HAYAT AL-QULUB: A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S) Volume 2

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HAYAT AL-QULUB: A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S) Author:
: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Holy Prophet
ISBN: 964-438-463-6

HAYAT AL-QULUB: A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S)

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
: Sayyid Akhtar Husain S.H. Rizvi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 964-438-463-6
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HAYAT AL-QULUB: A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S)

HAYAT AL-QULUB: A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S) Volume 2

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 964-438-463-6

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Hayat Al-Qulub Vol. 2

A Detailed Biography of Prophet Muhammad (S)

Author(s): Allamah Muhammad Baqir Majlisi

Translator(s): Sayyid Athar Husayn S.H. Rizvi

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications – Qum


2حياة القلوب ج

Hayat al-Qulub

Stories of the Prophets

vol. 2

Author: Allamah Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi

Translator: Syed Athar Husain S.H. Rizvi

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications - Qum

ISBN Set: 964-438-463-6


www.ansariyan.org & www.ansariyan.org

Table of Contents

Publisher’s Preface 8

Translators Foreword 9

Ancestry of the Holy Prophet (S) and Circumstances of His Forefathers 10

Ancestry of The Holy Prophet (S) 10

Creation of Effulgence (Noor) 10

Ancestors Of The Holy Prophet (S) 31

Account Of The Army Of The Elephant 34

Condition Of Arabs And Meccans Before The Arrival Of The Holy Prophet (S) 58

Notes 60

Prophecies about the Holy Prophet (S), Birth, appointment, conditions of some faithful persons who lived during Fatara 61

Date of birth of Prophet Muhammad (S) and miraculous events of that time 73

Events and miracles of the Prophet from infancy to Besat 97

Virtues of Lady Khadija (s.a.) and her marriage with the Prophet (S) 123

Description of Prophet’s Honorable Names 146

Meaning of ‘Ummee’ - The Holy Prophet (S) Knew Every Language, Script And Letters 151

Description of Prophet’s Finger-Ring, Clothes, Conveyance And Other Belongings 153

Notes 156

Prophet’s appearance, character, physique and some miracles 158

Habits, character and behavior of the Prophet (S) 163

Virtues, excellences and specialties of the Prophet (S) 184

Obligatory to respect the Prophet - an account of his social etiquettes 203

The Prophet was immune from sins, mistakes and forgetfulness 209

Prophet’s perfect knowledge and heritage of past prophets 210

Miracle of the Holy Qur’an 216

Miracles similar to all prophets were shown by the Holy Prophet (S) 228

Miracles related to the Celestial World 284

Miracles manifested in terrestrial objects 288

Miracles manifested in children and animals 303

Miracles averting the harm of enemies 333

Miracles of Prophet against demons and Jinns 342

The Prophet (S) reports about the Unseen 351

Notes 362

The Holy Prophet (S) assumes the prophetical office 367

Ascension of the Holy Prophet (S) 381

Migration to Habasha 427

Confinement in Shebe Abu Talib - events leading to migration to Medina 433

Migration to Medina 444

Prophet’s arrival in Medina 456

Notes 463

Miscellaneous skirmishes till the Battle of Badr 466

Notes 472

Greater Battle of Badr 473

Notes 494

Skirmishes and incidents between Badr and Uhud 495

Notes 499

Battle of Uhud 500

Notes 525

Battle of Humral Asad 528

Notes 531

Battles between Uhud and Khandaq 532

Notes 544

Battle of Khandaq 546

Notes 561

Battle of Bani Quraiza - Martyrdom of Saad bin Maaz - Abu Lubabah repents 563

Notes 568

Battles and events between Khandaq and Hudaibiyah 569

Notes 575

Hudaibiyah and Rizwan 576

Notes 588

Conquest of Khyber and Ja’far’s return from Habasha 589

Notes 599

Expedition of Umratul Qaza - letters inviting Kings to embrace Islam - events upto the Battle of Mutah 600

Notes 606

Account of the Battle of Mutah 607

Note 611

Battle of Zatul Salasil 612

Note 618

Conquest of Mecca 619

Notes 628

Expedition of Hunain and events upto the Battle of Tabuk 629

Battle of Hunain 630

Battle of Tabuk - Uqbah - Masjid Zirar 641

Revelation of Surah Barat 667

Notes 672

An Account of the Mubahila (Imprecation) ceremony 674

Reply of Haritha and the Absurd Discourse of Aqib 690

Haritha’s arguments bewilder Sayyid and Aqib 691

The Third Day of Debate 692

Haritha defeats Sayyid and Aqib through his arguments 693

Haritha proves his claims through Jamia on the Fourth Day 694

Qualities of the Prophet and his Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) in the scroll of Sheeth (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia 698

Qualities of the Prophet in the scroll of Ibrahim (a.s.) from the Book of Jamia 699

Sayyid and Aqib confess to what is written in Jamia 702

Debate with the Holy Prophet (S) 703

The Holy Prophet (S) brings his family members 704

Sayyid and Aqib send Manzar with an offer of peace 705

Notes 708

Events that took place till the Farewell Hajj] 709

Part Two: Deputation of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) to Yemen 711

Amr bin Shas complains about Amirul Momineen (a.s.) 711

The Prophet prays for Imam Ali (a.s.) 712

Complaint against a judgment of Ali (a.s.) 712

Obedient Horses 712

Part three: Arrival of Arab delegations and events that occurred till the Farewell Hajj 713

Notes 716

Farewell Hajj - description of Hajj and Umrah rituals 717

Birth of Muhammad bin Abi Bakr 723

Imam Ali (a.s.) reaches Mecca before his troops and meets the Prophet 723

Sermon of the Prophet in Ghadeer Khum 729

Companions pay Allegiance to Imam Ali (a.s.) 741

The Messenger of Allah (S) transfers Divine knowledge to Ali (a.s.) 743

Abu Bakr and Umar learn the Secret 743

The Prophet identifies the hypocrites for Huzaifa 745

Salim reveals his enmity to Ali (a.s.) 746

Text of the Document 747

The Document is buried in Kaaba 749

Ayesha reveals the Secret 750

The Holy Prophet (S) authorizes Ali (a.s.) to divorce any of wives 750

The Prophet orders Usamah’s army to march at the earliest 751

The Trio leaves Usamah’s Army 751

The Prophet informs that a great mischief has entered Medina at night 752

Events of the 10th year of Hijri 755

Events of the 11th year of Hijri 755

Notes 755

Miscellaneous points about the Prophet - details of his companions -debates with polytheists, Jews and Christians etc 757

Companions leave the Prophet to buy merchandise 760

A Bedouin embraces Islam and then dies 761

Story of Jumana binte Zahaf Ashjai 761

Sending of an army under Zaid bin Haritha 762

Strange incidents of the army of Zaid 763

Excellence of the rituals of beginning of the month of Shaban 764

Excellence of repayment of debt 764

Heavenly rewards during illness 765

Allah likes Generosity 766

An angel subjects a person to a test 766

The Prophet restrains from anger 766

Verse in condemnation of Walid 767

Cheating in business condemned 767

Control over tongue 767

Restlessness of a companion about the Prophet 768

Persons of uncertain faith 768

Condemnation of a hypocrite 768

A Verse is revealed about Uthman 769

Condemnation of Amr bin Aas and Uqbah bin Muit 770

Paradise in exchange of a tree 770

The Holy Prophet (S) prays for the King of Yemen 771

Love for Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) causes Salvation 773

Thalaba bin Hatib and prayer of the Prophet 773

Excellence of Tashbihat Arba 778

Safety from trouble of Neighbor 778

Divine rewards of relations with one’s wife 778

The Prophet condemns husbands who resort to abstinence 779

Prayer seeking forgiveness 779

Certainty on the promise of divine rewards and punishment 779

A person believes in the Prophet before his migration to Medina 780

One who does not ask is made needless by Allah 780

Emphasis on refraining from asking for something 781

Silk garments detested 781

Miserliness criticized 781

Allah does not like one who does not suffer any loss 781

Arrogance of a rich man and humility of a poor man 782

The worst is one whose tongue is feared by the people 782

Don’t cheat in selling 782

Strictness is allowed in unauthorized entry into homes 783

A man embraces Islam after being released by the Prophet 783

An ugly face is also a divine blessing 783

The Prophet announced immunity from the hypocrites 784

Reward of prolonging the Sajdah 785

Drinking the Fasad blood of the Prophet 785

A man’s love for the Prophet and the Prophet prays for his well being 785

Psychology of Women 786

Obedience of the husband 786

Majority of women will go to Hell 786

Misbehavior to the husband 787

A worshipper who is engaged in some business is better than one who is unemployed 787

Hypocrites ask the Prophet to show them their stations in Paradise 787

Notes 790

An Account of the Prophet’s Children 792

Ruqaiyyah is saved from the squeeze of the grave 795

Notes 799

Wives of the Prophet - their number and a brief account of them 801

Account of the marriage of Zainab 810

Account of Lady Umm Salma 812

Account of Ayesha and Hafasa 816

Notes 820

An Account of the relatives and servants of the Prophet 823

Account of that truthful; one who was a friend of the Prophet before his declaration of prophethood 831

Brief Account of Muhajireen, Ansar and Companions 832

Notes 836

An Account of some Senior Companions 838

Excellence and good qualities of Salman Farsi 853

An Account of Abu Dharr 881

An Account of Miqdad bin Aswad Kindi 906

Notes 908

Excellence of the Ummah of the Messenger of Allah (S) and some facts about it 910

Notes 912

Bequests of the Messenger of Allah (S) and incidents that occurred at the time of his death 913

Notes 925

Death of the Prophet and the incidents after his demise 927

Notes 944

Incidents that occurred at the tomb of the Prophet 945

Notes 947

Publisher’s Preface

In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Praise be to Allah and blessings on His chosen servants, Muhammad and his progeny, which is the best of creations. This is the translation of the second volume of Hayat al-Qulub a compilation of Allah’s most humble servant, Muhammad Baqir bin Muhammad Taqi (May Allah pardon him), and contains information about all events of the holy life of Allah’s last prophet and the greatest of all messengers, Muhammad bin Abdullah; and wars and struggles of Allah’s closest friend and so also about his pious and religious ancestors.

By the Grace of the Almighty and under the guidance of Imam az-Zaman (a.s.), Ja’fari Propagation Centre is pleased to announce the new translation of the second volume of Allamah Majlisi’s Hayat al-Qu­lub.

Under the aim of Islamic Propagation, this organization has translated, printed, and published more than 100 titles on current issues in Islamic studies in various languages and taken up distribution of books from other organizations also by the blessings of Imam az-Zaman (a.s.); and we hope that read­ers from India and all over the world will greatly benefit from our literature.

Our publications include Sahifa Alawiya, Mikyalul Makarim, Fatima the Radiant, Sahifa al-Sajjadiya, Method of Salat and there are many titles for children as well.

We hope that more and more people will make use of our publications and help us in achieving the aim of Islamic Propagation.

We welcome suggestions for improvements from our learned readers. Please do not hesitate to contact us in this regard.

Translators Foreword

In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful. Praise to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime and benedic­tions on His Chosen Messenger, Muhammad al-Mustafa (S) and his Progeny, the Ahlul Bayt - who were created from the same Noor as that of the Messenger of Allah (S).

Praise be to Allah and a million thanks to Him for the strength and endurance that He bestowed on this lowly servant to enable him to complete the task of translating the second volume of Hayat al-Qulub by Allamah Majlisi (r.a.).

Most people are unaware that the previous translation of this volume by Rev. James Merrick was in an abridged form. The actual book contains sixty-five chapters but they were condensed into twenty-two chapters; according to some, the language is also disrespectful.

So when Jafari Propagation Centre decided to republish the complete set of Hayat al-Qulub, I suggested them to have this volume translated anew. This suggestion was accepted and the book in your hands is a fresh translation of the second volume of Hayat al-Qulub by Allamah Majlisi (r.a.).

My special thanks to Janab Syed Fayyaz Husain Abedi who made it a point to assure that the transla­tion work is done with regularity and punctuality.

It is also worth noting that the translation of a book on the biography of the Messenger of Allah (S) was completed on 17th Rabiul Awwal; which is the birthday of our Holy Prophet (S).

May Allah give us the Taufeeq to strive on the path of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) and under the guidance of the last successor of Prophet Muhammad (S).


17th Rabiul Awwal 1431 A.H./4th March 2010

Syed Athar Husain S. H. Rizvi

Al-Qalam Translators & Writers Bureau

Email: sayedathar@hotmail.com

Ata-e-Hussain Complex, H. No. 22-2-440 & 441

Noor Khan Bazar, Hyderabad - 500 024, India.