Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Opportunity And Its Loss

Opportunity and its loss-الفرصة وفوتها

1 . Not everything that has gone comes back.

1 ـ لَيْسَ كُلُّ غائِب يَؤُُوُبُ

2 . One who takes advantage of [unexpected] opportunities remains safe from distress.

2 ـ مَنْ غافَصَ الفُرَصَ أمِنَ الغُصَصَ

3 . Whoever finds a place where sweet water enters and he can quench his thirst with it but does not take advantage of it, he will soon feel thirsty and seek it, but will not find it.

3 ـ مَنْ وَجَدَ مَوْرِداً عَذْباً يَرْتَوي مِنْهُ فَلَمْ يَغْتَنِمْهُ يُوشِكُ أنْ يَظْمَأَ ويَطْلُبَهُ فَلا يَجِدُهُ

4 . Many a lost thing is such that it cannot be regained.

4 ـ رُبَّ فائِت لايُدْرَكُ لِحاقُهُ

5 . It may be that he who strives and acts quickly is saved [and succeeds] while the slow seeker [only] hopes [to attain it in the future].

5 ـ رُبَّ ساع سَريع نَجا، وطالِب بَطيء رَجا

6 . The return of an opportunity [that is lost] is far off and unlikely.

6 ـ عَوْدُ الفُرْصَةِ بَعيدٌ مَرامُها

7 . Seize the opportunity when it arises, for indeed you will not get it [again] after you lose it.

7 ـ غافِصِ الفُرْصَةَ عِنْدَ إمْكانِها فَإنَّكَ غَيْرُ مُدْرِكِها بَعْدَ فَوْتِها

8 . Breathe before the necks are strangled, and yield before being driven violently.

8 ـ تَنَفَّسُوا قَبْلَ ضيقِ الخِناقِ، وانْقادُوا قَبْلَ عُنْفِ السِّياقِ

9 . Take the respite of the days, protect the boundaries of Islam, and anticipate the sudden attack of death.

9 ـ خُذُوا مَهَلَ الأيّامِ، وحُوطُواْ قَواصِيَ الإسْلامِ، وبادِرُوا هُجُومَ الحِمامِ

10 . May Allah have mercy on the one who takes the benefit of respite [and opportunity], hastens towards good deeds and cowers out of fear [of Allah].

10 ـ رَحِمَ اللّهُ امْرَءاً إغْتَنَمَ المَهَلَ، وبادَرَ العَمَلَ، وأَكْمَشَ مِنْ وَجَل

11 . Opportunity is quick to pass on and slow to return.

11 ـ اَلفُرْصَةُ سَريعَةُ الفَوْتِ، وبَطيئَةُ العَوْدِ

12 . The [passing of] hours diminishes lifetimes and bring [one] closer to annihilation.

12 ـ السّاعاتُ تَخْتَرِمُ الأعْمارَ، وتُدْنِي مِنَ البَوارِ

13 . Arrange an abode for yourself before your descent and prepare the dwelling before your arrival.

13 ـ اِرْتَدْ لِنَفْسِكَ قَبْلَ يَوْمِ نُزُولِكَ، ووَطِّ المَنْزِلَ قَبْلَ حُلُولِكَ

14 . Make your time of comfort a [means of] preparation for the days of your tribulation.

14 ـ اِجْعَل زَمانَ رَخائِكَ عُدَّةً لأيّامِ بَلائِكَ

15 . Opportunities are things that are [meant to be] seized.

15 ـ اَلفُرَصُ خُلَسٌ

16 . Loss [of opportunities] are [a cause of] distress.

16 ـ اَلفَوْتُ غُصَصٌ

17 . Opportunity is a booty.

17 ـ اَلفُرْصَةُ غُنْمٌ

18 . Loss [of opportunity leads to] burning regrets.

18 ـ اَلفَوْتُ حَسَراتٌ مُحْرِقاتٌ

19 . The lost [opportunity] does not return.

19 ـ اَلفائِتُ لايَعُودُ

20 . Losing an opportunity is distressful.

20 ـ إضاعَةُ الفُرْصَةِ غُصَّةٌ

21 . Times of happiness are short-lived.

21 ـ أوْقاتُ السُّرُورِ خُلْسَةٌ

22 . Opportunities pass by like the passing of clouds.

22 ـ اَلفُرَصُ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحابِ

23 . When what you want does not happen, then want what happens [and be satisfied with it].

23 ـ إذا لَمْ يَكُنْ ما تُريدُ فَأَرِدْ ما يَكُونُ

24 . When the opportunity arises, then seize it, for indeed wasting an opportunity leads to distress.

24 ـ إذا أمْكَنَتِ الفُرْصَةُ فَانْتَهِزْها، فَإنَّ إضاعَةَ الفُرْصَةِ غُصَّةٌ

25 . Seize good opportunities, for indeed they pass by [quickly] like the passing of clouds.

25 ـ اِنْتَهِزُوا فُرَصَ الخَيْرِ فَإنَّها تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحابِ

26 . The greatest distress is [caused by] loss of opportunities.

26 ـ أشَدُّ الغُصَصِ فَوْتُ الفُرَصِ

27 . Verily that which has passed from your day has gone, and that which remains from it is not certain, so take advantage of your [present] time by performing [good] actions.

27 ـ إنَّ ماضِيَ يَوْمِكَ مُنْتَقِلٌ، وباقِيَهُ مُتَّهِمٌ، فَاغْتَنِمْ وَقْتَكَ بِالعَمَلِ

28 . Verily opportunities pass away [quickly] like the clouds, so seize them when they arise in the gates of good, otherwise they will turn into regrets.

28 ـ إنَّ الفُرَصَ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحابِ فَانْتَهِزُوها إذا أمْكَنَتْ في أبْوابِ الخَيْرِ وَإلاّ عادَتْ نَدَماً

29 . The fruit of loss [of opportunity] is regret.

29 ـ ثَمَرَةُ الفَوْتِ نَدامَةٌ

30 . For everything there is a passing away.

30 ـ لِكُلِّ شَيْء فَوْتٌ

31 . With loss there is regret.

31 ـ مَعَ الفَوْتِ تَكُونُ الحَسْرَةُ

32 . There is no regret like loss [of an opportunity].

32 ـ لاحَسْرَةَ كَالفَوْتِ

33 . Preparation does not benefit when the time has elapsed.

33 ـ لاتَنْفَعُ العُدَّةُ إذا مَا انْقَضَتِ المُدَّةُ

34 . What has passed of your day is lost, what is to come is uncertain; your time is a blessing, so make haste in it while you have the opportunity, and beware of relying on the future.

34 ـ ماضي يَوْمِكَ فائِتٌ، وآتيهِ مُتَّهَمْ، ووَقْتُكَ مُغْتَنَمٌ، فَبادِرْ فيهِ فُرْصَةَ الإمْكانِ، وإيّاكَ أنْ تَثِقَ بِالزَّمانِ

35 . In loss [of opportunity] there is regret and (or) blame.

35 ـ فِي الفَوْتِ حَسْرَةٌ و(أوْ)مَلامَةٌ

36 . In every moment there is loss.

36 ـ في كُلِّ وَقْت فَوْتٌ

37 . At times an opportunity may arise.1

37 ـ قَدْ تُصابُ الفُرْصَةُ

38 . You will never attain that which has been taken away from you so be moderate in your acquisition.

38 ـ لَنْ تُدْرِكَ ما زُوِيَ عَنْكَ فَأجْمِلْ فِي المُكْتَسَبِ

39 . Not every opportunity can be realized.

39 ـ لَيْسَ كُلُّ فُرْصَة تُصابُ

40 . One who lets an opportunity pass by is crippled by its loss.

40 ـ مَنْ قَعَدَ عَنِ الفُرْصَةِ أعْجَزَهُ الفَوْتُ

41 . Whoever delays taking an opportunity at the right time, then let him be sure that he will lose it.

41 ـ مَنْ أخَّرَ الفُرْصَةَ عَنْ وَقْتِها فَلْيَكُنْ عَلى ثِقَة مِنْ فَوْتِها

42 . One who seizes the opportunity is saved from distress.

42 ـ مَنْ ناهَزَ الفُرْصَةَ أمِنَ الغُصَّةَ

43 . Not everything that disappears comes back.

43 ـ ما كُلُّ غائِب يَؤُوبُ

44 . One who tarries lets [the opportunity] go.

44 ـ مَنْ تَقاعَسَ إعْتاقَ


1. Or: At times an opportunity is realized.

The Obligatory And Recommended Acts

The obligatory and recommended acts-الفرائِض والنوافل

1 . The one who seeks nearness [to Allah] by performing the obligatory and the recommended [acts], doubles his gain.

1 ـ المُتَقَرِّبُ بِأداءِ الفَرائِضِ والنَّوافِلِ مُتَضاعِفُ الأرْباحِ

2 . Verily Allah, the Glorified, has made the obligatory [acts] incumbent upon you, so do not neglect them; and has delimited boundaries for you, so do not transgress them; and has forbidden you from certain things, so do not violate them; and has remained silent about certain things, though not out of forgetfulness, so do not undertake them.

2 ـ إنَّ اللّهَ سُبْحانَهُ فَرَضَ عَلَيْكُمْ فَرائِضَ فَلا تُضَيِّعُوها، وحَدَّ لَكُمْ حُدُوداً فَلا تَعْتَدُوها، وَنَهاكُمْ عَنْ أشْياءَ فَلا تَنْتَهِكُوها،

وَسَكَتَ عَنْ أشْياءَ ولَمْ يَدَعْها نِسْياناً فَلا تَتَكَلَّفُوها

3 . Verily whoever busies himself with what is obligatory upon him instead of that which has been guaranteed for him, and is satisfied with what has been decreed for and against him; he will be the healthiest person in wellbeing, the most profiting from felicity and the most benefitting from happiness.

3 ـ إنَّ مَنْ شَغَلَ نَفْسَهُ بِالمَفْرُوضِ عَلَيْهِ عَنِ المَضْمُونِ لَهُ، ورَضِيَ بِالمَقْدُورِ عَلَيْهِ ولَهُ، كانَ أكْثَرَ النّاسِ سَلامَةً في عافِيَة، ورِبْحاً في غِبْطَة، وَغَنيمَةً في مَسَرَّة

4 . Verily if you were to occupy yourself with meritorious supererogatory acts instead of fulfilling the obligatory ones, then the merit you acquire will never make up for the religious obligation that you have neglected.

4 ـ إنَّكَ إنِ اشْتَغَلْتَ بِفَضائِلِ النَّوافِلِ عَنْ أداءِ الفَرائِضِ فَلَنْ يَقُومَ فَضْلٌ تَكْسِبُهُ بِفَرْض تُضَيِّعُهُ

5 . When recommended acts come in the way of obligatory actions, then abandon them.

5 ـ إذا أضَرَّتِ النَّوافِلُ بِالفَرائِضِ فَارْفُضُوها

6 . It is upon you to preserve every matter that you cannot be excused for neglecting.

6 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِحِفْظِ كُلِّ أمْر لاتُعْذَرُ بِإضاعَتِهِ

7 . Fulfilling the obligatory is from the most noble of actions.

7 ـ قَضاءُ اللَّوازِمِ مِنْ أفْضَلِ المَكارِمِ

8 . There is no worship like the performing of obligatory acts.

8 ـ لاعِبادَةَ كَأداءِ الفَرائِضِ

9 . No closeness is achieved through recommended actions if they hamper the obligatory actions.

9 ـ لاقُرْبَةَ بِالنَّوافِلِ إذا أضَرَّتْ بِالفَرائِضِ

10 . Do not perform a recommended act at the time of an obligatory one; start with the obligatory [prayer] and then pray whatever more you wish to.

10 ـ لاتَقْضِ نافِلَةً في وَقْتِ فَريضَة، إبْدَأْ بِالفَريضَةِ ثُمَّ صَلِّ ما بَدا لَكَ



1 . Be wary of neglect for verily it causes censure.

1 ـ اِحْذَرُوا التَّفْريطَ فَإنَّهُ يُوجِبُ المَلامَةَ

2 . Neglect is an affliction of the capable.

2 ـ اَلتَفْريطُ مُصيبَةُ القادِرِ

3 . The fruit of neglect is censure.

3 ـ ثَمَرَةُ التَّفْريطِ مَلامَةٌ

4 . Counter neglect with judiciousness [and resoluteness].

4 ـ ضادُّوا التفْريطَ بِالحَزْمِ



1 . From idleness comes inclination towards [vain] desire.

1 ـ مِنَ الفَراغِ تَكُونُ الصَّبْوَةُ

2 . With idleness there is inclination towards [vain] desire.

2 ـ مَعَ الفَراغِ تَكُونُ الصَّبْوَةُ

Separation And Isolation

Seperation and isolation-الفرقة والتفرقة

1 . Beware of separation [from the people], for indeed the one who is isolated from the people is [a target] for Satan.

1 ـ إيّاكَ والفُرْقَةَ، فَإنَّ الشّاذَّ مِنَ النّاسِ لِلشَّيْطانِ

2 . Beware of separation, for indeed the one who is isolated from the people of truth is [prey] for Satan just as the lonely sheep is [prey] for the wolf.

2 ـ إيّاكُمْ والفُرْقَةَ، فَإنَّ الشّاذَّ عَنْ أهْلِ الحَقِّ لِلشَّيْطانِ، كَما أنَّ الشّاذَّ مِنَ الغَنَمِ لِلذِّئْبِ

3 . The worst endeavour is separating two close friends.

3 ـ بِئْسَ السَّعْيُ اَلتَّفْرِقَةُ بَيْنَ الأليفَيْنِ

4 . For every gathering there is separation.

4 ـ لِكُلِّ جَمْع فُرْقَةٌ

5 . Remain with the community and eschew separation.

5 ـ اِلْـزَمُوا الجَماعَةَ، واجْتَنِبُوا الفُرْقَةَ

Fabrication Of Lies

Fabrication of lies-الاِفتراء

1 . Destroyed is the one who makes a [wrongful] claim, and unsuccessful is the one who fabricates [a lie].

1 ـ هَلَكَ مَنِ ادَّعى، وخابَ مَنِ افْتَرى



1 . One who is pleased by corruption is displeased by the Hereafter.

1 ـ مَنْ سَرَّهُ الفَسادُ ساءَهُ المَعادُ

2 . There is no rectitude with corruption.

2 ـ لاصَلاحَ مَعَ إفْساد

3 . One who corrupts [his relationship] with Allah will not be upright with anyone.

3 ـ مَنْ فَسَدَ مَعَ اللّهِ لَمْ يَصْلُحْ مَعَ أحَد

4 . Do not corrupt the thing whose rectitude is important for you.

4 ـ لاتُفْسِدْ ما يَعْنيكَ صَلاحُهُ

Indolence And Lassitude

Indolence and lassitude-الفَشَلُ والفَتْرَة

1 . Indolence is deficiency.

1 ـ اَلفَشَلُ مَنْقَصَةٌ

2 . Cure the ailment of lassitude in your heart through determination and the slumber of negligence in your eyes through alertness.

2 ـ تَداوَمِنْ داءِ الفَتْرَةِ في قَلْبِكَ بِعَزيمَة، وَمِنْ كَرَى الْغَفْلَةِ في ناظِرِكَ بِيَقْظَة



1 . The shame of ignominy embitters the sweetness of pleasure.

1 ـ عارُ الفَضيحَةِ يُكَدِّرُ حَلاوَةَ اللَّذَّةِ

Virtues And Vices

Virtues and vices-الفضائل والرَّذائِل

1 . Compel yourself to [acquire] virtues, for indeed you have a natural propensity for vices.

1 ـ أكْرِهْ نَفْسَكَ عَلَى الفَضائِلِ، فَإنَّ الرَّذائِلَ أنْتَ مَطْبُوعٌ عَلَيْها

2 . Ascending towards virtues is a hardship that saves.

2 ـ اَلاِرْتِقاءُ إلَى الفَضائِلِ صَعْبٌ مُنـْج

3 . Your knowledge conveys your merit and your generosity tells of your kindness.

3 ـ يُنْبِئُ عَنْ فَضْلِكَ عِلْمُكَ وعَنْ إفْضالِكَ بَذْلُكَ

4 . When you keep away from the forbidden, refrain from that which you are unsure about, fulfil that which is obligatory and perform the acts that are recommended, then you have perfected the virtues of faith.

4 ـ إذَا اتَّقَيْتَ المُحَرماتِ، وتَوَرَّعْتَ عَنِ الشُّبَهاتِ وأدَّيْتَ المَفْرُوضاتِ، وَتَنَفَّلْتَ بِالنَّوافِلِ فَقَدْ أكْمَلْتَ فِي الدِّينِ اَلفَضائِلَ

5 . The peak of [all] merits is controlling anger and eradicating lustful desires.

5 ـ رَأْسُ الفَضائِلِ مُلْكُ الغَضَبِ وإماتَةُ الشَّهْوَةِ

6 . During successive hardships the virtues of a person become manifest.

6 ـ عِنْدَ تَعاقُبِ الشَّدائِدِ تَظْهَرُ فَضائِلُ الإنْسانِ

7 . The symbol of a person’s merit is his intelligence and good character.

7 ـ عُنْوانُ فَضيلَةِ المَرْءِ عَقْلُهُ، وحُسْنُ خُلْقِهِ

8 . The highest of all merits is intelligence.

8 ـ غايَةُ الفَضائِلِ العَقْلُ

9 . The highest of all merits is knowledge.

9 ـ غايَةُ الفَضائِلِ العِلْمُ

10 . The merit of a man is known from his speech.

10 ـ فَضْلُ الرَّجُلِ يُعْرَفُ مِنْ قَوْلِهِ

11 . Merit is [acquired] by perfection [of character] and noble deeds, not through excessive wealth and eminent feats.

11 ـ اَلفَضِيلَةُ بِحُسْنِ الكَمالِ، وَمَكارِمِ الأفْعالِ، لابِكَثْرَةِ المالِ وجَلالَةِ الأعْمالِ

12 . Virtue is overcoming [one’s bad] habit.

12 ـ اَلفَضيلَةُ غَلَبَةُ العادَةِ

13 . The pride of a man is by his merit, not because of his origin [and lineage].

13 ـ فَخْرُ المَرْءِ بِفَضْلِهِ لابِأصْلِهِ

14 . The merit of a person is [lies in] doing good to others.

14 ـ فَضيلَةُ الإنْسانِ بَذْلُ الإحْسانِ

15 . He who overcomes his anger and controls the impulses of his lustful desires has acquired virtue.

15 ـ فازَ بِالفَضيلَةِ مَنْ غَلَبَ غَضَبَهُ، وَمَلَكَ نَوازِعَ شَهْوَتِهِ

16 . It suffices as a merit for a man to humble himself.

16 ـ كَفى بِالمَرْءِ فَضيلَةً أنْ يُنَقِّصَ نَفْسَهُ

17 . The perfection of virtues is [in] honourable qualities.

17 ـ كَمالُ الفَضائِلِ شَرَفُ الخَلائِقِ

18 . The human being has two merits: intellect and speech; he derives benefit through his intellect and benefits others by his speech.

18 ـ لِلإنْسانِ فَضيلَتانِ: عَقْلٌ، ومَنْطِقٌ، فَبِالعَقْلِ يَسْتَفيدُ، وبِالمَنْطِقِ يُفيدُ

19 . Lineage is not defined by the fathers and mothers, rather [it is defined] by the praiseworthy merits.

19 ـ لَيْسَتِ الأنْسابُ بِالآباءِ والأُمَّهاتِ لكِنَّها بِالفَضائِلِ المَحْمُوداتِ

20 . One whose merits are few, his means are weak.

20 ـ مَنْ قَلَّتْ فَضائِلُهُ ضَعُفَتْ وَسائِلُهُ

21 . From the best of merits is accepting the excuse of the wrongdoer.

21 ـ مِنْ أحْسَنِ الفَضْلِ قَبُولُ عُذْرِالجاني

22 . It is from the merit of a man not to put the one whom he has been forbearing with under obligation.

22 ـ مِنْ فَضْلِ الرَّجُلِ أنْ لا يَمُنَّ بِمَا احْتَمَلَهُ حِلْمُهُ

23 . Performing good deeds and spreading goodness are from the greatest virtues.

23 ـ مِنْ أفْضَلِ الفَضائِلِ اِصْطِناعُ الصَّنايِـعِ، وَبَثُّ المَعْـرُوفِ

24 . Through the gaining of merits the enemy is subdued.

24 ـ بِاكْتِسابِ الفَضائِلِ يُكْبَتُ المُعادي

25 . The consolidation of merits is in doing good to the freeman and being kind to the people of virtue.

25 ـ جِماعُ الفَضْلِ فِي اصْطِناعِ الحُرِّ، والإحْسانِ إلى أهْلِ الخَيْرِ

26 . Safeguarding the tongue and doing good to others are from the best merits of a human being.

26 ـ حِفْظُ اللِّسانِ وبَذْلُ الإحْسانِ مِنْ أفْضَلِ فَضائِلِ الإنْسانِ

27 . Become distinguished by virtues and renounce vices.

27 ـ كُنْ مُتَّصِفاً بِالفَضائِلِ، مُتَبَرِّءً مِنَ الرَّذائِلِ

28 . The best of virtues is granting the wishes and fulfilling the needs of the seeker and being moderate in what one seeks.

28 ـ أفْضَلُ الفَضائِلِ بَذْلُ الرَّغائِبِ، وإسْعافُ الطَّالِبِ والإجْمالُ فِي المَطالِبِ

29 . The best of virtues is establishing ties with the one who has distanced himself, being cordial with the one who is averse, and holding the hand of the one who stumbles.

29 ـ أفْضَلُ الفَضائِلِ صِلَةُ الهاجِرِ، وإيناسُ النّافِرِ، والأخْذُ بِيَدِ العاثِرِ

30 . Verily only the virtuous know the merit of the people of virtue.

30 ـ إنَّما يَعْرِفُ الفَضْلَ لأهْلِ الفَضْلِ أُولُوا الفَضْلِ

31 . Your virtue is proven by your action and your munificence by your open-handedness.

31 ـ يُسْتَدَلُّ عَلى فَضْلِكَ بِعَمَلِكَ، وَعَلى كَرَمِكَ بِبَذْلِكَ

The Superfluous

The superfluous-الفضول

1 . The worst thing which a person occupies his time with is the superfluous.

1 ـ شَرُّ ما شَغَلَ بِهِ المَرْءُ وَقْتَهُ الفُضُولُ

2 . The wastage of intellects is in seeking the superfluous.

2 ـ ضِياعُ العُقُولِ في طَلَبِ الفُضُولِ

3 . Whoever restrains himself from the superfluous, his view is harmonized by the intellects.

3 ـ مَنْ أمْسَكَ عَنِ الفُضُولِ عَدَّلَتْ رَأْيَهُ العُقُولُ

4 . Whoever occupies himself with the superfluous, the important matter that he hopes for eludes him.

4 ـ مَنِ اشْتَغَلَ بِالفُضُولِ فاتَهُ مِنْ مُهِمِّهِ المَأْمُولُ



1 . Astuteness is [gained] through discernment.

1 ـ اَلفِطْنَةُ بِالبَصيرَةِ

2 . Astuteness is [a means of attaining] guidance.

2 ـ اَلفِطْنَةُ هِدايَةٌ



1 . Loss is [a cause of] sorrows.

1 ـ اَلفَقْدُ أحْزانٌ



1 . Poverty is beneficial for the believer, and gives him comfort from the jealousy of the neighbours, the flattery of the brothers and the domination of the ruler.

1 ـ اَلفَقْرُ صَلاحُ المُؤمِنِ، ومُريحُهُ مِنْ حَسَدِ الجيرانِ، وتَمَلُّقِ الإخْوانِ،وَ تَسَلُّطِ السُّلْطانِ

2 . Verily poverty is disgracer for the soul, a confounder of the intellect, and a bringer of sorrows.

2 ـ إنَّ الفَقْرَ مِذَلَّةٌ لِلنَّفْسِ، مِدْهَشَةٌ لِلْعَقْلِ، جالِبٌ لِلْهُمُومِ

3 . Poverty causes forgetfulness.

3 ـ اَلفَقْرُ يُنسي

4 . Poverty is the adornment of faith.

4 ـ اَلفَقْرُ زينَةُ الإيمانِ

5 . The grave is better than poverty.1

5 ـ اَلقَبْرُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ الفَقْرِ

6 . Poverty with debt is [like] a red death.2

6 ـ اَلفَقْرُ مَعَ الدَّيْنِ اَلْمَوْتُ الأحْمَرُ

7 . Poverty disables the astute one from [presenting] his argument.

7 ـ اَلفَقْرُ يُخْرِسُ الفَطِنَ عَنْ حُجَّتِهِ

8 . Poverty in one’s homeland is like being a stranger in it.

8 ـ اَلفَقْرُ فِي الوَطَنِ غُرْبَةٌ

9 . Extreme poverty is better than disgraceful affluence.

9 ـ اَلفَقْرُ الفادِحُ أجْمَلُ مِنَ الغِنَى الفاضِحِ

10 . True poverty and wealth are [determined] after presenting [the account of] one’s deeds before Allah, the Glorified.

10 ـ اَلفَقْرُ والغِنى بَعْدَ العَرْضِ عَلَى اللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ

11 . Love of poverty earns piety.

11 ـ حُبُّ الفَقْرِ يَكْسِبُ الوَرَعَ

12 . Many a poverty turns into with lasting affluence.

12 ـ رُبَّ فَقْر عادَ بِالغِنَى الْباقي

13 . The disadvantage of poverty is more praiseworthy than the arrogant insolence of wealth.

13 ـ ضَرَرُ الفَقْرِ أحْمَدُ مِنْ أشَرِ الغِنى

14 . Poverty of the soul is the worst poverty.

14 ـ فَقْرُ النَّفْسِ شَرُّ الفَقْرِ

15 . All [forms of] poverty can be redressed except the poverty of foolishness.

15 ـ كُلُّ فَقْر يُسَدُّ إلاّ فَقْرَ الحُمْقِ

16 . Whoever manifests his poverty, lowers his status.

16 ـ مَنْ أظْهَرَ فَقْرَهُ أذَلَّ قَدْرَهُ

17 . The hardships of poverty are preferable to facing humiliation.

17 ـ مُقاساةُ الإقْلالِ، ولامُلاقاةُ الإذلالِ

18 . There is no poverty with good management.

18 ـ لافَقْرَ مَعَ حُسْنِ تَدْبير

19 . The most apprising complaint is that which is enunciated by manifest affliction.

19 ـ أبْلَغُ الشَّكوى ما نَطَقَ بِهِ ظاهِرُ البَلْوى

20 . The little that one is in need of is better than the plenty that one is needless of.

20 ـ قَليلٌ يُفْتَقَرُ إلَيْهِ خَيْرٌ مِنْ كَثير يُسْتَغْنى عَنْهُ

21 . There is no shame in being far away from one’s hometown; the only shame is being indigent in one’s one hometown.

21 ـ لَيْسَ فِي الغُرْبَةِ عارٌ، إنَّما العارُ فِي الوَطَنِ اَلاِفْتِقارُ

22 . One who pretends to be poor, becomes poor.

22 ـ مَنْ تَفاقَرَ اِفْتَقَرَ

23 . Displaying neediness gives rise to poverty.

23 ـ إظْهارُ التَّباوُسِ يَجْلِبُ الفَقْرَ

24 . Poverty with debt is the greatest wretchedness.

24 ـ اَلفَقْرُ مَعَ الدَّيْنِ اَلشَّقاءُ الأكْبَرُ


1. This is the poverty that one does not bear patiently and leads to wretchedness in this world and the next.

2. ‘Red death’ is a figure of speech that means a violent or bloody


The Pauper

The pauper-الفقير وأقسامه

1 . The pauper who is satisfied is saved from the traps of Satan, whereas the rich person falls into his snares.

1 ـ اَلْفَقيرُ الرّاضي ناج مِنْ حَبائِلِ إبْلِيسَ، والغَنِيُّ واقِعٌ في حَبائِلِهِ

2 . The most hated of servants in the sight of Allah are: the pauper who is haughty, the elderly fornicator and the immoral scholar.

2 ـ أمْقَتُ العِبادِ إلَى اللّهِ اَلْفَقيرُ المَزْهُوُّ، والشَّيْخُ الزّانِ، والعالِمُ الفاجِرُ

3 . The most foolish of people is the arrogant pauper.

3 ـ أكْثَرُ النّاسِ حُمْقاً الفَقيرُ المُتَكَبِّرُ

4 . The richest people in the Hereafter are the poorest of them in this world.

4 ـ أغْنَى النّاسِ فِي الآخِرَةِ أفْقَرُهُمْ فِي ا لدُّنيا

5 . The poor person is [like] a stranger (or is scorned) in his hometown.

5 ـ اَلفَقيرُ فِي الوَطِنِ غُرْبَةٌ(مُمْتَهَنٌ ).

6 . The needy person is a stranger in his own homeland.

6 ـ اَلمُقِلُّ غَريبٌ في بَلْدَتِهِ

7 . One who sits in the company of the poor increases in [his] gratitude.

7 ـ جالِسِ الفُقَراءَ تَزْدَدْ شُكْراً

8 . Many a poor person is wealthier than all the rich people.

8 ـ رُبَّ فَقير أغْنى مِنْ كُلِّ غَنِىّ

9 . The wealth of a poor person is his contentment.

9 ـ غِنَى الفَقيرِ قَناعَتُهُ

10 . How many a poor person is needed by someone else.

10 ـ كَمْ مِنْ فَقِير يُفْتَقَرُ إلَيْهِ

11 . How many a poor person is rich and [how many] a rich person is needy.

11 ـ كَمْ مِنْ فَقير غَنِىّ وغَنِىّ مُفْتَقِر

12 . One who is overcome by poverty should frequently recite: There is no might and no power but by [the will of] Allah, the Most High, the Most Mighty.

12 ـ مَنْ ألَحَّ عَلَيْهِ الفَقْرُ فَلْيُكْثِرْ مِنْ قَوْلِ: لاحَوْلَ ولاقُوَّةَ إلاّ بِاللّهِ العَلِيِّ العَظيمِ

13 . It is obligatory on the poor that he should not put forward his request [to others] unless he has no other choice.

13 ـ مِنَ الواجِبِ عَلَى الفَقيرِ أنْ لايَبْذُلَ مِنْ غَيْرِاضْطِرار سُؤالَهُ

14 . The kings of this world and the Hereafter are the poor who are satisfied [with what they have].

14 ـ مُلُوكُ الدُّنْيا والآخِرَةِ الفُقَراءُ الرّاضُونَ

15 . The poorest of people is one who is stingy with himself despite [his] wealth and affluence, and leaves it behind for others [in the end].

15 ـ أفْقَرُ النّاسِ مَنْ قَتَّرَ عَلى نَفْسِهِ مَعَ الغِنى والسَّعَةِ، وخَلَّفَهُ لِغَيْرِهِ

16 . Many a poor person is mightier than a lion.

16 ـ رُبَّ فَقير أعَزُّ مِنْ أسَد