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Al-Abrar, The Righteous Ones

Al-Abrar, The Righteous Ones

Publisher: Veritas Consulting PR and Media Consultancy UK

Joint Project 1 - Dowry

It was three months before Shahid’s sister’s marriage. One of Seyyid’s students, who belonged to a very well-off family, got a mobile phone message from another such student. ‘Brother, you know that Shahid’s sister is getting married after three months. Today I heard his father talking to Seyyid that the preparations are under way. He asked Seyyid to pray that all goes well as the expectations of the family of the groom are high. So I think before Seyyid plans to ask anyone to help them, let’s do our duty and be faster to reach them out without their knowledge.’ ‘I agree, but let us set basic rules for this ‘special task’. In my view, though we know each other but we should have new mobile numbers specifically for it which should not be shared with anybody, even our own family members. Second, we will never write any names during our written communication. We will not call each other and finally we will discard our new SIM cards once the ‘job’ is done.’

They agreed. ‘If the first project goes well, we will do another project. I know that someone close to Seyyid requires a house and perhaps we can involve another brother from the group to contribute,’ he said. ‘Yes, agreed.’ Next day, they bought new SIM cards and started their ‘special task’. ‘Let us try plan A first and see what happens. If it doesn’t work then we will try plan B,’ wrote one of them. They agreed. ‘Keep your eyes and ears open and control your expressions. Seyyid is very smart and fast.’

‘Mother! God has accepted your prayers. See this advertisement poster. I think the problem of my sister’s dowry is solved, insha’Allah,’ said Shahid. Just a minute ago, he had left for university and but then came back. He had seen a small poster that was under the main gate of his apartment complex and took it to his mother. Several of these posters were also posted on the wall outside. It read: Dowry in easy installments. Just pay one installment and get the whole dowry. Pay no interest, best products in the market for your daughter’s marriage …. Shahid’s mother was very happy. ‘Thank god,’ she said. Shahid’s sister’s marriage was to take place after three months and the family, because of their poor financial situation, was not able to buy several items for her dowry. They were only able to buy some minor jewelry and dresses for her. Shahid’s father was a retired school teacher and he used to tutor. Shahid had two sisters and one brother – all younger than him. Shahid’s mother noted the phone and address of the shop and decided to go there with him on the coming Thursday.

‘Sister, look at this refrigerator, you may like it, it’s a new brand and the best model we have,’ said the shopkeeper. ‘But this refrigerator and all these items you have shown are very expensive,’ said Shahid’s mother. The shopkeeper smiled and replied: ‘Actually all these items are expensive if you buy them individually or separate. But if you take our special deal for dowry and fill the form that we have announced on our website and publicity posters, you will get special concession and will have to pay in easy installments without any interest.’ Shahid and his sister were also actively looking at different items with their mother and he said to his mother: ‘Mother, he is a good marketer; he is offering this scheme so that a lot of people will buy bulk items for the dowry of their daughters and so he will earn more profit by selling more. Let us see the deal he is offering for dowry items. Then we can decide.’ Shahid’s mother agreed.

They both then went to the manager’s room and filled the special dowry offer form. It asked their address, contact number, ID card copy and presented a list of items and their models from the shop’s showcase and catalogue as well as the conditions for the installments. According to it, they could pay a very small amount in the beginning and then pay the first installment after six months. Shahid filled the form and told his mother about the installment. She was happy to know that the maximum time for the first installment was after six months. ‘We can arrange some money until that time,’ she said. ‘Let us select the items and fill the form,’ she continued.

For the next three hours, Shahid, his sister and his mother were in the shop and selected almost all the items required for the dowry. The total amount was huge and they took easy installment scheme that would allow them to pay back during the next three years with a small down payment amount. While they were waiting for the manager to come, the salesman come towards them and said that they have another scheme for jewelry, if they want to buy. Shahid asked him to bring the offer. He gave a form that had jewelry offer, but it was conditional. It was valid only with the other items. The installments were easy and again the maximum time for the first one was six months. Shahid’s mother and sister wanted to see the quality of the jewelry first and then fill the form and take the deal.

They then went to the jewelry section and found that the quality and variety was good. They selected one complete set for her and then asked Shahid to fill the form. After that, they went to the manager’s room. He took the form and made some calculations and then said: ‘Sister, we will offer you an overall 25% concession because you are also buying the jewelry. The amount seems to be big but in easy installments it will not be a problem. We will also provide free delivery of all the items to any address in the city. If you agree, please sign and write your names here on these two forms.’ Shahid signed it and then gave the forms back. ‘We will make one copy for you and give it to you now. Kindly just call us whenever you need any item. You may need jewelry earlier like many of our customers. Please let us know and we will deliver it to your home through our special service,’ he said. They thanked the shopkeeper and took the copy of the deal and went back home.

Shahid’s sister’s marriage took place without any problems. All of their friends helped them according to their time and capacity and Seyyid recited the nikah for her. As a surprise, a lot of gifts were given by Seyyid’s students and lecture attendees to Shahid’s sister and her husband. These were enough to pay all the loans they had taken for her marriage and dowry expenses. On the Saturday after their marriage, Seyyid especially invited the bride, the groom and their families to his house with a special dinner from his side. Seyyid gave a very good and inspiring lecture on ‘merits and thawab of night prayers’.

Seyyid explained why night prayers are important, especially when they are performed right before the time of fajr prayers. ‘Night prayer is like a shield. If a person offers night prayers, he is protected the next day. But then, night prayer has to be recited with a proper method and one has to understand the reason for its merits. If you ponder over the last rak’at of night prayer, you will see that the recommended supplications are so awakening and inspiring for one’s soul. Additionally, the person who offers night prayers, ponders over his deeds and intentions during last 24 hours and then repents for his sins that he has committed during that time which means that he becomes more vigilant over himself, his memory becomes sharp, the quality of his good intentions and actions becomes better day by day and so does the avoidance of sins by him. Similarly, he prays for the wellbeing and forgiveness of at least forty good people which means that he develops more respect and love towards them and becomes a socially active person.’

Finally, Seyyid said that it is recommended that one should recite the last ruku’ (section) of Surah Hashr [Surah no. 59] of Holy Qur’an and ponder over its meanings as it is very beneficial. Everybody listened to the inspiring lecture of Seyyid with great interest to the point that nobody moved from their place. Seyyid then recited du’a for the newly married couple and asked everyone to recite salawat. After dinner, he gave special gifts to the newly married couple. They all thanked him and left.

Shahid’s exams were over now and like his father, he also tutored younger students to pay the first installment of the dowry. Although they had some money from the gifts, the amount was not sufficient. He was regular in his attendance at Seyyid’s house and sometimes, Seyyid would ask him about his studies and the work he was doing and his plans for future. Shahid would tell Seyyid what he was preparing his thesis defense viva which was due in the next four weeks and that he wanted to go abroad to pursue his doctorate in Spiritual Psychology. Seyyid prayed for his success and was surprised that this new discipline exists. Shahid said that it is a new discipline and he wishes to do research on Spiritual Psychology from the Islamic point of view, especially on the prayers and munajat that are mentioned in the book Mafatih al Jinan and observe their effects on various aspects of a person’s psychology and behavior. Seyyid was impressed. ‘My MSc thesis is also on scientific study of effects of a prayer of Imam Zayn al Abdein (as) on depression in a few patients,’ he continued.

Seyyid knew about his thesis topic before and so he asked about the results. Shahid said that he found positive effects on depressed patients and compared his results with the patients taking antidepressant medicines.’ Seyyid said: ‘Masha’Allah, God bless you.’ However, it was apparent that Shahid had no financial support for pursuing his PhD abroad and so he didn’t say anything else to keep his self-respect. After a few seconds, Seyyid said to him in a very thoughtful tone: ‘I want you to present your thesis work here in our gathering after you have successfully defended it.’ Shahid agreed and requested to Seyyid to pray for him and then left.

‘Excuse me, what?’ Shahid’s mother said in surprise to the shop manager. ‘Madam, thanks for the payment of the remaining amount that you made three months ago. You don’t have any balance amount to pay to us. I am sorry we didn’t send a letter of thanks from our shop to your address,’ replied the shopkeeper explaining the reason for his thanks earlier. ‘But we haven’t paid any amount,’ she replied. ‘Maybe your son has paid and you have no information. Please ask him. If there are any further queries or information required by you, kindly ask him to come to our shop,’ he said. Shahid’s mother thought that there is perhaps a mistake in their record keeping or maybe there is an error in their computer records as they hadn’t paid any amount. She had called the shop one day before the due date to ask about their preferred mode of payment, either cash or by check and the reply shocked her. She then waited for Shahid to come back home from university. When she informed Shahid about it, he too thought that there was a mistake in the shop’s computer records and so he decided to go to the shop the next day with cash and pay it right there.

At 10 am, Shahid reached the shop with the copy of the deal they were given before. The shop manager looked into his records and then said that his mother called yesterday and that he had informed her about the payment made by your family. ‘Look at this sir, this is our computer record. Someone paid us the entire remaining amount in cash three months ago,’ he said. ‘But we have no information about it,’ replied Shahid. ‘Do you have records of his name or address or contact number?’ he asked. ‘Yes we do. Let me print it out for you. We also gave Mr. Hamid, the person who paid the amount, a receipt of the payment,’ said the shop manager. He then gave a printout to Shahid that had the address and phone number of Mr. Hamid.

Shahid thanked the shop manager and came out of the shop. He called the number. ‘Hello, who is this?’ A female voice answered. Shahid said that he wanted to talk to Mr. Hamid. ‘Excuse me this is a surgery ward of City hospital, whom do you want to talk to? Do you know the bed number of Mr. Hamid?’ said the lady who was apparently a nurse. Shahid immediately realized that as the money was paid three months ago it may not be possible for Mr. Hamid to be here now. ‘No thanks,’ he said and then hang up the phone. He then took a taxi to find the house of Mr. Hamid.

After 30 minutes, Shahid reached the given address and found that it was a tutoring center in a bungalow. He went inside and asked about Mr. Hamid and found that there was nobody there by that name. ‘Excuse me, was anyone employed here three months ago by the name of Hamid or a person previously employed by this name and left your center three months ago?’ he asked. The head of the center said that no one with this name was ever employed or left his center during the last two years. Shahid then left and called his mother to inform her about what had happened at the shop and his efforts to find Mr. Hamid. He then left for Seyyid’s house as it was near dhuhr prayers.

Seyyid attentively listened to the whole story of dowry, its scheme, payment and then about the phone and address of this unknown person, Mr. Hamid. ‘What should I do now Seyyid?’ asked Shahid. Seyyid replied that he should pray for that person who has done this good deed to him. ‘You should also pray two rak’ats of thanks to God and also for that person and remember him in your prayers,’ he told Shahid. ‘Whatever you order Seyyid,’ Shahid replied. ‘And remember do not tell anyone here about it. You should keep your self-respect. Now you can pay full attention to your thesis defense and also remember that after completing it, you have to give a presentation on it here,’ reminded Seyyid. ‘Yes, I will do that,’ replied Shahid.

Seyyid then remembered the unknown typewritten letter he had received a few weeks ago that had only one sentence: ‘Salaam Respected Seyyid, first project completed successfully.’ He didn’t mention this to Shahid.

Then, they performed their prayers and Shahid left for his home and informed his mother and father and other family members. They were all very happy and thanked God and then offered prayers of thanks and also prayer for that unknown person who had bought the dowry and jewelry.

Joint Project 2 - House

It was 11 am in the morning. The bell rang and Bilal looked out from his room’s window, surprised to see the postman in front of his home. Bilal hurriedly came out and took the big envelope and signed in the receipt book. The postman left on his bike and Bilal came up in his room. He then opened the envelope and found a letter and a small envelope inside it. He was surprised to read the letter. It read:

‘Dear Mr. Bilal,

I am a friend of Mr. Habib who is the uncle of your very close friend Mobin. He lives in Canada Mr. Habib asked me to purchase a house as a gift for Mobin’s family. Mobin’s mother is Mr. Habib’s sister. Since last several years, their relationship is not good due to minor disagreements between Mobin’s father and Mr. Habib and so they have no communication now. Because he is currently very sick, he felt very lonely and wanted to give this gift so that the two families start communication again and forgive each other. Once he recovers, he will come here and meet Mobin and his family. He is currently under intense treatment and so is not responding to his phone. However, his son may reply to emails. The address is: <…@…..>. As per his instructions, I have purchased the house with 4 bedrooms and a small yard and the ownership papers and the keys of the house are in the small envelope. Kindly give it to Mobin’s family and explain to them the situation in the best possible way you can. I fully trust you.

‘Mr. Habib’s friend’

Bilal then noticed that there was no sender’s address on the big envelope. It was a bit surprising for him. He was puzzled as to how he can give this to Mobin. Mobin was a regular attendee of Seyyid’s lectures and he never mentioned to anyone his family’s financial difficulties. Sometimes, Mobin’s sister and brother would also come to Seyyid’s lectures. He was one of the brightest students close to completing his masters in biotechnology in the highest-ranked university of the country. He had ambitions of going abroad for his PhD but his family’s financial situation and home responsibilities were making him uncertain about his future. He was usually quiet in gatherings. He and Bilal used to exchange few formal sentences. Not knowing exactly what to do, Bilal immediately called Seyyid to help him. Seyyid told him that he should ask Mobin to come over and first talk to him about his uncle and then inform him about the house given as a gift. He also told Bilal not to ask Mobin about his family’s financial condition. ‘Behave as if you don’t know anything. Inform me if you have any difficulty,’ he said. Bilal thanked Seyyid and then called Mobin. He was busy in writing his thesis. Bilal told him that it was urgent and gave him his home address.

Mobin came and Bilal welcomed him. He was very sober in his manners and wouldn’t talk much. Bilal asked him about his studies and preparations for his thesis. Then, Bilal slowly asked him if he had any relatives outside living outside the country. Mobin mentioned about a maternal uncle named Habib living in Canada. But then, when Bilal asked where he was now, Mobin said that they don’t have any relations with him and have no news of him for the past 10 years. Bilal was surprised. Then he mentioned that uncle Habib has sent a gift for his family from Canada through his friend. Mobin was shocked to hear this and thought Bilal was joking. Bilal explained to him that since his uncle is very sick, he remembers you all very much and he asked his friend to buy a house for your family and sent the ownership papers and keys with a friend.

Bilal brought tea and some snacks for Mobin and then he gave the envelope to Mobin who was still in a state of shock and surprise and said: ‘I don’t know if my mother and father will take this gift or not.’ Bilal replied: ‘Remember Mobin, few weeks ago Seyyid spoke about sileye rahmi, keeping relations and doing goodness to your relatives and its thawab. One of the things Seyyid emphasized was that it prolongs one’s life. Now if your mother and father accept this gift, it will probably have healing effect on your uncle’s recovery from illness and may prolong his life.’ Mobin agreed. ‘You should remind your parents of what Seyyid said and then convince them in the best way, Mobin.’ Bilal further persuaded him and told Mobin that he has already informed Seyyid about it. Finally, after few minutes of discussions and sharing ideas, Mobin thanked Bilal and left. Bilal called Seyyid and told him about it.

In the evening, Mobin, his sister, brother and his parents were with Seyyid. They came about an hour before maghrib prayers to discuss the situation and whether to take the house gift or not. ‘You must take this gift with good intention and create a room in your heart for him. Forget minor differences. Even if in your view he has done something wrong, you must forgive him. How will you ask forgiveness from God on the Day of Judgment when you are not willing to forget minor mistakes of your brother? Keeping good relations doesn’t mean only calling each other. Your uncle has taken the first step towards good relationship by sending the gift. You should not break his heart. You should respond positively and accept it. It may prolong his life. Don’t you want that?’ he asked Mobin’s mother. ‘Yes I do, Seyyid,’ she replied.

Seyyid then looked towards Mobin’s father and with his powerful convincing style, persuaded him to forgive Mr. Habib and asked him to write him an email and also pray for him and give sadaqa (charity) for his quick and complete recovery from sickness. He also asked Mobin’s mother to pray for her brother and ask God to unite him with her family as soon as possible. They all promised to Seyyid that they will forget all the past disputes, pray for him and welcome him.

They then prayed maghrib prayers and attended his lecture which was on prejudice or assabiyyah. He explained different types of prejudice and their devastating effects on one’s life, thinking, the society and finally, the hereafter. ‘A person suffering from prejudice of any kind is like a blind individual. He cannot see anything that has human quality because prejudice removes humanity from his eyes. He behaves like an animal. He supports others not because they are on truth and justice but because they are of his tribe, family, group and his fellows from his own race. He cannot see justice and so will harm someone innocent or someone on truth who deserves justice. That person can commit murder or any other crime against innocent person or people. This is the reason that Imam Sadiq (as) has said that ‘a person who has prejudice in his heart to the size of a mustard seed will not even smell paradise’,’ He said. Everyone sitting in the lecture was shocked and terrified to listen to Seyyid’s words. After lecture, they had dinner as usual and thanked Seyyid and left.

Mobin’s family moved into the new house soon afterwards. They also wrote an email to his son and thanked his father for the house gift. They received a reply which didn’t mention anything besides the news of Mr. Habib’s recovery. A few weeks later, they got an email that there will be another surprise for them soon. All of Mobin’s family members were waiting for him now…

Four weeks later, Seyyid’s home bell rang. When Seyyid came out, he found an aged, frail man, well dressed and he looked like he had come from a Western country. He introduced himself as Mr. Habib and he said to Seyyid that he came last time to his house 10 years ago and had attended a few of his lectures. Seyyid immediately welcomed him inside his house’s yard and asked him about his health and told him that he knew about his sickness and recovery through Mobin. Mr. Habib said that he left for Canada and due to some family issues with the Mobin’s father; he was forced to cutoff relations with them.

Seyyid carefully listened. ‘I have now come to you for guidance and for mediation Seyyid. They all accept you. Although they have forgiven me as I read in the email but I want to make sure that it is true. Whatever you say, they will agree upon. If you ask them to forgive me, they will. Seyyid please help me. I do not want to be away from my sister because of her husband’s enmity towards me. I want Mobin to study abroad. He is a very intelligent boy,’ he pleaded. Seyyid promised him that he will do so. He asked him where he was staying. Mr. Habib said that he was staying at his old friend’s house. Then Seyyid asked him: ‘Did you send the gift of house for Mobin’s family?’ Mr. Habib said ‘No Seyyid. It’s a total surprise for me. I never sent them any gift. Rather I have brought few gifts for them with me.’

Seyyid was surprised at first and then thought for a while and told Mr. Habib that he should not mention it to Mobin’s family and behave as if he has given the gift of new house to them. But then he should pay equal or more amount of money or spend it in gifts for them. Mr. Habib agreed. He said that he will take Mobin with him for his studies. Seyyid said: ‘That’s the best. But you should send him back to his own country. I will also ask him to do the same,’ Seyyid asked if he brought his family with him. He said that his wife, son and daughter are with him. Then Seyyid asked him to come with his family to his house about an hour before maghrib that day in the evening. He would like to talk with them before they all met Mobin’s family. Mr. Habib thanked him and left. Seyyid then went inside his house and talked to his wife about this issue and told her a few important things. He then called Mobin and asked him to come with all his family members at maghrib prayers.

As soon as Mr. Habib and his family reached Seyyid’s house, an hour before maghrib, Seyyid came to the door and guided them inside. Mr. Habib and his son sat with him. Few other students were also there. Bilal then asked Seyyid about how good family relationship can keep a person healthy. Seyyid started with findings from modern research that has shown that people who have peaceful family life live longer and do not suffer from major psychological as well as physical illnesses, as those who live with stress such as the ones who live alone, or are divorced or have stressful relationships with their immediate relatives. This is because psychosocial stress is a well-known factor for heart diseases, diabetes, problems of sleep that itself leads to several other problems. Imagine you have a family relative with whom your relations are not good. Every time you think of him, you will be stressed. However, imagine if the same person again enjoys good relationship, seeing his relative or even thinking of him will lead to relaxation and happiness. Then, Seyyid said that he will continue this topic in his lecture that night.

The time for maghrib prayers was approaching and people started coming. Mr. Habib and his son started to do their wudhu and started interacting with other people. Just before the prayer began, Mobin, his brother and father also came to join the prayers. They didn’t recognize Mr. Habib and his son. His mother and sister went into the ladies’ section. There, inside Seyyid’s house, Mobin’s mother was surprised to see Mr. Habib’s wife and his daughter after so many years. They all met and then because the prayer was going to start, they got ready for it. They were all very happy.

After prayers, Seyyid gave a very inspiring lecture on Family Relationship from Qur’an and Islamic traditions. It was a very inspiring lecture. Everybody was just stunned by the importance of family relations and rights of family members upon each other and the thawab of keeping good relations and helping each other in the time of need. They didn’t move until Seyyid’s lecture was over. At the end of his lecture, Seyyid welcomed Mr. Habib and introduced him. Everyone including Mobin and his father welcomed him. Mobin’s father also hugged him and they met like brothers. Seyyid smiled while looking at them and asked them to sit near him. Soon, the dinner started and they sat beside one another.

Finally, when everyone left Seyyid gathered the two families around him and talked to them. Mobin’s mother then met her brother and talked with him and her nephew, she was full of joy and happiness. Seyyid asked them to thank God for this blessing for all of them. They were all nice in behavior and respected each other. Then Mr. Habib said that because Seyyid ‘ordered’ me, I have another small gift for my sister and her family. ‘I will take Mobin with me for his higher education. I know that he is finishing his MSc thesis and I will take him for his doctorate and post doctorate with me. Of course, on one condition and that is, he will come back here and serve his own society.’ Mobin was overjoyed and so was his mother, but his father’s facial expression showed disagreement. But then Seyyid said to him: ‘You forgot what I mentioned in my lecture today!’ Finally, he agreed and they all then started coming out in the yard of Seyyid’s house.

When they were leaving, Mobin’s mother was very happy. She wanted to talk to Seyyid separately in private and so Seyyid and his wife took her on one side. She thanked Seyyid and his wife and told them that she was extremely happy to see her brother’s family after so many years.

They all then said goodbye to Seyyid and left together. Seyyid then went inside his house and thanked his wife for her role in reuniting the two families. But he was thinking…who had bought that house for Mobin’s family…. For a moment, he thought it was Bilal. But then he smiled and dismissed the idea.

A few days later, Seyyid got an envelope pasted on the inside of the gate of his yard. He opened it and found one sentence written in it: ‘Respected Seyyid, with the grace of God and your training and help, the project was completed successfully. Many, many thanks.’ Seyyid smiled and thanked God.

Well Arranged Marriage and…

Qamar was with his mother and sister in the big city bazaar for shopping early one morning on Sunday. When they were inside the large food supermarket, his mother saw Seyyid with his son of about 12 years of age and informed Qamar and his sister. This was the first time they had seen Seyyid outside his home and shopping. They stopped their own shopping and watched him stealthily carrying his own half-filled trolley. They followed him slowly and looked at him from a distance to see how he selected items.

They saw that he would sometimes use his mobile to talk to someone and then put the thing in the trolley. Sometimes, he would talk with his son. At other times, he would speak very softly with the salesman. He was careful in selecting a product before he bought. They were impressed by his sober and graceful manners. Finally, they decided to give Seyyid a surprise….

They went near him and said Salams together. Seyyid replied with a graceful manner and was surprised. Seyyid asked his son to say Salams to all of them. He was a bit shy and said it very softly. Qamar’s mother smiled and took him near her and started talking with him, asking what grade was he. Qamar then introduced his sister. Seyyid said: ‘Yes I remember Samana very well; the highly ambitious chemistry student. Am I right?’ Seyyid said it with a meaningful style. ‘Yes Seyyid. I have just given BSc exams and I am waiting for my results and after that I want to pursue higher studies abroad. Please pray for me,’ she said. Seyyid replied: ‘Yes. May God bless you with success. Are you reciting the du’a from As-Sahifah as-Sajjadiyyah that I advised you a few months ago?’ She replied in affirmative.

Seyyid continued: ‘You are very talented like Qamar. But remember that there are more difficult exams in life than studying chemistry. I think you are capable of achieving much more valuable things in your life.’ She asked immediately: ‘Seyyid, I don’t get what you mean.’ Seyyid looked at her and Qamar and then calmly said: ‘Perhaps after your results you may know what I mean.’ Then Seyyid asked them all to come to his house next Saturday and said goodbye to them and left the shop after payment. They also finished their shopping quickly and saw in the parking lot that Seyyid left in an old car and were very much surprised to see him driving it.

‘Seyyid, my thesis defense was excellent, alhamdolillah,’ Shahid called him from his mobile phone after he was declared successful in MSc thesis defense. He scored near perfect grades with distinction. He then called Seyyid and continued... ‘I am bringing sweets Seyyid. I will reach within an hour.’ Seyyid asked him to first go to his house and say thanks to his parents and buy sweets for them and then come to his house. He thanked Seyyid for this advice.

Near maghrib, Shahid reached Seyyid’s house with sweets. Seyyid asked him to keep it and distribute it after prayers. Then they performed their prayers. Seyyid gave a very inspiring short lecture on merits of seeking knowledge. He said that knowledge is the base for all good actions a person does. However, knowledge is a tool to worship God, it is not the aim. That’s why it is wajib or obligatory so that we all worship God using our knowledge. Relieving suffering of human beings by doing research is one of the best forms of knowledge.

After prayers, Seyyid told the small gathering that masha’Allah Shahid has defended his thesis today with distinction and so he has brought sweets. Then, he prayed for Shahid’s success and recited salawat. Other close students were also present and they congratulated Shahid. Then, Seyyid made an announcement: ‘On Saturday, I will not give my lecture as I usually do. Shahid will present his research and we will listen to him,’ he said. ‘Please inform your friends and family members also, as the topic he is going to present is important for all of us,’ he said. They all then left slowly, talking with Shahid and asking questions about his research and future plans. Seyyid was carefully watching who was talking to Shahid…..

On Saturday, Shahid arrived at Seyyid’s house with his laptop and borrowed a projector and a screen as Seyyid wanted him to present in such a way that everybody would be able to see his slides and listen to him. Soon, people started arriving and all his friends came with their families. Seyyid started prayers and then, he asked few students to help people sit in such a way that everyone would be able to watch Shahid’s lecture on screen.

The ladies were also sitting in the yard with a partition so that they could be comfortable. Shahid set the screen and computer with microphone and asked Seyyid’s permission to start. First, Seyyid spoke a few words of high praise for Shahid. He said: ‘Masha’Allah, we have such a talented young, well-mannered, sober and very pious mu’min like Shahid who has done very valuable research on one of the prayers of Imam Zayn al-Abedin (as) and scientifically proved that it had very significant effect on depression. He got his MSc with distinction and has submitted his research paper in a top journal. Shahid has a bright future and I pray for his success.’ Then, he asked Shahid to begin his lecture.

Shahid started with presenting some general information on depression as to how common it was in the society. He then presented his research, why he selected a du’a of Imam Zayn al Abedin (as) which he used to pray in the time of difficulty. He also talked about how he selected and evaluated patients with depression, how he requested the patients to participate in the study, tested their stress related hormones, checked their heart rates and parameters of depression and how he proved that that the patients who listened to du’a regularly significantly recovered much better and faster than those who were taking anti-depressant medicines.

He then said: ‘Our research clearly shows that if people recite du’a on a daily basis, they will never suffer from stress and depression.’ When his lecture finished, everyone recited salawat and many voices of masha’Allah and subhanAllah were heard from the audience. Then, Shahid said if anyone had questions. Seyyid asked a question: ‘Dear Shahid, tell me if you didn’t get the significant results, would that mean that the du’a had no effect?’ Shahid intelligently replied: ‘No Seyyid. It would mean that our experiment was not designed properly. We would then test the du’a with a better experimental design.’ Everyone was surprised at the extempore answer given by Shahid. Seyyid said: ‘Masha’Allah, great answer.’ Then few questions were asked from both ladies and gents sections. Finally, one question was asked from ladies: ‘Mr. Shahid, what are your future plans for research?’ Shahid said that he wished to pursue PhD in Spiritual Psychology abroad and work on other du’as, especially some of the du’as of Imam Zayn al Abedin (as) and Imam Ali (as). ‘If God wishes, I will do this type of research which is a new area in experimental and spiritual psychology for the propagation of Islam. I have already told Seyyid about it,’ he replied.

Seyyid then asked Shahid his final question: ‘Dear Shahid, I am asking you a personal question. I know you are not married. What do you expect from your wife-to-be?’ Shahid was a bit shy and looked down and then said: ‘Seyyid, this is a difficult question. If I do research, I would like my wife to support my research and make home life suitable for it so that we can serve Islam more by doing this type of research.’ Seyyid said that it was difficult to find such an educated and believing wife who would sacrifice her career for him. ‘Shahid, dear you are looking for an educated mu’mina to support your research. It’s almost impossible. But God will help you.’ Then he asked everyone to recite a salawat and pray for Shahid.

After the lecture, all of the guests had food. Shahid was at the center; everyone was congratulating him and asking him questions. Some of his friends had brought gifts for him. Seyyid was closely watching who was meeting and talking with Shahid. Finally after dinner, people started leaving. Seyyid said goodbye to everyone. Seyyid sat for a while on his seat when he was all alone and thanked God for his help.

On Tuesday morning at 10, Seyyid’s house bell rang. Qamar’s mother was there. Seyyid immediately went to the gate and welcomed her. Seyyid asked his wife to take her inside. Then, he asked if everything was okay as this was unusual of her to come like that. ‘Seyyid, I want your advice on an important issue,’ she said. Seyyid requested her to be comfortable and talk without any fear or hesitation. She said: ‘Seyyid as you know, we all came here on Saturday to attend Shahid’s lecture. I really liked that young man. His manners were so humble. He was brilliant and his future and his reply about married life really impressed me. Samana has been also talking highly of him. I know my daughter very well. I think she is inclined towards him but she is too shy to say it.’ Seyyid was attentively listening to her. He said: ‘It is possible. However, your daughter wants to study chemistry abroad. Remember last week that’s what she told me in the bazaar.’ Qamar’s mother said that it is possible that she took your words seriously that there are higher levels of good deeds that intelligent persons like her can achieve. ‘Remember Seyyid you challenged her. Perhaps she has accepted a difficult challenge to marry a person like Shahid and support his research for the sake of Islam and give up something she loved to study as an aim of her life,’ she replied.

Seyyid smiled meaningfully. He then said: ‘Shahid is a very good person. If Samana marries him, that would be very good. They both will have a good productive life to serve Islam. Insha’Allah. But Shahid doesn’t belong to a rich family. He cannot afford his PhD.’ Shahid’s mother said: ‘Shahid is like my own son. Even if they don’t marry, I give you my word that we will support his studies because his research will benefit Islam. I will ask Qamar to start supporting him so that he prepares for his PhD.’ Seyyid replied: ‘Thanks, May God bless you. But please don’t tell Qamar to talk to Shahid directly about support as this will hurt his self-respect and I would not recommend it.’ She agreed. Seyyid then asked her to talk to her daughter about Shahid and then if she agrees, talk to Qamar about it and then if he agrees, they all should inform him and come to see him. She agreed and thanked Seyyid for his wise advice.

Two days later, Seyyid received a call early in the morning from Qamar’s mother that her daughter has agreed and so has Qamar and they want to see him. Seyyid told them to come over the next day. He then called Shahid and asked him to come over with his mother. Shahid came with his mother about an hour before dhuhr. Seyyid guided them to his living room and then they sat together. Seyyid’s wife brought tea for them.

Then Seyyid told them about a marriage proposal for Shahid. Seyyid said: ‘I have selected a good bride for your son. I know that Shahid will agree with my choice.’ Shahid immediately said: ‘Yes Seyyid. Your choice is an honor for me.’ Shahid’s mother also said: ‘Thank you Seyyid. But we are not so well-off, who will support my son for his studies and if he goes abroad, he will not be able to take his wife.’ Seyyid smiled and calmly said: ‘God has accepted your prayers. Everything is arranged for your son. Then he told them that he has selected a good family and if they agree, he will propose for Shahid.

They asked a few questions and when Shahid came to know that it was Qamar’s sister, he was a bit shy and concerned. ‘But Seyyid, they are very rich. I don’t have money to study abroad and take my wife with me. We don’t have the high class expensive living that they have. I am sure Qamar’s sister will not be happy with us. We will also feel belittled when they will come to our apartment and when we will visit their expensive big villa. I will not be able to provide my wife with the living facilities which she has now. Our life is very simple. We live in an apartment.’ he said. Seyyid listened patiently and said that in Islam, the criterion for marriage is faith and piety, nothing else. ‘You should not feel inferior. You will have to respect her and try your best to make her life comfortable. Remember that it is an honor for them that a believer like you will be their son-in-law and an honor for you that a good, believing and intelligent girl will be your wife who will support you.’

Then, he told Shahid’s mother that she has to treat her bride like her own daughter and give her respect. ‘The respect you will give her is because of her faith and she will do the same. Faith is much more valuable than money and material possessions and it is tested in difficult situations. Your adjustment with her will be a test of your faith,’ he explained. Shahid’s mother then called his father and took his advice. He agreed. They then requested Seyyid to propose. Seyyid said he will do that and inform them when he gets a reply. They left thanking Seyyid.

Seyyid then called Qamar’s mother and told her that he has contacted Shahid and his family and got their approval. ‘They asked me to propose for your daughter,’ he said. Qamar’s mother was very happy. She said that her daughter wanted to talk to him on the phone. Seyyid then asked Qamar’s mother, her daughter and Qamar to come to his house for a short visit as he wanted to talk to them. They asked his permission to come near maghrib but then Seyyid said that he didn’t want anyone to see them so they should come around 3 pm. They agreed. Seyyid then told his wife a few things and got ready for them.

They arrived at 3 and Seyyid and his wife led them inside his living room. His wife brought tea and snacks for them. Seyyid started talking to all of them about the differences between their life and Shahid and his family’s life. ‘Shahid, as you saw him, is a very pious and intelligent young man. His mother and father are more respectable as they brought him and his brother and sister up in a very noble manner, despite the fact that their life was simple and their earning were limited. They could have had a better life if they hadn’t spent their money on their children’s education. I am sure you have heard the story of Imam Husayn (as) giving a very big amount of money to a teacher who taught something very small to one of his sons. Knowledge with piety is the most valuable thing one can have and Shahid has it. You know that both of his parents were school teachers,’ he continued. ‘Yes Seyyid, I know Shahid very well since I started coming to your lectures about four years ago and became his friend,’ said Qamar. ‘So another dimension is added to your friendship and that is family relationship. You will surely give him and his family more respect and you will get it in reciprocation. Never let them feel that they have differences in financial status with yours. I am sure you are all well trained,’ said Seyyid with a smile. ‘It is all your training respected Seyyid,’ said Qamar’s mother. Samana was listening to Seyyid very attentively. Then, she said to Seyyid that she has left something valuable that she loved and that was her desire to get PhD in chemistry and pursue another path for the sake of Islam and help a good person like Shahid.

Seyyid prayed for her and then said: ‘Good daughter, you are blessed to have such a good mu’min and intelligent husband. Thank God for this special favor and always support him. But you can still pursue your studies if it doesn’t affect your home life. You will get much more thawab. You will manage home, support him and also continue your studies. But remember, your first priority is to support him with a peaceful home and your good manners.’ ‘Seyyid I am worried how Shahid will continue his studies. He must get a scholarship and that should be sufficient to support both of us,’ she said of her concerns. Seyyid smiled and said: ‘My daughter, God is great. He knows what’s going on in the heart of his servants. The moment one determines to do a good action, help from God starts right there. I am sure Shahid will secure a very good scholarship for his PhD. You should also pray to God for his blessings.’ While he was saying this, he quickly glanced at Qamar. Qamar knew what Seyyid meant and smiled faintly for a moment so that his sister and mother wouldn’t notice. He then said that now he will proceed with informing Shahid and his family that you have accepted his proposal.

Next day, the families met at Seyyid’s house and soon the date for nikah was fixed. As usual, Seyyid was very strict about simplicity in marriage. He chose 5 gold coins as mahr for the bride. After a few days, Shahid got a ‘scholarship’ for his studies and he then started filling his admission application to join a PhD program in Spiritual Psychology in a top university. Samana also decided to continue her MSc in chemistry in the same university as Shahid. He and Samana were married soon in a very simple manner and then started their new life together. They were planning to leave for their studies after a few months….

Seyyid thanked God for His special favors…..