Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults [Safi]

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Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults [Safi]

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Ayatullah Lutfullah Safi Gulpaygani
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Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults [Safi]
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Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults [Safi]

Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults [Safi]


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Simplified Islamic Laws for Young Adults

Author(s): Ayatullah Lutfullah Safi Gulpaygani

Table of Contents

A Summary of the Life of Hadhrat Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani 7

His Parents 7

His Studies 7

Characteristics of Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Safi 8

Level of knowledge of Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Safi 9

A Sample of His Writings 11

Introduction 12

Ijtihad and Taqlid 13

The difference between Ihtiyat Mustahab & Ihtiyat Wajib 14

What are the signs of someone being Baligh? 14

Notes 14

Taharat 15

The Rules of the Corpse 15

The Rules of Blood 16

How does something become Najis? 16

Note 16

Mutahhirat 17

The Rules of Water 17

The Divisions of Pure Water 17

Qaleel Water 17

Kurr, Flowing and Well Water 18

How to wash something Najis in Water 18

The Ground 19

The Sun 19

Islam 19

Removal of the ‘Ayn Najasat 20

Notes 20

Wudhu 21

How do we perform Wudhu? 21

An explanation of the actions in Wudhu 21

Washing 21

Wiping 21

Conditions for Wudhu 22

Summary of the conditions of Wudhu 22

Wudhu Jabirah 24

Things for which Wudhu must be performed 25

How does Wudhu become void? 26

Note 26

Ghusl 27

The method of performing Ghusl 27

Conditions necessary for the Ghusl to be correct 27

Wajib Ghusls 27

Ghusl Janabat 28

Actions Haram for a Junub 28

Ghusl Mayyit 29

Ghusl Mass Mayyit 29

The Ghusls related to Girls and Women 29

Ghusl of Haidh (Menstruation) 29

Ghusl of Istihada 30

Ghusl of Nifas 30

Notes 30

Tayammum 31

The Rules of Tayammum 31

The Rules of Tayammum 31

Salat 33

The Divisions of Salat 33

Times for the Daily Salat 33

The Time for Fajr Adhan 34

Midday (according to Islamic Law) and the time for Salatul Zuhr 34

What is the time for Maghrib? 34

Calculating Midnight 34

The Rules for the Times of Salat 34

The Qiblah 35

The Covering of the Body in Salat 35

The Place of Salat 36

The Rules of the Place of Salat 36

The Rules of the Masjid 37

The Preparation for Salat 38

Adhan and Iqamah 38

Adhan 38

Iqamah 38

The Rules of the Adhan and Iqamah 39

The Actions in Salat 39

Wajibat of Salat 39

Rukn 40

Ghair-Rukn 40

The Difference between a Rukn and Ghair-Rukn 40

The Rules pertaining to the Wajibat of Salat 40

Niyyat 40

Takbiratul Ihram 40

Qiyam 41

Qira’at 41

Surah al-Fatiha 41

Surah al-Tawhid 41

Tasbihat al-Arbah 42

The Rules of Recitation (Qira’at) 42

Sujud 43

The Responsibility of One who can not Perform Sajdah in the Normal Way 44

The Wajib Sujud of the Qur’an 44

Tashahhud 44

Salam 45

Tartib (Sequential) 45

Muwalat (Succession) 45

Qunut 45

Ta’qib Salat 45

Mubtilat of Salat 46

The Rules of the Mubtilat of Salat 46

Speaking 46

Laughing 46

Turning away from the Qiblah 46

Eating and Drinking 47

Changing the form of the Salat 47

Translation of the Adhan & Iqamah 47

Translation of the Adhan 47

Translation of the Iqamah 48

Surah al-Fatiha 49

Surah al-Ikhlas 49

Dhikr in Ruku 49

Dhikr in Sujud 49

Tasbihat al-Arbah 49

Tashahhud and Salam 50

Doubts in Salat 50

Doubt in the Parts of the Salat 50

Doubts that make the Salat void 51

Salatul Ihtiyat 51

Sajdah Sahw 52

Salatul Musafir 52

The intention of ten days 54

Salatul Qada 54

The Qada Salat of the Father and Mother 55

Salatul Jama’at 55

Importance of Salatul Jama'at 56

Conditions for Salatul Jama'at 56

Connecting or Joining in Salatul Jama'at 56

The Rules of Salatul Jama'at 57

Salatul Jumu‘ah 58

How to recite Salatul Jumu‘ah 58

The Conditions for Salatul Jumu‘ah 58

The Responsibility of the Person Making Salatul Jumu‘ah 58

Salatul Ayat 59

How to recite Salatul Ayat 59

First Rak’at 59

Second Rak’at 59

The Rules of Salatul Ayat 59

Mustahab Salat 60

Salatul ‘Eid 60

The Time of Salatul-‘Eid 60

How to Recite Salatul-‘Eid 60

The Nafilah of the Daily Salat 61

Salatul Lail (Night Prayers) 61

The Time for Salatul Lail 61

Salatul Ghufailah 61

The Method of Praying Salatul Ghufailah 61

Notes 62

Fasting 63

Niyyat for Fasting 63

The Things that Make the Fast Void 63

The Rules of those Things that Make the Fast Void 63

Eating and Drinking 63

Having an Injection 63

Allowing thick dust (or smoke) to reach the throat 64

Placing the complete head under water 64

Vomiting 64

The Qada’ and the Kaffarah of the Fast 64

The Qada’ Fast 64

Kaffarah of the Fast 64

The Rules of the Qada’ and the Kaffarah of the Fast 64

The Fast of a Traveller 65

Zakatul Fitrah 65

The Amount of Zakatul Fitrah 65

The Items that can be given for Zakatul Fitrah 65

Note 66

Khums 67

The Rules of Khums 67

The Spending of Khums 67

Note 68

Zakat 69

A brief note: 69

The Rules of Zakat 69

The Disposal of Zakat 70

Note 70

The Rules of Buying and Selling 71

Cancelling a Transaction 71

Loans 73

The Divisions of Giving a Loan 73

The Rules of Giving a Loan 73

Custody or Trust 74

The Rules Regarding Custody or Trust 74

Lending and Borrowing 75

Items that are found 76

Losing one’s Shoes 76

Note 76

Usurpation 78

Eating and Drinking 79

The Etiquettes of Eating 79

The Etiquettes of Drinking Water 79

Conditions for the Slaughtering of an Animal 80

Hunting by Weapons 80

Fishing 80

Looking at Others 82

Mahram and Non-Mahram 82

Looking at Others 83

Marriage 84

The Rules of Greeting One Another 85

Etiquette’s of Greeting One Another 85

The Rules of the Qur’an 86

Touching the Script of the Qur’an 86

Taking an Oath 87

Various Issues 88

Note 89

A Glossary of Terms 90

A Summary of the Life of Hadhrat Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani

Hadhrat Ayatullah al-`Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Lutfullah as-Safi, a renowned Faqhi, Scholar of Islam and one of the greatest thinkers of our time, was born in the year 1337 Hijri (1917) in the city of Gulpaygan, Iran.

His Parents

His father, the late Ayatullah Akhund Mulla Muhammad al-Jawad as-Safi (b.1867) was a wellknown ‘Alim and an ‘Arif. He, along with being a specialist in Islamic studies, was also a researcher, writer and a teacher in various fields of Islamic sciences such as: Fiqh, ¬sul, Kalam, Akhlaq, Hadith, and other areas. He was also well versed in Poetry, and Calligraphy.

His deep level of piety, love for the Wilayat of the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon all of them), the excellence in Akhlaq of this great man and his firm position of upholding the concept of “Amr bil Ma’ruf wa Nahi anil Munkar” (Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil) and taking a stand against those who had deviant thoughts and the oppressors and despotic rulers of his time had a tremendous effect on his son.

The setting of the sun on the life of this great scholar was on the 25th of Rajab, in the year 1958, which corresponded to the night of the Shahadat of the 7th Imam, Musa al-Kazim (‘a).

His mother was Fatima, a noble woman, poet, and a lover of the Ahlul-Bayt (peace be upon all of them) and the daughter of Ayatullah Akhund Mullah Muhammad ‘Ali - the roommate and study partner of the late Ayatullah al-Uzma Mirza Shirazi (May Allah raise his status).

Sincerity, piety, bravery, frankness and outspokenness, patience in the upbringing of her children, the remembrance of Allah, recitation of various Dua’, and Salatul Lail are some of the particular spiritual and ethical traits of this now deceased woman.

In reality, Agha Safi Gulpaygani, inherited his love and sincerity for the Ahlul Bait (peace be upon all of them) from parents like this.

His Studies

Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Safi stepped into the garden of knowledge while in his youth. He started his primary Arabic studies in the city of Gulpaygan (Iran) under the tutelage of the great Scholar, Marhum Akhund Mullah Abul Qasim, better known as “Qutb”. He continued his studies in the fields of Arabic, Kalam, Tafsir of the Quran, Hadith, Fiqh, and Usul until the end of Suth (the second major level of Islamic studies) in this city. During this period, he was also being taught by his father, Ayatullah Akhund Mullah Muhammad al-Jawad as-Safi in the above mentioned sciences of Islam.

In the year 1940, Ayatullah as-Safi left the city of Gulpaygan, a move that until today, he still feels upset about having to make, but none the less, with all the difficulties involved, he made the migration to the city of Qum. It was here in Qum that he took take part in the classes being offered by the greatest Scholars of the Hauza Ilmiyyah of Qum, and the place where he was able to continue on the road of completing his studies and research in Islam.

A few years later, Ayatullah as-Safi made the journey to Najaf al-Ashraf and for one year, took part in the lessons being offered by the Great Maraja’ of that religious institution. The exceptional power of understanding, and the intense struggle and serious-mindedness in pursuing his studies were some of the reasons that the great teachers in Qum and Najaf paid special attention to him.

Some of his teachers while in Najaf al-Ashraf:

• Ayatullah al-Uzma ash-Saykh Muhammad Kadhim Shirazi (d. 1367)

• Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Jamal ad-Din Gulpaygani (d. 1377)

• Ayatullah al-Uzma ash-Shaykh Muhammad ‘Ali Kadhimi (d. 1364)

After studying in the city of Najaf, Hadhrat Ayatullah Lutfullah as-Safi returned to Qum. It was there, that for more than fifteen years, he attended classes on Akhlaq and 'Irfan, then being taught by the former Marja' of the Shi'a world, Hadhrat Ayatullah al-'Uzma al-Burujerdi (May Allah raise his Status).

It was at this time that Ayatullah as-Safi was chosen to be one of the special advisors to the late Ayatullah al-Burujerdi, and was also one of the few selected people who worked on answering the religious questions that were being sent in by the Muqallidin of the late Ayatullah.

Ayatullah al-Burujerdi, after recognizing the level of knowledge and the ability that Ayatullah as-Safi possessed, then decided to keep him in charge of answering the important questions that were coming into the Late Marja's office in the fields of Fiqh, and Kalam.

It was also through the encouragement of Ayatullah al-Burujerdi that ash-Shaikh as-Safi was able to compile the valuable book, or rather an encyclopedia in the study of the 12th Imam, al-Mahdi ('a), which later took on the name of "Muntakhab al-Athar fi Imam Thani al-‘Ashar".

Some of his teachers while in Qum:

• Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhammad Taqi Khansari (d. 1371)

• Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Muhammad Hujjat Kuhkamri (d. 1372)

• Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhammad Sadr ad-Din Sadr ‘Amili (d. 1373)

• Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhammad Hussein Burujerdi (d. 1375)

• Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Muhammad Reda Gulpaygani (d. 1414)

Characteristics of Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Safi

Piety, sincerity, reliance on Allah in all matters, frankness in speech, and Enjoining the Good and Forbidding the Evil are some of the spiritual and ethical traits of this Faqhi.

His presence is a boundary less ocean of love for the Pure Lights of the Sinless Progeny of the Prophet ('a), and every morning, after his Salat, after the recitation of Dua' al-Ahad, those around him hear his heart crying out in love for the Hidden Imam, with the plea:

” اَلْعَجَلُ اَلْعَجَلُ يَا مَوْلاَياَ يَا صَاحِبُ الزَّمَانَ “

It has also been noted that on Friday afternoons, he can be spotted in Masjid Jamkaran, which is just outside the holy City of Qum, sitting among the faithful lovers of Imam al-Mahdi ('a) engrossed in prayers.

Some of the academic achievements of this scholar include teaching and research in various fields of Islamic Studies, such as Fiqh, Usul, Kalam, Hadith, Rijal and other areas. It suffices us to mention that along with all of this; he is also the author of over 100 valuable books, both in Farsi and Arabic, of which some have been translated into various languages.

Level of knowledge of Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Safi

Ayatullah as-Safi, during his studies in the Hauza of Qum, was ranked with high esteem as one of the greatest scholars by leading figures of the Muslim world, such as: Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Gulpaygani, Ayatullah al-Burujerdi, Imam al-Khumayni, Sayyid Muhammad Rida al-Gulpaygani, and various others.

Some 45 years ago, on the 3rd of Jumad al-Awal, Ayatullah al-Udma al-Hajj as-Sayyid Jamal ad-Din al-Gulpaygani, one of the biggest and most well known Marja’ of his time in Najaf al-Ashraf, bestowed the highest honor on Ayatullah as-Safi by announcing his reaching to the level of Ijtihad.

Not only did he confirm Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Safi’s reaching to this level, but in the letter which he wrote, which is still available today, he went on to say that Ayatullah as-Safi Gulpaygani was at the highest level of Ijtihad - in comparison to the other scholars of his time. This is the final level in Islamic studies, where, after completion, a person is allowed to make his own independent decisions, with the help of Qur’an, and ahadith in matters of Islamic law.

For many years during the lifetime of Marhum Ayatullah Burujerdi, and even after his death, Ayatullah as-Safi was one of the few people who were responsible for taking the exams of the students in the Hauza. These included the students who were at the highest level of their studies, including those involved in the studies known as 'B'ath al-Kharij' (the final level of Islamic studies, after which, if successfully completed, entitles a person to formulate his or her own opinion on Islamic matters, in the light of the Qur'an and Sunnah).

It should be noted that a large number of the Mujtahidin and teachers who are presently in the Hauza 'Ilmiyyah of Qum have taken their exams at the hands of this noble scholar.

This valuable Faqhi, in addition to what has already been mentioned, has also done extensive research in the area of Arabic Syntax (the rules of Arabic Grammar), and in the History of Islam and Iran. He is also well acquainted with the various forms of poetry, and is well versed in composing verses of poetry.

Even today, this learned Marja', with all the responsibilities that lie on his shoulders, still finds the time to keep himself informed on a day to day basis of the news of the world, with special attention taken to the news of the world of Islam, by all means and methods at his disposal.

With the large amount of information on history and politics that is continuously being passed on to him, and with his ability to be able to analyze all the events that are occurring in the world today in their respective regions, it is no wonder that he is often referred to as "The Scholar of our Time."

Before the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatullah as-Safi's presence in the various areas of struggle and opposition against the Shah's corrupt regime was well known. It was with the confiscation and banning of one of his books by the Shah's secret police, known as the SAVAK, that added to the friction between this Faqhi and the former Government.

Ultimately, the printing of some of the most important books that Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Safi had written, in defense of the teachings of the Shi'a' were banned (in Iran). At the same time, the Leaders of some of the Arab countries, who were working hand in hand with the Colonialists, and who were not able to hide their anger and hatred from these conscious writings which had the potential of awakening others, were ultimately forced to ban his books.

With the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, Ayatullah as-Safi, on behalf of the Late Imam al-Khumayni, was placed in charge of the "Shura Negahban" or the "Council of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution". For eight years, he served as the Secretary General of the "Council of Guardians". He had provided his valuable assistance in establishing and preserving the social order in Iran, and to the service of the people of this nation, in guarding the sanctity of Islam and the Qur'an. During this eight years, not even once did he entertain any sort of doubt or uncertainty in his mind concerning his role in the Government.

Ayatullah al-'Uzma al-Hajj ash-Shaykh Lutfullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani, who, over 20 years ago, possessed all the conditions necessary for Marja'iyat, generously and nobly passed it by.

With the untimely demise of his teacher, the Late Ayatullah al-'Uzma as-Sayyid Muhammad Rida al-Gulpaygani in 1993, ash-Shaykh as-Safi was flooded with requests from the 'Ulama and people all over the world to accept the responsibility of guiding the Shi'a world. Finally, after repeated requests, he humbly accepted the Marja'iyat, and today, is counted as one of the leading and outstanding Marja', and one of the main pillars of the Hauza Ilmiyyah of Qum.

The leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Ruhullah al-Musawi al-Khumayni (May Allah raise his status) had personally told Agha Safi Gulpaygani that he is constantly praying for him and in addition, he never forgets to pray for him in his Salat al-Lail.

The great scholar, and Marja’ Taqlid of the Shi’a world, the late Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid al-Hajj Muhammad Rida al-Gulpaygani (May Allah raise his status), in regards to Ayatullah as-Safi al-Gulpaygani had written the following in his will to his family:

“…Any time you need the permission of a Faqihi (for religious issues), refer to Ayatullah Agha Hajj Shaykh Lutfullah Safi, since, without doubt, I consider him to be a Mujtahid, and ‘Adil.”

One of the most well known teachers in the Hauza ‘Ilmiyyah of Qum, who has written countless books on topics ranging from Usul al-Fiqh, ‘Aqaid, History and other areas many of which have been translated into English, Urdu, and other languages, Ayatullah al-Hajj Mirza Ja’far Subhani, at the funeral ceremony of the late Ayatullah al-Uzma as-Sayyid Muhammad Rida Gulpaygani, said the following about Agha Safi:

“…A person whom, in his life, has continuously been busy with pen in hand, writing and offering his services to Islam - one who is counted as of the ‘Arifs and upright ‘Ulama, and one whom just looking at his face, is reminded of Allah (SWT)…”

A Sample of His Writings

To date, this Marja’ Taqlid and scholar of Islam has over 100 books to his name, some of which are:

Muntakhab al-Athar Fi al-Imam ath-Thani ‘Ashar

• Imamate and Mahdiwiat

• Glimpses of the greatness of al-Hussain (Peace be upon him)

• Divinity in Nahjul Balagha

• Tawdhiul Masail

• Manasik Hajj (Farsi)

• Medical Questions and Answers

• The History of the Shi’a Hauza

• The Epic of Karbala

• Answers to Ten Questions regarding Imam al-Mahdi

• A Discussion regarding the famous Hadith of the Splitting of the Muslim Ummah into 73 Sects

• The Qur’an: Protected from Corruption

• The Call of Islam from Europe

• Discussion concerning the Ayah of Tathir

• The Necessity of Islamic Government or Wilayat al-Fuqaha during the ‘Asr al-Ghaybah

• The Relationship and Connection between the World and al-Imam az-Zaman (Peace be Upon Him)

• Tafsir of Ayah al-Fitrah (30:30)

• Answers to questions from a Muslim Woman

• A Reply to “The Belief of Mahdiism in Shi’a Imamia” (Reply to the doctorate thesis written by Mr. Abdul-Aziz Sachedina)


” الحمد لله ربّ العالمين و الصّلوة و السّلام على خير خلقه و اشرف بر يّته محمّد و آله الطّاهر ين

لا سيّما بقيّة الله في الأرضين و لعنة الله على اعدائهم اجمعين الى قيام يوم الدّين “

The practical laws of Islam that are related to the actions that one must perform and those that must be avoided, and are the responsibility of everyone to learn, are called the Ahkam (rules).

Every action that a person performs has a specific ruling in Islam. The various actions that we perform, which are related to our responsibility (to Allah) are divided into five categories: Wajib, Haram, Mustahab, Makruh, and Mubah.

Wajib: Those actions that must be performed, and turning away from them, incur Allah’s punishment - for example Salat, and Sawm.

Haram: Those actions which must be avoided, and performing them incur punishment from Allah, like lying and oppression.

Mustahab: These are actions which are recommended to be performed and earn the person a reward, but not performing such actions do not incur punishment from Allah - for example saying Salam and giving Sadaqa.

Makruh: Those actions which are better if not performed, and if avoided, earn a reward, but if performed, do not accompany a punishment - for example, sleeping in a Masjid, and the praising of goods that a person sells (otherwise known as advertising).

Mubah: Those actions whose performance or turning away from are equal; meaning one neither gets a reward, nor punishment - for example walking or sitting.

Ijtihad and Taqlid

A person is allowed to perform the rites of Islam, either by way of “Ijtihad” or “Taqlid”.

“Ijtihad” refers to the intense struggle in the way of extracting the rules of Islam from their sources, of which the most important are the Qur’an and the Ahadith of the Masumin (Peace be upon all of them) - after learning the necessary sciences (of Islam) that enable the person to be able to extract the Ahkam from their sources. A person who has this intellectual power is called a “Mujtahid”.

“Taqlid” means to follow and to go behind someone, and in the context of Islam, refers to following a Mujtahid; meaning that a person performs his responsibilities according to the Fatawa of a Mujtahid.

Issue 1: A Mujtahid to whom others do Taqlid to is referred to as a “Marja’ Taqlid”, and the person who does Taqlid is called a “Muqallid”.

Issue 2: Someone who is not a Mujtahid, and is not able to derive the rules and commandments of Allah from their sources, and who cannot act according to Ihtiyat, must do Taqlid to a Mujtahid. This means that he must perform his actions according to the Fatawa (of a Mujtahid).

Issue 3: The responsibility of most people in the rules of Islam is to perform Taqlid, because the numbers of people who are able to perform the rules of Islam by reaching to the level of Ijtihad are few.

Issue 4: The Mujtahid, to whom one does Taqlid to, must be:

• Just (Adil)

• Living

• Male

• Shi’a Ithna-‘Asheri

• According to Ihtiyat Wajib, must be A’lam (the most knowledgeable)

Issue 5: If the Mujtahid to whom a person is doing Taqlid to passes away and the living Mujtahid is not more knowledgeable than the one who passed away, then the Muqallid can stay on the Taqlid (of the deceased Marja’) if the following two conditions are met:

1) He (the Muqallid) had previously acted upon some of the Fatawa.

2) The Muqallid has made a decision that when a (new) issue comes up, he will follow the (new) Mujtahid.

In addition, according to Ihtiyat Wajib, if the Mujtahid who has passed away was more knowledgeable than the living Mujtahids, then one must stay on his Taqlid.

Issue 6: A’lam is that scholar who is strongest from among the Mujtahidin, in extracting the rules of Islam from their sources.

Issue 7: There are three ways to distinguish the Mujtahid and the most knowledgeable:

1 A person himself has certainty; for example he himself is of the “People of Knowledge” and is able to discern who is a Mujtahid and A’lam.

The statement of two knowledgeable and Just people, who are able to discern who is a Mujtahid and A’lam, on the condition that two knowledgeable and Just people do not go against their statement.

1 A group of the “People of Knowledge” who are able to determine who is a Mujtahid and A’lam verify who is a Mujtahid or the A’lam, as long as one has certainty in their words.

Issue 8: The ways to obtain the fatawa of the Mujtahid are:

• Hearing it from the Mujtahid himself.

• Hearing it from two Just people.

• Hearing it from even one person in whom one has certainty in his words.

• Seeing it in the Resalah of the Mujtahid, as long as one has certainty in its authenticity.

Issue 9: If the Fatwa of the Mujtahid in his Resalah (Book of Islamic Laws) changes, then the Muqallid must act according to the new ruling, and it is not permissible to act upon the previous ruling.

Issue 10: It is Wajib upon a person that he learns those rules that he will always be in need of.

The difference between Ihtiyat Mustahab & Ihtiyat Wajib

Issue 11: Ihtiyat Mustahab always accompanies a Fatwa, meaning, in that ruling, and the Muqallid can act either according to the Fatwa or the Ihtiyat, whichever one he prefers to act upon. For example, in this ruling:

Washing a Najis dish in Kurr Water once makes the dish Tahir, although the Ihtiyat is that it should be washed three times.

Ihtiyat Wajib does not accompany a Fatwa, and therefore, the Muqallid must act according to the Ihtiyat, but he is also able to refer this rule to another Mujtahid (perform Ruju) - for example:

The Ihtiyat is that one does not perform Sajdah on the leaf of the grape tree if it is a fresh leaf.

What are the signs of someone being Baligh?

There are three signs of reaching Bulugh (Maturity):

1. The discharge of semen1 .

2. The growth of coarse hair in the pubic2 region.

3. The completion of fifteen (15) years for boys, according to the Lunar calendar, and the completion of nine (9) years for girls, according to the Lunar calendar.

It is not necessary to see all three of the above mentioned signs to be sure of one being Baligh. Rather, seeing even one of these signs confirms this. Therefore, if semen is discharged from a youth, even if he has not yet reached to the age (as mentioned previously), he will be (considered as being) Baligh, and must act according to the laws of Islam.


1. Semen: A liquid that comes from the reproductive glands either from sexual intercourse or by having a wet dream, from the area where urine comes out.

2. The Pubic Region includes the private parts and the area under the stomache.