Philosophy Of Islam

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Philosophy Of Islam

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Dr M. Husayni Behishti & Dr M. Jawad Bahonar
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Philosophy Of Islam
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Philosophy Of Islam

Philosophy Of Islam


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents

Man of Our Age11

Greedy Animals11

Quest for the philosophy of life and its aim 12

Iman 15

Role of iman in the life of a child 15

Subdual by doubt16

Constructive doubt17

Role of iman again 17

Constructive iman 17

Unbridled liberty is not compatible with belief in an ideology 18

Outlook on the world 19

Deep and Definite Knowledge20

(1) Pursuit of base desires20

(2) Customs of the forefathers20

(3) Blind submission to the great and the powerful20

Ears for hearing, Eyes for seeing, Heart for understanding 20

Basic and expanded role of heart21

Consideration 21

Another Fallacy 23

Realism 24

Correct Thinking 24

Man of Islam 25

Man -- the self-maker and the selector25

Big trust26

Human personality 26

Human emancipation 26

Bond with eternity 27

The Sources of Creation 28

1. The world is a reality 28

2. The world is well-organized 28

3. `To become' and its cause28

4. Cause of systematic development and changes29

5. Not an accident29

Contradiction or attraction and cohesion 30

The World is a Dependent Reality 32

Signs of Allah 32

(1) Phenomenon and its producer32

The doctrine of Causation 33

A world of phenomena33

(2) Homogeneity of the existing things34

(3) Mutual compatibility of two things not co-existent34

(4) March toward unlimited perfection 35

(5) Eloquent signs36

Special signs36

Every thing at every stage is His sign 37


Monotheism of the Qur’an 42

Refutation of polytheism 42

The causes and the agents43

The miracles44

Superstitions not to be confused with causes44

Supplication 45

Unity in Regards to Worship 46

Unity in regard to submission and obedience47

Submission to the command of Allah 47

The Unique and Matchless God 48

Intrinsic Unity 48

Evaluation of extremist view 49


Names and Attributes of Allah 52

Kindness to others is a good quality. Allah is52

Allah is Independent52

Allah is All-knowing 53

Allah is All-powerful53

Will and Volition of Allah 53

Allah is Beneficent and Forgiving 55

Allah is just55

Role of Divine Cosmology in Human Life56

Two stage extensive life56

Conclusion 57

Spiritual and practical effects of religious belief57

Guides of Humanity 59

Distinctive features of prophets59

(1) Miracles59

(2) Infallibility 59

Difference between a prophet and a genius61

(3) Dynamic leadership 61

(5) General welfare62

(6) Normal personal life62

Role of revelation in human life63

Relationship between knowledge, reason and revelation 63

Islam Advocates Justice65

Justice of will or willed justice65

Doctrine of Justice66

Justice and the Hereafter68

The Hereafter69

Man and Evolution 72


Manufacture of living cell72

Life, a Divine phenomenon 73

Man and Evolution 74

Principles which may be discovered 75

Scientific presumption, not incontrovertible principle76

Conclusion 77

Emergence of man 77

Exceptional Organisms78

Man 80

Appearance of New Humanism 80

Man from the Qur'anic point of view 81

Range of Man’s Choice and Will82

(1) Innate nature of man and his disposition 82

(2) Modification of Propensities82

(3) Role of natural and geographical environment83

(4) Role of historical, social and economic factors84

(5) Role of the rules and regulations in the field of choice84

(6) Divine revelation 85

(7) Man's own deeds make his destiny 85

(8) Aim of Man's efforts86

Prosperity and salvation 86

(9) Ideals and values86

(10) Seeking Allah and Truth 87

Man from the View Point of Existentialism 87

Man from the View Point of Islam 89

(2) Human freedom and Divine destiny 89

(3) Sphere of choice and role of guidance90

(4) Man has a purpose90

(5) Man is responsible90

(6) Vigilance and anxiety 90

(7) Man is not without a refuge91

(8) Self-dependence, fear and hope91

View Point of Dialectical Materialism 91

Islam's approach to these questions93


Islamic Conception of History 97

The Qur'an pays attention to the usual course of history 97

Violent outburst of desires and emotions98

Question of contradiction 99

b. Identification of opportunities; and 101

Great Role of the Prophets in Making History 101

Revelation was the motive force of the Prophetic Movements103

Revelation 104

Some effects of revelation 104

Islamic Movement – A Manifestation of the Rules of History 105

Domination of injustice cannot last long 105

Arabia provided a favorable atmosphere106

Pioneers - Chosen companions107

Role of emigration 107

Guidance of the masses109

Element of Jihad 109

Universality of the movement109

Leadership 110

Three principles of the effectiveness of historic movements110

Human beings as the agents of Divine retribution 111

Respect of the culture and human values of others111

Corruption of leadership 112

Internal resistance113

Invaders influenced 113

Final triumph of truth 115

Final Victory 115

Advent of the Mahdi116

At the threshold of appearance117

Revolutionary leader and his supporters117

Undergoing hardships for achieving success118


Self Making 122


Ablution 125

Bathing 126

Tayammum 127

Food 127

Slaughtering of animals129

Wastage of food 130

Spiritual Health 130

Balanced growth 130

Moral criteria131

The real criteria of morals133

(a) Man's Dignity 133

(b) Proximity to Allah 134

Improper Traits of Character135

1. Hypocrisy 135

2. Arrogance137

3. Slander138

4. Lying 139

5. Backbiting and calumny 140

(a) Evidence141

(b) Restraining from evil141

(c) Complaint141

(d) Guidance and consultation 141

(e) Exposing the false evidence141

(g) Grading 141

6. Jealousy 141

Combating against jealousy 142

How to Purge Soul of these Pollutions143

Piety 144

Strengthening of will-power145

Return to the right path - Repentance146

Creative Role of Sentiments148

Real sentiments and artificial sentiments148

Artificial sentiments149

Real sentiments150

Family sentiments152

Being good to kindred 153

Love for neighbors154

Spiritual brotherhood 155

Companionship 156

Choosing friends and companions158

Cheerfulness and politeness159

Abiding by rules of social behavior159

Reception and farewell160

Humility 160


Respect for Elders and Kindness to Youngsters161

Hospitality 162

Self Making for Social Work 162

Pre-requisities for collective work 163

(1) One aim and one policy 163

(2) Recognition of one's own limitations and those of others163

(3) Just appraisal of one's own work and that of others164

(4) Abstention from egoism and being self-opinionated 164

(5) Respect for majority opinion 165

Major Jihad 165

Family 172

Society and its kinds172

Family 172


Clan 172

Nation 172

Other social groupings172

Dogmatic and ideological society 172


Importance of marriage from Islamic point of view 173

Basic object of marriage173

(a) Securing comfortable atmosphere for husband and wife173

Consent of father to the marriage of a girl175

Equality or general fitness for matrimonial alliance175

(1) Faith 176

(2) Morality 177

(3) Financial competence178

(4) Compatibility 178

How to select a suitable spouse178

Persons between whom marriage is forbidden 178

Consaguineous mahrams179


Maternal aunt and mother179



Mahrams on account of affinity 179

Contracting marriage180


Financial independence of woman 180

Lightness of dower181

Obligations of husband and wife181

Financial responsibility 181

Maintenance of Children and the Responsibility of Guardianship 182

Moral and human responsibilities184

Divorce or Dissolution of Marriage184

Divorce in Islamic law 184

Effects of divorce185

What should be the condition of a woman to be divorced 186

Conditions of the effectiveness of divorce186

Kinds of divorce186

Kinds of irrevocable divorce186

Iddah of divorce187

Period of Iddah 187

Rules regarding the period of iddah 187

Right of guardianship of children 188

Fixed Time Marriage188

Sexual problem of the youth 188

Solution of sexual problem 188

Formula of fixed-time marriage189

Zawwajtoka nafsi fil muddatil ma'loomati alas sidaaqil ma `loom 189

Rules of fixed-time marriage189

Fixed-time marriage from the point of view of others191

Polygamy 191

(a) Natural and social pre-requisites of polygamy 192

(b) Polygamy before Islam 192

Polygamy and its conditions in Islam 193

Family Manners193

Some reciprocal responsibilities of parents and children 194

Guidelines of Islamic Economy 195

(1) Economics195

(2) Importance of Economic problems195

Islamic Economy 195

Ownership 196

Kinds of Ownership 196

(1) Absolute ownership 197

(2) Public ownership 197

(3) Private ownership 197

Absolute ownership 197

Public ownership 197

Wealth 198

To amass wealth is a matter of vanity 199

Right of property in Islam 200

Natural Sources of Wealth 201

Earth 201

Ownership of land 201

(1) Lands owned by society 201

(2) Lands owned by State201

(3) Lands owned by private individuals201

Lands owned by society 201

Lands owned by the State202

Lands owned by private individuals202

Keeping arable land uncultivated 203


Naturally accessible water204

Water not naturally accessible205


Economic Role of Human Labour205

Labour is the key of utilizing natural resources206

No gain without work 207

Distribution 207


False work or a device for exploitation 208

Usury 209

Deviation of money from its course209

Precedents of usury in history 210

Usury in the Qur'an 211

Banking 212

Solution of the problem 214

(2) Establishment of interest-free banks216

Conclusion 216

Transfer of Ownership 216


General rules of transaction 217

Different kinds of sale218

Necessity of knowing the laws of trade219

Revocation of contract219


Division of inheritance220

Distribution of Wealth 221

Spending 222

Prohibition of the hoarding of wealth 223


Economic Responsibilities of the Islamic Rulers225

Public Treasury 225

An important social and economic principle228

Just Social System 230

Society 230

Accidental society 230

Intentional society 230

Characteristics of Accidental Society 230

Characteristics of Intentional Society 231

Individual and society 231

It is the individual who is important231

It is the society which is important232

It is the mixture of the individual and the society which is important232

Social System 234

• Mutual relations of its members, and 234

Just Social System 235

Society 235

Equality of men 235

Legal Justice236

Elimination of undue discrimination under Islamic conception 236

Economic Justice237

Freedom of thinking and acquirement of knowledge237

Profit is the result of work and all-round activity 238

Privation is the result of encroachment238

Law of justice and a just mechanism to enforce it238

Sense of responsibility 239

Islamic brotherhood 239

Character building and fighting against corruption 239

Essential Elements for the Establishment of a Just Social System 240

Law 240

Sources of Law 240

Law and Its Sources in Islam 241

Right course towards this magnificent end 242

Ijtihad 243

Formulation of law concerning the ruling system 244

Formulation of law on individual matters244

Qualifications of a competent religious authority 244

Formulation of new provisions246

Sources of Cannon Law 246

Authoritativeness of the Qur'an 247

Utilization of the Sunnah 247

Consensus of opinion 247

Reason 248

Role of reason in determining the principles of religion 248

Role of reason in finding out the inimitability of the Qur'an 249

Philosophy of the rules of law 249

Connection between Ijtihad and finality of Islam 250

Guarantee of the Enforcement of Law 251

Mature thinking 251

Regarding drinking and gambling 251

Human and Ideological sentiments252

Faith in Allah and His recompense in this as well as in the next world 252

Whole-hearted respect of law 253

Exhortation to good and restraining from evil253

Restraining from evil means254


Tradition of al-Ghadir256

Main qualifications of a ruler during the period of occultation 258

Role of Shura and Bay’at259

(1) Role of consultation 259

(a) Administrative affairs259

(b) Election of the ruler260

(2) Role of the pledge of allegiance260

Loss of eligibility to rule261

Caliphate and Imamate261

Doctrines of Justice and Imamate266

Doctrine of Imamate267

Evil consequences of the infringement of this doctrine267

(b) Muslims lost competent authority on Islamic knowledge268

Back to the main discussion 268

Arbitration 269

It is a social duty to settle the differences270

Various ways of settling differences270

Administration of Justice in Islam 272

Heavy responsibilities of a judge272

Adherence to the Divine law 273

Behaviour towards litigants273

Independence and Immunity of judiciary 273

Relations of the Muslims with Others273

Jihad 275

Aims of Islamic Jihad 276

Aggression is bad, whosoever may be the aggressor276

Jihad against Egoism 276

Islam is a world system 277

Before having recourse to fight truth should be explained 277

Special facilities provided by Islam for this purpose278

Peace in Islam 278

Full preparedness to face the enemy 278

Horse racing and archery 279


Fighters who do not lag behind in their effort280

Invincible and indefatigable fighters280
