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Publisher: www.data.nur.nu

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought


جاثليق jātalīq = جثليق

جؤجؤ ju’ju’ pl. جآجئ ja’āji2 breast; prow, bow (of a ship)

جأر ja’ara a (ja’r, جؤار ju’ār) to low, moo; to supplicate, pray fervently (الى to God)

جأر ja’r, and جؤار ju’ār, lowing, mooing (of cattle)

1 جاز giiz pl. -āt (Eg. spelling) gas

2 جاز jāz jazz

جازون (Fr. gazon, Eg. spelling) gāzōn lawn

جأش ja’aša a (ja’š) to be agitated, be convulsed (with pain or fright)

جأش ja’š emotional agitation; heart, soul| ربط جأشه rabaṯa ja’šahū to remain calm, composed, self-possesed; رابط الجأش or ثابت الجأش calm, composed, cool, self-possessed, undismayed; بجأش رابط with unswerving courage, unflinchingly

جاكته , جاكتة and جاكيته žakēta jacket, coat

جالون galōn gallon

جاليرى (Eg. spelling) galērī gallery (theat.)

جام jām pl. –āt cup; drinking vessel; bowl

جامكية jāmakīya pl. -āt, جوامك jawāmik2 pay

جاموس jāmūs pl. جواميس jawāmīs2 buffalo

جاموسة jāmūsa buffalo cow

جانرك (pronounced žānəreg, from Turk. caneriği; coll.; n. un. žānərgēye) a variety of small green plum with several stones (syr.)

جاه jāh rank, standing, dignity, honor, glory, fame

جاوه jāwa Java

جاوى jāwī Javanese; benzoin; (pl. -ūn) a Javanese

جاودار jāwadār rye

جاويش čāwīš sergeant = شاوش, شاويش

1 جب jubb pl. اجباب ajbāb, جباب jibāb well, cistern; pit

2 جبة jubba pl. جبب jubab, جباب , jibāb, جبائب jabā’ib2 jubbah, a long outer garment, open in front, with wide sleeves

جبح jabḥ pl. اجبح ajbuḥ, جباح jibāḥ, اجباح ajbāḥ beehive

جبخانة jabḳāna, jabaḳāna powder magazine; ammunition; artillery depot

جبر jabara u (jabr, جبور jubūr) to set (هـ broken bones); to restore, bring back to normal (هـ s.th.); to help back on his feet, help up (ه s.o.; e.g., on. fallen into poverty); to force, compel (على ه s.o. to do s.th.)| جبر خاطره (ḳāoṯirahū) to console, comfort, gratify, oblige s.o.; to treat (s.o.) in a conciliatory or kindly manner II to set (هـ broken bones) III to treat with kindness with friendliness (ه s.o.), be nice (ه to s.o.) IV to force, compel (على ه s.o. to do s.th.); to hold sway (على over) V to show o.s. proud, haughty; to act strong, throw one’s weight around; to show o.s. strong or powerful, demonstrate one’s strength or power; to be set (broken bones)| تجبر الله بابنك (bi-bnika) God has demonstrated His power on your son, i.e., He has taken him unto Himself VII to be mended. repaired, restored

جبر jabr setting (of broken bones); force, compulsion; coercion, duress; power, might; (predestined, inescapable) decree of fate; جبرا jab,an forcibly, by force| علم الجبر ‘ilm al-j. algebra; يوم جبر البحر yaum j. al-baḥr a local holiday of Cairo (the day on which, in former times, the water of the Nile was channeled into the now-abandoned ḳalīg, or City Canal, thus marفى ng the beginning of the irrigation season)

جبرى jabrī algebraic; compulsory, forced; -- jabarī an adherent of the doctrine of predestination and the inescapability of fate; fatalist

جبرية jabarīya an Islamic school of thought teaching the inescapability of fate; fatalism

جبار jabbār, pl. -ūn, جبابر jabābir2, جبابرة jabābira giant; colossus; tyrant, oppressor; almighty, omnipotent (God); gigantic, giant, colossal, huge; Orion (astron.)| جبار الخطوة j. al-ḳuṯ.wa striding powerfully, taفى ng buge strides

جبارة jibāra (art of) bonesetting

جبيرة jabīra and جبارة jībāra pl. جبائر jabā’ir2 splint (surg.)

جبروت jabarūt omnipotence; power, might; tyranny

جبرياء jibriyā’2 pride, haughtiness

O تجبير tajbīr, تجبير العظام orthopedics

اجبار ijbār compulsion, coercion

اجبارى ijbārī forced, forcible, compulsory, obligatory|التجنيد الاجبارى compulsory recruitment; military conscription

جابر jābir and مجبر mujabbir, bonesetter

مجبور majbūr and مجبر mujbar forced, compelled

جبرئيل jabra’īl2 جبريل jibrīl2 Gabriel

2 جبس II to plaster, coat, patch, or fix with plaster (هـ s.th.); to put in a cast, set in plaster (هـ s.th.)

جبس jibs gypsum; plaster of Paris

جباسة jabbāsa gypsum quarry; plaster kiln

2 جبس jabas (coll.; n. un. ة ; syr.) watermelon(s)

1 جبل jabala u i (jabl) to mold, form, shape, fashion (هـ s.th.); to knead (هـ s.th.); to create (على ه s.o. with a natural disposition or propensity for); pass. جبل على (jubila) to be born for, be naturally diaposed to, bave a propensity for

جبلة jibla, jibilla pl. -āt natural disposition, nature, temper

2 جبل jabal pl. جبل jibāl, اجبال ajbāl mountain; mountains, mountain range| جبال الالب j. al-alb the Alpes; جبال الاوراس the Aurès Mountains (in E Algeria); جبل جليد iceberg; جبل سينا j. sīnā Mount Sinai; جبل طارق Gibraltar; جبل نار volcano

جبلى jabalī mountainous, hilly; mountain (adj.); montane; (pl. -ūn) highlander, mountaineer

جبلاوى gabalāwī (eg.) highlander, mountaineer

جبلاية gabalāya pl. -āt (eg.) grotto, cave

جبن jabuna u (jubn, جبانة jabāna) to be a coward, be fearful; to be too much of a coward (عن to do s.th.), shrink (عن from s.th.) II to cause to curdle (هـ milk); to make into cheese (هـ s.th.); to curdle; to accuse of cowardice, call a coward (ه s.o.) V to curdle (milk), turn into cheese

جبن jubn and جبانة jabāna cowardice

جبن jubn and جبنة jubna cheese

جبان jabān pl. جبناء jubanā’2 coward; cowardly

جبان jabbān cheese merchant

جبين jabīn pl. جبن jubun, اجبنة ajbina, اجبن ajbun forehead, brow; façade, front; face من جبينى min jabīnī I alone; على جبين السماء in the sky

جبينى jabīnī frontal

اجبن ajban2 more cowardly

جبانة jabbāna pl. -āt cemetery

تجبين tajbīn cheese making, processing into cheese

1 جبه jabaha a to moot, face, confront (ه s.o.) III to face, confront, oppose, defy (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), show a hold front (ه to); to face (هـ a problem, a difficulty)

جبهة jabha pl. جباه jibāh, جبهات jabahāt forehead, brow; front, face, façade; frontline, battle front

مجابهة mujābaha facing, confrontation, opposition

2 جبه خانة see جبخانة

جبى jabā i (جباية jibāya) to collect, raise, levy (هـ taxes, duties) II to prostrate o.s. (in prayer) VIII to pick, choose, elect (هـ s.th., ه s.o.)

جباية jibāya raising, levying (of taxes); (pl. oat) tax, duty, impost

جبائي jibā’ī tax- (in compounds); fiscal

مجبى majban pl. مجاب majābin tax, impost

جاب jābin pl. جباة jubāh tax collector, revenue officer, collector; (bus, etc.) conductor (ir.)

جابية jābiya pl. جواب jawābin pool, basin

جتا jatā (abbreviation of جيب التمام ) cosine (math.)

جث jatta (jatt) and VIII to tear out, uproot (هـ a tree, also fig.)

جثة jutta pl. جثث jutat, اجثاث ajtāt body; corpse, cadaver; carcass

مجتث muitat uprooted (also fig.)

جثل jatl thick, dense (esp. hair)

جثليق jitlīq pl. جثالقة jatāliqa catholicos, primate of the Armenian Church

جثم jatama u i (jatm, جثوم jutūm) to alight, sit, perch (bird); to crouch, cower; to fall or lie prone, lie face down; to beset, oppress (على s.th.)

جثمة jatma (n. vic.) motionless sitting or lying

جثام jutām and جاثوم jātūm nightmare, incubus

جثمان jutmān pl. -āt hody, mortal frame

جثمانى jutmānī hodily, physical, corporeal

جاثم jātim pl. جثم juttam squatting, crouching; perching; prostrate, prone

(جثو) جثا jatā u (jutuw) to kneel, root on the knees; to bend the knee, genullect; to fall on one’s knees

جثو jutūw kneeling pooition

جثوة jutwa rock pile, mound; sepulchral mound, tumulus

مجثى majtan hassock

جاث jātin kneeling; الجاثى Hercules (astron.)

جحد jaḥda a (jaiḥd, جحود juḥūd) to negate (هـ s.th.); to disclaim, disavow, disown, deny (هـ s.th.); to refuse, reject, repudiate (هـ s.th.); to renounce, forswear, adjure (هـ a belief); to deny (هـ ه s.o. his right)| جحد جميله (jamīlahū) to he ungrateful to s.o.

جحد jaḥd denial; repudiation, disavowal, rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rel.)

جحود juḥūd denial; evasion, dodging, shirking (of a moral obligation); ingratitude; repudiation, disavowal, rejection, disclaimer; unbelief (rel.)

جاحد jāḥid denier; infidel, unbeliever

جحر VII to hide in ito hole or den (animal)

جحر juḥr pl. اجحار ajḥār, جحور juḥūr hole, den, lair, burrow (of animals)

جحش jaḥš pl. جحاش jiḥāš, جحشان jiḥšān, اجحاش ajḥāš young donkey; (pl. جحوش juḥūš) trestle, horse

جحشة jaša young female donkey

جحظ jaḥaẓa a (جحوظ juḥūẓ) to bulge, protrude (eyeball)

جحوظ العين juḥūz al-‘ain exophthalmic goiter, abnormal protrusion of the eyeball

جحف jaḥafa a (jaḥf) to peel off, scrape off (هـ s.th.); to sweep away (هـ s.th.); to have a bias (مع for), side (مع with s.o.) IV to harm, hurt, injure, prejudice (ب s.o., s.th.); to ruin. destroy (ب s.o., s.th.); to wrong (ب s.o.)

اجحاف ijḥāf injustice, wrong; bias, prejudice

مجحف mujḥif unjust, unfair; biased, prejudiced

جحفل jaḥfala pl. جحافل jaḥāfil2 multitude, legion, host, large army; army corps (Syr.); eminent man

جحيم jaḥīm f. (also m.) fire, hellfire, hell

جحيمى jaḥīmī hellish, infernal

جخ jaḳḳa (eg.) to lord it, give o.s. airs; to boast, brag; (syr.) to dress up (slightly ironical)

جخاخ jaḳḳāḳ boaster, braggart

1 جد jadd pl. جدود judūd, اجاد ajdād grand-father; ancestor, forefather| الجد الاعلى (a‘lā) ancestor

جدة jadda pl. -āt grandmother

2 جد jadda i to be new; to be a recent development, have happened lately, have recently become a fact; to be added, crop up or enter as a new factor (circumstances, costs); to appear for the first time (also, e.g., on the stage); to be or become serious, grave; to be weighty, significant, important; to take فى s.th.) seriously; to strive earnestly فى for), go out of one’s way (فى to do s.th.), make every effort (فى in); to be serious, be in earnest (فى about), mean business; to hurry (فى one’s step) II to renew (هـ s.th.); to make anew, remake (هـ s.th.); to modernize (هـ s.th.); to restore, renovate, remodel, refit, recondition, refurbish (هـ s.th.); to be an innovator, a reformer; to feature s.th. new or novel, produce s.th. new; to rejuvenate, regenerate, revive, freshen up (هـ s.th.); to renew, extend (هـ a permit); to begin anew, repeat (هـ s.th.), make a new start (هـ in s.th.); to try again (حظه ḥaẓẓahū one’s luck) IV to strive, endeavor, take pains; to apply o.s. earnestly and assiduously (فى to), be bent, be intent (فى on s.th.); to hurry (فى one's step); to renew, make new (هـ s.th.) V to become new, be renewed; to revive X to be new, be added or enter as a new factor, come newly into existence; to make new, renew (هـ s.th.)

جد iadd pl. جدود judūd good luck, good fortune

جد jidd seriousness, earnestness; diligence, assiduity, eagerness; جدا jiddan very, much| بجد and من جد earnestly, seriously; جد باهظ jiddu bāhiẓin very high (price); جد عظيم j. ‘aẓīmin very great; يختلفون جد الاختلاف (jidda l-iḳtilāf) they differ widely; وقف على ساق الجد ل (sāqi l-j.) to apply o.s. with diligence to, take pains in, make every effort to

جدى jiddī serious; earnest; جديا jiddīyan in earnest, earnestly, seriously

جدية jiddīya earnestness; seriousness, gravity (of a situation)

جدة jidda newness, recency, novelty; modernness, modernity; O rebirth, renaissance

جدة judda2 Jidda (eeaport in W Saudi Arabia, on Red Sea)

جديد jadīd pl. جدد judud, judad new, recent; renewed; modem; novel, unprecedented|الجديدان al-jadīdān day and night; من جديد anew, again; (eg.) جديد لنج gadīd lang brand-new.

اجد ajadd2 more serious, more intent; newer, more recent

تجديد tajdīd renewal (also. e.g., of a permit); creation of s.th. new origination; new presentation, new production (theat.); innovation; reorganization, reform; modernization; renovation, restoration, remodeling. refitting. reconditioning, refurbishing; rejuvenation, regeneration; pl. -āt innovations; new achievements

تجدد tajaddud renewal, regeneration, revival

جاد jādd in earnest, earnest; serious (as opposed to comic, funny)

جادة jādda pl. –āt, jawādd2 main street; street

مجدود majdūd fortunate. lucky

مجدد mujaddid renewer; innovator; reformer

مجدد mujaddad renewed, extended; remodeled, reconditioned, renovated, restored; rejuvenated, regenerated, new, recent, young

مجد mujidd painstaking, diligent, assiduous

مستجد mustajidd new, recent; incipient

جدب jaduba u جدوبة judūba) to be or become dry, arid (soil) IV to suffer from drought, poverty or dearth; to be barren, sterile; to come to nothing, go up in smoke, fall flat, fizzle out; (syr.) to explode in the barrel (shell; mil.)

جدب jadb drought, barrenness, sterility; sterile, barren

جديب jadīb and اجدب ajdab2, f. جدباء jadbā’2 barren, sterile

مجدب mujdib barren, sterile; desolate, arid; unproductive, unprofitable

جدث jadat pl. اجداث ajdāt grave, tomb

جدجد judjud pl. جداجد jadājid2 cricket (zool.)

1 جدر jadura u (جدارة jadāra) to be fit, suitable, proper. appropriate (ب for s.o., for s.th.); to befit, behoove (ب s.o., s.th.); to be worthy (ب of), deserve (ب s.th.)| يجدر ذكره (dikruhū) and يجدر بالذكر it is worth mentioning

جدر jadr wall

جدير jadīr pl. -ūn جدراء judarā’2 worthy, deserving (ب of s.th.); becoming, befitting (ب s.th.); proper, suited, suitable fit (ب for), appropriate (ب to)| جدير بالذكر (dikr) worth mentioning

اجدر ajdar worthier; more appropriate; better suited, more suitable

جدارة jadāra worthiness; fitness, suitability, aptitude, qualification; appropriateness

جدار jidār pl. جدر judur, جدران judrān wall

جدارى jidārī mural, wall (adj.)

2 جدر judira (pass.) and II to have smallpox

جدرى judarī, jadarī smallpox

مجدور majdūr and مجدر mujaddar infected with smallpox; pock-marked

مجدرة mujaddara dish made of rice or (in Syr.) of bulgur with lentils, onions and oil (eg., syr.)

جدع jada‘a a (jad‘) to cut off, amputate (هـ s.th., esp. some part of the body)

بجدع الانف bi-jad‘i l-anf (prop., at the cost of having the nose cut off) at any price, regardless of the sacrifice involved

اجدع ajda‘ mutilated (by having the nose, or the like cut off)

2 جدع gada‘ (= جذع jada‘) pl. جدعان gid‘ān (eg.) young man, young fellow; heman

1 جدف II to curse, blaspheme (على s.o., esp. God)

تجديف tajdīf imprecation, blasphemy

2 جدف jadafa i and II to row (o a boat)

مجداف mijdāf pl. مجادف majādif2 oar

1 جدل jadala u i (jadl) to twist tight, tighten, stretch (هـ a rope); to braid, plait (هـ s.th., the hair, etc.) II to braid, plait, (هـ s.th.) III to quarrel, wrangle, bicker (ه with s.o.); to argue, debate (ه with s.o.); to dispute, contest (فى s.th.) VI to quarrel, have an argument; to carry on a dispute

جدل jadal quarrel, argument; debate, dispute, discussion, controversy| فرض جدلا faraḍa jadalan to assume for the sake of argument, propose as a basis for discussion

جدلى jadalī controversial; disputatious; a disputant

جدال jaddāl and مجدال mijdāl disputatious, argumentative; mijdāl see also below

جديلة jadīla pl. جدائل jadā’il2 braid, plait; tress

مجدال mijdāl pl. مجادل majādil2 flagstone, ashlar; see also above under jaddāl

جدال jidāl and مجادلة mujādala pl. –āt quarrel, argument; dispute, discussion, debate| لا يقبل الجدال (yaqbalu) incontestable, indisputable; لا جدال lā jidāla and بلا جدال bi-lā j. incontestably, indisputably

مجدول majdūl tightly twisted; braided, plaited; interwoven, intertwined (tress of hair); slender and trim, shapely (e.g., leg)

مجادل mujādil disputant, opponent in dispute

2 جدول jadwal pl. جداول jadāwil2 creek, brook, little stream; column; list, roster; index; chart, table, schedule|جدول دراسى (dirāsī) curriculum; جدول البورصة stock list, خارج جدول البورصة (ḳārija) not quoted (stock exchange); جدول الاعمال agenda; working plan

جدا (جدو ) jadā u to give a present (على to s.o.) IV to give as a present (ب على s.o. s.th.), present (ب على s.o. with); to be of use, be useful, profitable|اجدى نفعا (naf‘an) to be useful; هذا لا يجديك that won’t help you, that will be of no use (to you); ما يجدى عنك هذا do.; لا يجدى فتيلا (fatīlan) = لا يغنى فتيلا see فتيل X to beg for alms; to implore, beg (هـ ه s.o. for s.th.), plead (هـ for s.th.)

جداء jadā’ advantage, gain (.r for s.o.)

جدوى jadwā gift, present; advantage, benefit, gain| بلا جدوى (bi-lā) and على غير جدوى (gairi) of no avail, useless, futile, in vain

اجدى ajdā more useful, more advantageous

جدى jady pl. جداء jidā’, جديان jidyān kid, young billy goat; Capricorn (astron.); الجدى the North Star

جذ jadda u (jadd) to cut off, clip (هـ s.th.)

جذاذة jadāda pl. -āt slip of paper; pl. جذاذات small pieces, shreds, scraps, clippings

جذب jadaba i (jadb) to pull, draw (هـ s.th.); to attract (هـ s.th.); to pull out, draw out, whip out (هـ s.th.), draw (هـ a weapon, or the like); to appeal, prove attractive (ه to s.o.), attract, captivate, charm, allure (ه s.o.), win (ه s.o.) over (اليه to one’s side) III to contend (ه with s.o.) at pulling, tugging, etc. (هـ s.th.)|جاذبه الحبل (ḥabla) to vie with s.o.; (to be able) to compete with s.o., measure up to s.o., be a match for s.o.; جاذبه الكلام or جاذبه حديثا or جاذبه اطراف الحديث (aṯrāfa l-ḥ.) he engaged him in conversation, involved him in a discussion; جاذبه اطراف الحضارة (aṯrāfa l-ḥaḍāra) to vie with s.o. in culture VI to pull back and forth (ه s.o.); to contend (ه, هـ for); to attract each other| تجاذبوا اطراف الحديث (aṯrāfa l-ḥ.) they were deep in conversstion, they were talking together VII to be attracted; to be drawn, gravitate (JI toward, to) VIII to attract (ه s.o., هـ s.th., اليه to o.s.; also magn.); to allure, entice (ه s.o.); to win (ه s.o.) over (اليه to one's side); to draw, inhale (هـ puffs from a cigarette, etc.)

جذب jadb attraction; gravitation; appeal, lure, enticement, captivation| اخذ جذبا to wrest away, take away by force; الجذب الجنسى (jinsī) sex appeal

جذاب jaddāb attractive; magnetic (fig.); suction, suctorial; winning, fetching, engaging; charming, enticing, captivating, gripping

اجذب ajdab2 more attractive, more captivating

انجذاب injidāb attraction, inclination, pronenesa, tendency

اجتذاب ijtidāb attraction; enticement, lure

جاذب jādib attractive; magnetic (fig.); winning, fetubing, engaging; charming, enticing, captivating, gripping

جاذبية jādibīya gravitation; attraction; attractiveness; charm, fascination; magnetism (fig.); lure, enticement|O جاذبية الثقل j. ataql gravitational force; جاذبية مغنطيسية (magnaṯisūya) magnetism; جاذبية الجنس j. al-jins sex appeal

مجذوب majdūb attracted; possessed, maniacal, insane; (pl. مجاذب majādib2) maniac, lunatic, madman, idiot|مستشفى المجاذيب mustašfā l-m. mental hospital

متجاذب mutajādib mutually attractive; belonging together, inseparable

منجذب munjadib attracted; inclined, tending (الى to)

جذر jadara u (jadr) to uproot, tear out by the roots (هـ s.th.) II do.; to extract the root (هـ of a number; math.); to take root

جذر jidr, jadr pl. جذور judūr root (also math.); stem, base, lower end; (pl. اجذار ajdār) stub (of a receipt book, or the like)| جذر تربيعى (tarbī‘ī) square root (math.)

جذرى jidrī, radical, roct (adj.)

تجذير tajdīr evolution, root extraction (math.)

جذع jada‘ pl. جذع jud‘ān young man, young fellow (cf. جدع gada‘); new, incipient| عادت الحرب جذعة (ḥarbu, jada‘atan) the war broke out again, started all over again; اعاد الامر جذعا (l-amra) he reopened the whole affair, he reverted to the earlier status

جذع jid‘ pl. اجذاع ajdā‘, جذوع judū‘ stem, trunk.; stump, tree stump; torso

جذعى jid‘ī truncal

جذف II to row (هـ a boat)

مجذاف mijdāf pl. مجاذف majādif2 oar

جذل jadala a (jadal) to be happy, gay, exuberant, rejoice IV to make happy, gladden, cheer (ه s.o.)

جذل jidl pl. اجذال ajdāl, جذول judūl stump (of a tree)

جذيل jadīl wooden post on which camels rub themselves

جذل jada1 gaiety, hilarity, exuberance, happiness

جذل jadil pl. جذلان judlān gay, hilarious, cheerful, in high spirits, exuberant, happy

جذلان jadlān2 gay, hilarious, cheerful, in high spirits, exuberaut, happy

جذم ijdama i (jadm) to out off, chop off (هـ s.th., esp. a part of the body); to remove, ta.ke out, excise (هـ e.g., the tonsils, the appendix; surg.); pass. judima to be afllicted with leprosy

جذم jidm pl. جذوم judūm, اجذام ajdām root

جذام judām leprosy

جذامة judāma stubble

اجذام ajdām2 pl. جذامى jadmā mutilated (from having an arm, a hand, etc., cut off); leprous; leper

مجذوم majdūm leprous; leper

جذمور judmur stump

جذوة jadwa, jidwa, judwa pl. جذى jidan, judan, جذاء jidā’ firebrand; burning log

جر jarra u (jarr) to draw, pull (هـ s.th.); to drag, tug, haul (هـ s.th.): to tow (هـ s.th.); to trail (هـ s.th.); to drag along (ه s.o., هـ s.th.); to draw (على هـ s.th. on s.o.), bring (هـ s.th.) down (على upon s.o.); to lead (الى to), bring on, cause (الى s.th.); to entail (هـ e.g., some evil, على for s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant with i, put (a word) into tho genitive|جر جريرة (jarīratan) to commit an outrage, a crime (على against s.o.); جر قيودا (quyūdan) to be in shackles, go shackled; جر النار الى قرصه (qurṣihī) to secure advantages for o.s., feather one’s nest; لا يجر لسانه بكلمة (lisānahū bi-kalima) he won’t let a word escape his lips IV to ruminate VII passive of I; to be driven; to be swept along, drift, float| انجر الى الوراء (warā’i) to withdraw, fall back, give way VIII to ruminate| اجتر آلامه (ālāmahū) to mull over one’s grief

جر jarr pull(ing), drawing, draft.; traction, drag(ging), tugging, towage, hauling; bringing on, causing; genitive| حرف الجر ḥarf al-j. (gram.) preposition; وهلم جرا wa-halumma jarran and so forth

جرة jarra pl. جرار jirār (earthenware) jar

جرة jarra, jurra trail, track; rut (left by a wagon)| بجرة قلم bi-j. qalam with one stroke of the pen

جرة jirra cud (of a ruminant)

من جرى min jarrā because of| من جراك because of you, on your account, for your sake

من جراء min jarā’i because of, due to|من جراء أن because

جرار jarrār huge, tremendous (army); potter; (pl. -āt) tractor; tugboat, steam tug, towing launch

جارور jārūr pl. جوارير jawārīr2 (syr.) drawer (of a desk, etc.)

جارورة jārūra (leb.) rake (tool)

جريرة jarīr pl. جرائر jarā’ir2 guilt; offense, outrage, crime| من جريرة min jarīrati because of, on account of

جرارة jarrāra pl. -āt a variety of scorpion; tractor

مجر mijarr trace, tug (of a harness)

مجرة majarra galaxy

انجرارية injirārīya (eg.) towage charges for watercraft

مجرور majrūr drawn, dragged, towed, etc.; word governed by a preposition, word in the genitive form; (pl. مجارير magārir2) drain, sewer (eg.); مجارير sewers, sewage system (eg.)

مجتر mujtarr ruminant (adj. and n.)

جرؤ jaru’a u (جرأة jur’a, جراءة jarā’a) to dare, venture, risk, hazard (على s.th.), take the risk (على of, ان of doing s.th.), have the courage (على for s.th.) II to encourage (على ه s.o. to s.th.) V to dare, venture, risk. hazard (على s.th.) VIII to be venturesome, be daring; to become bold, make bold (على with s.o.); to venture (على s.th. or upon s.th.), have the audacity (على to do s.th.)

جرئ jarī’ pl. اجرياء ajriyā’2 bold, courageous (ب, على in s.th.); forward, immodest, insolent; daring, reckless, fool-bardy

جرأة jur’a and جراءة jarā’a courage, boldness, daring; forwardness, insolence

مجترئ mujtari’ bold, forward

جراج (Fr.) garāž pl. -āt garage (eg.)

جرام grām gram (eg.)

جرانيت granīt granite (eg.)

جرانيتى granītī granitic (eg.)

2 جرب jariba a (jarab) to be mangy; (eg.) to fade (color) II to test (هـ s.th.); to try, try out, essay (هـ s.th.); to sample (هـ s.th.); to rehearse, practice (هـ s.th.); to attempt (هـ s.th.); to put to the test, try, tempt (هـ s.o.)| جرب نفسه فى to try one’s hand at; جرب الايام (ayyāma) to gather experience

جرب jarab mange; itch, scabies

جرب jarib mangy; scabby

اجرب ajrab2, f. جرباء jarbā’2, pl. جرب jurb and جربان jarbān2 mangy; scabby

جراب jirāb pl. اجربة ajriba, جرب jurub sack, bag, traveling bag; knapsack; scrotum; covering, case; sheath, scabbard (for the sword)

جراب jurāb pl. -āt stocking, sock

جريب jarīb a patch of arable land

تجربة tajriba pl. تجارب tajārib2 trial, test; tryout; attempt; practice, rehearsal; scientific test, experiment; probation; trial, tribulation; temptation; experience, practice; proof sheet, galley proof, also تجربة مطبعية (maṯba‘īya)

تجريب tajrīb trial, test(ing); trial, tribulation; temptation

تجريبى tajrībī trial, test (adj.); experimental; based on experience, empirical|علم النفس التجريبى (‘ilm an-nafs) experimental psychology

O تجريبية tajrībīya empiricism (philos.)

مجرب mujarrib experimental; tester; examiner; tempter

مجرب mujarrab tried, tested; proven or establisbed by experience, time-tested, time-tried; experienced, practiced, seasoned; man of experience

2 جورب look up alphabeticaUy

جربذة jarbada = جربزة

جربز jurbuz pl. جرابزة jarābiza impostor, confidence man, swindler

جربزة jarbaza (also جربذة ) deception, swindle

جربوع jarbū‘ (= يربوع ) pl. جرابيع jarābī‘2 jerboa (zool.)

جربندية jarabandīya (and جرابندية ) knapsack, rucksack

جرثوم jurtūm, جرثومة jurtūma pl. جراثيم jarātīm2 root; origin; germ; microbe, bacillus, bacterium| تحت الجرثوم taḥt al-j. inframicrobe

جراج look up alphabetically

جرجر jarjara (جرجرة jarjara) to gargle; to jerk or pull back and forth; to trail, drag (هـ s.th.); to tow away (هـ s.th.)| جرجر خطاه (ḳuṯāhū) to drag one’s feet, shuffle along II tajarjara pass. and refl. of I

جرجرة jarara gargling; rombling noise; rumble, clatter (of a wagon)

جرجر jirjir (large, thick) beans

جرجير jirjīr watercress (eg., syr.)

جرح jaraḥa a (jarḥ to wound (ه s.o.); to injure, hurt (ه s.o.; also fig., the feelings) II to invalidate (هـ teatimony), challenge, declare unreliahle (ه a witness), take formal exception (ه, هـ to) VIII to commit (هـ an outrage, a crime)| اجترح السيآت (sayyi’āt) to do evil things

جرح jurḥ pl. جراح jirāḥ, جروح jurūḥ, جروحات jurūḥāt, اجراح ajrāḥ wound, injury, lesion

جراح jarrāḥ pl. -ūn surgeon|جراح الاسنان dental surgeon

جراحة jirāḥa surgery

جراحى jirāḥī surgical| عملية جراحية (‘amalīya) surgical operation

جريح jarīḥ pl. جرحى jarḥā wounded, injured, hurt

تجريح tajrīḥ surgery; defamation, disparagement

جارح jarīḥ injuring; wounding, stinging, painful, hurting; rapacious (beast), predatory

جارحة jāriḥa pl. جوارح jawāriḥ2 predatory animal or bird| جوارح الطير j. aṯ-ṯair predatory birds

جوارح jawāriḥ2 limbes, extremities (of the hody)| بكل جوارحه with might and main, with all his strength

مجروح majrūḥ pl. مجاريح majārīḥ2 wounded, injured, hurt

جرد jarada u (jard) to peel, pare (هـ s.th.); to remove the shell, peel, rind or husk (هـ of s.th.); to denude, diveet, strip, bare (هـ s.th.); (com.) to take stock; to make an inventory (البضائع of goods on hand) II to peel, pare (هـ s.th.); to remove the shell, peel, rind or husk (هـ of s.th.); to denude, divest, strip, dispossess, deprive (من هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. of); to withhold (من ه from s.o. s.th.); to draw, unsheathe (السيف the sword); to unleash (على هـ s.th. against s.o.); to send, dispatch (هـ a military detachment, troops, ضد or على against s.o.); to free (من هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. from); to isolate (هـ s.th.); to abstract (هـ s.th.); to divest (من ss.o. of his citizenship, of a rank, of a vested right, etc.)| جرده من السلاح to disarm s.o.; جرد نفسه من to free o.s. from, rid o.s. of, give up s.th. V pass. of II; to strip o.s., rid o.s., get rid (من or عن of), free o.s. (من or عن from); to be free (من or عن from, ل for a task); to devote o.s. exclusively (ل to s.th.); to give up, renounce (من or عن s.th.); to isolate o.s. ; to be absolute

جرد jard bare, threadbare, shabby, worn; (com.) inventory; stocktaking

جريد jarīd without vegetation, barren, bleak, stark (landscape)

اجراد ajrād2, f. جرداء jardā’2, pl. جرد jurd desolate, bleak, without vegetation; hairless, bald; threadbare shabby, worn (garment); open, unprotected (border)

جراد jarād (coll.; n. un. ة ) locust(s)| جراد الرحال (raḥḥāl) migratory locust(s); جراد البحر j. al-baḥr langouste, sea cray-fish; بجرادها bi-jarādihā in its entirety

جريد jarīd palm branches stripped of their leaves; jeered, a blunt javelin used in equestrian games

جريدة jarīda pl. جرائد jarā’id2 (n. un. of جريد ) palm-leaf stalk; list, register, roster, index; newspaper|جريدة يومية (yaumīya) daily newspaper; جرائد المساء j. al-masā’ the evening papers; الجريدة الناطقة and الجريدة السينمائية tho newsreel

اجرودى ajrūdī (syr.) beardless, hairless

مجرد mijrad pl. مجارد majārid2 scraper

تجريد tajrīd peeling. paring; disrobement, stripping; denudation; deprivation; divestment; disarmament; dispatching (of troops); freeing; isolation; abstraction|تجريد من السلاح disarmament

تجريدة tajrīda pl. -āt تجاريد tajārīd2 military detachment, expeditionary force

تجرد tajarrud freedom (من or عن from); isolatedness, isolation; independence, impartiality; absoluteness; abstractness, abstraction

مجرد mujarrad denuded, bare, naked; freed, free (من or عن from); pure, mere, nothing more than; sole; very, absolute; abstract; selfless, disinterested;1st stem of tbe verb (gram.)|with foll. noun in genitive = mere, sheer, nothing but:) مجرد لهو mujarradu lahwin mere play, just fun; بالعين المجردة with the naked eye; بمجرد ما bi-mujarradi mā as soon as, at the very moment when

جردل jardal pl. جرادل jaradil2 bucket, pail

جرذ jurad pl. جرذان jirdān, jurdān large rat

جرذون jirdaun pl. جراذين jarādīn2 large rat

1 جرس jarasa i (jars) to ring, toll, knell, (re)sound II to make experienced, inure by severe trials, sorely try (ه s.o.; time, events); to compromise, disgrace, discredit, expose, bring into dierepute (ب s.o.)

جرس jars, jirs sound, tone

جرس jaras pl. اجراس ajrās bell

جرسة jursa defamation, public exposure; scandal, disgrac

2 جرساية jirsāya, جرسية jirsīya pl. -āt jersey, woolen sweater; جرسى jersey cloth

جرش jaraša u (jarš) to crush (هـ s.th.); to grate, bruise, grind (هـ s.th.)

جرش jarš a grating, scraping noise

جريش jarīš crushed, bruised, coarsely ground; crushed grain; grits

جاروشة jārūša pl. جوارش jawarīš2 quern, hand mill (for grinding grain)

جرض jaraḍa a (jaraḍ): جرض بريقه (bi-rīqihī) he choked on his saliva, could not swallow his saliva (because of excitement, alarm, or grief), he was very upset, in a atate of great agitation, deeply moved; -- jaraḍa u (jarḍ) to choke, sulfocate (ه s.o.) IV اجرضه بريقه (cf. I) to alarm s.o., fill s.o. with apprehension

جريض jarīḍ: حال الجريض دون القريض ḥāla l.j. dūna l-qarīḍ (proverb; lit.: choking prevented poetry, i.e.) in the face of death one does not think of rhyming (among other interpretations)

جرع jara‘a a (jar‘) and jari‘a a (jara‘) to swallow, gulp, devour (هـ s.th.); to pour down, toss down (هـ a drink) II to make (ه s.o.) swallow (هـ s.th.); to gulp down V to drink (هـ s.th.) VIII to swallow, gulp down (هـ s.th.)

جرعة jur‘a, jar‘a pl. جرع jura‘, -āt gulp, mouthful, draught; potion, dose (med.)

جرف jarafa u (jarf) and VIII to sweep away (هـ s.th.); to wash away (هـ s.th.); to shovel away (هـ s.th.); to remove (هـ s.th.); to tear away, carry off (هـ s.th.); to carry along (هـ or ه s.o. or s.th.) VII to be swept away, be carried away

جرف jurf, juruf pl. جروف jurūf, اجراف ajrāf undercut bank or shore; clilf, steep slope, precipice; bluff (along a river or coast)| جرف جليدي (jalīdī) avalanche

جرافة jarrāfa pl. -āt, جراريف jarārīf 2 rake; harrow

مجرف majraf pl. مجارف majārif2 torrent, .trong current

مجرفة mijrafa shovel, scoop; (syr.) mattock; trowel

مجراف mijrāf pl. مجارف majārīf2 shovel, scoop

جارف jārif torrential (stream, mountain creek); stormy, violent (emotions, passions)

الجركس al-jarkas the Circassians

جركسى jarkasī pl. جراكسة jarākisa circassian (adj. and n.)

جرم jarama i (jarm) to sone (الحم al-laḥma the meat); -- to commit an offense, a crime, an outrage (على or الى against s.o.), sin (على or الى against s.o.), injure, harm, wrong (على or الى s.o.) II to incriminate, charge with a crime (ه s.o.; syr.) IV to commit a crime, to sin (على or الى against s.o.), do wrong (على or الى to s.o.), harm, wrong (على or الى s.o.) VIII = IV

جرم garm pl. جروم gurūm (eg.) long, flat-bottomed sarge, lighter (naut.)

جرم jirm pl. اجرام ajrām, جرم jurum body; mass, sulk, volume (of a body)| الاجرام الفلكية (falakīya) the celestial bodies

جرم iunn pl. اجرام ajrām, جروم jurūm offense, crime, sin

لا جرم lā jarama surely, certainly, of course

جريم jarīm hulking, bulky, huge, voluminous, of great size

جريمة jarīma pl. جرائم jarā’im2 crime; offense; sin|( عظمى or) جريمة كبرى (kubrā, uẓma) capital offense; قانون الجرائم penal code

اجرام ijrām crime; culpability, delinquency

اجرامى ijrāmī criminal

لحم مجروم laḥm majrūm fillet (meat)

سنة مجرمة sana mujarrama an entire year

مجرم mujrim criminal; (pl. -ūn) a criminal; evildoer, culprit, delinquent|مجرم عائد recidivous criminal

جرامز jarāmiz2 and جراميز jarāmīz2 limbs, legs| ضم جراميزه (ḍamma) he beat it, he made off

الجرمان al-jarmān the Germanic tribes, the Teutons

جرمانى jarmānī Germanic, Teutonic

1 جرن jurn pl. اجران ajrān (stone) basin; mortar; (eg.) threshing floor, barn| جرن المعمودية j. al-ma‘mūdīya baptismal font

2 جران jirān the front part of a camel’s neck|ضرب بجرانه to become established, take root; القى عليه جرانه (alqā, jirānahū) to apply o.s. to s.th. and adjust to it, accustom o.s. to s.th.

جرنال jurnāl (eg. also gurnāl) pl. جرانيل žarānīl2 (eg., garānīl2) journal, newspaper, periodical

جرانيت granīt granite

جرانيتى grānītī granitic

جرو jarw (jirw, jurw) pl. اجر ajrin, جراء jirā’, اجراء ajrā’, اجرية ajriya puppy, whelp, cub (of a dog or beast of prey)

جروسة grōsa gross (= 12 dozen)

جرى jarā i (jary) to flow, stream (water); to run; to hurry, rush; to slow (wind); to take place, come to pass, happen, occur; to be under way, be in progress, be going on (work); to befall (ل s.o.), happen (ل to); to be in circulation, circulate, be current; to wend one’s way (الى to), head (على for); to proceed (على in accordance with); to follow (مع s.th.), yield, give way (مع to, e.g., to a desire); to entail (ب s.th.); (with وراء ) to run or be after s.th., seek to get s.th.| جرى له حديث مع he had a talk with; جرى مجراه (majrāhū) to take the same course as, be analogous to, follow the same way as, proceed or act in the same manner as; جرى منه الشيء مجرى الدم (minhu š-šai’u majrā d-dam) it had become second nature to him; جرى على الالسن (alsun) to circulate, make the rounds (rumor); جرى على كل لسان to be on everyone’s lip; جرى على قلمه (qalamihī) to come to s.o.’s pen (e.g, a poem); جرى على خطة (ḳiṯṯa) to follow a plan; ما يجرى عليه العمل (‘amalu) the way things are handled, what is customary practice; جرى به العمل to be in force, be valid, be commonly observed (law, custom); جرت العادة ب to be customary, be common practice, be a common phenomenon, have gained vogue; جرى بالعادة على to do s.th. customarily, se in the habit of doing s.th.; جرت بذلك عادتهم that was their habit II to cause to run|جرى ريقه (rīqahū) to make s.o.’s mouth water III to concur, agree, be in agreement (ه with s.o., فى in s.th.); to keep pace, keep up (ه with s.o.; also intellectually); to be able to follow (ه s.o.); to go (along) (هـ with); to adapt o.s. adjust, conform (هـ to), be guided (هـ by) IV to cause to flow, make flow (هـ s.th.); to cause to run, set running (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to make (هـ s.th.) take place or happen, bring about (هـ s.th.); to carry out, execute, enforce, put into effect, apply (هـ s.th., e.g., rules, regulations); to carry out, perform (هـ an action); to Set going, set in motion (هـ a project), launch (هـ an undertaking); to channel (على or ل هـ s.th. to), bestow, settle (على or ل هـ s.th. upon s.o.); to impose, inflict (على هـ s.th., a penalty, on s.o.)| اجرى تجربة (tajribatan) to carry out an experiment; اجرى تحقيقا to conduct an investigation; اجرى له اعانة (i‘ānatan) to grant s.o. a subsidy; اجراه مجرى (majrā, with foll. genitive) to treat s.th. in the same manner as, put s.th. on equal footing with

جرى jary course|جريا على jaryan ‘alā in accordance with, according to

جراك min jarāka and min jarā’ika because of you, on your account, for your sake

جراء jarrā’ runner, racer

جراية jirāya pl. -āt daily (food) rations; pay, salary|عيش جراية ‘ēš girāya (eg.) coarse bread

جريان jarayāan flow, flux; course; stream

مجرى majra.. pl. مجار majārin watercourse, stream, rivulet, gully; torrent or flood of water; pipeline; canal, channel; drain, sewer, pl. sewers, sewage system; power line (el.); current (el.); current (of a stream); guide rail (tech.); course (of events), progress, passage|مجرى البول m. l-baul urethra (anat.); مجارى التنفس m. t-tanaffus respiratory tract (anat.); مجرى الهواء m. l-hawā’ air stream, current of air, draft; اخذ مجراه to take its course; See also جرى I and IV

ماجريات mājarayāt, mājariyāt (pl. of ما جرى ) (course of) events, happenings

مجاراة mujārāh keeping up (with foll. genitive: with); conformity (with foll. genitive: with)| مجاراة ل mujārātan li in conformity with, in accordance with, according to

اجراء ijrā’ pl. -āt performance (of an action); execution; enforcement; pl. measures, steps, proceedings| اتخذ اجراءات (ittaḳada) to take measures; اجراءات قانونية (qānūnīya) legal step, proceedings at law

جار jārin flowing, streaming, running; circulating; current, present| الشهر الجارى (šahr) the current month

جارية jāriya pl. –āt, جوار jawārin girl; slave girl; maid, servant; ship, vessel

جز jazza u (jazz) to cut off, clip (هـ s.th.); to shear, shear off (هـ s.th.; esp. the wool of sheep)

جزة jizza pl. جزز jizaz, جزائز jazā’iz2 shorn wool, fleece, slip

جزازة juzāza pl. -āt slip of paper; label, tag

جزاز jazzāz pl. –ūn shearer, woolshearer

مجز mijazz woolshears

جزأ jaza’a a and VIII to be content, content o.s. (ب with) II to divide, part, separate, break up, cut up, partition (هـ s.th.) V to divide, break up, be or become divided; to be separated, be detached, be partitioned off; to be divisible, separable (عن from)

جزء juz’ pl. اجزاء ajzā’ part, portion; constituent, component; fraction; division; section; the 30th part of the Koran (= 2 ḥizb)

جزئى juz’ī partial; minor, trivial, insignificant, unimportant; (jur.) minor, petty; جزئيا juz’īyan partly; جزئيات juz’īyāt details, particulars; trivialities; subordinate partly; divisions, sections (e.g., of a court of justice)| مواد جزئية (mawādd) petty cases (jur.); جنح جزئية (junaḥ) summary delicts (jur.); محاكم جزئية courts of summary justice; نيابة جزئية (niyāba) parquet of a summary court; حادثة جزئية minor incident; تسوية جزئية (taswiya) part payment; الجزئيات والكليات (kullīyāt) the particular and general aspects, the minor and the major issues

جزيء juzai’ pl. -āt molecule

اجزائى ajzā’ī pl. -ūn pharmacist, druggist

اجزاجى ajzājī pl. -īya pharmacist, druggist

اجزائية ajzā’īya and اجزاخانة ajzāḳāna pl. -āt pharmacy, drugstore

تجزئة tajzi’a division; partition; separation; dissociation; breakdown (into classes, categories, etc.); fragmentation| قابل للتجزئة divisisle; قابلية التجزئة divisibility; تاجر التجزئة retailer, retail merchant

جزدان juzdān, jidān pl. -āt wallet; change purse

جزر jazara u (jazr) to slaughter; to kill, butcher (هـ an animal); -- i u (jazr) to sink, fall, drop, ebb (water)

جزر jazr slaughter; butchering; ebb (of the sea)

جزرة jazra blood sacrifice

جزور jazūr pl. جزر juzur slaughter camel

جزار jazzār pl. ة , -ūn butcher

جزيرة jazīra pl. جزائر jazā’ir2, جزر juzur island| شبه جزيرة šibhu j. peninsula; الجزيرة Al Jazira, (Northwest) Mesopotemia; الجزائر Algeria; Algiers; جزيرة العرب j. al-‘arab Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula; الجزائر الخالدات (ḳālidāt) the Canary Islands; الجزيرة الخضراء (ḳaḍrā’) Algeciras (seaport in SW Spain)

جزرى jazarī insular; (pl. -ūn) islander

جزائرى jazā’rī pl. -ūn Algerian (adj. and n.); islander

مجزر majzar pl. مجازر majāzir2 slaughterhouse, abattoir; butchery

مجزرة majzara pl. مجازر majāzir2 butchery; massacre, carnage

2 جزر jazar (coll.; n. un. ة ) carrot(s)

جزع jazi‘a a (jaza‘, جزع juzū‘) to be or become anxious, worried, concerned; to be sad, unhappy (من about); to feel regret (على for s.o.), pity (على s.o.); to mourn (j. for s.o.) V to break apart, break, snap

جزع jaz‘ onyx

جزع juz’ axle; shaft (techn.)

جزع jaza‘ anxiety, uneasiness, apprehension, concern; anguish, fear; sadness

جزع jazi‘ restless, impatient; anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive

جزع jazū‘ and جازع jāzi‘ restless; impatient; anxious, worried, uneasy, apprehensive

مجزع mujazza‘ marbled, veined; variegated, dappled

جزف III to act at random, blindly, Indiscriminately, take a chance; to speculate (fin.); to speak vaguely, in general terms; to risk, stake (ب s.th.)| جازف بنفسه to risk one’s life; جازف به فى to plunge s.o. into (some adventure)

جزاف juzāf purchase of a certain amount of things (Isl. Law); جزافا juzāfan at random, haphazardly

مجازفة mujāzafa rashness, recklessness, foolhardiness; risk, hazard; adventure, venture

مجازف mujāzif rash, reckless, foolhardy; adventurous; venturesome

2 جزل jazūla u to be considerable, abundant, plentiful IV اجزل له العطاء (‘aṯā’) to give generously, openhandedly, liberally to s.o. VIII to write shorthand

جزل jazl and جزيل jazīl pl. جزال jizāl abundant, plentiful, ample, much; pure, lucid, eloquent (style)| جزل الرأي of sound, unerring judgment; شكره شكرا جزيلا šakarahū šukran jazīlan he thanked him profusely; شكرا جزيلا many thanks!

جزل jizla piece, slice

جزالة jazāla profusion, abundance; (rhet.) purity (of style)

مجتزل mujtazil stenographer

1 جوزل look up alphabetically

2 جزلان juzlān = جزدان

1 جزم jawma i (jazm) to cut off, cut short, clip (هـ s.th.); to judge; to decide. Settle (هـ s.th.); to be positive (ب about), be absolutely certain (ب of s.th.); to assert authoritatively (ب s.th.); to make up one's mind, decide, resolve (على to do s.th.); to impose, make incumbent (على هـ s.th. on s.o.); (gram.) to pronounce the final consonant (of a word) without a vowel; to put (هـ a verb) into the apocopate form or the imperative

جزم jazm cutting off, clipping; decision; resolution, resolve; apodictic judgment; (gram.) apocopate form| علامة الجزم ‘alāmat al-j. = jazma

جزمة jazma diacritical mark (o) indicating vowellessness of a final consonant

جازم jāzim decisive; peremptory, definite, definitive, final; firmly convinced, absolutely certain (ب of s.th.); (pl. جوازم jawāzim2) governing the apocopate form (gram.)

مجزوم majzūm cut off. cut short, clipped; decided. settled; (gram.) vowelless (final consonant); in the apocopate form

منجزم munjazim (gram.) in the apocopate form

2 جزمة jazma pl. –āt, جزم jizam (pair of) shoes (pair of) boots| جزمة برباط (bi-ribāṯ) laced soots; جزمة لماعة (lammā‘a) patent-leather shoes

جزمجى gazmagī (eg.) and جزماتى gizamātī (eg.), jazmātī (syr.) pl. -īya shoemaker

جزى jazā i (جزاء iazii') to requite, recompense (ه s.o., ب or على for), repay (ه to s.o., ب or على s.th.); to reward (ه s.o., ب or على for); to punish (ه s.o., ب or على for); to satisfy (ه s.o.), give satisfaction (ه to s.o.); to compensate, make up (ب هـ for s.th. with or by); to compensate, offset (عن s.th.)| جزاك الله خيرا (ḳairan) may God bless you for it!; جزاه جزاء سنمار (jazā’a sinimmāra) he returned to him good for evil III to repay, requite (ب هـ s.th. with, ب ه s.o. for), recompense (ب ه s.o. for); to reward (على or ب ه s.o. for); to punish (على or ب ه s.o. for)| جزاهم خيرا (ḳairan) he invoked God’s reward upon them IV to suffice (ه s.o.), do for s.o. (ه ); to take the place, serve instead (عن of), replace (عن s.th.)

جزاء jazā’ requital, repayment; recompense, return; compensation, setoff; amends, reparation; punishment, penalty| جزاء نقدي (naqdī) fine

جزائى jazā’ī penal

جزية jizya pl. جزى jizan, جزاء jizā’ tax; tribute; head tax on free non-Muslims under Muslim rule

تجزية tajziya reward

مجازاة mujāzāh requital, repayment; punishment

جس jassa u (jass, مجسة majassa) to touch, feel, handle (هـ s.th.); to palpate, examine by touch (هـ s.th.); to test, sound, probe (هـ s.th.); to try to gain information (هـ about), try to find out (هـ s.th.); to spy out (هـ s.th.)| جس نبضه (nabḍahū) to feel s.o.’s pulse, (fig.) جس نبض الشيء to probe, sound out, try to find out s.th. V to try to gain information (هـ about), try to find out (هـ s.th.); to reconnoiter, scout, explore (هـ s.th.); to be a spy, engage in espionage; to spy, pry, snoop (على on s.o.)| تجسس له اخبارا (aḳbāran) to gather information for s.o., spy for s.o. VIII to touch, feel, handle (هـ s.th.); to spy out (هـ s.th.)

جس jass: طرى الجس ṯarīy al-j. delicate to the touch, having a tender surface, fresh

جاسوس jāsūs pl. جواسيس jawāsīs2 spy

جاسوسة jāsūsa woman spy

جاسوسى jāsūsī of espionage, spy- (in compounds)

جاسوسية jāsūsīya spying, espionage

جوسسة jausasa spying, espionage

مجس majass spot which one touches or feels; sense of touch| خشن المجس ḳašin al-m. coarse to the touch, having a rough surface

مجس mijass probe (med.)

تجسس tajassus spying, espionage

جاسئ jāsi’ hard, rough, rugged

جسد II to make corporeal, invest with a body, embody, incarnate (هـ s.th.), give concrete form (هـ to s.th.); to render or represent in corporeal form (هـ s.th.) V to become corporeal, assume concrete form, materialize; to become incarnate (Chr.); to become three-dimensional

جسد jasad pl. اجساد ajsād body| عيد الجسد ‘īd al-j. and خميس الجسد Corpus Christi Day (Chr.)

جسدى jasadī bodily, fleshly, carnal

جسدانى jusdānī bodily

تجسد taia.snul materialization; incar·

nation (OM.)

مجسد mujassad embodied, corporified

متجسد mutajassid corporeal; incarnate (Chr)

جسر jasara u to span, cross, traverse (هـ s.th.); (جسارة jasāra, جسور jusūr) to venture, risk (على s.th.), have the courage (على to do s.th.) II to build a dam or dike; to embolden, encourage (هـ s.o., على to do s.th.) VI to dare, venture, risk (على s.th.), have the audacity (على to do s.th.); to be sold, forward, insolent, impudent (على with s.o.) VIII to span, cross, traverse (هـ s.th.)

جسر jisr pl. اجسر ajsur, جسور jusūr bridge; dam, dike, embankment, levee; -- (pl. جسورة jusūra) beam, girder; axle, axletree| جسر متحرك (muḥarrik) movable bridge; جسر معلق (mu‘allaq) suspension bridge; جسر عائم pontoon bridge, floating bridge

جسور jasār sold, daring; forward, insolent, impudent

جسارة jasāra boldness, recklessness, intrepidity; forwardness, insolence

تجاسر tajāsur boldness, recklessness, intrepidity; forwardness, insolence

متجاسر mutajāsir bold, daring; forward, insolent, impudent

جسطن see جصطن

جسم jasuma u (جسامة jasāma) to be great. Big, large. bulky. huge. immense II to make corporeal. invest with a body (هـ s.th.), give (هـ s.th.) shape or form; to materialize (هـ s.th.); to cause to stand out. bring out (هـ s.th.); to enlarge, magnify (هـ s.th.; e.g., microscope); to make big, bulky, huge (هـ s.th.); to play up, exaggerate (هـ s.th.) V to become corporeal, become embodied; to materialize; to assume a form, take shape, become tangible or concrete; to be materialized; to become big, large, huge, increase in volume, grow in size

جسم pl. اجسام ajsām, جسوم jusūm body (also O of an automobile); substance, matter; mass; form, shape

جسمى iiaa1 bodily, physical; substantial, material

جسيم jasīm pl. جسام great, big, large; voluminous, bulky, huge; vast, immense; stout, corpulent; weighty, most significant, momentous, prodigious

جسيم jusaim pl. -āt particle (phys.); corpuscle (biol.)

اجسم ajsam2 more voluminous, larger; stouter, more corpulent

جسم jasāma size, volume; stoutness, corpulence

جسمان jusmān body, mass

جسمانى jusmānī bodily, physical. Corporal|التأديب الجسمانى corporal punishment

تجسيم tajsīm embodiment; relief; enlargement, magnification, magnifying power

جسم mujassam bodily, corporeal; (math.) body; three-dimensional; tangible, material, concrete; raised, relieflike, standing out in relief (e.g., خريطة مجسمة relief map); relief; enlarged. Magnified| فلم مجسم (film) three-dimensional (stereoscopic) film, 3-D motion picture

جسمانية jasmānīya2 Gethseman

جسا (جسو ) jasā u to become hard, solid

جش jašša u (jašš) to grind, crush, bruise, grate (هـ s.th.)

جش jušša hoarseness, huskiness, raucity (of the voice)

جشيش jašīš ground, grated, crushed

اجش ajašš2, f. جشاء jaššā’2 hoarse, husky, raucous (voice)

جشأ II and V to belch, burp

جشاء jušā’ and جشأة jaš’a belch(ing), burp(ing)

جشار jušār livestock

جشع jaši‘a a (jaša‘) and V to be covetous, greedy

جشع jaša‘ greed, avidity, inordinate desire

جشع jaši‘ greedy, covetous

جشم jašāma a (jašm, جشامة jašāma) to take upon o.s. (هـ some hardship) II to make (ه s.o.) suffer or undergo (هـ s.th.); to impose (هـ ه on s.o. s.th. difficult), burden (هـ ه s.o. with s.th.) V to take upon o.s., suffer, undergo (هـ s.th., e.g., hardships)

جشنى (eg., cf. ششنى šišnī) sample, specimen; sampling

جص II to plaster, whitewash (هـ s.th.)

جص jiṣṣ gypsum; plaster of Paris

جصطن II tajaṣṯana to lounge, stretch lazily, loll

جعة ji‘a beer

جعب II to corrugate (هـ s.th.)

جعبة ja‘ba pl. جعاب ji‘āb quiver; tube, pipe; gun barrel; o cartridge pouch (Syr.)| جعبة اخبار j. aḳbār town gossip (person)

جعجع ja‘ja‘a (جعجع ja‘ja‘a) to clamor, roar, shout; to clatter, clap; to bluster, explode in anger

جعجعة ja‘ja‘a hubbub, rumpus, clamor, roar; creak, clapping noise (of a mill wheel); bluster

جعجاع ja‘jā‘ clamorous, boisterous, noisy; bawler, loud-mouthed person

جعد ja‘uda a (جعودة ju‘ūda, جعادة ja‘āda) and V to become curly, frizzed, kinky, curl (hair); to be wavy; to be creased; to be wrinkled II to curl, frizz (هـ s.th.; the hair); to wave (هـ s.th.; the hair); to crease, pleat, plait (هـ cloth); to wrinkle (هـ the skin)

جعد ja‘d (or جعد اليد j. al-yad, جعد الكف j. al-kaff) stingy, niggardly, tightfisted

جعدة ja‘da curl, lock, ringlet

جعدى ja‘dī and اجعد aj‘ad2 curly

جعيدى gə‘īdī (eg.) bum, loafer, good-for-nothing

تجاعيد tajā‘īd2 wrinkles, lines (of the face)

تجعدات taja‘‘udāt wrinkles

مجعد muja‘‘ad curled, frizzed; wavy; furrowed, creased; wrinkled

متجعد mutaja‘‘id curled, frizzed; wavy; furrowed, creased; wrinkled

جعدنة ja‘dana idle talk, gossip (leb.)

جعر ja‘ara a (ja‘r) to drop its manure (animal)

ابو جعران abū ji‘rān2 scarabaeus; dung beetle

جعفر ja‘far little river, creek

جعل ja‘ala a (ja‘l) to make (هـ s.th.); to put, place, lay (هـ s.th.); to create (هـ s.th.); to effect, bring about (هـ s.th.); to make (هـ هـ s.th. a rule, a principle, or the like, ه ه s.o., e.g., leader, king, etc.), appoint (ه ه s.o. to an office, rank, or the like); to fix, set (هـ هـ a sum, a price, at); to think, deem, believe (ب ه or ه ه s.o. to be …, هـ هـ s.th. to be ...), take (ب ه or ه ه s.o. for, هـ هـ s.th. for); to represent (هـ s.th., فى صورة as, or in the form of, s.th. else); to appoint, settle (ل هـ s.th. for s.o., in s.o.’s favor); to give, grant, concede (ل هـ s.th., an advantage, to s.o.), put s.o. (ل ) in the way of s.th. (هـ ); to attribute (هـ ل to s.o. s.th.), maintain that s.th. (هـ ) belong. to s.o. (ل ); to entrust (الى هـ s.th. to s.o.); to put, get (ه s.o., هـ s.th., into a specific state or condition); (with foll. imperf.) to begin to, set out to|جعله يفعل to induce s.o. to do; to make s.o. do s.th. (in a narrative); جعله بمننزلة (bi-manzilati) to place s.o. on equal footing with; جعله فى متناول يده (fī mutanāwali yadihī) to bring or put s.th. within s.o.’s reach III to seek to bribe, try to win (ب ه s.o. with s.th.)

جعل ju‘l pl. اجعال aj‘āl pay, wages; piece wages; reward, prize

جعلى ju‘līi: اتفاق جعلى (ittifāq) piece-work contract

جعل ju‘al pl. جعلان ji‘lān dung beetle; scarabaeus

جعالة ji‘āla, ja‘āla, ju‘āla pl. جعائل ja‘āil2 pay, wages; allowance; reward, prize: bribe

جغرافيا jugrāfiyā and جغرافية jugrāfīya geography|جغرافية طبيعية (ṯabī‘īya) physical geography

جغرافي jugrāfī geographical; geographer

جف jaffa (1st pers. perf. jafaftu) i (جفاف jafāf, جفوف jufūf) to dry, become dry; to dry out II to dry, make dry (هـ s.th.)

جفاف jafāf dryness; desiccation; drying up; dullness

تجفاف tajfāf pl. تجافيف tajāfīf2 protective armor

تجفيف tajfīf drying; desiccation; dehydration; drainage

جاف jāff dry| قلم حبر جاف (qalam ḥibr) ball-point pen

مجفف mujaffaf dried, desiccated, dehydrated; مجففات dehydrated foods

جفاء jufā’ useless, vain, futile| ذهب جفاء dahaba jufā’an to be in vain, be of no avail, pass uselessly

جفت jift, ﭽفت čift (pronounced šift; eg.) pincers, tweezers; metal clamp| جفت شريان j. šaryān arterial clamps

ﭽفتشى (pronounced šiftišī; eg.) filigree

جفتلك jiftlik farm, country estate; government land (Pal.)

جفر jafr, علم الجفر ‘ilm al-j. divination, fortunetelling

جفرة jufra pl. جفر jufar pit, hole

جفل jafala i u (jafl, جفول jufūl) and IV to start, jump with fright; to shy (horse) II to start, rouse (هـ s.th., .s.o.); to scare away (ه s.o.)

جفل jafl and جفول jufūl fright, alarm; shying

ﭽفلك (pronounced šiflik; eg.) = جفتلك

جفن pl. جفون jufūn, اجفان ajfān eyelid

جفنة jafna pl. جفان jifān, جفنات jafanāt bowl; grapsvine

(جفو) جفا jafā u (jafw, جفاء jafā’) to be rough, coarse; to treat (ه s.o.) roughly, harshly; to turn away (. from), shun, avoid, flee (ه s.o.) III to treat (ه s.o.) roughly, rudely, harshly; to be cruel (ه to s.o.); to be cross (ه with s.o.); to elude, flee (ه s.o.; slumber); to offend (هـ against good taste, one’s sense of honor, or the like) VI to withdraw (عن from), shun, avoid (ه s.o.); to loathe (عن s.o., s.th.), have an aversion (عن to); to display rude manners, act the ruffian

جفو jafw roughness, harshness

جفوة jafwa roughness; estrangement, alienation; disagreement, dissension, quarrel

جفاء jafā’ roughness; harshness; sternness; antipathy, aversion, distaste, loathing; estrangement, alienation

اجفى ajfā refraining even more (ل from), more averse (ل to s.th.)

جاف jāfin pl. جفاة jufāh harsh, rough, coarse; brutish, uncouth, rude

جاكتة look up alphabetically

جكر III (syr.) to tease (ه s.o.)

1 جل jalla i (جلال jalāl) to be great, lofty, exalted, illustrious, sublime; to be too great (عن for), be beyond s.th. (عن ), be far above s.th. (عن)| جل عن الحصر (‘an il-ḥaṣr) to be innumerable II to honor, dignify, exalt (ه s.o.); to cover (هـ s.th., esp. the ground, as snow, plants, etc.); to envelop, wrap, drape, clothe; to border, edge (هـ s.th., ب with) IV to honor, dignify, revere, venerate, esteem highly, exalt (ه s.o.); to deem too high, too exalted (عن for s.th.), consider far beyond s.th. (عن ) VI to deem o.s. far above s.th. (عن ) X to be great, exalted, sublime

جل great, outstanding; bulky

جل jull major portion, bulk, majority, main part|جله julluhū most of it; جل الامة j. al-umma the majority of the people; جل ما فيه its main contents; وجل ما يقال انه (jullu) that much, at least, can be said that ...

جلل jalal important, significant, momentous, weighty

جلى jullā pl. جلل julal matter of great importance, momentous undertaking, great feat, exploit

جلة julla, jilla droppings, dung (of animals); julla pl. جلل julal (cannon) ban; bomb

جلة julla attire, clothing| الجلة الجبروتية (الكهنوتية ) (ḥabrawīya, kahnūtīya) Episcopal (sacerdotal) vestments (Chr.)

جليل jalīl pl. اجلاء ajillā’2, اجلة ajilla, جلائل jalā’il2 great, important, significant, weighty, momentous; lofty, exalted, sublime; revered, honorable, venerable; glorious, splendid

جلال jalāl loftiness, sublimity, augustness; splendor, glory

جلالة jalāla loftiness, sublimity, augustness; majeoty| صاحب (صاحبة) الجلالة His (Her) Majesty, جلالة الملك j. al-malik His Majesty, the King

اجل ajall2 greater; more sublime; more splendid

مجلة majalla pl. -āt periodical; review, magazine| مجلة اسبوعية (usbū‘īya) weekly magazine; مجلة شهرية (šahrīya) monthly publication; مجلة خاصة ب (ḳāṣṣa) professional journal for a. ; مجلة الاحكام lawbook, code; مجلة القوانين do.

تجلة tajilla and اجلال ijlāl honor, distinction; esteem, deference, respect; reverence

2 جل jull rose

جلاب julāb, jullāb rose water; julep

جلاتين (Fr. gélatine) želātīn jelly

جلاسية (Fr. glacé) glasēh (eg.) kid leather

1 جلب jalaba i u (jalb) to attract (هـ s.th.); to fetch, get, bring (هـ s.th., ل to s.o.); to import (هـ goods); to bring about (هـ a state, condition); to bring (هـ harm, shame, etc., على upon s.o.); to gain, win, obtain (هـ s.th.); to earn (هـ s.th.); (جلوب julūb) to scar over, heal (wound) II to shout, clamor; to be noisy, boisterous IV to earn, gain, acquire (هـ s.th.); = II; VII pass. of I VIII to procure, bring, fetch, get (هـ s.th.); to draw (هـ on s.th.); to import (هـ goods) X to import (هـ goods); to fetch, summon, call in (ه s.o.); to attract, draw (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to seek to attract or win (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to get, procure (هـ s.th.)

جلب jalb bringing, fetching; procurement; acquisition; importation, import; causation, bringing on, bringing about

جلب jalab imported; foreign

جلب jalab and جلبة jalaba clamor; uproar, tumult, turmoil

جلبة julba scar

جليب jalīb imported, foreign; (pl. جلبى jalbā, جلباء julabā’2) foreign slave

جلاب jallāb attractive, captivating; importer, trader; see also alphabetically| جلاب العبيد slave trader

جلابية gallābīya (eg.) pl. -at, جلاليب galālīb2 galabia, a loose, shirtlike garment, the common dreao of the male population in Egypt

جلباب below under جلبب

جلب ajlab2 more attractive, more captivating

مجلبة majlaba pl. مجالب majālib2 causative factor, motive, reason, cause, occasion

استجلاب istijlāb procurement, acquisition; importation, import; supply; attraction| استجلاب السائحين promotion of tourist traffic

جالب jālib causative factor, motive, reason, cause, occasion

2 جلاب julāb, jullāb rose water; julep

3 جلبا jalabā jalap (bot.)

جلبب II tajalbaba to clothe o.s. (ب with), be clothed, be clad (ب in a garment, also fig.)

جلباب jilbāb pl. جلابيب jalābīb2 garment, dress, gown; woman's dress

جلبان julubbān chickling vetch, grass pea (Lathyrus sativua)

1 جلجل jaljala to reverberate; to resound, ring out; to rattle; to shake (هـ s.th.)

جلجل juljul pl. جلاجل jalājil2 (little) bell, sleigh bell; cowbell; jingle

جلجلة jaljala sound of a bell; loud, shrill sound

مجلجل mujaljil shrill, piercing; ringing, resounding, reverberant

2 جلجلة juljula, جبل الجلجلة jabal al-j. Golgotha

3 جلجلان juljulān, jiljilān sesame

جلح jaliḥa a (jalaḥ) to be or become bald

اجلح ajlaḥ2, f. جلحاء jalḥā’2, pl. جلح julḥ bald-headed, bald

جلخ jalaḳa a and II to sharpen (هـ s.th.); to whet, hone (هـ a knife), strop (هـ a razor); to stretch, extend, roll out (هـ metal)

جلخ jalḳ grindstone, whetetone, hone

جلد jalada i (jald) to whip, flog, lash (ه s.o.); -- jalida a to be frozen, freeze; -- jaluda u to be tough, hardy, undismayed, steadfast, patient II to bind (هـ a book); (to cause) to freeze (هـ s.th.) III to fight (ه s.o.) IV to freeze; to be frozen, be covered with ice V to take heart; to show o.s. tough, hardy, robust; to resign o.s. to patience; to bear, suffer VI to engage in a sword fight

جلد jald flogging; -- (pl. اجلاد ajlād) staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy

جلد jild pl. جلود julūd, اجلاد ajlād skin, hide; leather| جلد سختيان (suḳtiyān) morocco; جلد لماع (lammā‘) patent leather

جلدة jilda skin, hide; piece of leather; race| ابن جلدتنا ibn jildatinā our countryman, our fellow tribesman, pl. بنو جلدتنا banū j.

جلدى jildī dermal, cutaneous, skin (adj.)| امراض جلدية skin diseases

جليدة julaida pl. -āt membrane, pellicle; O film (phot.)

جلد jalad enduranos; suffering; patience; firmament

جلدة jalda lash, stroke with a whip

جليد jalīd pl. جلداء juladā’2 staunch, steadfast; strong, sturdy

جليد jalīd ice| جبل جليد jabal j. iceberg; قطعة من الجليد (qiṯ‘a) ice floe

جليدى jalīdī icy, ice-covered, glacial, ice (adj.); snow-covered| العصر الجليدى (‘aṣr) the Ice Age

جلود jalūd long-suffering, patient

جلاد jallād pl. -ūn leather merchant; executioner, hangman

جلادة jalāda and جلودة julūda endurance, patience

مجلدة mijlada whip, lash, scourge

تجليد tajlīd freezing; bookbinding

جلاد jilād fight, battle (against)

تجلد tajallud endurance, patience

مجلد mujallid: مجلد الكتب m. al-kutub bookbinder

مجلد mujallad frozen, icy, ice-covered; bound (book); (pl. -āt) volume (book)

مجالد mujālid pl. -ūn gladiator

متجلد mutajallid patient

جلمز jillauz (coll.; n. un. ة ) hazelnut; hazel

جلس jalasa i (جلوس julūs) to sit down (الى with s.o., at a tabl., etc., على on a chair); to sit (الى with s.o., at a table, على on a chair)| جلس الى الرسام (rassām) to sit for a painter III to sit (ه with s.o., next to s.o., in s.o.’s company); to keep s.o. (ه ) company IV to ask to sit down, make sit down, eeat (ه s.o.)

جلسة jalsa pl. -āt seat (in an auditorium); session (of parliament, of a committee, of a court, etc.); party, gathering, meeting|عقد جلسة ‘aqada jasatan to convene a session; جلسة عامة (‘āmma) plenary session

جلسة jilsa manner of sitting

جليس pl. جلساء julasā’2 participant in a social gathering; table companion: one with whom one sits together; جليسه the man who was at the party with him

جليسة jalīsa lady companion; fem. of جليس

جلوس julūs sitting: sitting down; accession to the throne; pl. of جالس sitting

مجلس majlis pl. مجالس majālis2 seat; session room, conference room; party, gathering, meeting; social gathering: session, sitting; council meeting; council; concilium; collegium, college: board, committee, commission; administrative board; court, tribunal|فى مجلسه in s.o.’s presence, in s.o.’s company; مجلس التأديب and مجلس تأديبى disciplinary board; مجلس تأسيسى constituent assembly; مجلس آفاقى regional court (tribunal régional; Tun.); مجلس الأمة m. al-umma parliament (Ir.); مجلس الأمن m. al-amn the Security Council; مجلس البلدية m. al-baladīya and مجلس بلدى (baladī) local council, municipal council; مجلس الحرب m. al-ḥarb war council; مجلس حسبى (ḥasbī) probate court (for Muslim; Eg.); مجلس مختلط (muḳtaliṯ) mixed court (eg.); مجلس الدفاع defense council; مجلس الادارة m. al-idāra administrative board, committee of management, directorate; board of directors (of a corporation or bank); مجلس المديرية m. al-mudīrīya provincial council, provincial parliament (Eg.); مجلس الدولة m. ad-daula Supreme Administrative Court (Eg.); مجلس روحى (rūḥī) religious court, clerical court (of the Coptic Church); مجلس شورى الدولة m. šūrā d-daula council of state; مجلس الشيوخ council of elders: Senate (Eg.); مجلس عدلى (‘adlī) court, tribunal (Syr.); (عسكرى or) مجلس عرفى (‘urfī, ‘askarī) court-martial; مجلس عصبة الأمم m. ‘uṣbat al-umam Council of the League of Nations; مجلس العموم the House of Commons; مجلس الأعيان m. al-a‘yān senate (Ir., Jord.); مجلس الاقتراع draft board, recruiting commission (mil.); مجلس قروى (qarawī) local council; مجلس اقتصادى (iqtiṣādī) economic council: مجلس قومى (qaumī) national assembly; مجلس قيادة الثورة m. qiyādat at-taura Supreme Revolutionary Tribunal (Eg.): المجلس الكبير and المجلس الاكبر (akbar) the Grand Council (= le Grand Conseil; Tun.); مجلس اللوردين the House of Lords: مجلس النواب m. an-nuwwāb lower house, chamber of deputies; مجلس نيابى (niyābī) parliament; مجلس الجهة m. al-jiha approx.: provincial council (= conseil de région; Tun.); مجلس الوزراء m. al-wuzarā’ cabinet, council of ministers

مجالسة mujālasa social intercourse

جالس jālis pl. جلوس julūs, جلاس jullās sitting; pl. جلاس participants in a social gathering

جلط jalaṯa i (jalṯ) to chafe, gall, abrade (هـ the skin); to shave (الرأس ar-ra’sa the head

جلطة julṯa lump, clot| جلطة دموية (damawīya) blood clot, thrombus

جلف jilf pl. اجلاف ajlāf boorish, rude, uncivil

جلفط jalfaṯa (جلفطة jalfaṯa) to calk (هـ a ship)

جلفن galfana (eg.) to galvanize

جلفنة galfana galvanization

مجلفن mugalfan galvanized

جلاقة jalāqa: جلاقة قروية (qarawīya) yokel, bumpkin

جلم jalama i (jalm) to clip, shear off (هـ s.th.)

جلم jalam pl. اجلام ajlām shears

ابو جلمبو abū galambū (eg.) a variety of crab

جلمد II tajalmada to be petrified

جلمد jalmad pl. جلامد jalāmid2 and جلمود julmūd pl. جلاميد jalāmīd2 rook, bolder

جلنار jullanār pomegranate blossom

(جلو and جلى) جلا jalā u to clean, polish (هـ s.th.); to clear (هـ the view); to make clear, make plain, clarity, clear up (هـ s.th.), throw light on (هـ ), to reveal, unveil, disclose (هـ s.th.), to dislodge, oust, remove (عن هـ or ه s.o. or s.th. from), to shine, be brilliant, distinguish o.s. (فى in s.th.); to be or become clear, evident, manifest; to pull out, move out (عن of a place), go away, depart (عن from a place), leave, quit, evacuate (عن a place); -- جلى jalā i to polish, burnish (هـ s.th.) II to reveal, disclose, bring to light (عن or هـ s.th.); to show, represent (ه s.o., هـ s.th.), IV to remove, dislodge, oust, drive away (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.); to evacuate (ه s.o. from); to move away, go away (عن from a place), leave (عن a place) V to become clear, evident, manifest; to reveal itself, be revealed, to appear, show, come to light, come out, manifest itself, to be manifested, be expressed, find expression VII to be clean or cleaned, be polished, be burnished, to be removed, be dislodged, be ousted; to move away (عن from a place), vacate, evacuate (عن a place), to be dispelled, vanish, go away, pass (crisis, difficulty, etc.), to disappear, to reveal itself, be revealed, be disclosed; to be unveiled (bride), to become manifest, manifest itself; to become clear or plain; to clear up and reveal (عن s.th.), to lead, come (عن to), end (عن in), to result (عن in)|ما ينجلى عنه الأمر the outcome of the matter, what will come of it VIII to reveal, disclose (هـ s.th.), to regard (هـ s.th.), look at (هـ ) X to seek to clarify (هـ s.th.), to clarify, clear up (هـ s.th.), throw light (هـ on); to uncover, unearth, bring to light, find out, discover, detect (هـ s.th.)

ابن جلا ibn jalā a famous, well-known man, a celebrity

جلى jalīy clear, plain, evident, patent, manifest, obvious, conspicuous; جليا jalīyan obviously, evidently

جلية jalīya pl. جلايا jalāyā sure thing, plain fact|جلية الأمر jalīyat al-amr the true state of the affair

اجلى ajlā clearer, more obvious, more distinct

جلوى jalwā unveiling (of the bride)|ليلة الجلوة lailat al-j. wedding night

جلاء jalā’ clarification, elucidation; clarity, clearness, plainness, distinctness; departure, (e)migration (عن from), evacuation (عن of an area; mil.); بجلاء clearly, plainly

جليان jalayān vision, revelation, apocalypse (Chr.)

مجال majālin (pl. of مجلى majlan) manifestations

تجلية tajliya: تجلية الاهية (ilāhīya) divine revelation; theophany (Chr.)

تجل tajallin revelation, manifestation; Transfiguration (of Christ)|عيد التجلى ‘īd at-t. Transfiguration Day (Chr.)

اجتلاء ijtilā’ contemplation

استجلاء istijlā’ clarification, elucidation

جالية jāliya pl. -āt, جوال jawālin colony (of foreigners); colony of emigrants

المجلى al-mujallī the winner (in a race)

متجل mutajallin obvious, evident, manifest, patent

جلون galōn pl. -āt gallon (eg.)

مجلون mugalwan galvanized (eg.)

جلى jullā see1 جل

جليوتين gilyotīn guillotine (eg.)

1ج م abbreviation of جنيه مصرى Egyptian pound

2 جم jamma i u (jamm) to gather; to collect one’s thoughts, concentrate; to rest II and V to grow luxuriantly (plants) X to gather; to collect one’s thoughts, concentrate; to rest, relax, seek recreation (من from); to be covered with luxuriant vegetation (ground)

جم jamm abundant, plentiful; much, a great deal of; many, numerous; manifold, multiple; crowd, group of people|جم الأثر j. al-atar effective, efficacious; احبه حبا جما (aḥabbahū ḥubban) to be more than fond of; فوائد جمة numerous advantages, ample benefits; جم غفير large crowd, throng

جمام jamām rest, relaxation, recreation, gathering of new strength

مجم majamm place where s.th. gathers or flows together|مجم هذا الرأي ومستجمعه (mustajma‘uhū) what this opinion amounts to

تجميم tagmīm (eg.) bobbed hairdo (of women)

استجماتم istijmām collectedness; concentration; attentiveness, attentive reverence; rest, relaxation, recreation

جمباز , جنبازى see جنباز, جنبازى

جمبرى (from It. gambero) gambarī, جمرى gammarī (eg.) shrimp (zool.)

2 جمجم jamjama (جمجمة jamjama), جمجم الكلام (kalāma) and II tajamjama to articulate indistinctly, stammer; to express o.s. poorly, speak incoherently; to mumble

2 جمجمة jumjuma pl. جماجم jamājim2 skull, cranium

جمجمى jumjumī cranial

جمح jamaḥa a (jamḥ, جماح jimāḥ, جموح jumūḥ to holt (horse); to he refractory, unruly, recalcitrant; to be defiant; to be capricious, whimsical; to run out on her husband, run away from home (wife)

جماح jimāḥ recalcitrance, defiance; willfulness

جموح jumūḥ recalcitrance, defiance; willfulness

جموح jamūḥ headstrong, defiant, unruly, ungovernable

جامح jāmiḥ headstrong, defiant, unruly; indomitable, untamable

2 جمد jamada u, jamuda u (jamd, جمود jumūd) to freeze; to congeal, harden, stiffen, be or become hard or solid, solidify; to coagulate, clot (blood); to be rigid, inflexible (in one’s thinking); to stagnate; to be apathetic, indolent, dull, indifferent| جمدت نفسه على to be indifferent toward, put up with, acquiesce in; جمدت يده (yaduhū) to be niggardly, tightfisted II to freeze, frost, congeal (هـ s.th.); to solidify, coagulate, harden, stiffen (هـ s.th.); to curdle (هـ s.th.); to freeze (هـ assets V to freeze, become frozen, turn into ice, freeze up. become icebound; to freeze to death; to congeal; to solidify; to harden, set (e.g., cement); to coagulate, clot (blood) VII to freeze up, become icebound; to freeze, become frozen, turn to ice

جمد jamd freezing; congelation, solidification, coagulation|درجة الجمد darajat al-j. freezing point

جمد jamad ice

جماد jamād pl. -āt a solid; inorganic body; mineral; inanimate body, inanimate being; O neuter (gram.)

جمود jumūd frozen state; solid, compact state, compactness, solidity; rigor, rigidity, stiffness; inorganic state; hardening, induration; hardness, inflexibility; deadlock, standstill; inertia, inaction, inactivity; lethargy, apathy, passivity, indifference

جمودة jumūda solidity, hardness

تجميد tajmīd solidification, hardening; consolidation; reinforcement (of a foundation)|تجميد الاموال t. al-amwāl freezing of assets

تجمد tajammud freezing; frost; congelation; solidification; coagulation

انجماد injimād freezing up or over, icing up; ice formation

جامد jāmid hard, solid; stiff; rigid; motionless; inanimate, inorganic; (gram.) defective; dry. dull (book, and the like); impervious to progress to innovation, ossified, ultraconservative; pl. جوامد jawāmid2 inanimate things, inorganic matter, minerals

متجمد mutajammid frozen, icy; stiff, congealed; coagulated

منجمد munjamid frozen, icy, ice (adj.); arctic|المحيط المنجمد (muḥīṯ) the Arctic Ocean

2 جمادى jumādā name of the fifth and sixth months of the Muslim year (جمادى الاولى j. al-ūlā Jumada I and جمادى الآخرة j. al-āḳira Jumada II)

جمر II to roast (هـ meat) VIII to bum incense

جمر jamr embers, live coal| كان على احر من جمر (aḥarra) to be on tenter-hooks; to be in greatest suspense, be dying with curiosity

جمرة jamra (n. un. of جمر ) live coal; firebrand, smoldering embers; rankling resentment; (pl. -āt) carbuncle (med.)|O الجمرة الخبيثة anthrax

جمار jummār palm pith, palm core (edible tuber growing at the upper end of the palm trunk)

مجمرة mijmara pl. مجامر majāmir2 brazier; censer

2 جمرى see جمبرى

جمرك (eg.) gumruk pl. جمرك gamārik2 customs; customhouse|رسم الجمرك rasm al-g. customs duty, tariff

جمركى gumrukī customs, tariff (used attributively)| اتحاد جمركى (ittihād) customs union

مجمرك mugamrak duty paid

جميز jummaiz (coll.; n. un. ة ) sycamore (Ficus sycomorus; bot.)

جاموس look up alphabetically

جمش jamaša i u (jamš) to unhair (هـ s.th.) II to make love, caress, pet

جمع jama‘a a (jam‘) to gather (هـ s.th.); to collect (هـ e.g., money); to unite, combine, bring together (parts into a whole); to put together. join (هـ things); to set, compose (هـ type; typ.); to compile (هـ a book); to summarize. sum up (هـ s.th.) to rally, round up (هم people); to pile up, amass accumulate (هـ s.th.); to assemble (هم several persons); to convoke, convene, call (هـ a meeting); to add (هـ numbers), add up (هـ a column); (gram.) to make plural, pluralize (هـ a word); to unite, link, bring together (بين several things or persons); to combine (بين – و e.g., both strength and courage); to contain, hold, comprise (هـ s.th.)|جمع اطراف الشيء (aṯrāfa) to summarize, sum up s.th.; to give a survey of s.th.; جمع البراعة من اطرافها (barā‘ata) to be very efficient, do an excellent job, do superlatively good work; جمع شمل القطيع (šamla l-q.) to round up the herd; يجمع الكتاب بين صفحاتها (ṣafaḥātihā) the book contains, lists …; يجمع بيت على بيوت (yujma‘u) the plural of bait is buyūt II to pile up, amass, accumulate (هـ s.th.); to rally, round up (هـ s.th., هم s.o.); to assemble (هـ the parts of a machine) III to have sexual intercourse (ها with a woman) IV to agree (على on s.th., to do s.th.); to be agreed (على on); to decide unanimously (على on), resolve (على to do s.th.)|اجمعوا امرهم (amrahum) they came to terms, they made a joint decision V to gather; to assemble, congregate; to rally, band together, flock together (people); to pile up; to accumulate; to gather into a mass, agglomerate; to cluster; to coagulate VIII to be close together; to come together, meet, join; to unite, combine (ب with); to assemble, meet, convene (an organization, a committee, etc.); to be or get together, have a meeting, interview or conference, hold talks (ب, مع with s.o.), meet (ب, مع s.o.; to concur (على in), agree, be agreed (على on s.th.) X to gather, collect (هـ s.th.; also قواه quwāhu one’s strength, افكاره afkārahū one’s thoughts); to summarize, sum up (هـ s.th.); to possess, combine (هـ s.th.)

جمع jam’ gathering; collection; combination; connection, coupling, joining; accumulation; (arith.) addition; union, merger, aggregation, integration (بين of) holding together (بين of divergent, separate things); (pl. جموع jumū‘) gathering, crowd, throng; gang, troop; (gram.) plural| جمع الشمل j. aš-šaml union, integration; جمع التكسير the broken (= internal) plural, الجمع السالم the regular (= external) plural; اسم الجمع ism al-j. collective noun (gram.); جمع اليد j. al-yad fist

جمع jum‘, جمع الكف j. al-kaff, جمع اليد j. al-yad fist, clenched hand| بجمع يديه with clenched fists

جمعة jum‘a pl. جمع juma‘, -āt week; Friday| يوم الجمعة yaum al-j. Friday; جمعة الآلام Passion Week; الجمعة العظيمة and يوم الجمعة الحزينة Good Friday (Chr.)

جمعية jam‘iya pl. -āt club, association, society; corporation, organization; assembly|جمعية الأمم j. al-umam League of Nations; جمعية خيرية (ḳairīya) charitable organization; جمعية الاسعاف j. al-is‘āf approx.: civil ambulance service; جمعية (tašrī‘īya) legislative assembly; جمعية عمومية ‘umūmīya) and جمعية عامة (‘āmma) general assembly; general meeting; plenum, plenary session; جمعية تعاونية (ta‘āwunīya) cooperative

جميع jamī‘ (with foll. genitive) total; whole, entire; all; entirety; e.g., جميع الناس all men, all mankind; الجميع all people, everybody; the public at large; جميعا jamī‘an in a body, altogether, one and all, all of them; entirely, wholly, totally

جمع ajma‘2 pl. -ūn, f. جمعاء jam‘ā’2, pl. جمع juma‘2 entire, whole, all`|العالم الاسلامى اجمع (ajma‘a) the entire Islamic world; الدار جمعاء (jam‘ā’a) the whole house; باجمعه bi-ajma‘ihī in its entirety, to its full extent, completely, altogether; جاؤوا باجمعهم all of them came

جماع jummā‘ aggregate; total, total amount

O جماع كهربائى jammā‘ kahrabā‘ī; storage battery

جماعة jamā‘a pl. -āt group (of people); band, gang, party, troop; community; squad (military unit; Eg. 1939)| جماعات وافرادا jamā‘ātin wa-afrādan in groups and individually

جماعى jamā‘ī collective (as opposed to فردى fardī individual)

مجمع majma‘ pl. مجامع majāmi‘2 place where two or more things meet, place or point of union, junction; meeting, congregation, convention, assembly; (also مجمع علمى m. ‘ilmī) academy (scientific); college (e.g., of ecclesiastical dignitaries); synod|مجمع بلدى (baladī) provincial synod (Chr.); مجمع اكليركى (iklīrīkī) clerical synod (of the Coptic Church); اخذ بمجامع القلوب to win or captivate the hearts; بمجامع عينيه bi-m. ‘ainaihi (to look at s.o.) with complete concentration, intently

مجمعى majma‘ī academy member, academician

تجمي tajmī‘ assembly, assemblage (of the parts of machinery)

جماع jimā‘ sexual intercourse; s.th. comprising or involving another thing or a number of things| الخمر جماع الاثم al-ḳamr j. al-itm wine involves sin, wine

اجماع ijmā‘ agreement, unanimity (also اجماع الرأي ); unanimous resolution (على to do s.th.); (Isl. Law) consensus (of the authorities in a legal question; one of the four uṣūl of Islamic Law)| بالاجماع unanimously

اجماعى ijmā‘ī based on general agreement, unanimous; collective, universal

تجمع tajammu‘ pl. -āt coming together, meeting; gathering; troop concentration; crowd, throng, mob; agglomeration; O agglutination (chem.-med.)

اجتماع ijtimā‘ pl. -āt meeting (ب with s.o.; of a corporate body; of parliament); get-together, gathering, assembly; reunion; rally; convention; conjunction, constellation (astron.); confluence (of rivers); life in a social group, community life, social life; الاجتماع human society|اجتماع الطرق ijtimā‘ aṯ-ṯuruq crossroads, intersection, junction; علم الاجتماع ‘ilm al-ijt. sociology; علماء الاجتماع sociologists

اجتماعى ijtimā‘ī community, group (used attributively); social; socialist(ic); sociological|وزارة الشؤون الاجتماعية ministry for social affairs; الحالة الاجتماعية personal status; الخدمة الاجتماعية (ḳidma) social service, social work; المساواة الاجتماعية (musāwāh) social equality; الهيئة الاجتماعية (hai’a) human society

اجتماعية ijtimā‘īya socialism

جامع jāmi‘ comprehensive, extensive, broad, general, universal; collector; compiler (of a book); compositor, typesetter; (pl. جوامع jawāmi‘2) mosque| مسجد جامع (masjid) great, central mosque where the public prayer is performed on Fridays

جامعة jāmi‘a pl. -āt league, union, association; community; federation; religious community, communion; commonness, community of interests or purpose; university|O جامعة الكهرباء j. al-kahrabā’ storage battery, accumulator; جامعة الامم j. al-umam League of Nations; الجامعة الاسلامية (islāmīya) Pan-Islamism; الجامعة العربية (‘arabīya) and جامعة الدول العربية (duwal) the Arab League; جامعة شعبية (ša‘bīya) university extension, adult education courses, evening courses

جامعى jāmi‘ī academic, collegiate, university (adj.); university graduate

مجموع majmū‘ collected, gathered; totality, whole; total, sum (arith.)| الحروف المجموعة matter (typ.); مجموع اراضى القطر m. arāḍī l-quṯr the total area of the country; مجموع طوله m. ṯūlihī its total length; المجموع العصبي (‘aṣabī) the nervous system

مجموعة majmū‘a pl. -āt, مجاميع majāmī‘2 collection (e.g., of works of art, of stamps, etc., also of stories); compilation, list; group {also, e.g., of trees, of islands, etc.); series (e.g., of articles in a newspaper; O battery (el.); alliance, league, bloc (e.g., of states); collective, collectivistic organization; aggregate; complex, block (of buildings); system; bulletin, periodical| المجموعة الشمسية (šamāīya) the solar system; مجموعة صناعية (ṣinā‘īya) syndicate

مجمع mujammi‘ collector (techn.); O storage battery, accumulator

مجمع عليه mujma‘ ‘alaihi (that which is) agreed upon, unanimous

مجتمع mujtama‘ pl. -āt gathering place, place of assembly; meeting place, rendezvous; assembly, gathering, meeting; society; human society; community, commune, collective

جمكية = جامكية look up alphabetically

1 جمل jamala u (jaml) to sum up, summarize (هـ s.th.); -- jamula u (جمال jamāl) to be beautiful; to be handsome, pretty, comely, graceful; to be proper, suitable, appropriate (ب for s.o.), befit (ب s.o.) II to make beautiful, beautify, embellish, adorn (هـ, ه s.o., s.th.) III to be polite, courteous, amiable (. to 8.0.) IV to sum, total, add (هـ s.th.); to treat as a whole, mention collectively (هـ s.th.); to sum up, summarize (هـ s.th.); to act well, decently, be nice V to make o.s. pretty, adorn o.s. VI to be courteous, be friendly to one another

جملة jumla pl. جمل jumal totality, sum, whole; group, troop, body; crowd; wholesale; (gram.) sentence, clause; جملة jumlatan completely, wholly, on the whole, altogether, in general, at all| جملة واحدة jumlatan wāḥidatan all at once, at one swoop; جملة الكائنات everything in existence; كان من جملة اصحابه he was one of his companions, he belonged to his companions; قال فى جملة ما قاله (jumlati) among other things, he said ; وجملة القول ان wa-jumlatu l-qauli anna or وجملة الامر ان in short , to sum up …, briefly stated ; على الجملة in short, in a word; بالجملة wholly, on the whole, altogether, in general, at all; by wholesale (com.); جملة الاجرة المستحقة j. al-ujra al-mustaḥiqqa gross wage; تاجر الجملة wholesaler, wholesale dealer; 41.J:1 ~ sr,. al·j. whole-sale price; جملة اسمية (ismīya) nominal clause; جملة فعلية (fi‘līya) verbal clause; جملة اخبارية (iḳbārīya) or جملة خبرية (ḳabarīya) declarative sentence (or clause); جملة انشائية (inšā’īya) exclamatory sentence; جملة حالية (ḥālīya) circumstantial clause; جملة شرطي (šarṯīya) conditional clause; جملة معترضة (mu‘tariḍa) parenthetical clause

حساب الجمل ḥisāb al-jummal (or jumal) use of the letters of the alphabet according to their numerical value

جمال jamāl beauty|O علم الجمال ‘ilm al-j. aesthetics

جميل jamīl beautiful, graceful, lovely, comely, pretty, handsome; friendly act, favor, service, good turn; courtesy|اعتراف بالجميل, معرفة الجميل ma‘rifat al-j. and عرفان بالجميل (‘irfān) gratitude; نكران الجميل nukrān al-j. ingratitude; ناكر الجميل ungrateful; حفظ له جميلا (ḥafiẓa) to keep s.o. in fond remembrance, remember s.o. with gratitude

اجمل ajmal2 more beautiful

تجميل tajmīl beautification, embellishment; cosmetics

مجاملة mujāmala pl. -āt (act of) courtesy; civility, amiability; flattery; مجاملة mujāmalatan amicably, in a friendly way| زيارة مجاملة ziyārat m. courtesy call; قواعد المجاملات etiquette

اجمال ijmāl summation, summing up; summarization; اجمالا ijmālan on the whole, in general, generally speaking, as a general principle| اجمالا لذلك اقول to sum up, I (would) say ; فى اجماله in its entirety, as a whole; بالاجمال and على الاجمال in general, on the whole, altogether; بوجه الاجمال bi-wajhi l-i. = اجمالا

اجمالى ijmālī comprehensive, summary, general, over-all, total, collective|تقرير اجمالى over-all report; غرامة اجمالية (garāma) collective penalty; نظرة اجمالية (naẓra) general view

مجمل mujmil pl. -ūn wholesaler, wholesale dealer

مجمل mujmal summary, resume, synopsis, compendium; general concept; sum, total|بالمجمل by wholesale

2 جمل jamal pl. جمال jimāl, اجمال ajmāl camel|جمل اليهود j. a1-yahūd chameleon

جمال jammāl pl. -ūn camel driver

جمان jumān (coll.; n. un. ة ) pearls

جمهر jamhara to gather, collect (ه, هـ s.th., s.o.); to assemble (ه s.o.) II tajamhara to gather, flock together (crowd)

جمهرة jamhara multitude, crowd, throng; the great mass, the populace

جمهور jumhūr pl. جماهير jamāhīr2 multitude; crowd, throng; general public, public; الجماهير the masses, the people

جمهرى iumhllri republican (adj. and n.)

جمهورية jumhūriya pl. -āt republic|الجمهورية العربية المتحدة (‘arabīya, muttaḥida) the United Arab Republic; الجمهورية الاتحادية الالمانية (ittiḥādīya) the Federal Republic of Germany; الجمهورية الديموقراطية الالمانية (dīmūqrāṯīya) the German Democratic Republic

تجمهر tajamhur gathering (of people; crowd

جن janna u (jann, جنون junūn) to cover, hide, conceal, veil (هـ, على s.th.); to descend, fall, be or become dark (night); pass. junna: to be or become possessed, insane, mad, crazy| جن جنونه (junūnuhū) to get madly excited, become frantic II to craze, make crazy, drive insane, madden, enrage, infuriate (ه s.o.) IV to cover, veil, hide, conceal (هـ s.th.); = II; V to go mad, become crazy X to be covered, veiled, concealed; to regard (ه s.o.) as crazy, think (ه s.o.) mad

جن (coll.) jinn, demons (invisible beings, either harmful or helpful, that interfere with the lives of mortals)

جنى jinnī demonic; jinni, demon

جنية jinnīya female demon

جنة janna pl. -at, جنان jinān garden; paradise| جنات النعيم paradise; ساكن الجنان inhabitant of paradise, deceased person, one of blessed memory

جنينة junaina pl. -āt, جنائن janā’in2 little garden; garden

جنائنى janā’inī gardener

جنة jinna possession, obsession; mania, madness, insanity

جنة junna pl. جنن junan protection, shelter, shield

جنان janān pl. اجنان ajnān heart, soul

جنان jannān gardener

جنين janīn pl. اجنة ajinna, اجنون ajnūn embryo, fetus; germ (in a seed, etc.)

جنون junūn possession, obsession; mania, madness, insanity, dementia; foolishness, folly; frenzy, rage, fury; ecstasy, rapture|الجنون فنون al-j. funūn madness has many varieties, manifests itself in many ways

جنوني junūnī crazy, insane, mad; frantic, frenzied

مجن mijann pl. مجان majānn2 shield

مجنة majanna madness, insanity

جان jānn jinn, demons

مجنون majnūn pl. مجانين majānīn2 possessed, obsessed; insane, mad; madman, maniac, lunatic; crazy, cracked; crackpot; foolish; fool

جنب janaba u to avert, ward off (هـ ه from s.o. s.th.) II to keep away, avert, ward off (هـ ه from s.o. s.th.), keep s.o. (ه ) out of the way of (هـ ), spare (هـ ه s.o. s.th.) III to be or walk by s.o.’s (ه ) side; to run alongside of (هـ ), run parallel to (هـ ), skirt, flank (هـ s.th.); to avoid (هـ s.th.) V to avoid (هـ s.th., ه s.o.); to keep away (هـ, ه from), steer clear, get out of the way (هـ, ه of) VI and VIII = V; VIII to be at the side of (هـ ), run side by side with (هـ ), run alongside of (هـ ), skirt, flank (هـ s.th.)

جنب janb pl. جنوب junūb, اجناب ajnāb side; janba (prep.) beside, next to, near, at|جنبا الى جنب (also جنبا لجنب ) side by side; بين جنبيه (janbaihi) inside (it), within; ما بين جنبيه (baina janbaihi) what it contains, comprises, its contents; على جنب aside, apart; ذات الجنب pleurisy

جنبة janba pl. janabāt side; region, area| فى جنباته in it, within, wide; ضمه بين جنباته (ḍammahū) to comprise, hold, contain s.th.; جنبات الغرفة j. al-gurfa the whole room; بين جنبات الغرفة in (the middle of) the room; زاخر الجنبات crammed, chock-full, brimful, filled to overflowing or bursting

جنبى janbī lateral, side (adj.)

جنب junub in a state of major ritual impurity; not belonging to the tribe, not a kinsman| الجار الجنب the neighbor not belonging to the family

جناب jināb (title of respect) approx.: Right Honorable; جنابكم Your Honor; you (polite form)

جنابة janāba major ritual impurity (Isl. Law)

جناب junāb (= ذات الجنب ) pleurisy

جنوب janūb south; جنوبا janūban southward, to the south

جنوب janūbī southern| جنوبى افريقيا South Africa

جنب jānib pl. جوانب jawānib2 side; lateral portion; sidepiece; flank; wing; face (geom.); part, portion, partial amount; partial view, section (من of a scene, picture or panorama); quantity, amount; a certain number (من of), a few, some| من جانبه on his part; من جانب – من جانب آخر on the one hand -- on the other hand; الى جانبه to him, to his address; at his (its) side, next to him (it); بجانبه beside him (it), next to him (it); الى جانب and بجانب side by side with; in addition to; apart from, aside from; وضعه جانبا to put s.th. aside; ودعه جانبا to leave s.th. aside, omit s.th.; فى جانب in comparison with, as compared with, as against; regarding, with regard to; ما بين جوانبهم their hearts; جانبا الفم jānibā l-fam the comers of the mouth; جانب من a considerable, or certain, degree of; a considerable amount of, a good deal of; جانب كبير من a great deal of, a large portion of; على جانب كبير من he is very …; كان على جانب عظيم من الكرم (karam) to be very generous; على جانب عظيم من الاهمية (ahammīya) of great importance; على اعظم جانب من الخطورة ‘alā a‘ẓami jānibin min al-kuṯūra of utmost importance, of greatest significance; فى كل جانب everywhere, on all sides; خفض له جانبه (ḳafaḍa, jānibahū) to show o.s. condescending, affable or gracious to s.o.; to meet s.o. on fair terms; امن جانبه amina jānibahū to be safe from s.o.; لم اعره جانب اهتمام (u‘irhu) I paid not the least attention to him; خاف (رهب، هاب) جانبه (jānibahū) to fear s.o., be afraid of s.o.; ملك الجانب milk al-j. crown lands; جانب الميري j. al-mīrī (eg.) fisc, treasury; لين الجانب layyin al-j. gentle; docile, tractable, compliant; لين الجانب līn al-j. gentleness; رحب الجوانب raḥb al-j. roomy; spacious, unconfined; رقيق الجانب friendly, amiable, gentle; مرهوب الجانب feared, dreaded; عزيز الجانب powerful, mighty, strong; عزة الجانب ‘izzat al-j. power; مهيب الجانب mahīb al-j. dreaded, respected; فى جوانب الدار about the house, all over the house; often فى جوانبه = فيه

جانبى jānibī lateral, side, by- (in compounds)

اجنبي ajnabī foreign, alien; (pl. -ūn, اجانب ajānib2 foreigner, alien|البلاد الأجنبية the foreign countries, the outside world; فرقة الاجانب firqat al-ajānib the Foreign Legion

جنابية gannābīya pl. –āt (eg.) curb; embankment, levee; side channel, lateral (following a road or railroad tracks); bypass (of a lock or sluice)

تجنب tajannub avoidance

اجتناب ijtināb avoidance

مجنبة mujanniba flank, wing (of an army

جنبري see جمبري

جنباز junbāz, جمباز calisthenics; gymnastics; athletics

جنبازي junbāzī (جمبازي ) calisthenic(al), gymnastic| الالعاب الجمبازية gymnastic exercises, physical exercises

جنح janaḥa a (جنوح junūḥ) to incline, be inclined, tend (ل or الى to); to lean (ل or الى to or toward); to turn, go over (الى to), join (الى s.th.), associate o.s. (الى with); to strand (على or الى on a coast; ship); to diverge, deviate, depart (عن from); to turn away (عن from), break (عن with) II to provide (هـ s.th.) with wings, lend wings (هـ to s.th.) IV to incline, be inclined, tend (ل or الى to); to lean (ل or الى to or toward); to turn (ل or الى to s.th.); to strand (ship)

جنح jinḥ side

جنح junḥ, jinḥ darkness gloom|فى جنح الليل (j. il-lail) in the dark of night, under cover of night; بين جنحي الكرى (junḥay il-karā) lit.: between the two halves of slumber, i.e., at night when everyone’s asleep

جنحة junḥa pl. جنح junaḥ misdemeanor (jur., less than a felony, جناية , and more than an infraction, مخالفة )

جناح janāḥ pl. اجنحة ajniḥa, اجنح ajnuḥ wing (of a bird. of an airplane, of a building, of an army); side; flank| انا فى جناحه I am under his protection; على جناح الاثير over the ether, by radio; على جناح السرعة (j. is-sur‘a) with winged haste

جناح junāḥ misdemeanor (jur.); sin| لا جناح عليه (junāḥa) it won’t be held against him if he ; it won't do any harm if he …

اجنح ajnaḥ2 more inclined (الى to

جنوح janūḥ inclined (الى s.th.)

جنوح junūḥ inclination, leaning, bent, tendency (الى to)

جانح jāniḥ side, flank, wing

جانحة jāniḥa pl. جوانح jawāniḥ2 rib; pl. also bosom, heart, soul|بين جوانحي in my bosom, at heart; طفرت جوانحها (ṭafarat) she became happily excited, she trembled with joy

مجنح mujannaḥ winged

جند II to draft, conscript, enlist, recruit (ه s.o.; mil.); to mobilize (هـ an army, على against) V to be drafted, be conscripted, be enlisted (for military service)

جند jund m. and f., pl. جنود junūd, اجناد ajnād soldiers; army|جند الخلاص j. al-ḳalāṣ Salvation Army

جندى jundī pl. جنود junūd soldier, private| جندى اول (awwal) private first class (Ir., Syr.); جندى مستجد (mustajidd) recruits (Ir., Syr.); الجندي المجهول the Unknown Soldier

جندية jundīya military affairs, the army, the military; military service

تجنيد tajnīd draft, enlistment (mil.) recruitment; mobilization|التجنيد الاجباري (ijbārī) military conscription

تجند tajannud military service

مجند mujannad recruit

جندارى gindārī standard-bearer, comet (Eg.)

جندب jundub pl. جنادب janādib2 grasshopper

1 جندر gandara (eg.) to mangle (هـ laundry)

جندرة gandara mangling (of laundry); press; O rotary press (typ.)

2 جندارى look up alphabetically

جندرمة žandarma gendarmery

جندرمى žandarmī gendarme

جندفلى ganduflī (eg.) oysters

1 جندل jandala to throw to the ground, bring down, fell (ه s.o.)

جندل jandal pl. جنادل janādil2 stone; pl. جنادل cataract, waterfall (eg.)

2 جندول gundūl (eg.) pl. جناديل ganādīl2 gondola

جنرال jenərāl, ginrāl (eg.) general (military rank)

جنز II to say the burial prayers, conduct the funeral service (ه for the deceased; Chr.)

جنازة jināza, janāza pl. -āt جنائز janā’iz2 bier; funeral procession

جناز junnāz pl. جنانيز janānīz2 requiem, funeral rites, obsequies; funeral procession

جنزبيل janzabīl (= زنجبيل ) ginger

1 جنزير janzara (= زنجر ) to be or become covered with verdigris

جنزار jinzār (=زنجار ) verdigris

2 جنزير jinzīr (= زنجير ) pl. جنازير janāzīr2 chain; track (of a caterpillar, of a tank, etc.); a linear measure (= 5 qaṣaba = 17.75 m; also = 20 m; Eg.)|طارة جنزير ṭārat j. track sprocket, sprocket wheel

مجنزر mujanzar track-laying (vehicle)

جنس II to make alike, make similar (هـ s.th.); to assimilate, naturalize (ه s.o.); to class, classify, sort, categorize (هـ s.th.) III to be akin, be related, similar (هـ, ه to), be of the same kind or nature (ه as s.o., هـ as s.th.), be like s.o. or s.th. (هـ, ه ) resemble (ه s.o., هـ s.th.) V to have o.s. naturalized, acquire the citizenship (ب ); to be naturalized VI to be akin, related, of the same kind or nature, homogeneous

جنس jins pl. اجناس ajnās kind, sort, variety, species, class, genus; category; sex (male, female); gender (gram.); race; nation| اسم الجنس ism al-j. (gram.) generic noun, collective noun of nonpersonal things (which form a n. un. in ة); الجنس البشري (bašarī) the human race; ابناء جنسنا abnā’ jinsinā our fellow tribesmen; هو مصري الجنس he is Egyptian by nationality; الجنس اللطيف the fair sex; الجنس الخشن the strong sex

جنسي jinsī generic; sexual; racial

لاجنسي lā-jinsī asexual, sexless

جنسية jinsīya pl. -āt nationality, citizenship

تجنيس tajnīs naturalization; paronomasia (rhet.)

جناس jinās (rhet.) assonance, pun, paronomasia

مجانسة mujānasa relatedness, kinship, affinity; similarity, likeness, resemblance

تجنس tajannus acquisition of citizenship, naturalization

تجانس tajānūs homogeneity, homogeneousness; likeness, similarity, resemblance

مجانس mujānis similar, like, related; homogeneous

متجنس mutajannis naturalized

متجانس mutajānis akin, related, of the same kind or nature, homogeneous

جنطيانا (Lat. Gentiana) gentian (eg.)

1 جنف VI to deviate (عن from); to incline, be inclined (الى or ل to s.th.)

2 جنيف look up alphabetically

جنفاص junfāṣ, جنفيص junfaiṣ sackcloth, sacking

جنك junk pl. جنوك junūk harp

جنوا janowā Genoa (seaport in NW Italy)

جنى janā i (jany) to pick, gather, harvest, reap (هـ s.th., also the fruits of one’s work); to pocket, rake in, collect (هـ s.th.); to derive (هـ profit, من from); to secure, realize (هـ profits, an advantage); to incur (هـ evil, harm, punishment); to cause, provoke, bring about (هـ s.th.); -- (جناية jināya) to commit a crime, an outrage (على on); to offend, sin (على against); to commit, perpetrate (جناية, ذنبا danban a crime, an offense; على , less frequently الى , on or against); to inflict (هـ some evil, على on s.o.); to harm (على s.o., s.th.) V to incriminate, accuse, charge with a crime (على s.o.), lay the blame (على on s.o.), blame (على s.o.); to act meanly VIII to gather, harvest (هـ s.th.)

جنى jany harvest; reaping (fig.); -- janan (coll.) fruits

جناية jināya pl. -āt perpetration of a crime; felony (jur.; in the strictly legal sense, more than a misdemeanor, جنحة , and an infraction, مخالفة ), capital offense | محكمة الجنايات maḥkamat al-j. criminal court

جنائي jinā’ī criminal| law محكمة جنائية (maḥkama) criminal court; القانون الجنائي criminal law, penal law

مجنى majnan pl. مجان majānin that which is picked or harvested, a crop; source of profit or advantage

تجن tajannin incrimination, accusation (على of s.o.); mean way of acting, low, underhand dealings

جان jānin pl. جناة junāh perpetrator (of a delict); delinquent, criminal

مجنى عليه majnīy ‘alaih, harmed, injured; aggrieved party; victim of a crime

جنيف (Fr. Geneve) žənēf Geneva

جنيه (Engl. guinea) ginēh, also gunaih pl. –āt pound (eg.)|جنيه انجليزي (استرليني ) pound sterling, English pound; جنيه مصري Egyptian pound (abbreviation: ج م )

جهة see وجه

جهبذ jahbad pl. جهابذة jahābida man endowed with a critical mind; great scholar; bright, brilliant, intelligent

جهد jahada a (jahd) to endeavor, strive, labor, take pains, put o.s. out; to over-work, overtax, fatigue, exhaust (ه s.o.) III to endeavor, strive; to fight (فى سبيل الشيء for s.th.); t.o wage holy war against the infidels IV to strain, exert (هـ s.th.); to tire, wear out, fatigue (ه s.o.), give trouble (ه to)|اجهد نفسه فى (nafsahū) to go to great lengths, go out of one’s way (في for or in s.th.); اجهد فكره فى (fikrahū) to concentrate on, put one's mind to, apply o.s. t.o VIII to put o.s. out (فى for s.th.), work hard; (Isl. Law) to formulate an independent judgment in a legal or theological question (based on the application of the 4 uṣūl; as opposed to taqlid, q.v.)

جهد jahd pl. جهود juḥūd strain; exertion; endeavor, attempt, effort; trouble, pains (فى on behalf or for the sake of s.th.); O voltage, tension (el.)|جهد جهده jahada jahdahū, also عمل (حاول) جهده to do (try) one’s utmost, do (try) all in one’s power, make every conceivable effort; بجهد جهيد bi-jahdin jahīdin with great difficulty, by dint of atrenuous efforts; بعد جهد جهيد after a lot of trouble O جهد عال (‘ālin) high tension (el.)

جهد juhd strain, exertion; juhda (used prepositionally) to the limit of |جهد الطاقة juhda ṭ-ṭāqa as far as possible, as much as possible; جهد طاقته j. ṭāqatihī as much as he can, to the limit of his abilities; جهد امكانه juhda imkānihī do.; جهد ما juhda mā as much as. to the limits of what ; جهدي juhdī as far as I can

جهيد jahīd see جهد jahd

جهاد jihād fight, battle; jihad, holy war (against the infidels, as a religious duty)

جهادي jihādī fighting, military

مجاهدة mujāhada fight, battle

اجهاد ijhād exertion; overexertion, overstrain(ing)

اجتهاد ijtihād effort, exertion, endeavor, pains, trouble; application, industry, diligence; (Isl. Law) independent judgment in a legal or theological queetion, based on the interpretation and application of the 4 uṣūl, as opposed to taqlīd, q.v.; individual judgment

مجهود majhūd pl. -āt endeavor, effort, exertion, pains, trouble, work; O voltage, tension (el.)|بذل مجهوداته to make every effort, go to greatest lengths

مجاهد mujāhid pl. -ūn fighter, freedom fighter; warrior; sergeant (Eg. 1939)

مجهد mujhid strenuous, exacting, trying, grueling; -- mujhad overworked, exhausted

مجتهد mujtahid diligent, industrious; (pl. -ūn) mujtahid, a legist formulating independcnt decisions in legal or theological matters, based on the interpretation and application of the four uṣūl, as oppoeed to muqallid, q.v.

جهر jahara a (jahr, جهار jihār) to be brought to light, come out, show, appear; -- to declare publicly, announce (هـ or ب s.th.); to avow in public, proclaim (ب s.th.); to raise (هـ the voice); -- jahura u (جهارة jahāra) to be loud, be clearly audible (voice) III to declare or say openly, voice, utter, express frankly (ب s.th.)

جهر jahr and جهار jihār publicness, publicity, notoriety; جهرا jahran and جهارا jihāran publicly, in public

جهرة jahratan openly, overtly, frankly, publicly

جهري jahrī notorious, well-known, public

جهير jahīr loud (voice, shout)

اجهر ajhar2 day-blind

اجهر ajhar2 (elative) louder, more audible

جمهري jahwarī loud (voice)

مجهر mijhar loud-voiced

مجهر mijhar pl. مجاهر majāhir2 microsoope

مجهرى mijharī microscopic(al)

مجهار mijhār loud-voiced; O loudspeaker

مجاهرة mujāhara franknees, candor (of one’s words)

جهز jahaza a to finish off (على a wounded man), deliver the coup de grace to (على ) II to make ready, prepare (هـ s.th.); to arrange (هـ s.th.); to provide, supply (هـ s.th.); to equip, fit out, furnish, supply, provide (ب ه or هـ s.th. or s.o. with) IV to finish off (على a wounded man), deliver the coup de grace to (على ); to finish, ruin (على s.o.) V to he equipped, furnished, supplied, provided; to equip o.s.; to prepare o.s., get ready; to be ready, be prepared

جهاز jahāz (alas pronounced jihāz) pl. -āt, اجهزة ajhiza equipment, appliances, outfit, gear, rig; trousseau; contrivance, gadget; implement, appliance, utensil; installation, apparatus (techn.); system, apparatus (anat.) | جهاز لاسلكي (lā-silkī) wirelees set, radio; جهاز راديو radio (receiving set); O جهاز مستقبل (mustaqbil), O جهاز الاستقبال , O جهاز الالتقاط receiver, receiving set (radio); جهاز مذيع (muḍī‘), O جهاز الارسال j. al-irsāl transmitter (radio); جهاز تليفزيوني television set; جهاز الحفر j. al-ḥafr drilling rig; oil derrick; جهاز دوري (daurī) circulatory system (anat.); جهاز لتسجيل الاهتزازات الارضية or جهاز قياس الهزات الارضية (hazzāt, arḍīya)seismograph; جهاز سري (sirrī) secret organization, underground organization; جهاز الاستماع sound locator; الجهاز العصبي (‘aṣabī) the nervous system; جهاز الهضم j. al-haḍm digestive apparatus

تجهيز tajhīz equipment, furnishment; preparation; pl. تجهيزات equipment, gear

تجهيزي tajhīzī preparatory; (of a school) preparing for college

جاهز jāhiz ready, prepared; readymade; equipped | جاهزة (ملبوسات or) البسة (albisa) ready-made clothes

مجهز mujahhaz equipped, provided, furnished, supplied (ب with); armed (ب with guns; of a ship, tank, etc.)

جهش IV to sob, break into sobs| اجهش بالبكاء (bukā’) to be on the verge of tears, struggle with tears; to break into tears

جهشة jahša (n. vic.) pl. -āt sob; outburst of tears

اجهاش ijhāš outburst of tears

جهض IV to bear young ones, litter; to have a miscarriage (woman)| اجهضت نفسها (nafsahā) she induced an abortion

جهض jihḍ miscarried fetus

جهيض jahīḍ miscarried fetus

اجهاض ijhāḍ miscarriage, abortion; induced abortion

جهل jahila a (jahl, جهالة jahāla) to be ignorant; not to know (ب or هـ s.th., how to do s.th.); to be irrational, foolish; to behave foolishly (على toward) VI to ignore (هـ s.th.); to refuse to have anything to do (هـ with), shut one’s eyes (هـ to), disregard (هـ a fact); to affect ignorance, pretend to know nothing X to consider ignorant or stupid (ه s.o.)

جهل jahl and جهالة jahāla ignorance; folly, foolishness, stupidity| عن جهل out of ignorance

جهول jahūl ignorant; foolish, stupid

مجهل majhal pl. مجاهل majāhil2 unknown region, unexplored territory | مجاهل افريقيا unknown Africa

تجهيل tajhīl stultification

تجاهل tajāhul ignoring, disregard(ing)

جاهل jāhil pl. جهلة jahala, جهل juhhal, جهال juhhāl, جهلاء juhalā’ not knowing (ب s.th., how to do s.th.); ignorant, uneducated, illiterate; foolish; fool

جاهلى jāhilī pagan, of or pertaining to pre-Islamic times

جاهلية jāhilīya state of ignorance; pre-Islamic paganism, pre-Islamic times

مجهول majhūl unknown; anonymous (also مجهول الاسم m. al-ism); pl. مجاهيل majāhīl2 unknown things| صيغة المجهول ṣīgat al-m. passive (gram.)

مجهولية majhūlīya being unknown, unknown nature

جهم jahuma u (جهامة jahāma, جهومة juhūma) to frown, glower V to frown, scowl, glower; to regard with displeasure (,هـ ه or ل s.o. or s.th.), frown (هـ or ل on); to eye gloomily, coolly, grimiy (هـ, ه or ل s.o., s.th.); to become sullen, gloomy (face)

جهم jahm sullen, glum, morose, gloomy (face)

جهام jahām clouds

جهامة jahāma and جهومة juhūma grim look, sullen expression; gloominoss; brooding silence

جهنم jahannam2 (f.) hell

جهنمي jahannamī hellish, infernal

جو jaww pl. اجواء ajwā’, جواء jiwā’ (pl. frequently with singnlar meaning) air; atmosphere (also fig.); sky; weather; sphere, milieu, environment; جوا jawwan by air; by telegraph, telegraphically|بريد الجو air mail; طبقات الجو ṭabaqāt al-j. air layers; فى جو ممطر (mumṭir) in rainy weather

جوى jawwī air, aerial, aero- (in compounds); airy, atmospheric(al); weather (used attributively), meteorologic(al)|الضغط الجوي (ḍagṯ) atmospheric pressure; طبقات جوية (ṭabaqāt) air layers; اسطول جوي (usṭūl) air fleet; غارة جوية air raid; القوات الجوية (quwāt) air force; الملاحة الجوية aviation; ميناء جوية (mīnā’) airport; ارصاد جوية meteorological observations; حجر جوي (ḥajar) meteorite

جوا (colloq.) jawwā (pronounced gūwa in Eg.) in it, within; inside

جوانى jawwānī, juwwānī inner, inside, interior

جوافة guwāfa (eg.) guava (fruit); guavshrub

جوال (eg.) guwāl pl. -āt sack

جوانتي (It. guanti; eg.) gloves

1 جوب (Fr. jupe) skirt

2(جوب) جاب jāba u (jaub) to travel, wander (هـ through), traverse, roam, tour, explore (هـ s.th., e.g., foreign lands); to pierce, penetrate (هـ s.th.), cut through (هـ ); to wander, cruise (هـ about a place) III to answer (ه s.خ., على s.th.), reply, respond (ه to s.o., على to s.th.); to comply (هـ with), accede (هـ to) IV to answer (ه or الى s.o., عن or على a question), reply, respond (ه or الى to s.o., على to s.th.); to comply (هـ with a request), accede, defer (هـ to); to hear (ه s.o.), accede to the request or wishes of (ه ); to fulfill, grant (هـ a wish); to consent, assent, agree (الى to); to concur (الى in)|اجاب الى طلبه ṯalabihi) to comply with s.o.’s request VI to reply to one another; to echo (هـ, ب from); to ring out (voices); to be (mutually) corresponding, harmonize; to be favorahle, propitious (مع to s.o.; situation) VIl to scatter, break up, pass over (clauds); to be dispelled, disappear, vanish (worries); to fade (darkness) X استجاب to hear, answer (هـ a prayer), grant (هـ a request); to comply with the request of (ل ), accede or defer to the wiohes of (ل ); to react (ل to); to respond (ل to, ب with), listen, pay attention (ل to), show interest (ل in); to meet, answer (ب ل s.o. with), reply (ب ل to s.o. with or hy doing s.th.); to resound, reverberate, re-echo; to resonate (ل or الى to s.th.), be in resonance with (phys.); -- استجوب istajwaba to interrogate, examine, question (ه s.o.); to hear (ه the defendant or witn...); to interpellate (ه s.o.; in parliament)

جوب jaub travening, touring, exploration (of foreign countries); piercing, penetration

جوبة jauba pl. -āt, جوب juwab opening, gap; hole, pit

جواب jawāb pl. اجوبة ajwiba answer, reply; octave (to a given tone; mus.); (eg.; pronounced gawāb pl. -āt) letter, message|جواب الشرط j. aš-šarṭ, main clause (conclusion) of a conditional sentence, apodosis

جوابى jawābī answering (used attributively)

جواب jawwāb traverser (of foreign countries), traveler, explorer

اجابة ijāba answer(ing), reply(ing), response, respondence; compliance; fulfillment, granting (of a request); accession, consent, assent|اجابة لطلبكم ijābatan li-ṭalabikum, in compliance with your request; in answer to your request

تجاوب tajāwub agreement, conformity; harmony

استجابة istijāba hearing, answering (of a prayer); granting, fulfillment (of a request); resonance; consonance (phys.)| استجابة ل istijābatan li in compliance with, in answer to, in deference to

استجواب istijwāb pl. -āt interrogation, questioning; hearing; interview; interpellation (in parliament)

متجاوب mutajāwib harmonious

مستجيب mustajīb hearing, answering, granting; reverberant, resonant, resonating; responsive, susceptible, impressible

جوت (Engl.) jūt jute

جاح (جوح ) jāḥa u and IV to annihilate, destroy, ruin; to flood, inundate (هـ the land) VIII do.; to carry away, sweep away (ه s.o., s.th.; storm); to put down, subdue, quell (هـ s.th., e.g., a riot)

اجاحة destruction, annihilation; crop damage; crop failure, bad harvest

اجتياح ijtiyāḥ destruction, annihilation; subdual, suppression

جائح jā’iḥ crushing, devastating; disastrous

جائحة jā’iḥa pl. جوائح jawā’iḥ2 calamity, disaster, ruin; epldemic; crop damage

جوخ jūḳ pl. اجواخ ajwāḳ broadcloth

جاد (جود ) jāda u (جودة jūda) to be or become good, become better, improve; -- (jūd) to grant generously (ب s.th.), be so generous as to do s.th. (ب with verbal noun); to be liberal, openhanded (ب with s.th., على toward s.o.), bestow liberally (ب s.th., على upon s.o.), grant, give lavishly (ب of s.th., على to s.o.), shower (ب على s.o. with); to donate (ب a sum of money, etc.) |جاد بنفسه to sacrifice o.s.; to give up the ghost; جادت عيناه بالدمع (‘aināhu bi-d-dam‘) tears welled from his eyes; جادت السماء (heavens granted rain) it rained II to do well (هـ s.th.); to make better, improve, better, ameliorate (هـ s.th.); to recite (the Koran; cf. تجويد ) IV to do well, do excellently (هـ s.th.); to master (هـ s.th.), be skilled, proficient (هـ in), be an expert (هـ at), be conversant (هـ with an art or field of knowledge); to accomplish or say good, excellent thing; to achieve excellent results; to be excellent, outstanding, distinguish o.s. (e.g., as a poet) |اجاد لغة (lugatan) to master language; اجاد العزف على البيانو (‘azfa) to play the piano well X to think (هـ s.th.) good or excellent, approve of (هـ ); to consider (هـ s.th.) suitable for or appropriate to (ل )

جود jūd openhandedness, liberality, generosity

جود jaud heavy rains

جادة see under2 جد

جودة jūda goodness, excellence

جيد jayyid pl. جياد jiyād good, perfect, faultless; outstanding, excellent, first-rate; good (as an examination grade); جيدا jayyidan well, excellently; thoroughly | جيد جدا (jidda) very good (also as an examination grade)

اجود ajwad2 better ,

جواد jawād pl. اجواد ajwād, اجاود ajāwid2, اجاويد ajawīd2, جود jūd openhanded, liberal, generous, magnanimous; jawād pl. جياد jiyād, اجياد ajyād, اجاويد ajāwīd2 race horse, racer; charger | ابن الاجواد noble man

تجويد tajwīd art of reciting the Koran, Koran reading (in accordance with established rule, of pronunciation and intonation)

مجيد mujīd adept, efficient, proficient

جودار jaudār see جاودار (alphabetically)

جار (جور ) jāra u (jaur) to deviate, stray (عن from); to commit an outrage (على on), bear down (على upon), wrong, persecute, oppress, tyrannize (على s.o.); to encroach, make inroads (على on another’s territory) III to be the neighbor of s.o. (ه ), live next door to (ه ); to be adjacent, be next (هـ to s.th.), adjoin (هـ s.th.); to be in the immediate vicinity of (ه هـ ), be close to (ه, هـ ); to border (هـ on) IV to grant asylum or a sanctuary (ه to s.o.); to protect (ه s.o., من from), take (ه s.o.) under one’s wing; to stand by s.o. (ه ), aid (ه s.o.) VI to be neighbors; to be adjacent; to have a common border X to seek protection, seek refuge (ب with s.o., من from s.th.), appeal for aid (ه to s.o., من against s.th.)

جور jaur injustice; oppression, tyranny; outrage

جار jār pl. جيران jīrān neighbor; refugee; protégé, charge

جارة jāra pl. -āt neighboress

جيرة jīra neighborhood

جورة jūra pl. جور juwar pit, hole

جورى see alphabetically

جوار jiwār neighborhood, proximity; بجوار in the neighborhood of, in the vicinity of, near, close to

مجاورة mujāwara neighborhood, proximity

جائر jā’ir pl. جورة jawara, جارة jāra unjust. unfair; tyrannical, despotic; tyrant, oppressor, despot

مجاور mujāwir neighboring, adjacent; near, close by; (pl. -ūn) student (esp. of Al Azhar University; living in the vicinity of the Mosque)

ئمجير mujīr protector

متجاور mutajāwir having a common border; adjoining, adjacent, contiguous

جورب jaurab pl. جوارب jawārib2 stocking; sock

جورجيا jorjiyā Georgia (republic of the U.S.S.R.)

1 جوري jūrī damask rose (Rosa damascena, bot.); crimson

2 جوري (Engl.) jūrī jury

1(جوز) جاز jāza u (جواز jawāz, مجاز majāz) to pass, come, travel (هـ through); to pass (هـ an examination, a test); to be allowed, permitted, permissible; to be possible, conceivable; to work, succeed (عليه with s.o.; deceit, artifice) |جازت عليه الحيلة (ḥīla) the trick worked with him, he fell for the trick II to permit, allow (هـ s.th.); to approve (هـ of), sanction, warrant, authorize (هـ s.th.) III to pass (هـ s.th. or by s.th.), go or walk past s.th. (هـ ); to go beyond s.th. (هـ ), overstep, cross, leave behind (هـ s.th.), also, e.g., جاوز الثلاثين من العمر (‘umr) he is past thirty; to exceed, surpass (هـ s.th.); to pass over s.th. (عن ), disregard (عن s.th.), pay no attention (عن to); to let (عن s.th.) go unpunished; to give up, forgo, relinquish (عن s.th.) IV to traverse, cross (هـ s.th., الى on the way to); to permit, allow (هـ ل to s.o. s.th.); to authorize (هـ ل s.o. to do s.th., also هـ ه ); to license (هـ s.th.); to approve, confirm, endorse (هـ a decision, a judgment); to approve (هـ of s.th.), sanction (هـ s.th.) V to tolerate, suffer, bear VI to pass (هـ s.th. or by s.th.), go or walk past s.th. (هـ ); to go beyond s.th. (هـ ), overstep, cross, leave behind (هـ s.th.); to exceed, surpass (هـ s.th., also على ); to go too far, overstep all bounds, encroach, make inroads; to pass over s.th. (عن ), disregard (عن s.th.) pay no attention (عن to); to give up, forgo, relinquish (A s.th.); to refrain from) VIII to pass, run, go (هـ through), cut across (هـ ); to cross (هـ a border, a street, a mountain range); to traverse (هـ a country or sea); to cover (هـ a distance); to pass (هـ through the mind; said of ideas, thoughts); to go (هـ through hard times or a crisis); to surmount, overcome (هـ a crisis) X to deem permissible (هـ s.th.); to ask permission

جوز jauz pl. اجواز ajwāz heart, center (of a desert, of a large area, etc.) | فى اجواز amid, in the middle of, in; فى اجواز الفضاء (faḍā’) in space

جواز jawāz permissibility, admissibility; lawfulness, legality; permission, (official) permit, license, authorization; possibility, conceivability; passing (of an examination) | جواز السفر j. as-safar (pl. -āt) (traveling) passport

مجاز majāz crossing; passage; corridor (pol.-georgr.); metaphor, figurative expression (rhet.) |مجازا majāzanl, على سبيل المجاز figuratively, metaphorically

مجازى majāzī figurative, metaphorical

اجازة ijāza pl. -āt permission, authorization; approval; license; = Fr. licence as an academic degree; permit; vacation, leave (of absence) | اجازة الحصر i. al-ḥaṣr grant of patent, issue of letters patent; patent; اجازة قنصلية (qunṣulīya) exequatur of a consul (dipl.); اجازة مرضية (maraḍīya) sick leave; الاجازات المدرسية (madrasīya) school vacation; غائب بالاجازة on leave, on vacation

مجاوزة mujāwaza and تجاوز tajāwuz crossing; exceeding; overdraft, overdrawing (of an account); disregard (عن for); relinquishment (عن of s.th.)

اجتياز ijtiyāz traversing, crossing; passage; transit; covering (of a distance); passing (of an examination); surmounting (of difficulties)

جائز jā’iz permitted, lawful, legal; conceivable, thinkable

جائزة jā’iza pl. جوائز jawā’iz2 prize, reward, premium |جائزة دراسية (dirāsīya) stipend, scholarship

مجاز mujāz licensed; licentiate (as an academic title, = Fr. licencié; e.g., مجاز فى العلوم licencié ès sciences)

2 جوز = زوج II to give in marriage

جوز jauz pl. اجواز ajwāz = زوج couple

مجوز (syr.; pronounced məžwez, < مزوج muzwaj) wind instrument with a double pipe, corresponding to the Egyptian zummāra)

3 الجوزاء al-jauzā’ Gemini (astron.)

4 جوز jauz (coll.; n. un. ة pl. -āt) walnut |جوز الطيب j. aṭ-ṭīb nutmeg; جوز القيء j. al-qai’ nux vomioa; جوز الهند j. al-hind, جوز هندي (hindī) coconut; جوز القز j. alqazz cocoon, chrysalis of the silkworm

جوزة gōza (eg.) narghile

جوزي jauzī nut (used attributively and in compounds); nut-brown, hazel

5 جاز look up alphabetically

جوزل jauzal pl. جوازل jawāzil2 young pigeon

(جوس) جاس jāsa u to peer around, pry around, look around (خلال kilāla in); to search, investigate, explore (هـ s.th.) VIII to search, investigate, explore (هـ s.th.)

جوسق jausaq pl. جواسق jawāsiq2 palace; manor, villa

جويطة gawīṭa pl. جوائط gawā’iṭ2 (eg.) dowel, peg

جاع (جوع ) jā‘a u to be hungry; to starve II to cause (ه s.o.) to starve, starve out, famish (ه s.o.) IV do.

جوع jū‘ hunger, starvation |مات جوعا to starve to death

جوعان jau‘ān2, f. جوعى jau‘ā’, pl. جياع jiyā‘ hungry, starved, famished

مجاعة majā‘a pl. -āt famine

جائع jā’i‘ pl. جياع jiyā‘,جوع juwwa‘ hungry, starved, famished

تجويع tajwī‘ starving out

اجاعة ijā‘a starving out

جوف II to make hollow, hollow out (هـ s.th.)

جوف jauf pl. اجواف ajwāf hollow, cavity; depression; interior, inside, center, heart; belly, abdomen; north (magr.) |في جوف inside, in the interior of, in the middle of; في جوف الليل (j. il-lail) or جوف الليل (jaufa) in the middle of the night

جوفي jaufī inner, interior, inside; subterranean, underground, subsurface (of geological strata); northern (magr.) | مياه جوفية ground water

1 اجوف ajwaf2, f. جوفاء jaufā’, pl. جوف jūf hollow; empty; vain, futile, inane, pointless, senseless

تجويف tajwīf pl. تجاواف tajāwīf2, hollow, cavity

مجوف mujawwaf hollowed out, hollow

جوق jauq pl. اجواق ajwāq and جوقة jauqa pl. -āt troop, group; theatrical troupe, operatic company; choir (mus.); orchestra, band (also جوقة موسيقية) | مدير الجوق mudīr al-j. conductor, bandleader, choir leader; جوقة الشرف j. aš-šaraf Legion of Honor

1 جال (جول ) jāla u (jaul, جولة jaula, تجوال tajwāl, جولان jawalān) to roam, rove, wander about; to move freely, be at home (في in a field of learning), occupy o.s. (في with); to be circulated, go the rounds; to pass (في, ب through the mind)|جال برأسه to preoccupy s.o., engross s.o.’s attention; ما يجول في خاطره (بخاطره ) what he is preoccupied with, what is on his mind; جال الدمع في عينيه (dam‘, ‘ainaihi) his eyes swam in tears; جالت يده في (yaduhū) he laid his hands on, he committed defalcations of IV to circulate, pass around (هـ s.th.) |اجال الرأي (ra’ya) to weigh s.th. thoroughly, ponder s.th.; اجال النظر (naẓara) to let one’s eyes wander about; to look around V to roam, rove, wander about, move around; to patrol, go the rounds; to cruise; to tour, travel from place to place, travel about

جولة jaula pl. -āt circuit, round; patrol; excursion, outing; tour; (round) trip; voyage, run (of a steamer); (round-trip) flight (of an airplane); round (in sports)

جوال jawwāl wandering, migrant, itinerant, roving; cruising; traveling; ambulant; traveler, tourist; see also alphabetically | رام جوال rāmin jawwāl pl. رماة جوالة rumāh jawwāla rifleman (mil.; Syr.)

جوالة jawwāla one given to roaming or traveling; wanderer, wayfarer; O motorcycle; cruiser

تجوال tajwāl migration, wandering, roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism

جولان jawalān migration, wandering, roving, traveling; nomadic life, nomadism | جولان اليد j. al-yad embezzlement, defalcation

مجال majāl pl. -āt room, space (ل for s.th.); field, domain, sphere; scope, extent; reach; range; elbowroom, free scope; play, clearance; field (magn.)|ما ترك مجالا للشك (šakk) to admit of no doubt; لا مجال للطعن فيه (majālan, ṭa‘n) (it is) incontestable; في هذا المجال in this connection; ودع المجال امامه فسيحا (amāmahū) to give s.o. a free hand, wide scope of action; مجال حيوي (ḥayawī) lebensraum; مجال العمل m. al-‘amal field of activity; مجال مغنطيسي (magnaṭīsī) magnetic field; شدة المجال šiddat al-m. field intensity (magn.)

تجول tajawwul roaming, roving, wandering, migration; going out, moving about; patrol, round; (round) trip, tour; traveling | منع التجول man‘ at-t. curfew

بائع جاول bā’i‘ jāwil pl. باعة جائلون peddler, hawker

متجول mutajawwil wandering, migrant, roaming, roving, itinerant; ambulant; traveling; traveler |وكيل متجول traveling salesman; بياع متجول (bayyā‘) peddler, hawker; قسيس متجول (qissīs) itinerant preacher

2 جوال look up alphabetically

جولف golf golf (eg.)

جام look up alphabetically

جون jūn pl اجوان ajwān gulf, inlet, bay

جونلة , جونلا, جونيلة (It. gonnella)gonella pl. -āt (woman’s) skirt (eg.)

جاه look up alphabetically

جوهر II tajauhara to become substance

جوهر jauhar pl. جواهر jawāhir2 intrinsic, essential nature, essence; content, substance (as opposed to form; philos.); matter, substance; atom; jewel, gem; pl. jewelry |الزيف والجوهر (zaif) the spurious and the genuine

جوهرة jauhara jewel, gem

جوهري jauharī substantial; intrinsic, essential, inherent; fundamental, main, chief, principal; material; jeweler

جوهرجي jauharjī jeweler

مجوهرات mugauharāt (eg.) jewelry, trinkets; jewels, gems

1 جوى jawiya a (jawan) to be passionately stirred by love or grief

جوى jawan ardent love, passion

2 جاوى look up alphabetically

جويدار = جاودار look up alphabetically

جاء (جيء ) jā’a يجيء yajī’u (مجيء majī’) to come (ه, هـ to); to get (هـ to), reach (هـ a place); to arrive; to bring (ب s.th.; ب ه to s.o. s.th.); to bring forth, produce (ب s.th.); to set forth (ب s.th.); to do, perform; to commit, perpetrate (هـ s.th.); to occur, be mentioned, be said (فى in an article, document or book); (with foll. Imperf.) to be about or set out to do s.th. |جاء فى جريدة الأهرام ان the newspaper “Al Ahram” reports that ; جاء من باريس ان a report from Paris says that ; جاءت نتائجه مطابقة ل (muṭābiqatan) its results coincided with ...

جيئة jī’a, jai’a coming, arrival |جيئة وذهاب (dahāb) coming and going, ذهب جيئة وذهابا to pace the floor, walk up and down

مجيء majī’ coming, arrival, advent

الجائيات al-jā’iyāt the things to come

1 جيب jaib pl. جيوب juyūb breast, bosom, heart; sine (math.); hole, hollow, cavity, excavation; pocket; purse | الجيب الخاص (ḳaṣṣ) the privy purse; تمام الجيب tamām al-j., جيب التمام cosine (math.); ساعة الجيب pocket watch; مصروف الجيب pocket money; الجيوب الانفية (anfīya) the nasal sinuses (anat.); جيوب المقاومة j. al-muqāwama pockets of resistance (mil.)

جيبي jaibī pocket (adj.)

2 جيب jīp, جيب jīb and سيارة جيب sayyārat j. jeep

ﭽيت (ir.) čīt a colorful cotton fabric, chintz

1 جيد jīd pl. اجياد ajyād, جيود juyūd neck

2 جيد jayyid see جود

3 جياد , اجياد see جواد jawād

1 جير jairi surely, truly, verily

2 جير jīr lime

جير jīrī calcareous, lime (adj.)

جيار jayyār unslaked lime

جيارة jayyāra limekiln

3 جير II to endorse (fin.)

جيرو (It. giro) endorsement (fin.)

4 جيرة , جيران see جور

جيزة gīza Giza (city in N Egypt); a brand of Egyptian cotton

جاش (جيش ) jāša i (جيشان jayašān) to be excited, be agitated; to rage, storm; to boil, simmer II to levy troops, mobilize an army X to raise, mobilize (هـ an army, also, e.g., انصارا anṣāran followers)

جيش jaiš pl. جيوش army, troops, armed forces | جيش الاحتلال occupation forces; جيش احتياطي army reserve; جيش مرابط (murābiṭ) territorial army; الانقاذ جيش j. al-inqād Salvation Army; جيش المساء al-masā’ dusk, evening twilight

جياش jayyāš agitated, impassioned; excited, boiling up; ebullient; pleasurably excited, happily stimulated

جيشان jayašān excitement, agitation; raging

جاف (جيف ) jāfa i, II and V to be putrid, stink (decaying cadaver)

جيفة jīfa pl. جيف jiyaf, اجياف ajyāf corpse, cadaver

ﭽيكى čīkī Czech

جيل jīl pl. اجيال ajyāl people, nation, tribe; generation; century; epoch, era

جيلاتي (It. gelati) jēlātī ice cream

جيم jīm name of the letter ج

جين (Fr. gaine) corselet, sheath corset (eg.)

جيوغرافيا jiyogrāfiyā geography | الجيوغرافيا البشرية (bašarīya) anthropogeography

جيوفيزيا jiyofīziyā geophysics

جيوفيزيائي jiyofīziyā’ī geophysical | السنة الجيوفيزيائية (sana) the geophysical year

جيوفيزيقي jiyofīzīqī geophysical

جيولوجيا jiyolōjiyā geology

جيولوجي jiyolōjī geologic(al)