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This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


ق abbreviation of دقيقة daqīqa minute

قادس qādis2 Cádiz (seaport in SW Spain)

قادوس qādūs pl. قواديس qawādīs2 water-wheel bucket, scoop (used in irrigation; Eg.)

قازوزة (It. gasosa) gāzūza soda water (saud.-ar.)

قاشاني qāšānī faïence; porcelain, china

قاف qāf name of the letter ق | جبل القاف jabal al-q. in Islamic cosmology, name of the mountains surrounding the terrestrial world

1 قاقلة qāqulla cardamom (bot.)

2 قاقلى qāqullā a variety of saltwort (Salsola fruticos; bot.)

قاقم qāqum ermine

قالب qālab, qālib pl. قوالب qawālib2 form; mold; cake pan; model; matrix; last, boot tree, shoe tree | قالب جبن (jubn) a (chunk or loaf of) cheese; قالب سكر (sukkar) sugar loaf; قالب صابون (ṣābūn) a cake or bar of soap; قلبا وقالبا (qalban) with heart and soul; inwardly and outwardly

قالوش (Fr. galoche) galōš pl. -āt galosh, overshoe

قاموس qāmūs pl. قواميس qawāmīs2 ocean; dictionary, lexicon

احمر قان aḥmar2 qān(in) blood-red, deep-red

قانئ qāni‘ blood-red, deep-red (=قان qānin)

قانون qānūn pl. قوانين qawānīn2 canon; established principle, basic rule, axiom, norm, regulation, rule, ordinance, prescript, precept, statute; law; code; tax, impost; (Tun.) tax on olives and dates; a stringed musical instrument resembling the zither, with a shallow, trapezoidal sound box, set horizontally before the performer | القانون الأساسي (asāsī) basic constitutional law; statutes; قانون التأسيس statutes, constitution; القانون الجنائي (jinā’ī) criminal law; penal law; قانون الأحوال الشخصية (šakšīya) personal statute; القانون الدستوري (dustūrī) constitutional law; القانون الدولي (duwalī) international law; قانون المرافعات q. al-murāfa‘āt code of procedure (jur.; Eg.); قانون اصول المحاكمات الحقوقية (Syr.); قانون السلك الإداري as-silk al-idārī administrative law; قانون كيماوي (kīmāwī) chemical formula; القانون المدني (madanī) civil law

قانوني qanūnī canonical; legal, statutory; lawful, legitimate, licit, accordant with law or regulations, valid, regular; legist, jurisprudent, jurist | صيدلي قانوني (ṣaidalī) certified and licensed pharmacist; غير قانوني gair q. illegal

قانونية qānūnīya legality, lawfulness

قاورمة qāwirma (eg.) mutton or beef cut in small pieces and braised with squash (qar‘) or onions and tomatoes

قاوق qāwuq and قاووق qāwūq pl. قواويق qawāwīq2 a kind of high headgear made of felt

قاوون qāwūn melon

قايش qāyiš pl. قوايش qawāyiš leather thong, strap, belt, girth; strop

1 قب qabba u (qabb) to chopoff, cut off (هـ s.th., e.g., the hand); to straighten up, draw o.s. up, become erect; to rise, ascend; to stand on end, bristle (hair)

قب qabb pl. اقب aqubb hub, nave (of a wheel); lever, beam (of a balance)

قبة qubba pl. قباب qibāb, قبب qubab cupola, dome; cupolaed structure, dome-shaped edifice; domed shrine, memorial shrine, kubba (esp., of a saint) | قبة الجرس q. al-jaras belfry, bell tower; قبة الإسلام q. al-islām epithet of the city of Basra

مقبب muqabbab cupolaed, domed, spanned by a cupola or dome; convex

2 قب qabba pl. -āt collar (of a garment)

قبج qabj, qabaj (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. قباج qibāj a kind of partridge

قبح qabuḥa u (qubḥ, qabḥ, قباحة qabāḥa) to be ugly, repulsive, repugnant, disgusting (physically or morally); to be ignominious, infamous, shameful, disgraceful, foul, vile, base, mean II to make ugly, repulsive, or repugnant, disfigure (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to denounce s.o.’s action (عليه فعله ‘a. fi‘lahū) as ugly, ignominious, infamous, shameful, or disgraceful; to censure, rebuke (عليه فعله s.o. for his action) X to find (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) ugly, repugnant, or repulsive, find (هـ s.th.) ignominious, infamous, shameful, disgraceful, foul, vile, base, or mean; to disapprove (هـ of s.th.), dislike (هـ s.th.)

قبح qubḥ, qabḥ ugliness; ignominy, infamy, shamefulness | قبحا له shame on him!

قبيح qabīḥ pl. قباح qibāḥ, قباحى qabāḥā, قبحى qabḥā ugly, repulsive, repugnant, disgusting (physically or morally); ignominious, infamous, shameful, disgraceful, foul, vile, base, mean; impudent, shameless, insolent, impertinent

قبيحة qabīḥa pl. قبائح qabā’iḥ2, قباح qibāḥ abomination, shameful deed, dirty trick, low act

قباحة qabāḥa ugliness; ignominy, infamy, shamefulness

اقبح aqbaḥ2 uglier; more infamous; fouler, viler

مقابح maqābiḥ2 ugly traits, repulsive qualities

1 قبار qubbār, qabbār capers (bot.)

2 قبر qabara u i (qabr, مقبر maqbar) to bury, inter, entomb (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)

قبر qabr pl. قبور qubūr grave, tomb, spulcher

قبر maqbar pl. مقابر maqābir2 tomb, burying place, burial ground; cemetery, graveyard

مقبرة maqbura, maqbara pl. مقابر maqābir2 tomb, burying place, burial ground; cemetery, graveyard

مقبري maqburī, maqbarī caretaker of a cemetery; gravedigger

3 قبر qubbar (coll.; n. un. ة ) lark (zool.)

قبرص qubruṣ2 and قبرس qubrus2 Cyprus

قبرصي qubruṣī Cyprian, Cypriote (adj. and n.); القبارصة al-qabāriṣa the Cypriotes

قبس qabasa i (qabs) to derive, acquire, loan, borrow, adopt, take over (من هـ s.th. from) VIII to take, or seek to take, fire (من from, also نارا من ); to acquire or seek to acquire knowledge (من from, also علما من ); to learn (هـ s.th.); to loan, borrow, adopt, take over (من or هـ عن s.th. from)

قبس qabas firebrand; live coal

قبسة qabsa firebrand

قابوس qābūs nightmare

اقتباس iqtibās learning, acquisition (of knowledge); loaning, loan, borrowing (fig); adoption, taking over, acceptance, adaptation (of a literary text or passage); quotation, citation (of another’s literary work or ideas)

مقتبسات muqtabasāt loans, borrowings (fig.)

قبص qabaṣa i (qabṣ) to take up with finger and thumb (هـ s.th.), take a pinch (هـ of s.th.)

قبصة qabṣa, qubṣa as much as may be taken between the finger and the thumb, a pinch

قبض qabaḍa i (qabḍ) to seize, take, grab, grasp, grip, clasp, clutch (على or ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), take hold, take possession (على or ب or هـ, ه of); to hold (على, ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to apprehend, arrest (على s.o.); to receive, collect (هـ s.th., e.g., money); to contract, constringe (هـ s.th.); to constipate (البطن al-baṭna the bowels); to oppress, deject, dishearten, dispirit, depress (ه s.o.); pass. qubiḍa or قبضت روحه qubiḍat rūḥuhū to die | قبضه الله or قبض الله روحه (rūḥahū) God made him die; قبض يده عن (yadahū) to keep o.s. from seizing s.o. or s.th.; to be ungenerous, be stingy toward; قبض الصدر (النفس ) (ṣadr, nafs) to oppress, deject, dishearten, dispirit, depress II to contract, constringe (هـ s.th.); to give (هـ s.th.) into s.o.’s (ه ) possession; to pay (هـ a price) | قبض الصدر (النفس ) (ṣadr, nafs) to oppress, deject, dishearten, dispirit, depress V to contract, become contracted; to shrink, shrivel; to be constipated (bowels) VII = V; to be received; to shut o.s. off (عن from, to), close one's mind (عن to); to be dejected, depressed, dispirited, ill at ease, also انقبض صدره (ṣadruhū)

قبض qabḍ gripping, grasping, seizing, seizure, holding; taking possession, appropriation; apprehension, arrest (على of s.o.); receiving, receipt (esp., of money); contraction, constriction, constipation | القبض والدفع (daf‘) revenues and expenditures; القى القبض عليه (alqā l-qabḍa) to arrest s.o.

قبضة qabḍa pl. qabaḍāt seizure; grip, hold, clasp, grasp; handful; (Eg.) a linear measure of 12.5 cm; -- (pl. قباض qibāḍ) handle, haft, hilt | قبضة اليد q. al-yad fist; في قبضته in s.o.’s possession, in s.o.’s hands, in s.o.’s power; في قبضة يده do.; وقع في قبضته to fall into s.o.’s hands

قبضة qubḍa pl. قبض qubaḍ handful

قباضة qibāḍa raising, collecting, levying (of funds, of taxes)

قبضاى qabaḍāy pl. -āt (syr., leb.) strong-arm (esp. one serving as bodyguard for politicians and prominent personalities); tough, bully

مقبض maqbiḍ, miqbaḍ pl. مقابض maqābḍ2 handle, haft, hilt

مقبض miqbaḍ pl. مقابض maqābiḍ2 handle, knob, grip (also, e.g., of a walking stick)

تقابض taqābuḍ (Isl. Law) a reciprocal taking possession (of a commodity and its monetary equivalent by buyer and seller respectively)

انقباض inqibāḍ contraction, shriveling, shrinking, shrinkage; constipation (of the bowels); oppression, anguish, anxiety, dejectedness, depression, low spirits, gloom, also انقباض الصدر inq. aṣ-ṣadr

قابض qābiḍ constipating, costive (med.); grievous, distressing, embarrassing; receiver, recipient; gripper, clamp, claw, catcher, tongs, holder (techn.); (pl. -ūn, قباض qubbāḍ) (tax) collector | عضلة قابضة (‘aḍala) flexor; قابض على الأمر (amr) ruler, potentate

مقبوض maqbūḍ: مقبوض عليه person under arrest; (pl. -āt, مقابيض maqābīḍ2) revenue (fin.)

منقبض mungabiḍ oppressed, worried, dispirited, disheartened, downcast, dejected, depressed, ill at ease | منقبض الصدر (النفس ) m. aṣ-ṣadr (or an-nafs) do.

1 قبط II قبط وجهه (wajhahū) to knit the brows, frown, scowl, glower

2 القبط al-qibṭ, al-qubṭ pl. الأقباط al-aqbāṭ the Copts

قبطي qibṭī, qubṭī Coptic; Copt

3 قبطان qubṭān pl. قباطين qabāṭīn2, قباطنة qabāṭina captain (of a ship and, in Tun., as a military rank = Fr. capitaine)

قبع qaba‘a a (قبوع qubū‘) to retract the head (hedgehog); to crouch, squat, sit; -- (qab‘, قباع qibā‘, qubā‘) to grunt (hog); to trumpet (elephant); -- (qab‘) to drink in hasty gulps (eg.)

قبعة qubba‘a pl. -āt hat; cap; (syr.) small felt cap

مقبع muqabba‘ wearing a bat, hatted

قبقب qabqaba to swell, bulge

قبقاب qabqāb pl. قباقيب qabāqīb2 wooden clog, patten | قبقاب انزلاق skate

قباقيبي qabāqībī: مسمار قباقيبي (mismār) small nail, blue tack (eg.)

قبل qabila a (قبول qabūl, qubūl) to accept (ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to receive (kindly, hospitably) (ه s.o.), give (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) a friendly reception, receive (هـ s.th.) favorably, approve (هـ, ه of s.o., of s.th.); to acquiesce (هـ in s.th.), put up (هـ with s.th.), agree, consent, assent (هـ to, also ب ); to admit (في هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to); to obey (من s.o.), yield, give in (من to s.o.), submit to s.o.’s (من ) command; -- qabila a and qabala u i (قبالة qabāla) to guarantee, vouch, be surety (ب for) | قبل الذهاب معي (dahāba) he was willing to go with me; qabila with acc. of a maṣdar frequently corresponds to an English adjective in -able, -ible, -ive, -al, e.g., داء يقبل الشفاء (šifā’a) a curable disease, بضائع تقبل الالتهاب (highly) combustible merchandise; اثمان لا تقبل المزاحمة (muzāḥamata) prices that are beyond competition; قبل شكا (šakkan) to admit doubt II to kiss (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); (eg.) to go south(ward) III to b. or stand exactly opposite s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ), be face to face (هـ, ه with); to confront, face, counter (ه s.o.; هـ ب s.th. with, e.g., a situation with caution); to meet (ه s.o.; ب هـ s.th., e.g., a danger, with, by); to encounter (ه s.o.), run across s.o. (ه ); to visit (ه s.o.), call on s.o. (ه ); to meet, get together, have a talk or interview (ه with s.o.); to interview (ه s.o.); to receive (in audience) (ه s.o.), grant an audience (ه to s.o.); to receive (ب, هـ s.o., s.th. with, e.g., a news with joy); to repay, return, requite (ب هـ s.th. with); to compare, collate (على or ب هـ s.th. with) | قابله على الرحب والساعة (raḥb, sā‘a) to welcome s.o. or s.th.; قابله بالمثل (bi-l-mitl) to return like for like IV to turn forward; to draw near, come close to s.o. or to a place (على ), approach (على s.o., a place); to advance (على to, toward); to turn (على to. toward); to embark, enter (على upon s.th.), engage (على in); to give one’s attention, devote o.s. (على to s.o., to s.th.), dedicate o.s., apply o.s., attend (على to s.th.), occupy o.s. (على with); to take an interest, become or be interested (على in); to go, come (الى to); to be abundant (crop); (with foll. imperf.) to begin to do | اقبل عليه الدهر (dahru) or اقبل عليه الدنيا (dunya) luck is on his side, fortune smiles on him V to accept, receive (هـ s.th.); to hear, grant (دعاءه du‘ā’ahū s.o.’s prayer; of God) VI to be opposite each other, face each other; to meet (e.g., two persons); to get together, have a meeting; meet (مع with); to be compared, be collated VIII to receive (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to apply o.s. gladly and willingly (هـ to s.th.) X to turn one’s face (هـ, ه to s.o., toward s.th.); to go to meet, to meet (ه s.o.); to face, confront, meet (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to take upon o.s., assume (هـ s.th.); to receive (ه a visitor, a guest; هـ s.th., e.g., a radio broadcast)

قبل qablu (adv.) or من قبل min qablu and قبلا qablan previously, formerly, earlier, before; من ذي قبل (qablu), عن ذي قبل (after a comparative) than before; qabla (prep.) before, prior to | قبل كل شيء qabla kull šai’in first of all, above all; من قبل min qabli before, prior to; قبل ان (conj.) before

قبلئذ qabla’idin previously, formerly, once, in former times

قبيل qubaila (prep.) shortly before, prior to; قبيل ان (conj.) shortly before

قبل qubl, qubul fore part, front part, front, face | من قبل (qubulin) in front; from the front, from in front

قبل qibal power, ability; -- qibala (prep.) in the presence of, before. near; in the direction of, toward | لا قبل له (qibala) he has no power over it, it is not in his power; he is incapable of accomplishing it; من قبل min qibali on the part of, from, by; من قبل نفسه by himself (or itself), of his (or its) own accord; لي قبله دين lī qibalahū dain he owes me a debt, he is indebted to me

قبلة qubla pl. qublāt, qubulāt, قبل qubal kiss

قبلة qibla kiblah, direction to which Muslims turn in praying (toward the Kaaba); recess in a mosque indicating the direction of the Kaaba, prayer niche | اولى القبلتين ūlā l-qiblatain the first of the two kiblahs, i.e. Jerusalem; قبلة الأنظار q. al-anẓār focus of attention, target of all eyes, ideal, goal sought after and aspired to; قبلة الاهتمام object of widespread interest, focus of attention

قبلى qiblī southern, south | الوجه القبلي (wajh) Upper Egypt

قبول qabūl, qubūl (friendly) reception; welcome; acceptance; concurrence, consent, assent, approval, admission, admittance; with foll. maṣdar corresponding to English abstract nouns in -ability, -ibility, -ivity, -ality, e.g., عدم قبول التفرقة ‘adam q. at-tafriqa indivisibility

قبيل qabīl guarantor, bail(sman), surety; kind, specimen, species, sort; tribe | من هذا القبيل of this kind, like this, such; in this respect; من قبيل الإيضاح (q. il-īḍāḥ by way of illustration, as an explanation; من كل قبيل ودبير (dabīr) of every origin (whatsoever); ليس من هذا الأمر في قبيل ولا دبير he is not in the least involved in this affair, he has absolutely nothing to do with this affair

قبيلة qabīla pl. قبائل qabā’il2 tribe

قبلي qabalī tribal

قبالة qabāla bail, guaranty, suretyship, liability, responsibility; contract, agreement

قبالة qibāla midwifery, obstetrics

قبالة qubālata (prep.) opposite, face to face with, vis-à-vis, in front of

تقبيل taqbīl kissing

قبال qibāla (prep.) opposite, face to face with, vis-à-vis, in front of

مقابلة muqābala encounter; meeting; conversation, talk, discussion; interview; audience; reception; comparison, collation | مقابلة ذلك muqābalata d. or في مقابلة ذلك in return for that, in exchange for that, in compensation for that, as an equivalent for that, for that, therefor; تشريح المقابلة comparative anatomy; المقابلة بالمثل (bi-l-mitl) requital; retaliation, reprisal; أخذ بالمقابلة to return like for like

اقبال iqbāl drawing near, advance, approach; coming, arrival, advent; turning, application, attention, response, responsiveness (على to), concern (على for), intereot (على in), demand; good fortune, prosperity, welfare | اقبالا وادبارا iqbālan wa-idbāran back and forth, to and fro, up end down

تقبل taqabbul receptivity, susceptibility, sensibility

اقتبال iqtibāl reception

استقبال istiqbāl pl. -āt reception; opposition (astron.); full moon (as an astronomical aspect); the future; استقبالا istiqbālan in the future | آلة الاستقبال receiving set, receiver; غرفة الاستقبال gurfat al-ist. reception room, parlor; كان في استقباله he was present to greet him, he had come to meet him, he received him

قابل qābil obstetrician, accoucheur; coming, next (e.g., month); subject, liable, susceptible, disposed (ل to s.th.); O receiver (radio); with foll. ل and maṣdar corresponding to English adjectives in -able, -ible, -ive, -al, e.g., قابل للموت (li-l-maut) mortal; قابل للشفاء curable; قابل للالتهاب (highly) combustible, inflammable; قابل للتوصيل conductive (el.); غير قابل للرجوع irrevocable; يكون جواز السفر قابلا للتجديد اربع مرات (jawāz as-safar, arba‘a marrātin) the passport can be renewed four times

قابلة qābila pl. -āt, قوابل qawābil2 midwife, accoucheuse; -- (pl. قوابل qawābil2) receptacle, container; -- pl. قوابل beginnings

قابلية qābilīya faculty, power, capacity, capability, ability; aptitude, fitness; tendency, disposition, liability, susceptibility, sensibility, receptivity (ل to); appetite | قابلية للتوصيل conductivity (el.); قابلية القسمة q. al-qisma divisibility; cf. قابل

مقبول maqbūl acceptable, reasonable; satisfactory (as an examination grade; Eg.); pleasing, obliging, complaisant, amiable; well-liked, likable, popular, welcome

مقبلات muqabbilāt appetizers, hors d’oeuvres

مقابل muqābil facing, opposite; counter- (in compounds); equivalent, wages, remuneration, recompense | مقابل ذلك (muqābila) or في مقابل ذلك accordingly, in accordance with that, in return for that, in exchange for that, in compensation for that, as an equivalent for that, for that, therefor; مقابل تقديم الكوبون upon presentation of the coupon; مائة سفينة مقابل خمسين في العام السابق (mi’at safīna m. kamsīn 100 ships as compared with 50 the previous year; بدون مقابل or من غير مقابل without compensation, for nothing, gratis

مقبل muqbil coming, next (e.g., month, year)

مقتبل muqtabal: في مقتبل العمر fī m. il-‘umr in the prime of life; مقتبل الليل (muqtabala l-lail) at the beginning of the night, early at night

مستقبل mustaqbil receiving set, receiver (radio)

مستقبل mustaqbal front part, front, face; future (adj.); the future

قبن II to weigh (with a steelyard) (هـ s.th.)

قبان qabbān steelyard; scale beam; platform scale, weighbridge

1 قباء qabā’ pl. اقيةن aqbiya an outer garment with full-length sleeves

2 قبا (قبو ) qabā u to vault, arch, camber, curve, bend (هـ s.th.)

قبو qabw pl. اقبية aqbiya vault; vaulted roof; cellar; tunnel, gallery, drift, adit (mining); O prompt box | O قبو الوقاية من الغارات الجوية (jawwīya) air-raid shelter

قبوة qabwa vault

قباء qibā’ interval, interspace, distance

قبودان qabūdān captain

قت qatta u (qatt) to render falsely, misrepresent, depreciate, belittle, minimize (هـ s.th.); to lie VIII to uproot, root out, extirpate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.)

قتات qattāt slanderer, calumniator

قتب qatab pl. اقتاب aqtāb (eg.) hunch, hump

مقوتب muqautab hunchbacked

قتاد qatād tragacanth (Astragalus; bot.) | على قتاد he was sitting on a bed of thorns

قتر qatara u i (qatr, قتور qutūr) and II to be stingy, tightfisted, niggardly, parsimonious (على toward s.o.), keep (على s.o.) short, stint (على s.o.) IV do.; to live in straitened circumstances, be or become poor

قتر qatr stinginess, niggardliness, parsimony (على toward)

قترة qatara dust

قتار quṭār aroma, smell (of s.th. fried or cooked)

تقتير taqtīr stinginess, niggardliness, parsimony (على toward)

قاتر qātir stingy, tightfisted, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious (على toward)

مقتر muqattir, muqtir stingy, tightfisted, miserly, niggardly, parsimonious (على toward)

قتل qatala u (qatl) to kill, slay, murder, assassinate (ه s.o.); to mitigate, alleviate (هـ s.th., e.g., البرد al-barda the cold, الجوع al-jū‘a the hunger); to mix, dilute (ب هـ s.th. with, e.g., wine with water); to know, master (هـ s.th., e.g., a skill) | قتله خبرا (علما ) (kubran, ‘ilman) or قتله درسا وبحثا (darsan wa-baḥtan) to know or master s.th. (e.g., a skill, a field of study) thoroughly; قتل الموضوع بحثا (baḥtan) to study a topic most thoroughly, treat a subject exhaustively; قتل الدهر خبرة (dahra kibratan) to have long experience with life, be worldly wise II to kill, massacre (هم people), cause carnage (هم among people) III to combat, battle (ه s.o.), fight (ه s.o., with s.o., or against s.o.) | قاتله الله lit.: may God fight him! i.e., approx.: damned bastard! VI and VIII to fight with one another, combat each other X to risk one’s life, defy death

قتل qatl killing; manslaughter, homicide; murder, assassination | قتل بسبب (bi-sababin) indirect killing (Isl. Law); قتل الخطأ q. al-kaṭa’ accidental homicide (jur.); القتل العمد (‘amd) or القتل العمدي (‘amdī) or القتل عمدا (‘amdan) or القتل العمد مع سبق الإصرار (sabqi l-iṣrār) premeditated murder

قتل qitl pl. اقتال aqtāl enemy, foe, adversary, opponent

قتيل qatīl pl. قتلى qatlā killed; killed in battle, fallen; one killed in battle, casualty | قتيل الحرب q. al-ḥarb man killed in war

قتال qattāl murderous, deadly, lethal

اقتل aqtal2 deadlier, more lethal in effect

مقتل maqtal murder, death; murderous battle; (pl. مقاتل maqātil2) vital part of the body (the injury of which will bring about death), mortal spot, mortal organ; Achilles’ heel, vulnerable spot | ضربه في مقاتله (ḍarabahū) or اصاب منه المقتل (aṣāba) he hit him at his most vulnerable spot

مقتلة maqtala pl. -āt butchery, slaughter, carnage, massacre

تقتيل butchery, slaughter, carnage, massacre

قتال qitāl fight, struggle, contention (against); combat, strife, battle | ساحة القتال battlefield

مقاتلة muqātala fight, struggle, contention (against); combat, strife

تقاتل taqātul mutual struggle

قاتل qātil killing, murdering; deadly, lethal, mortal, fatal; (pl. قتال quttāl, قتلة qatala) killer, manslayer; murderer, assassin

قاتلات qātilāt lethal agents (ل against)

مقتل muqattal experienced, practiced, tried, tested

مقاتل muqatil fighter, combatant, warrior; fighting, combat-, battle- (in compounds)

مقاتلة muqatila (coli.) combatants, warriors, fighting forces

مقاتلة muqātila pl. -āt combat plane, light bomber

مقتتل muqtatal battlefield, battleground

مستقتل mustaqtil death-defying, heroic

قتم qatama u (قتوم qutūm) to rise (dust) IX to be dark(-colored), blackish

قتمة qutma, qatama dark or blackish color, darkness, gloom

قتام qatām dark or blackish color, darkness, gloom

اقتم aqtam2 dark-colored, blackish, dark

قاتم qātim pl. قواتم qawātim2 black, dark | اسود قاتم pitch-black

1 قث qatta u (qatt) and VIII to pull out, tear out, uproot (هـ s.th.)

2 قثاء qittā’, quttā’ (coll.; n. un. ة ) cucumber

قثاطير qatāṭīr2 catheter

O قثطرة qatṭara catheter

1 قح qaḥḥa to cough

2 قح quḥḥ pl. اقحاح aqḥāḥ pure, sheer, unmixed, unadulterated; genuine

قحبة qaḥba pl. قحاب qiḥāb whore, harlot, prostitute

قحط qaḥaṭa a (qaḥṭ, قحوط quḥūṭ) and qaḥiṭa a (qaḥaṭ) to be withheld, fail to set in (rains); active and pass. quḥiṭa to be rainless (year) II to pollinate (النخلة an-naklata the palm tree); (eg.) to scratch off, scrape off (هـ s.th.) IV to be rainless (year)

قحط qaḥṭ want of rain, rainleseness; drought, dryness; famine; dearth, lack, want, scarcity

قحطان qaṭān2 legendary ancestor of the South Arabians

قحف qaḥafa a (qaḥf) to swallow, gulp down (هـ s.th.); to sweep away, carry away (هـ s.th.; of a river) VIII = I

قحف qiḥf pl. قحوف quḥūf, اقحاف aqḥāf, قحفة qiḥafa skull; cranium, brainpan

قحاف quḥāf torrential (river)

قحل qaḥila a (qaḥal) and pass. quḥila to be or become dry or arid, dry up, wither

قحل qaḥal dryness aridity

قحل qaḥil dry, arid

قحولة quḥūla dryness, aridity

قحلاء qaḥlā’ f. dry

قاحل qāḥil dry, arid

قحم IV to push, drag (في ه s.o. into s.th.), involve (في ه s.o. in); to introduce forcibly, cram (في ه s.th. into) | اقحم نفسه بينهم (nafsahū) he squeezed himself between them VIII to plunge, rush, hurtle (هـ into s.th.); to break (هـ into s.th.), intrude, invade (هـ s.th.); to burst (هـ into a room); to jump, leap, dive (هـ into s.th.); to rush, dart (هـ at); to storm, take by storm (هـ s.th.); to embark boldly (هـ upon s.th.); to defy (هـ danger, hardships, etc.)

قحمة kuḥma pl. قحم quḥam danger one rushes into. hazardous undertaking

مقحام miqḥām pl. مقاحيم maqāḥīm2 one who plunges heedlessly into danger, reckless, daring, foolhardy

اقحام iqḥām dragging in, implicating, involvement

اقتحام iqtiḥām brooking in, inrush, irruption, intrusion, obtrusion; inroad, invasion, incursion; storming, capture by storm

اقحوان uqḥuwān pl. اقاح aqāḥin, اقاحي aqāḥīy camomile (bot.); daisy (bot.)

1 قد qad (particle) with foll. perf. indicates the termination of an action; sometimes corresponding to English “already”; with foll. imperf.: sometimes, at times; perhaps, or English “may”, “might”

2 قد qadda u (qadd) to cut lengthwise, cut into strips (هـ s.th.); to cut off (هـ s.th.); to chop off (هـ s.th.); to cut out, carve out (هـ s.th.) | قد قلبه من حجر qudda qalbuhū min ḥajarin to have a heart of stone II = I; to cut into strips and dry (هـ s.th., e.g., meat, fruits), to jerk (هـ meat) VII to split, burst (also, e.g., with laughter) VIII = I

قد qidd pl. اقد aqudd strip (of leather), strap, thong

قدة qidda pl. قدد qidad rail; ruler | طرائق قددا tafarraqū ṭarā’iqa qidadan to split into many parts or groups, break up, dissolve

قديد qadīd meat cut into strips and dried, jerked meat

قد qadd pl. قدود qudūd shape, build, frame, physique, stature, height, figure;

(eg.) size, bulk, volume, quantity | على قده of the same size, of equal size, just as (large)

قدح qadaḥa a (qadḥ) to bore, pierce (في s.th.); to slander, defame, malign, vilify (في s.o.); to rebuke, censure, blame (في s.o.); to reprove, reproach, chide (في s.o.); to reject as objectionable (في a witness, a testimony); to impair, depreciate, belittle, lessen, diminish, degrade (ب or في s.th.), detract (ب or في from); to violate, infringe (في s.th.), offend (في against); to strike fire (with a flint) (also with النار an-nāra) | قدح زناد الفكر (z. al-fikr) to ponder, think hard, rack one’s brain; قدح فكره (fikrahū) to think hard; قدح شررا (šararan) to strike or emit sparks VIII to strike fire (with a flint), also اقتدح النار ; to weigh, consider (هـ s.th.)

قدح qadḥ slander, calumniation, calumny, defamation, vilification, aspersion; censure, rebuke, reproof, reproach; depreciation, detraction (ب of في from), impairment

قدح qidḥ, pl. قداح qidāḥ, اقدح aqduḥ, اقداح aqdāḥ, اقاديح aqādīḥ2 arrow shaft; arrow; divining arrow, arrow used for oracles | القدح المعلى (mu‘allā) the seventh of the divining arrows used in the ancient Arabian game of maisir, i.e., the best of them which won seven shares of the slaughtered camel, hence: له القدح المعلى في to be the principal agent in, have a major impact on, exert decisive influence on, be of crucial importance for

قدح qadaḥ pl. اقداح aqdāḥ drinking bowl; (drinking) cup; goblet; glass, tumbler; tea glass; keddah, a dry measure (Eg. = 1/96 اردب ardabb = 2.0621)

قداح qaddāḥ and قداحة qaddāḥa pl. -āt flint; fire steel, fire iron (for striking sparks from flint); flint and steel; lighter (e.g., for cigarettes)

مقدحة miqdaḥa fire steel, fire iron (for striking sparks from flint)

قدر qadara u i (qadr) to decree, ordain, decide (هـ s.th.; of God) -- qadara i (قدرة qudra, مقدرة maqdura, maqdara, maqdira) and qadira a (qadar) to possess strength, power, or ability; to have power (على over s.th.), be master (على of s.th.), be equal (على to s.th.), be up to s.th. (على ); to have the possibility to do (على s.th.), be in a position to do s.th. (ان or على ), be able to do s.th. (ان or على ), be capable (ان or على of) II to appoint, assign, determine, ordain, decree (هـ s.th., على for s.o.; of God); to predetermine, foreordain, (pre)destine (هـ هـ s.th.; of God); to appraise (هـ s.th.; with respect to its worth and amount), assess, estimate, calculate, tax, evaluate, value, rate (ب هـ s.th. at); to anticipate, foresee (هـ s.th.); to surmise, guess, presume, suppose, believe, think, be of the opinion (ان that); to esteem highly, value, treasure, prize, cherish (ه s.o., هـ s.th., هـ ل s.th. in s.o., because of s.th. s.o.); to appreciate (هـ s.th.); to enable (على ه s.o. to do s.th.), put (ه s.o.) in a position (على to do s.th.); (gram.) to imply in an expression (ل or هـ ) another (ب or هـ ) as virtually existing | لا قدر الله (which) God forbid! قدر فكان (quddira) the inevitable happened! قدره حق قدره (ḥaqqa qadrihi) to attach the proper value to s.o. or s.th., fully appreciate the value of s.o. or s.th.; لا يقدر lā yuqaddaru inestimable, invaluable, immeasurable, immense, huge, enormous, tremendous IV to enable (على ه s.o. to do s.th.), put (ه s.o.) in a position (على to do s.th.) V to he appointed, assigned, determined, ordained, destined, fated, decreed VIII = I qadara i X to ask (ه God) for strength or ability

قدر qadr pl. اقدار aqdār extent, scope, quantity, amount, scale, rate, measure, number; sum, amount; degree, grade; worth, value, standing, rank; divine decree | ليلة القدر lailat al-q. the night in which, according to sura 97, the Koran was revealed, celebrated during the night between the 26th and 27th of Ramadan; قدر من a certain extent of, a certain degree of; قدر qadra, بقدر bi-qadri, على قدر commensurate with, corresponding to, according to, in proportion to; بقدر ما bi-qadri mā in the same measure as, to the same extent as, as much as, as large as; على قدر ما ‘alā qadrin mā to a certain extent, relatively; قدر المستطاع qadra l-mustaṭā‘, بقدر المستطاع, على قدر المستطاع, قدر الطاقة qadra ṭ-ṭ., قدر الإمكان qadra l-imkān, بقدر الإمكان and على قدر الإمكان as far as possible, as much as possible, in the best way possible, to the best of one’s abilities; اغلبية قدرها مائة صوت aglabīya qadruha mi’atu ṣautin a majority of a hundred votes; ذوو قدرة dawū q. people of distinction, important people

قدر qadar pl. اقدار aqdār divine fore-ordainment, predestination; fate, destiny, lot | مذهب القدر madhab al-q. fatalism; القضاء والقدر (qaḍā’) fate and divine decree; قضاء وقدرا qaḍā’an wa-qadaran or بالقضاء والقدر by fate and divine decree; قدر جاء على he arrived just at the right time

القدرية al-qadarīya a theological school of early Islam asserting man’s free will

قدر qidr m. and f., pl. قدور qudūr cooking pot, kettle, pot

قدرة qidra cooking pot, kettle, pot

قدرة qadara small bottle, flask

قدرة qudra faculty (على of), power, strength (على for), potency; capacity, ability, capability, aptitude; omnipotence (of God) | O القدر على العمل (‘amal) power, capacity (techn., phys.); O القدر على الانتقاء selectivity (radio)

قدير qadīr possessing power or strength, powerful, potent; having mastery (على over s.th.), capable (على of s.th.); omnipotent, almighty, all-powerful (God)

اقدر aqdar2 mightier, more powerful; more capable (على of), abler (على to do s.th.)

مقدرة maqdura, maqdara, maqdira faculty (على of), power, strength (على for), potency; capacity, ability, capability, aptitude | O المقدرة الحربية (ḥarbīya) military resources, military potential

مقدار miqdār pl. مقادير maqādīr2 measure; extent in space and time; scope, extent, scale, rate, range; quantity; amount | مقدار ادنى (adnā) a minimum; مقدار اقصى (aqṣā) a maximum; بمقدار ما bi-miqdāri mā to the same extent or degree as …; as much as ...; بهذا المقدار to such an extent or degree, so much; بمقدار to a certain extent or degree, somewhat, a little

تقدير taqdīr pl. -āt, تقادير taqādīr2 estimation, appraisal, assessment, taxation, rating; calculation, estimate, valuation; appreciation; esteem; assumption, surmise, supposition, proposition; implication of a missing syntactical part (gram.); (pl. -āt) grading, evaluation (of achievement; school, university); تقديرا taqdīran by implication, implicitly, virtually | تقديرا لهذا in appreciation of this; على اقل تقدير ‘alā aqalli t. at least; على اكثر التقدير at most; عن مبلغ تقديري ‘an mablagi taqdīrī as far as I can judge for myself

اقتدار iqtidār might, power, strength, potency; ability, capability, faculty, capacity, efficiency, aptitude

قادر qādir possessing power or strength, powerful, potent; having mastery (على vover s.th.), being equal (قدر to s.th.); capable (على of s.th.), able (على to do s.th.); efficient, capable, talented

مقدور maqdūr decreed (على against, by fate); (pl. مقادير maqādīr2) destiny, fate; (pl. -āt) faculty, capability, ability; potential, resources | في مقدوره ان to be able to …, be capable of ..., be in a position to ..., have the possibility to ...

مقدر muqaddir estimator, appraiser, assessor, taxer

مقدر muqaddar decreed, foreordained, predestined; implied, implicit, virtual; مقدرات fates, destinies; estimates, preliminary calculations

مقتدر muqtadir possessing power or strength, powerful, potent; having mastery (على over s.th.), being equal (على to s.th.); able (على to do s.th.), capable (على of); efficient capable, talented

1 قدس qadusa u (quds, qudus) to be holy, be pure II to hallow, sanctify (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to dedicate. consecrate (هـ s.th.); to declare to be holy, glorify (الله God); to hold sacred, venerate, revere, reverence, worship (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); (Chr.) to canonize (ه s.o.); (Chr.) to say Mass, celebrate | قدس الله سره (sirrahū) may God sanctify his secret! (eulogy used when mentioning the name of a deceased Muslim saint) V to be hallowed, be sacred or sanctified

قدس quds, qudus holiness, sacredness, sanctity; (pl. اقداس aqdas) sanctuary, shrine; القدس al-quds Jerusalem | قدس الأقداس the holy of holies (Chr., Jud.); روح القدس, الروح القدس (ar-)rūḥ al-qudus the Holy Ghost (Chr.)

قدسي qudsī holy, sacred; saintly; saint

قدسية qudsīya holiness, sacredness, sanctity; saintliness

قداس quddās pl. -āt, قداديس qadādīs2 Mass (Chr.)

قداسة qadāsa holiness, sacredness, sanctity; saintliness | قداسة البابا His Holiness the Pope

قدوس qaddūs, quddūs most holy; القدوس the Most Holy, the All-Holy (God)

قديس qiddīs pl. -ūn holy, saintly; Christian saint | عيد كل القديسين ‘īd kull al-q. All Saints’ Day (Chr.)

اقدس aqdas2 more hallowed, more sacred, holier

بيت المقدس bait al-maqdis Jerusalem

تقديس taqdīs sanctification, hallowing; dedication, consecration; celebration (Chr.); Consecration (as part of the Roman Catholic Mass; Chr.); reverence, veneration, worship

مقدس muqaddis reverent, reverential, venerative

مقدس muqaddas hallowed. sanctified, dedicated, consecrated; holy, sacred; pl. -āt sacred things, sacrosanct things | الأرض (البلاد) المقدسة (arḍ) the Holy Land, Palestine; البيت المقدس (bait) Jerusalem; البيت ال مقدس the Holy Scriptures, the Holy Bible (Chr.)

متقدس mutaqaddis hallowed, sanctified, dedicated, consecrated; holy, sacred

2 قادس qādis Cādiz (seaport in SW Spain)

3 قادوس pl. قواديس look up alphabetically

قدم qadama u (qadm, قدوم qadūm) to precede (ه s.o.); -- qadima a (قدوم qudūm, قدمان qidmān, مقدم maqdam) to arrive (هـ at a place); to come; to get (الى or على or ه to s.o.; هـ to a place). reach (الى or على, ه s.o.; هـ a place); to have the audacity to do s.th. (على ); -- qaduma u (qidam) to be old, be ancient II to make or let (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) precede, go before, or lead the way; to send forward, send ahead, send off, dispatch, send on in advance (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to set forth beforehand, premise (ل هـ s.th. as introductory to s.th., e.g., a preface to a book); to place (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) at the head; to set forward, set ahead (هـ a clock); to do earlier, do beforehand, do before s.th. else (هـ s.th.); to give precedence (على هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th. before), give priority (على هـ to s.th. over); to prefer (على هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to s.o. or s.th. else), give preference (على هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th. over); (Tun.) to appoint as legal guardian (على ه s.o. for); to prepare, ready, keep ready, provide, set aside, earmark (ل ه s.th. for); to provide, make provisions (ل for); to offer, proffer, tender, extend, present, produce, exhibit, display (هـ s.th., الى or ل to s.o.); to hand over, deliver (هـ s.th., الى or ل to s.o.); to submit, refer (o s.th., الى or ل to s.o.), lay s.th. (هـ ) before s.o. (الى or ل ); to give u a present (هـ s.th., الى or ل to s.o.), offer up, present (الى or ل هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to s.o., to s.th.); to dedicate (الى or ل هـ s.th., e.g., a book, to s.o.); to file, turn in (هـ s.th., e.g., a report), send in, submit (هـ s.th., e.g., an application, الى or ل to), lodge (هـ e.g., a complaint, الى or ل before); to give (o an answer); to take (o an examination); to bring s.o. (ه ) before a proper authority, esp., before a tribunal (امام or الى ), arraign s.o.; to introduce, present (ل or الى ه s.o. to s.o. else), make (ه s.o.) acquainted (ل or الى with s.o. else); (intr.) to precede; to be fast (clock) | قدمه بين يديه (baina yadaihi) to send s.th. ahead of s.th. else, let s.th. precede s.th. else; قدم له الثمن (tamana) to pay the price to s.o. in advance, advance the price to s.o.; قدم خدمة (kidmatan) to render a service; قدم خطوة (kidmatan) to make a step forward; قدم الشكر له (šukra) to extend one’s thanks to s.o., thank s.o.; قدم نفسه الى البوليس to give o.s. up to the police; ما قدمت وما اخرت (akkartu) what I have ever committed; ما قدمت يداك (yadāka) what you have committed or perpetrated; يقدم رجلا ويؤخر أخرى yuqaddimu rijlan wa-yu’akkiru ukrā to hesitate, waver, be undecided; فرق شهور لا تقدم ولا تؤخر farqu šuhūrin lā tuqaddimu wa-lā tu’akkiru a difference of a few months which is of no consequence IV to be bold, audacious, daring; to make bold, have the audacity to do s.th. (على ); to venture, risk, undertake, tackle (على s.th.), set about s.th. (على ); to brave (على s.th.), embark boldly (على upon), dare to engage (على in), venture upon s.th. (على ); to attack (على s.o., s.th.) V to precede (عن or على or هـ, ه s.o., s.th., in space and time), go before s.o. or s.th. (عن, على, هـ, ه ); to head (على or هم a group of people), be at the head (على or هم of a group of people); to belong to an earlier, older time; to go forward, move (for, ward), proceed (نحو toward), advance march (نحو against, toward); to progress, make progress; to come on, come closer, move nearer (الى to); to approach (الى s.o. or s.th.), accost (الى s.o.); to step up (الى to); to present o.s. (بين يديه or الى to), step before (بين يديه or الى ); o to meet, face (ل or الى an opposing team, in sports); to turn, apply (ب ل or الى to s.o. with a request); to submit (ل or الى to s.o. ب s.th., e.g., a request); to order, direct, commission (ب الى s.o. to do, to bring, etc., s.th.) | تقدم به to further, advance, promote, improve s.th.; تقدمت به السن (sinnu) to get older, be advanced in years; كما تقدم already mentioned; غفر الله ما تقدم من ذنبه وما تأخر (danbihī, ta’akkara) God has forgiven all his sins; وقت بغداد متقدم ساعتين من وقت اوربا الوسطى waqtu bagdada mutaqaddimun sā‘ataini ‘an waqti ūrubbā l-wusṭā Baghdad time is two hours ahead of Central European time; تقدم نحوه (naḥwahū) to step up to s.o.; تقدم منه to approach s.o., head for s.o.; تقدم للامتحان to submit o.s. to an examination VI to become antiquated, grow obsolete, get out of date, become old, age | تقادم (zamanu) much time has gone by (since); تقادم عهده (‘ahduhū) it happened long ago, it belongs to the put, it is of early date X to ask (ه s.o.) to come, send (ه for s.o.), summon (ه s.o.)

قدم qidm time long since put, old times; قدما qidman in old(en) times, in former times, once, of old, of yore

قدم qidam time long since put, old times; remote antiquity, time immemorial; oldness; ancientness; infinite pre-existence, sempiternity, timelessness (of God); seniority | منذ القدم from times of old, by long tradition, of long standing; قدم عهده ب (qidamu ‘ahdihī) his long, standing familiarity with

قدم qadam (usually f.) pl. اقدام aqdām foot (also as a measure of length); step قدم مكعبة (muka‘‘aba) cubic foot; سمت القدم al-q. nadir (astron.); اصبع القدم iṣba‘ al-q. toe; على قدميه (qadamaihi) on foot (of several: على الأقدام): على اطرف قدميه on tiptoe; على قدم الحذر (q. al-ḥadar) anxious, timid, fearful; على قدم الاهبة والاستعداد (q. il-uhba) in a state of extreme alertness; جرى (قام) على قدم وساق (wa-sāqin) to become fully effective, be in full progress, be in full swing; ليس له قدم he has no part in ..., he is not involved in ...

قدم qudum: مضى (سار) قدما (quduman) to go straight ahead or forward

قديم qadīm pl. قدماء qudamā’2, قدامى qudāmā, قدائم qadā’im2 old, ancient; antique; existing from time immemorial, eternally pre-existent, sempiternal; القديم the Infinitely Pre-existent, the Sempiternal, the Eternal (as an attribute of God) | قديما qadīman or في القديم in old(en) times, in ancient times, in former times, once, of old, of yore; من قديم or منذ القديم from times of old. by long tradition, of long standing; قديم العهد ب (q. al-‘ahd) of long familiarity or acquaintance with, long familiar or acquainted with; of long-standing experience in, long-experiensed in, (being) a long-time holder of; دراسات قديمة classical studies

قدوم qudūm coming, advent, arrival

قدوم qadūm pl. قدم qudum bold, audacious, daring, intrepid, undaunted, courageous, brave, valiant

قدوم qadūm, qaddūm pl. قدائم qadā’im2, قدم qudum adz

قدام quddām fare part, front part; quddāma (prep.) in front of

قيدوم qaidūm prow, bow of a ship

اقدم aqdam2 older, mare ancient; الاقدمون the ancients

اقدمية aqdamīya seniority

مقدم maqdam coming, advent; arrival

مقدام miqdām bold, audacious, daring, intrepid, undaunted, courageous, brave, valiant; a military rank, approx.: staff sergeant (Eg. 1939)

تقديم taqdīm sending forward, sending off, dispatching, etc., see II; presentation; submission, turning in, filing; offering up, oblation; dedication; offer, proffer, tender, bid; memorial; (pl. تقاديم taqādīm) officially established guardianship (Tun.)

تقدمة taqdima offer, proffer, tender, bid; dedication; (social) introduction, presentation; offering up, oblation, offertory (Chr.); (pl. -āt, تقادم taqādim2) present, gift

اقدام iqdām boldness, audacity, daring, intrepidity, fearlessness, undauntedness, stoutheartedness, pluck, courage, enterprise, initiative

تقدم taqaddum precedence, priority; (ad)vantage, lead; advance, drive, push; advancement, progression, progress

تقدمي taqaddumī progressive, progressionist

تقادم taqādum: (الزمن) تقادم العهد t. al-‘ahd (az-zaman) progression or lapse of time; مع تقادم الزمن in the course of time

قادم qādim pl. -ūn, قدوم qudūm, قدام guddām one arriving, arriver, arrival, newcomer; -- coming, next (e.g., year, month, and the like)

مقدم muqaddim offerer, tenderer, presenter, giver, donor | مقدم الطلب m. aṭ-ṭalab applicant

مقدم muqaddam put before s.th. (على ), prefixed, prefaced (على to s.th.), anteceding, preceding (على s.th.); front, face; fore part, front part; prow, bow (of a ship); o nose (of an airplane, and the like); antecedent of a proportion (math.); overseer, supervisor; foreman; a military rank, approx.: major (Ir., U.A.R.); lieutenant colonel (formerly syr.); officially appointed legal guardian (Tun.); administrator or trustee of a wakf estate (Tun.); مقدم عليه a legal minor placed under officially established guardianship (Tun.); مقدما muqaddaman in advance, beforehand

مقدمة muqaddima, muqaddama pl. -āt fore part, front part; front, face; prow, bow (of a ship); foreground; foremost rank or line, forefront, head, lead; advance guard, vanguard, van; foreword, preface, introduction, prologue, proem, preamble; prelude; premise

متقدم mutaqaddim preceding, antecedent; moving forward, advancing; well-advanced; (being) in front, ahead, in the fore part; foremost; aforesaid, before-mentioned; advanced; senior (athlet.) | المتقدم ذكره (dikruhū) the aforesaid, the before-mentioned; متقدم في السن (في العمر ) (sinn, ‘umr) advanced in age, well along in years, old; متقدم على ابانه (ibbānihī) premature, precipitate, untimely; المتقدمون والمتأخرون (wa-l-muta’akkirūn) the earlier and the later = all

(قدو and قدي) قدا qadā u (qadw) and قدي qadiya a (قدى qadan, قداوة qadāwa) to be tasty, savory (food) VIII to imitate, copy (ب s.o., s.th.), emulate (ب s.o.), follow s.o.’s (ب ) model or example, be guided (ب by)

قدوة qudwa, qidwa model, pattern, example, exemplar

قدي qadīy tasty, savory, palatable (food)

اقتداء iqtidā’ imitation, emulation; اقتداء ب iqtidā’an bi following the model or example of

قذة qudda pl. قذذ qudad, قذاذ qidād feather of an arrow | حذو القذة بالقذة (ḥadwa) exactly identical, deceptively alike

قذر qadira a (qadar) and qadura u (قذارة qadāra) to be or become dirty, unclean, filthy II to make dirty, soil, sully, contaminate, pollute, defile (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) X to find or deem (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) dirty, unclean, impure, filthy, squalid

قذر qadar uncleanliness, impurity; (pl. اقذار aqdār) dirt, filth, squalor

قذر qadir, qadr dirty, unclean, impure, filthy, squalid

قذر qadir dainty, fastidious, squeamish

قذارة qadāra dirtiness, uncleanliness, impurity, filthiness, squalidness

قاذورة qādūra pl. -āt dirt, filth, squalor; rubbish, garbage; (moral) defilement

مقاذر maqādir2 dirty things, dirt, filth

قذع qada‘a a (qad‘) to defame, malign, vilify (ه s.o.), backbite, wag an evil tongue, make slanderous remarks

قذف qadafa i (qadf) to throw, cast (ب or هـ s.th.); to throw away, discard (ب or هـ s.th.); to fling, hurl, toss (ب or هـ s.th.); to hurl down, toss down (ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to push, shove (ب or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to row, oar (ب or هـ s.th.); to eject, emit, discharge (ب or هـ s.th.); to expel (ب or ب, ه s.o., s.th.); to evict, oust (ب or ه s.o.); to drop (ب s.th.); to pelt (ب هـ, ه s.o. with); to defame, slander, calumniate (ه s.o.); to accuse (ب ه s.o. of), charge (ب ه s.o. with); to vomit | قذفه بالقنابل to bomb s.th., strafe s.th. with bombs; قذف عليه الشتائم to hurl abusive language at s.o. II to row, oar VI to pelt one another (ب with); to throw to each other, throw back and forth (هـ s.th.); to shove around, push around (ه or ب s.o.) | تقاذفت به الأمواج (amwāju) to be tossed about by the waves VII to be thrown, be cast, be flung, be hurled, be tossed, be flung off

قذف qadf defamation; calumny, slander, false accusation (esp., of fornication; Isl. Law); rowing, oaring | القذف بالقنابل bombing, bombardment; طائرة قذف القنابل bomber

قذفي qadfī slanderous, libelous, defamatory

قذاف qaddāf: طيارة قذافة (ṭayyāra) bomber

قذيفة qadīfa pl. قذائف qada’if2 projectile; bomb; shell; fuse, detonator | قذيفة نسافة (nassāfa) torpedo; قذيفة يدوية (yadawīya) hand grenade

مقذف miqdaf pl. مقاذف maqādif2 oar, paddle

مقذاف miqdāf pl. مقاذيف maqādīf2 oar, paddle

تقذيف taqdīf rowing, oaring

قاذفة qādifa: قاذفة القنابل pl. قاذفات القنابل bomber; قاذفة اللهب q. al-lahab or قاذفة النار flame thrower

مقذوف maqdūf pl. مقاذيف maqādīf2 and مقذوفة maqdūfa pl. -āt missile; projectile

قذال qadāl pl. قذل qudul, اقذلة aqdila occiput

قذى IV: اقذى عينه (‘ainahū) to vex, annoy, gall s.o., cause s.o. worry

قذى qadan (coll.; n. un. قذاة qadāh) s.th. that gets in one's eye or into a beverage, a floating impurity, mote, speck; foreign body in the eye | قذى في عينه (‘ainihī) an odious thing, approx.: an eyesore, a thorn in the flesh; اغضى على القذى (agḍā) to bear annoyance patiently, grin and bear it, swallow the bitter pill; غمض جفونه على القذى (gammaḍa jufūnahū) do.

قذى qidan pl. اقذاء aqdā’ fine dust; pl. اقذاء particles floating in the air

قر qarra (1st pers. perf. qarartu) i, (1st pers. perf. qarirtu) a (قرار qarār) to settle down, establish o.s., become settled or sedentary, take up one's residence, rest, abide, dwell, live, reside, remain, stay, linger (ب or في in, at a place) | قر الرأي على (ra’yu) it was decided to ..., the decision was reached to …, a resolution was passed on s.th. or to the effect that; قر رأيه على (ra’yuhū) to resolve, determine on s.th., make up one’s mind to (do s.th.), decide, make a decision for or on or to do s.th.; لا يقر له حال to be flighty, be of unstable temperament; لا يقر له قرار (qarār) to be restless, restive, uneasy, wavering, undecided; -- qarra a i (qarr) to be cold, chilly, cool | قر عينا (‘ainan) to be of good cheer; قرت عينه (‘ainuhū) to be glad, be delighted (ب at) II to settle, make sedentary (في ه s.o. in, at a place), establish (في ه s.th. in); to fix, settle, appoint, assign, schedule, determine, stipulate, regulate (هـ s.th.); to decide (هـ s.th.); to determine, resolve, decide (هـ on s.th.); to confirm, establish, affirm, aver (هـ s.th.); to report, relate, tell (هـ s.th.); to make a report, give a paper (عن on); to make a statement; to force s.o. (ه ) to confess or acknowledge s.th. (على or ب ), make s.o. (ه ) confess or acknowledge s.th. (على or ب ) IV to settle, make sedentary (في هـ s.o. in, at a place), establish (في هـ s.th. in); to safeguard (هـ s.th.); to have (ه s.o.) sit down, seat (ه s.o., في in, in a seat); to set up, institute (هـ s.th.); to found, establish (هـ s.th.); to install, instate (في s.o. in an office); to confirm, establish, affirm, aver (هـ s.th.); to agree, consent (ب or هـ to); to acknowledge, own (ب or هـ s.th.); to confess, avow, admit (ب s.th.), own (ب to s.th.); to concede, grant (هـ or ب ل to s.o. s.th.) | اقر عينه (‘ainahū) (to cool s.o.’s eye =) to gladden, delight s.o. V to be fixed, be settled, be appointed, be scheduled, be determined, be regulated, be stipulated, be decided; to resolve itself (situation) X to settle down, establish o.s. become settled or sedentary, take up one’s residence (ب or في in. at a place); to come to rest (ب or في in, at a place); to rest, abide, dwell, live, reside, remain, stay, linger (ب or في in, at a place, الى with s.o.); to be firmly embedded, got stuck, get lodged (في in); to be firm, solid, enduring, durable, lasting, stable; to become stabilized, stabilize, be consolidated (situation, conditional; ultimately to attain (على a state or condition), finally find a firm position (على in); to become finally (على s.th.), ultimately turn into s.th. (على ); to be established, settled, fixed; to be stationary | استقر خاطره على (kāṭiruhū) his mind dwelled on …; استقر الرأي على (ra’yu) it was decided to the decision was reached to ...; a resolution was passed on s.th. or to the effect that; استقر رأيه على (ra’yuhū) to resolve, determine on s.th., make up one’s mind to (do s.th.), decide, make a decision for or on or to do s.th.; استقر له الأمور his situation had stabilized; لا يستقر له قرار (qarārun) to be restless, restive, uneasy, wavering, undecided; لم نستقر بعد على حال (ba‘du) we haven’t yet arrived at, a lasting solution, we haven’t yet attained a definitive position; استقر امره على he finally became ..., he ended up as ...; استقر في نفسه to be a positive fact with s.o., be beyond doubt for s.o.; استقر به المقام (المكان ) (muqāmu, makānu) to settle down permanently; to sit down; not to move from one’s seat; استقر به المجلس (majlisu) to sit down, get seated, take a seat; استقر به الحال to be firmly established, be settled; to be in a secure position

قر qarr cold, chilly, cool

قر qurr cold, coldness, chilliness, coolness

قرة qirra cold, coldness, chilliness, coolness

قرة العين qurrat al-‘ain consolation for the eye; delight of the eye; joy, pleasure, delight; darling; (bot.) cress

قرار qarār sedentariness, settledness, stationariness, sedentation; fixedness, fixity; firmness, solidity; steadiness, constancy, continuance, permanency, stability; repose, rest, stillness; duration; abode, dwelling, habitation; residence; resting place; bottom (e.g., of a receptacle); depth (of the sea); (pl. -āt) decision, resolution | لا قرار له (lā qarāra) inconstant, changeable, unstable; bottomless, unfathomable, immeasurable; دار القرار the hereafter, the world to come; O قرار الموجه q. al-maujah wave trough (techn.); قرارات التعديل modifying regulations

قرارة qarāra bottom; low ground, depression, depth | في قرارة النفس (q. in-nafs) in the depth of the heart

قرير qarīr: قرير العين q. al-‘ain happy, gratified, delighted, glad

قارورة qārūra pl. قوارير qawārīr22 long-necked bottle

مقر maqarr pl. مقار maqārr2 abode, dwelling, habitation; residence; storage place; seat center; site, place; station; position (at sea) | مقر العمل m. al-‘amal place of employment; مقر القيادة headquarters; مقر الوظيفة official seat, seat of office

تقرير taqrīr establishment, settlement; fixation; appointment, assignment, regulation, arrangement, stipulation; determination; decision; (pl. تقارير taqārīr2) report, account | تقرير المصير self-determination (pol.); حق الشعوب في تقرير مصيرها (ḥaqq aš-š.) the right of peoples to self-determination; تقرير الحالة الجوية (gawwīya) weather report; تقرير الشرطة t. aš-šurṭa police report

إقرار iqrār settling, settlement (of nomads); setting up, institution, establishment; foundation; installation, instatement; delivery of a confirmation or assurance; confirmation, affirmation, averment; assurance; acknowledgment; confession, avowal, admission

استقرار istiqrār sedentariness, settledness, stationariness, sedentation; remaining, abiding, lingering, stay, sojourn; settling, settlement, establishment; steadiness, constancy, continuance, permanency; strengthening, consolidation, stabilization, stability; repose, rest, stillness

قار qārr sedentary, settled, resident; standing, permanent; fixed, stationary; cold, chilly, cool | الأداءات (غير) القارة (adā’āt) (in)direct taxes (magr.); لجنة قارة (lajna) permanent committee, standing committee

قارة qārra pl. -āt continent, mainland

مقرر muqarrir pl. -ūn reporter (in general and of a newspaper)

مقرر muqarrar established, settled; fixed, determined, decided, appointed, assigned, scheduled, regulated, stipulated, decreed; (pl. -āt) curriculum; مقررات decisions | مقرر الميزانية m. al-mīzānīya the proposed budget; حقيقة مقررة accomplished fact; اموال مقررة direct taxes

مستقر mustaqirr sedentary, settled, resident; firmly established, deep-seated, deep-rooted; fixed, immobile, stationary; firm, solid, enduring, durable, lasting, stable

مستقر mustaqarr abode, dwelling, habitation; residence; seat; resting place

قرأ qara’a a (قراءة qirā’a) to declaim, recite (هـ s.th., esp. the Koran; هـ على to s.o. s.th.); to read (هـ s.th.; هـ ل or على s.o. s.th.); to peruse (هـ s.th.); to study (هـ هـ على under s.o. s.th.) | قرأ عليه السلام (salāma) to greet, salute s.o.; to extend greeting, to s.o.; قرأ حسابه ل to reckon with s.th., take s.th. into account; قرأ له الف حساب (alfa ḥ.) to have a thousand apprehensions about s.th. IV to make or have (ه s.o.) read (هـ s.th.); to teach (ه s.o.) the art of reciting (ه s.th.); to teach (ه s.o.) how to read (هـ s.th.) | اقرأه السلام (salāma) to extend greetings to s.o. X to ask s.o. (ه ) to recite or read; to investigate, examine, explore (هـ s.th.), search (هـ into s.th.); to study thoroughly (هـ s.th.)

قرء qur’ pl. قروء qurū’ menses, menstruation

قراءة qirā’a pl. -āt recitation, recital (esp. of the Koran); reading (also, e.g., of measuring instruments; parl.); manner of recitation, punctuation and vocalization of the Koranic text | قراءة الكف q. al-kaff chiromancy, palmistry

القرآن al-qur’ān the Koran

قرآني qur’ānī Koranic, of or pertaining to the Koran

استقراء istiqrā’ pl. -āt investigation, examination, exploration; see also under قرو

استقرائي istiqrā’ī see under قرو

قارئ qārī’ pl. -ūn, قراء qurrā’ reciter (esp. of the Koran); reader | قارئ الكف q. al-kaff chiromancer, palmist

مقروء maqrū’ read (past part.); legible, readable; worth reading

مقرئ muqri’ reciter of the Koran

قراج qarāž pl. -āt (Saudi Arabian spelling) garage

1 قرب qaruba u (qurb, مقربة maqraba) to be near (الى or من to s.o., to s.th.); to come near, get close (الى or من to s.o., to s.th.), close in (الى or من on s.o., on s.th.), approach

(الى or من s.o., s.th.); to approximate (الى or من s.th.); - qariba a to be near (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to come near, get close (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), close in (هـ, ه on s.o., on s.th.), approach (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to approximate (هـ s.th.); to draw near, be coming on, approach | ما يقرب من (yaqrubu) (with foll. figure) approximately, about, some, circa II to cause or allow (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) to come near or get close (الى or من to s.th.), make or let (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) approach (الى or من s.th.), bring close (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.; الى or من to s.th.), advance, move (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.; الى or من toward s.th.), approximate (o s.th.; الى or من to); to bring home (هـ من or الى to s.o. s.th., e.g., an idea); to take as associate or companion (من ه s.o. for o.s.); to bring closer to comprehension, reveal more fully (هـ s.th.), clarify the concept, facilitate the understanding (هـ of s.th.) ; to offer up, present (هـ ل to God as sacrifice); (Chr.) to administer Communion (ه to s.o.); to sheathe, put into the scabbard (هـ the sword) | قرب بينهم to bring people closer together, make peace among people, reconcile people III to be near (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.); to come near, come close, get close (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), close in (هـ, ه on s.o., on s.th.), approach (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to approximate (هـ s.th.); to be almost equivalent (هـ with s.th.), amount to almost the same thing (هـ as s.th.); to be on the point (ان of doing s.th.), be about (ان to do s.th.); to bring (close) together (بين – و different things) V to approach (من or الى s.o., s.th.), come or get near s.o., near s.th. (من or الى ), come close, get close (من or الى to s.o.), gain access (من or الى to s.o.); to seek to gain s.o.’s (الى ) favor, curry favor (الى with s.o.); (Chr.) to receive Communion VI to be or come near each other, approach one another, approximate each other VIII to approach (من s.o., s.th.), come, advance, or get near s.o. or s.th. (من ), come close, get close (من to) X to find near, regard as near (هـ s.th.)

قرب qurb nearness, closeness, proximity, vicinity; qurba (prep.) in the vicinity of, near, toward | قرب الظهر qurba ẓ-ẓuhr toward noon; بقرب or بالقرب من in the vicinity of, near, close to; عن قرب from a short distance, from close up

قربة qirba pl. -āt, قرب qirab waterskin; -- (pl. قرب qirab) bagpipe

قربى qurbā relation, relationship, kinship | ذو القربى pl. ذوو القربى dawū l-q. relative, relation

قريب qarīb near (in place and time), nearby, close at hand; in the neighborhood or vicinity (الى or من of s.o., of s.th.), close (الى or من to s.o., to s.th.), adjacent (الى or من to s.th.); easily understood, simple; (pl. اقرباء aqribā’2) relative, relation; قريبا qarīban soon, before long, shortly, in the near future; recently, lately, not long ago, the other day | من قريب and عما قريب (‘ammā q.) soon, before long, shortly, in the near future; لا – من قريب او بعيد not -- in the least, not by a far cry; في القريب العاجل in the immediate future; قريب من الحسن (ḥasan) fair, fairly good (as a school-report grade); قريب العهد q. al-‘ahd recent, new, young; من عهد قريب since recently, of late, of a recent date; recently, lately, not long ago, the other day; قريب العهد ب having adopted or acquired s.th. very recently; not long familiar or acquainted with s.th., inexperienced at s.th., a novice in s.th.; قريب التناول q. at-tanāwul easy to understand

قراب qirāb pl. قرب qurub, اقربة aqriba sheath, scabbard (of a .word); receptacle, container, case, etui, covering

قرابة qarāba relation, relationship, kinship

قرابة qurāba: قرابة ثلاثة اعوام qurabata talātati a‘wām almost three years

قربان qurbān pl. قرابين qarābīn2 sacrifice, offering, immolation, oblation; Mass (Chr.); Eucharist (Chr.) | قربان الشكر q. aš-šukr thank offering; عيد القربان ‘īd al-q. Corpus Christi (Chr.); تناول القربان (tanāwala) to receive Communion (Chr.); رفع القربان على or قدم القربان على (qaddama) to read Mass for s.o. (Chr.)

قربانة qurbāna Host; Communion (Chr.)

اقرب aqrab2 nearer, nearest, next; more probable, more likely; probable, likely; pl. اقربون aqrabūn, اقارب aqārib2 relations, relatives | اقرب الى الفهم (fahm) easier to understand, more comprehensible; هم اقرب الى الصحة (الصواب ) (ṣiḥḥa, ṣawab) it is quite probable, it is fairly correct, it is rather exact, it comes fairly close to the troth; في اقرب وقت (ممكن ) fī aqrabi waqtin (mumkinin) or باقرب ما يمكن (yumkinu) as soon as possible, in the shortest time possible

مقرب maqrab pl. مقارب maqārib2 nearest or shortest way, short cut

مقربة maqraba, maqruba nearness, closeness, proximity, vicinity; (pl. مقارب maqārib2) nearest or shortest way, short cut | على مقربة nearby, close at hand; على مقربة in the vicinity of, near, close to

تقريب taqrīb approximation | تقريبا taqrīban, بالتقريب, بوجه التقريب bi-wajh t-t. or على التقريب approximately, almost, nearly, roughly, about; محسوس تقريبا just barely perceptible

تقريبي taqrībī approximate, approximative

تقرب taqarrub approach; approximation (من to)

تقارب taqārub mutual approach; mutual approximation; rapprochement

اقتراب iqtirāb approach; approximation

مقرب muqarrab pl. -ūn close companion, favorite, protégé, intimate

مقارب muqārib approximate, approximative, estimated; mediocre, medium, of medium quality

متقارب mutaqārib close together, following in close intervals, consecutive, successive, subsequent; المتقارب name of a poetical meter

قارب qārib pl. قوارب qawārib2 boat, skiff | قارب q. az-zubda (eg.) sauceboat for melted butter; قارب (musallaḥ) gunboat; قارب النجاة q. an-najāh lifeboat; قارب التنقيب عن الألغام mine sweeper; قارب ناري motorboat

قواربي qawāribī boatman

قربوس qarabūs (qarbūs) pl. قرابيس qarābīs2 saddlebow

قربينة qarabīna pl. -āt carbine

قرح qaraḥa a (qarḥ) to wound (ه s.o.); -- qariḥa a (qaraḥ) to ulcerate, fester; to be covered with ulcers, be ulcerous II to wound (ه s.o.) V to ulcerate, fester; to be covered with ulcers, be ulcerous VIII to invent, originate, think up (هـ s.th.); to improvise, extemporize, deliver off-hand (هـ a speech); to demand in a brash or imperious manner (هـ or ب على of s.o. s.th.); to propose, suggest (هـ على to s.o. s.th.)

قرح garḥ pl. قروح qurūḥ wound; ulcer, sore

قرح qariḥ covered with ulcers, ulcerous, ulcerated; ulcerating, festering

قرحة qarḥa pl. قرح qiraḥ ulcer, sore; abscess, boil | القرحة الرخوة (rakwa) soft chancre, chancroid (med.)

قراح qarāḥ pure, limpid, clear (esp. water)

قريح qarīḥ pure, limpid, clear (esp. water)

قريحة qarīḥa pl. قرائح qarā’iḥ2 natural disposition, innate disposition, bent; genius, talent, gift, faculty

تقرح taqarruḥ ulceration

اقتراح iqtirāḥ invention, improvisation; (pl. -āt) proposition, proposal, suggestion; motion

مقرح muqarraḥ covered with ulcers, ulcerous, ulcerated

متقرح mutaqarriḥ covered with ulcers, ulcerous, ulcerated; ulcerating, festering

مقترح muqtaraḥ pl. -āt proposition, proposal, suggestion; motion

قرد qird pl. قردة qirada, قرود qurūd ape, monkey

قرد qurd (coll.; n. un. ة ) tick (zool.)

قراد qurād (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. قردان qirdān tick, ticks (zool.) | ابو قردان abū q. (eg.) white egret (zool.)

مقرود maqrūd exhausted

قريدس quraidis (syr.) shrimp (zool.)

قرس qarasa a (qaras) to he severe, fierce, biting, grim (the cold) II to freeze, make torpid, (be)numb, nip (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.; of the cold)

قارس qāris severe, fierce, biting, grim (of the cold); very cold, bitterly cold, freezing, frozen

قرش qaraša i u (qarš) to gnash, grind (one’s teeth); to nibble, crunch, chew (هـ s.th.); -- qaraša i (qarī), II and VIII to earn money, make a living (لعياله li-‘iyālihī for one’s family)

قرش qirš shark (zool.); (pl. قروش qurūš) piaster | قرش صاغ (eg., = ½ Eg. pound) standard piaster; قرش تعريفة (eg., = ½ قرش صاغ ) little piaster

قريش quraiš Koreish, name of an هـ rab tribe in ancient Mecca

قرشي qurašī of, pertaining to, or belonging to the Koreish tribe; Koreishite

قريش qarīš, قريشة qarīša sour cheese

مقرش muqriš rich, well-to-do, prosperous, wealthy, moneyed

قرص qaraṣa u (qarṣ) to pinch, nip, tweak (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to scratch (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to bite, sting (ه s.o.; of a gnat, flea, and the like) | قرصه بلسانه (bi-lisānihī to hurt s.o. with words II to pinch or nip sharply, tweak (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to scratch all over (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to shape into round, flat loaves (العجين the dough)

قرص qurṣ pl. اقراص aqrāṣ round, flat loaf of bread; (flat, circular) plate, disk, discus; phonograph record, disc; sheave, pulley (mech.); tablet, pastille, lozenge, troche | قرص الأرقام dial (of a telephone); اقراص عجوة a. ‘ajwa a pastry mode of rich dough with almonds and date paste (syr.); قرص عسل q. ‘asal honeycomb; جلب النار لقرصه (nāra) approx.: to feather one’s nest, have an eye out for one’s own interest, know on which side one’s bread is buttered

قرصي qurṣī: قرصي الشكل q. aš-šakl disk-like, disk-shaped, discoid, discous

قرصة qurṣa pl. قرص quraṣ round, flat loaf of bread

قرصة qarṣa pl. qaraṣāt pinch, nip, tweak; bite, sting (of s gnat, lies, and the like); crowbar, pinch bar, handspike, lever

قريص qurraiṣ stinging nettle (Urtica urens L.; bot.)

قراصة qarrāṣa pincers, nippers

قراصية qarāṣīya (syr.) small, black plums; (eg.) prunes

قارص qāriṣ, biting; stinging; painful, nipping, tormenting (e.g., cold) | قوارص الكلمات q. al-kalimāt biting words

قرصنة qarṣana piracy, robbery on the high seas freebooting

قرصان qurṣān pl. قراصن qarāṣin2, قراصين qarāṣīn2 corsair, pirate, freebooter

قرض qaraḍ i (qarḍ) to cut, sever, cut off, clip (هـ s.th.); to gnaw (هـ s.th. or on s.th.), nibble (هـ s.th. or at s.th.), bite, champ (هـ s.th.), eat (هـ into s.th.), corrode (هـ s.th.) | قرض رباطه (ribāṭahū) to die; قرض الشعر (ši‘ra) to write poetry, make verses II = I; IV to loan, lend, or advance, money (ه to s.o.); to lend (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) VI تقارضوا الثناء (tanā’a) they competed in the recital of eulogies VII to die out; to become extinct; to perish VIII to raise a loan (من with), borrow (من from) X to ask for a loan (من s.o.)

قرض qarḍ (qirḍ) pl. قروض qurūḍ loan | قرض حسن (ḥasan) interest-free loan with unstipulsted due dste; قرض مالي (mālī) (monetary) loan; اسهم القرض ashum al-q. bonds

قريض qarīḍ poetry

قراضة qurāḍa pl. -āt chips, shreds, parings, shavings, scraps; iron filings

قراضة qarrāḍa clothes moth

مقراض miqrāḍ pl. مقاريض maqārīḍ2 scissors

انقراض inqirāḍ dying out, gradual disappearance; extinction

اقتراض iqtirāḍ loan

استقراض istiqrāḍ raising of a loan; loan

القوارض al-qawāriḍ the rodents

مقرض muqriḍ pl. -ūn moneylender; lender

منقرض munqariḍ extinct, exterminated, perished

قرط qaraṭa u (qarṭ) to cut into small pieces, chop, mince (هـ s.th.) II do.; to snuff, trim (هـ a candle, a wick); to squeeze (على s.th.); (eg.) to urge, ply (على s.o.); to be stern, be strict (على with s.o.); to beset, harass, press hard (على s.o.); to give little (على to s.o.), be illiberal, be stingy (على with s.o.), scrimp (على s.o.)

قرط qurṭ pl. اقراط aqrāṭ, قراط qirāṭ, قروط qurūṭ earring; eardrop, pendant for the ear

تقريطة taqrīṭa pl. تقاريط taqārīṭ2 wrapper worn by women (tun.)

2 قيراط pl. قراريط look up alphabetically

قرطاجنة see قرطجنة

قرطاس qirṭās pl. قراطيس qarāṭīs2 paper; sheet of paper; paper bag

قرطبة qurṭuba2 Cordova (city in Spain)

قرطجنة qarṭajanna2, قرطاجنة Carthage

قرطس qarṭas paper; sheet of paper

قرطم qarṭama to cut off, clip (هـ s.th.)

قرطم qirṭim, qurṭum safflower (Carthamus tinctorius; bot.)

قرطمان qurṭumān oats

قرظ II to praise, commend, laud, extol, acclaim (ه s.o.); to eulogize (هـ s.th.), lavish praise (هـ on)

قرظ qaraẓ pods of a species of sant tree (Acacia nilotica; bot.)

قريظ qarīẓ eulogy, encomium, panegyric

تقريظ taqrīẓ pl. -āt, تقاريظ taqārīẓ2 eulogy, encomium, panegyric

قرع qara‘a a (qar‘) to knock, rap (هـ at s.th.); to hit, bump (هـ s.th. or against s.th.); to strike, beat, thump (هـ against s.th.; ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. with; ب على with s.th. on or s.th. else); to thrash. spank (ب ه ه s.o. with); to clink, touch (هـ glasses); to ring, sound (e s.th.); -- qari‘a (qara‘) to be or become bald(headed); to be empty, bare, stark (place) | قرع الجرس (jarasa) to ring the bell; قرع سمعه (sam‘ahū) to reach s.o.’s ear; قرع سنه (sinnahū) to gnash one’s teeth; قرع سن الندم ل (على ) (sinna n-nadam) to repent s.th.; قرعه ضميره ḍamīrahū) his conscience tormented or smote him, he had a guilty conscience, he felt grave compunctions; قرع الكأس (ka’sa) to touch glasses, drink to s.o.’s (ل ) health II to scold, chide, opbraid (ه s.o.), snap (ه at s.o.); to rebuke, blame, censure (ه s.o.) III to fight, come to blows (ه with s.o.); to bottle, fight (ه s.o.); to contend by force of arms (ه عن with s.o. for s.th.); to cast or draw lots (ه with s.o.) VI to hump against each other, clash; to cast lots among each other (على for) VIII to cast lots among each other (على for); to vote, take a vote (على on); to draw lots (ه for s.o.). choose by lot (ه s.o.); to muster, recruit (ه s.o.; mil.); to elect (هـ , s.o., s.th.)

قرع qar‘ knock(ing), rap(ping), beating, striking, thumping; ring(ing)

قرع qar‘ (coll.; n. un. ة ) gourd, pumpkin | قرع صروف (eg.) bottle gourd, calabash (Lagenaria vulgaris Ser.; bot.); قرع كوسى q. kūsā (eg., syr.) zucchini (bot.)

قرع qara‘ boldness, boldheadedness; emptiness, bareness, starkness

قرعة qar‘a (n. vic.) knock, rap, blow, stroke, thump; -- (n. un.) gourd, pumpkin; skull, head

قرعي qar‘ī gourd-, pumpkin- (in compounds), cucurbitaceous

قرعة qur‘a pl. قرع qura‘ lot; ballot; lot-casting; (mil.) conscription, recruitment (by lot), balloting | قرعة عسكرية (‘askarīya) enlistment, draft, recruitment (mil.); انفار القرعة drafted recruits

قراع qurā‘, مرض القراع maraḍ al-qurā‘ a skin disease, ringworm (med.)

قريع qar‘ exquisite, select | قريع الدهر q. ad-dahr the greatest hero of his time

اقرع aqra‘2 bald; baldheaded; empty, bare, stark; scabby, scurfy

مقرعة miqra‘a pl. مقارع maqāri‘2 knocker, rapper (of a door); whip, switch; cudgel, club

تقريع taqrī‘ chiding, scolding, reproof, rebuke, censure

مقارعة muqāra‘a fight, struggle (with genit. = against)

اقتراع iqtirā‘ pl. -āt balloting, recruitment, draft (mil.); vote (على on); election

قارعة qāri‘a pl. قوارع qawāri‘2 (sudden) misfortune, calamity; adversity; القارعة the hour of the Last Judgment | قارعة الطريق middle of the road, roadway; road, highway; على قارعة الطرق (ṭuruq) on the open road

قرف qarafa i (qarf) to peel, pare, bark, derind (هـ s.th.); -- qarifa a (qaraf) to loathe (هـ s.th.), feel disgust (هـ for), be nauseated (هـ by) II to peel, pare, bark, derind (هـ s.th.); to be loathsome, arouse disgust III to let o.s. be tempted (هـ to a sin), yield (e to a desire) VIII to commit, perpetrate (هـ a crime)

قرف qaraf loathing, disgust, detestation

قرفة qirfa pl. قرف qiraf rind, bark, skin, crust; scab, scurf; cinnamon

قرافة qarāfa (eg.) cemetery, specif., graveyard below the Mokattam Hills near Cairo

قريفة qarīfa ill humor, ill temper

قرفان qarfān (eg.) disgusted, nauseated, sink and tired

اقتراف iqtirāf commission, perpetration (of a crime)

مقرف muqrif loathsome, disgusting, nauseating, repulsive, detestable

مقترف muqtarif perpetrator (of a crime)

قرفص qarfaṣa to squat on the ground (with thighs against the stomach and arms enfolding the legs)

قرفصاء qurfuṣā’2 squatting, squatting position | جلس (قعد) القرفصاء (qurfuṣā’a) to squat on one’s heels

قرفال qarfāl (coll.; n. un. ة ) vetch

قرق qaraqa u (qarq) to cluck (hen)

قرقذان qarqadān squirrel

قرقر qarqara (قرقرة qarqara) to roll; to rumble (stomach); to bray (camel); to coo (pigeon); to purr (cat)

قرقرة qarqara pl. قراقر qarāqir2 rumbling noise (in the stomach); gurgle; braying (of a camel); cooing (of a pigeon); purr(ing) (of a cat)

قرقوش qarqūš pl. قراقيش qarāqīš2 cartilage

قرقوشة qarqūša pl. قراقيش qarāqīš2 (eg.) a kind of crisp cookies

مقرقش muqarqaš (eg.) crisp(ed)

قرقض qarqaḍa (eg.) to gnaw, bite (هـ on s.th.) | قرقض على اسنانه to gnash one’s teeth

قرقع qarqa‘a to be noisy, boisterous; to creak, grate; to crack, pop | قرقع ضاحكا (بالضحك or) (ḍaḥk) to burst into loud laughter, laugh noisily, guffaw; قرقع بسوطه (bi-sauṭihī) to crack the whip

قرقعة qarqa‘a uproar, din, noise; creaking, creaks, grating; crack(ing), pop(ping); rumble, rumbling

قرقوز qaraqōz (from Turk. karagöz) chief character of the Turkish shadow play

قرقول see قرة قرقول

1 قرم qarama i (qarm) to gnaw (هـ on s.th.), nibble (هـ at s.th.)

قرم qarm pl. قروم qurūm studhorse; lord, master

قرام qirām blanket, carpet, curtain

مقرم miqram pl. مقارم maqārim2 bedcover, bedspread.

2 قرمة qurma pl. قرم quram (eg.) tree stump; log, block of wood; chopping block

3 القرم al-qirim and القريم al-qirīm the Crimea

قرمد qarmada to plaster, coat with plaster (هـ s.th.); to tile, cover with tile (هـ s.th.)

قرمد qarmad (coll.) plaster; plaster of Paris

قرميد qirmīd (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. قراميد qarāmīd2 (fired) brick, roof tile; plaster of Paris

قرمز qirmiz kermes (the dried bodies of the female kermes insect, coccus ilicis, which yield a red dyestuff)

قرمزي qirmizī crimson, carmine; scarlet | الحمى القرمزي (ḥummā) scarlet fever (med.)

قرمش qarmaša (eg.) to eat s.th. dry (هـ ), crunch, nibble

مقرمش muqarmaš dry, crisp

1 قرمطي qarmaṭī Karmathian (adj. and n.); pl. قرامطة qarāmiṭa Karmathians

2 قرموط qarmūṭ pl. قراميط qarāmīṭ2 a variety of sheatfish (zool.; Eg.)

قرن qarana i (qarn) to connect, link, join, unite, combine, associate (الى or ب هـ s.th. with); to add (الى هـ s.th. to); to couple, yoke together, hitch together, put together, bind together (هـ s.th.) III to unite, join forces, associate (ه with s.o.); to be simultaneous, go hand in hand (هـ with s.th.); to compare (ب هـ, ه or بين -- وبين s.o., s.th. with; بين شيئين two things with one another), draw a parallel (بين -- وبين between -- and; بين شيئين between two things) IV to combine, interrelate (بين شيئين two things) VIII to be connected, be linked, be joined, be united, be combined, be associated (ب with); to combine, associate, unite (ب with); to get married, be married (ب to), marry (ب s.o.); to be coupled, be interconnected, be yoked together, be tied together, be bound together; to become interlinked, become concatenate X to ripen, suppurate, come to a head (of a furuncle)

قرن qarn pl. قرون qurūn horn (of an animal; as a wind instrument); feeler, tentacle, antenna; top, summit, peak (of a mountain); the lint visible part of the rising sun; capsule, pod (bot.); century | ام القرن rhinoceros; وحيد القرن do.; ذو القرنين dū l-qarnain the two-horned (an epithet given to Alexander the Great); قرن البحر q. al-baḥr coral; قرن سمعي (sam‘ī) ear trumpet (= Fr, cornet acoustique); القرون الوسطى (wusṭā) the Middle Ages

قرني qarnī horny, corneous, of born, hornlike; leguminous, pertaining to, or of the nature of, legumes; centennial, centenary

قرنية qarnīya cornea (anat.)

قرن qirn pl. اقران aqrān (matched) opponent in battle; an equal, a peer, a match; companion, mate, fellow, associate; equal, like

قرنة qurna pl. قرن quran, قراني qurānī salient angle, nook, corner

قرين qarīn pl. قرناء quranā’2 connected, joined, linked, combined, united, associated, affiliated; companion, mate, fellow, associate, comrade; husband, spouse, consort; qarīna (prep.) in connection with, in conjunction with, upon, at | منقطع القرين munqaṭi‘ al-q. matchless, peerless, unrivaled, incomparable, unique, singular

قرينة qarīna pl. -āt wife, spouse, consort; female demon haunting women, specif., a childbed demon; eclampsia (med.); -- (pl. قرائن qarā’in) connection, conjunction, union, relation, affiliation, association, linkage; (semantic or syntactical) coherence, context; evidence, indication, indicium | السيدة قرينته (sayyida) his wife (formal style); قرائن الأحوال the concatenation of circumstances, the indicia, factual evidence; ضم قرينة الى قرينة (ḍamm) combination

اقرن aqran2, f. قرناء qarnā’2 horned, horny; one with eyebrows grown together | حية قرن (ḥayya) cerastes, horned viper

قران qirān close union, close connection: conjunction (astron.); marriage, wedding

مقارنة muqārana pl. -āt comparison | مقارنة اللغات m. al-lugāt comparative linguistics

اقتران iqtirān connection, conjunction, union, association, affliliation; link, connectedness, simultaneous interaction; conjunction (astron.); new moon (as an astronomical aspect); marriage, wedding

مقرون maqrūn connected, joined, linked, combined, united, associated, affiliated (ب with) | مقرون الحاجبين m. al-ḥājibain having joined eyebrows

مقارن muqārin comparative (science)

قرنبيط qarnabīṭ cauliflower

قرنفل quranful carnation; clove

قره جوز (Eg. spelling; pronounced ’aragōz) Karagōz, chief character of the shadow play; Punch

قره قول qaraqōl pl. -āt police station; guard (military, police) | قره قول الشرف q. aš-šaraf guard of honor

قرو V to follow up, investigate (هـ s.th.), inquire (. into); to check. verify (هـ s.th.) X to follow (هـ s.th.); to pursue (هـ s.th., e.g., a problem); to examine, study, investigate (هـ s.th.); to explore (هـ s.th.)

قرو qano pl. J) qurllw watering trough | خشب قرو kašab q. oak (wood)

استقراء istiqrā’ induction (philos.); see also under قرأ

استقرائي istiqrā’ī inductive (philos.)

قرواطيا qaruwāṭiya Croatia

قرواطي qaruwāṭī Croatian

قروي see قرى

قرى qara i (قرى qiran) to receive hospitably, entertain (ه s.o.) VIII = I

قرى qiran hospitable reception, entertainment (of a guest); meal served to a guest

قرية qarya pl. قرى quran village; hamlet; small town; rural community; القريتان al-qaryatān Mecca and Taif; Mecca and Medina | ام القرى umm al-qurā Mecca

قروي qarawī village-, country- (in compounds), rustic, rural; peasant (adj.); (pl. قرويون qarawīyūn) villager, rustic, countryman, inhabitant of the country; from Kairouan, Kairouan (adj.), an inhabitant of Kairouan; a member of al Qarawiya College in Fès (Morocco) | جامع القرويين mosque and college in Fès (Morocco); وزارة الشؤون البلدية والقروية (baladīya) Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (Eg.)

قروية qarawīya countrywoman, peasant woman

قرية qarīya pl. قرايا qarāyā yard (naut.)

مقرى miqran vary hospitable

مقراء miqrā’ very hospitable

قار qārin villager

قريدس quraidis (syr.) shrimp (zool.)

قز qazza (1st pers. perf. qazaztu) u to loathe, detest (عن or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) II to vitrify (هـ s.th.); to glaze (هـ s.th.) V to feel disgust (عن or من at), be nauseated (عن or من by), loathe, detest, abhor (عن or من s.o., s.th.), have an aversion (عن or من to)

قز qazz pl. قزوز quzūz silk; raw silk

قزاز qizāz (eg.) glass

قزاز qazzāz silk merchant

قزازة qizāza pl. -āt, قزائز qazā’iz2 (eg.) bottle

قازوزة look up alphabetically

تقزز taqazzuz loathing, disgust, detestation, abhorrence, aversion

قزان (Turk. kazan) qazān pl. -āt kettle, large boiler

قزح II to embellish (هـ one’s speech)

قوس قزح qausu qazaḥin or qausu quzaḥa rainbow

قزحية quzaḥīya iris (anat.)

قزع qaza‘ (coll.; n. un. ة ) wind-driven, tattered clouds, scud; tuft of hair

قزعة (eg.) quz‘a dwarf, midget, pygmy

قزيعة qazī‘a tuft of hair

قزقز gazqaza (eg.) to crack (هـ nuts, shells)

قزل qazal limp(ing)

قزم qazam pl. اقزام aqzām dwarf, midget, pygmy; Lilliputian; little fellow, shrimp, hop-o’-my-thumb, whippersnapper

قزموغرافيا quzmūgrāfiyā cosmography

قزموغرافي quzmūgrāfī cosmographic(al)

قزان look up alphabetically

بحر قزوين baḥr qazwīn Caspian Sea

قس qassa u (qass) to seek, pursue (هـ s.th.), strive (هـ for), aspire (هـ to) V do.

قس qass, qiss pl. قسوس qusūs, قسس qusus priest, presbyter, clergyman, minister, parson, vicar, curate, pastor (Chr.); -- qass (= قص ) sternum, breastbone

قساس qassās slanderer

قسيس qissīs pl. -ūn, قساوسة qasāwisa, قسان qussān, اقسة aqissa, (Copt.-Chr.) قساء qussā’ priest, presbyter, clergyman, minister, parson, vicar, curate, pastor (Chr.)

قسوسة qusūsa ministry, priesthood, presbyterate (Chr.)

رسامة قسوسية risāma qusūsīya ordination (of a priest; Chr.)

قسر qasara i (qasr) to force, compel, coerce, constrain (على ه s.o. to do s.th.); to conquer, subdue, subjugate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) VIII = I

قسر qasr force, compulsion, coercion, constraint; قسرا qasran compulsorily, forcibly, by force; of necessity, necessarily, inevitably, perforce

اقتسار iqtisār conquest, subdual, subjugation

قسط II to distribute (هـ s.th.); to pay in installments (هـ s.th.) IV to act justly, in fairness, equitably

قسط qisṭ justice, fairness, equity, equitableness, fair-mindedness, rightness, correctness; (for sg. and pl.) just, fair, equitable, fair-minded, right, correct; -- (pl. اقساط aqsāt) part; share, allotment; portion; installment; quantity, amount, measure, extent | على اقساط by installments, gradually; كان على قسط كبير من to possess s.th. (a quality, a characteristic) to a large extent, have a great deal of ...

قسط qasaṭ stiffness of a joint, ankylosis (med.)

اقسط aqsaṭ juster, fairer; more correct

تقسيط taqsīṭ payment in installments | بالتقسيط in installments, gradually

مقسط muqsiṭ acting justly or with fairness, doing right; just, fair

قسطر qasṭara to test the genuineness (هـ of coins)

قسطاس qusṭās, qisṭās pl. قساطيس qasāṭīs2 balance, scales

1 قسطل qasṭal pl. قساطل qasāṭil2 water pipe, water main

2 قسطل qasṭal (eg.) chestnut

3 بلاد القساطلة bilād al-qasāṭila Castile, Spain

القسطنطينية al-qasṭanṭīnīya Constantinople

قسم qasama i (qasm) to divide, part, split (هـ s.th.); to distribute, deal out, parcel out (على هـ s.th. to, among), divide (على ه s.th. among); to let s.o. (ل ) share (في s.th.). give s.o. (ل ) a .hare of s.th. (في ), allot (في ل to s.o. s.th.); to divide, subdivide, partition, portion, break up (الى هـ s.th. into), arrange, classify (الى ه s.th. in); to partition, to compartment (هـ s.th.); to assign, apportion, decree, destine, foreordain (هـ على or ل to s.o. s.th.; of God or of fate); to divide (هـ على a number by another) II to divide, part, split (هـ s.th.); to distribute, deal out, parcel out, divide (هـ بين s.th. among); to divide, subdivide, partition, portion, break up (هـ s.th., هـ or الى into), section (هـ s.th.), arrange, classify (هـ s.th., هـ or الى in); to partition, to compartment (هـ s.th.); (Chr.) to consecrate, ordain (هـ s.o.); to exorcise a devil or demon (على from s.o., by adjuration) III to share (هـ ه with s.o. s.th.); to bind o.s. by oath (على ه to s.o. to do s.th.) IV to take an oath, swear (ب by; على ل to s.o. s.th.; على ان to do s.th.) | اقسم عليه الا فعله (illā fa‘alahū) to adjure or entreat s.o. to do s.th.; اقسموا جهد ايمانهم (jahda aimānihim) they swore by all that is right and holy, they swore the most solemn oaths; اقسم بمقدساتا (muqadasātihī) to swear by all that’s holy V to be divided, be parted, be split; to be distributed, be parceled out; to share (ه, هـ a possession), divide among themselves (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to scatter, disperse (هـ s.th.); to drive away, dispel (هـ s.th.); to beset grievously, harass or torment jointly (ه s.o.) | تقسموه ضربا وجيعا (ḍarban) they took turns in dealing him painful blows, they gave him a severe beating VI to divide or distribute among themselves (هـ s.th.); to beset, harass, torment (ه s.o.; thoughts, worries, etc.) VII to be divided, be parted, be split; to be distributed, be dispersed, be separated; to be divided, be subdivided, be portioned, be broken up (الى into) VIII to divide or distribute among themselves (هـ s.th.) X to seek an oracle from the deity, cast lots

قسم qism pl. اقسام aqsām part, share, allotment; portion; division, compartment; section; department; group, class; district, precinct; police precinct, police station (Eg.); administrative subdivision of a muḥāaẓa (Eg.); subcommittee; kind, sort, specimen, species

قسمة qisma dividing, division, distribution, allotment, apportionment; (math.) division (على by); (pl. قسم qisam) part, portion, share, allotment; lot, destiny, fate (foreordained by God)

قسم qasam pl. اقسام aqsām oath; قسما qasaman I swear! قسما ب I swear by …!

قسمات qasamāt, qasimāt features, lineaments (of the face)

قسام qasām and قسامة qasāma beauty, elegance

قسيم qasīm pl. قسماء qusamā’2, اقسماء aqsimā’2 sharer, partner, copartner, participant; -- (pl. اقسماء aqsimā’2) part, portion, share, allotment; counterpart

قسيمة qasīma pl. قسائم qasā’im2 coupon; receipt

تقسيم taqsīm exorcism; (pl. -āt) dividing, division, partition, parting, splitting, sectioning, portioning; distribution, allotment, apportionment; dealing out; division, subdivision, partition(ment); pl. تقاسيم taqāsīm2 structure, build, proportions (e.g., of the body); -- solo recital (mus.)

تقسيمة taqsīma pl. تقاسيم taqāsīm2 short solo piece for an instrument (mus.)

مقاسمة muqāsama partnership, participation, sharing

انقسام inqisām division, split, disruption, breakup; schism

اقتسام iqtisām dividing, division, distribution (among themselves)

قام qāsim divider; distributor; divisor, denominator (math.)

مقسوم maqsūm dividend (math.); مقسوم عليه divisor (math.)

مقسم muqassim divider; distributor

مقاسم muqāsim sharer, partner, co-partner, participant

قسنطينة qusanṭīna2 Constantine (city in NE Algeria)

قسا (قسو ) qasā u (قسوة qaswa, قساو qasāwa) to be harsh, stern, cruel, merciless, remorseless (على toward s.o.); to handle roughly, treat harshly, severely, cruelly, without mercy (على s.o.) II to harden, indurate, render obdurate or impenitent (هـ the heart) III to undergo, suffer, endure, sustain, bear, stand (هـ s.th.), bear up (هـ against s.th.) IV = II

قسو qasw hardness, harshness, grimness, sternness, severity, rigor, austerity

قسوة qaswa, hardness, harshness, grimness, sternness, severity, rigor, austerity; cruelty, mercilessness, remorselessness

قساوة qasāwa hardness, harshness, grimness, sternness, severity, rigor, austerity; cruelty, mercilessness, remorselessness

قسى qusīy hard, solid, firm

اقسى aqsā harder, harsher, sterner, severer; more cruel; more difficult

مقاساة muqāsāh undergoing, suffering, enduring, sustaining, bearing, standing

قاس qāsin pl. قساة qusāh hard, harsh, grim, stern, severe, austere, rough; cruel, inexorable, relentless, merciless, remorseless; difficult

1 قسي qasīy see قسو

2 قسي qusīy, qisīy pl. of قوس qaus

قش qašša i u (qašš) to collect, gather (up), pick up (هـ s.th.); to pick up from here and there (هـ s.th.); to become dry, dry up, shrivel up, wither (esp., of a plant) II to take of this and that

قش qašš straw | قش الحديد steel wool; حمى القش ḥummā l-q. bay fever

قشة qašša (n. un.) a straw | قشة ثقاب match, matchstick; خيار قشة (eg.) gherkins

قشيش qašīš sweepings, rubbish, garbage, trash, refuse; offal, waste, scrap

مقشة miqašša (eg.) broom, besom

قشب qišb, qašab pl. اقشاب aqšāb poison

قشيب qašīb pl. قشب qušub new; clean; polished, burnished

قشد qašada u (qašId) to skim, take off (هـ the cream)

قشدة qišda cream

قشر qašara i u (qašr) to peel, pare, shell, derind, bark, skin, scale, shave off, husk, shuck (هـ s.th.) II = I; V to be peeled, be pared, be shelled, be derinded, be barked, be skinned, be scaled, be shaved off, be husked, be shucked; to come off in scales, scale off, flake off, peel off (skin; coating) VII = V

قشر qišr pl. قشور qušūr cover(ing), integument, envelope; shell; peel; rind, bark; skin, crust; scab; scurf; hull, husk, shuck; scales (of fish); slough (of a snake); pl. قشور trash, garbage, refuse; trivialities, banalities; externals, superficialities, formalities; dandruff | قشر الرأس q. ar-ra’s dandruff

قشرة qišra peel, rind (e.g., of a fruit), shell (of an egg, of a nut); bark; skin; crust; scab; scurf; hull, husk, shuck; scale; slough (of a snake)

قشري qišrī scaly, scurfy, scabrous, squamous; crustaceous | الاكزيما القشرية psoriasis (med.); O الحيوانات القشرية (ḥayawānāt) crustaceans

تقشير taqšīr peeling, paring, shelling; derinding, barking; skinning; scaling; shaving off, scraping off; husking, shucking

قشط qašaṭa i (qašṭ) to take off, strip (off), remove (عن هـ s.th. from); to skim (هـ cream); to scratch off, scrape off, abrade (هـ s.th.) II to take off (هـ s.th.); to strip off (هـ s.th.); to rob (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), plunder, strip of his belongings (ه s.o.)

قشطة (eg.) qišṭa, (syr.) gašṭa cream; (eg.) sweetsop (Annona squamosa L.; bot.), custard apple

قشاط qišāṭ (leather) strap, thong; whiplash; drive belt, transmission belt

قشاط qušāṭ (eg.) pl. -āt jetton. chip, counter; piece, man (checkers, backgammon)

O مقشط miqšaṭ pl. مقاشط maqāšiṭ2 eraser, erasing knife

O مقشطة miqšaṭa pl. مقاشط maqāšiṭ2 milling machine, miller

قشع qaša‘a a (qaš‘) to scatter, disperse, drive away, chase away (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), dispel (هـ s.th.) IV to scatter, disperse, drive away, chase away (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), dispel (هـ s.th.); to scatter, disperse, break up (crowd), lift, dissolve (clouds, darkness) V and VII to be scattered, be dispersed, be driven away, be chased away; to scatter, disperse, break up (crowd),

lift, dissolve (clouds, darkness)

(قشعر ) IV اقشعر iqša‘'amJ to Ibudder, lhiver,

tremble. quake. Ihake, bave gooae s..b

(witb cold. witb fright) I')":I .:.. ~ •.;.

("I~)'I or) la,'"" laqla"""" m,,,",, I-;tdud"

a bloodcurdling thing. a borrible.

ghastly thing

'J..~ quk{rira shudder, tremor,

trembling. Ibakos; lhiver(ing); ague

~ qaI'am pl. ~L.:; qaAa'im' lion I ~ rl

"mm q. byena; calamity, disaster

قشف qašifa a (qašaf) and qašufa u (قشافة qašafa) to live in squalor and misery; to have a dirty skin; to pay no attention to cleanliness II (eg.) to become rough and chapped, to chap (hands) V = I; to lead an ascetic life, mortify the bodily appetites; (eg.) to become rough and chapped, to chap (skin)

قشفة qišfa (eg.) pl. قشف qišaf crust (of bread)

تقشف taqaššuf asceticism, mortification of the flesh; simple, primitive way of life

متقشف mutaqaššif ascetic(al); (eg.) roughened, chapped (hands); المتقشفة al-mutaqaššifa the ascetics

قشقش qašqaša to cure (من ه s.o. of scabies, of smallpox); to sweep out, sweep away (هـ s.th.)

1 قشل qašila (qašal) (eg.) to be poor, penniless, without means

2 قشلة (Turk. kışla) qašla pl. قشل qišal (military) barracks (syr.); hospital (eg.)

قشلاق (Turk. kışlak) qušlāq pl. -āt (military) barracks

قشمش qišmiš a variety of currants (= seedless raisins)

قاشاني look up alphabetically

قص qaṣṣa u (qaṣṣ) to cut, cut off, clip (هـ s.th.); to shear, shear off (هـ s.th.); to trim, curtail, dock, crop, lop (هـ s.th.); -- (qaṣṣ, قصص qaṣaṣ): قص اثره (atarahū) to follow s.o.’s tracks, track s.o.; (قصص qaṣas) to relate, narrate, tell (هـ على to s.o. s.th.) II to out off, shear off, clip, curtail, dock, trim, crop, lop (هـ s.th.) III to retaliate (ه upon s.o.), return like for like (ه to s.o.); to avenge o.s., revenge o.s., take vengeance (ه on s.o.); to punish, castigate, chastise (ه s.o.); (com.) to settle accounts (ه with s.o.); to be quits, be even (ه with s.o.) V اثره (atarahū) to follow s.o.’s tracks, track s.o. VIII = V; to tell accurately, relate exactly (هـ s.th.); to retaliate (من upon s.o.), return like for like (من to s.o.); to avenge o.s., revenge o.s., take vengeance (من on s.o.); to punish, castigate, chastise (من s.o.)

قص clippings, outings, chips, snips, shreds, scraps; sternum, breastbone

قصة quṣṣa pl. قصص quṣaṣ, قصاص qiṣāṣ forelock; lock of hair

قصة qiṣṣa manner of cutting; cut; (pl. قصص qiṣaṣ) narrative, tale, story | قصة هذا الشيء ان the matter is so that ..., the thing is best described by saying that ...

قصص qaṣaṣ clippings, cuttings, chips, snips, shreds, narrative, tale, story

قصصي qiṣaṣī, qaṣaṣī narrative, epic(al); (pl. قصصيون ) storyteller, writer of fiction, novelist, romancer | الشعر القصصي (ši‘r) epic poetry

قصاصة quṣāṣa (coll. قصاص quṣāṣ, and قصاصة quṣāṣa) pl. -āt cutting, chip, snip, shred; scrap (of paper); slip (of paper); (newspaper) clipping

قصاص qaṣṣāṣ shearer; tracker, tracer of tracks; writer of fiction, novelist, romancer

اقصوصة uqṣūṣa pl. اقاصيص aqāṣīṣ2 narrative, tale, novella, novel; short story

مقص miqaṣṣ pl. مقاص maqāṣ (pair of) scissors, (pair of) shears; (syr.) springs (of an automobile, of a coach) | ابو مقص abū m. earwig; skimmer, scissorbill (Rhynchops; zool.)

قصاص qiṣāṣ requital, reprisal, retaliation; punishment, castigation, chastisement; accounting, clearing, settlement of accounts

مقاصة muqāṣṣa accounting, clearing, settlement of accounts; balancing, adjustment, set off; compensation (com.) | غرفة المقاصة gurfat al-m. clearing house (fin.)

مقصوص maqṣūṣ pl. مقاصيص maqāṣīṣ2 (eg.) lovelock, earlock

مقصوصة maqṣūṣa skimming ladle, skimmer

قصاج quṣāj pl. -āt pliers, pincers, nippers

قصب qaṣaba i (qaṣb) to out up, carve up (هـ a slaughtered animal) II to curl (هـ the hair); to brocade, embroider with gold and silver thread (هـ s.th.)

قصب qaṣab (coll.) cane(s), reed(s); sugar cane; stalks (of cereal grasses); gold and silver thread, gold and silver

embroidery; brocade | قصب الذهب q. ad-dahab gold brocade; قصب السكر q. as-sukkar sugar cane; القصب الهندي (hindī) bamboo; احرز قصب السبق (والغلب ) aḥraza qaṣaba s-sabq (wa-l-galb) to come through with flying colors, carry the day, score a great success

قصبة qaṣaba (n. un.) pl. -āt cane, reed; pipe, tube; pipestem, pipe tube; writing pen; windpipe, trachea; shaft (of a well); a wind instrument resembling the reed pipe; kassabah, a linear measure (Eg. = 3.55 m); citadel; capital city, metropolis | قصبة الرئة q. ar-ri’a windpipe, trachea; قصبة المريء q. al-marī’ gullet, esophagus

قصابة qaṣāba butcher’s trade, butchery

قصيبة quṣaiba (tun.) oats

قصاب qaṣṣāb butcher, slaughterer; (eg.) land surveyor

قصابة qaṣāba (reed) pipe

مقصب muqaṣṣab embroidered with gold and silver thread, brocaded, trimmed with brocade

قصاج look up alphabetically

قصد qaṣada i (qaṣd) to go or proceed straightaway (الى or هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), make a beeline (الى or هـ, ه for), walk up to s.o. or s.th. (الى or هـ .); to go to see (الى, ه s.o.), call (الى, ه on s.o.); to betake o.s., repair, go (الى, ه to a place; الى, ه to s.o.), be headed, be bound (الى, ه for a place); to seek, pursue (الى, هـ s.th.), strive (الى, هـ for), aspire (الى, هـ to), intend, have in mind (الى, هـ s.th.; من or ب هـ s.th. with s.th. else); to aim (الى, هـ at s.th.); to have in view, contemplate, consider, purpose (هـ s.th.); to mean, try to say (هـ ب or من by s.th. s.th.); to adopt a middle course (في in, at); to be economical, frugal, thrifty, provident; to economize, save | قصد قصده (qaṣdahū) to walk up to s.o., go toward s.o.; to follow, imitate s.o. IV to induce to go (الى to s.o., to a place; ه s.o.); to compose kasidas V to be broken, break; (eg.) to be angry (ه with s.o.), be mad (ه at s.o.) VII to be broken, break VIII to adopt a middle course (في in, at; بين between); to assume a mediatory position (بين between), act as mediator; to be economical, frugal, thrifty, provident, economize (في with); to save (هـ money, etc.); to compose kasidas

قصد qaṣd endeavor, aspiration, intention, intent; design, purpose, resolution; object, goal, aim, end; frugality; thrift, economy | قصدا qaṣdan, عن قصد intentionally, purposely, advisedly, on purpose; deliberately; عن غير قصد unintentionally, inadvertently; حسن القصد ḥusn al.q. good intention; سوء القصد sū’ al-q. evil intention هو قصدك (qaṣdaka, qaṣduka) he is in front of you, before you, opposite you

قصدي qaṣdī intentional; intended

قصاد quṣād (prep.) in front of, before, opposite (eg.)

قصيد qaṣīd aspired, desired, aimed at, intended; faultless, without defects (of a poem); also = قصيدة | بيت القصيد bait al-q. (the essential, principal verse of the kasida, i.e.) the main point, the principal part, the essence, the core, the gist, the hest, the hit, the climax of s.th., that which stands out from the rest, the right thing

قصيدة qaṣīda pl. قصائد qaṣā’id2 kasida, an ancient Arabic poem having, as a rule, a rigid tripartite structure) | بيت القصيدة = بيت القصيد , see under قصيد

اقصد aqṣad2 directer, directest

مقصد maqṣad pl. مقاصد maqāṣid2 (place of) destination; intention, intent; design, purpose, resolution; object, goal, aim, end; sense, meaning, import, purport, significance | سيئ المقاصد sayyi’ al-m. malevolent, malicious

اقتصاد iqtiṣād saving, economization, retrenchment; thriftiness, thrift, providence; economy | علم الاقتصاد ‘ilm al-iqt., (علم) الاقتصاد السياسي (siyāsī) economics, political economy; اقتصادا في الوقت iqtiṣādan fī l-waqt in order to save time

اقتصادي iqtiṣādī economical; saving, thrifty, provident; economic; economist, political economist; الاقتصاديات the economy

قاصد qāṣid direct, straight (way); easy, smooth, pleasant, short (of travel) | قاصد رسولي (rasūlī) (pl. قصاد quṣṣād) apostolic delegate

قصادة رسولية qiṣāda rasūlīya papal legation

مقصود maqṣūd aimed at, intended; intentional, designed, deliberate; meant

قصدير qaṣdīr tin

2 قصر qaṣura u (qiṣar, qaṣr, قصارة qaṣāra) to be or become short, too short, or shorter; to be insufficient, be inadequate; -- qaṣara u (قصور quṣūr) to miss, fail to reach (عن s.th., e.g., a target), fall short (عن of); to he incapable (عن of), he unable (عن to do s.th.), fail to reach, attain, accomplish, or achieve (عن s.th.); not to he equal (عن to s.th.), not to be up to s.th. (عن ), he unable to cope with s.th. (عن ); to desist, cease, refrain, abstain (عن from); -- qaṣara i u (qaṣr) to make short or shorter, shorten, cut short, curtail, abridge, reduce, lessen (هـ s.th.); -- qaṣara u (qaṣr) to hold hack, restrain, check, curb (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to keep under supervision or control (هـ, ه s.o., s.h.); to lock up (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to limit, restrict, confine (على هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to); -- qaṣara u (qaṣr, قصارة qiṣāara) to full, whiten, bleach, blanch (هـ s.th.) II to make short or shorter, shorten, cut short, curtail, abridge, reduce, lessen (هـ s.th.); to miss, fail to reach (عن s.th., e.g., a target), fall short (عن of); to he incapable (عن of), be unable (عن to do s.th.); to fail to accomplish, achieve, reach, or attain (عن s.th.); not to be equal (عن to s.th.), not to he up to s.th. (عن ), he unable to cope with s.th. (عن ); to be inadequate, insufficient, inferior; to be remise (في in, at, in some work), be derelict (في to), fall behind, lag behind (في in); to be negligent, careless; to be in, negligent, neglectful (في in), neglect (في s.th.); to desist, cease, refrain, abstain (عن from) | لم يقصر he spared no pains or expense in or with ..., he left nothing undone to ..., he did not fail to IV to make short or shorter, shorten, cut short, curtail, abridge, reduce, lessen (هـ s.th.); to desist, cease, refrain, abstain (عن from) VI to contract, shrink, dwindle, become smaller; to be incapable (عن of); to desist, cease (عن from); to refrain. abstain (عن from) VIII to limit o.s., restrict o.s., confine o.s., be limited, restricted, or confined (على to); to content o.s., be content (على with) X to find short, regard as deficient or inadequate (هـ s.th.)

قصر qaṣr shortness, brevity; smallness; incapability, inability; insufficiency, inadequacy; laxity, slackness, negligence, neglectfulness; indolence, inertness, laziness; shortening, curtailment, abridgment, reduction, diminution; limitation, restriction. confinement (على to); theutmost that is in s.o.’s power, e.g., قصرك ان تفعل هذا (qaṣruka) the most you can hope to accomplish is to do this; you must limit yourself to doing this

قصر qaṣr pl. قصور quṣū castle; palace; palais | قصر العدلية q. al-‘adlīya (Mor.) palace of justice, courthouse

قصرية qaṣrīya pl. قصار qaṣārin pot; flowerpot; chamber pot

قصر qiṣar shortness, brevity; smallness | قصر النظر q. an-naẓar nearsightedness, shortsightedness

قصر qaṣr slackness, laxity, negligence, neglectfulness; indolence, inertness, laziness

قصار qaṣār, quṣār: قصارك ان تفعل هذا = قصاراك ان تفعل هذا (see قصارى )

قصار qaṣṣār fuller, bleacher

قصور quṣūr incapability, inability; insufficiency, inadequacy; deficiency, shortcoming, lack; reduction, diminution, decrease; slackness, laxity, negligence, neglectfulness; indolence, inertness, laziness; legal minority, nonage | قصور الباع powerlessness, impotence, helplessness, weakness, incapability, inability (عن of, to do s.th.)

قصير qaṣīr pl. قصار qiṣār short; small, short (of stature), low | قصير الأجل q. al-ajal short-term(ed), short-dated, short-lived; قصير الباع powerless, impotent, helpless, weak, incapable, unable; parsimonious, niggardly; قصير اليد q. al-yad do.

قصارة qiṣāra trade of the fuller or bleacher

قصارى quṣārā the utmost, the limit (ه ) s.o.’s power) | قصاراك ان تفعل كذا (quṣārāka) the most you can accomplish is to do this; you must limit yourself to doing this; بذل قصاراه or بذل قصارى الجهد (q. l-jahd) to exert every conceivable effort (ل to, in order to; ب on, for), go to great lengths, go out of one’s way, do one’s best, do all in one’s power, leave no stone untamed (ل to, in order to); قصارى الأمر q. l-amr, قصارى القول q. l-qaul in short, in brief, to make a long story short

اقصر aqṣar2 shorter

الاقصر al-aqṣur Luxor (town in Upper Egypt)

تقصير taqṣīr shortening, curtailment, abridgment, reduction, diminution, limitation, restriction, confinement; incapability, incapacity, inability; insufficiency, inadequacy, inferiority; neglect, dereliction (في of ), remissness (في in); slackness, laxity, negligence, neglectfullness; defect, fault, failing, deficiency, shortcoming

قاصر qāṣir incapable (عن of), unable (عن to do s.th.); limited, restricted, confined (على to); reserved (على for); intransitive (gram.); (pl. -ūn, قصر quṣṣar) legally minor, under age; a legal minor | قاصرة الطرف q. aṭ-ṭarf (of a woman) chaste-eyed, chaste, demure, modest; قاصر اليد q. al-yad powerless, impotent, helpless, weak, incapable, unable; parsimonious, niggardly

مقصور maqṣūr confined (على to); restricted, limited | مقصورة الطرف m. aṭ-ṭarf

(woman) chaste-eyed, chaste, demure, modest; الف مقصورة (alif) the alif that can be shortened, i.e., final ى , pronounced -ā (e.g., رمى ramā) and ا , without following hamza (gram.)

مقصورة maqṣūra pl. -āt, مقاصير maqāṣīr2 palace; cabinet, closet; compartment; box or stall in a mosque near the mihrab, reserved for the ruler; (theater, cinema) box, log.; the detached portion of a mosque set aside for the communal prayer, and frequently enclosing the tomb of the patron saint; (prisoner’s) dock; chapel (in a church)

مقصر muqaṣṣir slack, negligent, neglectful

مقتصر muqtaṣir limited, restricted, confined (على to)

مقتصر muqtaṣar short, brief, concise, terse, succinct, summary

قيصر look up alphabetically

قصع qaṣa‘a a (qaṣ‘) to drink in avid gulps, gulp down, pour down, toss down (هـ water); to slake quench (هـ the thirst); to grind, crush. bruise, squash, mash (هـ (s.th.)

قصعة qaṣ‘a pl. qaṣa‘āt, قصع qiṣa‘, قصاع qiṣā‘ large bowl (made of wood or copper); (ir.) kettle

قصف qaṣafa i (qaṣf) to break, shatter, smash (هـ s.th.); to beset, harass, press hard, oppress (ه s.o.), bear down (ه upon s.o.); to bomb (ه s.th.); to thunder, roar (esp., of cannon); to roll, rumble, grumble, peal (of thunder); -- u (qaṣf, قصوف quṣūf) to feast, revel, carouse; to lead a life of opulence; -- qaṣifa a (qaṣaf) to break; to be frail, delicate, brittle, fragile V and VII to be broken, break, snap

قصف qaṣf thunder, roar (e.g., of cannon); revelry, carousal

قصف qaṣif frail, delicate, brittle, fragile; broken

قصيف qaṣīf frail, delicate, brittle, fragile; broken

قصوف quṣūf revelry, carousal

مقصف maqṣaf pl. مقاصف maqāṣif2 refreshment room; post exchange, canteen; casino; bar; buffet, refreshment counter

قصقص qaṣqaṣa to break, shatter (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to snip off the ends (هـ of s.th.), clip, trim, crop (هـ s.th.)

قصل qaṣala i (qaṣl) to cut off, mow (off) (هـ s.th.) VIII to cut off (هـ s.th.)

قصل qaṣal chaff, husks, shucks, awns (of grain); (n. un. ة ) stalks

قصال qaṣṣāl sharp, cutting, sharp-pointed

قصيل qaṣīl (eg.) winter barley

مقصل miqṣal sharp, cutting, sharp-pointed

O مقصلة miqṣala pl. -āt, مقاصل maqāṣil2 guillotine

قاصل qāṣil sharp, cutting

قصم qaṣama i (qaṣm) to break, shatter (هـ s.th.) | قصم ظهره (ẓahrahū) (to break s.o.’s back =) to be a mortal blow to s.o. V to be broken, break, snap VII = V

قصم qaṣim easily broken, brittle, fragile

قصيم qaṣīm easily broken, brittle, fragile

قاصم qāṣim pl. قواصم qawāṣim2 breaking | قاصمة الظهر qāṣimat aẓ-ẓahr mortal blow, catastrophe, disaster; ضربات قواصم (ḍarabat) mortal blows, crushing blows

(قصو and قصي) قصا qaṣā u (قصو qaṣw, quṣuw, قصاء qaṣā’) and قصي qaṣiya a (قصا, قصى qaṣan) to be far away, be far removed, be at a great distance (عن from), be remote, distant; to go far away (عن from) IV to take far away, send far away (عن ه s.o., s.th. from); to remove (عن ه s.o. from); to drive away (عن ه s.o. from); to drag away (عن ه s.o. from); to dismiss (ه s.o., عن الخدمة from a job); to reach the utmost limit (هـ of s.th.) | لا يقصيه البصر lā yuqṣīhi l-baṣaru out of sight, not within view, invisible V to go far away (عن from); to penetrate deeply, inquire (هـ into a problem, and the like), examine, study, investigate (هـ s.th.), go to the root (0 of s.th.); to follow out, follow to a. conclusion (هـ s.th.); to examine, feel out, palpate (هـ s.th.) X to penetrate deeply, inquire (هـ into a problem, and the like), examine, study, investigate (هـ s.th.), go to the root (هـ of s.th.); to inquire, make inquiries (عن about)

قصا qaṣan and قصاء qaṣā’ distance, remoteness

قصي qaṣīy pl. اقصاء aqṣā’ far (away), distant, remote

اقصى aqṣā, f. قصوى quṣwā, pl. اقاص aqāṣin more distant, remoter, farther (away);

most distant, remotest, farthest; utmost, extreme, ultimate; maximal, maximum; the farthermost part; the utmost, extreme, extremity; end | المسجد الأقصى (masjid) name of a mosque on the Temple Square in Jerusalem; الشرق الأقصى (šarq) the Far East; المغرب الأقصى (magrib) (the extreme west =) Morocco; الغاية القصوى من the utmost degree of, the maximum of; اقاصي الأرض aqāsī l-arḍ the remotest parts of the earth, the ends of the world; عند الضرورة القصوى (ḍarūra) in case of dire necessity, when worst comes to worst; الى اقصى حد aqṣā ḥaddin to the extreme limit, to the utmost; as far as possible; من اقصاه الى اقصاه or من ادناه الى اقصاه (adnāhu) from one end to the other, throughout, everything without exception

تقص taqaṣṣin thorough examination, close study, minute investigation

استقصاء istiqṣā’ thorough examination, close study, minute investigation; inquiry (عن about)

قاص qāṣin pl. قاصون qāṣūn, اقصاء aqṣā’ distant, remote, far (away) | القاصى والدانى (lit.: the distant one and the near one =) everybody, all people; في القاصية والدانية near and far

قض qaḍḍa u (qaḍḍ) to pierce, bore, perforate (هـ s.th.); to break into pieces, crush, bray, bruise, pulverize (هـ s.th.); to tear down, demolish (هـ a wall); to pull out. tear out (هـ a peg or stake); -- a (قضض qaḍaḍ) to be rough, crude, hard (bed) IV to be rough, crude, hard (bed); to make rough, crude or hard (هـ the bed) | اقض مضجعه (maḍja‘ahū) or اقض عليه المضجع to rob s.o.’s sleep VII to swoop down, pounce down, dive down, descend; to strike (على s.th.; of lightning); to pounce, fall, rush, hurl o.s. (على upon), storm, rush (على against), charge, attack, assail (على s.o.); to be broken, cracked, threaten to collapse; to fall, tumble

قض qaḍḍ (coll.) pebbles; gravel | جاء القوم قضهم jā’a l-qaumu qaḍḍuhum (qaḍḍahum) all the people came

قضة qiḍḍa pebbles; gravel

قضيض qaḍīḍ pebbles; gravel | جاء القوم قضيضهم (بقضيضهم ) (qaum) all the people came

انقضاض inqiḍāḍ swooping down, pouncing down, dive, downrush; onrush, onslaught, storm, assault | مدفع الانقضاض midfa‘ al-inq. (pl. مدافع madāfi‘) self-propelled assault gun (mil.); طائرة الانقضاض dive bomber

طائرة منقضة ṭā’ira munqaḍḍa dive bomber

قضب qaḍaba i (qaḍb) to cut off (هـ s.th.); to lop, prone, trim (هـ trees) II = I; VIII = I; to abridge (هـ s.th.), give a condensed extract, make a digest (هـ of s.th.); to extemporize, improvise (هـ s.th.), quote extempore (هـ verses, and the like), deliver offhand (هـ a speech)

قضب qaḍb edible herbs

قضيب qaḍīb pl. قضبان qaḍbān cut-off branch, twig, switch; stick, rod, staff,

wand; bar (of a grate); male organ of generation, penis, phallus; rail (railroad); guide, guide rail, guideway (tehn.)

قضابة qaḍāba that which is lopped or out off; lops, prunings, trimmings (of trees)

مقضب miqḍab pruning hook; pruning shears, pruning knife

اقتضاب iqtiḍāb abridgment; digest; extract; conciseness, terseness, brevity; improvisation

مقتضب muqtaḍab short, brief, concise, terse; improvised, extemporaneous, offhand, unprepared; المقتضب name of a poetic meter; pl. مقتضبات short news items, news in brief (journ.)

قضع qaḍ‘ gripes, colic

قضاع quḍā‘ gripes, colic

قضف qaḍufa u to be or become slender, slim, thin, narrow

قضم qaḍma a and qaḍama i (qaḍm) to gnaw (هـ s.th., on s.th.); to nibble (هـ s.th., at s.th.)

قضامة (pronounced qḍāme; syr.) roasted and salted chick-peas; assorted nuts, peanuts, pistachios, etc.; birdseed

الحيوانات القاضمة al-ḥayawānāt al-qāḍima the rodents

قضى qaḍā i (قضاء qaḍā’) to settle (هـ s.th.); to finish, terminate, conclude, end, close, wind up, complete, consummate, accomplish, achieve (هـ s.th.); to carry out, execute, perform, effectuate (هـ s.th.); to fulfill (هـ a request), comply (هـ with); to do, perform (هـ one’s duty); to gratify (هـ a wish), provide (هـ for a need), satisfy, meet, answer, discharge (هـ a demand, a claim); to pay, settle (هـ a debt); to spend, pass (هـ time); to die (= قضى اجله ); to fix, appoint, determine, decree, decide, rule (ب s.th., بان that); (of God) to foreordain, predestine; to judge, act as judge, decide judicially (بين between two litigants); to pass or pronounce judgment (ل in favor of s.o.; على against s.o.); to sentence, condemn (ب على s.o. to), impose, inflict (ب على upon s.o. a penalty); to impose or enjoin as a duty (ب على upon s.o. s.th.); to make necessary or requisite (ب على for s.o. s.th.), require s.o. (على ) to do s.th. (ب ), compel, force (على s.o. ب to do s.th.); to demand, require, necessitate (ب s.th.), call for s.th. (ب ); to root out, extirpate, annihilate, exterminate (على s.o., s.th.); to kill, do in (على s.o.), do away (على with s.o., with s.th.), put an end (على to s.th.); to thwart, foil, frustrate (على s.th.) | قضى اجله (ajalahū) to pass away, die; قضى العجب من (‘ajaba) to be full of amazement at, be very astonished at; قضى نحبه (naḥbahū) to fulfill one’s vow; to pass away, die; قضى وطره (waṭarahū) to attain one’s aim or end, see one’s wish fulfilled; قضى الأمر quḍiya l-amru the matter is decided and done with, the die is cast; قضي امره quḍiya amruhū and قضي عليه quḍiya ‘alaihi it’s all over with him, he’s a goner II to carry out, execute, perform, effectuate (هـ s.th.) III to summon before a judge, bring before a court of justice, arraign (ه s.o.); to prosecute, sue (ه s.o.), take legal action, bring suit (ه against s.o.); to demand (ب ه from s.o. payment of s.th.), call in (ب ه from s.o. s.th.) V to be finished, completed; to peas, go by, elapse, expire, run out (time) VI to litigate, carry on a lawsuit; to demand (هـ s.th.; من هـ or ه from s.o. payment of s.th.; from s.o. s.th.), call in (هـ s.th., من or ه from s.o.), claim (هـ على for s.th. remuneration), lay claim (هـ to s.th.); to get, receive (هـ ه from s.o. s.th., also هـ من s.th. from, esp. money owed, emolument) VII to be completed, be finished, be done, be terminated, be concluded, come to an end, cease, stop; to pass, go by, elapse, expire, run out (time); to have expired, have elapsed, be over, be peat (time) VIII to demand, claim, exact, require (هـ ه from s.o. s.th.); to make necessary, make requisite, necessitate, require (هـ s.th.) X to demand, claim, exact, require (هـ ه from s.o. s.th.)

قضى qaḍan judgment, sentence, (judicial) decision, (court) ruling

قضاء qaḍā’ settling, finishing, ending, closing, termination, conclusion, windup, completion, accomplishment; carrying out, execution, performance, effectuation; fulfillment, satisfaction, gratification (of a wish, of a desire); provision (for a need); compliance (with a request); payment, settlement, discharge (of a debt); passing, spending (of a period of time); divine decree, destiny, fate; judgment, sentence, (judicial) decision, (court) ruling, ordinance; administration of the law, judiciary, jurisprudence, justice; law; jurisdiction; office of judge, judge, ship, judicature; judging, rendering of judgment; sentencing, condemnation (على of s.o.); extermination, annihilation, extirpation (على of s.o., of s.th.), killing (على of s.o.), thwarting, foiling frustration

(على of s.th.); -- (pl. اقضية aqḍiya) district, province (Syr., Ir., Leb., Saudi Ar., Yemen) | قضاء الله death; القضاء الشرعي (šar‘ī) jurisdiction based on the Sharia; canonical law, Sharia law; دار القضاء court of justice, tribunal; محكمة القضاء الإداري maḥkmat al-q. al-idārī administrative court; القضاء والقدر (wa-l-qadar) fate and divine decree; بالقضاء والقدر (or قضاء وقدرا qaḍā’an wa-qadaran) by fate and divine decree; قضي القضاء (quḍiya) the divine decree was fulfilled, i.e., death came with God’s will

قضائي qaḍā’ī judicial, judicatory; forensic, legal, judiciary, pertaining to courts of justice | حارس قضائي pl. حراس قضائيون (ḥurrās) legally appointed trustee or administrator, receiver in bankruptcy, liquidator, sequestrator

قضوية الصلح qaḍawīyat aṣ-ṣulḥ jurisdiction of a justice of the peace

قضية qaḍīya pl. قضايا qaḍāyā lawsuit; litigation, judicial contest; action at law, suit; (legal) case, cause, legal affair; matter, affair; question, problem, issue; theorem, proposition (math.)

مقاضاة muqāḍāh trial, hearing

انقضاء inqiḍā’ passing, elapsing, termination, expiry, expiration, end (of a period of time); extinction (of an obligation)

اقتضاء iqtiḍā’ necessity, need, exigency, requirement | عند الاقتضاء in case of need, if need be, when necessary

قاض qāḍin decisive, conclusive; deadly, lethal; (pl. قضاة quḍāh) judge, magistrate, justice, cadi; pl. قواض qawāḍin requirements, exigencies | سم قاض (samm) deadly poison; ضربة قاضية (ḍarba) decisive blow (على against); knockout (boxing); mortal or crushing blow, deathblow (على to); رأى من قواضى الذمة ان (q. d-dimma) to regard it u one’s duty to ...; قاضي البحث q. l-baḥt (Tun.) examining magistrate; قاضي التحقيق (Eg.) examining magistrate; قاضي الإحالة q. l-iḥāla (Eg.) magistrate sitting at defendant’s arraignment, trial judge; قاضي الصلح q. ṣ-ṣulḥ justice of the peace

مقضي maqḍīy settled, finished, done, completed, accomplished, etc. | الأمر المقضي accomplished fact, fait accompli

متقاض mutaqāḍin pl. متقاضون mutaqāḍūn litigant; المتقاضيان al-mutaqāḍiyān the two litigants

متقاضى mutaqāḍan subject to legal prosecution

مقتضى muqtaḍan required, necessary, requisite; (pl. مقتضيات muqtaḍayāt) requirement, exigency, necessity, need | بمقتضى bi-muqtaḍā (prep.) according to, in accordance with, in conformity with, pursuant to, under; عند مقتضيات الأحوال should the circumstances require it

1 قط qaṭṭu (chiefly with the put tense in negative sentences) ever, (neg.:) never

2 قط qaṭṭa u (qaṭṭ) to carve (هـ s.th.); to cut, trim, clip, pare (هـ s.th.); to mend the point (هـ of a pen), nib, sharpen (هـ a pen) II to carve, turn (هـ wood) VIII to sharpen, nib (هـ a pen)

قط qaṭṭ short and curly (hair)

قطاط qaṭṭāṭ turner

3 قط qiṭṭ pl. قطط qiṭaṭ, قطاط qiṭāṭ, قططة qiṭaṭa male cat, tomcat | قط الزباد q. az-zabād civet cat

قطة qiṭṭa female cat

قطيطة quṭaiṭa kitten

قطب qaṭaba i (qaṭb) to gather, collect (هـ s.th.); -- (qaṭb, قطوب quṭūb) to contract the eyebrows (also قطب حاجبيه q. ḥājibaihi), knit the brows, frown, scowl, glower | قطب جبينه (jabīnahū) to frown II to scowl, glower; to knit the brows, frown; (eg.) to sew together (هـ s.th.) V to become gloomy (countenance) X O to polarize (هـ s.th.; phys.)

قطب quṭb pl. اقطاب aqṭāb axis, axle; pole (astron., geogr., el.); pivot; leader; authority, leading personality, celebrity (chiefly used in the pl.) | قطب الرحى q. ar-raḥā pivot (of s.th.; fig.); القطب الجنوبي (janūbī) the South Pole; القطب الشمالي (šamālī) the North Pole; قطب سالب negative pole; cathode, قطب موجب (mūjab) positive pole, anode

قطبي quṭbī polar | O الشفق القطبي (šafaq) polar light

قطبة quṭba (eg.) stitch (in sowing)

قطوب quṭūb frowning, scowling, glowering

O استقطاب istiqṭāb polarization (phys.)

قاطبة qāṭibatan all together, all without exception, one and all

قطر qaṭara u (qaṭr, قطران qaṭarān) to fall or sow in drops, drip, dribble, trickle II (qaṭr) to let fall or sow in drops, drip, drop, dribble, infuse in drops or driblets (هـ s.th.); to filter, filtrate (هـ s.th.); to refine (هـ s.th.); to distill (هـ s.th.); to line up camels (هـ ) in single file and connect them with halters, form a train of camels; to couple (هـ vehicles); to tow, tug (هـ a ship) V to fall or sow in drops, drip, dribble, trickle; to soak, percolate (الى into), trickle (الى in) VI to come in successive groups, to crowd, throng, flock (الى or على to s.o., to a place) X to drip, drop, dribble (هـ s.th.); to distill, extract by distillation (هـ s.th.)

قطر qaṭr dripping, dribbling, dribble, trickling, trickle; (call.; n. un. ة ) pl. قطار qiṭār drops, driblets; rain; -- sirup

قطر qaṭr pl. قطورات quṭūrāt (eg.) (railroad) train

قطرجي (eg.) qaṭargī pl. -īya shunter, switchman (railroad)

قطر quṭr pl. اقطار aqṭār region, quarter; district, section; tract of land; zone; country, land; diameter (of a circle); diagonal; caliber, bore (of a tube) | القطر المصري (miṣrī) Egypt; نصف قطر الدائرة niṣf q. ad-d. radius (of the circle); اربعة اقطار الدنيا arba‘at a. ad-dunyā the four quarters of the world; الروعة التي تأخذني من جميع اقطاري (rau‘a) the rapture which holds me completely enthralled, which pervades my heart through and through

قطري quṭrī regional; diametral, diametrical

قطر qaṭar2 Qatar (sheikdom in eastern Arabia)

قطر quṭr, quṭur agalloch, aloeswood

قطرة qaṭra (n. un. of قطر qaṭr) pl. qaṭarāt drop (also as a medicine)

قطيرة quṭaira pl. -āt droplet, driblet

قطار qiṭār pl. -āt, قطر quṭur, قطرات quṭurāt train of camels; (railroad) train; railroad; single file (of soldiers; Eg., mil.) | قطار البضاعة freight train, goods train; قطار حديدي (ḥadīdī) railroad train; (خصوصي or خصوص) قطار خاص (kāṣṣ, kuṣūṣī) special train; قطار الركاب q. ar-rukkāb passenger train; قطار سباق (sabbāq) fast train, express train; قطار سريع express train; قطار وقاف (waqqāf) local train

قطارة qaṭṭāra dropping tube, pipette, dropper

قطران qaṭrān (qiṭrān, qaṭirān) tar

مقطر miqṭar pl. مقاطر maqāṭir2 censer

مقطرة miqṭara pl. مقاطر maqāṭir2 censer; stocks (device for punishment)

تقطير taqṭīr filtering, filtration; refining; distilling, distillation

استقطار istiqṭār distilling, distillation

قاطرة qāṭira pl. -āt locomotive; rail car, diesel

مقطورات maqṭūrāt trailers, truck trailers

مقطرات muqaṭṭarāt spirituous liquors, spirits

قطرميز qaṭramīz (large) glass bottle or jar

قطرن qaṭrana to tar, smear or coat with tar (هـ s.th.)

قطران qaṭrān (qiṭrān, qaṭirān) tar

قطع qaṭa‘a a (qaṭ‘) to cut (هـ s.th.); to cut off (هـ s.th.); to chop off, lop off (هـ s.th.); to amputate (هـ s.th.); to cut through, cut in two, divide (هـ s.th.); to tear apart, disrupt, sunder, disjoin, separate (هـ s.th.); to fell (هـ a tree); to break off, sever (هـ s.th., e.g., relations); to break off one’s friendship, break (ه with s.o.); to cut, snub (ه s.o.); to interrupt (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to cut short, interrupt, silence (ه s.o.); to turn off, switch off, disconnect (هـ electric current); to prevent, hinder (عن ه s.o. from); to forbid (ه to s.o. s.th.), prohibit (عن ه s.o. from doing s.th.); to deprive (عن ه s.o. of); (Chr.) to excommunicate (ه s.o.); to have a profound effect, have a considerable impact, be impressive (spiritually); to make a profound impression (في on), impress greatly, affect deeply (في s.o.); to ford (هـ a river), cross (هـ a river, an ocean), traverse (هـ a country), pass through or across s.th. (هـ ); to cover (هـ a distance); to survive (هـ s.th., e.g., a danger), surmount, overcome (هـ s.th., e.g., a difficulty), get over s.th. (هـ ); to spend, pass, while away (في هـ time with); to use up, consume (هـ food); to decide (هـ or ب s.th.); to say with certainty, assert, declare positively (ب s.th.), affirm confidently, aver (بأن that); to prove (بأن that); pass. quṭi’a to break, break apart, be or get broken, be or become interrupted; to snap (rope, string of a musical instrument) | قطع الأمل (الرجاء ) (amal, rajā’) to give up hope, to despair; قطع الثمن (taman) to fix the price, agree on the price; قطع تذكرة (بطاقة ) (tadkiratan) to buy a ticket; قطع عليه حديثه (ḥadītahū) to interrupt s.o., cut s.o. short, cut in on s.o.’s talk; قطع دورا (dauran) to pass through a phase or period, go through a stage; قطع برأي (bi-ra’yin) to express a firm opinion; to decide in favor of an opinion; قطع برأيه (bi-ra’yihī) to be guided in one’s decisions by s.o., proceed in accordance with s.o.’s opinion or decision; قطع الرحم (raḥim) to sever the bonds of kinship, break with one’s relatives; to violate the rules of consanguinity; قطع اشواطا (ašwāṭan) to make progress; قطع شوطا كبيرا (بعيدا) في التقدم (الرقي ) (šauṭan, taqaddum, ruqīy) and قطع في ميدان الرقي اشواطا (maidāni r-r.) to make great progress, make great headway; قطع عليه الطريق to cut off s.o.’s way, intercept s.o.; to engage in highway robbery; to waylay s.o.) commit highway robbery on s.o.; لا يقطع عقله (‘aqlahū) it won’t get into his head, he can’t understand or believe it; قطع عهدا (‘ahdan) to make a contract; to make a promise, vow, or pledge (ل to s.o.); قطع على نفسه عهدا ب (‘ahdan) and قطع الوعد على نفسه ب (wa‘da) to vow s.th., pledge o.s. or bind o.s. to do s.th.; قطع الكمبيالة to discount the bill of exchange; قطع لسنه (lisānahū) to silence s.o., seal s.o.’s lips, gag s.o.; قطع الوقت (waqt) to while away the time, kill time II to cut into pieces, cut up, dismember (هـ s.th.); to carve (هـ meat); to tear apart, rend, rip apart, gash. slash, lacerate (هـ s.th.); to cut seriously, gash deeply (هـ one’s hand); to interrupt; to scan (هـ a verse) | يقطع البصر (qalba) heart-rending III to dissociate, separate o.s. (ه from), part company, break off one’s friendship, break (ه with s.o.); to cut, snub (ه s.o.); to be on bad terms (ه with s.o.); to boycott (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to interrupt (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to cut s.o. (ه ) short, out in on s.o.’s (ه ) talk, also قاطع الحديث IV to make or let s.o. (ه ) cut or cut off (هـ s.th.); to make or let s.o. (ه ) cross or ford (هـ a river); to bestow as a fief (هـ ه on s.o. s.th.); to grant, assign, allot (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to separate o.s., disassociate o.s. (ه from s.o.), part company (ه with s.o.); to break off one’s friendship (عن with s.o.); to break (عن with s.o.) V to be cut off, be severed, be disrupted, be interrupted, be disconnected; to snap; to be cut up, be chopped up, be hacked to pieces. be dismembered; to be intermittent. flow discontinuously (electric current); to be disjointed, be jerky (words, style); to knock o.s. out (e.g., with eagerness) | تقطعت به الحبال (ḥibālu) to be at the end of one’s resources, be utterly helpless; تقطع به الأسباب (asbābu) to be at one’s wit’s end, be at the end of one’s tether; هدف تتقطع دونه الأعناق (hadafun, dūnahū) lit.: a goal on the way to which throats are slit, i.e., one which remains unattainable VI to separate, part company, go apart; to get separated from each other; to break off mutual relations, snub each other; to intersect (lines, roads, etc.; L s.th.), cut across, cross (of a line or road, مع another) VII to be cut off, be or get separated (عن or من from); to be chopped off, be lopped off, be cut through, be sundered, be severed, be tom apart, be disrupted, be broken, be broken off; to be interrupted, be disconnected, be cut off, be shut off (also, e.g., electric current), be blocked, be stopped; to break. break apart, tear, snap (intr., e.g., a rope, a string); to cease, end, come to an end, run out, expire; to stop, come to a halt, come to a standstill, be suspended, be discontinued; to stop. cease (عن s.th.; doing s.th.); to leave off (عن s.th.), desist, abstain. refrain (عن from); to suspend, discontinue, stay (عن s.th.); to withdraw, stay away, hold aloof (عن from); to devote o.s., dedicate o.s., give one’s attention. apply o.s. (ل or الى to); to concentrate (ل or الى on); to occupy o.s. exclusively (ل or الى with), give all one’s time (ل or الى to) VIII to take a part, a little (من of s.th.); to take, borrow, cull, glean (من هـ s.th. from, e.g., a story from a book); to tear out, take out, remove (هـ e.g., a page, من from a book or notebook); to tear off, rip off, detach (هـ e.g., a coupon); to appropriate, acquire (هـ s.th.); to possess o.s., take possession (هـ of), seize (هـ on) X to request as a fief (هـ ه of S.o. s.th.); (eg.) to deduct (هـ an amount)

قطع qal’ cutting off; chopping off, detruncation; amputation; cutting, scission, section; disruption, sunderance, disjunction, disconnection, separation; felling (of a tree); severance, rupture, breakoff (e.g., of relations); stoppage, blockage, embargo, ban, blackout, suspension; interruption, discontinuation; disconnection, turning off, switching off (of electric current); prevention, hindrance (عن from); deprivation; excommunication (Chr.); fording (of a river); crossing (of an ocean); traversion (of a country); covering (of a distance); spending, passing (of a span of time); consumption; deduction, rebate, discount; (pl. اقطاع aqṭā‘) format, size (of a book); (pl. قطوع aqṭā‘) section (geom.); قطعا qaṭ‘an decidedly, definitely, positively, for certain; with neg.: absolutely not, not at all, by no means, not in the least | قطع الحسابات settlement of accounts; قطع الطريق highway robbery, brigandage; قطع الطريق على forcible prevention of s.th., radical stop to s.th.; قطع الماهية q. al-māhīya salary cut, wage deduction; سعر (معدل) القطع si‘r (or mu‘addal) al-q. discount rate, bank rate; قط الربع q. ar-rub‘ (ar-rubu‘) quarto format; قطع كتب الجيب q. kutub al-jaib pocket size (book); قطع مخروط q. makrūtin, قطع مخروطي (makrūṭī) conic section (geom.); قطع زائد hyperbola (geom.); قطع مكافئ (mukāfi’) parabola (geom.); قطع ناقص ellipse (geom.); قطعا للوقت gaṭ‘an li-l-waqt as a pastime, just to kill time; بقطع النظر عن (bi-q. in-naẓari) irrespective of, regardless of, without regard to; aside from, apart from; همزة القطع disjunctive hamza (gram.)

قطعي qaṭ‘ī decided, definite, positive; final, definitive; قطعيا qaṭ‘īyan decidedly, definitely, emphatically, categorically

قطعية qaṭ‘īya certainty, definiteness, positiveness

قطعة qiṭ‘a pl. قطع qiṭa‘ piece, fragment, lump, chunk; part, portion; section, division; segment (geom.); coin; naval unit; unit (mil.) | قطعة الدائرة or القطعة القطع الدائرية segment of a circle (geom.); O قطعة التركيب part (of a machine, of an apparatus); O قطع الازدواج coupling element (el.); قطعة مسرحية (masraḥīya) (stage) play; قطعة غنائية (ginā’īya) vocal piece, vocal composition; قطعة التغيير or قطعة غيار spare part; قطعة فنية (fannīya) work of art; القطعة الكروية (kurawīya) spherical segment (geom.); قطعة تمثيلية (tamtīlīya) (stage) play; قطعة موسيقية piece of music, musical composition; قطعة مالية (malīya) coin; العمل بالقطع (‘amal) piecework, job work, taskwork

قطعة quṭ‘a pl. quṭu‘āt, قطع quṭa‘ a piece cut off, a cut; stump; plot of land, patch of land, lot

قطعة qaṭa‘a pl. -āt, قطع qaṭa‘ stump

قطاع qiṭā‘, quṭā‘ pl. -āt section; sector (geom.) | قطاع عرضي (‘arḍī) cross section; قطاعات من الأنسجة (ansija) tissue sections (biol.); القطاع الدائري (dā’irī) sector of a circle (geom.); القطاع الكروي (kurawī) spherical sector (geom.)

قطاع qaṭṭā‘ (stone-, wood-) cutter

بالقطاعي bi-l-qaṭtā‘ī by retail, retail (adj.)

قطيع qaṭī‘ pl. قطاع qiṭā‘, قطعان quṭ‘ān, اقطاع aqṭā‘ troop or group (of animals), drove, flock, herd

قطيعة qaṭī‘a rupture of relations, break, breach, rift, alienation, estrangement, separation; enmity among relatives (short for قطيعة الرحم q. ar-raḥim); (pl. قطائع qaṭā’i‘2) fief, fee, feudal estate, land granted by feudal tenure

اقطع aqṭa‘2 more convincing, more conclusive (evidence); (f. قطعاء qaṭ‘ā’2) amputee; one-armed; dumb, mute

مقطع maqṭa’ pl. مقاطع maqāṭi‘2 crossing point, crossing, traverse, passage; ford; (point of) intersection; cross section; section, division; syllable; musical phrase; quarry; group of animals,

drove | مقطع الرأي m. ar-ra’y decision, judgment

مقطع miqṭa‘ pl. مقاطع maqāṭi‘2 cutting instrument | مقطع السيجار cigar cutter; مقطع الورق m. al-waraq paper knife; paper cutter

تقطيع taqṭī‘ fragmentation, dismemberment, cutting up, division, partitioning; interruption, disruption, discontinuation; gripes, colic; (pl. تقاطيع taqāṭī‘) stature, figure; shape, form; pl. parts, portions,

sections, members | تقاطيع الوجه t. al-wajh features, lineaments of the face

مقاطعة muqāṭa‘a separation; break (with s.o.); indifference, unfeelingness, unlovingness; boycott; interruption; (pl. -āt) area, region, section, district, province

اقطاع iqṭā‘ and اقطاعة iqṭā‘a pl. -āt fief, fee, feudal estate, land granted by feudal tenure | ذو الإقطاع liege lord, feudal lord

اقطاعي iqṭā‘ī liege, feudatory, feudal; (pl. -ūn) liege lord, feudal lord

اقطاعية iqṭā‘īya feudalism; الإقطاعية the feudal system

تقطع taqaṭṭu‘ pl. -āt interruptedness, interruption

تقاطع taqāṭu’ severance of mutual relations; crossing; intersection, junction

انقطاع inqiṭā’ separation, disjunction, severance; break, breach, rift, rupture, break-off; interruption, disruption, discontinuance; cessation, stop, termination, expiration, extinction; stoppage, shutdown, blockage, suspension; end, close, conclusion; absence, withdrawal, aloofness (عن from) | انقطاع التيار inq. at-tayyār power shutdown (el.); بدون انقطاع or من غير انقطاع incessantly, constantly, continually, without interruption

انقطاعية inqiṭā’īya separatism

استقطاع istiqṭā’ pl. -āt cut, deduction (e.g., from salary)

قاطع qāṭi’ cutting; sharp; convincing, cogent, irrefutable, conclusive, decisive (e.g., evidence); decided, definite, positive, unmistakable, unequivocal; final, definitive; sour (milk); secant (geom.); (pl. قواطع qawāṭi’2) partition, screen | قاطع الطريق pl. قطاع الطرق quṭṭā’ aṭ-ṭuruq (or قطع الطرق quṭṯa’ aṭ-ṭ.) highway robber, holdup man, waylayer, brigand; بصفة قاطعة (bi-ṣifatin) unmistakably; سن قاطعة (sinn) incisor; طير قواطع ṭairun qawāṭi’u migratory birds; قاطع التذاكر ticket seller, conductor (streetcar, bus, etc.)

O قاطعة qāṭi’a interrupter, circuit breaker (el.)

مقطوع maqṭū’ cut off, severed, chopped off, etc.; مقطوع به decided, finished, settled, done with (matter, affair); (pl. مقاطيع maqāṭī’2) short poem | مقطوع النظير matchless, peerless, unrivaled, unequaled

مقطوعة maqṭū’a pl. -āt, مقاطيع maqāṭī’2 piece (of music) | مقطوعة موسيقية piece of music, musical composition

مقطوعية maqṭū’īya share, portion, allotment: consumption | بالمقطوعية (eg.) in the lump, for a lump sum

مقطع muqaṭṭa’ torn, shredded

مقطع muqṭi’ liege lord; -- muqṭa’ liege man, feudatory. feudal tenant, vassal

متقطع mutaqaṭṯi’ cut off, torn, ruptured, disrupted, interrupted; discontinuous, flowing intermittently (electric current); in stages (movement); staccato (voice); incoherent, disjointed (words) | تيار متقطع (tayyār) alternating current

منقطع munqaṭi’ cut off; severed, disjoined, separate(d), detached; chopped off, detruncated; cut, cut in two, sundered, torn. ruptured, disrupted; broken; broken off; interrupted, discontinued, stopped, blocked; disconnected, turned off, switched off (electric current); halting, discontinuous, intermittent, fitful; outlying, remote, out-of-the-way (region); devoted, dedicated (ل or الى to), set aside exclusively, solely destined (ل or الى for) | منقطع النظير and منقطع القرين unmatched, matchless, peerless, unrivaled, unequaled, incomparable, singular, unique; غير منقطع incessant, unceasing, continual, uninterrupted

مستقطع mustaqṭa’ cut, deduction (from salary)

قطف qaṭafa i (qaṯf, قطوف quṭūf) to pick (هـ flowers, fruit); to gather, harvest (هـ fruit); to pluck off, pull off, tear off (هـ s.th., e.g., leaves); (eg.) to skim (هـ a liquid from the surface): -- (qaṭf) to scratch, scratch up (ه s.o.) II = I VIII to pick (هـ flowers, fruit); to gather, harvest (هـ fruit); to pluck off (هـ s.th.); to select, choose, pick out (هـ من s.th. from among)

قطف qaṭf (act or instance of) picking, etc.; (pl. قطوف quṭūf) scratch

قطف qiṯāf picked fruit

قطاف qiṭāf picking, gathering, harvest (of fruit); picking season, vintage, harvest time

داني القطوف dānī l-quṭūf within reach, at hand; easy to apply, easy to use, handy

قطوف qaṭūf pl. قطف quṭuf short-stepped, slow

قطيفة qaṭīfa velvet; plush

قطائف qaṭā’if2, قطايف qaṭāyif2 (pl.) small, triangular doughnuts fried in melted butter and served with honey

مقطف miqṭaf pl. مقاطف maqāṭif 2 implement for picking fruit, fruit picker; vine knife

مقطف magṭaf pl. مقاطف maqāṭif 2 basket

اقتطاف iqtiṭāf picking, gathering, etc.; selection, choice, pick

مقتطف muqtaṭaf pl. -āt selected or select piece; selection

قطقوطة qaṭqūṭa young girl

قطل qaṭala u i (qaṭf) to cut off (هـ s.th.) II = I

قطيلة qaṭīla towel; floor rag

قطم qaṭama i (qaṭm) to cut off (هـ s.th.): to break off (هـ s.th.)

قطمة qaṭma piece; bite, morsel

المقطم al-muqaṭṭam a range of hills east of Cairo

قطمير qiṭmīr pellicle enveloping a date pit | لا يملك قطميرا (yamliku) he doesn’t own a thing, he hasn’t a red cent to his name

1 قطن qaṭana u (قطون quṭūn) to live, dwell, reside (في or ب or هـ in a place); to inhabit (في or ب or هـ a place) II to make live, settle (ب هـ s.o. in)

قطن qaṭan small of the back

قطن quṭn, quṭun pl. اقطان aqṭān cotton | قطن خام raw cotton, cotton, wool, unginned cotton; قطن سكارتو (It. scarto) (eg.) cotton waste; قطن طبي (ṭibbī) absorbent cotton; قطن ملتهب (multahib) guncotton; O حطب القطن ḥaṭab al-q. excelsior; محلج القطن miḥlaj al.q. cotton gin

قطني quṭnī cotton (adj.)

قطنية quṭnīya, qiṭnīya pl. قطاني qaṭānīy pulse, legumes (peas, beans, lentils)

قطانية quṭānīya, qiṭānīya Indian corn, maize (tun.)

قطان qaṭtān cotton manufacturer, cotton merchant

يقطين yaqṭīn (coll.; n. un. ة ) a variety of squash

مقطنة maqṭana cotton plantation

قاطن qāṭin pl. قطان quṭṭān resident, domiciled; inhabitant, dweller

2 قيطن qīṭān pl. قياطين qayāṭīn2 cord, braid, lace

قطا qaṭan (coll.; n. un. قطاة qaṭāh) sand grouse (Pterocles)

قعد qa‘ada u (قعد qu‘ūd) to sit down, take a seat; to sit, be sitting; to remain seated; to remain, stay, abide; to lie in wait (ل for s.o.), waylay (ل s.o.); to desist, abstain, refrain (عن from), renounce waive (عن s.th.) | قعد به to make s.o. sit down, make s.o. sit, seat s.o., induce s.o. to stay; to hamper, handicap, hamstring, disable, paralyze s.o.; قعدت به ركبتاه (rukbatāhu) his knees buckled under him; قعد به عن to hold back, restrain, discourage, or prevent s.o. from; قعد عن الذهاب (dahāb) he decided not to go; قام وقعد to be in a state of great anxiety, be seriously upset, be very agitated; to be very alarmed (ل by) IV to make (ه s.o.) sit down; to make (ه s.o.) sit; to cause or induce (ه s.o.) to stay; to seat (ه s.o.); to hold back, restrain, discourage, prevent (عن ه s.o. from); to decrease, diminish, reduce (من s.th.); pass uq‘ida to be lame, be crippled | اقامه واقعده (aqāmahū) to

upset s.o. seriously, throw s.o. in a state of violent emotion; اقعد من همته (himmatihī) to dampen s.o.’s zeal V not to desire (عن s.th.). not to be out for s.th. (عن ); to desist, abstain, refrain (عن from) VI = V; to remain aloof, refrain, forbear, withdraw (عن from); to be pensioned off, retire VIII to take or use as a seat (هـ s.th.); to sit down (هـ on s.th.); to be, remain (هـ in a state or condition)

قعد qa‘ad slackers, shirkers of military service in times of war; also, designation of the Khawarij

قعدة qa‘da sitting; backside, seat, buttocks, posteriors; space occupied while sitting, seating space | ذو القعد name of the eleventh month of the Muslim year

قعدة qi‘da manner of sitting, seat, pose, posture; space occupied while sitting, seating space

قعدة qu‘ada constantly or frequently sitting, sedentary; glued to the seat, not budging, seated firmly; lazy, inert, indolent

قعدي qu‘dī constantly or frequently sitting, sedentary; glued to the seat, not budging, firmly seated; lazy, inert, indolent

قعود qa‘ūd pl. اقعدة al-Qur'an‘ida قعد qu‘ud, قعدان qi‘dān, قعائد qa‘ā’id2 young camel

قعود qu‘ūd sitting; desistance, abstention, refraining (عن from); renunciation, abandonment, waiver (عن of)

قعيد qa‘īd companion; one with whom one sits together; keeper, guardian, supervisor, superintendent; crippled, disabled, infirm | قعيد المنزل q. al-manzil confined to one’s house or to one’s quarters

قعيدة qa‘īda pl. قعائد qa‘ā’id2 woman companion; wife, spouse

مقعد maq‘ad pl. مقعد maq‘ad2 s.th. to sit on, space to sit in; seat (in general, in a theater, in parliament, etc.); chair; bench; sofa, settee; box, driver’s seat (of a carriage or coach) | مقعد طويل chaise longue; مقعد مريح (murīḥ) easy chair, armchair

مقعدة maq‘ada pl. مقاعد maqā‘d2 backside, seat, buttocks, posteriors

تقاعد taqā‘ud restraint, reticence, aloofness, reserve; retirement | معاش التقاعد ma‘āš at-t. retiring allowance, superannuation. pension; احيل الى التقاعد (uḥīla) to be pensioned off, be superannuated, be retired

قاعد qā‘id pl. قعود qu‘ūd, قعاد qu‘ād, sitting, seated; inactive, idle, lazy, also قاعد العمل (‘amal); قاعدون qā‘idūn slacken, shirkers of military service in times of war; -- قاعد qā‘id pl. قواعد qawā‘id2 woman who, because of her age, has ceased to bear children

قاعدة qā‘ida pl. قواعد qawā‘id2 foundation, groundwork; basis; fundament; base (geom.; mil.); support, base, socle, foot, pedestal; O chassis, undercarriage; precept, rule, principle, maxim; formula; method, manner, mode; model, pattern | قاعدة الأسطول q. al-usṭūl or قاعدة بحرية (baḥrīya) naval base; قاعدة البلاد capital of the country; قاعدة جوية (jawwīya) airbase; قاعدة حربية (ḥarbīya) base of operation; قاعدة الملك q. al-mulk seat of government; مساحة القاعدة misāḥat al-q. base, basal surface

مقعد muq‘ad brought to a standstill, stopped, arrested; lame, crippled, disabled, infirm; an invalid

متقاعد mutaqā‘id retired; pensioner

قعر qa‘ara u (قعارة qa‘āra) to be deep, hollowed out II to make deep or deeper, deepen (هـ s.th.); to hollow out, make hollow, excavate (هـ s.th.); to cry, shout, scream | قعر في كلامه (kalāmihī) to speak gutturally IV to make deep or deeper, deepen (هـ a well) V to be depressed, sunk, low, deep, hollowed out, dished, concave; to descend to the bottom

قعر qa‘r pl. قعور qu‘ūr bottom; depth; keel (of a ship); pit, hole, hollow, cavity, depression | من القعر صاعدا (ṣā‘idan) from the ground up

قعرة qa‘ra pit, hole, hollow, cavity, depression

قعور qa‘ūr deep

قعير qa‘īr deep

مقعر muqa‘‘ar depressed, sunk, low, deep; hollow, dished, concave; curved; obscure (language)

قعس qa‘isa a (qa‘s) to have a protruding chest and hollow back, be pigeon-breasted VI to remain aloof, keep away, stay away, desist, refrain (عن from); to hesitate, waver, be reluctant (عن to do s.th.); to fail, neglect (عن to do s.th.); to be uninterested (عن in) XIV اقعنسس iq‘ansasa = I

اقعس aq‘asa having a protruding chest and hollow back, pigeon-breasted | عز اقعس (‘izz) firmly established power

تقاعس taqā‘us negligence

متقاعس mutaqā‘is hesitant, wavering, reluctant; negligent, careless, sloppy, listless, idle

قعقع qa‘qa‘a (قعقعة qa‘qa‘a) to clatter; to rattle; to clank

قعقع qa‘qa‘, qu‘qu‘ magpie

قعقعة qa‘qa‘a clatter; rattle; clank, clang; noise, din; pl. قعاقع qa‘āaqi‘ high-sounding words

قف qaffa u (قفوف qufūf) to be dry, withered, shriveled; to dry up, wither, shrivel; to contract, shrink; to bristle, stand on and (hair)

قفة quffa pl. قفف qufaf large basket; (Mesopotamian) round boat, gufa (ir.)

قفر quffa, qaffa feverish shiver, ague fit

قفر qafara u (qafr): قفر اثره (atarahū) to follow s.o.’s tracks, track s.o. IV to be or become empty, bleak, desolate, deserted, depopulated, unihabited, devastated, waste; to be destitute, be devoid (من of) to ravage, lay waste, devastate, desolate, depopulate (هـ s.th.); to abandon, leave in a state of desolation (هـ houses, a city); to gnaw off, pick (هـ a bone) VIII to follow s.o.’s (ه ) tracks, track (ه s.o.)

قفر qalr pl. قفار qifār desert, wasteland, desolate region; empty, bleak, forsaken, forlorn, deserted, lifeless, uninhabited, depopulated, devastated, desolate, waste; destitute, devoid (من of) | ارض قفر (قفار ) (arḍ) wasteland; خبز قفر (kubz) plain bread, dry bread

قفرة qafra pl. qafarāt desert, wasteland, desolate region

خبز قفار kubzun qafārun plain bread, dry bread

قفير qafīr pl. قفران qufrān beehive

بادية قفراء bādiya qafrā’2 arid desert

اقفار iqfār emptiness bleakness, desolateness, desolation; ravage, devastation, depopulation

مقفر muqfir empty, bleak, forsaken, forlorn, deserted, lifeless, uninhabited, depopulated, devastated, desolate, waste; destitute, devoid (من of)

قفز qafaza i (qafz, قفزان qafazān) to jump, leap, spring, hurdle, bound; to jump up, leap in the air; to jump off, take off V to put on or wear gloves

قفز qafz jumping (also athlet.) | القفز على الحبل (ḥabl) skipping the rope; القفز بالزانة pole vaulting; قفز طويل broad jump; قفز عال (‘ālin) high jump

قفزة qafza pl. qafazāt jump, leap, spring, bound

قفاز quffāz pl. -āt, قفافيز qafāfīz2 glove; a pair of gloves

قفيز qafīz pl. اقفزة aqfiza cafiz, a dry measure, ca. 496-640 l, = 16 whibas (Tun.)

مقفز maqfiz springboard

قفش qafaša i u (qafš) to gather, collect (هـ s.th.); (eg.) to catch, seize, grasp, grab; to find out, discover (هـ s.th.)

قفش qafš prattle, chatter

قفشات qafazāt (pl.) jokes

قفص qafaṣ pl. اقفاص aqfāṣ cage; birdcage; pen, coop, wired enclosure; basket (made of palm fronds); thorax, chest; (prisoner’s) dock (= قفص الاتهام q. al-ittihām)

تقفيصة taqfīṣa poultry coop

قفطان qufṭān pl. قفاطين qafāṭīn caftam, a long-sleeved outer garment, open in front and fastened by a ḥizām

القفقاس al-qafqās the Caucasus

قفع qafa‘a a (qafa‘) to contract; to shrink; to shrivel, become wrinkled II to shrivel (هـ the fingers; of the cold) V = I

قفع qaf‘ testudo

قفقف qafqafa (قفقفة qafqafa) and II taqafqafa to shiver with cold

قفل qafala u i (قفول qufūl) to come home, come back, return; -- i (qafl) to shut, close (هـ s.th.); to latch, lock, shut up, bolt (هـ s.th.); to accumulate, amass, hoard (هـ s.th.) II and IV to padlock (هـ s.th.); to shut, close (هـ s.th.); to switch off, shut off, turn off (هـ s.th.); to cut off, stop (هـ the supply of), block, bar, close (هـ s.th.); to latch, lock, shut up, bolt (هـ s.th.)

قفل qufl pl. اقفال aqfāl, قفول qufūl padlock; lock, latch; bolt; O lock (of a canal)

قفال qaffāl locksmith

اقفال iqfāl shutting, closing, closure; shutting up; locking, bolting; stoppage, blocking, blockage, barring, obstruction

قافل qāfil pl. قافلة qāfila, قفال quffāl home-coming, returning; homecomer, repatriate

قافلة qāfila pl. قوافل qawāfil2 caravan; column; convoy | قافلة (تجارية) بحرية (tijārīya, baḥrīya) or قافلة السفن q. as-sufun naval convoy

قفا (قفو ) qafā u (qafw) to follow (اثره atarahū s.o.’s tracks) II to send (ب or ه ه s.o. after s.o. else); to rhyme, put into rhyme VIII اقتفى اثره (atarahū) to follow s.o.’s tracks, track s.o.; to follow up, pursue s.o. (mil.); to follow in s.o.’s tracks, follow s.o.’s example, imitate s.o.

قفا qafan m. and f., pl. اقفية aqfiya, اقف aqfin, اقفاء aqfā’, قفي qufīy, qifīy nape; occiput, back of the head; back; reverse; wrong side (of a fabric)

قفاء qafā’ nape; occiput, back of the head

اقتفاء iqtifā’ following (of s.o.’s tracks), tracking; imitation

قافية qāfiya pl. قواف qawāfin rhyme; (eg.) play on words, pun, double, entendre; nape

قيقب look up alphabetically

قاقلة , قاقلي and قاقم look up alphabetically

قل qalla i (qill, qull, قلة qilla) to be or become little, small, few (in number or quantity), trifling, insignificant, inconsiderable, scant, scanty, sparse, spare, meager; to be rare, scarce; to be of rare occurrence, happen seldom; to decrease, diminish, wane, grow less; to be or become less, littler, smaller, fewer (in number or quantity), more trifling, less significant, less considerable, scanter, scantier, sparser (عن than); to be second, be inferior (عن to s.o.) -- (qall) to pick up, raise, lift (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from the ground); to carry (هـ s.th.) | الا ما قل وندر (illā, wa-nadara) but for a few exceptions, with a few exceptions only; قل صبره (ṣabruhū) to be impatient lose one’s patience II to make little or leas, diminish, lessen, decrease, reduce, do seldom or less frequently (. or .,.. s.th.) IV = II; to do or give little (من in or of); to pick up, raise, lift (عن هـ, ه s.o., s.th. from the ground); to be able to carry (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to carry, transport, convey (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) VI to think little (هـ of), scorn, disdain, despise (هـ s.th.) X to find (هـ s.th.) little, small, inconsiderable, insignificant, trifling; to esteem lightly, undervalue, despise (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make light (هـ, ه of), set little store (هـ, ه by), care little (هـ, ه for); to pick up, raise, lift (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to carry, transport, convey (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to board (هـ s.th., e.g., a ship, a carriage, or the like); to rise; to be independent; to possess alone (ب s.th.) | استقل بحمل (bi-ḥimlin) to assume a burden; استقل بصنعه (bi-ṣan‘ihī) he alone made it, he was the only one who made it; استقل بنفسه (bi-nafsihī) to be entirely self-reliant, be left to one’s own devices; to be independent, manage without others, get along by oneself; (بواجب) استقل بمهمة (bi-muhimmatin, bi-wājibin) to assume a task (or duty)

قلما qallamā (conj.) seldom, rarely; scarcely, barely, hardly

قل qill, qull littleness, smallness, fewness; insignificance, inconsiderableness, triviality, paucity, paltriness, scarceness, sparseness, scantiness, insufficiency; a little, a small number, a small quantity, a modicum; -- qill tremor

قلة qalla recovery, recuperation; restoration of prosperity

قلة qulla highest point; top, summit; apex; vertex; (cannon) ball; (pl. قلل qulal) jug, pitcher

قلة qilla pl. قلل qilal littleness, fewness; smallness, inconsiderableness, insignificance, triviality; paucity, paltriness, scantiness, sparseness; scarceness, rareness, rarity; minority; lack, want, deficiency, insufficiency, scarcity | قلة الإحساس q. al-iḥsās insensitivity, obtuseness; قلة الحياء q. al-ḥayā’ shamelessness, impudence, insolence, impertinence; قلة الصبر q. aṣ-ṣabr impatience; قلة الوجود scantiness, scarcity; rareness, rarity; جمع القلة jam‘ al-q. (gram.) plural of paucity (for persons or things whose number is between three and ten)

بقليته bi-qillīyatihī completely, wholly, entirely | رحلوا بقليتهم (raḥalū) they setout all together or with bag and baggage

قليل qalīl pl. اقلاء aqillā’, قلائل qalā’il2, قلال qilāl little; few; insignificant, inconsiderable, trifling; small (in number or quantity), scant, scanty, spare, sparse, meager, insufficient; scarce, rare; a small number, a small quantity, a modicum, a little (من of); قليلا qalīlan a little, somewhat; seldom, rarely | قليلا ما seldom, rarely; قليلا قليلا by and by, slowly, gradually; الكل الا قليلا al-kull illā q. almost everything, nearly all; بعد قليل a little later, some time later on, shortly afterward; shortly, before long; عن قليل or عما قليل (‘ammā) soon, before long, shortly; ليس منه لا بقليل ولا بكثير to have absolutely nothing to do with s.th.; قليل الأدب q. al-adab uncivil, impolite, rude, uncouth; قليل الحياء q. al-ḥayā’ shameless, brazen, impudent, insolent, impertinent; قليل الارتفاع low; قليل الصبر q. aṣ-ṣabr impatient; قليل الوجود scanty, scarce; rare

اقل aqalla less; fewer; smaller; rarer; الأقل the least, the minimum | على الأقل or بالأقل at the very least; at least; على اقل تقدير (at the lowest estimate) = على الأقل; لا اقل من ان (aqalla) the least one can do is to ...; I (you, etc.) could at least ...; اقل من القليل quite insignificant, all but negligible; واقل من هذا وذاك ان let alone that …, not to mention that …, to say nothing of ...

اقلية aqallīya smaller number, numerical inferiority; (pl. -āt) minority

تقليل taqlīl decrease, diminution, reduction

اقلال iqlāl decrease, diminution, reduction

استقلال istiqlāl independence

استقلالي istiqlālī of or pertaining to independence, independence (used attributively); proponent of independence

مقل muqill propertyless, unpropertied, without means, poor, destitute

مستقل mustaqill independent; autonomous; separate, distinct, particular

قلاووز , قلاووظ (Turk. kılavuz) qalāwūẓ ship’s pilot; screw

قلاية qallāyz pl. -āt, قلالي qalālīy (monastic) cell; residence of the Coptic Patriarch (Chr.)

قلب qalaba i (qalb) to turn around, turn about, turn up(ward), upturn (هـ s.th.); to turn, turn over (هـ s.th.); to turn face up or face down (هـ s.th.); to turn inside out or outside in (هـ s.th.); to turn upside down (هـ s.th.); to tip, tilt over, topple over (هـ s.th.); to invert, reverse (هـ s.th.); to overturn, upset, topple (هـ s.th.); to capsize (هـ s.th.); to roll over (هـ s.th.); to subvert, overthrow (هـ a government); to change, alter, turn, transform, convert, transmute (هـ s.th., هـ هـ s.th. to or into s.th.); to transpose (هـ s.th.); to exchange

(هـ هـ s.th. for s.th.) | قلبه رأسا (ra’san) to turn s.th. upside down; قلب له ظهر المجن (ẓahra l-mijan) to show s.o. the back of the shield, i.e., to give s.o. the cold shoulder, become hostile to s.o. II to turn, turn around, turn about, turn up(ward), upturn, turn over (هـ s.th.); to turn face up or face down (هـ s.th.); to turn inside out or outside in (هـ s.th.); to turn upside down (هـ s.th.); to tip, tilt over, topple over (هـ s.th.); to invert, reverse (هـ s.th.); to overturn, upset, overthrow, topple (هـ s.th.); to capsize (هـ s.th.); to roll over (هـ s.th.); to turn, turn over (هـ pages); to rummage, ransack, rake (هـ s.th.); to roll (هـ s.th.); to stir (هـ s.th.); to examine, study, scrutinize, investigate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to change, alter, turn, transform, convert, transmute (هـ s.th., هـ هـ s.th. to or into s.th.) | قلبه بين يديه (yadaihi) to turn s.th. around in one’s hands, fidget with s.th.; قلبه بعقله (bi-’aqlihī) to turn s.th. over in one’s mind, reflect on s.th., ponder s.th., brood over s.th.; قلبه ظهرا لبطن (ẓahran li-baṭnin) to turn s.th. completely upside down, turn s.th. topsy-turvy, turn s.th. over and over; قلب كفيه (kaffaihi) to repent, be grieved; to be embarrassed; قلب فيه البصر (baṣara) or قلب فيه النظر (naẓara) to scrutinize, eye, regard s.th. V to be turned around, be turned over, be reversed, be inverted; to be overturned, get knocked over (e.g., a glass); to toss and turn, toss about; to writhe, twist, squirm, wriggle; to be changed, be altered, change; to fluctuate (prices); to be changeable, variable, inconstant, fickle (في in s.th.); to move (about), live, be at home (في in); to dispose (في of), have at one’s disposal (في s.th.) | تقلب في وظائف عديدة (waẓā’ifa ‘adīdatin) he held numerous offices; تقلب في النعمة (النعيم ) (ni‘ma), تقلب في اعطاف العيش الناعم (a. il-‘aiš) to lead a life of ease and comfort, live in prosperity; تقلب على رمضاء البؤس (ramḍā’ l-bu’s) to live in utmost misery VII to be turned, be turned around, be turned about, be turned up(ward), be upturned, be turned over; to be reversed, be inverted; to be turned inside out or outside in; to be turned upside down, be toppled, get knocked over; to be overturned, be upset, be overthrown; to be rolled, over; to overturn, somersault; to capsize; to be changed, be altered, be transformed, be converted, be transmuted; to change, turn (هـ or الى into s.th.), become (هـ or الى s.th.); to turn (على against; الى to); to return; (with foil. imperi.) to proceed suddenly to do s.th., shift, instantly to s.th., change over to s.th. | انقلب ظهرا لبطن (ẓahra li-baṭnin) to be turned topsy-turvy; to be completely devastated; انقلب الى الهجوم to take the offensive

قلب qalb reversal, inversion; overturn, upheaval; conversion, transformation, transmutation; transposition (of letters), metathesis (gram.); perversion, change, alteration; overthrow (of a government)

قلب qalb pl. قلوب qulūb heart; middle, center; core, gist, essence; marrow, medulla, pith; the best or choicest part; mind, soul, spirit | قلب الأسد q. al-asad Regulus (star α in the constellation Leo; astron.); قلب الهجوم center forward (soccer); سويداء القلوب suwaidā’ al-q. the innermost of the heart, the bottom of the heart; ضعيف القلب fainthearted, pusillanimous, recreant, cowardly; قاسي القلب qāsī l-q. hardhearted, callous, pitiless, merciless, cruel; قساوة القلب qasāwat al-q. hardheartedness, callousness, pitilessness, cruelty; انقباض القلب dejectedness, despondency, dispiritedness, depression; عن ظهر القلب (ẓahri l-q.) by heart; من صميم القلب from the bottom of the heart, most sincerely; من كل قلبه with all his heart; قلبا وقالبا qalban wa-qālaban with heart and soul; inwardly and outwardly; قلوبات (السكر ) qulūbāt (as-sukkar) small candies, lozenges

قلبي qalbī of or pertaining to the heart, heart- (in compounds), cardiac, cardiacal; cordial, hearty, warm, sincere; قلبيا qalbīyan cordially, heartily, warmly, sincerely

قلب qulb, qalb, qilb palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk); qulb bracelet, bangle

قلبة qalba (eg.) lapel; (pl. -āt) a measure of capacity (Tun.; = 20 l)

قلب qullab tending to change; agile, adaptable, resourceful; versatile, many-sided, of varied skills or talents

قالب qālab, qālib pl. قوالب qawālib2 form; mold; cake pan; model; matrix; last, boot tree, shoe tree | قالب جبن q. jubn a chunk or loaf of cheese; قالب سكر q. sukar sugar loaf; قالب صابون q. ṣābūn a cake or bar of soap; قلبا وقالبا (qalban) with heart and soul; inwardly and outwardly

قليب qalīb m. and f., pl. اقلبة aqliba, قلب qulub, قلبان qulbān well

قلوب qalūb tending to change; agile, adaptable, resourceful; versatile, many-sided

قلاب qallāb changeable, variable, unsteady, inconstant, fickle, wavering, vacillating; reversible, tiltable; dumper; tip wagon, skip | عربة قلابة (‘araba) tipcart; قلاب خلاط (kallāṭ) rotary mixer

قلابة qallāba agitator, stirring machine

مقلب maqlab pl. مقالب maqālib2 (eg.) refuse dump, dump pile, dump; intrigue, scheme. plot; April fool’s joke

مقلب miqlab pl. مقالب maqālib2 hoe

تقليب taqlīb: عند تقليب النظر ‘inda t. in-naẓar on closer inspection or examination, when examined more closely

تقلب taqallub pl. -āt alteration, transformation, change; variation; fluctuation (of prices); changeableness, variableness, unsteadiness, inconstancy, fickleness; pl. vicissitudes, ups and downs | تقلب جوي (jawwī) change of weather; سريع التقلب very changeable, very fickle, capricious

انقلاب inqilāb upheaval; revolution, overthrow, bouleversement; alteration, transformation, change; solstice | دائرة الانقلاب tropic (geogr.)

مقلوب maqlūb turned over, turned upside down, turned about, inverted, inverse, reverse(d), etc.; infolded (bem, seam); reciprocal (math.) | بالمقلوب topsy-turvy; upside down; wrong side out; the other way round, reversely, conversely, vice versa

متقلب mutaqallib, also متقلب الأطوار (الأحوال ) wavering, vacillating, changeable, variable, inconstant, unsteady, fickle, capricious

منقلب munqalab (place of overthrow, i.e.) the hereafter, the end one meets in death, the way of all flesh, final destiny; tropic | منقلب (šatawī) Tropic of Capricorn; منقلب صيفي (ṣaifī) Tropic of Cancer

قلبق qalbaq a tall, usually cylindrical, fur cap

1 قلح qalaḥ yellowness of the teeth

قلاح qulāḥ yellowness of the teeth

2 قولحة qaulaḥa pl. قوالح qawāliḥ2 (eg.) cob (of corn, and the like)

1 قلد II to adorn with a necklace (ها a woman); to gird (ه هـ s.o. with); to invest (ه هـ s.o. with an office), appoint (هـ ه s.o. to an office), award (هـ ه to s.o. a decoration, an order), confer (هـ ه upon s.o. a rank); to grant (هـ ه to s.o. a favor); to entrust (هـ ه s.o. with the rule or government of s.th.), give (ه s.o.) authority or power (هـ over s.th.); to follow blindly another’s (ه ) opinion; to copy, ape, imitate (ه s.o.); to forge, counterfeit (هـ s.th.) V to put on or wear a necklace, adorn o.s. with a necklace; to gird o.s. (هـ with), put on (هـ s.th.); to take upon o.s., assume (هـ s.th.); to take over (هـ s.th., esp. power, control, government)

قلادة qilāda pl. قلائد qalā’id2 necklace; pl. قلائد exquisite poems

مقلد miqlad pl. مقالد maqālid2 key

مقلاد miqlād pl. مقاليد maqālīd2 key | مقاليد الأمور key positions, power; مقاليد الحكم m. al-ḥukm the reins of government or power; تسلم مقاليد الحكم (tasallama) to take over (the reins of) government, seize power; القى اليه مقاليد الأمور (alqā) to entrust s.o. with the management, put s.o. in charge

تقليد taqlīd pl. تقاليد taqālīd2 imitation; copying; blind, unquestioning adoption (of concepts or ideas); uncritical faith

(e.g., in a source’s authoritativeness); adoption of the legal decision of a madhab (lsl. Law); pl. tradition; convention, custom, usage

تقليدي taqlīdī traditional, customary, conventional; based on uncritical faith (e.g., in a source’s authoritativeness)

مقلد muqalld imitated, imitation, forged, counterfeit(ed), fake, sham, spurious, false; tradition-bound

2 اقليد iqlīd pl. اقاليد aqālīd2 key

بحر القلزم baḥr al-qulzum the Red Sea

1 قلس qalasa i (qals) to belch, burp, eruct II to bow (ل to s.o.); (eg.) to make fun (على of), poke fun (على at), ridicule (على s.o., s.th.)

2 قلس II to put a cap (قنلسوة qalansuwa, q.v., ه on s.o.’s head)

3 قلس qals pl. قلوس qulūs hawser, cable, rope

1 قلش II to molt

تقليش taqlīš molting, molt

2 قالوش (Fr. galoche) galōš pl. -āt galosh, overshoe

قلشين qalšīn pl. قلاشين qalāšīn2 puttee

قلص qalaṣa i (قلص qulūṣ) to contract; to shrink (laundered garment); to decrease, diminish; to dwindle, fade, wane, decline; to become shorter, recede (shadow) | قلص ظله (ẓilluhū) his prestige declined; it decreased, dwindled, faded II to contract, draw together (هـ s.th.); to tuck up, roll up (هـ s.th.) V = I; تقلص ظله = قلص ظله

اقلص aqlaṣa2 shorter

تقلص taqallaṣa contraction, shrinking, shrinkage

قليط qillīṭ scrotal hernia

قليط qllīṭ afflicted with scrotal hernia

قلع qala‘a a (qal‘) to pluck out, tear out, pull out, weed out, uproot (هـ s.th.); to root out, exterminate, extirpate (هـ s.th.); to take off (هـ clothes) | قلعه مه جذوره to pull out s.th. with the root, II to pluck out, tear out, pull out, weed out, uproot (. s.th.); to root out, exterminate, extirpate ( هـ s.th.) IV to set sail, prepare to sail, get under sail; to sail, put to sea, depart (ship); to take off (airplane); to desist, abstain, refrain (عن from); leave off, abandon, give up, renounce, relinquish (عن s.th.) VIII to pluck out, tear out, pull out, weed out, uproot (عن s.th.); to root out, exterminate, extirpate (هـ s.th.)

قلع qil’ pl. قلوع qul’, قلاع qilā’ sail (of a ship)

قلعة qal’a pl. قلاع qilā’, قلوع qulū’ fortress, stronghold, fort; citadel

قلاع qulā’ thrush, canker of the mouth, ulcerative stomatitis, stomacace (med.)

قلاعي qulā’ī: الحمى القلاعية (ḥummā) footand-and-mouth disease

مقلع maqla’ pl. مقالع maqāli’2 stone quarry

مقلاع miqlā’2 pl. مقاليع maqālī’2 slingshot, sling; catapult

اقلاع iqlā’ sailing, departure (of a ship); take-off (of an airplane)

قلعط qal’aṭa to soil, sully, smirch (هـ s.th.)

قلعوط qul’ūṭ a heretic

1 قلف qalafa i (qalf) to hark (هـ a tree), strip the bark (هـ from a tree); -- u (qalf); قلف قلفته (qulfatahū) to circumcise s.o.

قلف qilf bark, rind (of a tree)

قلفة qulfa pl. قلف qulaf foreskin, prepuce

قلافة qulāfa bark, rind (of a tree)

قلف aqlaf2 uncircumcised

2 قلف II to calk (هـ a ship)

قلافة qilāfa calking

3 قلفة qalfa pl. -āt (tun.) foreman; workman, manual laborer

قلفط qalfaṭa to calk (هـ a ship); (eg.) to do sloppy work, scamp, bungle

قلفون qalafūn and قلفونية qalafūnīya rosin, colophony

قلق qaliqa a (qalaq) to totter, be unsteady; to be or become uneasy, disquieted, apprehensive, anxious, excited, agitated, upset, perturbed, troubled, disturbed; to be restless, be sleepless, pass, a sleepless night, find no sleep IV to trouble, worry, alarm, disturb, upset, disconcert, disquiet, discompose, discomfit, discomfort, make uneasy or anxious (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make restless, fill with uneasiness or anxiety, perturb, agitate, excite (ه s.o.); to rob s.o. (ه ) of his rest

قلق qalaq unrest, uneasiness, disquiet, alarm; agitation, excitement, perturbation; stir, sensation; anxiety, apprehensiveness, apprehension, fear, worry, concern; restlessness; sleeplessness; impatience

قلق qaliq uneasy, disquieted; apprehensive, worried, concerned, anxious; agitated, excited, perturbed, upset; disturbed, troubled; restless; sleepless; impatient

قلوق qalūq (eg.) restless

اقلاق iqlāq disquieting, troubling, perturbation; disturbance

مقلق muqliq intrigant, schemer, troublemaker

قلقاس qulqās (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. -āt a variety of taro or elephant’s ear (Colocasia antiquorum; bot.)

قلقل qalqala to move, commove, shake, convulse, unsettle (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to disturb, trouble, harass (هـ, ه s.o.; s.th.); to disquiet, alarm, excite, agitate (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to stir up, incite to rebellion (ه s.o.); to pronounce accurately (the ق ) II taqalqala to be or get in state of commotion, be shaken, be convulsed, be unsettled, be disturbed, be troubled, be disquieted, be alarmed, be excited, be agitated; to be stirred up, be incited to rebellion, be incensed, be rebellious; to move, budge (من from one’s place), stir; to be shaky, precarious, insecure (situation)

قلقلة qalqala pl. قلاقل qalāqil2 unrest, excitement, agitation, commotion; shock, convulsion, concussion; disturbance

قلقيلة (eg.) qulqēla pl. -āt clod, lump of earth

مقلقل muqalqal in a state of commotion, agitated, shaken, unsettled, etc.; unstable, inconstant, unsteady

1 قلم qalama i (qalm) to cut, clip, pure (هـ nails, etc.), prune, trim, lop (هـ trees, etc.) II do. | قلم اظفار خصمه (aẓāfira kaṣmihī) to neutralize, disarm one’s opponent

قلم qalam pl. اقلام aqlām reed pen; pen; writing, script, calligraphic style, ductus; handwriting; style; office, bureau, agency, department; window, counter; item, entry (com.); (eg.) stripe, streak, line; (eg.) slapin the face | بقلمه bi-qalamihī written by him; قلم الحبر q. al-ḥibr fountain pen; قلم حبر جاف (jāff) and قلم حبر ناشف ball-point pen; قلم التحرير editor’s office, editing room; قلم الحركة q. al-ḥaraka traffic bureau; قلم الحسابات q. al-ḥisābāt accounting department; قلم الإدارة q. al-idāra administration office, head office; قلم الرصاص q. ar-raṣāṣ pencil; قلم السياحة travel agency; قلم الاستعمالات information bureau; قلم المطبوعات press and information office; قلم القيودات bureau of vital statistics, (G.B.) (general) register office; قلم الكتاب q. al-kuttāb clerical office; O قلم الكوبية q. al-kūbīya indelible pencil, copying pencil; قلم المرور (Eg.) Traffic Control Board

قلامة qulāma pl. -āt clippings, cuttings, parings, shavings; nail cuttings

مقلمة miqlama pl. -āt pen case

تقليم taqlīm clipping, trimming, paring; pruning, lopping (of trees) | تقليم الأظافر manicure

مقلم muqallam clipped, trimmed, pruned; (eg.) striped, streaked | مقلم الظفر m. aẓ-ẓufr powerless, helpless, weak

2 اقلم aqlama to acclimate, acclimatize, adapt, adjust II ta’aqlama to acclimatize (o.s. )

اقليم iqlīm pl. اقاليم aqālīm2 area, region; province; administrative district (Eg. = مديرية ; الأقاليم the country, countryside, provinces (as opposed to the city)

اقليمي iqlīmī climatic; regional, local; territorial | المياه الإقليمية (miyāh) territorial waters, coastal waters

قلندار qalandār wandering dervish, calendar

قلنس II taqalnasa to wear a cap

قلنسوة qalansuwa and قلنسية qulansiya pl. قلانيس qalānīs2 tall headgear, tiara, cidaris; hood, cowl, capuche; cap

(قلو and قلي) قلا qalā ū (qalw) and قلى qalā i (qaly) to fry, bake, roast (هـ s.th.); -- قلا qalā u (قلا qilan, قلاء qalā’), قلى qalā i and قلي qaliya a (قلى qilan, قلاء qalā’, مقلية maqliya) to hate, loathe, detest (ه s.o.)

قلو qilw, قلى qilan, qily alkali, base, lye (chem.)

قلوي qilwī alkaline, basic; القلويات al-qilwīyāt the bases (chem.)

قلاية qallāya frying vessel, cooking vessel; see also below

مقلى miqlan and مقلاة miqlāh pl. مقال maqalin frying pan

تقلية taqliya (eg.) sauce made of garlic, coriander and melted butter and served as a condiment

قلوز qalwaza to wind (the turban)

قلاووز see under قلوظ

قلوظ qalwaza to join with screws, screw together

قلاووظ (also قلاووز ) qalāwūẓ ship’s pilot; screw

1 قلاية qallāya (monk’s) cell; residence of the Coptic Patriarch

2 قلية qillīya (monk’s) cell

قم qamma u (qamm) to sweep (هـ s.th.)

قمة qimma pl. قمم qimam top, summit, peak, acme, apex | قمة الرأس q. ar-ra’s crown of the head; O قمة الموجه q. al-mauja wave peak (el.); هو حسن القمة (ḥasan al-q.) he is well-built; من قمة الرأس الى اخمص القدم (akmaṣi l-qadam) or من القمة الى الأخمص from head to toe

قمامة qumāma sweepings, rubbish, refuse, garbage | صندوق القمامة ṣundūq al-q. garbage bin

قمائم qamā’im2 sweepings, rubbish

مقمة miqamma pl. مقام maqamm2 broom

قمؤ qamu’a u (قماءة qamā’a) to be little, lowly, despised, despicable; to feel inferior, feel worthless

قميء qamī’ lowly, little, small; insignificant, of little value

قماءة qamā’a lowliness, littleness, smallness; insignificance, puniness, inferiority, despicability

قمح II to give a portion only, pay an installment (ه to s.o.) IV to put forth ears, ear, ripen (grain) | اقمح بانفه (bi-anfih`i) to be proud, bear one’s head high

قمح qamḥ wheat

قمحي qamḥī wheat-colored, wheaten

قمحة qamḥa pl. -āt wheat kernel; grain (in Eg. = .04875 g = ¼ قيراط )

شهرا قماح šahrā qumāḥ (qimāḥ) the two coldest months of winter

قماح qammāḥ grain merchant, corn chandler

1 قمر qamara i (qamr) to gamble; -- i u to defeat in gambling (ه s.o.); passs. Qumira to lose in gambling; -- qamira a (qamr) to be or become snow-blind II to toast (هـ bread) III to gamble (ه with s.o.); to .take, risk, hazard (ب s.th.); to bet, speculate (على on) | قامر على الجواد الخاسر (jawād) to bet on the wrong horse IV to be moonlit (night) VI to gamble with one another

قمر qamar snow blindness; -- (pl. اقمار aqmār) moon; satellite (astron.); القمران al-qamarān sun and moon قمر الدين q. ad-dīn a kind of jelly made from apricots finely ground and dried in the sun; قمر كاذب paraselene, mock moon (astron.); حجر القمر ḥajar al-q. selenite (min.)

قمرة qamara (n. un.) pl. -āt crescent (as an emblem on a uniform); (eg.) moonlight; (eg.) skylight; see also below

قمري qamarī of or pertaining to the moon, moon-shaped, moonlike, lunar | الأشهر القمرية (ašhur) the lunar months; الحروف القمرية the moon letters (gram.)

قمري qumrī (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. قماري qamārīy a variety of turtledove

ليلة قمرة laila qamira moonlit night

قمرية qamarīya pl. -āt (eg.) skylight, small window

قمراء qamrā’2 moonlight

قمير qamīr pl. اقمار aqmār fellow gambler, gambling partner, gambler

اقمر aqmar2, قمراء qamrā’2 moonlit (night); moon-white, bright, whitish

مقمر maqmar and مقمرة maqmara pl. مقامر maqāmir2 gambling house, gambling hell

قمار qimār gambling; bet, wager | آلة لعب القمار ālat la’b al-q. lot machine

مقامرة muqāmara gambling

مقمر muqammir, مقمر كهربائي (kahrabā’ī) toaster

مقمر muqammar (eg.) toast, toasted bread

مقامر muqāamir gambler

مقمر muqmir moonlit (night)

2 قمرة (It. camera) qamara, qamra pl. –āt berth, bunk, cabin, stateroom

قمرق qumrug pl. قمارق qamāriq2 customs (tun.)

قمز qamaza u i (qamz) to take with the fingertips (هـ s.th.)

قمس qamasa u i (qams) to dip, immerse, soak, steep (في ه s.th. in)

قاموس qāmūs pl. قواميس qawāmīs2 ocean; dictionary, lexicon

قومس qaumas pl. قوامس qawāmis2 depths of the sea; pl. mishaps, misfortunes, adversities

1 قمش qamaša u i (qamš) to pick up, gather up, collect (هـ rubbish) II do.

قماش qumāš rubbish, garbage, refuse, offal, trash, junk; (pl. اقمشة aqmiša) fabric, material, cloth | قماش البيت q. al-bait household effects, furniture; قماش الناس the scum of the earth, riff-raff

قماش qammāš draper, cloth merchant

2 قمشة qamša (eg.) strap, thong; leather whip, cowhide

2 قمص qamaṣa u i (qamṣ, قماص qumāṣ, qimāṣ) to gallop; to spring, jump, leap, bound; to kick II do.

قمص qamṣ gallop

2 قمص II to clothe with a shirt (ه s.o.) V to put on or wear a shirt; to be clothed, be vested (هـ with), dress, attire o.s., wrap o.s. (هـ in), cloak o.s. (هـ in the mantle of; fig.); to transmigrate, pass into another body (spirit), materialize (هـ in another body)

قميص qamīṣ pl. قمص qumuṣ, اقمصة aqmiṣa, قمصان qumṣān shirt; dress, gown; covering, cover, case, wrap, envelope, jacket; (Chr.) alb, surplice, rochet; incarnation | قميص افرنجي (ifranjī) day shirt, upper shirt; قميص النوم q. an-naum night-gown

تقميص taqmīṣ and تقمص taqammuṣ transmigration of souls, metempsychosis

3 قمص qummuṣ pl. قمامصة qamāmiṣa archpriest, hegumen (Copt.-Chr.)

قمط qamaṭa u i (qamṭ) to swaddle (ه a baby); to fetter, shackle (ه s.o.); to dress, bandage (هـ a wound) II do.

قمط qimṭ pl. اقماط aqmāṭ rope, fetter

قمطة qamṭa a kind of kerchief (eg.)

قماط qimāṭ pl. -āt, قمط qumuṭ, اقمطة aqmiṭa swaddle, diaper

قمطر qamaṭr, qimṭar pl. قماطر qamāṭir2 receptacle for storing books; satchel

قمع qama’a a (qam’) to tame, curb, bridle, restrain, check, suppress, repress, subdue (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to hinder, prevent (عن ه s.o. from) II (eg.) to cut off the upper end (هـ of an okra) IV = I

قمع qam’ repression, suppression, curbing, prevention; taming, subdual, quelling, subjection

قمع qam’, qim’, qima’ pl. اقماع aqmā’ funnel; -- (pl. قموع qumū’) stem (of a fruit); pericarp | قمع الخياط q. al-kayyāt thimble; قمع السيكارة cigar butt

قمقم qamqama and II تقمقم taqamqama to complain, grumble, mutter

قمقم qumqum and قمقمة qumquma pl. قماقم qamāqim2 a bulgy, long-necked bottle

قمل qamila a (qamal) to be lice-infested, teem with lice V do.

قمل qaml (coll.; n. un. ة ) louse

قمل qamil lousy, lice-infested

مقمل muqammal lice-infested

1 قمن V to intend, purpose, propose (هـ to do s.th.)

قمن gamin worthy, deserving (ب of s.th.)

قمين qamīn worthy (ب of), adequate (ب to), in keeping with (ب ); fit(ting), appropriate, suitable (ب for), capable (ب of)

مقمن maqman adequate (ل to), appropriate, suited, suitable, fit (ل for)

2 قمين qamīn and قمينة qamīna pl. -āt kiln, furnace

1 قن qunn pl. قنان qinān chicken coop, chicken house

قن qinn pl. اقنان aqnān, اقنة aqinna slave, serf

قنة qinna galbanum (bot.)

قنة qunna pl. -āt, قنن qunan, قنان qinān, قنون qunūn mountaintop, summit, peak

قنونة qunāna slavery, serfdom

قنينة qinnīna pl. قنان qanānin bottle, glass bottle; flask, flacon, vial

2 قن II to make laws, legislate; to determine, fix (هـ s.th.)

قانون qānūn pl. قوانين qawānīn2 canon; established principle, basic rule, axiom, norm, regulation, rule, ordinance, prescript, precept, statute; law; code; tax, impost; (Tun.) tax on olives and dates; a stringed musical instrument resembling the zither, with a shallow, trapezoidal sound box, set horizontally before the performer | القانون الأساسي (asāsī) basic constitutional law; statutes; قانون التأسيس statutes, constitution; القانون الجنائي (jinā’ī) criminal law, penal law; قانون الأحوال الشخصية (šakṣīya) personal statute; القانون الدستوري (dustūrī) constitutional law; القانون الدولي (duwalī) international law; قانون المرافعات q. al-murāfa’āt code of procedure (jur.; Eg.); قانون اصول المحاكمات الحقوقية do. (syr.); قانون السلك الإداري q. as-silk al-idārī administrative law; قانون كيماوي (kīmāwī) chemical formula; القانون المدني (madanī) civil law

قانوني qānūnī canonical; legal, statutory; lawful, legitimate, licit, accordant with law or regulations, valid, regular; legist, jurisprudent, jurist | صيدلي قانوني (ṣaidalī) certified and licensed pharmacist; غير قانوني illegal

قانونية qānūnīya legality, lawfulness

تقنين taqnīn legislation, lawmaking; codification (jur.); regulation by law; rationing

مقنن muqannin legislative, lawmaking; lawgiver, lawmaker, legislator

مقنن muqannan determined, fixed

قانئ qāni’ blood-red, deep-red

قنال qanāl canal | قنال السويس the Suez Canal

قنب qanb pl. قنوب qunūb calyx

قنب qunnab, qinnab hemp (Cannabis indica; bot.) | خيط القنب kaiṭ al-q. hemp rope, string, cord, twine, packthread

قنبي qinnabī hempen, hemp (adj.)

مقنب miqnab pl. مقانب maqānib2 troop of horsemen

1 قنبار qunbār (ir.) bast rug, bast runner

2 قنبر qunbur (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. قنابر qanābir2 lark (zool.)

3 قنبرة qunbura pl. قنابر qanābir2 bomb

4 قنبور qunbūr hump, hunch | ابو قنبور abū qunbūr hunchback

قنباز qunbāz pl. قنابيز qanābīz2 (syr.) a long, sleeved garment worn by men, open in front and fastened with a belt

1 قنبل qanbal and قنبلة qanbala pl. قنابل qanābil2 troop of horsemen; troop, group, band

2 قنبل qanbala to bomb (هـ s.th.)

قنبلة qunbula pl. قنابل qanābil2 bomb, bomb shell; grenade, shell | قنبلة حارقة incendiary bomb; قنبلة ذرية (darrīya) atomic bomb, A bomb; قنبلة غازية (gāzīya) gas bomb, gas shell; قنبلة مائية (mā’īya) depth charge; قنبلة محرقة (muḥriqa) incendiary bomb; قنبلة منفجرة (munfajira) high-explosive bomb; قنبلة هيدروجينية (haidrōjīnīya) hydrogen bomb, H bomb; قنبلة اليد q. al-yad or قنبلة يدوية (yadawīya) hand grenade

طائرة مقنبلة ṭā’ira muqanbila bomber; مقنبلات bombers

قنبيط qunnabīṭ cauliflower

قنت qanata u (قنوت qunūt) to be obedient, submissive, humble

قنوت qunūt obedience to God, humility before God, devoutness, piety

قنجة qanja pl. -āt, قناج qināj Nile boat

قند qand pl. قنود qunūd hard crystalline mass formed by evaporating or boiling cane sugar, candy

مقنود maqnūd and مقند muqannad sweetened with qand

قندز qunduz and قندس qundus beaver

قندق qandaq pl. قنادق qanādiq2 gunstock, rifle butt

قندلفت qandalaft pl. -īya sexton, sacristan (Chr.)

قندول qandūl aspalatus (bot.)

قنديل qindīl pl. قناديل qanādīl2 lamp; candlestick; candelabrum

قنزعة qunza’a, qanza’a, qinzi’a pl. قنازع qanāzi’2 tuft of hair; cock’s comb, crest of a rooster

قنص qanaṣa i (qanṣ) and VIII to hunt, shoot, bag (هـ s.th.); to hunt up (هـ s.th.), get hold (هـ of s.th.); to make use, take advantage, avail o.s. (الظروف of the circumstances, الفرصة al-furṣa of the opportunity, and the like)

قنص qanṣ hunting, shooting, hunt

قنص qanaṣ quarry, bag, game

قنيص qanīṣ game, quarry, bag, catch; hunter

قناص qannāṣ pl. قناصة qanāṣa hunter

قانص qāniṣ pl. قناص qunnāṣ hunter

قانصة qāniṣa pl. قوانص qawāniṣ2 gizzard

O قانصة qāniṣa pl. -āt tank destroyer (Syr.; mil.)

مقنوص maqnūṣ quarry, bag, catch

قنصل qunṣul pl. قناصل qanāṣil2 consul | نائب القنصل and وكيل القنصل vice-consul; قنصل عام (‘āmm) consul general

قنصلي qunṣulī consular

قنصلية qunṣulīya pl. -āt consulate | قنصلية عامة (‘āmma) consulate general

قنصلاتو qunṣulātō consulate

قنط qaniṭa a (qanaṭ), qanaṭa u i (قنوط qunūṭ) and qanuṭa u (قناطة qanāṭa) to despair, despond, become disheartened, be without hope, lose all courage II to drive to despair, dishearten, discourage (ه s.o.) IV do.

قنط qanaṯ and قنوط qunūṭ despair, despondency, desperateness, hopelessness

قنط qaniṭ and قنوط qanūṭ despairing, desperate, disheartened, discouraged

قانط qāniṭ despairing, desperate, despondent, disheartened, discouraged

1 قنطر qantara to arch, span, vault (هـ s.th.)

قنطرة qantara pl. قناطر qanāṭir2 arched bridge, stone bridge; vault, arch; archway, arcade; arches, viaduct, aqueduct (esp. pl.); dam, weir | قنطرة موازنة regulator, regulating device (at a canal, esp. in the Egyptian irrigation system); القناطر الخيرية (kairīya) the Barrages, at the entrance of the Nile delta, about 15 miles north of Cairo

مقنطر muqanṭar vaulted, arched, arcaded

قنطر qanṭara to possess tremendous riches

قنطار qinṭār pl. قناطير qanāṭīr2 kantar, a varying weight of 100 رطل raṭl (in Eg. = 44.93 kg, in Tunisia = 53.9 kg, in Syria = 256.4 kg) | قناطير مقنطرة (muqanṭara) accumulated riches; tremendous sums

قنطاريون qinṭārīyūn centaury (Erythrea centauricum; bot.)

قنطرمة qanṭarma pl. -āt snaffle, bridoon

قنع qani’a a (qana’, قنعان qun’ān, قناعة qanā’a) to content o.s., be content, be satisfied (ب with); to be convinced II to mask (هـ the face); to veil (هـ the face, to a woman); to satisfy, content (ه s.o.), give satisfaction (ه to); to convince (ب ه s.o. of); to persuade (ه s.o.) IV to content, satisfy (ه s.o.), give satisfaction (ه to); to convince (ه s.o.); to induce, persuade (ب ه s.o. to do s.th.), prevail (ب ه upon s.o. to do s.th.) V to mask or conceal one’s face; to veil one’s face, be veiled, wear a veil VIII to content o.s., be content (ب with); to be convinced (ب of)

قنع qin‘ pl. اقناع aqnā‘ arms, weapons, armor

قنع qana‘ contentment, content, contentedness; frugality, moderation, temperance, abstemiousness

قناعة qanā‘a satisfaction; contentment, content, contentedness; frugality, temperance, moderation

قنع qani‘ satisfied, content, contented; temperate, moderate, abstemious

قناع qinā‘ pl. قنع qunu‘ arms, weapons, armor; -- (pl. اقنعة aqni‘a, also قناعات qinā‘āt) veil, head veil; mask; pericardium | قناع واق (wāqin) gas mask

قنوع qanū‘ pl. قنع qunu‘ satisfied, content (ب with); frugal, modest, temperate

مقنع maqna‘ sufficiency | في ذلك مقنع له that is enough for him, he may content himself with that

اقناع iqnā‘ satisfying, satisfaction, contenting (of s.o.); persuasion; convincing, convincement, conviction

تقنع taqannu‘ mummery, masquerade

اقتناع iqtinā‘ satisfaction, contentment, content, contentedness; conviction (= convincedness)

قانع qāni‘ satisfied, content (ب with)

مقنع muqanna‘ veiled; masked

مقتنع muqtani‘ satisfied, content (ب with); convinced

قنفذ qunfud pl. قنافذ qanāfid2 hedgehog | قنفذ البحر q. al-baḥr or قنفذ بحري (baḥrī) sea urchin (Echinus; zool.); porcupine fish (Diodon; zool.)

قنقر qanqar kangaroo

قنال look up alphabetically

1 قنم qanima a (qanam) to be or become rancid, rank

قنومة qannūma sacred fish (Mormyrus oxyrhynchus)

2 اقنوم uqnūm pl. اقانيم aqānīm2 hypostasis, person of the Trinity (Chr.); basic element, substance, subsistent principle

قنو ) and قني) قنا qanā u (قنو qanw, qunūw, قنوة qunwa, قنوان qunwān) to acquire, appropriate, make one’s own (هـ s.th.); to possess, own, have (هـ s.th.); -- قنى qanā i (qany, قنيان qunyān) to acquire, gain (هـ s.th.); -- قني qaniya a (قنا qanan) to be hooked, aquiline (nose) II to dig (a canal) VIII to acquire (هـ s.th.); to get, procure, purchase (هـ s.th.)

قنو qunw, qinw pl. اقناء aqnā’, قنوان qunwān, qinwān, قنيان qunyān, qinyān bunch of dates

قنوة qunwa, qinwa appropriation, acquisition; property in livestock, wealth, fortune, possessions, property

قنية qunya, qinya acquisition, property

قناة qan`ah pl. قنى qanan, qunīy, قناء qinā’, قنوات qanawāt, قنيات qanayāt spear, (bamboo) lance; shaft; tube, duct, pipe; -- (pl. اقنية aqniya, قنوات qanawāt) canal; stream, waterway | قناة دمعية (dam‘īya) lachrymal canal; قناة العلم q. al-’alam flagpole; لانت قناته lānat qanātuhū to soften, relent; to yield, give in

قناية qanāya pl. -āt small stream, rivulet, runnel, canal

O قنية qunayya cannula

اقنى aqnā bent, curved, crooked, hooked

اقتناء iqtinā’ purchase, acquisition

قان qānin pl. قانية qāniya possessor, owner; see also alphabetically

مقتنى muqtanan pl. مقتنيات muqtanayāt thing acquired, acquisition

قهر qahara a (qahr) to subject, subjugate, conquer, vanquish, defeat (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to subdue, overpower, overwhelm, overcome (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to force, compel, coerce (على ه s.o. to)

قهر qahr vanquishing, subdual, subjection, subjugation; compulsion, coercion, force; (eg.) annoyance, trouble, sorrow, grief; قهرا qahran forcibly, by force; perforce, of necessity

قهرة quhra compulsion, coercion, constraint, force

قهري qahrī compelling, compulsory, mandatory, coercive; forcible, forced | ابتسامة قهرية forced smile; سبب قهري (sabab) compelling reason

قاهر qāhir forcible, cogent, overpowering, irresistible; vanquisher, conqueror, victor; القاهر the planet Mars

مصر القاهرة miṣr al-qāhira or القاهرة al-qāhira Cairo

قاهري qāhirī Cairene; (pl. -ūn) a Cairene

قهار qahhār conquering, vanquishing; القهار the Subduer, the Almighty (God)

قهرمان qahramān pl. قهارمة qahārima steward, butler, household manager

قهرمانة qahramāna (woman) housekeeper

قهقر qahqara to move backward, go back, fall back, retreat, withdraw; to fall behind, lag behind; to recede, retrogress, retrograde, decline, degenerate, deteriorate II taqahqara do.

قهقرة qahqara backward movement, recedence, recession, retrogression, fall-back, retreat; decline, retrogradation, degeneration

قهقرى qahqarā backward movement, recedence, recession, retrogression, fallback, retreat; decline, retrogradation, degeneration | عاد القهقرى to fall back, retreat, withdraw

تقهقر taqahqur regress, recession, recedence, retrogression, lag, fallback, retreat

قهقه qahqaha to laugh boisterously, guffaw

قهقهة qahqaha loud burst of laughter, guffaw, horselaugh

قهوة qahwa coffee; (pl. qahawāt and قهاوي qahāwī) cafe, coffeehouse | قهوة سادة coffee without sugar

قهواتي qahwātī, qahawātī pl. -īya (syr.) coffeehouse owner

قهوجي qahwajī coffeehouse owner; coffee cook

مقهى maqhan and مقهاة maqhāh pl. مقاه maqāhin cafe, coffeehouse

مقهاية maqhāya (yem.) cafe, coffeehouse

قهي qahiya a: قهي من الطعام (ṭa‘ām) and IV اقهى من الطعام to have little appetite

قاه qāhin supplied with provisions

(قوب) قاب qāba u (qaub) to dig; to dig up, burrow, excavate, hollow out (هـ the ground) II do. V to break open, burst open (egg)

قاب qāb small distance; short span (between the middle and the end of a bow) | على قاب قوسين (q. qausain) quite near, very close; imminent; على قاب لمحة (q. lamḥa) in a moment

قوب qūb pl. اقواب aqwāb young bird, chick

قوباء qūbā’, quwabā’2 and قوبة qūba, quwaba pl. قوب quwab tetter (med.)

(قوت) قات qāta u (qaut, qūt, قياتة qiyāta) to feed, nourish, subsist, sustain, support (ه s.o.), provide for the support (ه of) II and IV do. V to be fed, be supported; to feed, livo (ب on s.th.); to eat (ب s.th.) VIII do.; to take in or absorb as nourishment (هـ s.th.)

قات qāt kat (Catha edulis Forskàl; bot.); the leaves of this shrub which act as an excitant when chewed | قات الرعيان q. ar-ru‘yān a variety of lettuce (Lactuca inermis Forsk.; bot.)

قوت qūt pl. اقوات aqwāt nutriment, aliment, nourishment, food, viands | مواد القوت mawādd al-q. foodstuffs

تقوت taqawwut nutrition, alimentation

المقيت al-muqīt the Feeder, the Nourisher (God)

قاح (قوح ) qāḥa u (qauḥ) to fester, suppurate, swell (wound); to sweep (هـ the house) II to sweep (هـ the house) III to quarrel, pick a quarrel V to fester, suppurate, swell

قاحة qāḥa pl. قوح qūḥ courtyard

قاد (قود ) qāda u (quad, قياد qiyād, قيادة qiyada, مقادة maqāda) to lead, lead by a halter (هـ s.th.); to conduct, guide, engineer, steer (هـ s.th.); to drive, steer (هـ e.g., an automobile), pilot (هـ an airplane); to pander, pimp IV to cause (ه s.o.) to retaliate VII to be led, be guided; to follow, obey (ل s.o.), yield, submit (ل to s.o.) VIII to lead; to be led X to retaliate

قود qaud leadership; pandering, pimping

قود qawad retaliation

قواد qawwād pander, pimp, procurer

قؤود qa’ūd tractable, docile, amenable, manageable; trained (horse)

اقود aqwad2 tractable, docile, amenable, manageable

قياد qiyād leadership, guidance; leading rope, halter | سلس القياد salis al-q. tractable, docile, amenable, manageable, pliant; صعب القياد ṣa’b al-q. intractable, unruly, ungovernable

قيادة qiyāda leadership, guidance; driving, steering, steerage (of a vehicle); command | القيادة العليا (العامة ) (‘ulyā, ‘āmma) supreme command; عجلة القيادة ‘ajalat al-q. steering wheel (of an automobile)

مقود miqwad pl. مقاود maqawid leading rope, leading rein, halter; steering mechanism; steering wheel

انقياد inqiyād obedience, compliances, yielding, submission

قائد qā’id pl. قواد quwwād, قود quwwad, قادة qāda, قادات qādāt leader; directors, manager; head, chief; commander, commandant; high-ranking officer, senior officer; caïd, native governmental officer heading a caïdate in Tunisia; steersman, helmsman | قائد الجيش q. al-jaiš commander of an army, general; قائد العام (‘āmm) supreme commander; القائد الأعلى (a’lā) commander-in-chief of the Eg. navy; قائد عام الأساطيل الجوية (‘āmm, jawwīya) lieutenant general of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); قائد الأساطيل الجوية (jawwīya) major general of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); قائد اسطول الجوي q. usṭūl jawwī colonel of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); قائد لواء جوي lieutenant colonel of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); قائد فرقة جوية q. firqa jawwīya major of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); قائد جناح q. janāḥ wing commander (Eg. 1939); قائد سرب q. sirb captain of the Air Force (Eg. 1939); قادة الفكر q. al-fikr leading thinkers

قور II to make a round hole (هـ in s.th.); to gouge, scoop out, hollow out (هـ s.th.); to cut out in a round form, cut round (هـ s.th.) V to coil (snake) VIII اقتار and اقتور iqtawara = II

قار qār pitch; tar

قارة qāra pl. -āt, قور qūr, قيران qīrān hill; see also qarra under; قر

مقورة miqwara gouge

تقوير taqwīr gouging, hollowing out

تقويرة taqwīra neckline (of a garment)

مقور muqawwar cut out in a round form; gouged, hollowed out, scooped out; chiseled out; low-cut, low-necked, décolleté (dress)

قورمة qawurma (eg.) mutton or beef cut in small pieces and braised with squash (qar’) or onions and tomatoes

قوس qawisa a (qawas) to be bent, curved, crooked II = I; to bend, curve, crook (هـ s.th.); to shoot V = I; to bend

قوس qaus m. and f., pl. of اقواس aqwās, قسي qusīy, qisīy bow, longbow; arc (geom.); arch, vault (arch.; of a bridge); violin bows, fiddlestick; semicircular table; قوسان parentheses (punctuation marks); القوس Sagittas, the Archer (sign of the zodiac) | بين قوسين (qausain) in parentheses; قوس قزح q. quzaḥa rainbow; قوس الندف q. an-nadf teasing bow (for combing or carding cotton); قوس النصر q. an-naṣr triumphal arch; لم يبق في قوس صبري منزع lam yabqa fī q. ṣabrī minz‘ my patience is at an end (lit.: there is no arrow left for the bow of my patience)

قواس qawwās bowmaker; bowman, archer; kavass, consular guard

قويسة quwaisa sage (bot.)

مقوس muqawwas bent, crooked, curved, arched

قوش qūš pl. اقواش aqwāš crupper (of the saddle or harness); straps, girth

قاووش qāwūš pl. قواويش qawāwīš2 prison cell

قواص qawāṣ see قواس qawwās

قاض (قوض ) qāḍa u (qauḍ) to demolish, tear down, wreck, raze (هـ a building), strike (هـ a tent) II do.; to break off (هـ s.th.); to smash (هـ s.th.) V to be demolished, undergo demolition; to collapse, fall in, cave in; to break up, scatter, disperse (crowd); to desist (عن from), give in, give way (عن to)

تقويض taqwīḍ wrecking, demolition; destruction, annihilation

مقاوضة muqāwaḍa barter, exchange, interchange

1 قوط qauṭ pl. اقواط aqwāṭ flock of sheep

2 القوط al-qūṭ the Goths

قوطي qūṭī Gothic

3 قوطة qauṭa small basket for fruit; date basket

4 قوطة qūṭa (eg.) tomatoes

قاع (قوع ) qā‘ pl. قيعان qī‘ān, اقوع aqwu‘, اقواع aqwā‘ plain, lowland; bottom, lowest part; wave trough (phys.); floor (of a mine); gulf, abyss | قاع النهر q. an-nahr river bed; بلاد القاع the Netherlands

قاعة qā‘a pl. -āt paved courtyard; entrance hall, vestibule, corridor; hall; sizable room | قاعة المحاضرات q. al-muḥāḍarāt lecture hall, auditorium (of a university); قاعة التدريس lecture room, classroom; قاعة الطعام q. aṭ-ṭa‘ām dining room; messhall; قاعة العرش q. al-‘arš throne room; قاعة المطالعة q. al-muṭāla‘a reading room, study hall; قاعة الأفراح banquet hall, ballroom

1 قاق (قوق ) qāqa u (qauq) to cackle, cluck (hen) II do.

قاق qāq pl. قيقان qīqān (syr.) raven | قاق الماء cormorant (zool.)

ام قويق umm quwaiq (eg.) owl (zool.)

2 قاوق and قاووق pl. قواويق look up alphabetically

القوقاز al-qauqāz and القوقاس al-qauqās the Caucasus

القوقازيون al-qauqāzīyūn the Caucasians

قوقع qauqa‘ seashell

قوقعة qauqa‘a pl. قواقع qawāqi‘2 snail

1(قول) قال qāla u (قول qaul) to speak, say, tell (هـ s.th., ل to s.o.; في, عن هـ s.th. about or of), utter, voice (هـ s.th.); to speak (عن of), deal (عن with), treat (عن of); to state, maintain, assert, propound, teach, profess, advocate, defend (ب s.th.); to support, hold (ب a view), stand up (ب for), be the proponent (ب of a doctrine or dogma); to allege (ب s.th.); with على : to speak against s.o., speak ill of s.o., tell lies about s.o. | قال برأسه (bi-ra’sihī) to motion with the head, signal, beckon; قيل في المثل qīla fī l-matal the proverb says; ولا يقال ان (inna) one cannot say that ..., let no one say that …; او قل au qul or, or rather, or say even …; وقل مثل هذه في (wa-qul mitla) or وقل مثله في or وكذلك قل في the same must be said about …, the same can be said of ..., the same applies to III to confer, parley, treat, negotiate (ه with s.o.); to dispute, wrangle, argue; to haggle, bargain (ه with s.o., about the price); to make a contract; to conclude a bargain, make a deal (ه with s.o.) V to fabricate lies, spread rumors (على about s.o.); to pretend, allege, purport (هـ s.th.) | تقول الأقاويل (aqāwīla) to talk foolishly X O to render (voice by radio)

قال وقيل qāl wa-qīl and قيل وقال qīl wa-qāl long palaver; idle talk, prattle, gossip

قالة qāla speech, talk | سوء القالة sū’ al-q. malicious gossip, backbiting, defamation

قول qaul pl. اقوال aqwāl, اقاويل aqāwīl2 word, speech, saying, utterance, remark; statement, declaration; report, account; doctrine, teaching; pl. اقوال also: testimony (in court); اقاويل sayings, locutions; proverbs | قولا وعملا qaulan wa-‘amalan or بالقول والفعل (fi‘l) by word and deed; اقوال الشهود testimonies, depositions, evidence; اعطى قوله a‘ṭā qaulahū to make one’s bid (at an auction)

قولة qaula (n. vic.) utterance, remark, word; pronouncement, dictum

قولة quwala garrulous, voluble, loquacious, talkative, communicative

قوال qawwāl garrulous, voluble, loquacious, talkative, communicative; itinerant singer and musician

مقول miqwal pl. مقاول maqāwil2 phonograph, gramophone, talking machine

مقال maqāl speech; proposition, contention, teaching, doctrine; article; treatise; piece of writing

مقالة maqāla pl. -āt article; essay; treatise; piece of writing | مقالة افتتاحية (iftitāḥīya) editorial, leading article

مقاولة muqāwala talk, conversation, parley, conference; dispute; contract; settlement, arrangement, agreement; bargain, deal, transaction, undertaking | بالمقاولة by the job, by the contract, by piece (work)

تقول taqawwul pl. -āt talk, rumor, gossip

قائل qā’il pl. قول quwwal saying, telling; teller, narrator; advocate, proponent (ب of s.th.)

مقول maqūl pl. -āt that which is said, utterance, saying; word(s), speech | المقولات العشر (‘ašr) the ten categories (philos.)

مقاول muqāwil contractor; building contractor

2 قول (Turk. kol) qōl wing of an army, army corps; قول اغاسي (Turk. kol ağası) a military rank intermediate between those of captain and major, adjutant major (Egs.)

قولحة qaulaḥa pl. قوالح qawāliḥ2 (eg.) cob (of corn, and the like)

قولنج qaulanj colic

قولون qolōn colon (anat.)

قام (قوم ) qāma u (قومة qauma, قيام qiyām) to get up; to stand up, stand erect; to rise (also fig.: voices, noise, wind); قام عليه to rise or turn against s.o., revolt or rebel against s.o., attack s.o.; قام له to rise in honor of s.o.; to rise from the dead, be resurrected; to ascend; to set out, start out; to depart, leave (train); to betake o.s., go (الى to); to stand; to remain standing; to be, exist, be existent; to be located, be situated, lie; to consist (ب in); to rest, be based, be founded (على on, also ب ), be built (على on); to have for its (main) theme (على a problem; of a book, and the like); to begin (يفعل to do s.th.), start (يفعل doing s.th.); to make s.th. (ب ) one’s business, concern o.s. (ب with), undertake, take upon o.s., perform, do, carry out, execute, accomplish, practice, exercise (ب s.th.); to stand up (ب for), support, advocate, endorse (ب s.th.); to be in charge (على of), manage, run, tend, guard, keep up, preserve (على s.th.); to take care (على of), attend (على to), watch (على over), look after s.th. (على ); to cost, be worth (ب so and so much) | قام البرهان على (burhān) proof had been furnished for; قام بأعباء الحكم (bi-a’bā’i l-ḥukm) to assume the burdens of government, take over power; قام باوده (bi-awadihī) to provide for s.o.’s needs, stand by s.o. in time of need; قام بدور (bi-daurin) to play a part; قام بشأنه (bi-ša’nihī) to take care of s.o., look after s.o., take s.o. under one’s wing; قام بالمصاريف to defray the costs, pay the expenses; قام بالواجب عليه to do one’s duty; قام بوعده (bi-wa‘dihī) to keep one’s word; قامت الحرب على ساق (ḥarb) the war was or became violent, flared up; war broke out; قام الحق (ḥaqq) truth became or was manifest; قامت الصلاة (ṣalāh) the time of prayer has come; قام على قدم وساق (qadamin wa-sāqin) to become fully effective, be in full progress, be in full swing; قاموا قومة رجل واحد (qaumata rajulin) they rose to a man; لم تقم له قائمة بعد lam taqum lahū qā’imatun ba‘du he was no longer able to put up any resistance, he was as good as finished; لا تقوم للأعداء قائمة there is no resistance against the enemies; قامت قيامته (qiyāmatuhū) to get excited, get angry, become furious; all hell broke loose in it; قامت قيامته ل (من ) to be upset, be shocked, be violently agitated by s.th.; قام في وجهه (wajhihī) to resist, oppose, defy s.o.; قام مقامه (maqāmahū) to replace s.o., substitute for s.o., deputize for s.o., take s.o.’s place; to serve as or instead of s.th., take the place of s.th., replace s.th.; قام منه مقامه to take the place of s.o. with s.o.; قام وقعد (wa-qa‘ada) to be in a state of great anxiety, be seriously upset, be very agitated; to be very alarmed (ل by s.th.); لا قام ولا قعد not to be lasting and durable II to set upright, lift up, raise (هـ s.th.); to create, shape, form, arrange, set up (هـ s.th.); to straighten, make or put straight (هـ s.th.); to arrange well, do properly (هـ s.th.); to put in order, fix, set going (هـ s.th.); to right, put to rights, rectify, correct, reform, amend (هـ s.th.); O to rectify (el.); to estimate, assess, appraise, value, rate (ب هـ s.th. at) | لا يقوم بثمن lā yuqawwamu bi-tamanin inestimable, invaluable, priceless III to resist, oppose (ه s.o.); to fight, combat (هـ s.th.); to raise objections, take issue, contend, argue (في ه with s.o. because of s.th.); to withstand (ه s.o.), hold out, hold one’s own (ه against), be on a par (ه with s.o.), equal, match (ه s.o.), measure up (ه to s.o.) | لا يقاوم lā yuqāwamu irresistible IV to straighten, straighten out, make right or correct, put in order (هـ s.th.); to make (ه s.o.) rise; to resurrect, raise from the dead (ه s.o.); to lift up, elevate (هـ s.th.); to set up, raise, erect (هـ s.th.); to start, originate, found, call into being (هـ s.th.); to fix, determine (هـ s.th.); to appoint, nominate, install (ه ه s.o. as); اقامه على to put s.o. in charge of s.th., commission s.o. with the management of s.th.; to agitate, rouse, excite (هـ s.th.); to make brisk, enliven, animate (هـ the market); to hold (هـ a meeting, a ceremony, etc.), celebrate (هـ a festival), put on, stage, organize (هـ a celebration, a pageant, etc.), give (هـ a reception); to occupy o.s. constantly (على with); to abide, stay, remain, dwell, reside, live (على in); to dwell (على on), persist (على in), keep, stick (على to) | اقام اوده (awadahū) to provide for s.o.’s needs, stand by s.o. in time of need; to support s.o., furnish s.o. with the means of subsistence; اقام البرهان الجلي على (burhāna l-jalīya) to furnish the unmistakable proof for ..., dearly prove s.th.; اقام الحجة (ḥujjata) to protest, lodge a protest; اقام حسابا ل (ḥisāban) to render account to s.o.; to give one’s mind to s.o. or s.th., make s.o. or s.th. one’s concern; اقام الدليل على ان to prove that ...; اقام الشعائر الدينية (dīnīya) to perform the liturgical rites; اقام الصلاة (ṣalāta) to perform the ritual prayer; اقام العدل (‘adla) to administer justice, handle the law; اقام القداس على (quddāsa) to read the Mass for s.o.; اقام قضية (دعوى) على (qaḍīyatan, da‘wā) to take legal action against s.o., sue s.o.; اقام له وزنا (waznan) to set great store by s.th., attach importance to s.th., make much of s.th.; لا يقام له وزن (yuqāmu, wazn) to be negligible, be of no consequence; اقام مباراة (mubārātan) to stage a contest; اقامه مقامه (maqāmahū) to make s.o. take the place of s.o. else, make s.o. replace s.o. else. substitute s.o. for s.o. else; اقام نفسه مقام الحامي (nafsahū maqama l-ḥāmī) to pose as the protector; اقامه واقعده (wa-aq‘adahū) to upset s.o. seriously, throw s.o. in a state of violent emotion; اقام الدنيا واقعدها (dunya wa-aq‘adahā) to move heaven and earth; to make a stir, create a sensation; لا يقيم له قيامة (qiyāmatan) he forestalls any resistance on his part X to rise, get up, stand up; to straighten up, draw o.s. up; to stand upright, stand erect; to be or become straight; to be right, correct, sound, proper, in order; to keep, stick (في to s.th.) | استقام له الكلام (kalāmu) he said the right thing about ..., he talked sense about ...

قوم qaum pl. اقوام aqwām fellow tribesmen, kinsfolk, kin, kindred; tribe, race, people, nation; people | عالم الأقوام ethnographer, ethnologist; سيقول قوم ان (inna) people will say ...

قومة qauma rising; uprising, revolt

قومي qaumī national; ethnic, racial; قوميات national traits; (pl. -īya) “goumier”, member of the native cavalry troops recruited from the local tribes in French North Africa

قومية qaumīya nationalism; nationality

قامة qāma stature, figure, build, frame (of a person); fathom (measure of length = 6 feet); stand, support, tripod

قيم qayyim valuable, precious; straight, right; caretaker, curator, custodian, superintendent; القيمة al-qayyima the true faith | كتب قيمة (kutub) valuable books

قيمة qīma pl. قيم qiyam value, worth; size of an amount, amount, quantity; price | ذو قيمة valuable; لا قيمة له (qīmata worthless

قيمي qīmī relating to the value, by the standard of value, according to the value; nonfungible (Isl. Law) | مال قيمي nonfungible things, nonfungibles (Isl. Law)

قوام qawām upright posture, erect bearing; straightness; stature, physique, build, frame; figure, body (of a person); rightness, properness, proper condition, normal state; strength, vigor, stamina; firmness, consistency; support, stay, prop; livelihood, living

قوام qiwām support, stay, prop; basis, foundation; stock, supply; sustenance, subsistence, livelihood | قوام اهله q. ahlihī the provider, or supporter, of his family

قوام qawwām manager, director, superintendent, caretaker, keeper, custodian, guardian (على of s.th.)

قوامة qiwāma guardianship

قويم qawīm pl. قيام qiyām straight, upright, erect; correct, right, proper, sound, authentic; true (religion); firm, solid

قيام qiyām rising, getting up; standing; existence; outbreak (e.g., of a revolt); setting out, leaving, departure (also, esp., of trains); performance. execution, carrying out, consummation, discharge, accomplishment, undertaking (ب of s.th.); support, stay, prop; sustenance, subsistence, livelihood | الى قيام الساعة till doomsday, forever and ever, in perpetuity, for all time to come; قيام اهله q. ahlihī the provider, or supporter, of his family; القيام بالعمل (‘amal) performance; working, functioning

قيامة qiyāma resurrection; tumult, turmoil, upheaval, revolution, overthrow; guardianship | عيد القيامة ‘īd al-q. Easter; يوم القيامة yaum al-q. the day of resurrection, the day of final judgment; قامت قيامته (qiyāmatuhū) to get excited, get angry, become furious; all hell broke loose in it; (عن) قامت قيامته ل to be upset, be shocked, be violently agitated by s.th.

القيوم al-qayyūm the Everlasting, the Eternal (God)

اقوم aqwam2 straighter; more correct, sounder; more adequate, more appropriate

مقوم miqwam plowtail, plow handle

مقام maqām pl. -āt site, location, position; place, spot, point, locality; situation; station; standing, position, rank, dignity; tomb of a saint, sacred place; key, tonality, mode (mus.) | في هذا المقام on this occasion; مقام ابراهيم small building near the Kaaba, in Mecca (housing a stone with ِ Abraham’s foot-prints); مقام الحديث topic of the conversation; المقامات السياسية (الرسمية ) (siyāsīya, rasmīya) the political (official) agencies; مقام الكسر m. al-kasr denominator of a fraction; صاحب المقام الرفيع title conferred upon the holder of the order of “Collier Fouad I”, established by Fuad I in 1936; كان عندي في مقام والدي (m. wālidī) he assumed the responsibility of fatherhood for me; cf. also muqām and under قمّ

مقامة maqāma pl. -āt sitting, session, meeting; a genre of Arabic rhythmic prose

تقويم taqwīm pl. تقاويم taqāwīm2 raising, setting up, erection; appraisal, assessment, estimation, fating, valuation; correction; rectification, amendment, reform, reformation, reorganization, reshaping, modification, adaption; a rectification, detection (el., radio); land survey, surveying; determination of geographical longitude and latitude; geography; stocktaking; almanac; calendar; chronology | التقويم الجويجوري the Gregorian calendar; تقويم زمني (zamanī) chronology; علم تقويم البلدان ‘ilm t. al-buldān geography

مقاومة muqāwama resistance; opposition; fight, struggle, battle (with foll. genit.: against); O resistance (el.) | O مقاومة جوية (jawwīya) antiaircraft defense; مقاومة سلبية (salbīya) passive resistance; دون مقاومة without resistance, unresistingly

اقامة iqāma raising, lifting up; elevation; setting up; erection; establishment (of an institute); execution; performance; holding, convocation (e.g., of a meeting), celebration (e.g., of a festival), putting on, staging (e.g., of a pageant, of a celebration); resurrection (of the dead); stay, sojourn; second call to the salat in a mosque, indicating the imminent beginning of the prayer; (Magr.) residentship, office of resident | اقامة الشعائر الدينية (dīnīya) performance of the religious ceremonies, celebration of the divine service; اقامة العدل i. al-‘adl administration of justice; محل الإقامة maḥall al-i. (place of) residence, domicile; address

استقامة istiqāma straightness; sincerity, uprightness, rectitude, integrity, probity, honesty; rightness, soundness, correctness

قائم qā’im pl. قوم quwwam, قيم quyyam, قوام quwwām, قيام quyyām rising, getting up; standing; upright, erect; stand-up; existing, existent; visible, conspicuous; firm, steadfast, staunch, unflinching, unshakable; revolting, rebelling (على against); vertical, perpendicular (على to) | قائم بالأعمال, قائم بأعمال المفوضية (bi-a. al-mufawwāḍīya) charge d’affaires (dipl.); قائم الذات, قائم بذاته, قائم برأسه (bi-ra’sihī) and بنفسه (bi-nafsihi) self-existent, independent; في قائم حياته (q. ḥayātihi) during his lifetime; قائم الزاوية q. az-zāwiya rectangular, right-angled; الزاوية القائمة right angle

قائممقام qā’im-maqām, qā’imaqām administrative officer at the head of a qaḍā’, approx.: district president (Ir., Syr., Leb.); lieutenant colonel (mil.; Tun., formerly also Eg.); commander (naval rank; Eg.)

قائممقامية qā’im-maqāmīya, qā’imaqāmīya administrative district headed by a qā’im-maqam, in Iraq = qaḍā’

قائمة qā’ima pl. قوائم qawā’im leg, foot, paw (of a quadruped); leg, foot (of furniture); pale, stake, post, prop, stanchion, pillar; pommel (of a sword’s hilt); stand, base, support; (fig.) main support, pillar; (pl. also -āt) list, roster, register, index, table, schedule; catalogue; invoice, bill | قائمة الطعام q. aṭ-ṭa‘ām menu, bill of fare; see also قوم I

مقوم muqawwim estimator, appraiser, assessor; -- (pl. -āt) formative element, constituent factor; O rectifier, detector (el., radio); pl. مقومات elements, constituents, components, formative agents, basic factors, fundamentals | مقومات الحياة m. al-ḥayāh means of subsistence; earthly possessions; مقومات الجمال m. al-jamāl cosmetics; العمران m. al-‘umrān cultural factors

مقوم muqawwam highly creditable, valuable, valued, treasured, prized; pl. مقومات valuable possessions, valuables; assets, values

مقاوم muqāwim resisting, resistent, reluctant, averse, unwilling; opponent, adversary, antagonist

مقيم muqim raising, lifting up, setting up, erecting, etc. j remaining, staying, abiding, lingering; permanent, lasting, enduring; persistent; living, residing, resident, domiciled; re8ident (dipl.) | مقيم بواجباته (bi-wājibātihī) dutiful, conscientious, loyal; مقيم عام (āmm) Resident General (Tun.)

مقيمي muqīmī residential

مقيمية muqīmīya residentship, residency

مقام muqām raised, set up, erected, etc.; pending (legal action); stay, sojourn; abode, habitat, whereabouts; place of residence; duration of stay; see also under قمّ

مستقيم mustaqīm upright, erect; straight; dead straight, straight as a die; directed straight ahead; correct, right, sound, proper, in order; even, regular, symmetrical, proportionate, harmonious; honest, straightforward, upright, righteous, honorable; (pl. -āt) a straight, straight line (math.); reotum (anat.)

قومسير (Fr. commissaire) qomisēr commissioner

قومندان (Fr. commandant) qomandān commander, commandant

قونة qūna pl. قون quwan icon; image of a saint

قونية qōniya2 Konya (city in Anatolia)

قوه II to shriek, scream, yell, cry, shout

قوي qawiya a (قوة qūwa) to he or become strong, vigorous, forceful, mighty; to become stronger, increase in power, gain ascendancy; to be able to do s.th. (على in or about s.th.), have influence (على over s.th.); to he able to cope (على with s.th.), be able to manage or tackle (على s.th.); to be superior (على to s.o.); -- (قي qiyy, قواية qawāya) to he depopulated, deserted, forsaken, desolate (place); -- (قوى qawan) to starve, be starved; to be denied, he withheld (rain) II to make strong or vigorous, strengthen, fortify, consolidate, invigorate, brace (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to encourage, hearten, embolden (ه s.o.); to intensify (هـ s.th.) III to vie or compete in strength (ه with s.o.); to equal, match (ه s.o.) IV to be poor; to be empty, deserted, forsaken, desolate (place) V to be or become strong; to intensify, become stronger; to take heart, take courage VIII to claim for o.s. (هـ s.th.) X = V

قواء qawā’, qiwā’ and قي qiyy desert, wasteland, desolate country

قواء qawā’ and قوى qawan hunger, starvation

قوة qūwa pl. -āt, قوى quwan strength; vigor; potency; power, force; intensity; violence, vehemence; courage, pluck; faculty, ability, capability, aptitude; efficacy, efficiency, potential; O (electric) energy, power, capacity, output; armed force, troop; قوات qūwāt armed forces; troops|بالقوة forcibly, by force; inherently, virtually (philos.); بقوة وجلاء bi-qūwatin wa-jalā’in (to speak) loud and distinctly; منسرق القوة munsariq al-q. weakened, debilitated, effete, exhausted, spent; قوة احتياطية (iḥtiyāṭīyaī) reserves (mil.); قوة الإذاعة q. al-idā‘a transmitting power (radio); قوة الإرادة q. al-irāda will power; قوة الاستمرار inertia; قوة حافظة memory; قوة الحدود frontier guard, border guard; قوة خفيفة light, mobile task force (mil.); O قوة دافعة كهربائية (kahrabā’īya) electromotive force, e.m.f.; قوة دفاعية (difā‘īya) total defense potential; O قوة سطحية (saṭḥīya) surface task force (navy); قوة الشراء purchasing power; قوة الصوت q. aṣ-ṣaut volume, intensity (radio) قوة عاقلة intellectual power, faculty of perception; قوة عراك combat force; قوة على العمل (‘amal) working power; output capacity; قوة القانون legal force; قوة قاهرة force majeure; قوة مركزية (markazīya) central power; O قوة مركزية جاذبة centripetal force; O قوة مركزية طاردة centrifugal force; قوة مضادة للطائرات (muḍādda) antiaircraft defense; قوة معنوية (ma‘nawīya) moral strength, morale, spirit; قوة q. an-nabt germinative faculty; قوة نظامية (niẓāmīya) regular army; قوات برية وبحرية وجوية (barrīya wa-baḥrīya wa-jawwīya) ground, sea, and air forces; العاب القوى athletics, specif., track and field

قوي qawīy pl. اقوياء aqwiyā’2 strong; vigorous; potent; mighty, powerful, forceful; intense, violent, vehement i firm, solid, robust, hardy, sturdy | قوى العارضة eloquent, quick, witted

اقوى aqwā stronger

تقوية taqwiya strengthening; fortification, consolidation; intensification; encouragement

تقاوي taqāwī (eg.) seed (for sowing)

اقواء iqwā’ depopulation; imperfect rhyme (change of the vowel following the rhyme letter)

مقو muqawwin strengthening, fortifying, invigorating; corroborant; (pl. مقويات muqawwiyāt) a restorative, tonic, cordial, corroborant; O amplifier (radio)

مقوى muqawwan strengthened, reinforced, stiffened, stiff|ورق مقوى (waraq) cardboard, pasteboard

قى qiyy see قوى

(قىء) قاء qā’a i (قيء qay’) to vomit II to cause (ه s.o.) to vomit (of an emetic) V = I

قياء quyā’ vomit, that which is vomited

مقيئ muqayyi’ pl. مقيئات muqayyi’āt a vomitive, an emetic| الجوز المقيئ (jauz) nux vomica

قيتار qītār pl. قياتير qayātīr2, قيثار qītār and قيثارة qītāra pl. قياثير qayātīr2, a guitar; lyre

(قاح) قيح qāḥa i (qaiḥ) to suppurate, fester, be purulent II and V do.

قيح qaiḥ pl. قيوح quyūḥ pus, matter

تقيح taqayyuḥ suppuration, maturation, purulence

متقيح mutaqayyiḥ suppurative, festering, purulent

1 قيد II to bind, tie, fetter, shackle (ب ه s.o. with; also fig.: to bind or tie s.o. to); to limit, restrict, confine, qualify (هـ s.th.); to impose restrictions (هـ, ه on s.o., on s.th.), set bounds (هـ, ه to s.o., to s.th.), curb, check (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to fix, determine, lay down, specify, stipulate (هـ s.th.); to write, write down, note down (هـ s.th.), make a note, take notes (هـ of) ; to enter, book (هـ s.th.) ; to register, record (هـ s.th., also fig., of the eyes); to enroll (ه s.o., in a list or register); to charge (على هـ s.th. to s.o.,s account), debit (على هـ with s.th. s.o.); to place s.th. (هـ ) to s.o.’s credit (ل ), credit (ل هـ with s.th. s.o.) V pass. Of II; to bind o.s., be bound (ب to, by, e.g., by an obligation); to be limited, restricted; to enroll, have one’s name registered

قيد qaid pl. قيود quyūd (also اقياد aqyād) fetter, shackle, chain; bond, tie; strap, thong; recording, record, booking, entering, entry, registering, registration, registry; enrollment (e.g., at matriculation); fixation, determination, specification, stipulation; document; limitation, confinement, restriction, qualification, reservation; condition, proviso; amount, measure, degree; distance|قيد الاسنان gum(s); قيد الانساب genealogical tree; family tree; من غير قيد او روابط without any reservation, without qualification; بلا قيد ولا شرط (šarṯ) without any reservation, without qualification; with no strings attached; unconditional; قلم القيودات qalam al-quyūdāt bureau of vital statistics, (G.B.) (general) register office; بقيد الحياة bi-q. il-ḥayāh or على قيد الحياة (still) alive, living; قيد شعرة qaida ša‘ratin, by a hairbreadth, within 80 hair’s breadth; لا قيد انملة la qaida unmulatin not one inch, not one iota; على قيد ساعات معدودة (q. sā‘atin) within a few hours; على قيد عشرة كيلومترات at a distance of 1o km; عن قيد البصر (q. il-baṣar) within sight

قيد qaida (prep.) under subject to, the object of, in the process of, in the stage of| المشروع قيد الدرس (dars) the project is being studied, is under consideration; المسألة قيد البحث (mas’ala, baḥt) the affair is subject to investigation, is being investigated

قيدى qaidī booking-, registration, (in compounds), e.g., رسوم قيدية booking fees, registration fees

تقييد taqyīd pl. –āt, تقاييد taqāyīd2 fattering, shackling, tying, binding; reservation, qualification; limitation, restriction, confinement, curtailment; entry, registry, registration, booking|تقييد النسل t. an-nas1 birth control; رسم التقييد rasm al-t. registration fee

تقيد taqayyud pl. -āt a being bound, obligation, tie, bond; restriction, limitation, confinement

مقيد muqayyad fettered, shackled, bound, tied, tied down; limited, restricted, confined; booked, registered|غير مقيد unlimited, unrestricted; ملك مقيد (mulk) constitutional monarchy

2 قياد and قيادة see قود

قير II to tar, pitch (هـ s.th.)

قار qār end قير qīr tar; pitch

قيراط qīrāṯ pl. قراريط qarārīt2 inch; a dry measure (Eg. = 1/33 قدح = 0.064 l); a square measure (Eg. = 1/24 فدان = 175.035 m2); karat, a weight (Eg. = 1/16 درهم = 0.195 g)

قيروان qairawān pl. -āt caravan

القيروان al-qairawān Kairouan (city in NE Tunisia)

(قيس) قاس qāsa i (qais, قياس qiyās) to measure, gauge, measure out (هـ s.th.), take the measurements (هـ of); to try on (هـ a garment); to weigh, judge (هـ s.th., ب, على by analogy with s.th. else), drew analogous conclusions (على from s.th., هـ for s.th. else); to compare, correlate, bring into relation (على or ب هـ s.th. with, also الى هـ ), proportion (على or y هـ s.th. to, also الى هـ)|وقس عليه wa-qis ‘alaihī end so forth II to measure (هـ s.th.) III to compare (بين الشيئين between two things, هـ s.th., الى or ب with or to) VIII to measure (هـ s.th.); to imitate, follow (ب s.o.), take after s.o. (ب )

قياس qiyās pl. -āt, اقيسة aqyisa measure, measurement, dimension; scale; exemplar, example; reference, relation; record (athlet.); comparison; analogy; deduction by analogy|قياسا على ذلك by analogy (with it), analogously (to it); correspondingly; بالقياس الى in comparison with, (as) compared to; in proportion to, in relation with; with reference to, with respect to, with regard to; على القياس by analogy; regular; after the model, accordant with the model; بغير قياس illogical; أخذ قياسه to take s.o.’s measure (tailor); متناسب القياس mutanāsib al-q. fitting together, well matched; equal in proportion, commensurate, commensurable; قياس عالمى (‘ālamī) world record; قياس فاسد wrong inference, false conclusion, fallacy, sophism, paralogism; شريط القياس tape measure, tapeline

قياسى qiyāsī accordant with analogy, analogous; consistent with the model, pattern, rule, or norm; comparable, by comparison; logical|رقم قياسى (raqm) record (athlet.)

قياس qayyās land surveyor, geodesist

مقياس miqyās pl. مقاييس maqāyīs2 measure, measurement; amount, quantity, magnitude; measuring instrument, gauge, water gauge, tide gauge; scale (e.g., of a map); standard; standard of judging, criterion; unit of measure; المقياس Nilometer| تحت المقياس substandard; O مقياس التيار m. at-tayyār ammeter; O مقياس الجهد m. al-jahd voltmeter; O مقياس الحرارة m. al-ḥarāra thermometer; O مقياس الزلزال m. az-zalāzil seismograph, seismometer; O مقياس الزوايا m. az-zawāyā protactor; O مقياس الكهربائية m. al-kahrabā’īya electrometer; O مقياس المطر m. al-maṯar rain gauge, pluviometer, ombrometer, ombrograph; O مقياس المغنطيسية m. al-magnaṯīya magnetometer; مقياس التنفس m. at-tanaffus spirometer; مقاييس الاطوال measures of length, linear measures; مقاييس المسطحات m. al-musaṯṯaḥāt square measures; O مقاييس السطوح do.; مقاييس الحجم m. al-ḥajm cubic measures; مقاييس الكيل m. al-kail measures of capacity, dry measures, liquid measures

مقاس maqās pl. –āt measuring, mensuration; gauging; measurement, dimension, size; pl. مقاسات dimensions

مقايسة muqāyasa measuring, mensuration, gauging; comparison; appraisal, valuation, estimation by analogy; (preliminary) estimate (of coots); relation, rate, rates, proportion; detailed listing, specification; itemized list (of services, quantities, prices)

قيسرى qaisarī pl. قياسر qayāsir2, قياسرة qayāsira big, large, huge, enormous

قيسرية qaisarīya2 Caesarea (ancient seaport in Palestine)

قياسرية qayāsirīya pl. قياسر qaysir2 large block of public buildings with stores, workshops, etc., roofed market place, bazaar; qaisarīya2 Caesarea (ancient seaport in Palestine)

قايش pl. قوايش look up alphabetically

قيشانى qīšānī faience; porcelain, china

قيصانة qaiṣāna sunfish, moonfish

قيصر qaiṣar pl. قياصر qayāṣir2, قياصرة qayāṣira Caesar; emperor, kaiser; tsar

قيصرى qaiṣarī Caesarean; imperial; tsarist| العملية القيصرية (‘amalīya) Caesarean section (med.)

قيصرية qaiṣarīya kaiserdom, Caesarism, imperialism, empire; imperial dignity; tsarism; Caesarean section (med.); large lock of public buildings with stores, workshops, etc., roofed marked place, bazaar; Caesarea (ancient seaport in Palestine)

قاض (قيض ) qaḍā i (qaiḍ) to break, crack, split, cleave, burst open (هـ s.th); to get broken, crack, burst; to exchange (من هـ s.th. for) II to foreordain, destine (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.; of God); to lead, send (ه s.o., ل to s.o; of God) III to exchange, give in exchange (ب هـ ه to s.o. s.th. for) V and VII to burst, crack, get broken, break; to collapse, fall in, cave in, tumble down

قيض qaiḍ eggshell; barter, exchange; article of exchange, barter object, equivalent

قياض qiyāḍ barter, exchange

مقايضة muqāyaḍa barter, exchange; barter trade, bartering; trading, barter (Isl. Law); compensation, barter transaction, barter deal

قيطان see قطن

قيطوس qīṯūs Cetus (astron.)

قيظ qaiẓ heat of summer; high summer, mid-summer, dog days; lack of rain, drought, aridity| قيظ النهار q. an-nahār daytime heat

مقيظ maqīẓ summer residence

قائظ qā’iẓ scorchingly hot, midsummery, canicular

قيف II to follow (هـ s.o.’s tracks); to study, examine, investigate (هـ s.th.); to criticize (هـ s.th.)

قيافة qiyāfa tracking, pursuit (of a track); make-up, guise, costume

قيقب qaiqab maple (bot.)

1 قال (قيل ) qāla i (qail, قائلة qā’ila, قيلولة qailūla, قيل qīl) to take a midday nap; to hold siesta II do. IV to abolish, repeal, annul (هـ s.th.); to cancel, abrogate, rescind, revoke (هـ s.th., esp. a sale); to depose, dismiss, discharge (هـ s.o.; also with من المنصب min al-manṣib from his office); to free, release, exempt (ه s.o., من from an obligation)|اقال الله عثرتك (‘atrataka) may God regard your offence as undone; اقاله من عثرته (‘atratihī) to steady one who has stumbled X to demand the cancellation, seek the abrogation (هـ of a sale); to ask (ه s.o.) for exemption, release, or annulment; to request to be released from office, tender one’s resignation, resign (من or عن from an office); to resign one’s commission, quit the service; to ask s.o.’s (ه ) pardon, apologize (ه to s.o.)

قيل qail pl. اقيال aqyāl princeling; chief, chieftain

قيلولة qailūla siesta; midday nap

مقيل maqīl resting place, halting place

اقالة iqāla cancellation, abrogation, rescission, revocation (esp. of a sale); abolishment, abolition, repeal, annulment; deposition, dismissal, discharge from an office

استقالة istiqāla resignation, withdrawal (from office); retirement

قائلة qā’la midday nap; noon, midday

مستقيل mustaqīl resigned from office, retired, discharged

2 قيلة qīla, قيلة مائية (mā’īya) hydrocele (med.)

قيام , قيمة, قيم and قيوم see قوم

قين qain pl. قيون quyūn blacksmith

قينة qaina pl. -āt, قيان qiyān songstress, singer; lady’s maid

مقينة muqayyina lady’s maid