Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]0%

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)] Author:
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Texts of Hadith

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Qadhi Nasih al-Deen Abu al-Fath ‘Abd al-Wahid Ibn Muhammad Al-Tamimi al-Amudi
Translator: Tahir Ridha Jaffer
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]
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Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech [A Translation of: Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim (English & Arabic)]

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Affection And Friendship

Affection and friendship-الودّ والتودد والمودّة

1 . Honour your friendship and keep your promise.

1 ـ أكْرِمْ وُدَّكَ، واحْفَظْ عَهْدَكَ

2 . Affection is an auspicious blessing.

2 ـ اَلتَّوَدُّدُ (التُّؤَدَةُ) يُمْنٌ

3 . When you love [something or someone] then do not be excessive [in your love].

3 ـ إذا أحْبَبْتَ فَلا تُكْثِرُ

4 . When friendship gets established then [mutual] co-operation and support becomes necessary.

4 ـ إذا ثَبَتَ الوُدُّ وَجَبَ التَّرافُدُ والتَّعاضُدُ

5 . Through affection comes love.

5 ـ بِالتَّوَدُّدِ تَكُونُ المَحَبَّةُ

6 . The best person in granting favours is the one who begins by [showing] friendship.

6 ـ أفْضَلُ النّاسِ مِنَّةً مَنْ بَدَأَ بِالمَوَدَّةِ

7 . The quickest friendships to get cut off are the friendships of wicked people.

7 ـ أسْرَعُ المَوَدّاتِ اِنْقِطاعاً مَوَدّاتُ الأشْرارِ

8 . Verily friendship is expressed by the tongue whereas love is expressed by the gaze (or the eyes).

8 ـ إنَّ المَوَدَّةَ يُعَبِّرُ عَنْهَا اللِّسانُ، وَعَنِ المَحَبَّةِ العَيْنانِ (العَيانُ ).

9 . Friendship is kinship.

9 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ رَحِمٌ

10 . Friendship is affinity.

10 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ نَسَبٌ

11 . Friendship is the closest relationship.

11 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ أقْرَبُ نَسَب

12 . Friendship is the closest kinship.

12 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ أقْرَبُ رَحِم

13 . Friendship is an acquired affinity.

13 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ نَسَبٌ مُسْتَفادٌ

14 . Being friendly with people is the cornerstone of intelligence.

14 ـ اَلتَّوَدُّدُ إلَى النّاسِ رَأسُ العَقْلِ

15 . Friendship for the sake of Allah is the best relationship.

15 ـ اَلمَوَدَّةُ فِي اللّهِ أقْرَبُ نَسَب

16 . Friendship for the sake of Allah is stronger than the bond of blood-relationship.

16 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ فِي اللّهِ آكَدُ مِنْ وَشيجِ الرَّحِمِ

17 . By [showing] affection love is strengthened.

17 ـ بِالتَّوَدُّدِ تَتَأَكَّدُ المَحَبَّةُ

18 . Three things bring about love: religion, humility and generosity.

18 ـ ثَلاثَةٌ يُوجِبْنَ المَحَبَّةَ: الدّينُ، والتَّواضُعُ، والسَّخاءُ

19 . Three things bring about love: good character, good companionship and humility.

19 ـ ثَلاثٌ يُوجِبْنَ المَحَبَّةَ: حُسْنُ الخُلْقِ، وحُسْنُ الرِّفْقِ، وَالتَّواضُعُ

20 . The best choice is making friends with the virtuous.

20 ـ خَيْرُ الاِخْتِيار مُوادَّةُ الأخْيارِ

21 . The cornerstone of intelligence is being friendly with the people.

21 ـ رَأسُ العَقْلِ التَّوَدُّدُ إلَى النّاسِ

22 . Many a [seemingly] friendly person is only feigning [friendship].

22 ـ رُبَّ مُتَوَدِّد مُتَصَنِّع

23 . Ask the hearts about [your] affections, for indeed they are witnesses that do not accept bribes.

23 ـ سَلُوا القُلُوبَ عَنِ المَودّاتِ: فَإنَّها شَواهِدُ لاتَقْبَلُ الرُّشا

24 . Soundness of friendship is part of honouring one’s promise.

24 ـ صِحَّةُ الوُدِّمِنْ كَرَمِ العَهْدِ

25 . In times of hardship and adversity, the value of [one’s] friendship becomes apparent.

25 ـ فِي الضّيقِ وَالشِّدَّةِ يَظْهَرُ حُسْنُ المَوَدَّةِ

26 . Every friendship [and affection] that is based on [anything] other than seeking proximity to Allah is misguidance, and relying on it is impossible.

26 ـ كُلُّ مَوَدَّة مَبْنِيَّة عَلى غَيْرِ ذاتِ اللّهِ ضَلالٌ والاِعْتِمادُ عَلَيْها مُحالٌ

27 . Be an upholder of friendship even if you do not find any custodian [for it].

27 ـ كُنْ لِلْوُدِّ حافِظاً وإنْ لَمْ تَجِدْ مُحافِظاً

28 . One whose friendship is sincere, his audacity is tolerated.

28 ـ مَنْ خَلُصَتْ مَوَدَّتُهُ اُحْتُمِلَتْ دالَّتُهُ

29 . Whoever befriends a silly person proclaims his own silliness.

29 ـ مَنْ وادَّ السَّخيفَ أعْرَبَ عَنْ سَخَفِهِ

30 . One who befriends you for a [specific] objective, turns his back [on you] once it is accomplished.

30 ـ مَنْ وادَّكَ لأمْر وَلّى عِنْدَ اِنْقِضائِهِ

31 . Nothing brings about love like generosity, companionship and good character.

31 ـ مَا اسْتُجْلِبَتِ المَحَبَّةُ بِمِثْلِ السَّخاءِ، والرِّفْقِ، وحُسْنِ الخُلْقِ

32 . One who does not give good advice is not sincere in his friendship.

32 ـ ما أخْلَصَ المَوَدَّةَ مَنْ لَمْ يَنْصَحْ

33 . The friendship of the religious ones does not get severed quickly and is ever firm and lasting.

33 ـ مَوَدَّةُ ذَوِى الدّينِ بَطيئَةُ الاِنْقـطاعِ، دائِمَةُ الثَّباتِ والبَقاءِ

34 . The friendship of a fool is like a tree of fire, part of it consumes [its] other parts.

34 ـ مَوَدَّةُ الأحْمَقِ كَشَجَرَةِ النّارِ، يَأْكُلُ بَعْضُها بَعْضاً

35 . The friendship of a fool vanishes the way a mirage vanishes and is dispersed the way mist gets dispersed.

35 ـ مَوَدَّةُ الحَمْقى تَزُولُ كَما يَزُولُ السَّرابُ، وتُقْشِعُ كَما يُقْشِعُ الضَّبابُ

36 . The friendship of ignorant people constantly changes [with changes in circumstances] and quickly transforms [into enmity].

36 ـ مَوَدَّةُ الجُهّالِ مُتَغَيِّرَةُ الأحْوالِ وشيكَةُ الاِنْتِقالِ

37 . The friendship of lay people parts like the parting of clouds, and disappears like the mirage disappears.

37 ـ مَوَدَّةُ العَوامِّ تَنْقَطِعُ كَانْقِطاعِ السَّحابِ، وتَنْقَشِعُ كَما يَنْقَشِعُ السَّرابُ

38 . The friendship of worldly people is cut off when its [worldly] motives are severed.

38 ـ وُدُّ أبْناءِ الدُّنْيا يَنْقَطِعُ لانْقِطاعِ أسْبابِهِ

39 . The friendship of the people who care for the Hereafter lasts as long as its motive [of pleasing Allah] lasts.

39 ـ وُدُّ أبْناءِ الآخِرَةِ يَدُومُ لِدَوامِ سَبَبِهِ

40 . Have affection for those whom you befriend [only] for the sake of Allah and hate those whom you dislike [only] for the sake of Allah, the Glorified.

40 ـ وادُّوا مَنْ تُوادُّونَهُ فِي اللّهِ، وأبْغِضُوا مَنْ تُبْغِضُونَهُ فيِ اللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ

41 . Do not grant your friendship to one who has no loyalty.

41 ـ لاتَمْنَحَنَّ وُدَّكَ مَنْ لاوَفاءَ لَهُ

42 . Do not be keen in befriending a person whose true nature you have not known.

42 ـ لاتَرْغَبَنَّ في مَوَدَّةِ مَنْ لَمْ تَكْشِفْهُ

43 . Do not befriend the disbeliever and do not accompany the ignorant.

43 ـ لا تُوادُّوا الكافِرَ، ولاتُصاحِبُوا الجاهِلَ

44 . Do not rely on the friendship of the one who does not fulfil his promise.

44 ـ لاتَعْتَمِدْ عَلى مَوَدَّةِ مَنْ لايُوفي بِعَهدِهِ

45 . Never extend your friendship when you do not find a [suitable] place for it.

45 ـ لاتَبْذُلَنَّ وُدَّكَ إذا لَمْ تَجِدْ مَوْضِعاً

46 . No one shows compassion like the sincere friend.

46 ـ لاشَفيقَ كَالوَدُودِ النّاصِحِ

47 . No one befriends the wicked except those who are like them.1

47 ـ لايُوادُّ الأشْرارَُ إلاّ أشْباهَُهُمْ

48 . The friendship of one who has no faith is not something to be envious about.

48 ـ لايُغْتَـبَطُ بِمَوَدَّةِ مَنْ لادينَ لَهُ

49 . The loyal friend does not turn away from his friendship even if he is far away.

49 ـ لايَنْتَقِلُ الوَدُودُ الوَفِيُّ عَنْ حِفاظِهِ وإنْ أُقْصيَ

50 . Friendship that lacks equity does not last.

50 ـ لاتَدُومُ عَلى عَدَمِ الإنْصافِ المَوَدَّةُ

51 . It is befitting for the person who values the friendship of a fool to be humiliated.

51 ـ يَنْبَغي أنْ يُهانَ مُغْتَنِمُ مَوَدَّةِ الحَمْقى

52 . The most beneficial of treasures is the love of the hearts.

52 ـ أنْفَعُ الكُنُوزِ مَحَبَّةُ القُلُوبِ

53 . Friendship is one of two [close] relationships.

53 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ إحْدَى القِرابَتَيْنِ

54 . Friendship for the sake of Allah is the more perfect of the two kinships.

54 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ فِي اللّهِ أكْمَلُ النَّسَبَيْنِ

55 . Friendship is the [mutual] empathy of the hearts and the harmony of the souls.

55 ـ اَلْمَوَدَّةُ تَعاطُفُ القُلُوبِ في (وَ) ايتِلافِ الأرْواحِ

56 . The closest proximity is the affection of the hearts.

56 ـ أقْرَبُ القُرْبِ مَوَدّاتُ القُلُوبِ

57 . The farthest remoteness is the aloofness of the hearts.

57 ـ أبْعَدُ البُعْدِ تَنائِى القُلُوبِ

58 . Beware of loving the enemies of Allah or having sincere affection for other than the friends of Allah, for indeed whoever loves a group of people is resurrected with them.

58 ـ إيّاكَ أنْ تُحِبَّ أعْداءَ اللّهِ، أوْ تُصْفِيَ وُدَّكَ لِغَيْرِ أوْلِياءِ اللّهِ، فَإنَّ مَنْ أحَبَّ قَوْماً حُشِرَ مَعَهُمْ

59 . Seek the love of Allah, the Glorified, by desiring that which is with Him.

59 ـ تَحَبَّبْ إلَى اللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ بِالرَّغْبَةِ فيما لَدَيْهِ

60 . Endear yourself to the people by being uninterested in their possessions and you will be successful in gaining their love.

60 ـ تَحَبَّبْ إلَى النّاسِ بِالزٌّهْدِ فيما أيْديِهِمْ، تَفُزْ بِالمَحَبَّةِ مِنْهُمْ

61 . How can one in whose heart love for this world resides, claim to love Allah?!

61 ـ كَيْفَ يَدَّعي حُبَّ اللّهِ مَنْ سَكَنَ قَلْبَهُ حُبُّ الدُّنْيا؟ !

62 . Friendship does not become pure [and sincere] with one who is not well-mannered.

62 ـ لاتَصْفُو الخُلَّةُ مَعَ غَيْرِأديب


1. Or [in another reading]: The wicked do not befriend anyone except those who are like them.



1 . Piety reforms the faith, protects the soul and adorns magnanimity.

1 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ يُصْلِحُ الدّينَ، ويَصُونُ النَّفْسَ، ويَزينُ المُرُوءَةَ

2 . Restraining oneself from the forbidden [actions] is from the traits of the intelligent and is the quality of the honourable.

2 ـ اَلاِنْقِباضُ عَنِ المَحارِمِ مِنْ شِيَمِ العُقَلاءِ، وَسَجِيَّةُ الأكارِمِ

3 . Abandoning sins is better than seeking repentance [after sinning].

3 ـ أفْضَلُ مِنْ طَلَبِ التَّوْبَةِ تَرْكُ الذَّنْبِ

4 . The most authoritative thing is piety.

4 ـ أمْلَكُ شَيْء اَلوَرَعُ

5 . The most beneficial thing is piety.

5 ـ أنْفَعُ شَيْء اَلوَرَعُ

6 . Piety is the best attire.

6 ـ أحْسَنُ اللِّباسِ الوَرَعُ

7 . The pious person is one whose soul is pure and whose attributes are noble.

7 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ مَنْ نَزِهَتْ نَفْسُهُ وشَرُفَتْ خِلالُهُ

8 . Piety is stopping when faced with doubt.

8 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ الوُقُوفُ عِنْدَ الشُّبْهَةِ

9 . Be cautious of [your duty towards] Him just as He has warned you of Himself and fear Him with a fear that would prevent you from [doing] that which causes His wrath.

9 ـ اِحْذَرُوا مِنَ اللّهِ كُنْهَ ما حَذَّرَكُمْ مِنْ نَفْسِهِ وَاخْشَوْهُمْ خَشْيَةً تَحْجُزُكُمْ عَمّا يُسْخِطُهُ

10 . Beware of falling into doubts and being inclined towards lustful desires, for indeed these two lead you towards falling into the forbidden and committing many sins.

10 ـ إيّاكَ والوُقُوعَ فِي الشُّبَهاتِ، والوُلُوعَ بِالشَّهَواتِ، فَإنَّهُما يَقْتادانِكَ إلَى الوُقُوعِ فِي الْحَرامِ ورُكُوبِ كَثير مِنَ الآثامِ

11 . The best [and most virtuous] thing is piety.

11 ـ أحْسَنُ شَيْء اَلْوَرَعُ

12 . The best piety is thinking positively [about others].

12 ـ أفْضَلُ الوَرَعِ حُسْنُ الظَّنِّ

13 . Keeping away from evil deeds is better than earning [reward through] good deeds.

13 ـ أفْضَلُ مِنِ اكْتِسابِ الحَسَناتِ اِجْتِنابُ السَّيِّئاتِ

14 . The root of piety is keeping away from sins and refraining from the forbidden.

14 ـ أصْلُ الوَرَعِ تَجَنُّبُ الآثامِ، والتَّنَزُّهُ عَنِ الحَرامِ

15 . The best [form of] piety is keeping away from lustful desires.

15 ـ أفْضَلُ الوَرَعِ تَجَنُّبُ الشَّهَواتِ

16 . He who divests himself of piety has corrupted his faith.

16 ـ أفْسَدَ دينَهُ مَنْ تَعَرّى عَنِ الوَرَعِ

17 . The most excellent attire is piety and the best provision is God-wariness.

17 ـ أحْسَنُ اللِّباسِ اَلْوَرَعُ، وخَيْرُ الذُّخْرِ التَّقْوى

18 . The most pious of people is one who is most free from wants.

18 ـ أوْرَعُ النّاسِ أنْزَهُهُمْ عَنِ المَطالِبِ

19 . Verily the most beautiful characteristics are piety and chastity.

19 ـ إنَّ أزْيَنَ الأخْلاقِ اَلْوَرَعُ، والعَفافُ

20 . Piety is eschewal [of the forbidden].

20 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ اِجْتِنابٌ

21 . Piety is a shield.

21 ـ اَلْوَرَعُجُنَّةٌ

22 . Piety is the most excellent attire.

22 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ أفْضَلُ لِباس

23 . Piety is the best companion.

23 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ خَيْرُ قَرين

24 . Piety is nothing but the purification of oneself from sins.

24 ـ إنَّما الوَرَعُ اَلتَّطَهُّرُ عَنِ المَعاصي

25 . Piety is nothing but scrutinizing one’s earnings [to ensure lawfulness] and abstaining from worldly pursuits.

25 ـ إنَّما الوَرَعُ اَلتَّحَرّي فِي المَكاسِبِ، والكَفُّ عَنِ المَطالِبِ

26 . Lack of contentment is the bane of piety.

26 ـ آفَةُ الوَرَعِ قِلَّةُ القَناعَةِ

27 . Through piety there is purification from lowly traits.

27 ـ بِالوَرَعِ يَكُونُ التَّنَزُّهُ مِنَ الدَّنايا

28 . Through true piety, religion is protected.

28 ـ بِصِدْقِ الوَرَعِ يُحْصَنُ الدّينُ

29 . It is through piety that a believer is purified.

29 ـ بِالوَرَعِ يَتَزَكَّى المُؤْمِنُ

30 . The fruit of piety is the uprightness of one’s soul and faith.

30 ـ ثَمَرَةُ الوَرَعِ صَلاحُ النَّفْسِ والدّينِ

31 . The fruit of being pious is purity [from sins].

31 ـ ثَمَرَةُ التَّوَرُّعِ اَلنَّزاهَةُ

32 . The indication of a man’s piety is his purity [from sins].

32 ـ دَليلُ وَرَعِ الرَّجُلِ نَزاهَتُهُ

33 . The proof of good piety is the soul’s refrainment from the disgrace of avarice.

33 ـ دَلالَةُ حُسْنِ الوَرَعِ عُزُوفُ النَّفْسِ عَنْ مَذَلَّةِ الطَّمَعِ

34 . May Allah have mercy upon the person who refrains from the forbidden, bears the liabilities [of others] and vies in hastening towards the abundant prizes [of the Hereafter].

34 ـ رَحِمَ اللّهُ امْرَءاً تَوَرَّعَ عَنِ المَحارِمِ، وتَحَمَّلَ المَغارِمَ، وَنافَسَ في مُبادَرَةِ جَزيلِ المَغانِمِ

35 . The cornerstone of piety is lowering one’s gaze.

35 ـ رَأسُ الوَرَعِ غَضُّ الطَّرْفِ

36 . The cause of integrity of faith is piety.

36 ـ سَبَبُ صَلاحِ الدّينِ اَلْوَرَعُ

37 . The cause of righteousness of the soul is piety.

37 ـ سَبَبُ صَلاحِ النَّفْسِ اَلْوَرَعُ

38 . Two things cannot be matched in weight by any [other] action: virtuous piety and kindness towards the believers.

38 ـ شَيْئانِ لايُوازِنُهُما عَمَلٌ: حُسْنُ الوَرَعِ، والإحْسانُ إلَى المُؤمِنينَ

39 . Espouse piety, for it is indeed the best protection.

39 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِالوَرَعِ فَإنَّهُ خَيْرُ صِيانَة

40 . You must espouse piety, for indeed it is a helper of the faith and a trait of the sincere ones.

40 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِالوَرَعِ فَإنَّهُ عَوْنُ الدِّينِ، وشيمَةُ المُخْلِصينَ

41 . Espouse piety and beware of the deception of avarice, for indeed it is a pasture without herbage.

41 ـ عَلَيْكَ بِالوََرَعِ، وإيّاكَ وغُرُورَ الطَّمَعِ،فَإنَّهُ وَخيمُ المَرْتَعِ

42 . During the presence of lustful desires and pleasures, the piety of the God-wary becomes evident.

42 ـ عِنْدَ حُضُورِ الشَّهَواتِ واللَّذّاتِ يَتَـبَيَّنُ وَرَعُ الأتْقِياءِ

43 . Piety has been paired with God-wariness.

43 ـ قُرِنَ الوَرَعُ بِالتُّقى

44 . How can one who is possessed by avarice possess piety?

44 ـ كَيْفَ يَمْلِكُ الوَرَعَ مَنْ يَمْلِكُهُ الطَّمَعُ

45 . Let your piety be true, your striving for the right be intense and your intention be sincere in the trust [you take] and the vow [you make].

45 ـ لِيَصْدُقْ وَرَعُكَ، ويَشْتَدَّ تَحَرّيكَ، وتَخْلُصْ نِيَّتُكَ فِي الأمانَةِ وَاليَمينِ

46 . One who is not reformed by piety is corrupted by avarice.

46 ـ مَنْ لَمْ يُصْلِحْهُ الوَرَعُ أفْسَدَهُ الطَّمَعُ

47 . One who is truly pious keeps away from the forbidden actions.

47 ـ مَنْ صَدَّقَ وَرَعَهُ اِجْتَنَبَ المُحَرَّماتِ

48 . Whoever shuns lustful desires has safeguarded his soul.

48 ـ مَنْ تَوَرَّعَ عَنِ الشَّهَواتِ صانَ نَفْسَهُ

49 . One who lacks piety, his heart is dead.

49 ـ مَنْ قَلَّ وَرَعُهُ ماتَ قَلْبُهُ

50 . One whose piety increases, his sins decrease.

50 ـ مَنْ زادَ وَرَعُهُ نَقَصَ إثْمُهُ

51 . One who adopts piety, his worship becomes good.

51 ـ مَنْ تَوَرَّعَ حَسُنَتْ عِبادَتُهُ

52 . Whoever divests himself of piety puts on the attire of disgrace.

52 ـ مَنْ تَعَرّى عَنِ الوَرَعِ اِدَّرَعَ جِلْبابَ العارِ

53 . One of the prerequisites of piety is refraining from sins.

53 ـ مِنْ لَوازِمِ الوَرَعِ التَّنَـزُّهُ عَنِ الآثامِ

54 . It is from the most excellent piety that you not do in private what you would be embarrassed to do in public.

54 ـ مِنْ أفْضَلِ الوَرَعِ أنْ لاتُبْدِيَ في خَلْوَتِكَ ما تَسْتَحْيي مِنْ إظْهارِهِ في عَلانِيَتِكَ

55 . Eschewing forbidden actions is from the most excellent piety.

55 ـ مِنْ أفْضَلِ الوَرَعِ اِجْتِنابُ المُحَرَمّاتِ

56 . Nothing reforms the faith like piety.

56 ـ ما أصْلَحَ الدّينَ كَالوَرَعِ

57 . The basis of piety is refraining from the forbidden [actions].

57 ـ مِلاكُ الوَرَعِ اَلكَفُّ عَنِ المَحارِمِ

58 . With piety, actions bear fruit.

58 ـ مَعَ الوَرَعِ يُثْمِرُ العَمَلُ

59 . Piety is indeed a good companion and avarice is certainly an evil associate.

59 ـ نِعْمَ الرَّفيقُ الوَرَعُ، وبِئْسَ القَرينُ الطَّمَعُ

60 . The piety of a man is to the extent of his religiosity.

60 ـ وَرَعُ الرَّجُلِ عَلى قَدْرِ دينِهِ

61 . Be pious and you will become pure.

61 ـ كُنْ وَرِعاً تَكُنْ زَكِيّاً

62 . The piety that saves is better than the avarice that ruins.

62 ـ وَرَعٌ يُنْجي خَيْرٌ مِنْ طَمَع يُرْدي

63 . The piety that dignifies is better than the avarice that humiliates.

63 ـ وَرَعٌ يُعِزُّ خَيْرٌ مِنْ طَمَع يُذِلُّ

64 . The piety of a person frees him from every vileness.

64 ـ وَرَعُ المَرْءِ يُنَزِّهُهُ عَنْ كـُلِّ دَنيَّة

65 . The piety of a believer is manifested in his action.

65 ـ وَرَعُ المُؤْمِنِ يَظْهَرُ في عَمَلِهِ

66 . The piety of a hypocrite is not manifested but on his tongue.

66 ـ وَرَعُ المُنافِقِ لايَظْهَرُ إلاّ عَلى لِسانِِهِ

67 . There is no piety like overcoming [one’s] lust.

67 ـ لاوَرَعَ كَغَلَبَةِ الشَّهْوَةِ

68 . There is no purity like piety.

68 ـ لانَزاهَةَ كَالتَّوَرُّعِ

69 . There is no piety like eschewing sins.

69 ـ لاوَرَعَ كَتَجَنُّبِ الآثامِ

70 . Nothing reforms faith like piety.

70 ـ لايُصْلِحُ الدّينَ كَالوَرَعِ

71 . Piety and avarice do not go together.

71 ـ لايَجْتَمِعُ الوَرَعُ وَالطَّمَعُ

72 . There is no stronghold more protective than piety.

72 ـ لامَعْقِلَ أحْرَزُ مِنَ الوَرَعِ

73 . There is no safeguard for the one who has no piety.

73 ـ لاصِيانَةَ لِمَنْ لاوَرَعَ لَهُ

74 . There is no piety more beneficial than eschewing the forbidden.

74 ـ لاوَرَعَ أنْفَعُ مِنْ تَجَنُّبِ المَحارِمِ

75 . There is no piety more beneficial than abandoning the forbidden and eschewing sins.

75 ـ لاوَرَعَ أنفَعُ مِنْ تَرْكِ المَحارِمِ وتَجَنُّبِ الْمَ آثِمِ

76 . There is no action better than [practicing] piety.

76 ـ لاعَمَلَ أفْضَلُ مِنَ الـوَرَعِ

77 . It pleases me for a person to be righteously pious, free from avarice, abundant in kindness and lacking in [making others feel a sense of] obligation.

77 ـ يُعْجِبُني أنْ يَكُونَ الرَّجُلُ حَسَنَ الوَرَعِ، مُتَنَزِّهاً عَنِ الطَّمَعِ، كَثيرَ الإحْسانِ، قَليلَ الاِمْتِنانِ

78 . One of the prerequisites of piety is refraining from sins.

78 ـ مِنْ لَوازِمِ الوَرَعِ اَلتَّنَزُّهُ عَنِ الآثامِ

79 . Piety is the distinguishing mark of the God-wary.

79 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ شِعارُ الأتْقِياءِ

80 . Piety is a shield against evil deeds.

80 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ جُنَّةٌ مِنَ السَّيِّئاتِ

81 . Piety is the lamp of success.

81 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ مِصْباحُ نَجاح

82 . Piety is an exalter.

82 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ مُجِلٌّ

83 . Piety is the fruit of chastity.

83 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ ثَمَرَةُ العَفافِ

84 . Piety is a trait of the learned scholar.

84 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ شيمَةُ الفَقيهِ

85 . Piety is the basis of God-wariness.

85 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ أساسُ التَّقْوى

86 . Piety restrains one from committing acts that are forbidden.

86 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ يَحْجُزُ عَنِ ارْتِكابِ المَحارِمِ

87 . Piety is better than the disgrace of avarice.

87 ـ اَلْوَرَعُ خَيْرٌ مِنْ ذُلِّ الطَّمَعِ

88 . Verily if you adopt piety, you will become free from the filth of evil deeds.

88 ـ إنَّكَ إنْ تَوَرَّعْتَ تَنَزَّهْتَ عَنْ دَنَسِ السَّيّئاتِ

Financial Support

Financial support-المواسات

1 . Verily supporting [one’s] companions financially is a sign of noble descent.

1 ـ إنَّ مُواساةَ الرِّفاقِ مِنْ كَرَمِ الأعْراقِ

2 . Giving financial support [to a believer] is the best of actions.

2 ـ اَلْمُواساةُ أفْضَلُ الأعْمالِ

3 . Nothing preserves brotherhood like financial support [in times of need].

3 ـ ما حُفِظَتِ الأُخُوَّةُ بِمِثْلِ المُواساةِ



1 . Whoever believes [the words of] a tattletale spoils his friendship.

1 ـ مَنْ صَدَّقَ الواشِيَ أفْسَدَ الصَّديقَ

Getting Connected To Allah

Getting connected to Allah-الوصول إلى اللّه

1 . You will never get connected to the Creator until you sever your ties with the creation.

1 ـ لَنْ تَتَّصِلَ بِالخالِقِ حَتّى تَنْقَطِعَ عَنِ الخَلْقِ

2 . Connecting to Allah is in severing ties with the people.

2 ـ الوُصْلَةُ بِاللّهِ فِي الاِنْقِطاعِ عَنِ النّاسِ

Establishing Ties And Relations

Establishing ties and relations-الواصل والتواصل

1 . Establish ties [with each other] and come to agreements, and beware of severing ties and forsaking one another.

1 ـ عَلَيْكُمْ بِالتَّواصُلِ والمُوافَقَةِ، وإيّاكُم والمُقاطَعَةِ وَالمُهاجَرَةِ

2 . Establish ties with the one who cuts you off, give the one who asks you, and initiate in giving to the one who does not ask from you.

2 ـ كُنْ لِمَنْ قَطَعَكَ واصِلاً، وَلِمَنْ سَأَلَكَ مُعْطِياً، ولِمَنْ سَكَتَ عَنْ مَسْأَلَتِكَ مُبْتَدِئاً

3 . The one who establishes ties with you while he has nothing is better than the one who shuns you while he has plenty.

3 ـ مَنْ وَصَلَكَ وهُوَ مُعْدِمٌ خَيْرٌ لَكَ مِمَّنْ جَفاكَ وهُوَ مُكْثِرٌ

4 . Whoever establishes ties with you through the sanctity of Islam has associated [with you] through the firmest means.

4 ـ مَنْ مَتَّ إلَيْكَ بِحُرْمَةِ الاْسْلامِ فَقَدْ مَتَّ بِأوْثَقِ الأسْبابِ

5 . Being connected [and keeping ties] with the people of excellence leads to loftiness.

5 ـ مُواصَلَةُ الأفاضِلِ تُوجِبُ السُّمُوَّ

6 . Establish ties with the one whom you keep relations with for the sake of Allah, and sever ties with the one whom you disassociate with for the sake of Allah, the Glorified.

6 ـ واصِلُوا مَنْ تُواصِلُونَهُ فِي اللّهِ، واهْجُرُوا مَنْ تَهْجُرُونَهُ فِي اللّهِ سُبْحانَهُ

7 . The ties established [with you] by a pauper is better than the shunning of the affluent.

7 ـ وَصُولٌ مُعْدِمٌ خَيْرٌمِنْ جاف مُكْثِر

8 . The one who consociates with the people is he who establishes ties with the one who cuts him off.

8 ـ وَصُولُ النّاسِ مَنْ وَصَلَ مَنْ قَطَعَهُ

9 . Never let your brother be stronger in severing ties with you than you are in establishing ties with him.

9 ـ لايَكُونَنَّ أخُوكَ عَلى قَطيعَتِكَ أقْوى مِنْكَ عَلى صِلَتِهِ