Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)

Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)0%

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Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)

Author: Mohd Lateef Khan

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Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)
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Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)

Economic Thought of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr: A Study of Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)


Chapter One Life and works of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr

1.1. Life of Baqir al-Sadr

Ayatullah Syed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr was a scholar, a philosopher and ideological founder of Islamic Dawah party (Hizbul Dawat al Islamiah)17 in al-Kazimiya Iraq. He was born on Dhil Hajja 25, 1353 A.H. / 1 March 1934 C.E. He belonged to a religious family which had been a cradle for Islamic learning since decades. His father Haydar al Sadr18 was a well respected high ranking Shia cleric. His lineage goes back to Muhammad (pbuh) through the seventh Shia Imam, Musa al-Kazim. Baqir al Sadr (1935-1980 C.E.) son of Haider al Sadr (1891-1937 C.E.) son of Ismail al Sadr (d.1919 C.E.) son of Sadr al Din bin Saleh son of Syed Saleh son of Muhammad son of Ibrahim son of Zainul Abidin son of Nur ud din Ali son of Izuddin Hussain son of Muhammad son of Hussain son of Ali Son of Muhammad son of Taj ud din son of Muhammad son of Jala ud din son of Ahmad son of Hamzeh son of Sadullah son of Hamzeh son of Abul Sadat son of Abu Muhmmad son of Muhmmad son of Abul Hassan Ali son of Abu Tahir son of Muhammad son of Tahir son of Hussain al Qati son of Musa Abu Subheh son of Ibrahim son of Musa al Kazim.

Baqir al Sadr lost his father at the age of four, and then he was brought up by his mother and elder brother Ismail al Sadr. He got his early education at al Muntada al Nashr, an elementary school in al Kazimiya. From his very childhood he showed signs of extraordinary intelligence and aptitude for learning. When he was only ten years old he spoke on doctrinal matters and Islamic History with such a confidence, as if he had spent decades mastering these subjects. When he was eleven years old he wrote a book on logic and also began delivering lectures on this subject.19 In 1365 A.H., at the age of twelve, he settled in Najaf (Iraq) and began studying as well as teaching the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence and other branches of Islamic learning. He possessed such an extraordinary caliber for learning that he could fully comprehend the lessons, of the level of his own studies without the help of his teacher. At the age of twelve, he began studying the book, Ma’lim al-Usul under his brother, Syed Ismail al Sadr, while studying, he would often object to some aspects of the book and his brother would say that, these are the same objectives that the author of Kifayat al Usul (one of text books in Seminaries) had against the author of Ma’lim al Usool.

Baqir al Sadr completed his religious education at religious seminaries under the guidance of Al-Khoei20 and Muhsin al Hakim21 . Eventually he emerged as a profile writer and wrote twenty six books and numerous articles, on various disciplines including; Jurisprudence, exegesis, philosophy, logic, history, theology, Islamic culture and economics. Some of these books (originally in Arabic) have been translated into Persian, English, Urdu and Turkish languages.

Baqir al-Sadr rose against the British occupation of Iraq in 1920 and took an active part in the liberation of Iraq. He worked with Hizbut- Tahrir22 for some time but later on Joined the Islamic Dawah Party(Hizbut Dawat al Islamiyah) in Iraq and laid down it ideological foundation. In 1960-61 he wrote his most celebrated book on economics namely Iqtisaduna (Our economics). In this voluminous work he criticizes the existing economic doctrines; capitalism and socialism and presents Islamic economics as an alternative for both the systems. The book originally in Arabic has been translated into English by WOFIS (World Organization for Islamic Services). Subsequently, he was commissioned by the government of Kuwait to assess how the country’s oil wealth could be managed in keeping with Islamic banking.

Baqir al-Sadr actively supported Iranian revolution of 1979 C.E. led by Ayatullah Khomeini. He worked tirelessly with Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al Hakim for propagating the mission of the Hizbut Dawat al Islamiyah. When Imam Khomeini (R.A.) called upon Muslims in Iraq to follow the example of the Iranian people and rise against the Ba’thist regime, Baqir al Sadr fully supported him. This attracted the attention of the Ba’thist regime of saddam, (The president of Iraq), which resulted into numerous imprisonments for the Ayatullah. He was often subjected to torture during his imprisonments, but he continued his work after being released. In 1977 he was accused of his active involvement in the uprisings in Najaf, and was sentenced to life imprisonment but was released after two years due to his immense popularity. He was again imprisoned in 1980. This time, he was kept in the prison of Abu Ghuraib in Bagdad. Here he and his sister were severely tortured and were shot dead on April 8, 1980.

The bodies of the martyred Ayatullah Muhammad Baqir al Sadr and his learned scholar sister Amina Bint al Huda were buried in the holy city of Najaf, besides Hazrat Ali’s R.A Shrine. Imam Khomeini (RA) in his message on their martyrdom stated: “….Martyr Ayatullah Baqir al Sadr and his honorable sister who where the teachers of Islamic sciences and morality, where martyred by Iraqi regime. Martyrdom is a heritage which these dear individuals inherited from their ancestors.”

Syed Khatim al-Hussaini al-Haa’ri describes Baqir al Sadr as, “the pride of his time…..The genius of this age, the miracle of this century… a principled jurist, a Muslim Philosopher…. a Marja among the Maraja of the Muslims in Najf”.

Some of the teachers of Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al Sadr, were Ayatullah Sayyid Abul Qasim al Khoei, Ayatollah Sayyid Husin Taba Tabai-al Hakim A few of his students were, the martyr Syed Mohammad Baqir al-Hakeem, Martyr Syed Muhammad al-Sadr and Syed Kamal al Haideri.

1.2. List of works [Books]

Baqir Al Sadr was a prolific writer. He has written on various aspects of Islam. We present here the list of his works contributed in the following fields.

1.2 (a) Jurisprudence

I. Buhuth fi Sharh al- 'Urvah al' Wuthqa (Discourses on the Commentary of al- 'Urvah al-Wuthqa), 4 volumes.

II. Al-Ta'liqah 'ala Minhaj al-Salihin (Annotation of Ayatullah Hakim's Minhaj al-Salihin), 2 volumes.

III. Al-Fatawa al-Wazihah (Clear Decrees).

IV. Mujaz Ahkam al-Hajj (Summarized Rules of Hajj)

V. Al-Ta'liqah 'ala Manasik al-Hajj (Annotation of Ayatullah Khui's Hajj Rites).

VI. Al-Ta'liqah 'ala Salah al-Jumu'ah (Annotation on Friday Prayer)

1.2 (b) Fundamentals of the Law

I. Durus fi Ilm al-Usul (Lessons in the Science of Jurisprudence), 3 Parts.23

II. Al-Ma'alim al-Jadidah lil-Usul (The New Signposts of Jurisprudence).

III. Ghayat al-Fikr (The Highest Degree of Thought)

1.2 (c) Philosophy

Falsafatuna (Our Philosophy) Tr. English Shams C. Inti, Muhammad Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2 parts (available on Internet,

1.2 (d) Logic

Al-Usus al-Mantiqiyyah lil-Istiqra' (The Logical Basis of Induction)

1.2 (e) Theology

I. Al-Mujaz fi Usul al-Din: al-Mursil, al-Rasul, al-Risalah (The Summarized Principles of Religion: The Sender, The Messenger, The Message).

II. Al-Tashayyu' wa al-Islam - Bahth Hawl al-Wilayah (Discourse on Divine Authority).

III. Bahth Hawl al-Mahdi (Discourse on Imam Mahdi)

1.2 (f) Economics

Iqtisaduna (Our Economics)24 Tr. English (WOFIS) (World Organization for Islamic Services) Tehran Iran, 1982, 2 vol.’s Al-Bank al- Ribawi fi al-Islam Tr. Urdu, Islami Bank, Allama Zeeshan Haider Jawadi, Jamali Publication Mumbai,1974. Maqalat Iqtisadiyyah (Essays in Economy).

1.2 (g) Qur'anic Commentaries

I. Al-Tafair al-Mawzu'i lil-Qur'an al-Karim - al-Madrasah al-Qur'aniyyah (The Thematic exegesis of the Holy Qur'an).

II. Buhuth fi 'Ulum al-Qur'an (Discourses on Qur'anic Sciences).

III. Maqalat Qur'aniyyah (Essays on Qur'an).

1.2 (h) History

I. Ahl al-Bayt Tanawwu' Ahdaf wa Wahdah Hadaf (Ahl al- Bayt, Variety of Objectives Towards a Single Goal).

II. Fadak fi al-Tarikh (Fadak in History).

1.2 (i) Islamic Culture

I. Al-Islam Yaqud al-Hayah (Islam Directive to Life).

II. Al-Madrasah al-Islamiyyah (Islamic School)

III. Risalatuna (Our Mission).

IV. Nazrah Ammah fi al-Ibadat (General View on Rites of Worship).

V. Maqalat wa Muhazrat (Essays and Lectures)

1.3. Articles

In addition to the above mentioned works, he has contributed significantly on diverse themes of Islam in the form of research articles, published in various reputed journals.

I. “Al-'Amal wa al-Ahdaf” (The Deeds and the Goals): Min Fikr al- Da'wah. no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation, place and date of publication unknown.

II. “Al-'Amal al-Salih fi al-Quran” (The Proper Deeds According to Qur'an): Ikhtrna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.

III. “Ahl al-Bayt: Tanawu' Adwar wa-Wihdat Hadaf” (The House Hold of the Prophet: Diversity of roles but unified goal). Beirut: Dar al-Ta'ruf, 1985.

IV. “Bahth Hawla al-Mahdi (Thesis on Messiah)”. Beirut: Dar al- Ta'ruf, 1983.

V. “Bahth Hawla al-Wilayah (Thesis on Rulership)”. Kuwait: Dar al- Tawhid, 1977.

VI. “Da'watana il al-Islam Yajeb an Takun Enqilabiyah,” (Our Call for Islam Must be a Revolutionary): Fikr al-Da'wah, no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation, place and date of publication unknown.

VII. “Dawr al-A'imah fi al-Hayat al-Islamiyah” (The Role of Imams in Muslims' Life): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.

VIII. “al-Dawlah al-Islamiyah” (The Islamic State), al-Jihad (14 March 1983): 5.

IX. “Hawla al-Marhala al-Ula min 'Amal al-Da'wah” (On the First Stage of Da'wah Political Program): Min Fikr al-Da'wah. no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation, place and date of publishing unknown.

X. “Hawla al-Ism wa-al-Shakl al-Tanzimi li-Hizb al-Da'wah al- Islamiyah” (On the Name and the Structural Organization of Islamic Da'wah Party): Min Fikr al-Da'wah. no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation, place and date of publication unknown.

XI. “al-Huriyah fi al-Quran" (Freedom according to Quran)”: Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.

XII. “al-Itijahat al-Mustaqbaliyah li-Harakat al-Ijtihad” (The Future Trends of the Process of Ijtihad): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1980.

XIII. “al-Insan al-Mu'asir wa-al-Mushkilah al-Ijtima'yah” (The contemporary man and the Social Problem).

XIV. “al-Janib al-Iqtisadi Min al-Nizam al-Islami” (The Economic Perspective of Islamic System): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.

XV. “Khalafat al-Insan wa-Shahadat al-Anbia” (Vicory role of man, and Witness role of Prophets): al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat. Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XVI. “Khatut Tafsiliyah 'An Iqtisad al-Mujtama' al-Islami” (General Basis of Economics of Islamic Society): al-Islam Yaqud al-Hayah. Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XVII. “Lamha fiqhiyah Hawla Dustur al-Jumhuriyah al-Islamiyah” (A preliminary jurisprudence basis of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic): al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XVIII. “Madha Ta'ruf 'an al-Iqtisad al-Islami” (What do you know about Islamic Economics). al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XIX. “Manabi' al-Qudra fi al-Dawlah al-Islamiyah” (The Sources of Power in an Islamic State). Al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XX. “Al-Mihna” (The Ordeal). Sawt al-Wihdah, no. 5, 6, 7. (n.d).

XXI. “Minhaj al-Salihin” (The Path of the Righteous). Beirut: Dar al- Ta'aruf, 1980.

XXII. “Muqaddimat fi al-Tafsir al-Mawdu'i Lil-Quran” (Introductions in Thematic Exegesis of Quran). Kuwait: Dar al- Tawjyyh al-Islami, 1980.

XXIII. “Nazarah 'Amah fi al-'Ibadat” (General Outlook on Worship): al-Fatawa al-Wadhiha. Beirut: Dar al-Ta'aruf, 1981.

XXIV. “Al-Nazriyah al-Islamiyah li-Tawzi' al-Masadr al-Tabi'iyah” (Islamic Theory of Distribution of Natural Resources): Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.

XXV. “al-Nizam al-Islami Muqaranan bil-Nizam al-Ra'smali wa-al- Markisi” (The Islamic System Compared with The Capitalist and The Marxist Systems). Ikhtarna Lak. Beirut: Dar-al Zahra', 1982.

XXVI. “Risalatuna wa-al-Da'wah” (Our Message and Our Sermon). Risalatuna. Beirut: al-Dar al-Islamiyah, 1981.

XXVII. “Al-Shakhsiyah al-Islamiyah” (Muslim Personality): Min Fikr al-Da'wah al-Islamiyah (Of the Thoughts of Islamic Da'wah). no. 13. Islamic Da'wah Party, central propagation, place and date of publication unknown.

XXVIII. “Surah 'An Iqtisad al-Mujtama' al-Islami” (A Perspective on the Economy of Muslim Society). Al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XXIX. “al-Usus al-Amah li-al-Bank fi al-Mujtam al-Islami” (The General Basis of Banks in Islamic Society). in al-Islam Yaqwod al-Hayat Iran: Islamic Ministry of Guidance, n.d.

XXX. “Utruhat al-Marja'iyah al-Salihah” (Thesis on Suitable Marja'iyah). In Kazim al-Ha'iri, Mabahith fi 'Ilm al-Usul. Qum, Iran: n.p., 1988.

XXXI. “al-Yaqin al-Riyadi wa-al-Mantiq al-Waz'I” (The Mathematic Certainty and the Phenomenal Logic): Ikhtrna Lak. Beirut: Dar al-Zahra', 1982.

XXXII. “Preface to al-Sahifah al-Sajadiyah” (of Imam Ali ibn Hussein al-Sajad) Tehran: al-Maktabah al-Islamiyah al-Kubra, n.d.