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Publisher: www.muslimphilosophy.com

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought




College of the Holy Cross


Table of Contents

Abstract 3

[Intoduction] 4

The Aristotelian Framework: Motion as the Actualization of Potentiality 5

Two Meanings of Motion 7

The Mover and the Moving Body 9

How Things are Set in Motion 11

Nature as the Immediate Cause of Motion 14

Nature as the Principle of Change and Permanence 16

Category of Motion 17

Problem of Quantitative Change 19

Identity and Endurance of Physical Bodies 21

Change and Identity in Physical Bodies 24

Natural forms of material substances share similar characteristics: 27

Concluding Remarks 28

Notes 29


Mulla Sadra’s concept of nature and substantial motion treats many aspects of traditional philosophy and cosmology in a new light. By allowing change in the category of substance (jawhar ),Sadra goes beyond the Aristotelian framework followed by thePeripatetics andSuhrawardi , turning substance into a ‘structure of events’ and motion into a ‘process of change’.Sadra’s reworking of classical cosmology through his elaborate ontology and natural philosophy leads to a new vocabulary of ‘relations’ and fluid structures as opposed to ‘things’ and solidified entities. In his attempt to make change an intrinsic quality of the substantial transformation of things,Sadra posits nature (tabi‘ah ) as the principle of both change and permanence, thus granting it relative autonomy as a self-subsisting reality. What underliesSadra’s considerations of change and nature, however, is his concept of being (al-wujud ) and its modalities. Change as a mode of being and the de-solidification of the physical world goes beyond locomotive and positional movement, and underscores the dynamism of the world-picture envisaged bySadra’s gradational ontology.

[Intoduction ]

Mulla Sadra’s concept of substantial motion (al-harakat al-jawhariyyah ) represents a major breakaway from the Peripatetic concept of change, and lends itself to a set of new possibilities in traditional Islamic philosophy and cosmology. By defining all change as substantial-existentialalterity in the nature of things,Sadra moves away from change as a doctrine of external relations, as Greek and Islamic atomism had proposed, to a process of existential transformation whereby things become ontologically ‘more’ or’ less’ when undergoing change. In his considerations of quantitative and qualitative change,Sadra takes a thoroughly ontological approach and places his world-picture within the larger context of his gradational ontology. Substantial motion and the dynamic view of the universe that it espouses can thus be seen as a logical extension of the primacy (asalah ) and gradation of being (tashkik al-wujud ) – two key terms ofSadrean ontology.Sadra relegates all reality, physical or otherwise, to the infinitely variegated and all-encompassing reality of being, and this enables him to see all change in terms of being and its modalities (anha ’ al-wujud ). AlthoughSadra accepts a good part of the Aristotelian view of motion and its types, it is this ontological framework that distinguishes his highly original theory of substantial motion from the traditional Peripatetic discussions of motion.

In what follows, I shall give a detailed analysis of substantial motion and the ways in whichSadra incorporates and reformulates the traditional notions of qualitative and quantitative change in his natural philosophy. It should be emphasized at the outset thatSadra’s views on nature and motion are not an isolated set of philosophical reflections but are rather closely related to his ontology and cosmology on the one hand, and psychology and epistemology, on the other. This is borne out by the fact that many ofSadra’s novel contributions to Islamic philosophy are predicated upon substantial motion, among which we may mention his celebrated doctrine that the soul is “bodily in its origination, spiritual in its subsistence” (jismaniyyat al-huduth ruhaniyyat al-baqa ) and the unification of the intellect and the intelligible (ittihad al-‘aqil wa’l-ma‘qul ). In this essay, I shall limit my discussion toSadra’s attempt to move away from a framework of external relations and positional motion to a framework of existential transformation whereby the cosmos is projected as marching towards a universaltelos .

The Aristotelian Framework: Motion as the Actualization of Potentiality

Following the scheme of Aristotelian physics,Sadra begins his discussion of motion by explaining the meaning of potentiality. The word potentiality (al-quwwah )[1] is defined in several ways. The most common meaning is the ability to execute certain actions. In this sense,al-quwwah as potency is synonymous with power (al-qudrah ), which renders the motion or action of physical bodies possible.Ibn Sina gives a similar definition when he says that “potentiality is the principle of changing into something else”.[2] All beings that undergo quantitative or positional change use this potential power. Such corporeal bodies, however, need an active agent to actualize their dormant potentiality. ForSadra , this proves that a thing cannot be the source of change by itself, and there must be an outside factor to induce it to change. If the source of a quality or ‘meaning’ (ma c na ) in an entity were to be the thing itself, this would amount to an unchanging nature in that thing. The real nature of possible beings, however, displays a different structure. With Aristotle[3] andIbn Sina [4] ,Sadra takes this to mean that “a thing cannot have its principle of change in itself” and that “for every moving body, there is a mover outside itself”.[5]

The relationship between a mover and a moving object presents a causal hierarchy in that the mover that sets other things in motion is not onlyactual but also enjoys a higher ontological status.[6] InSadra’s terms, whatever has priority and more intensity in existential realization (ashaddu tahassulan ) is likely to be more a cause and less an effect. In this general sense, it is only God who is rightly called the ‘cause’ of everything. By the same token,materia prima (al-maddat al-ula /hayula ) has the least potentiality of being a cause because it is weakest in existential constitution with a strong propensity towards non-existence.[7]

After stating that motion and rest (al-sukun ) resemble potentiality and actuality and belong to the potentiality-actuality framework,Sadra defines them as accidents of being-qua-being because being-qua-being is not subject to motion and rest unless it becomes the subject of natural or mathematical order.[8] At this point, an existing body capable of motion must bear some potentialities and some actualities. A purely potential being cannot have any concrete existence as in the case of the prime matter (al-hayula ). The state of a purely actual being, on the other hand, cannot apply to anything other than God who has no potentiality to be actualized. A being of such a nature should be a “simple being that contains in itself everything”. As thePeripatetics beforeSadra had argued, prime matter is ‘infinite’ because it is indefinite and ready to take on any form when realized by an actual form. As for contingent beings capable of motion, which refers to the world of corporeal bodies, they have the potentiality of gradual (tadrijan ) transition from potentiality to actuality.

The temporal term ‘gradual’ in the definition of motion, however, had caused some problems for Muslim philosophers because the definition of movement as gradual transition from potentiality to actuality implies that this process occurs in time. Although this statement is acceptable in the ordinary use of language, definition of time as the measure of motion leads topetitio principi and regression. This led some philosophers to propose a new definition of motion that contains no terms of time. Relying onIbn Sina ,Suhrawardi and al-Razi ,Sadra rebuts this objection by saying that the meaning of such terms as ‘sudden’ and ‘gradual’ is obvious with the help of the five senses, i.e., through physical analysis.[9] There are many clear and obvious things, saysSadra , whose inner nature we can never fully know.[10] Nevertheless, this explanation did not satisfy the theologians[11] , and, following Aristotle[12] , they defined motion as the realization of what is possible (mumkin al-husul ). Since this definition indicates a move from potentiality to actuality and since actuality always implies perfection as opposed to potentiality, motion also signifies an act of perfection. Hence the conventional idea that motion is perfection for the moving body. But this perfection is necessarily different from other types of perfection because it has no real existence other than ‘passing to another place’. Understood as such, a moving body possesses two special characteristics. The first is inclination (tawajjuh ) towards a particular point or aim (matlub ), whichSadra associates with the inner nature of things. The second is that there should remain some potentialities in things that move even after they exhaust their potentiality to move towards a particular position. This implies that motion and rest resemble potentiality and actuality only in a limited sense.[13]

The above definition of motion leads to the commonly held idea that motion is the first perfection for a potential being in so far as it is potential. This definition, saysSadra , goes back to Aristotle. Plato provides a similar explanation: It is coming out of the state of sameness, i.e., a thing’s being different from its previous state. Pythagoras proposes a close definition: It consists ofalterity . After mentioning these definitions and their partial criticism byIbn Sina ,Sadra states that these different definitions refer to one and the same meaning, which is the essential change of state of affairs in the moving body.Sadra then criticizesIbn Sina’s objection to Pythagoras that motion is not change itself but rather ‘that by which change takes place’.Sadra rejectsIbn Sina’s view by saying that motion is not a ‘thing’ or agent by which things change. To define motion, as theMutazilites claimed[14] , as an agent through which things move is to posit it as an accidental property of things -- the very view against whichSadra proposes his substantial motion. Instead, he insists on the definition of motion as change itself. As we shall see below,Sadra pays a particular attention to this point because it is closely related to the renewal of substantial natures (tajaddud al-akwa n al-jawhariyyah ) on the one hand, and continuously changing nature of things (ta hawwul al- tab i c at al-sa riyah ), on the other.[15]

Two Meanings of Motion

In theShif a b ,Ibn Sina gives two different meaning of motion: the first is the ‘passage’ (qa t )[16] view of motion according to which the moving body is taken as a present whole during movement. When the mind considers the moving body with the points that it traverses, it pictures these discrete points and time-instants asa present whole . But since this frozen picture corresponds to a body extended in space and time as a continuous whole rather than to an actual change, this kind of motion exists only in the mind. The second kind is called ‘medial motion’ (tawassu t ) because, according to this view, the moving body is always found somewhere between the beginning and end of the distance traversed. This view, however, refers to a state ofcontinuation, viz. the body’s being at a point at every time instant. As such, it does not allow change in the existential constitution of moving bodies but simply states a transposition from one place to another. ForIbn Sina andSadra , it is this kind of motion that exists objectively in the external world.

Having no quarrel with the medial view of motion,Sadra sets out to prove the objective existence of motion as passage. He first draws attention to a self-contradiction inIbn Sina’s rejection of it.Ibn Sina accepts time as something continuous in the external world because it can be divided into years, months, days, and hours. It is the very definition of time that corresponds to motion as passage. Upon this premise,Ibn Sina regards passage motion as the locus and cause of time. But if passage motion does not exist objectively, how can it be the measure of time? In other words, how can something non-existent be the locus of something existent?[17]

Ibn Sina’s denial of the passage view of motion results from his understanding of motion as an accidental property of physical bodies. A physical body is a stable substance that exists in every instant of time insofar as it exists. But motion has no existence in time-instants (an ). If motion were one of the modalities of things, it would always have to be together with them. Motion exists in things only continuously (istimr aran ) which, in turn, refers to the second meaning. To this,Sadra replies by saying that the locus of motion is not the thing as a stable substance but as the locus and place upon which an action is exercised. In order for a thing to receive motion and change, it should undergo some kind of change in its essential structure(arb mintabaddul al-ah wa l al- haythiyyah ). This is based on the idea that ‘the cause of that which changes also changes’ (illat al-mutaghayyir mutaghayyir ), and, likewise, ‘the cause of that which is stable is stable’ (illat al-tha bit tha bit ).[18]

The main reason for the denial of the passage view of motion is related to the peculiar characteristic of this type of motion, whichSadra describes as having ‘weak existence’. As the following quotation shows, ‘weak existence’ refers to existential dependence, namely to the fact that things of this sort are not self-subsistent and always caused by an agent:

Motion, time and the like belong to the category of things that have weak existence (a‘ifat al-wujud ). Accordingly, their existence resembles their non-existence, their actuality is similar to their potentiality, and their origination (huduthiha ) is nothing but their corruption (zawaliha ). Each of these (qualities or attributes) requires the non-existence of the other; in fact, their existence is their non-existence. Therefore, motion is the very destruction of a thing itself after it (is established in the physical world) and its origination before it (is actualized in the external world). And this mode (of being) is comparable to the absolute being in the sense that all relational beings (al-iafat ) have some sort of existence. Likewise the existence of motion displays ambiguity (shukuk ) and similitude (shabah ) (of being close to both being and non-being).[19]

Within the actuality-potentiality framework, thereare, Sadra states, two poles of existence. The first is the First Reality or the Absolute Being, and the second the firsthyle . The former, which contains no potentiality in and of itself, is pure goodnesspar excellence , and the latter, which is pure potentiality with no actual existence, is ‘evil’ containing in itself no goodness save accidentally. Nevertheless, since thehyle is the potentiality of all beings, i.e., the indefinite substratum ready to take on any form in actuality, it has some share of goodness as opposed to non-existence (adam ), which is pure evil. WhatSadra calls the “First Reality” (al-haqq al-awwal ) terminates the chain of active agents that bring potential beings into a state of actuality, and thus functions as a cosmic principle in the ‘great chain of being’. The ontological discrepancy between potentiality and actuality points to a hierarchy of beings in that things that are in actuality enjoy higher ontological status. At this juncture,Sadra insists that a simple body is always composed of matter and form because it has the potentiality of motion on the one hand, and contains ‘the material form’ (al-surat al-jismaniyyah ) or a single continuous substance (al-ittisal al-jawhari ), which is something actual, on the other. This aspect of physical substances proves one of the cardinal principles ofSadrean ontology and natural philosophy, i.e., that ‘a simple reality is … all things’ (basit al-haqiqah jami al-ashya ).[20]

The Mover and the Moving Body

We may remember that Aristotle had proposed the concept of the Prime Mover to terminate the infinite regression of causal chain. Put simply, if everything is moved by something else, this must end in an agent thatitself does not move. An important consequence of this idea is the stark distinction between the mover and the moving body -- a complementary duality that was extended in posterity to positional motion. Considered from the perspective of vertical causality, every moving body needs a mover, andSadra , following thePeripetatics , reformulates this relationship in terms of actuality and potentiality. Since the process of motion requires the two poles of actuality and potentiality, actuality refers to the mover (al-muharrik ), and potentiality to the moving body (al-mutaharrik ). In other words, the mover as the actual being provides the cause of motion, and the moving body as the potential being stands at the receiving end of the process of motion.

This polarity shows that a single body cannot be both the active and passive agent of motion. In other words, we have to assume the existence of a prime mover to which all motion can ultimately be traced back.Sadra’s argument runs as follows: The moving body, in so far as it is a potential being, has to be a passive agent, i.e., the receiver of the act of motion whereas the mover has to be an active agent, in so far as it is an actual being. These two qualities or ‘aspects’ (jih at ) cannot be found in the same thing simultaneously due to their exclusive nature. In other words, a physical entity cannot be both the source and locus of motionat the same time . At this point, all motion should go back to an active agent which is

different from motion as well as from the locus of motion, moving by itself, renewing itself by itself, and necessarily the source of all motion. And this (agent) has its own agent (i.e., principle) of motion in the sense of being the source of its own continuous renewal. By this, I do not mean the ‘instaurer ’ (ja‘il ) of its motion because instauration cannot exist between a thing and itself. This is so because the direct agent of motion has to be something in motion. Otherwise this would necessitate the difference of the cause (al-‘illah ) from its effect (ma‘luliha ). Thus, if this (chain of causation) does not end in an ontological agent (amr wujudi ) that renews itself by itself, this would lead to regression or circularity.’[21]

Sadra goes on to adduce proofs for the necessity of a prime mover as an external agent to set things in motion. He rejects and responds to some objections as follows. 1) If a thing were to move by itself, it would never reach rest because whatever endures by itself does so by its intrinsic qualities. Once these qualities or properties are disjoined from a thing, it no longer exists. 2) If a thing were to move by itself, parts of motion i.e. the subject of motion as a whole would be in rest, which means that the thing would not move. 3) If the principle of motion were to be in the moving body itself, it would have no ‘fitting’ or natural place to which it could incline. According to the conventional definition of motion, however, if there were to be no natural place for a thing to which it could incline, it could not move. 4) If self-motion were to be a real property of a moving body, it would be a universal quality of ‘thing-ness ’ (shay’iyyah ) shared by all corporeal things. But this is not the case in natural bodies. In reality, saysSadra , motion is a particular quality provided by an outside mover. 5) Another proof for the fact that a physical body cannot have the principle of motion in itself is that this wouldmea that both potentiality and actuality can be found at the same locus simultaneously. If this were the case, actuality would not be succeeded by potentiality. Because according to the definition given above, motion is the first perfection for what is potential. If a thing were able to move by itself, it would beactual in all respects without leaving any room for potentiality, which is obviously inconceivable for contingent beings. 6) The relation of the moving body to motion is established through contingency (bi’l-imkan ), and its relation to motion as an active agent is necessary (bi’l-wujub ). If the moving body itself were to be the producer of motion, this relation would be necessary. But since contingency and necessity cannot coincide, the moving body has to be different from the principle or source of motion.[22]

How Things are Set in Motion

There are two possible ways for a mover to set things in motion: It moves things either 1) directly and by itself or 2) indirectly and by means of something else. A carpenter with his adz is an example for the second type of motion. The immediate act of the mover gives the concept of motion as an accidental property. The act of the mover by means of something else yields the notion of the moving body itself. The mover sets an object in motion without being in need of an intermediary agent like the attraction of the lover by the beloved or the motion of the one who has zeal and desire to learn by the learned one. The first mover, which itself does not move, either grants the moving body the immediate cause by which it moves, or attracts it to itself as its final goal. Everything in the physical world brings about a certain effect not by accident or coincidence but through an extraneous power added to it from outside. And this ‘added quality’ is either the nature it has or the voluntary power it possesses. In both cases, this power should be related to the thing itself viz., it cannot be totally ‘relationless ’ in respect to it. If this were a kind of motion brought about by the abstract or ‘detached’ agent (al-mufa riq ) in a universal manner, this would amount to something other than what is meant by motion in the usual sense of the word. Therefore, the Prime Mover needs and, in fact, employs in things an ‘agent’ by means of which it sets them in motion. This agent in all contingent beings is ‘nature’ (tab i‘ah ).[23]

The next problemSadra addresses is how the Prime Mover, which itself does not move, is related to contingent beings and material bodies. We may summarizeSadra’s argument as follows: A thing’s being capable of receiving the effect of motion from the ‘detached’ agent (al-mufa riq ) can be attributed to three reasons: the thing itself, some special quality in that thing, or a quality in the detached agent. The first is impossible because, as shown previously, this would lead us to accepting motion-by-itself as a universal and intrinsic quality of thing-ness .Sadra briefly states that the second option i.e., motion through a property or ability in things is the right view. The third option has some points to consider. The actualization of motion through an aspect of the detached agent takes place when the detached agent originates an effect in the thing it sets in motion. This, in turn, may happen either through the will of the detached agent by manipulating something in the thing or through effecting it haphazardly according to its wish.

The last option is not tenable because it terminates the idea of order in nature. Chances or accidental coincidences (al-ittifa qiyya t ), saysSadra , are not constant and continuous in nature:

Chances, as you will learn, are neither constant nor dominant (in nature) whereas order in nature is both dominant and continuous. There is nothing in nature that happens by chance or haphazardly. As you will learn, everything in nature is directed towards a universal purpose (aghr akulliyah ). Thus, the effect of motion cannot be brought about by chance. What remains, therefore, (as a valid option) is a particular quality in the physical bodies (that move). This essential quality (al-khass iyyah ) is the source of motion, and this is nothing but potency (al-quwwah ) and nature, by virtue of which things yearn, through motion, for their second perfection.[24]

Thus, we are left with the option that this effect occurs by means of an essential quality in physical bodies, which causes them to move. ThisSadra calls ‘potency’ and ‘nature’.[25]

After positing ‘nature’ as the immediate cause of all motion[26] ,Sadra opens a long parenthesis and delves into a discussion of how actuality precedes potentiality. This long discussion is meant to show that the very idea of contingency requires existential transformation and that the continuous renewal of contingent beings is an essential quality that existsinconcreto whenever possible beings are brought into actuality out of potentiality.Sadra’s arguments also reveal some interesting aspects of his theory of matter. Every created being is preceded by being (wujud ) and ‘some matter’ (maddah ) that bears it. This is a quality inherent in all contingent beings. Otherwise they would belong to the category of either necessary or impossible being.Matter with which contingent beings are united acts as one of the immediate principles or causes of bringing contingent beings out of non-existence and pure potentiality. It is to be remembered that matter and form, just like potentiality and actuality, are not ‘things’ butprinciples of existence. In this sense, the subject of contingency (mawdu ‘ al -imkan ) has to be an originated entity (mubdi‘an ), otherwise it would be preceded by another contingencyad infinitum . Every possibility vanishes when it becomes something actual in the external world. This means that every contingency is preceded by another one until the chain of causation comes to an end in the Principle which has no contingency, i.e., potentiality.

Sadra warns against the idea that potentiality is prior to actuality in an absolute sense. In fact, it is a common tendency to put potentiality before actuality like a seed’s relation to a tree or like Naam’s celebrated theory of ‘latency’ (kumun andburuz ).[27] Some have said that the universe was in disorder and God bestowed upon it the best of all orders. In the same manner, matter has been regarded prior to form, and genus to differentia. According to another group of people whomIbn Sina mentions in theShifa ’, thehyle had an ‘existence’ before its form, and the active agent gave it the dress of the form. Some have held the view that all things in the universe were moving by their natural motion without any order. God arranged their motion and brought them out of disorder.

Sadra’s overall reply to these claims is that in some cases, as in the relationship between sperm and man, potentiality precedes actualityin time . But, in the final analysis, potentiality cannot subsist by itself and needs a substratum to sustain it.

We say that, as far as particular entities in the world of corruption are concerned, the relation between (potentiality and actuality) is like the sperm and the human being. Here, the potentiality specific (to the sperm) has priority over actuality in time. But potentiality, in the final analysis, is preceded by actuality for a number of reasons. Potentiality (i.e., the potential being) cannot subsist by itself and needs a substance to sustain it. And this substance has to be something actual (bi’l-fi‘l ) because whatever is not actual cannot exercise (any power) on something else. By the same token, whatever is not existent in an absolute way cannot accept any (exercise of power). Furthermore, there are certain actual beings in existence that have never been and are by no means potential in essence such as the Sublime First (Principle) and the Active Intellects (al-‘uqul al-fa‘‘alah ). Then, potentiality needs the act (fi‘l ) (of realization) to bring it into actualization whereas this is not the case with what is actual. Potentiality needs another agent (mukhrij ) to bring it (out of non-existence), and this chain undoubtedly comes to an end in an actual being (mawjud bi’l-fi‘l ) which is not created (by something else) as we have explained in the chapter on the termination of causes.[28]

After these considerations,Sadra introduces an axiological element into the discussion, which, in turn, confirms the ontological discrepancy thatSadra establishes between potentiality and actuality on the one hand, and existence and non-existence, on the other.

Goodness (al-khayr ) in things comes from the fact that they areactual whereas evil (al-sharr ) stems from what is potential. A thing cannot be evil in every respect otherwise it would be non-existent. And no being, in so far as it is something existent, is evil. It becomes evil as a privation of perfection such as ignorance, or it necessitates its own non-existence in other things such as injustice (al-ulm ).

Since potentiality has some sort of actualization in the external world, its essence subsists by existence. And existence, as you have seen, is prior to essence in an absolute way. Therefore, potentiality as potentiality has external realization only in the mind. Thus, it is concluded that whatever is actual is prior to the potential in terms of causation (bi’l-‘illiyyah ), nature (bi’l - tab‘ ), perfection (bi’l-sharaf ), time, and actual reality (bi’l- haq iqah ).[29]