Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith
Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: visits: 103898
Download: 12036
- Translator’s Preface
- Notes
- About The Compiler
- Notes
- Introduction
- Parents
- Parents الآباء
- The Camel
- The Camel الإبل
- The Son Of Adam (The Human Being)
- The Son of Adam (The Human Being) ابن آدم
- Grandeur
- Grandeur الأمْواتِ. الاُبّهة
- Self-Sacrifice
- Self-Sacrifice الإيثار
- Notes
- The Appointed Time Of Death
- The Appointed Time of Death الأجل
- The Hereafter
- The Hereafter الآخرة
- The Brother, The Friend, The Associate And The Companion
- The Brother, The Friend, The Associate and The Companion الاخوّة والصّديق والرّفيق والمصاحبة
- Good Etiquette
- Good Etiquette الأدب
- Harm And Preventing Harm
- Harm and Preventing Harm الأذى وكف الأذى
- Eating
- Eating الأكل
- Allah And His Attributes
- Allah and His Attributes اللّه وصفاته
- Notes
- Matters
- Matters الأُمور
- Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil
- Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil الأمرُ بالمعروف والنهي عن المنكر
- Hopes And Aspirations
- Hopes and Aspiration الآمال والأماني
- The Leader
- The Leader الإمام
- Leadership
- Leadership الإمامة
- Granting Refuge To The Fearful
- Granting Refuge to the Fearful الأمان وإجارة المستغيثِ والخائفِ
- The Secure
- The Secure الآمِن
- Security
- Security الأمن
- Feeling Secure From Allah’s Scheme
- Feeling Secure From Allah’s Scheme الأمنُ من مكراللّه
- The Trustworthy
- The Trustworthy الأمين
- Trustworthiness
- Trustworthiness الأمانة
- Faith
- Faith الإيمان
- The Believer
- The Believer المؤمن
- Notes
- The Human Being
- The Human Being الإنسان
- Intimacy With Allah
- Intimacy with Allah الأُنس باللّه
- Intimacy
- Intimacy الأُنس
- Deliberateness And Acting Unhurriedly
- Deliberateness and Acting Unhurriedly التأنّي والأناة
- One Who Acts With Deliberateness
- One who Acts with Deliberateness المُتَأَنّي
- Strengthening Oneself
- Strengthening oneself التأيّد
- Misery
- Misery البُؤس
- Stinginess And Avarice
- Stinginess and Avarice البُخل والشُّحُّ
- The Miser And The Avaricious
- The Miser and the Avaricious البخيل والشَّحيح
- Taking The Initiative
- Taking the Initiative المبادرة
- Notes
- Cold Weather
- Cold Weather البرد
- Righteousness And Those Who Prevent It
- Righteousness and Those Who prevent it البَـرُّ والبِـرُّ ومن منعه
- Insistence
- Insistence الإبرام
- The Innocent
- The Innocent البَريء
- Being Cheerful And Smiling
- Being Cheerful and smiling البِشْر، البَشاشة وطِلاقَةُ الوَجْه
- Sight, Observation And Insight
- Sight, Observation and Insight البصر والنظر والبصير والبصيرة
- Wantonness
- Wantonness البَطَرْ
- Falsehood And Assisting It
- Falsehood and assisting it الباطل والتعاون عليه
- The Falsifier
- The Falsifier المبطل
- The Stomach And The Private Parts
- The Stomach and the Private Parts البطنُ والفرج
- Early Rising
- Early rising المباكرة
- Weeping
- Weeping البكاء
- Countries And Homelands
- Countries and Homelands البِلاد والأوطان
- Eloquence
- Eloquence البلاغة
- Notes
- Attention
- Attention المبالات
- The Umayyads
- The Umayyads بنو اُميّة
- Quadrupeds And Predators
- Quadrupeds and Predators البهائم والسّباع
- Fabricating Lies
- Fabricating Lies البَهت
- The House Of Allah
- The House of Allah بيت اللّه
- The Treasury
- The Treasury بيت المال
- Trade And Business With Allah
- Trade and Business with Allah التجارة والتجارة مع اللّه
- The Merchant
- The Merchant التاجر
- Earth
- Earth التُّراب
- Abandoning For The Sake Of Allah
- Abandoning for the Sake of Allah التارك لِلّه
- Repentance And Returning (To Allah)
- Repentance and Returning (To Allah) التوبة والإنابة والتائب
- Relying On Allah
- Relying on Allah الثقة باللّه
- Reward
- Reward الثواب
- Garments
- Garments الثوب
- Cowardice
- Cowardice الجُبْن
- Diligence And Striving
- Diligence and Striving الجدُّ والإجتهاد
- Experience
- Experience التجربة
- The Experienced
- The Experienced المجرّب
- Anxiety
- Anxiety الجزع
- Requital And Reward
- Requital and Reward المجازاة والجزاء
- Notes
- The Body
- The Body الجسد والأجسام
- Antipathy
- Antipathy الجفاء
- Loftiness
- Loftiness الجَلالة
- Intercourse
- Intercourse الجِماعُ
- Beauty
- Beauty الجمال
- The Beautiful
- The Beautiful الجميل
- Grooming
- Grooming التّجمّل
- Moderation
- Moderation المجمل
- Notes
- Paradise And The People Of Paradise
- Paradise and the People of Paradise الجنَّةُ وأهل الجنّة
- Generosity
- Generosity الجود
- The Generous
- The Generous الجواد
- Proximity To Allah
- Proximity to Allah جار اللّه وجواره
- Neighbours
- Neighbours الجيران
- Hunger
- Hunger الجُوعُ
- High Rank
- High Rank الجاهُ وذو الجاه
- Struggle (Jihad)
- Struggle (Jihad) الجهاد
- Struggling Against The Self (Jihad An-Nafs)
- Struggling against the Self (Jihad an-Nafs) جهاد النفس
- Ignorance
- Ignorance الجَهْل
- The Ignorant And The Foolish
- The Ignorant and the Foolish اَلجاهِلُ والجهول
- Notes
- Hell Fire
- Hellfire جهنم والنّار
- Lovers Of The Ahlulbayt
- Lovers of the Ahlulbayt محِبّ أهل البيت
- The Beloved
- The Beloved المحب والمحبوب
- Evidence
- Evidence الحجَّةُ والدليل
- The Proof (Of Allah)
- The Proof (of Allah) الحجّة
- The Disproved
- The Disproved المحجوج
- The One Who Presents An Argument
- The One who Presnts an Argument المحتجّ
- The Hajj
- The Hajj الحج
- Rage
- Rage الحدَّة
- The Cautious
- The Cautious الحَذِر والمتحذّر
- The Warner
- The Warner المحذّر
- War, Soldiers And Armies
- War, Soldiers and Armies الحرب والجُنُود والزحْف
- Notes
- Waging War
- Waging War المحاربة
- Freedom And The Free
- Freedom and the Free الحرّ والحرّية
- The Careful
- The Careful المحترس، الاِحتراس
- Greed
- Greed الحِرص
- The Greedy
- The Greedy الحريصُ
- Vocation
- Vocation الحِرْفَة
- Notes
- The Prohibited
- The Prohibited الحرام
- Deprivation And Frustration
- Deprivation and Frustration الحرمان والخيبة
- The Party Of Allah
- The Party of Allah حزب اللّه
- Judiciousness
- Judiciousness الحزم
- The Judicious
- The Judicious الحازم
- Notes
- Grief For What Has Been Lost
- Grief for what has been Lost الحزن على ما فات
- The Reckoning
- The Reckoning الحساب
- High Regard
- High Regard الحسب
- Jealousy
- Jealousy الحسد
- Notes
- The Jealous
- The Jealous الحسود
- The Envied
- The Envied المحسود
- The Sword And The Steed
- The Sword and the Steed الحسام والجواد
- Good Deeds
- Good Deeds الحسنات
- Good Turns And Benevolent Actions
- Good Turns and Benevolent Actions الإحسان والصنيعة
- Notes
- The Good Doer
- The Good Doer المحسن
- Physical Beauty
- Physical Beauty الحُسْن
- Dyslogia (The Inability To Express Oneself Effectively)
- Dyslogia (The Inability to Express Oneself Effectively) الحصَر
- Fortune
- Fortune الحظّ
- Gaining Favour
- Gaining Favour الحُظْوَة
- Digging A Pit For A Brother
- Digging a Pit for a Brother حفر البئر للأخ
- Spite And Malice
- Spite and Malice الحِقْدُ
- The Spiteful
- The Spiteful الحقود
- Belittling Others
- Belittling others التحقير
- Verification
- Verification التحقيق
- The Truth
- The Truth الحق
- One Who Is On The Right
- One who is on the Right المُحِق
- The Rights Of Allah, The Most High
- The Rights of Allah, The Most High حقوق اللّه تعالى
- Rights Of The People
- Rights of the People حقوق الناس
- Hoarding And Hoarders
- Hoarding and Hoarders الإحْتِكار والمحتكر
- The Ordinances Of Allah
- The Ordinances of Allah أحكام اللّه وحدوده
- Wisdom
- Wisdom الحكمة
- The Wise
- The Wise الحُكماء
- Government And Sovereignty
- Government and Sovereignty الحكومة والولاية
- The Ruler And Governer
- The Ruler and Governer الحاكم والوالي
- False Oaths
- False Oaths الحلف واليمين الفاجرة
- The Lawful
- The Lawful الحلال
- Dreams
- Dreams الأحلام والرؤيا
- The Forebearing
- The Forebearing الحليم
- Forbearance
- Forbearance الحِلْمُ
- Praise
- Praise الحمد
- The Praiseworthy And The Disgraceful
- The Praiseworthy and the Disgraceful المحامد والمذام
- Muhammad (S) And His Progeny
- Muhammad (s) and his Progeny محمّد صلَّى اللّه عليه وآله وسلَّم وأهل بيته
- Notes
- Foolishness
- Foolishness الحُمْق
- The Fool
- The Fool الأحمق
- Notes
- Tolerance
- Tolerance الإحتمال
- Vehemence
- Vehemence1 الحَمِيَّة
- Notes
- Abstinence [From Food]
- Abstinence [From Food] الحِمْيَةُ
- Fulfilling Needs
- Fulfilling Needs الحَوائج وقَضاؤها
- Expressing Your Needs
- Expressing Your Needs الإحتياجات
- How Are You?
- How are you? كيف الحال؟
- The Perplexed
- The Perplexed المتحيّر
- Recourse
- Recourse الحيلة
- Life And Being Alive
- Life and Being Alive الحيّ والحياة
- Modesty And Shame
- Modesty and Shame الحياء
- Notes
- Narration And Transmission Of Information
- Narration and Transmission of Information الإخباروالخبر والحديث
- Gauging People
- Gauging People الإختبار
- Deception And The Deceitful
- Deception and the Deceitful الخُدعة والخديعة والخُداع
- The Servant
- The Servant الخادم
- The One Who Is Forsaken By Allah
- The One who is forsaken by Allah1 الخذلان والمخذول
- Notes
- Muteness
- Muteness الخَرَس
- Ineptness
- Ineptness الخُرْق
- The Loser
- The Loser الخاسر والخسران
- Submissiveness And Humility In Front Of Allah
- Submissiveness and Humility in front of Allah, The Most High الخشوع والخضوع للّه تعالى
- The Foe Of Allah
- The Foe of Allah من خصمه اللّه
- Writing
- Writing الخطّ والقلم والكتابة
- Ideas
- Ideas الخواطر
- The Daring
- The Daring المُخاطِر
- Mistakes
- Mistakes الخطاء
- Sincerity And Devotion
- Sincerity and Devotion الإخلاص والخالص والمخلص
- Sucession
- Sucession الخلافة
- The Caliphs
- The Caliphs [Uthman and..] الخلفاء(عثمان و...)
- Notes
- Disagreement
- Disagreement الخِلاف والإختلاف
- Notes
- Good Character
- Good Character الأخلاق
- Creation
- Creation المخلوق
- Seclusion
- Seclusion الخلوة
- Wine
- Wine الخمر
- Five Bad Qualities
- Five Bad Qualities خمس وخمسة
- Anonymity
- Anonymity الخمول
- Fear
- Fear الخوف والخشية
- Notes
- Fearing Other Than Allah
- Fearing Other than Allah الخوف من غير اللّه
- The Fearful
- The Fearful الخائف
- Frightening Others
- Frightening Others الإخافة
- The Frustrated
- The Frustrated الخائب
- Good
- Good الخير
- Good Of This World And The Hereafter
- Good of this World and the Hereafter خير الدنيا والآخرة
- Seeking What Is Best
- Seeking What is Best الاستخارة
- The Virtuous
- The Virtuous الأخيار
- Choice
- Choice الاختيار
- The Choice Of Allah
- The Choice of Allah اختيار اللّه
- Treachery And Disloyalty
- Treachery and Disloyalty الخيانة
- The Treacherous
- The Treacherous الخائن والمزيع
- Notes
- The Diligent And The Hardworking
- The Diligent and the Hardworking الدائب والكادح
- Following Up Matters
- Following up Matters استدبار الأُمور
- One Who Turns Back And The One Who Moves Forward
- One who Turns Back and the One who Moves Forward المدبر والمقبل
- Planning
- Planning التدبير
- Desertion And Abandonment
- Desertion and Abandonment التَّدابر والتخاذل
- Turning Backward
- Turning Backward الإدبار
- Entrance
- Entrance الداخل والقادم
- Notes
- Gradually Drawing Closer To Destruction
- Gradually Drawing Closer to Destruction الاستدراج والمستدرج
- Study
- Study الدّرس
- Rectification And Making Amends
- Rectification and Making Amends الاستدراك والتدارك
- Amicableness
- Amicableness المداراة
- Supplication And The Supplicant
- Supplication and the Supplicant الدُّعاءُ والداعي
- Notes
- The Call
- The Call الدعوة والداعية
- The Guide
- The Guide الدليل
- Seriously Ill
- Seriously Ill الدَنِف
- The Despicable
- The Despicable الدَّنيَّة
- Loathsome Actions And Traits
- Loathsome Actions and Traits الدَّنايا
- This World
- This World الدنيا
- Notes
- Remedy And Ailment
- Remedy and Ailment الدّواء والداء
- Notes
- Alternation Of Power And Sovereignty
- Alternation of Power and Soverignty الدّول والدّولة
- Flattery
- Flattery المداهنة
- Debt
- Debt الدَّينِ
- Religion And Sharia Law
- Religion and Sharia Law الدِّين والشريعة
- The Savings
- The Savings الذّخر1
- Notes
- Remembrance [Of Allah] And The Reminder
- Remembrance [of Allah] and the Reminder الذكرو المُذَكِّر
- Notes
- Vices And Those Who Commit Them
- Vices and Those who commit them الذُّنوب والمعاصي وأهلها
- Divulgence [Of Secrets]
- Divulgence [of Secrets] الإذاعَة
- The Compassionate
- The Compassionate الرَّؤف
- Opinions And The Opinonated
- Opinions and the Opinonated1 الرأي والآراء والمستبد بالرأي
- Notes
- Showing Off
- Showing Off الريا والمُرائي
- Profit And Gain
- Profit and Gain الرّباح والرابح
- Hope In [The Mercy Of] Allah And [In] Others
- Hope in [The Mecy of] Allah and [in] others الرجاء من اللّه وغيره
- Mercy And Compassion
- Mercy and Compassion الرَّحْم والرحمة
- Near Relatives And Keeping Or Cutting Off Ties With Them
- Near Relatives and Keeping or Cutting off Ties with Them الأرحام وصلتها وقطيعتها
- Ease
- Ease الرّخاء
- Restraint
- Resrtaint الارتداع
- Depravities
- Depravities الرّذائل
- Sustenance And One Who Seeks It
- Sustenance and One Who Seeks It الرّزق وطالبه
- Notes
- Confiding In Others
- Confiding in others الاسترسال
- The Messenger And His Message
- The Messenger and His Message الرسول وأدبه والكتاب
- Rectitude And Right Guidance
- Rectitude and Right Guidance الرُّشد والاِسترشاد والمسترشد
- Being Pleased And Satisfied
- Being Pleased and Satisfied الرّضا والراضي
- Desire And Longing
- Desire And Longing الرّغبة
- Notes
- Leniency And Gentleness
- Leniency And Gentleness الرِّفق واللين
- Notes
- Self-Scrutiny
- Self-Scrutiny المراقبة
- Mode Of Transport
- Mode Of Transport المَركَب
- The Souls
- The Souls الأرواح
- Peace Of Mind
- Peace Of Mind الراحة
- The Intended Objective
- The Intended Objective المراد
- Discipline
- Discipline الرياضة
- Restraint
- Restraint الازدجار
- Charity
- Charity الزكاة
- Lapses
- Lapses الزّلل
- Adultery
- Adultery الزنا
- The Wife
- The Wife الزوجة
- Provision
- Provision الزاد
- Renunciation Of Worldly Pleasures
- Renunciation Of Worldly Pleasures1 الزهد والزاهدين
- Notes
- Visiting
- Visiting الزّيارة
- Adornment
- Adornment الزِّينَةُ
- Begging And Asking People
- Begging And Asking People السُؤال والطّلب عن الناس
- Question And Answer
- Question And Answer السؤال والجواب
- Causes And Means
- Causes And Means الأسباب والوسائل
- Competition
- Competition المسابقة
- Prostration And Bowing
- Prostration And Bowing السّجود والركوع
- Prison
- Prison السّجن
- Displeasure
- Displeasure السَّخَط
- Generosity
- Generosity السخاء
- Notes
- Aptness
- Aptness السَّداد
- Mirage
- Mirage السَّراب
- Dismissal
- Dismissal السَّراح
- Inward Thoughts And Feelings
- Inward Thoughts And Feelings السرائر
- Secret And Confidential Discussions
- Secret And Confidential Discussions السّـرُّ والنّجوى
- Happiness And Putting Joy In The Hearts
- Happiness And Putting Joy In The Hearts السرور وادخال السرور
- Extravagance
- Extravagance الإسراف
- Theft
- Theft السّرقة
- Aid
- Aid المساعدة
- Felicity
- Felicity السَّعادة
- The Felicitous
- The Felicitous- السعيد
- Striving And Seeking
- السعي والإسراع والطلب Striving and Seeking-
- Travel
- Travel السَّفر -
- The Envoy
- The Envoy- السفير
- Spilling Blood
- Spilling blood سفك الدِّماء -
- The Ships Of Salvation
- Ships of Salvation -سفن النَّجاة
- Dimwittedness
- Dimwittedness-السَّفه
- The Dimwit
- The Dimwit- السّفيه والسفهاء
- Maladies
- Maladies- الأسْقام
- Notes
- Calmness and Solemnity
- Calmness and Solemnity-السكينة والوقار
- The Preceding
- The Preceding-السَّلف
- Salāms And Greetings
- Salams and Greetings-السلام والتحيّة
- Peace and Reconciliation
- Peace and Reconciliation-السِّلم والمسالمة
- Islam
- Islam-الإسلام
- The Muslims
- The Muslims-المسلمون
- Submission To The Will Of Allah
- Submission to the Will of Allah-المسالمة مع اللّه والتسليم والاِنقياد
- Security
- Security-السّلامة
- The One Who Surrenders
- The One Who Surrenders- المستسلم
- Forgetfulness
- Forgetfulness-السلوّ والنسيان
- Condolences and Congratulations
- Condolences and Congratulations-التسلية والتّهنية
- Mien
- Mien-السَّمْت
- Hearing and Sight
- Hearing and Sight-السَّمع والبصر
- Listening and The Listener
- Listening and the listener-الاِستماع والسامع والمستمع
- Righteous Practices
- Righteous Practices-السنة الصالحة
- Doing Wrong To Others
- Doing Wrong to Others-الإساءة
- Procrastination
- Procrastination-التسويف
- Eminence And The Eminent
- Eminence and Eminent-السَّـيِّد والسُّؤدد
- Markets
- Markets-الأسواق
- Night Vigil
- Night Vigil-السَّهَر
- Facilitation
- Facilitation-التَّسَهُّل
- Mode Of Conduct
- Mode of Conduct-السيرة
- Administrative Policies
- Administrative Policies-السياسات
- Youth
- Youth-الشَّباب
- Overeating And Gluttony
- Overeating and Gluttony-الشبع والبطنة
- Vilification
- Vilification-الشَّتم
- Courage And The Courageous
- Courage and the courageous-الشجاع والشجاعة
- Difficulties
- Difficulties-الشَّدائد
- Evil And The Wicked
- Evil and the Wicked-الشَّـرّ والأشرار
- Honour And The Honourable
- Honor and the honorable-الشّرف وذو الشرف
- Notes
- East And West
- East and West-المشرق والمغرب
- Polytheism
- Polytheism- الشرك
- Partnership
- Partnership-الشركة
- Voraciousness And The Voracious
- Voraciousness and the voracious- الشَّـرَهُ والشَّرِهُ
- Satan
- Satan-الشيطان
- Being Occupied
- Being Occupied-الاشتغال
- The Intercessor and Interceder
- The Intercessor and the Interceder- الشفيع والشافع
- Dissension
- Dissension-الشِّقاق
- Wretchedness
- Wretchedness- الشَّـقاء
- The Wretched
- The Wretched-الشقي
- Notes
- Gratitude And The Grateful
- Gratitude and the grateful-الشُّكر والشاكر
- Notes
- Doubt And Misgiving
- Doubt and Misgiving-الشك والاِرتياب
- Notes
- Complaining Of Distress
- Complaining of Distress-شِكاية الضرّ
- Schadenfreude
- Schadenfreude- الشماتة
- Consultation And Deliberation
- Consultation and Deliberation- الشور والمشاورة
- Eagerness And Longing
- Eagerness and Longing-الشّوق والمشتاق
- Lust
- Lust-الشهوة
- The Martyr
- The Martyr-الشهيد
- Testimony
- Testimony-الشَّهادة
- Fame And Renown
- Fame and renown-الشُّهرة والنّباهَة
- Grey Hair Of Old Age
- Grey Hair of Old Age-الشَّيب
- The Followers (Shi‘a)
- The Followers (Shi’a)-الشيعة
- The Disgrace Of A Man
- The Disgrace of a Man-شَيْن الرّجل
- Patience And The Patient
- Patience and the patient-الصبر والصابر
- Notes
- Young Children
- Young Children-الصبيان
- Good Health And The Healthy
- Good Health and the Healthy-الصّحّة وأهل الصّحّة
- The Chest
- The Chest-الصَّدر
- Charities
- Charities-الصدقات
- Truthfulness
- Truthfulness-الصدق
- Notes
- The Truthful
- The Truthful-الصّادق
- Change Of Circumstances
- Change of Circumstances-تصاريف الأحوال
- The Rigid
- The Rigid-الصّليب
- Welfare Of The Believers
- Welfare of the Believers-صَلاح المؤمنين
- Being Dutiful With Allah
- Being Dutiful with Allah-الصلاح مع اللّه
- Reforming The People
- Reforming the People-إصْلاح النّاس
- Vainglory
- Vainglory-الصَّلَفَ
- Prayer And One Who Stands For Prayer
- Prayer and one who stands for Prayer-الصلوة والقائم
- Silence
- Silence-الصَّمْت
- Hardships
- Hardships-المصائب
- The One Who Hits The Mark And The One Who Errs
- The one who hits the mark and the one who errs-المصيب والمخطئ
- Correctness
- Correctness-الصّواب
- Countenance
- Countenance-الصورة
- Fasting
- Fasting-الصيام
- Giving Examples And Using Metaphors
- Giving Examples and using metaphors-ضرب الأمثال وصرف الأقوال
- Laughter
- Laughter-الضّحك
- Suffering
- Suffering-الضُـرُّ
- Necessities
- Necessities- الضّرورات
- Notes
- Weakness
- Weakness-الضّعيف والضَّعف
- Error And Deviation
- Error and deviation-الضلال والضّلالة والغواية
- Inner Consciences
- Inner Consciences-الضمائر
- Hospitality
- Hospitality-الضّيف والضيافة
- Agony
- Agony-الضّيق
- Jubilation
- Jubilation-الطَّرَبُ
- The Way and The Course
- The way and the course-الطريق والطريقة
- Food And Sustenance
- Food and sustenance-الطّعام والقوت
- Feeding Others
- Feeding Others-الإطعام
- Criticism
- Criticism-الطّعن
- Obedience And Compliance
- Obedience and compliance-الإطاعة والاِنقياد والمطيع
- Notes
- Obeying Commandments
- Obeying commandments-إطاعة الأمر
- The Tyrant
- The Tyrant-الطّاغي
- The Seeker
- The Seeker-الطالب
- Matters That Are Pursued
- Matters that are pursued-المطالب
- The Sought After
- The sought after-المطلوب
- Covetousness
- Covetousness-الطَّمَع والطامع
- Haughtiness
- Haughtiness-الاِستطالة
- Notes
- Innermost Thoughts
- Innermost thoughts-الطّوية
- Frivolity
- Frivolity-الطَّيش
- Victory
- Victory-الظّفر
- Injustice And Oppression
- Injustice and Oppression-الظّلم والبغي
- Notes
- The Unjust
- The unjust-الظالم
- Notes
- The Oppressed
- The oppressed-المظلوم
- Usurped Rights
- Usurped rights-المظالم
- Conjecture
- Conjecture-الظّن
- Support
- Support-المظاهرة
- Precaution
- Precaution-الاِستظهار والمستظهر
- The Exteriors
- The Exteriors-الظواهر
- Lightness of One’s Burden
- Lightness of one’s burden-خفة الظَّهر
- Servitude
- Servitude-العبودية
- Worship And The Worshipper
- Worship and the worshipper-العبادة والمتعبد
- Servants
- Servants1-العباد
- Notes
- Taking Lessons And Examples
- Taking Lessons and Examples1-العبرة والاِعتبار
- Notes
- Reprimand
- Reprimand-العتاب
- Emancipation
- Emancipation-العتق والإعتاق
- Slip Up
- Slip up-العَثْرَة
- Conceit
- Conciet-العُجب
- The Self-Admiring One
- The Self-Admiring one-المعجِب
- Inability
- Inability-العجز
- The Powerless
- The powerless-العاجز
- The Derriere
- The Derriere-العجيزة
- Haste And The Hasty
- Haste and the hasty-العَجلة والعجول
- The Denumerable
- The Denumerable-المعدود
- Readiness And Preparation
- Readiness and Preparation-الاِستعداد
- Justice And The Just
- Justice and the just-العدل والعادل
- Notes
- The Middle Course
- The middle course-الاِعتدال والنمط الأوسط
- Enmity And The Enemy
- Enmity and the Enemy-العدوّ والمعاداة
- Notes
- Apologizing And Offering Excuses
- Apologizing and offering excuses-الأعذار والاِعتذار
- Notes
- Dignity And Reputation
- Dignity and Reputation-الأعراض
- Cognizance
- Cognizance-المعرفة
- Notes
- The Cognizant
- The Cognizant-العارف
- Glory And The Honoured One
- Glory and the Honored One-العزّة والعزيز
- Notes
- Seclusion
- Seclusion-الاِعتزال
- Resolve
- Resolve-العزم
- Notes
- Adversity
- Adversity-العسر
- Social Interaction And Mingling
- Social Interaction and mingling-العشرة والخلطه
- Notes
- The Lover
- The Lover-العاشق
- Seeking Protection From Allah
- Seeking protection from Allah-الاِعتصام باللّه
- Preserving Oneself From Sin
- Preserving oneself from sin-العصمة والإعتصام
- Destruction And Damage
- Destruction and damage-العَطَب والمعاطب
- Empathy
- Empathy-العواطِف
- Respect
- Respect-التعظيم
- Chastity
- Chastity-العفاف
- Well-Being
- Well-being-العافية
- Forgiveness And Pardon
- Forgiveness and pardon-العفو والإقالة
- Notes
- Outcomes
- Outcomes-العواقب
- Filial Impiety
- Filial impiety-العقوق
- The Intellect
- The Intellect-العقل
- The Intelligent
- The Intelligent-العاقل
- The Cause And The Effects
- The Cause And The Effects-العلل والمعلولات
- The Celestial Realm
- The celestial realm-العالَم العلوي
- Knowledge
- Knowledge-العلم
- Notes
- The Scholar
- The Scholar-العالِمُ
- Notes
- Education And Learning
- Education and learning-التعليم والتعلّم
- The Student
- The student-المتعلم والمستمع
- Age And Lifespan
- Age and Lifespan-العمر
- Development And Prosperity
- Development and prosperity-العُمران
- Delving Deep
- Delving deep-التعمّق
- Actions And Deeds
- Actions and deeds-الأعمال
- Dealings
- Dealings-المعاملة
- Blindness And The Blind
- Blindness and the blind-العِمى والأعمى
- The Obstinate
- The Obstinate-المُتَعَنِّتْ
- Descent And Lineage
- Descent and lineage-العُنْصُر والمحتد والأعراق
- Violence
- Violence-العُنف
- That Which Is Of No Concern
- That which is of no concern-ما لا يعني
- The Crooked
- The crooked-المُعوَّج
- Habit
- Habit-العادة
- Notes
- Resurrection And The Hour
- Ressurection and the hour-المعاد والساعة
- The Masses
- The Masses-العوام
- Assistance
- Assistance-الإعانة
- Seeking Assistance
- Seeking assistance-الاِستِعانَة
- Succor
- Succor-المَعُونَة
- Keeping Promises And Fulfilling Pledges
- Keeping promises and fulfilling pledges-العهد والوفاء به
- Flaws And Faults
- Flaws and faults-العيب والنقص والعورة
- Taunting
- Taunting-التعيير
- Lifestyle
- Lifestyle-العيش
- Lowering The Gaze
- Lowering the gaze-العين وغض الطّرف
- Notes
- Seeing
- Seeing-العيان
- Helper
- Helper-المعين
- Inarticulateness
- Inarticulateness-العيّ
- Outcome
- Outcome-المَغَبَّة
- The Enviable
- The Enviable-المغبوط
- The Deceived
- The Deceived-المغبون
- Imbecility
- Imbecility-الغباوة
- Treachery
- Treachery-الغدْر
- Delusion
- Delusion-الغرور
- Usurpation
- Usurpation-الغصب
- Anger
- Anger-الغضب
- Notes
- Seeking Forgiveness
- Seeking forgiveness-الاِسْتِغفار
- Negligence
- Negligence-الغَفْلَة
- Notes
- The Negligent
- The Negligent-الغافل
- The Victor And The Vanquished
- The Victor and the vanquished-الغالب والمغلوب
- Fighting
- Fighting-المغالبة
- Mistake
- Mistake-الغلط
- Betrayal
- Betrayal-الغلول
- Rancor And Perfidy
- Rancor and perfidy-الغلّ والغش والغشوش
- Grief
- Grief-الغم
- Being Independent Of Others
- Being independent of others-الاِسْتِغناء عَن الخَلقِ
- Affluence And The Rich
- Affluence and the rich-الغَنِيّ والغِنى
- Coming To The Aid Of The Aggrieved
- Coming to the aid of the aggrieved-إغاثَةُ المَلْهُوف
- Backbiting
- Backbiting-الغيبة
- The Unseen
- The unseen-الغيب
- Sense Of Honour And Possessiveness
- Sense of Honor And Possessiveness1-الغيرة
- Notes
- Deviation From The Right Path
- Deviation from the right path-الغيّ
- Notes
- The Utmost
- The utmost-الغاية
- Being Optimistic
- Being optimistic-التَّفَأّل
- Unrest
- Unrest-الفِتْنَة
- The One Who Is Enthralled
- The one who is enthralled-المفتون
- Chivalry
- Chivalry-الفتوّة
- Wickedness And Immorality
- Wickedness and immorality-الفُجورُ ومحاضر الفُسوق
- Obscenity
- Obscentiy-الفحش
- Pride And Boasting
- Pride and boasting-الفخر والتفاخر
- Relief And Waiting For Relief
- Relief and waiting for relief-الفَرَج واِنتظار الفرج
- Notes
- Happiness And Joy
- Happiness and joy-الفرح والإبتهاج
- Fleeing To Allah
- Fleeing to Allah-الفرار إلى اللّه
- Opportunity And Its Loss
- Opportunity and its loss-الفرصة وفوتها
- Notes
- The Obligatory And Recommended Acts
- The obligatory and recommended acts-الفرائِض والنوافل
- Neglect
- Neglect-التفريط
- Idleness
- Idleness-الفَراغ
- Separation And Isolation
- Seperation and isolation-الفرقة والتفرقة
- Fabrication Of Lies
- Fabrication of lies-الاِفتراء
- Corruption
- Corruption-الفساد
- Indolence And Lassitude
- Indolence and lassitude-الفَشَلُ والفَتْرَة
- Ignominy
- Ignominy-الفضيحة
- Virtues And Vices
- Virtues and vices-الفضائل والرَّذائِل
- The Superfluous
- The superfluous-الفضول
- Astuteness
- Astuteness-الفِطْنَةُ
- Loss
- Loss-الفقد
- Poverty
- Poverty-الفقر
- Notes
- The Pauper
- The pauper-الفقير وأقسامه
- The Learned Scholars
- The Learned Scholars-الفقه والفقهاء
- Thinking And The Thinker
- Thinking and the thinker-الفكر والمتفكّر
- Successfulness
- Sucessfulness-الفلاح
- Notes
- Leaving The Matter To Allah
- Leaving the matter to Allah-تفويض الأمر إلى اللّه
- Understanding
- Understanding-الفَهْم
- Graves
- Graves-القبور
- Notes
- Facing Issues
- Facing issues-اِسْتقبال الاُمُور
- Turning Towards Allah
- Turning towards Allah-الإقبال والإقبال على اللّه
- Martyrdom In The Way of Allah
- Martyrdom in the way of Allah-القتل في سَبيل اللّه
- Plunging In
- Plunging in-الاقتحام
- Power And Might
- Power and might-القدرة والاقتدار
- Status And Worth
- Status and worth-القَدْر
- Undertaking
- Undertaking-الإقدام
- To Follow
- To follow-الاقتداء
- The Qur’an
- The Quran-القرآن
- The Near One
- The near one-القريب
- Attaining Nearness To Allah
- Attaining nearness to Allah-التقرب إلى اللّه
- Admission And Confession Of One’s Sins
- Admission and confession of one’s sins-الإقرار والاِعتراف بالذّنب
- Lending To Allah
- Lending to Allah-إقْراض اللّه
- Knocking The Door
- Knockng the door-قرع الباب
- The [Allotted] Share
- The [allotted] Share-القِسْم
- Hard-Heartedness
- Hard-heartedness-القسوة
- Goals
- Goals-المقاصد
- Moderation
- Moderation-القصد والاِقتصاد
- One Who Is Neglectful And Falls Short
- One who is neglectful and falls short-التقصير والمقصّر
- Retaliation
- Retaliation-القِصاص
- Divine Decree And Destiny
- Divine decree and destiny-القضاء والقدر
- Judges
- Judges-القضاة
- Notes
- Being Cut Off From Allah
- Being cut off from Allah-الاِنقطاع من اللّه
- Sitting Back
- Sitting back-القاعد
- Emulation
- Emulation-الاِقتفاء
- The Heart
- The heart-القلب
- Little
- Little-القليل
- The Least
- The least-أقل شيء
- Being Less
- Being less-القلّة
- Qunut (Raising Hands In Supplication)
- Qunut (Raising hands in supplication)-القنوت
- Despair
- Despair-القنوط والقانط
- Contentment And The Contented
- Contentment and the contented-القانع، والقناعة
- Notes
- Acquisitions
- Acquisitions-القنية والمقتنيات
- Speech And Speaking
- Speech and speaking-القول والكلام
- Steadfastness
- Steadfastness-الاِستقامة
- Establishing The Command Of Allah
- Establishing the command of Allah-إقامة أمر اللّه
- The Strong
- The strong-القَويّ
- Arrogance
- Arrogance-اَلْكِبْر
- The Arrogant One
- The arrogant one-المتكبِّر
- The Book And Writing
- The book and writing-الكتاب والكتابة
- Secrecy
- Secrecy-الكتمان
- Loquaciousness
- Loquaciousness-الإكثار
- Amassing [Wealth]
- Amassing [wealth]-التكاثر
- Lying
- Lying-الكذب
- Notes
- The Liar
- The liar-الكاذِبُ والكذّابُ
- Nobleness And Munificence
- Nobleness and munificence-الكرم
- The Noble -Minded And Munificent
- The noble-minded and the munificent-الكريم
- High Esteem
- High-esteem-الكرامة
- Noble Traits & Deeds
- Noble traits and deeds-المكارم
- The Disliked
- The disliked-المكروه
- Earnings
- Earnings-المكاسب وكسب الأموال
- Laziness And The Lazy
- Laziness and the lazy-الكسل والكسلان
- Revealing & Removing Distress
- Revealing and removing distress-كشف الضُرِّ
- Suppressing Anger
- Suppressing anger-الكَظم والكاظم
- Ingratitude
- Ingratitude-كفران النعمة والكفور
- The Disbeliever
- The disbeliever-الكافِر
- Disbelief
- Disbelief-الكفر
- Notes
- Restraint
- Restraint-الكفّ
- Sufficiency
- Sufficiency-الكفاف
- Recompense
- Recompense-المكافات
- Notes
- Competence
- Competence-الكفاية
- Duty
- Duty-التكليف
- Notes
- The Speaker
- The speaker-المتكلّم
- The Ideal One
- The ideal one-الكامل
- Perfection
- Perfection-الكمال
- Plots
- Plots-المكائد
- The Sagacious
- The sagacious-الكيّس
- There Is No God But Allah
- There is no God but Allah-لاإله إلاّ اللّه
- Vileness
- Vileness-اللُّؤم
- The Vile
- The vile-اللئيم
- Confusion
- Confusion-اللَّبْس
- Milk
- Milk-اللبن
- The Stubborn
- The stubborn-اللَّجُوج
- Stubbornness
- Stubbornness-اَللَّجاج
- Importunity
- Importunity-الإلحاح
- Important Events
- Important events-الملاحم
- Insults
- Insults-الملاحات
- Pleasure And Delight
- Pleasure and delight-اللّذة
- The Tongue
- The tongue-اللسان
- Notes
- Courteousness
- Courteousness-التلطُّف
- Vain Talk
- Vain talk-اللغو
- Meeting
- Meeting-اللقاء
- Meeting Allah
- Meeting Allah-لقاء اللّه
- Hinting
- Hinting-التلويح
- Reproach, Reprimand And Censure
- Reproach, reprimand and censure-الملامة والعتاب والذّم
- Notes
- Amusement
- Amusement-اللهو
- Night And Day
- Night and day-اللَّيل والنّهار
- Gentleness And Softness
- Gentleness and softness-اللّين واللَّيِّن
- Notes
- Distinction
- Distinction-المجد
- Tribulations
- Tribulations-المحن
- Praise And Extolment
- Praise and extolment-المدح والثَّناء
- The Human Being
- The human being-الْمَرْء والرجل
- Magnanimity
- Magnanimity-المُروءة
- Sickness
- Sickness-المرض
- Disputation And Argument
- Disputation and argument-المراء والجدال
- Joking
- Joking-المزاح
- Walking
- Walking-المَشي
- Notes
- Delay
- Delay-المطل
- Scheming
- Scheming-المكر
- The Devising Of Allah
- The devising of Allah-مكر اللّه
- The Schemer And Plotter
- The schemer and the plotter-الماكر والمكور
- Flattery
- Flattery-المَلَق
- Kings And Rulers
- Kings and rulers-الملوك
- Mālik Al-Ashtar
- Malik al-Ashtar-مالك الأشتر
- Angels
- Angels-المَلائِكة
- The Slave
- The slave-المملوك
- One Who Is Fed-Up
- One who is fed-up-الملول
- Irritation
- Irritation-الملل
- The Inaccessible
- The inaccessible-الممتنع
- To Put [Others] Under Obligation
- To put [others] under obligation-الْمَنّ والإمتنان
- Death
- Death-المَوت
- Notes
- The Dead
- The dead-الموتى
- Wealth And Riches
- Wealth and riches-المال والثروة
- Notes
- Inclination
- Inclination-الميل والأواء
- Nobility And The Noble
- Nobility and the noble-النّبل والنبلاء
- Attentiveness
- Attentiveness-الاِنتباه
- Prophets, Messengers And Imams
- Prophets, Messengers and Imams-الأنبياء والرسل والأئمة
- Success, Prosperity And Salvation
- Success, prosperity and salvation-النّجاح والنّجاة والنجح
- Helping And Seeking Help
- Help and seeking help-النجد والاِستنجاد
- Secret Conversation
- Secret conversation-المناجاة
- Remorse And Regret
- Remorse and regret-الندم والندامة
- The Remorseful
- The remorseful-النادم
- Warning
- Warning-الإنذار
- Dispute
- Dispute-المنازعة
- The Home
- The home-المنزل
- Remaining Pure And Free From Sin
- Remaining pure and free from sin-التَّنزّه والنزاهة
- Outing
- Outing-النُزهة
- The Devotee
- The devotee-المُتَنَسِّك
- Women
- Women-النِّساء
- Forgetting Allah
- Forgetting Allah-نسيان اللّه
- Sincere Advice
- Sincere advice-النُّصْح والنصيحة
- Supporting The Truth
- Supporting the truth-نُصرة الحق
- Supporting Falsehood
- Supporting falsehood-نصرة الباطل
- Seeking Support
- Seeking support-الاِنْتصار
- One Whose Supporter Is Allah
- One whose supporter is Allah-من كان اللّه نصيره
- Seeking Justice
- Seeking justice-الاِنتصاف
- Equity
- Equity-الإنصاف
- The Equitable
- The equitable-اَلمُنْصِفُ
- The Viewed
- The viewed-المَنظر
- Notes
- Being Systematic In Work
- Being systematic in work-النَّظمُ في العمل
- Blessing
- Blessing-النِّعْمَة
- Trouble
- Trouble-التنغيص
- Aversion
- Aversion-النفرة
- The Soul And Holding It To Account
- The soul and holding it to account-النفس ومحاسبتها
- Notes
- Giving And Withholding Charity
- Giving and withholding charity-الإنْفاق والإمساك
- Notes
- Hypocrisy
- Hypocrisy-النِّفاق
- The Hypocrite
- The Hypocrite-المنافق
- Deficiency
- Deficiency-المنقصة
- The Deficient
- The Deficient-المنقوص
- Revenge
- Revenge-الاِنتقام
- Divine Wrath
- Divine wrath-النّقم
- The Defaulters, The Iniquitous And The Transgressors
- The Defaulters, The Iniquitous And The Transgressors -الناكثون والقاسطون والمارقون
- Marriages
- Marraiges-المناكح
- Talebearing
- Talebearing-النميمة
- People
- People-النّاس
- Sleep
- Sleep-النوم
- Deputyship
- Deputyship-النيابة
- Obtainment
- Obtainment-النَّيل
- Intention
- Intention-اَلنّيَّةُ
- Notes
- Reliance On Allah
- Reliance on Allah-الوثوق باللّه
- Attainment
- Attainment-الوجدانُ
- Pain
- Pain-الوجع
- Affection And Friendship
- Affection and friendship-الودّ والتودد والمودّة
- Notes
- Piety
- Piety-الوَرَع
- Financial Support
- Financial support-المواسات
- Tattletale
- Tattletale-الواشي
- Getting Connected To Allah
- Getting connected to Allah-الوصول إلى اللّه
- Establishing Ties And Relations
- Establishing ties and relations-الواصل والتواصل
- Humility
- Humility-التواضع
- Notes
- Homeland
- Homeland-الوطن
- Admonition
- Admonition-الواعظ والموعظة
- God-Given Success
- God-given success-التوفيق
- Notes
- Agreement
- Agreement-الوفاق
- Shamelessness And The Shameless
- Shamelessness and the shameless-الوقاح والوقاحة
- Impudence
- Impudence-القحة
- Reverence
- Reverence-التوقير
- Precautionary Dissimulation
- Precautionary dissumilation-التقيّة
- God-Wariness
- God-wariness-التقوى
- The God-Wary And Godfearing People
- The God-wary and God fearing people-الأتقياءوالمتّقون
- Putting Trust In Allah
- Putting trust in Allah-التَّوكل
- The Child
- The Child-الولد
- Notes
- The Close Friends And Lovers Of Allah
- The close friends and lover of Allah-أولِياء اللّه وأحبائه
- Lethargy
- Lethargy-التواني
- The Grant
- The grant-الموهبة
- Delusion
- Delusion-الوهم
- Suspicion
- Suspicion-التُّهْمة
- True Guidance From Allah
- True guidance from Allah-الهدى وهدى اللّه
- Notes
- Gifts
- Gifts-الهَدِيَّة
- Idle Talk
- Idle talk-الهَذَر
- Joking
- Joking-الهزل
- The Causes Of Downfall And Ruin
- The causes of downfall and ruin-المهلكات والموبقات والمحرقات
- The Scandal-Monger
- The scandal monger-الهمّاز
- Endeavours
- Endeavours-الهِمَم
- Irresponsibility
- Irresponsibility-التهوّر
- The Frightful
- The frightful-الأهوال
- Disdain
- Disdain-الاِسْتهانة
- Vain Desire
- Vain desire-الهوى
- Notes
- Dread And Awe
- Dread and awe-الهيبة
- Loss Of Hope
- Loss of Hope1-اليَأْس
- Notes
- Orphans
- Orphans-الأيتام
- Alertness And Vigilance
- Alertness and vigilance -اليقظة والتيقّظ في الدين
- Certitude
- Certitude-اليقين
- Notes