War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective

War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective0%

War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective Author:
: Ali ibn Adam
Translator: Z. Olyabek
Publisher: Fountain Books
Category: Debates and Replies
ISBN: 1-903323-04-5

War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective

Author: Ayatullah Seyyed Muhammad Shirazi
: Ali ibn Adam
Translator: Z. Olyabek
Publisher: Fountain Books

ISBN: 1-903323-04-5
visits: 5677
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War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective
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War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective

War, Peace and Non-violence; An Islamic Perspective

Publisher: Fountain Books
ISBN: 1-903323-04-5


Imam Muhammad Shirazi

War, Peace and Non-violence;

An Islamic Perspective

Translated by Ali ibn Adam and Z. Olyabek

Fountain books


Fountain books

BM Box 8545

London WC1N 3XX



In association with

Imam Shirazi World Foundation

1220 L. Street N.W. Suite # 100 - 333

Washington, D.C. 20005 - 4018



Second edition 2001

Third edition 2003

©fountain books

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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 1-903323-04-5


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Table of Contents

Editor’s Foreword 7

Part One: Islam’s View on War 9

War is the worst thing known to mankind 9

War is an illness 9

War as the last resort 10

Islam through conviction 10

The Jizyah tax . finally 10

The Prophet’s wars were fought in self defence 11

The least amount of casualties 12

Excess of killing and torturing 12

Frightening scenes of the brutality of the Moguls 12

Modern wars are no less brutal 14

The increase of the dangers of war in the modern age 15

The other effects of war 15

Towards a comprehensive peace 16

Cutting the roots of war 18

Exposing ‘War by proxy’ 19

War is an extraordinary situation 20

Islam’s Guidance on War 21

The condition of parental permission 21

Jihad is not incumbent upon certain groups 22

Jihad is not incumbent upon women 23

War is not permitted in the absence of the just Imam 24

The invitation to Islam firstly 25

Limiting (fighting) to the least amount necessary 25

Cease fire during the Sacred Months 29

Prisoners of war are not to be killed 30

Those who were forced to fight should not be killed 31

Tolerance in the treatment of the enemy 32

Justification to the enemy, and not initiating attack 35

Women not to be harmed 36

Messengers not to be killed 36

Prohibition of fighting not in accordance with the Sunnah 36

Cowards are not to go to war 36

The Covenanter (Dhimmi) not to be killed 36

The noblemen of the Infidels to be respected 37

Not taking booty is a desirable act 37

Children are not to be killed 37

Trees are not to be felled, nor the supply of water cut off 37

Islam’s View on Killing 38

Islam takes a serious view of the unjust killing of people 38

Forbidding the taking part in killing 41

Legalising the killing of a believer is equal to apostasy 42

Forbidding beating unjustly 42

No to suicide 43

The parent may not kill his child even if illegitimate 44

The prohibition of abortion 44

Killing a believer for his faith is a serious crime 44

The expiation for the killing of the believer 45

The consequences of killing a believer 45

Part Two: Islamic Movement and Peace 50

The Movement Must be Peaceful 50

The Noble Consequences of Peace 53

Peace . always 55

Peace: The Way of the Prophets and the Imams 57

Peace Safeguards Islam 59

Peace Amongst Members of the Movement 62

The Results of Peace 63

Equilibrium of Thought and Deed Results in Peace 66

Building Blocks of Peace Within the Movement 68

Instilling Peace 69

Part Three: Non-Violence in the Teachings of Islam 72

Non-violence by nature 73

Non-violence by coercion 73

Non-violence by design 73

Acquiring a Non-violent Discipline 74

War Conducts: Islam vs. Others 75

Islamic Teachings on Non-violence in Combat 79

Weapon of Non-Violence vs. Violence 81

Physical Non-violence 81

Verbal Non-violence 83

Non-Violence by Heart 86

Significance of the Heart 86

Intention and Conduct 87

Jihad of the Self 87

Vice and Virtue 88

The Author 90

Notes 94

Editor’s Foreword

The issue of peace and justice in society, and in the international community at large is of fundamental importance and must be thoroughly addressed if the community - national or international - were to prosper and coexist in peace and harmony. However this would not be maintained if the code of conduct between individuals and states were not based on tolerance and non-violence when addressing matters of disputes and contentions. And there are the unavoidable circumstances that lead to conflict, but then war should be seen as the last resort in settling any conflict.

This is the approach that is encouraged by Islam, and in this respect, three articles are presented in this book that address the issues of war, peace and non-violence from the viewpoint of the teachings of Islam. These authoritative articles have been chosen from the works of Imam Muhammad Shirazi who, as can be seen from his extensive works, advocates non-violence in all manners of life, and in the various domains of society. His call for peace and non-violence stems from his conviction to the teachings of Islam on every aspect of the human life.

Through his extensive knowledge of the teachings of Islam, the author presents the Islamic stand on war, peace and non-violence, as found in the traditions and teachings of the Prophet of Islam, which could serve as exemplary models for Muslims in particular and mankind in general. Detailed accounts of the traditions of Prophet in his dealings with his foes during war or peace times are presented in this book, which gives the reader a clear insight into the way and the basis upon which the Prophet of Islam used to conduct his affairs in these respects.

Z. Olyabek

November 2001

In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent The Merciful.

All Praise is to Him, Lord of the Worlds.

Let Allah’s Blessings be upon Muhammad and upon his righteous and pure family.