An Index to the Qur'an
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The typingerrorsaren’t corrected.
A 4
B 8
C 10
D 13
E 16
F 17
G 19
H 21
I 24
J 26
K 29
L 30
M 31
N 35
O 36
P 37
Q 39
R 40
S 42
T 44
U 45
W 46
Z 48
A aron, 4:163, 6:84, 7:122, 7:142, 7:150, 7:172, 10:75, 19:53, 20:30, 20:40, 20:90, 20:92, 21:48, 23:45, 25:35, 26:12, 26:48, 28:34, 37:114-120
H ouse of, 2:248
A blution, 4:43, 5:6
circumstances requiring, 4:43
A braham, 2:124-129, 2:130-132, 2:135, 2:136, 2:140, 2:258, 2:260, 3:65, 3:67-68, 3:84, 3:95, 3:97, 4:54-55, 4:125, 4:163, 6:74-83, 6:161, 9:70, 9:114, 11:69-76, 12:6, 12:38, 14:35, 15:51-56, 16:120, 16:123, 19:41-49, 19:58, 21:51-73, 22:26, 22:43, 22:78, 26:69, 29:16, 29:25, 29:31, 33:7, 37:83-109, 38:45, 42:13, 43:26, 51:24-34, 53:37, 57:26, 60:4-5, 87:19
neither Jew nor Christian, 3:67
stood in first temple atBakkah , 3:97, 26:123
A brogation, 2:106, 16:101
A buLahab (Abd al-Uzza ), 111:1-3
his wife, 111:4-5
A cacia flowers, 56:26
A d, 7:65, 7:74, 9:70, 11:50-60, 22:42, 25:38, 26:123-140, 29:38, 38:12, 41:15-16, 46:21-26, 50:13, 51:41, 53:50, 54:18-21, 69:4, 69:6, 89:6
A dam, 2:31-32, 3:33, 5:27, 7:19-25, 17:61, 17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115-123, 40:31, 41:13, 41:15
angels to prostrate before, 2:34, 7:11
tree of knowledge, 2:35, 7:19, 20:120-121
banishment from Garden (no blame to Eve), 2:36, 7:24
A dultery (see Marriage)
A dversity
not burdened beyond capability to withstand, 2:286, 6:152, 7:42, 23:62
not burdened with another's burden, 6:164, 17:15, 35:18, 39:7, 53:38
patience during, 2:153, 2:155, 2:177, 2:250, 3:17, 3:125, 3:142, 3:146, 3:186, 3:200, 7:87, 7:126, 7:128, 7:137, 8:46, 8:65, 8:66, 10:109, 11:11, 11:49, 11:115, 12:18, 12:83, 12:90, 13:22, 16:96, 16:110, 16:126, 21:85, 22:35, 23:111, 28:54, 29:59, 30:60, 31:17, 31:31, 37:102, 38:44, 39:10, 40:55, 40:77, 41:35, 42:33, 46:35, 47:31, 70:5, 76:12, 90:17, 103:3
A ging, 16:70, 22:5, 30:54, 36:68
behavior towards aging parents in your care, 17:23
A hmad, 61:6
A lRass , 25:38, 50:13
A lcohol (see Intoxicants)
A llah
a day for Him is
a thousand human years, 22:47, 32:5
fifty thousand years, 70:4
ability to do anything, 2:106, 2:117, 3:165, 3:189, 8:41, 9:116, 11:4, 16:40, 40:68, 41:39, 42:49, 57:2
best of all judges, 95:8
beyond definition, 43:82, 67:12
brings disbelievers schemes tonought , 8:30, 8:36
cause human beings to disappear and bring forth other beings, 4:133, 14:19, 35:16
causes laughter and crying, 53:43
caused a man to sleep for a century, 2:259
enemy of those who deny the truth, 2:98
extol his glory from morning until night, 33:42
false daughters of, 16:57, 17:40, 43:16, 52:39, 53:21-22
by name, 53:19-20
gives humans free will, 36:67
giving it all up for him, 4:66-68, 4:125
good and evil are from Him, 4:78
grants life and death, 44:8, 53:44, 57:2, 67:2
hard strivers rewarded better, 4:95-96, 5:54, 9:120, 49:15, 61:11
has no consort, 72:3
has no son, 43:81, 72:3, 112:3
has not forsaken you during your hard times, 93:3
is everywhere, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 4:126
is the
F irst and the Last (alpha and omega), 57:3
O utward and Inward, 57:3
knows that beyond comprehension, 6:59, 6:73, 9:94, 9:105, 13:9, 32:6, 34:48, 35:38, 39:46, 49:18, 59:22, 62:8, 64:18, 72:26, 74:31, 87:7
loves those who behave equitably, 49:9
made no laws regarding that of which He didn't speak, 5:101, 6:140, 6:148, 7:32
mercy towards prisoners of war who have good in them, 8:70
nature of, 2:255
no human is a divinity, 3:64, 3:151
not a trinity, 4:171
refuge from evil with, 113:1-5, 114:1-6
remembering him standing, sitting, lying down, 3:191, 4:103, 10:12, 25:64
shapes you in the womb, 3:6
throne rests upon the water, 11:7
will create things of which you have no knowledge, 16:8
wills no wrong to His creation, 3:108, 4:40, 17:71, 21:47, 22:10, 26:209, 40:31, 41:46, 45:22, 50:29, 64:11
A lliances, 8:72, 9:7
C hristians and Jews, 5:51
forbidden with disbelieving kin, 9:23
forbidden with hypocrites, 4:88-89, 4:139, 4:144
A ngels, 2:30-34, 2:98, 2:285, 4:97, 8:50, 13:23, 21:108, 22:75, 25:22, 25:25, 32:11, 33:43, 33:56, 34:40, 35:1, 37:150, 38:71, 39:75, 41:14, 41:30, 42:5, 43:53, 43:60, 47:27, 53:26, 66:4, 66:6, 69:17, 70:4, 89:22, 97:4
created from fire, 7:12, 38:76
eight will bear Allah's throne aloft onJudgement Day, 69:17
false claim that they are female, 43:19, 53:27
"guardian ", 82:10-12, 86:4
nineteen lord over hell, 74:30-31
not sent to satisfy whims, 15:7-8
sent to inspire, 16:2
A nger
withhold , 3:134
A nts, 27:18
A pes, 5:60
despicable , 2:65, 7:166
A postacy , 3:72, 3:86-88, 3:90-91, 3:167, 4:137, 5:54, 9:74, 9:107, 16:106, 33:14
do not ask for speedy doom for apostates, 46:35
A llah alone will punish them, 73:11,74:11
punishment in the hereafter, 2:217, 9:74
rejection by others, 3:87
repentence , 3:89, 5:34, 9:5, 9:11
on Judgement Day is too late, 40:85
under duress, 16:106
A rguments/Attacks
respond in kind, 8:58, 16:126
being patient is far better, 16:126
A rk (see Noah)
A rmor, 16:81
A stronomy
celestial mechanics, 7:54, 22:65
moon, 10:5, 16:12, 21:33, 22:18, 25:61, 29:61, 41:37, 54:1, 71:16, 74:32, 84:18, 91:2
solar and lunar orbits, 6:96, 10:5, 13:2, 14:33, 21:33, 31:29, 35:13, 36:38-40, 39:5, 55:5
sun, 10:5, 16:12, 21:33, 22:18, 25:45, 25:61, 29:61, 41:37, 71:16, 78:13, 81:1, 91:1
celestial navigation, 6:97, 16:16
constellations , 15:16, 25:61, 85:1
motion of objects in the Universe, 35:41, 44:39, 45:22, 46:3, 64:3, 86:11
objects impacting Earth, 34:9
planets , 81:16
S irius (AlphaCanis Major), 53:49
stars , 22:18, 37:88, 51:7, 79:1, 81:2, 86:3
neighborhood of Earth populated by, 37:6, 41:12, 67:5
proper motion of, 79:2-4
revolving , 81:15
sunrise , 37:5, 55:17, 70:40
sunset , 55:17, 70:40, 84:16
A toms (perhaps meant as "ants" originally?), 10:61, 34:3, 34:22, 99:7-8
A zar , 6:74
B aal, 37:125
B adr , 8:42
B akkah
first temple, 3:96
B easts, 6:38, 22:18, 25:49, 36:71, 42:11, 43:12, 45:4
B edouin, 9:90-99, 9:101-106, 33:20, 48:11, 48:16, 49:14
B ees, 16:68
B ehavior
argue in a kindly manner with those given earlier revelation, 16:125, 29:46
avoid becoming involved in matters you know nothing of, 17:36
avoid grave sins and shameful deeds, 53:32
avoid guesswork about one another, 49:12
be just in your opinions, 6:152
community should be moderate, 2:143, 25:67
conceit discouraged, 4:36, 57:23
don't chide those who seek your help, 93:10
don't consider yourself pure, 53:32
don't deride others, 49:11, 104:1
don't mention evil things openly, 4:148
don't speak ill of each other, 49:12, 104:1
don't spy on each other, 49:12
each group given a law and way of life, 2:148, 5:48, 10:47, 10:74, 13:38, 16:36, 16:63, 16:84
and a prophet, 10:47, 16:36
and a way of worship, 22:67
Allah could have made them one community, 5:48, 11:118, 16:93,42:8
one community under Allah, 21:92
forgive Jews who distort the Qur'an, 5:13
forgive non-believers, 31:15, 45:14
forgive readily, 42:37
maligning believers is sinful, 33:58
men (toward women), 24:30
peacemakers rewarded, 42:40
rulers make decisions after consultations, 42:38
speak justly toward those in want, if you can do nothing else, 17:28
towards aging parents in your care, 17:23
towards other Muslims, 33:6
towards others, 17:26-29, 17:35, 17:53, 60:8
towards parents, 46:15
towards slaves, 4:36, 24:33
treat non-belligerent non-believers with equity, 60:8
wives of the Prophet, 33:28-34
women (toward men), 24:31
B elief
in all revelations, 2:136, 2:285
nature of, 49:14-15
B elievers, 2:2-5, 2:285, 8:2-4 , 8:24
B ible, 5:64, 5:65, 5:68
distortion of, 3:78, 5:14-15
B iology
living things made of water ?, 11:7, 21:30, 24:45, 25:54
B irds, 6:38, 16:79, 21:41, 27:16, 27:17, 27:20, 34:10, 38:19, 67:19
B orders (jurisdictional boundaries), 8:72
B otany, 13:4, 39:21
two sexes to every plant, 13:3
B ooty, 48:15, 59:6-7
enjoy that which is lawful and good, 8:69
must not benefit those already rich, 59:7
one fifth goes for charity, 8:41
B uilders, 38:37
B urden (see Adversity)
B urial
indirect reference to?, 5:31
B usiness
be fair in dealings, 6:152, 17:35
B yzantines, 30:2-4
C ain and Abel, 5:27-31
C alendar
lunar , 2:189, 10:5
correctness of, 9:37
disbelievers tamper with annual intercalation, 9:37
C anaan, 5:12
C attle, 16:5-7, 16:66, 22:28, 23:21, 39:6, 47:12
C aptives, 8:67, 8:70
C harity, 2:43, 2:110, 2:177, 2:262-264, 2:271-274, 2:277, 3:92, 3:134, 4:39, 5:12, 5:55, 9:5, 9:18, 9:60, 9:71, 9:121, 21:73, 22:41, 22:78, 24:37, 27:3, 30:38-39, 31:4, 36:47, 41:7, 47:36-38, 51:19, 52:40, 57:7, 57:10-12, 63:10, 64:16-17, 73:20, 76:8, 92:18, 98:5, 107:7
during consultation with the Prophet, 58:12-13
during the Hajj, 22:36
niggardliness, 3:180, 4:37, 25:67, 47:37, 57:24, 92:8
not payment for favors received, 92:19
precedence of spending, 2:215, 2:219
sharing food, 24:61, 89:18, 107:3
spending to earn praise forbidden, 4:38
those displeased with distribution of, 9:58, 9:76
towards slaves, 16:71
C hastity, 23:5, 24:33, 70:29
C hildren, 16:72, 17:64, 18:46, 19:77, 26:133, 34:35, 34:37, 40:67, 46:15, 57:20, 58:17, 63:9, 64:14, 64:15, 65:7, 68:14, 71:12, 71:22, 74:13, 80:36
adopted ones should be named after their fathers, 33:5
baby daughters wrongly thought an evil sign, 16:58-59, 43:18, 53:21-22
breast feed for two years, 2:233, 31:34
do not kill for fear of poverty, 6:151, 17:31
female offspring buried alive will ask for what crime she'd been slain, 81:8-9
gift of female offspring, 42:49
gift of male offspring, 42:49
helpless , 4:127
ignorant at time of birth, 16:78
in Heaven, 40:8, 52:24, 56:17
of Adam, 36:60
of Israel, 2:40, 2:47, 2:72, 3:180, 5:12, 5:70, 5:78, 7:105, 10:90, 17:2, 17:4, 17:101, 17:104, 20:47, 20:80, 20:94, 26:17, 26:22, 26:59, 26:197, 27:76, 32:23, 40:53, 43:59, 44:30, 45:16, 46:10, 61:6, 61:14
commandment concerning killing by, 5:32
pre-Islamic customs of slaying children, 6:137, 6:140
wet nurses, 2:233
C hristians, 5:14, 5:19, 5:64-65, 5:69, 22:17
and Jews (see Jews)
asked not to deify Jesus, 4:171
come closest to feeling affection to Muslims, 5:82
most have forgotten what they've been told to bear in mind, 5:14
now comes to you a messenger, 5:15, 5:19
righteous will be rewarded, 2:62, 5:65, 5:69
say "Jesus is Allah's son", 9:30
C hurches, 22:40
C lothing, 7:26, 16:81
of fire, 22:19
"the veil" or women's clothing in non-household situations, 24:31
women's outer garments prevent harassment by hypocrites, 33:59-60
C ommandments
general religious, 2:42-45, 2:83, 2:110, 2:177, 3:113-114, 3:134, 5:12, 5:55, 6:151-153, 7:33, 7:156, 8:3, 9:18, 9:20, 9:86, 9:112, 10:87, 10:93, 13:22, 14:31, 16:90, 16:110, 22:41, 22:78, 24:57, 25:68, 26:181-184, 26:227, 31:3-4, 31:14-19, 35:29, 42:36-43, 58:13, 73:20, 90:13-17, 98:5
kindness towards others, 4:36
leave company of those in the act of mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68
C ommunications (attempting to divine the future is forbidden)
overhearing the Host on high, 15:18, 37:8, 72:9
C onservation, 6:141, 7:31
C ontract Law
contract must be in writing, 2:282
during journey a person's "word" is acceptable, 2:283
when things go wrong don't punish scribe or witness, 2:282
witnesses told to be truthful, 2:283, 5:8, 25:72
witnessing (two men, or one man and two women), 2:282
C orruption, 5:32, 8:73, 30:41
C osmology
age of the Universe, 76:1
expanding Universe, 51:47
T he Big Bang, 21:30
Covenants, 5:1
breaking of (see also Oaths), 8:58
with disbelievers, 8:56, 8:72, 9:4, 9:7
breaking of, 8:58, 9:12
C reation of everything
in due measure and proportion, 54:49
in opposite duality, 36:36, 43:12, 51:49
C reatures, 6:38, 42:47, 42:49
C rystal, 76:15-16
C ustoms
used but not given as reliable traditions orQur'anic injunctions, 2:170, 5:3, 5:104, 6:138
D anger
be prepared for, 4:71
D ate palms, 36:34, 50:10, 55:11, 55:68, 59:5, 80:29
D ates, 50:10
D avid, 4:163, 5:78, 6:84, 17:55, 21:78, 21:79, 27:15-16, 34:10, 34:13, 38:17, 38:21-26, 38:30
and Bath Sheba, 38:23
and Goliath, 2:251
given the Psalms, 4:163
D eath, 3:185, 3:193, 4:78, 21:35, 33:19, 33:23, 44:56, 47:27, 56:60, 56:84-87, 63:10, 75:29
and flight from battle, 33:16
in Allah's cause, 3:195, 22:58, 47:4
those communities who have no revelation will not be destroyed, 6:131, 9:115, 10:47, 11:117, 15:4, 16:119, 17:15, 28:59
those slain in Allah's cause are alive, 2:154, 3:169
while fleeing evil towards Allah, 4:100
D eities
none besides Allah, 25:68
D isbelievers (see also Hypocrites)
ask Muhammad to invoke Allah's wrath upon them as proof, 6:57-58, 8:32, 10:49-52
bear their company in kindness, 31:15
bear what they say in patience, 20:130, 50:39
covenants with, 8:56, 8:72, 9:4, 9:7
breaking of, 8:58, 9:12
A llah brings their scheming tonought , 8:30, 8:36
leave company of those in the act of mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68
protect them if they ask you to, 9:6
during war, 8:12, 8:50, 8:59
in the hereafter, 8:37
should not visit or take care of mosques, 9:17
speak kindly to them, 17:53
striving hard against, 9:73, 25:52, 66:9
treat non-belligerents with equity, 60:8
will only ally with other disbelievers, 8:72
D isciples (of Jesus), 3:52, 61:14
D ivers, 38:37
D iversity
of humans, 30:22, 35:27-28
of life, 35:27-28
D ivorce, 4:130, 65:1
after waiting period, dissolve or reconcile, 2:231, 65:2
two witnesses, 65:2
alimony , 2:233, 2:241
extends to ex-husband's heir, 2:233
can be revoked twice, 2:229
dowry status, 2:229, 2:236-237
find wet-nurse if necessary, 65:6
M an
divorce one woman for another - don't take back what you gave first, 4:20
don't harass wife, 65:6
don't hold wives against their will, 4:19
four months to change his mind, 2:226
support wife fully
during her pregnancy, 65:6
during her waiting period, 65:6
if she's nursing your child, 65:6
mother shouldn't suffer because of her fatherless child, 2:233
pre-Islamic , 58:2
contrition to reconcile
fast for 2 consecutive months, 58:4
feed 60 needy people, 58:4
free a slave, 58:3
reconciliation attempt, 4:35
sinless if marriage unconsummated, 2:236
bride entitled to half of the dowry, 2:237
W oman
after third divorce (this one from another husband) can return to original husband, 2:229
entitled to maintenance, 2:241, 65:1
equal right to divorce, 2:228
fear ill treatment by husband, 4:128
may keep what her husband gave her, 2:229
not to be expelled from their homes, 65:1
three menstruation wait to disprove pregnancy, 2:228
three month wait for those free of menstruation, 65:4
unless marriage unconsummated, 33:49
D ogs, 7:176
D onkeys, 16:8, 31:19
D rugs (see Intoxicants)
E arth, 51:20, 51:48, 91:6
changed into another earth, 14:48
creation of, 3:190, 79:30
in six "days", 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59, 50:38, 57:4
in two "days", 41:9
the rest in the other four, 41:10
inclination of rotational axis to orbital plane, 22:61, 57:6
rotation of, 3:190, 7:54, 10:6, 13:3, 14:33, 25:62, 39:5, 41:37, 45:5
E arthquake, 7:78, 7:91, 7:155, 7:171, 16:26, 17:37, 17:68, 29:37, 34:9, 67:16, 69:5, 99:1
E lephant, 105:1
E lijah, 6:85, 37:123-130
E lisha, 6:86, 38:48
E mbryology, 22:5, 23:14, 35:11, 40:67, 75:37-39
E volution (?), 71:14, 71:18
E zra, 9:30
F amily, 8:75
F asting, 2:183-184
during the Hajj, 2:196
during Ramadhan , 2:185
exemptions , 2:184-185
hours of, 2:187
F ig, 95:1
F ighting, 9:14, 9:123, 22:39, 47:4, 48:16
forbidden , 2:190, 4:90, 60:8
sin of, 5:2
be brave, 4:104
between two groups of believers, 49:9
do notaquire slaves except through war, 8:67
do not beg for peace, 47:35
exemptions , 9:122, 48:17
asking for it for wrong reasons, 9:43, 9:45, 9:49, 9:86, 9:93
for helpless, 4:98, 9:91
for ill, 4:102, 9:91
if foes cease, then you must cease, 2:193, 4:90, 8:37, 8:61
forbidden during the four sacred months, 9:36
unless attacked, 2:194, 2:217
free slaves after fighting ends, 47:4
go forth humbly, 8:47
in Allah's cause, 4:74, 4:77, 4:84, 9:38-39, 9:41
killing only during hostilities in progress, 2:191, 4:89, 4:91, 5:33, 8:39, 8:57, 9:5, 9:12
not for material gain, 4:94
prepare well, 8:60
repentence of recent belligerents, 5:34, 9:5, 9:11
when ordained, 2:190-193, 2:216-217, 4:91, 22:39, 60:8
F ire, 56:71, 100:2
F ood (see also Health rules), 3:93, 35:12, 40:79, 80:24
blessing of, 6:118, 6:138
forbidden , 2:173, 5:3, 6:121, 6:145, 16:115
lawful , 2:168, 5:4, 6:118, 6:146
F orgetting, 17:86, 18:24, 87:6-7
F ornication (see Marriage)
F riends, 8:72
avoid active disbelievers, 3:118-120, 5:57, 15:94, 58:14, 60:1, 60:13
leave company of those in the act of mocking Allah's law, 4:140, 6:68
forbidden are those who fight against you because of your religion, 60:9
F uture
learning of it through divination forbidden, 5:3, 5:90, 15:18, 37:8, 72:9
G abriel, 2:97, 66:4
G ames of Chance
forbidden , 2:219, 5:20, 5:91
G eographic locations and History
A sSafa and AlMarwah , 2:158
first temple atBakkah , 3:96
G inger, 76:12
G oddesses of the pagan Arabs, 53:19
names of, 53:19-20
nature of, 53:19-28
G ods of pre-Islamic Arabs by name, 71:23
G og andMagog , 21:96
G old, 35:33, 43:35, 43:71, 56:15
G olden armlets, 43:53
G olden Calf, 2:51, 2:54, 4:153, 7:148, 7:152, 20:88
and thunderbolt of punishment, 2:55
forgiven after destruction of, 2:36-37
G oliath, 2:249
and David, 2:251
G ospel, 3:3, 3:65, 5:46-47, 5:66, 5:68, 5:77, 5:110, 7:157, 9:111, 48:29, 57:27
G overnment
decision making in public matters, 3:159
rulers make decisions after consultations, 42:38
G rain, 36:33, 55:12
G rave, 9:84, 22:7, 35:22, 36:51, 54:7, 60:13, 70:43, 77:26, 80:21, 82:4, 100:9, 102:2
G reed (see Materialism)
G reetings, 4:86
G uardianship
proper conduct of, 4:5-6, 6:151
punishment for bad ones, 4:10
when to end it, 4:6
witnesses required to end it, 4:6
H agar
and Ishmael, 2:158
H ajj, 2:158, 2:189, 2:196-199, 22:27-36
abstention from quarreling during, 2:197
duty to visit Mecca (Makkah ), 3:97
exemption from, 2:196
fasting during, 2:196
hunting forbidden, 5:1, 5:94-95
aquatic game approved during, 5:96
violate it once? Don't do it twice!, 5:95
reparations for doing it once, 5:95
rules , 5:2
sacrifice during, 2:196
H aman, 28:6, 28:8, 28:38, 29:39, 40:24, 40:36
H arut andMarut , 2:102
H ealth rules, 41:44
breast feed for two years, 2:233, 31:34
food, 2:173, 5:1, 5:3, 5:5, 5:96, 6:118-119, 6:121, 6:142, 6:145-146, 16:115
caught by your hunting animals, 5:4
intoxicants forbidden (see Intoxicants)
menstruation , 2:222
H earing, 41:22
H eaven, 2:25, 3:15, 3:136, 3:181, 3:195, 3:198
filled with mighty guards and flames, 72:8
immortal youths in, 56:17, 76:19
parents united with offspring, 52:21, 56:36
pure spouses in, 2:25, 3:15
several, 2:29, 2:164, 3:129, 6:73, 6:101, 17:44, 55:30, 65:12, 67:3, 71:15, 78:12
virgin mates of modest gaze, 55:56, 55:72-74, 56:22
H ell (the fire, the blazing flame), 2:24, 2:119, 2:161, 2:166, 2:201, 3:10, 3:12, 3:116, 3:131, 3:151, 3:162, 3:192, 4:55-56, 4:93, 4:97, 4:114, 4:121, 4:169, 5:10, 5:37, 5:72, 5:86, 6:27, 6:70, 6:128, 7:18, 7:36, 7:38, 7:41, 7:50, 7:179, 8:16, 8:36, 8:50, 9:17, 9:35, 9:49, 9:63, 9:68, 9:73, 9:81, 9:95, 9:109, 9:113, 10:8, 10:27, 11:16, 11:17, 11:98, 11:106, 11:113, 11:119, 13:5, 13:18, 13:35, 14:16, 14:49, 15:43, 16:29, 16:62, 17:8, 17:18, 17:39, 17:63, 17:97, 18:29, 18:53, 18:100, 18:106, 19:68, 19:70, 19:86, 20:74, 21:39, 21:98, 22:4, 22:9, 22:19-22, 22:51, 22:72, 23:103-104, 24:57, 25:11-13, 25:34, 25:65, 26:91, 26:94, 27:90, 28:41, 29:25, 29:54, 29:68, 31:21, 32:13, 32:20, 33:64, 33:66, 34:12, 34:42, 35:6, 35:36, 36:63, 37:10, 37:23, 37:55, 37:63, 37:68, 37:163, 38:27, 38:56, 38:59, 38:61, 38:64, 38:85, 39:8, 39:16, 39:19, 39:32, 39:60, 39:71, 39:72, 40:6, 40:7, 40:41, 40:43, 40:46, 40:47, 40:49, 40:60, 40:72, 40:76, 41:19, 41:24, 41:28, 41:40, 42:7, 43:74, 44:47, 44:56, 45:10, 45:34, 45:35, 46:20, 46:34, 47:12, 47:15, 48:6, 48:13, 50:24, 50:30, 51:13, 52:13-16, 52:18, 54:48, 55:43, 56:94, 57:15, 57:19, 58:8, 58:17, 59:3, 59:17, 59:20, 64:10, 66:6, 66:9, 66:10, 67:5-10, 69:31, 70:15, 71:25, 72:15, 72:23, 73:12-13, 74:26-31, 74:42, 76:4, 77:31, 78:21, 79:36, 79:39, 81:12, 82:14, 83:16, 84:12, 85:10, 87:12, 88:4, 89:23, 90:20, 92:14, 98:6, 101:9-11, 102:6, 104:6-9, 111:3
burning despair and ice cold darkness in, 38:57
chain of 70 cubits, 69:32
inmates will neither die nor remain alive, 87:13
stay for a limited duration, 78:23
H istory
study it, 3:137, 12:110-111, 14:5
H omosexuality
regarded as evil, 26:165-166, 27:55, 29:28-29
H oney, 16:69, 47:15
H orses, 16:8, 17:64
H ousing, 16:80
H ud , 7:65-72, 11:50-57, 11:89, 26:124-138, 46:21-25
H umankind, 55:33, 91:7-8
born with a restless disposition, 70:19
created in fine form, 95:4
created in pairs, 78:8, 92:3
creation of, 2:30, 4:1, 6:98, 7:189, 10:4, 15:26, 15:28, 15:33, 39:6, 71:14, 96:2
from a drop of sperm, 16:4, 18:37, 22:5, 23:13, 35:11, 36:77, 40:67, 53:46, 75:37, 76:2, 80:19
from clay, 6:2, 7:12, 15:26, 17:61, 23:12, 32:7, 38:71, 38:76, 55:14
with water, 37:11
from dark transmuted slime, 15:26, 15:28, 15:33
from dust, 3:59, 18:37, 22:5, 30:20, 35:11, 40:67, 53:32
from earth, 11:61
from seminal fluid, 86:6
from male and female, 49:13
diversity in, 30:22, 35:28
given free will, 36:67
grows gradually from the earth, 71:17
insignificant compared to the Universe, 40:57
mates of your own kind, 16:72, 30:21, 42:11
selfishness ever present in soul, 4:128
vilest are those who don't use reason, 8:22, 8:55
H unayn , 9:25
H unting
about animals trained to hunt, 5:4
H ur'in (a.k.a.Houries ), 44:54, 52:20, 55:72, 56:22
H ydrology, 14:32, 16:15, 39:21
scum , 13:17
H ypocrites, 2:217, 4:38, 5:61, 9:61-70, 9:73-110
praying for them does no good, 9:84, 9:113