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Publisher: www.data.nur.nu

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


و wa 1. and; and also, and too | ولا واحد not one, not a single one; -- 2. (with foll. acc.) with | واياه wa-iyyāhu with him; لا يتفق ومبادئهم (yattafiqu, mabādi’ahum) it is not in agreement with their principles; -- 3. introducing circumstantial (ḥāl) clauses: while, as, when, whereas | قال وهم يبتسم (he said while he smiled) he said with a smile; جاء والشمس طالعة (šamsu) he arrived at sunrise; -- 4. (with foll. genit.) by (in oaths) | والله by God! – 5. (with foll. genit.) many a, how many | وكأس شربت (ka’sin) many a cup have I emptied! how many cups I have drunk! -- أو a-wa أ

والا wa-illā (and if not), otherwise, else

وإن wa-in even if, even though, although

ولو wa-lau even if, even though, even in case that

ولكن wa-lākin, wa-lākinna (the latter with foll. acc. or pers. suffix) but, however, yet

وا toll (with the foll. noun ending in -āh) oh | وا اسفاه wā-asafāh! oh grief! alas!

وابور (Fr. vapeur; colloq.) wābūr pl. -āt steam engine; steamer, steamship; locomotive, railroad, train; factory, mill; machine, engine, apparatus; hot plate, heater, stove | وابور اكسبريس express train; وابور البضاعة freight train, goods train; وابور الركاب w. ar-rukkāb passenger train; وابور w. ar.ri"" irrigation pump; وابور الزلط w. az-zalaṭ (eg.) steamroller; وابور طارة w. ṭāra paddle steamer; وابور العادة w. al-‘āda local train, accommodation train, way train

وات wāt watt (el.)

واحة wāḥa pl. -āt oasis

وأد wa’ada يئد ya’idu to bury alive (ها a newborn girl) V and VIII اتأد itta’ada to be slow, act or proceed deliberately, tarry, hesitate, temporize (ل in s.th.) | اتأد في مشيتة (mišyatihī) to walk slowly, unhurriedly, saunter

وئيد wa’ād deliberate, unhurried, slow; deliberateness; وئيدا wa’īdan slowly; gradually

تؤدة tu’ada deliberateness, slowness | على تؤدة slowly, deliberately, unhurriedly

متئد mutta’id slow

وأر wa’ara يئر ya’iru (wa’r) to frighten (ه s.o.) X to be frightened, be struck with terror

وارسو warsō Warsaw (capital of Poland)

واشنطون wāšinṭōn Washington

واط wāṭ watt (el.)

واق واق wāqwāq in the description, of Arab geographers, name of two different groups of island (one east of China, the other located in the Indian Ocean)

موئل mau’il refuge, asylum

وأم III to agree, be in agreement (هـ, ه with); to suit (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), be suited (هـ, ه to), harmonize (هـ, ه with) VI to agree, tally, humanize

وئام wi’ām agreement; unity, concord, harmony

مواءمة muwā’ama agreement; unity, concord, harmony

واه wāha, واها wāhā (interj.) with ل or ب to express admiration: how wonderful is (are) …! with على to express regret: alas …! too bad for ...!

واو wāw name of the letter و

وئية wa’īya kettle

وبئ wabi’a يوبأ yawba’u (وبأ waba’), وبؤ wabu’a u (وباء wabā’, وباءة wabā’a) and pass. وبئ wubi’a to be plague-stricken, infected, infested, poisoned, contaminated

وبأ waba’ pl. اوباء aubā’ infectious disease; epidemic

وباء wabā’ pl. اوبئة aubi’a infectious disease; epidemic

وبائي wabā’ī infectious, contagious; epidemic(al); pestilential

وبئ wabi’ and وبيء wabī’ infected, poisoned, contaminated, infested; plague-stricken, plague-ridden, plague-infected

موبوء maubū’ poisoned, contaminated, infested; infected, stricken (ب by), affected (ب with)

وبخ II to reprimand, rebuke, censure, reprove, scold, chide (على ه s.o. for)

توبيخ taubīk reproach, reproof, censure; reprimand, rebuke

وبر wabira يوبر yaubaru (wabar) to have abundant hair or wool, be covered with thick hair, be hirsute, hairy

وبر wabr pl. وبور wubūr, وبار wibār, وبارة wibāra daman (Hyrax syriaca: zool.)

وبر wabar pl. اوبار aubār hair, fur of camels and goats (furnishing the material for tents) اهل الوبر ahl al-w. the Bedouins (as distinguished from اهل المدر )

وبر wabir covered with hair, hairy, hirsute

اوبر aubar2 f. وبراء wabrā’ covered with hair, hairy, hirsute

موبر muwabbar hairy, woolly

وبش wabaš trash, rubbish, bosh; pl. اوباش awbāš rabble, riffraff

وبق wabaqa يبق yabiqu and wabiqa يوبق yaubaqu (wabaq, وبوق wubūq, موبق maubiq) to perish, go to ruin, be destroyed IV to ruin (ه s.o.); to debase, humiliate, mortify (ه s.o.)

موبق maubiq place of destruction, of perdition; prison, jail

موبقة mūbiqa pl. -āt grave offence; act of violence, crime; mortal sin

وبل wabala يبل yabilu (wabl) to shed heavy rain (sky); -- wabula يوبل yaubulu (wabal, وبال wabāl, وبالة wabāla, وبول wubūl) to be unhealthy, unwholesome, noxious (climate, air)

وبل wabl downpour

وبال wabāl unhealthiness of the air or climate; evil consequences of a deed; harm, evil, curse

وبيل wabīl unhealthy, unwholesome (climate, food); of evil consequences, hurtful, noxious, calamitous, disastrous, pernicious

وابل wābil heavy downpour; (fig.) hail, shower | امطره وابلا من الرصاص (raṣāṣ) to shower s.o. with a hail of bullets; امطر عليه وابلا من الشتم (šatm) to shower s.o. with a flood of abuse

وبه wabaha, wabiha يوبه yaubahu (wabh) and IV to heed, mind (ل or ب s.o.), pay attention (ل or ب to), take notice (ل or ب of)

وتد II to drive or ram in firmly (هـ a peg or stake); to fix, fasten, secure (هـ s.th.) | وتد في بيته (baitihī) to stay at home

وتد watad, watid pl. اوتاد autād peg, pin; tent pin, tent peg; stake, pole

وتر watara يتر yatiru (watr) to string, provide with a string (هـ the bow); to wrong, harm (ه s.o.), cheat, dupe (ه s.o., هـ out of, with regard to) II to stretch, strain, draw tight, tighten, pull taut (هـ a rope, a musical string, and the like) III to do or perform (هـ s.th.) at intervals, intermittently, with interruptions IV to string, provide with a string (هـ the bow) V to be or become strained, stretched, tight, taut | توترت العلاقات (‘alāqāt) relations were strained VI to follow in uninterrupted succession; to repeat itself, recur

وتر witr uneven, odd (number); وترا singly, one by one, separately

وتري watrī, witrī uneven, odd (number)

وتر watar pl. اوتار autār string (of a bow, of a musical instrument); sinew, tendon (anat.); chord (geom.); hypotenuse (geom.) | ضرب على الوتر الحساس (ḥassās) to touch on a sensitive spot, get to the heart of a matter; وتر صوتي (ṣautī) vocal cord

وترى watarī stringed, string- (in compounds)

وتيرة watīra pl. وتائر watā’ir2 manner, way; mode, fashion; procedure, method; style; tone على هذه الوتيرة in this manner, this way; على وتيرة واحدة in the same manner; uniformly, in unison; استمر على هذه الوتيرة he continued in this tone

تترى tatrā one after the other, one by one, in succession, successively

توتر tawattur tension (also el. = voltage); strain | توتر الأعصاب nervousness, nervous tension; توتر سياسي (siyāsī) political tension

تواتر tawātur succession; repetition, recurrence; frequency, constancy, incessancy, continuance; persistence; frequency (el.) | على تواتر successively, one after the other, in succession

موتور mautūr one who has been wronged by the murder of a relative, hut to whom blood revenge is still denied

متوتر mutawattir stretched, strained, taut, tense, rigid, firm, tight

متواتر mutawātir successive

وتين watīn pl. وتن wutun اوتنة autina aorta

وتى III to come (ه to, upon; of s.th. pleasant), befall (ه s.o.; s.th. pleasant); to be complaisant, obliging (ه toward s.o.), oblige (ه s.o.); to be favorable, propitious (ه to s.o.); to be convenient (ه to s.o.), suit (ه s.o.); to turn out successful, be a success (ه for s.o.); to be suited, suitable (ه to s.o.), become, befit (ه s.o.), go well with (ه ); to agree (ه with; of food)

موات muwātin pleasant, agreeable, pleasing, appealing, engaging, winning, becoming: favorable, propitious

وثأ wata’a يثأ yata’u (وثء wat’ to bruise, contuse (هـ a limb); to wrench, sprain (هـ a limb); -- وثئ wati’a يثأ yata’u (وثأ wata’, وثوء wutū’) and pass. وثئ wuti’a to get bruised, be wrenched, be sprained IV = I wata’a

وثء wat’ contusion, bruise; sprain, wrench

وثاءة watā’a contusion, bruise; sprain, wrench

وثب wataba يثب yatibu (watb, وثوب wutūb, وثيب watīb, وثبان watabān) to jump, leap, spring, bound; to skip, hop, caper; to jump up, start; to jump up and run (الى to); to rush (الى to), make a rush (الى for); to jump, dash (على at s.o.), pounce, fall (على upon s.o.) 11 and IV to make (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) jump, bounce (هـ s.th.) III to pounce, fall (هـ upon s.th.) V to jump up, start; to rush, dash (الى to, at); to hop, skip, bound, leap, jump; to approach eagerly, with enthusiasm, tackle energetically (الى s.th.); to pounce (في, على upon); to awaken, recover, rise VI to jump, leap, spring, hound, make a jump; to be fast, abort, come pantingly (breathing)

وثب wajb jump(ing), leap(ing) | وثب بالزانة (zāna) pole vault(ing); وثب طويل broad jump; وثب عال (‘ālin) high jump; تخطى وثبا من فوق to hurdle over ...

وثبة watba (n. vic.) pl. watabāt jump, leap, bound; attack; daring enterprise, bold undertaking; riae; awakening | وثبة احساسية (iḥsāsīya) impulsive motion

وثاب wattāb given to jumping, bouncy, full of bounce; fiery, hotheaded, impetuous; dashing, daring, enterprising

مواثبة muwātaba prompt assertion of a claim in the presence of witnesses (Isl. Law)

متوثب mutawattib awakening, rising; vigorous, energetic

وثر watura يوثر yauturu (وثارة watāra) to be soft (bed); -- watara يثر yatiru (watr) to make soft, make smooth (هـ s.th., esp., the bed)

وثر watir son, snug, cozy, comfortable (bed, seat); smooth (cloth)

وثير watīr soft, snug, cozy, comfortable (bed, seat); smooth (cloth)

وثار witār soft bed

ميثرة mītara pl. مواثر mawātir2, مياثر mayātir2 saddlecloth, blanket, drape

وثق watiqa يثق yatiqu (ثقة tiqa, وثوق wutūq) to place one’s confidence, put faith (ب in)) rely, depend (ب on), trust (ب in; من ان that), be confident (ب of; من ان that) | يوثق به (yūtaqu) trustworthy, reliable; وثق من النفس to have self-confidence; -- watuqa يوثق yautuqu (وثاقة watāqa) to be firm, solid; to be sure, be certain (من of) II to make firm or solid, strengthen, cement, consolidate (هـ s.th.); to document, authenticate, confirm, certify (هـ s.th.), attest (هـ to), notarize (هـ s.th.), draw up a notarial deed (هـ over); to link firmly, hind closely (بين -- بين s.o. to) III to enter into an agreement, make a treaty (ه with s.o.) | واثق نفسه على (nafsahū) to make a firm resolution on, intend firmly to (do s.th.) IV to tie, fasten (ب ه s.th. to); to hind, tie up, fetter (ب ه s.o. with) V to he firm, consolidated, firmly established; to proceed with confidence, act trustfully (في in s.th.) X to make sure, make certain (من of), check, verify (من s.th.); to have confidence (ه in s.o.), trust (ه s.o.)

ثقة tiqa trust, confidence, faith, reliance | على ثقة trusting (من in), relying (من on), confident, certain, sure (من of); هو على ثقة من انه he is certain that he ...; ثقة بالنصر (naṣr) confidence in victory; ثقة بالنفس or ثقة بنفسه self-confidence, self-reliance; اخو ثقة trustworthy; عدم الثقة ‘adam at-t. distrust, mistrust; طلب عدم الثقة (ṭalab) motion of “no confidence” (parl.); -- tiqa pl. -āt trustworthy, reliable; trustworthy person, trusted agent, informant, reliable authority or source; pl. authorities | O ثقة عسكري (‘askarī) military expert

وثاق watāq, witāq pl. وثق wutuq tie, bond, fetter, shackle, chain (also fig.) | شد وثاقه (šadda) to tie s.o. up. fetter, shackle s.o.

وثاقة watāqa firmness solidity, strength

وثيق watīq pl. وثاق witāq firm, strong, solid; safe, secure, dependable, reliable

وثيقة watīqa pl. وثائق watā’iq2 document, deed, writ, instruments, paper, record, voucher, certificate, receipt, policy; diplomatic note | الوثيقة العظمى (‘uẓmā) the Magna Charta; وثيقة التفويض warrant of attorney (jur.)

اوثق autaq2, وثقي wutqā firmer, stronger

موثق mautiq pl. مواثق mawātiq2 covenant, agreement, contract, treaty, pact

ميثاق mātāq pl. مواثق mawātiq2 covenant, agreement, contract, treaty, pact, alliance; charter | ميثاق هيئة الأمم المتحدة m. hai’at al-umam al-muttaḥida the Charter of the United Nations; ميثاق عدم الاعتداء m. ‘adam al-i‘tidā’ nonaggression pact

توثيق tautīq consolidation, strengthening, cementation; documentation, authentication, attestation, notarization; functions of a notary public, notariate | توثيق الديون consolidation of debts, specif., consolidation of several government loans into an overall public debt

توثقة tautiqa security, surety, guaranty

وثاق witāq see watāq above

واثق wātiq trusting, confident, certain, sure

موثوق mautūq: موثوق به trustworthy, reliable, dependable; من مصدر موثوق به (maṣdar) from a reliable source

موثق muwattiq pl. -ūn notary public

وثل watal palm-fiber rope, manila rope, hemp rope

وثيل watīl palm-fiber rope, manila rope, hemp rope

وثن watan pl. وثن wutun, اوثان autān graven image, idol

وثني watanī idolater, pagan, heathen; pagan, idolatrous

وثنية watanīya paganism

وجب wajaba يجب yajibu (وجوب wujūb) to be necessary, requisite, obligatory, indispensable; to be incumbent, imposed, enjoined (على on), be s.o.’s (على ) duty | وجب عليه ان it is his duty to ..., he is in duty hound to ..., he has to …, he must ...; كما يجب as it should be, as it must be, comme il faut; -- (wajb, وجيب wajīb, وجبان wajabān) to throb, beat, palpitate (heart) II to make s.th. (هـ ) s.o.’s (على ) duty, make s.th. (هـ ) incumbent (على on s.o.), impose, enjoin (على هـ s.th. on s.o.), obligate (هـ على s.o. to) IV to make s.th. (هـ ) s.o.’s (على ) duty, make s.th. (هـ ) incumbent (على on), impose, enjoin (على هـ s.th. on s.o.), make necessary, obligatory, binding (على هـ s.th. for s.o.), obligate (على s.o., هـ to); to decide positively (هـ ل s.th. in favor of s.o.), adjudge, adjudicate, award, grant (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.) X to deserve, merit (هـ s.th.), be worthy (هـ of); to be entitled, have a title (هـ to), have a claim (هـ on); to deem necessary or obligatory (هـ s.th.) | عمل يستوجب الشكر (šukra) an act deserving of thanks, a meritorious undertaking

وجبة wajba pl. wajabāt meal, repast; menu (syr.) | وجبة الطعام w. aṭ-ṭa’ām meal, repast; وجبة ناشفة dry rations, emergency ration (approx.: D ration; mil.)

ايجاب ījāb obligation, liability, commitment; affirmation; confirmation, assertion; consent, assent; positive reaction, compliance; offer of contract, offer (jur.) | ايجابا ل in conformity with, in accordance with, according to, in pursuance of; محل الإيجاب maḥall al-i. competent authority; مراجع الإيجاب the competent authorities; رد (اجاب) بالإيجاب to answer in the affirmative, say yes

ايجابي ījābī positive; affirmative; active (defense)

ايجابية ījābīya positivism

واجب wājib necessary, requisite, essential, indispensable, inevitable, unavoidable, inescapable; incumbent, imperative, binding, obligatory; proper, adequate, fair; -- (pl. -āt, وجائب wajā’ib2) duty, obligation; incumbency; requirement, exigency, necessity; task, assignment | واجب عليك it is your duty; يرى من واجبه he considers it his duty; بالواجب obligatorily; dutifully, duly; deservedly; واجب العرض w. al-‘arḍ suitable for presentation (petition, application); واجبات منزلية (manzilīya) homework (of a student)

موجوب maujūb moral obligation, dictate, injunction

موجب mūjib obligating, necessitating, requiring, inducing, motivating, causing; (pl. -āt) cause, reason, motive; need, exigency, requirement, necessity; matter of decorum, formality | بموجب or على موجب according to, in accordance with; on the basis of, on account of; by virtue of, on the strength of; لا موجب ل (mujiba) there is no reason for ..., one need not ...

موجبة mūjiba cause, reason, motive, deed entailing certain inevitable consequences

موجب mūjab necessary, requisite, obligatory, made binding; effect, consequence; affirmative (gram.); positive (also, e.g., el.)

موجبة mujaba affirmative sentence

مستوجب mustaujib deserving, worthy

وجد wajada يجد yajidu (وجود wujūd) to find (هـ s.th.); to hit upon s.th. (هـ ), come across s.th. (هـ ), meet with s.th. (هـ ); to get, obtain (هـ s.th.); to invent, make up (هـ هـ s.th. as); to find (good, bad) (هـ s.th.); pass. wujida (وجود wujūd): to be found, be there, exist; to be; يوجد yūjadu there is (are); -- (wajd) to experience, feel, sense (هـ affections, afflictions); to suffer, be in a state of painful agitation; to love (ب s.o.), be impassioned (ب by), long ardently, languish (ب for); -- i u (wajd) to be angry (على with), have a grudge (على against) IV to produce, evoke, provoke. engender, bring into being, originate, cause, bring about (هـ s.th.); to create, make (هـ s.th.); to achieve, accomplish, effect (هـ s.th.); to invent (هـ s.th.); to let (ه s.o.) find or obtain (هـ s.th.), get, procure (هـ ه for s.o., s.th.), furnish, supply (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.); to force, compel (على ه s.o. to) V to be passionately in love (ب with); to grieve (g or ب for) VI to show up, turn up, come; to exist, be existent, be there, be available; to affect passion

وجد wajd strong emotion, emotional upset; passion, ardor; ecstasy of love

وجدان wijdān passionate excitement; ecstasy; emotional life, psychic forces; feeling, sentiment

وجداني wijdānī emotional; psychic, mental; sentimental

وجود wujūd finding, discovery; being; existence; presence; whereabouts; stay, visit

وجودي wujūdī existential; existentialist | الفلسفة الوجودية (falsafa) existentialism

موجدة maujida feeling, emotion, passion, excitement; anger, grudge, resentment, ill will

ايجاد ījād creation, procreation, production, origination; procuring, procurement, furnishing, supply; calculation, computation, evaluation

واجد wājid finding; finder; agitated, excited, upset, worried (على about); in love (ب with)

موجود maujūd found; available, on hand, existing, existent; present; living being, creature; stock, store, supply; pl. -āt everything in existence, the creation; (com.) assets, stocks

موجد mūjid originator, author, creator

وجر wajr pl. اوجار aujār cave, cavern, grotto; den, lair, habitation

وجرة wajra, wajara pitfall

وجار wijār pl. اوجرة aujira cave (of wild animals), den, lair, burrow

ميجار mījār pl. مواجير mawājīr2 bat; racket; earthen kneading trough

وجز wajaza يجز yajizu and wajuza يوجز yaujuzu (wajz, وجازة wajāza, وجوز wajūz) to be brief, succinct, terse, concise, summary IV to be concise, terse; to be brief, succinct (في or هـ in); to abridge, summarize, epitomize (هـ s.th.), make it short

وجز wajz short, brief, succinct; terse, concise, summary, compendious

وجيز wajīz short, brief, succinct; terse, concise, summary, compendious | بوجيز العبارة briefly stated, in a few words, reduced to its essentials, in a nutshell

ايجاز ījāz shortness, brevity, succinctness; conciseness, terseness; abridgment | ايجازا or بالإيجاز in short, briefly, concisely; واليكها بالإيجاز (ilaikahā) the matter is, briefly, as follows

موجز mūjaz summarized; concise, terse; abstract, epitome; outline, brief sketch; summary, résumé

وجس wajasa يجس yajisu (wajs, وجسان wajasān) to be apprehensive, be afraid, be worried, be seized with fear IV to have presentiments, forebodings, apprehensions; to have a presentiment (هـ of), fear (هـ s.th.), be afraid, apprehensive, in dread (هـ of); to feel, sense, realize (هـ s.th.), be aware (هـ of) | اوجس خيفة (kīfatan) to have a sensation of`fear; اوجس فيه الملل (malala) to feel that s.o. is bored, sense s.o.’s boredom V = IV; to listen anxiously, apprehensively (هـ to); to taste, nibble, sip (هـ of s.th.) | توجس شرا من (šarran) to regard s.th. as an evil omen

وجس wajs fear, apprehension, anxiety, concern, uneasiness

توجس tawajjus timorousness, timidity, apprehensiveness

واجس wājis disquieting thought, foreboding, evil premonition

وجع waji‘a يوجع yauja‘u (waja‘) to feel pain, be in pain; to hurt, pain (ه s.o.) IV to

cause pain (ه to s.o.); to pain. hurt (ه s.o.) V to suffer pain, be in pain; to voice one’s pain, give vent to one’s pain, to lament; to feel grid, sorrow or pity, feel sorry, feel compassion (ل for s.o.), commiserate (ل with), pity (ل s.o.)

وجع waja‘ pl. اوجاع aujā‘, وجاع wijā‘ pain, ache; ailment | وجع السن w. as-sinn toothache; الوجع بكبدك (bi-kabidika) an imprecation (lit.: may pain strike your liver!)

وجيع painful; grievous, sad

توجع tawajju‘ pain, ache; lament

موجوع maujū‘ feeling pain, in pain, aching; ailing; suffering

وجف wajafa يجف yajifu (wajf, وجوف wujūf, وجيف to be agitated, excited, troubled, in commotion; -- (wajīf) to throb, beat (heart) IV to agitate, excite, trouble, disturb (هـ s.th.); to make (هـ s.th.) tremble X to set (هـ the heart) aflutter

واجف wājif beating, throbbing (heart) | في صوت واجف (ṣaut) in a tremulous voice

وجق wujaq (tun.) the “Oudjak” (Tunisian gendarmery)

وجاق wujāq, اوجاق ūjāq pl. وجقات wujaqāt range, cooking stove; (heating) stove; kitchen, galley; caboose; Janizary corps

وجل wajila يووجل yaujalu (wajal, موجل maujal) to be afraid, be scared; to be a coward, be craven IV to fill with fear, frighten (ه s.o.)

وجل wajal pl. اوجال awjāl fear, dread

وجل wajil pl. -ūn, وجال wijāl fearful, apprehensive, timorous; cowardly, craven

وجم wajama يجم yajimu (wajm, وجوم wujūm) to be silent; to be speechless, dumfounded (with fear, rags, and the like); to be shy; to be despondent, dejected, depressed

وجم wajim silent, speechless, dumfounded; despondent, dejected, depressed

وجوم wujūm silence; anxious, apprehensive silence; speechlessness from indignation, speechless, indignation; despondency; shyness; anxiety, concern, sorrow

واجم wājim silent, speechless, dumfounded; despondent, dejected, depressed

وجنة wajna pl. wajanāt cheek

وجه wajuha يوجه yaujuhu (وجاهة wajāha) to be a man of distinction, belong to the notables II to raise to eminence, distinguish, honor (ه s.o.); to turn one’s face, turn, go (الى to), head (الى for); to send, dispatch (الى ه s.o. to); to aim, level (ل or الى ه s.th. at), direct, steer, guide, channel (ل or الى ه s.th. to); to turn (هـ s.th., e.g., one’s face, one’s attention, etc., ل or الى to); to address (الى هـ a request, a question, a letter, etc., to) | وجه عليه تهمة (tuhmatan) to rail, an accusation, bring a charge against s.o.; وجه النظر الى (naẓara) to turn one’s eyes to III to be opposite s.th. (هـ ), be in front (هـ of); to face, front (هـ a locality or toward); to meet face to face, encounter (ه s.o.); to see personally (ه s.o.), speak personally (ه to s.o.), have an interview or audience (ه with); to face (هـ e.g., a problem), be faced (هـ with), find o.s. in the face of (هـ ); to meet, counter, obviate, withstand, defy (هـ a danger); to stand up (ه to s.o.), oppose (ه s.o.); to hold one’s own (هـ against s.th.); to envisage, have in mind, consider (هـ s.th.); to declare openly, say frankly (بأن ه to s.o. that); to bring face to face. confront (ب ه s.o. with s.o., else or with s.th.) IV to distinguish, honor (ه s.o.) V to betake o.s., repair, go, wend one’s way (نحو or الى to), head (نحو or الى for), bend one’s steps (نحو or الى toward); to turn one’s face, turn (ل or الى to s.o.), face (ل or الى s.o.); to turn, apply (نحو الى to s.o. for) VI to face each other, meet face to face VIII اتجه ittajaha to tend, be directed, be oriented (نحو or الى to. toward), be aimed, aim (نحو or الى at); to head, make (الى for), face, turn one’s face (الى toward); to turn, be turned (نحو or الى to s.o., to s.th.); to lead, go (نحو or الى to, toward; of a road); to point (نحو or الى to; of a signpost); to come to s.o.’s (ل ) mind. occur (ل to s.o.; of an idea)

جهة jiha pl. -āt side; direction; region, part, section, area; district, precinct, city quarter; agency, authority; administrative agency; (tun.) administrative district; الجهات the outskirts, the outlying districts, the provinces | الى جهة in the direction of, toward; من جهة from the direction of, from, on the part of, concerning, regarding, as to, with respect or regard to; من جهة الشمال (šamāl) from the north; من جهة ومن جهة اخرى (ثانية ) (ukrā, tāniya) on the one hand on the other hand; من كل جهة from all sides, on all sides; من جهتي for my part, as for me, I for one; من هذه الجهة seen from this angle, under this aspect, from this viewpoint; جهة الاختصاص or الجهة المختصة (muktaṣṣa) the competent authority; جهة اليسار jihata l-yasār at left, to the left, on the left side

مجلس جهوي Majlis jihawī council of an administrative district (Tun.)

وجه wajh pl. وجوه wujūh face, countenance; front, face, façade; outside; surface; right side of a fabric; dial (of a clock or watch); face, obverse (of a coin); prominent personality; exterior, look(s), appearance, guise, semblance; side; direction; intention, intent, design, purpose, aim, goal, objective, end; course, policy, guiding principle. precept; way, manner, mode, procedure, method; lesson, cause; sense, meaning, signification, purport; beginning, start, outset, first part of a given period of time; -- (pl. وجوه wujūh and اوجه aujuh) aspect; approach, point of view; viewpoint, standpoint; -- (pl. اوجه aujuh) phase (of the moon; also el.) | 1. Adverbial phrases: وجها apparently; وجها بوجه (لوجه ) face to face, in private, personally, directly; وجها من الوجوه (with preceding negation) in no way (whatsoever); بوجه الإجمال bi-w. il-ijmāl on the whole, by and large, in general; بوجه (على وجه) التقريب approximately, roughly, nearly; بوجه خاص or على وجه خاص (kāṣṣ) especially, in particular; بوجه (على وجه) عام (‘āmm) generally, in general; بوجه ما some way or other, somehow; in a certain way, to a certain extent; بدون وجه حق (w. ḥaqqin) without any legitimate claim, without being in the least entitled, in an entirely unlawful manner; على وجه in the manner of, in the form of, in the shape of; with regard to, concerning. about; على وجهه in his own way; in the right manner, correctly, properly, as it should be; على غير وجهه improperly, incorrectly, wrongly; ذهب على وجهه and مضى على وجهه to go one’s own way, go one’s way; على هذا الوجه in this manner, this way, thus; على وجه الإجمال (w. al-ijmāl) on the whole, by and large, in general; altogether, in the aggregate; على الوجه التالي in the following manner, as follows; على وجه التفصيل at great length, in detail, elaborately; على وجه الحصر (w. il-haṣr) in a condensed form, briefly stated, in a nutshell; على وجه العموم in general, generally; على وجه اليقين with certainty; في وجهه before him, in his presence; counter to him; before his (very) eyes; لوجه الله for the sake of God, regardless of any reward in this life; for nothing, gratis; من كل وجه in every respect, from every point of view, on all grounds; من وجوه كثيرة from many points of view, in many respects; من بعض الوجوه in some ways; من كل الوجوه in every respect, in every way, all the way through, completely; -- 2. Verbal phrases: ابيض وجهه ibyaḍḍa wajhuhū to enjoy an excellent reputation, stand in good repute; اسود وجهه iswadda wajhuhū to fall into discredit. be discredited, be in disgrace; اخذ وجها to win respect, gain prestige; اخذ وجه العروسة (wajha l-‘arūsa) to consummate marriage; اهانه في وجهه to insult s.o. to his face; بيض وجهه bayyaḍḍa wajhahū to make s.o. appear blameless, in a favorable light, to whitewash, exculpate, vindicate, justify s.o., play s.o. up, make much of s.o.; to honor s.o., show honor to s.o.; خلا له وجه الطريق (kalā, wajhu ṭ-ṭ.) his way was unobstructed, he had clear sailing; سفه وجهه saffaha wajhahū or سود وجهه (sawwada) to expose s.o., show s.o. up, make a fool of s.o., bring s.o. into discredit, disgrace s.o., dishonor s.o.; شوه وجه الحقيقة šawwaha wajh l-h. to distort the truth; شوه وجه الوظيفة to disgrace one’s profession or office; ضرب وجه الأمر وعينه (wajha l-amr wa-‘ainahū) to touch on the very essence of a matter, hit the mark; قام في وجه فلان to stand up to s.o., take a stand against s.o.; هرب من وجه فلان to flee from s.o.; -- 3. Nominal phrases: الوجه البحري (baḥrī) Lower Egypt; الوجه القلي (qiblī) Upper Egypt; وجه الحال the circumstances, the state of affairs, the factual situation; وجه الشبه w. aš-šibh point of resemblance; وجه النهار wajah n-nahār during the daytime; كلام ذو وجهين (kalām) equivocal statement, ambiguous words; اوجه القمر a. al-qamar the lunar phases; وجوه الناس prominent people, Leading personalities; -- 4. لا وجه ل (wajha) there is no reason for; لا وجه له من الصحة (ṣiḥḥa) it has no validity at all

وجهي wajhī facial, of the face

وجهة wijha, wujha pl. -āt direction, trend, drift; course (of a ship); intention, design, aim, goal, objective; respect, regard; (= وجهة النظر w. an-naẓar) angle, point of view, viewpoint, standpoint | من هذه الوجهة in this respect; from this point of view; من وجهة اخرى (ukrā) from a different standpoint, from another point of view; وجهته باريس he is on his way to Paris

وجاهة wajāha esteem, credit, repute, prestige, influence, standing, rank, distinction, notability; acceptability; well-foundedness, soundness, solidity, validity | ذو وجاهة person of rank; notable, noted, eminent, distinguished; اهل الوجاهة ahl al-w. the notables

وجاهي wijāhī contradiotory (jur.)

وجيه wajīh pl. وجهاء wujahā’ 2 notable, noted, eminent, distinguished; eminent man, person of note, notable; leader; excellent, outstanding; acceptable, well-founded, sound; الوجهاء the notables | سبب وجيه (sabab) sound reason

وجيهة wajīha pl. -āt lady of high social standing; lady of society, socialite

تجاه tujāha (prep.) in front of, facing, opposite

توجيه taujīh aiming, leveling, directing; orientation; guidance, direction; controlling, steering, channeling, leading, guiding; (methodical) instruction; (pl. -āt) directive, instruction; allocation; transfer, conveyance, assignment | توجيه خطاه t. kuṭāhu directive, that one receives

توجيهي taujīhī: السنة التوجيهية (sana) fifth grade of a secondary school, the completion of which is prerequisite before admittance to a university (Eg.); شهادة توجيهية diploma conferred after the successful completion of the fifth grade of a secondary school, entitling the holder to admittance to a university (Eg.); طلبة التوجيهي ṭalabat at-t. fifth graders of a secondary school (Eg.)

مواجهة muwājaha opposite position, opposition; meeting; facing, anticipation, countering, obviation; encounter; confrontation; talk from person to person, personal talk; audience; interview; muwājahatan face to face, (from) person to person | بمواجهة in his presence

توجه tawajjuh attention; favoritism, patronage

اتجاه ittijāh pl. -āt direction; inclination, bent, trend, drift; tendency; orientation; course (e.g., of a ship) | طريق ذو اتجاه واحد one-way street; اتجاه واحد One Way Only (traffic sign)

واجهة wājiha pl. -āt face, front; outside; facade; show window | واجهة القتال front line, fighting front

موجه muwajjih mate (naval rank; Eg. 1939)

موجه muwajjah remote-controlled, guided

متجه muttajih directed, tending, aiming (في in a direction)

متجه muttajah direction | في كل متجه in all directions; in all fields, in every respect

وحد waḥada يحد yaḥidu (وحدة waḥda, حدة ḥida) and waḥuda to be alone, unique, singular, unmatched, without equal, incomparable II to make into one, unite, unify, standardize, regularize (هـ s.th.); to connect, join, link, unite, bring together, fit together, combine, consolidate, amalgamate, merge (بينهم different parts) | وحد الله to declare God to he one; to profess belief in the unity of God, he a monotheist; وحد الديون to consolidate, or fund, debts V to be one, alone, by o.s., the only one, singular, unique; to be lonely, solitary, live in solitude, lead a secluded life; to do alone, perform or carry out by o.s. (ب s.th.); to be reduced to one; to be united, be combined, be unified, be standardized, be concerted, be consolidated; to become one, form a unity | توحد برأيه (bi-ra’yihī) to stand alone with one’s opinion; توحده بعنايته (bi-‘ināyatihī) to single s.o. out for one’s special care, give s.o. particular attention VIII اتحد ittaḥada to he one, form a unity; to be united, be combined, be consolidated, be amalgamated, merge, form, or join in, a union; to unite, combine (ب with); to he agreed, be unanimous; to agree, concur; to act jointly

حدة ḥida solitude, solitariness | على حدة alone, by o.s., apart from others, detached, isolated. secluded; separate(ly); كل على حدة everyone by himself. each by himself (itself), each separately, each individually

وحده waḥdahū, f. وحدها waḥdahā or على وحده ‘alā waḥdihī etc., he alone, he by himself | جاء وحده he came alone; لا وحده بل not only but

وحدة waḥda oneness, singleness, unity; solitariness, isolation, seclusion, privacy, solitude, loneliness; self-containment, independence; union; -- (pl. -āt) military unit; crew; single group, grouping; plant unit, installation; (subsidiary) unit (of an industrial plant); branch office, sub-office (of an administrative agency) | O وحدات الإشارة w. al-išāra communications units (mil.); وحدة الزمن w. az-zaman time unit; وحدة طائفية denominational group, religious minority; الوحدة العربية (‘arabīya) Arab unity, the Arab Union

وحداني waḥdānī single, solitary, separate, individual; sole, only, exclusive; singular, unique; matchless, unequaled, incomparable; single, unmarried

وحدانية waḥdānīya soleness, solitariness; isolation, seclusion, privacy; solitude, loneliness; oneness, singleness, unity (esp. of God); singularity, uniqueness, incomparableness

وحيد waḥīd alone; solitary, lonely; single, separate, individual, sporadic, isolated; sale, only, exclusive; singular, unique; matchless, unequaled, incomparable | وحيدة ابويها w. abawaihā her parents’ only daughter

اوحد auḥad singular, unique

توحيد tauḥīd unification, union, combination, fusion; standardization, regularization; consolidation, amalgamation, merger; belief in the unity of God; profession of the unity of God; monotheism; (myst.) mergence in the unity of the universe | توحيد الدين consolidation of debts; توحيد الزوجة t. az-zauja monogamy; توحيد الكلمة t. al-kalima unification, union, joining of forces, unanimity; توحيد المنتوجات standardization of industrial products; علم التوحيد ‘ilm at-t. (Islamic) theology

توحد tawaḥḥud soleness, singleness, solitariness; isolation, seclusion, privacy; solitude, loneliness

اتحاد ittiḥād oneness, singleness, unity; concord, accord, unison, harmony, unanimity, agreement; combination; consolidation, amalgamation, merger, fusion; alliance, confederacy; association; federation; union; O chemical compound | باتحاد in unison, with combined efforts, together, jointly; اتحاد الآراء unanimity; باتحاد الآراء unanimously; اتحاد البريد العام (‘āmm) Universal Postal Union; اتحاد جنوب افريقية itt. janūb ifrīqiya the Union of South Africa; اتحاد الدول العربية itt. Ad-duwal al-’arabīya the United Arab States (i.e., the United Arab Republic and Yemen); اتحاد السوفيت or الاتحاد السوفيتي (السوفييتي ) the Soviet Union

اتحادي ittiḥādī unionist; unionistic; federal | حكومة اتحادية federal government

واحد wāḥid one (numeral); someone, somebody, a certain person, a certain ...; sole, only; (pl. وحدان wuḥdān) single, solitary, separate, individual, sporadic, isolated واحدا واحدا or فواحدا واحدا or واحد بعد واحده or واحدا بعد الآخر one by one, single, separately, one after the other, one at a time, successively; الواحد the One (attribute of God); الواحد منهم each of them, every one of them; واحد كهذا such a one, such a man, (any)one like that; كل واحد kullu wāḥidin everyone, everybody; في موضع واحد (mauḍi’in) in one and the same place; ولا واحد not a single one, not one; زرافات ووحدانا zarāfātin wa-wuḥdānan in groups and alone

موحد muwaḥḥid professor of the unity of God; الموحدون the Almohades

موحد muwaḥḥad combined, consolidated, amalgamated; united; unified; standardized, regularized; O unipolar (el.); having one diacritical point (letter)

متوحد mutawaḥḥid solitary, rare, sporadic, isolated; recluse, hermit

متحد muttaḥid united, combined, consolidated, amalgamated; uniform, standardized; harmonious, united, unanimous, in agreement, concordant | الولايات المتحدة (wilāyāt) the United States; الأمم المتحدة (umam) the United Nations

مستوحد mustauḥid solitary, lonely, isolated

وحش IV to be deserted, desolate (region); to oppress, make uneasy, fill with anxiety (ه s.o.); to make (ه s.o.) feel lonely, make lonesome (ه s.o.); to grieve by one’s absence (ه s.o.) V to be desolate, deserted, waste; to be or become wild, savage, brutal; to brutalize, become brutish X to be desolate, deserted, waste; to feel lonely; to be distressed, saddened by the separation (ل from s.o.), miss badly (ل s.o.); to have an aversion (من to), feel a distaste (من for), feel repelled (من by), to be unable to warm or reconcile o.s. (من to), feel no particular liking (من for), to be alienated, become estranged; to be afraid

وحش waḥš waste. deserted, lonely, dreary, desolate, wild, untamed (animal), -- (pl. وحوش wuḥūš, وحشان wuḥšān) wild animal, wild beast; game, monster | الوحوش الضارية (ḍāriya) the predatory animals, the beasts of prey

وحشة loneliness, forlornness, desolation, cheerlessness, dreariness; (fig.) chilliness, frontiness, frigidity, coldness (e.g., of relations), gloom, melancholy, weird feeling; strangeness, estrangement, alienation

وحشي waḥšī untamed, wild, brutish, savage, uncivilized, barbarous; brutal; cruel; ugly, repulsive, disgusting, directed outward, outer, external (esp., of anatomical parts) | الكعب الوحشي (ka‘b) outer anklebone

وحشية waḥšīya wildness, savageness, ferocity, brutality, savagery, barbarity, barbarism

ايحاش īḥāš loneliness, forlornness

توحش tawaḥḥuš return to a wild or savage state, wildness, savageness, barbarity, brutalization; brutality

استيحاش istīḥāš strangeness, estrangement, alienation, unsociability; weirdness, uncanniness, eeriness

موحش mūḥiš desolate, dreary, deserted, forlorn, lonely, waste; oppressed, uneasy, anxious; weird, eerie, uncanny

متوحش mutawakkiš wild (animal), savage; barbarous, barbaric; brutal, cruel; a savage; a barbarian

مستوحش mustauḥiš wild, savage; a savage; lonesome, lonely; melancholia, gloomy, sad, unhappy

وحف waḥf luxuriant and black (hair)

وحل waḥila يوحل yauḥalu to sink in mire, get stuck in the mud; to be stuck, be stranded, come to a deadlock, be in a fix II to soil with mud, muddy (هـ s.th.), to become slimy, muddy or mucky (the ground) IV to mire (ه s.o.), make (ه s.o.) stick flit in the mud, get s.o. into a quagmire, throw s.o. in the mud V to be or become dirty, muddy, miry X = V

وحل waḥl, waḥal pl. وحول wuḥūl, اوحال auḥāl mud, mire, slough, morass

وحل waḥil muddy, dirty, miry

موحل mauḥil muddy ground, slough; fix, predicament

موحل muwaḥḥal muddy, miry, mud-covered, mud-spattered, dirty

وحم waḥima يحم yauḥimu, يوحم yauḥamu (waḥam) to feel appetite, have a longing, a craving (هـ for), desire (هـ s.th.)

وحم waḥam a craving for certain food during pregnancy; appetite, craving, longing, ardent desire

وحام waḥām, wiḥām a craving for certain food during pregnancy, appetite, craving, longing, ardent desire

وحمى waḥmā pl. وحام wiḥām, وحامى waḥāmā craving for certain food (pregnant woman)

وحوح waḥwaḥa to tremble, shiver, shudder (من from, with)

وحى waḥā يحي yaḥī (waḥy) to inspire (ب الى s.o. with); to reveal (ب الى to s.o. s.th.) IV to inspire (ب الى s.o. with), to reveal (ب الى to s.o. s.th.; of God); to give an idea, give an impression (من of); to suggest, give rise to the idea (ان that), create the impression (ان that, as if); pass. اوحي الي ūḥiya ilayya it occurred to me, the idea suggested itself, I came to think, I was inspired X to ask s.o.’s (ه ) advice, seek s.o.’s (ه ) counsel, consult (ه s.o.); to let o.s. be inspired (ه هـ with s.th. by s.o.), seek inspiration (ه هـ in s.th. from s.o.); to derive, deduce (من هـ s.th. from) | استوحى الفكرة (fikrata) to let o.s. be guided by the thought; استوحى موعظة من (mau‘iẓatan) to draw a lesson from

وحي waḥy inspiration; revelation (theol.)

ايحاء īḥā’ suggestion | ايحاء ذاتي (dātī) autosuggestion

O واح wāḥin radio transmitter; O الواحى radio

موح mūḥin inspiring; revealing; dispenser of revelations

موحى mūḥan pl. موحيات mūḥayāt inspiration, revelation

مستوحى mustauḥan influenced, advised, guided, inspired (ب by); derived, deduced (من from)

وخز wakaza يخز yakizu (wakz) to sting, prick, twinge (ه s.o.); to pierce, transfix, stab to death (ه s.o.); to vex, pester, harass, beset, irritate, torment (ه s.o.)

وخز wakz stinging, pricking; sharp, local pain, twinges | وخز الضمير compunctions, pangs of remorse

وخزة wakza (n. vic.) sting, prick, twinge

وخزان wakzān needling, nagging

وخاز wakkāz stinging, pricking; biting, sharp, pungent, smarting, fierce, violent

واخز wākiz stinging, pricking; biting, sharp, pungent, smarting, fierce, violent

وخط wakaṭa يخط yakiṭu (wakṭ) to turn gray, make gray-haired (ه s.o.; of age)

وخم (see also1 تخم ) wakuma يوخم yaukumu (وخامة wakāma) to be unhealthy (e.g., air, climate); to be unwholesome, heavy, indigestible; -- wakima يوخم yaukamu (wukm)to suffer from indigestion VIII اتخم ittakama to suffer from indigestion

تخمة tukma pl. -āt, تخم tukam surfeit; indigestion; upset stomach

وخم wakam unhealthy air; dirt, filth, squalor

وخم wakim unhealthy; unwholesome, heavy, indigestible; dirty, filthy, squalid

وخيم wakīm unhealthy; indigestible; bad, evil, dangerous, fatal, disastrous | وخيم العاقبة of evil consequences

وخامة wakāma unhealthiness, unwholesomeness; evil nature

اوخم aukam2 unhealthier; worse

مستوخم mustaukam indigestible; unwholesome | مجاز مستوخم (majāz) tasteless metaphor (rhet.)

وخى wakā يخي yakī (waky) to intend, purpose (هـ s.th., to do s.th.), have in mind, have in view (هـ s.th.), aim (هـ at), aspire (هـ to), be out for (هـ ) II do.; to lead, guide (ه s.o.) V to intend, purpose (هـ s.th., to do s.th.), have in mind, have in view (هـ s.th.), aim (هـ at), aspire (هـ to), strive (هـ for), be out for (هـ ), put one’s mind (هـ to), set one’s mind, be intent (هـ on) | توخى طريقة to follow a method, proceed methodically, systematically; توخى غاية to pursue an object, have an aim in mind

وخي waky pl. وخي wukīy, wikīy intention, aim, plan

توخ tawakkin design, intent

ود wadda (1st pers. perf. wadidtu) a (wadd, wudd, widd, وداد wadād, wudād, مودة mawadda) to love, like (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), be fond (هـ, ه of); to want, wish (هـ s.th., ان or لو or لو ان that s.th. be) | اود ان يفعل ذلك I should like him to do this, كما يود as he likes; وددت لو كان غنيا (lau, ganīyan) I wish he were rich; ود نفسه بعيدا عن (nafsahū) to wish o.s. far away from III to make friends, become friends (ه with s.o.) to show love or affection (ل or الى to s.o.); to try to gain favor (الى with), seek s.o.’s (الى )) friendship; to curry favor, ingratiate o.s. (الى with), flatter one’s way (الى into); to attract, captivate (ه ) win s.o. (ه ) love or friendship VI to love each other, be on friendly terms, be friends

ود wadd, widd, wudd love, affection, amity, friendship; wish, desire | كان بودنا لو (bi-waddinā) we should be pleased if

ود wadd, widd, wudd pl. اوداد audād, اود awudd, awidd loving; affectionate, tender; fond, attached, devoted; lover

ودي waddī, widdī, wuddī friendly, amicable

وداد wadād, widād, wudād love, friendship

ودادي wadādī amicable, friendly, of a friend

ودود wadūd favorably disposed, attached, devoted, fond, friendly

وديد wadīd favorably disposed, attached, devoted, fond, friendly

مودة mawaadda love; friendship

تواد tawādd friendly relations, good terms

ودج wadaj pl. اوداج audāj jugular vein | انتفخت اوداجه his jugular veins swelled, i.e., he flew into a rage, he became furious; (also used in the sense of:) to become inflated with pride, swagger, bluster

وداج widāj jugular vein

ودر to endanger, imperil (ه s.o.); to waste (هـ s.th.)

ودع wada’a يدع yada’u (wad’) to put down, lodge, deposit (هـ s.th.); (usually only in imperf. and imp.) to let, leave; to leave off, stop, cease; to give up, omit, skip (هـ s.th. الى in order to turn to s.th. else) | دع عنك da’ ‘anka desist! stop! دع عنك or دعك من da’ka min not to speak of ..., let alone …; دعك من هذا (da’ka) stop that! cut it out! دعنا من هذا (da’nā) let’s not talk about it! enough of that! دعنا نذهب let us go! يدع محلا to leave room; -- wadu’a يودع yaudu’u (وداعة wadā’a) to be gentle, mild-tempered, meek, peaceable II to see off, bid farewell (ه s.o.); to take leave (ه of), say farewell (ه to s.o.) IV to put down, lay down (هـ هـ , s.o., s.th. in a place, also fig., s.th. in a book), lodge, deposit (هـ هـ s.th. in a place); to entrust (هـ هـ to s.o. s.th.); to leave (هـ ه with s.o. s.th.), give (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) for safekeeping, give s.th. (هـ ) in charge of s.o. (ه ), consign (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) | اودعه السجن (sijna) to throw s.o. in prison X to lay down, put down, place, lodge, deposit (هـ هـ s.th. in a place); to entrust, consign, commit (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.), leave (هـ ه s.th. with s.o.), give (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) for safekeeping, give s.th. (هـ ) in charge of s.o. (ه ); to put on half pay, transfer to provisional retirement (ه an official); to store, warehouse (هـ s.th.) | استودعه الله (llāha) to commend s.o. to God’s protection; استودعك الله farewell! God with you! good-by! adieu!

دعة da’a mild-temperedness, meekness, gentleness, gentle-heartedness; calm, composure, equanimity

ودع wad‘ lodging, depositing, deposition

ودع wad‘, wadā’ (coll.; n. un. ة ) seashells

وداع wadā‘ farewell, leave-taking, adieu, valediction; الوداع and وداعا farewell! adieu! God with you! Good-by!

وداعة wadā‘a gentle-heartedness, gentleness, mild-temperedness, meekness, peaceableness

وديع wadī‘ calm, peaceable, gentle-hearted, mild-tempered, meek

وديعة wadī‘a pl. ودائع wadā’i‘ s.th. entrusted to s.o.’s custody, trust, charge; deposited amount; deposit

ميدعة mīda‘a apron; (doctor’s) smock

توديع taudī‘ farewell, adieu, leave-taking; valediction

ايداع īdā‘ lodging, consigning, depositing, deposition | بطاقة الإيداع deposit slip, certificate of deposit; warrant of arrest; محضر الإيداع maḥḍar al-i. official record of deposit (jur.)

استيداع istīdā‘ lodging, consigning, depositing, deposition; reserve; transfer to provisional retirement (of an official); putting on half pay (mil.) | في الاستيداع in provisional retirement; unattached, on half pay; O مخزن الاستيداع makzan al-ist. depot

وادع wādi‘ consignor, depositor, deponent, lodger; gentle, mild, meek; peaceable, composed, calm; moderate; low, deep

مودع mūdi‘ consignor, lodger, depositor; gentle, mild, meek; moderate; low, deep

مودع mūda‘ lodged, consigned; deposited; deposit; المودع لديه (ladaihi) keeper, consignee, depository

مستودع mustaudi‘ depositor

مستودع mustauda‘ lodged, consigned; deposited; stored; in provisional retirement; unattached, on half pay, in reserve; -- (pl. -āt) depository, repository; store-house; warehouse, depot; O hangar; O container, reservoir, (storage) tank | O مستودع التدريب training center (mil.)

وديقة wadīqa pl. ودائق wadā’iq2 lawn, meadow

ودك wadak fat

ودك wadik, ودك wadūk, وديك wadīk and وادك wādik fat (adj.)

ودى wadā يدي yadī to pay blood money (ه for s.o. killed) IV to perish, die; to out off (ب s.o.; of death); to kill, destroy (ب s.o., s.th.) | اودى بحياته (bi-ḥayātihī) to destroy s.o.’s life; اودى بصحته (bi-ṣiḥḥatihī) to ruin s.o.’s health, sap s.o.’s strength

دية diya pl. -āt blood money, wergild; indemnity for bodily injury

واد wādin pl. اودية audiya, وديان widyān valley; river valley, river bed, ravine, gorge, wadi; river; (newspaper) column | اسال اودية من الحبر (ḥibr) to pour forth floods of ink; نحن في واد وانتم في واد we belong to different camps; there is a deep gulf between us, we stand worlds apart; حوم به الفكر في اودية شتى (ḥawwama, fikru šattā) approx.: his thoughts trailed off, he was thinking of s.th. else, he was absent-minded; ذهب صيحة في واد (ṣaiḥatan) to die unheard (call); هام في وديان approx.: he was no longer himself, he was floating in higher realms, he was beside himself, he was out of his senses; في كل واد everywhere, on all sides; وادى حلفا w. ḥalfa Wadi Halfa (town in N Sudan, on Egyptian border)

(وذر ) only imperf. يذر yadaru and imp. ذر dar to let, leave; to let alone, leave alone; to let be, stop, cease; to leave behind

ورب II to equivocate, express o.s. in equivocal terms (عن about) III to doublecross, dupe, outfox, outsmart (ه s.o.)

ورب warb pl. اوراب aurāb obliqueness, obliquity, slantingness; oblique direction, inclination, slope, slant, diagonal | بالورب obliquely, slantingly, aslant; diagonally, transversely

وراب wirāb obliqueness, obliquity

مواربة muwāraba equivocation, ambiguity | بدون مواربة or في غير مواربة unequivocally, in no uncertain terms

موروب maurūb oblique, inclined, slanting, sloping; diagonal, transverse; partly open, ajar (door)

موارب muwārab ajar (door)

ورث warita يرث yaritu (wirt, ارث irt, ارثة irta, وراثة warāta, رثة rita, تراث turāt) to be heir (ه to s.o.), be s.o.’s (ه ) heir; to inherit (ه or عن or من هـ s.th. from s.o.) II to appoint as heir (ه s.o.); to transfer by will, leave, bequeath, make over (هـ ه to s.o. s.th.) IV = II; to draw down, bring down (هـ ه on s.o. s.th.), cause (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) VI to have inherited (هـ s.th.); to possess as an inheritance (هـ s.th.)

ارث irt heritage, inheritance, legacy; estate (of inheritance)

ورث wirt inheritance, legacy

وراثة wirāta inheritance, legacy; hereditariness, hereditary transmission, heredity

وراثي wirātī hereditary | امراض وراثية hereditary diseases

وريث warīt pl. ورثاء wuratā’2 beir, inheritor

تراث turāt inheritance, legacy

ميراث mīrāt pl. مواريث mawārīt2 heritage, inheritance, legacy, estate

توارث tawārut transmission by inheritance; heredity

وارث wārit pl. ورثة warata, وراث wurrāt inheriting; heir, inheritor

موروث maurūt inherited; handed down, transmitted, traditional; hereditary

مورث muwarrit and mūrit testator, legator

متوارث mutawārat inherited

1 ورد warada يرد yaridu (ورود wurūd) to come, arrive; to appear, show up; to be found, be met with, be said (في in a book, letter, etc.), be mentioned (في in); to reach (الى or هـ a place), arrive (الى or هـ at), come to, get to, travel to; to be received (على by s.o.; letter, money, or the like), come to s.o.’s (على ) hands; to accrue, come (على to s.o.; revenue, proceeds, etc.) II to make (هـ s.th.) reach (ب s.th. else or s.o.), get s.th. (هـ ) to (ب ); to bring in, import (هـ s.th.); to supply, furnish, feed (ب هـ s.th. to); to deposit (ب هـ s.th. in), pay (ب هـ s.th. into) IV to make or have (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) come (هـ or على to), bring, take (الى or على هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to); to transfer, convey, transport, move (الى هـ s.th. to a place); to import (هـ s.th.); to deposit, pay in (هـ an amount); to produce, present (هـ s.th.); to supply, furnish (هـ s.th.); to mention, state, set forth, bring up, allege, adduce, cite, quota (هـ s.th.), interpose, introduce, mention casually, drop in passing, throw in (هـ s.th., .,. in one’s speech) VI to arrive successively, come one after the other; to succeed one another, be successive, consecutive; to arrive, come in, come to hand (news, dispatches); to coincide, happen to be identical (ideas, thoughts) X to have (هـ s.th.) supplied or furnished (من by or from), buy, draw, get, procure (من هـ s.th. from); to import (من هـ s.th. from)

ورد wird watering place; animals coming to the water; -- (pl. اوراد aurād) specified time of day or night devoted to private worship (in addition to the five prescribed prayers); a section of the Koran recited on this occasion | الورد الذي طالما التسبيح به (ṭālamā) and الورد الذي يتلى في الغدو والآصال (yutlā fī l-gudūw wa-l-āṣāl) approx.: always the lame old story

بنت وردان bint wardāna pl. بنات وردان banāt w. cockroach

وريد warīd pl. اوردة aurida, ورد wurud, ورود wurūd vein; jugular vein | حبل الوريد ḥabl al-warīd jugular vein

ورود wurūd coming, arrival, advent; receipt; appearance

مورد maurid pl. موارد mawārid2 place of arrival, (place of) destination; access to the water, to a watering place; watering place; spring, well; resource, resort, expedient; place of origin, of provenience; source of income; income, revenue; supply; importation | موارد الدولة m. ad-daula government revenues; موارد الزيت m. az-zait oil wells; موارد المعيشة m. al-ma‘īša food supply lines

موردة maurida watering place; landing place, quay, wharf

توريد taurīd pl. -āt furnishing, provision, purveyance; importation, import; supply; feed | توريد البضائع supply of goods

ايراد īrād adduction, allegation, bringing up, mention(ing), citation, quotation; pl. -āt importation, import; supply; revenue, income; returns, proceeds, takings, receipts; yield, gain, profit

توارد tawārud successive arrival; accidental identity of ideas

استيراد istīrād importation, import(s)

وارد wārid pl. وراد wurrād arriving; found, mentioned; newcomer, arrival; pl. -āt imports; receipts, incomings, returns, proceeds, takings | واردات وصادرات imports and exports

مورد muwarrid supplier, furnisher, purveyor, contractor

مستورد mustaurid importer

مستوردات mustauradāt imported goods, imports

2 ورد II to blossom, be in bloom (tree); to apply rouge (هـ to), rouge, make up (هـ s.th.); to dye or color red (هـ s.th.) V to be or become red; to take on a rosy color, glow, be aglow, be flushed (cheek) VI = V

ورد ward (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. ورود wurūd rose(s); blossoms, flowers, bloom

وردة warda (n. un.) rose; rosette; cockade; rosebush; (eg.) washer; (eg.) packing ring (of a piston)

وردي wardī roseate, rose-colored, rosy; pink

وردية wardīya rosary

وردة wurda reddish color

تورد tawarrud a reddening, red coloration

مورد muwarrad rosy, ruddy, red

متورد mutawarrid rosy

جبال الآوراس jibāl al-aurās the Aurès Mountains (in E Algeria)

1 ورش waraša يرش yarišu (warš) to interfere with s.o.’s (jo) p1&ns, thrust o.s. on s.o. (على ) II to disturb the peace, make trouble

ورش wariš lively, brisk; restless, restive

وارش wāriš obtrusive; intruder, parasite

2 ورشة warša pl. -āt, ورش wiraš workshop | ورشة الإصلاح w. al-iṣlāḥ repair shop, service station; ورشة الغسيل laundry

وروط II and IV to entangle, embroil, involve (في ه s.o. in difficulties), put s.o. (ه ) in an unpleasant situation, get s.o. in a bad fix V to let o.s. in for difficulties, get o.s. into trouble; to be entangled, be embroiled, become involved (في in) X to be entangled, be embroiled, become involved (في in)

ورطة warṭa pl. waraṭāt, وراط wirāṭ difficult or critical situation, difficulty, trouble, plight, predicament, awkward position, dilemma, fix, ja.m; embroilment, bad entanglement

تورط lawarruṭ entanglement, involvement (في in)

موروط maurūṭ in a plight, in a bad fix, in a dilemma

مورط muwarraṭ in a plight, in a bad fix, in a dilemma

ورع warifa يرع yari‘u (wara‘) and waru‘a (وراعة warā‘a) to be pious and god-fearing V to pause (عن before), be cautious, hesitate (عن about), refrain, abstain (عن, من from)

ورع wara‘ piety, piousness, godliness, godfearingness; caution, cautiousness, carefulness; timorousness, timidity, shyness, reserve

ورع wari‘ pl. اوراع aurā‘ pious, godly, god-fearing; cautious, careful; reticent, reserved

ورف warafa يرف yarifu (warf, وريف warīf, وروف wurūf) to stretch, extend, become long (shadow); to sprout, be green, verdant, in bloom (plant) II and IV to stretch, extend, become long (shadow)

وارف wārif extending, stretching (shadow); green, verdant, blooming; luxuriant

ورق II to leaf, burst into leaf, put forth leaves, sprout; to leaf, thumb (هـ a book); to paper (هـ a wall) IV to leaf, burst into leaf, put forth leaves, sprout

ورق waraq (coll.; n. un. ة ) pl. اوراق aurāq foliage, leafage, leaves; paper; paper money, banknotes; thin sheet metal, laminated metal | ورق تمغة w. tamga stamped paper; ورق الرسم w. ar-rasm drawing paper; ورق مزركش w. muzarkas wallpaper, paper hangings; ورق السنفرة w. as-sanfara emery paper, glass paper, sandpaper; ورق شفاف (šaffāf) tracing paper; ورق الشاهدة carbon paper; ورق مطبوع (tun.) stamped paper; ورق عادم wastepaper; ورق مقوى (muqawwan) cardboard, pasteboard; ورق الكتابة writing paper; ورق اللعب w. al-la‘b playing cards; ورق اللف w. al-laff wrapping paper; ورق نشاف (نشاش ) (naššāf, naššāš) blotting paper; ورق نقدي paper money; ورق اليانصيب w. al-yā-naṣīb lottery tickets; اوراق الأشغال business papers, commercial papers; اوراق الاعتماد credentials; اوراق الحكومة government bonds; اوراق القضية a. al-qaḍīya court records; اوراق مالية securities, bonds; banknotes, paper money; اوراق الموسيقى a. al-mūsīqā sheet music; اوراق نقدية (naqdīya), ورق النقد w. an-naqd banknotes, paper money; حبر على ورق (ḥibr) mere ink on paper, of no effect (e.g., treaty, agreement); طرح الأوراق على المائدة to lay the cards on the table; to show one’s hand

ورقة waraqa (n. un.) leaf; petal; sheet of paper; piece of paper, slip; note; card, ticket; document, record, paper; thin metal plate, leaf of sheet metal | ورقة البريد postcard; ورقة البنك banknote; ورقة مدموغة (madmūga) stamped sheet; ورقة لعب w. la‘b playing card; ورقة مالية banknote; bond, security; ورقة الاتهام w. al-ittihām bill of indictment

ورقي waraqī: نقود ورقية paper money

ورق wariq leafy, green, verdant

وراق warrāq pl. -ūn paper manufacturer, papermaker; stationer; wastepaper dealer; copyist (of manuscripts)

وراقة wirāqa papermaking, paper manufacture; stationery business, stationer’s trade

وارق wāriq leafy, green, verdant

مورق muwarriq stationer

مورق mūriq leafy

ورك wark, wirk, warik f., pl. اوراك aurāk hip, haunch; thigh

ورل waral pl. ورلان wirlān, اورال aurāl varan, monitor lizard (zool.)

ورم warima يرم yarimu (waram) to be swollen; to swell, become swollen II to cause to swell, inflate (هـ s.th.) | ورم انفه (anfahū) to annoy, vex, irritate, infuriate s.o.; ورم بأنفه (bi-anfihī) to be puffed up, conceited, stuck-up V = I

ورم waram pl. اورام aurām swelling, intumescence, tumor | في انفه ورم (anfihī) he is stuck-up

تورم tawarrum swelling, rising, intumescence

وارم wārim swollen

مورم muwarram swollen

ورن waran varan, monitor lizard (zool.)

ورنش warnaša to varnish, lacquer, japan (هـ s.th.)

ورنيش warnīš varnish, lacquer, japan; shoe polish | ورنيش الأرضية w. al-ardīya floor wax

اوره aurah2, f. ورهاء warhā’ stupid, dumb; cheeky, brazenfaced, impudent

وروار warwar bee eater (Meropl; zool.)

1 ورى warā يري yarī (wary) to kindle, fire, take fire (lighter) II do.; to strike fire; to hide, conceal, keep secret, secrete (هـ s.th.); to allude (ب عن to s.th. with); to pretend, feign, affect, simulate (ب s.th.) III to try to keep secret (هـ s.th.); to hide, conceal (هـ هـ s.th. in); to disguise, mask (هـ s.th.) | واراه التراب (turāba) to inhume, bury s.o. IV = I; to strike fire V to hide, conceal o.s. (من or عن from) VI do.; to disappear from the sight (عن of s.o. also عن الأنظار )

الورى al-warā the mortals, mankind | خير الورى kair al-w. the best of all men, the Prophet Mohammed

وراء warā’a (prep.) behind, in the rear of, at the back of; after; beyond, past; over and above, beside, in addition to; (adv.) warā’u behind, in the rear, at the back | الى الوراء to the rear; backward; كان وراءه to be favorably disposed to s.o., stand behind s.o., support, back s.o.; ما وراء الأردن (urdun) Transjordan; ما وراء الأكمة (akama) what is at the bottom of it, what is behind it; وراء الأكمة ما وراءها there is more in it than meets the eye, there is s.th. wrong; ما وراء البحر (baḥr) overseas; ما وراء الطبيعة the supernatural, the transcendental; metaphysics; ما وراء النهر (nahr) Transoxiana; من وراء min warā’i (with foll. genit.) behind, from behind; beyond, past; over and above; by means of, through, by; التكسب من وراء الدعارة (takassub, di‘āra) professional prostitution; كانمن وراء مقدرة العقل البشري (madurati al-‘aqli al-bašarī) to be beyond the power of human comprehension

ورائي warā’ī hind, rear, back, located at the back, directed backward

اورى aurā (elative) better concealing (ل s.th.)

تورية tauriya hiding, concealment; dissemblance, dissimulation, hypocrisy; equivocation, ambiguity, double-entendre, allusion

2 توراة look up alphabetically

1 وز wazza u (wazz) to incite, set (على ه s.o. against)

2 وز = اوز iwazz (see up alphabetically)

وزب wazaba يزب yazibu (وزوب wuzūb) to flow (water)

ميزاب mīzāb pl. ميازيب mayāzīb2 drain pipe, drain; gutter, sewer; roof gutter | انفتحت ميازيت السماء infataḥat m. us-samā’ the heavens opened their gates

وزر wazara يزر yaziru (wizr) to take upon o.s., carry (هـ a burden); -- wazira yaziru and wazira يوزر yauzaru (wizr, wazr, زرة zira) to commit a sin III to help, assist, aid, support (على ه s.o. in) IV to support, back up (ه s.o.), strengthen s.o.’s (ه ) arm VI to help each other VIII اتزر ittazara to wear a loincloth; to put on (هـ a garment); to commit a sin

وزر wizr pl. اوزار auzār heavy load, burden, encumbrance; sin, crime; responsibleness, responsibility | حمله وزره (ḥammalahū) to make s.o. bear the responsibility for s.th., make s.o. answerable for s.th.; وضعت الحرب اوزارها waḍa‘at il-ḥarbu auzārahū the war has come to an end

وزرة wizra pl. wizarāt loincloth

وزرة wazara pl. -āt skirt, skirting (arch.)

2 وزر V to become a (cabinet) minister X to appoint a (cabinet) minister (ه s.o.); to be appointed as (cabinet) minister

وزير wazīr pl. وزراء wuzarā’ (cabinet) minister; vizier; queen (in chess) | وزير بلا وزارة (bi-lā) minister without portfolio; وزير مفوض (mufawwaḍ) minister plenipotentiary (dipl.); مقيم وزير (muqīm) minister resident (Tun.); الوزير الأكبر the Prime Minister (Tun.); مجلس الوزراء majlis al-w. cabinet, council of ministers; for the various departments see under وزارة

وزارة wizāra pl. -āt ministry; (rarer, also) cabinet, government | وزارة الإرشاد القومي w. al-iršād al-qaumī Ministry of National Guidance (Eg.); وزارة الاستعلامات ministry of information; وزارة الأشغال العمومية (‘umūmīya) ministry of public works; وزارة الأوقاف ministry of religious endowments, wakf ministry; وزارة البحرية w. al-baḥrīya naval department, ministry of the navy; وزارة التجارة ministry of commerce; وزارة التربية والتعليم (w. at-tarbiya) ministry of education; وزارة الحربية w. at-tarbiya war ministry; وزارة الحقانية w. al-ḥaqqānīya ministry of justice; وزارة الخارجية w. al-kārijīya foreign ministry; وزارة الداخلية w. ad-dākilīya ministry of the interior; وزارة الزراعة ministry of agriculture; وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية w. aš-šu’ūn al-ijtimā‘īya ministry of social affairs; وزارة الشؤون البلدية والقروية (baladīya, qarawīya) Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (Eg.); وزارة الصحة العمومية w. aṣ-ṣiḥḥa al-‘umūmīya ministry of public health; وزارة الطيران w. aṭ-tayarān air ministry; وزارة هلعدل (العدلية ) w. at-‘adl (al-‘adlīya) ministry of justice; وزارة المالية w. al-mālīya finance ministry; وزارة المعارف ministry of education; وزارة المواصلات w. al-muwāṣalāt ministry of communications

وزاري wizārī ministerial

وزع waza‘a يزع yaza‘u (waz‘) to curb, restrain (ه s.o.) II to distribute (على هـ s.th. among or to, بين هـ s.th. among), allot, apportion, deal out (على هـ, الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to deliver (هـ the mail); pass. wuzi‘a to be distributed, be divided (بين among) V to be distributed; to be divided; to divide among themselves, (successively, alternately) beset and torment (ه s.o.; e.g., anxieties, sorrows, thoughts)

اوزاع auzā‘ groups or crowds of people

وزيعة wazī‘a pl. وزائع wazā’i‘ share, portion, allotment

توزيع tauzī‘ distribution (also, e.g., in motion-picture industry); division, apportionment, allotment; delivery; sale, market | توزيع الثروة t. at-tarwa distribution

of (public) wealth; توزيع العمل t. al-‘mal division of labor; توزيع الجوائز distribution of prizes, award of prizes; توزيع الأرباح distribution (or payment) of dividends; توزيع مستعجل (musta‘jil) special delivery, express delivery (mail)

وازع wāzi‘ obstruction, obstacle, impediment

موزع muwazzi‘ distributing; distributor | موزع البريد postman, mailman

موزع muwazza‘ distributed; scattered, dispersed | موزع الخواطر and موزع الفكر m. al-fikr absent-minded; unconcentrated, distraught, scatterbrained

وزال wazzāl genista, broom (bot.)

وزن wazana يزن yazinu (wazn, زنة zina) to weigh (هـ s.th.); to balance, equilibrate, equalize, even up (هـ s.th.); to weigh out, sell by weight (ل هـ s.th. to s.o.) III to equal in weight (هـ s.th.), be of the same weight as (هـ ), be balanced (هـ with), equilibrate, counterbalance (هـ s.th.); to outweigh (هـ s.th.), compensate, make up (هـ for); to balance, equilibrate, poise (بين two things); to compare (بين – و s.th. with), weigh one thing against the other; to make a comparison, draw a parallel (بين -- وبين between -- and); to distribute equally (هـ s.th.) VI to be balanced, be in equilibrium, be counterpoised, be in equipoise

زنة zina weighing; weight

وزن wazn pl. اوزان auzān weight; (poetic) measure, meter; noun or verb pattern, form (gram.); tonnage of a vessel); weight, weight class (in boxing, etc.) | لا وزن له (wazna) or عديم الوزن imponderable; insignificant, of no consequence, negligible; اقام وزنا كبيرا ل to attach great importance to, set great store by; مصلحة الوزن والكيل maṣlaḥat al-w. wa-l-kail bureau of standards; وزن الديك w. ad-dīk bantamweight (boxing); الوزن الفارغ dead weight

وزنة wazna pl. wazanāt weight; gold or silver talent; (Ir.) weight of about 100 kg (varying; officially 10s.835 kg) | وزنة اضافية (idāfīya) additional weight, overweight

وزني waznī weight- (in compounds), of weight; ponderable, appreciable; weighty, ponderous, grave

وزان wizāna (prep.) commensurate with, corresponding to, in conformity with, in analogy to, following the model or pattern of

وزين wazīn weighty, ponderous | وزين الرأي of sound judgment, judicious

ميزان mīzān pl. موازين mawāzīn2 balance, scales; weight; measure; poetic measure, meter; rule, method; justice, equity, fairness, impartiality; الميزان Libra, Balance (astron.) | ميزان الحرارة m. al-ḥarāra thermometer; ميزان راصد self-registering scales; ميزان طبلي (ṭablī) weighing machine, platform scale; weighbridge; ميزان الماء spirit level, level

ميزانية mīzānīya balance, equilibrium, equipoise; balance (com.); budget | ميزانية ملحقة (mulḥaqa) supplementary budget

موازنة muwāzana equality of weight, balance, equilibrium, equipoise; outweighing; counterbalance, counterpoise, counterweight, compensation; stabilizing effect; comparing, weighing; comparison, parallel (بين between); budget; (tun.) timetable, schedule

توازن tawāzun balance, equilibrium, equipoise; poise, balance; balancing, poising | توازن سياسي (siyāsī) political balance; توازن القوى t. al-quwā balance of power; اعاد التوازن بين to restore the balance between

اتزان ittizān balance, equilibrium, equipoise; mental health; harmony; impartiality

وازن wāzin weighing; of full weight; drunk, tight

موزون mauzūn weighed; of full weight; balanced, in equilibrium, evenly poised; well-considered, well-advised, deliberate; well-balanced, well-proportioned, well-measured; rhythmically balanced; of sound judgment, judicious

موازن muwāzin outweighing, counterbalancing, equal, equivalent

متوازن mutawāzin balanced, in equilibrium

متزن muttazin balanced, measured, regular; well-balanced, harmonious (in color, and the like)

وزى III to be parallel (هـ to s.th.); to be opposite s.th. (هـ ), be the counterpart (هـ of); to correspond, amount, be equal or equivalent (هـ to), equal (هـ s.th.) VI to be parallel, run side by side; to be mutually corresponding, be equivalent

موازاة muwāzāh equal distance; parallelism; equivalence

تواز tawāzin equal distance; parallelism; equivalence | على التوازي side by side, parallel

مواز muwāzin parallel; equivalent

متواز mutawāzin parallel; similar | O متوازي الأضلاع parallelogram; O متوازي السطوح parallelepiped

وسخ wasaka يوسخ yausaku (wasak) to be or become dirty II and IV to dirty, soil, sully, stain, foul (هـ s.th.) V and VIII اتسخ ittasaka = I

وسخ pl. اوساخ ausāk dirt; filth, squalor

وسخ wasik dirty, filthy, soiled, sullied, unclean

وساخة wasāka dirtiness, filthiness, uncleanness, dirt, filth, squalor

وسد II to put under s.o.’s (ه ) head (هـ pillow), rest, lay (هـ ه s.o.’s head on), bed (هـ ه s.o. on) | وسده التراب (turāba) to lay s.o. or s.th. to rest in the ground; وسده صدره (ṣadrahū) to take s.o. to one’s breast, hug s.o. V to lay one’s head on a pillow (هـ ); to rest or recline on a pillow or cushion (هـ )

وساد wasād, wusād, wisād pl. وسد wusūd pillow, cushion | لزم الوساد lazima l-wasāda to be confined to bed

وسادة wisāda pl. -āt, وسائد wasā’id2 pillow, cushion

موسد muwassad easy, smooth, paved (way)

موسر see يسر

وسط II to place, put, or set in the middle (هـ s.th.); to choose or appoint as mediator (بين ه s.o. between) V to be in the middle or center (iJ of); to stand in the middle, keep to the middle, hold the middle between two extremes, steer a middle course; to mediate (ب ل for s.o. s.th.; بين between), act as mediator or go-between (في in)

وسط wasaṭ, وسط pl. اوساط ausāṭ middle; center, heart; waist; milieu, environment, surroundings, sphere; means, instrument, agent, medium; mediocrity, medium quality, average; pl. circles, quarters, classes, strata (of the population; -- wasaṭ pl. اوساط ausāṭ median, medial, middle, central; in the middle, middle-of-the-road, moderate; intermediate (between two extremes); middling, mediocre, coverage, mean, medium; -- wasṭa (prep.) in the middle, heart, or center of, in the midst of, amid, among | في وسط من (wasaṭin) in the middle or midst of, within; في الوسط in the very center; midway; of medium quality; في وسطنا in our midst, among us; وسط الصيف midsummer; حجم وسط (ḥajm) medium size; حل وسط (ḥall) middle solution, middle course, compromise; السيرة الوسط (sīra) medium pace; a moderate, neutral attitude; الأوساط الدبلوماسية diplomatic circles; الأوساط العامة (‘āmma) the general public, the public at large; اوساط الناس the middle classes

وسطي wasaṭī of or relative to the milieu or environment

وسطاني wasṭānī middle, central, medial, median; intermediate; middling, medium, mediocre

وسطية wasṭīya pl. -āt patio, inner courtyard

وساطة wisāṭa mediation, intervention; good offices, recommendation, intercession | بوساطة by means of, through, by, per; عن وساطة فلان through the good offices of s.o. قدم وساطته to offer one’s good offices for

وسيط wasīṭ pl. وسطاء middle, intermediary, intermediate, medial, median; mediator, intercessor; intermediary; agent, go-between, broker, middleman; medium (occultism) العصر الوسيط (‘aṣr) the Middle Ages

وسيطة wasīṭa pl. وسائط wasā’iṭ2 means, medium | وسائط المواصلات والنقل w. al-muwāṣalāt wa-n-naql means of communication and transportation

اوسط ausaṭ2 pl. اواسط awāsīṭ2, f. وسطى wusṭā pl. وسط wusaṭ middle, central; الوسطى the middle finger | في اواسط هذا الأسبوع (usbū‘) in the middle of this week; اواسط الشهر a. aš-šahr the middle of the month; اواسط افريقية Central Africa; اوروبا الوسطى (urubbā)) Central Europe; الشرق الأوسط (šarq) the Middle East; الطبقات الوسطى (ṭabaqāt) the middle classes; القرون (العصور) الوسطى the Middle Ages; نتيجة وسطى mean result, average

توسط tawassuṭ mediation, intervention; situation or position in the middle, intermediateness, intermediacy; mediocrity

واسطة wāsiṭa pl. وسائط mediator, mediatress, intermediary; mediacy, agency, instrumentality, agent, device, means, medium; expedient | بواسطة by means of, through, by, per; on the part of, by; بالوساطة indirectly, mediately; بهذه الواسطة by this means or device, by that; بوساطة ذلك by means of that, by that; واسطة الاتصال w. al-ittiṣāl link

متوسط mutawassiṭ middle, medium; medial, median, intermediate; centrally located, central; mediating, intermediary; mediator, go between; mean, average | متوسط الحال those of average means; متوسط الحجم m. al-ḥajm middle-sized, of medium size; متوسط العمر m. al-‘umr middle-aged; متوسط القامة of medium height, middle-sized; متوسط النوع m. an-nau‘ middling, of medium quality; البحر الأبيض المتوسط (baḥr, abyaḍ) the Mediterranean; موجات متوسطة (maujāt) medium waves (radio); متوسط الهجوم center forward (soccer)

وسع wasu‘a يوسع yausu‘u (وساعة wasā‘a) to be wide, roomy, spacious, vast, extensive; -- wasi‘a يسع yasa‘u (سعة sa‘a) to be wide, roomy, spacious; to be well-to-do, be well off; to hold, accommodate, house, seat, etc. (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), have room, have capacity (هـ, ه for); to contain, comprise, comprehend, encompass, include (هـ s.th.); to be large enough, suffice, be sufficient, adequate, enough (هـ, ه for); wasi‘a yasa‘u (وسع wus‘, سعة sa‘a) esp. with negation: to be possible (ه for s.o.), be permitted, be allowed (ه to s.o.), be in s.o.’s (ه ) power, be up to s.o. (ه ); to be able (هـ to do s.th.), be capable (هـ of); to be allowed (هـ to do s.th.) | لا يسعني ان اقول I cannot say; ما اسع ذلك I can’t do that II to make wider, roomier, more spacious (هـ s.th.); to extend expand (هـ s.th.); to widen, enlarge (هـ or من s.th.); to broaden (هـ s.th.); to be generous, liberal, openhanded (على toward s.o., هـ ه toward s.o. with s.th.); to make rich. enrich (على s.o.) | وسع خطاه (kuṭāhu) to take longer strides, stride out, quicken one’s pace; وسع المكان ل (makāna) to make room for IV = II; to be or become rich | اوسعه برا (birran) to treat s.o. with the greatest reverence, bestow ample favors upon s.o.: اوسعه شتما (šatman) to heap abuse on s.o.; اوسعه ضربا (ḍarban) to give s.o. a sound beating, wall s.o.; اوسع النفقة (nafaqata) to incur great expenses V to be extended, be expanded, be widened; to spread (out), expand, widen, expand; to have enough room, sit comfortably; to make o.s. comfortable, make o.s. at home (في in); to enlarge, expatiate (في on), talk or write at great length (في about); to proceed (في in); to continue (في s.th., in s.th.) | توسع في النفقة (nafaqa) to incur great expenses VIII اتسع ittasa‘a to be extended, be expanded, be widened, be enlarged; to expand, widen, grow, increase; to stretch far and wide, be vast; to extend, range; to become rich; to be large or wide enough, suffice, be sufficient, adequate, enough (ل for); to hold, accommodate, house, seat, etc. (ل s.o., s.th.), have room (ل for); to be at s.o.’s (ل ) disposal; to be susceptible (ل of); to be able (~ to do s.th.). be capable (هـ of) | بكل ما تتسع له الكلمة من معنى (kalimatu, ma‘nan) in the widest sense of the word X to widen, expand, become wider; to become larger, increase in size; to find wide or large (هـ s.th.)

سعة sa‘a wideness, roominess, spaciousness; extent, range, compass; volume, holding capacity, capacity; capability, faculty, power, ability; comfortableness, comfort; plenty, abundance, profusion; luxury, affluence, wealth | ذو سعة well-to-do, wealthy; بسعة or عن سعة amply, abundantly; على الرحب والسعة (ruḥb) welcome! على قدر سعتي (qadri sa‘atī) to the best of my abilities; كان في سعة من رزقه (rizqihī) to be wealthy, live in luxury; سعة الصدر s. ṣadr patience, long-suffering; سعة كهربائية (kahrabā’īya) electric capacity; O سعة الموجة s. al-mauja amplitude (el.)

وسع wus‘ ability, capability, faculty; capacity; power, strength; holding capacity | وسعه wus‘uhū what he can do. what is in his power; في وسعه ان it is in his power to ..., he can …; في وسعي ان اقول I can, or I may, say; ليس في وسعه الا (illā) ha has no other possibility but ..., he cannot but ...; بذل وسعه to go to great pains, do one’s best or utmost

وسع wasa‘ vastness, vast space

وسعة wus‘a wideness, roominess, spaciousness; extent, range, compass; plenty, abundance, profusion (من of)

وسيع wasī‘ pl. وساع wisā‘ wide, vast; roomy, spacious, large; capacious

اوسع ausa‘2 wider, larger, roomier, more spacious | اوسع صدرا (ṣadran) more patient; اوسع مدى (madan) broader, wider

توسيع tausī‘ widening, expansion; broadening, extension; enlargement, increase

توسعة tausi‘a: اجل التوسع ajal at-t. reprieve, reprieve (jur.)

توسع tawassu‘ extending, extension, widening, increase, enlargement; expansion | مع التوسع in a wider sense, by extension; توسع استعماري (isti‘mārī) imperialistic expansion; O توسع الحرب t. al-ḥarb extension of the (theater of) war; سياسة التوسع siyāsat at-t. policy of expansion

توسعي tawassu‘ī expansionist (adj.) | سياسة توسعية (siyāsa) policy of expansion, expansionist policy

اتساع ittisā‘ extending, extension, extensiveness, wideness, spaciousness, vastness, expanse, range, scope, compass, extent; O amplitude (el.); O gauge (of railroad tracks); sufficiency, adequacy | اتساع في الكلام (kalām) vagueness of expression; عدم الاتساع ل ‘adam al-itt, insufficiency, inadequacy for

واسع wāsi‘ wide; broad; large, roomy, spacious, vast, sweeping, extensive; far-reaching | واسع الانتشار widespread; واسع الرحمة (العدل ) (al-‘adl) abounding in mercy (in justice); واسع الصدر w. aṣ-ṣadr patient; forbearing, indulgent, generous, magnanimous; واسع النطاق far-reaching, extensive; comprehensive; large-scale; رجل واسع الحيلة (rajul, ḥila) a resourceful, ingenious man; ثوب واسع (taub) wide or loose garment; سهل واسع (sahl) vast (sweeping) plain; شارع واسع broad street

موسوعة mausū‘a pl. -āt comprehensive work; encyclopedia; thesaurus

موسوعي mausū‘ī encyclopedic

موسع mūsī‘ rich, wealthy

متسع mutasi‘ wide, extensive, vast, spacious, roomy, large; ample, abundant, sufficient

متسع muttasa‘ space; room | لم يجد متسعا من الوقت ل (yajid, waqt) or لم يكن في الوقت متسع ل (yakun) not to have enough time for; O متسع حيوي (ḥayawī) lebensraum

وسق wasaqa يسق yasiqu (wasq) to load, freight (هـ هـ a ship with) IV do. VIII اتسق ittasaqa to be in good order, be well-ordered; to harmonize, be in keeping (مع with) X to be or become possible (ل for s.o.)

وسق wasq pl. وسق wusūq, اوساق ausāq load, freight, cargo

اتساق ittisāq harmony

متسق muttasiq in good order, well-ordered; balanced, harmonious

وسكي wiskī whiskey

وسل V to ingratiate o.s. curry favor (الى with), seek to gain access (الى to), seek or solicit s.o.’s (الى ) favor; to implore, beseech, entreat (الى s.o.), plead (الى with s.o.); to ask s.o.’s (ب ) help, turn with a request (ب to s.o.); to use as a means (ب s.th.), make use (ب of a means)

وسيلة wasīla pl. وسائل wasā’il2 means, medium; device, expedient, instrument, tool, agent; measure, step | وسائل الاحتياط precautionary measures, precautions; وسائل التعليم educational aids, training aids, material of instruction; وسائل التكييف air-conditioning installation; وسائل المواصلات w. al-muwāṣalāt means of communication; وسائل النقل w. an-naql means of transportation; ابتغى الوسيلة to try to ingratiate o.s. (ب الى with s.o. by s.th.); اتخذ منه وسيلة (ittakada) to regard s.th. as an expedient for ...

توسل tawassul request, entreaty, fervent plea; petition, application | توسلا الى tawassulan ilā so as to succeed by this means in ..., in order to get to the point where ...

وسائل النقل w. an-naql means of transportation; ابتغى الوسيلة to try to ingratiate s.o. (ب الى with s.o. by s.th); اتخذ منه الوسيلة ل (ittakada) to regard s.th. as an expedient for ...

توسل tawassul request, entreaty, fervent plea; petition, application | توسلا الى tawassulan ilā so as to succeed by this means in ..., in order to get to the point where ...

وسم wasama يسم yasimu (wasm, سمة sima) to brand (هـ cattle); to stamp, mark, brand (ب هـ, ه s.o., s.th. as) | وسمه بالعار to brand as infamous, stigmatize s.o. وسم جبينه ب (wusima jabīnuhū) to be written in s.o.’s face II to distinguish (ه s.o.) confer distinction (ه upon s.o.), award a decoration or order (ه to) V to scrutinize, regard attentively, watch closely (هـ s.th.); to examine carefully (هـ s.th.); to regard (ه s.o.) look at (ه ); to be marked, characterized (ب by) | توسم فيه خيرا (kairan) to see promising signs in s.o., expect a lot of good of s o., set great hopes on s.o. VIII اتسم ittasama to be branded; to be marked, characterized (ب by), to bear the stamp of (ب )

سمة sima pl. –āt, sign, mark, characteristic; outward characteristic, feature, trait; stamp, impress, character (of s.th.); visa (Saudi Ar.); pl. -āt also: features, facial expression, mien, bearing

وسم wasm pl. وسوم wusūm brand; tribal mark, tribal brand, characteristic, mark; coat or arms

وسام wisām pl. اوسمة ausima badge; decoration, medal; order; badge or honor | وسام الاستحقاق order or merit; وسام ربطة الساق w. rabṭat as-sāq Order or the Garter; وسام الشرف (جوقة الشرف ) w. aš-šaraf (jauqat aš-š.) Legion of Honor; الوسام العلوي (‘alawī) the Moroccan “ouissam alaouite”

وسامة wasāma grace, gracefulness, charm, beauty

وسيم wasīm pl. وسماء wusamā’2, وسام wisām graceful, comely, pretty, good-looking; beautiful (face)

موسم mawāsim pl. مواسم mawāsim2 time or the year, season; festive season; specif., the Muslim hadj festival); festival, feast day, holiday; fair; bed date, deadline; harvest | المواسم والأعياد the feasts and holidays; موسم الاصطياف summer season (of a health resort); موسم تمثيلي (tamtīlī) or موسم مسرحي (masraḥī) theater season; موسم الحج m. al-ḥajj season or the Pilgrimage; موسم القطن m. al-quṭn cotton harvest, cotton season

موسمي mausimī: الريح الموسمية (rīḥ) the monsoon

ميسم mīsam pl. مواسم mawāsim2, مياسم mayāsim2 branding iron; brand; stigma

موسوم mausūm branded; stigmatized; marked, characterized (ب with)

وسن wasina يوسن yausanu (wasan, سنة sina) to sleep, slumber

وسن wasan slumber, doze

سنة sina slumber, doze | سنة من النوم (naum) a short nap

وسن wasin sleepy, drowsy, somnolent

وسنان wasnān2, f. وسنى wasnā sleepy, drowsy, somnolent

وسوس waswasa to speak under one’s breath, whisper (ل or الى to s.o.); to inatill evil

(ل or الى in s.o.; passion, devil), prompt or tempt s.o. (ل or الى ) with wicked suggestion; to awaken doubts, arouse scruples (ل or الى in s.o.’s mind; conscience) II tawaswasa to reel uneasy, have scruples, be anxious, worried, full of apprehensions; to be in doubt, have misgivings, be suspicious

وسواس waswās pl. وساوس wasāwis2 devilish insinuation, temptation; disturbance; scruple; misgiving, suspicion; rustling, rustle, whisper (or leaves, and the like)

وسواس waswās pl. وساوس wasāwis2 devilish insinuation, temptation; wicked thoughts; doubt, misgiving, suspicion; delusion, fixed idea; uneasiness, anxiety, concern; melancholy; الوسواس the Tempter, Satan | وسواس القطن w. al-quṭn cotton buds

موسوس muwaswas obsessed with delusions

1 وسى IV to shave (هـ the head)

موسى mūsā f., pl. مواس mawāsin, امواس amwās straight razor; see also alphabetically

2 وسى III (variant or اسى III) and مواساة see اسى

وشب wišb pl. اوشاب awšāb horde, mob, crowd

وشيج wašīj: وشيج الاتصال w. al-ittiṣāl closely connected

وشيجة wašīja pl. وشائج wašā’ij close tie

متواشج mutwāsij connected, interrelated

وشح III to adorn or dress (ه s.o., with the wišāḥ, q.v.) V and VIII اتشاح ittašḥa to put on, don (ب a belt, sash, and the like),; to throw on loosely (ب a cloak or similar garment); to garb o.s. (ب with); to assume (ب a name), go by a name (ب )

وشاح wišāḥ, wušāḥ pl. وشح wušuḥ, اوشحة aušiḥa, وشائح wašā’iḥ2 ornamented belt worn by women (in older times, a double band worn sashlike over the shoulder); sash, scarf, cummerbund; band (esp., of an order); tie, bond (fig.); swordbelt; military sash

وشاحة wišāḥa sword

توشيح taušīḥ pl. تواشيح tawāšīḥ composition (mus.); postclassical form of Arab poetry, arranged in stanzas

موشح muwaššah, موشحة muwaššaḥa pl. -āt postclassical form of Arab poetry, arranged in stanzas

متشح muttašiḥ clad, garbed, attired (ب in)

وشر wašara يشر yaširu (wašr) to saw, saw apart (هـ s.th.)

موشور maušūr pl. مواشير mawāšīr2 prism

موشوري maušūrī prismatic(al)

وشع II to reel, spool (هـ cotton)

وشيع wašī‘ hedge

وشيعة wašī‘a pl. وشائع wašā’i‘2 reel, spool, bobbin | وشيعة التحريض induction coil (el.)

وشق wašaq lynx (zool.)

وشك wašuka يوشك yaušuku (wašk, وشاكة wašāka) and II to be quick, hurry IV to be on the point or verge (ان of doing s.th.), be about to do s.th. (على or أن ), be close (على to) | يوشك أن he almost ..., he all but ...

وشك wašak, wušk speed, swiftness, hurry | على وشك أن on the point or verge of (doing s.th.), about to (do s.th.), على وشك الخروج about to go out, just going out

وشكان waškān, wuškān speed, swiftness

وشيك wašīk imminent, impending, near, forthcoming | وشيك الزوال w. az-zawāl doomed to early ruin; وشيك الحل w. al-ḥall close to a solution, almost solved (problem)

وشل wašal pl. اوشال aušāl dripping water, tears

وشم wašama يشم yašinu (wašm) and II to tattoo (هـ s.th.)

وشم wašm pl. وشام wišām, وشوم wušūm tattoo, tattoo mark

وشيمة wašīma enmity, hostility, malice

وشنة wašna, wišna (eg.) morello, mahaleb cherry

وشوش wašwaša to whisper in s.o.’s (ه ) ear II tawašwaša to whisper

وشوشة wašwaša whispering, whisper

وشى wašā يشي yašī (wašy) to embellish, ornament with many colors, embroider (هـ a fabric); -- (wašy, وشاية wišāya) to slander, defame (الى ب s.o. with); to inform (ب against), denounce, betray (ب s.o.) II to embellish, ornament with many colors, embroider (هـ a fabric)

شية šiya pl. -āt blotch, spot; blemish, flaw, fault, defect; mark, sign

وشي wašy pl. وشاء wišā’ many-colored

ornamentation, embroidery; embroidered or painted fabrics

وشاء waššā’ vendor of embroidered or painted fabrics

وشاية wišāya defamation, slander

توشية taušiya embellishment, ornamentation; embroidery

واش wāšin pl. واشون wāšūn, وشاة wušāh traitor; slanderer, calumniator; informer, denunciator

وضب waṣaba يصب yaṣibu (وصوب wuṣub) to last; -- waṣiba يوصب yauṣabu (waṣab) and V to be (chronically) ill

وصب waṣab pl. اوصاب auṣāb illness; discomfort, hardship, suffering

واصب wāṣib lasting, permanent

وصد waṣada يصد yaṣidu (waṣad) to be firm, stand firmly IV to close, shut (هـ a door) | اوصد الباب في وجهه (wajhihī) to block s.o.’s way, deny s.o. access

وصيد waṣīd pl. وصد wuṣud threshold, doorstep

وصف waṣafa يصف yaṣfu (waṣf) to describe, depict, portray, picture (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to characterize (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to praise, laud, extol (ه s.o.); to attribute, ascribe (ب ه to s.o., quality), credit (ب ه s.o. with), praise (ب ه s.o. for), say s.th. (ب ) to s.o.’s (ه ) credit; to prescribe (ل هـ a medicine to s.o.) | لا يوصف (yūṣafu) indescribable; nondescript VI to describe to one another, tell one another (هـ s.th.) VIII اتصف ittaṣafa to be described; to possess as a characteristic (ب a quality or peculiarity); to be distinguished, known, characterized, marked (ب by a quality, property, peculiarity) X to consult (ه a doctor)

صفة ṣifa pl. -āt quality, property; attribute; characteristic, distinguishing mark, peculiarity; adjective (gram.); asyndetio relative clause (without relative pronoun; gram.); way, manner | بصفة as, in the capacity of; بصفته وزيرا in his capacity of minister, as a minister; بصفة خاصة (kāṣṣa) in particular, especially, specifically; بصفة غير رسمية (gair rasmīyatin) unofficially

وصف waṣf description, depiction, portrayal, characterization; -- (pl. اوصاف auṣāf) quality, property; characteristic, distinguishing mark, peculiarity; adjective (gram.); pl. اوصاف description of a person | شيء يفوق الوصف (yafūqu l-waṣfa) a thing beyond description, an indescribable thing; اخذ اوصافه to take down s.o.’s personal description

وصفة waṣfa description, depiction, portrayal; medical prescription

وصفي waṣfī descriptive, depictive

وصاف waṣṣāf describer, depicter

وصيف waṣīf pl. وصفاء wuṣafā’2 servant; page

وصيفة waṣīfa pl. وصائف waṣā’if2 maid, servant girl; maid of honor, lady in waiting

مواصفة muwāṣafa detailed description; explanation, interpretation; specification; pl. -āt specifications | مواصفة العلاج directions for treatment

موصوف mauṣūf described, depicted, portrayed, pictured; characterized (ب by), having II attribute (ب s.th.); noun followed by attribute or asyndetic relative clause (gram.); prescribed

متصف muttaṣif characterized (ب by), possessing II a property or an attribute (ب s.th.)

مستوصف mustauṣaf pl. -āt clinic

وصل waṣala يصل yaṣilu (waṣl, صلة ṣila) to connect, join, unite, combine, link, interlock (ب هـ s.th. with), attach (ب هـ s.th. to); to establish (صلة ṣilatan a contact, a connection; a relation بين – و between -- and); to bring into relation (بين – و s.th. with s.th. else); to give (ب s.o. s.th.), bestow, confer (ب ه upon s.o. s.th.), award (ب ه to s.o. s.th.); -- (وصول wuṣūl) to arrive (الى or هـ at a place); to come to s.o.’s (الى or ه ) hands; to reach (الى or هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to come, get (الى or هـ, ه to); to reach (الى or هـ an amount), amount to (الى or هـ ); to enter (الى a phase); to get (الى ب s.o. to or to the point where) | وصلني خطاب I have received a letter; وصله الخبر (kabar)he received the news; يصل هذا الى حد كذا (ḥaddi k.) this gets to the point where ...; وصل الى الصفحة الحاصمة (ṣafḥa) to enter the decisive phase II to connect, join, unite, combine (ب هـ s.th. with); to make (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) get (الى to), see that s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ) gets to (هـ ); to get, take, bring, move, lead, show, conduct, convey, channel (الى هـ, ه s.o., s.th. to); to give (ه s.o.) a ride, a lift; to carry, transport, transfer, convey (الى, هـ s.th. to); to deliver, transmit, communicate (الى هـ s.th. to); to conduct, act as a conductor (el.); to accompany, escort (الى ه s.o. to); to connect (الى هـ s.th. to an electric circuit, ب هـ one apparatus with another, an electric device with the main line), plug in (هـ s.th.); to turn on, switch on (هـ s.th.; el.) III to continue (في or هـ s.th.), proceed (في or هـ in or with); to persist, persevere (في or هـ in); to be connected (هـ with), bear (هـ on), belong, pertain (هـ to); to be close friends, maintain close relations (ه with s.o.); to have sexual intercourse (ها with a woman) | واصل الليل بالنهار (laila, nahāri) to work day and night; واصل جهده (سعيه) في (jahdahū, sa‘yahū) to make untiring efforts for IV = II; O to put through (a long-distance call) | اوصل كل ذي حق بحقه (kulla dī ḥaqqin bi-ḥaqqihī) to give everyone his due V to obtain access (الى to); to gain access by certain means (الى to), get (الى into) in come way or other; to attain (الى to), arrive (الى at), reach (الى s.th.), come by s.th. (الى ) VI to be interconnected; to form an uninterrupted sequence VIII اتصل ittaṣala to be joined (ب to), be connected (ب with); to combine, unite (ب with); to get in touch (ب with s.o., also, e.g., by telephone); to contact (ب s.o.); to have relation (ب to), bear (ب on), be connected, have to do (ب with); to join (ب s.o. or s.th.); to be attached (ب to); to be near s.o. or a place (ب ), be adjacent, continuous (ب to), adjoin (ب s.th.), border, abut (ب on), belong (ب to); to come to s.o.’s (ب ) knowledge; to be continued, continue, go on; to be continuous, form a continuous chain; to be related (الى to); to trace one’s descent (الى to); to come, get (الى to), arrive (الى at), reach (الى s.th.) | قد اتصل بنا ان it has come to our knowledge that ...; اتصل به تلفونيا to get in touch with s.o. by telephone, have o.s. connected with; اتصلت به النار to catch fire

صلة ṣila pl. -āt junction, juncture; relation; connection; link, tie, bond; relationship, kinship; present, gift, grant; syndetic relative clause (gram.); O leadin, lead-in wire (radio) | صلة الوصل ṣ. al-waṣl connecting link

وصل waṣl junction, juncture, connection; union, combination; linkage, nexus; synopsis, summary; reunion of lovers; (pl. اوصال auṣāl) relation, link, tie, connection; contact (el.); (pl. وصولات wuṣūlāt) voucher, receipt | وصل الفائت synopsis of the previous chapters of a newspaper serial; ليلة الوصل lailat al-w. last night of a lunar month

وصل wuṣl, wiṣl pl. اوصال auṣāl limb, member (of the body); pl. articulations, joints | حل اوصاله (ḥalla) or قطع اوصاله to dismember, dissect s.th.

وصلة waṣla a character ( ٓ ) over silent alif (gram.)

وصلة wuṣla pl. -āt, وصل wuṣal junction, juncture; connection; contact (el.); attachment, fastening, fixture; tie, link; joint (also arch.); hinge; connecting piece, coupling; inset, insertion; overlap (arch.); line of communication; hyphen | وصلة التمدد w. at-tamaddud expansion joint (arch.)

وصلية waṣlīya connecting road, side road; feeder road

وصول wuṣūl arrival; attainment, obtainment, achievement; receipt; (pl. -āt) receipt, voucher

وصولي wuṣūlī upstart, parvenu

وصيل waṣīl inseparable friend, intimate, chum

الموصل al-mauṣil Mosul (city in N Iraq)

توصيل tauṣīl uniting, joining, connecting; supply, feed; connection, junction; electric contact, feed wire, feeder; electric circuit, connection layout, connection; conductivity (el.); communication, transmission, transfer, conveyance;

delivery; execution, dispatch, discharge; (pl. تواصيل tawāṣīl) receipt, voucher | O توصيل الى الأرض (arḍ) ground connection, ground (radio); O توصيل على التضاعف (taḍā‘uf) multiple connection, series parallel (el.); O توصيل على التوازي (tawāzī) parallel connection (el.); O توصيل على التوالي series connection (el.); جيد التوصيل jayyid at-t. or good conductivity, good conductor (el.); O سداد التوصيل saddād at-t. (male) plug (el.)

توصيلة tausīla connection, contact (el.) | توصيلة الأرض t. al-arḍ ground connection (radio)

وصال wiṣāl reunion, being together (of lovers); communion (in love)

مواصلة muwāṣala connection; continuation, continuance; continuity; pl. -āt lines of communication, communications | مواصلة حديدية (ḥadīdīya) rail communication; مواصلة سلكية (silkīya) wire communication; اسباب المواصلة means of communication, communications; طرق المواصلات ṭuruq al-m. traffic routes; وزارة المواصلات ministry of communications

ايصال īṣāl pl. -āt joining, connecting, junction; uniting, union; connection; communication; conveyance; transport, transportation; passage; transmission; putting through (of a long-distance call); receipt, voucher

توصل tawaṣṣul attainment (الى of an objective), achievement (الى of a purpose); arrival; reunion

تواصل tawāṣul continuance; continuity | بتواصل continually, persistently

اتصال ittiṣāl connectedness, unitedness, union; juncture, conjunction, link; connection; contact; liaison; establishment of contacts; tuning in (of a radio); contacting (ب of), getting in touch (ب with); junction, intersection (of two roads); continuance, continuation; continuity | على اتصال ب in touch with; استمر في اتصاله ب (istamarra) to keep in touch with s.o.; نقطة الاتصال nuqṭat al-itt. points of contact; اتصال تلفوني telephone connection

موصول mauṣūl bound, tied; glued, riveted (ب to), fixed (ب on; of the eyes); relative pronoun (gram.) | اياما موصولة (ayyāman) for several (or many) consecutive days, for some time

موصل muwaṣṣil pl. -āt conductor (el.) | O موصل ارضي (arḍī) ground wire (radio); O موصل سلكي (silkī) wire, wiring (el.)

متواصل mutawāṣil persistent, continued, continuous, continual, unceasing, incessant, uninterrupted

متصل muttaṣil persistent, continued, continuous, continual, unceasing, incessant, uninterrupted; adjoining, adjacent, contiguous | ضمير متصل pronominal suffix (gram.); متصل الحلقات m. al-ḥalaqāt closely interlinked, closely connected

وصم waṣama to disgrace, tarnish, blemish (هـ name, honor); to afflict with the blemish (ب of s.th.; ه s.o.), put the blame for s.th. (ب ) on s.o. (ه ) V to be tarnished, sullied (honor)

وصم waṣm disgrace

وصمة waṣma disgrace; mark of disgrace, stain, blot, blemish; fault, flaw, shortcoming, defeat; ailing condition, malaise

توصيم tauṣīm sailing condition, malaise

وصوص waṣwaṣa to peep through a hole or crack; (also = وسوس ) to whisper

وصوص waṣwaṣ and وصواص waṣwāṣ pl. وصاوص waṣāwiṣ peephole

وصوصة waṣwaṣa furtive glance, peep, peek

وصو II and IV to entrust, commend, commit (ب ه to s.o.’s charge or care s.o.); to direct, bid, advice, counsel (ب ه s.o. to do s.th.), recommend (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), impress (ب ه on s.o. s.th.); to order (ه s.o., ب to do s.th.), charge, commission (ب ه s.o. with), enjoin (ب ه on s.o. s.th.), make s.th. (ب ) incumbent (ه on s.o.); to order (ب ه from s.o. s.th.), give s.o. (ه ) an order for (ب ), place an order (ب ه with s.o. for); to decree (ب s.th.); to make one’s will; to will, determine or decree by will (ان that); to bequeath, make over, transfer by will (ب ل to s.o. s.th.); to appoint as executor (الى s.o.) | اوصاه خيرا ب (kairan) he urged him to take care of X استوصى به خيرا (kairan) to make s.th. one’s concern (or one’s business), make a point of s.th. (in deference to another’s recommendation); to mean well, have the best intentions with; استوصى بالأجر خيرا (bi-l-ajri kairan) to fix a moderate or low price

وصي wasīy pl. اوصياء auṣiyā’ plenipotentiary, mandatory, authorized agent, commissioner; executor; legal guardian, curator, tutor; administrator, caretaker, trustee; regent; testator; client, principal, mandator | وصى على العرش (‘arš) regent, prince regent

وصية waṣīya pl. وصايا waṣāyā direction, directive, instruction, injunction, order, command, commandment; recommendation advice, counsel, admonition, exhortation; will, testament, testamentary disposition; bequest, legacy | الوصايا العشر (‘ašr) the Ten Commandments

وصاة waṣāh and وصاية prescription; order, ordinance, regulation, decree; instruction, direction, advice, counsel

وصاية wiṣāya guardianship, curatorship, tutorship; executorships; tutelage; mandate (pol.); trusteeship | مجلس الوصاية majlis al-w. regency council

توصية tauṣiya pl. -āt, تواص tawāṣin recommendation; admonition, exhortation, advice, counsel; proposal, suggestion; order, instruction, direction, commission, mandate; (commercial) order, commission | بالتوصية to order, on commission; خطاب توصية letter of recommendation; شركة توصية širkat t. limited partnership

ايصاء īṣā’ = توصية ; appointment of an executor (Isl. Law)

موص muwaṣṣin and mūṣin client, principal; mandator, testator | شريك موص silent partner

موصى به mūṣan bihī that which has been disposed of; bequeathed, willed; bequest, legacy; decreed, ordered; recommended; موصى عليه registered (letter); الموصى له legatee; heir; الموصى اليه executor

وضؤ waḍu’a يوضؤ yauḍu’u (وضوء wuḍū’, وضاءة waḍā’a) to be pure, clean V to perform the ritual ablution before prayer

وضاء brilliant, radiant, bright

وضاءة wuḍā’a purity, cleanness, cleanliness

وضوء wuḍū’ purity, cleanness, cleanliness; ritual ablution before prayer

وضوء waḍū’ water for the ritual ablution

وضيء waḍī’ pl. وضاء wiḍā’ pure, clean

توضؤ tawaḍḍu’ ritual ablution

ميضأة mīḍa’a and ميضاءة mīḍā’a fountain or basin for the ritual ablution

توضيب taḍīb arrangement; preparation; dressing, processing (mining industry)

وضح waḍaḥa يضح yaḍiḥu (وضوح wuḍūḥ) to be or become clear, plain, patent, manifest, evident; to appear, show, come out, come to light, become visible II and IV to make clear, make plain (هـ s.th.); to explain, explicate, clear up, clarify, expound, elucidate, illustrate (هـ s.th.); to set forth, propound (هـ s.th.); to make visible, make manifest, show (هـ s.th.); to indicate, designate, denote, express (هـ s.th.) V = I; to be made clear, be clarified, be cleared up; to be shown, be indicated; to be obvious VIII اتضح ittaḍaḥa = I and V; to follow clearly (من from), be explained (من by) X to ask (ه s.o.) for an explanation, for clarification (هـ of s.th.); to examine, investigate, explore

(هـ or عن s.th.), inquire, search (هـ or عن into); to try to see clear (هـ in), seek to understand clearly (هـ s.th.)

وضح waḍaḥ pl. اوضاح auḍāḥ light, brilliance, luminosity, brightness | في وضح النهار (w. in-nahār) in broad daylight

وضاح waḍḍāḥ) bright, clear, brilliant, shining, luminous

وضوح wuḍūḥ clarity, clearness, plainness, distinctness; visibleness; obviousness; appearance | بوضوح clearly, plainly, distinctly

اوضح auḍaḥ2 clearer

توضيح tauḍīḥ elucidation; showing, visualization; explanation; clarification; explication, illustration

ايضاح īḍāḥ pl. -āt elucidation; showing, visualization; explanation; clarification; explication, illustration

ايضاحي īḍāḥī clarifying, explanatory, explicatory, illustrative, elucidative

اتضاح ittiḍāḥ clarity, clearness; plainness, distinctness; visibleness, manifestness

استيضاح istīḍāḥ pl. -āt request for clarification, inquiry, formal question, interpellation

واضح wāḍiḥ clear, lucid; plain, distinct; obvious, patent, manifest; visible, conspicuous; evident, apparent, ostensible | وضح بذاته (bi-dātihī) self-evident; self-explanatory; من الواضح ان it is obvious that ...; الأمر واضح وضوح الشمس في رابعه (wuḍūḥa š-šamsi fī rābi‘ati n-nahār) the matter is clear as daylight

متضح muttaḍiḥ plain, distinct; clear; obvious, patent, manifest

وضر waḍar pl. اوضار auḍār dirt, filth

وضع waḍa‘a يضع yaḍa‘u (waḍ‘) to lay, lay off, lay on, lay down, put down (هـ s.th.); to set down (هـ s.th.); to place (هـ s.th.); to set up, erect (هـ s.th.); to fix, attach, affix (في هـ s.th. to. on, in); to lay, put (في هـ s.th. into); to impose (على هـ s.th. on s.o.); to take (عن هـ s.th. from s.o.), rid of a burden, unburden (عن s.o.), unsaddle (عن a horse); to bear (ه a child), give birth to (ه ); to invent, contrive, devise, originate, produce (هـ s.th.); to found, establish, set up, start (هـ s.th.); to write down, put down in writing, set down, lay down (هـ s.th.); to write, compile, compose (هـ a book or similar work of the mind), create (هـ s.th.); to coin (هـ a new word, a new term, or the like); to humble, humiliate, disparage (من or ه s.o.), derogate, detract (من or ه from); -- (waḍ‘, وضوع wuḍū‘, ضعة ḍa‘a, di‘a) with نفسه nafsahu: to abase o.s. humble o.s.; -- waḍu‘a يوضع yauḍu‘u (وضاعة waḍā‘a) to be low, lowly, humble | وضع اساسا (asāsan) to lay a foundation, lay a cornerstone; وضع ثقته في (tiqatahu) to place one’s confidence in; وضع جانبا (على جانب ) (jāniban) to lay, or put, s.th. aside; وضعه في جيبه (jaibihī) to put s.th. in one’s pocket; وضع حدا ل (ḥaddan) to put an end to s.th.; وضع ختما على (katman) to please a seal on; وضع السلاح to lay down arms; وضع السلسلة في عنقه wuḍi‘at is-silsilatu fī ‘unuqihī approx.: to have a millstone about one’s neck, he seriously handicapped; وضع مشروعا to make or form a plan; وضع من قدره (qadrihī) to depreciate s.th., lower the value of s.th.; وضع تقريرا to write or make a report; وضع اقتراحات to draw up proposals, make suggestions; وضع في مقدمة اهتمامه (muqaddamati htimāmihī) to devote particular attention to s.th., make s.th. one’s foremost concern, give priority to s.th.; وضع لفظا ل (lafẓan) to coin a word for; وضع للفظ معنى خاصا به (li-l-lafẓi ma‘nan kāṣṣan bihī) to give a special meaning to an expression, place a particular construction on an expression; وضعه نصب عينيه (nuṣba ‘ainaihi) to point out, demonstrate s.th. to s.o.; وضع نظارته على عينيه (naẓẓāratahū) to put on one’s glasses; وضع نظما (nuẓuman) to lay down rules, وضع على حدة (ḥidatin) to set s.th. apart, single out s.th.; وضع موضعه (mauḍi‘ahū) to put s.th. in the place of s.th. else; وضعه موضع التنفيذ (mauḍi‘ahū) to put s.th. into force, make s.th. effective or operative; to implement s.th.; وضع موضع الشك (mauḍi‘a š-šakk) to doubt s.th., question s.th.; وضعه موضع العمل (mauḍi‘a l-‘amal) to put s.th. into action, translate s.th. into deeds; وضع الفكرة موضع الفعل (fikrata mauḍi‘a l-fi‘l) to translate the idea into action; وضع نفسه موضع فلان to put o.s. in s.o.’s position; وضع في غير موضعه to mislay, misplace s.th.; وضع يده على (yadahū) to take possession of, lay hold of; وضع يده على الف اسير to take 1,000 prisoners; وضع يده على ضميره to lay one’s hand over one’s heart; وضع من يده (yadihī) to lay s.th. aside, toss s.th. aside; وضعه تحت يده to put s.th. in s.o.’s power IV to hurry; to take an active part, participate actively (في in); pass. ūḍi‘a to suffer losses (في in) VI to behave humbly and modestly, to abase o.s., humble o.s.; to agree, come to an agreement (على on) VIII اتضع ittaḍa‘a to humble o.s., abase o.s.

ضعة ḍa‘a, ḍi‘a lowness, lowliness, humbleness; scantiness, poorness, inferiority

وضع waḍ‘ pl. اوضاع auḍā‘ laying down; putting down; laying on; fixing, attaching; setting up; placing; writing down, record(ing)j drawing up, execution (of a document, deed, etc.); composition (of a printed work); writing, compilation (of a book); creation; invention; coining (of a word); coinage; conclusion (of a treaty); parturition, delivery, childbirth; regulation, rule; sketch, draft; attitude, bearing, carriage; posture, pose (of the body, e.g., in dancing, before a camera); position, location; situation; statement (math.); foundation, establishment; -- humiliation; -- pl. اوضاع circumstances, conditions; statutes; rules, principles; manner; mores, practices, usages, customs; conventions, conventional rules | وضعا وقولا wad‘an wa-qaulan in words and deeds; الوضع الحالي the present situation; وضع اليد w. al-yad laying on of the hand; occupation, occupancy, seizure; آلام الوضع labor pains

وضعة waḍ‘a, wiḍ‘a situation; position

وضعي waḍ‘ī relating to situation or position, situational, positional; positive; positivistic; positivist (philos.); man-made; based on convention, conventional | قانون وضعي positive law (jur.); القيم الوضعية (qiyam) decimals (math.)

وضعية waḍī‘ya situation; positivism (philos.)

وضاعة waḍā‘a lowness, lowliness, humbleness

وضيع waḍī‘ pl. وضعاء wuḍa‘ā’2 lowly, humble, base, vulgar, common; plebeian; low; inferior | الطبقة الوضعية (ṭabaqa) the lowest class; الوضيع الرفيع low and high, the lowly and the great

وضيعة waḍī‘a pl. وضائع waḍā’i‘2 s.th. put down, laid down or deposited; s.th. entrusted to s.o.’s custody, trust, charge, deposit; (īsl. Law) resale with a loss; price reduction, rebate

موضع mauḍi‘ pl. مواضع mawāḍi‘2 place, spot, site, locality; passage (in a book); object (of s.th.); position, situation, location; rank; occasion | في موضعه in the right place, at the right time, timely, convenient, opportune; في غير موضعه in the wrong place, out of place; في موضع الحال in the present case; كان موضع حفاوة (mauḍi‘a ḥafāwatin) he was the object of a (festive) reception; موضع الاعجاب m. al-i‘jāb object of admiration; موضع الحنان m. al-ḥanān object of sympathy; see also waḍa‘a I; موضع قدم m. qadamin a foot (of ground)

موضعي mauḍi‘ī local

تواضع tawāḍu‘ humility, modesty; lowness, lowliness, humbleness

اتضاع ittiḍā‘ humility, modesty; lowness, lowliness, humbleness

واضع wāḍi‘ writer, author; creator; inventor; originator; in childbed; unveiled (woman) | واضع اليد al-yad occupier, occupant; holder of actual possession, possessor (jur.)

موضوع mauḍū‘ pl. -āt, مواضيع mawāḍī‘2 object; theme, subject, topic; question, problem, issue; subject matter, matter; treatise, essay, article, paper; axiom; postulate (math.) | فهرس الموضوعات fihris al-m. table of contents, index; ادرك الموضوع adraka l-mauḍū‘a he got the point; غير ذي موضوع not topical, not timely

موضوعي mauḍū‘ī objective; concerning the subject matter, the subject itself (not the form)

موضوعية mauḍū‘īya objectivism (philos.)

مواضعات muwāḍa‘āt analogous (word) coinings

متواضع mutawāḍi‘ humble; modest, unpretentious, unassuming, simple; small, little, insignificant

وضم waḍam pl. اوضام auḍām meat counter, meat block, butcher’s block

وطئ waṭI’a يطأ yaṭa’u (وطء waṭ’) to tread underfoot (هـ s.th.), tread, step, walk (هـ on); to set foot (هـ on); to walk (هـ over); to mount (هـ a horse); to trample down, trample underfoot (هـ s.th.); to have sexual intercourse (to with a woman) II to pave, level, make smooth or even (هـ s.th., esp., the way); to make smooth and soft, prepare, fix up, make comfortable (هـ a seat, the bed, or the like, ل for s.o.); to make ready, prepare (هـ s.th.); to reduce, slash (هـ s.th.); to force down, press down (هـ s.th.); to lower (هـ s.th.) | وطأ صوته (ṣautahū) to lower the voice III to agree, be in agreement (على ه with s.o. on) IV to make (ه s.o.) step or tread (هـ on); to make (ه s.o.) trample down (هـ s.th.) VI to agree, be in agreement, cooperate, work hand in hand, act in concert, play into each other’s hands, act in collusion (على in s.th., in order to carry out s.th.)

وطء waṭ’ and وطاء waṭā’ low ground, depression

وطأة waṭ’a pressure; oppression, coercion, compulsion, force; gravity; violence, vehemence | شديد الوطأة cruel (على to), having a deadly effect (على on), of fatal consequences (على for); اشتدت وطأة الشيء (ištaddat) to aggravate, become grave, trying, grueling (distress); لاشتداد وطأة المرض li-št. w. il-maraḍ) because of the violence with which the disease struck

وطئ waṭI’ low; flat, level

اوطأ auṭa’2 lower

موطأ mauṭa’ and موطئ mauṭi’ pl. مواطئ mawāṭi’2 place where the fact is set down, footing, foothold; footprint, footstep, track; footstool | موطئ الأقدام m. al-aqdām a foot (of ground); مواطئ الأقدام the ground

توطئة tauṭi’a introduction, initiation; preparation; reduction, lowering | لتوطئة in preparation of ..., for the purpose of ...; توطئة الصوت t. aṣ-ṣaut lowering of the voice

مواطأة muwāṭa’a agreement; secret understanding, connivance, collusion

تواطؤ tawūṭu’ agreement; secret understanding, connivance, collusion

واطئ wāṭi’ low; muffled, subdued, soft (voice) | الأراضي الوطئة the Netherlands

وطب waṭb pl. وطاب wiṭāb, اوطاب auṭāb, اواطب awāṭib2 milkskin | مملوء الوطاب ب amply provided with; خالي الوطاب empty-handed

وطد waṭada يطد yaṭidu (waṭd) and II to make firm, strong or stable, strengthen, brace, reinforce, cement, consolidate, stabilize (هـ s.th.); to stamp down, ram, tamp (هـ earth, etc.); to pave (ل هـ the way for s.o.), prepare (ل هـ the ground for) | وطد ثقته في (tiqatahū) to rely firmly on, put one’s faith in; وطد العزم ان (‘azma) to resolve firmly to ..., come to the firm decision to ...; وطد عرى المحبة (‘urā l-maḥabba) to strengthen the bands of friendship; وطد اقدامه في (aqdāmahū) to gain a footing in

وطيد waṭīd firm; strong; solid, sturdy; unshakable | وطيد الأمل ب (w. al-amal) having strong hopes of, confident of

اوطاد auṭād mountains

ميطدة mīṭada rammer, tamper

توطيد tauṭīd strengthening, bracing, reinforcement, cementation; consolidation, stabilization | توطيد السلم t. as-silm safeguarding, or maintenance, of peace; توطيد سعر الفرنك t. si‘r al-f. stabilization of the franc

موطد muwaṭṭad firm, strong; solid, sturdy | موطد الأركان firmly established, resting on firm foundations

وطر waṭar pl. اوطار auṭār wish, desire; aim, end, object, purposed

وطيس waṭīs furnace | حمي الوطيس (ḥamiya) there was fierce fighting; حامي الوطيس fierce, grim, bitter (fighting)

وطش waṭaša يطش yaṭišu (waṭš) to strike, hit, slap (ه s.o.)

وطف waṭifa يوطف yauṭafu (waṭaf) to have bushy eyebrows

اوطف auṭaf2, f. وطفاء waṭfā’2 bushy-browed; وطفاء rain-heavy and low-hanging (cloud)

وطن waṭana يطن yaṭinu (waṭn) to dwell, live, reside, stay (ب in a place) II to choose for residence (هـ a place), settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (هـ in a place) | وطن نفسه على (nafsahū) to get used to, adjust o.s. to, reconcile o.s. to, put up with; to prepare o.s. mentally for; to make up one’s mind to (do s.th.) V to settle down (هـ or ب in a place) | توطنت نفسه على (nfsuhū) = وطن نفسه على (see above) X to choose for residence (هـ a place); to settle (هـ a country); to settle down, get settled, take up one’s residence (هـ in); to live permanently (هـ in a place); to take root, become naturalized, acclimated (هـ in)

وطن waṭan pl. اوطان auṭān homeland, home country, fatherland; home | الوطن القبلي (qiblī) Cape Bon (tun.); الوطن القومي الاسرائيلي (qaumī, isrā’īlī) the Jewish National Home; اهل وطنه ahl w. his countrymen, his compatriots; حب الوطن ḥubb al-w. patriotism; O شائع الوطن cosmopolitan

وطني waṭanī home; native; indigenous, domestic; patriotic; national; nationalistic; (pl. -ūn) nationalist, patriot | مصنوعات وطنية domestic products, products of the country

وطنية waṭanīya nationalism; national sentiment, patriotism

موطن mauṭin pl. مواطن mawāṭin2 residence, domicile; habitat; native place, home town, home; native country, home country. fatherland; place, locality, area, region, section, district, zone; point, spot; right place; right time | موطن الضعف m. aḍ-ḍu‘f soft or sore spot; weak spot, weakness; وضع يده على موطن العلة (yadahū, m. il-‘illa) to lay one’s finger on an open sore, touch a sore spot; الموطن الوضيع the lowest point, the low mark, the bottom

استيطان istīṭān immigration; settling down; settling, settlement, colonization; “istitan”, a special impost in Tunisia

مواطن muwāṭin countryman, compatriot, fellow citizen | مواطن عالمي (‘ālamī) world citizen

متوطن mutawaṭṭin native, indigenous, domestic; resident; deep-rooted; endemic (med.)

مستوطن mustauṭin native, indigenous, domestic; resident; deep-rooted

وطواط waṭwāṭ pl. وطاوط waṭāwiṭ2, وطاويط waṭāwīṭ2 bat (zool.)

وطى II for وطأ II

واط wāṭin low; soft; see alphabetically

وظب waẓba يظب yaẓibu (وظوب wuẓūb) to do persistently, regularly, keep doing, practice constantly (على or هـ s.th.), continue to do s.th. III do.; to persevere, persist (على in), take pains (على with), devote o.s. assiduously, apply o.s. with perseverance or steadily (على to s.th.)

مواظبة muwāẓaba diligence, assiduity, perseverance, persistence

مواظب muwāẓib diligent, assiduous, persevering, persistent

وظف II to assign (على ه s.th. to s.o.); to impose (على ه s.th., esp. a tax, on s.o.), burden, encumber (على هـ with s.th. s.o.); to assign an office (ه to s.o.), appoint to an office, employ, hire (ه s.o.); to invest (هـ money) V to be appointed to an office, obtain a position. get a job; to hold an office, work in a position, have a job | توظف في الحكومة to work as an official with the government

وظيفة waẓīfa pl. وظائف waẓā’if2 daily ration; pay; office, position, post, job; officialship, officialdom; duty, task, assignment; (school) assignment, lesson, homework; employ, service; work; function | ادى وظيفة (addā) to fill a post, attend to an office, exercise a function; وظائف خالية (kāliya) vacancies; want ads (in a newspaper); علم الوظائف ‘ilm al-w. or علم وظائف الأعضاء ‘i. w. al-a‘ḍā’ physiology

وظيفي waẓīfī functional

توظيف tauẓīf employment, appointment (to an office) | توظيف المال investment

موظف muwaẓẓaf fixed (salary); employed, appointed; -- (pl. -ūn) employee; official, officer, civil servant; functionary | موظف الحكومة government official; موظف عمومي (‘umūmī) public functionary; اكبر الموظفين senior official

وعب wa‘aba يعب ya‘ibu (wa‘b) to take the whole, all (هـ of s.th.) IV do.; to insert (في هـ s.th. in) X = I; to uproot, root out, extirpate, exterminate (هـ s.th.); to embrace, enclose, encircle (ه s.o., بين ذراعيه with the arms); to contain, hold (هـ s.th.); to be able to take in (هـ s.th.), nave room (هـ for); to comprehend, understand, grasp, take in (هـ s.th.)

استيعاب istī‘āb capacity; study; full comprehension, grasp

وعث wa‘t, wa‘it difficult, hard, troublesome, tiresome, laborious, arduous

وعثاء wa‘tā’ difficulty, trouble, hardship, inconvenience, discomfort

وعد wa‘ada يعد ya‘idu (wa‘d) to make a promise; to give one’s word; to promise (ب ه or هـ ه s.o. s.th.); to threaten (ب ه s.o. with) | وعد نفسه بان to promise o.s. to ..., intend firmly to ...; وعد بشرفه (bi-šarafihī) to pledge o.s. on one’s honor, give one’s word of honor III to make an arrangement; to arrange for a meeting or rendezvous, make an appointment (هـ ه with s.o. for a given time or at a certain place) IV = I; V to threaten; to menace (ه s.o.) VI to make an appointment VIII اتعد itta‘ada to come to an understanding, agree among each other, make arrangements (ان that)

عدة ‘ida promise

وعد wa‘d pl. وعود wu‘ūd promise

وعيد wa‘īd threats; promises

وعيدي wa‘īdī threatening, menacing, minatory

موعد mau‘id, موعدة mau‘da pl. مواعد mawā‘id2 promise; pledge, engagement, commitment; rendezvous, date, appointment; time and place of an appointment; appointed time; time, date, deadline; anniversary | كان على موعد معه (منه ) to have an appointment with s.o.

ميعاد mī‘ād pl. مواعيد mawā‘īd2 promise; appointment, date, rendezvous; appointed time; time agreed on, time fixed by appointment; deadline, date (esp. also due date for repaying a debt); consulting hour, office hour(s) (of a doctor, etc.); visiting hours (in museums, etc.); (time of) departure (of trains, buses, etc.) | في الميعاد or في ميعاده on time, punctually; على غير ميعاد (gairi m.) untimely, unpunctually; من غير ميعاد min gairi m. quite unexpectedly, all of a sudden, suddenly; كان على ميعاد مع to have an appointment with; بيان المواعيد bayān al-m. railroad timetable; ميعاد الأكل m. al-akl mealtime, eating time; ميعاد التسليم date of delivery; ميعاد المرأة m. al-mar'a menses; مواعيد عرقوبية (‘urqūbīya) deceptive promises; ارض الميعاد arḍ al-m. the Land of Promise

مواعدة muwā‘ada arrangement, agreement; appointment, rendezvous, date

ايعاد ī‘ād threat

توعد tawa‘‘ud threat

توعدي tawa‘‘udī threatening, menacing, minatory

موعود mau‘ūd promised; fixed, appointed, stipulated (time); موعود and موعودة mau‘āda pl. مواعيد mawā‘īd2 promise

وعر wa‘ara يعر ya‘iru (wa‘r and وعور wu‘ūr) and wa‘ira يوعر yau‘aru (wa‘ar), wa‘ūra yau‘uru (وعارة wa‘āra, وعورة wu‘ūra) to be rough, rugged, difficult (terrain) V = I

وعر wa‘r rock debris; rugged, roadless terrain

وعر wa‘r pl. وعور wu‘ūr, اوعار au‘ār covered with rock debris; cleft, riven, rugged, wild; rough, uneven; roadless, pathless; hard, difficult

وعير wa‘īr covered with rock debris; cleft, riven, cragged, rugged, wild; rough, uneven; roadless, pathless; hard, difficult

وعورة wu‘ūra unevenness, roughness; difficulty | وعورة الأرض w. al-arḍ difficult terrain

اوعر au‘ar2 rougher, more rugged, harder

وعز IV to give to understand, intimate, insinuate (في or ب s.th., الى to s.o.), point out by a sign or motion (في or ب الى to s.o. s.th.); to suggest (في or ب الى to s.o. s.th.); to inspire (في or ب الى s.o. with, s.o. to do s.th.); to advise, counsel, recommend (في or الى الى to s.o. s.th.); to induce (ب الى s.o. to); to instruct, direct, order (الى s.o., ب to do s.th.)

ايعاز ī‘āz advice, counsel, recommendation; suggestion, intimation, hint

ايعازي ī‘āzī advisory, recommendatory, inspiring, inspiratory

موعز به mū‘az bihī inspired, suggested by a higher authority

وعس wa‘asa يعس ya‘isu (wa‘s) to make experienced, make wise (ه s.o.; of fate)

وعس wa‘s pl. اوعاس au‘ās quicksand

ميعاس mī‘ās quicksand

وعظ wa‘aẓa يعظ ya‘iẓu (wa‘ẓ, عظة ‘iẓa) to preach (ه to s.o.), appeal to s.o.’s (ه ) conscience; to admonish, exhort (ه s.o.); to warn (عن ه s.o. of), caution (عن ه s.o. against) VIII اتعظ itta‘aẓa to let o.s. be admonished or warned; to accede to an admonition, take advice; to learn a lesson, take a warning (ب from), let s.th. (ب ) be a warning

عظة ‘iẓa pl. -āt sermon; lesson, moral; warning; admonition

وعظ wa‘ẓ and وعظة wa‘ẓa admonition; warning; sermon; parsenesis

موعظة mau‘iẓa pl. مواعظ mawā‘iẓ2 religious exhortation, spiritual counsel; exhortatory talk, exhortation; stem lecture, severe reprimand

واعظ wā‘iẓ pl. وعاظ wu‘‘āẓ preacher

وعق wa‘q, wa‘iq surly, grumpy, cross; ill-tempered, irritable, peevish, cantankerous, petulant

وعك V to be indisposed, unwell

وعك wa‘ik indisposed, unwell

وعكة wa‘ka indisposition, illness; sultriness

توعك tawa‘‘uk indisposition

موعوك mau‘ūk indisposed, unwell; ill

متوعك mutawa‘‘ik indisposed, unwell; ill

وعل wa‘l, wa‘il pl. اوعال au‘āl, wu‘ūl mountain goat

وعوع wa‘wa‘ to howl, yelp, bark, bay

وعى wa‘ā يعي ya‘ī (wa‘y) to hold (هـ s.th.); to comprise (هـ s.th.); to contain (هـ s.th.); to retain in one’s memory, remember, know by heart, know (هـ s.th.); to pay attention (الى or هـ to), heed, bear in mind (الى or هـ s.th.); to perceive, hear (هـ s.th.); to become aware (الى of) | وعى على نفسه (nafsihī) to dawn on s.o., become clear to s.o.; لا يعي (he is) unconscious; لا يكاد يعي (he is) almost unconscious; لا يعي ما يقوله he doesn’t know what he is saying II to warn, caution (من ه s.o. against) IV to put (هـ s.th. into a vessel or container) V to act with caution, with prudence; to be on one’s guard (من against), beware (من of)

وعي attention, attentiveness, heedfulness, carefulness, advertence; consciousness; awareness; feeling, sentiment, sense; wakefulness, alertness | في غير وعي unnoticed, without being noticed; وعي قومي (qaumī) national consciousness, nationalism; ما وراء الوعي the subconscious; استرجع وعيه and عاد الى وعيه to regain consciousness, come to; فقد وعيه to lose consciousness, faint, pass out; دون وعي unconscious(ly)

وعاء wi‘ā’ pl. اوعية au‘iya, اواع awā‘in vessel (also anat.), container, receptacle | اوعية دموية (damawīya) blood vessels

واع wā‘in attentive, heedful, careful; conscious, in one’s senses, wide awake

وغد wagd pl. اوغاد augād, وغدان wagdān miserable, wretched; scoundrel

وغر wagara يغر yagiru, wagira يوغر yaugaru (wagr, wagar) to be hot, be angry | وغر صدره على (ṣadruhū) to boil with anger against s.o., harbor malice against s.o., feel hatred for s.o. IV اوغر صدره على (ṣadrahū) to arouse s.o.’s anger against, stir up s.o. against, arouse bitter feelings in s.o. against V to be furious, burn with rage

وغر wagr, wagar anger, wrath, ire, rancor, spite, malice, hatred

وغل wagala يغل yagilu (وغول wugūl) to penetrate deeply (في into); -- (wagl, wugūl, وغلان wagalān) to intrude (على on s.o.), come uninvited (على to) IV to penetrate deeply (في into); to apply o.s. intensively (في to an activity); to push, press (في ه s.o. into); to burry | اوغل في السير (sair) to walk briskly, advance quickly; اوغل في الكلام (kalām) to exaggerate, draw a longbow V to penetrate deeply (في into); to advance further and further

وغل wagl intruder, parasite

توغل tawaggul penetration, absorption, preoccupation

واغل wāgil intruder, parasite; extraneous, irrelevant; deep, deep-rooted, deep-seated, inveterate (feeling)

موغل mūgil deep-reaching, deep-rooted

وغي wagy, wagan din, clamor, tumult, uproar

وفد wafada يفد yafidu (wafd, وفود wufūd, وفادة wifāda) to come, travel (على or الى to s.o., esp. as an envoy); to arrive (على or الى before s.o., in s.o.’s presence); to visit, come to see (على s.o.), call on s.o. (على ) II and IV to send, dispatch (على or الى ه s.o. to, also هـ a delegation); to delegate, depute (على or الى ه s.o. to. also هـ a group) III to come or arrive together (ه with s.o.) VI to arrive together; to throng, flock (على to)

وفد wafd arrival, coming; -- (pl. وفود wufūd, اوفاد aufād) a delegation, a deputation; الوفد (formerly, Eg.) the Wafd party

وفدي wafdī of or relative to the Wafd; Wafdist, a member or adherent of the Wafd

وفادة wifāda arrival | اكرم (احسن) وفادته (wifādatahū) to receive s.o. hospitably, receive s.o. with kindness, treat s.o. with deference

وفود wufūd arrival

ايفاد īfād delegation, deputation, dispatch

وافد wāfid pl. وفود wufūd, اوفاد aufād, وفاد wuffād arriving; (new)comer, arrival; envoy; epidemic(al) (disease); pouring in, coming (ideas, memories)

وافدة wāfida an epidemic

موفد mūfad appointed or nominated for a special assignment; delegate | الموفد البابوي apostolic delegate

وفر wafara يقر rafiru (wafr, وفور wufūr) and wafura يوفر yaufuru (وفارة wafāra) to abound, be ample, abundant, numerous, plentiful; to increase, augment, grow, become more II to increase, augment, make abundant (هـ s.th.); to give abundantly (ل هـ of s.th. to s.o.); to furnish (هـ evidence, proof); to save (هـ s.th.), be sparing, be economical, hold back, economize (هـ with); to lay by, put by (هـ s.th., esp., money); to save (هـ على s.o. s.th.) | وفر عليه مصاريف كثيرة to save s.o. a lot of expenses IV to increase, augment (هـ s.th.) V to abound, be ample, abundant, plentiful; to suffice, be sufficient, be enough; to be fulfilled (condition); to be of full value, sterling, up to standard, unexceptionable. valid; to prosper, thrive, be successful; to spare no trouble, go to any length (على in an undertaking or activity), give all one’s attention, devote o.s. intensively, dedicate o.s. (على to); to be saved | توفرت فيه الصفات اللازمة he has the necessary qualities; توفرت فيه الشروط he fulfills the conditions VI to be numerous; to abound, be ample, abundant, plentiful; to increase, multiply, grow in number; to be fulfilled (conditions); to fall amply to s.o.’s (ل ) share (e.g., qualities) | توفر فيه الشباب والجمال (šabāb, jamāl) he is richly endowed with youth and good looks

وفر wafr abundance, wealth; profusion, superabundance; (pl. وفور wufūr, -āt) excess, surplus, overplus; economy; saving

وفرة wafra plenty, abundance, profusion

وفير wafīr abundant, ample

اوفر aufar2 more abounding (هـ in); more amply provided or endowed (هـ with); thriftier, more economical | اوفر حظا (ḥaẓẓan) luckier, more fortunate

توفير taufīr increase, augmentation; raising, raise, rise; economizing, economy; saving | صندوق التوفير ṣundūq at-t. savings bank

توفر tawaffur abundance, profusion, wealth; superabundance; increase, rise, augmentation, spread, expansion; fulfillment | عند توفر as soon as the conditions are fulfilled

وافر wāfir ample, abundant, plentiful; numerous, profuse, superabundant; (with foll. genit.) abounding in; overlong (year); الوافر name of a poetic meter

موفور maufūr ample, abundant, plentiful; loaded, swamped; wealthy, moneyed, rich; complete, perfectly intact | موفور المطالب m. al-maṭālib having many wishes

متوفر mutawaffir ample, abundant; thrifty, economical; savings yield or interest

متوافر mutawāfir ample, abundant, plentiful, profuse

وفز V to be roused, be alerted X to lie in wait; to be in suspense; to be prepared, be in a state of alertness

وفز wafz, wafaz pl. اوفاز aufāz hurry, haste | كان على اوفاز to be on one’s toes, be on the alert

مستوفز mustaufiz alert, quick, vivid, lively (e.g., mind); excited

وفض wafaḍa يفض yafiḍu (wafḍ) to run; to hurry, rush

وفض wafḍa pl. وفاض wifāḍ leather bag, traveling bag | خلي الوفاض empty, vacant, free; empty-handed

وفيعة wafī‘a penwiper

وفق wafiqa يفق yafiqu (wafq) to be right, proper, suitable, fit, appropriate II to make fit, make suitable, adapt, fit, adjust, accommodate (هـ s.th.); to make consistent, bring to agreement, reconcile (بين different things; بين-- وبين s.th. with); to reconcile (بين two parties), make peace, re-establish normal relations (بين between); to give s.o. (ه ) success (ل or الى in achieving s.th.; of God); pass. wuffiqa to have success, be successful (ل or الى in or with), have the good fortune, be lucky enough (الى to), succeed (الى in) | وفق كل التوفيق الى (wuffiqa kulla t-t.) to succeed completely in, have every success in or with III to befit, become (ه s.o.); to suit (ه s.o.), be suitable, acceptable, agreeable, favorable, convenient (ه to s.o.), be consistent with s.o.’s (ه ) wishes or interests; to fit, suit (ه s.o.; garment); to agree (هـ with s.th., ه with s.o., في or على in s.th.); to be agreed, unanimous, of the same opinion, concur (في or على ه with s.o. in s.th.); to fit (هـ s.th.), be consistent, be in keeping, be in line (هـ with s.th.); to correspond, be analogous (هـ to s.th.); to be in agreement, be in accordance, be in conformity, be in harmony, go, harmonize (هـ with); to fall in, tally, coincide (هـ with); to agree (هـ with; of food, climate, etc.), be wholesome, beneficial (هـ for); to be conducive (هـ to); to agree, consent, assent, subscribe (على to), grant, confirm, approve, sanction, license, authorize, ratify (على s.th.); to adapt, fit (بين one thing to the other), make consistent, compatible, bring to agreement, reconcile, balance, equilibrate (بين two things) V to be aided, assisted, favored (by God); to have success, be successful, prosper, succeed VIII اتفق ittafaq to agree, come to an agreement, reach an agreement; to agree, be in agreement, in accordance, in conformity, in keeping, in line, in harmony, be consistent, be compatible, coincide, tally, square, fall in line (مع or و with acc.: with): to be agreed, be unanimous; to make a contract, conclude an agreement, a treaty, agree on an arrangement; to agree (على on s.th.), arrange (على s.th.), come to terms (على about s.th., مع with s.o.); to chance, happen accidentally, come to pass, occur, happen (ل to s.o., e.g., an oversight); to fan unexpectedly (ل to s.o.), turn out successfully (ل for s.o.) contrary to his expectation; to be given, be destined (ل to s.o.) | كما اتفق (ka-mā) as chance would have it, at random, haphazardly, carelessly; كيفما اتفق (kaifa-mā) however it may turn out, whatever may come; no matter how, anyway; at any rate, in any case

وفق wafq sufficient amount; sufficiency; agreement, accordance, conformity; harmony, concord; wafq or وفقا ل or من وفق in accordance with, in conformity with, conformable to, according to, commensurate with; in pursuance of, pursuant to, on the strength of, on the basis of | وفق wafqa l-aṣl true, accurate, exact (copy)

وفقة wafqa: اجر بالوفقة ajr bi-l-w. piece wage, task wage, wage for piecework

اوفق aufaq2 more suitable, fitter, more appropriate

توفيق taufīq conformation, adaptation, accommodation; balancing, adjustment, settlement; reconciliation, mediation, arbitration, peacemaking, re-establishment of normal relations; success (granted by God), happy outcome, good fortune, good luck, prosperity, successfulness, succeeding | لجنة التوفيق lajnat at-t. board of arbitration

وفاق wifāq accordance, conformity, conformance; unity; concord, harmony; consent, assent; agreement, covenant; وفاقا ل in accordance with. in conformity with, conformable to, according to, commensurate with; in pursuance of, pursuant to, on the strength of, on the basic of

موافقة muwāfaqa agreement, conformity, conformance; accordance; correspondence, analogy; suitability, fitness; approval, consent, assent, authorization, sanction

توافق tawāfuq coincidence, congruence, congruity; agreement, conformity, conformance

اتفاق ittifāq coincidence, congruence, congruity; agreement, conformity, conformance; accident, chance; (pl. -āt) covenant, compact, convention, contract; understanding, arrangement, entente; agreement, treaty, pact | اتفاقا accidentally, by chance, by coincidence; بالاتفاق by (mutual) agreement, by appointment; اتفاق الآراء unanimity; باتفاق الآراء unanimously; اتفاق بحري (baḥrī) naval agreement; اتفاق تجاري (tijārī) commercial agreement, trade agreement; اتفاق عدم الاعتداء itt. ‘adam al-i‘tidā‘ nonaggression pact; دول الاتفاق الصغير duwal at-itt. the countries of the Little Entente

اتفاقي ittifāqī accidental, fortuitous, chance; hued on convention, conventional

اتفاقية ittifāqīya pl. -āt agreement, treaty; convention, concordat

موفق muwaffaq successful, prospering, fortunate, lucky

موافق muwāfiq accordant, comfortable, congruous, consistent, concordant, corresponding, analogous; suitable, fit, appropriate; agreeable, acceptable, convenient, favorable, propitious, wholesome, beneficial, conducive

متوفق mutawaffiq successful, proopering, fortunate, lucky

متفق عليه muttafaq ‘alaihi agreed upon

وفى wafā يفي yafī to be perfect, integral, complete, unabridged; -- (وفاء wafā’) to live up (ب or هـ to a promise, an agreement, a vow, or the like), redeem, fulfill, carry out, keep (ب or هـ s.th.); to satisfy, gratify (ب a wish, a desire), supply (ب a need); to serve (ب a purpose); to meet, fulfill, discharge (ب an obligation, an engagement); to pay (a debt); to redeem (a pledge); to cover (costs, expenses); to be sufficient, be enough, suffice (ب for), be adequate (ب to); to make up, compensate fully (ب for), counterbalance (ب s.th.); to be equivalent (ب to s.th.), fulfill the function (ب of s.th.), substitute (ب for); to realize or carry out (fully, completely; ب s.th.) II to bring up to standard, complete, round out (هـ s.th.); to give (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) to the full extent, let s.o. (ه ) have his full share of s.th. (هـ ); to present, lit forth, or treat exhaustively (a topic) III to come (ه to s.o.), appear, show up (ه before s.o., in s.o.’s presence); to bring, lake, deliver (ب to s.o. s.th.), supply, provide, furnish (ب s.o. with); to fulfill (هـ s.o.’s wish), comply (هـ with s.o.’s request) | وافاه اجله (ajaluhū) his fate overtook him IV to give to the full; to fulfill, keep (ب or هـ s.th.), live up (ب or هـ to); to come or draw near s.th. (علي ), approach (علي s.th.); to exceed, transcend (علي s.th.), go beyond (علي) | اوفى علي الانتهاء to draw to a close; عمره الآن قد اوفى علي التاسعة (‘umruhū) he is already past nine years of age V to exact fully (هـ s.th.), take one’s full share (هـ of), receive in full (هـ s.th.); توفاه الله God hal taken him unto Him; pass. tuwuffiya to die VI to be complete; to decide unanimously (علي for, in favor of) X to receive in full, exact (fully) (هـ s.th.); to give (fully) (هـ ل to s.o s.th.), let s.o. have his full share of; to complete, bring to a finish (هـ s.th.), go through with s.th. (هـ ); to lit out, hear to the end (هـ a program); to bring to its full value (هـ s.th.); to treat exhaustively (هـ a topic); to exhaust (هـ s.th.); to present in detail. at great length (هـ s.th.); to fulfill (هـ the condition); to receive full compensation or indemnity

وفاء wafā’ keeping, fulfillment, redemption (e.g., of a promise); meeting, discharge (of an obligation); payment (of a debt); counterbalance, setoff, compensation; faithfulness fidelity; good faith; loyalty, allegiance; fulfillment, accomplishment, realization, completion | وفاء ل wafā’an li in fulfillment of, in discharge of; as an offset to; as a compensation for; يوم وفاء النيل yaum w. an-nīl the Day of the Nile Inundation (popular holiday; Eg.); احتفظ بالوفاء ل to remain loyal to s.o.

وفاة wafāh pl. وفيات wafayāt decease, demise; death; death certificate | كثرة الوفيات katrat al-w. high mortality, high death rate

وفي wafīy pl. اوفياء aufiyā’2 true to one’s word; faithful (lover); reliable, trustworthy; entire, whole, total, full, complete, integral, perfect

اوفى aufā more faithful, more loyal; more complete, of greater perfection; serving better (ب a purpose), fulfilling better (ب wish, etc.)

توفية taufiya satisfaction; fulfillment, discharge

موافاة muwāfā arrival; communication (ب of a message)

ايفاء īfā’ fulfillment, discharge; payment | قادرة علي الايفاء solvent

استيفاء istīfā’ acceptance by the creditor of the performance or payment due (Isl. Law); fulfillment; exhaustive treatment; performance, discharge, accomplishment, execution, consummation, completion; payment

واف wāfin faithful, loyal; full, complete, perfect; quite sufficient, enough; ample, abundant; adequate

موف muwaffin completing, rounding out (a number) | في الموفي عشرين (ثلاثين) من الشهر (šahr) on the 20th (30th ) day of the month

متوفى mutawaffan deceased, dead

وقة wuqqa, wiqqa pl. -āt, وقق wiqaq oka, a weight, see اقة

وقب waqaba يقب yaqibu (waqb) to he sunken, hollow (eye); to become dark, gloomy

وقب waqb pl. اوقاب auqāb cavity; hollow, hole; eye socket, orbit

وقبة waqba cavity

وقت II to appoint, fix, or set a time (هـ for), schedule (هـ s.th.) for a given time; to time (هـ s.th.); to set a time limit (هـ for)

وقت waqt pl. اوقات auqāt time; period of time, time span; moment, instant | وقتا waqtan once, at one time, one day; بوقته at once, right away, immediately; في وقته on time; at the right time, in good time, timely; في غير وقت at the wrong time, untimely; في الوقت نفسه or في نفس الوقت at the same time, simultaneously; في اول وقت fī awwali waqtin one of these days, at the first opportunity; للوقت or لوقته at once, right away, immediately; لهذا الوقت this time; مع الوقت in (due) time, in the course of time, by and by, gradually; من وقت لآخر (li-ākara) from time to time; اوقاتا اوقاتا do.; في بعض الأوقات at times, sometimes; في كثير من الأوقات often, frequently; وقت الفراغ w. al-farāg leisure, sparetime, free time; الوقت المدني (madanī) civil time; وقت اوربا الوسطى w. ūrubbā l-wusṭā Central European time; اشارة الوقت išārat al-w. time signal (radio)

وقتئذ waqta’idin then, at that time, by then

وقتذاك waqtadāka then, at that time, by then

وقتما waqtamā (conj.) while, as

وقتي waqtī temporal, of time; time- (in compounds); temporary; passing, transient, transitory; provisional, interim; momentary; وقتيا for some time, for a short time | تصوير وقتي time exposure (phot.)

موقت mauqit pl. مواقت mawāqit appointed time; appointment, date

ميقات mīqāt pl. مواقيت mawāqīt appointed time; date, deadline; time; season, time of the year; meeting point, rendezvous; pl. times of departure and arrival, timetable | مواقيت الأفلام business hours; موقيت الحج m. al-hajj rendezvous points and times of the Mecca pilgrims

توقيت tauqīt timing; reckoning of time | توقيت صيفي (ṣaifī) daylight-saving time; توقيت محلي (maḥallī) local time; في الساعة العاشرة حسب توقيت جرينش (ḥasaba t. g.) at 10.00 hours Greenwich mean time

موقوت mauqūt appointed, bed, set

(time); temporary; limited in time, scheduled for a given time; provided with a time fuse (bomb)

موقت muwaqqit timing, determining the time; timekeeper, timetaker; controller

موقت muwaqqat and مؤقت mu’aqqat scheduled for a given time or hour; appointed, fixed, lilt (time); effective for a certain time, for a time only, temporal, temporary, passing, transient, transitory, provisional, interim I l:i.... temporarily, provisionally, for the time being; بصورة موقتة (bi-ṣūra) do.; حكومة موقتة provisional government

وقح waqaḥa يقح yaqiḥu (قحة qiḥa, qaḥa), waquḥa يوقح yauquḥu (وقاحة waqāḥa, وقوحة wuqūḥa) and waqiḥa yauqaḥu (waqaḥ) to be shameless, impudent, insolent V do.; to behave impudently (على toward s.o.), display insolent manners VI to display impudence, behave in an insolent manner

قحة qiḥa impudence, shamelessness, insolence, impertinence, sauciness

وقح waqiḥ impudent, shameless, insolent, impertinent, saucy, cheeky, forward

وقاح waqāḥ (m. and f.) pl. وقح wuquḥ impudent, shameless, insolent, impertinent, saucy, cheeky, forward

وقيح waqāḥa impudent, shameless, insolent, impertinent, saucy, cheeky, forward

وقاحة waqāḥa impudence, insolence, impertinence, sauciness, cheek, nerve

وقوحة wuqūḥa impudence, insolence, impertinence, sauciness, cheek, nerve

وقد waqada يقد yaqidu (waqd, waqad, وقود wuqūd) to take fire, ignite, burn II and IV to kindle, ignite, light (هـ s.th.) | اوقد فيه النار (nāra) to set s.th. on fire V = I; to kindle, light, ignite (هـ s.th.) VIII اتقد ittaqada = I; to break forth (anger), be aroused (zeal) | اتقد غيرة (حماسا) على (gairatan, ḥamāsan) to burn with zeal (enthusiasm) for X to kindle, light, ignite (هـ s.th.)

وقد waqd, waqad burning, combustion; fire; fuel

وقدة waqda fire; blaze

وقاد wiqād fuel

وقاد waqqād burning, fiery; lively, heated; bright, brilliant, radiant (star); (pl. -ūn) stoker

وقود waqūd fuel (also for motors) | مخزن الوقود makzan al-w. coal cellar, coal storeroom

وقيد waqīd fuel

موقد mauqid pl. مواقد mawāqid2 fireplace; hearth; stove; O boiler of a locomotive | موقد الغاز kerosene stove

ليقاد īqād kindling, lighting, setting on fire, ignition

توقد tawaqqud burning, combustion

اتقاد ittiqād burning, combustion

موقود mauqūd kindled, lit, ignited, burning

متوقد mutawaqqid burning, flaming, blazing | متوقد الذهن m. ad-dihn fiery, impulsive, having a lively mind

متقد muttaqid aflame, burning

مستوقد mustauqad hearth, fireplace; O hath heater, geyser

وقذ waqada يقذ yaqidu (waqd) to hit fatally, hit hard, throw down, fell (ه s.o.)

وقيذ waqīd and موقوذ mauqūd fatally ill

وقر waqara يقر yaqiru (waqr) to break, fracture, crack (هـ s.th., esp. a bone); to be settled, certain, an established fact; to stay, remain | وقر في نفسه ان to him it was an established fact that ...; وقر في خلده (kaladihī) do.; وقرت الصورة في نفسه (ṣūratu) the picture stood vividly before his mental eye; waqura يوقر yauquru (وقار waqār, وقارة waqāra) to be dignified, sedate, staid, grave II to respect, honor, revere, reverence (ه s.o.); to render grave or sedate (ه s.o.) IV to load, burden, overload (هـ a beast of burden); to oppress (ه s.o.), weigh heavily (ه upon); to be overladen with fruit (tree)

وقر waqr pl. وقور wuqūr cavity, hollow

وقرة waqra cavity, hollow

وقر wiqr pl. اوقار auqār heavy load, burden

وقار waqār gravity, sobriety, dignity, deportment commanding respect; sedateness, dignified bearing

وقور waqūr grave, sedate; dignified; venerable, reverend

توقر tawaqqur dignified bearing

موقر muwaqqar respected, held in respect; venerable, reverend

وقص waqaṣa يقص yaqiṣu to break s.o.’s neck (هـ )

وقظ waqaẓa يقظ yaqiẓu (waqẓ) to beat brutally (ه s.o.) II to arouse, incite, inflame, whip up (هـ s.th., e.g., passions)

وقع waqa‘a يقع yaqa‘u (وقوع wuqū‘) to fall; to fall down, drop; to tumble; to come to pass, take place, occur; to happen (ل to s.o.), befall (ل s.o.); to get (في in a situation, also, e.g., in a fix); to get (الى to), arrive (الى at); to come, run (علي across), meet (علي with); to fall (علي to s.o., to s.o.’s lot or share); to slight, settle down (علي on: bird); to have sexual intercourse (علي with a woman); to be divided (في into), consist (في of); to be located, be situated, lie (geog.,); -- (وقيعة waqī‘a) to slander, backbite, defame, disparage (من or ب s.o.): -- (waq‘) to rush, pounce, fall (ب upon s.o.) | وقعوا في بعضهم they fell to quarreling, they fell out with one another; وقع بايديهم (bi-aidīhim) he fell into their hands; وقع تحت حواسه (ḥawāssihī) to enter s.o.’s range of perception, become palpable, tangible for s.o.; وقعت في حبه (ḥubbihī) she fell in love with him; وقعت حرب (ḥarb) war broke out; وقع الحق (ḥaqq) the law has been determined; وقع الحق عليه he was found guilty; وقع في الفخ (fakk) to walk into the trap, get caught in the snare; وقع فريسته (farīsatahū) to fall victim to s.o., become a prey of s.o.; وقع من قلبه في مكان (min qalbihī fī makānin) to take s.th. to heart; to make s.th. one’s business, attend to s.th.; وقع القول عليه (qaul) he was called upon to speak, he was given the floor; وقع في نفسه ان it came to his mind, it occurred to him to ...; وقع الكلام في (kalām) the words impressed him, went to his heart, touched him; وقعت في (من) نفسه she has made an impression on him, she has bewitched him; وقع في هواها (hawāhā) he fell in love with her; وقع موقعه (mauqi‘ahū) to stand in place of, stand for; وقع في غير موقعه (fī gairi mauqi‘ihī) to be misplaced, stand in the wrong place, be used in the wrong context (word); وقع الكلام منه موقعا (kalāmu, mauqi‘an) the words moved or impressed him; وقع الأمر منه موقعا حسنا (mauqi‘an ḥasanan) the matter pleased him very much, was most welcome to him; وقع عنده موقع الرضا (mauqi‘a r-riḍā) it met his approval; وقع في النفوس موقعا جليلا to leave a strong, splendid impression; وقع ووقع الاستغراب to cause raised eyebrows, cause astonishment II to let fall, drop (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to cause to fall, bring down, throw down, overthrow (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to perform, carry out, execute (هـ s.th.); to enter, record, register (علي or في هـ s.th. in or on); to sign (هـ s.th.); to inflict (علي هـ a punishment on s.o.); to play (علي on a musical instrument); to sow dissension (بين between, among) | وقع حجزا على (ḥajzan) to seize, confiscate, impound or distrain s.th.; وقعه بالأحرف الأولى (bi-l-aḥrufi l-ūlā) to initial s.th.; وقع نفسه (nafsahū) to give o.s. up; وقع على الوتر الحساس (al-watar al-ḥassās) to touch the sensitive spot III to attack (ه s.o.), fight (ه with); to have sexual intercourse (ها with a woman) IV to let fall, drop (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to cause to fall, bring down, throw down, overthrow (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to plunge (في ه s.o. into s.th., esp. fig.), get, land (في ه s.o. in a situation); to fall (ب upon s.o.), attack, assault (ب s.o.); to score a hit (ب on); to sow the seeds of discord, drive wedge (بين -- وبين between -- and); to project (هـ s.th.) | اوقع الرعب في قلبه (ar-ru‘ba fī qalbihī) to strike terror to s.o.’s heart, frighten or scare s.o.; اوقع عقوبة علي to inflict a punishment on; اوقعه في كمين to let s.o. walk into an ambush V to expect, anticipate (هـ s.th.); to prepare o.s., wait (هـ for); to dread (هـ s.th.); to be inflicted (علي on s.o.; punishment), be passed (علي against s.o.; judgment) X to expect, anticipate, dread (هـ s.th.), feel uneasy, be concerned (هـ about), look forward with apprehension (هـ to)

وقع waq‘ falling, dropping, tumbling; fall, drop, tumble; thump, thud, blow; happening, occurrence, incidence; impression (s.th. makes), effect; impact | وقع الأقدام footfall, footsteps; وقع اقدام ثقلية heavy footfall; كان له احسن وقع في النفوس (aḥsanu waq‘in) to make the best impression on everyone

وقعة waq‘a pl. waqa‘āt fall, drop, tumble; thump, thud, blow; shock, jolt; incident, occurrence; encounter, combat, battle; meal, repast

وقاع waqqā‘ and وقاعة waqqā‘a talebearer, scandalmonger, slanderer

وقوع wuqū‘ falling, fall, tumble; letting in, incidence (of an event), occurence, happening

وقيعة waqī‘a pl. وقائع waqā’i‘ incident, event, occurrence, happening; encounter, battle; -- pl. وقائع happenings, goings on, developments; factual findings, factual evidence, facts (of a legal case); proceedings (of an assembly); facts | دفتر الوقائع daftar al-w. minute book; الوقائع المصرية (miṣrīya) the Egyptian Official Gazette (the oldest Arab newspaper)

موقع mauqi‘ pl. مواقع mawāqi‘2 place where s.th. drops or fells down; place, site, locality, spot; position (of a ship and mil.); scene, situation, location, position; impression; time or date on which s.th. falls | مواقع الأطلال (sites of) ruins; مواقع الأنظار m. anẓār field (or range) of vision; موقع متقدم (mutaqaddim) advanced position (mil.); مواقع النجوم the orbits of the stars; لم يكن يعرف موقع وقته ذاك من الليل (mauqi‘a waqtihī) he did not know what time of the night it was at that moment; see also waqa‘a (at end of illustrative phrases)

موقعة mauqi‘a pl. مواقع mawāqi‘2 battlefield; fighting, combat, battle

ميقعة mīqa‘a device for sharpening or honing; grindstone, whetstone

توقيع tauqī‘ dropping; performance, consummation, execution; discharge, undertaking (of an act or action); infliction (of a punishment); entering, recording, registration; (pl. -āt) signature | بتوقيع (تحت توقيع) فلان signed by, from the pen of; مهمل التوقيع (muhmal) without signature, unsigned

توقيعي tauqī‘ī rhythmic(al)

وقاع wiqā‘ coition, sexual intercourse

ايقاع īqā‘ pl. -āt rhythm; projection

ايقاعي īqā‘ī rhythmic(al)

توقع tawaqqu‘ expectation; anticipation

واقع wāqi‘ falling, dropping, tumbling; occurring, happening; actual, real, factual; material, corporeal, tangible; event, fact, matter of fact; factual findings, factual evidence, facto; located, situated (geogr.); transitive (gram.); الواقع reality, the real, material world | واقعا wāqi‘an or في الواقع or في واقع الأمر in effect, indeed, as a matter of fact, actually, really, in reality; بواقع bi-wāqi‘i to the .mount of (with foll. figure); غير واقع untrue, unreal; intransitive (gram.);

الأمر الواقع the accomplished fact; واقع الحال factual findings, factual evidence, facts; الواقع ان (anna) it is a fact that ..., as a matter of fact ..., actually ...; دون الواقع بكثير (dūna, bi-katīrin) far from being true; من واقع هذه السجلات (sijillāt) according to the data contained in these registers

واقعة wāqi‘a incident, occurrence, event; happening, development; fact; accident, mishap; fighting, combat, battle

واقعي wāqi‘ī actual, real; de facto; realistic; positive; positlvistic (philos.)

واقعية wāqi‘īya reality

موقع muwaqqi‘ signing; signer, signatory

موقع muwaqqa‘ entered, recorded, registered; signed

متوقع mutawaqqa‘ expected, anticipated; supposed, presumable, probable, likely | من المتوقع it is expected that ...

وقف waqafa يقف yaqifu (waqf, وقوف wuqūf) to come to a standstill, come to a stop; to stand still; to place o.s. post o.s., station o.s., take one’s stand, step (فوق on s.th.), stand (فوق on, دون in the way of s.th.); to stop (عند or علي at; الى at, short of, = to reach, extend to, go as far as); to halt; to pause; to hesitate, waver, have doubts or scruples (في in s.th.); to use the pausal form, pronounce a word without i‘rāb ending (gram.); to rise, get up, stand up, get on one’s feet; to plant o.s., station o.s., stand erect, hold o.s. erect; to stand; to stand on end (hair); to withstand, resist, oppose; to take up position (علي .t); to stand (مع by s.o.), stick (مع to s.o.), side (مع with s.o.), support, back (مع s.o.); with foll. participle; to continue to do s.th., keep doing s.th.; -- (wuqūf) to occupy o.s. (علي with), attend (علي to), go in for (علي ); to read (علي s.th.); to apply o.s., devote o.s. (علي to); to take an interest, be interested (علي in); to inquire, seek information, inform o.s. (علي about); to learn, be informed (علي of); to understand, comprehend, grasp, learn (علي s.th.); to come to know (علي s.th.). become acquainted (Jo with); to know (علي s.th.); (waqf) to bring to a standstill, to a stop, arrest, halt, stop (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), put an end (هـ to s.th.); to hinder, prevent, hold back (هـ, ه or ب s.o., s.th., دون or عن from); to make dependent, conditional (على هـ s.th. on), pass. wuqifa to depend, be conditional (على on); to apprise, inform, notify (على ه s.o. of), acquaint (على ه s.o. with), let s.o. (ه ) know (على about); to tell, advise, instruct (على هـ s.o. about), call s.o.’s (ه ) attention (على to); to donate, grant, create, institute (على ه s.th. for a pious or charitable purpose), bequeath as a religious endowment or wakf (على هـ s.th. to); to make over, bequeath, transfer (على هـ s.th. to); to dedicate, consecrate, devote (على هـ s.th. to a purpose); to assign, appoint (هـ s.th., ل to, to a purpose), designate, set apart (هـ s.th., ل for s.th., for a purpose); to apply, devote (نفسه nafsahū o.s., ل to s.th., to a task) | قف qif halt! (command); stop! (e.g., on a traffic sign); وقف امامه (amāmahū) to resist, oppose, stop s.th., put an end to s.th.; وقف الى جانبه to be on s.o.’s side; وقف الى يساره (yasārihī) to stand at his left; وقف سدا دون (saddan) to rise as an obstacle in the way to s.th., stand in the way to s.th.; لا يقف دون شيء nothing will stand in his (or its) way, nothing can stop him (or it); وقف حائرا to be in a quandary, at a loss what to do; وقف علي الحياد (ḥiyād) to remain neutral, observe strict neutrality; وقف علي ساق الجد ل (sāqi l-jidd) to throw o.s. into s.th., identify o.s. with s.th., go to great lengths, make every effort in order to ...; وقف علي شفير الهلاك (šafīri l-halāk) to be on the brink of ruin, be about to perish; وقف عند حد (ḥaddi) to stop at or short of …, go as far as ...; وقف في وجه فلان (wajhi s.) to offer s.o. resistance, stand up against s.o.;وقف موقفا من (mauqifan) to assume an attitude, take a stand toward or with regard to; وقف موقفا ملؤه الحزم (mil’uhū l-ḥazm) to assume an attitude of utmost determination; وقف وقفا (waqfan) to assume a posture; وقف وقفة (waqfatan) to stand still; to assume an attitude; وقفه على العمل (‘amal) to suspend s.o. from duty II to bring to a standstill, to a stop, arrest, halt, stop, hold up, check, stunt, obstruct, trammel, hamper, slow down (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to park (هـ an automobile); to raise, erect, set up, set upright, place in an upright position (هـ s.th.); to arrest, seize (ه s.o.); to hold back, restrain, keep, prevent (عن ه s.o. from); to acquaint (علي ه s.o. with); to institute a religious endowment or wakf (علي for the benefit of, in favor of) | وقفه عند حده (ḥaddihī) to put s.o. in his proper place IV to make (هـ s.th.) stand, set up (هـ s.th.); to bring to a standstill, to a stop, arrest, halt, stop, hold up, check, stunt, obstruct, trammel, hamper, slow down (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to stop, suspend, stay, discontinue, interrupt (هـ s.th.); to break off, sever (هـ relations); to postpone, put off, delay, defer (هـ an activity); to arrest, seize, apprehend, capture (ه s.o.); to suppress, ban (هـ a newspaper); to acquaint (علي ه s.o. with), inform, notify, apprise (علي ه s.o. of), let s.o. (ه ) know (علي about); to tell, advise, instruct (علي ه s.o. about), call s.o.’s (ه ) attention (علي to); to donate, grant, create, institute (علي ه s.th. for a pious or charitable purpose), bequeath as a religious endowment or wakf (علي هـ s.th. to); to bequeath, make over, transfer (علي هـ s.th. to); to assign, appoint (علي هـ s.th. to), designate, set apart (علي هـ s.th. for); to devote (علي هـ s.th. to a purpose); to spend (هـ efforts, علي for) | اوقف اهتمامه علي (htimāmahū) to concentrate on; اوقف تنفيذ الحكم (tanfīd l-ḥukm) to stay the execution of a sentence, grant a reprieve; to stay the execution (of a judgment in a civil case), arrest a judgment (jur.); اوقف حركة المرور (ḥarakata l-murūr) to obstruct traffic; اوقفه عن المرور (‘amal) to relieve s.o. of his post, remove s.o. from office V to stop, halt, come to a stop, put in a stop, stop over; to come to a standstill; to stand still; to reach a deadlock (fig., of negotiations, and the like); to pause (عن in an activity), suspend, interrupt (عن s.th.); to stop, quit (عن s.th., doing s.th.), discontinue (عن s.th.); to desist, refrain, abstain (عن from); to waver, be undecided, hesitate (في in s.th.); to depend, be dependent, conditional (علي on); to rest, be based (علي on), be due (علي to); to consist (علي in) VI to fight each other; to meet in battle X to ask (ه s.o.) to stop; to bring to a stop, to stop, halt, hold up, detain, check, impede, obstruct, trammel, hamper, slow down (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.), stunt, arrest (هـ s.th.); to give s.o. (ه ) pause; to call on a vessel (هـ ) to stop; to try to hold or retain; to hold (هـ s.th.; fig.) | استوقف نظره (naẓarahū) to catch s.o.’s eye, arouse s.o.’s attention; استوقف الانتباه to arrest the attention

وقف waqf stopping, stop; halting, halt; discontinuation, suspensions, stay, standstill; pausing, resting; stagnation, dullness, listlessness (of the market); pause (gram.); checking, restraining, prevention; interruption, hitch, impediment, obstacle, obstruction; suspension from duty, removal from office, discharge, dismissal; blocking (of all account), stoppage (of salaries); -- (pl. اوقاف auqāf) religious endowment, wakf, “habeus” (Isl. Law); endowment (in general), endowment fund; unalienable property | كان وقفا علي (waqfan) to be completely dependent on; وقفا علي restricted to; وقف اهلي (ahlī), وقف خاص (kāṣṣ) or (ir.) وقف ذرية w. durrīya family endowment, private will, estate in mortmain entailed in such a manner that its proceeds will accrue to the members of the donor’s family, and, after the death of its last descendent, go to a charitable purpose; وقف خيري (kairī), (tun.) وقف عام (‘āmm) public endowment, endowment, set apart for a charitable or religious purpose, public wakf; ناظر الوقف nāẓir al-w. administrator of all endowment, trustee, curator; الأوقاف the wakf system, estates in mortmain; وزارة الأوقاف the ministry entrusted with government supervision of estates in mortmain, will ministry; وقف اطلاق النار w. iṭlāq an-nār cease-fire (mil.); وقف التنفيذ stay of execution (jur.); اكل خبز الوقف (kubza l-w.) to have independent means of subsistence, have a sinecure

وقفي waqfī of or pertaining to endowments or the wakf system, wakf- (in compounds)

وقفية waqfīya wakf system, endowment system; list of religious endowments, of the estates in mortmain; original charter of a wakf

وقفة waqfa (n. vic.) pl. -āt standing, stand, stance; position, posture; halt, stop; pause; 0 period, full stop (punctuation mark); station, way station, specif. that on Mount ‘Arafāt during the Pilgrimage; attitude, stand, policy; eve of a religious festival, also يوم الوقفة | وقفة العيد الصغير w. al-‘īd aṣ-ṣagīr the day preceding ‘īd al-fiṭr, the Feast of Breaking the Ramadan Fast on the last day of Shawwal; وقفة العيد الكبير (kabīr) the day preceding ‘īd al-aḍḥā the Feast of Immolation on the 10th day of Zu’lhijja

وقاف waqqāf overseer, supervisor, warden, keeper

وقوف wuqūf stopping, stop; halting, halt; standing; stand, stance; (with علي :) study, pursuit, occupation (with), search, inquiry (into), investigation, cognizance, knowledge, understanding, comprehension; (Isl. Law) abeyance of rights; pl. of واقف wāqif standing

موقف mauqif pl. مواقف mawāqif2 stopping place; station; (cab, etc.) stand; (bus, train, etc.) stop; parking lot, parking place; stopover, stop; place, site; scene, scenery; position, posture; situation; attitude; stand, position, opinion | موقف حربي (ḥarbī) strategic situation; موقف سياسي (siyāsī) political situation; موقف عدائي (‘adā’ī) hostile attitude; مهيمن الموقف muhaimin al-m. master of the situation; موقفه من his attitude toward, his stand with regard to

توقيف tauqīf raising, setting up, erection; apprehension, detention, seizure, arrest; parking

ايقاف īqāf raising, setting up, erection; apprehension, detention, seizure, arrest; stopping, halting, checking, arresting, stunting, trammeling, hampering, impeding, obstruction; stoppage, suspension (e.g., of work); interruption, discontinuation; postponement, deferment, delay, stay, arrest; removal from office, suspension from duty; notice, notification | ايقاف التنفيذ stay of execution (jur.); ايقاف الحكم i. al-ḥukm arrest of judgment

(jur.); ايقاف الدعوى ī. ad-da‘wā stay of proceedings (jur.); ايقاف الدفع ī. ad-daf‘ delay of payment, respite, moratorium; ايقاف العمل ī. al-‘amal suspension of work

توقف tawaqquf halt, cessation, standstill; pause; stopover, stop (also. of an airplane); hesitation, wavering; dependence (على on) | التوقف عن الدفع (daf‘) suspension of payment (jur.)

واقف wāqif stopping, baiting, coming to a stop; standing still, motionless, at rest; standing; upright, erect; acquainted, familiar (علي with s.th.); bystander, spectator, onlooker (during a street scene); wakif, donor of a wakf | علي الواقف instantly, on the spot, right away, at once; هب واقفا habba wāqifan to get on one’s feet, get up, stand up, rise

موقوف mauqūf arrested, stopped; suspended; interrupted, discontinued; delayed, postponed, deferred; apprehended, detained, arrested; person under arrest, prisoner; suspended from duty, removed from office; entailed through an endowment, established as a wakf; unalienable, in mortmain; donated, granted, instituted; dedicated. devoted; designated, set apart, reserved (علي for); dependent, conditional (علي on); based, resting (علي on); abeyant, in abeyance (rights; Isl. Law) | الموقوف عليه beneficiary or usufructuary of a wakf; الأراضي الموقوفة (arāḍī) the estates in mortmain; لاعب موقوف disqualified player (athlet.); موقوف قيد المحاكمة (qaida l-muḥākama) detained pending investigation. committed for trial

متوقف mutawaqqif dependent, conditional (على on)

وقل V to climb, mount

1 وقواق waqwāq and واقواق wāqwāq in the descriptions of Arab geographers, name of two different groups of islands (one east of China, the other located in the Indian Ocean)

2 وقوق waqwaq cuckoo

1 وقى waqā يقي yaqī (waqy, وقاية wiqāya) to guard, preserve (هـ s.th.), take good care (هـ of); to safeguard, shield, shelter, preserve, protect, keep (هـ ه s.o. from), guard (هـ ه s.o. against); to protect, offer or afford protection (هـ against); to prevent, obviate (هـ a danger) V and VIII

اتقى ittaqā to beware, be wary (هـ of), guard, be on one’s guard, protect o.s. make suer (هـ against) | اتقى الله to fear God; اتقى الله في حق الشيء (ḥaqqi) (lit.: to fear God with regard to s.th., i.e.) to spare s.th. or deal mercifully with s.th. for fear of God, show regard for s.th. for God’s sake, make s.th. a matter of conscience

وقي waqī protection; safeguard

وقاء waqā’, wiqā‘ protection; prevention

وقاية wiqāya protection; prevention; precaution; obviation, averting; defense (من against); prophylaxis (mat.) | الوقاية من الغارات الجوية (jawwīya) anti-aircraft defense; معدات الوقاية mu‘addāt al-w. safety device

وقاية waqqāya protective covering

وقائي wiqā’ī preventive | الطب الوقائي (ṭibb) preventive medicine, prophylaxis

وقي waqīy protecting; protector, preserver, guardian

تقوى taqwā godliness, devoutness, piety

تقى tuqan godliness, devoutness, piety

تقي taqīy pl. اتقياء atqiyā’ godfearing, godly, devout, pious

تقية taqīya fear, caution, prudence; (in Shiitic Islam) dissimulation of one’s religion (under duress or in the face of threatening damage)

واق wāqin preserving, guarding, protecting; preventive, preservative, prophylactic; protective; guardian, protector | واق من الريح (rīḥ) protecting from the wind; درع واق (dir‘) protective armor; صفحة واقية (ṣafḥa) flyleaf; dust cover, jacket, wrapper; مظلة واقية (miẓalla) parachute; معطف واق (mi‘ṭaf) raincoat; قناع واق gas mask

واقية wāqiya protection, shelter, shield; a preventive, a preservative

متق muttaqin godfearing, godly, devout, pious

2 وقية wiqīya (eg.), wuqīye (Syr.) a weight, in Eg. = 1/12 raṭl = 37 g; in Aleppo = 320 g, in Beirut = 213.39 g, in Jerusalem = 240g

وكأ V and VIII اتكأ ittaka’a to support one’s weight (على on), lean (على against, on); to recline (على in a chair, and the like)

تكأة tuka’a staff; support, prop, stay; back (of a chair, etc.); idler, lazybones

توكؤ tawakku’ resting, leaning, reclining

اتكاء ittikā’ resting, leaning, reclining

متكأ muttaka’ pl. -āt support, prop, stay; cushion, pad; sofa; couch

وكب wakaba يكب yakibu (wakb, وكوب wukūb, وكبان wakabān) to walk slowly, proceed or advance slowly III to accompany (ه s.o.), escort (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to convoy, accompany as military escort (هـ s.th.)

موكب maukib pl. مواكب mawākib 2 parade, pageant; procession; mounted escort, retinue, cortege; triumph | موكب المشاعيل torchlight procession; موكب الجنازة m. al-janāza funeral procession

مواكبة muwākaba military escort, convoying, convoy duty

وكد II to make fast, fasten (هـ s.th.); to corroborate, substantiate (هـ s.th.); to confirm, affirm (هـ s.th.); to give assurance (هـ of), assert (هـ s.th.) V to be corroborated, substantiated, asserted, affirmed, confirmed; to ascertain (من a fact), make sure, convince o.s. (من of)

وكد wakd wish, desire, intention, aim, goal, end, purpose, object, aspiration, endeavor, effort, attempt

وكيد wakīd corroborated, substantiated, confirmed; sure, certain; positive

توكيد taukīd pl. -āt, تواكيد tawākīd2 confirmation; affirmation, assurance; assertion; emphasis, stress; (gram.) intensifying apposition; pleonasm

موكد muwakkad sure, certain, definite

متوكد mutawakkid sure, certain, positive, convinced

وكر wakr pl. اوكار aukār, وكور wukūr nest, bird’s nest; aerie; habitation, abode, retreat; O aircraft hangar | وكر اللصوص den of robbers

وكرة wakra pl. وكر wukar bird’s nest

وكز wakaza يكز yakizu (wakz) to strike with the fist (ه s.o.); to thrust, push, hit; to spur (هـ a horse); to pierce, transfix (ب ه s.o. with)

وكس wakaaa يكس yakisu (waks) to decline in value, depreciate; to decrease, diminish, reduce, lower (هـ the value or price of); pass. wukisa to suffer losses (in business) II to decrease, diminish, reduce, lower (هـ the value of)

وكس waks decline, drop (of value or price); depreciation; loss | باغ بالوكوس to sell at a loss

وكع waku‘a يوكع yauku‘u (وكاعة wakā‘a) to be hard, strong, sturdy

ميكعة mīka‘a plowshare

وكف wakafa يكف yakifu (wakf, وكفان wakafān) to drip, trickle; to be defective and


وكف wakf leaking, leak (of a ship)

وكل wakala يكل yakilu (wakl and وكول wukūl) to entrust (الى هـ s.th. to s.o., with s.th. s.o.), assign (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.), commission, charge (هـ الى s.o. with), put s.o. (الى ) in charge (هـ of) II to authorize, empower, appoint as representative or agent (ه s.o.); to put s.o. (ه ) in charge (ب of) engage as legal counsel (ه an attorney, عن or ب in a matter in dispute); to invest s.o. (ه ) with full power, give s.o. power of attorney (في in); to entrust (ب ه to s.o. s.th.) III to be on a confidential basis (ه with s.o.), be in a position of mutual trust (ه with s.o.); to trust (ه s.o.) IV to entrust, assign (الى هـ s.th., a task, to s.o.) V to be appointed as representative or agent, take over or act as (legal) representative; to act as commissioner, as agent, or by proxy (في in s.th.); to take upon o.s. assume (ب s.th.); to be responsible, answerable, answer, vouch (ب for), guarantee, warrant (ب s.th.); to rely, depend (على on), place one’s confidence (على in), trust (على in) | توكل على الله to trust in God, put o.s. in God’s hands VI to trust each other; to react with indifference, be noncommital, indifferent VIII اتكل ittakala to rely, depend (على on), trust (على in)

وكيل wakīl pl. وكلاء wukalā’2 authorized representative, attorney in fact, proxy; (business) manager; head clerk; deputy, vice-; agent; trustee; mandatary, defense counsel; attorney, lawyer; (Syr., mil.) approx.: technical sergeant | وكيل الأحباس in Tunis, commissioner for estates in mortmain; الوكيل البابوي (bābawī) papal legate; وكيل بلوك امين w. bulūk amīn (1939 وكيل امين ) approx.: quartermaster corporal (mil.; Eg.); وكيل اونباشي w. onbāšī (1939 وكيل محارب w. muḥārib) private first class (Eg.); وكيل باشجاويش staff sergeant (Eg.); وكيل جاويش, وكيل شاويش (1939 وكيل مجاهد w. mujāhid) sergeant; وكيل ضابط noncommissioned officer (Tun.); company sergeant-major, master sergeant (Syr., mil.); وكيل الحق العام w. al-ḥaqq al-‘āmm government commissioner at Tunisian courts (Tun.); وكيل قنصل w. qunṣul vice-consul; وكيل مدير w. mudīr deputy director; وكيل الوزارة under-secretary of state

تكلة tukala one who relies on others, who is incapable of attending to his own affairs

وكالة wakāla pl. -āt representation, deputyship, proxy; full power, power of attorney; management; agency; (Eg.) inn, caravansary, resthouse, khan | وكالة الأنباء w. al-anbā’ news agency, wire service; وكالة الإشهار w. al-išhār advertising agency

نوكيل taukīl appointment as representative, agent, deputy, or proxy, delegation of authority; authorization; power of attorney, full power; warrant of attorney

توكل tawakkul trust, confidence; trust in God; passivity of living (of the early ascetics and mystics)

تواكل tawākul mutual confidence or trust; indifference

اتكال ittikāl trust, confidence, reliance

موكل muwakkil constituent, principle, mandator

موكل muwakkal commissioned, charged (ب with), in charge (ب of), responsible, answerable (ب for)

متوكلي mutawakkilī: المملكة المتوكلية اليمنية (mamlaka, yamanīya) the Yemenite Kingdom (official designation)

موكم mūkim offensive, hurting (word)

وكن wacana يكن yakinu (wakn, وكون wukūn) to brood, Bit on its eggs (bird); to hatch, incubate (على or هـ eggs)

وكن wakn pl. وكون wukūn bird’s nest, aerie

وكنة wakna, wukna pl. wukunāt nest

وكى wakā يكي yakī to tie up (هـ a waterskin, or the like)

وكاء wikā’ pl. اوكية aukiya thong or string for tying up a waterskin or bag

ولج walaja يلج yaliju (لجة lija, ولوج wulūj) to enter (الى or هـ s.th., into s.th.), penetrate (الى or هـ into) | ولج الباب to go in by the door IV to make (هـ s.th.) enter (في s.th. else); to introduce, insert, interpose, intromit, interpolate, thrust (في هـ s.th. into) V = I; to engage (هـ in), take upon o.s. (هـ s.th.)

ولوج wulūj penetration, entering, entry

وليجة walija intimate friend, confidant; secret depth (of the heart)

ايلاج ilei; insertion, intromission, interposition, interpolation, intercalation

مولج maulij pl. موالج mawālij2 entrance

موالح see ملح

ولد walada يلد yalidu (ولادة wilāda, لدة lida, مولد maulid) to bear (ه a child), give birth (ه to); to beget, generate, procreate; to bring forth, produce (هـ s.th.) | ولدت منه to have a child by s.o. (woman) II to assist in childbirth (ها a woman; of a midwife); to generate, produce (من ه s.th. from); to engender, breed, cause, occasion, (هـ s.th.); to bring up, raise (ه a child) IV to make (ها a woman) bear children | اولدها طفلا (ṭiflan) he got her with child V to be born; to be descended (من from s.o.); to be generated, produced (من from), be brought forth, be engendered, bred, caused, occasioned (من by); to originate, grow, develop, arise, proceed, follow, result (من from) VI to propagate, reproduce, multiply by generation X to want children; to want the generation (من هـ of s.th. from), want to produce (من هـ s.th. from)

ولد walad pl. اولاد aulād, ولد wuld descendant, offspring, scion; child; son; boy; young animal, young one; (coll.) progeny, offspring, children | ولد الزنا w. az-zinā illegitimate child, bastard; ولد الملاعنة w. al-mulā‘ana child whose paternity is contested by لعان li‘ān (q.v.) (Isl. Law)

ولدة walda childbirth, birth | ولدت اثنين في ولدة she gave birth to two at a time

لدة lida childbirth, birth; (pl. لدون lidūn, لدات lidāt) person of the same age, contemporary; coetaneous

ولادة wilāda parturition, childbearing, childbirth, birth, confinement, delivery | ولادة معجلة (mu‘ajjala) premature birth; حديث الولادة newborn; علم الولادة ‘ilm al-w. obstetrics (med.)

ولادة wallāda frequently producing offspring, bearing many children; fertile, prolific, fruitful

ولود walūd frequently producing offspring, bearing many children; fertile, prolific, fruitful; littering, having young

ولودية wulūdīya childishness, puerility

وليد walīd pl. ولدان wildān newborn child, baby; boy, son; young, new; (with foll. genit.) the product of, the result of, occasioned by, engendered by, sprung from | وليد ساعته w. sā‘atihi conceived on the spur of the moment (idea, plan, etc.)

وليدة walīda pl. ولائد walā’id2 newborn girl; girl; product

وليد wulaid little child

مولد maulid pl. موالد mawālid2 birthplace; birthday; anniversary, birthday of a saint (also Chr.) | المولد النبوي (nabawī), مولد النبي m. an-nabīy the prophet’s birthday; لغة المولد lugat al-m. mother tongue, native language

ميلاد milād pl. مواليد mawālīd2 birth; time of birth. nativity; birthday; pl. مواليد age classes, age groups (recruitment, etc.) | عيد الميلاد ‘īd al-m. Christmas (Chr.); قبل ميلاد السيد المسيح (sayyid) or only قبل الميلاد before Christ, B.C.; نقصان المواليد nuqṣān al-m. falling birth rate

ميلادي mīlādī birthday- (in compounds); relating to the birth of Christ; after Christ, A.D. | سنة ميلادية (sana) year of the Christian era

توليد taulīd procreation, begetting; generation, producing, production; midwifery, assistance at childbirth, delivery | دار التوليد and مصحة للتوليد (maṣaḥḥa) maternity home; فن التوليد fann at-t. obstetrics, midwifery; معمل (محطة) توليد القوة الكهربائية ma‘mal (maḥaṭṭaṭ) t. al-quwā al-kahrabā’īya electric power station; توليد الهلال “generation of the crescent”, the first appearance of the new moon on the first day of the month

تولد tawallud generation, production

استيلاد istilād generation, production

والد wālid procreator, progenitor; father, parent; الوالدان the parents, father and mother

والدة wālida pl. -āt mother; parturient woman, woman in childbed

والدي wālidī paternal

مولود maulūd produced, born, come into the world; birth; birthday; -- (pl. مواليد mawālīd2) newborn baby, infant; child, son; pl. مواليد creations, novelties, nouveautés | المواليد الثلاثة the three kingdoms of nature

مولد muwallid generating, producing, procreative, generative; procreator, progenitor; obstetrician, accoucheur; -- (pl. -āt) generator (tech.) | O مولد التيار m. at-tayyār or مولد كهربائي (kahrabā’ī) generator, dynamo; O مولد التيار المتناوب m. at-t. al-mutanāwib alternating, current generator, alternator; مولد الحموضة oxygen; مولد الماء hydrogen; مولد ذري (darrī) atomic reactor

مولدة muwallida pl. -āt midwife

مولد muwallad born, begotten, produced, generated; brought up, raised; born and raised among Arabs (but not of pure Arab blood); not truly old Arabic, introduced later into the language, post-classical (esp. of words); half-breed, half-caste, half-blood; (pl. -āt) product; pl. المولدون the postclassical (also, recent) Arab authors

ولدنة waldana childhood; childish trick, puerility

ولس walasa يلس yalisu (wals) to deceive, cheat, dupe (ه s.o.) III to play the hypocrite; to double-cross (ه s.o.); to misrepresent, distort (ب s.th.) IV to misrepresent, distort (ب s.th.)

ولس wals fraud, deceit, deception; cunning, craft, double-dealing, duplicity

موالسة muwālasa fraud, deceit, deception; cunning, craft, double-dealing, duplicity

ولط wall volt (el.)

ولع wali‘a يولع yaula‘u (wala‘, ولوع walū‘) to catch fire, burn; to be dead set (ب on), be mad (ب after), be crazy (ب about), be passionately fond (ب of), be madly in love (ب with); to glow with enthusiasm (ب for), be enthusiastic (ب about) II to kindle, light (هـ s.th.), set fire (هـ to); to make (ه s.o.) crave (ب s.th.), inflame s.o.’s (ه ) desire (ب for), enamor (ب ه s.o. of) IV = II; pass. ūli‘a to be fond, enamored (ب of s.th.), be very devoted, be given (ب to); to be dead set, be hell-bent (ب on); to be in love (ب with) V = I

ولع wala‘ passionate love; ardent desire, craving; passion

ولع wali‘ madly in love

ولوع walū‘ greed, craving, eager desire; love

ولاعة wallā‘a (cigarette) lighter

تولع tawallu‘ passionate love; ardent desire, craving; passion

مولع mūla‘ in love (ب with); dead set, hell-bent (ب on), mad (ب after), crazy (ب about); passionately fond, enamored (ب of s.th.); enthusiastic (ب about), full of enthusiasm (ب for)

ولغ walaga يلغ yalagu (walg, ولوغ wulūg) to lick, lap (esp., of a dog); to defile (في s.o.’s honor) | ولغ في الدم (dam) to taste blood, become bloodthirsty

ولكن wa-lākin, wa-lākinna (the latter with foil. acc. or pers. suffix) but, however, yet

ولم IV to give a banquet

ولم walm, walam saddle girth, cinch

وليمة walīma pl. ولائم walā’im2 banquet

وله walaha, يله yalihu, waliha يوله yaulahu (walah) to lose one’s head, become mad (with love, grief, or the like), be thrown off one’s balance, go off the deep end II and IV to make crazy, throw into utter confusion (ه s.o.), drive (ه s.o.) out of his wits V = I; to be infatuated (ب with)

وله walah distraction, utter confusion, giddiness, hare-brainedness; painful agitation; passionate love, amorous rapture

ولهان walhān2 distracted, confused, bewildered, out of one's wits, giddy, harebrained; passionately in love

توله tawalluh distraction, utter confusion, giddiness, hare-brainedness; infatuation

واله wālih distracted, confused, bewildered, out of one’s wits, giddy, harebrained; grief-stricken, deeply afflicted

متوله mutawallih distracted, confused, bewildered, out of one's wits, giddy, hare-brained

ولو see و

ولول walwala to cry “woo”; to lament, wail, howl, break into loud wails

ولولة walwala pl. ولاول walāwil2 wailing, wails

ولي waliya يلي yalī to be near s.o. or s.th. (ه, هـ ), be close (هـ, ه to), lie next (هـ to); to adjoin (هـ s.th.), be adjacent (هـ to); to follow (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to border (هـ on); -- (ولاء walā’, ولاية walāya) to be a friend (ه of s.o.), be friends (ه with); -- (ولاية walāya, wilāya) to be in charge (على or هـ of s.th.), manage, run, administer, govern, rule (على or هـ s.th.), have power, authority, or the command (على or هـ over) | ما يلي the following, what follows; كما يلي as follows, like this; فيما يلي in what follows, in the following, in the sequel; ما يلي البدن من الملابس (badana) the underwear, the underclothes; غرفة تلي السقف (gurfa, saqf) a chamber under the roof; ولى الحكم (ḥukma) to take over the government, come into power II to turn (هـ ه to or toward s.o. s.th., e.g., the back, the face of s.th.); to turn away (عن or ه from s.th.), avoid, shun (عن or ه s.th.); to turn around, turn back, wheel around; to flee (عن or هـ from s.th.); to pass, go by, glide away (days, years); to appoint as manager, director, administrator, governor, or ruler (ه s.o.); to put (ه s.o.) in cbarge (هـ of), make s.o. (ه ) the head of (هـ ); to entrust (هـ ه s.o. with, to s.o. s.th.), commission, charge (هـ ه s.o. with), assign (ه هـ to s.o. s.th.) | ولاه دبره (duburahū) or ولاه ظهره (ẓahrahū) to turn one’s back on s.o. or s.th.; ولوا عنه الأدبار they turned their backs on him, they turned away from him; ولى هاربا (hāriban) to wake to flight, run away; ولى وجهه (wajhahū) to turn, face (هـ toward) III to be a friend. a helper, a supporter, a patron, a protector; to help, aid, assist (ه s.o.); to do constantly, incessantly (هـ s.th.); to continue without interruption (هـ s.th., to do s.th.). go about s.th. (هـ ) successively, systematically; to pursue, practice, cultivate (هـ s.th., e.g., arts); to follow immediately (هـ s.th.; time), be subsequent (هـ to) IV to bring close (هـ ه to s.o. a.th.); to turn (هـ ه toward s.o. one’s back. or the like); to commit (هـ ه to s.o. the care or responsibility for), entrust, commission, charge (هـ ه s.o. with); to do, render (هـ ه s.o. a favor); to do (هـ ه to s.o. s.th. harmful), bring (ه هـ upon s.o. s.th.); to display, evince (هـ ه toward. s.o. s.th., e.g., indifference) | اولاه ثقته (tiqatahū) to have confidence in s.o.; اولاه معروفا to do s.o. a favor V to occupy, fill, hold (هـ an office), be entrusted (هـ with), be in charge (هـ of); to take possession, take charge (هـ of), take over, take upon o.s., undertake, take in hand (هـ an affair), attend (هـ to); to take care (هـ of), see (هـ to s.th.), arrange (هـ for s.th.); to assume the responsibility (هـ for), seize control (هـ of); to take over the government, come into power; to turn away, desist, refrain (عن from), forgo (عن s.th.) | توالى الحكم (ḥukma) to be in power, hold supreme power; to seize power; تولاه اليأس (ya’su) he was seized (or overcome) by despair VI to follow in succession, without interruption; to come continually (على to), arrive constantly (على at); to progress, continue (e.g., an advance, a march) X to possess o.s., take possession (على of), seize (على s.th.), make 0.s. muter or (على ); to receive as one’s own, take over, capture, confiscate, requisition, occupy (على s.th.); to overpower, overwhelm, overcome (على s.o.); to take prisoner, capture (على s.o.)

ولى walīy near, nearby; neighboring, adjacent; close; -- (pl. اولياء auliyā’2) helper, supporter, benefactor, sponsor; friend, close associate; relative; patron, protector; legal guardian. curator, tutor; a man close to God, holy man, saint (in the popular religion of Islam); master; proprietor, possessor, owner | ولي الله the friend of God; ولي الأمر w. al-a. the responsible manager, the man in charge; ruler; tutor, legal guardian; ولي w. ad-dam avenger of blood, executor of a blood feud; ولي السجادة w. as-sajāda title of the leader of a Sufi order in his capacity of inheritor of the founder’s prayer rug; ولي العهد w. al-‘ahd successor to the throne, heir apparent, crown prince; ولي النعمة w. an-ni‘ma benefactor

ولية walīya holy woman, saint; woman, lady

ولاء walā’ friendship, amity; benevolence, good will; fidelity, fealty, allegiance; devotion, loyalty; clientage (Isl. Law) | معاهدة الولاء mu‘āhadat w. treaty of friendship

ولائي walā’ī friendly, amicable, of friendship

ولاية wilāya sovereign power, sovereignty; rule, government; -- (pl. -āt) administrative district headed by a vali, vilayet (formerly, under the Ottoman Empire), province; state | الولايات المتحدة (muttaḥida) the United States; ولاية العهد w. al-‘ahd succession to the throne; -- walāya guardianship, curatorship; legal power; friendship | هم على ولاية واحدة they stick together, they assist each other

اولى aulā more entitled (ب to); worthier, more deserving; more appropriate, better suited (ب for), more suitable, more adequate (ب to); see also under اول | بالأولى or من باب الأولى with greater reason, all the more reason, the more so; هي أولى به منه it is more natural for her than for him, it is for her rather than for him, she is more entitled to it than he is

أولوية aulawīya priority; precedence

مولى maulan pl. موال mawālin master, lord; protector, patron; client; charge; mend, companion, associate; المولى the Lord, God; مولاى maulāya and مولانا maulānā form of address to a sovereign

مولاة maulāh mistress, lady

مولوى maulawī pl. īya a dervish of the order of Maula Jalāl-ud-din Rumi

مواليا mawāliyā see2 موال mawwāl

تولية tauliya appointment (as vali, to an executive position, as successor); resale at cost price (Isl. Law)

ولاء wilā’ succession, sequence, series, continuation; ولاء wilā’an or على ولاء successively, uninterruptedly

موالاة muwālāh friendship; contract of clientage (Isl. Law); constancy, incessancy, continuance (of an action)

ايلاء īlā’ annulment of a marriage after the husband’s sworn testimony to have refrained from marital intercourse for a period of at least four months (Isl. Law)

تول tawallin entrance office, taking over of an office to management, direction, administration, government

توال tawālin continuous succession, uninterrupted sequence, continuation | على التوالي continuously, without interruption; successively, consecutively, one after the other, one by one; على توالي الأيام (t. l-ayyām) in the course of time; بتولي السنين bi-t. s-sinīn with the years, in time, as time goes on

استيلاء istīlā’ appropriation; seizure, taking possession; capture, conquest

وال wālin pl. ولاة wulāh leading, managing, executive, administrative; ruler; governor, vali; prefect (administrative officer, Mor.) | ولاة الأمور the leading personalities, the leaders

موال muwālin mend, helper, supporter; client, feudal tenant, vassal, dependent, partisan, follower, adherent

موالية muwāliya clientage, clientele, following, adherence

متوال mutawālin entrusted, commissioned, in charge | متولي الأعمال (ir.) chargé d’affaires

متوال mutawālin successive, consecutive, uninterrupted, incessant; -- (pl. متاولة matāwila) member of the Shiite sect of Metualis in Syria

ومأ IV to motion, signal, beckon, make a sign; to point out, indicate (الى s.th.), point (الى to); to make a gesture

ايماء īmā’ mimic action, gestures, gesticulations | فن الإيماء fann al-ī. pantomime, dumb show (as an art); إيماء الى īmā’an ilā with reference to

إيماءة imā’a pl. -āt gesture; nod

مومأ mūma’: المومأ اليه the one referred to, the above-mentioned

ومد wamid sultry, muggy

ومس wamasa يمس yamisu (wams) to rub off; to smooth, polish (ب هـ s.th. with)

مومس mūmis and مومسة mūmisa pl. –āt prostitute

ومض wamaḍa يمض yamiḍu (wamḍ, وميض wamīḍ, ومضان wamaḍān) to flash IV to glance furtively; to wink (ه at s.o.)

ومضة wamḍa (n. vic.) pl. -āt blink, blinking; gleam of light; reflection of light

وميض wamīḍ blinking, sparkle, twinkle

ومق wamiqa يمق yamiqu (wamq) to love tenderly (ه s.o.)

موماة maumāh, موماء maumā’ pl. موام mawāmin desert

ون wanna i (wann) to buzz, hum (bee)

الوندل al-wandal the Vandals

ونش (Engl. winch) winš pl. -āt, أوناش aunāš winch; crane, derrick | ونش دوار (dawwār) derrick crane; ونش عائم floating crane; ونش باليد (yad) hand winch

ونى wanā يني yanī, waniya يونى yaunā (ونى wany, wanan, wanīy, وناء winā’) to be or become faint, weak, tired, dispirited, despondent, sapless, effete, lose vigor, flag, languish | لا يني (with foll. imperf.) not to tire (of doing s.th.); بهمة لا تني bi-himmatin lā tani with unflagging zeal II to be slow, slack, lax, negligent, remiss (في in some work) VI to flag, languish, relax, slacken; to be or become slack, limp, flabby; to hesitate, waver, temporize (في in), wait (في with)

ونى wanan slackening, relaxation; slackness; weakness, languor, lassitude

وناء wanā’ slackening, relaxation; slackness; weakness, languor, lassitude

توان tawānin tiring, flagging; slowness; flabbiness, limpness; negligence, indifference

وان wānin weak, feeble, spent, exhausted | غير وان unremitting, untiring, unflagging

متوان mutawānin weak, languid, slack, limp, flabby; negligent, remiss, slow, tardy

وهب wahaba يهب yahabu (wahb) to give, donate (ل or ه هـ s.th. to s.o.); to grant, accord (ل or هـ ه s.th. to s.o.); to present (ل or هـ ه with s.th. s.o.); to endow (ل or ه s.o., هـ with) | وهبته من ذات نفسها she gave herself unreservedly to him; هب hab suppose that ..., assuming that ...; هبني فعلت habnī fa’altu suppose I had done it; هبني – هبني (with foll. acc.) suppose I were -- or I were; ولنهب (wal-nahab) let us suppose that ...

هبة hiba pl. -āt gift, present, donation, grant | عقد الهبة ‘aqd al-h. deed of gift

وهبة wahba tip, gratuity

وهابي wahhābī Wahabite; Wahabi

الوهابية al-wahhābīya Wahabiism

موهبة mauhiba pl. مواهب mawtāhib2 gift; talent

ايهاب īhāb donation, grant(ing)

واهب wāhib giver, donor

موهوب mauhūb given, granted; gifted; talented; موهوب له recipient of a gift or grant, donée

وهج wahaja يهج yahiju (wahj, وهجان wahajān) to glow, burn, blaze, flame; to be incandescent; to gleam, glitter, glisten IV to light, kindle (هـ the fire) V to glow, burn, blaze, flame; to be incandescent; to gleam, glitter, glisten; to flicker (eyes)

وهج wahaj blaze, fire; white heat, incandescence; glare of the sun

وهاج wahhāj glowing; white-hot, incandescent; blazing; sparkling, flashing; brilliant, radiant | نور وهاج (nūr) glaring light; ذهب وهاج (dahab) glittering gold

وهيج wahīj blaze, fire; white heat, incandescence; glare of the sun

وهجان wahajān fire, blaze; glow

وهد II to level, even, prepare (هـ ل s.th. for)

وهد wahd lowland, low ground, depression

وهدة wahda pl. وهاد wihād, وهد wuhad depression, lowland; abyss, precipice, chasm, deep pit, gorge, ravine; lowness, low level (of morals)

اوهد auhad2 low, depressed, low-lying (land)

وهر wahara يهر yahiru (wahr) to involve in difficulties (ه s.o.); to frighten, scare (ه s.o.) II do.; to put out, disconcert, confuse (ه s.o.)

وهرة wahra terror, fright, fear, alarm, dismay, consternation

وهران wahrān2 Oran (seaport in NW Algeria)

وهق wahq, wahaq pl. اوهاق awhāq lasso

وهل wahila يوهل yauhalu (wahal) to be frightened, appalled, dismayed; to take alarm II to frighten, scare, intimidate, cow (ه s.o.), strike terror to s.o.’s heart (ه )

وهل wahal terror, fright, fear, alarm, dismay, consternation

وهلة wahla fright, terror; moment, instant | لأول وهلة li-awwali wahlatin at first sight; right away, at once; في الوهلة الأولى (ūlā) at first, first off

وهم wahama يهم yahimu (wahm) to imagine, fancy, think, believe, suppose, presume, guess, surmise; to misconstrue, misinterpret (في s.th.), have a wrong idea or notion (في of); -- wahima يوهم yauhamu (waham) to make a mistake, be mistaken (في in, about) II and IV to instill a delusion, a prejudice, a groundless fear (ه in s.o.); to make (ه s.o.) believe (ان that), make as if V to have a presentiment (هـ of), suspect, presume, imagine (ه the existence of), be under the delusion (هـ of); to think, believe (هـ هـ s.th. to he s.th. else), regard (هـ هـ s.th. as), take (هـ هـ s.th. for) VIII اتهم ittahama to suspect (ه s.o.); to question, doubt (هـ a fact), have doubts (هـ about); to charge (ب ه s.o. with), impute (ب ه to s.o. s.th.), suspect, accuse (ب ه s.o. of), indict (ب ه s.o. for)

تهمة tuhma accusation, charge; suspicion; insinuation

وهم wahm pl. اوهام auhām delusive imagination, erroneous impression, fancy, delusion; belief, guess, surmise, conjecture; imagination; bias, prejudice; error; self-deception, self-delusion; illusion; suspicion, misgiving, doubt; foreboding, evil presentiment

وهمي wahmī thought, believed, imagined, fancied; imaginary; seeming, apparent; presumed, supposed, hypothetical; delusive | امراض نفسية ووهمية (nafsīya, wahmīya) emotional disturbances, psychic disorders

وهمية wahmiya chimera, phantom, delusion; guess. surmise, conjecture, supposition, belief; imaginative power, imagination

ايهام īhām pl. -āt deception, deceit, fraud, imposition; misleading, delusion; suggestion | رفع الإيهام raf‘ al-ī. Rectification, correction

توهم tawahhum suspicion; imaginative power; imagination

اتهام ittihām suspecting; accusation, charge; indictment | دائرة الاتهام the prosecuting authority, the prosecution; قرارلا اتهام qarār al-itt. information (jur.); ورقة الاتهام waraqat al-itt. bill of indictment

اتهامية ittihāmīya (jur.) indictment | هيئة الاتهامية hai’at al-itt. the prosecuting authority, the prosecution

واهمة wāhima fantasy, imagination, imaginative power

موهوم mauhūm fancied, imagined, imaginary; fantastic

متهم muttahim accuser; indictor; prosecutor

متهم muttaham suspected, suspicious; accused, charged; indicted; defendant | متهم المنظر m. al-manẓar auspicious-looking

وهن wahana, wahina يهن yahinu, wahuna يوهن yauhunu (wahn, wahan) to be weak, feeble, lack the strength (في for), be incapable (في of); to grow feeble, languish, flag; to loose vigor or courage | لا يهن untiring, unflagging, inexhaustible II to weaken, enfeeble (ه s.o.), sap the strength (ه of so.); to discourage, dishearten, wear down, unnerve (ه s.o.); to deem or declare (هـ s.th.) weak IV to weaken (ه s.o.); to discourage (ه s.o.)

وهن wahn weak, feeble

وهن wahn, wahan weakness, feebleness, saplessness

وهين wahīn foreman, overseer

موهن mauhin deep of the night

واهن wāhin pl. وهن wuhun weak, feeble; weakened, debilitated; enervated, unnerved; sapless, effete, spent, dispirited, despondent

1 وهى wahā يهي yahī (wahy), wahiya (wahan) to be weak, feeble, frail, fragile IV to weaken, sap (هـ, من s.th.)

واه wāhin pl. وهاة wuhāh weak, feeble; thin; frail, fragile, brittle, friable; flimsy; unsubstantial, inessential, insignificant, trivial; untenable, unfounded, baseless, groundless (excuse, argument)

2 واه , واها look up alphabetically

وي wai woe! shame!

ويبة waiba pl. -āt whiba, a dry measure (Eg. = 33 l)

1 ويح waiḥa (with foll. genit. or pers. suffix) alas ...! woe unto ...! (expressing regret, disapproval); ويحك waiḥaka woe unto you! ويحا ل waiḥan li woe to ...!

2 واحة wāḥa pl. -āt oasis

ويركو (Turk. vergi) wērkō tribute formerly paid by Egypt to the Sultan; excise tax;

(Pal.) real-estate tax

ويسكى wiskī whiskey

1 ويك waika (= wailaka) woe unto you!

2 ويكة (eg.) wēka = باميا bāmiya okra, gumbo (Abelmoschus esculentus; bot.)

ويل wail affliction, distress, woe; (with ل or ويل waila with pers. suffix) woe! ويل لك wailun laka or ويلك wailaka woe unto you!

ويله waila pl. -āt calamity, disaster, distress, affliction, woe, misfortune, adversity