The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Volume 1

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)0%

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Author:
Translator: N. Virjee, A. Kadhim, M. Dasht Bozorgi, Z. Alsalami and A. Virjee
Publisher: ICAS Press
Category: Texts of Hadith
ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)

Author: M. Mohammadi Rayshahri
Translator: N. Virjee, A. Kadhim, M. Dasht Bozorgi, Z. Alsalami and A. Virjee
Publisher: ICAS Press

ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6
visits: 47769
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The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Volume 1

Publisher: ICAS Press
ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6


The original file was more than 50 MG. So, we split it into 4 sections.

Table of Contents

Preface 54

Introduction 56

1 - الإيثار 62


1 - فَضلُ الإيثارِ 62

1 The Virtue of Self-Sacrifice 62

Notes 62

2 - فَضلُ المُؤثِرينَ‏ 64

2 The Virtue of Altruistic People 64

Notes 65

2 - الإجارة 67


3 - الإجارَةُ وَ المَعيشَةُ 67

3 Employment and Livlihood 67

Notes 67

4 - كَراهَةُ إجارَةِ النَّفْسِ‏ 69

4 Divine Disapproval of Offering Oneself for Hiring 69

Notes 69

5 - الدَّلَّالُ فِي الإجارَةِ 70

5 Employment Agents 70

Notes 70

6 - ظُلمُ الأجيرِ 71

6 Wronging the Worker 71

Notes 71

7 - إعلامُ الاُجرَةِ وأدَبُ إعطائِها 72

7 Informing [The Worker] of Wages and the Etiquette of Payment 72

Notes 72

3 - الأجل‏ 73


8 - الأجَلُ‏ 73

8 The Preordained Term [of Death] 73

Notes 73

9 - الأجَلُ حِصْنٌ حَصينٌ‏ 74

9 Death Is A Fortified Castle 74

Notes 74

10 - لِكُلِّ شَي‏ءٍ أجَلٌ‏ 75

10 Everything Has An End 75

Notes 75

11 - لِكُلِّ اُمَّةٍ أجَلٌ‏ 76

11 Every Community Has A [Preordained] End 76

Notes 76

12 - الأجَلُ المُعَلَّقُ وَالأجَلُ المَحتومُ‏ 77

12 Suspended and Sealed Ends 77

Notes 77

13 - ما يَدفَعُ الأجَلَ المُعَلَّقَ‏ 78

13 What Safeguards against the Suspended End 78

Notes 78

4 - الآخرة 79


14 - الآخِرَةِ 79

14 The Hereafter 79

Notes 79

15 - عَظَمَةُ ما فِي الآخِرَةِ 80

15 The Greatness of What Is in the Hereafter 80

Notes 80

16 - الآخِرَةُ دارُ القَرارِ 81

16 The Hereafter Is the Eternal Home 81

Notes 81

17 - فَضلُ الآخِرَةِ 82

17 The Superiority of the Hereafter 82

Notes 82

18 - ذِكرُ الآخِرَةِ 83

18 Remembrance of the Hereafter 83

Notes 83

19 - العَمَلُ لِلآخِرَةِ 84

19 Working for the Hereafter 84

Notes 84

5 - الأخ‏ 85


20 - المُؤمِنُ أخُو المُؤمِنِ‏ 85

20 The Believers Are Brothers 85

Notes 85

21 - الاستِكثارُ مِنَ الإخوانِ‏ 87

21 Increasing the Number of True Brothers 87

Notes 87

22 - مَوَدَّةُ الإخوانِ‏ 88

22 Brothers' Amity 88

Notes 88

23 - ما يوجِبُ بَقاءَ المَوَدَّةِ 89

23 That Which Ensures the Endurance of Amity 89

Notes 89

24 - الاُخُوَّةُ فِي اللَّهِ‏ 90

24 Brotherhood for the Sake of Allah 90

Notes 90

25 - الإخاءُ لِلدُّنيا 91

25 Brotherhood for the Sake of This World 91

Notes 91

26 - إعلامُ الأخِ بِالحُبِ‏ 92

26 Informing One's Brother of One's Love [for Him] 92

Notes 92

27 - مَوَدَّةُ الأخِ دَليلٌ عَلى‏ مَوَدَّتِهِ لِأخيهِ‏ 93

27 One's Amity for Another is a Proof of Reciprocity 93

Notes 93

28 - قَطِيعَةُ الإخوانِ‏ 94

28 Cutting off Relations with Brothers 94

Notes 94

29 - وَصلُ الإخوانِ‏ 95

29 Maintaining Brotherhood 95

Notes 95

30 - أقسامُ الإخوانِ‏ 96

30 Types of Brothers 96

Notes 96

31 - النَّهيُ عَن بَعضِ الإخاءِ 97

31 Warning against Some Forms of Brotherhood 97

Notes 97

32 - المُحافَظَةُ عَلَى الاُخُوَّةِ القَديمَةِ 99

32 Preserving Old Brotherhood 99

Notes 99

33 - الاُخُوَّةُ الحَقيقيَّةُ 100

33 Real Brotherhood 100

Notes 100

34 - اختيارُ الأخِ‏ 101

34 Choosing a Brother 101

Notes 101

35 - تَحَمُّلُ زِلَّةِ الأخِ‏ 102

35 Tolerating the Lapse of a Brother 102

Notes 102

36 - خَيرُ الإخوانِ‏ 103

36 The Best of Brothers 103

Notes 104

37 - شَرُّ الإخوانِ‏ 105

37 The Worst of Brothers 105

Notes 105

38 - اختِبارُ الإخوانِ‏ 106

38 Testing Brothers 106

Notes 106

39 - إرشادُ الإخوانِ‏ 107

39 Advising Brothers 107

Notes 107

40 - إكرامُ الإخوانِ وإعظامُهُم‏ 108

40 Honoring and Glorifying One's Brothers 108

Notes 108

41 - قضاءُ حاجَةِ الإخوانِ‏ 109

41 Fulfilling Brothers' Needs 109

Notes 109

42 - أدَبُ الإخاءِ 110

42 The Etiquette of Brotherhood 110

Notes 110

6 - الأدب‏ 111


43 - فَضلُ الأدَبِ‏ 111

43 The Virtue of Good Manners 111

Notes 112

44 - الأدَبُ وَالعَقلُ‏ 113

44 Good Manners and the Mind 113

Notes 113

45 - تَأديبُ النَّفسِ‏ 114

45 Disciplining The Self 114

Notes 114

46 - مَبادِئُ الأدَبِ‏ 115

46 That Which Brings about Good Manners 115

Notes 115

47 - آثارُ الأدَبِ‏ 116

47 The Outcomes of Good Manners 116

Notes 116

48 - تَفسيرُ الأدَبِ‏ 117

48 Explaining Good Manners 117

Notes 117

49 - أفضَلُ الأدَبِ‏ 118

49 The Best Manners 118

Notes 118

50 - الحَثُّ عَلى‏ تَأديبِ الأهلِ‏ 119

50 Encouraging the Teaching of Good Manners to the Family 119

Notes 119

51 - كَيفيَّةُ التَّأديبِ‏ 121

51 How to Teach Good Manners 121

Notes 121

52 - آدابُ التَّأدِيبِ‏ 122

52 Methods of Teaching Good Manners 122

Notes 122

53 - التَّأدُّبُ بآدابِ اللَّهِ‏ 124

53 Disciplining Oneself by the Discipline of Allah 124

Notes 124

54 - تَأديبُ اللَّهِ‏ 125

54 Allah's Discipline 125

Notes 125

7 - الأذان‏ 126


55 - فَضلُ الأذانِ‏ 126

55 The Virtue of Call for Prayer 126

Notes 126

56 - المُؤَذِّنُ‏ 127

56 The Caller to Prayer 127

Notes 127

57 - الأذانُ في الاُذُن‏ 128

57 Reciting the Call for Prayer in the Ears 128

Notes 128

8 - الإيذاء 129

8 HARM 129

58 - كَفِّ الأذيِ عَنِ النّاسِ‏ 129

58 Avoiding Harming People 129

Notes 129

59 - كَفِّ الأذيِ حَتّى عَنِ الذَّرِّ 130

59 Avoiding Harming Even the Ants 130

Notes 130

60 - إيذاءِ المُؤمِنِ‏ 131

60 Harming a Believer 131

Notes 131

9 - الأسير 132


61 - لا يَجوزُ الاستِسلامُ لِلأسرِ 132

61 Surrendering Oneself to Captivity is Not Allowed 132

Notes 132

62 - الإحسانُ إلَى الأسيرِ 133

62 The Prisoner of War 133

Notes 133

10 - الأكل‏ 135

10 FOOD 135

63 - الحَثُّ عَلى قِلَّةِ الأكلِ‏ 135

63 Encouraging Little [Consumption of] Food 135

Notes 135

64 - التَّحذيرُ عَن كَثرَةِ الأكلِ‏ 136

64 Warning against Eating Excessively 136

Notes 136

65 - مِن مَساوِئِ البِطنَةِ 137

65 Among The Vices of Gluttony 137

Notes 137

66 - الجُوعِ‏ 138

66 Hunger 138

Notes 138

67 - الميزانُ فِي الأكلِ‏ 139

67 Balance of Eating 139

Notes 139

68 - آدَابُ الأكلِ‏ 140

68 Table Manners 140

Notes 141

11 - الاُلفة 143

11 AMITY 143

69 - الحَثُّ عَلى الأُلفَةِ 143

69 Encouraging Amity 143

Notes 143

70 - لا خَيْرَ فِيمَنْ لا يأ لَفُ ولا يُؤلَفُ‏ 145

70 There is No Good in Someone Who Does Not Like Others, Nor is He Liked by Them 145

Notes 145

12 - اللَّه‏ 146

12 ALLAH 146

71 - معنى «اللَّهُ » 146

71 The Meaning of Allah 146

Notes 146

13 - الإمارة 148


72 - ضَرورَةُ الإمارَةِ 148

72 The Necessity of Government 148

Notes 149

73 - إمَارَةُ الأشرارِ 151

73 The Rule of Wicked People 151

Notes 151

74 - قيمَةُ الإمارَةِ 152

74 The Value of Government 152

Notes 152

14 - الأمل‏ 153


75 - الأمَلُ رَحمَةٌ 153

75 Expectation is a Mercy 153

Notes 153

76 - الآمالُ لا تَنتَهي‏ 154

76 Expectations Never Cease 154

Notes 154

77 - التَّحذيرُ مِنَ الآمالِ الباطِلَةِ 155

77 Warning Against False Expectations 155

Notes 156

78 - الأمَلُ وَالأجَلُ‏ 157

78 Expectation and Death 157

Notes 157

79 - ثَمَراتُ طولِ الأملِ‏ 159

79 The Results of High Expectations 159

Notes 159

80 - قِصَرُ الأمَلِ‏ 160

80 Low Expectation 160

Notes 160

81 - النَّهيُ عَنِ التّأمِيلِ بِغَيرِ اللَّهِ‏ 161

81 Prohibition of Placing One's Expectation in Other than Allah 161

Notes 161

15 - الاُمّة 162


82 - مَنزِلَةُ الاُمَّةِ الإسلامِيَّةِ 162

82 The Status of the Muslim Community 162

Notes 162

83 - أخيارُ الاُمَّةِ 164

83 The Best of the Muslim Community 164

Notes 164

84 - الاُمَّةُ الوَسَطُ 165

84 The Middle Nation 165

Notes 165

85 - ما يوجِبُ خَيرَ الاُمَّةِ 166

85 Factors that Ensure the Goodness of the Muslim Nation 166

Notes 166

86 - مَنزِلَةُ الاُمَّةِ الإسلامِيَّةِ فِي الآخِرَةِ 167

86 The Status of the Muslim Community in the Hereafter 167

Notes 167

87 - ما يَنزِعُ مَهابَةَ الاُمَّةِ الإسلامِيَّةِ 168

87 What Takes Away the Splenodur of the Muslim Community 168

Notes 168

88 - ما يَخافُ النَّبِيُّ عَلى‏ اُمَّتِهِ‏ 169

88 The Prophet's (SAWA) Fear for His Community 169

Notes 170

16 - الإمامة ( 1 ) 171


89 - أهَمِّيَّةُ الإمامَةِ 171

89 The Importance of Divinely Appointed Leadership 171

Notes 172

90 - فَضلُ الإمامَةِ عَلى النُّبُوّةِ 173

90 The Superiority of Imama over Prophethood 173

Notes 173

91 - الاضطِرارُ إلَى الإمامِ‏ 174

91 The Essential Need for an Imam 174

Notes 174

92 - الحُجَّةُ إمامٌ يُعرَفُ‏ 175

92 The Authority is a Known Imam 175

Notes 175

93 - قَد يَكونُ الإمامُ خائِفاً مَغموراً 176

93 The Imam May be Worried and Hence, Undistinguishable 176

Notes 176

94 - لَولَا الإمامُ لَساخَتِ الأرضُ‏ 177

94 Were It Not For The Imam, The Earth Would Have Perished 177

Notes 177

95 - دَعوَةُ كُلِّ اُمَّةٍ بِإمامِها 178

95 The Summoning of Every Nation With Their Imam 178

Notes 178

96 - أهَمِّيَّةُ مَعرِفَةِ الإمامِ‏ 179

96 Importance of Knowing the Imam 179

Notes 179

97 - شَرائِطُ الإمامَةِ وخَصائِصُ الإمامِ‏ 181

97 Conditions and Qualifications of the Imam 181

Notes 183

98 - ما فُرِضَ عَلى‏ أئِمَّةِ العَدلِ‏ 184

98 That Which is Mandatory on Just Leaders 184

Notes 184

99 - الحُقوقُ المُتَبادَلَةُ بَينَ الإمامِ وَالاُمَّةِ 185

99 The Reciprocal Duties and Rights Between the Imam and the Community 185

Notes 185

100 - أئِمَّتُكُمْ وَفدُكُم‏ 186

100 Your Imams Are Your Representatives 186

Notes 186

101 - مَنِ ائتَمَّ بِغَيرِ إمامِ الحَقِ‏ 187

101 One Who Accepts The Leadership of An Unrightful Leader 187

Notes 187

102 - أئِمَّةُ النّارِ 188

102 Leaders to the Fire 188

Notes 188

103 - مُدَّعِي الإمامَةِ كاذِباً 189

103 The False Claimants of Imama 189

Notes 189

104 - لا طاعَةَ لِمَن لَم يُطِعِ اللَّهَ‏ 190

104 No Obedience Is Due To One Who Disobeys Allah 190

Notes 190

105 - وُجوبُ الخُروجِ عَلى‏ أئِمَّةِ الجَورِ 191

105 Obligation of Revolting Against Tyrant Leaders 191

Notes 191

106 - ما يُجَوِّزُ القُعودَ 192

106 Circumstances Where Desisting From Revolting] Is Allowed 192

Notes 192

107 - اختِيارُ الإمامِ‏ 193

107 Electing An Imam 193

Notes 193

108 - حَديثُ الثّقَلَينِ‏ 194

108 The Tradition of The Two Weighty Things (al-thaqalayn) 194

Notes 194

109 - وُجوبُ مُلازَمةِ أهلِ البَيتِ عليهم السلام‏ 195

109 The Obligation of Clinging On To The Household of the Prophet 195

Notes 196

110 - عِلَّةُ الاستِبدادِ عَلى‏ أهلِ البَيتِ عليهم السلام‏ 197

110 The Reason For The Oppression Against The Household (AS) 197

Notes 197

111 - فَلسَفَةُ الحُكمِ عِندَ أهلِ البَيتِ عليهم السلام‏ 198

111 The Philosophy of Leadership In The Viewpoint of The Household (AS) 198

Notes 198

112 - لَولا مَخافَةُ الفُرقَةِ 199

112 Were It Not For Fear of Dissention 199

Notes 199

113 - الأئِمَّةُ الإثنا عَشَرَ 200

113 The Twelve Imams 200

Notes 200

114 - عِلمُ الإمامِ‏ 201

114 The Knowledge of The Imam 201

Notes 201

17 - الإمامة ( 2) الأمامة الخاصّة 203

17 LEADERSHIP (2 ) Particular Imama IMAM ALI (AS) 203

1 - فضائل الإمام على عن لسان النبيّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله‏ 203

Notes 203

116 - عَلِيٌّ عليه السلام إمامُ البَرَرَةِ 205

116 Ali is the Imam of the Righteous 205

Notes 205

117 - عليٌّ خَليفَةُ النَّبِيِّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله‏ 206

117 Ali is the Successor of the Holy Prophet (SAWA) 206

Notes 206

118 - عَلِيٌّ عليه السلام وَلِيُّ كُلِّ مُؤمِنٍ‏ 207

118 Ali Is the Master of the Believers 207

Notes 207

119 - عَلِيٌّ عليه السلام مَعَ الحَقِّ والقرآن‏ 208

119 Ali is with the Truth and the Qur'an 208

Notes 208

120 - عَلِيٌّ عليه السلام بابُ عِلمِ النَّبِيِ‏ 209

120 Ali is the Gate to the Prophet's Knowledge 209

Notes 209

121 - عليّ والنبيّ من شجرةٍ واحدةٍ 210

121 Ali and the Propeht (SAWA) are from the Same Tree 210

Notes 210

122 - النَّوادر 212

122 Miscellaneous 212

Notes 213

2 - فضائل الإمام عليّ عن لسانه‏ 214

2 - The Virtues of Imam Ali in His Own Words 214

123 - عِلمُ الإمامِ عَلِيٍّ عليه السلام‏ 214

Notes 214

124 - مَظلومِيَّةُ الإمامِ عَلِيٍّ عليه السلام‏ 215

Notes 215

125 - ما يبدأ بلفظ «إنِّي » 217

125 What Begins with “Verily I..” 217

Notes 217

126 - ما يبدأ بلفظ «أنا » 218

126 What Begings with the word “ I ....” 218

Notes 219

127 - النّوادرُ 220

127 Miscellaneous 220

Notes 220

18 - اُمّ الأئمّة فاطمة 222


128 - أسماءُ فاطِمَةَ عليها السلام‏ 222

128 Fatima (AS)'s Names 222

Notes 222

129 - فاطِمَةُ عليها السلام بَضعَةٌ مِنَ النَّبِيِّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله‏ 223

129 Fatima is a Part of the Prophet (SAWA) 223

Notes 223

130 - فاطِمَةُ عليها السلام سَيِّدَةُ نِساءِ العالَمينَ‏ 224

130 Fatima is the Chief [Lady] of the Women of the Worlds 224

Notes 224

131 - غَضَبُ اللَّهِ لِغَضَبِ فاطِمَةَ عليها السلام‏ 225

131 Allah's Anger for the sake of Fatima's Anger 225

Notes 225

132 - في مُصيبَةِ فاطِمَةَ عليها السلام‏ 226

132 In Mourning for Fatima (AS) 226

Notes 226

19 - الإمام الحسن بن عليّ‏ 227


133 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 227

133 Proofs for His Imama 227

Notes 227

134 - حَسَنٌ مِنِّي وأنا مِنهُ‏ 228

134 Hasan is from Me and I am from him 228

Notes 228

135 - فَضائِلُهُ عليه السلام‏ 229

135 His Virtues 229

Notes 230

20 - الإمام الحسين بن عليّ‏ 231


136 - وِلادَةُ الحُسَينِ عليه السلام‏ 231

Notes 231

137 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 232

137 The Proof for his Imama 232

Notes 232

138 - حُسَينٌ مِنِّي وأنا مِنهُ‏ 233

138 Husayn is from Me and I am from Him 233

Notes 234

139 - فَضائِلُهُ عليه السلام‏ 235

139 His Virtues 235

Notes 237

21 - الإمام عليّ بن الحسين‏ 238


140 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 238

Notes 238

141 - منزلةُ الإمامِ زينِ العابدينَ عليه السلام‏ 239

141 The Status of Imam Zayn al-Abidin (AS) 239

Notes 240

22 - الإمام محمّد بن عليّ الباقر 242


142 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 242

142 Proofs of his Imama 242

Notes 242

143 - هُوَ يَبقَرُ العِلمَ بَقْراً 243

143 He Cleaves Knowledge Open 243

Notes 243

144 - فَضائِلُهُ عليه السلام‏ 244

144 His Virtues 244

Notes 245

23 - الإمامة الخاصّة (الإمام جعفر بن محمّد الصادق ) 246


145 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 246

145 Proofs of his Imama 246

Notes 246

146 - سِيرتُهُ وَمكارِمُ أخلاقِهِ‏ 247

146 His Comportment and His Noble Character 247

Notes 248

24 - الإمام موسى بن جعفر الكاظم‏ 249


147 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 249

Notes 249

148 - الإمامُ في السِّجنِ‏ 250

148 The Imam in Prison 250

Notes 250

149 - فضائِلُه عليه السلام‏ 252

149 His Virtues 252

Notes 252

25 - الإمام عليّ بن موسى الرضا 254


150 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 254

150 Proofs of his Imama 254

Notes 254

151 - إجبارُ الإمامِ عَلى‏ وِلايَةِ العَهدِ 255

151 Compelling the Imam to be the Heir Apparent 255

Notes 255

152 - فضائلُه‏ 256

152 His Virtues 256

Notes 256

26 - الإمام محمّد بن عليّ الجواد 258


153 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 258

153 Proofs of his Imama 258

Notes 258

154 - فَضائِلُهُ عليه السلام‏ 259

154 His Virtues 259

Notes 260

27 - الإمام عليّ بن محمّد الهادي‏ 261


155 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 261

155 Proofs of his Imama 261

Notes 261

156 - فضائلُه عليه السلام‏ 262

156 His Virtues 262

Notes 263

28 - الإمام الحسن بن علي‏العسكري‏ 265


157 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 265

Notes 265

158 - فضائلُه عليه السلام‏ 266

158 His Virtues 266

Notes 267

29 - الإمام المهدي‏ 268

29 AL-IMAM AL-QA'IM (AS) 268

159 - أسماءُ الإمامِ‏ 268

159 The Names of the Imam 268

Notes 268

160 - النَّصُّ عَلى‏ إمامَتِهِ‏ 269

160 Proofs of His Imama 269

Notes 269

161 - البِشارَةُ بِالمَهدِيِّ عليه السلام‏ 270

161 Glad Tidings of the Mahdi (AS) 270

Notes 270

162 - غَيبَتا الإمامِ القائِمِ عليه السلام‏ 272

162 The Two Occultations of Imam al-Qaim 272

Notes 272

163 - صُعوبَةُ التّمَسُّكِ بِالدِّينِ في غَيبةِ لإمام‏ 273

163 The Difficulty of Adhering to the Religion during the Occultation of the Imam 273

Notes 273

164 - الدُّعاءُ عِندَ غَيبةِ القائِمِ عليه السلام‏ 274

164 Supplication during the Occultation of al-Qaim 274

Notes 274

165 - انتِظارُ الفَرَجِ‏ 275

165 [Actively] Anticipating Relief 275

Notes 275

166 - ظُهورُ القائِمِ عليه السلام بَعدَ يَأسِ النّاسِ‏ 276

166 The Reappearance of al-Qaim after People's Despair 276

Notes 276

167 - كَذَبَ الوَقّاتونَ‏ 277

167 Those Who Foretell a Specific Time [for the Reappearance of al-Qaim] are Lying 277

Notes 277

168 - عِلَّةُ الغَيبَةِ 278

168 The Reason for His Occultation 278

Notes 279

169 - انتِفاعُ النّاسِ بِالإمامِ في غَيبتِهِ‏ 280

169 People Benefiting from the Imam during his Occultation 280

Notes 280

170 - عَلاماتُ الظُّهورِ 281

170 The Signs of His Reappearance 281

Notes 281

171 - عِندَ الظُّهورِ 283

171 At the Time of the Reappearance 283

Notes 284

172 - العالَمُ بَعدَ ظُهورِ المَهدِيِّ عليه السلام‏ 285

172 The Universe after the Reappearance of al-Mahdi 285

Notes 285

30 - الإيمان‏ 286

30 FAITH 286

173 - الإيمانُ وَالإسلامُ‏ 286

173 Faith (Iman) and Islam 286

Notes 286

174 - حقيقةُ الإيمانِ‏ 287

174 The Reality of Faith 287

Notes 288

175 - تَآصُرُ الإيمانِ وَالعَمَلِ‏ 289

175 Relation between Faith and Action 289

Notes 289

176 - الإيمانُ وَالآثامُ‏ 291

176 Faith and Sins 291

Notes 291

177 - ما يَكمُلُ بِهِ الإيمانُ‏ 292

177 That Which Completes Faith 292

Notes 293

178 - ازدِيادُ الإيمانِ‏ 294

178 Increase of Faith 294

Notes 294

179 - دَرَجاتُ الإيمانِ‏ 295

179 The Levels of Faith 295

Notes 296

180 - أركانُ الإيمانِ‏ 297

180 The Pillars of Faith 297

Notes 297

181 - أوثَقُ عُرَى الإيمانِ‏ 298

181 The Strongest Bonds of Faith 298

Notes 298

182 - الإيمانُ المُستَقَرُّ وَالمُستَودَعُ‏ 299

182 Steadfast and Temporary Faith 299

Notes 299

183 - ما يُثَبِّتُ الإيمانَ‏ 300

183 That Which Consolidates Faith 300

Notes 300

184 - طَعمِ الإيمانِ‏ 301

184 The Taste of Faith 301

Notes 301

185 - عَدَمُ تَذَوُّقِ حَلاوَةِ الإيمانِ‏ 302

185 Inability to Taste the Sweetness of Faith 302

Notes 302

186 - ما يُخرِجُ الإنسانَ مِنَ الإيمانِ‏ 303

186 That Which Removes One from Faith 303

Notes 303

187 - ما يُجانِبُ الإيمانَ‏ 304

187 That Which Repels Faith 304

Notes 304

188 - عَظَمَةُ المُؤمِنِ‏ 305

188 The Great Status of the Believer 305

Notes 305

189 - المُؤمِنونَ كَالجَسَدِ الواحِدِ 306

189 The Believers Are As One Body 306

Notes 306

190 - مَن هو المُؤمِنُ؟ 307

190 Who is the Believer? 307

Notes 310

191 - صَلابَةُ المُؤمِنِ‏ 312

191 The Firmness of the Believer 312

Notes 312

192 - نورُ المُؤمِنِ‏ 313

192 The Light of the Believer 313

Notes 313

193 - نُدرَةُ المُؤمِنِ‏ 314

193 The Scarcity of the [True] Believer 314

Notes 314

194 - عَلاماتُ المُؤمِنِ‏ 315

194 The Signs of the Believer 315

Notes 315

195 - أفضَلُ المُؤمنينَ‏ 316

195 The Best of Believers 316

Notes 316

196 - فَضلُ مَن يُؤمِنُ بِالرَّسولِ ولَم يَرَهُ‏ 317

196 The Merit of One Who Believes in the Prophet without Having Seen Him 317

Notes 317

31 - الأمانة 318


197 - وُجوبُ رِعايَةِ الأمانَةِ 318

197 The Necessity of Observing The Trust 318

Notes 318

198 - إطلاقُ وُجوبِ أدائِها 319

198 Universality of Trustworthiness 319

Notes 319

199 - لا إيمانَ لِمَن لا أمانَةَ لَهُ‏ 320

199 An Untrustworthy Man Is A Man Without Faith 320

Notes 320

200 - آثارُ الأمانَةِ 321

200 The Effects of Trustworthiness 321

Notes 321

201 - مَن نُهِيَ عَنِ ائتِمانِهِم‏ 322

201 People Who Must Not Be Trusted 322

Notes 322

32 - الأمان‏ 323


202 - وُجوبُ رِعايَةِ الأمانِ‏ 323

202 The Necessity of Observing Assurance 323

Notes 323

203 - الاعتِصامُ بِالذِّمَمِ‏ 324

203 Adhering To Sureties 324

Notes 324

204 - احتِرامُ الذِّمَمِ‏ 325

204 Respecting Covenants of Protection 325

Notes 325

33 - الاُنس‏ 326


205 - ما يَنبغي من الاُنسِ‏ 326

205 Things That One Should Get Intimate With 326

Notes 326

206 - ما لا يَنبغي من الاُنسِ‏ 327

206 Things That One Should Not Get Intimate With 327

Notes 327

207 - ما يوجِبُ الاُنسَ بِاللَّهِ‏ 328

207 What Brings Intimacy With Allah 328

Notes 328

34 - الإنسان‏ 329

34 MAN 329

208 - كَرامةُ بَني آدَمَ‏ 329

208 The Dignity of Man 329

Notes 329

209 - عِلَّةُ خَلقِ الإنسانِ‏ 331

209 The Reason For Man's Creation 331

Notes 332

210 - ضَعفُ الإنسانِ‏ 333

210 Man's Weakness 333

“Man was created weak”2 333

Notes 333

211 - قيمَةُ الإنسانِ‏ 334

211 Measuring Man's Value 334

Notes 334

35 - الآفات‏ 335

35 BANES 335

212 - لِكُلِّ شَي‏ءٍ آفَةٌ 335

212 There is Trial in Every Thing 335

Notes 339

36 - البُخل‏ 343


213 - التّحذِيرُ عَنِ البُخلِ‏ 343

213 Warning Against Miserliness 343

Notes 344

214 - تَفسيرُ البُخلِ‏ 345

214 The Explanation of Miser 345

Notes 345

215 - البَخيلُ‏ 346

215 The Miser 346

Notes 346

216 - البخيلُ حَقُّ البَخيلِ‏ 348

216 The Real Miser 348

Notes 348

217 - أبخلُ النّاسِ‏ 349

217 The Most Miserly of People 349

Notes 349

218 - آيةُ البُخلِ‏ 350

218 The Sign of Miserliness 350

Notes 350

37 - البدعة 351

37 INNOVATION (al-bida) 351

219 - التَّحذيرُ مِنَ البِدعةِ 351

219 Warning Against Innovation 351

Notes 351

220 - أهلُ البِدَعِ‏ 352

220 The Innovators 352

Notes 352

221 - مَعنَى البِدعَةِ 353

221 The Meaning of Innovation 353

Notes 353

222 - الإعراضُ عَن صاحبِ البِدعَةِ 354

222 Rejecting Innovators 354

Notes 354

223 - المُبتَدِعُ وَالعِبادَةُ 355

223 The Innovator And Worship 355

Notes 355

224 - بُطلانُ عملِ المُبتَدِعِ‏ 356

224 Invalidity of The Worship of An Innovator 356

Notes 356

225 - ما يَجِبُ عَلَى العالِمِ عِندَ ظُهورِ لبِدَعِ‏ 357

225 A Scholar's Duties When Faced With The Appearance of Innovations 357

Notes 357

38 - التبذير 358


226 - ذَمُّ التَّبذِيرِ 358

226 Censure of Squandering 358

Notes 358

227 - مَعنَى التَّبذِيرِ 359

227 The Meaning of Squandering 359

Notes 359

39 - البِرّ 360


228 - الحَثُّ عَلَى البِرِّ 360

228 Encouraging the Righteousness 360

Notes 360

229 - علَامةُ البارِّ 362

229 The Sign of a Righteous Person 362

Notes 362

230 - تَمامُ البِرِّ 363

230 Complete Righteousness 363

Notes 363

40 - البرزخ‏ 364

40 THE PURGATORY (al-barzakh) 364

231 - مَعنَى البَرْزَخِ‏ 364

Notes 364

232 - أرواحُ المؤمنينَ في البَرزخِ‏ 365

232 The Souls of the Believers in the Purgatory 365

Notes 365

233 - أرواحُ الكُفّارِ في البَرزخِ‏ 366

233 The Souls of Disbelievers in the Purgatory 366

Notes 366

41 - البركة 367


234 - مَعنَى البَرَكَة 367

234 The Meaning of Blessing 367

Notes 367

235 - ما يُوجِبُ البَرَكةَ وما يُزيلُها 368

235 That Which Brings Blessing And That Which Removes It 368

Notes 368

42 - البِشر 370


236 - الحَثُّ عَلى حُسنِ البِشْرِ 370

236 Encouraging Cheerfulness 370

Notes 371

43 - البصيرة 372

43 INSIGHT 372

237 - البَصيرَةُ 372

237 Insight 372

Notes 372

44 - الباطل‏ 374


238 - التَّحذِيرُ مِنِ اتّباعِ الباطِلِ‏ 374

Notes 374

239 - التَّمييزُ بَينَ الحَقِّ وَالباطِلِ‏ 376

239 Discerning The Truth From Falsehood 376

Notes 376

240 - التِباسُ الحَقِّ بِالباطِلِ‏ 377

240 The Truth Disguised As Falsehood 377

Notes 377

241 - عدمُ استيقانِ الباطلِ حَقّاً 378

241 Falsehood Cannot be Ascertained as the Truth 378

Notes 378

45 - البغض‏ 379


242 - المَبْغوضونَ إلَى اللَّهِ‏ 379

242 Those Whom Allah Despises 379

Notes 380

243 - أبغَضُ النّاسِ إلَى اللَّهِ‏ 381

243 The People Allah Despises Most 381

Notes 382

244 - الأعمالُ المَبغوضةُ إلَى اللَّهِ‏ 384

244 Acts Despised By Allah 384

Notes 384

245 - البَغْضاءُ 386

245 Malice 386

Notes 386

46 - البغي‏ 387


246 - التَّحذِيرُ عَنِ البَغيِ‏ 387

246 Warning against Aggression 387

Notes 388

247 - صِفَةُ الباغي‏ 389

247 The Charactristics of The Aggressor 389

Notes 389

248 - قِتالُ أهلِ البَغيِ مِنَ المُسلِمينَ‏ 390

248 Fighting Against Muslim Aggressors 390

Notes 391

249 - بَرَكَةُ قِتالِ الإِمامِ عَليٍّ عليه السلام البُغاةَ 392

249 The Blessings of Imam Ali (AS) Fighting the Aggressors 392

Notes 392

47 - البُكاء 393

47 WEEPING 393

250 - البُكاءُ مِن خَشيَةِ اللَّهِ‏ 393

250 Weeping Due To Fear of Allah 393

Notes 395

251 - جُمودُ العَينِ‏ 396

251 Dryness of The Eye 396

Notes 396

48 - البلد 397

48 THE LAND 397

252 - بَلدَةٌ طَيِّبَةٌ 397

252 A Fair Territory 397

Notes 397

253 - عَليكُم بِالأمصارِ العِظامِ‏ 398

253 You Should Live In Great Cities 398

Notes 398

254 - خَيرُ البِلادِ 399

254 The Best of Lands 399

Notes 399

255 - ما لا يَستَغني عَنهُ أهلُ كُلِّ بَلَدٍ 400

255 What The People of Every Land Cannot Be Without 400

Notes 400

49 - البلاغة 401


256 - تَفسِيرُ البَلاغَةِ 401

256 The Meaning of Eloquence 401

Notes 401

257 - أبلَغُ الكَلامِ‏ 402

257 The Most Eloquent Speech 402

Notes 402

258 - التَّشَدُّقُ فِي الكَلامِ‏ 403

258 Manipulation Through Speech 403

Notes 403

50 - التَّبليغ‏ 404


259 - أهَمِّيَّةُ التَّبليغِ‏ 404

259 The Importance of the Propagation of Islam 404

Notes 405

260 - ما يَجِبُ عَلى المُبَلِّغِ‏ 407

260 What Is Incumbent Upon The Propagator of Islam 407

1 - الفقهُ في الدّينِ‏ 407

1 Knowledge of the Religion: 407

2 - الاستنادُ إلى كَلامِ أهلِ البَيتِ عليهم السلام‏ 407

2 Referring to the Words of Ahl al-Bayt (AS): 407

3 - الإخلاص‏ 407

3 Sincerity: 407

4 - الشُّجاعَة 407

4 Courage: 407

5 - الصِّدقُ‏ 408

5 Honesty: 408

6 - الرِّفق‏ 408

6 Kindness: 408

7 - النُّصح‏ 408

7 Good Advice: 409

8 - تَطابُقُ القَلبِ وَاللِسان‏ 409

8 Coherence of the Heart and the Tongue: 409

9 - التبليغُ بِالعَمَل‏ 409

9 Preaching Through Action: 409

Notes 410

51 - البلاء 411


261 - الابتِلاءُ بِالشَّرِّ والخَيرِ 411

261 Testing with Events, Good And Bad 411

Notes 411

262 - حِكمَةُ الابتِلاءِ 412

262 The Reason for Testing 412

Notes 413

263 - شِدّة ابتِلاءِ المُؤمِنِ‏ 414

263 The Severity of A Believer's Ordeal 414

Notes 414

264 - دَورُ الأعمالِ السَّيِّئَةِ في وقوعِ البَلاءِ 415

264 The Role of Evil Actions In The Onset of Ordeals 415

Notes 415

265 - مَن لَم يُبتَلَ فَهُوَ مَبغوضٌ عِندَ اللَّهِ‏ 416

265 Whoever Is Not Tried With Ordeals Is Despised By Allah 416

Notes 416

266 - نِعمَةُ البَلاءِ 417

266 The Ordeal As A Bounty 417

Notes 417

267 - البَلاءُ وَالتَّذكيرُ 418

267 Ordeals And Admonition 418

Notes 418

268 - تَمحيصُ البَلاءِ لِلذُّنوبِ‏ 420

268 Sins Are Offset By Ordeals 420

Notes 420

269 - البَلاءُ عَلامَةُ مَحَبَّةِ اللَّهِ سُبحانَهُ‏ 421

269 The Ordeal Is The Sign of Allah's Love, Glory Be To Him 421

Notes 421

270 - البَلاءُ عَلَى قَدرِ الإيمانِ‏ 422

270 Ordeals Correspond To The Level of One's Faith 422

Notes 422

271 - الدَّرَجاتُ الَّتي يَبلُغُهَا العَبدُ بِالبَلاءِ 423

271 The Levels That A Servant Attains As A Result of Ordeals 423

Notes 423

272 - ابتِلاءُ المُؤمِنِ خَيرٌ لَهُ‏ 424

272 A Believer's Trial Is For His Own Good 424

Notes 424

273 - أشَدُّ ما ابتُلِيَ بِهِ العِبادُ 425

273 The Most Severe Trial of Servants 425

Notes 425

274 - الفَرَجُ عِندَ تَناهِي البَلاءِ 426

274 Salvation At The Peak of The Ordeal 426

Notes 426

275 - ذِكرُ اللَّهِ عِندَ البَلاءِ 427

275 Remembrance of Allah At The Time of An Ordeal 427

Notes 427

276 - الدُّعاءُ عِندَ رُؤيَةِ المُبتَلى‏ 428

276 Supplication When Seeing A Man Being Tried With An Ordeal 428

Notes 428

52 - البهتان‏ 429

52 SLANDER 429

277 - التَّحذِيرُ مِنَ البُهتانِ‏ 429

277 Warning Against Slander 429

Notes 429

53 - المباهلة 431


278 - المُباهَلَةُ 431

278 Reciprocal Invocation of Allah's Curse 431

Notes 432

54 - البيعة 433


279 - بَيعَةُ النَّبِيِ بَيعَةُ اللَّهِ‏ 433

279 Swearing Allegiance to the Prophet is Swearing Allegiance to Allah 433

Notes 433

280 - كيفيّةُ بَيعَةِ النِّساءِ 435

280 Women's Allegiance 435

Notes 435

281 - نَكثُ البَيعَةِ 436

281 Retraction of Allegiance 436

Notes 436

282 - بَيعَةُ المُسلِمينَ لِلإمامِ عَلِيٍّ عليه السلام‏ 438

282 The Muslims' Oath of Allegiance To Imam Ali (AS) 438

Notes 438

55 - التجارة 439


283 - فَضلُ التِّجارَةِ 439

283 The Virtue of Trading 439

Notes 439

284 - تَركُ التِّجارَةِ 440

284 Abandoning Trading 440

Notes 440

285 - آدابُ التِّجارَةِ 441

285 The Etiquette of Trading 441

Notes 442

286 - النّهيُ عن التطفيف‏ 443

286 The Prohibition of Cheating [By Giving Less Than Due] In Trade 443

Notes 443

287 - حَثُّ التّاجرِ عَلَى التَّصَدُّقِ‏ 444

287 Enjoinment Upon The Trader To Give Charity 444

Notes 444

288 - التَّساهُلُ فِي البَيعِ وَالشِّراءِ 445

288 Leniency in Selling and Buying 445

Notes 445

289 - المُماكَسَةِ 446

289 Bargaining 446

Notes 446

290 - التَّسويَةُ بَينَ المُماكِسِ وغَيرِهِ‏ 447

290 Equality Between One Who Bargains And One Who Does Not 447

Notes 447

291 - رِبحُ المُؤمِنِ عَلَى المُؤمِنِ‏ 448

291 The Profit of A Believer From Another 448

Notes 448

292 - فُجورُ التُّجّارِ 449

292 The Iniquity of Merchants 449

Notes 449

293 - حَثُّ التُّجارِ عَلى الصِّدقِ‏ 450

293 Enjoinment of the Merchant's Veracity 450

Notes 450

294 - التَّحذيرُ مِنَ الحَلفِ فِي التِّجارَةِ 451

294 The One Who Promotes His Commodity By Oaths 451

Notes 451

295 - تِجارَةُ الآخِرَةِ 452

295 The Trade of the Hereafter 452

Notes 452

296 - عَدَمُ إلهاءِ التِّجارَةِ لِلمُؤمِنِ‏ 454

296 Trading Does not Divert the Believer 454

Notes 454

297 - التِّجارَةُ بالدِّين ! 455

297 Trade With Religion 455

Notes 455

56 - التوبة 456


298 - الحَثُّ عَلَى التَّوبَةِ 456

298 Enjoinment of Repenting 456

Notes 456

299 - مَنزِلةُ التّائِبِ‏ 457

299 The Status of One Who Repents 457

Notes 457

300 - عَلامَةُ التّائِبِ‏ 458

300 The Sign of a Penitent Person 458

Notes 458

301 - قَبولُ التَّوبَةِ 459

301 The Acceptance of Repentance 459

Notes 459

302 - مَتى‏ تُقبَلُ التَّوبَةُ ؟ 460

302. When Is Repentance Accepted? 460

Notes 460

303 - النَّدَمُ تَوبَةٌ 461

303 Remorse Is Repentance 461

Notes 461

304 - حُسنُ الاعتِرافِ‏ 462

304 Appropriate Confession [of One's Sins] 462

Notes 462

305 - دَعائِمُ التَّوبَةِ 463

305 The Pillars of Repentance 463

Notes 463

306 - أنواعُ التَّوبَةِ 464

306 Types of Repentance 464

Notes 464

307 - التَّوبَةُ النَّصوحُ‏ 465

307 Sincere Repentance 465

Notes 465

308 - تَأخيرُ التَّوبَةِ 466

308 Postponing Repentance 466

Notes 466

309 - الأهوَنُ مِن التَّوبَةِ 467

309 What Is Easier Than Repentance 467

Notes 467

310 - سَتر اللَّهِ عَلَى التّائِبِ‏ 468

310 Allah Conceals the Sin of the Penitent One 468

Notes 468

311 - تَبديلُ السَّيِّئاتِ حَسَناتٍ‏ 469

311 Changing Sins Into Good Deeds 469

Notes 469

312 - التَّأ لِّي عَلَى اللَّهِ‏ 470

312 Speculating on Allah's Judgment 470

Notes 470

57 - الثواب‏ 471


313 - ثَوابُ العَمَلِ الصّالِحِ‏ 471

313 The Reward for a Rightous Deed 471

Notes 471

314 - أعظَمُ المَثوبَةِ 472

314 The Greatest Reward 472

Notes 472

315 - مَن بَلَغَهُ ثَوابٌ عَلى‏ عَمَلٍ‏ 473

315 A Man Who Hears About the Reward For a Particular Action 473

Notes 473

58 - الثورة 474


316 - الثَّورَةُ الإسلامِيَّةُ فِي الشَّرقِ قبلَ قيامِ القائمِ عليه السلام‏ 474

316 The Islamic Revolution In The East Before The Rise of The Twelfth Imam (al-Qaim) 474

Notes 474

317 - دَوْرُ العَجَمِ فِي الثَّورَةِ 475

317 The Role of Non-Arabs In The Revolution 475

Notes 475

318 - الثَّورَةُ مِن مَدينَةِ قُمّ‏ 476

318 The Revolution From The City of Qum 476

Notes 477

59 - الجبر 478


319 - بُطلانُ الجَبرِ 478

319 The Fallacy of Predestination 478

Notes 479

320 - لا جَبرَ ولا تَفويضَ‏ 480

320 Neither Free Will Nor Predestination 480

Notes 480

321 - اللَّهُ أولى‏ بِالحَسَناتِ‏ 481

321 Allah Deserves All Credit For Good Deeds 481

Notes 481

322 - ما يَنبغي في مواجَهةِ الجَبرِيَّةِ 482

322 Actions To Be Taken Against The Proponents of Determinism 482

Notes 482

60 - الجبّار 483

60 TYRANT 483

323 - ذَمُّ التَّجَبُّرِ وصِفَةُ الجَبابِرَةِ 483

323 Condemnation of Tyranny 483

Notes 483

324 - سوءُ عاقِبَةِ الجَبابِرَةِ 484

324 The Evil End of The Tyrants 484

Notes 484

61 - الجُبن‏ 485


325 - ذَمُّ الجُبنِ‏ 485

325 Censure of Cowardice 485

Notes 485

326 - الجَبانُ وَالغَزوُ 486

326 The Coward and War 486

Notes 486

62 - الجدال‏ 487


327 - الجِدالُ المَذمومُ‏ 487

327 Reproached Dispute 487

Notes 487

328 - الجِدالُ الحَسَنُ‏ 489

328 Positive Debating 489

Notes 489

63 - التجربة 490


329 - بَرَكاتُ التَّجرِبَةِ 490

329 Blessings of Experiences 490

Notes 490

330 - مَضارُّ عَدَمِ التَّجرِبَةِ 492

330 Harms Due to Lack of Experience 492

Notes 492

64 - الجَزَع‏ 493

64 ANXIETY 493

331 - التّحذيرُ مِنَ الجَزَعِ‏ 493

331 Warning Against Anxiety 493

Notes 494

65 - الجزاء 495


332 - الجَزاءِ 495

332 Requital [of Deeds] 495

Notes 495

333 - جَزاءُ المُحسِنينَ‏ 496

333 The Requital of The Virtuous 496

Notes 496

334 - جَزاءُ المُجرِمينَ‏ 497

334 The Requital of Criminals 497

Notes 497

66 - التجسّس‏ 498

66 SPYING 498

335 - النَّهيُ عَن تَعَقُّبِ عُيوبِ النّاسِ‏ 498

335 Prohibition of Following Up People's Flaws 498

Notes 499

336 - آثارُ التَّجسُّسِ عن الناسِ‏ 500

336 Consequences of Probing other Peoples Flaws 500

Notes 500

337 - جَوازُ التّجَسُّسِ فِي الحُروبِ‏ 501

337 Permissibility of Spying In War 501

Notes 501

338 - ما يُؤخَذُ فيهِ بِالظّاهِرِ 502

338 What Must Be Given The Benefit of the Doubt 502

Notes 502

67 - المجلس‏ 503


339 - أشرَفُ المَجالِسِ‏ 503

339 The Most Honoured Seating 503

Notes 503

340 - ما يَنبَغي مُراعاتُهُ فِي المَجالِسِ‏ 504

340 What Must Be Observed In Sittings 504

Notes 504

341 - صَدرُ المَجالِسِ‏ 506

341 The Main Seating Spot 506

Notes 506

342 - المَجالِسُ الَّتي نُهِيَ عَنها 507

342 Prohibited Sitting Places 507

Notes 508

343 - المَجالِسُ بِالأمانَةِ 509

343 Assemblies Are With Trust 509

Notes 509

344 - الحَثُّ عَلى‏ حُضورِ مَجالِسِ الذِّكرِ 510

344 Encouraging the Attendance of Gatherings Where Allah is Remembered (dhikr) 510

Notes 510

345 - الحَثُّ عَلى‏ ذِكرِ اللَّهِ تَعالى‏ عِندَ لقِيامِ‏ 512

345 Encouraging The Remembrance of Allah Upon Leaving An Assembly 512

Notes 512

68 - المُجالسة 513


346 - مَن نُجالِسُ ؟ 513

346 With Whom Must We Sit? 513

Notes 514

347 - حَقُّ الجَليسِ‏ 515

347 The Right of One's Sitting Companion 515

Notes 515

348 - مَن لا يَنبَغي مُجالَسَتُهُ‏ 516

348 Whom One Should Not Sit With 516

Notes 516

69 - الجماعة 518


349 - يَدُ اللَّهِ مَعَ الجَماعَةِ 518

349 Allah's Hand Is With The Congregation 518

Notes 518

350 - تَفسيرُ الجَماعةِ 519

350 The Interpretation of Congregation 519

Notes 519

70 - الجمعة 520

70 FRIDAY 520

351 - يَومُ الجُمُعَةِ 520

351 Friday 520

Notes 520

352 - غُسلُ الجُمُعَةِ 522

352. Bathing on Friday 522

Notes 522

71 - الجمال‏ 523

71. BEAUTY 523

353 - اللَّهُ جميلٌ يُحِبُّ الجَمالَ‏ 523

353. Allah is Beautiful and He Loves Beauty 523

Notes 523

354 - الصُّورَةُ الجَميلَةُ 525

354 The Beautiful Image 525

Notes 525

355 - إكرامُ الشَّعرِ 526

355 Taking care of One's Hair 526

Notes 526

356 - جَمالُ الباطِنِ‏ 527

356 Inner Beauty 527

Notes 527

72 - الجنابة 528

72 RITUAL IMPURITY (al-janaba) 528

357 - غُسلُ الجَنابَةِ 528

357 Ritual Bathing of al-janaba 528

Notes 528

73 - الجُند 529

73 THE ARMY 529

358 - الجُندُ 529

358 The Army 529

Notes 529

359 - جُنودُ اللَّهِ‏ 531

359 The Soldiers of Allah 531

“No one knows the hosts of your Lord except Him”4 531

Notes 531

74 - الجنّة 532


360 - التَّرغيبُ إلَى الجَنَّةِ 532

360 Encouraging to Aim for Paradise 532

Notes 532

361 - لَيسَ لِأنفُسِكُم ثَمَنٌ إلّا الجَنَّةُ 533

361 There is No Price for Your Souls Except for Paradise 533

Notes 533

362 - ثَمَنُ الجَنَّةِ 534

362 The Price for Paradise 534

Notes 534

363 - موجِباتُ دُخولِ الجَنَّةِ 535

363 Requirements for Entering Paradise 535

Notes 536

364 - الجَنَّةُ مَحفوفَةٌ بِالمَكارِهِ‏ 537

364 Paradise Surrounded by Trials 537

Notes 537

365 - مَن ضُمِنَت لَهُ الجَنَّةُ 538

365 Those for Whom Paradise is Guaranteed 538

Notes 538

366 - مَن تُحَرَّمُ عَلَيهِ الجَنَّةُ 539

366 Those for Whom Paradise is Forbidden 539

Notes 539

367 - أبوابُ الجَنَّةِ 540

367 The Gates of Paradise 540

Notes 540

368 - دَرَجاتُ الجَنَّةِ 541

368 The Ranks in Paradise 541

Notes 541

369 - أوَّلُ مَن يَدخُلُ الجَنَّةَ 543

369 The First to Enter Paradise 543

Notes 543

370 - سادَةُ أهلِ الجَنَّةِ 544

370 The Masters of the People of Paradise 544

Notes 544

371 - شُمولُ الجَنَّةِ 545

371 Inclusiveness of Paradise 545

Notes 545

75 - الجنون‏ 546

75. MADNESS 546

372 - أنواعُ الجُنونِ‏ 546

372 Types of Madness 546

Notes 546

373 - المَجنونُ الحَقيقيُ‏ 547

373 One Who is Truly Mad 547

Notes 547

76 - الجهاد ( 1) الجهاد الأصغر 548

76 JIHAD (1 ) The Lesser Jihad 548

374 - الحَثُّ عَلَى الجِهادِ 548

374 Encouraging of the Lesser Jihad 548

Notes 549

375 - المُجاهِدُ 551

375 The One Who Wages Jihad 551

Notes 551

376 - إعانَةُ المُجاهِدينَ وذَمُّ إيذائِهِم‏ 552

376 Aiding Those Who Wage Jihad and Censure of Those Who Harm Them 552

Notes 552

377 - الأمرُ بِالجِهادِ بِالأيدي وَالألسُنِ وَالقُلوبِ‏ 553

377 The Command To Struggle With One's Hands, Tongue, and Heart 553

Notes 553

378 - تَركُ الجِهادِ 554

378 Abandoning Jihad 554

Notes 554

379 - شُعَبُ الجِهادِ 555

379 Branches of Jihad 555

Notes 555

380 - المُرابطَةُ 556

380 Keeping Posts 556

Notes 556

381 - فَضلُ الحِراسَةِ 557

381 The Merit of Standing Guard 557

Notes 557

77 - الجهاد ( 2 ) 558

77 JIHAD (2 ): The Greater Jihad 558

382 - أنواعُ الجِهادِ 558

382 Forms of Jihad 558

Notes 559

383 - الحَثُّ عَلى‏ جِهادِ النَّفسِ‏ 560

383 Enjoinment of Combatting the Self 560

Notes 560

384 - الجِهادُ الأكبَرُ 561

384 The Greater Jihad 561

Notes 561

385 - ما يَنبَغي في مُجاهَدَةِ النَّفسِ‏ 562

385 What is Necessary for Combatting the Self 562

Notes 562

386 - ثَمَرَةُ المُجاهَدَةِ 563

386 The Fruit of Struggle 563

Notes 563

78 - الجهاد ( 3) « الاجتهاد في طاعة اللَّه » 565

78 JIHAD (3 ) Striving To Obey Allah: 565

387 - الحَثُّ عَلَى الاجتِهادِ في طاعَةِ اللَّهِ‏ 565

387 Encouraging to Strive To Obey Allah 565

Notes 565

388 - أشَدُّ النّاسِ اجتِهاداً 566

388 The Most Diligent of People 566

Notes 566

79 - الجهل‏ 567


389 - ذَمُّ الجَهلِ‏ 567

389 Reprehension of Ignorance 567

Notes 567

390 - عَلاماتُ الجاهِلِ‏ 568

390 The Signs of an Ignorant 568

Notes 569

391 - أجهَلُ النّاسِ‏ 571

391 The Most Ignorant of People 571

Notes 571

392 - كَفى‏ بِذلِكَ جَهلاً 572

392 What is Sufficient to be Considered Ignorant 572

Notes 572

393 - تَفسيرُ الجَهلِ‏ 573

393 The Interpretation of Ignorance 573

Notes 573

394 - الإنسانُ عَدُوٌّ لِما يَجهَلُ‏ 574

394 Man is Averse To What He is Ignorant of 574

Notes 574

80 - جهنّم‏ 575

80 HELL 575

395 - التَّحذِيرُ عَن جَهَنَّمَ‏ 575

395 Warning Against Hell 575

Notes 575

396 - وَقودُ جَهَنَّمَ‏ 576

396 The Fuel of Hell 576

Notes 576

397 - سَلاسِلُ جَهَنَّمَ وأغلالُها 577

397 The Chains and Shackles of Hell 577

Notes 577

398 - سَرابيلُ أهلِ النّارِ 578

398 The Garments of the People of the Fire 578

Notes 578

399 - طَعامُ أهلِ النّارِ 579

399 The Food of the People of the Fire 579

Notes 579

400 - شَرابُ أهلِ النّارِ 580

400 The Drink of the People of the Fire 580

Notes 580

401 - أوَّلُ مَن يَدخُلُ النّارَ 581

401 The First to Enter the Fire 581

Notes 581

402 - أهوَنُ النّاسِ عَذاباً 582

402 The People with the Least Chastisement 582

Notes 582

403 - أشَدُّ النّاسِ عَذاباً 583

403 The People with the Greatest Chastisement 583

Notes 583

404 - وادِي المُتَكَبِّرينَ‏ 584

404 The Valley of the Arrogant 584

Notes 584

405 - مَن يُخَلَّدُ في جَهَنَّمَ‏ 585

405 Those Who Will Be Made to Remain in Hell Permanently 585

Notes 585

406 - مَن يَخرُجُ مِن النّارِ 586

406 Those Who Will Leave the Fire 586

Notes 586

407 - عِلَّةُ الخُلودِ 587

407 The Reason for Perpetuity in Hell 587

Notes 587

81 - الجواب‏ 588


408 - الجَوابُ‏ 588

408 The Answer 588

Notes 588

82 - الجود 590


409 - التَّرغيبُ بِالجُودِ 590

409 Encouragement of Generosity 590

Notes 590

410 - أفضلُ الجودِ 591

410 The Best Open-Handedness 591

Notes 591

411 - صِفَةُ الجَوادِ 592

411 The Attributes of the Open-Handed Person 592

Notes 592

83 - الجار 593


412 - حُسنُ الجِوارِ 593

412 Neighbourliness 593

Notes 593

413 - إيذاءُ الجارِ 595

413 Annoying One's Neighbour 595

Notes 595

414 - تَفَقُّدُ الجارِ 596

414 Visiting the Neighbour 596

Notes 596

415 - حَقُّ الجارِ 597

415 The Rights of the Neighbour 597

Notes 597

416 - حَدُّ الجارِ 598

416 The Boundary of the Neighbourhood 598

Notes 598

84 - المحبّة 599

84 LOVE 599

417 - المَوَدَّةُ قَرابَةٌ 599

417 Love is Kinship 599

Notes 599

418 - ما يورِثُ المَحَبَّةَ 600

418 That Which Brings About Love 600

Notes 600

419 - مَن لا يَنبَغي مَوَدَّتُهُ‏ 601

419 Those Who Must Not Be Endeared 601

Notes 601

420 - حُبٌّ يَمنَعُ المَعرِفَةَ 602

420 The Blindness of Love [from Perceiving the Truth] 602

Notes 602

421 - عَلاَمَةُ الحُبِ‏ 603

421 The Sign of Love 603

Notes 603

422 - شِدَّةُ حُبِّ المُؤمِنينَ لِلّهِ‏ 604

422 The Believers' Intense Love for Allah 604

Notes 605

423 - ما يورِثُ حُبَّ اللَّهِ‏ 606

423 That which Brings About the Love of Allah 606

Notes 606

424 - الَّذينَ يُحِبُّهُمُ اللَّهُ‏ 607

424 Those Whom Allah Loves 607

Notes 607

425 - الَّذينَ لا يُحِبُّهُمُ اللَّهُ‏ 609

425 Those That Allah Does Not Like 609

Notes 609

426 - أحَبُّ النّاسِ إلَى اللَّهِ‏ 610

426 The People Loved Most by Allah 610

Notes 610

427 - آثارُ مَحَبَّةِ اللَّهِ عَبدَهُ‏ 611

427 The Signs of God's Love towards his servant 611

Notes 611

428 - ميزانُ المَنزِلَةِ عِندَ اللَّهِ‏ 612

428 The Status of Man's Position with Allah 612

Notes 612

429 - عَلَامَةُ حُبِّ الإنسانِ لِلّهِ‏ 613

429 The Sign of Man's Love for Allah 613

Notes 613

430 - المَنزِلَةُ الكُبرى‏ 614

430 The Highest Position 614

Notes 614

431 - عَدَمُ اجتِماعِ حُبِّ اللَّهِ وحُبِّ الدُّنيا 615

431 The Incongruity of the Love of Allah Combined with the Love of the World 615

Notes 615

432 - الحَثُّ عَلى‏ تَحبيبِ اللَّهِ‏ 616

432 Enjoining the Love of Allah 616

Notes 616

433 - الحُبُّ فِي اللَّهِ‏ 617

433 To Love for the Sake of Allah 617

Notes 617

434 - حُبُّ النبيّ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله وأهلِ بيتِه عليهم السلام‏ 619

434 The Love of the Prophet (SAWA) and His Household (AS) 619

Notes 620

435 - ما يُشتَرَطُ في حُبِّ أهلِ البَيتِ عليهم السلام‏ 621

435 The Conditions for Loving the Household 621

Notes 621

436 - إخلاصُ المَحَبَّةِ 622

436 Devotion In Love 622

Notes 622

437 - المَرءُ مَعَ مَن أحَبَ‏ 623

437 Man is with Whom He Loves 623

Notes 623

85 - الحبس‏ 624


438 - مَن يَجوزُ حَبسُهُ‏ 624

438 Those Who May Be Imprisoned 624

Notes 624

439 - حَبسُ الكَفيلِ إلى‏ حينِ حُضورِ لمَكفولِ‏ 625

439 Jailing the Warrantor until the Return of the Warranted 625

Notes 625

440 - مَن يُخَلَّدُ فِي السِّجنِ‏ 626

440 The One Imprisoned for Life 626

Notes 626

441 - الحَبسُ بَعدَ إقامَةِ الحَدِّ ومَعرِفَةِ حَقِ‏ 627

441 Imprisonment after Punishment and Acknowledgment of the Truth 627

Notes 627

442 - حُقوقُ المَحبوسِ‏ 628

442 The Rights of the Prisoner 628

Notes 628

443 - سيرةُ النبيّ عليه السلام في حَبسِ المتَّهمِ‏ 629

443 The Conduct of the Prophet (SAWA) in imprisoning a Suspect 629

Notes 629

86 - الحجاب‏ 630

86 THE VEIL 630

444 - الحِجابُ‏ 630

444 The Veil 630

Notes 631

87 - الحجّ‏ 632


445 - تَشرِيعُ الحَجِّ وَ فَضلُهُ‏ 632

445 The Legislation of Hajj and its Virtue 632

Notes 632

446 - فَلسَفَةُ الحَجِ‏ 634

446 The Philosophy of the Pilgrimage 634

Notes 635

447 - نَفيُ الحَجِّ لِلفَقرِ 636

447 Pilgrimage Repels Poverty 636

Notes 636

448 - ما بِهِ تَمامُ الحَجِ‏ 637

448 That Which Completes the Pilgrimage 637

Notes 637

449 - عاقِبَةُ تَركِ الحَجّ‏ 638

449 The Consequence of Abandoning the Obligatory Pilgrimage 638

Notes 638

450 - تَعطيلُ البَيتِ‏ 639

450 Deferring [Pilgrimage] to the House 639

Notes 639

451 - ما أكثَرَ الضَّجيجَ وأقَلَّ الحَجيجَ‏ 640

451 What a Lot of Clamour and What Few Pilgrims 640

Notes 640

452 - أدَبُ الحاجِ‏ 641

452 The Etiquette of the Pilgrim 641

Notes 641

453 - أدَبُ الإحرامِ‏ 642

453 The Respect due to Ihram 642

Notes 643

454 - ثوابُ مَن ماتَ في طَريقِ الحجّ‏ 644

454 The Reward of One Who Dies on the Way to Hajj 644

Notes 644

455 - حُضورُ الإمامِ الغائِبِ فِي المَوسِمِ‏ 645

455 The Presence of the Hidden Imam [al-Mahdi] during Hajj 645

Notes 645

88 - الحجّة 646


456 - إِقامَةُ الحُجَّةِ 646

456 Presenting The Argument 646

Notes 647

457 - لِلَّهِ الحُجَّةُ البالِغَةُ 648

457 To Allah Belongs the Conclusive Argument 648

Notes 648

458 - أوكَدُ الحُجَجِ وأبلَغُها 649

458 The Surest and Most Conclusive Argument 649

Notes 649

89 - الحديث‏ 650


459 - قيمَةُ أخذِ الحَديثِ‏ 650

459 The Value of Learning a Tradition 650

Notes 650

460 - فَضلُ المُحَدِّثِ‏ 651

460 The Value of a Traditionist 651

Notes 651

461 - ثَوابُ مَن حَفِظَ أربَعينَ حَديثاً 652

461 The Reward of Those Who Memorize Forty Traditions 652

Notes 652

462 - دِرايَةُ الحَديثِ‏ 653

462 Understanding the Tradition 653

Notes 653

463 - التَّحذيرُ مِنَ الكِذبِ عَلَى الرَّسولِ‏ 654

463 Caution against Ascribing Lies to the Prophet (SAWA) 654

Notes 654

464 - النَّهيُ عَن تَكذيبِ ما لا يُعلَمُ كِذبُهُ‏ 655

464 Prohibition of Rejecting That Tradition Whose Falsehood is not Known 655

Notes 655

465 - صِحَّةُ الحَديثِ و مُوافَقَةُ القُرآنِ‏ 656

465 The Soundness of the Tradition and Its Agreement with the Qur'an 656

Notes 656

466 - صِحَّةُ الحَديثِ و مُوافَقَةُ الفِطرَةِ 657

466 The Soundness of a Tradition and Its Agreement with Man's Nature 657

Notes 657

467 - صِحّةُ الحَديثِ و مُوَافَقَةُ الحَقِ‏ 658

467 The Soundness of a Tradition and Its Agreement with the Truth 658

Notes 658

468 - جَوازُ نَقلِ الحَديثِ بِالمَعنى‏ 659

468 The Permissibility of Transmitting the Meaning of the Tradition 659

Notes 659

469 - ما يَنبَغي مُراعاتُهُ فِي التَّحديثِ‏ 660

469 What Must Be Observed when Transmitting Traditions 660

Notes 660

470 - حَديثُ أهلِ البَيتِ حَديثُ رَسولِ اللَّه صلى اللَّه عليه وآله‏ 661

470 The Tradition from Ahl al-Bayt is the Tradition from the Messenger of God 661

Notes 661

471 - شُموليّةُ الكتاب والسُّنّةِ 662

471. The All-Inclusiveness of the Book and the Prophetic Practice 662

Notes 662

472 - مُتَشابِهاتُ الأحاديثِ‏ 663

472 The Ambiguous Traditions 663

Notes 663

90 - الحدود 664


473 - لِكُلِّ شَي‏ءٍ حَدٌّ 664

473 Everything Has a Bound 664

Notes 664

474 - دَرءُ الحُدودِ 665

474 Averting the Punishments 665

Notes 665

475 - إقامَةُ الحُدودِ 666

475 Upholding the Penal Laws 666

Notes 666

476 - لا شَفاعَةَ وَلا كَفالَةَ وَلا يَمِينَ في حَدٍّ 667

476 No Intercession, Bail or Oath 667

Notes 667

477 - النَّهيُ عَنِ النَّظِرَةِ فِي الحُدودِ 668

477 Prohibition of Postponement of Legal Punishments 668

Notes 668

478 - النَّهيُ عَن تَعَدِّي الحُدودِ 669

478 Prohibition of Transgressing the Bounds 669

Notes 669

479 - إقامَةُ الحَدِّ بِأرضِ العَدُوِّ 670

479 Executing the Legal Punishment in the Land of the Enemy 670

Notes 670

480 - دَورُ إقامَةِ الحَدِّ في تَكفيرِ الذَّنبِ‏ 671

480 The Role of Implementing the Penal Law in Atonement for the Sin 671

Notes 671

481 - النَّهيُ عَن إهانَةِ المَحدودِ 672

481 Prohibition of Insulting the One Being Punished 672

Notes 672

482 - مَن لا حَدَّ عَلَيهِ‏ 673

482 Those to whom Penal Law should not be implemented 673

Notes 673

91 - الحرب‏ 674

91 WAR 674

483 - مَثارُ الحَربِ‏ 674

483 Reasons of War 674

Notes 674

484 - مُباغَتَةُ العَدُوِّ 675

484 Surprising the Enemy 675

Notes 675

485 - ما يَلزمُ رِعايَتُهُ قَبلَ الحَربِ‏ 676

485 That Which Must be Observed Before the War 676

Notes 676

486 - مُقَدَّمَةُ الجَيشِ‏ 677

486 The Troops at the Forefront of the Army 677

Notes 677

487 - إرشاداتٌ عَسكَرِيَّةٌ 678

487 Military Instructions 678

Notes 678

488 - الحَربُ خُدعَةٌ 680

488 War is a Trick 680

Notes 680

489 - النَّهيُ عَنِ الفِرارِ مِنَ الحَربِ‏ 681

489 Prohibition of Running Away from the Battle 681

Notes 681

490 - التَّحذيرُ عَن قِتالِ المُسلِمِ‏ 682

490 Warning against Fighting a Muslim 682

Notes 682

491 - الدُّعاءُ عِندَ الحَربِ‏ 683

491 Supplicating During War 683

Notes 683

492 - حَربُ النِّساءِ 684

492 The Fighting of Women 684

Notes 684

92 - المُحارب‏ 685


493 - جَزاءُ المُحارِبِ‏ 685

493 The Punishment of Warmonger 685

Notes 686

93 - الحريّة 687

93 FREEDOM 687

494 - أهَمِّيَّةُ الحُرِّيَّةِ 687

494 The Importance of Freedom 687

Notes 687

495 - النّاسُ كُلُّهُم أحرارٌ 688

495 All People Are Free 688

Notes 688

496 - شيمَةُ الحُرِّ 689

496 The Distinguishing Trait of the Free 689

Notes 689

94 - الحرص‏ 690


497 - ذَمُّ الحِرصِ‏ 690

497 Denouncing Covetousness 690

Notes 690

498 - ذَمُّ الحَريصِ‏ 691

498 Denouncing The Covetous 691

Notes 692

499 - مادّةُ الحِرصِ‏ 693

499 The Elements of Covetousness 693

Notes 693

95 - الحرفة 694


500 - أهَمِّيَّةُ الحِرفَةِ 694

500 Importance of the Profession 694

Notes 695