at Birth 181

An Invocation for One Who Does Not Wish Satan to Trifle With His Wife 183

For A Mare at the Time of its Delivery 184

An Invocation for Pregnant Women and Animals 185

On Thinness 187

On Looseness of Bowels 188

For Ailments of the Belly and the Prayer For It 189

For Rumbling in the Belly 190

On Stopping Flowing Blood 191

Gripes 192

Hemorrhoids 193

Vitiligo and Whiteness of the Eyes 194

The Milk of Milch Camels 195

Shortness of Breath 196

Habbaba Al-Walibiyya and the ‘Evil Disease’ 197

The ‘Evil Disease’ 198

Protection from Leprosy 199

On Turnips (Al-Saljam) 200

On Ganglia 201

On Looking At the Afflicted 202

Clipping the Moustache and the Hair in the Nose 203

On Flies 204

On The The Common Cold 205

On Eating Francolin 206

An Invocation For Mental Disorder 207

For Panic 208

For Excessively Heated Blood 209

On Warts 210

On The Cyst 211

For A Swelling in the Body 212

For Panic during Sleep 213

For Winds 214

On Treatment For Someone Afflicted With Falling Sickness 215

On Pigeons 216

Killing Pigeons 216

An Invocation For One Struck By The Jinn 217

Looking At The Afflicted 218

For The Insane and Those Afflicted With the Falling Sickness 219

An Invocation for Spells 220

On The Two Suras of Taking Refuge 221

A Spell for the Bewitched 222

Invocation for One Who Wishes To Visit the Ruler 223

On Throbbing Blood-Vessels 224

On Seeking Protection From The Jinn 225

On Loneliness 226

For Temptation 227

On Inflation of the Belly 228

On Severe Agonies Of Death 229

A Comprehensive Invocation 230

An Invocation for Wealth and Children 231

An Invocation Against Thieves 232

The Louse of the Vulture 233

On Visiting the Sick 234

An Invocation for the Evil Eye 235

The Prayer of the Distressed 236

The Prayer of a Mother for a Son From Above 237

[Protection From] Whoever Wishes Evil To Others 238

For Charity 239

An Invocation 240

For Serious Affliction 241

The Remedy of ‘The Healing’ 242

A Medication For All Diseases And Maladies 246

The Medicine of Muhammad, Blessings On Him 247

For The Lack of Children 248

On Intercourse 249

On Disapproved Times For Intercourse 249

On Intercourse on the Night of the New Moon 250

Intercourse on the Night of the Middle of the Month 250

On Intercourse of One Who Has His Hair Dyed 250

On Intercourse on the Night of a Journey 250

On Intercourse in Front of Children 251

On Intercourse with One Free-Born Woman before Another 251

An Invocation for Animals for the Evil Eye 252

On Eating the Pulp of the Pomegranate 253

Apples 254

Pears 255

Citron 256

On Quince 257

Gall 258

On Eating Raisins 259

On Figs 260

On Endive 261

On Locusts 262

On Clipping Nails 263

On [Eating] Flesh 264

On Egg-Plant 265

On Lesions 266

On The Evil Eye 267

Ants 268