Islam: Faith, Practice & History

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Islam: Faith, Practice & History Author:
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: General Books
ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1

Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Author: Sayyid Muhammad Rizivi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1
visits: 17593
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Islam: Faith, Practice & History
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Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1

Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Author(s): Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications – Qum


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Table of Contents

Preface 12

Part 1: Beliefs 13

Lesson 1: Why Religion? 14

1. Why Study Religion? 14

(A) Love of Knowledge 14

(B) The Sense of Thankfulness 14

(C) Preventing Possible Danger 14

2. Some Necessary Qualities of Religion 16

(a) It must satisfy the intelligence and intellect of human beings 16

(b) It must teach and demonstrate dignity of human beings 16

(c) It must be a complete guide to develop the body, mind and spirit of humans as a whole 16

(d) It must conform with human nature 16

(e) It should not be a tool in the hands of oppressors to suppress the masses 16

Question Paper For Lesson 1 16

Lesson 2: Ways of Knowing God 18

First Method: The Inner Way 18

Second Method: Experiment Beyond Sensation 18

Nature & Scope of this Method 19

Question Paper For Lesson 2 21

Lesson 3: Designs in The Universe 22

Question Paper For Lesson 3 24

Lesson 4: More About God 25

1. The Eternal Need for God 25

2. God Occupies No Space 26

3. Is God Visible? 27

4. God is in Need of Nothing 27

5. God's Omniscience 27

The Basis Of God’s Knowledge 28

The Difference Between Creator & Maker 29

Question Paper On Lesson 4 29

Lesson 5: The One & Only God 31

Question Paper On Lesson 5 32

Lesson 6: Tawhid & Sifat 34

1. Tawhid - Monotheism 34

The Message of Tawhid 34

2. Sifat - the Attributes of God 34

(A) The Positive Attributes (As-Sifāt Ath-Thubutiyyah) 35

(B) The Negative Attributes (As-Sifāt As-Salbiyyah) 35

Question Paper on Lesson 6 36

Lesson 7: The Justice of God 38

1. God's Justice 38

1. Ignorance 38

2. Need 38

3. Weakness or Compulsion 38

2. What is Justice? 38

3. The Vicissitudes in the Life of Man 39

Question Paper on Lesson 7 42

Lesson 8: Prophets & Human Guaidence 44

1. The Purpose of Life 44

2. Human Conscience 44

3. Human Intelligence 45

4. The Divine Guidance 45

The Distinctions of the Divine Guidance 46

5. Role of Miracles in Prophethood 46

What are Miracles? 46

Question Paper on Lesson 8 47

Lesson 9: The Purity of The Prophets 48

1. Why must the Prophets be Ma'sum? 48

(A) The Principle of Instruction 48

(B) Confidence & Acceptance 49

2. How can a person be Ma'sum? 49

(A) Real Love of God 49

(B) The Deep & Perfect Insight of The Prophets 50

Question Paper on Lesson 9 51

Lesson 10: Prophets & Scriptures 53

Question Paper on Lesson 10 54

Lesson 11: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) 56

1. Arabia at the Prophet's Birth 56

2. The Birth of the Prophet of Islam 56

3. Commencement of the Mission 57

4. The Prophet's Migration (Hijrah) 58

Question Paper on Lesson 11 59

Lesson 12: Al-Qur’an The Miracle of Islam 61

1. Prophets & Miracles 61

2. Al-Qur'an - the Everlasting Miracle 61

(A) The Eloquence Of The Qur’ān 62

(B) Harmonisation of its Themes 63

(C) Scientific Revelations 63

The Moon & The Sun 64

Exploring The Space 64

Pharaoh's Body 64

Question Paper on Lesson 12 65

Lesson 13: The Last Message & The Last Prophet 67

1. Muhammad, the Last Prophet 67

2. The Universality of Islam 67

(A) The God of Islam 67

(B) Equality in Islam 68

(c) Islam & Freedom of Thought 68

(D) Islam & Knowledge 68

(E) Islam’s Concept of Life 69

(F) Islamic Laws & Change in Lifestyle 69

3. The Continuation of Divine Assistance 70

Question Paper on Lesson 13 70

Lesson 14: The Imamat Succession to the Prophet 72

1. Introduction 72

2. Is the Qur'an not Sufficient? 73

Question Paper on Lesson 14 75

Lesson 15: Amir Al-Mu’minin ‘Ali 77

1. The Successor of the Prophet 77

2. The First Leader 77

3. The Historical Hadith of Ghadir 78

(A) The Authenticity of the Hadith of Ghadir 79

(B) The Meaning of “Mawla” in the Hadith of Ghadir 80

Question Paper on Lesson 15 80

Lesson 16: Khilafat & Consulation (a review of Saqifa) 82

1. The Authority of the Prophet 82

2. Is the Prophet Subject to the Opinion of the Majority? 82

3. Did Consultation Take Place after the Prophet's Death? 83

A Brief Look at Saqifah 83

(B) A Short Review of Saqifah 84

Question Paper on Lesson 16 85

Lesson 17: Twelve Caliphs or Imams 86

1. The Hadith on Twelve Imams 86

2. A Few Facts About the Twelve Imams 86

Question Paper on Lesson 17 88

Lesson 18: The Twelfth Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (a.s.) 89

1. Belief in Al-Mahdi & the Universal Reform 89

2. The Qur'an & the Belief in al-Mahdi 89

3. Belief in the Mahdi & Sunni Authorities 90

4. The Hidden Reformer 90

5. The Length of al-Mahdi's Life 91

Question Paper on Lesson 18 92

Lesson 19: The Return & Resurrection (Al-Ma’ad & Al-Qiyamah) 93

1. The Wisdom & Justice of God 93

2. The Return in Islam 93

Question Paper on Lesson 19 95

Lesson 20: After Death After Death 96

1. Purgatory (Barzakh) 96

2. The Questioning in the Grave 96

3. The Torment of the Grave 96

4. The Paradise & Hell in the Qur'an 97

Question Paper on Lesson 20 98

Part 2: Laws and Ethics 99

Lesson 21: The Shari‘a 100

1. The Place of Shari’a in Islam 100

2. The Need for the Shari’a 100

3. The Superiority of God-made Laws over Man-made Laws 101

Question Paper on Lesson 21 102

Lesson 22: Sources Of The Shari’a 103

1. The Qur’an & the Sunna of the Prophet 103

2. The Example of the Imams 103

Question Paper on Lesson 22 106

Lesson 23: Ijtihad, Taqlid & Ihtiyat 107

1. Introduction 107

2. Ijtihad 107

3. Taqlid 108

(A) Is Taqlid Reasonable? 109

(B) Support from the Qur’an & Sunnah 109

Question Paper on Lesson 23 111

Lesson 24: More About The Shari‘a 112

1. The Roots & Branches of Religion 112

2. The Classification of Shari’a Laws 113

3. The Five Types of Decrees 113

Question Paper on Lesson 24 114

Lesson 25: Islam’s Spirtual Program (1) 116

1. Introduction 116

2. Purpose of Creation 116

3. Program for Spiritual Training 117


Question Paper on Lesson 25 118

Lesson 26: Islam’s Spirtual Program (2) 120


(i) Wuzu: Reminder of Spiritual Purity 120

(ii) Salat Helps in Spiritual Training 122

(iii) Sajdah: Daily Reminder of the Purpose of Life 122

Question Paper on Lesson 26 123

Lesson 27: The Islamic Community 1 125

1. The Brotherhood of Islam 125

2. The Prophet & Islamic Brotherhood 125

3. The Moral Rights of Brotherhood 126

Question Paper on Lesson 27 127

Lesson 28: The Islamic Community 2 129

1. Equality of Believers 129

(A) The Concept 129

(B) Example from History 129

(C) Promotion of Equality & Brotherhood 132

Question Paper on Lesson 28 134

Lesson 29: The Islamic Community 3 135

1. Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil 135

1. Amr Bi ’L-Ma‘Rūf & Nahi ‘Ani ’L-Munkar: Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil 135

2. Importance of Amr & Nahi 135

3. Amr & Nahi: An Expression of Brotherhood 136

4. Conditions & Levels of Amr & Nahi 137

Question Paper on Lesson 29 137

Lesson 30: Islamic Economic System (1) 139

1. The Middle Path 139

2. The Economic Equality 140

On Individual Level 141

First level of charity: 141

Second level of charity 141

On Collective Level 141

Question Paper on Lesson 30 142

Lesson 31: Islamic Economic System (2) 143

1. Importance of Zakat 143

2. Obligatory Zakat 143

(A) Sharing The Natural Resources 143

(B) Zakātu ’L-Fitra: Sharing On The Day Of ‘Iddu ’L-Fitr 144

3. Recommended Zakat 144

4. The Usage of Zakat Fund 144

Question Paper on Lesson 31 145

Lesson 32: Islamic Economic System (3) 146

1. Khums in the Qur’ān & History 146

(A) The Meaning Of “Ghanimtum” 146

(B) The History Of Khums 146

(C) The Islamic Laws 147

(D) The Interpretation Of The Qur'ān 147

Question 1: [10 points] 148

Lesson 33: Family Life in Islam (1) 149

1. Introduction 149

2. Extended & Nuclear Family Systems 149

Extended Family System 149

Nuclear Family System 149

3. The Islamic View 149

4. Examples in History 150

Question Paper on Lesson 33 151

Lesson 34: Family Life in Islam (2) 152

1. Children’s Status & Rights 152

2. Some Basic Rights 152

3. Three Stages of Life 153

The First Stage: from birth to age seven 153

The Second Stage: from age eight to fourteen 153

The Third Stage: from age fifteen to twenty-one 154

Question Paper on Lesson 34 155

Lesson 35: Family Life in Islam (3) 156

1. Parents’ Status 156

(A) Father 156

(B) Mother 156

2. Parents’ Rights in the Qur’an 157

3. Importance of Silatu ‘r-Rahm 158

The Positive Aspect 158

The Negative Aspect 158

The Methods of Silatu’r-Rahm 159

Question Paper on Lesson 35 159

Part 3: History 160

Lesson 36: The Prophet Of Islam (Muhammad Al-Mustafa) 161

1. Birth to Bi’that 161

2. The Beginning of the Mission 161

3. The Hijrah 163

4. Establishing an Islamic Community 164

5. Encounters on the Battlefields 164

(A) The Battle of Badr 165

(B) The Battle of Uhud 165

(C) The Battle ofKhandaq (Ahzab) 165

(D) The Bani Qurazah Battle 166

(E) The Bani Mustalaq War 166

(F) The Battle ofKhaybar 166

6. The Treaty of Hudaybia & the Fall of Mecca 166

7. The Last Pilgrimage & Death 167

8. Lamartine’s Homage to the Prophet 167

Question Paper on Lesson 36 168

Lesson 37: The Best Of All Women (Fatimatu -Zahra’)) 170

1. Birth to Hijra 170

2. Father & Daughter 171

3. Marriage to ‘Ali 171

4. Fatima’s Status in the Qur’an & the Sunnah 172

5. After the Prophet 173

Question Paper on Lesson 37 174

Lesson 38: The First Imam (‘Ali bin Abi Talib) 175

1. Birth to Bi’that 175

2. Bi’that to Hijrat 175

3. Hijrat to the Prophet’s Death 176

4. The Three Caliphs 177

5. Caliphate to Death 178

6. The Personality of ‘Ali 178

7. ‘Ali’s Last Words 179

Question Paper on Lesson 38 180

Lesson 39: The Second Imam (Hasan bin ‘Ali) 182

1. Birth & Early Life 182

2. With ‘Ali Amiru ’1-Mu’minin 182

3. The Imamate of Hasan bin ‘Ali 183

4. His Noble Character 185

5. His Death 185

Question Paper on Lesson 39 186

Lesson 40: The Third Imam (Husayn bin ‘Ali) 188

1. Birth & Early Life 188

2. Mu’awiyah’s Rule 188

3. Yazid’s demand for Bay’ah 188

4. Towards Karbala 189

5. The Consequences of Karbala 191

Question Paper on Lesson 40 192

Lesson 41: The Fourth Imam (‘Ali ibn al-Husayn) 193

1. Birth & Early Life 193

2. Karbala & His Imamat 193

3. Jihad by Knowledge 194

4. Attitude of the Rulers 195

Question Paper on Lesson 41 196

Lesson 42: The Fifth Imam (Muhammad ibn ‘Ali) 197

1. Birth & Early Life 197

2. Continuation of Jihad by Knowledge 197

3. Some Distinguished Companions of the Imam 198

4. Attitude of the Rulers 198

5. Final Days & Death 199

Question Paper on Lesson 42 199

Lesson 43: The Sixth Imam (Ja‘far bin Muhammad) 201

1. Birth & Early Days 201

2. His Imamate: Continuation of Scholarly Jihad 201

3. Students & Companions 201

4. Rulers & their Attitude 202

5. Last Days & Death 203

Question Paper on Lesson 43 203

Lesson 44: The Seventh Imam (Musa ibn Ja‘far) 205

1. Birth 205

2. Political Circumstance of His Imamate 205

3. His Companions 206

4. Death in Prison 207

Question Paper on Lesson 44 207

Lesson 45: The Eighth Imam(‘Ali ibn Musa) 209

1. Birth 209

2. Political Circumstances of His Imamate 209

3. Imam ar-Rida’s Historical Journey to Marw 210

4. Ma’mun’s Decision & Its Consequences 210

5. Words of Wisdom 211

Question Paper on Lesson 45 212

Lesson 46: The Ninth Imam (Muhammad bin ‘Ali) 214

1. Birth & Imamate in Childhood 214

2. Ma’mun & Imam at-Taqi (a.s.) 214

3. Mu’tasim’s Rule 217

Question Paper on Lesson 46 218

Lesson 47: The Tenth Imam (‘Ali ibn Muhammad) 219

1. Birth & Early Years 219

2. Rulers of the Time 219

3. Two Companions of the Imam 220

Question Paper on Lesson 47 222

Lesson 48: The Eleventh Imam (Hasan bin ‘Ali) 223

1. Birth & Early Years 223

2. Political Circumstances of His Imamate 223

3. The Miracle of Rain 223

4. Ishaq al-Kindi & the Qur’an 224

5. Imam’s Letter to Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi 225

6. Words of Wisdom 226

Question Paper on Lesson 48 227

Lesson 49: The Twelfth Imam (Muhammad al-Mahdi) 228

1. Birth & Early Life 228

2. The Imamat & Ghaybat 229

3. The Ghaybat Sughra 229

4. The Ghaybat Kubra 231

5. Appearance of al-Mahdi 231

Question Paper on Lesson 49 232

Lesson 50: Guidance in Occultation & the Message of Shi‘ism 234

1. Importance of Belief in al-Mahdi 234

2. The Question of Long Life 234

3. The Spiritual Guidance of al-Mahdi 234

4. The Spiritual Message of Shi’ism 235

Question Paper on Lesson 50 237

Notes 238


In the name of Allāh, the Beneficent, the Merciful

O Allāh, send Your blessings upon Muhammad & his Progeny

The book in your hand is an introductory treatise on Islamic beliefs, laws and ethics as well as the early history of the faith in fifty lessons. These lessons were part of the Islamic Correspondence Course that I compiled, wrote and edited for the Islamic Education and Information Centre, Toronto, in the early nineties.

The course consists of three parts: Part I (twenty lessons) on Islamic theology outlines the basic beliefs of the faith; followed by Part II (fifteen lessons) on Islamic jurisprudence explaining the spiritual and financial issues as well as the social and familial aspects of life; it concludes with Part III (fifteen lessons) on the brief history of the first three centuries covering the lives of the Prophet Muhammad, his daughter, Fātima, and the Twelve Imams of Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them all). Each lesson is followed by a question paper.

Besides my own writings, the sources used in preparing this course have been duly mentioned at the end of each lesson. Nonetheless, I would like to acknowledge here the writings of my late father ‘Allāmah Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi, the board of writers of Dar Rāh-e Haqq Institute (Qum, Iran), the late ‘Allāmah S.M. Husayn Tabātabā’i, and Ayatullāh Nāsir Makārim Shirāzi. I also would like to thank Br. Haider Ali Khoja, a lecturer at Humber College, for preparing the question papers for the initial lessons which helped me in preparing questions for the remaining lessons in the same pattern.

I pray to the Almighty Allāh that this book may prove as useful and helpful for seekers of truth as did the Islamic Correspondence Course which soon became popular on a world-wide basis: an Islamic Centre in Houston, Texas, included it in its tablīgh program for new Muslims; a prominent organization in the United Kingdom plans to put it on-line; and the Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania has translated it into Swahili and has included it as the intermediary level of its correspondence courses.

Wa mā tawfīqī illa bi’l-lāh.

Toronto, Canada

Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi

Safar 1425 / April 2004

Part 1: Beliefs