Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Hope In [The Mercy Of] Allah And [In] Others

Hope in [The Mecy of] Allah and [in] others الرجاء من اللّه وغيره

1 . Keep all your hope for Allah, the Glorified, and do not have hope [in] anyone other than Him, for indeed no one has hoped in other than Allah, the Exalted, but that he has been disappointed.

1 ـ اِجْعَلُوا كُلَّ رَجائِكُمْ لِلّهِ سُبْحانَهُ، ولا تَرْجُوا أحَداً سِواهُ فَإنَّهُ ما رَجا أحدٌ غَيْرَ اللّهِ تعالى إلاّ خابَ

2 . The greatest affliction is the severance of hope.

2 ـ أعْظَمُ البَلاءِ اِنْقِطاعُ الرَّجاءِ

3 . Hope in the mercy of Allah brings more success.

3 ـ الرَّجاءُ لِرَحْمَةِ اللّهِ أنْجَحُ

4 . Verily, if you have hope in Allah you will attain your hopes, but if you have hope in other than Allah then your hopes and aspirations will be frustrated.

4 ـ إنَّكُمْ إنْ رَجَوْتُمْ اللّهَ بَلَغْتُمْ آمالَكُمْ، وإنْ رَجَوْتُمْ غَيرَ اللّهِ خابَتْ أمانيُّكم وآمالُكُمْ

5 . Many a hope leads to deprivation.

5 ـ رُبَّ رَجاء يُؤَدّي إلى حِرْمان

6 . Many a frustrated hope is brought about by a false aspiration.

6 ـ رُبَّ رَجاء خائِب لأِْمَل كاذِب

7 . Be closer to that which you do not hope for than [you are to] that which you hope for.

7 ـ كُنْ لِما لاتَرْجُو أقْرَبُ مِنْكَ لِما تَرْجُو

8 . For every absence, there is a return.

8 ـ لِكُلِّ غَيْبَة إيابٌ

9 . At times the distant may come close and the close may become distant.

9 ـ لَرُبَّما قَرُبَ البَعيدُ وبَعُدَ القَريبُ

10 . When one has hope in you, [then] do not disappoint his hope.

10 ـ مَنْ رَجاكَ فَلا تُخَيِّبْ أمَلَهُ

11 . When one is not known to have a generous nature, [then] do not have hope in him.

11 ـ مَنْ لَمْ تَعْرِفِ الكَرَمَ مِنْ طَبْعِهِ فَلا تَرْجُهُ

12 . Who would have hope in your kindness when you have cut off ties with your near relatives?!

12 ـ مَنْ ذَا الَّذي يَرْجُو فَضْلَكَ إذا قَطَعْتَ ذَوي رَحِمِكَ

13 . Whoever makes Allah, the Glorified, the refuge of his hopes, He will suffice him in his religious and worldly affairs.

13 ـ مَنْ جَعَلَ اللّهَ سُبْحانَهُ مَوْئِلَ رَجائِهِ كَفاهُ أمْرَ دينِهِ ودُنياهُ

14 . When one takes himself to be lowly, [then] do not expect [or hope] for any good from him.

14 ـ مَنْ هانَتْ عَلَيهِ نَفْسُهُ فَلا تَرْجُ خَيْرَهُ

15 . One who does no evil to others, [then] expect good from him.

15 ـ مَنْ كَفَّ شَرَّهُ فَارْجُ خَيْرَهُ

16 . Do not have hope [or expectation] except from your Lord.

16 ـ لا تَرْجُ إلاّ رَبَّكَ

17 . Do not hope in that which will cause you to receive rebuke for your hope.

17 ـ لاتَرْجُ ما تُعَنَّفُ بِرَجائِكَ

18 . Do not risk anything with the hope of getting more than it.

18 ـ لاتُخاطِرْ بِشَيْء رَجاءَ أكْثَرَ مِنْهُ

19 . Never have hope in the favour of one who makes you feel obliged, and do not rely upon the fool and the traitor.

19 ـ لاتَرْجُوَنَّ فَضْلَ مَنَّان، ولا تَأتَمِنِ الأحْمَقَ والخَوَّانَ

20 . Aba Dharr! Indeed you got angry for the sake of Allah so have hope in the One whom you got angry for. Indeed the people feared you in the matter of their world while you feared them for your faith. Then leave to them that for which they are afraid of you and get away from them with that which you feared them for. How needy they are for that which you dissuade them from and how needless you are of that which they deny you. Even if the skies and the earth were closed to an individual and [then] he feared Allah, Allah would most certainly open a way for him in them. So let nothing give you comfort but the truth and let nothing distress you except falsehood. If you would have accepted their world [and its attractions] they would have loved you, and if you had shared in it they would have given you asylum.

20 ـ يا أباذَرّ إنَّكَ (إنْ) غُضِبْتَ لِلّهِ فَارْجُ مَنْ غُضِبْتَ لَهُ، إنَّ القَوْمَ خافُوكَ على دُنْياهُمْ وخِفْتَهُم على دينِكَ،فَاتْرُكْ في أيْديهِمْ ما خافُوكَ عَلَيْهِ، واهْرُبْ مِنْهُمْ بِما خِفْتَهُمْ عَلَيْهِ، فَما أحْوَجَهُمْ إلى ما مَنَعْتَهُمْ، وما أغْناكَ عَمَّا مَنَعُوكَ، وَلَوْ أنَّ السَّمواتِ والأرضَ كانَتا على عَبْد رَتْقاً ثُمَّ اتَّقَى اللّهَ لَجَعلَ لَهُ مِنْهُما مَخْرَجاً، فلا يُؤْنِسَنَّكَ إلاَّ الحَقُّ، ولا يُوحِشَنَّكَ إلاَّ الباطِلُ، فَلَو قَبِلْتَ دُنياهُمْ لأَحَبُّوكَ، ولَوْ قَرَضْتَ مِنْها لأَمِنُوكَ

Mercy And Compassion

Mercy and Compassion الرَّحْم والرحمة

1 . By showing compassion, [divine] mercy descends.

1 ـ بِبَذْلِ الرَّحْمَةِ تُسْتَنْزَلُ الرَّحْمَةُ

2 . Being compassionate to the weak brings down [divine] mercy.

2 ـ رَحْمَةُ الضُّعَفاءِ تَسْتَنْزِلُ الرَّحْمَةَ

3 . Showing compassion to one who does not show compassion [to others] prevents [divine] mercy, and sparing one who does not spare others destroys the nation.

3 ـ رَحْمَةُ مَنْ لا يَرْحَمُ تَمْنَعُ الرَّحْمَةَ، واسْتِبْقاءُ مَنْ لا يُبْقي يُهْلِكُ الاُمَّةَ

4 . I am amazed at the one who hopes for the mercy of one who is above him, how can he not show compassion to the one who is below him?!

4 ـ عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ يَرْجُو رَحْمَةَ مَنْ فَوْقَهُ كَيْفَ لايَرحَمُ مَنْ دُونَهُ

5 . Make your heart feel compassion for all people and [show] kindness towards them, [and] do not oppress them or terrorize them.

5 ـ أشْعِر قَلْبَكَ الرَّحْمَةَ لِجَميعِ النَّاسِ والإحْسانَ إلَيْهِمْ تُنِلْهُمْ حَيْفاً وَلاتَكُنْ عَلَيْهِمْ سَيْفاً

6 . The most deserving of [showing] mercy among the people is the one who is most in need of it [himself].

6 ـ أَولَى النَّاسِ بِالرَّحْمَةِ المُحْتاجِ إلَيْها

7 . The best thing that draws forth mercy is having compassion for all people [in your heart].

7 ـ أبْلَغُ ما تَسْتَدِرُّ بِهِ الرَّحمَةُ أنْ تُضْمَرَ لِجَميعِ النَّاسِ الرَّحْمَةُ

8 . When you are incapable of helping the weak [and needy] then let your compassion encompass them.

8 ـ إذا عَجَزَ عَنِ الضُّعَفاءِ نَيْلُكَ فَلْتَسَعْهُمْ رَحْمَتُكَ

9 . Just as you show mercy, mercy will be shown to you.

9 ـ كما تَرْحَمُ تُرْحَمُ

10 . One who shows no mercy will be shown no mercy.

10 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَرْحَمْ لَمْ يُرْحَمْ

11 . One who shows no mercy to the people, Allah will withhold His mercy from him.

11 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَرْحَمِ النَّاسَ مَنَعَهُ اللّهُ رَحْمَتَهُ

12 . One in whose heart there exists no mercy, meets less of it (mercy) when he needs it.

12 ـ مَنْ لَمْ تَسْكُنِ الرَّحْمَةُ قَلْبَهُ قَلَّ لِقاؤُها لَهُ عِنْدَ حاجَتِهِ

13 . One who shows mercy is shown mercy.

13 ـ مَنْ تَرَحَّمَ رُحِمَ

14 . It is by the honourable that mercy is shown.

14 ـ مِنَ الكِرامِ تَكُونُ الرَّحْمَةُ

15 . One of the surest means of intelligence is showing mercy to the ignorant.

15 ـ مِنْ أوْكَدِ أسْبابِ العَقلِ رَحْمَةُ الجُهَّالِ

Near Relatives And Keeping Or Cutting Off Ties With Them

Near Relatives and Keeping or Cutting off Ties with Them الأرحام وصلتها وقطيعتها

1 . By keeping ties with near relatives, blessings flow forth [abundantly].

1 ـ بِصِلَةِ الرَّحِمِ تَسْتَدِرُّ النِّعَمُ

2 . By cutting off ties with near relatives, [divine] retributions are brought down.

2 ـ بِقَطيعَةِ الرَّحِمِ تُسْتَجْلَبُ النِّقَمُ

3 . The kindness of a person towards his near relatives is a [form of] charity.

3 ـ بِرُّ الرَّجُلِ ذَوي رَحِمِهِ صَدَقَةٌ

4 . The protection of blessings is in keeping ties with near relatives.

4 ـ حِراسَةُ النِّعَمِ في صِلَةِ الرَّحِمِ

5 . The descending of [divine] retributions is in cutting off ties with near relatives.

5 ـ حُلُولُ النِّقَمِ في قَطيعَةِ الرَّحِمِ

6 . Many a near relative is farther away than one who is distant [or unrelated].

6 ـ رُبَّ قَريب أبْعدُ مِنْ بَعيد

7 . Many ties are better to cut off than to keep.

7 ـ رُبَّ مُواصَلَة خَيْرٌ مِنْها القَطيعَةُ

8 . Sometimes [certain] ties may result in heavy burdens [and obligations].

8 ـ رُبَّ مُواصَلَة أدَّتْ إلى تَثْقيل

9 . Keeping ties with near relatives makes blessings flow forth and repels calamities.

9 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ تُدِرُّ النِّعَمَ وتَدْفَعُ النِّقَمَ

10 . Keeping ties with near relatives is one of the best practices.

10 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ مِنْ أحسَنِ الشِّيَمِ

11 . Keeping ties with near relatives makes the numbers grow and multiplies the blessings.

11 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ مَنْماةٌ لِلْعَدَدِ مَثْراةٌ لِلنِّعَمِ

12 . Keeping ties with near relatives hurts the enemy and protects one from falling into evil places of destruction.

12 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ تَسُوءُ العَدُوَّ، وتَقي مَصارِ عَ السُّوءِ

13 . Keeping ties with near relatives produces wealth and delays death.

13 ـ صِلَةُ الأرحامِ تُثْمِرُ الأمْوالَ، وتُنْسِيُ فِي الآجالِ

14 . Keeping ties with near relatives brings about love and restrains the enemy.

14 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ تُوجِبُ المَحَبَّةَ، وتَكْبِتُ العَدُوَّ

15 . Keeping ties with near relatives increases [one’s] lifespan and makes wealth grow [and multiply].

15 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ تُوَسِّعُ الآجالَ،وَ تُنْمِي الأمْوالَ

16 . Keeping ties with near relatives is a means of increasing wealth and a raiser of [good] deeds.

16 ـ صِلَةُ الأرحامِ مِثْراةٌ فِي الأموالِ، مِرْفَعَةٌ لِلأعْمالِ

17 . Keeping ties with near relatives is from the best practices of the honourable ones.

17 ـ صِلَةُ الأرْحامِ مِنْ أفْضَلِ شِيَمِ الكِرامِ

18 . Keeping ties with near relatives makes blessings flourish and repels [divine] retributions.

18 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ عِمارَةُ النِّعَمِ، ودِفاعَةُ النِّقَمِ

19 . Keeping ties with near relatives makes the numbers grow and results in eminence.

19 ـ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ تُنْمِي العَدَدَ، وتُوجِبُ السُّؤْدَدَ

20 . One who is neglected by the near one is [made dear to and] supported by the distant [unrelated] one.

20 ـ مَنْ ضَيَّعَهُ الأقْرَبُ، اُقيحَ لَهُ الأبْعَدُ

21 . One who wrongs his near relative has indeed disgraced his honour.

21 ـ مَنْ جَفا أهْلَ رَحِمِهِ، فَقَدْ شانَ كَرَمَهُ

22 . Part of honour is keeping ties with near relatives.

22 ـ مِنَ الكَرَمِ صِلَةُ الرَّحِمِ

23 . In keeping ties with near relatives there is the safeguarding of blessings.

23 ـ في صِلَةِ الرَّحِمِ حِراسَةُ النِّعَمِ

24 . In cutting off ties with near relatives there is the coming down of [divine] retributions.

24 ـ في قَطيعةِ الرَّحِمِ حُلُولُ النِّقَمِ

25 . Keeping ties with near relatives is a means of growing the numbers.

25 ـ وَصِلَةَ الأرْحامِ مَنْماةً لِلْعَدَدِ

26 . Cutting off ties with near relatives brings [divine] retributions.

26 ـ قَطيعةُ الرَّحِمِ تَجْلُبُ النِّقَمَ

27 . Cutting off ties with near relatives is one of the ugliest practices.

27 ـ قَطيعَةُ الرَّحِمِ مِنْ أقْبَحِ الشِّيَمِ

28 . Cutting off ties with near relatives causes the cessation of blessings.

28 ـ قَطيعةُ الرَّحِمِ تُزيلُ النِّعَمَ

29 . There is no increase [in wealth] with cutting off ties with near relatives.

29 ـ لَيْسَ مَعَ قَطيعَةِ الرَّحِمِ نَماءٌ

30 . No one is considered close by the one who cuts off ties with his near relatives.

30 ـ لَيْسَ لِقاطِعِ رَحِم قَريبٌ

31 . It is not part of honour to cut off ties with near relatives.

31 ـ لَيْسَ مِنَ الكَرَمِ قَطيعةُ الرَّحِمِ

32 . Honour your family, for indeed they are your wings by which you fly, and your origin to which you return, and your hand by which you attack [the enemy].

32 ـ أكْرِمْ عشيَرتََكَ فَإنَّهُمْ جَناحُكَ الَّذي بِهِ تَطيرُ، وأصْلُكَ الَّذي إلَيهِ تَصيرُ، ويَدُكَ الَّتي بِها تَصُولُ

33 . Honour your near relatives, revere the forbearing from among them, be patient with the foolish among them and lighten the burden for the poor among them, for verily they are the best means of support [and assistance] in times of difficulty and ease.

33 ـ أكْرِمْ ذَوي رَحِمِكَ، ووَقِّرْ حَليمَهُمْ، واحْلُمْ عَنْ سَفيِهِهِمْ وتَيَسَّرْ لِمُعسِرِهِمْ، فَإنَّهُمْ لَكَ نِعْمَ العُدَّةُ فِي الشِدَّةِ والرَّخاءِ

34 . The best practice is keeping ties with near relatives.

34 ـ أفْضَلُ الشِّيَمِ صِلَةُ الأرْحامِ

35 . Indeed when near relatives are in contact, they become kind to each other.

35 ـ إنَّ الرَّحِمَ إذا تماسَّتْ تَعاطَفَتْ

36 . Verily keeping ties with near relatives is from the obligatory acts of Islam, and Allah, the Glorified, has commanded that they should be honoured, and He, the Most High, keeps ties with the one who keeps ties with them and cuts off ties with the one who cuts off ties with them and honours the one who honours them.

36 ـ إنَّ صِلَةَ الأرْحامِ لَمِنْ مُوجِباتِ الإسْلامِ، وإنَّ اللّهَ سُبحانَهُ أمَرَ بِإكْرامِها، وإنَّهُ تعالى يَصِلُ مَنْ وَصَلَها، ويَقْطَعُ مَنْ قَطَعَها، ويُكْرِمُ مَنْ أكرَمَها

37 . Making false accusations is the first step in cutting off ties.

37 ـ التَّجَنّي أوَّلُ القَطيعَةِ

38 . Beware! None of you should ever abandon [any of] his near relatives whom he finds in [a state of] poverty and [neither should he] desist in helping them with that which will not increase if he withholds it nor will it decrease if he spends it.

38 ـ ألا لايَعدِلَنَّ أحَدُكُمْ عَنِ القَرابَةِ، يَرى بِهَا الخَصاصَةَ أنْ يَسُدَّها بِالَّذي لايَزيدُهُ إنّ أمْسَكَهُ ولايَنْقُصُهُ إنْ أنْفَقَهُ

39 . False accusation is the messenger of severance of ties.

39 ـ التَّجَنّي رَسُولُ القَطيعَةِ

40 . He who cuts off ties [with near relatives] does not believe in Allah.

40 ـ ما آمَنَ بِاللّهِ مَنْ قَطَعَ رَحِمَهُ

41 . How ugly is cutting off ties after establishing them, and alienation after brotherhood, and enmity after goodwill, and the disappearance of affinity after it had been strengthened.

41 ـ ما أقْبَحَ القَطيعَةَ بَعْدَ الصِّلَةِ والجَفاءَ بَعْدَ الإخاءِ والعَداوَةَ بَعْدَ الصَّفاءِ، وزَوالَ الاُلْفَةِ بَعْدَ اسْتِحْكامِها

42 . Who will ever trust you when you are disloyal to your near relatives?

42 ـ مَنْ ذَا الَّذي يَثِقُ بِكَ إذا غَدَرْتَ بِذَوي رَحِمِكَ

43 . Many a distant one is closer than every near one.

43 ـ رُبَّ بَعيد أقْرَبُ مِنْ كُلِّ قريب


Ease الرّخاء

1 . When the circle of affliction tightens, ease follows.

1 ـ عِنْدَ تَضائُقِ حِلَقِ البَلاءِ يَكُونُ الرَّخاءُ

2 . The excellence of gratitude is in times of ease.

2 ـ فِي الرَّخاءِ تَكُونُ فَضيلَةُ الشُّكْرِ


Resrtaint الارتداع

1 . One who does not restrain himself [from evils and excesses] is ignorant.

1 ـ مَنْ لَمْ تَرْتَدِعْ يَجْهَلْ


Depravities الرّذائل

1 . By keeping away from depravities, you are saved from disgrace.

1 ـ بِتَجَنُّبِ الرَّذائِلِ تَنْجُو مِنَ العابِ

2 . Do not make yourself needless through depravities such that your value is dropped.

2 ـ لاتَغْنَ بِالرَّذائِلِ فَتَسْقُطَ قيمَتُكَ

3 . He who delights in depravities will never succeed.

3 ـ لايُفْلِحُ مَنْ يَتَبَجَّجُ بِالرَّذائِلِ

4 . It is sufficient of a depravity for one to be pleased [and impressed] with himself.

4 ـ كَفى بِالمَرْءِ رَذيلَةً أنْ يُعْجِبَ بِنَفْسهِ

5 . Decline into depravities easily destroys.

5 ـ اَلاِنحِطاطُ إلَى الرَّذائِلِ سَهْلٌ مُرْد

Sustenance And One Who Seeks It

Sustenance and One Who Seeks It الرّزق وطالبه

1 . Make sustenance come down by [giving] charity.

1 ـ اِسْتَنْزِلُوا الرِّزقَ بِالصَّدَقَةِ

2 . Verily Allah, the Glorified, dislikes to put the sustenance of his believing servants except [in places] from where they least expect it.

2 ـ إنَّ اللّهَ سُبْحانَهُ أبى أنْ يَجْعَلَ أرزاقَ عِبادِهِ المُؤْمِنينَ إلاّ مِنْ حَيثُ لايَحتَسِبُونَ

3 . Assistance comes down from Allah to the extent of the provisions [that are required for sustenance].

3 ـ تَنْزِلُ مِنَ اللّهِ المَعُونَةُ عَلى قَدْرِ المَؤُنَةِ

4 . Your sustenance is seeking you, so spare yourself the trouble of seeking it.

4 ـ رِزْقُكَ يَطْلُبُكَ، فَأرِحْ نَفْسَكَ مِنْ طَلَبِهِ

5 . He who seeks sustenance from the wicked has accepted deprivation.

5 ـ رَضِـيَ بِالحِْرمانِ طالِبُ الرِّزقِ مِنَ اللِّئامِ

6 . The sustenance of every person is preordained just as the end of his life is predetermined.

6 ـ رِزْقُ كُلُّ امْرِء مُقَدَّرٌ كَتَقْديرِ أجَلِهِ

7 . The sustenance of a person is proportionate to his intention.

7 ـ رِزقُ المَرْءِ على قَدْرِ نِيَّتِهِ

8 . That which has been decreed for you will come to you, so take it easy in your earning.

8 ـ سَوْفَ يَأتيكَ ما قُدِرَ لَكَ، فَخَفِّضْ فِي المُكْتَسَبِ

9 . All of you are the dependants of Allah, and Allah, the Glorified, takes care of His dependants.

9 ـ كُلُّكُمْ عِيالُ اللّهِ واللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ كافِلُ عِيالِهِ

10 . For every sustenance there is a means, so be moderate in your seeking [it].

10 ـ لِكُلِّ رِزق سَبَبٌ، فَأَجْمِلُوا فِي الطَّلَبِ

11 . No [other] seeker will ever overtake you in [acquiring] your sustenance.

11 ـ لَنْ يَسْبِقَكَ إلى رِزْقِكَ طالِبٌ

12 . Nobody will ever overcome you in getting that which has been decreed for you.

12 ـ لَنْ يَغلِبَكَ على ما قُدِّرَ لَكَ غالِبٌ

13 . That which has been apportioned for you will never escape you so be moderate in what you seek.

13 ـ لَنْ يَفُوتَكَ ما قُسِمَ لَكَ فَأَجْمِلْ فِي الطَّلَبِ

14 . That sustenance which has been decreed for a soul shall not escape it.

14 ـ لَمْ يَفُتْ نَفْساً ما قُدِّرَ لَها مِنَ الرِّزقِ

15 . If sustenance was bestowed based on understanding and intellect, the animals and foolish ones would not live.

15 ـ لَوْ جَرَتِ الأرْزاقُ بِالألبابِ والعُقُولِ لَمْ تَعِشِ البَهائِمُ وَالحَمْقى

16 . One who is [too] concerned about his next day’s sustenance will never be successful.

16 ـ مَنِ اهْتَمَّ بِرِزقِ غَد لَمْ يُفْلِحْ أبَداً

17 . One of the most pleasant blessings is abundant sustenance.

17 ـ مِنْ هَنيءِ النِّعَمِ سَعَةُ الأرْزاقِ

18 . What a good blessing abundant sustenance is!

18 ـ نِعْمَ البَرَكَةُ سَعَةُ الرِّزقِ

19 . Do not let seeking that which is guaranteed for you be more important to you than the action which has been made obligatory upon you to perform.

19 ـ لايَكُنِ المَضْمُونُ لَكَ طَلَبُهُ أَوْلى بِكَ مِنَ المَفْرُوضِ عَلَيْكَ عَمَلُهُ

20 . Do not let the worry of the day which has not come upon you bear on the day which has [already] come upon you, for indeed if it will be from your lifetime, [then] Allah, the Glorified, will grant your sustenance in it and if it is not from your lifetime then what worry do you have for that which is not for you?!

20 ـ لاتَحْمِل هَمَّ يَوْمِكَ الَّذي لَمْ يَأتِكَ على يَوْمِكَ الَّذي قَدأتاكَ، فَإنَّهُ إنْ يَكُنْ مِنْ عُمْرِكَ يَأتِكَ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ فيهِ بِرِزقِكَ وإنْ لَمْ يَكُنْ مِنْ عُمْرِكَ فَما هَمُّكَ بِما لَيْسَ مِنْ أجَلِكَ

21 . Sustenance is not acquired by toiling [for it].1

21 ـ لايُنالُ الرِّزقُ بالتَّعَنّي

22 . No one possesses the ability to withhold sustenance or to bestow it except the Sustainer.

22 ـ لايَمْلِكُ إمْساكَ الأرْزاقِ وإدْرارَها إلاّ الرَّزّاقُ

23 . Your sustenance seeks you with more intensity than you seek it, so be moderate in what you seek.

23 ـ يَطْلُبُكَ رِزْقُكَ أشَدَّ مِنْ طَلَبِكَ لَهُ فَأَجمِلْ في طَلَبِهِ

24 . Be moderate in what you seek, for how many greedy people have been disappointed and how many who are moderate have not been unsuccessful!

24 ـ أجْمِلُوا فِي الطَّلَبِ، فَكَمْ مِنْ حَريص خائب،و مُجْمِل لَم يَخِبْ

25 . Sustenance seeks the one who does not seek it.

25 ـ الرِّزقُ يَطْلُبُ مَنْ لايَطْلُبُهُ

26 . Sustenance is not acquired by greed or by being sought after.

26 ـ اَلأرْزاقُ لاتُنالُ بِالحِرْصِ والمُطالَبَةِ

27 . Indeed I will complete my sustenance, and struggle with my [lower] self and will end with my [allotted] portion.

27 ـ إنّي مُسْتَوْف رِزقي، ومُجاهِدٌ نَفْسي، ومُنْتَه إلى قِسْمي

28 . Verily you will acquire your share - your sustenance is guaranteed and that which has been decreed for you will be fulfilled, so spare yourself the trouble of the wretchedness of greed and the humiliation of seeking [from others]; trust in Allah and take it easy in your earning.

28 ـ إنَّكَ مُدْرِكٌ قِسْمَكَ، ومَضْمُونٌ رِزْقَكَ، ومُسْتَوْف ما كُتِبَ لَكَ، فَأَرِحْ نَفْسَكَ مِنْ شَقاءِ الحِرْصِ، ومَذَلَّةِ الطَّلَبِ، وثِقْ بِاللّهِ، وخَفِّضْ فِي المُكْتَسَبِ

29 . Be satisfied and you will be relaxed.

29 ـ اِرْضَ تَسْتَرِحْ

30 . Be satisfied with that which has been apportioned for you and you will be a [true] believer.

30 ـ اِرْضَ بِما قُسِمَ لَكَ تَكُنْ مُؤْمِناً

31 . Be satisfied with the sustenance that has been apportioned for you and you will live a life of prosperity.

31 ـ اِرْضَ مِنَ الرِّزقِ بِما قُسِمَ لَكَ تَعِشْ غَنيّاً

32 . The sustenance has been apportioned; the greedy has been deprived [of what he seeks beyond his share].

32 ـ اَلرِّزقُ مَقْسُومٌ، الحَريصُ مَحْرُومٌ

33 . One who seeks more [than what has been apportioned for him], falls into loss.

33 ـ مَنْ طَلَبَ الزِّيادةَ وَقَعَ فِي النُّقصانِ

34 . The deprived may [also] be granted sustenance.

34 ـ قَدْ يُرْزَقُ المَحْرُومُ

35 . Neither you overtake your death nor will you get the sustenance that is not [decreed] for you, so why are you making yourself miserable O wretched one?!

35 ـ إنَّكَ لَسْتَ بِسابِق أجَلَكَ ولا بِمَرْزُوقِ ما لَيْسَ لَكَ فَلِما ذا تُشْقي نَفْسَكَ يا شَقِيُّ


1. Rather it is granted by Allah and provided by Him in accordance to His allotment.

Confiding In Others

Confiding in others الاسترسال

1 . One who confides less in others is safe.

1 ـ مَنْ أقَلَّ الاِسْتِرسالَ سَلِمَ

2 . One who confides a lot in others regrets.

2 ـ مَنْ أكْثَرَ الاِسْتِرسالَ نَدِمَ

3 . Confiding less in people [and not telling them your secrets] is more judicious.

3 ـ قِلَّةُ الاِسْتِرسالِ إلَى النَّاسِ أحْزَمُ

The Messenger And His Message

The Messenger and His Message الرسول وأدبه والكتاب

1 . By the intelligence of the messenger and his etiquette, the intelligence of the sender [of the message] is gauged.

1 ـ بِعَقلِ الرَّسولِ وأدَبِهِ يُسْتَدَلُّ على عَقْلِ المُرْسِلِ

2 . A person’s messenger is the interpreter of his reason, and his written message is more conveying than his speech.

2 ـ رَسُولُ الرَّجُلِ تَرْجُمانُ عَقْلِهِ، وكِتابُهُ أبْلَغُ مِنْ نُطْقِهِ

3 . You messenger is the interpreter of your intellect, and your tolerance is an indication of your forbearance.

3 ـ رَسُولُكَ تَرْجُمانُ عَقْلِكَ، واحْتِمالُكَ دَليلُ حِلْمِكَ

4 . Your messenger is the gauge of your nobility, and your pen is the most eloquent thing that speaks on your behalf.

4 ـ رَسُولُكَ ميزانُ نُبْلِكَ، وقَلَمُكَ أبْلَغُ مَنْ يَنْطِقُ عَنْكَ

Rectitude And Right Guidance

Rectitude and Right Guidance الرُّشد والاِسترشاد والمسترشد

1 . Indeed the intelligent one who is heedless strays from the path of right guidance and the one who strives with seriousness [to find it] gets it.

1 ـ لَقَدْ أخْطَاءَ العاقِلُ اللاَّهي الرُّشْدَ، وأصابَهُ ذُوالاِجْتِهادِ والجِدِّ

2 . You will never know rectitude until you know the one who has abandoned it.

2 ـ لَنْ تَعْرِفُوا الرُّشْدَ حتّى تَعْرِفُوا الَّذي تَرَكَهُ

3 . One who seeks right guidance becomes knowledgeable [about it].

3 ـ مَنِ اسْتَرشَدَ عَلِمَ

4 . One who seeks right guidance from the deviated, goes astray.

4 ـ مَنِ اسْتَرشَدَ غَوِيّاً ضَلَّ

5 . One who opposes his reason follows his desires.

5 ـ مَنْ خالفَ رُشْدَهُ تَبِـعَ هَواهُ

6 . The best of paths is [the path of] right guidance.

6 ـ أفْضَلُ السُّبُلِ الرُّشْدُ

7 . It is possible for the seeker of right guidance to attain it.

7 ـ قدْ أصابَ المُسْترْشِدُ

8 . One who is truthful to you about yourself has indeed guided you aright.

8 ـ مَنْ أصْدَقَكَ في نَفْسِكَ فَقَدْ أرْشدَكَ

9 . There is no going astray with right guidance.

9 ـ لاضَلالَ مَعَ إرشاد

10 . One who is successful in his [attaining] rectitude acquires provisions for his Hereafter.

10 ـ مَنْ وُفِّقَ لِرَشادِهِ تَزَوَّدَ لِمَعادِهِ