HAYAT AL-QULUB: Stories of the Prophets Volume 1

HAYAT AL-QULUB: Stories of the Prophets0%

HAYAT AL-QULUB: Stories of the Prophets Author:
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Prophethood
ISBN: 964-438-463-6

HAYAT AL-QULUB: Stories of the Prophets

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Translator: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: ISBN: 964-438-463-6
visits: 32656
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HAYAT AL-QULUB: Stories of the Prophets

HAYAT AL-QULUB: Stories of the Prophets Volume 1

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-463-6

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

An account of Jirjis

Ibn Babawayh and al-Qutb al-Rawandi have with documentation, narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas that Allah appointed Jirjis as his Messenger and sent him to the king of Syria called Kooraazaanaa and who was worshipping an idol. Jirjis told him: O king! Accept my counsel. It is unbecoming for us to worship anything or anyone except only one Allah and to ask any of our needs from others except Almighty Allah.

The king asked: Where are you from? He replied, “I am from Rome (Byzantine) and live in Palestine. Then the king retorted: You are under arrest. He had his holy body scorched with an iron comb so much so that his entire flesh was torn out, then vinegar was poured on his body and his body was rubbed with a harsh cloth. Then the king ordered that his body should be burnt (stamped) with red hot iron bars. When the Prophet still remained alive despite all this torture, large iron nails were prepared and hammered in his holy head so that his brain drained out. Thereafter molten lead was poured on him. There was an iron pillar in his prison which required eighteen men to shift from one place to another. That pillar was put on the belly of that holy person.

When night fell and everyone went away to their homes, the people of the prison saw an angel come to Jirjis and say: O Jirjis! Your Lord asks you to be patient and happy and not to fear as He is with you and will surely relieve you from the clutches of the king. They will kill you four times but I will remove your pains. The next day that oppressor took him from the prison to have him lashed. He was hit innumerable times on his belly and back. Then he was sent back to jail. The oppressor king then ordered his court men to collect all the magicians living in their cities. One of them was an expert sorcerer but none of his works affected the Prophet. Finally, the oppressor king fed Jirjis with a deadly poison. When the Prophet prayed: ‘Bismillah............’ the poison failed to have any effect on him.

Magician said, “Had I given this poison to all those living on earth everyone would have definitely become blind and worthless in every way. It would have totally altered their physique and all their joints would have been disbanded. So, O Jirjis! You surely are the light of Divine Guidance and a lamp in the dark world of ignorance. I testify that your Allah is the only True Allah and all others are false deities. I believe in your Allah and treat all of His Prophets as truth tellers and I repent for all of my past sins.” The king had the magician killed. Then he sent Jirjis back to prison and continued to torture him in various ways. His body was cut into pieces and thrown into a well. Then the king engaged in feasting and drinking. Allah ordered the air to raise up a black cloud. Lightning began to flash. Earth and mountains began to tremble and the people were frightened that they would die.

Allah ordered Mika’il to go to that well. At the well, the angel called out Jirjis to get up by the order of Allah. The angel then took him out of the well and asked him to be patient and gave him good tidings of Allah’s pleasure. Jirjis again went to the king and told him that Allah had sent him to conclude His evidence through him. Hearing this, the commander-in-chief of the royal army spoke up saying: I put faith in your Lord Who raised you alive after you were dead and I bear witness that He is True and all deities besides Him are false Gods. Along with him another four thousand men also became Muslims (believers) who testified to the Prophethood of Jirjis. The king became furious and killed all of them. He made a huge plate of copper, turned it red hot, laid Jirjis on it and threw molten lead in his mouth. He dug big steel nails in the eyes and head of Jirjis, took them out and filled the gaps with molten lead. Jirjis did not die even after all this.

Then he ordered that fire should be ignited on his body and his body turned into ashes, then he blew that ash into the air. Again, by the order of Allah, Mika’il called out to Jirjis to get up and he became alive and again approached the king. He preached Islam to the king in the assembly of his court men. One of the king’s misguided companions rose up and said, We have fourteen pulpits and a big tray of wood made from various kinds of trees. Some of the trees bear fruit and some do not. He asked Jirjis to pray to his Allah so that He may turn that wood into original trees with branches and leaves and fruits to make him believe in him. Hearing this Jirjis sat up on his knees and prayed to Almighty Allah. Instantly the wood turned into trees bearing branches, leaves and fruits. Seeing all this the angered king sandwiched Jirjis between two wooden planks and cut him vertically with a saw, brought a big cooking pot, filled it with oil, sulphur and molten lead, flung the body of Jirjis in that boiling pot and fanned the fire beneath it.

The holy body melted completely and mixed with other elements in the pot. The earth became totally dark due to this dark black deed of the king. Allah sent Israfil who raised a terrific shriek between them and all fell down faced. Israfil turned the pot upside down and said, O Jirjis! Get up by the order of thy Lord. He arose hale and healthy and again went to the misguided king and tried to give him guidance. The people were extremely surprised. a woman approached Jirjis and said, O dear slave of Allah! I had a cow. We were being maintained by her milk. Now she has died and I request you to make her alive.

Jirjis gave her his staff and asked her to put it on the corpse of that cow and to say: O cow! Jirjis asks you to arise by the order of Allah. The woman did so and the cow became alive. That woman became Muslim. The cursed king then said, If I let this magician go away alive he will surely destroy my kingdom. His people agreed with him and decided to kill Jirjis once again. The king told them to take Jirjis out of the city and decapitate him. When they took him out Jirjis prayed to Allah: My Lord! If you have decided to destroy this community, then pray make me and my memory a cause and means of patience and tolerance for those who want to please you in every hardship. In short, they decapitated Jirjis. When they came back to the city, they were hit by Divine chastisement and got killed en masse.

An account of Khalid bin Sinan

It is recorded in reliable sources through Imam Muhammad al-Baqir and Imam as-Sadiq that once a woman came to the holy Prophet. He welcomed her, held her by the hand and seated her beside him on his own sheet and then said that she was the daughter of a Prophet killed by his community. His name was Khalid bin Sinan and he belonged to the tribe of Aus. He used to call his community toward only one Allah but they would not believe.

A fire used to light up every year and it burned some of them. According to a tradition that fire used to burn down whatever stood in its path like animals etc. That fire was called Naarul Harmain. It used to come out of a cave situated near their city. Khalid bin Sinan asked those people would they believe if he spared them from that fire? They agreed. When that fire appeared, Khalid approached it and with a powerful attempt reverted it right into the cave and followed in after it. His community gathered at the opening of the cave thinking that the fire had burnt Khalid inside and that he would not come back. But he came out after a while and clarified that all of his works and deeds were as directed by Allah and also enabled by His will. “Banu Ais had thought that I will not come out of the cave but I have.” Then he returned from there and announced that he would die on such and such day and asked them to bury him.

He further informed them that after some days a herd of animals would come from a forest. One of those wild animals would be without tail. It would stand on his grave. At that time dig up my body and ask me whatever you like and I will tell you about all that has happened in the past and what is to happen until the Last Day of the Resurrection Day. When he expired, the people of his community buried him. Thereafter at the time predicted by him, some animals came out from a jungle and stood near his grave. The people wanted to dig his body out. someone said, When you did not believe him in his life time how will you do so after his death? You will be disgraced among the Arabs if you extricate him from his grave. So they returned home without doing anything. This happened in the period between the lives of Jesus and The Holy Prophet. The name of that girl was Muhyaat.1


1. This hadith is more reliable than the earlier one indicating that Khalid was not a Prophet. Moreover his mention in the Prayer of Umm-Dawud also supports these traditions.

Accounts of Some Unnamed Messengers

According to an authentic tradition, Amir al-Mu’minin said that the holy Prophet said: Allah appointed a Messenger for the people. He propagated to them for forty years but they did not believe in him. They used to enjoy a festival on a certain day in their house of worship. When they assembled, there on that day their Prophet also went there and told them to Believe in only one Allah. They replied, “If you are telling the truth then ask your Allah to provide us with fruits having the color of our clothes-their clothes were yellow.” The Prophet pushed a dry piece of wood in the earth and prayed to Allah. That staff became green and bore yellow fruits. They ate the fruits. Then miraculously what happened was that the pulp of the seeds thrown out by those whose intention was to believe became sweet and that of those who did not intend to become faithful turned bitter.

It is mentioned in a reliable tradition that Imam al-Ridha said, Allah revealed to one of His Messengers that he should eat the first thing that came before him the next morning, hide the second, accept the third, not disappoint the fourth, and evade the fifth. The Prophet proceeded from his place the next morning.

First of all a big black hill came in front of him. He thought, My Lord! you have commanded me to eat it up but how? Then he pondered surely my Lord will not ask me to do a thing which I cannot do? So he walked towards that mountain, and as he advanced closer it became smaller and smaller until finally it took the form of a morsel and he devoured it. It tasted better than anything he had eaten before. Going on further, he confronted a golden plate. He told himself, My Lord has ordered me to hide it. So he dug a pit and concealed it. After walking further, when he looked back he observed that the plate could be seen. He told himself, I have done what my Lord had instructed me do to do and therefore I am not responsible for its reappearance. After walking still further, he saw a bird followed by an eagle. The fleeing bird came to the Prophet and began to hover over him. The Prophet thought that his Lord had enjoined upon him to accept it. Therefore, he opened up his sleeve and the bird entered it. In the meanwhile, the eagle also arrived there and said to the Prophet: You have caught my prey even though I was after it for several days.

The Prophet thought he should not disappoint the eagle. So he cut a piece of flesh from his own thigh and gave it to the eagle and proceeded further until he reached a corpse which had decomposed and was giving out a bad smell. It was full of worms. The Prophet recalled that his Lord had dictated him to avoid it. So he ran away from it and returned home. At night, he had a dream wherein someone asked him whether he knew what was behind all those things which he had done according to his Lord’s orders. He replied in the negative. So he told him: The mountain stood for anger (rage or fury) because when a man becomes furious he forgets himself but when he looks at himself and recognizes himself his anger cools and finally it becomes like a morsel of food pleasing enough to eat (and you got an idea of its tastefulness). That golden plate is a good deed (amal e Salih). Whenever a slave hides his good deed from the eyes of others Allah makes it apparent to them so that people may admire what lies hidden for them in the Hereafter. The fleeing bird is a man who gives you good counsel. It is better for you to accept a good counselor’s admonition. The eagle was the embodiment of a man who came to ask something from you. So do not disappoint such needy persons. The rotten and foul corpse was backbiting. So always refrain from talking bad about anyone in his absence.

It is narrated from Imam as-Sadiq that Allah revealed to a Prophet of The Israelites that if you want to meet Me in the Holy Precinct on the Day of Judgment then be gloomy, sorrowful, lonely and a stranger in the world like that lonely bird which during the night, being frightened by other birds hides itself in solitude and seeks refuge in its Lord.

It is recorded in reliable sources from Imam as-Sadiq that Allah revealed to a Prophet of The Israelites to inform his people that My standing Law with reference to each and every human inhabitation is that if their residents, after enjoying my bounties turns toward the things disliked by Me then I also do what they dislike i.e.. I turn bounties into troubles for them. Similarly, there is no place wherein if the residents, after disobeying Me suffer from My chastisement and then they turn toward the deeds pleasing to me then I also turn those deeds displeasing them into pleasing ones. So make it clear to them that My Mercy overrides My anger so they must never despair of My kindness as it is not difficult for Me to forgive their sins. Also inform them that in a fit of fury they must not invite my wrath and should not hold my friends low in their sight, because some of My chastisements are such which can never be tolerated by any of My creations.

It is recorded in reliable sources from Imam al-Ridha that Allah directed one of his Messengers through revelation that when “My slaves obey Me I become pleased with them and when I become pleased with them I shower My Blessing on them and My blessings are endless. And when they disobey me then I become angry and when I become angry with them I curse them which remains effective for them for seven generations.”

It is narrated from Imam as-Sadiq that a Prophet complained to Allah about his weakness. It was revealed to him that he should cook meat with butter-milk and eat it as it strengthens the physique. When another Messenger complained of impotency (sexual weakness) he was ordered to eat porridge. Yet another Prophet complained about dearth of progeny and shortage of sons it was revealed to him that he should eat meat with eggs. Another reliable tradition says a Prophet complained of harshness of heart and dearth of weeping (kindness) he was ordained (through revelation) to eat masoor (lentil). He continued eating it which resulted in his becoming soft-hearted and he began to weep more (for fear of Allah). Another messenger complained of gloominess and excessive grief and Allah ordained him to eat grapes.

It is recorded with authentic chains from Imam as-Sadiq that a group from the past peoples asked their Prophet to pray to Allah for lifting up death from them. He prayed and Allah accepted his prayer. Consequently their number multiplied so much that they had no houses to live and their progeny increased so much that right from daybreak everybody had to be busy feeding, cleaning, bathing and even taking their great grandfathers to the latrine. They were so busy until night they would not get time to earn their livelihood. Thus their lives became full of hardships. Finally they asked their Prophet to pray to Allah to revert them to their earlier condition and so it happened.

In another authentic hadith it is mentioned that Allah did never pour His chastisement on any of the past people but on Wednesday which used to fall in the middle of the month.

It is mentioned in yet another reliable tradition that Allah revealed to a Prophet that good behavior melts sins as the suns melts ice.

It is reported through the same sources that Allah sent a revelation to a Prophet who lived in the domain of an oppressor king and ordered him: Go to that oppressor and tell him that I have not given you control over My creatures so that you may shed their blood and confiscate their property but I gave you power so that you may prevent the sighs of the oppressed from reaching Me because I never deny justice to My creatures even if they are Kafir (unbelievers).

According to reliable sources Imam ‘Ali al-Naqi said, “In the beginning man did not dream. Allah sent a Prophet who preached obedience and worship of only One Allah to the people of his time and place. They asked him what benefit they would gain by doing as he advised. Surely you are not superior to us either in wealth or in progeny! How can we hope of gaining profits or preventing losses? The Prophet replied, “If you will obey me Allah will admit you to Paradise and if you disobey me He will throw you into Hell.” They asked what is Heaven and Hell.

When the Prophet explained it to them, they asked him when they would reach there. He said, After you die (in the hereafter). They retorted: We have seen our dead turning into broken and rotten bones. Then their disbelief increased more and more. They also made mockery of the Messenger of Allah. So Allah decided to show them in their dreams. Thereafter they came to the Prophet and narrated what they had seen in their dreams. The Prophet told them that Allah wanted to complete His argument for you in this way. While you dream something happens to your souls and you experience relief or trouble while your bodies are not affected nor are others aware of it. Similarly, from the time of your death until the Day of Resurrection your souls will be either rewarded or punished even though your bones would have been disintegrated and broken. Thereafter the departed souls would return to their bodies and reward or punishment would be given to them.”