Philosophy of the Islamic Laws

Philosophy of the Islamic Laws0%

Philosophy of the Islamic Laws Author:
: Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani
Translator: Syed A.A. Razwy
Publisher: Unknown
Category: Various Books

Philosophy of the Islamic Laws

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi
: Ayatullah Ja'far Subhani
Translator: Syed A.A. Razwy
Publisher: Unknown
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Philosophy of the Islamic Laws
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Philosophy of the Islamic Laws

Philosophy of the Islamic Laws

Publisher: Unknown

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

So ask the Ahle Zikr if you do not know -

(Surah Nahl 16:43)

Philosophy of the Islamic Laws

Ustad Nasir Makarim Shirazi

Ustad Ja’far Subhani

Translated by:

Syed Athar Husain S.H. Rizvi

Al-Qalam Translators & Writers Bureau

Table of Contents

About the philosophy of Islamic laws 8

The extract of the sermon of Hazrat Fatima (a.s.) the Princess of Islam 8

Preface 9

Do we have the right to ask about the Logic behind Islamic Laws? 10

How to ponder on the Philosophy of Islamic Laws? 13

Why should we do Taqlid (follow a Mujtahid) in religious problems? 15

(1) An ignorant person following another ignorant person 16

(2) An Aalim (learned) following an ignorant person 16

(3) An Aalim (Learned) following another Aalim 16

(4) An ignorant person following a learned person 16

Why should we worship Allah? What is the Philosophy of Prayers, Fasting and Hajj? 18

1) Prayers and its gainful effects 19

(2) Away from Sins 19

(3) Cleanliness and Protection of Health 20

(4) Disciple and self Restraint 20

(5) Social Secrets 20

(6) A brief secret of Fasting 20

The Philosophy of Hajj 21

Why should we do Taqlid of the Most learned scholar? 22

Why Pray in Arabic? 22

Why to face the Qibla in Prayers? 23

Why do we pray five prayers in three times? 24

Why it is allowed to pray two Prayers together? 24

How does Prayers keep a person away from sin? 26

Prayers is the source for the remembrance of Allah 27

What is the purpose of Prayers of Ayaat? 28

Why should women cover themselves in Prayers? 29

Why are Alcoholic drinks impure? 30

What is the difference between Perspiration and Urine? 30

What is the Philosophy of bathing the dead body and bath for touching the dead body? 31

Why illegitimate children are kept away from some posts? 32

The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person 35

A dangerous disease caused by pork 35

Why an unbeliever is impure? 35

What is the purpose of Jizya? 36

The Dress of Ihram 38

Why is the meat of Sacrifice Wasted? 38

Why it is forbidden to read the deviated books? 39

Why the Holy Quran cannot be given to any non-Muslim? 40

The reason of strictness in proving certain sins (crimes) 41

Why the animals should be slaughtered in a particular way? 42

Circumcision 43

Philosophy of Halalah 43

The psychological and physical dangers of sexual promiscuity 44

(Psychological view of a physician) 44

The unfortunate results of this habit 45

The physical misery of those engaged in masturbation 46

Weakness of personality and apprehension 47

Important Reminder 47

Music from the Islamic point of view 47

Ethical limits of music 49

Why does Allah subject people to Tests? 50

How can Tayammum be performed in soil contaminated by germs? 52

Are other religions right? 53

Prayer for correct guidance to 55

The right path (Siraatul Mustaqeem) 55

What is the purpose of creating the heavens and the earth in six days? 56

What is meant by ‘seven heavens’? 57

Where are two Easts and two Wests? 59

The Earth being spherical and the Holy Quran 60

Traditions regarding the earth being spherical 60

Rotation of the Earth 61

What is the exegesis of this verse? 62

Importance of Shab-e-Qadr 63

How Zulqarnain saw that the sun sets in dark water? 64

Holy Quran and control over planets 65

Does this verse point towards the artificial means of the present world? 66

Do these verses support the theory of evolution? 67

Is this Ayat contrary to Islam being universal? 69

Why Allah has used plural pronouns for Himself? 70

Hearing and sight in the Holy Quran 70

Why would the false gods be put in the fire? 71

Is it allowed to prostrate before anyone or anything other than Allah? 71

What is meant by Tauba-e-Nasooha? 72

Is this Ayat contrary to the issue of “abiding forever”? 72

Exception: 72

What is the benefit of uttering Allah’s name before starting anything? 73

The Quran is safe from distortion 73

The Order of revelation of surahs of the Holy Quran and the scribes of revelation 76

Interpretation of Quran based on Personal views 77

What is the aim of repetitions in the Quran? 80

Is the prohibited tree the tree of knowledge? 82

What is the forbidden fruit? 82

What did the Almighty desire? 82

Should man eat the forbidden fruit or not? 82

Why is there no ‘Bismillah’ in the beginning of ‘Surah Baraat’? 84

Are there more than one Creator? 85

Why us Charity compared to an ear having 700 grains? 85

Son of Nuh (a.s.) in the Holy Quran 86

Is the following ayat in contravention of the infallibility of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.)? 87

What is the meaning of the words: Everything will be destroyed except His face? 89

How did Yusuf (a.s.) allow that his brother should be falsely implicated for theft? 89

Should we laugh less and weep more? 90

Would there be interrogation on the day of Qiyamat? 91

Does the Prophet also seek Counsel? 91

What are ‘Smaller’ and ‘Greater Sins’? 91

Are Greater and Smaller relative terms? 92

How many greater sins are there? 93

What is lying for a hidden wisdom? 94

Is it allowed to give physical punishment for women? 95

Islamic view on Artificial Insemination 95

Two kinds of Artificial Insemination 96

What is the Command regarding Contraception? 97

What is the legal position regarding abortion of illegitimate fetus? 97

Blood Transfusion 98

Is the sincerity of Intention beneficial to the deed? 98

Why do we sometimes recite the Afternoon Prayers prayers at the time of Noon Prayers prayer? 98

Does Prayer have a role in acceptance of all deeds? 99

How to Pray and fast in the polar regions? 100

Prayer at the Earliest hour 101

Why do we pray facing the Qibla? 101

What is the decree regarding the Game of Chess? 102

Moral harms 103

How can Latin Speaking people perform Prayers? 104

Prostrating to the Imam’s Tomb? 104

What is the Command about regarding those games? 105

Questions of an American Muslim 105

What are the causes of advancement of the Muslims in the past ages and their downfall in the modern era? 109

The Spirit of Sacrifice 110

Familiarity with prevailing circumstances 110

Why the Youth of today avoid religious gatherings? 111

How can we control the misuse of Polygamy? 112

Has Islam prescribed the duties of woman? 113

Is the Universe dependant upon Allah for its continued existence? 114

What is the Islamic view regarding the sneeze? 116

Is the Dream having any truth? 117

Is Khums the recompense of Prophethood? 117

Is not Khums a cause for social difference? 118

Why is there still ignorance despite so many efforts for popularizing knowledge? 118

Should the good people also pray? 119

Is man superior to Angels? 119

Maturity of boys and girls 120

Following (Taqlid) the Religious Maraja (Mujtahid) 120

Tawalla and Tabarra 123

Did Amirul Mo-mineen Ali (a.s.) ever depend on the tradition of Ghadeer to prove his Caliphate? 124

Is sacrifice and offering possible? 126

What is the aim of the verse: He deviates whomsoever He likes and Guides whomsoever He likes? 128

Notes 130

This international organization named “The Islamic Seminary”, established under the patronage of His Eminence Ayatullah Khui, is endeavoring to convey authentic Islamic Literature to the people of the World.

The object of this organization is to meet the spiritual needs of the present age, to draw the attention of the people to real and authentic Islamic learning and to safeguard the valuable treasure of knowledge, which has been entrusted to us by the seal of the Prophets, Muhammad and by his holy Ahlul Bayt (Peace be upon them).

This organization has so far published more than 80 books in Urdu, English, French, Sindhi and Gujarati and enjoys a high position among the publications on Islamic literature. If Allah wills this process of publication will continue and will show the right Path to the humanity.

Moreover, many madaris, which are being run under the Supervision of the Seminary, are playing their role in spreading Islamic education among the youths of the community.

Spreading the message of Islam is a task, which needs co-operation by all of us. The seminary invites you to participate in this noble task so that the teachings of Islam may be spread round the globe.

I pray to Almighty Allah to favor us with His kindness and Blessings.

Shaikh Yusuf Ali Nafsi, Najafi

Representative of Ayatullah-ul-Uzma Khui

Dear Reader,

This book is an Islamic Seminary Publications. Its publications are designed to cater for the spiritual needs of the age with a particular emphasis on grooming Muslim mind and thinking.

Utmost efforts have been made by the seminary to put forward in its publications what is really authentic is Islam. In this book also this precaution has been taken into consideration and have add such information, which is very valuable.

You are requested to kindly go through this book in the Spirit in which it is intended. You are also requested to communicate to us your free comments on our publications, which will be highly appreciated.

Propagating the message of Islam is a task, which calls for the co-operation of all. The seminary invites you to joint it in this task complying cordially with the verse of the Holy Quran:

“Say: I give you but one admonition, that you stand for Allah’s sake jointly and singly.”

(Surah Saba 34: 46)

May Allah bless you!

Yours in Islam,

Publication Secretary

About the philosophy of Islamic laws

The extract of the sermon of Hazrat Fatima (a.s.) the Princess of Islam

Allah has settled:

Faith – so that He may clean your heart from polytheism.

Prayers – so that the pride may vanish from your mind.

Zakat – So that your heart becomes purified and your property increases.

Fasting – So that your sincerity becomes firm.

Hajj Ka’ba – So that the religion gets strength and magnificence.

Justice – So that you may join your hearts together.

Imamat of Ahle Bayt (a.s.) – So that the Ummat is saved from disparity and divergence.

Jihad – So that the grandeur of Islam and the dignity of the Muslims is saved.

Amr bil Maruf – so that the common people are reformed.

Sile-rahm – so that the number of Muslims increase in the world.

Qisas – so that the lives of the people are protected.


Islam has ordered some things and refrained from others. The basis of this has some purpose and Islamic laws are not imposed without any reason. For example foods and drinks, the lawful relations and other things, all have some benefit or harm hidden in them. Whether the laws about them are made or not, there is no difference of their effects. If you ponder on the things, which are forbidden, you will come to know that the things, which are intoxicating like alcohol etc, are themselves harmful. Interest is just acquiring wealth of the people and it is like a trap. Therefore wine and interest are forbidden because of their innate harmful effects. On the other side when you look at things, which are obligatory you will feel that all the worship acts for example Prayer and Zakat are obligatory because of the benefits that people acquire from them. In short that Islamic laws are based on benefits or harms or on their goodness or evil. Many things can be understood from science and experience. This type of research or to know the logic behind any Islamic law or to ask any questions regarding it is not disallowed. The curiosity of a human being leads to finding of truth and his real spiritual want and also it opens the door for progress. It is a lively sign for man that he tries to acquire the things, which are unknown and hidden to him. This is the reason that people who don’t question about things lag behind and do not prosper. In the view of Islam the benefits of “Questioning” brings progress and perfection. Islam not only gives its followers the right to question the different topics but also the true guides of Islam have invited people to ask questions. The world must have not forgotten the famous sentence of the great preacher who said, “ask me whatever you want to ask.” The progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) has answered the questions of their followers. Not only those followers got satisfactory answers that increased their thinking power but also today those in search for truth can use this valuable treasure of knowledge from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.).

Jamea Taalimat Islami, which is serving Islam and is trying to spread this knowledge is presenting a comprehensive philosophy of Islamic Laws as an independent book.

In this book the exegesis of the Quran, jurisprudence and other topics are discussed. We expect that our presentation will benefit those people who want to understand the Islamic laws according to reason and traditions.
