Christian Theology as Comparative Theology: Case Studies in Abrahamic Faiths

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Christian Theology as Comparative Theology: Case Studies in Abrahamic Faiths

Author: Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen

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Christian Theology as Comparative Theology: Case Studies in Abrahamic Faiths

Christian Theology as Comparative Theology: Case Studies in Abrahamic Faiths


Christian Theology as Comparative Theology:

Case Studies inAbrahamic Faiths

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, Docent of Ecumenics

Fall 2014

Table of Contents


CHAPTER 1: Revelation, Scripture, and Authority among Abrahamic Faiths 5

The Widening Horizon of the Discourse on Revelation and Scripture in a Pluralistic World 5

The Challenge and Complexity of Interfaith Engagement of Scriptures 6

The First and the Second Testaments 10

Salient Features of Torah as Revelation 11

Scripture and the Covenants 13

Common Scripture Reading as a Form of Interfaith Theologizing 15

The Qur’an and Bible 17

Islamic Canon and Sacred Texts 17

Qur’an as the Fulfillment of Revelation 20

Qur’an and Christ as Living Word 22

CHAPTER 2: Jesus Christ and the Jewish Religion 24

For Orientation to the Interfaith Investigations 24

The Jewish Messiah - The Christian Messiah 25

The Jew - Between the Jews and Christians 25

Is Christology Inherently Anti-Semitic? 28

Has the Messiah Come? 30

The Messiah of Israel and the Savior of the Nations 33

The Atonement in Jewish Estimation 35

CHAPTER 3: Jesus Christ and Islam 38

Jesus in Light of Islamic Interpretations 38

On the Conditions of a Dialogue 40

The Divinity of Jesus 43

Incarnation 45

The Christian Theology of the Cross in Light of the Islamic Interpretation 47

CHAPTER 4: Yahweh, Allah, and the Triune God 51

For Orientation: A Dialogical and Confessional Pursuit of God 51

Allah and the Father of Jesus Christ 52

Islamic “Classical Theism” 52

The Unity of God and Christian Confession of Trinity 57

Do Muslims and Christians Believe in the Same God? 59

Notes 66


This course discusses some key Christian dogmatic themes such as Scripture/Revelation, Doctrine of Trinity, and Christology in comparative dialogue with otherAbrahamic faiths (Islam and Judaism). A move from confrontation to an authentic dialogue is badly needed in ourmultireligious world in order to avoid conflict and seek for a peaceful co-existence among religions. Although conflicts arise for many reasons, deeply held theological and religious doctrines certainly play a significant role.

The course introduces first the nature and task of comparative theology and its place in theological curriculum, including its relationship to the theology of religions. Thereafter, the above-mentioned dogmatic themes as understood in mainline Christian tradition (and ecumenical confessions) will be put in dialogue with standard Islamic and Jewish doctrinal understanding as defined in their scriptures and authoritative tradition.

The attached reading materials will be utilized in some class sessions. They would also make good preparatory reading materials. Power Point presentations used in some sessions will be made available to students during the week of instruction.

There are two ways of completing the course:

1) Lectures (20 h) + critical reflection or lecture diary = 2 ECTS (2 op), or

2) Lectures (20 h) + critical reflection or lecture diary + to read a relevant text on a comparative theological theme (150-180 pages to be agreed with the instructor) and integrate those materials in either critical reflections or lecture diary = 5 ECTS (5 op)


Religious Diversity as a Theological Challenge

Introduction to Theology of Religions and Comparative Theology

Religious Studies, Religion(s), and Theology

Inclusivism and Religious Pluralism(s) in a Theological Assessment

Revelation, Scripture, and Authority amongAbrahamic Faiths

Jewish and Christian theologies of revelation

Islamic and Christian theologies of revelation

Jesus Christ and Salvation amongAbrahamic Traditions

Jewish Interpretations of Jesus and Salvation

Islamic Interpretations of Jesus and Salvation

Yahweh, Allah, and Triune God: Common Affirmation and Dividing Issues

Concluding Reflections and Tasks for the Future


Excerpts from:

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen ,Christ and Reconciliation. A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World, vol. 1 (Eerdmans , 2013) ,chs . 10 and 15.

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen,Trinity and Revelation.A Constructive Christian Theology for the Pluralistic World, vol. 2(Eerdmans , 2013) ,chs . 1, 8, and 15.


Copyright: Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen and Eerdmans