Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents

Translator’s Preface 46

Notes 47

About The Compiler 48

Notes 49

Introduction 50

Parents 52

Parents الآباء 52

The Camel 53

The Camel الإبل 53

The Son Of Adam (The Human Being) 54

The Son of Adam (The Human Being) ابن آدم 54

Grandeur 55

Grandeur الأمْواتِ. الاُبّهة 55

Self-Sacrifice 56

Self-Sacrifice الإيثار 56

Notes 57

The Appointed Time Of Death 58

The Appointed Time of Death الأجل 58

The Hereafter 62

The Hereafter الآخرة 62

The Brother, The Friend, The Associate And The Companion 71

The Brother, The Friend, The Associate and The Companion الاخوّة والصّديق والرّفيق والمصاحبة 71

Good Etiquette 93

Good Etiquette الأدب 93

Harm And Preventing Harm 97

Harm and Preventing Harm الأذى وكف الأذى 97

Eating 98

Eating الأكل 98

Allah And His Attributes 99

Allah and His Attributes اللّه وصفاته 99

Notes 102

Matters 103

Matters الأُمور 103

Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil 106

Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil الأمرُ بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر 106

Hopes And Aspirations 109

Hopes and Aspiration الآمال والأماني 109

The Leader 118

The Leader الإمام 118

Leadership 119

Leadership الإمامة 119

Granting Refuge To The Fearful 120

Granting Refuge to the Fearful الأمان وإجارة المستغيثِ والخائفِ 120

The Secure 121

The Secure الآمِن 121

Security 122

Security الأمن 122

Feeling Secure From Allah’s Scheme 123

Feeling Secure From Allah’s Scheme الأمنُ من مكراللّه 123

The Trustworthy 124

The Trustworthy الأمين 124

Trustworthiness 125

Trustworthiness الأمانة 125

Faith 127

Faith الإيمان 127

The Believer 133

The Believer المؤمن 133

Notes 140

The Human Being 141

The Human Being الإنسان 141

Intimacy With Allah 142

Intimacy with Allah الأُنس باللّه 142

Intimacy 143

Intimacy الأُنس 143

Deliberateness And Acting Unhurriedly 144

Deliberateness and Acting Unhurriedly التأنّي والأناة 144

One Who Acts With Deliberateness 146

One who Acts with Deliberateness المُتَأَنّي 146

Strengthening Oneself 147

Strengthening oneself التأيّد 147

Misery 148

Misery البُؤس 148

Stinginess And Avarice 149

Stinginess and Avarice البُخل والشُّحُّ 149

The Miser And The Avaricious 152

The Miser and the Avaricious البخيل والشَّحيح 152

Taking The Initiative 155

Taking the Initiative المبادرة 155

Notes 157

Cold Weather 158

Cold Weather البرد 158

Righteousness And Those Who Prevent It 159

Righteousness and Those Who prevent it البَـرُّ والبِـرُّ ومن منعه 159

Insistence 161

Insistence الإبرام 161

The Innocent 162

The Innocent البَريء 162

Being Cheerful And Smiling 163

Being Cheerful and smiling البِشْر، البَشاشة وطِلاقَةُ الوَجْه 163

Sight, Observation And Insight 165

Sight, Observation and Insight البصر والنظر والبصير والبصيرة 165

Wantonness 167

Wantonness البَطَرْ 167

Falsehood And Assisting It 168

Falsehood and assisting it الباطل والتعاون عليه 168

The Falsifier 170

The Falsifier المبطل 170

The Stomach And The Private Parts 171

The Stomach and the Private Parts البطنُ والفرج 171

Early Rising 172

Early rising المباكرة 172

Weeping 173

Weeping البكاء 173

Countries And Homelands 174

Countries and Homelands البِلاد والأوطان 174

Eloquence 175

Eloquence البلاغة 175

Notes 175

Attention 176

Attention المبالات 176

The Umayyads 177

The Umayyads بنو اُميّة 177

Quadrupeds And Predators 178

Quadrupeds and Predators البهائم والسّباع 178

Fabricating Lies 179

Fabricating Lies البَهت 179

The House Of Allah 180

The House of Allah بيت اللّه 180

The Treasury 181

The Treasury بيت المال 181

Trade And Business With Allah 182

Trade and Business with Allah التجارة والتجارة مع اللّه 182

The Merchant 183

The Merchant التاجر 183

Earth 184

Earth التُّراب 184

Abandoning For The Sake Of Allah 185

Abandoning for the Sake of Allah التارك لِلّه 185

Repentance And Returning (To Allah) 186

Repentance and Returning (To Allah) التوبة والإنابة والتائب 186

Relying On Allah 188

Relying on Allah الثقة باللّه 188

Reward 189

Reward الثواب 189

Garments 190

Garments الثوب 190

Cowardice 191

Cowardice الجُبْن 191

Diligence And Striving 192

Diligence and Striving الجدُّ والإجتهاد 192

Experience 193

Experience التجربة 193

The Experienced 194

The Experienced المجرّب 194

Anxiety 195

Anxiety الجزع 195

Requital And Reward 197

Requital and Reward المجازاة والجزاء 197

Notes 198

The Body 199

The Body الجسد والأجسام 199

Antipathy 200

Antipathy الجفاء 200

Loftiness 201

Loftiness الجَلالة 201

Intercourse 202

Intercourse الجِماعُ 202

Beauty 203

Beauty الجمال 203

The Beautiful 204

The Beautiful الجميل 204

Grooming 205

Grooming التّجمّل 205

Moderation 206

Moderation المجمل 206

Notes 206

Paradise And The People Of Paradise 207

Paradise and the People of Paradise الجنَّةُ وأهل الجنّة 207

Generosity 210

Generosity الجود 210

The Generous 213

The Generous الجواد 213

Proximity To Allah 214

Proximity to Allah جار اللّه وجواره 214

Neighbours 215

Neighbours الجيران 215

Hunger 216

Hunger الجُوعُ 216

High Rank 217

High Rank الجاهُ وذو الجاه 217

Struggle (Jihad) 218

Struggle (Jihad) الجهاد 218

Struggling Against The Self (Jihad An-Nafs) 219

Struggling against the Self (Jihad an-Nafs) جهاد النفس 219

Ignorance 222

Ignorance الجَهْل 222

The Ignorant And The Foolish 226

The Ignorant and the Foolish اَلجاهِلُ والجهول 226

Notes 230

Hell Fire 231

Hellfire جهنم والنّار 231

Lovers Of The Ahlulbayt 233

Lovers of the Ahlulbayt محِبّ أهل البيت 233

The Beloved 234

The Beloved المحب والمحبوب 234

Evidence 235

Evidence الحجَّةُ والدليل 235

The Proof (Of Allah) 236

The Proof (of Allah) الحجّة 236

The Disproved 237

The Disproved المحجوج 237

The One Who Presents An Argument 238

The One who Presnts an Argument المحتجّ 238

The Hajj 239

The Hajj الحج 239

Rage 240

Rage الحدَّة 240

The Cautious 241

The Cautious الحَذِر والمتحذّر 241

The Warner 242

The Warner المحذّر 242

War, Soldiers And Armies 243

War, Soldiers and Armies الحرب والجُنُود والزحْف 243

Notes 245

Waging War 246

Waging War المحاربة 246

Freedom And The Free 247

Freedom and the Free الحرّ والحرّية 247

The Careful 248

The Careful المحترس، الاِحتراس 248

Greed 249

Greed الحِرص 249

The Greedy 253

The Greedy الحريصُ 253

Vocation 255

Vocation الحِرْفَة 255

Notes 255

The Prohibited 256

The Prohibited الحرام 256

Deprivation And Frustration 257

Deprivation and Frustration الحرمان والخيبة 257

The Party Of Allah 258

The Party of Allah حزب اللّه 258

Judiciousness 259

Judiciousness الحزم 259

The Judicious 262

The Judicious الحازم 262

Notes 264

Grief For What Has Been Lost 265

Grief for what has been Lost الحزن على ما فات 265

The Reckoning 266

The Reckoning الحساب 266

High Regard 267

High Regard الحسب 267

Jealousy 268

Jealousy الحسد 268

Notes 270

The Jealous 271

The Jealous الحسود 271

The Envied 273

The Envied المحسود 273

The Sword And The Steed 274

The Sword and the Steed الحسام والجواد 274

Good Deeds 275

Good Deeds الحسنات 275

Good Turns And Benevolent Actions 276

Good Turns and Benevolent Actions الإحسان والصنيعة 276

Notes 296

The Good Doer 297

The Good Doer المحسن 297

Physical Beauty 299

Physical Beauty الحُسْن 299

Dyslogia (The Inability To Express Oneself Effectively) 300

Dyslogia (The Inability to Express Oneself Effectively) الحصَر 300

Fortune 301

Fortune الحظّ 301

Gaining Favour 302

Gaining Favour الحُظْوَة 302

Digging A Pit For A Brother 303

Digging a Pit for a Brother حفر البئر للأخ 303

Spite And Malice 304

Spite and Malice الحِقْدُ 304

The Spiteful 306

The Spiteful الحقود 306

Belittling Others 307

Belittling others التحقير 307

Verification 308

Verification التحقيق 308

The Truth 309

The Truth الحق 309

One Who Is On The Right 315

One who is on the Right المُحِق 315

The Rights Of Allah, The Most High 316

The Rights of Allah, The Most High حقوق اللّه تعالى 316

Rights Of The People 317

Rights of the People حقوق الناس 317

Hoarding And Hoarders 318

Hoarding and Hoarders الإحْتِكار والمحتكر 318

The Ordinances Of Allah 319

The Ordinances of Allah أحكام اللّه وحدوده 319

Wisdom 320

Wisdom الحكمة 320

The Wise 324

The Wise الحُكماء 324

Government And Sovereignty 325

Government and Sovereignty الحكومة والولاية 325

The Ruler And Governer 328

The Ruler and Governer الحاكم والوالي 328

False Oaths 329

False Oaths الحلف واليمين الفاجرة 329

The Lawful 330

The Lawful الحلال 330

Dreams 331

Dreams الأحلام والرؤيا 331

The Forebearing 332

The Forebearing الحليم 332

Forbearance 334

Forbearance الحِلْمُ 334

Praise 338

Praise الحمد 338

The Praiseworthy And The Disgraceful 339

The Praiseworthy and the Disgraceful المحامد والمذام 339

Muhammad (S) And His Progeny 340

Muhammad (s) and his Progeny محمّد صلَّى اللّه عليه وآله وسلَّم وأهل بيته 340

Notes 352

Foolishness 353

Foolishness الحُمْق 353

The Fool 355

The Fool الأحمق 355

Notes 356

Tolerance 357

Tolerance الإحتمال 357

Vehemence 359

Vehemence1 الحَمِيَّة 359

Notes 359

Abstinence [From Food] 360

Abstinence [From Food] الحِمْيَةُ 360

Fulfilling Needs 361

Fulfilling Needs الحَوائج وقَضاؤها 361

Expressing Your Needs 363

Expressing Your Needs الإحتياجات 363

How Are You? 364

How are you? كيف الحال؟ 364

The Perplexed 365

The Perplexed المتحيّر 365

Recourse 366

Recourse الحيلة 366

Life And Being Alive 367

Life and Being Alive الحيّ والحياة 367

Modesty And Shame 368

Modesty and Shame الحياء 368

Notes 370

Narration And Transmission Of Information 371

Narration and Transmission of Information الإخباروالخبر والحديث 371

Gauging People 372

Gauging People الإختبار 372

Deception And The Deceitful 373

Deception and the Deceitful الخُدعة والخديعة والخُداع 373

The Servant 374

The Servant الخادم 374

The One Who Is Forsaken By Allah 375

The One who is forsaken by Allah1 الخذلان والمخذول 375

Notes 375

Muteness 376

Muteness الخَرَس 376

Ineptness 377

Ineptness الخُرْق 377

The Loser 379

The Loser الخاسر والخسران 379

Submissiveness And Humility In Front Of Allah 380

Submissiveness and Humility in front of Allah, The Most High الخشوع والخضوع للّه تعالى 380

The Foe Of Allah 381

The Foe of Allah من خصمه اللّه 381

Writing 382

Writing الخطّ والقلم والكتابة 382

Ideas 383

Ideas الخواطر 383

The Daring 384

The Daring المُخاطِر 384

Mistakes 385

Mistakes الخطاء 385

Sincerity And Devotion 386

Sincerity and Devotion الإخلاص والخالص والمخلص 386

Sucession 389

Sucession الخلافة 389

The Caliphs 390

The Caliphs [Uthman and..] الخلفاء(عثمان و...) 390

Notes 390

Disagreement 391

Disagreement الخِلاف والإختلاف 391

Notes 391

Good Character 392

Good Character الأخلاق 392

Creation 401

Creation المخلوق 401

Seclusion 402

Seclusion الخلوة 402

Wine 403

Wine الخمر 403

Five Bad Qualities 404

Five Bad Qualities خمس وخمسة 404

Anonymity 405

Anonymity الخمول 405

Fear 406

Fear الخوف والخشية 406

Notes 409

Fearing Other Than Allah 410

Fearing Other than Allah الخوف من غير اللّه 410

The Fearful 411

The Fearful الخائف 411

Frightening Others 412

Frightening Others الإخافة 412

The Frustrated 413

The Frustrated الخائب 413

Good 414

Good الخير 414

Good Of This World And The Hereafter 418

Good of this World and the Hereafter خير الدنيا والآخرة 418

Seeking What Is Best 419

Seeking What is Best الاستخارة 419

The Virtuous 420

The Virtuous الأخيار 420

Choice 421

Choice الاختيار 421

The Choice Of Allah 422

The Choice of Allah اختيار اللّه 422

Treachery And Disloyalty 423

Treachery and Disloyalty الخيانة 423

The Treacherous 425

The Treacherous الخائن والمزيع 425

Notes 425

The Diligent And The Hardworking 426

The Diligent and the Hardworking الدائب والكادح 426

Following Up Matters 427

Following up Matters استدبار الأُمور 427

One Who Turns Back And The One Who Moves Forward 428

One who Turns Back and the One who Moves Forward المدبر والمقبل 428

Planning 429

Planning التدبير 429

Desertion And Abandonment 431

Desertion and Abandonment التَّدابر والتخاذل 431

Turning Backward 432

Turning Backward الإدبار 432

Entrance 433

Entrance الداخل والقادم 433

Notes 433

Gradually Drawing Closer To Destruction 434

Gradually Drawing Closer to Destruction الاستدراج والمستدرج 434

Study 435

Study الدّرس 435

Rectification And Making Amends 436

Rectification and Making Amends الاستدراك والتدارك 436

Amicableness 437

Amicableness المداراة 437

Supplication And The Supplicant 438

Supplication and the Supplicant الدُّعاءُ والداعي 438

Notes 440

The Call 441

The Call الدعوة والداعية 441

The Guide 442

The Guide الدليل 442

Seriously Ill 443

Seriously Ill الدَنِف 443

The Despicable 444

The Despicable الدَّنيَّة 444

Loathsome Actions And Traits 445

Loathsome Actions and Traits الدَّنايا 445

This World 446

This World الدنيا 446

Notes 483

Remedy And Ailment 484

Remedy and Ailment الدّواء والداء 484

Notes 484

Alternation Of Power And Sovereignty 485

Alternation of Power and Soverignty الدّول والدّولة 485

Flattery 486

Flattery المداهنة 486

Debt 487

Debt الدَّينِ 487

Religion And Sharia Law 488

Religion and Sharia Law الدِّين والشريعة 488

The Savings 496

The Savings الذّخر1 496

Notes 496

Remembrance [Of Allah] And The Reminder 497

Remembrance [of Allah] and the Reminder الذكرو المُذَكِّر 497

Notes 501

Vices And Those Who Commit Them 502

Vices and Those who commit them الذُّنوب والمعاصي وأهلها 502

Divulgence [Of Secrets] 509

Divulgence [of Secrets] الإذاعَة 509

The Compassionate 510

The Compassionate الرَّؤف 510

Opinions And The Opinonated 511

Opinions and the Opinonated1 الرأي والآراء والمستبد بالرأي 511

Notes 514

Showing Off 515

Showing Off الريا والمُرائي 515

Profit And Gain 516

Profit and Gain الرّباح والرابح 516

Hope In [The Mercy Of] Allah And [In] Others 517

Hope in [The Mecy of] Allah and [in] others الرجاء من اللّه وغيره 517

Mercy And Compassion 519

Mercy and Compassion الرَّحْم والرحمة 519

Near Relatives And Keeping Or Cutting Off Ties With Them 521

Near Relatives and Keeping or Cutting off Ties with Them الأرحام وصلتها وقطيعتها 521

Ease 525

Ease الرّخاء 525

Restraint 526

Resrtaint الارتداع 526

Depravities 527

Depravities الرّذائل 527

Sustenance And One Who Seeks It 528

Sustenance and One Who Seeks It الرّزق وطالبه 528

Notes 530

Confiding In Others 531

Confiding in others الاسترسال 531

The Messenger And His Message 532

The Messenger and His Message الرسول وأدبه والكتاب 532

Rectitude And Right Guidance 533

Rectitude and Right Guidance الرُّشد والاِسترشاد والمسترشد 533

Being Pleased And Satisfied 534

Being Pleased and Satisfied الرّضا والراضي 534

Desire And Longing 539

Desire And Longing الرّغبة 539

Notes 539

Leniency And Gentleness 540

Leniency And Gentleness الرِّفق واللين 540

Notes 542

Self-Scrutiny 543

Self-Scrutiny المراقبة 543

Mode Of Transport 544

Mode Of Transport المَركَب 544

The Souls 545

The Souls الأرواح 545

Peace Of Mind 546

Peace Of Mind الراحة 546

The Intended Objective 547

The Intended Objective المراد 547

Discipline 548

Discipline الرياضة 548

Restraint 549

Restraint الازدجار 549

Charity 550

Charity الزكاة 550

Lapses 551

Lapses الزّلل 551

Adultery 552

Adultery الزنا 552

The Wife 553

The Wife الزوجة 553

Provision 554

Provision الزاد 554

Renunciation Of Worldly Pleasures 556

Renunciation Of Worldly Pleasures1 الزهد والزاهدين 556

Notes 560

Visiting 561

Visiting الزّيارة 561

Adornment 562

Adornment الزِّينَةُ 562

Begging And Asking People 563

Begging And Asking People السُؤال والطّلب عن الناس 563

Question And Answer 566

Question And Answer السؤال والجواب 566

Causes And Means 568

Causes And Means الأسباب والوسائل 568

Competition 569

Competition المسابقة 569

Prostration And Bowing 570

Prostration And Bowing السّجود والركوع 570

Prison 571

Prison السّجن 571

Displeasure 572

Displeasure السَّخَط 572

Generosity 573

Generosity السخاء 573

Notes 577

Aptness 578

Aptness السَّداد 578

Mirage 579

Mirage السَّراب 579

Dismissal 580

Dismissal السَّراح 580

Inward Thoughts And Feelings 581

Inward Thoughts And Feelings السرائر 581

Secret And Confidential Discussions 582

Secret And Confidential Discussions السّـرُّ والنّجوى 582

Happiness And Putting Joy In The Hearts 585

Happiness And Putting Joy In The Hearts السرور وادخال السرور 585

Extravagance 586

Extravagance الإسراف 586

Theft 588

Theft السّرقة 588

Aid 589

Aid المساعدة 589

Felicity 590

Felicity السَّعادة 590

The Felicitous 592

The Felicitous- السعيد 592

Striving And Seeking 593

السعي والإسراع والطلب Striving and Seeking- 593

Travel 594

Travel السَّفر - 594

The Envoy 595

The Envoy- السفير 595

Spilling Blood 596

Spilling blood سفك الدِّماء - 596

The Ships Of Salvation 597

Ships of Salvation -سفن النَّجاة 597

Dimwittedness 598

Dimwittedness-السَّفه 598

The Dimwit 599

The Dimwit- السّفيه والسفهاء 599

Maladies 600

Maladies- الأسْقام 600

Notes 600

Calmness and Solemnity 601

Calmness and Solemnity-السكينة والوقار 601

The Preceding 603

The Preceding-السَّلف 603

Salāms And Greetings 604

Salams and Greetings-السلام والتحيّة 604

Peace and Reconciliation 605

Peace and Reconciliation-السِّلم والمسالمة 605

Islam 606

Islam-الإسلام 606

The Muslims 608

The Muslims-المسلمون 608

Submission To The Will Of Allah 609

Submission to the Will of Allah-المسالمة مع اللّه والتسليم والاِنقياد 609

Security 610

Security-السّلامة 610

The One Who Surrenders 611

The One Who Surrenders- المستسلم 611

Forgetfulness 612

Forgetfulness-السلوّ والنسيان 612

Condolences and Congratulations 613

Condolences and Congratulations-التسلية والتّهنية 613

Mien 614

Mien-السَّمْت 614

Hearing and Sight 615

Hearing and Sight-السَّمع والبصر 615

Listening and The Listener 616

Listening and the listener-الاِستماع والسامع والمستمع 616

Righteous Practices 617

Righteous Practices-السنة الصالحة 617

Doing Wrong To Others 618

Doing Wrong to Others-الإساءة 618

Procrastination 619

Procrastination-التسويف 619

Eminence And The Eminent 620

Eminence and Eminent-السَّـيِّد والسُّؤدد 620

Markets 622

Markets-الأسواق 622

Night Vigil 623

Night Vigil-السَّهَر 623

Facilitation 624

Facilitation-التَّسَهُّل 624

Mode Of Conduct 625

Mode of Conduct-السيرة 625

Administrative Policies 626

Administrative Policies-السياسات 626

Youth 627

Youth-الشَّباب 627

Overeating And Gluttony 628

Overeating and Gluttony-الشبع والبطنة 628

Vilification 630

Vilification-الشَّتم 630

Courage And The Courageous 631

Courage and the courageous-الشجاع والشجاعة 631

Difficulties 632

Difficulties-الشَّدائد 632

Evil And The Wicked 633

Evil and the Wicked-الشَّـرّ والأشرار 633

Honour And The Honourable 638

Honor and the honorable-الشّرف وذو الشرف 638

Notes 639

East And West 640

East and West-المشرق والمغرب 640

Polytheism 641

Polytheism- الشرك 641

Partnership 642

Partnership-الشركة 642

Voraciousness And The Voracious 643

Voraciousness and the voracious- الشَّـرَهُ والشَّرِهُ 643

Satan 645

Satan-الشيطان 645

Being Occupied 647

Being Occupied-الاشتغال 647

The Intercessor and Interceder 648

The Intercessor and the Interceder- الشفيع والشافع 648

Dissension 649

Dissension-الشِّقاق 649

Wretchedness 650

Wretchedness- الشَّـقاء 650

The Wretched 651

The Wretched-الشقي 651

Notes 651

Gratitude And The Grateful 652

Gratitude and the grateful-الشُّكر والشاكر 652

Notes 659

Doubt And Misgiving 660

Doubt and Misgiving-الشك والاِرتياب 660

Notes 662

Complaining Of Distress 663

Complaining of Distress-شِكاية الضرّ 663

Schadenfreude 664

Schadenfreude- الشماتة 664

Consultation And Deliberation 665

Consultation and Deliberation- الشور والمشاورة 665

Eagerness And Longing 670

Eagerness and Longing-الشّوق والمشتاق 670

Lust 671

Lust-الشهوة 671

The Martyr 676

The Martyr-الشهيد 676

Testimony 677

Testimony-الشَّهادة 677

Fame And Renown 678

Fame and renown-الشُّهرة والنّباهَة 678

Grey Hair Of Old Age 679

Grey Hair of Old Age-الشَّيب 679

The Followers (Shi‘a) 680

The Followers (Shi’a)-الشيعة 680

The Disgrace Of A Man 681

The Disgrace of a Man-شَيْن الرّجل 681

Patience And The Patient 682

Patience and the patient-الصبر والصابر 682

Notes 692

Young Children 693

Young Children-الصبيان 693

Good Health And The Healthy 694

Good Health and the Healthy-الصّحّة وأهل الصّحّة 694

The Chest 695

The Chest-الصَّدر 695

Charities 696

Charities-الصدقات 696

Truthfulness 698

Truthfulness-الصدق 698

Notes 702

The Truthful 703

The Truthful-الصّادق 703

Change Of Circumstances 704

Change of Circumstances-تصاريف الأحوال 704

The Rigid 705

The Rigid-الصّليب 705

Welfare Of The Believers 706

Welfare of the Believers-صَلاح المؤمنين 706

Being Dutiful With Allah 707

Being Dutiful with Allah-الصلاح مع اللّه 707

Reforming The People 708

Reforming the People-إصْلاح النّاس 708

Vainglory 709

Vainglory-الصَّلَفَ 709

Prayer And One Who Stands For Prayer 710

Prayer and one who stands for Prayer-الصلوة والقائم 710

Silence 711

Silence-الصَّمْت 711

Hardships 715

Hardships-المصائب 715

The One Who Hits The Mark And The One Who Errs 719

The one who hits the mark and the one who errs-المصيب والمخطئ 719

Correctness 720

Correctness-الصّواب 720

Countenance 721

Countenance-الصورة 721

Fasting 722

Fasting-الصيام 722

Giving Examples And Using Metaphors 723

Giving Examples and using metaphors-ضرب الأمثال وصرف الأقوال 723

Laughter 724

Laughter-الضّحك 724

Suffering 725

Suffering-الضُـرُّ 725

Necessities 726

Necessities- الضّرورات 726

Notes 726

Weakness 727

Weakness-الضّعيف والضَّعف 727

Error And Deviation 728

Error and deviation-الضلال والضّلالة والغواية 728

Inner Consciences 729

Inner Consciences-الضمائر 729

Hospitality 730

Hospitality-الضّيف والضيافة 730

Agony 731

Agony-الضّيق 731

Jubilation 732

Jubilation-الطَّرَبُ 732

The Way and The Course 733

The way and the course-الطريق والطريقة 733

Food And Sustenance 734

Food and sustenance-الطّعام والقوت 734

Feeding Others 735

Feeding Others-الإطعام 735

Criticism 736

Criticism-الطّعن 736

Obedience And Compliance 737

Obedience and compliance-الإطاعة والاِنقياد والمطيع 737

Notes 743

Obeying Commandments 744

Obeying commandments-إطاعة الأمر 744

The Tyrant 745

The Tyrant-الطّاغي 745

The Seeker 746

The Seeker-الطالب 746

Matters That Are Pursued 747

Matters that are pursued-المطالب 747

The Sought After 748

The sought after-المطلوب 748

Covetousness 749

Covetousness-الطَّمَع والطامع 749

Haughtiness 754

Haughtiness-الاِستطالة 754

Notes 754

Innermost Thoughts 755

Innermost thoughts-الطّوية 755

Frivolity 756

Frivolity-الطَّيش 756

Victory 757

Victory-الظّفر 757

Injustice And Oppression 758

Injustice and Oppression-الظّلم والبغي 758

Notes 764

The Unjust 765

The unjust-الظالم 765

Notes 767

The Oppressed 768

The oppressed-المظلوم 768

Usurped Rights 770

Usurped rights-المظالم 770

Conjecture 771

Conjecture-الظّن 771

Support 775

Support-المظاهرة 775

Precaution 776

Precaution-الاِستظهار والمستظهر 776

The Exteriors 777

The Exteriors-الظواهر 777

Lightness of One’s Burden 778

Lightness of one’s burden-خفة الظَّهر 778

Servitude 779

Servitude-العبودية 779

Worship And The Worshipper 780

Worship and the worshipper-العبادة والمتعبد 780

Servants 782

Servants1-العباد 782

Notes 784

Taking Lessons And Examples 785

Taking Lessons and Examples1-العبرة والاِعتبار 785

Notes 789

Reprimand 790

Reprimand-العتاب 790

Emancipation 791

Emancipation-العتق والإعتاق 791

Slip Up 792

Slip up-العَثْرَة 792

Conceit 793

Conciet-العُجب 793

The Self-Admiring One 796

The Self-Admiring one-المعجِب 796

Inability 797

Inability-العجز 797

The Powerless 798

The powerless-العاجز 798

The Derriere 799

The Derriere-العجيزة 799

Haste And The Hasty 800

Haste and the hasty-العَجلة والعجول 800

The Denumerable 802

The Denumerable-المعدود 802

Readiness And Preparation 803

Readiness and Preparation-الاِستعداد 803

Justice And The Just 804

Justice and the just-العدل والعادل 804

Notes 808

The Middle Course 809

The middle course-الاِعتدال والنمط الأوسط 809

Enmity And The Enemy 810

Enmity and the Enemy-العدوّ والمعاداة 810

Notes 814

Apologizing And Offering Excuses 815

Apologizing and offering excuses-الأعذار والاِعتذار 815

Notes 816

Dignity And Reputation 817

Dignity and Reputation-الأعراض 817

Cognizance 819

Cognizance-المعرفة 819

Notes 821

The Cognizant 822

The Cognizant-العارف 822

Glory And The Honoured One 823

Glory and the Honored One-العزّة والعزيز 823

Notes 823

Seclusion 824

Seclusion-الاِعتزال 824

Resolve 826

Resolve-العزم 826

Notes 826

Adversity 827

Adversity-العسر 827

Social Interaction And Mingling 828

Social Interaction and mingling-العشرة والخلطه 828

Notes 832

The Lover 833

The Lover-العاشق 833

Seeking Protection From Allah 834

Seeking protection from Allah-الاِعتصام باللّه 834

Preserving Oneself From Sin 835

Preserving oneself from sin-العصمة والإعتصام 835

Destruction And Damage 836

Destruction and damage-العَطَب والمعاطب 836

Empathy 837

Empathy-العواطِف 837

Respect 838

Respect-التعظيم 838

Chastity 839

Chastity-العفاف 839

Well-Being 841

Well-being-العافية 841

Forgiveness And Pardon 842

Forgiveness and pardon-العفو والإقالة 842

Notes 847

Outcomes 848

Outcomes-العواقب 848

Filial Impiety 849

Filial impiety-العقوق 849

The Intellect 850

The Intellect-العقل 850

The Intelligent 863

The Intelligent-العاقل 863

The Cause And The Effects 874

The Cause And The Effects-العلل والمعلولات 874

The Celestial Realm 875

The celestial realm-العالَم العلوي 875

Knowledge 876

Knowledge-العلم 876

Notes 889

The Scholar 890

The Scholar-العالِمُ 890

Notes 895

Education And Learning 896

Education and learning-التعليم والتعلّم 896

The Student 897

The student-المتعلم والمستمع 897

Age And Lifespan 898

Age and Lifespan-العمر 898

Development And Prosperity 900

Development and prosperity-العُمران 900

Delving Deep 901

Delving deep-التعمّق 901

Actions And Deeds 902

Actions and deeds-الأعمال 902

Dealings 916

Dealings-المعاملة 916

Blindness And The Blind 917

Blindness and the blind-العِمى والأعمى 917

The Obstinate 918

The Obstinate-المُتَعَنِّتْ 918

Descent And Lineage 919

Descent and lineage-العُنْصُر والمحتد والأعراق 919

Violence 920

Violence-العُنف 920

That Which Is Of No Concern 921

That which is of no concern-ما لا يعني 921

The Crooked 922

The crooked-المُعوَّج 922

Habit 923

Habit-العادة 923

Notes 923

Resurrection And The Hour 924

Ressurection and the hour-المعاد والساعة 924

The Masses 925

The Masses-العوام 925

Assistance 926

Assistance-الإعانة 926

Seeking Assistance 927

Seeking assistance-الاِستِعانَة 927

Succor 928

Succor-المَعُونَة 928

Keeping Promises And Fulfilling Pledges 929

Keeping promises and fulfilling pledges-العهد والوفاء به 929

Flaws And Faults 935

Flaws and faults-العيب والنقص والعورة 935

Taunting 939

Taunting-التعيير 939

Lifestyle 940

Lifestyle-العيش 940

Lowering The Gaze 942

Lowering the gaze-العين وغض الطّرف 942

Notes 943

Seeing 944

Seeing-العيان 944

Helper 945

Helper-المعين 945

Inarticulateness 946

Inarticulateness-العيّ 946

Outcome 947

Outcome-المَغَبَّة 947

The Enviable 948

The Enviable-المغبوط 948

The Deceived 949

The Deceived-المغبون 949

Imbecility 950

Imbecility-الغباوة 950

Treachery 951

Treachery-الغدْر 951

Delusion 953

Delusion-الغرور 953

Usurpation 955

Usurpation-الغصب 955

Anger 956

Anger-الغضب 956

Notes 959

Seeking Forgiveness 960

Seeking forgiveness-الاِسْتِغفار 960

Negligence 961

Negligence-الغَفْلَة 961

Notes 962

The Negligent 963

The Negligent-الغافل 963

The Victor And The Vanquished 964

The Victor and the vanquished-الغالب والمغلوب 964

Fighting 965

Fighting-المغالبة 965

Mistake 966

Mistake-الغلط 966

Betrayal 967

Betrayal-الغلول 967

Rancor And Perfidy 968

Rancor and perfidy-الغلّ والغش والغشوش 968

Grief 969

Grief-الغم 969

Being Independent Of Others 971

Being independent of others-الاِسْتِغناء عَن الخَلقِ 971

Affluence And The Rich 972

Affluence and the rich-الغَنِيّ والغِنى 972

Coming To The Aid Of The Aggrieved 975

Coming to the aid of the aggrieved-إغاثَةُ المَلْهُوف 975

Backbiting 976

Backbiting-الغيبة 976

The Unseen 978

The unseen-الغيب 978

Sense Of Honour And Possessiveness 979

Sense of Honor And Possessiveness1-الغيرة 979

Notes 979

Deviation From The Right Path 980

Deviation from the right path-الغيّ 980

Notes 980

The Utmost 981

The utmost-الغاية 981

Being Optimistic 982

Being optimistic-التَّفَأّل 982

Unrest 983

Unrest-الفِتْنَة 983

The One Who Is Enthralled 984

The one who is enthralled-المفتون 984

Chivalry 985

Chivalry-الفتوّة 985

Wickedness And Immorality 986

Wickedness and immorality-الفُجورُ ومحاضر الفُسوق 986

Obscenity 987

Obscentiy-الفحش 987

Pride And Boasting 989

Pride and boasting-الفخر والتفاخر 989

Relief And Waiting For Relief 990

Relief and waiting for relief-الفَرَج واِنتظار الفرج 990

Notes 990

Happiness And Joy 991

Happiness and joy-الفرح والإبتهاج 991

Fleeing To Allah 992

Fleeing to Allah-الفرار إلى اللّه 992

Opportunity And Its Loss 993

Opportunity and its loss-الفرصة وفوتها 993

Notes 996

The Obligatory And Recommended Acts 997

The obligatory and recommended acts-الفرائِض والنوافل 997

Neglect 999

Neglect-التفريط 999

Idleness 1000

Idleness-الفَراغ 1000

Separation And Isolation 1001

Seperation and isolation-الفرقة والتفرقة 1001

Fabrication Of Lies 1002

Fabrication of lies-الاِفتراء 1002

Corruption 1003

Corruption-الفساد 1003

Indolence And Lassitude 1004

Indolence and lassitude-الفَشَلُ والفَتْرَة 1004

Ignominy 1005

Ignominy-الفضيحة 1005

Virtues And Vices 1006

Virtues and vices-الفضائل والرَّذائِل 1006

The Superfluous 1009

The superfluous-الفضول 1009

Astuteness 1010

Astuteness-الفِطْنَةُ 1010

Loss 1011

Loss-الفقد 1011

Poverty 1012

Poverty-الفقر 1012

Notes 1013

The Pauper 1014

The pauper-الفقير وأقسامه 1014

The Learned Scholars 1016

The Learned Scholars-الفقه والفقهاء 1016

Thinking And The Thinker 1017

Thinking and the thinker-الفكر والمتفكّر 1017

Successfulness 1023

Sucessfulness-الفلاح 1023

Notes 1023

Leaving The Matter To Allah 1024

Leaving the matter to Allah-تفويض الأمر إلى اللّه 1024

Understanding 1025

Understanding-الفَهْم 1025

Graves 1026

Graves-القبور 1026

Notes 1026

Facing Issues 1027

Facing issues-اِسْتقبال الاُمُور 1027

Turning Towards Allah 1028

Turning towards Allah-الإقبال والإقبال على اللّه 1028

Martyrdom In The Way of Allah 1029

Martyrdom in the way of Allah-القتل في سَبيل اللّه 1029

Plunging In 1030

Plunging in-الاقتحام 1030

Power And Might 1031

Power and might-القدرة والاقتدار 1031

Status And Worth 1032

Status and worth-القَدْر 1032

Undertaking 1034

Undertaking-الإقدام 1034

To Follow 1035

To follow-الاقتداء 1035

The Qur’an 1036

The Quran-القرآن 1036

The Near One 1039

The near one-القريب 1039

Attaining Nearness To Allah 1040

Attaining nearness to Allah-التقرب إلى اللّه 1040

Admission And Confession Of One’s Sins 1041

Admission and confession of one’s sins-الإقرار والاِعتراف بالذّنب 1041

Lending To Allah 1042

Lending to Allah-إقْراض اللّه 1042

Knocking The Door 1043

Knockng the door-قرع الباب 1043

The [Allotted] Share 1044

The [allotted] Share-القِسْم 1044

Hard-Heartedness 1045

Hard-heartedness-القسوة 1045

Goals 1046

Goals-المقاصد 1046

Moderation 1047

Moderation-القصد والاِقتصاد 1047

One Who Is Neglectful And Falls Short 1049

One who is neglectful and falls short-التقصير والمقصّر 1049

Retaliation 1050

Retaliation-القِصاص 1050

Divine Decree And Destiny 1051

Divine decree and destiny-القضاء والقدر 1051

Judges 1054

Judges-القضاة 1054

Notes 1054

Being Cut Off From Allah 1055

Being cut off from Allah-الاِنقطاع من اللّه 1055

Sitting Back 1056

Sitting back-القاعد 1056

Emulation 1057

Emulation-الاِقتفاء 1057

The Heart 1058

The heart-القلب 1058

Little 1062

Little-القليل 1062

The Least 1063

The least-أقل شيء 1063

Being Less 1064

Being less-القلّة 1064

Qunut (Raising Hands In Supplication) 1065

Qunut (Raising hands in supplication)-القنوت 1065

Despair 1066

Despair-القنوط والقانط 1066

Contentment And The Contented 1067

Contentment and the contented-القانع، والقناعة 1067

Notes 1072

Acquisitions 1073

Acquisitions-القنية والمقتنيات 1073

Speech And Speaking 1074

Speech and speaking-القول والكلام 1074

Steadfastness 1084

Steadfastness-الاِستقامة 1084

Establishing The Command Of Allah 1085

Establishing the command of Allah-إقامة أمر اللّه 1085

The Strong 1086

The strong-القَويّ 1086

Arrogance 1087

Arrogance-اَلْكِبْر 1087

The Arrogant One 1090

The arrogant one-المتكبِّر 1090

The Book And Writing 1091

The book and writing-الكتاب والكتابة 1091

Secrecy 1092

Secrecy-الكتمان 1092

Loquaciousness 1093

Loquaciousness-الإكثار 1093

Amassing [Wealth] 1094

Amassing [wealth]-التكاثر 1094

Lying 1095

Lying-الكذب 1095

Notes 1097

The Liar 1098

The liar-الكاذِبُ والكذّابُ 1098

Nobleness And Munificence 1100

Nobleness and munificence-الكرم 1100

The Noble -Minded And Munificent 1103

The noble-minded and the munificent-الكريم 1103

High Esteem 1107

High-esteem-الكرامة 1107

Noble Traits & Deeds 1108

Noble traits and deeds-المكارم 1108

The Disliked 1109

The disliked-المكروه 1109

Earnings 1110

Earnings-المكاسب وكسب الأموال 1110

Laziness And The Lazy 1111

Laziness and the lazy-الكسل والكسلان 1111

Revealing & Removing Distress 1112

Revealing and removing distress-كشف الضُرِّ 1112

Suppressing Anger 1113

Suppressing anger-الكَظم والكاظم 1113

Ingratitude 1114

Ingratitude-كفران النعمة والكفور 1114

The Disbeliever 1116

The disbeliever-الكافِر 1116

Disbelief 1117

Disbelief-الكفر 1117

Notes 1117

Restraint 1118

Restraint-الكفّ 1118

Sufficiency 1119

Sufficiency-الكفاف 1119

Recompense 1120

Recompense-المكافات 1120

Notes 1120

Competence 1121

Competence-الكفاية 1121

Duty 1122

Duty-التكليف 1122

Notes 1122

The Speaker 1123

The speaker-المتكلّم 1123

The Ideal One 1124

The ideal one-الكامل 1124

Perfection 1125

Perfection-الكمال 1125

Plots 1126

Plots-المكائد 1126

The Sagacious 1127

The sagacious-الكيّس 1127

There Is No God But Allah 1129

There is no God but Allah-لاإله إلاّ اللّه 1129

Vileness 1130

Vileness-اللُّؤم 1130

The Vile 1132

The vile-اللئيم 1132

Confusion 1136

Confusion-اللَّبْس 1136

Milk 1137

Milk-اللبن 1137

The Stubborn 1138

The stubborn-اللَّجُوج 1138

Stubbornness 1139

Stubbornness-اَللَّجاج 1139

Importunity 1141

Importunity-الإلحاح 1141

Important Events 1142

Important events-الملاحم 1142

Insults 1150

Insults-الملاحات 1150

Pleasure And Delight 1151

Pleasure and delight-اللّذة 1151

The Tongue 1153

The tongue-اللسان 1153

Notes 1157

Courteousness 1158

Courteousness-التلطُّف 1158

Vain Talk 1159

Vain talk-اللغو 1159

Meeting 1160

Meeting-اللقاء 1160

Meeting Allah 1161

Meeting Allah-لقاء اللّه 1161

Hinting 1162

Hinting-التلويح 1162

Reproach, Reprimand And Censure 1163

Reproach, reprimand and censure-الملامة والعتاب والذّم 1163

Notes 1163

Amusement 1164

Amusement-اللهو 1164

Night And Day 1166

Night and day-اللَّيل والنّهار 1166

Gentleness And Softness 1167

Gentleness and softness-اللّين واللَّيِّن 1167

Notes 1167

Distinction 1168

Distinction-المجد 1168

Tribulations 1169

Tribulations-المحن 1169

Praise And Extolment 1170

Praise and extolment-المدح والثَّناء 1170

The Human Being 1172

The human being-الْمَرْء والرجل 1172

Magnanimity 1175

Magnanimity-المُروءة 1175

Sickness 1180

Sickness-المرض 1180

Disputation And Argument 1181

Disputation and argument-المراء والجدال 1181

Joking 1182

Joking-المزاح 1182

Walking 1184

Walking-المَشي 1184

Notes 1184

Delay 1185

Delay-المطل 1185

Scheming 1186

Scheming-المكر 1186

The Devising Of Allah 1187

The devising of Allah-مكر اللّه 1187

The Schemer And Plotter 1188

The schemer and the plotter-الماكر والمكور 1188

Flattery 1189

Flattery-المَلَق 1189

Kings And Rulers 1190

Kings and rulers-الملوك 1190

Mālik Al-Ashtar 1197

Malik al-Ashtar-مالك الأشتر 1197

Angels 1198

Angels-المَلائِكة 1198

The Slave 1199

The slave-المملوك 1199

One Who Is Fed-Up 1200

One who is fed-up-الملول 1200

Irritation 1201

Irritation-الملل 1201

The Inaccessible 1202

The inaccessible-الممتنع 1202

To Put [Others] Under Obligation 1203

To put [others] under obligation-الْمَنّ والإمتنان 1203

Death 1206

Death-المَوت 1206

Notes 1213

The Dead 1214

The dead-الموتى 1214

Wealth And Riches 1215

Wealth and riches-المال والثروة 1215

Notes 1222

Inclination 1223

Inclination-الميل والأواء 1223

Nobility And The Noble 1224

Nobility and the noble-النّبل والنبلاء 1224

Attentiveness 1225

Attentiveness-الاِنتباه 1225

Prophets, Messengers And Imams 1226

Prophets, Messengers and Imams-الأنبياء والرسل والأئمة 1226

Success, Prosperity And Salvation 1227

Success, prosperity and salvation-النّجاح والنّجاة والنجح 1227

Helping And Seeking Help 1228

Help and seeking help-النجد والاِستنجاد 1228

Secret Conversation 1229

Secret conversation-المناجاة 1229

Remorse And Regret 1230

Remorse and regret-الندم والندامة 1230

The Remorseful 1231

The remorseful-النادم 1231

Warning 1232

Warning-الإنذار 1232

Dispute 1233

Dispute-المنازعة 1233

The Home 1234

The home-المنزل 1234

Remaining Pure And Free From Sin 1235

Remaining pure and free from sin-التَّنزّه والنزاهة 1235

Outing 1236

Outing-النُزهة 1236

The Devotee 1237

The devotee-المُتَنَسِّك 1237

Women 1238

Women-النِّساء 1238

Forgetting Allah 1241

Forgetting Allah-نسيان اللّه 1241

Sincere Advice 1242

Sincere advice-النُّصْح والنصيحة 1242

Supporting The Truth 1246

Supporting the truth-نُصرة الحق 1246

Supporting Falsehood 1247

Supporting falsehood-نصرة الباطل 1247

Seeking Support 1248

Seeking support-الاِنْتصار 1248

One Whose Supporter Is Allah 1249

One whose supporter is Allah-من كان اللّه نصيره 1249

Seeking Justice 1250

Seeking justice-الاِنتصاف 1250

Equity 1251

Equity-الإنصاف 1251

The Equitable 1253

The equitable-اَلمُنْصِفُ 1253

The Viewed 1254

The viewed-المَنظر 1254

Notes 1254

Being Systematic In Work 1255

Being systematic in work-النَّظمُ في العمل 1255

Blessing 1256

Blessing-النِّعْمَة 1256

Trouble 1261

Trouble-التنغيص 1261

Aversion 1262

Aversion-النفرة 1262

The Soul And Holding It To Account 1263

The soul and holding it to account-النفس ومحاسبتها 1263

Notes 1285

Giving And Withholding Charity 1286

Giving and withholding charity-الإنْفاق والإمساك 1286

Notes 1287

Hypocrisy 1288

Hypocrisy-النِّفاق 1288

The Hypocrite 1289

The Hypocrite-المنافق 1289

Deficiency 1292

Deficiency-المنقصة 1292

The Deficient 1293

The Deficient-المنقوص 1293

Revenge 1294

Revenge-الاِنتقام 1294

Divine Wrath 1295

Divine wrath-النّقم 1295

The Defaulters, The Iniquitous And The Transgressors 1296

The Defaulters, The Iniquitous And The Transgressors -الناكثون والقاسطون والمارقون 1296

Marriages 1297

Marraiges-المناكح 1297

Talebearing 1298

Talebearing-النميمة 1298

People 1299

People-النّاس 1299

Sleep 1306

Sleep-النوم 1306

Deputyship 1307

Deputyship-النيابة 1307

Obtainment 1308

Obtainment-النَّيل 1308

Intention 1309

Intention-اَلنّيَّةُ 1309

Notes 1311

Reliance On Allah 1312

Reliance on Allah-الوثوق باللّه 1312

Attainment 1313

Attainment-الوجدانُ 1313

Pain 1314

Pain-الوجع 1314

Affection And Friendship 1315

Affection and friendship-الودّ والتودد والمودّة 1315

Notes 1319

Piety 1320

Piety-الوَرَع 1320

Financial Support 1326

Financial support-المواسات 1326

Tattletale 1327

Tattletale-الواشي 1327

Getting Connected To Allah 1328

Getting connected to Allah-الوصول إلى اللّه 1328

Establishing Ties And Relations 1329

Establishing ties and relations-الواصل والتواصل 1329

Humility 1330

Humility-التواضع 1330

Notes 1332

Homeland 1333

Homeland-الوطن 1333

Admonition 1334

Admonition-الواعظ والموعظة 1334

God-Given Success 1339

God-given success-التوفيق 1339

Notes 1341

Agreement 1342

Agreement-الوفاق 1342

Shamelessness And The Shameless 1343

Shamelessness and the shameless-الوقاح والوقاحة 1343

Impudence 1344

Impudence-القحة 1344

Reverence 1345

Reverence-التوقير 1345

Precautionary Dissimulation 1346

Precautionary dissumilation-التقيّة 1346

God-Wariness 1347

God-wariness-التقوى 1347

The God-Wary And Godfearing People 1355

The God-wary and God fearing people-الأتقياءوالمتّقون 1355

Putting Trust In Allah 1358

Putting trust in Allah-التَّوكل 1358

The Child 1361

The Child-الولد 1361

Notes 1361

The Close Friends And Lovers Of Allah 1362

The close friends and lover of Allah-أولِياء اللّه وأحبائه 1362

Lethargy 1363

Lethargy-التواني 1363

The Grant 1364

The grant-الموهبة 1364

Delusion 1365

Delusion-الوهم 1365

Suspicion 1366

Suspicion-التُّهْمة 1366

True Guidance From Allah 1367

True guidance from Allah-الهدى وهدى اللّه 1367

Notes 1368

Gifts 1369

Gifts-الهَدِيَّة 1369

Idle Talk 1370

Idle talk-الهَذَر 1370

Joking 1371

Joking-الهزل 1371

The Causes Of Downfall And Ruin 1372

The causes of downfall and ruin-المهلكات والموبقات والمحرقات 1372

The Scandal-Monger 1373

The scandal monger-الهمّاز 1373

Endeavours 1374

Endeavours-الهِمَم 1374

Irresponsibility 1376

Irresponsibility-التهوّر 1376

The Frightful 1377

The frightful-الأهوال 1377

Disdain 1378

Disdain-الاِسْتهانة 1378

Vain Desire 1379

Vain desire-الهوى 1379

Notes 1385

Dread And Awe 1386

Dread and awe-الهيبة 1386

Loss Of Hope 1387

Loss of Hope1-اليَأْس 1387

Notes 1388

Orphans 1389

Orphans-الأيتام 1389

Alertness And Vigilance 1390

Alertness and vigilance -اليقظة والتيقّظ في الدين 1390

Certitude 1391

Certitude-اليقين 1391

Notes 1394