The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Volume 4

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)0%

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Author:
Translator: N. Virjee, A. Kadhim, M. Dasht Bozorgi, Z. Alsalami and A. Virjee
Publisher: ICAS Press
Category: Texts of Hadith
ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)

Author: M. Mohammadi Rayshahri
Translator: N. Virjee, A. Kadhim, M. Dasht Bozorgi, Z. Alsalami and A. Virjee
Publisher: ICAS Press

ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6
visits: 46429
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The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition)

The Scale of Wisdom: A Compendium of Shi’a Hadith [Mizan al-Hikmah] (Bilingual Edition) Volume 4

Publisher: ICAS Press
ISBN: 978-1-904063-34-6


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1896 - ما يَجِبُ عَلَى الوالي في نَفسِهِ‏


6786. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - مِن كِتابِهِ للأشتَرِ لَمّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : إنّما يُستَدَلُّ علَى الصّالِحينَ بِما يُجري اللَّهُ لَهُم على‏ ألسُنِ عِبادِهِ ، فلْيَكُن أحَبَّ الذَّخائرِ إلَيكَ ذَخيرَةُ العَمَلِ الصّالِحِ ، فاملِكْ هَواكَ ، وشُحَّ بِنَفسِكَ عَمّا لا يَحِلُّ لَكَ ؛ فإنَّ الشُّحَّ بِالنَّفسِ الإنصافُ مِنها فيما أحَبَّت أو كَرِهَت1

6786. Imam Ali (AS), in his lettter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Surely the virtuous are known by the reputation that Allah circulates for them through the tongues of His creatures. Threfore, the best collection with you should be the collection of good deeds. So control your passions and deprive your heart from doing what is not lawful for you, because depriving the heart means detaining it just half way between what it likes and dislikes.'2

6787. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - أيضاً - : أنصِفِ اللَّهَ وأنصِفِ النّاسَ مِن نَفِسكَ ، ومِن خاصَّةِ أهلِكَ ، ومَن لَكَ فيهِ هَوىً مِن رَعِيَّتِكَ ؛ فإنَّكَ إلّا تَفعَلْ تَظلِمْ3

6787. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Be just to Allah and do justice towards the people, as against yourself, your near ones and those of your subjects for whom you have a liking, because if you do not do so, you will be oppressive.'4

6788. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - أيضاً - : وإيّاكَ والإعْجابَ بِنَفسِكَ ، والثِّقَةَ بما يُعجِبُكَ مِنها ، وحُبَّ الإطراءِ ؛ فإنّ ذلكَ مِن أوثَقِ فُرَصِ الشَّيطانِ في نَفسِهِ لِيَمحَقَ مايَكونُ مِن إحسانِ المُحسِنينَ5

6788. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Beware of self-admiration, having reliance in what appears good in yourself and love of exaggerated praise because this is one of the most reliable opportunities for Satan to obliterate the good deeds of the virtuous.'6


1. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

2. Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 53

3. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

4. Ibid. Letter 53

5. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

6. Ibid. Letter 53

1897 - أهَمُّ مايَجِبُ عَلَى الوالي في وِلايَتِهِ‏


6789. الإمامُ الصّادق عليه السلام : قالَ أميرُ المؤمنينَ عليه السلام لِعُمرَ بنِ الخَطّابِ : ثَلاثٌ إن حَفِظتَهُنَّ وعَمِلتَ بِهِنَّ كَفَتكَ ماسِواهُنَّ ، وإن تَرَكتَهُنَّ لَم يَنفَعْكَ شي‏ءٌ سِواهُنَّ قالَ : وما هُنَّ يا أباالحَسَنِ ؟ قالَ : إقامَةُ الحُدودِ علَى القَريبِ والبَعيدِ ، والحُكمُ بكِتابِ اللَّهِ في الرِّضا والسُّخطِ ، والقَسْمُ بِالعَدلِ بَينَ الأحمَرِ والأسوَدِ فقالَ لَهُ عُمَر : لَعَمري لَقَد أوجَزتَ وأبلَغتَ1

6789. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said: Imam Ali (AS) said to Umar b. al-Khattab, 'There are three things which if you observe and act in accordance with, they will suffice you in everything else, and if you abandon them, nothing else will benefit you other than them.' Umar asked, 'What are they Abu al-Hasan?' He (AS) said, 'The observance of penalties for the close and the distant, ruling according to the Book of Allah, be it with acceptance or discontentment, and to divide fairly between the black and the red.' Umar said, 'By my life, you have summarised and explained [everything].'2

6790. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - مِن كِتابِهِ للأشتَرِ لَمّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : وأشعِرْ قَلبَكَ الرَّحمَةَ لِلرَّعِيَّةِ ، والمَحَبَّة لَهُم ، واللُّطفَ بِهِم ، ولاتَكونَنَّ علَيهِم سَبُعاً ضارِياً تَغتَنِمُ أكلَهُم ؛ فإنَّهُم صِنفانِ : إمّا أخٌ لَكَ في الدِّينِ ، أو نَظيرٌ لَكَ في الخَلقِ ، يَفرُطُ مِنهُمُ الزَّلَلُ ، وتَعرِضُ لَهُمُ العِلَلُ ، ويُؤتى‏ على‏ أيديهِم في العَمدِ والخَطأِ ، فأعطِهِم مِن عَفوِكَ وصَفحِكَ مِثلَ الّذي تُحِبُّ وتَرضى‏ أن يُعطِيَكَ اللَّهُ مِن عَفوِهِ وصَفحِهِ ، فإنَّكَ فَوقَهُم ، وَوالِي الأمرِ علَيكَ فَوقَكَ ، واللَّهُ فَوقَ مَن وَلّاكَ !3

6790. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Habituate your heart to mercy for the subjects and to affection and kindness for them. Do not stand over them like greedy beasts who seeks to devour them, since they are of two kinds, either your brother in religion or one like you in creation. They will commit slips and encounter mistakes. They may act wrongly, wilfully or by neglect. So extend to them your forgiveness and pardon, in the same way as you would like Allah to extend His forgiveness and pardon to you, because you have authority over them, and your responsible Commander (Imam) has authority over you, while Allah has authority over he who has appointed you.'4

6791. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - مِن كِتابِهِ للأشتَرِ لَمّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : ولْيَكُن أحَبَّ الاُمورِ إلَيكَ أوسَطُها في الحَقِّ ، وأعَمُّها في العَدِل ، وأجمَعُها لرِضا الرَّعِيَّةِ ؛ فإنَّ سُخطَ العامَّةِ يُجحِفُ برِضا الخاصَّةِ ، وإنَّ سُخطَ الخاصَّةِ يُغتَفَرُ مَع رِضا العامَّةَ ولَيسَ أحَدٌ مِن الرَّعِيَّةِ أثقَلَ علَى الوالِي مَؤونَةً في الرَّخاء ، وأقَلَّ مَعونَةً لَهُ في البَلاءِ ، وأكرَهَ للإنصافِ ، وأسألَ بالإلحافِ ، وأقَلَّ شُكراً عِندَ الإعطاءِ ، وأبَطأ عُذراً عِندَ المَنعِ ، وأضعَفَ صَبراً عِندَ مُلِمّاتِ الدَّهرِ ، مِن أهلِ الخاصَّةِ وإنّما عِمادُ الدِّينِ وجِماعُ المُسلمينَ والعُدَّةُ للأعداءِ : العامَّةُ مِن الاُمَّةِ ، فلْيَكُنْ صِغوُكَ لَهُم ، ومَيلُكَ مَعهُم5

6791. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'The way most coveted by you should be that which is the most equitable for the truth, the most universal by way of justice, and the most comprehensive with regard to the agreement among those under you, because the disagreement among the common people sweeps away the arguments of the chiefs while the disagreement among the chiefs can be disregarded when compared to the agreement of the common people. No one among those under you is more burdensome to the ruler in the comfort of life, less helpful in distress, more disliking of equitable treatment, more importunate in asking favours, least thankful when given, least accepting of excuses when refused, and weakest in endurance at the time of discomforts in life than the chiefs. It is the common people of the community who are the pillars of religion, the power of the Muslims and the defence against the enemies. Your leanings should therefore be towards them and your inclination with them.'6

6792. الإمامُ الصّادق عليه السلام : ثَلاثَةٌ تَجِبُ على‏ السُّلطانِ لِلخاصَّةِ والعامَّةِ : مُكافأةُ المُحسِنِ بالإحسانِ لِيَزدادُوا رَغبَةً فيهِ ، وتَغَمُّدُ ذُنوبِ المُسي‏ءِ لِيَتُوبَ ويَرجِعَ عَن غَيِّهِ (عَتبِهِ) ، وتَألُّفُهُم جَميعاً بالإحسانِ والإنصافِ7

6792. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'There are three things that are obligatory for a governor, both towards the elite and the general public: rewarding the good-doer with goodness so that he increases in his desire to perform it, forgiving the sins of the wrongful so that he can repent and return from his rebellion, and encompassing all people with goodness and fairness.'8

(اُنظر) عنوان 139 «المداراة»

(See also: AMICABLENESS 139)


1. تهذيب الأحكام : 6 / 227 / 547

2. al-Tahdhib, v. 6, p. 227, no. 547

3. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

4. Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 53

5. نهج البلاغة: الكتاب‏53

6. Ibid. Letter 53

7. تحف العقول : 319

8. Tuhaf al-Uqul, p. 319

1898 - ما يَجِبُ عَلَى الوالي في استِعمالِ العُمّالِ‏


6793. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : مَنِ استَعمَلَ رجُلاً مِن عِصابَةٍ ، وفِيهِم مَن هُو أرضى‏ للَّهِ مِنهُ ، فَقَد خانَ اللَّهَ ورَسولَهُ والمُؤمنينَ1

6793. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'Whoever employs a worker from a group wherein someone else is more content with Allah than him [the person he chose], then he has betrayed Allah, His Messenger and the believers.'2

6794. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : إنّا واللَّهِ لانُوَلِّي على‏ هذا العَمَلِ أحَداً سَألَهُ ، ولا أحَداً حَرَصَ علَيهِ3

6794. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'By Allah, we do not appoint for this work someone who has asked for it, nor someone who is avidly eager for it.'4

6795. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله - لِعَبدِ الرَّحمنِ بنِ سَمُرَةَ - : يا عبدَالرَّحمنِ بنَ سَمُرَةَ ، لاتَسألِ الإمارَةَ ؛ فإنَّكَ إذا اُعطِيتَها عَن مَسألَةٍ وُكِلتَ فيها إلى‏ نَفسِكَ ، وإنْ اُعطِيتَها عَن غَيرِ مَسألَةٍ اُعِنتَ علَيها5

6795. The Prophet (SAWA) said to Abd al-Rahman b. Samura, 'O Abd al-Rahman b. Samura, do not ask for authority, for if you were to be given it by asking for it, then you will be entrusted with it to your own self [and held accountable], and if you are given it without having asked for it, then you will be helped with it.'6

6796. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - فيما كَتبَ للأشتَرِ لمَّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : ثُمّ انظُرْ في اُمورِ عُمّالِكَ ، فاستَعمِلْهُمُ اختِباراً ، ولا تُوَلِّهِم مُحاباةً وأثَرَةً ؛ فإنَّهُما جِماعٌ مِن شُعَبِ الجَورِ والخِيانَةِ وتَوَخَّ مِنهُم أهلَ التَّجرِبَةِ والحَياءِ مِن أهلِ البُيوتاتِ الصّالِحَةِ ، والقَدَمِ في الإسلامِ المُتَقَدِّمَةِ7

6796. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Thereafter, look into the affairs of your executives. Give them appointment after tests and do not appoint them according to partiality or favouritism, because these two things constitute the sources of injustice and unfairness. Select from among them those who are people of experience and modesty, hailing from virtuous houses, having preceded in [embracing] Islam.'8

6797. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - مِن كِتابِهِ للأشتَرِ لَمّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : ثُمّ تَفَقَّدْ أعمالَهُم ، وابعَثِ العُيونَ‏9 مِن أهلِ الصِّدقِ والوَفاءِ علَيهِم ، فإنَّ تَعاهُدَكَ في السِّرِّ لاُمورِهِم حَدوَةٌ لَهُم‏10 على‏ استِعمالِ الأمانَةِ ، والرِّفقِ بِالرَّعِيَّةِ

وتَحَفَّظْ مِن الأعوانِ ، فإن أحَدٌ مِنهُم بَسَطَ يَدَهُ إلى‏ خِيانَةٍ اجتَمَعَت بِها علَيهِ عِندَكَ أخبارُ عُيونِكَ ، اكتَفَيتَ بذلكَ شاهِداً ، فبَسَطتَ علَيهِ العُقوبَةَ في بَدَنِهِ ، وأخَذتَهُ بما أصابَ مِن عَمَلِهِ ، ثُمّ نَصَبتَهُ بمَقامِ المَذَلَّةِ ، ووَسَمتَهُ بِالخِيانَةِ ، وقَلَّدتَهُ عارَ التُّهَمَةِ11

6797. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Then you should check their activities and have people report on them, who should be truthful and faithful, because your watching their actions secretly will urge them to preserve trust with and be kind to the people. Be careful of assistants. If any one of them extends his hands towards misappropriation and the reports of your reporters reaching you confirm it, they should be regarded as enough evidence. You should then inflict corporal punishment on him and recover what he has misappropriated. You should put him in a place of disgrace, blacklist him with [the charge of] misappropriation and make him wear the necklace of shame for his offence.'12


1.. الترغيب والترهيب: 3 / 179 / 1

2. al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, v. 3, p. 179, no. 1

3. صحيح مسلم : 3 / 1456 / 14

4. Sahih Muslim, v. 3, p. 1456, no. 14

5. سنن أبي داوود : 3 / 130 / 2929

6. Sunan Abi Dawud, no. 2929

7. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

8. Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 53

9. العَين : الذي يُبعَث ليتجسّس الخبر (لسان العرب : 13 / 301 )

10. تحدوني : تبعثني وتسوقني، وهو من حَدْو الإبل فإنّه من أكبر الأشياء على سوقها (النهاية : 1 / 355 )

11. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

12. Ibid. Letter 53

1899 - عَدمُ الإحتِجابِ‏


6798. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - من كِتابِهِ للأشتَرِ لَمّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : فلا تُطَوِّلَنَّ احتِجابَكَ عَن رَعِيَّتِكَ ، فإنَّ احتِجابَ الوُلاةِ عَن الرَّعِيَّةِ شُعبَةٌ مِن الضِّيقِ ، وقِلَّةُ عِلمٍ بالاُمورِ ، والاحتِجابُ مِنهُم يَقطَعُ عَنهُم عِلمَ ما احتَجَبوا دُونَهُ ، فيَصغُرُ عِندَهُمُ الكَبيرُ ، ويَعظُمُ الصَّغيرُ ، ويَقبُحُ الحَسَنُ ، ويَحسُنُ القَبيحُ ، ويُشابُ الحَقُّ بِالباطِلِ .1

6798. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'Do not keep yourself secluded from the people for a long time, because the seclusion of those in authority from the subjects is a kind of narrow-sightedness and causes ignorance about their affairs. Seclusion from them also prevents them from the knowledge of those things which they are unaware of and as a result they begin to regard big matters as small and small matters as big, good matters as bad and bad matters as good, while the truth becomes confused with falsehood.'2

6799. الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : مَن تَولّى‏ أمراً مِن اُمورِ النّاسِ ، فعَدَلَ ، وفَتَحَ بابَهُ ، ورَفَعَ سِترَهُ ، ونَظَرَ في اُمورِ النّاسِ ، كانَ حَقّاً علَى اللَّهِ أن يُؤمِنَ رَوعَتَهُ يَومَ القِيامَةِ ويُدخِلَهُ الجَنَّةَ3

6799. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'Whoever takes up any of the affairs of people and is just, opens his door, uncovers his veils, and fulfils the needs of people, it will become the right of Allah to save him from fear on the Day of Judgment and make him enter Heaven.'4


1. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

2. Ibid. Letter 53

3. تنبيه الخواطر : 2 / 165

4. Tanbih al-Khawatir,v. 2, p. 165

1900 - وُجوبُ اهِتمامِ الوالي بِالمُستَضعَفينَ‏


6800. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - مِن كِتابِهِ للأشتَرِ لَمّا وَلّاهُ مِصرَ - : ثُمَّ اللَّهَ اللَّهَ في الطَّبَقَةِ السُّفلى‏ مِنَ الّذينَ لا حِيلَةَ لَهُم ، مِن المَساكينِ والمُحتاجِينَ وأهلِ البُؤْسى‏ والزَّمنى‏ ، فإنَّ في هذهِ الطَّبَقَةِ قانِعاً ومُعتَرّاً ، واحفَظْ للَّهِ ما استَحفَظَكَ مِن حَقِّهِ فيِهم، واجعَلْ لَهُم قِسْماً مِن بَيتِ مالِكَ

وتَفَقَّدْ اُمورَ مَن لايَصِلُ إلَيكَ مِنهُم مِمَّن تَقتَحِمُهُ العُيونُ ، وتَحقِرُهُ الرِّجالُ ، ففَرِّغْ لاُولئكَ ثِقَتَكَ مِن أهلِ الخَشيَةِ والتَّواضُعِ ، فلْيَرفَعْ إلَيكَ اُمورَهُم ، ثُمّ اعمَلْ فيهِم بالإعذارِ إلَى اللَّهِ يَومَ تَلقاهُ ؛ فإنَّ هؤلاءِ مِن بَينِ الرَّعِيَّةِ أحوَجُ إلَى الإنصافِ مِن غَيرِهِم ، وكلٌّ فأعذِرْ إلَى اللَّهِ في تَأدِيَةِ حَقِّهِ إلَيهِ1

6800. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, '[Fear] Allah and keep Allah in view with respect to the lowest class, consisting of those who have few means: the poor, the destitute, the penniless and the disabled; because in this class are both the discontented and those who beg. Take care, for the sake of Allah, of His obligations for which He has made you responsible. Fix for them a share from the public treasury... Take care of the affairs of those of them who do not approach you because they are of unsightly appearance or those whom people regard as low. Appoint for them some trusted people who are God-fearing and humble. They should inform you of these people's conditions. Then deal with them with a sense of responsibility to Allah on the Day you will meet Him, because of all the subjects, these people are the most deserving of equitable treatment, while for others also you should fulfil their rights so as to render account to Allah.'2

6801. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - أيضاً - : واجعَل لِذَوي الحاجاتِ مِنكَ قِسماً تُفَرِّغُ لَهُم فيهِ شَخصَكَ ، وتَجلِسُ لَهُم مَجلِساً عامّاً ، فتَتَواضَعُ فيهِ للَّهِ الّذي خَلَقَكَ ، وتُقعِدَ عَنهُم جُندَكَ وأعوانَكَ مِن أحراسِكَ وشُرَطِكَ ، حتّى‏ يُكَلِّمَكَ مُتَكلِّمُهُم غَيرَ مُتَتَعتِعٍ ؛ فإنّي سَمِعتُ رسولَ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله يَقولُ في غَيرِ مَوطِنٍ : لَن تُقَدَّسَ اُمَّةٌ لا يُؤخَذُ لِلضَّعيفِ فِيها حَقُّهُ مِن القَوِيِّ غَيرَ مُتَتَعتِعٍ

ثُمّ احتَمِلِ الخُرقَ مِنهُم والعِيَّ ، ونَحِّ عَنهُمُ الضِّيقَ والأنَفَ .3

6801. Imam Ali (AS), in his letter to Malik al-Ashtar when he appointed him governor of Egypt, said, 'And fix a time for the plaintiffs wherein you make yourself free for them, and sit for them in common audience and feel humble therein for the sake of Allah Who created you. [On that occasion] you should keep away your army and your assistants such as the guards and the police so that anyone who would like to speak may speak to you without fear, because I have heard the Messenger of Allah (SAWA) say in more than one place, 'The people among whom the right of the weak is not secured from the strong without fear will never achieve purity.' Tolerate their awkwardness and inability to speak. Keep away narrowness and haughtiness from yourself...'4


1. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

2. Ibid. Letter 53

3. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 53

4. Nahj al-Balagha, Letter 53

1901 - خَصائِصُ أولياءِ اللَّهِ‏


( أَلَا إِنَّ أَوْلِيَاءَ اللَّهِ لَا خَوْفٌ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا هُمْ يَحْزَنُونَ * الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَكَانُوا يَتَّقُونَ)1

“Look! The friends of Allah will indeed have no fear nor will they grieve. Those who have faith, and are Godwary.” 2

6802. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : إنّ أولياءَ اللَّهِ هُمُ الذينَ نَظَروا إلى‏ باطِنِ الدُّنيا إذا نَظَرَ النّاسُ إلى‏ ظاهِرِها ، واشتَغَلوا بآجِلِها إذا اشتَغَلَ النّاسُ بعاجِلِها ، فأماتُوا مِنها ما خَشَوا أن يُميتَهُم ، وتَرَكوا مِنها ما عَلِموا أنّهُ سَيَترُكُهُم ، وَرأوا استِكثارَ غَيرِهِم مِنها استِقلالاً ، وَدَركَهُم لَها فَوتاً ، أعداءُ ما سالَمَ النّاسُ ، وسِلمُ ما عادَى النّاسُ ! بِهِم عُلِمَ الكِتابُ وبِهِ عَلِموا ، وبِهِم قامَ الكِتابُ وبهِ قاموا ، لا يَرَونَ مَرجُوّاً فَوقَ ما يَرجُونَ ، ولا مَخُوفاً فَوقَ ما يَخافونَ3

6802. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'The friends of Allah are those who look at the inward aspect of the world while the other people look at its outer aspect; they busy themselves with its remoter benefits while the other people busy themselves in the immediate benefits. They kill those things which they fear would have killed them, and they abandon here in this world what they believe would abandon them. They take the amassing of wealth by others as a small matter and regard it as a loss. They are enemies of those things which others love while they love things which others hate. Through them the Qur'an has been learnt and they have been given knowledge through the Qur'an. With them the Qur'an is staying while they stand by the Qur'an. They do not see any object of hope above what they hope in and no object of fear above what they fear.'4

6803. الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : يا أبا بَصيرٍ ، طُوبى‏ لِشِيعَةِ قائمِنا المُنتَظِرِينَ لِظُهورِهِ في غَيبَتِهِ ، والمُطيعينَ لَهُ في ظُهورِهِ ، اُولئكَ أولِياءُ اللَّهِ الّذينَ لا خَوفٌ علَيهِم ولا هُم يَحزَنونَ5

6803. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'O Abu Basir, blessed be the followers [Shia] of our Awaited Saviour [Qaim] who wait for his appearance during his occultation, and obey him when he reappears. They are the friends of Allah who indeed have no fear nor will they grieve.'6

(اُنظر) الإيمان : باب 190 ؛ التقوى : باب 1867

(See also: faith ,secton 190, Godwariness section 1867)


1. يونس : 62 ، 63

2. Quran 10 :62,63

3. نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 432

4. Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 432

5. كمال الدين : 357 / 54

6. Kamal al-Din, p. 357, no. 54

416 - التهمة


1902 - التَّحذيرُ مِنَ التُّهَمَةِ


6804. الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : إذا اتَّهَمَ المؤمنُ أخاهُ انْماثَ الإيمانُ مِن قلبِهِ كما يَنْماثُ المِلحُ في الماءِ1

6804. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'When a believer suspects his fellow brother, his faith disappears from his heart like salt disappears in water.'2

6805. الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : مَنِ اتَّهمَ أخاهُ في دِينِهِ فلا حُرمَةَ بَينَهُما3

6805. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'He who suspects the religion of his brother removes the covenant between them.'4


1. الكافي : 2 / 361 / 1

2. al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 361, no. 1

3. الكافي : 2 / 361 / 2

4. Ibid. no. 2

1903 - النَّهيُ عَن مَواقِفِ التُّهَمَةِ


6806. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : أولى‏ النّاسِ بالتُّهْمةِ مَن جالَسَ أهلَ التُّهْمةِ1

6806. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The person most deserving of suspicion is he who sits with suspect people.'2

6807. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : إيّاكَ ومَواطِنَ التُّهْمةِوالمجلسَ المَظْنونَ بهِ السّوءُ ، فإنَّ قَرينَ السُّوءِ يَغُرُّ جَلِيسَهُ3

6807. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Stay away from places of suspicion and suspect gatherings, for an evil friend seduces his companion.'4

6808. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : مَن وَقَفَ نَفسَهُ مَوقِفَ التُّهْمةِ فلا يلُومَنَّ مَن أساءَ بهِ الظّنَّ5

6808. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'A man who places himself in a suspect situation must not blame those who suspect him.'6

6809. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : مَن دَخلَ مَداخِلَ السُّوءِ اتُّهِمَ.7

6809. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'A man who enters suspect places will be suspected.'8

(اُنظر) الظن : باب 1211

(See also: suspicion: 1211 )


1. الأمالي للصدوق : 73 / 41

2. Amali al-Saduq, p. 28, no. 4

3. بحار الأنوار : 75 / 90 / 2

4. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 90, no. 2

5. بحار الأنوار : 75 / 90 / 4

6. Ibid. no. 4

7. بحار الأنوار : 75 / 91 / 8

8. Ibid. p. 91, no. 8

417 - اليأس‏


1904 - ذَمُّ اليَأسِ‏


( وَلَئِنْ أَذَقْنَا الإِنْسَانَ مِنَّا رَحْمَةً ثُمَّ نَزَعْنَاهَا مِنْهُ إِنَّهُ لَيَؤوسٌ كَفُورٌ)1

“If We let man taste a mercy from Us, and then withdraw it from him, he becomes despondent, ungrateful.” 2

6810. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : أعظَمُ البَلاءِ انقِطاعُ الرَّجاءِ3

6810. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'The greatest of afflictions is cutting off hope.'4

6811. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : قَتَلَ القُنوطُ صاحِبَهُ5

6811. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Dispair destroys who he is hopeless.'6


1. هود : 9 - 11

2. Quran 11 :9

3. غرر الحكم : 2860

4. Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 2860

5. غرر الحكم : 6731

6. Ghurar al-Hikam, 6731

1905 - ثَمَراتُ اليَأسِ مِمّا في أيدِي النّاسِ‏


6812. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : الغِنَى الأكبَرُ اليَأسُ عَمّا في أيدي النّاسِ1

6812. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'The greatest wealth is despair of obtaining what belongs to others.'2

6813. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : حِفظُ ما في يَدَيكَ أحَبُّ إلَيَّ مِن طَلَبِ ما في يَدَي غَيرِكَ ، ومَرارَةُ اليَأسِ خَيرٌ مِن الطَّلَبِ إلَى النّاسِ3

6813. Imam Ali (AS) said, 'Protecting your own possessions is more beloved to me than asking for what others possess, and the bitterness of despair is better than asking from people.'4

6814. الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه السلام : اليَأسُ مِمّا في أيدي النّاسِ عِزٌّ لِلمُؤمنِ في دِينِهِ5

6814. Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, 'Despair of what other people possess is dignity for the believer in his religion.'6

(اُنظر) السؤال (2) : باب 908 ؛ العزّة : باب 1292

(See also: ASKING (2): section 908; HONOUR: section 1292)


1. نهج البلاغة : الحكمة 342

2. Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 342

3. نهج البلاغة : الكتاب 31

4. Ibid. Letter 31

5. وسائل الشيعة : 6 / 314 / 5

6. Wasa'il al-Shia, v. 6, p. 314, no. 5

418 - اليتيم‏


1906 - الحَثُّ عَلى‏ رِعايَةِ الأيتامِ‏


( وَإِذْ أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ لاتَعبُدُونَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَاناً وَذِي الْقُرْبَى‏ وَالْيَتامَى‏ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ)1

“And when We took a pledge from the Children of Israel: Worship no one but Allah, do good to parents, relatives, orphans, and the needy.” 2

(اُنظر) البقرة : 177 و220 والفجر : 17 ، 18 والماعون : 2 ، 3

(See also: Quran:2:177,220, 89:17-18, 107:2-3)

6815. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : أنا وكافِلُ اليَتيمِ كَهاتَينِ في الجَنَّةِ إذا اتَّقَى اللَّهَ عَزَّوجلَّ - وأشارَ بِالسَّبّابَةِ والوُسطى‏ -3

6815. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'I and the guardian of an orphan will both be like this in Heaven, if he is wary of his duty to Allah' - raising and joining his index and middle fingers.4

6816. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : إنّ في الجَنَّةِ داراً يُقالُ لَها : دارُ الفَرَحِ ، لايَدخُلُها إلّا مَن فَرَّحَ يَتامَى المُؤمنينَ5

6816. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'There is a house in Heaven called the House of Happiness, which none shall enter except those who have made the orphans of the believers happy.'6

6817. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله - لِرجُلٍ يَشكو قَسوَةَ قَلبِهِ - : أتُحِبُّ أن يَلينَ قَلبُكَ ، وتُدرِكَ حاجَتَكَ ؟ : اِرحَمِ اليَتيمَ وامسَحْ رأسَهُ ، وأطعِمْهُ مِن طَعامِكَ ، يَلِنْ قَلبُكَ وتُدرِكْ حاجَتَكَ7

6817. The Prophet (SAWA) said to a person complaining about his hardheartedness, 'Do you want your heart to become soft and acquire your needs? - have mercy on an orphan, stroke his head and feed him from your food, and your heart will become soft and you will achieve your needs.'8

6818. الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام - في‏وَصِيَّتِهِ قَبلَ‏شَهادَتِهِ - : اللَّهَ اللَّهَ في الأيتامِ ، فلا تُغِبُّوا9 أفواهَهُم ، ولا يَضِيعوا بحَضرَتِكُم ، فقد سَمِعتُ رسولَ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله يَقولُ : مَن عالَ يَتيماً حتّى‏ يَستَغنِيَ أوجَبَ اللَّهُ عَزَّوجلَّ لَهُ بذلكَ الجَنَّةَ كما أوجَبَ لآكِلِ مالِ اليَتيمِ النّارَ10

6818. Imam Ali (AS), in his will before his martyrdom said, 'By Allah, by Allah, [pay attention] to orphans. Do not be inconsistent with feeding them, coming one day and abandoning them the next, and do not deprive them of your presence, as I have heard the Prophet (SAWA) say, 'Whoever elevates an orphan until he becomes free from need, Allah will make it incumbent for him to enter Heaven just as He has made Hellfire incumbent for the consumer of the property of the orphan.'11


1. البقرة : 83

2. Quran 2 :83

3. تفسير نور الثقلين : 5 / 597 / 23

4. Nur al-Thaqalayn, v. 5, p. 597, no. 23

5. كنز العمّال : 6008

6. Kanz al-Ummal, no. 6008

7. الترغيب والترهيب : 3 / 349 / 14

8. al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib, v. 3, p. 349, no. 14

9. أغبَّ القومَ : جاءهم يوماً وترك يوماً (القاموس المحيط : 1 / 109) أي : صِلُوا أفواههم بالإطعام ولا تقطعوه عنها ( كما في هامش نهج البلاغة ضبط الدكتور صبحي الصالح )

10. الكافي : 7 / 51 / 7

11. al-Kafi, v. 7, p. 51, no. 7

1907 - أكلُ مالِ اليَتيمِ‏


( إِنَّ الَّذِينَ يَأْكُلُونَ أَمْوَالَ الْيَتامَى‏ ظُلْماً إِنَّمَا يَأْكُلُونَ فِي بُطُونِهِمْ نَاراً وَسَيَصْلَوْنَ سَعِيراً)1

“Indeed those who consume the property of orphans wrongfully, only ingest fire into their bellies, and soon they will enter the Blaze.” 2

(اُنظر) النساء : 2 ، 6 والأنعام : 152 والاسراء : 34

(See also: Qur'an 4:2, 4:6, 6:152, 17:34)

6819. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : شَرُّ المَآكِلِ أكلُ مالِ اليَتيمِ ظُلماً3

6819. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'The most evil of food is the wrongful consumption of the property of the orphans.'4

6820. رسولُ اللَّهِ صلى اللَّه عليه وآله : يُبعَثُ اُناسٌ مِن قُبورِهِم يَومَ القِيامَةِ تأجَّجُ أفواهُهُم ناراً ، فقيلَ لَهُ : يا رسولَ اللَّهِ ، مَن هؤلاءِ؟ قالَ : الّذينَ يَأكُلونَ أموالَ اليَتامى‏...5

6820. The Prophet (SAWA) said, 'On Judgment Day some people will be resurrected from their graves with fire enflaming from their mouths.' The Prophet was asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, who are they?' He said, 'Those who consume the property of orphans...'6

6821. فاطمةُ الزَّهراءُ عليها السلام - في خُطبَةٍ لَها - : فَرَضَ اللَّهُ مُجانَبَةَ أكلِ أموالِ اليَتامى‏ إجارَةً مِن الظُّلمِ7

6821. Fatima al-Zahra (AS), in one of her sermons said, 'Allah has made it incumbent to disassociate oneself from the consumption of the property of orphans in order to protect against oppression.'8


1. النساء : 10

2. Quran 4 :10

3. الأمالي للصدوق : 577 / 788

4. Amali al-Saduq, p. 395, no. 1

5. تفسير العيّاشيّ : 1 / 225 / 47

6. Tafsir al-Ayyashi, v. 1, p. 225, no. 47

7. بحار الأنوار : 79 / 268 / 7

8. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 79, p. 268, no. 7