Islam: Faith, Practice & History

Author: Sayyid Muhammad Rizivi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: General Books
ISBN: 978-964-219-145-1

Author: Sayyid Muhammad Rizivi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
visits: 17593
Download: 3758
- Preface
- Part 1: Beliefs
- Lesson 1: Why Religion?
- 1. Why Study Religion?
- (A) Love of Knowledge
- (B) The Sense of Thankfulness
- (C) Preventing Possible Danger
- 2. Some Necessary Qualities of Religion
- (a) It must satisfy the intelligence and intellect of human beings
- (b) It must teach and demonstrate dignity of human beings
- (c) It must be a complete guide to develop the body, mind and spirit of humans as a whole
- (d) It must conform with human nature
- (e) It should not be a tool in the hands of oppressors to suppress the masses
- Question Paper For Lesson 1
- Lesson 2: Ways of Knowing God
- First Method: The Inner Way
- Second Method: Experiment Beyond Sensation
- Nature & Scope of this Method
- Question Paper For Lesson 2
- Lesson 3: Designs in The Universe
- Question Paper For Lesson 3
- Lesson 4: More About God
- 1. The Eternal Need for God
- 2. God Occupies No Space
- 3. Is God Visible?
- 4. God is in Need of Nothing
- 5. God's Omniscience
- The Basis Of God’s Knowledge
- The Difference Between Creator & Maker
- Question Paper On Lesson 4
- Lesson 5: The One & Only God
- Question Paper On Lesson 5
- Lesson 6: Tawhid & Sifat
- 1. Tawhid - Monotheism
- The Message of Tawhid
- 2. Sifat - the Attributes of God
- (A) The Positive Attributes (As-Sifāt Ath-Thubutiyyah)
- (B) The Negative Attributes (As-Sifāt As-Salbiyyah)
- Question Paper on Lesson 6
- Lesson 7: The Justice of God
- 1. God's Justice
- 1. Ignorance
- 2. Need
- 3. Weakness or Compulsion
- 2. What is Justice?
- 3. The Vicissitudes in the Life of Man
- Question Paper on Lesson 7
- Lesson 8: Prophets & Human Guaidence
- 1. The Purpose of Life
- 2. Human Conscience
- 3. Human Intelligence
- 4. The Divine Guidance
- The Distinctions of the Divine Guidance
- 5. Role of Miracles in Prophethood
- What are Miracles?
- Question Paper on Lesson 8
- Lesson 9: The Purity of The Prophets
- 1. Why must the Prophets be Ma'sum?
- (A) The Principle of Instruction
- (B) Confidence & Acceptance
- 2. How can a person be Ma'sum?
- (A) Real Love of God
- (B) The Deep & Perfect Insight of The Prophets
- Question Paper on Lesson 9
- Lesson 10: Prophets & Scriptures
- Question Paper on Lesson 10
- Lesson 11: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
- 1. Arabia at the Prophet's Birth
- 2. The Birth of the Prophet of Islam
- 3. Commencement of the Mission
- 4. The Prophet's Migration (Hijrah)
- Question Paper on Lesson 11
- Lesson 12: Al-Qur’an The Miracle of Islam
- 1. Prophets & Miracles
- 2. Al-Qur'an - the Everlasting Miracle
- (A) The Eloquence Of The Qur’ān
- (B) Harmonisation of its Themes
- (C) Scientific Revelations
- The Moon & The Sun
- Exploring The Space
- Pharaoh's Body
- Question Paper on Lesson 12
- Lesson 13: The Last Message & The Last Prophet
- 1. Muhammad, the Last Prophet
- 2. The Universality of Islam
- (A) The God of Islam
- (B) Equality in Islam
- (c) Islam & Freedom of Thought
- (D) Islam & Knowledge
- (E) Islam’s Concept of Life
- (F) Islamic Laws & Change in Lifestyle
- 3. The Continuation of Divine Assistance
- Question Paper on Lesson 13
- Lesson 14: The Imamat Succession to the Prophet
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Is the Qur'an not Sufficient?
- Question Paper on Lesson 14
- Lesson 15: Amir Al-Mu’minin ‘Ali
- 1. The Successor of the Prophet
- 2. The First Leader
- 3. The Historical Hadith of Ghadir
- (A) The Authenticity of the Hadith of Ghadir
- (B) The Meaning of “Mawla” in the Hadith of Ghadir
- Question Paper on Lesson 15
- Lesson 16: Khilafat & Consulation (a review of Saqifa)
- 1. The Authority of the Prophet
- 2. Is the Prophet Subject to the Opinion of the Majority?
- 3. Did Consultation Take Place after the Prophet's Death?
- A Brief Look at Saqifah
- (B) A Short Review of Saqifah
- Question Paper on Lesson 16
- Lesson 17: Twelve Caliphs or Imams
- 1. The Hadith on Twelve Imams
- 2. A Few Facts About the Twelve Imams
- Question Paper on Lesson 17
- Lesson 18: The Twelfth Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (a.s.)
- 1. Belief in Al-Mahdi & the Universal Reform
- 2. The Qur'an & the Belief in al-Mahdi
- 3. Belief in the Mahdi & Sunni Authorities
- 4. The Hidden Reformer
- 5. The Length of al-Mahdi's Life
- Question Paper on Lesson 18
- Lesson 19: The Return & Resurrection (Al-Ma’ad & Al-Qiyamah)
- 1. The Wisdom & Justice of God
- 2. The Return in Islam
- Question Paper on Lesson 19
- Lesson 20: After Death After Death
- 1. Purgatory (Barzakh)
- 2. The Questioning in the Grave
- 3. The Torment of the Grave
- 4. The Paradise & Hell in the Qur'an
- Question Paper on Lesson 20
- Part 2: Laws and Ethics
- Lesson 21: The Shari‘a
- 1. The Place of Shari’a in Islam
- 2. The Need for the Shari’a
- 3. The Superiority of God-made Laws over Man-made Laws
- Question Paper on Lesson 21
- Lesson 22: Sources Of The Shari’a
- 1. The Qur’an & the Sunna of the Prophet
- 2. The Example of the Imams
- Question Paper on Lesson 22
- Lesson 23: Ijtihad, Taqlid & Ihtiyat
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Ijtihad
- 3. Taqlid
- (A) Is Taqlid Reasonable?
- (B) Support from the Qur’an & Sunnah
- Question Paper on Lesson 23
- Lesson 24: More About The Shari‘a
- 1. The Roots & Branches of Religion
- 2. The Classification of Shari’a Laws
- 3. The Five Types of Decrees
- Question Paper on Lesson 24
- Lesson 25: Islam’s Spirtual Program (1)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Purpose of Creation
- 3. Program for Spiritual Training
- Question Paper on Lesson 25
- Lesson 26: Islam’s Spirtual Program (2)
- (i) Wuzu: Reminder of Spiritual Purity
- (ii) Salat Helps in Spiritual Training
- (iii) Sajdah: Daily Reminder of the Purpose of Life
- Question Paper on Lesson 26
- Lesson 27: The Islamic Community 1
- 1. The Brotherhood of Islam
- 2. The Prophet & Islamic Brotherhood
- 3. The Moral Rights of Brotherhood
- Question Paper on Lesson 27
- Lesson 28: The Islamic Community 2
- 1. Equality of Believers
- (A) The Concept
- (B) Example from History
- (C) Promotion of Equality & Brotherhood
- Question Paper on Lesson 28
- Lesson 29: The Islamic Community 3
- 1. Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil
- 1. Amr Bi ’L-Ma‘Rūf & Nahi ‘Ani ’L-Munkar: Bidding The Good & Forbidding The Evil
- 2. Importance of Amr & Nahi
- 3. Amr & Nahi: An Expression of Brotherhood
- 4. Conditions & Levels of Amr & Nahi
- Question Paper on Lesson 29
- Lesson 30: Islamic Economic System (1)
- 1. The Middle Path
- 2. The Economic Equality
- On Individual Level
- First level of charity
- Second level of charity
- On Collective Level
- Question Paper on Lesson 30
- Lesson 31: Islamic Economic System (2)
- 1. Importance of Zakat
- 2. Obligatory Zakat
- (A) Sharing The Natural Resources
- (B) Zakātu ’L-Fitra: Sharing On The Day Of ‘Iddu ’L-Fitr
- 3. Recommended Zakat
- 4. The Usage of Zakat Fund
- Question Paper on Lesson 31
- Lesson 32: Islamic Economic System (3)
- 1. Khums in the Qur’ān & History
- (A) The Meaning Of “Ghanimtum”
- (B) The History Of Khums
- (C) The Islamic Laws
- (D) The Interpretation Of The Qur'ān
- Question 1: [10 points]
- Lesson 33: Family Life in Islam (1)
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Extended & Nuclear Family Systems
- Extended Family System
- Nuclear Family System
- 3. The Islamic View
- 4. Examples in History
- Question Paper on Lesson 33
- Lesson 34: Family Life in Islam (2)
- 1. Children’s Status & Rights
- 2. Some Basic Rights
- 3. Three Stages of Life
- The First Stage: from birth to age seven
- The Second Stage: from age eight to fourteen
- The Third Stage: from age fifteen to twenty-one
- Question Paper on Lesson 34
- Lesson 35: Family Life in Islam (3)
- 1. Parents’ Status
- (A) Father
- (B) Mother
- 2. Parents’ Rights in the Qur’an
- 3. Importance of Silatu ‘r-Rahm
- The Positive Aspect
- The Negative Aspect
- The Methods of Silatu’r-Rahm
- Question Paper on Lesson 35
- Part 3: History
- Lesson 36: The Prophet Of Islam (Muhammad Al-Mustafa)
- 1. Birth to Bi’that
- 2. The Beginning of the Mission
- 3. The Hijrah
- 4. Establishing an Islamic Community
- 5. Encounters on the Battlefields
- (A) The Battle of Badr
- (B) The Battle of Uhud
- (C) The Battle ofKhandaq (Ahzab)
- (D) The Bani Qurazah Battle
- (E) The Bani Mustalaq War
- (F) The Battle ofKhaybar
- 6. The Treaty of Hudaybia & the Fall of Mecca
- 7. The Last Pilgrimage & Death
- 8. Lamartine’s Homage to the Prophet
- Question Paper on Lesson 36
- Lesson 37: The Best Of All Women (Fatimatu -Zahra’))
- 1. Birth to Hijra
- 2. Father & Daughter
- 3. Marriage to ‘Ali
- 4. Fatima’s Status in the Qur’an & the Sunnah
- 5. After the Prophet
- Question Paper on Lesson 37
- Lesson 38: The First Imam (‘Ali bin Abi Talib)
- 1. Birth to Bi’that
- 2. Bi’that to Hijrat
- 3. Hijrat to the Prophet’s Death
- 4. The Three Caliphs
- 5. Caliphate to Death
- 6. The Personality of ‘Ali
- 7. ‘Ali’s Last Words
- Question Paper on Lesson 38
- Lesson 39: The Second Imam (Hasan bin ‘Ali)
- 1. Birth & Early Life
- 2. With ‘Ali Amiru ’1-Mu’minin
- 3. The Imamate of Hasan bin ‘Ali
- 4. His Noble Character
- 5. His Death
- Question Paper on Lesson 39
- Lesson 40: The Third Imam (Husayn bin ‘Ali)
- 1. Birth & Early Life
- 2. Mu’awiyah’s Rule
- 3. Yazid’s demand for Bay’ah
- 4. Towards Karbala
- 5. The Consequences of Karbala
- Question Paper on Lesson 40
- Lesson 41: The Fourth Imam (‘Ali ibn al-Husayn)
- 1. Birth & Early Life
- 2. Karbala & His Imamat
- 3. Jihad by Knowledge
- 4. Attitude of the Rulers
- Question Paper on Lesson 41
- Lesson 42: The Fifth Imam (Muhammad ibn ‘Ali)
- 1. Birth & Early Life
- 2. Continuation of Jihad by Knowledge
- 3. Some Distinguished Companions of the Imam
- 4. Attitude of the Rulers
- 5. Final Days & Death
- Question Paper on Lesson 42
- Lesson 43: The Sixth Imam (Ja‘far bin Muhammad)
- 1. Birth & Early Days
- 2. His Imamate: Continuation of Scholarly Jihad
- 3. Students & Companions
- 4. Rulers & their Attitude
- 5. Last Days & Death
- Question Paper on Lesson 43
- Lesson 44: The Seventh Imam (Musa ibn Ja‘far)
- 1. Birth
- 2. Political Circumstance of His Imamate
- 3. His Companions
- 4. Death in Prison
- Question Paper on Lesson 44
- Lesson 45: The Eighth Imam(‘Ali ibn Musa)
- 1. Birth
- 2. Political Circumstances of His Imamate
- 3. Imam ar-Rida’s Historical Journey to Marw
- 4. Ma’mun’s Decision & Its Consequences
- 5. Words of Wisdom
- Question Paper on Lesson 45
- Lesson 46: The Ninth Imam (Muhammad bin ‘Ali)
- 1. Birth & Imamate in Childhood
- 2. Ma’mun & Imam at-Taqi (a.s.)
- 3. Mu’tasim’s Rule
- Question Paper on Lesson 46
- Lesson 47: The Tenth Imam (‘Ali ibn Muhammad)
- 1. Birth & Early Years
- 2. Rulers of the Time
- 3. Two Companions of the Imam
- Question Paper on Lesson 47
- Lesson 48: The Eleventh Imam (Hasan bin ‘Ali)
- 1. Birth & Early Years
- 2. Political Circumstances of His Imamate
- 3. The Miracle of Rain
- 4. Ishaq al-Kindi & the Qur’an
- 5. Imam’s Letter to Ibn Babawayh al-Qummi
- 6. Words of Wisdom
- Question Paper on Lesson 48
- Lesson 49: The Twelfth Imam (Muhammad al-Mahdi)
- 1. Birth & Early Life
- 2. The Imamat & Ghaybat
- 3. The Ghaybat Sughra
- 4. The Ghaybat Kubra
- 5. Appearance of al-Mahdi
- Question Paper on Lesson 49
- Lesson 50: Guidance in Occultation & the Message of Shi‘ism
- 1. Importance of Belief in al-Mahdi
- 2. The Question of Long Life
- 3. The Spiritual Guidance of al-Mahdi
- 4. The Spiritual Message of Shi’ism
- Question Paper on Lesson 50
- Notes