The Last Journey; Translation of Manazil Al- Akhirah

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The Last Journey; Translation of Manazil Al- Akhirah Author:
Translator: Aejaz Ali Bhujwala (Al-Husainee)
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Day_of_Resurrection

The Last Journey; Translation of Manazil Al- Akhirah

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sheikh Abbas Qummi
Translator: Aejaz Ali Bhujwala (Al-Husainee)
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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The Last Journey; Translation of Manazil Al- Akhirah
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The Last Journey; Translation of Manazil Al- Akhirah

The Last Journey; Translation of Manazil Al- Akhirah

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Resurrection (Qayamat)

Regarding Qayamat Allah says in the Qur’an,

“It will be momentous in the heavens and the earth, It will not come on you but of a sudden.” (Surah al-A’araf, 7:187)

Allamah Qutubuddin Rawandi relates from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that once Prophet Isa (a.s.) asked Jibra’eel as to when would Qayamat come? As soon as Jibra’eel heard about Qayamat, he started trembling and fell down unconscious. When he regained consciousness he said, “O Ruhullah! Verily you know more about it than me,” and he recited the above Verse (Ayah).

Shaikh Ali bin Ibraheem Qummi quotes Imam Ja’far as- Sadiq (a.s.) as saying that once Jibra’eel was seated in the presence of the Holy Prophet (s). Suddenly he looked towards the sky and turned pale because of terror. He asked the Prophet to give him refuge. The Holy Prophet (s) looked towards the sky where Jibra’eel had seen. He saw an Angel whose wings spread from the east to the west as if covering it. He looked towards the Holy Prophet and said, “O Muhammad (s)! I have come down with an order from Allah. Choose from among these two any one, either kingdom and Prophethood, or Allah’s slavery and Prophethood.”

The Holy Prophet turned towards Jibra’eel and saw that he had regained strength by then and asked for his advice. Jibra’eel told the Prophet to choose Allah’s slavery and Prophethood. The Prophet told the Angel that he opted for Allah’s slavery and Prophethood. After getting the reply, the Angel placed his right leg on the first heaven, then lifted the second one and placed it on the second heaven. Likewise he started climbing the heavens until he reached the seventh heaven. He become smaller - the size of a bird. The Holy Prophet (s) then turned towards Jibra’eel and said, “I have never seen you so much frightened before, what is the reason for it”? Jibra’eel answered, “O Prophet! do you know who this Angel was?

He was Israfeel. From the day Allah created the heavens and the earth, Israfeel never came down to the earth. When I saw him coming down I assumed that he must have come down to announce the arrival of Qayamat. Hence the color of my face turned pale due to fright of Qayamat as you saw. But when I saw that he had come down to give you glad tidings, I was relieved and regained my consciousness.”

It is related that there is no Angel in the heavens or the earth, skies or mountains, seas or deserts who do not fear Fridays. Because they think that Qayamat may come on that very day. It is also narrated that whenever the Holy Prophet (s) would talk about Qayamat, there would be sternness in his voice, and his cheeks would turn red.

Shaikh Mufeed quotes in `Al-Irshad’ that when the holy Prophet (s) returned to Madina from the expedition of Tabook, Amr bin Ma’dikarib came to visit him. The Prophet said to him, “Submit to Islam Amr, then Allah will protect you from the greatest terror.” “What is the greatest terror”? he asked, “for I fear nothing.” It is said that Amr was a very brave and strong man. His bravery can be proven by the fact that he had conquered many areas. His sword was famous by the name of (Shamsheere Samsaam) One stroke of his sword would cut asunder the neck of a camel. During the caliphate of Umar ibn Khattab, Umar told Amr to give him his sword. Amr gave it to him. Umar hit it hard but it had no effect.

He threw it in a rage saying that it was no good. To which Amr replied, “O King! You asked for my sword, not my hands.” Umar became furious at this reply and ordered him to be silent. When Amr told the Holy Prophet (s) that I fear nothing, the Prophet said, “Amr, it is not as you think and suppose. Indeed there will be one great shout among the people. Not one person will remain who does not attend, nor a living person who does not die, except as Allah wishes.

Then there will be another great shout among them, and those who are dead will assemble and all get into ranks. The heavens will split open and the earth will be crushed. The mountains will be cut asunder and fire will hurl them like sparks. No one who has a soul will remain, except his heart be stripped bare while he mentions his sins and is occupied with his soul, except as Allah wishes. Then, where will you be, Amr at this”? “Indeed I am hearing of a terrible event,” said Amr. Then he believed in Allah and His Apostle. People from his tribe also accepted Islam and returned back.

Verily Qayamat is full of fright and terror, so much so that even the dead tremble in their graves. It is narrated through many great personalities, that when the dead men where raised back to life by them, they saw that their hair had turned gray. They asked them the reason. To which they replied that, “When we were told to arise, we thought that Qayamat had come, and our hair turned grey due to its fright.”

Those A’mal which eases the trouble of Qayamat

I state here under ten such A’amals which ease the troubles and difficulties of Qayamat:

1. It is related that a person who recites Surah al-Yusuf daily during the day or night, will arise on the day of Qayamat with the likeness of the beauty of Prophet Yusuf (a.s.), and will be saved from the fear of Qayamat. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says that a person who recites Surah ad-Dukhan in Nafela Prayers or obligatory (wajib) Namaz, will remain safe from the fear of Qayamat. Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says that a person who recites Surah al-Ahqaf on the day or night on Friday, will be safe from all fears of this world as well as the hereafter. In another tradition Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says that a person who recites Surah al-Asr in supererogatory (nafela) prayers, will arise in delight on the day of Qayamat. His face will be glowing, his eyes shining, and he will enter Paradise in this cheerful state.

2. Shaikh Kulaini narrates from Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) who says that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) said, that whoever respects a man with a white beard, Allah will grant him refuge from the fear of the day of Qayamat.

3. The Holy Prophet (s) says, that whoever dies while going to Mecca or returning from there, will be saved by Allah from the fear of the day of Qayamat. Shaikh Sadooq quotes the Holy Prophet (s) as saying that whoever dies in the courtyard of the Ka’abah or Masjide Nabawi (in Medina), will arise in a manner that he will be free from all terror and fear.

4. Shaikh Sadooq quotes Imam Sadiq (a.s.) as saying that whoever is buried in the courtyard of the Ka’bah, will be saved from the fright of Qayamat.

5. Shaikh Sadooq narrates from the Holy Prophet (s) that he has said that if a person guards himself from sins or the lustful passions (of his self), only for the sake and fear of Allah, Allah will make the fire of hell forbidden upon him and keep him away from the fear of Qayamat.

6. The Holy Prophet (s) says that Allah will grant refuge from the fear of Qayamat to the man who keeps away from the passions of his self.

7. Shaikh Ali bin Ibraheem Qummi narrates from Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) who said that whoever suppresses his anger even after having power (to retaliate), Allah will fill his heart with faith (Eeman), and save him from the terror of Qayamat.

8. One of the reasons for a person to be free from the fear of Qayamat is the love (walayah) of Ali (a.s.). The verdict of the Qur’an regarding it is that it is the best deed. As said in the Holy Qur’an:

“Surely as for those for whom the good (Husna) has already gone forth from us, they shall be kept far off from it. They will not hear it’s faintest sound, and they shall abide in that which their souls long for. The great fearful event shall not grieve them, and the Angels shall meet the.” (Surah al-Anbiyah, 21:101-3).

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) said, “O Ali You and Your Shiahs will remain under the protection on the day of Qayamat, and the (above mentioned) verse (Ayah) bears witness to it.” The word ‘husna’ used in the above verse (ayah) means love (walayah) of Ali (a.s.) and his progeny (Ahlulbait). As the Holy Qur’an promises,

“Whoever brings good, he shall have better than it, and they shall be secure from terror on that day.” (Surah an-Naml, 27:89)

It is quoted in many books of exegesis (Tafseer) of Qur’an viz. Kashaf, Sa’labi, Kabeer etc. that whoever shall arise with the ‘Goodness’ (husna) will be secured on the day of Qayamat, and ‘husna’ here means Ali (a.s.). Whoever dies bearing love of Ahlulbait (a.s.) will become pure after repentance, and when he shall arise on the day of Qayamat, a cloud will give shelter on his head, and he will remain safe from the terror of Qayamat and enter Paradise in this manner.

(9) Shaikh Sadooq quotes Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) as saying that if a person helps a believer brother (mo’min), and frees him from anxiety, and fulfills his desires, Allah will offer him seventy-two types of favors (ne’mat). One of them is that He will increase his sustenance (Rizq) in this world, and seventy-one are those which will guard him against the terrors and hardships of Qayamat.

Many traditions (Ahadees) have been narrated in praise of fulfilling a believer brother’s wishes. Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says that, “If a mo’min goes to fulfill the desires of his brother believer, Allah orders the angels to give shade of seventy thousand veils over his head, and before he steps out (to go for help) Allah writes down many virtues in his deed-sheet.” Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says that fulfilling a brother believer’s wishes is greater than the performance of Hajj, Hajj, Hajj (and repeated it ten times). It means that it is greater than the performance of ten Hajj.

It is also narrated that in the Bani Israil there was a pious worshipper who had taken upon himself the obligation to fulfill the wishes of others. Shaikh Shazan bin Jabrail quotes from the Holy Prophet (s) that on the door of the second heaven he saw the following written:

There is no God but Allah, Muhammad (s) is His Apostle, Ali (a.s.) is His friend. Verily everything has got a dress, and the dress of the Holy Prophet on the day of Qayamat will be the following four qualities: (i) to fondle the head of an orphan (yateem) with affection (ii) to show kindness towards widows, (iii) to go to fulfill the wishes of a believer brother, and (iv) to take care of the poor and the needy

Many Ulama and great men have strived to help the believer brothers, and many incidents have been narrated which need not be quoted here for brevity’s sake.

10. Shaikh Kulaini narrates from Imam Ali ar-Ridha (a.s.) that whoever goes to the grave of a believer brother, places his hand on it and recites Surah al-Qadr seven times, Allah will keep him away from the troubles of Qayamat. In another tradition it is narrated that while reciting Surah al- Qadr on the grave, one should turn towards the Qibla and dig one’s fingers in the mud (of the grave).

I have seen in the “Majmu’ah” of Shaheede Saani that when he went to the grave of his teacher Fakhrul Muhaqqeqeen, he said that the buried person (Fakhrul Muhaqqeqeen) related from his father (Allamah Hilli) who related from Imam Ali ar-Ridha (a.s.) who said that whoever goes to the grave of his brother believer and after reciting Surah al-Qadr recites the following du’a, both the dead person as well as the person reciting it will be safe from the fear of Qayamat.

اَللَّهُمَّ جَافِ الأَرْضَ عَنْ جُنُوبِهِمْ

O Allah; (please) prevent the soil from harming their sides;

وَصَاعِدْ إلَيْكَ أَرْوَاحَهُمْ

take their souls up to You,

وَزِدْهُمْ مِنْكَ رِضْوَاناً

increase Your pleasure with them,

وَأَسْكِنْ إلَيْهِمْ مِنْ رَحْمَتِكَ

and make part of Your mercy dwell with them

مَا تَصِلُ بِهِ وَحْدَتَهُمْ

so that You will save them from loneliness

وَتُؤْنِسُ وَحْشَتَهُمْ

and entertain their isolation.

إنَّكَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ

Verily, You have power over all things.

The Trumpet of Israfeel (Soore Israfeel)

When Almighty Allah will intend to bring forth Qayamat, He will order Israfeel to blow the trumpet (Soor). The trumpet is large and illuminated, and has one mouth-piece and two tubes, one pointing towards the earth and other towards the sky. Israfeel will go to the Baitul Muqaddas (in Jerusalem) and while facing the Qibla will blow the trumpet. When the voice will come out from that side which is towards the earth all living beings on it shall die, and when the voice will come out from that side which is towards the sky all living being in it shall also die. Then Allah will say to Israfeel “Die” and he too shall die. Allah has described the end of the world in many verses (Ayah) of the Qur’an.

“When the great event comes to pass, there is no belying its coming to pass - Abasing (one party), exalting (the other), When the earth shall be shaking with a (severe) shaking, And the mountains shall be made to crumble with (an awful) crumbling, so that they shall be scattered dust” (Surah al-Waqeah, 56:1-6)

“On the day when the earth shall be changed into a different earth, and the Heavens (as well), and they shall come forth before Allah, the One, the Supreme.” (Surah al Ibraheem, 14:48)

“When the Heavens becomes cleft asunder, And when the stars become dispersed, And when the seas are made to flow forth, And when the graves are laid open, Every soul shall know what it has sent before and held back.” (Surah al-Infitar, 82:1-5)

“When the sun is covered. And when the stars darken, And when the mountains are made to pass away.” (Surah at-Takwir, 81:1-3)

“So when the sight becomes dazed, And the moon becomes dark, And the sun and the moon are brought together.” (Surah al-Qiyamah, 75:7-8)

“It will not come on you but of a sudden.” (Surah al A’araf, 7:187)

People will be engrossed in their different activities, some will be feeding the cattle, some busy in the factories, some weighing things, while some will be absorbed in sins. But when the trumpet will be blown, they all shall die as they are.

“So they shall not be able to make a request, nor shall they return to their families.” (Surah al-Yaseen, 36:50)

Then the angry voice of Allah will be heard “Where are those men who walked arrogantly over the earth, where are the kings and the emperors who prided upon their empires, where are the people who claimed to be Gods, where are your so called kingdoms. Whose Kingdom is it today”? No one will have the courage to answer. Then He Himself will say “Verily Allah’s, the Dominant (Qahhar), the Compelling (Jabbar).” (Ehsanul Fawaed)

Resurrection (Qayamat)

The entire universe will remain destroyed till Allah wishes. Someone asked Ma’soom (a.s.) regarding this time gap. Ma’soom (a.s.) replied that, “It will remain like that for forty years.” In another tradition it is stated: “It will remain like this for four hundred years.” Thereafter it will rain consequently for forty days and all physical matter will gather together and collect. Israfeel will be the first one to come to life again.

Allah will then command him to blow the trumpet again, he shall do so and all dead will arise. A voice will then come “O souls driven forth from the bodies! and the scattered flesh! and the rotten bones! and the dispersed hairs, come and join together, come forth to account (for your deeds).”

The earth will be commanded by Allah to vomit all that lies buried in it.

“And the earth brings forth her burdens.” (Surah az-Zilzal, 99:2)

All the matter buried in the earth will come out and join. And the people will arise and stand together. But each one will have a distinct state and different voices. The virtuous will be uttering Allah’s praises “Praise be to Allah who has fulfilled what He promised.” While the sinners will be lamenting while coming out of their graves

“O woe to us! who has raised us up from our sleeping place.” (Surah al Yaseen, 36:52)

It is related in a tradition that one foot will be on the earth while the other in the grave, and they will be standing in wonder so much so that thirty thousand years will pass away. This will be the first part of the punishments of Qayamat.

The believers will say: O Lord! Hasten us to our eternal abode, so that we may delight in the blessings of Paradise. While the unbelievers will say: O Lord! Let us remain here, for your wrath is less here (as compared to the hereafter).

Coming Out of the Grave

The time when people will come out of their graves is very horrifying. Allah says in the Qur’an

“Therefore leave them alone to go on with the false discourses and to sport, until they come face to face with that day of theirs with which they are threatened. The day on which they shall come forth from their graves in as if they were hastening on to a goal, their eyes cast down, disgrace shall overtake them, that is the day which they were threatened with.” (Surah al-Ma’arij, 70:42-44)

Abdullah ibne Mas’ood said, that once he was in the presence of the Commander of the faithful Ali (a.s.) when he (a.s.) said, “For every man there are fifty halting stations in Qayamat, and each station will be equal to the span of a thousand years. Here the first halting place is when coming out of the grave, where every man will have to wait bare feet and naked. He will have to bear the agony of hunger and thirst. However, the person who believes in the Unity (Tawheed) of Allah, Proclamation (Be’asat) of the Holy Prophet (s), Accounting (Hisaab) and Resurrection (Qayamat), and bears testimony to the Prophet hood (Nubuwwat) of Prophet Muhammad (s), and follows the instructions which have been ordained unto him, will be safe from this agony (of hunger and thirst.”

The Commander of the faithful (Amirul Mo’meneen) Ali (a.s.) says in the ‘Nahjul Balagha’: That day would be such that Allah would collect on it the anterior and the posteriors, to stand in obedience for giving accounts, and for reward or recompense of deeds. Sweat would flow up to their mouths like reins while the earth would be trembling beneath them. In the best condition among them would be he who has found a resting place for both his feet and an open place for his breath. (Sermon 101)

Shaikh Kulaini narrates from Imam Jafar-as-Sadiq (a.s.) who said that, “On the day of Qayamat people will be standing in the presence of the Almighty like an arrow stretched on the string of the bow.” Just as when we place an arrow on the bow and stretch it, no place remains, in the same way on the day of Qayamat people will be standing besides each other, and there will be no place left to move about for lack of space. The accursed will be recognized by their faces.

It is appropriate to quote here the various states in which people will arise out of their graves.

1. Shaikh Sadooq quotes from Abdullah ibn Abbas who says that he heard the Holy Prophet (s) as saying, that the one who doubts the greatness and high honor of Ali (a.s.), will arise from his grave in a manner that in his neck will be bound a collar with three hundred thorns in it, and on each thorn Satan will be seated who will be spitting on his face with rage.

2. Shaikh Kulaini narrates from Imam Muhammad-al Baqir (a.s.) who said that on the day of Qayamat a group of people will be ordered to come out of their graves in a manner that their hands will be bound with their necks such firmly that they would not be able to move even an inch. And for each of them an Angel will be assigned who will be threatening and ridiculing them, and will proclaim: “These are the people who were given immense wealth by Allah, but they acted miserly and refused to spend in the way of Allah.”

3. Shaikh Sadooq narrates a length tradition from the Holy Prophet (s) in which he said that, “A person who backbites (ghibat) and thus creates mischief and dissension among two people, Allah will fill his grave with fire, which will keep burning him till the day of Qayamat. And as soon as he comes out of his grave (on the day of Qayamat), Allah will send a huge python who will keep biting his flesh. He will ultimately be thrown in hell.”

4. The Holy Prophet (s) says that a person who looks at non-intimate (na-mahram) woman with lust, Allah will make him come out of his grave in a manner that he will be bound in chains of fire. After being brought in this accursed state in front of all the people, Allah will command him to be thrown into the blazing fire of hell.

5. Prophet Muhammad (s) says that on the day Qayamat, the drunkards will come out of their graves with a blackened face. Their eyes will be sunken into their skulls, faces shrunk, and puss will be oozing out of them. Their tongues will have been pulled out from their necks.

In an authoritative narrative in ‘Ilmul Yaqeen’ it is narrated by Mohsin Fayz Kashani that on the day of Qayamat drunkards will be made to come out of their graves in a manner that a goblet of wine will be hung in their necks, and will be holding a glass in their hands. An obnoxious smell worse than a corpse will be coming out of their bodies, and all those passing by will be ridiculing them and invoking Allah’s curse upon them.

6. Shaikh Sadooq relates from the Holy Prophet (s) who said, that on the day of Qayamat the person with two tongues will arise in a manner that he will have two tongues in his mouth, one will have been pulled from behind his neck and the other from the front. Fire will be coming out of them, which will be burning his entire body. It will then be proclaimed that this is the person who spoke with two tongues in the world. (The person referred to here is the one who confronted people in the world with two faces and spoke with tongues according to his interest.

7. It is related that the person who consumes interest will arise on the day of Qayamat in a manner that he will be having a large belly, which will be lying on the ground. He will try to bend and pick it up, but will not be able to do so. Because of this state of his, people will recognize that he is an interest-eater.

8. It is narrated in “Anwaare No’maniyah” from the Holy Prophet (s) that he said, that the Almighty Allah shall collect the one who beats the tambour (a brass drum) with a tarnished face on the day of Qayamat. And in his hand will be a tambour of fire, which he will be hitting on his own head. Seventy thousand Angels shall beat him in the head and face with their clubs of fire. And the musicians and singers, and those who beat the drum shall arise blind and deaf on that day.

“The guilty shall be recognized by their marks, so they shall be seized by the forelocks and the feet.” (Surah ar-Rahman, 55:41)

Those A’mal which are useful for the people in Qayamat

1. It is related in a tradition, that for a person who attends a funeral and walks along with the bier, Allah appoints Angels to accompany him in his grave till Qayamat.

2. Shaikh Sadooq quotes Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) as saying that a person who relieves the troubles and helps a believer brother, Allah will keep him safe from the troubles of the hereafter, and he will arise contented and happy from his grave

3. Shaikh Kulaini and Shaikh Sadooq quote in a lengthy tradition from Sadeer Sayrnee that Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) said that for all the believers who arise from their graves on the day of Qayamat, Allah will appoint a corporeal body (Jisme Misali) who will be walking in front of him. Whenever the believer feels pain or is grieved, it will pacify him and give glad tidings that Allah has forgiven him and blessed him, and it will continue doing so till they reach the place for accounting. Allah will take his account leniently and will order him to enter Paradise.

The (corporeal) body will still be walking in front of him. The believer will tell the body, My Allah bless you, you removed me from my grave and gave me glad tidings about Allah’s forgiveness and mercy. You are indeed a sincere friend, for verily I have now witnessed Allah’s blessings and mercy (as you said). Now tell me who you are”? And it will reply, “I am that very happiness which you presented to your brother in faith in the world. Hence Allah appointed me to accompany you in this difficult journey and give you glad tidings.”

4. Shaikh Kulaini quotes Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.) as saying, that if a person gives clothes to his believer brother in the summer or the winter, it becomes incumbent upon Allah to clothe him with the heavenly attires, and to ward off difficulty during death and in the grave. When he will come out of his grave on the day of Qayamat, the Angels will come to greet him and give glad tidings of Allah’s mercy

Allah says in the Qur’an: “The great fearful event shall not grieve them, and the Angels shall meet them: This is your day which you were promised.” (Surah al-Anbiya, 21:103)

5. Sayyed ibne Tawoos writes in ‘Iqbal’ that the Holy Prophet (s) said, that the person who recites the following supplication (du’a) one thousand times in the month of Sha’ban, Allah will write in his account one thousand years of worship, and will for give his sins of one thousand years. And on the day of Qayamat when he will arise from his grave, his face will be shining like a full moon, and his name will be written among the truthful ones (Siddiqeen):

لاَ إِلهَ إلاَّ اللهُ

There is no god save Allah

وَلا نَعْبُدُ إلاَّ إِيَّاهُ

And we worship none save Him

مُخْلِصينَ لَهُ الدِّينَ

making our devotion sincere as in His sight

وَلَوْ كَرَهَ الْمُشْرِكُونَ

Even though the polytheists may detest it.

6. To recite Dua’e Jawshane Kabeer in the first part of the month of Ramazan is also beneficial.

7. Piety and Virtue are the apparels of the believer. And on the day of Qayamat the pious and virtuous believers will come in their clothing. These are the people for whom Allah promises that they shall not arise naked.

Facts regarding Resurrection (Qayamat)

Shaikh Tabarsi in “Majma’ul Bayan” quotes from Bara’ bin Azib who said, that one day Ma’az bin Jabal was seated in the presence of the Holy prophet (s) in the house of Abu Ayyub Ansari. Ma’az asked the Holy Prophet regarding the eighteenth verse (Ayah) of Surah an-Naba’ (78:18)

“The day on which the trumpet shall be blown so you shall come forth in hosts.”

The Holy Prophet (s) replied, “O Ma’az! You have asked me a very horrifying question.” Then he started weeping and said, “Some people from my Ummah will arise from their graves in then different states: Some will have the face of monkeys, while some pigs. Some will be walking upside down on their heads. Some of them will be blind and will not be able to walk. Some will be deaf and dumb and will not understand anything. Some will be in a state that their tongues will be hanging out of their mouth with filthy water out of it, which they will be licking with their tongues. Some people will arise with amputated hands and feet. Some will be hanging from the branches of trees made of fire. Some will be more rotten than a corpse and emitting a repugnant odor. And some will be wearing long garments of tar which will have been stuck to their skins and flesh.’

Those having the face of pigs will be the ones who ate unlawful (haram) property e.g. Bribe etc. Those walking upside down on their heads and the blind ones will be the unjust and oppressive rulers. The deaf and dumb will be the ones who prided upon their knowledge (Ilm) and worship (Ibadah). The ones licking their tongues will be the Scholars (Ulama) and Judges (Qazis), who did not practice what they preached.

The ones with amputated hands and feet will be the ones who troubled their neighbors in the world and oppressed them. The ones hanging from the tree branches will be the ones who backbit along with the kings and rulers (to please them), and instigate them by creating mischief. The ones emitting a repugnant odor will be the ones who acted according to their lusts and passions, and did not give Allah’s rights.

The ones wearing garments of tar will be the haughty and arrogant people.”

Muhaddise Kashani writes in ‘Aynul Yaqeen’ that on the day of Qayamat some people will arise in the manner that their faces will be even worse than monkeys and pigs.

The Holy Prophet (s) once said: “On the day of Qayamat, people will arise in three different conditions.

Some will be riding an animal, some will be walking on foot, while some will be walking on their faces.” The narrator (rawi) asked him as to how could they walk on their faces, to which the Prophet replied, “The Almighty who taught them to walk on their feet certainly has the power to make them walk on their faces.”

That day will be equal to 50000 years

“(That) day the measure of which is fifty thousand years…” (Surah al-Ma’arij, : 4).

It is written in the third volume of ‘Biharul Anwaar’ that Ma’soom (a.s.) has said that Qayamat has fifty halting stations, and each station is equal to a thousand years. The evil doers will have to wait for a thousand years in each station.” The calculation of years is according to the time of this world, but there will not be any sun or moon (for days and nights). Man will be able to see all those things, which he could not see in the world at night. And all the deeds which men committed concealing from one another will be made apparent in front of all. In another place Allah says:

“And what they never thought of shall become plain to them from Allah.” (Surah az-Zumar, 39:47)

This world is a dark world, people are not aware of what is hidden in other’s minds, in fact he is not aware of him self. But Qayamat is a day of righteousness.

The sun of reality will shine there for a thousand years, and we will realize as to what we ourselves were, and what our companions were.

The first station here is of astonishment. As related earlier that man will stand at the mouth of his grave in astonishment for years. At this moment except humming no other voice will reach his ears.

“And the voices shall be low before the Beneficent God so that you shall not hear aught but a soft sound.” (Surah at Taha, 20:108)

And they will try to call another, but their hearts will come to their throats because of fear.

“When hearts shall rise up to the throats, grieving inwardly.” (Surah al-Momin, 40:18).

Then the second station will be of companionship where people will inquire about the state of one another.

“And some of them shall advance towards others questioning each other.” (Surah at-Toor, 52:25)

In this way people will cross one station and another. They will be scattered like moths “The day on which men shall be as scattered moths.” (Surah al-Qare’ah, 101:4)

And will flee from own parents, brothers and children.

“They day on which a man shall flee from his brother, and his mother and his father, and his spouse and his son.” (Surah al-Abasa, 80:34-36)

It will be a day when people will have no escape because the Angels from all sides would surround them.

“O assembly of the jinn and men! if you are able to pass through the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass through” (Surah ar-Rahman, 55:33).

“Man shall say on that day: Where to flee to.” (Surah al-Qiyamah, 75: l0)

No way, none will be able to run away.

“By no means, there shall be no place of refuge. With your Lord alone shall on that day be the place of rest” (Surah al-Qiyamah, 75:11-12)

There is no other way except to stand in front of the Almighty. Then they will reach the station of questioning. Every one will ask their friends and relatives to give them some of their good deeds. A father will try to put an obligation on his son by saying that, “In the world I bore troubles to get comforts for you. I remained hungry but fed you, now at least give me one of your good deeds in turn.” The son will reply, “O father! At this moment I am more helpless than you are.” No one will pay any heed to anyone’s requests.