The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Volume 1

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)0%

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Author:
Translator: N. Virjee, A. Kadhim, M. Dasht Bozorgi, Z. Alsalami and A. Virjee
Publisher: ICAS Press
Category: Texts of Hadith
ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)

Author: M. Mohammadi Rayshahri
Translator: N. Virjee, A. Kadhim, M. Dasht Bozorgi, Z. Alsalami and A. Virjee
Publisher: ICAS Press

ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6
visits: 47764
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The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Volume 1

Publisher: ICAS Press
ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6


The original file was more than 50 MG. So, we split it into 4 sections.

23 - الإمامة الخاصّة (الإمام جعفر بن محمّد الصادق )


145 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏

145 Proofs of his Imama

455. ب حار الأنوار عن همّام بن نافع ، قال : قال أبو جعفر عليه السلام لأصحابه يوماً : إذا افتَقَدتُمُوني فَاقتَدُوا بِهذا ، فَهُوَ الإمامُ وَالخَلِيفَةُ بَعدي ، وَأشارَ إلى‏ أبي عَبد اللَّهِ عليه السلام1

455. Bihar al-Anwar, 'Hammam b. Nafi narrated: 'One day Imam al-Baqir (AS) said to his companions: 'When you lose me, follow this man. He is the leader and my successor.' He (AS) then pointed to Abi Abdillah [al-Sadiq] (AS).'2

456. م حمّدَ بنِ مسلمٍ : كنتُ عندَ أبي جعفرٍ محمّدِ بنِ عليٍّ الباقرِ عليهما السلام إذْ دخَلَ جعفرٌ ابنُهُ ، وعلى‏ رأسِهِ ذُؤابةٌ ، وفي يَدهِ عَصاً يَلْعبُ بِها ، فأخَذَهُ الباقرُ عليه السلام وضمَّهُ إليهِ ضَمّاً ، ثُمّ قالَ : بأبي أنتَ واُمّي ، لا تَلْهو ولا تَلْعبُ ثُمّ قالَ لي : يا محمّد ، هذا إمامُكَ بَعدي ، فاقْتَدِ بهِ ، واقْتبِسْ مِن عِلمِهِ ، واللَّهِ إنّهُ لَهُوَ الصّادقُ الّذي وَصَفهُ لنا رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله إنّ شِيعتَهُ مَنصورونَ في‏الدُّنيا والآخِرَةِ3

456. Muhammad b. Muslim narrated, 'I was in the presence of Abu Jafar Muhammad b. Ali al-Baqir when his son Jafar entered. He had a forelock on his head and had a stick in his hand which he was playing with. Al-Baqir (AS) took him in his arms and hugged him tightly, then said, 'May my parents be your ransom, you are neither distracted, nor do you play.' He then addressed me and said, 'O Muhammad! This is your Imam after me, so follow him and benefit from his knowledge. By Allah, verily he is the truthful one [al-Sadiq] whom the Prophet (SAWA) described to us. Certainly his followers will be victorious in this world and in the Hereafter.'4


1. بحار الأنوار : 47 / 15 / 12 .

2. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 47 , p. 15 , no. 12

3. بحار الأنوار : 47 / 15 / 12 .

4. Ibid. v. 47 , p. 15 , no. 12

146 - سِيرتُهُ وَمكارِمُ أخلاقِهِ‏

146 His Comportment and His Noble Character

457. م حمّدَ بن زيادٍ الأزْديّ : سَمِعتُ مالكَ بنَ أنسٍ فقيهَ المدينةِ يقولُ : كنتُ‏أدخُلُ إلَى الصّادقُ جعفرِ بنِ محمّدٍ عليهما السلام فيُقدِّمُ لي مِخَدَّةً ، ويَعرِفُ لي قَدْراً ويقولُ : يا مالكُ ، إنّي اُحِبُّكَ. فكنتُ اُسَرُّ بذلكَ وأحمَدُ اللَّهَ عليهِ قالَ : وكانَ عليه السلام رجُلاً لا يَخْلو مِن إحدى‏ ثلاثِ خِصالٍ : إمّا صائماً ، وإمّا قائماً ، وإمّاً ذاكِراً ، وكانَ مِن عُظَماء العُبّادِ ، وأكابِرِ الزُّهّادِ الّذينَ يَخْشَونَ اللَّهَ عزّ وجلّ ، وكانَ كثيرَ الحديثِ ، طَيِّبَ المُجالَسةِ ، كثيرَ الفوائدِ1

457. Muhammad b. Ziyad al-Azdi narrated, 'I heard Malik b. Anas, the jurist of Madina say, 'I used to go to visit Jafar b. Muhammad al-Sadiq (AS), and he would place a cushion for me, respect me and say, 'Malik, indeed I like you.' I would be pleased with this comment and would praise Allah for it.' [Malik continued], 'He was a man always disposed to one of three states: either he was fasting, or praying, or engaged in Allah's remembrance. He was among the greatest worshippers, the greatest of abstemious people who fear Allah. He narrated many prophetic traditions, was sociable and friendly to sit with, and had much [for us] to benefit from.'2

458. ه شامُ بنُ سالم : كانَ أبو عَبدِاللَّهِ عليه السلام إذا اعتَمَّ وَذَهَبَ مِنَ اللَّيلِ شَطرَهُ أخَذَ جِراباً فيهِ خُبزٌ وَلَحمٌ وَالدَّراهِمُ فَحَمَلَهُ عَلى عُنُقِهِ ثُمَّ ذَهَبَ بِهِ إلى أهلِ الحاجَةِ مِن أهلِ المَدينَةِ فَقَسَّمَهُ فيهِم وَلا يَعرِفونَهُ فَلَمّا مَضى أبو عَبدِاللَّهِ عليه السلام فَقَدوا ذلك فَعَلِموا أنَّهُ كانَ أبا عَبدِاللَّهِ عليه السلام3

458. Hisham b. Salim narrated, 'When it was dark and part of the night had passed, Abu Abdillah (AS) would take a sack of bread, meat and money, and carry it on his back to the needy of Madina. He would distribute it among them whilst they did not even recognise him. When Abu Abdillah (AS) passed away, they missed [the aid] and realized that it had in fact been Abu Abdillah.'4

459. م ُ علّى بن خُنَيسٍ : خَرَجَ أبو عَبدُاللَّهِ عليه السلام في لَيلَةٍ قَد رَشَّتِ السَّماءُ وَهُوَ يُريدُ ظُلَّةَ بَني ساعِدَةٍ فَأتبَعتُهُ فَإذا هُوَ قَد سَقَطَ مِنهُ شَي‏ءٌ فَقالَ : بِسمِ اللَّهِ اللَّهمَّ رُدَّ عَلَينا ، قالَ : فَأتَيتُهُ فَسلَّمتُ عَلَيهِ فَقالَ: أنتَ مُعلّى‏ ؟ قُلتُ : نَعَم جُعلتُ فِداكَ ، فَقالَ لي : الَتمِس بِيَدِكَ فَما وَجَدتَ مِن شَي‏ءٍ فَادفَعهُ إلَيَّ قالَ : فَإذا أنا بِخُبزٍ مُنتَثِرٍ ، فَجَعلتُ أدفَعُ إلَيهِ ما وَجَدتُ ، فَإذا أنا بِجِرابٍ مِن خُبزٍ فَقُلتُ‏ُ : جُعلتُ فِداكَ أحمِلهُ عَنكَ ؟ فَقالَ : لا أنا أولى بِهِ مِنكَ وَلكِن امضِ مَعي ، قالَ : فَأتَينا ظُلَّةَ بَني ساعِدَةٍ فَإذا نَحنُ بِقَومٍ نيامٍ فَجَعَلَ يَدُسُّ الرَّغيفَ وَالرَّغيفَينِ تَحتَ ثَوبِ كُلَّ واحِدٍ مِنهُم حَتّى أتى عَلى آخِرَهُم ثُمَّ انصَرَفنا فَقلتُ : جُعلتُ فِداكَ يَعرِفُ هؤلاءِ الحقَّ ، فَقالَ : لَو عَرَفوا لَواسَيناهُم بِالدِّقَّةِ5

459. Mualla b. Khunays narrated, 'Abu Abdillah went out on a drizzly night, heading towards the refuge of Bani Saida. So I followed him, when suddenly something fell from him.' He said, 'In the name of Allah, O Allah! Return it back to us.' [He continued], 'I came to him and greeted him, and he asked, 'Are you Mualla?' I said, 'Yes, may I be your ransom.' He said, 'Search around with your hands and if you find anything give it to me.' I found pieces of bread, so I extended my hands to give them to him. I was amazed to see a sack of bread on his back. I asked, 'May I be your ransom! Allow me to carry it for you!' He said, 'No! I deserve [the load] more than you but come with me.' He said, 'We came to the refuge of Bani Saida, where we came across a people who were asleep. He placed one or two loafs of bread under the garment of each and every person until he had come to the last person. We then left.' I said, 'May I be your ransom, do these people acknowledge the truth [of leadership]?' He said, 'If they did, we would have given them the flour as well.'6

460. أ بو عَمرو الشَّيباني : رَأيتُ أبا عَبدِاللَّهِ عليه السلام وَبِيَدِهِ مِسحاةٌ وَعَلَيهِ إزارٌ غَليظٌ يَعمَلُ في حائِطٍ لَهُ وَالعَرَقُ يَتَصابُّ عَن ظَهرِهِ فَقُلتُ : جُعلتُ فِداكَ أعطِني أكفِكَ فَقالَ لي : إنّي أُحِبُّ أن يَتَأذَّي الرَّجُلُ بِحَرِّ الشَّمسِ في طَلَبِ المَعيشَةِ7

460. Abu Amr al-Shaybani narrated, 'I saw Aba Abdillah (AS) with a spade in his hand and wearing thick clothes, working in his yard with sweat dripping from his back. I stepped forward and said, 'May I be your ransom, allow me to work in your place.' He replied, 'Verily I love for a man [myself] to bear the sun's heat in the quest for a living.'8


1. بحار الأنوار : 47 / 16 / 1 .

2. Ibid. v. 47 , p. 16 , no. 1

3. الكافي : 4 / 8 / 1 .

4. al-Kafi, v. 4 , p. 8 , no. 1

5. ثواب الأعمال : 173 / 2 .

6. Thawab al-Amal, p. 173 , no. 2

7. الكافي : 5 / 76 / 13 .

8. al-Kafi, v. 5 , p. 76 , no. 13

24 - الإمام موسى بن جعفر الكاظم‏


147 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏

147. Proof of his Imama

461. ا لمناقب لابن شهر آشوب عن صَفوانِ الجَمّالِ : سَألتُ أبا عَبدِاللَّهِ عليه السلام عَن صاحِبِ هذا الأمرِ ، فَقالَ : صاحبُ هذا الأمرِ لا يَلْهو ولا يَلْعبُ فأقْبَلَ موسى‏ بنُ جعفرٍ وهُو صغيرٌ ومَعهُ عَناقٌ مكّيّة وهُو يقولُ لها : اسجُدي لربِّكِ ، فأخَذَهُ أبو عبدِاللَّهِ فضَمَّهُ إلَيهِ وقالَ : بأبي واُمّي ، لا يَلْهو ولا يَلْعبُ1

461. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) in reply to Safwan al-Jammal asking about one who holds this position [of Imama], said, 'One who holds this position does not play and nor is he distracted.' Musa b. Jafar, who was then a child entered accompanied by a Makkan she-goat, to whom he was saying, 'Prostrate to your Lord!'. So Abu Abdillah took him and hugged him and said, 'May my parents be your ransom, he never plays and nor is he distracted.'2


1. المناقب لابن شهرآشوب : 4 / 317 .

2. al-Manaqib li Ibn Shahr Ashub, v. 4 , no. 317

148 - الإمامُ في السِّجنِ‏

148 The Imam in Prison

462. ا لثَوباني : كانَت لأبي الحَسَنِ موسَى بنِ‏جَعفَرٍ عليهما السلام بِضعَ عَشَرةَ سِنَةٍ كُلَّ يَومٍ سَجدَةٌ بَعدَ ابيضاضِ الشَّمسِ إلى وَقتِ الزَّوالِ قالَ : فَكانَ هارونُ رُبَّما صَعَدَ سَطحاً يُشرِفُ مِنهُ عَلى الحَبسِ الَّذي حَبَسَ فيهِ أبا الحَسَنِ عليه السلام فَكانَ يَرى أبا الحَسَنِ عليه السلام ساجِداً فَقالَ للرَّبيعِ : ما ذاكَ الثَّوبُ الَّذي أراهُ كُلَّ يَومٍ في ذلك المَوضِعِ؟ قالَ : يا أميرَالمُؤمِنينَ ما ذاك بِثَوبٍ وإنّما هُوَ موسَى بنُ جَعفَرٍ عليهما السلام لَهُ كُلُّ يَومٍ سَجدَةٌ بَعدَ طُلوعِ الشَّمسِ إلى وَقتِ الزَّوالِ ، قالَ الرَّبيعُ : فَقالَ لي هارونُ : أما إنَّ هذا من رُهبانِ بَني هاشِمٍ ، قُلتُ : فَما لَكَ فَقَد ضَيَّقتَ عَليهِ في الحَبسِ ؟! قالَ : هَيهاتَ لابُدَّ مِن ذلك1

462. Thawbani narrated, 'Abu al-Hasan Musa b. Jafar, for about ten years, performed a single prostration from sunrise until noon. [He continued], 'Harun would sometimes climb onto a roof that overlooked the prison cell wherein he had imprisoned Abu al-Hasan. He would see Abu al-Hasan (AS) in prostration. He asked al-Rabi, 'What is that cloth I see on that spot everyday?' He said, 'O commander of the faithful! That is not a cloth but Musa b. Jafar (AS). He performs a prostration every day from sunrise until noon.' Harun said, 'He is indeed one of the holy men from the Bani Hashim.' I asked, 'Then why have you confined him to captivity?' He said, 'Alas! That is how it must be.'2

463. ع ليُّ بن سُوَيدٍ : كَتَبتُ إلى‏ أبي الحسنِ موسى‏ عليه السلام، وهو في الحَبْسِ ، كِتاباً أسألُهُ عن حالِه وعن مَسائلَ كثيرةٍ، فاحْتَبسَ‏الجوابُ علَيَّ أشْهُراً، ثمّ أجابَني بجوابٍ هذِه نُسْخَتُهُ :

بسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ أمّا بعدُ ، فإنّكَ امرؤٌ أنْزَلكَ اللَّهُ مِن آلِ محمّدٍ بمَنزلةٍ خاصّةٍ ، وحَفِظَ مَوَدّةَ ما اسْتَرعاكَ من دِينهِ الحديث3

463. Ali b. Suwayd narrates, 'I wrote a letter to Abu al-Hasan Musa b. Jafar (AS), when he was in captivity, in which I inquired about his health and about many other issues. He held back the reply from me for months, then he replied in a letter, the text of which is as follows: 'In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Certainly you are a man who has been bestowed a special rank by Allah with the household of Muhammad and has guarded you among those who look after His religion ...'4


1. عيون أخبار الرضا : 1 / 95 .

2. Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), v. 1 , p. 95

3. بحار الأنوار : 78 / 329 / 7 .

4. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78 , p. 329 , no. 7

149 - فضائِلُه عليه السلام‏

149 His Virtues

464. ا لإرشاد : رُويَ أنَّهُ (الكاظم عليه السلام) كانَ يَدعو كَثيراً فَيَقولُ : اللَّهمَّ إنّي أسألُكَ الرّاحَةَ عِندَ المَوتِ وَالعَفوَ عِندَ الحِسابِ وَيُكَرِّرُ ذلك وَكانَ مِن دُعائِهِ عليه السلام : عَظُمَ الذَّنبُ مِن عَبدِكَ فَليَحسُنِ العَفوُ مِن عِندِكَ وَكانَ يَبكي مِن خَشيَةِ اللَّهِ حَتَّى تَخضَلُّ لِحيَتُهُ بِالدُّموعِ وَكانَ أوصَلُ النّاسِ لأهلِهِ ورَحِمِهِ وَكانَ يَفتَقِدُ فُقَراءَ المَدينَةِ في اللَّيلِ فَيَحمِلُ إليهِم (الزَّنبيلَ) فيهِ العَينُ وَالوَرَقُ وَالأدِقَّةُ وَالتُّمورِ فَيوصِلُ إلَيهِم ذلك وَلا يَعلَمونَ مِن أيِّ جَهَةٍ هُوَ1

464. It is narrated in al-Irshad: 'It is reported that al-Kazim used to supplicate a lot and say, 'O Allah! Indeed I ask You for ease at the time of death and pardon at the time of the account', and he used to repeat this several times. And among his supplications were, 'The sin of Your slave is great, so graceful will be the pardon from You.' He used to weep out of fear of Allah until his beard was soaked with tears. He used to be most diligent with maintaining relations with his family and his kin. He used to visit the poor of Madina at night, for whom he would take a basket of gold, silver, flour and dates. He would deliver all this to them whilst they did not even know where he came from.'2

465. ا لحَسَنُ بنُ مُحَمَّدِ بنِ يَحيَى العَلَويِّ : حَدَّثَني جَدّي : كانَ موسَى بنُ جَعفَرٍ يُدعى‏ العَبدَ الصّالِحَ مِن عِبادَتِهِ وَاجتِهادِهِ رَوى أصحابُنا أنَّهُ دَخَلَ مَسجِدَ رسولِ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله فَسَجَدَ سَجدَةً في أوَّلِ اللَّيلِ، وَسُمِعَ وَهُوَ يَقولُ في سُجودِهِ : «عَظيمُ الذَّنبِ عِندي فَليَحسُنِ العَفوُ عِندَكَ ، يا أهلَ التَّقوى وَيا أهلَ المَغفِرَةِ» فَجَعَلَ يُرَدِّدُها حَتَّى أصبَحَ وَكانَ سَخيّاً كَريماً ، وَكانَ يَبلُغُهُ عَنِ الرَّجلِ أنَّهُ يُؤذيهِ فَيَبعَثُ إلَيهِ بِصُرَّةٍ فيها ألفَ دينارٍ3

465. Hasan b. Muhammad b. Yahya al-Alawi said, 'My grandfather narrated to me that Musa b. Jafar (AS) was called the righteous slave due to his worship and hard work. Our companions narrated that he would enter the mosque of the Prophet (SAWA) and would perform a prostration early in the night. He was heard to say in his prostration, 'My sin from me is great whilst Your pardon from You is graceful. O One who is worthy of being feared and O One who is worthy of granting forgiveness'. He would repeat this until morning. He was generous and noble. He was once informed of someone who spoke ill of him, so he sent for him a tray with one thousand dinars.'4


1. الإرشاد : 2 / 231 .

2. al-Irshad, p. 296

3. تاريخ بغداد : 13 / 27 .

4. Tarikh Baghdad, v. 13 , p. 27

25 - الإمام عليّ بن موسى الرضا


150 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏

150 Proofs of his Imama

466. ع بدُ الرَّحمنُ بنُ الحجّاج : أوصى‏ أبو الحسنِ موسَى بنُ جعفرٍ عليه السلام إلى‏ ابنِه عليٍّ عليه السلام، وكتبَ لهُ كِتاباً أشْهَدَ فيهِ سِتِّينَ رجُلاً مِن وُجوهِ أهلِ المدينةِ1

466. Abd al-Rahman b. al-Hajjaj narrated, 'Abu al-Hasan Musa b. Jafar [al-Kazim] (AS) appointed his son Ali (AS) as the executor of his will, and wrote this in a letter to him which sixty of Madina's renowned men bore witness to.'2


1. بحار الأنوار : 49 / 17 / 15 .

2. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 49 , p. 17 , no. 15

151 - إجبارُ الإمامِ عَلى‏ وِلايَةِ العَهدِ

151 Compelling the Imam to be the Heir Apparent

467. ا بو الصلت الهروي : إنّ المأمونَ قالَ للرِّضا عليه السلام : يابنَ رسولَ اللَّهِ إنّي قد رأيتُ أنْ أعزِلَ نَفْسي عنِ الخِلافةِ ، وأجْعَلَها لكَ واُبايِعَكَ !

فقالَ له الرِّضا عليه السلام: إنْ كانتْ هذهِ الخلافةُ لكَ واللَّهُ جَعلَها لكَ فلا يَجوزُ لكَ أنْ تَخْلَعَ لِباساً ألبَسَكَهُ اللَّهُ وتَجْعلَهُ لِغَيرِكَ ، وإنْ كانتِ الخِلافةُ لَيستْ لكَ فلا يَجوزُ لكَ أن تَجْعلَ لِي ما ليسَ لكَ

فقالَ له المأمونُ : يابنَ رسولِ اللَّهِ ، فَلابُدَّ لكَ مِن قَبولِ هذا الأمرِ! فقالَ : لَستُ أفْعَلُ ذلك طائعاً أبداً تُريدُ بذلكَ أن يَقولَ النّاسُ : إنّ عليَّ بنَ موسى‏ الرِّضا لم يَزْهَدْ في الدُّنيا بل زَهِدَتِ الدُّنيا فيهِ ! ألا تَرَونَ كيفَ قَبِلَ وِلايةَ العهدِ طمَعاً في الخِلافة ؟ ! فغَضِبَ المأمونُ ثُمَّ قالَ : فباللَّهِ اُقسِمُ لَئنْ قَبِلْتَ وِلايةَ العهدِ وإلّا أجْبَرتُكَ على‏ ذلكَ ، فإنْ فَعلتَ وإلّا ضَرَبتُ عُنُقَكَ1

467. Abu al-Salt al-Harawi narrated, 'Verily Ma'mun said to al-Rida (AS), 'O son of the Prophet Verily I see it best for me to relinquish the caliphate and hand it over to you and swear allegiance to you!' So al-Rida (AS) said to him, 'If this caliphate indeed belongs to you and Allah has assigned it to you, then it is not permissible for you to remove a garment that Allah has clothed you with and assign it to another instead of yourself. And if the caliphate is not actually yours then it is not permissible for you to assign to me that which is not yours [in the first place].' So Ma'mun said to him, 'O son of the Prophet! You have to accept this post!' to which the Imam replied, 'I will never do that willingly... for by that [i.e. my acceptance of it] you want the people to say:“Ali b. Musa al-Rida did not abstain from worldly pursuits [of leadership] but it is the world that has turned its back on him! Do you not see how he accepted to be the heir apparent in his greed for the caliphate?!” So Ma'mun became enraged and said, '...I swear to Allah, if you do not accept the position of heir apparent I will force you to it. So you had better accept it or else I will behead you.'2


1. عيون أخبار الرضا : 2 / 139 / 3 .

2. Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), v. 2 , p. 139 , no. 3

152 - فضائلُه‏

152 His Virtues

468. ا لهَرَويّ : جِئتُ إلى بابِ الدّارِ الّتي حُبِسَ فيها الرِّضا عليه السلام بِسَرَخْسَ وقد قُيِّدَ ، فاسْتَأذَنتُ علَيهِ السَّجّانَ فقالَ : لا سَبيلَ لَكُم إلَيهِ ، فقلتُ : ولِمَ؟ قالَ : لأنّه رُبَّما صلّى‏ في يَومِهِ وليلَتِهِ ألفَ رَكعةٍ ، وإنّما يَنْفَتِلُ مِن صَلاتِهِ ساعةً في صدرِ النّهارِ وقَبلَ الزّوالِ وعندَ اصْفِرارِ الشَّمسِ ، فهُوَ في هذهِ الأوقاتِ قاعِدٌ في مُصَلّاهُ يُناجي ربَّهُ قالَ : فقُلتُ لَه : فاطْلُبْ لِي في هذِه الأوقاتِ إذْناً علَيهِ ، فاسْتأذَنَ لِي علَيهِ ، فدَخَلتُ علَيهِ وهُو قاعِدٌ في مُصلّاه مُتَفكِّرٌ1

468. al-Harawi narrated, 'I went to the door of the place in Sarkhas where al-Rida was being held captive in chains. I sought permission from the jailor [to visit him] and he said, 'There is no way that you will be able to see him.' I asked, 'Why?' He replied, 'Because he sometimes offers one thousand prayers in the space of one day and night. He stops praying for a while at daybreak, before noon and before sunset. During these times he sits on his prayer mat and converses intimately with his Lord.' I said to him, 'Then request him to grant me permission during these times'. So he asked permission for me [to visit]. I entered and he was sitting on his prayer mat meditating.'2

469. إ براهيمُ بنُ العبّاسِ : ما رَأيتُ أبا الحَسَنِ الرّضا عليه السلام جَفا أحَداً بِكَلِمَةٍ قَطُّ وَلا رَأيتُهُ قَطَعَ عَلى أحَدٍ كَلامَهُ حَتَّى يَفرُغَ مِنهُ ، وَمارَدَّ أحَداً عَن حاجَةٍ يَقدِرُ عَلَيها وَلا حَدَّ رِجلَهُ بَينَ يَدَي جَليسٍ لَهُ قَطُّ وَلا اتَّكى‏ بَينَ يَدَي جَليسٍ لَهُ قَطُّ ، وَلا رَأيتُهُ شَتَمَ أحَداً مِن مَواليهِ وَمَماليكِهِ قَطُّ ، وَلا رَأيتُهُ تَفَلَ وَلا رَأيتُهُ يُقَهقِهُ في ضِحكِهِ قَطُّ ، بَل كانَ ضِحكُهُ التَّبَسُّمُ ، وَكانَ إذا خَلا وَنَصَبَ مائِدَتَهُ أجلَسَ مَعَهُ عَلى مائِدَتِهِ مَماليكَهُ وَمَواليهِ حَتَّى البَوّابَ السّائِسَ3

469. Ibrahim b. al-Abbas narrated, 'I have never seen Abu al-Hasan al-Rida (AS) hurt anybody with something he said, nor have I ever seen him interrupt anyone until he had finished, nor refuse to do someone a favour that he was able to do, nor did he ever stretch his legs before anyone sitting with him, nor lean against something while his companion did not, nor did he ever insult any of his servants or workers. And I have never seen him spit or burst into laughter; rather, his laughter was just a smile. When he was ready to eat and the table had been laid, he seated with him at the table all his servants, including the doorman and the stableboy.'4


1. بحار الأنوار : 49 / 91 / 5 .

2. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 49 , p. 91 , no. 5

3. عيون أخبار الرضا : 2 / 184 / 7 .

4. Uyun Akhbar al-Rida (AS), v. 2 , p. 184 , no. 7

26 - الإمام محمّد بن عليّ الجواد


153 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏

153 Proofs of his Imama

470. ر سولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله - لَمّا سَألَهُ عَبدُاللَّهُ بنُ مَسعودٍ عَنِ الأئِمَّةِ في صُلبِ الحُسَينِ عليه السلام - : وَيَخرُجُ مِن صُلبِ عَليٍّ (الرِّضا) ابنُهُ مُحَمَّدٌ المَحمودُ أطهَرُ النّاسِ خَلقاً وَأحسَنُهُم خُلقاً1

470. The Prophet (SAWA), in reply to Abdullah b. Masud regarding the Imams from Husayn (AS)'s progeny, said, '... And from the loins of Ali [al-Rida], his son Muhammad, the praised and the purest of people in form, and the best of them in character.'2

471. ع بدُ اللَّهِ بنِ جعفرٍ : دَخَلتُ على‏ الرِّضا عليه السلام أنا وصَفوانُ بنُ يحيى‏ ، وأبو جعفرٍ عليه السلام قائمٌ قد أتى‏ لهُ ثلاثُ سِنينَ ، فقُلْنا لَه : جَعَلَنا اللَّهُ فِداكَ ، إنْ - وأعَوذُ باللَّهِ - حَدَثَ حدَثٌ فَمن يَكونُ بَعدَكَ؟ قالَ : ابْنِي هذا، وأومَأَ إليهِ قالَ : فقُلْنا لَه: وهُو في هذاالسِّنِّ ؟! قالَ : نَعَمْ ، وهُو في هذا السِّنِّ ، إنَّ اللَّهَ تبارَكَ وتعالى‏ احْتَجَّ بعيسى‏ عليه السلام وهُو ابنُ سنَتَينِ3

471. Abdullah b. Jafar narrated, 'Safwan b. Yahya and I visited al-Rida (AS), and Abu Jafar [Imam al-Jawad], who was three years old, was standing there. We asked him [i.e. al-Rida], 'May Allah sacrifice us for you. If - God forbid- something happened to you, who will be [the Imam] after you?' He said, 'This son of mine', pointing towards him. We asked, 'While he is still this young?' He replied, 'of course while he is still this young. Verily Allah, Blessed and most High, made Jesus His divine proof [on earth] when he was just two years old.'4


1. كفاية الأثر : ص 84 .

2. Kifayat al-Athar, p. 84

3. بحار الأنوار : 50 / 35 / 23 .

4. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 50 , p. 35 , no. 23

154 - فَضائِلُهُ عليه السلام‏

154 His Virtues

472. ي َ حيى الصَّنعاني : دَخَلتُ عَلى أبي الحسن الرِّضا عليه السلام وَهُوَ بِمَكَّةَ وَهُوَ يَقشِرُ مَوزاً وَيُطعِمُهُ أبا جَعفَرٍ عليه السلام فَقُلتُ لَهُ : جُعِلتُ فِداكَ هذا المَولودُ المُبارَكُ ؟ قالَ : نَعَم يا يَحيى هذا المَولودُ الَّذي لَم يولَد في الإسلامِ مِثلُهُ مَولودٌ أعظَمُ بَرَكَةً عَلى شيعَتِنا مِنهُ1

472. Yahya al-Sanani narrated, 'I visited Abu al-Hasan al-Rida (AS) when he was in Makkah. I saw him peel a banana and feed it to Abu Jafar. I asked him, 'May I be your ransom, is this the blessed newborn?' He said, 'Yes, O Yahya! This is the newborn the like of whom there is none other born into Islam and upon our Shia, more blessed than him.'2

473. ع َ بدُاللَّهُ بنُ سَعيدٍ : قالَ لي مُحَمَّدُ بنُ عَليِّ بنِ عُمَرِ التَّنّوخي : رَأيتُ مُحَمَّدَ بنَ عَليٍّ وَهُوَ يُكَلِّمُ ثَوراً فَحَرَّكَ الثَّورُ رَأسَهُ ، فَقُلتُ لا وَلكن تَأمُرُ الثَّورَ أن يُكَلِّمَكَ ، فَقالَ وَعُلِّمنا مَنطِقَ الطَّيرِ وَاوتينا مِن كُلِّ شَي‏ءٍ ثُمَّ قالَ قُل لا إلهَ إلّا اللَّهُ وَحدَهُ لا شَريكَ لَهُ وَمَسَحَ بِكَفِّهِ عَلى رَأسِهِ فَقالَ الثَّورُ لا إله إلّا اللَّهُ وَحدَهُ لا شَريكَ لَهُ3

473. Abdullah b. Said narrated that Muhammad b. Ali b. Umar al-Tannukhi said to him, 'I saw Muhammad b. Ali [al-Jawad] talking to a bull and the bull shook his head.' Then I said to him, 'No, but [can you not] command the bull to talk to you.' He then recited [the verse]:“We have been taught the speech of the birds and we have been given out of everything” He then said [to it], 'Say: there is no god but Allah, the Only One and He has no partner' and stroked its head with his palm. The bull then said, 'There is no god but Allah, the Only One and He has no partner.'4

474. ع ليُّ بنِ حَسّانِ الواسِطيِّ المَعروفِ بِالعَمشِ: حَمَلتُ مَعي إليهِ عليه السلام مِن الآلَةِ الَّتي لِلإصبِهانِ بَعضُها مِن فِضَّةٍ وَقُلتُ أتحُفُ مَولايَ أبا جَعفَرٍ بِها فَلَمّا تَفرَّقَ النّاسُ عنه بَعدَ جَوابِ الجَميعِ قامَ فَمَضى فَاتَّبَعتُهُ فَلقيتُ مُوَفِّقاً فَقُلتُ استَأذِن لي عَلى أبي جَعفَرٍ ، فَدَخَلتُ وَسَلَّمتُ فَردَّ عَلىَّ السَّلامَ وَفي وَجهِهِ الكَراهَةُ وَلَم يَأتي بِالجُلوسِ فَدَنوتُ مِنهُ وَأفرَغتُ ما كانَ في كُمّي بَينَ يَدَيهِ فَنَظَرَ إلَىَّ مُغضِباً ثمّ رَنا يَميناً وَشِمالاً وَقالَ ما لِهذا خَلَقَني اللَّهُ ما أنا وَاللَّعبِ ؟ فاستَعفَيتُهُ فَعَفا عَنّي فَأخَذتُها فَخَرَجتُ5

474. Ali b. Hassan al-Wasiti, known as al-Amsh, narrated, 'I brought an item to him from Isfahan made of silver, in order to present it to my master Abu Jafar [al-Jawad]. When the people left his company after he had answered all their questions, he stood up and left. I followed him and met a helper of his from whom I requested to seek permission to see Abu Jafar. I entered and saluted him, and he returned my salutation with signs of dislike on his face. He did not come to sit down, so I approached him and emptied all that was in my sleeve before him. He looked at me in anger, then he looked to the right and left and said, 'Allah has not created me for this, what has play got to do with me?' I asked him to forgive me. He forgave me and then I took the things and left.'6

475. ك شف الغمّة عن القاسِمِ بنِ عَبدِالرَّحمنِ - وَكانَ زِيديّاً - : خَرَجتُ إلى بَغدادَ فَبَينا أنا بِها إذ رَأيتُ النّاسَ يَتَعادونَ وَيَتَشَرَّفونَ وَيَقِفونَ ؛ فَقُلتُ : ما هذا ؟ فَقالوا : ابنُ الرِّضا ، فَقُلتُ : وَاللَّهِ لأنظُرَنَّ إلَيهِ فَطَلَعَ عَلى بَغلٍ أو بَغلَةٍ فَقُلتُ : لَعَنَ اللَّهُ أصحابُ الإمامَةِ حَيثُ يَقولونَ إنَّ اللَّهَ افتَرَضَ طاعةَ هذا ، فَعَدَلَ إليَّ وَقالَ : يا قاسمَ بنَ عبدِالرَّحمنِ : «أبَشَراً مِنّا واحِداً نَتَّبِعُهُ إنّا إذاً لَفي ضَلالٍ وَسُعُرٍ»7 فَقُلتُ في نَفسي ساحِرٌ واللَّهِ! فَعَدَلَ إلَىَّ فَقالَ : «ءاُلقِيَ الذِّكرُ عَلَيهِ مِن بَينِنا بَل هُوَ كَذّابٌ أشِرٌ»8 قالَ : فانصَرَفتُ وَقُلتُ بِالإمامَةِ ؛ وَشَهِدتُ أنَّهُ حُجَّةُ اللَّهِ عَلى خَلقِهِ وَاعتَقَدتُهُ9

475. al-Qasim b. Abd al-Rahman, who was then a Zaydi, narrated, 'I went to Baghdad. While I was there, I saw the people congratulating each other all of a sudden, exchanging honourable greetings and standing up. I asked, 'What is this?' They replied, 'The son of al-Rida [has come].' Then I said, 'Indeed I must see him'. Then he appeared on a male or female donkey. I said, 'May the curse of Allah be upon the supporters of Imama who believe that Allah has made obedience to this [type of person] mandatory.' At that very moment, he turned to me and said, 'O Qasim b. Abd al-Rahman,“Are we to follow a lone human from ourselves?! Indeed then we would be in error and madness” . [He continued]: 'So I said to myself, 'A sorcerer, by Allah!', and he turned to me again, and said,“Has the Reminder been cast upon him from among us? Rather he is a self-conceited liar” . [He continued]: 'So I left, believing in Imama and bore witness that verily he is the proof of Allah on His creation and had faith in him.'10


1. الكافي : 6 / 360 / 3 .

2. al-Kafi, v. 6 , p. 360 , no. 3

3. دلائل الإمامة : 211 .

4. Dala'il al-Imama, p. 211

5. دلائل الإمامة : 212 .

6. Ibid. p. 212

7. القمر : 24 .

8. القمر : 25 .

9. كشف الغمّة : 3 / 153 .

10. Kashf al-Ghamma, v. 3 , p. 153

27 - الإمام عليّ بن محمّد الهادي‏


155 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏

155 Proofs of his Imama

476. ا لإمامُ الجوادُ عليه السلام : إنّ الإمامَ بَعدي ابْنِي عليٌّ، أمرُهُ أمري ، وقَولُهُ قَولي ، وطاعَتُهُ طاعَتي ، والإمامةُ بعدَهُ في ابنِهِ الحسنِ1

476. Imam al-Jawad (AS) said, 'Certainly the Imam after me is my son Ali. His command is my command, his word is my word, obedience to him is obedience to me and the Imama after him will rest with his son al-Hasan.'2


1. بحار الأنوار : 50 / 118 / 1 .

2. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 50 , p. 118 , no. 1