What Everyone Should Know about Islam

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Publisher: www.ibrahimamini.com
Category: Fundamentals Of Religion

What Everyone Should Know about Islam

Author: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini
Publisher: www.ibrahimamini.com

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What Everyone Should Know about Islam
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What Everyone Should Know about Islam

What Everyone Should Know about Islam

Publisher: www.ibrahimamini.com

What Everyone Should Know about Islam

Author(s): Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini



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Table of Contents

Dedication 7

Preface 8

Childhood and Youth 8

Everyone is Responsible 9

The Present Book 9

Chapter 1: Theology 11

1.1. Acquiring of Knowledge 11

1.2. Theology 11

1.2.1. Order and Discipline of World 12

1.2.2. The Period of Childhood 14

1.2.3. Let Us Make a Judgment 14

1.2.4. Every Possible Existence Requires a Cause 15

1.3. God’s Characteristics 15

1.3.1. Provable Characteristics 15

First Reason 16

Second Reason 16

1.3.2. Some Provable Characteristics 16

1.3.3. A Necessary Reminder 17

1.4. Characteristics of Essence and Deed 18

1.4.1. Characteristics of Essence 18

1.4.2. Characteristics of Deed 18

1.4.3. A Narration 18

1.5. Attributes that cannot apply to God 18

1.5.1. Some Attributes that cannot apply to God 19

1. God is not compounded 19

2. God is not a Body 19

3. God is Unseen 19

4. God is not an Illiterate and Ignorant 19

5. God is not Helpless and Powerless 19

6. God’s Essence is not a Place of Incidents to Occur 19

7. God does not have a Partner 19

8. God does not have a Place 20

9. God is not needy 20

10. God is not a Tyrant and Oppressor 20

1.6. Monotheism 20

First Reason 21

First Probability 21

Second Probability 21

Third Probability 21

Second Reason 22

Result of Monotheism 22

1.7. Justice 22

First Reason 22

Second Reason 23

Chapter 2: Prophethood 24

2.1. Prophethood 24

Reason of this Matter 24

2.2. Conditions of Prophethood 25

1. Infallibility 25

2. Knowledge 25

3. Miracles 25

2.2.1. Path of Identification of a Prophet 26

First Path 26

Second Path 26

2.2.2. Number of Prophets 27

2.3. Muhammad (SAW) - Seal of the Prophets 27

2.4. Eternal Miracle 28

2.5. A Brief History of Holy Prophet’s (SAW) Life 28

2.6. Islamic Laws 29

Chapter 3: Imamate (Leadership with Divine Authority) 31

3.1. Imamate (leadership with Divine Authority) 31

3.2. Characteristics of an Imam 31

1. Infallibility 31

2. Knowledge of Imam 31

3. Distinctions and Perfection 32

4. Miracles 32

5. Imam’s Identification 32

First Path 32

Second Path 32

Difference between an Imam and Prophet 32

First 32

Second 33

3.3. Appointment of a Successor and Number of Imams (AS) 33

3.4. First Imam (AS) 34

A Story from Imam Ali (AS) 35

Another Story 35

3.5. Second Imam (AS) 36

Firstly 36

Secondly 36

A Story from Imam al-Hasan (AS) 37

3.6. Third Imam (AS) 37

3.7. Fourth Imam (AS) 39

3.8. Fifth Imam (AS) 39

3.9. Sixth Imam (AS) 40

3.10. Seventh Imam (AS) 41

3.11. Eighth Imam (AS) 41

3.12. Ninth Imam (AS) 42

3.13. Tenth Imam (AS) 43

3.14. Eleventh Imam (AS) 43

3.15. Twelfth Imam (AS) 44

3.15.1. Our Belief Regarding Imams (AS) 45

3.16. Shi’a 45

3.17. Our Beliefs about Other Muslims 46

Chapter 4: Resurrection or Hereafter 48

4.1. The Day of Judgment 48

First Argument: 48

Second Argument: 49

4.2. Death 50

4.3. Interval between Death and Resurrection 50

4.4. Day of Judgment and General Resurrection 51

4.5. Paradise 51

4.6. Hell 52

4.7. Intercession 52

4.8. Repentance 53

Chapter 5: Moral Ethics 54

5. Moral Ethics 54

Chapter 6: Branches of Religion 55

6.1. Branches of Religion 55

6.2. Prayer 55

Daily Prayers 55

Time of Prayers 55

6.3. Ablution 55

6.4. Adhan (Call to Prayer55) 56

6.5. Call for Establishing of Prayer 56

6.6. Instructions for Recitation of Prayer 56

First Reminder 57

Second Reminder 57

Third Reminder 57

5. Prostration (Sajdah) 57

6. Submission (Qunut) 58

First Reminder 59

Second Reminder 59

6.7. Essentials of Prayer 59

Invalidities or Cancellation of Prayer 59

6.8. Prayer of a Traveler 60

First Reminder 60

Second Reminder 60

6.9. Prayer of Signs 60

Reminder 61

6.10. Fasting 61

Reminder 61

Those who could break their Fasting 61

Reminder 61

Reminder 62

First Reminder 62

Second Reminder 62

6.11. Charity 62

The amount required for Wheat, Barley and Raisins 62

Amount of Charity 62

1. Forty sheep 62

Reminder 63

The Number or Quantity (Nis'ab) liable for Charity Tax for Cows 63

Reminder 63

The Number or Quantity (Nis’ab) liable for Charity for Gold 63

The Number or Quantity (Nass’ab) liable for Charity Tax for Silver 63

First Reminder 64

Second Reminder 64

Third Reminder 64

Utilization of Charity 64

Reminder 64

6.12. One-Fifth Savings of Yearly Income 64

First Reminder 65

Second Reminder 65

6.13. Hajj 65

Reminder 66

6.14. Encouraging of Good and Forbidding of Evil 66

First Stage 67

Second Stage 67

Third Stage 67

Fourth Stage 67

6.15. Some of the Illegitimate Transactions 67

6.16. Unclean things 68

6.17. Some of the Purifiers 68

6.18. Compulsory Washing or Bath 68

Instruction of the Bath (Ghusl) 68

First Reminder 69

Second Reminder 69

6.19. Instructions for Ablution with Earth or Sand 69

First Reminder 69

Second Reminder 69

Third Reminder 69

6.20. Some of the Illegitimate Deeds 69

6.21. Some of the Compulsions 70

6.22. Imitation or Following 70

Bibliography 73

Glossary 74

Notes 75


“In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful”

This book is dedicated to our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah (S), Seal of the Prophets, his holy progeny - Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.) - and all devoted scholars and intellectuals who endeavor in the path of grandeur and dignity of Islam; Islamic universal awakening, brotherhood, solidarity and to present the peaceful divine message of monotheism, peace, harmony, coexistence, equality, freedom, justice, love, and human dignity to rescue the mankind through enlightenment at this critical juncture of our contemporary world in the twenty-first century


Does this world have a Creator and God or has it been created by itself without any cause? If there is a God then what are His attributes and works? Does God assign an obligation for us, or are we not without some form of responsibility? Were the messengers truthful in their claims or not? Is it possible that after this world there exists another world whereby a human being would see punishment for his/her deeds?

The human faculty of reason, in accordance with his primitive nature and special creation, desires to find out about these realities, remove curtains from these mysteries; provide correct answers for these inquiries and many more alike. The human faculty of reason possesses this distinction in it whereby it can distinguish between truth and falsehood and naturally is inclined to discover the realities and causes of things, and until it rests upon an absolute certainty, it does not feel comfortable.

These sorts of topics are called principles of religion (’usul-e-din). The principles of religion are topics which are relevant to the thought and soul of human beings, reason and intellect follow it, and deeds and movement of human beings spring forth from its fountainhead accordingly. In the principles of religion (’usul-e-din) imitation or following is not allowed and everyone is obliged to discover them through his reason and intellect. If a human being, for his beliefs, succeeds in creating a stable and firm groundwork, his intellect and soul feel at ease; he rescues it from internal anxiety, bewilderment, and wandering, and in that case he could continue his life with his conscience at ease and in comfort.

Childhood and Youth

The best time for nourishment is the period of childhood and adolescence. The fresh page of a mind of a child and a youth is like a photographic film that has not yet been exposed to the light of illumination and is therefore ready for acceptance of any picture upon it.

These simple minds, if they could be nourished in a correct manner and if correct thoughts and beliefs could be presented to them with reason and logic, would make a dent upon their sensitive soul and thus would become a permanent temperament of their essence. Such individuals, no matter what environment they are encountered with and whomever they socialized with, would not become deviated and lost.

If they happened to be in an impious environment, they would not accept the color of that community; instead they would try to change it to their own color. Unfortunately, this large group has been deprived of correct religious nourishment, and has not yet been paid attention to the way they deserve. Normally they have acquired the religious beliefs from their parents without reason, logic, and program. It is due to this very reason that their faith and belief has not been laid down upon a solid foundation and they do not possess a stable groundwork.

Secondly: They have assumed some of the matters which are baseless and futile as definite religious realities, believed in them, and with the same illogical and initial beliefs and thoughts, enter in primary schools, higher secondary schools and from there into the university environment where they associate with the people of different belief and thoughts. Since the basis of their faith is not firm, or with a slight doubt and criticism, they become easily confused and perplexed, and from the point of knowledge and wisdom have not reached to the extent that they could distinguish truth from falsehood and could separate good from bad.

Therefore due to this reason they become cynical with respect to the real religion and remain in the state of bewilderment not knowing what their obligation is supposed to be. Then in that case either they turn their face completely away from religion or at least the basis of their moral ethics or deeds start trembling, causing them to act reckless with respect to their religion. The result of this negligence and incorrect nourishment could be seen explicitly by all and there is no one who could think of a solution in rescuing these innocent individuals from the valley of deviation.

Everyone is Responsible

Against this greatest danger that threatens the forthcoming generations into irreligiousness and weakness of belief, all individuals of the community are responsible. Guardians of religion, clergies, fathers, mothers, teachers and scholars, speakers, writers and wealthy people, all are responsible.

Yes, we are all responsible and if we do not discharge our obligation in this regard, the future generation would send curses upon us and we would be held accountable on the Day of Judgment.

We must draw a comprehensive plan and perfect program of implanting correct beliefs with reason and logic inside the brains of the simple minded; and must wage a campaign of confrontation against deviated and wrong beliefs. Educational books with simple language should be prepared for them; libraries must be established for this task; books freely or inexpensive should be provided to them and they should be motivated to read these books.

The Present Book

The present book has been especially written for the young generation and youths to teach them religious education and the following points have been considered in this book:

1. The contexts while being simple are based upon reason and rationale. Regarding intellectual matters rational reasons have been presented; topics regarding obedience and religion have been presented in accordance with narrations and verses of the Holy Qur’an; if required the source of reference has been mentioned in footnotes, but for the sake of brevity in some topics the sources have not been mentioned.

2. Regarding the date of births and demises of the Holy Prophet (S) and Infallible Imams (a.s.) there are differences of opinion but for the sake of concision one of the quotations has been selected and others have not been mentioned.

3. The writer has tried his best to make the intellectual matters relatively simple so they could be comprehended by all; efforts have been made to avoid usage of philosophical terminology and description of lengthy and tiring arguments.

4. Doubtful, weak and tempered, and less useful matters have not been mentioned.

5. In this book matters have been written whose knowing is compulsory upon every Muslim and whereby the Religion of Islam has been described in a summarized manner in order to prepare the minds of readers to refer to more comprehensive books and journals of the religious authorities (ris’alah ‘Amaliyah written by mar’aji‘). Especially regarding branches of the religion (furu‘e-din) all of them have not been mentioned or have been mentioned in summary. The context of the book could be classified into the following three categories:

First: The beliefs (Aqa’yid) i.e. matters and affairs which are related to the intellect and faculty of reason a human being, rational reasons rule over them and imitation is not allowed.

Second: Moral ethics (’Akhl’aq), i.e. the matters which are relevant to the human self and sentiments, controlling desires of the self, making one’s self moderate and placing one’s self upon the straight path of humanity.

Third: Branches of the Religion (Fru‘-e-din): i.e. mandatory obligations and practical instructions, which are relevant to the human body and what should be done.

In the end I request the readers and intellectuals that if they have opinions or find faults in the book, they should inform the writer so that it could be utilized in the next edition.

Ibrahim Amini

Qum, Islamic Seminary
