Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Hereafter

The Hereafter الآخرة

1 . The Hereafter is the victory of the felicitous.

1 ـ اَلآخِرةُ فَوزُ السُّعَداءِ

2 . Occupying yourself with improving your Hereafter will save you from the chastisement of hellfire.

2 ـ اِشتِغالُكَ بإصْلاحِ مَعادِكَ يُنْجيكَ مِنْ عَذابِ النَّارِ

3 . The [true] winner is one who has sold this transitory life for the [eternal] Hereafter.

3 ـ الرَّابِحُ مَنْ باعَ العاجِلَةَ بِالآجِلَةِ

4 . Wealth and children are the adornment of the life of this world whereas good deeds are the tillage of the Hereafter.

4 ـ اَلمالُ وَالْبَنُونَ زينَةُ الحَيوةِ الدُّنيا، والعَمَلُ الصَّالِحُ حَرْثُ الآخِرَةِ

5 . The conditions in this world are based on convention whereas the conditions in the Hereafter are based on merit.

5 ـ أحْوالُ الدُّنيا تَتْبَعُ الإتِّفاقَ وأحْوالُ الآخرةِ تَتْبَعُ الاِسْتِحْقاقَ

6 . Surely in front of you is a difficult place of ascension in which one whose weight is lighter is in a better position than the one whose weight is heavier, and the one who moves slowly is worse off than the one who moves swiftly. Verily its landing will lead you to either Paradise or hell.

6 ـ إنّ أمامَكَ عَقَبَةً كَؤُوداً، اَلمُخِفُّ فيها أحْسَنُ حالاً مِنَ المُثْقِلِ، والمُبْطِئُ عَلَيها أقْبَحُ أمْراً مِنَ المُسـْرِعِ، إنّ مَهْبِطَها بِكَ لامُحالَةَ على جَنَّة أوْ نار

7 . Verily the final destination is al-Qiyāmah and this is enough of an admonition for the one who reasons, and [enough of] a warning for the one who is unaware; and after that - what you know of the torment of the Day of Judgment and the frightening terror, and the deafening of the ears, and the turning of the ribs, and the narrowness of the grave, and the intensity of sadness and heavy-heartedness.

7 ـ إنَّ الغايَةَ القيامَةُ، وكَفى بِذلِكَ واعِظاً لِـمَنْ عَقَلَ، ومُعْتَبَراً لِمَنْ جَهِلَ، وبَعدَ ذلك ما تَعْلَمُونَ مِنْ هَوْلِ الْمُطَّلَعِ، وَرَوْعاتِ الفَزَعِ، واسْتِكاكِ الأسماعِ، وَاخْتِلافِ الأضلاعِ، وضيقِ الأرماسِ، وَشِدَّةِ الأبلاسِ

8 . If you desire success and honor in the Hereafter, then take from the perishing [life of this world] for the everlasting [life of the Hereafter].

8 ـ إنْ رَغِبْتُم في الفَوزِ وكَرامَةِ الآخِرَةِ فَخُذُوا في الفَناءِ لِلْبَقاءِ

9 . Verily you are following the path of those who came before you, so put your efforts in [working for] your Hereafter and do not care for worldly gain.

9 ـ إنَّكَ في سَبيلِ مَنْ كانَ قَبْلَكَ، فَاجْعَلْ جِدَّكَ لآخرَتِكَ، ولا تَكْتَـرِثْ بِعَمَلِ الدُّنيا

10 . Verily you have been created for the Hereafter, so work for it!

10 ـ إنّك مَخْلُوقٌ لِلآخِرَةِ فَاعْمَل لَها

11 . If you work for the Hereafter, your arrow hits the mark.

11 ـ إنّكَ إنْ عَمِلْتَ لِلآخِرَةِ فازَ قِدْحُكَ

12 . Verily you are all proceeding towards the Hereafter and will be presented before Allah.

12 ـ إنَّكمْ إلى الآخِرَةِ صائِرُونَ وعَلَى اللّهِ مَعْرُوضُونَ

13 . The sweetness of the Hereafter removes the pangs of misery of this world.

13 ـ حَلاوَةُ الآخِرَةِ تُذهِبُ مَضاضَةَ شقاءِ الدُّنيا

14 . Attain the Hereafter by abandoning this world, and don’t [try to] acquire [the embellishments of] this world by abandoning the faith.

14 ـ حَصِّلُوا الآخِرَةَ بِتَركِ الدُّنيا، ولاتُحَصِّلُوا بِتَركِ الدِّينِ الدُّنيا

15 . The Hereafter is everlasting.

15 ـ الآخرَةُ أبَدٌ

16 . Blessed is he who remembers the Hereafter and thus does good.

16 ـ طُوبى لِمَنْ ذَكَرَ المَعادَ فأحْسَنَ

17 . The seeker of the Hereafter finds in it what he hopes for, whereas in this world [only] that which is predestined for him comes to him.

17 ـ طالِبُ الآخِرَةِ يُدْرِكُ مِنْها أمَلَهُ وَيَأتيهِ مِنَ الدُّنيا ما قُدِّرَ لَهُ

18 . You must strive and struggle for the betterment of the Hereafter.

18 ـ عَلَيكَ بِالْجِدِّ والإجتِهادِ في إصْلاحِ المَعادِ

19 . I wonder at the one who denies the second genesis while he sees the first genesis.

19 ـ عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ أنْكَرَ النَشأةَ الاُخْرى وهُوَ يَرَى النَّشأَةَ الاُولى

20 . The goal of the Hereafter is everlasting [life].

20 ـ غايَةُ الآخِرَةِ البَقاءُ

21 . In the Hereafter there is accounting without action.

21 ـ في الآخِرَةِ حِسابٌ ولاعَمَلٌ

22 . Be from the children of the Hereafter and do not be from the children of this world, for surely every child will join his mother on the Day of Reckoning.

22 ـ كُونُوا مِنْ أبْناءِ الآخِرَةِ ولاتَكُونُوا مِنْ أبْناءِ الدُّنيا فإنَّ كُلَّ وَلَد سَيَلْحَقُ بِاُمِّهِ يَوْمَ القيمَةِ

23 . One who works for the Hereafter will be triumphant.

23 ـ مَنْ عَمِلَ لِلْمَعادِ ظَفِرَ بِالسَّدادِ

24 . One who develops his Hereafter achieves his aspirations.

24 ـ مَنْ عَمَرَ آخِرَتَهُ بَلَغَ آمالَهُ

25 . One who buys his Hereafter with his worldly life, gains both of them.

25 ـ مَنِ ابْتاعَ آخِرَتَهُ بِدُنْياهُ رَبِحَهُما

26 . One who builds the abode of his permanent dwelling is truly wise.

26 ـ مَنْ عَمَرَ دارَ إقامَتِهِ فَهُوَ العاقِلُ

27 . One who is certain about the Hereafter turns away from this world.

27 ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ بِالآخِرَةِ أعْرَضَ عَنِ الدُّنيا

28 . One who improves his Hereafter will be triumphant.

28 ـ مَنْ أصْلَحَ المَعادَ ظَفِرَ بِالسَّدادِ

29 . One who is certain about the Hereafter does not covet this world.

29 ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ بِالآخِرَةِ لَمْ يَحْرِصْ علَى الدُّنيا

30 . One who is desirous of the Hereafter [and works for it] attains it.

30 ـ مَنْ حَرَصَ علَى الآخرةِ مَلَكَ

31 . Everything in the Hereafter has perpetuity and everlastingness.

31 ـ لِكُلِ شيْء مِنَ الآخِرَةِ خُلُودٌ وَبَقاءٌ

32 . There is no substitute for the Hereafter; and this world is not the price of one’s soul.

32 ـ لَيْسَ عَنِ الآخِرَةِ عِوَضٌ، وَلَيْسَتِ الدُّنْيا لِلنَّفْسِ بِثَمَن

33 . He who does not concern himself with improving his Hereafter is not a [true] believer.

33 ـ لَيْس بِمُؤْمِن مَنْ لَمْ يَهْتَمَّ بِإصْلاحِ مَعادِهِ

34 . One who longs for the bounties of the Hereafter is content with little in this world.

34 ـ مَنْ رَغِبَ في نَعيمِ الآخِرَةِ قَنِعَ بِيَسيرِ الدُّنيا

35 . Who is more at a loss than the one who trades his Hereafter for this world?!

35 ـ مَنْ أخْسَرُ مِمَّنْ تَعَوَّضَ عَنِ الآخِرَةِ بِالدُنيا؟ !

36 . One who puts all his efforts for [the betterment of] his Hereafter succeeds in attaining what he looks forward to.

36 ـ مَنْ جَعَلَ كُلَّ هَمِّهِ لآخِرَتِهِ ظَفِرَ بِالمأمُولِ

37 . Whoever strives for his permanent abode, his action becomes sincere and his fear [of displeasing Allah] increases.

37 ـ مَنْ سَعى لِدارِ إقامَتِهِ خَلُصَ عَمَلُهُ وكَثُرَ وَجَلُهُ

38 . One who is certain about his Hereafter thinks no more of this world.

38 ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ بِالآخِرَةِ سَلا عَنِ الدُّنيا

39 . Whoever increases his remembrance of the Hereafter, his transgression reduces.

39 ـ مَنْ أكْثَرَ مِنْ ذِكْرِ الآخِرَةِ قَلَّتْ مَعْصِيَتُهُ

40 . One who strives to improve his Hereafter, Allah will improve for him his worldly life.

40 ـ مَنْ أصْلَحَ أمْرَ آخِرَتهِ، أصْلَحَ اللّهُ لَهُ أمْرَ دُنياهُ

41 . One whose efforts are for the Hereafter will attain the best of his aspired goals.

41 ـ مَنْ كانَتِالآخِرَةُ هِمَّتَهُ بَلَغَ مِنَ الخَيْرِ غايَةَ اُمْنيَّتـِهِ

42 . One who does not work for the Hereafter will not attain what he hopes for.

42 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يَعْمَلْ لِلآخِرَةِ لَمْ يَنَلْ أمَلَهُ

43 . One who has three [qualities] will have saved his life in this world and the Hereafter: he commands good and himself follows it, forbids evil and himself keeps away from it, and is careful in following the commandments of Allah, the Mighty and High.

43 ـ مَنْ كانَ فيهِ ثَلاثٌ سَلِمَتْ لَهُ الدُّنيا والآخِرَةُ: يَأمُرُ بِالمَعْرُوفِ وَيَأتَمِرُ بِهِ، وَيَنْهى عَنِ المُنْكَرِ ويَنْتَهي عَنْهُ، ويُحافِظُ على حُدُودِ اللّهِ جَلَّ وَعلا

44 . How great a loser is the one for whom there is no share in the Hereafter!

44 ـ ما أخْسَرَ مَنْ لَيْسَ لَهُ في الآخِرَةِ نَصيبٌ

45 . The bitterness of this world is the sweetness of the Hereafter.

45 ـ مِرارَةُ الدُّنيا حَلاوَةُ الآخِرَةِ

46 . The deceived one who succeeds in attaining the smallest portion of this world [through his greatest effort] is not comparable the one who succeeds in attaining [the smallest portion

of] the Hereafter by exerting his greatest effort.

46 ـ ما المَغْروُرُ الذَّي ظَفِرَ مِنَ الدُّنيا بأدنى سُهْمَتِِهِ(بِأعْلى هِمَّتِهِ) كالآخَرِ الَّذي ظَفِرَ مِنَ الآخِرَةِ بأعْلى هِمَّتِهِ(بأدنى سُهمَتِهِ ).

47 . He who works for his Eternal Abode obtains what he desires.

47 ـ نالَ المُنى مَنْ عَمِلَ لِدارِ البَقاءِ

48 . Do not sell the Hereafter for this world and do not exchange the everlasting for the evanescent.

48 ـ لاتبيعُوا الآخرَةَ بالدُّنيا، ولاتَسْتَبْدِلُوا الفَناءَ بِالبَقاءِ

49 . Never let anything occupy you from working for the Hereafter for indeed the time is short.

49 ـ لايَشْغَلَنَّكَ عَنِ العَمَلِ لِلآخِرَةِ شُغلٌ فإنَّ المُدَّةَ قَصيرَةٌ

50 . The Hereafter and this world do not come together.

50 ـ لاتَجْتَمِعُ الآخِرَةُ وَالدُّنيا

51 . The perishing and the permanent do not go together.

51 ـ لاتَجتَمِعُ الفَناءُ والبَقاءُ

52 . No one attains what he wishes for in the Hereafter except by abstaining from that which he desires in this world.

52 ـ لايُدْرِكُ أحَدٌ ما يُريدُ مِنَ الآخِرَةِ إلاّ بِتَرْكِ ما يَشتَهي مِنَ الدُّنيا

53 . It behoves one who is certain about the everlastingness and permanence of the Hereafter to work for it.

53 ـ يَنبَغي لِمَنْ أيْقَنَ بِبَقاءِ الآخِرَةِ ودَوامِها أنْ يَعْمَلَ لَها

54 . People do not abstain from anything of their worldly life for the sake of improving their Hereafter but that Allah, the Glorified, recompenses them with what is better than it.

54 ـ لايَتْرُكُ النَّاسُ شَيْئاً مِنْ دُنياهُمْ لإصلاحِ آخِرَتِهِمْ إلاّ عَوَّضَهُمُ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ خَيْراً مِنْهُ

55 . Aspire for what Allah has promised the God-wary, for surely the truest promises are His promises.

55 ـ إرْغَبُوا فيما وَعَدَاللّهُ المُتَّقينَ، فإنّ أصْدَقَ الوَعْدِ ميعادُهُ

56 . Verily tomorrow is close to today. This day will pass with what is in it and tomorrow will come [soon] following it.

56 ـ إنَّ غَداً مِنَ اليَوْمِ قَريبٌ، يَذْهَبُ اليَومُ بِما فيهِ، ويَأتي الْغَدُ لاحِقاً بِهِ

57 . The [final] destination is in front of you and time is behind you, pushing you [forward].

57 ـ إنَّ الغايَةَ أمامَكُمْ، وإنَّ السَّاعَةَ وَرائَـكُمْ تَحْدُوكُمْ

58 . Verily you have an ultimate destination so move towards your destination, and you have a guide so move towards it with [the help of] your guide.

58 ـ إنّ لَكُمْ نِهايَةً فَانْتَهُوا إلى نِهايَتِكُمْ، وإنّ لَكُمْ عَلَماً فَانْتَهُوا بِعَلَمِكُمْ

59 . A man may be happy to gain what he was not meant to lose, and [he may be] saddened to lose what he was not meant to gain; so let your happiness be in that which you have acquired for your Hereafter and let your sadness be in that which you have lost from it; and let your concern be for that which comes after death.

59 ـ إنَّ المَرْءَ قَدْ يَسُرُّهُ دَرَكُ ما لَمْ يَكُنْ لِيَفُوتَهُ، ويَسُؤُءُهُ فَوْتُ ما لَمْ يَكُنْ لِيُدْرِكَهُ، فَلْيَكُنْ سُرُورُكَ بِما نِلتَ مِنْ آخِرَتِكَ، ولْيَكُنْ أسَفُكَ على ما فاتَكَ مِنْها، ولْيَكُنْ هَمُّكَ لِما بَعْدَ المَوْتِ

60 . Let your concern be for your Hereafter and your sorrow be for your soul - for how many of the sorrowful have been led to everlasting bliss by their sorrow, and how many of the distressed have attained their aspiration.

60 ـ إجْعَلْ هَمَّكَ لآخِرَتِكَ، وحُزْنَكَ على نَفْسِكَ، فَكَمْ مِنْ حَزين وََفَدَ بِهِ حُزْنُهُ على سرُورِ الأبَدِ، وَكَمْ مِنْ مَهْمُوم أدْرَكَ أمَلَهُ

61 . Prepare yourselves for the day when the eyes will be glazed, and the minds will lose their sanity because of its horror, and the perceptions will become dull.

61 ـ إسْتَعِدُّوا لِيَوم تَشْخَصُ فيهِ الأبْصارُ وتَتَدلَّهُ لِهَولِهِ العُقُولُ وتَتَبَلَّدُ البَصائِرُ

62 . Beware of the day when the deeds are audited, when earthquakes increase and when young children turn old.

62 ـ إحْذَرُوا يَوْماً تُفْحَصُ فيهِ الأعْمالُ، وتَـكْثُرُ فيهِ الزِّلْزالُ، وتَشيبُ فيهِ الأطْفالُ

63 . Be careful not to be swindled out of the Permanent Abode, the dwelling of the righteous and the virtuous elite, about whose qualities the Qur’an has spoken and whose dwellers it has praised; while Allah, the Glorified, has guided you and invited you to it.

63 ـ إيَّاكَ أن تَخْدَعَ عَنْ دارِ القَرارِ، ومَحَلِّ الطَّيِّبينَ الأخْيارِ، والأولياءِ الأبْرارِ التَّي نَطَقَ القُرآنُ بِوَصْفِها، وأثنى على أهْلِها، وَدَلَّكَ اللّهُ سُبْحانَهُ عَليْها وَدَعاكَ إليها

64 . Is there nobody who has prepared the provisions for his Hereafter before the coming of [the hour of] his departure?

64 ـ ألا مُتَزَوِّدٌ لآخِرَتِهِ قَبْلَ اُزُوفِ رِحْلَتِهِ

65 . The Hereafter is the abode of your permanent stay, so prepare for it that which will be lasting for you.

65 ـ اَلآخِرَةُ دارُ مُسْتَقَرِّكُمْ، فَجَهَزُوا إليها ما يَبْقى لَكُمْ

66 . Place your concern and effort for your Hereafter.

66 ـ إجْعَلْ هَمَّكَ وجِدَّكَ لآخِرَتِكَ

67 . Be concerned about your Hereafter and you will become upright.

67 ـ إجْعَلْ هَمَّكَ لِمَعادِكَ تَصْلَحْ

68 . Exert all your effort for your afterlife and your [final] station will be improved, and do not sell your Hereafter for your worldly life.

68 ـ إسْتَفْرِغْ جَهْدَكَ لِمَعادِكَ تُصْلِحْ مَثْـواكَ، ولاتَبِـعْ آخِرَتَكَ بِدُنياكَ

69 . Work hard in preparing the answers for the Day of Questioning and Reckoning.

69 ـ إجعَلْ جِدَّكَ لإعدادِ الجَـوابِ لِيَـومِ المَسْئَلَةِ (المُسـائَلَة) والحساب

70 . Those who have the greatest share of the Hereafter are those who have the smallest share of this world.

70 ـ أوْفَرُ النَّاسِ حَظّاً مِنَ الآخِرَةِ أقَلُّهُمْ حَظّاً مِنَ الدُّنيا

71 . I enjoin you to be well prepared and increase your provisions for the day when you will meet with what you have sent forth and regret what you have left behind, and will be rewarded for what you had forwarded [in advance].

71 ـ إنّي آمُرُكُمْ بِحُسْنِ الإسْتِعْدادِ والإكثارِ مِنَ الزَّادِ لِيَوْم تَقْدِمُونَ على ما تُقَدِّمُونَ، وتَنْدَمُونَ على ما تُخَلِّفُونَ، وتُجْزَوْنَ بِما كُنْتُمْ تُسَلِّفُونَ

72 . When you turn away from the transitory world and become occupied with the permanent abode, then your arrow has indeed hit its mark, the doors of prosperity are opened for you and you have attained success.

72 ـ إذا أعرَضْتَ عَنْ دارِ الفَناءِ، وتَوَلَّهْتَ بِدارِ البَقاءِ، فَقَدْ فازَ قِدْحُكَ، وَفُتِحَتْ لَكَ أبْوابُ النَّجاحِ، وظَفِرْتَ بِالفَلاحِ

73 . The reward of the Hereafter makes one forget the hardships of this world.

73 ـ ثَوابُ الآخِرَةِ يُنْسي مَشَقَّةَ الدُّنيا

74 . Take from what will not last for you and what you will not last for [of this world] for that which you will not separate from and which will not separate from you [of the Hereafter].

74 ـ خُذْ مِمَّا لايَبْقى لَكَ ولا تَبْقى لَهُ لِما لا تُفارِقُهُ ولايُفارِقُكَ

75 . Partake in the best of actions and befriend the best of friends; for verily every person will get that which he has earned and will be with the one whom he loves in the Hereafter.

75 ـ خُذْ مِنْ صالِحِ العَمَلِ، وخالِلْ خَيْرَ خَليل، فإنَّ لِلْمَرءِ ما اكْتَسَبَ، وَهُوَ في الآخِرَةِ مَعَ مَنْ أحَبَّ

76 . The Everlasting Abode [of Paradise] is the home of the veracious and the dwelling of the virtuous and righteous.

76 ـ دارُ البَقاءِ مَحَلُّ الصِّدّيقينَ ومَوطِنُ الأبْرارِ والصَّالِحينَ

77 . Remembrance of the Hereafter is a cure and a remedy.

77 ـ ذِكْرُ الآخِرَةِ دَواءٌ وشِفاءٌ

78 . May Allah have mercy on the person who takes from [his] life for [his] death, from the transitory for the everlasting and from the perishing for the permanent.

78 ـ رَحِمَ اللّهُ امْرَءاً أخَذَ مِنْ حَيوة لِمَوْت، وَمِنْ فَناء لِبَقاء، ومِنْ ذاهِب لِدائِم

79 . Seek the Hereafter and the world will come to you belittled.

79 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِالآخِرَةِ تَأْتِكَ الدُّنيا صاغِرَةً

80 . Everything in the Hereafter is greater when seen than when heard of, so be satisfied with what you hear [of it] without seeing [it] and what you learn of [it] without witnessing [it].

80 ـ وكُلُّ شَيْء مِنَ الآخِرَةِ عِيانُهُ أعْظَمُ مِنْ سَماعِهِ، فَلْيَكْفِكُمْ مِنَ العَيانِ السَّماعُ ومِنَ الغَيْبِ الخَبَرُ

81 . How can one who is occupied with this world work for the Hereafter?

81 ـ كَيفَ يَعْمَلُ لِلآخِرَةِ المَشْغُولُ بِالدُّنيا؟

82 . Verily you are in greater need of developing the permanent abode [of the Hereafter] than you are of building the temporary abode [of this world].

82 ـ إنَّكُمْ إلى عِمارَةِ دارِ البَقاءِ أحْوَجُ مِنْكُمْ إلى عِمارَةِ دارِ الفَناءِ

83 . Verily you have been created for the Hereafter, not for this world, and for perpetuity, not for extinction.

83 ـ إنَّكُمْ إنَّما خُلِقْتُمْ لِلآخِرَةِ لا لِلدُّنيا، ولِلبَقاءِ لا لِلْفَناءِ

84 . Verily you have been created for perpetuity, not for extinction; and you are most certainly in a temporary abode of subsistence and a place which is not suitable for settling.

84 ـ إنَّما خُلِقْتُمْ لِلْبَقاءِ لا لِلفَناءِ، وإنّكُمْ في دارِ بُلْغَة ومَنْزِلِ قُلْعَة

85 . The betterment of the Hereafter is in the rejection of this world.

85 ـ صَلاحُ الآخِرَةِ رَفْضُ الدُّنيا

86 . I am amazed at the one who knows his Lord, how can he not strive for the everlasting abode?!

86 ـ عَجِبْتُ لِمَنْ عَرَفَ رَبَّهُ كَيْفَ لايَسْعى لِدارِ البَقاءِ؟ !

87 . One who is certain about the everlasting is uninterested in that which perishes.

87 ـ مَنْ أيْقَنَ بِما يَبْقى زَهِدَ فيما يَفْنى

88 . One who loves the everlasting abode becomes oblivious to [worldly] pleasures.

88 ـ مَنْ أحَبَّ الدَّارَ الباقيَةَ لَهى عَنِ اللذَّات

89 . One who hopes to attain the bountiful rewards [of the Hereafter] will not have his hopes disappointed.

89 ـ مَنْ أمَّلَ ثوابَ الحُسْنى لَمْ تُنْكَدْ آمالُهُ

90 . Would you be happy to meet Allah tomorrow on the Day of Resurrection while He is pleased with you and not angry? Then be indifferent to [the pleasures of] this world and desirous of the Hereafter. And adopt God-wariness and honesty, for these are the consolidators of faith. And accompany the people of truth and emulate their actions - you will become one of them.

90 ـ أيَسُرُّكَ أنْ تَلْقَى اللّهَغَداً في القِيامَةِ وهُوَ عَلَيْكَ راض غَيرُ غَضْبانَ؟ كُنْ في الدُّنيا زاهِداً، وفي الآخرَةِ راغِباً، وعَلَيْكَ بِالتَّقوى والصِّدقِ، فَهُما جِماعُ الدِّينِ، والْزَمْ أهْلَ الحقِّ، واعْمَلْ عَمَلَهُمْ تَـكُنْ مِنْهُمْ

91 . He whose goal is [attaining] this world will not be successful in [attaining] the Hereafter.

91 ـ ما ظَفِرَبِالآخِرَةِ مَنْ كانَتِ الدُّنيا مَطْلَبَهُ

92 . The fortunate one who becomes prosperous in the permanent abode by attaining his desires is not like the deceived one who loses the bounties [of the Hereafter] because of his bad choices and wretchedness.

92 ـ مَا المَغْبُوطُ الَّذي فازَ مِنْ دارِ البَقاءِ بِبُغْيَتِهِ كالمَغبُونِ الَّذي فاتَهُ النَّعيمُ بِسُوءِ اخْتيارِهِ وشَقاوَتِهِ

93 . Do not be one of those who hopes for the Hereafter without working [for it], and postpones repentance with long hopes; one who speaks in this world with the words of those who are indifferent [to its pleasures] but acts in it with the actions of the desirous.

93 ـ لا تَـكُنْ مِمَّن يَرْجوُا الآخِرَةَ بِغَيْرِ عَمَل، ويُسَوِّفُ التَّوبَةَ بِطُولِ الأمَلِ، يَقُولُ في الدُّنيا بِقَوْلِ الزَّاهِدينَ، ويَعمَلُ فيها بِعَمَلِ الرَّاغِبينَ

94 . None will be rewarded with the bounties of the Hereafter except those who are patient in the face of the tribulations of this world.

94 ـ لايُنْعَمُ بِنَعيمِ الآخِرَةِ إلاّ مَنْ صَبَـرَ عَلى بلاءِ الدُّنيا

95 . There is no benefit in working for the Hereafter while having desire for this world.

95 ـ لايَنْفَعُ العَمَلُ لِلآخِرَةِ مَعَ الرَّغْبَةِ في الدُّنيا

96 . No one will attain an elevated rank in the Hereafter except through sincerity in action, reducing hopes and espousing God-wariness.

96 ـ لايُدْرِكُ أحَدٌ رِفْعَةَ الآخِرَةِ إلاّ بِإخلاصِ العَمَلِ، وتَقْصيرِ الأمَلِ، وَلُزُومِ التَّقوى

97 . Become deserving of what Allah has prepared for you [in the Hereafter] by seeking the fulfillment of His true promise and being wary of the horror of His reckoning.

97 ـ إسْتَحِقُّوا مِنَ اللّهِ ما أعَدَّ لَكُمْ بِالتَّنَجُّزِ لِصِدقِ ميعادِهِ والحَذَرِ مِنْ هَوْلِ مَعادِهِ