Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)0%

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma) Translator: Batool Ispahany
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Miscellaneous Books

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Translator: Batool Ispahany
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)
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Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

Islamic Medical Wisdom (The Tibb al-A'imma)

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

On The Two Suras of Taking Refuge

On The Two Suras of Taking Refuge (The Sura Al-Falaq and The Sura Al-Nas)

Ibrahim al-Baytar narrated from Muhammad b ‘Isa, from Yunus b. ‘Abd al-Rahman - and he is called Yunus al-Musalli because of the frequency of his prayers - from Ibn Muskan from Zarara, who said: “Abu Ja’far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, said that spells do not give power over an anything but the eyes.”

From Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, that he was asked about the two suras of taking refuge (al-Falaq (113) and al-Nas (114)) and whether they were part of the Qu’ran. Al-Sadiq replied: “Yes, they are of the Qur'an.” The man said: “They are not of the Qur'an according to the reading of Ibn Mas’ud nor in his collection of the Qur’an.” Abu ‘Abd Allah replied: “Ibn Mas’ud erred,” or he said: “Ibn Mas’ud lied, they are both of the Qur’an.”

The man said: “Shall I read them, O son of the Messenger of Allah, as they are in the written text?” He said: “Yes, and do you know the meaning of the two suras and for what they wem revealed? Labid b. A’sam, the Jew, cast a spell on the Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on him and his family.” Abu Basir said to Abu ‘Abd Allah: “Was it possible that his spell would have an effect?” Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, replied: “Ycs indeed, the Prophet, blessings on him, thought that it was comprehensive, but it was not comprehensive. He was looking for the mode of the spell but did not see it until he touched it with his hand. Spells are a fact and they do not have power over anything except the eye and the genitals. Then Jibra’il came to him and informed him of that, so he called ‘Ali, peace be upon him, and sent him to bring that out of the well of Dharwan.” Then he narrated the hadith upto the end.

A Spell for the Bewitched

Sahl b. Muhammad b. Sahl narrated from ‘Abd Rabbihi b. Muhammad b. Ibrahim from Ibn Aruma from lbn Muskan from al-Halabi, who said: I asked Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, about spells (al-nashra) for the bewitched. He said: “My father, peace be upon him, did not see any harm in it.”

From Muhammad b. Muslim who said: Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, dictated this invocation to us saying that it was an inheritance and that it would neutralize spells. ‘Write it on a paper and fasten it on to the bewitched person:

Musa said, What you have brought is spells. God will assuredly bring it to naught. God sets not right the work of those who do corruption. God verifies the truth by His words, though sinners be averse (10:81-2). What, are you stronger in constitution or the heaven He built? He lifted up its vault, and levelled it (79:28). So the truth came to pass, and false was proved what they were doing. So they were vanquished there, and they turned about, humbled. And the sorcerers were cast down, bowing themselves. They said, We believe in the Lord of all Being, the Lord of Musa and Harun (7:118-22).’

Invocation for One Who Wishes To Visit the Ruler

Al-Ash’ath b. Abd Allah narrated from Muhammad b. ‘Isa from Abu al-Hasan Al-Ridha’, peace be upon him, from Musa b. Ja’far, peace be upon him, who said: ‘When Abu al-Dawaniq [the caliph Abu Ja'far al-Mansur (d.136/754)] sent for Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, intending to kill him, the governor of Medina took him [Abu ‘Abd Allah] to the caliph. Abu al-Dawaniq wanted him to be quick and, in his eagerness to kill him, found him slow to arrive.

‘When he came before him, he laughed and greeted him and made him sit by his side. He said: “O son of the Messenger of Allah, by Allah, I sent for you determined to kill you, but I looked at you and conceived a great affection tor you. By Allah, I have not found anyone from my family more beloved than you, nor one more likeable. But, O Abu ‘Abd Allah, what is this I hear about you disparaging us and speaking badly of us?” He replied: “O Amir al-Mu'minin [i.e. Abu al-Dawaniq], I have never spoken badly of you.” He [the caliph] smiled and said: “By Allah, you are more true, in my view, than all those who slander you concerning this. My seat is before you, and my ring. So be cheerful, and do not be afraid of me in your affairs, great and small, for I will not hold you back from anything.”

‘Then he commanded him to leave and gave him presents and gifts, but he [Abu ‘Abd Allah] refused to accept anything and said: “O Amir al-Mu'minin, I have wealth and sufficiency and much good. But if you are going to free me, you must [do the same] for those of my family who are left behind; remove from them the sentence of death.” He replied: “I have accepted that, O Abu ‘Abd Allah, and I have given orders for 100,000 dirhams [for you], so distribute it among them.” He [Abu ‘Abd Allah] said: “You have made close the ties of kinship, O Amir al-Mu’minin.”

When he left his presence, there walked before him the elders and the youth of the Quraysh from every tribe. With him was ‘Ayn Abu al-Dawaniq, who said to him: “O son of the Messenger of Allah, you gave a look of healing when you came into the presence of Amir al-Mu’minin, and he did not reproach you for anything except that your lips were moving with something, so what was that?” He replied: “When I looked at him, I said: ‘O He Who is not wronged and is Eternal, and with Him is the making close of the ties of kinship, bless Muhammad and his family and protect me from his evil by Your Power and Your Might’. By Allah, I did not add on [anything] to what you have heard.” Al-‘Ayn returned to Abu al-Dawaniq and informed him of his account. He [Abu al-Dawaniq] said: “By Allah, he had not completed what he said when what was in my heart of evil wickedness was removed.”’

On Throbbing Blood-Vessels

Ahmad b. Muhammad b. al-Jarud narrated from Muhammad b. ‘Isa from Dawud b. Razin, who said: I complained to Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, and said: ‘O son of the Messenger of Allah, yesterday one of my blood vessels throbbed and I waited until it was morning and came to you seeking help.’ He replied: ‘Put your hand on the place which is throbbing and say three times: “Allah, Allah, Allah, my Lord in truth,” and it will abate at once.’

From al-Mufaddal b. ‘Umar al-Ju’fi from Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: ‘Learn from me, O Mufaddal, an invocation for all pains from throbbing blood-vessels and other things. Say: “In the Name of Allah, and by Allah, how many are the blessings of Allah in a blood vessel which is quiet (sakin) and one which is not (ghayr sakin), on a grateful servant and an ungrateful one.” Then take your beard (al-lihya) by your right hand after the obligatory prayer and say three times: “O Allah, remove my distress and hasten my recovery and take away my injury.” Endeavour to accompany that with tears and weeping.’

On Seeking Protection From The Jinn

‘Abd Allah b. Yahya al-Bazzaz narrated from ‘Ali b. Muskan from ‘Abd Allah b. al-Mufaddal al-Nawfali from his father from al-Husayn b. ‘Ali, peace be upon him, who said: ‘When I say these words, I pay no attention to the jinn and human beings who gather against me: “In the Name of Allah, and by Allah, and to Allah, and in the path of Allah, and according to the creed of the Messenger or Allah, blessings be on him. O Allah, protect me by Your Strength and Your Might and Your Power from the evil of every evil-doer, and the plot of the wicked. Surely I love the righteous and chosen ones, and Allah bless Muhammad, the Prophet and his family.”’

On Loneliness

‘Ali b. Mahan narrated from Sarraj, the client of Al-Ridha’, peace be upon him, from Ja’far b. Daylam from Ibrahim b. ‘Abd al-Hamid from al-Halabi, who said: A man said to Abu ‘Abd Allah at-Sadiq, peace be upon him, ‘When I am on my own, loneliness (al-wahsha) and anxiety come upon me but when I mix with people, I feel nothing of that.’

Al-Sadiq said: ‘Place your hand on your heart, and say: “In the Name of Allah, in the Name of Allah, in the Namc of Allah.” Then pass your hand over your heart and say “I take refuge in the Might of Allah. I take refuge in the Power of Allah. I take refuge in the Majesty of Allah, I take refuge in the Exaltedness of Allah, I take refuge in the force of Allah, I take refuge in the Messenger of Allah, I take refuge in the Names of Allah, from the evil of what I fear and from the evil of what I am afraid of for myself.” Say that seven times.’

He [the man] said: I did that and Allah removed from me the loneliness and replaced it with tranquillity and security.

For Temptation

Al-Husayn b. Bistam narrated from Muhammad b. Khalaf from Ibn ‘Ali b. al-Washsha’ from ‘Abd Allah b. Sinan who said: A man complained to Abu ‘Abdallah, peace be upon him, of an abundance of desire (al-tammani) and temptation. He [Abu ‘Abd Allah] said: ‘Pass your hand over your chest and say: “In the Name of Allah, and by Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Mighty. O Allah, remove from me what I fear.” Then pass your hand over your belly and repeat it thrice Allah, the Exalted, will remove and turn it away from you.’

The man said: I would often break my prayer because of it being marred by desires and temptation. Then I did as my lord and master instructed me, three times, and Allah turned it away from me and cured me of it so that I did not experience it after that.

From al-Mufaddal b. ‘Umar from Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, who said: ‘Zayn al-‘Abidin, peace be upon him, would protect his family with this invocation and teach it to his intimates. Place your hand on your mouth and say: “In the Name of Allah, in the Name of Allah, in the Name of Allah, and by God's handiwork, who has created everything very well. He is Aware of the things you do (27:88).”

Then say seven times: “Subside, O pain, I ask you by Allah, my Lord and your Lord and the Lord of everything in Whom trust what is in the night and the day, and He is the All-hearing, the All-knowing.”’

On Inflation of the Belly

‘Umar b. ‘Uthman al-Khazzaz narrated from ‘Ali b. Isa from his uncle, who said: I complained to Musa b. Ja’far, peace be upon him, of inflation of the belly (rih al-bahr). He said: ‘Say while prostrating: “O Allah, O Allah, O Allah, O Merciful, O Lord of lords, O Chief of chiefs, O God of gods, O Master of masters, O King of kings, heal me with Your healing from this illness and turn it away from me, for I am Your servant and the son of Your servant; I turn about in Your grasp.”’

I left his [Musa b. Ja’far's] presence, and by Allah, Who honoured him with the Imamate, I prayed it only once in my prostration and did not experience it after that.

On Severe Agonies Of Death

Al-Ahwas b. Muhammad narrated from ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Abu Najran from Ibn ‘Isa from Hariz b. ‘Abd Allah al-Sijistani on the authority of Abu Ja’far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, who said: ‘When you visit a patient while he is suffering severe agonies of death, say to him: Pray this prayer seven times and Allah will make it easy for you: “I take refuge in Allah, the Mighty, Lord of the Mighty and Noble Throne, from every swelling blood-vessel (‘irq nifar) and from the evil of the heat of the fire.” Then teach him the words of deliverance (kalimat al-faraj).’

I said: ‘O son of the Messenger of Allah, what are the words of deliverance?’ He replied: ‘Say “There is no god but Allah, the Wise. There is no god but Allah, the Most High, the Mighty. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the seven earths, and what is in them and what is between them and what is under them and the Lord of the Mighty Throne. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.” Then move him on to the place in which he would pray. He will find relief and his affair will be made easy, Allah, the Exalted, willing.’

A Comprehensive Invocation

Ibrahim b. ‘Isa al-Za’farani narrated from Muhammad b. Habib al-Harithi - and he was the most knowledgeable and pious of the people of his time - from Ibn Sinan from al-Mufaddal b. ‘Umar, who said: Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, said: ‘If you are unable to pass the night until you have taken refuge in eleven ways, then do that.’ I said: ‘Inform me of them, O son of the Messenger of Allah.’

He said: ‘Say: “I take refuge in the Might of Allah, I take refuge in the Power of Allah, I take refuge in the Majesty of Allah, I take refuge in the Beauty of Allah, I take refuge in the Sovereignty of Allah. I take refuge in the Defence of Allah, I take refuge in the Grace of Allah, 1 take refuge in the Force of Allah, I take refuge in the Dominion of Allah, I take refuge in the Perfection of Allah, I take refuge in the Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on him and his family and his Ahl al-Bayt, from the evil of what He originated and scattered and created.” Take refuge in Him from whatever you wish, for neither reptile (hawwam) or jinn, human or demon, will harm you if Allah, the Exalted, wills.’

From Abu Hamza al-Thumali from Abu Ja’far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, that he said: ‘Take refuge for yourself from reptiles with these words: “In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate, in the Name of Allah, and by Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, blessings be on him. I take refuge in the Might of Allah. I take refuge in the Power of Allah over what He wills, from the evil of every reptile which creeps by night and day. Surely my Lord is on a straight path.”’

An Invocation for Wealth and Children

Salih b. Ahmad narrated from ‘Abd Allah b. Jabala from al-‘Ala’ b. Razzin from Muhammad b. Muslim, who said: Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, said: ‘Protect your wealth and your family, and guard them with these words to recite over them after the final evening prayer (salat al-'isha'): “I seek refuge for myself, my offspring, my family, and my wealth, by the Perfect Words of Allah, from every demon and reptile, and from every evil eye.” This is the invocation by which Jibra’il, peace be upon him, sought protection for al-Hasan and al-Husayn, blessings of Allah on them.’

An Invocation Against Thieves

Al-Khidr b. Muhammad narrated from [both] Ahmad b. ‘Umar b. Muslim and Muhsin b. Ahmad from Yunus b. Ya’qub from Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, who said: Whoever says these words and uses this invocation every night, I guarantee him that no murdering thief (sariq) will kill him in the night or day, After the final evening prayer say: “I take refuge in the Might of Allah, I take refuge in the Power of Allah, I take refuge In the Forgiveness of Allah, I take refuge in the Mercy of Allah, I take refuge in the Sovereignty of Allah Who is Powerful over all things. I take refuge in the Nobility of Allah, I take refuge in the Force of Allah, from the evil of every obstinate tyrant (jabbar) and rebellious demon, and every murderer and thief and evil occurrence, from the evil of venomous vermin and the reptile and al-‘amma, from the evil of every creature small and large, by night and day, from the evil of the ungodly, Arab and non-Arab (al-‘ajam), and their immoral ones, from the evil of the ungodly jinn and men, and from the evil of every creature my Lord has ‘..seized by its forelock, Surely my Lord is on a straight path. (11:56)’”

The Louse of the Vulture

Muhammad b. al-Aswad al-‘Attar narrated from Muhammad b. ‘Isa from Faddala b. Ayyub from Ibrahim b. al-Husayn from his father al-Husayn b. Yahya, who said: The louse of a vulture (qamla al-nasr) bit me and entered my skin (al-jild). I was afflicted with a severe pain. So I complained of that to Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, who said: ‘Put your hand on the place which pains you and rub it. Then put your hand on the place where you perform the prostration after you finish the morning prayer (salat al-fajr). Say: “In the Name of Allah, and by Allah. Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, blessings and peace be on him.” Then raise your hand and put it on the afflicted area and say seven times: “Heal me, O Healer, there is no healing but Yours, a healing which does not omit any illness.”’

On Visiting the Sick

Ahmad b. Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah al-Kufi narrated from Ibrahim b. Maymun from Hammad b. ‘Isa from Hariz from Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, from his pure forefathers, on them be peace, that [one of them] said: ‘There is not a believer who visits his fellow believer suffering from an illness and says to him: “I seek protection for you in Allah, the Mighty, the Lord of the Noble Throne, from the evil of every swelling blood-vessel and from the evil of the heat of the fire”, except that Allah will relieve him of it, if there is a delay in his appointed time.’

An Invocation for the Evil Eye

Muhammad b. Sulayman b Mihran narrated from Ziyad b. Harun al-‘Abdi from ‘Abd Allah b. Muhammad al-Bajali from al-Halabi from Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, who said: ‘Whoever admires something of his fellow believer, let him say “Allah is Great” over it, for the evil eye is a fact (haqq).’

Muhammad b. Maymun al-Makki narrated from ‘Uthman b. ‘Isa from al-Hasan b. al-Mukhtar from Safwan al-Jammal from Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: ‘If the graves were laid open for you, you would see that most of your dead have the evil eye; for the evil eye is a fact. Surely, the Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on him and his family, said: “The evil eye is a fact, so whoever admires something of his brother, let him invoke Allah concerning that. If he invokes Allah, it will not harm him.”’

The Prayer of the Distressed

Hakim b. Muhammad b, Muslim narrated from al Hasan b. ‘Ali b. Yaqtin from Yunus from Ibn Sinan from Hafs b. ‘Abd al-Hamid from Muhammad b. Muslim from Abu Ja’far Muhammad b. ‘Ali, peace be upon him, that one of his children was ill. He went to him and kissed him and said: ‘O my son, how do you find yourself?’ He replied: ‘I am suffering from a pain.’ He said: ‘When you complete your afternoon prayer (salat al-zuhr) say ten times “O Allah, O Allah, O Allah,”' for a distressed person (makrub) does not say it without the Lord, Blessed and Exalted, saying “Here I am, O my servant, what is your need?”’

From Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, who said: ‘The prayer of a distressed person in the night is: “O Revealer of healing by night and day and Remover of illness by night and day, bring down on me Your Healing, a healing for all the illness in me.”’

Al-Qasim b. Bahram narrated from Muhammad b. ‘Isa from Abu Ishaq from al-Husayn b. al-Hasan al-Khurasani - and he was among the chosen ones - who said: I visited Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, in the days of Abu al-Dawaniq, with a group of my brothers who had performed the Hajj. He [al-Sadiq] was asked about the prayer of the distressed. He replied: 'The prayer of the distressed is when one has completed the night prayer (salat al-layl). Put your hand on the place on which you perform the prostration and say: “In the Name of Allah, in the Name of Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, ‘Ali is the Imam of Allah on His earth, over all His servants. Heal me, O Healer. There is no healing but yours. A healing which does not leave out any illness from among every disease and illness.”’ Al-Khurasani said: I do not know whether he said to repeat it three times or seven times.

From him, that he said: “The prayer of the distressed and anxious, those at their wits’ end, and those afflicted with trials:

There is no god but Thou. Glory be to Thee. I have been one of the oppressors (al-zalimin) (21:87).

It should be said on Thursday night when one has completed his obligatory evening prayer.” He said: “I learnt it from Abu Ja’far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, who said he took it from ‘Ali b. al-Husayn from al-Husayn b. ‘Ali, who said he took it from Amir al-Mu’minin, who took it from the Messenger of Allah, who learnt it from Jibra’il who learnt it from Allah, the Mighty and Sublime.”

The Prayer of a Mother for a Son From Above

‘Ali b. Mihran b. al-Walid al-‘Askari narrated from Muhammad b. Salim from al-Arqat - he was the son of the sister of Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him - who said: I was very ill and my mother sent for my maternal uncle. He came while my mother was outside the door of the house - and she was Umm Salama b. Muhammad b. ‘Ali - saying: “Alas, my boy!” My uncle saw her and said: ‘Gather your dress around you and go up to the roof of the house. Then remove your veil (al-qina’) so that you expose your hair to the sky and say: “My Lord, You gave me to him and You granted him to me. O Allah, renew Your grant today, surely You are Able and Powerful.” Then prostrate yourself and do not raise your head until your son is restored to health.’ She heard that and acted on it. He [al-Arqat] said: I rose at once and went out with my maternal uncle to the mosque.

[Protection From] Whoever Wishes Evil To Others

Sa’d b. Muhammad b. Sa’id narrated from Musa b. Qays al-Hannat from Muhammad b. Sa’id - he was the father of Sa’id b. Muhammad - from al-Sha’iri from Ja’far b. Muhammad al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: The Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on him and his family, said: ‘Whoever wishes a person evil and that person wishes Allah to make a barrier between the two of them, let him say when he sees him:

“I take refuge in the Might of Allah and His Strength, from the Might of His creation and its strength. I take refuge with the Lord of the Daybreak, from the evil of what He created (113:1-2).”’

Then say what Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, said to His Prophet: So, if they turn their backs, say: God is enough for me. There is no god but He. In Him I have put tny trust. He is the Lord of the Mighty Throne (9:129).

Allah will turn away from him the plot of every plotter, the deception of every cunning person and the envy of every envier. Do not say these words except to his face and Allah will protect him by His Might.

For Charity

Ibrahim b. Yasar narrated from Ja’far b. Muhammad b. Hakim from Ibrahim b. ‘Abd al-Hamid fom Zarara b. Ayan from Abu Ja'far al-Baqir, peace be upon him, from his father from his grandfather from Amir al-Mu’minin, peace be upon him, who said: ‘The Messenger of Allah, blessings on him, said, “Treat your sick with charity (al-sadaqa).”’

From him, blessings of Allah on him and his family: “Charity drives away inevitable affliction, so treat your sick with charity.”

From him, blessings of Allah on him and his family: “Charity drives away an evil death from a person.”

From Musa b. Ja’ far, peace be upon him, that a man complained to him: “I have many dependants, all of whom are ill.” Musa b. Ja’far, peace be upon him, replied: “Treat them with charity, for there is nothing more quick of response nor more beneficial for the patient than charity.”

An Invocation

Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Mu’adhdhin, who performed the call to prayer in the mosque in Samarra, narrated from Muhammad b. ‘Abd Allah b. Zabad from Muhammad b. Bakr al-Azdi from Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace he upon him, who recommended to his companions and followers who were ill to take a new pitcher and put water in it, having drawn the water themselves. They should recite the sura al-Qadr (97) slowly over the water thirty times, then drink from that, perform the ablution with it, and wipe themselves with it. Whenever it is used, there will be an increase in it, and that will not occur for three days without Allah, the Exalted, curing them of that illness.

For Serious Affliction

‘Abd al-Wahhab b. Muhammad, who recited the Qur’an for the people of Mecca, narrated from Abu Zakariya Yahya b. Abu Zakariya from ‘Abd Allah b. Abu al-Qasim from Sharif b. Sabiq al-Taflisi from al-Fadl b. Abu Qurra from Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, who said: ‘This invocation is for one who suffers from serious afflictions, like canker (al-akila) etc. Place your hand on the head of the afflicted person and say:

“In the Name of Allah, and by Allah, and from Allah, and to Allah, and what Allah wills. There is no might nor power except with Allah, Ibrahim the friend of Allah, Musa the spokesman of Allah, Nuh the confidant of Allah, ‘Isa the Spirit of Allah, Muhammad the Messenger of Allah, blessings of Allah on them all, from every serious affliction and distressing affair, and from all wind, spirits, and pains decreed by Allah and His ordinances, for so-and-so, son of so-and-so, and that neither cankers nor other afflictions should come near him. I seek protection for him with the Perfect Words of Allah for which Adam, peace be upon him, asked his Lord, and He turned to him. Surely, He is Oft-returning, Compassionate. O clamouring pains and spirits, by the Will of Allah, by the Help of Allah, by the Power of Allah, surely to him belongs the creation and the affair. Blessed be Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.”

Then recite the opening of the Book (the sura al-Fatiha (1)) and the verse of the Throne (2:255) and ten verses from the sura YaSin (36) and ask Him for healing, by the right of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. He will be cured of every illness, Allah, the Exalted, willing.’

The Remedy of ‘The Healing’

Abu ’Atab ’Abd Allah b. Bistami narrated from Ibrahim b. al-Nadr from the son of Maytham al-Tammar of Qazwin, who said: We were in touch with the Imams, who gave this medication to their followers. It is the medication called ‘the healing’ (al-shafiya). It is different from the ‘comprehensive medication’. This is for chroic and recent semi-paralysis, chronic and recent facial paralysis, chronic and recent ulcers (al-dubayla), chronic and recent coughs, tetanus (al-kuzaz), pestilence (rih al-shauka), pain of the (neck) eye [sic], and film covering the eye (rih al-sabal) - which causes hair to grow in the eye. [It is also] for pain of the legs from chronic al-kham, for weakness of the abdomen, for the winds which afflict children from flatulence, panic which afflicts a woman in her sleep during her pregnancy, consumption spread by breathing (al-nafkh) - and it is the yellow water (al-ma’ al-asfar) in the belly - for leprosy, every sign of bile and phlegm, for bites (al-nahsha), and for those bitten by snakes and scorpions.

Jibra’il, the trusted Spirit, brought it down to Musa b. ‘Imran, peace he upon him, when the Pharoah intended to poison the Banu Isra’il and made a day for them on Sunday. The Pharoah prepared many kinds of food for them and set up many tables and put the poison in the food. Musa went forth with the Banu Isra’il - and they were 600,000 - stopping with them at the place of entertainment. He sent back the women and children and advised the Banu Isra’il, saying:

“Do not eat of their food and drink of their drink until I return to you.” Then he went among the people and gave them this medication to drink in the amount held by the head of a needle. He knew they would disobey his command and eat the Pharoah’s food. Then he went forward, and they went with him. When they saw the tables set up, they hurried to the food and put their hands in it.

Some time earlier, the Pharoah had called Musa, Harun, Yusha’ b. Nun, and the elite of the Banu Isra’il, and directed them to a table especially for them. He said: “I have resolved that none will cut the daman other than me or the distinguished people in my kingdom. So eat until you are full.” The Pharoah put in the strongest poison time and again. When they finished eating, Musa and his companions left. He said to the Pharoah: “We have left the women and children and the belongings behind us and we are awaiting them.” The Pharoah said: “Then the food will be brought back for them and we will honour them as we have honoured those with you. So bring them, and I will feed them as I fed your companions.”

Musa went to the people and the Pharoah turned to his associates and said to them: “You claim that Musa and Harun have cast a spell on us and have shown us by this spell that they are eating something of our food. They have left, and their spell is gone, so gather whomever you are able to, for the remaining food today and tomorrow so that they are separated.” They did that, and the Pharoah had ordered food for his companions without any poison in it. He gathered them, and among them were those whom he gave to eat and those whom he did not. Those whom he gave to eat of his food were saved. There perished among the companions of the Pharoah 70,000 men and 160,000 women besides the riding-beasts, dogs, etc. The Pharoah and his companions were amazed at the medicine called ‘the healing’ that Allah had ordered him [Musa] to give his companions.

Then Allah, the Exalted, revealed this medication to His Prophet, and Jibra’il, peace be upon him, brought down the copy of it: “Take one part of peeled garlic (thum). Crush it, but do not grind it finely, and put it into a saucepan or cooking pot, depending on the amount that has been prepared. Then light a low fire under it and pour over it the clarified butter from a cow - an amount enough to cover it. Cook it over a low fire until that butter is soaked up. Then pour it over it again and again until the garlic does not absorb anymore. Next pour over it fresh milk (al-labn al-halib), put it on a low fire, and do the same as you did with the fat- let the milk be that of a cow which has recently given birth - until it [the garlic] does not absorb any more milk. Then take honey from the comb (al-shahd) and squeeze it out of its comb. Boil it separately and do not let there be any of the comb in it. Pour it on to the garlic and put it on a low fire as you did with the fat and milk.

“Then take ten dirhams of fennel flower and grind it finely. Clean it but do not sift it. Take five dirhams of pepper and marjoram and grind it. Add them to it [the garlic] and make it into a jelly-like (khabisa) mixture on the fire. Put it into a clean, empty container, free of any odour. Put in the container some of the clarified butter from a cow and oil the container with it. Then bury it in barley (sha’ir) or ashes (ramad) for forty days, and the older it is, the better. When he is suffering severely, let the patient take the quantity of a chick-pea.

“One month after this medicine [has been prepared], it is beneficial for throbbing in the teeth and all that is caused by the phlegm, after a quantity equivalent to half a walnut is taken on an empty stomach. After two months, it is good for fever which is accompanied by shivering. The equivalent of half a walnut should be taken before sleep. It is very effective for digesting the food and for every ailment of the eye. After three months, it is good for the black and the yellow bile, excessively heated phlegm, and for the occurence of every illness resulting from the yellow bile. It should be taken on an empty stomach.

After four months, it is good for the darkness in the eye and the spirit which seizes a man when he is walking. It should be taken at night before he sleeps. After five months, violet oil or vinegar oil should be taken with the equivalent of half a lentil mixed with the oil. The person suffering from continual headache should inhale it. After six months, the equivalent of a lentil of it should be taken. The person suffering from migraine should inhale it, with violet oil, from the side on which his illness is. That should be done before breakfast, in the first part of the morning.

“After seven months, it is beneficial for wind which is in the ears. Put it drop by drop into the ear, taking the equivalent of a lentil of it with the oil of roses, at the first part of the morning when he is asleep. After eight months, it is beneficial for yellow bile and for the illness from which there is a fear of canker. It should be drunk with water and mixed with any oil you wish. That should be done before breakfast, at sunrise.

“After nine months, it is beneficial, Allah willing, for vertigo (al-sadar), for excessive sleep, talking (al-hadhayan), trembling during sleep, dread (al-wajal), and panic. It should be taken with the oil of radish seeds (bizr al-fujl) on an empty stomach for anxiety (al-balbala), internal fever (al-humma al-batina), and confusion of the mind (ikhtilat al-‘aql). Take the equivalent of a lentil of it with vinegar. For whiteness in the eye, drink it in any way you want on an empty stomach before sleeping.

“After eleven months, it is beneficial for the black bile which seizes the person with fear and temptation. Take the equivalent of a chick-pea with the oil of roses and drink it on an empty stomach, and drink the equivalent of a chick-pea of it without [any oil] before sleep. After twelve months, it is beneficial for recent and chronic semi-paralysis, when the equivalent of a chick-pea should be taken with marjoram water. Anoint the feet with olive oil and salt before sleeping and do the same thing the next night. Abstain from vinegar, milk, legumes, and fish. Eat with the [medication] whatever you wish.

“After thirteen months, it is beneficial for ulcers, laughing for no reason, and playing with one’s beard. The equivalent of a chick-pea of it should be taken and mixed with rue water and drunk in the first part of the night. After fourteen months, it is beneficial for all poisons, even if the poison has been drunk. Take the seeds of egg-plant (al-badinjan) and grind it. Then boil it on the fire, strain it out, and drink it with the equivalent of a chick-pea of this medicine, once or twice or thrice or four times with tepid water. Do not take it more than four times and drink it at dawn.

“After fifteen months, it is beneficial for bewitchment, al-hamma, cold [in the belly], and winds. Take the equivalent of half a hazelnut, boil with pure water. Give it to drink when the person has gone to bed, and do not give it at night or the next day until he has eaten a lot of food. After sixteen months, he should take the cquivalent of half a lentil and mix it with fresh rainwater which has fallen that day or night, or with hail. Apply it around the edges of the eyes of the person who has been blind for some time or become blind recently. Apply it in the early morning and late evening, and before sleeping, for four days; he will be cured. If not, apply it for eight days, and I have not seen it reaching eight days without the person being cured, by the will of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime.

“After seventeen months, it is beneficial Allah, the Mighty and Exaltcd, willing, for leprosy. Take the oil of the trotters (al-akari’) - the trotters of the cow, not of the sheep - with the equivalent of a hazelnut of the medicine. It is beneficial before bed and before breakfast. Take of it the quantity of one grain and anoint your body with it, rubbing vigorously. Take a little of it and inhale it with olive oil or the oil of roses. That should be done at the end of the day, in the bath.

“After eighteen rnonths, it is beneficial, Allah the Exalted willing, for leprosy (al-bahaq) which resembles vitiligo (al-baras), except that if the affected area is cut, it bleeds. Take of the medicine the equivalent of a chick-pea and mix it with walnut oil or bitter almond oil (duhn lawz murr) or pine-nut oil (duhn sanaubar). Drink it after dawn, and inhale a fair amount of it with that oil, and rub it on the body with salt.”

He said: “These ingredients, which have been mentioned previously, should not be altered in their amount and application, because if they are contradicted they will disagree with the person and will not be beneficial at all.

“After nineteen months, take the seeds of a sweet pomegranate and squeeze out the juice, and take the quantity of one grain of colocynth (al-hanzala). Drink it for forgetfulness (al-sahw), amnesia (al-nisyan), excessively heated phlegm, and recent and chronic fever, on an empty stomach with hot water. After twenty months, it is beneficial, Allah willing, for deafness. It is beneficial with storax water. Extract its water and pour the equivalent of a small lentil into the ear; he will hear. If he still cannot hear, make him inhale of that water the equivalent of a lentil on the next day. Pour on the top of his head the remainder of the errhine (al-sa’ut). When a person suffering from pleurisy becomes very ill and his tongue is extended, take sour-grape seeds and give the patient this medicine to drink, for it will be beneficial and will relieve him of his illness. The older it is, the better, and a lesser amount of it should be taken.”

A Medication For All Diseases And Maladies

Muhammad b. Ja’far b. ’Ali al-Bursi narrated from Muhammad b. Yahya al-Armani - and he was the means of access to al-Mufaddal b. ‘Umar, and al-Mufaddal was the access to Abu ‘Abd Allah al-Sadiq, peace be upon him - from Muhammad b. Sinan al-Sinani al-Zahiri Abu ‘Abd Allah from al-Mufaddaal b. ‘Umar from al-Sadiq, Ja’far b. Muhammad, peace be upon him, who said:

“This is the medication of Muhammad, blessings of Allah on him and his family, and it is similar to the medication which Jibra’il, the trusted Spirit, gave to Musa b. ‘Imran, peace be upon him, except that this has qualities of treatment and more and less compared to that [previous medicine]. These medications are from the writings of the Prophets and the sages among the successors of the Prophets. If there is an increase or decrease in it, or if one grain is added or taken away from what has been stipulated, the original will be violated and the medication will be spoilt. It will not be successful, because when they contradict it they contradict them [the authorities].

“The medicine is: Put four ratl of peeled garlic in a saucepan and pour over it four ratl of cow’s milk. Put it on a low fire until it absorbs the milk. Then pour over it four ratl of the clarified butter from a cow. When it [the garlic] absorbs it and is well cooked, pour over it four ratl of honey and put it on a low fire. Add to it the weight of two dirhams of qurad [a marine plant]. Stir it vigorously until it thickens. When it thickens and is well cooked, and mixed, transfer it while hot to a container. Fasten its top and bury it in barley or clean earth (turab) for the summer. In winter, take of it the equivalent of a large walnut every day in the early morning before breakfast. It is a comprehensive medication for all things big and small, significant and insignificant, and has been tried and is well known among the believers.”

The Medicine of Muhammad, Blessings On Him

Ahmad b. Muhammad Abu ‘Abd Allah narrated from Hammad b. ‘Isa from Hariz from Abu ‘Abd Allah, peace be upon him, concerning the medication of Muhammad, blessings of Allah on him and his family, which was not taken for anything except that it benefited the person who drank it, for all illnesses and winds. So use it and teach it to your fellow believers. For every believer who benefits from it, there will be for you freedom from the fire.

For The Lack of Children

Ahmad b. ‘Imran b. Abu Layla narrated from ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Abu Najran from Sulayman b. Ja’far al-Ja’fari from Abu Ja’far the first, al-Baqir b. ‘Ali b. al-Husayn b. ‘Ali, peace be upon him, that a man complained to him of lack of children. He had tried for a chiid from bondmaids and free-born women (al-hara’ir), but it was not granted to him and he was now sixty years old. He [al-Baqir] said: ‘For three days after your obligatory evening prayer (al-‘isha’) and after the morning prayer, recite: "Glory be to Allah," seventy times; “I ask for forgiveness from Allah”, seventy times; and end it with the statement of Allah, the Mighty and Sublime:

Ask forgiveness of your Lord. Surely He is ever All-forgiving, and He will loose heaven upon you in torrents and will succour you with wealth and sons, and will appoint for you gardens, and will appoint for you rivers (71:10-12). Then have intercourse with your wife on the third night and you will be blessed, Allah willing, with a healthy boy.’

He [the man] said: 'I did that and the year was not over when I was blessed with a child.’