Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


Forbearance الحِلْمُ

1 . Forbearance is one of the two excellent traits.

1 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ أحَدُ المَنْقِبَتَيْنِ

2 . Forbearance during intense rage protects [one] from the wrath of the Almighty.

2 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ عِنْدَ شِدَّةِ الْغَضَبِ يُؤْمِنُ غَضَبَ الْجَبّارِ

3 . Forbearance puts out the fire of rage and acrimoniousness stokes it.

3 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ يُطْفِيءُ نارَ الْغَضَبِ، والْحِدَّةُ تُؤَجِّجُ إحْراقَهُ

4 . Be forbearing and you will be honoured.

4 ـ أُحْلُمْ تُـكْرَمْ

5 . Be forbearing and you will be respected.

5 ـ أُحْلُمْ تُوَقَّرْ

6 . Bear [the actions of others] with patience, otherwise you will never be pleased.

6 ـ أَغْضِ عَلَى الْقَذى، وإلاّ لَمْ تَرْضَ أبَداً

7 . Veil [your] anger with forbearance and ignore misconceptions with understanding.

7 ـ احْتَجِبْ عَنِ الغَضَبِ بِالْحِلْمِ، وغُضَّ عَنِ الوَهْمِ بِالْفَهْمِ

8 . The strongest of all people is the one who overcomes his anger with his forbearance.

8 ـ أقْوىَ النّاسِ مَنْ قَوِيَ عَلى غَضَبِهِ بِحِلْمِهِ

9 . The best forbearance is suppressing anger and exercising self-restraint despite having power [to exact revenge].

9 ـ أفْضَلُ الحِلْمِ كَظْمُ الغَيْظِ، ومِلْكُ النَّفْسِ مَعَ القُدْرَةِ

10 . The most courageous of people is the one who defeats ignorance with forbearance.

10 ـ أشْجَعُ النّاسِ مَنْ غَلَبَ الجَهْلَ بِالحِلْمِ

11 . Verily the best of characteristics of men is forbearance.

11 ـ إنَّ أفْضَلَ أخْلاقِ الرِّجالِ الحِلْمُ

12 . Delaying punishment is from the perfection of forbearance.

12 ـ مِنْ كَمالِ الحِلْمِ تَأْخِيرُ العُقُوبَةِ

13 . Forbearance is [like] a tribe [as it protects those who belong to it].

13 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ عَشِيرَةٌ

14 . Forbearance is the ornament of [one’s] character.

14 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ زَيْنُ الْخُلْقِ

15 . Forbearance is the symbol of excellence.

15 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ عُنْوانُ الفَضْلِ

16 . Forbearance is the cornerstone of [good] leadership.

16 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ رَأْسُ الرِّياسَةِ

17 . Forbearance is the fruit of knowledge.

17 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ ثَمَرَةُ العِلْمِ

18 . Forbearance is a means of silencing the foolish.

18 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ فِدامُ السَّفِيهِ

19 . Forbearance is the embellishment of knowledge.

19 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ زينَةُ الْعِلْمِ

20 . Forbearance is the perfection of intellect.

20 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ تَمامُ الْعَقْلِ

21 . Forbearance (or wisdom) is light, [and] its essence is the intellect.

21 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ (الحِكْمَةُ) نُورٌ، جَوْهَرُهُ (جَوْهَرتُهُ) العَقْلُ

22 . Forbearance is the ornament of knowledge and the cause of peace.

22 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ حِلْيَةُ العِلْمِ، وعِلَّةُ السِّلْمِ

23 . Forbearance is the system by which the affairs of a believer are organized.

23 ـ اَلْحِلْمُ نِظامُ أمْرِ المُؤْمِنِ

24 . If in anger there is revenge, then in forbearance there is the reward of the virtuous.

24 ـ إنْ كانَ فِي الغَضَبِ الإنْتِصارُ، فَفِي الْحِلْمِ ثَوابُ الأبـْرارِ

25 . Verily forbearance is only suppression of anger and self-restraint.

25 ـ إنَّما الحِلْمُ كَظْمُ الغَيْظِ، ومِلْكُ النَّفْسِ

26 . The bane of forbearance is humiliation.

26 ـ آفَةُ الحِلْمِ الذُّلُّ

27 . When you are forbearing with a foolish person, you sadden him; so increase his sorrow by your forbearance towards him.

27 ـ إذا حَلُمْتَ عَنِ السَّفِيهِ غَمَمْتَهُ، فَزِدْهُ غَمّاً بِحِلْمِكَ عَنْهُ

28 . When you are forbearing with an ignorant person, you have given him the best reply.

28 ـ إذا حَلُمْتَ عَنِ الجاهِلِ فَقَدْ أوْسَعْتَهُ جَواباً

29 . When you hear something hateful that troubles you, then lower your head, taking no notice of it, and it will pass you by.

29 ـ إذا سَمِعْتَ مِنَ الْمَكْرُوهِ ما يُؤْذيكَ فَتَطَأْطَأْ لَهُ يُخْطِكَ

30 . When forbearance brings about corruption [and defiance in the enemy], forgiveness becomes a weakness.

30 ـ إذا كانَ الْحِلْمُ مَفْسَدةً، كانَ العَفْوُ مَعْجَزَةً

31 . Through forbearance, supporters increase.

31 ـ بِالحِلْمِ تَـكْثُرُ الأنْصارُ

32 . It is through suppression [of anger] that forbearance comes about.

32 ـ بِالْكَظْمِ يَكُونُ الْحِلْمُ

33 . Gulping down the agonies of forbearance extinguishes the fire of anger.

33 ـ تَجَرُّعُ غُصَصِ الحِلْمِ يُطْفِيءُ نارَ الغَضَبِ

34 . Gulp down the agonies, for indeed I have not seen any drink that is sweeter than this in outcome, nor more tasteful in effect.

34 ـ تَجَرَّعِ الغُصَصَ، فَإنّي لَمْ أرَ جُرْعَةً أحْلى مِنْها عاقِبَةً وَلا ألَذَّ مَغَبَّةً

35 . Gulp down the pains of forbearance, for indeed it is the cornerstone of wisdom and the fruit of knowledge.

35 ـ تَجَرَّعْ مَضَضَ الحِلْمِ، فَإنَّهُ رَأْسُ الحِكْمَةِ، وثَمَرةُ العِلْمِ

36 . The fruit of forbearance is kindness.

36 ـ ثَمَرَةُ الحِلْمِ الرِّفْقُ

37 . Virtuous forbearance is a sign of abundant knowledge.

37 ـ حُسْنُ الحِلْمِ دَليلُ وُفُورِ العِلْمِ

38 . The best forbearance is accustoming yourself to act with forbearance.

38 ـ خَيْـرُ الحِلْمِ اَلتَّحَلُّمُ

39 . The cornerstone of knowledge is forbearance.

39 ـ رَأْسُ العِلْمِ الحِلْمُ

40 . The alms-tax of forbearance is bearing patiently [with the bad behaviour of the people].

40 ـ زَكوةُ الحِلْمِ الإحْتِمالُ

41 . The cause of reverence is forbearance.

41 ـ سَبَبُ الوَقارِ اَلْحِلْمُ

42 . Espouse forbearance for verily it is the fruit of knowledge.

42 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِالحِلْمِ فَإنَّهُ ثَمَرَةُ العِلْمِ

43 . Espouse forbearance for indeed it is a pleasing characteristic.

43 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِالحِلْمِ فَإنَّهُ خُلُقٌ مَرْضِيٌّ

44 . It is when rage and anger prevails that the forbearance of the forbearing is tested.

44 ـ عِنْدَ غَلَبَةِ الغَيْظِ والْغَضَبِ يُخْتَبـَرُ حِلْمُ الْحُلَماءِ

45 . The strength [required] for forbearance in times of anger is greater than the strength [needed] for vengeance.

45 ـ قُوَّةُ الحِلْمِ عِنْدَ الغَضَبِ أفْضَلُ مِنَ القُوَّةِ عَلَى الإنْتِقامِ

46 . Forbearance is sufficient as veneration.

46 ـ كَفى بِالحِلْمِ وَقاراً

47 . Delaying punishment is from the perfection of forbearance.

47 ـ مِنْ كَمالِ الحِلْمِ تَأْخِيرُ العُقُوبَةِ

48 . The best vizier of knowledge is forbearance.

48 ـ نِعْمَ وَزِيرُ العِلْمِ الحِلْمُ

49 . The dignity of forbearance is the adornment of knowledge.

49 ـ وَقارُ الحِلْمِ زِينَـةُ العِلْمِ

50 . I found forbearance and tolerance more helpful to me than courageous men.

50 ـ وَجَدْتُ الحِلْمَ والإحْتِمالَ أنْصَرَ لي مِنْ شَِجْعانِ الرِّجالِ

51 . Do not disgrace yourselves in order to alleviate your anger, and if an ignorant person acts ignorantly towards you then let your forbearance prevail over him.

51 ـ لاتَفْضَحُوا أنْفُسَكُمْ لِتَشْفُوا غَيْظَكُمْ، وإنْ جَهِلَ عَلَيْكُمْ جاهِلٌ فَلْيَسَعْهُ حِلْمُكُمْ

52 . There is no virtue like forbearance.

52 ـ لافَضِيلَةَ كَالْحِلْمِ

53 . There is no supporter like forbearance.

53 ـ لاظَهِيرَ كَالْحِلْمِ

54 . There is no forbearance like feigning inattention [and pretending not to have noticed].

54 ـ لاحِلْمَ كَالتَّغافُلِ

55 . There is no dignity loftier than forbearance.

55 ـ لاعِزَّ أرْفَعُ مِنَ الحِلْمِ

56 . There is no honour higher than forbearance.

56 ـ لاشَرَفَ أعْلى مِنَ الحِلْمِ

57 . No one shows forbearance towards the foolish except the intelligent.

57 ـ لا يَحْلُمُ عَنِ السَّفيهِ إلاّ العاقِلُ

58 . One who has no forbearance has no knowledge.

58 ـ لاعِلْمَ لِمَنْ لاحِلْمَ لَهُ

59 . The forbearance of a person is evinced from his abundant tolerance, and his nobility [is evinced] from his abundant benefactions.

59 ـ يُسْتَدَلُّ عَلى حِلْمِ الرَّجُلِ بِكَثْرَةِ احْتِمالِهِ، وعَلى نُبْلِهِ بِكَثْرَةِ إنْعامِهِ


Praise الحمد

1 . A Praiser should praise none but his Lord.

1 ـ لايَحْمَدُ حامِدٌ إلاّ رَبَّهُ

2 . Whoever puts praise [for Allah] as the conclusion of a blessing, Allah, the Glorified, makes it the key for more [blessings].

2 ـ مَنْ جَعَلَ الْحَمْدَ خِتامَ النِّعْمَةِ جَعَلَهُ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ مِفْتاحَ المَزِيدِ

3 . Whoever praises Allah, He makes him free from want.

3 ـ مَنْ حَمِدَ اللّهَ أغْناهُ

The Praiseworthy And The Disgraceful

The Praiseworthy and the Disgraceful المحامد والمذام

1 . Try to increase your praiseworthy actions [and traits], for verily disgraceful actions [and traits] are such that very few gain salvation from them.

1 ـ إسْتَكْثِرْ مِنَ المَحامِدِ، فَإنَّ المَذامَّ قَلَّ مَنْ يَنْجُو مِنْها