Two Women and A Man

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Two Women and A Man Author:
Translator: M. N. Sultan
Publisher: Islamic Thought Foundation
Category: Various Books

Two Women and A Man

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Bint al-Huda
Translator: M. N. Sultan
Publisher: Islamic Thought Foundation
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Two Women and A Man

Two Women and A Man

Publisher: Islamic Thought Foundation

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Two Women and a Man

Author(s): Amina Bint al-Huda

Translator(s): M. N. Sultan

Publisher(s): Islamic Thought Foundation

Table of Contents

Short Biography of the Author 3

Two Women and a Man 4

Letter 1 6

Letter 2 8

Letter 3 9

Letter 4 11

Letter 5 12

Letter 6 14

Letter 7 15

Letter 8 17

Letter 9 18

Letter 9 20

Letter 10 21

Letter 11 22

Letter 12 23

Letter 13 25

Letter 14 27

Letter 15 28

Letter 16 29

Letter 17 35

Letter 18 38

Short Biography of the Author

Amina Haider Al-Sadr, the famous Muslim author also known as Bint Al-Huda played a significant role in creating Islamic awareness among the Muslim women of Iraq. She was in her twenties when she began writing articles in Al-Adhwa, the Islamic magazine printed by the religious intellectuals of Al-Najaf (Iraq) in 1379 (1959).

Bint Al-Huda grew up with a serious love of learning. She became aware of the Muslim women’s sufferings and the great disasters that were damaging Islamic ideology in her country.

In 1400 (1980) the religious leader Baqir Al-Sadr and his sister Bint Al-Huda were arrested. After three days of unimaginable torture, they were murdered by the tyrannical Iraqi regime. Islam suffered a great loss when these two Muslim personalities were killed in cold blood.

Two Women and a Man

Rihab sat alone, musing to herself about the recent events that had taken place within her home. “….everything is over. Hasanat has achieved happiness, having decided upon a harmonious future for herself. All the guests have left after celebrating the happy occasion with Hasanat, whose finger is now embellished with an engagement ring. She has got the man of her dreams and is now thinking of her future happy marriage. Everyone left, praising the bride and groom. What bothers me most is that I now have to go to my room and suffer tortuous boredom and isolation. How cruel it is to have to live in this spiritual alienation. My family is against me, on the pretext that I am wayward….

Infact they are! With their background and old-fashioned ideas that are the mainstay of their lives, they are all deviated, even my sister Hasanat, who now thinks she's chosen the right path and tries to make out that she's a saint. She is really misguided and abnormal. How could she agree to marry a man whom she has never seen, and who is far away?

He didn't even take the trouble to attend his own engagement party! Instead he asked his father to represent him! They say that he is a committed believer. Then he's the same as Hasanat; both of them are crazy. How could he ignore beautiful European women and choose someone like Hasanat? He could get the most beautiful girls –he is rich and charming. Anyway, it must be some defect in him that made him turn to Hasanat and neglect those beauties. Infact, Hasanat is beautiful and educated, but I never thought she could get such a man. He is a complex person though -she won't be happy with him.”

Rihab tried to dismiss the subject from her mind. She took a book from the shelf and tried to read. The book was entitled ‘Nothing Counts’ and written by an Egyptian Author.

‘Nothing is important. Neither dignity nor conscience, not even what comes after death.’ She enjoyed reading the story, written for people like her and read till late.

The next morning, Rihab awoke late. She sat listening to the happy voices of her mother and sister in the living room. She dragged herself out of bed and joined them with a forced smile on her face. She saw her sister was wearing a white gown. She was happy and cheerful, satisfied with her future. Jealousy increased in Rihab's heart, but she tried to look normal. She said to Hasanat, “How's the bride today?”

Hasanat said, “All praise be to God, quite well. I hope to see you a bride soon too.”

These words angered Rihab and she maliciously said, “Perhaps a man from Africa will send to ask for my hand, just as a man from Europe did! Huh! As if there aren't enough men here!”

Hasanat had no wish to prolong the conversation and said, “God knows what is best, sister.”

Rihab continued scornfully, “I know how to build my future myself. I won't marry someone I don't know.”

Hasanat said defensively, “Why do you say I don't know him? I know everything about my fiancé. It is enough to know that he is a committed believer.”

Rihab persisted, “Is it enough to be religious? You are still young. I fear you may understand life too late.”

“What do you mean?” said Hasanat.

Rihab replied, “You should be with your fiancé now, so that he won't meet with other girls. You are here surrounded by the four walls, while your man is free enjoying himself living it up with the girls!”

Hasanat said quietly, “I am sorry to tell you that you are wrong. I would not have agreed to marry a man who was a playboy. Mustafa is a righteous believer and does not care for loose women; that is why I am happy to have him. Since he is a religious person, he is deterred from such a life. His belief provides him with immunity whether he is here or in some other place.”

Rihab was about to respond when their mother stopped the argument saying, “That is quite enough. You both have work to do. We are going to have visitors this afternoon.”

The days passed and Hasanat was quite happy except for Rihab's silly comments. For Rihab, the days passed slowly and were boring. She was vexed to see her sister always happy and cheerful, listening to people's congratulations.

A week later, Rihab returned from her office to find the postman at the door, just about to knock. When he saw her, he gave her a letter addressed to her sister Hasanat. It carried a European stamp. She knew it was from Mustafa. She hid the letter in her bag and did not give it to her sister. After dinner she hurried to her room to read it. Wickedness made her open and read, the nicely written letter.

Letter 1

In the Name of God

Dear Hasanat,

Assalamu Alaikum

Despite the long distance that separates us, I have chosen you. This is my first letter to you. I have enjoyed many days thinking of you throughout the past weeks. You are the hope I waited for, and I am overwhelmed with longing to be with you. My dreams came true when I found you, my treasure. These words can tell my feelings of love since I am deprived of your presence. Now that you are part of me I can tell you how much I love you. I have loved you though I have not seen you, because I know you love what I love, and believe in what I believe in. I shall always be faithful to you once this holy bond has joined us together. Such a relation would not have existed but for your faith and religious commitment and your acceptance to marry me.

As for me, I think of marriage as a spiritual and ideological relationship with no false materialistic values. I have chosen you as a wife to build an ideal married life, one decorated with the flowers of faith with a torch of Qur'anic rays, supported with the Islamic injunctions of love, compassion and sincerity. We are both devoted to God first and then to each other. May God bless our spiritual unit and protect our love and guide us to His path. I wish I could keep on talking to you, but I fear you might prefer short letters.

My love to you

Yours forever,


10th October, 1970

N.B. Enclosed is my photo for you. I expect to get yours as soon as possible.

With great bitterness, Rihab read the letter, with each gentle word; she felt a sting of fire. Her hatred increased to such a degree that she decided not to give the letter and the photo to Hasanat. She spent the day suffering jealousy and was in loss as how to rid herself of the letter. She read it several times and suffered more and more pain. She wished the letter was addressed to her, and not Hasanat. She spent a sleepless night, and read it for the tenth time. She said to herself “Beautiful handwriting, beautiful photo, nice words that reveal an emotional nature. Hasanat would have rejoiced at reading it, she would have felt happy, her happiness disturbs me…” Rihab decided to tear the letter up. Then an idea flared up in her mind. She murmured to herself, “No, I won't tear it up. I'll burn it and enjoy watching the fire devour his words of love.” So saying, she went to fetch a match. She saw a bundle of small coloured candles in a golden ribbon with the words: 'Happy Birthday' written on them. She laughed nervously and took out one candle. She said to herself, “How nice to burn Mustafa's letter with Hasanat's candle. This is her gift to me for my 18th birthday. I have kept it to burn Mustafa's letter with, I'll burn her happiness…”

Before burning it, another idea came to her mind. She thought there was no use in burning it, as he would inevitably write her another letter and certainly she could not hope to find the postman at the door again. Thus, burning the letter would be of no use. She sat thinking for sometime. She would write a letter to Mustafa using Hasanat's name. She would try to destroy his love for her. Also she would give him another address, her friend’s address. She decided to keep the letter incase she needed to read it again. She sat at her desk and wrote:

Letter 2

Dear Mustafa

I am grateful to you for your nice letter and loving words. I was also satisfied with a short letter, as I do not like long ones.

You said that writing could replace seeing each other. I think that is nonsense. An imaginative person might think in such a way, in order to convince himself of something. But to me there is no use in letters. What can a letter do as I know nothing about you? How you spend your time and with whom?

You are in a country with every kind of enjoyment and entertainment. What will be left of you when you come back to me?

I think there is no need to be religious. Today there is no such a sharp conflict between the oppressed and the oppressors, or a class struggle. There is not one exploited helpless group that makes us search for a means of saving it, or search in the darkness for a ray of light. Hence we create for ourselves a Supreme Power, which is stronger than darkness and higher than oppression. By such a belief we satisfy ourselves with hope in such a Power. We wait for it to solve our problems and remove our sufferings. For thisreason man came to believe in God and, as a result have a religion. Don't you agree with me that we are no longer in need of such a belief since man has found the way to justice?

Anyway, I am sorry to write such ideas, but you see I am a frank person, and like to deal with others frankly.

My wishes and regards for you


N.B. Please send your letter through the following address:

To: Miss Mida Naji ……….

Rihab posted the letter to Mustafa. She felt a pang of conscience. She was sure she could destroy her sister's happiness, but still she maliciously dismissed her accusing conscience. She waited for the result of her plot.

Mustafa was anxious to get the letter. He was overwhelmed with love and happiness. But as soon as he read it he was stunned and greatly disappointed. He could not believe his eyes. He read it again to assure himself of its contents. Was it really from Hasanat, the girl whom his sister, Zainab had often praised for her righteousness and had herself chosen her to be his wife? Could she be the writer of such a letter? Was she the one with whom his hopes would be fulfilled? Yet she spoke frankly enough to confess that she did not even believe in God! How hard it was for him to accept! How could this have happened? How could his sister have been cheated by her? She was her best friend. What could he do? Mustafa tried to control his feelings after the shock of the letter had passed. He first thought of writing a letter to his sister to blame her for the choice of such a girl and to take steps to divorce her. Then he dismissed the idea. He thought of a quick divorce as a means to escape his responsibility towards her. He had to guide her, to enjoin the good and forbid the evil. Perhaps he could guide her to the right path. He could decide later for divorce. The more he thought of the matter the more he found the idea acceptable. He then wrote to her the following letter:

Letter 3

In the Name of God

To: Hasanat

Assalamu Alaikum

I apologize for being late in replying to you. I have tried to overcome the shock that your frank letter caused me, and it was not easy, but my religious duty has caused me to discuss the matter. You say there is no need for religion. Are you serious? Have you been joking? I don't know how you could have such ideas. I think you are the victim of deviation and misguidance.

I am writing to you as a brother writes to his sister. I am bound by social and religious duties to you. You claim, in your letter, that there is no need for religion and belief in God.

You should know that belief in God is not the result of injustice or oppression. It came into existence long before injustice or class disputes. What class conflict was there at the beginning of human life, when foodstuff and cloth and land were common for all? Belief in God has been known since the beginning of creation and man's first knowledge about life. You may ask for proof of this. Can't you see that everything has its own qualities and features, drawn on the pages of history? History has given us sound evidence of that.

If you want examples you can have them. In Egypt, the Egyptians were the oldest people who believed in the spirit and its renewed life after death, in its punishment or reward. That was at a special level in regard to their concepts. They symbolized the spirit, in various ways: a flower, a bird and sometimes a human face. Such symbols are clear from archeology and history. They worshipped the Founder of everything, as is clear from their prayers. They considered whatever the heart and the tongue comprehended as having been given by the Founder of life.

One of their Pharoahs, Akhnatoon, was famous for his meditation and thinking. He tried to reform religious rituals, as is clear from his prayers which history records thus: “How countless are your creatures of which we know nothing! You are the One God and there is no other lord but You,You created earth at Your will, and furnished it with men and animals...” This happened in Egypt.

In India, the historians are not sure of the age when the worship of God started. Some say it started fifteen centuries before the birth of Jesus (AS). Some say six centuries before that. Max Muller, an authority on European languages, says: “Whatever the age of the gathering of the written anthems was, prior to that age, the Indians believed in One God Who was neither male nor female, nor had any human natural limitations.” Muller interprets one of their anthems common five centuries B.C., in the following way: “There was neither day nor night. There was none, but the One.

China knew religion through the worship of the Sun and the Moon and the Stars and the Winds. The greatest of their gods was the God of Heaven, who controlled the universe and decided the life course of every human being.

In Persia, Zurradasht mentions Honnuz the Worshipped as following:

“Oh Honnuz the Merciful, the Creator of the World, the most Sacred, who is the Mightiest in Heaven and Earth?” Honnuz answered, “My name, which is dear from the nature of my heaven, is the Mightiest.” They also believed in the existence of a passage where good spirits and devils, come together on leaving their bodies (at death), to meet the God of light and King of Justice. They believed that a balance was set up that the spirits were questioned about their deeds and excuses. They believed that one gate opened into Paradise and another to Hell.

In Babylon, where in the most ancient civilization was to be found, archeological studies indicate the Babylonians' belief in the Creator. They believed in the God of Water and the God of Heaven and the God of War and the God of Soldiers.

In the Hellenistic civilizations of ancient Greece, the idea of one God was mentioned by one of their wise men who blamed his people for their worshipping of several gods 6 centuries B.C.

History proves man's belief in the One God, centuries before the birth of Christ. This in itself indicates that the belief in One God is a very early human idea.

I mention these things without claiming that the idea of religion was clear at all stages, it has always been influenced by the cultural level of the various successive generations and was thus affected by them. Although not monotheism, it indicates a belief in God in a manner that accords to the ideological understanding of those times. I do not wish to disturb you by writing you a longer letter.

Perhaps, you could read a book written by the Egyptian writer AI Aqadd entitled “God”. It would give you more information about this matter and help you accept what I have written.

God is our guide, wishing you every good.


Rihab read the letter and spent the night thinking about it. She tried to compare her knowledge with what he had written to her, to see which was the more firmly based on sound evidence. She could come to no conclusion, and so reverted to her natural stubbornness. She awoke early the next morning to write her reply. She tried to avoid seeing her sister Hasanat, incase she should feel sorry for her and change her mind about spoiling her marriage. Infact Hasanat, in recent days had been looking more concerned and unusually silent. She hardly laughed at all and her face had grown pale. Rihab knew the reason for Mustafa's supposed negligence, as Hasanat had never read his letter. Rihab was happy to see her sister suffer silently, although sometimes she felt a prick of conscience. This letter she wrote to Mustafa:

Letter 4

Dear Mustafa,

I was sorry to see that my letter hurt you. I was awaiting a similar letter to your first one, but instead, you rushed to defend your ideas, and put aside words of your love. Perhaps you had found me to be worthless of such feelings?

Anyway, your talk about the origin of man’s belief was quite interesting and the historical evidence that you cited were clear. But I still maintain that belief in God is a means for the weak who feel defeated in the face of the strong. Such a weak person who feels he cannot protect himself, searches for an imaginary Power to protect him from danger.

This is the basis for belief in God, and religion. I believe, we are not weak and that we can protect ourselves by various means, why then should we attach ourselves to the unknown in order to get the power that in this day and age, we do not even lack.

I am waiting for your answer.


Rihab waited anxiously for the answer. She wanted to hear his answer after she had agreed with nearly his entire first letter. But she feared her plot might be discovered if his sister returned from her journey. Suppose he wrote to his sister and blamed her for the choice; surely she would contact Hasanat, her best friend, and then everything would become clear. When Rihab thought of this, she became very uneasy. She tried to dismiss such ideas from her mind, and continue her 'game'. Soon she got the following letter:

Letter 5

In the Name of God

Dear Hasanat,

Assalamu Alaikum,

I was happy that you agreed with some of my ideas. I hope this will be the start of our ideological agreement. Yet I am still surprised by your ideas about belief in God.

Had that been the case, the prophets would have been the weakest of individuals, whereas we see that all of those who called the people to worship God were in some way or another strong.

For instance, Prophet Noah continued calling his people to believe in God for hundreds of years with persistence and great energy.

With great effort he built the Ark, despite the mockery and ridicule of the people; he never gave-up. When the great flood covered the whole earth, he and his family went aboard the Ark with peace and security.

He neither feared the vast waves nor was he disturbed by the disappearance of his unbelieving son. These are all clear indications of his strong will and mighty character.

Then there is the Prophet Abraham (AS) who firmly stood up against his enemies, the pagans.

He was not scared by their threat to burn him. His great belief in God turned the raging fire into something harmless to him.

Doesn't this indicate a strong will and personality? Could anyone dare to say that Abraham was a weak idle person?

What about Moses (AS)? He entered Pharoah's court with nothing but his brother and their faith in God. He didn't fear Pharaoh’s threatened horrible revenge.

Doesn't such a stance indicate firmness and strength?

Jesus (AS) as well persisted in calling people to the right path.

Our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) struggled for the sake of God. He never ceased calling people to worship God even when all the tribes of Quraish were against him and bargained with him to give up the message. His reply to them was, “By God, if you were to put the sun at my right and the moon at my left, I wouldn’t give up this issue.”

Throughout his life, the Prophet practiced heroic actions. I ask you to read his biography in order to learn more about him.

Thus, you should come to know that the prophets were the strongest, the most courageous and the firmest among their people.

You should read a book entitled ‘Faith.’ You will surely enjoy it and benefit from it;however I am still more than happy to answer your questions.


Whilst waiting for Mustafa's reply to her letter, Rihab had sometimes felt uneasy, and had found herself abhorring her wicked behavior.

Hasanat bore her pain silently, sometimes feeling depressed and imagining the most awful things. She could not explain her fiancé’s behavior. As a matter of politeness he should at least have written her a short letter, and he should have sent her his photo, as she had not seen him before their engagement.

Such feelings overwhelmed her at times, although in her saner moments she did not believe the things that came into her mind and tried to find different excuses for him. She thought he could be busy or even sick.

Perhaps he wrote to her, but his letter had been lost in the post. She found such an excuse acceptable, and was happy thinking that he had written to her and thought as much of her as she did of him.

She awaited his sister's return from holiday; perhaps she would know the reason for his negligence.

Hasanat busied herself with reading books.

One day Rihab came to her room. Surprised, Hasanat welcomed her sister. Rihab sat near her, not knowing what to do.

Hasanat said, “Have you got a day off? Why aren't you at the office today? I hope you are not ill.”

Rihab said, “I've a bit of a headache, so I phoned my friend asking her to tell the office I won't be in today. I'm bored and need something to read. Can you give me a book?”

Hasanat was surprised, as her sister was not usually interested in her religious books.

She said to her, “Feel free to choose whatever book you like.”

Rihab got up and stood in front of the shelves while Hasanat watched her to see what books she would take. She was surprised when Rihab took one about 'Faith' and a biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Rihab could not explain her choice of books, and so hurriedly left before Hasanat had time to ask her any questions.

Infact Hasanat felt happy to see her misguided sister turning to the right path of faith. She forgot her own sadness for a while as she visualized Rihab as a committed Muslim, engaged to a good Muslim such as her own fiance, Mustafa. Then she remembered Mustafa, she felt sad and depressed. What could be of Mustafa? She resorted to her book and tried to concentrate on reading.

Rihab read the two books she had borrowed from her sister and feeling in need of his explanations, she wrote to Mustafa the following letter:

Letter 6

Dear Mustafa

Perhaps I have been a bit late replying to your letter. Reading thebooks you suggested has kept me busy for quite sometime.

I have to admit that your style of writing is very convincing.

I enjoyed reading a biography of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) for a few days, as you advised me, and thus I learnt the details of his life. I have also started reading the story of ‘Faith’ that answered many of my questions.

But I still cannot understand why I should worship a God that I cannot see, or perceive through any of the five senses. Isn't much worship really mere tradition, based on illusions? I am sorry to disturb you with such a question, but I feel I need your answer. Such questions cause me uneasiness. I hope your letter can give me some comfort.


Mustafa received Rihab's letter with the intention of deciding his future relationship with her, according to its contents.

If he found her still negative, his relationship with her would have to come to an end as there was no use in trying to guide her.

If he found her understanding and positive he would continue his duty of guiding her, not so that she could be his future wife (he no longer wanted her) but as a person going astray.

When he found in her letter that she was responding to his ideas and reading the religious books, he wrote her this letter:

Letter 7

In the Name of God

To: Hasanat

Assalmu Alaikum

Thank God that I am now writing to you in optimistic frame of mind. I was happy with what I read in your letter. I am quite ready to answer your questions. They are clear indications of your desire for knowledge. But my answer in this letter will be short and in the form of questions for you to answer:

I. What is the difference between a human being and an animal with regard to comprehension since both have senses?

2. Have you ever considered something to be impossible?

3. Do you believe in the existent and the non-existent?

I would be grateful to you for answering the questions.

My best regards to you


In great eagerness to read the answer to her question, Rihab got Mustafa's letter only to find no answer but amazing inquiries. She found it difficult to understand what had prompted him to ask them.

Hasanat was in her room so she went to her, hesitantly.

The more Rihab became aware of God, the more she felt uneasy with regards to her sister. She could not find the answers to Mustafa's questions without Hasanat's help and her sister had recently been helpful to her, since she had seen her interest in religious books.

Rihab sat near her sister not knowing which book could help her find the answers. She had to ask her sister, but was silent for awhile first.

Hasanat said, “I hope you've finished reading the two books?”

Rihab answered, “Yes”

Hasanat then said, “Did you find them interesting?”

“Yes.” replied Rihab.

Hasanat guessed that her sister was in a quandary about books, as she had nothing else but books to give to her.

She wasn't bothered by Rihab’s brief answers, and only said gently, “You know you are free to choose any book you want from my library anytime. Do you want one?”

Rihab, said hesitantly, “Yes. But I am not sure what books I want.”

Hasanat said calmly, “History books, science, ethical or religious, what books do you want?”

Rihab said, “I want religious books.”

Hasanat was happy at her choice. She gave her three books; one about ‘Faith and Reason’ and the second one about ‘Reason and The Hereafter’, and the third was about ‘Science and Faith.’

Rihab took the books and went to her room, her sister's nice words still echoing in her head.

Hasanat's help in arranging her room, sewing her clothes and offering her books made Rihab condemn herself saying, “What a wicked person I am! Can't I stop this dangerous game? Why can't I leave the poor girl alone? Now there is no way out but to see it through to the end. I am in need of Mustafa's knowledge to explain difficult issues for me. If I confess the truth, he and the others will scorn me. No! I cannot retreat.”

A few days later she wrote:

Letter 8

Dear Mustafa

I tried to understand your aim behind those questions, and looked for books that dealt with these matters you asked about, to get the answers. Actually, I do not want to be your little student waiting for you to answer every small question. I read nearly three books besides the ones you mentioned to me. I must say quite frankly that my aim behind reading has been to comprehend your opinion before you mention it. Anyway the books dealt with various topics and answered some of my own questions. I found them interesting to read, but unfortunately I could not find the answers to your questions. Hence I wait for you to answer them, along with my answers.

1. Of course the difference between men and animals is not in regard to the five senses but is because of Reason. Man can think reasonably whereas animals cannot.

2. Existence and non-existence are matters clear to everyone who can reasonably comprehend things.

3. Impossible things exist, i.e. to say that it is impossible.

• Hasanat.

Mustafa got Rihab's letter. He was about to tear it even before he'd read it. Could such a doubting suspicious girl become his life-partner? Could she be the golden girl of his dreams? What a bitter experience his sister Zainab had caused him! How could he live with someone who disbelieved in the most sacred values? Yet he did not tear the letter but said to himself, “I should continue since I've got some promising results.” He opened the letter and tried to understand what kind of a girl was writing the letter. He thanked God for success in his efforts to guide her. He wrote the following letter:

Letter 9

In the Name of God

Dear Hasanat

Assalamu Alaikum

I got your letter and was pleased to hear that you had enjoyed reading with whatever results you gained from it. You see how valuable such books are. They are real treasures within your reach but you never knew about them. How did you get such books? As for the questions, you agree that the five senses are not everything. They are only the means for the mind to obtain the truth. Hence there are facts that need no arguments though such facts are not perceived through the senses, such as the existence and non-existence. Forinstance can you see the non-existent with your eyes? Have you tasted it with your tongue, or touched or smelled it? Has it a sound? Has someone else felt it? This is quite impossible. Yet you and I and any wise person believe in such a thing. How could that happen? If we say it is impossible to see the non-existent, then how could we get such information? Was it through the senses? Of course not. The senses cannot comprehend anything except what exists. Yet we believe in the non-existent because of absolute reason that makes all the difference between the animal and the human being. There is another fact in this regard. Water is a liquid, a fact that needs no argument. But it is not through the senses that we reach the fact that water is composed of two atoms of Hydrogen and one of Oxygen. Such facts have been proved by scientific process independently of sensory activity. A certain scientist says, “...Some facts are reached through the direct comprehension of the senses. But there are many facts that are not reached through the senses; we get the knowledge of such facts through inference. Such facts are discovered facts. What we should understand here is that there is no difference between the facts in these two categories. The difference is that we get the first facts directly, the others indirectly.” He also says, “…The senses cannot comprehend the facts about the Universe, except to a limited degree, yet there are other facts that we know nothing about. There is a way to get such facts through cause and effect or through inference. Both are brain methods. We start with a well-known fact to end at a particular theory; something has been here all the time, but we have never been aware of it.” There is also the gravity law which can never be sensed, as Newton says: 'It is something mysterious to see something with no life at all, affect another, though there is no relation between the two.” So you see that through reasoning and the accumulation of facts we come to believe in the Creator and eventually we attain to the religion of our own. You may consider this letter to be long, but it is to your benefit. If you need more information, I am ready to give it.


Hasanat was hopeful of her sister's return to faith. She increased her care and attention of her and kept showing her tender feelings. But she noticed that Rihab could not respond easily. She often tried to speak frankly to her.

She thought her sister's uneasiness was due to their past unfriendly relationship yet the more she loved her, the more Rihab felt uneasy. She regretted her misdeed and blamed herself more than she feared the discovery of her plot. She feared she would no more get Mustafa's letters guiding her to the right path. She needed those letters more and more. She would confess the truth to him one day. She would also confess to Hasanat, the great wrong she had done to her. She would ask for her forgiveness and pardon. Infact she feared the loss of Mustafa's letters as well as her weakness to face her sister with her confession. She decided to go on writing to Mustafa, and wrote:

Letter 9

Dear Mustafa

You will never know how grateful I am to you. I am also ashamed of having done you so much wrong, while I benefit from your letters so much. I am sure you are a noble person who pardons the one hurting him. Your explanation is wonderful and convincing. Yet I have another question. We understand that we comprehend some facts not only through the five senses but through deductions and inference. Tell me now: How can we prove the existence of the Creator? Thanks a lot for your help.


Rihab finished the letter and remembered that Mustafa, in his first letter had asked for Hasanat's photo, although he had not since repeated his request. Rihab thought she must do something for her innocent sister. If she did not send the photo, then she would be doing her sister another wrong, and Hasanat was a real beauty, just like an angel.

How could she inform Mustafa of her beauty? Had she thought of this from the beginning, Rihab would have perhaps, sent her own photo, since she had hated her sister. But thinking of that now would mean another crime against Hasanat. Now, she must get her sister's photo and send it to him at all costs. She would ask her sister for a photo of herself. She went to her sister's room. Hasanat was happy to see her and welcomed her heartily. She said, “Can you do me a favor, Hasanat?”

Hasanat happily answered, “With pleasure Rihab dear. I am ready for you to ask anything. What do you want?” Rihab blushed shyly and she said, “I want one of your most beautiful photos.”

Hasanat was surprised at the demand. She did not want to disappoint her sister, and said, “You can have my album and choose the one you like.” She handed her an album from the shelf. Rihab took it in confusion. She turned the pages looking for a clear beautiful picture. She took one, thanked her sister and hastily left the room. She put the photo in the envelope and left the house to post the letter.

The passing of the days and weeks, only served to increase Hasanat's feelings of loss, with regards to her fiancé. However, she still looked calm and in control of her feelings, appearing to be confident in her future. Whenever she saw her sister reading religious books she felt happy, and one day, saw her perform her daily prayers!

She rushed towards her and kissed her warmly, “How happy I am, and how proud I am of you! Oh, how I love you dear Rihab, and how lovely you look in your prayer robe! You look like a nymph. You are really very beautiful!” She said. Rihab could not reply to her sister's feelings. With every word her sister uttered she felt uneasy. As soon as her sister left her, she threw herself on the prayer rug and burst into tears. She murmured, “Oh God! How cruel am being towards this angelic person.”

A few days later, Rihab received the following letter:

Letter 10

In the Name of God

Dear Hasanat

Assalamu Alaikum

I pray to God to guide you in this world and the next. It is good that you have asked me to give you proofs of the existence of the Creator.

Science has discovered the second law for heat energy which is called the power law. This law proves that the universe is not eternal and that heat is transferred from hotter bodies to cooler ones until both have the same temperature.

Energy resources within the Universe are continuously producing heat, yet their temperature is never the same. This indicates that energy resources are not eternal, and are therefore limited. Had it been eternal, with the continuous heat transference of billions of years, the temperature would have stabilized long ago.

Some biologists say, “Science has unintentionally proved that everything has a beginning and that nothing can be self-generating. There is the ‘primary cause’ or the Lord Creator.”

Another scientist says, “Scientists believe that the transference of heat will continue until all energy sources are exhausted. It has not reached its final level. Had it happened, we would not have survived until now. There has to be a beginning and an end to this non-eternal universe.”

There are other scientific proofs to lead us to a belief in the Creator. We can come to know Him through knowledge of the Universe. It would take many pages if I were to refer to all of the evidence that proves His existence.

Nevertheless, I will mention other scientific discoveries that indicate that the Universe has a particular age.

Astronomy has proved that the universe is systematically growing larger and that the planets and other celestial bodies are getting further away from each other. These parts that are now moving away from each other were only one mass in the beginning. Then heat and motion took part, hence the Universe must have an age. It is in a state of continuous movement until one day when it will come to its end. Whatever has an end must also have a beginning. I hope you are not annoyed with my long letter. I do advise you to read the book: ‘God and Science’ and the book: ‘From disbelief to belief’

My best wishes for your success,


Rihab read the letter then went to her sister's room to get the suggested books. She started reading immediately trying to comprehend their contents. She got one week's leave from the office in order to devote all her time to her reading. On completing the books, she felt a strong belief in God. Yet she still had a few questions that needed answers.

She wrote:

Letter 11

Dear Mustafa

I am never annoyed by what you write. You have removed the veil that covered my eyes and caused my blindness, and misguidance.

I still need you to write to me about these things. I have read the books that you recommended, and I now feel at ease. However, could you please relate some more facts to me?

I have to admit that I am newly born, and, just as an infant needs milk, I need information.

I hope you won't get tired of my questions.


Mustafa was busy with his final exams when he got Rihab's letter, yet he still replied to her.