Shiism in Sunnism
Author: Sayyid Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi
Category: Debates and Replies
Author: Sayyid Muhammad Reza Mudarrisi Yazdi
Category: visits: 8295
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- Translator’s Preface
- Notes
- The Editor’s Introduction
- Notes
- An Introduction to: Recognition of the Imams in The Light of Traditions
- What are Imamate and Caliphate?
- The Continuation of Imamate and the Necessity of Recognition of Imam
- Imams are twelve in number and all from Quraysh
- Confession and Deviation
- The Ahl al-Bayt’s Claim to Imamate is Truthful
- Who are the Prophet’s Household?
- The Ahl al-Bayt’s Claim to Imamate
- Continuation of the Presence of Members from the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s)
- Imams Are From the Prophet’s Household (the Ahl al-Bayt)
- Shi’a Traditions are Proof for everyone
- Knowing the Names and Personalities of the Imams
- Imam Ali, Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn (a.s)
- Imam Ali Ibn Al-Husayn (a.s)
- Imam Muhammad Al-Baqir (a.s)
- Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (a.s)
- Imam Musa Al-Kazim (a.s)
- Imam Ali Ibn Musa Al-Riza (a.s)
- Imam Muhammad Al-Taqi Al-Jawad (a.s)
- Imam Ali Al-Naqi Al-Hadi (a.s)
- Imam Hasan Al-Askari
- Imam Al-Mahdi
- Imam Mahdi’s Occultation
- Notes
- Ijtihad and Taqlid
- Lexical Meaning of Ijtihad
- Idiomatic Meanings of Ijtihad
- Ijtihad in its general meaning
- Ijtihad in its Special Meaning
- Sources of Ijtihad
- Examining the proof of the Holy Qur’an
- Examining the proof of the tradition
- The Ahl al-Bayt’s Tradition
- The first reason for proof of the Ahl al-Bayt’s tradition
- The second reason for the proof of the Ahl al-Bayt’s tradition
- The Proof of the Companion’s Sunnah
- The Proof of Consensus
- The Proof of wisdom (Common Sense)
- The Proof of Qiyas, Istihsan and Masalih Mursalah
- Qiyas (analogy)
- Istihsan (approbation)
- Masalih Mursalah
- Adducing Mu’adh’s tradition
- Sunan Ibn Majah, Kitab Al-Muqaddamah (introduction)
- The Abandonment or Allowance of Practicing Ijtihad
- The Dangers of Ignorant Prejudices
- Concluding Abandonment or Permission of Practicing Ijtihad
- Notes
- Wuzu (Statutory Ablution) in Allah’s Book and the Prophet’s Tradition
- The Quality of Washing the Hands
- The Quality of Rubbing the Head
- Rubbing or Washing the Feet?
- Pronunciation with jarr vowel (arjuli)
- Another instance of jarr due to an adjacent noun
- Pronunciation with the nasb vowel (arjula)
- Ablution in the Prophet’s Tradition
- The Ultimate Solution for the Problem of the Traditions of Washing (The Feet)
- Notes
- Tradition and Heresy in Adhan (Call to Prayer)
- Shi’a and the religious outset of Adhan
- The viewpoint of the Sunnis
- Examining the Tradition of Dream
- The Chapters of Adhan and Iqamah
- Hayya Ala Khayr al-Amal
- Discussion on Tathwib
- Scholars’ Views on the Origin of Tathwib
- Examining the Traditions of Tathwib
- The tradition of Nisa’i
- The traditions of Abu Dawud
- Testimony to Ali’s (a.s) wilayah in Adhan
- Notes
- Simultaneous Performance of Prayers
- Prayer Times According to the Holy Qur’an
- Examining the Honorable Verse
- Simultaneous Performance of Prayers according to Traditions
- Traditions in Sahih Muslim
- The traditions of Sahih Al-Bukhari
- The traditions of Musnad Ahmad
- The traditions of other Books
- Misinterpretations of the Traditions of the Simultaneous Performance of the Prayers
- A Summary of Jurisprudents’ Opinions
- The Hanafite’s Opinion
- The Shafiite’s Opinion
- The Malikite’s Opinion
- The Hanbalite’s Opinion
- Some narrators and Shafiites’ Opinion
- Ibn Shibramah’s Opinion
- Ibn Mundhir and Ibn Sirin’s Opinion
- Notes
- Prostration in the Tradition of the Prophet (a.s) and the Companions
- Lexical and Idiomatic Meaning of Prostration
- Traditions about Prostration
- Opinions of Some Companions and Scholars
- Notes