The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i

The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i0%

The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i Author:
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Jurisprudence Science

The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i

Author: Muhammad Jawad Mughniyyah
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i
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The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i

The Five Schools of Islamic Law: Al-Hanafi, al-Hanbali, al-Ja’fari, al-Maliki, al-Shafi’i

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Table of Contents

Preface 19

Foreword 20

Notes 23

Part 1: Ibadah 25

1. Taharah, Ritual Purity 26

Al-Ma' al-Mutlaq (Pure Water) 26

Al-Ma' al-Musta'mal (Used Water) 27

A Subsidiary Issue 27

Mixed Water (al-Ma' al-Mudaf) 28

Al-Kurr and al-Qullatan 28

A Subsidiary Issue 29

Flowing and Stationary Water (al-Jari wa al-Rakid) 30

Purifying Najis Water 31

Al-Najasat 32

Taharah 33

Rules of the Closet 35

Al-Mutahhirat (The Purifiers) 35

Conditions Requiring Wudhu 36

Discharge of Urine, Faeces and Wind 36

Discharge of Madhy and Wadhy 37

Loss of Consciousness 37

Emission of Semen 37

Touch 37

Vomiting 37

Blood and Pus 38

Laughter 38

Meat of a Slaughtered Animal 38

Istihadah Blood 38

The Objects of Wudhu’ 38

The Essentials of Wudhu’ (Fara'id al-Wudhu’) 39

Niyyah 39

Washing the Face 39

Washing of Hands 40

Wiping the Head 40

The Two Feet 40

Sequence (al-Tartib) 41

Conditions of Wudhu’ 41

Mustahabbat of Wudhu’ 42

Doubt Regarding Taharah and Hadath 42

Notes 43

Ghusl 44

Ghusl al-Janabah 44

A Subsidiary Issue 44

Acts Whose Validity Depends Upon Ghusl al-Janabah 45

The Essentials of Ghusl al-Janabah 46

Menstruation (al-Hayd) 47

The Menstruating Age 47

The Period of Menstruation 47

A Subsidiary issue 47

Rules Applicable to a Ha’id 48

The Manner of the Ghusl 48

Al-'Istihadah 48

Nifas 49

Touching a Corpse (Mass al-mayyit) 50

The Rules Pertaining to a Dead Body 50

1. Al-Ihtidar 50

2. The Ghusl of a Corpse 51

A Subsidiary Issue 51

The Person Giving Ghusl (Ghasil) 52

The Manner of Bathing the Dead 52

Hunut 53

Kafan (Shroud) 53

The Death of an Indigent Person 53

The Salat Performed Over a Shahid 54

The Salat Offered for Children 54

Funeral Salat in Absentia 54

The Awliya' of the Deceased 54

Uncertainty Concerning a Corpse 55

The Manner of the Samt 56

The Place of the Salat 57

Time of Salat over the Deceased 57

The Burial 57

Disposing a Corpse into the Sea 57

Making the Grave at Level with the Ground 58

Reopening the Grave 58

Notes 58

Al-Tayammum 59

Conditions in which Tayammum is Performed 59

Harm to Health 60

A Subsidiary issue 60

The Substance on which Tayammum is Performed 60

The Manner of Performing Tayammum 61

The Rules of Tayammum 62

The Schools and the Verse Concerning Tayammum 64

Notes 65

2. Salat, Ritual Prayer 66

Salat 67

The Daily Supererogatory Prayers (Rawatib) 67

The Time of Zuhr and ‘Asr Prayers 68

The Time of Maghrib and ‘Isha’ Prayers 69

The Time of Subh Prayer 69

Notes 69

The Qiblah 71

Ignorance of the Qiblah (Direction) 71

A Subsidiary Issue 71

Notes 72

The Rules of Modesty 73

1. Looking at One’s Own Body 73

2. Woman and Her Maharim 73

3. Women and ‘Strangers’ 73

4. Man’s ‘Awrah 74

5. Children 74

6. Woman’s Voice 75

7. The Colour, Not the Shape 75

8. The difference between Looking and Touching 76

9. The Difference Between Exposing and Looking at 76

10. Old Women 76

Notes 77

Wajib Covering During Salat 78

The Requirements for the Covering during Salat 78

1.Taharah 78

2. Wearing Silk 79

3. Lawfulness of the Clothing 80

4. The Skin of Animals Not Used for Food 80

A Subsidiary Issue 80

The Place of Salat 81

A Usurped Place 81

Taharah (purity) of the Place 81

Salat performed on a Mount 81

Salat inside the Ka’bah 81

A Woman’s Prayer beside a Man 82

The Locale of Sajdah 82

Adhan (Call for Prayer) 84

Adhan is a Sunnah 84

Adhan is Invalid in Certain Cases 84

The Conditions for Adhan 84

The Form of Adhan 85

Iqamah (A call immediately before prayer) 85

Notes 86

The Essentials (Arkan) of Salat 87

1. Intention (Niyyah) 87

2. Takbirat al-Ihram 88

3. Qiyam (standing) 88

4. Qira’ah (reciting) 89

5. Ruku’ (bowing) 91

6. Sujud (prostration) 92

7. Tashahhud 92

The Hanafis 93

The Malikis 93

The Shafi’is 93

The Hanbalis 93

The Imamis 93

8. Tasleem 94

9. Sequence (tartib) 94

10. Continuity 94

Notes 94

Error and Doubt During Salat 95

Doubt in the Number of Rak’ahs 97

The Friday Prayer 99

Its Wujub (necessity) 99

Conditions 99

The Friday Sermons 99

Its Mode of Performance 100

Notes 100

The ‘Id Prayers 101

The Hanafis 101

The Shafi’is 101

then after ta’awwudh 101

The Hanbalis 102

The Malikis 102

The Imamis 102

Notes 102

The Prayer of the Eclipses 103

Prayer For Rain 105

Salat al-Qada’ 106

The Mode of Performing Qada’ 106

Proxy for Acts of Worship 107

Salat al-Jama'ah 108

Conditions for Jama'ah 108

Following the Imam 109

Joining the Jama'ah in the Middle 110

Preference for the Imamah 111

Salat During Travel (Salat al-Musafir) 112

Conditions for Qasr 112

Successive Performance (Jam') of Two Salats 114

Ignorance and Forgetfulness 114

Notes 115

The Invalidating Causes of Salat (Mubtilat) 116

Crossing over in Front of the Musalli 119

Notes 119

3. Siyam, Fasting 120

Disappearance of the Excuse 122

Conditions (Shurot) of Fasting 122

Muftirat 122

The Various Kinds of Fasts 124

Obligatory fasts 124

Qada' of the Ramadan Fasts 124

Fasts of Atonement (Kaffarah) 125

Prohibited Fasts 126

The Doubtful Days 127

Supererogatory Fasts 127

Reprehensible (Makrah) Fasts 127

Evidence of the New Moon 127

The New Moon and Astronomy 129

Notes 130

4. Zakat and Khums 131

Zakat 132

Conditions for Zakat on Property 132

Kinds of Property Liable to Zakat 133

Zakat on Livestock 133

Zakat on Gold and Silver 135

Zakat on Crops and Fruits 135

Zakat on Merchandise 136

The Character of Liability 136

Classes Entitled to Receive Zakat 137

1. The Needy (Faqir) 137

2. Al-Miskin 138

3. Al-'Amilin 138

4. Al-Mu'allafatu qulubuhum 138

5. Al-Riqab 139

6. Al-Gharimin 139

7. Sabil Allah 139

8. Ibn al-Sabil 139

Subsidiary Issues 139

Zakat al-Fitr 140

Those on Whom it is Wajib 140

Its Quantity 141

Time of Wujub 141

Mustahiqq 142

Notes 142

Khums 143

Uses of Khums 144

5. Hajj, The Pilgrimage 145

The Hajj 146

The Acts of the Hajj 146

The Conditions (Shurut) that make the Hajj Obligatory (Wajib) 148

The Proviso of Bulugh 148

Insanity 148

Istita’ah 149

Immediacy (al-Fawr) 149

Secondary Issues Related to Istita’ah 150

Women and the Hajj 150

Bequest (al‑Badhl) 150

Marriage 151

Khums and Zakat 151

Istita'ah by Chance 151

Istinabah (Deputation) 151

The Physically Incapable (al-Qadir al-’Ajiz) 152

Istinabah in al-Hajj al-Mustahabb 152

The Conditions for the Na'ib 153

Delay by the Na'ib 153

Change of Purpose by the Na'ib (al‑‘Udal) 153

Notes 154

Al‑‘Umrah 156

The Meaning of ‘Umrah 156

The Kinds of ‘Umrah 156

Difference Between the Two Kinds of ‘Umrah 156

The Conditions of the ‘Umrah 157

The Status of ‘Umrah 157

The Acts of the ‘Umrah 157

Two Subsidiary Issues 157

Notes 158

The Forms of Hajj 159

Notes 160

The ‘Ihram 161

Mawaqit al-'Ihram 161

Ihram Before Miqat 161

Ihram after Miqat 161

Ihram before the Hajj Months 162

The Mustahabbat of Ihram 162

Al- 'Ishtirat 163

The Wajibat of Ihram 163

Al-Niyyah 163

The Talbiyah 164

The Formula of Talbiyah 164

The Muhrim's Dress 165

Restrictions of Ihram 165

Marriage 165

Intercourse 166

Use of Perfume 167

Use of Kohl 167

Shortening of Nails and Hair; Cutting of Trees 167

Looking into a Mirror 168

Use of Henna 168

Use of Shade; Covering the Head 168

Stitched Clothing and Ring 168

‘Fusuq' and Jidal' 168

Cupping (Hijamah) 169

Hunting (al-Sayd) 169

The Limits of the Harams of Makkah and of Al‑Madinah 170

Notes 171

Tawaf 172

Kinds of ‘Umrah in View of the Ahl al-Sunnah 172

1. Tawaf al-Qudum 172

2. Tawaf al-Ziyarah 172

3. Tawaf al-Wada’ 173

Kinds of Tawaf from the Imamiyyah Viewpoint 173

Entry into Makkah 174

The Conditions (Shurut) of Tawaf 174

The manner of Performing Tawaf 175

The Mustahabbat of Tawaf 177

The Ahkam of Tawaf 177

Notes 178

Sa'y 180

The Mustahabbat of Sa’y 180

The Way of Performing Sa’y 181

Note 181

The Ahkam of Sa’y 182

Notes 182

Taqsir 183

Taqsir in ‘Umrah 183

Taqsir in Hajj 183

Notes 184

The Wuq’uf 185

The Wuq’uf in ‘Arafat 185

The Second Rite of Hajj 185

Before the Halt in ‘Arafat 185

The Period of the Halt in Arafat 186

The Limits of ‘Arafat 186

The Conditions Applicable to the Halt 186

The Wu’quf in Muzdalifah 188

The Limits of Muzdalifah 188

The Night at Muzdalifah 188

Mustahabbat of the Mash’ar 189

Notes 190

At Mina 191

Notes 191

Jamrat al ‘Aqabah 192

The Number of Jimar 192

Jamrah of the Tenth of Dhu al‑Hijjah 192

The Conditions of Ramy 192

Doubt 193

Hady 193

The Kinds of Hady 193

For Whom is Hady Wajib? 194

The Requirements of the Hady 195

The Time and the Place of the Sacrifice 195

The Flesh of the Hady 196

The Substitute Duty (al‑Badal) 197

Dhabh by a Wakil 197

Qani’ and Mu’tarr 197

The Substitute for Camel Sacrifice 197

Taqlid and Ish’ar 198

Charity to Non‑Muslims 198

The Burning or Burying of Slaughtered Animals 198

Notes 199

Between Makkah and Medina 200

The Night at Mina 201

Ramy during the Ayyam al-Tashriq 201

Notes 203

The Dhu al-Hijjah Moon 204

Notes 205

Ziyarah of the Greatest Prophet (S) 206

History of al-Haramayn al-Sharifayn 207

The Ka’bah 207

The Prophet's Mosque 208

Part 2: Personal Law 210

6. Marriage 211

The Marriage Contract and its Conditions 212

A Subsidiary Issue 214

Witnesses 214

Notes 214

Capacity to Enter into a Marriage Contract 216

Bulugh 217

Stipulation of Conditions by the Wife 218

Notes 218

Claim of Marriage 220

Does the Living Together of a Couple Prove Marriage? 220

Notes 222

The Prohibited Degrees of Female Relations (al-Muharramat) 223

Consanguinity (al-nasab) 223

Al- Musaharah (Affinity) 223

II. Consanguinity Between Wives 224

III Fornication (al-Zina) 225

IV. Number of Wives 226

V. Li'an 227

VI. Number of Divorces 228

VII. Difference of Religion 228

Litigation Between the Ahl al-Kitab 230

VIII. Fosterage (al-Ridi') 231

IX. Al-'Iddah 232

X. Al-'Ihram 233

Notes 233

Matrimonial Guardianship 234

Wilayah over a Mature and Sane Girl 234

Wilayah in Cases of Minority, Insanity and Idiocy 235

The Order of Priority in Guardianship 235

Al-Kafa'ah (Equality) 237

Notes 237

Al-'Uyub (Defects) 238

Al-'Anan (Impotence) 238

Al-Jabb and al-Khisa' 239

Insanity 240

Leprosy and Leukoderma 240

Al-Ratq, al-Qarn, al-'Afal & al-'Ijda 241

Immediacy (al-Fawriyyah) 241

Notes 241

The Option to Include Conditions (Khayar al-Shari) 242

Deceit (Tadlis) 242

Supplementary Issue 244

Al- Mahr 246

Conditions of Mahr 246

Mahr al-Mithl 247

Immediate and Deferred Payment of Mahr 248

The Wife's Right to Refuse Her Conjugal Society 249

Inability of the Husband to Pay the Mahr 250

The Father and His Daughter-in- Law's Mahr 250

Consummation and Mahr 250

Wife's Crime Against Husband 251

Al-Khalwah 251

Half the Mahr 251

An Exceptional Case 252

Notes 253

Disagreement between the Spouses 254

Dowry (al-Jihaz) 257

Lineage (Al-Nasab) 258

Introduction 258

The Minimum Period of Gestation 259

The Maximum Period of Gestation According to Ahl al-Sunnah 260

The Maximum Gestation Period According to the Shi'ah 261

Walad al- Shubhah 261

Child Born of al-Mut'ah 263

The Illegitimate Child (Walad al-Zina) 264

Al-Laqit 266

Adoption (al-Tabanni) 266

Notes 267

Artificial Insemination 269

Artificial Insemination is Prohibited 270

The phrase 270

Some may say that the phrase 270

The Offspring by Artificial Insemination 271

Notes 272

Custody (Al-Hidanah) 273

The Right to Act as a Custodian 273

The Qualifications for Custody 273

The Period of Custody 274

Fee for Custody 275

Travelling With the Child 275

Voluntary Breast-Feeding and Custody 275

Surrendering of the Right to Custody 276

Notes 277

The Right to Maintenance 278

The Maintenance of a Wife and a Divorcee During 'Iddah 278

A Disobedient Wife (al-Nashizah) 279

Notes 283

Determination of Maintenance 284

Medical Expenses 285

Expenses of Child-birth 286

Adjustment of Maintenance 286

The Wife's Housing 286

Marriage 286

A Working Wife 286

Surety for Maintenance 287

Dispute between Spouses 287

The Wife's Claim of Expulsion 288

Loss of Maintenance 288

Husband's Debt Claim against Wife 288

Maintenance of Relatives 289

Definition of a Relative's Maintenance 289

Conditions for the Wujub of Maintenance 290

Determination of Relative’s Maintenance 291

The Order of Relatives on Whom Maintenance is Wajib 292

Notes 292

7. Divorce 294

Divorce 295

The Divorcer (al-Mutalliq) 295

Divorce by the Guardian (Talaq al-Wali) 296

The Divorcee (al-Mutallaqah) 296

The Pronouncement of Divorce (al-Sighah) 297

Divorce and Witnesses 299

The Case of a Sunni Husband and a Shi'i Wife 300

Revocable and Irrevocable Divorce 301

The Triple Divorcee 302

Doubt in the Number of Divorces 303

Divorcee's Claim of Tahlil 303

Notes 304

Al-Khul' 305

The Condition of the Wife's Destestation 305

Mutual Agreement to Khul' for a Consideration Greater than Mahr 305

Conditions for Consideration Payable in Khul' 305

A Related Issue 307

Conditions for a Wife Seeking Khul' 307

Conditions for a Husband Granting Khul’ 308

The Pronouncement of Khul’ 308

Notes 309

Al-'Iddah 310

Divorcee's ‘Iddah 310

Maximum Period of 'Iddah 312

'Iddah for Intercourse by Mistake 314

The 'Iddah of a Fornicatress 315

The 'Iddah of a Kitabiyyah 315

Wife of a Missing Husband 316

The Rules Governing 'Iddah 317

Inheritance between a Divorcer and a Divorcee 317

Divorce by a Sick Person 317

'Iddah and Location 318

Marriage with a Divorcee's Sister in 'Iddah 318

Can a Divorcee in 'Iddah be Redivorced? 318

Notes 319

Return To The Divorcee (Al-Raj’ah) 320

Raj'ah and Witnesses 321

Raj'ah of an Irrevocable Divorcee 321

Disagreement During the 'Iddah 321

Notes 322

The Acceptance of a Claim without Proof 323

Notes 325

Court Divorce (Talaq Al-Qadi) 326

Notes 328

Al-Zihar 329

Al-Ila' 331

Notes 332

8. Wasaya, Will and Endowments 333

Will and Bequest (Wasaya) 333

The Pronouncement 333

The Testator 333

The Legatee 334

The Legacy 337

The Extent of Testamentary Rights 337

Clashing Wills 339

Revocation of Will 340

Bequest of Benefits 340

The Dispositional Rights of an Ailing Person 341

Powers of Disposition of a Healthy Person 341

The Powers of Disposition of an Ill Person 341

Wills and ‘Completed Dispositions’ During Illness 342

Acknowledgment during Sickness 344

Appointment of Executor (al-Wisayah) 345

Requirements for a Wasi 345

Refusal to Act as Executor 346

Appointment of Two Executors 346

Appointing an Executor for Marriage 347

A Wasi’s Acknowledgment 347

Liability of a Wasi 347

Probating a Will 348

Notes 349

9. Inheritance 351

Rules Concerning the Heritage 351

The Heritage 351

Deductions from the Heritage 351

Heirs and the Decedent's Heritage 353

Causes of Inheritance and Impediments 353

Causes of Inheritance 353

Impediments to Inheritance 354

Difference of Religion 354

An Apostate (Murtadd) 354

Inheritance of Followers of Other Religions 355

The Ghulat 355

One Who Denies an Essential of the Faith 356

Homicide 357

Distribution of the Heritage 358

The Shares and Sharers 358

The Residuaries (al-'Asbat) 360

The Residuaries From the Imami Viewpoint 361

Al-Ta'ib 362

Al-'Awl 366

Exclusion (al-Hujb) 367

The Return (al-Radd) 369

The Inheritance of a Fetus; Disowned and Illegitimate Children 371

The Inheritance of a Fetus 371

Child Disowned by the Father (Walad al-Mula'anah) 372

The Illegitimate Child (Walad al-Zina) 372

The Marriage and Divorce of an Ill-Person 372

The Father's Share in Inheritance 373

The Mother's Share in Inheritance 374

Does the Mother Take One-Third of the Remainder? 377

The Inheritance of Children and Grandchildren 377

The Sons 377

The Daughters 377

Children's Children 378

The Inheritance of Brothers and Sisters 379

Brothers and Sisters 379

Full Brothers and Sisters 380

Agnate Brothers and Sisters 381

Uterine Brothers and Sisters 381

A Subsidiary Issue 381

Children of Brothers and Sisters 382

The Maternal Grandfather 382

Grandmothers 383

The Paternal Grandfather 383

The Inheritance of Paternal and Maternal Uncles and Aunts 384

The Inheritance of the Spouses 387

A Missing Person's Property 388

Inheritance of Persons Killed by Drowning, Fire and Debris 388

The Presumption of Non-Occurrence 390

The Presumption of the Delayed Occurrence of an Event 390

The Knowledge of Occurrence of Two Events with Ignorance of Their Order of Succession 391

Victims of Drowning and Burial under Debris 392

The Mode of Mutual Inheritance 393

Illustrations 394

Notes 398

10. Waqf 401

Waqf 401

Perpetuity and Continuity 401

Delivery of Possession 402

Ownership of the Waqf Property 402

The Essentials of Waqf 403

The Declaration 404

Al-Mu'atat (The creation of Waqf without the Sighah) 404

Acceptance 404

Al-Tanjiz 405

Al-Waqif 405

Niyyat al-Qurbah 406

Death Illness 406

Al-Mawquf 406

The Beneficiary (al-Mawquf 'Alayh) 407

A Waqf for prayers (al-waqf 'ala al-salat) 409

Doubts Concerning Waqf 409

Conditions of a Waqif and His Pronouncement 409

The Waqif‘s Intention 409

The Permissible Conditions 410

The Contract and This Condition 411

The Option to revoke (al-Khayar) 412

Inclusion and Exclusion (al-Idkhal wa al-Ikhraj) 412

Waqif’s Maintenance and the Payment of his Debts 412

A Note 412

Sons and Daughters 413

The Grandchildren 414

The Management of Waqf (al-Wilayah 'ala al-Waqf) 414

The Children of 'Ulama' and Awqaf 416

The Sale of Waqf 417

Al-Makasib and al-Jawahir 417

The Present Question 418

Mosques 418

Properties Belonging to Mosques 419

Waqfs which are not Mosques 421

Public and Private Waqfs 421

Private Waqf 421

Public Waqf 422

Cemeteries 422

A Sub-Issue 423

Causes Justifying the Sale of Waqf Property 423

The Sale Proceeds of a Waqf 424

Some Curious Waqfs 425

Notes 426

11. Hajr, Legal Disability 429

1. Insanity 429

2. Minority 429

Liability (al-Daman) 429

A Discerning Child 430

A Child's Intentional Act is a Mistake 431

3. Idiocy (al-Safah) 432

Declaration of Legal Disability (al-Tahjir) 432

The Judge's Order 433

The Idiot's Confession, Oath and Vow 433

The Idiot's Marriage and Divorce 434

The Proof of Mental Maturity 434

The Guardian 435

A Minor's Guardian 435

The Guardian of an Insane Person 435

The Guardian of an Idiot 436

The Qualifications of a Guardian 436

1. Pardon and Compromise (al-'Afw and al-) 437

2. Divorce and Pre-emption (al-Talaq and al-Shuf'ah) 437

3. Deduction of Claims (lkhraj al-Huquq) 437

4. Spending Upon the Ward 438

A Guardian's Sale to Himself 438

The Guardian's or Executor's Agent 438

4. The Insolvent Person (al-Muflis) 439

A Particular Thing and Its Owner 440

Wealth Accruing after Insolvency 441

The Acknowledgement of an Insolvent Person 441

Marriage 441

Imprisonment 441

Prohibition on Travelling 442

Notes 442

Bibliography 444