Introduction to General Psychology

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Introduction to General Psychology

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Introduction to General Psychology
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Introduction to General Psychology

Introduction to General Psychology


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Introduction to General Psychology

Prepared by Aumo OKUMU

African Virtualuniversity Universile Virtuelle Africaine Universidade Virtual Africana


This document is published under the conditions of the Creative Commons


Table of Contents

Notice 2

I. Introduction to General Psychology 6

Introduction 6

II. Prerequisite courses or knowledge 7

III. Time 8

Unit One (30 hours) 8

Unit Two (40 hours) 8

Unit Three (20 hours) 8

Unit Four (30 hours) 8

IV. Materials 9

V. Rationale 10

VI. Content 11

6.1 Overview 11

6.2 Unit Outline 11

6.3 Graphic Organizer 11

VII. General objectives 12

VIII. specific objectives 13

UNIT ONE: Learning Objective (s) 13

Introduction to General Psychology. Define Psychology 13

Meaning and definition of Psychology 13

Concluding Remarks 14

Schools of thought in psychology 15

Structuralism 15

Limitations 16

Learning Points 16

Functionalism 17

Learning Points 17

Behaviorism 18

Learning points 19

Summary 19

Psychoanalysis 19

Main characteristics of the Id 20

Learning Points 21

Main features of Gestalt Psychology 22

Laws of Perception 22

Learning Points 23

Unit Two: Learning Objectives 23

Readings and Useful Links: 23

Unit Three: Learning Objectives 24

Unit Four: Learning Objectives 24

IX. Teaching and learning activities 26

Pre-assessment 26

Rationale 26

Pre-assessment 26

Title of Pre-assessment: Multiple Choice Questions Exercise 26

Pedagogical Comments For Learners 29

X. learning activities 30

Important Tips 30

Activity One 30

Title: Introduction to General Psychology 30

Task Number One 30

ActivityTwo 30

Task One 31

Activity Three 31

Task One 32

Activity Four 33

Steps to follow 33

XI. Key Concepts (Glossary) 35

XII. list of Compulsory Reading 37

Reading # 1 37

Reading # 2 37

Reading # 3 37

Reading # 4 38

XIII. List of Relevant Resources 39

Wikipedia ( History of Psychology 39 Educational Psychology 39 39

Sociogram in Practice 39

Profession and You 40 Psychology 40

Classics in the history of psychology 41

A Transactional Model of the Teaching and Learning Process 41

Researching the Teaching of Educational Psychology 41

Educational Psychology 42

Teaching Concepts: Goal Setting 42

XIV. Useful links 44

Lists of Relevant useful links 44

XV. Teaching and learning activities 48

Title: Introduction to General Psychology 48

Specific Objectives: 48

Summary of Learning Activities 48

Title: General Psychology and Education 48

Specific Objectives 48

Educational Psychology 48

Title: Methods of Educational Psychology 48

Specific Objectives 48

Activity three 48

Title: Relevance of Educational Psychology 49

Specific Objectives 49

Activity Four 49

XVI. Multimedia links 50

Resource # 1 50

Resource # 2 50

Resource # 3 50

Resource # 4 50

Resource # 5 51

Resource # 6 51

XVII. Synthesis of the module 53

XVIII. Summative evaluation exercises 54

Learning Activities 54

Activity One 54

Task one 54

Activity two 54

Task two 54

Activity three 55

Activity four 55

Possible answer keys to learning activities 55

Question one 55

Question two 56

Question three 57

IX. References 59

XX. Main author of the Module 60

I. Introduction to General Psychology


You are welcome to this module that introduces you to General Psychology first and later Educational Psychology. There are four units in all. A total of 120 hours is given which we think should be adequate for you to complete the module. The hours given should also cover the different activities as well as doing the readings that are included. A summary of the major tasks in each unit is presented for your benefit:

Unit one introduces you to the meaning, definition, origin and development of Psychology as a field of study, the different branches, concepts and its relevance to educational process. Finally the unit introduces you to the concepts, and different methods of study that are used in Educational Psychology.

Unit two discusses the relationships between Psychology and Education, and their implications to a practicing teacher. The contributions of Educational Psychology to educational practice are also presented.

Unit three presents to you issues of methods of study used in conducting studies in Educational Psychology. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are also discussed.

Unit four introduces you to the benefits of Educational Psychology to the teacher, and to educational process/practice in a school setting and society in general.

II. Prerequisite courses or knowledge

You are now beginning a journey into the field of General Psychology, more spe- cifically, Educational Psychology. You need to build strong interest in the subject and try also to see how you can make use of the subject matter in real teaching- learning situations. You need to have some elementary knowledge in Learning Theories, the different kinds of learning e.g. Signal learning, Chain learning, Verbal associate learning, Problem solving, Learning principles. Also needed is some basic knowledge on the classification of theories of learning, knowledge of the importance of motivation in teaching-learning situation, the roles of rewards and punishment in teaching and learning process. Factors that facilitate learning, human growth and development and different stages that children go through in relation to teaching and learning. The knowledge on the importance of testing in promoting effective learning by children and how best teachers can utilize tests to the maximum benefits of the children they teach. You also need to have sound knowledge about individual differences among learners in teaching-learning situations and how you can play positive roles in bridging the gaps that may be noticed among the learners. Of extreme importance is for you as a teacher to know some knowledge about children with disabilities and how best their interests an be catered for in your class.

Point to note: As you go through this module, you need to build positive attitude about this and make efforts to follow instructions given in the module.

III. Time

To make you benefit from the course, it is important the time be allotted for each of the four units. A total of 120 hours is required for you to complete these units. Each unit has been given the number of hours needed to go through successfully. You are advised to make all efforts to complete the unit within the stipulated hours.

Unit One (30 hours)

Introduction to General Psychology. Meaning and definition of Psychology. Origin, Scope and Methods of Psychology. Systems of psychology: Functiona- lism, Structuralism, Behaviorism, Psychoanalysis, Gestalt school of Psychology. Contributions to Education. Branches of Psychology.

Unit Two (40 hours)

Psychology and Education. Meaning and Definition of Education; and Educa- tional Psychology. The Relationships between Psychology and Education. The roles of Educational Psychology in education process. Scope of Educational Psychology. Contributions of Educational Psychology to Educational Theories, and Practice in Education.

Unit Three (20 hours)

Methods of Educational Psychology. Introspection, Clinical method, Survey method, Observation method, Scientific method, Experimental/ Field method. Merits and limitations associated with the different methods of study.

Unit Four (30 hours)

Benefits of Educational Psychology to a teacher in relation to: understanding human growth and development/characteristics; nature of classroom learning; individual differences among children; knowledge of mental health; intelligence; effective teaching and methods of how to succeed in teaching; curriculum construction; measurement of educational outcomes; guidance and counseling; handling of educationally exceptional learners; development of positive of at- titudes and study skills; group dynamics and behavior problems of children in general. Timetabling and educational technology in promoting effective and efficient learning.

IV. Materials

Access to the following materials is considered important for successful com- pletion of this module.

• Access to Teacher Resource Center for further reference work.

• Access to computer especially the internet and e-mail connectivity.

• Access to resource personnel for consultation purposes.

• Note books for jotting down points from private study.

• Flash for downloading relevant materials from the internet.

• Access to a printer.

• Pens and pencils.

• Study Group

• A mobile phone for contact with instructors (if one is able to acquire one).

• Audio cassettes

• Electronic recorder or simple tape recorder

V. Rationale

The study of General Psychology, Module One is considered important for teacher educators, educators and teachers for a number of reasons. Firstly is because of the need to understanding fully its influence on educational process in a number of ways. Secondly is to equip teacher educators, educators and prospectus teachers with skills and competences in the art of teaching and managing in educational activities effectively, especially dealing effectively with teaching-learning problems that arise every now and then. Thirdly is to mould the classroom teacher into an all-round person who understands himself/herself and be able to relate with others in the school and community. Fourthly is to enable the classroom teacher to understand the origin of individual differences among learners, their implications and how best each learner can be made to benefit fully from schooling.

The above points are important and relevant to you as an upcoming teacher when they are reflected within the context of teaching-learning and/or educational process. This is where Educational Psychology comes. It is therefore paramount that you acquaint yourself with the basic ideas of Educational Psychology and possible areas where its principles can be applied.

Briefly stated, Educational Psychology is an area of study that deals with how humans learn in education setting, the effectiveness of educational intervention, the psychology of teaching, and social psychology of the school as an organi- zation .It is also concerned with the process of educational attainment among children who go to school, such as the gifted, the underachievers, and those with specific disabilities. Educational Psychology informs wide range of guidelines with educational studies e.g. instructional strategies and designs, educational technology, curriculum development, organizational learning, special education and class management. It also draws from and contributes to cognitive science and learning science.

It is therefore important that you study the subject diligently, see the implications to you as a teacher and how best the subject can be used to the benefits of the children under your instruction and care. Additional references have been included in the module for your perusal. Make all efforts to read them.

VI. Content

6.1 Overview

The General Psychology Module has been written in simple, clear and understan- dable language and easy to read document. The module introduces you to four main units. In each unit key concepts, ideas, definitions and points; considered important are brought out for your benefit. You are also encouraged to read other publications that deal with the subject and see for yourself what these different authors say.

The module consists of four units and each unit is accompanied with four learning activities. You are first going to be introduced to key concepts, meanings and definitions of Psychology, the different branches and schools that go out to make General Psychology as a discipline of study. You are also going to be introduced to what Educational Psychology is all about, how it can contribute to your effec- tiveness in teaching in general, its relevance to educational process.

You will also be introduced to the different methods that are used in conducting studies in Educational Psychology. The different methods and their advantages and disadvantages have been presented in the module for your consumption.

To keep you on track, efforts have been made to include important reading lists or references which you must make effort to consult.

6.2 Unit Outline

Titles Number of hours

1.0 Introduction to General Psychology 30 hours

2.0 General Psychology and Education 40 hours

3.0 Methods of Educational Psychology 20 hours

4.0 Relevance/Benefits of Educational Psychology to a teacher

30 hours

6.3 Graphic Organizer

General Psychology

Introduction to General psychology Psychology and Education Methods of Educational psychology Relevance of Educational psychology

Me a ning a nd F unc tion of psy c hology

Systems of Psychology

Branches of Psychology

Meaning and definition of Educational psychology and Educational

SScope of Educat


Clinicaal method

Survey method, merits and demerits of each method

Effective teaching

Understanding human de vt

Nature of classroom learning, individual


VII. General objectives

The following are the general objectives that have been identified:

• To provide the students with insight into General Psychology as a tool of effective teaching.

• To equip students with skills for self-assessment and self-assessment improvement in teaching

• To provide students with knowledge and skills for building firm founda- tion for the different subject specializations.