The Guide to Hajj Rites: The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj

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The Guide to Hajj Rites: The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj Author:
Translator: Z. Olyabek
Publisher: Fountain Books
Category: Jurisprudence Science
ISBN: 1-903323-11-8

The Guide to Hajj Rites: The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj

Author: Ayatullah Seyyed Muhammad Sadiq Shirazi
Translator: Z. Olyabek
Publisher: Fountain Books

ISBN: 1-903323-11-8
visits: 6504
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The Guide to Hajj Rites: The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj
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The Guide to Hajj Rites: The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj

The Guide to Hajj Rites: The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj

Publisher: Fountain Books
ISBN: 1-903323-11-8

Tamattu‘ Hajj Details

127. The Tamattu‘ Hajj consists of two acts of worship:

1. The Tamattu‘ Umrah

2. The Tamattu‘ Hajj

The Rites of the Tamattu‘ Umrah

128. The Umrah of Tamattu‘ consists of five rites: 1. Ihraam.

2. Tawaaf around the Holy Ka‘bah seven cycles.

3. Salaat al-Tawaaf or the tawaaf prayer of two rak‘ah by Maqaam Ibrahim or behind it.

4. Sa‘y between the Safa and Marwah seven times.

5. Taqseer or trimming of some of one’s hair or fingernails.

129. In the Umrah of Tamattu‘ the declaration of the niyyah or intention is obligatory, and so too is to perform the Umrah and Hajj together during the months of Hajj, which are Shawwaal, Dhil-Qa‘dah, and Dhil-Hejjah in the same year, as mentioned previously.

130. The niyyah in the Umrah of Tamattu‘ - or in any other act of worship - is the mental intention, and the person intends in his heart that, “I perform the Hajj of Tamattu‘, beginning with the Umrah of Tamattu‘, whilst seeking nearness to Allah Almighty”. It is recommended to verbally utter the intention in all rites of Hajj and Umrah.


131. The first of the rites of Umrah of Tamattu‘ is ihraam, and it is obligatory for the ihraam to take place in one of the designated locations known as the miqaat.

The various Miqaat’s

132. It is obligatory to declare and assume the ihraam at one of the designated miqaat’s. The locations of the various miqaat’s have been specified by Rasulollah salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih for the people (coming from the) various countries, directions and horizons. It is not permitted for the Haajj - the person performing the Hajj - to cross the limits, the miqaat, unless one has declared and assumed ihraam from one of the miqaat’s or from their proximity. The various miqaat locations are as follows:

1. Masgid al-Shajarah

2. Waadi al-Aqiq

3. al-Juhfah

4. Qern al-Manaazel

5. Yalamlam

6. adnal-hill

7. The house of the pilgrim if it was closest to Makkah than any of the other miqaat locations.

[See case # 145 for the special case of using Jeddah airport as a “miqaat” location.]

133. The miqaat of Masgid al-Shajarah (The Tree Mosque) is also known as Dhul-Hulayfah, and it is the miqaat for the people of the holy city of Medina or those from other countries who pass from the city.

134. Masgid al-Shajarah is the furthest miqaat from the holy city of Makkah, and it is about seven km outside the holy city of Medina. Thus it is not permissible for one to cross Masgid al-Shajarah without ihraam. Also it is not permissible to postpone the ihraam until al-Juhfah, unless it is for exceptional circumstances such as illness or weakness, etc.

However, if one chooses an alternative route that does not pass through the location of the Masgid al-Shajarah, or even through the proximity of it at any stage, then it is permissible for him to postpone the ihraam until the al-Juhfah miqaat, or any other miqaat. But if one were at the proximity of Masgid al-Shajarah, then he is not allowed to leave location of the proximity (of the miqaat) except by declaring and assuming ihraam.

135. The legal definition of proximity here is that if one stands facing the [direction] of the sacred Ka‘bah, the miqaat would be on his right or left, without being too far from him.

136. One who is in a state of Janaabah14 or (a woman) who is experiencing haydh - the monthly menstruation period - may not enter the Masgid al-Shajarah and declare and assume ihraam from it, unless they are passing through it without stopping, such that they enter one door and leave from another, when they can declare and assume the ihraam and say the talbiyah en route as they pass through the mosque. If it was not possible to pass through, it is obligatory for them to declare and assume the ihraam from outside the mosque, but closely adjacent to it, with the mosque being either on their left or right, as a precaution.

137. Declaring and assuming ihraam under the ceiling of the Masgid al- Shajarah is not considered sheltering. [Generally sheltering is prohibited for a muhrim when on the move.]

138. It is permitted to declare and assume ihraam in the extension to the Masgid al-Shajarah, as there is no difference between the old building and the new. The same is applicable to other miqaat’s.

139. Wadi al-Aqiq, is the second of the miqaat’s, and is about 100 km from the holy city of Makkah. This miqaat is for the people of Iraq and Najd and those people coming through this route to Makkah. The beginning location of this miqaat in the direction of Iraq is known as al- Maslakh, and the mid location is known as Ghamrah, and the ending location of this miqaat is known as Thaat-Erq.

140. al-Juhfah is the miqaat for the people of the Shaam and Egypt. It is also the miqaat for those people coming from other countries through their route, if they do not pass by another miqaat, or if they passed by the other miqaat without declaring and assuming the ihraam, and it is not possible for them to go back to declare the ihraam. In this case it is incumbent on them to declare and assume ihraam from al-Juhfah.

141. Qern al-Manaazel is about 94 km from Makkah, and it is the miqaat for the people of Ta’ef, and those coming from their direction.

142. Yalamlam is a mountain from the mountain series of Tahamah, and is also some 94 km from Makkah. It is the miqaat for the people of Yemen, and those coming from their direction to Makkah.

143. adnal-hill,15 is the limit/border of the Haram. [The Haram encompasses the holy city of Makkah from all sides, and it is an area of about 500 square kilometres approximately.] This limit is the miqaat for those who do not come to Makkah by crossing any of the above five miqaat’s or their not too distant proximities, while not being able to go to other miqaat’s.

144. He whose house is closer to Makkah than the miqaat’s, then his house is his miqaat.

145. The Haajj (pilgrim) who arrives at Jeddah by airplane, and wishes to go to Makkah [directly], may declare and assume ihraam from Jeddah by making a [prior] nadhr (vow), by saying “I make it my duty to Allah to declare and assume ihraam from Jeddah.” As for declaring and assuming ihraam in the aircraft while it is flying in the proximity (of a miqaat), it is not normally achievable.

146. If one failed to declare and assume the ihraam from one of the designated miqaat’s, due to reasons of not knowing, or forgetting the mandatory nature of ihraam from the miqaat, or if he did not know that this was the actual place of the miqaat - provided he was not moqassir16 in his forgetting or not knowing, as a precaution - or if he did not intend to perform the rites nor entering Makkah, and therefore passed through the miqaat with that purpose, and afterwards he decided to enter Makkah or perform the rites, as a precaution, it is mandatory for him to go back to the particular miqaat if it is possible, even if there is another miqaat ahead of him. However if it is not possible for him to go back to the first miqaat, it is incumbent on him to declare and assume ihraam from the miqaat ahead of him. If there is no miqaat ahead of him, he should then declare and assume ihraam from where he is. However, if he had entered the Haram he must go back to the borders of the Haram, and declare and assume the ihraam outside the Haram if it was possible, and if it was not possible in anyway to go back [to the borders of the Haram], he must declare and assume the ihraam from where he is, and his Umrah is valid.

147. If one forgot to declare and assume the ihraam until he performed all the obligatory (rites), his Umrah is valid. So too, if he did not declare and assume ihraam because he did not know it was mandatory for him to do so, or if he assumed ihraam from a place other than the proximity of a miqaat thinking that it was [the proximity], and other such reasons, in all such cases his Umrah is valid, provided, as a precaution, this is due to him being a qaasir17 not moqassir [in his failure to learn and understand the issues concerned].

148. If one deliberately did not perform the ihraam, and then it became impossible or impractical for him to go back to the particular miqaat to perform the ihraam, in this case there are three scenarios to consider: a) If he intended to enter Makkah only, without meaning to perform the (Hajj) rites, in this case he has committed a sin by not performing the ihraam, and by entering Makkah without it, and generally there is not need for qadha’ - i.e. no need to perform the ihraam later on.

b) If he had decided to do the Mufradah Umrah, it is sufficient to perform the ihraam from adnal-hill, even though he has committed a sin by crossing the miqaat without an ihraam.

c) If he had decided to perform the Hajj, then he must perform the ihraam in a similar way to the case of the one who had forgotten to do it, as described previously. He must go back to the miqaat [that he came from] if it were possible to do so, and perform the ihraam there, even if there is another miqaat en route. If this was not possible, then he should go to the miqaat en route, [i.e. the nearest miqaat], and his Hajj is valid.

149. If one performs the ihraam before arriving at the miqaat, without having made any legal vow, his case is the same as the one who has not performed the ihraam, and therefore it is not allowed for him to enter the Haram and perform the rites, until he performs the correct procedure as mentioned earlier.

He must renew his ihraam from the miqaat by renewing his niyyah, and the talbiyah, etc. as it is required at the declaration and assuming of ihraam from a miqaat.

150. It is not allowed for an adult to enter the holy city of Makkah, and not even to enter the Haram with intention of entering Makkah, unless with a valid ihraam observing all the required conditions from the (appropriate) miqaat. As for entering the Haram without the intention of entering Makkah, [he does not have to assume ihraam, although] it is preferable to observe precaution by performing it [before entering the Haram, in which case he would have to go to Makkah to do the Mufradah Umrah, and thus be released from the ihraam].

151. If the adult needed to enter and leave the holy city of Makkah frequently because of his job, then such an individual may enter Makkah without ihraam.

152. It is also permissible to enter Makkah without ihraam for one who had originally entered it with a valid ihraam observing all the required conditions, then left it, and then return to the city within the month in which he had performed the ihraam. However, if one month after his ihraam he wishes to enter Makkah, he must perform a new ihraam from the miqaat.

153. It is important to note that the references made to the month in this respect do not suggest lunar months, but the criterion is the passage of thirty days.

The Mandatory Steps of the Ihrram

154. The mandatory steps of the ihraam are:

1. Wearing the two garments of ihraam

2. The intention, or niyyah.

3. The talbiyah.

1. Wearing the two garments of the ihraam

155. After removing the clothing that is not permitted to wear, the two pieces of garments for ihraam must be worn. One of the garments is worn round the waist to cover the body from navel level to the knees, and the other should be used for covering the shoulders at least. As a precaution, it is required that a woman wears the two pieces of garments of ihraam on top of her clothing, and performs the talbiyah, even though it is permissible for her to remove the two garments afterwards.

156. It is conditional, as an obligatory precaution, that the garment worn around the waist is not thin, revealing the skin, and so too for the garment covering the shoulders. It is also conditional for the ihraam garments:

• to be of such material that is valid for the daily obligatory prayers for men,

• not to be nagis with which one may not be able to perform the daily prayers,

• not to be made from products of an animal the meat of which is not permissible for (Muslim) consumption,

• not to be usurped, nor any gold is allowed to be used in it,

• not to be made from silk even for women,

• as a precaution, not to be made from leather, even if taken from animals whose meat is permissible to eat,

• as a precaution, to be woven or textile such as towels, and not matted or compressed.

157. If one or both of the ihraam garments were made nagis, then as a precaution the muhrim - the individual in the state of ihraam must either replace the nagis garment or wash it to make taahir immediately. If he does not do that he has sinned but his ihraam is valid. However, if part of the body became nagis, it is not incumbent on him to make it taahir immediately, even though may be is as a precaution.

158. If there was a wound on the body of the muhrim and there was blood on the dressing / plaster, and it was not possible for him to remove the dressing when time was short, the rulings of Jabirah applies to him. [you will find the details in this respect in risalah of Islamic laws.]

159. It is not mandatory for the muhrim to continually wear the ihraam garments; for the muhrim may change them or take them off completely, like when going to the bathroom or having a shower. This applies to both genders.

160. It is not mandatory to be taahir, like after going to the toilet, when declaring ihraam. Thus one who is in the state of Janaabah, or a Ha’edh [a woman who is experiencing the haydh - the monthly menses], or one who does not have wudhu may declare and assume ihraam. However, if one wanted to perform the ihraam prayers, the prayers would not be valid unless [being taahir and] with wudhu.

161. If due to oversight or ignorance of the ruling, one wore the ihraam garments without removing his normal clothing, then whenever he remembered or realised the ruling of the case, must remove his normal clothing, and his ihraam is valid. The same is also applicable if an individual, after declaring and assuming ihraam, wears his normal clothing, either having forgotten or due to ignorance of the case.

162. There is no objection to wearing more than the normal set of ihraam garment, whether at the time of declaring ihraam or afterwards, to protect oneself against the weather.

2. Niyyah

163. Declaration of niyyah or intention is mandatory for ihraam. It is the resolution of performing ihraam, seeking nearness to Allah Almighty. The meaning of ihraam is to abstain from and relinquish a number of things, details of which will be given later.

164. In an exception to other acts of worship, it is recommended that the niyyah is verbally uttered in this case. After removing all sewn clothing, and wearing the two ihraam garments, one should say, “I declare and assume the ihraam for the Umrah of TAMATTU' for Hajjat-al-Islam seeking nearness to Allah Almighty”.

3. Talbiyah

165. Without talbiyah, ihraam would not be established, (although) in the case of Qiraan Hajj, the ihraam is established with talbiyah, or marking the animal with a sign or a collar.

166. The obligatory talbiyah18 takes the following form of reciting [the four phrases]:

Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk.

I heed to your call O Lord, I heed.

Labbayka Laa Shareeka Laka Labbayk .

I heed that (O You) You have no partner, I heed.

In Nal-Hamda, Wan Ne‘mata, Laka Wal Mulk .

Truly, All the Praise, and the Bliss, are Yours and the Sovereignty is too.

Laa Shareeka Laka Labbayk.

There is no partner of Yours, I heed.

The last word may be added as a recommended precaution.

167. It is obligatory that the talbiyah is recited at least once, and with it the ihraam is established. Of course it is mostahab that the Haajj (pilgrim) repeat it when he wakes up, after each of the daily obligatory prayers, when getting on a vehicle, or going up or down a hill, etc. It is also recommended to repeat it during the night (Sahar), even if the muhrim was in the state of Janaabah or Haydh. In the case of Umrah it is recommended that he does not stop it until he can see the houses of the city of Makkah, when he should stop. In the case of the Hajj, it is recommended that one does not stop it until midday of the Day of Arafah - the 9th day of Dhil-Hejjah - when should stop.

168. It is obligatory to recite the talbiyah in the correct Arabic pronunciation. It is not sufficient to pronounce it with a variant accent or pronunciation if one can recite it correctly. If one cannot recite it correctly, someone else should help him to recite it by dictating to him.

If there was no such person, he should recite whatever he can, and as a mostahab precaution, he should pronounce it with the variant accent together with reciting the translation (of the talbiyah) as well as getting an agent to recite the talbiyah on his behalf, after he had done it himself.

169. A dumb must perform the talbiyah by making gestures with his fingers, and moving his tongue at the same time.

170. It is not mandatory to perform the talbiyah immediately when the two ihraam garments are worn and the niyyah stated, even though it is as a precaution. If one says it after a [short] delay, his ihraam is valid.

171. If the Haajj (pilgrim) forgot to say the talbiyah at the place of the ihraam, which is the miqaat, and remembered the oversight after crossing the miqaat, it is obligatory for him to go back to the miqaat to perform it. If it was not possible for him to go back, he should say it where he is. If, after entering the Haram, the factor preventing him from going back was eliminated, then he must leave the Haram, if possible, and perform the talbiyah, otherwise, he should do so where he is. If he had committed one of the forbidden acts of ihraam before saying the talbiyah, he is not liable to a kaffaarah - compensation - even if had crossed the miqaat.

172. If he doubted whether the talbiyah he had done is correct or not, he should presume that it is correct. If he doubted whether he did perform the talbiyah or not, and he had not crossed the miqaat, he should presume that he had not, and it is obligatory for him to perform the talbiyah then. If he had done one of the forbidden acts of the ihraam that demands a kaffaarah, and he doubted whether he did that act after the talbiyah or before it, he is not liable to kaffaarah.