Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious

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Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious Author:
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Fatima al-Zahra

Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious

Author: Abu Muhammad Ordoni
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

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Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious
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Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious

Fatima (S.A.): The Gracious

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

Islamic Dress, a Social Necessity

Among the Islamic teachings to which Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) gave special attention, was protecting women's honor and beauty through observing the Islamic way of dress. Fatima az-Zahra (sa) realized that crimes, social disasters, and humiliations were majorly due to unveiling, debasement, dissoluteness and mixture of the sexes. These social crimes are now called freedom and civilization by various publications that are scattered throughout Muslim, and non-Muslim countries.

It shouldn't be forgotten that less than one-tenth of such crimes and debasements, used to occur to Muslim women when they observed the Islamic covering, and exalted themselves from exhibiting their bodies to men. That day when they used to bestow themselves in the garments of honor, and modesty, as they truly believed in the forbidden and the permitted. But, as time passed, they exhibited their privacy to thousands of men from all walks of life, and with many different faiths; Muslim women lost their honor and dignity... and reached the point of disgrace where they stand today!!

The following are two reports, which explicitly present the Messenger's admiration of Fatima’s (sa) stands regarding women:

A. Abu Nu'aym reports in Hilyat al-Awliya v.2. p.40, that Anas Ibn Malik said:

"The Messenger of Allah (S) asked: `What is best for women?' We did not know how to answer the Prophet, so ‘Ali (as) asked Fatima about the Prophet's question.

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) answered: `It is best for them not to see men and not to let men see them.'

‘Ali (as) returned to Allah's Messenger and conveyed Fatima’s (sa) answer to him. When the Prophet (S) had heard the answer, he said:

`Surely she has spoken the truth, for she is part of me.'

B. Ibn al-Maghazili mentions in his book Manaqib that ‘Ali Ibn al-Husayn Ibn ‘Ali (as) said:

"Once a blind man asked for permission to enter Fatima's house, but she kept a veil between them. The Messenger of Allah noticed her actions and asked:

`Why did you keep a veil between you when he can not see you?'

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) answered: `Messenger of Allah, it is true that he cannot see me, but I can see him, and he can smell my fragrance.'

At this, the Prophet (S) said: 'I bear witness that you are part of me.'

In addition to these narrations, many prayers and supplica­tions have been reported on Lady Fatima’s (sa) account; among them is the famous supplication for the relief of fever and headaches. This supplication is mentioned below as an example of Fatima’s (sa) prayers.

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) taught the following supplication to Salman al-Farsi (may Allah be pleased with him) and said to him:

"If it pleases you not to be inflicted with fever as long as you live in this world, then read these words, which my father, Muhammad, taught me and I say every morning and evening:

'In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

In the Name of Allah the light; In the Name of Allah the light of light

In the Name of Allah, light upon light

In the Name of Allah, the planner of affairs

In the Name of Allah, Who created light from light


Revealed light upon the Turr

By a decree inscribed

In a scroll unfolded

According to a decree fore-ordained

Unto a Learned Prophet

Praise be to Allah, Who is known with Might

Whose Glory is established

Who is praised during times of prosperity and infliction

And may Allah's grace be upon our Master, Muhammad

And his purified progeny'

Salman later said:

"By Allah, I have taught this supplication to more than a thousand souls in Mecca and Medina who were inflicted with fever, and they were all relieved by the will of Allah."

Ibn Tawoos (may Allah bless his soul) wrote in his book Muhaj Ad-Da'awat, that Allah's Messenger (as) taught Fatima az-Zahra (sa) the following supplication:

'O Allah, Our Lord and the Lord of Everything

(He) Who revealed Tawrayt, Injeel and Furqan (Qur’an)

(He) Who causes the seed-grain and the date-stone to split and sprout

I seek refuge in You from every beast that you shall seize by its forelock

Surely You are the First, where nothing has succeeded (You)

And the last, where nothing shall come after (You)

You are the Evident, there is nothing more Manifest than You

And the Eminent, there is nothing more Eminent than You

Send your grace upon Muhammad and his Ahlul-Bayt

May Peace be upon them

And settle my debts for me

Make me free from poverty

And decree easy for me all my affairs

O You! Most Merciful of all'

In conclusion, we can easily state that had Fatima az-Zahra (sa) been given the chance to manifest her knowledge, and had she lived for fifty, or, sixty years, we would have been able to inherit a treasury of knowledge, and information pertaining to various subjects and sciences. Unfortunately, Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was neither given the chance to teach us, nor did she live more than twenty years, as you will come to know.

Allah's Messenger (as) Reveals Fatima’s (sa) Future

It was natural for the Prophet (S) who knew and foretold the future events, to reveal to his family, especially his beloved daughter Fatima (sa), the events which they would face in the future. He (Prophet (S)) undoubtedly informed Fatima az-Zahra (sa) that she was going to suffer from the harsh treatment of some so called Muslims after his death, and that she would be the first to follow him to the blessings of Paradise after his departure.

There are many traditions reported to this effect; the following are just a few samples:

1. Bihar v.10: Sheikh Mufeed is quoted as writing in his book Al-Amali that Abdullah Ibn Abbas said:

"When Allah's Messenger was on his deathbed, he cried until tears overtook his beard.

So was asked:

`What makes you cry, Messenger of Allah?'

The Prophet (S) answered: `I am crying for my progeny, for the crimes that will be committed against them by the evildoers of my nation after my death. It is as if I (can see) my daughter, Fatima, being oppressed and crying: "O Father!" But no one will come to help her among my Ummah.'

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) began weeping when she heard this, so the Prophet (S) said to her:

'Do not cry my daughter'

She (sa) said: 'I am not crying because of that which will be done to me after you; rather, I am crying because I will be separated from you, Messenger of Allah'

He (as) then said: `Rejoice, O daughter of Muhammad, at the close succession to me, for you will be the first one to follow me from among my Ahlul-Bayt.'

2. Bihar v.10, quoting the previous source wrote:

"The Prophet (S) said: `When I saw her (Fatima), I remembered what would happen to her after my death. It is as if I (could see) humiliation entering her house, her sanctity violated, her right seized, her inheritance usurped, her side broken, and her unborn child being caused to be aborted, all while she is crying:


'But she will not be answered, she asks for help but she will not be helped. Surely she will remain afflicted, sad and crying after me, remembering the cease of revelation from her father's house at one time, and remembering being separated from me another time. She will become estranged at night, when she used to spend listening to me reciting the Qur’an. She then will see herself humiliated after she was honored during the days of her father...'"

3. Bihar v.6:

According to The Interpretation of The Qur’an written by Furat Ibn Ibrahim, Jabir Ibn Abdullah Ansari reported that Allah's Messenger (as) said to Fatima az-Zahra (sa) during the illness, which caused him to pass away:

"May my father and mother be your sacrifice! Call your husband for me."

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then told Al-Hasan (as) and Al-Husayn (as):

"Go tell your father to come, and that your grandfather summons him."

Thus, Al-Husayn (as) went and called him to come. When ‘Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as) entered the house, he found Fatima az-Zahra (sa) sitting near Allah's Messenger (as) and saying:

'How distressed I am for your agony, Father!!'

The Prophet (S) said:

'There is no agony for your father after this day, Fatima. Yet, do as your father did when (his son) Ibrahim passed away:

Then I (Fatima az-Zahra (sa)) said:

`Eyes spill tears, and the heart may be affected, but we shall not say that which angers the Lord. Yet, surely we are saddened by (your death) Ibrahim!!'"

4. Bihar v.6:

'Once, the Prophet (S) summoned ‘Ali (as), Fatima az-Zahra (sa), Al-Hasan (as) and Al-Husayn (as), and ordered everyone present in the house to leave. He then ordered Umm Salama to stand at the door so no one could come near it.

The Prophet (S) then said to ‘Ali:

"Come near me."

‘Ali (as) came near as the Prophet (S) asked; he then held Fatima's hand and put it on his chest for a long time, and held ‘Ali's (as) hand in his other hand. When the Prophet (S) tried to speak, he was overtaken by tears, and was unable to do so. Therefore, ‘Ali (as), Fatima az-Zahra (sa), Al-Hasan (as) and Al-Husayn (as) cried when they saw him (Prophet (S)) crying.

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then said:

"Messenger of Allah! You have broken my heart and brought sorrow to me with your crying. You are the Master of all Prophets and the trusted Prophet of your Lord; you are the beloved Prophet of Allah! Who do I have for my children after you? Who do I have to protect me from the humiliation, which will inflict me after you? Who does ‘Ali, your brother and the helper of your religion, have after you? Who is to (attend to) Allah's revelation and affair?"

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then broke down crying and embraced him together with ‘Ali (as) , Hasan (as) and Husayn (as). The Prophet raised his head, and while holding Fatima’s (sa) hand, he placed it in ‘Ali's (as) hand, and said:

'Abu Al-Hasan, she is Allah's and His Messenger's, Muhammad, trust to you. Therefore, keep Allah's and His Messenger's trust by protecting her. Surely I know you will.'

'‘Ali, this (Fatima) by Allah, is the Mistress of all women of Paradise; this, by Allah, is (like) Maryam al-Kubra.'

'By Allah, before I reached this state, I asked Allah (certain things) for you and I, and He surely has given me what I asked.'

'‘Ali, Execute that which Fatima commands you to do, for I have commanded her to (perform certain affairs) which Gabriel ordered me to do. Be informed, ‘Ali that I am satisfied with him who my daughter is satisfied with, so is my Lord and the angels.

'‘Ali, Cursed is he who oppresses her;

Cursed is he who usurps her right;

Cursed is he who violates her sanctity..."

The Prophet (S) then embraced Fatima (sa), kissed her hand and said:

"May your father be your sacrifice, Fatima."

At that moment, the Messenger of Allah (S) was putting his head on ‘Ali's (as) chest; but his love for Fatima az-Zahra (sa) kept driving him to embrace and kiss her repeatedly. He cried until his tears made his beard, and shirt wet.

Imam Hasan (as) and Imam Husayn (as) began crying, and kissing his feet; when Imam ‘Ali (as) tried to separate them, the Prophet (S) said:

"Let them smell me and let me smell them;

Let them be near me, surely they will be afflicted with sorrows and difficult problems after me. May Allah curse him who abuses them.'

O Allah!! I commend them to your protection and to the protection of the righteous believers."

Meanwhile, Fatima (sa) was speaking to her father with a crying voice and saying:

"May my soul be your sacrifice!

May my face prevent harm from your face!

Father, can you not speak a word to me?!

Surely I see the knights of death attacking you fiercely!!"

Allah's Messenger (as) then said:

"Daughter, I am leaving you;

thus, peace be upon you from me"

The Prophet Muhammed’s (as) Death

It was eleven years after Hijra. Allah's Messenger (as) was about to conclude establishing the main pillars on which the Islamic law, which was ordained to be everlasting for being the final faith, was to depend. His noble soul was compelled to return with satisfaction and comfort to the One Who Created it; after it had attained the goal of bringing about the greatest change in the history of mankind. Yes, indeed it was inevitable for the Prophet's soul to depart towards Him who it truly knew, since the beginning of creation called mankind to worship, and courageously struggled in the path of elevating His Word. And, as it is said:

"Death was written to fit man just as a necklace was made to fit a girl's neck"

The Prophet (S) along with the Muslim(s), had performed his final morning prayer. It was the last time they (the people) were to see the Divine light come upon them. By the time the sun had reached the middle of the sky, the Prophet's (as) sun had made its eternal set.

By noon he was lying dead between his kin; they could do nothing save shed tears of sorrow for the biggest affliction of history.

What a day it was. Greatness, perfection, honor and exaltation had been lost. Muslims were so saddened that whenever they were afflicted with great sorrow thereafter they said:

"Surely this is a day like when the Messenger of Allah died."

The house was crowded with crying people; but Fatima’s (sa) weeping was the greatest. She had lost her great father, and with him went her happiness and joy; with his death came sadness and pain.

When the Muslims heard of the Prophet's (as) death, they rushed towards the Mosque. The people were overwhelmed, and did not realize what had actually happened. They became like scattered sheep on a rainy night without their shepherd. What were they to do? ‘Ali (as) was busy attending to washing the Prophet's (as) body, and could not speak to them in details.

It was undoubtedly true! He (as) had died! Yet, Umar Ibn al-Khattab refused to allow people to believe what had happened. He began shouting in their faces and threatening them by saying:

'Allah's Messenger did not die, nor will he die until his religion reigns over all other religions. He shall return to amputate the hands and legs of the men who believed in his death. I will not hear a man say: `The Messenger of Allah died save that I will cut off his head."

Umar's call was decisive and rebellious. He, being an adept orator, used the most effective method of speech to persuade his listeners to believe him.

Umar had sparked hope in their hearts that the Prophet (S) was still alive.

He put fear in the hearts of the Muslims by telling them that the Prophet (S) would come to amputate the hands and legs of those who believed in his death.

Furthermore, Umar threatened them by saying:

"I will cut off the neck of anyone who says: Allah's Messenger died."

Fear and hope were the tools that Umar used to control the nerves of the Muslims. Because of the people's great love for the Prophet (S), the call to refuse accepting his death, easily found its way into their minds. Hence, no one objected to Umar and the misbelief that the Messenger had not died; this overtook all other news.

The Muslims suffered several hours in total suspense and confusion. They were prevented from believing in the Prophet's (as) death until Abu Bakr returned from a nearby village.

As soon as Abu Bakr returned, he proceeded towards the Prophet's (as) house and uncovered his face to make sure that he was actually dead. He then went to the Mosque and found Umar still stating that the Prophet had not died. Abu Bakr ordered Umar to sit down; Umar refused until he ordered him three times; yet, Umar still refused. Thus, Abu Bakr stood in another corner of the Mosque and addressed the people:

"He who worships Muhammad should be informed that Muhammad has died. He who worships Allah should know that Allah is ever-living and does not die."

Abu Bakr then recited the following verse:

"Muhammad is no more than a Prophet: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or was slain, will ye then turn back your heels?"

When the Muslims heard this, they submitted to the fact. Even Umar believed that he had actually died, and as Umar himself said:

"I only believed that he died after I had made sure that the verse was from the Holy Qur’an."

Abu Bakr, and Umar's story was sad!! Right?! Yet even the simplest minds cannot be convinced that these events can be plainly interpreted.


Umar shouted, swore, threatened those who say that the Messenger of Allah has actually died. But, when Abu Bakr recites a verse from the Qur’an, which Umar himself did not recognize!! Then Umar suddenly collapses; and believes that Muhammad really died!!

How did Umar know that the Prophet (S) will not die until his religion reigns over all other religions?!

Did he inform Umar that he will return to cut off the arms and legs of those who said he was dead?

Didn't Umar really know that the verse recited by Abu Bakr was a Qur’anic verse, so that he could claim to believe in the Prophet's death?!

But, surely "Still waters run deep"!!

Actually, by behaving in such a way, Umar was able to suspend the Muslims and hold them back for several hours until Abu Bakr returned. It was then that they, Abu Bakr and Umar, immediately started the execution of their premeditated plan to seize power.

Can't you see that Umar was over-reacting to the Prophet's death; but, simultaneously with Abu Bakr's speech, he turned around forgetting all about his supposedly broken heart to announce his allegiance to Abu Bakr as the new leader of the Muslims!!

At any rate, Abu Bakr's and Umar's success in seizing power from ‘Ali (as) after the Prophet's (as) death, can only be the first of previous planning to do so long before the death of Allah's Messenger (as). Thus, this show, which was put on, by Umar and Abu Bakr can only be part of this planning. The authenticity of this statement can be verified when minds are set free to search the pages of history books.

After The Prophet's (as) Death

After the Prophet's (as) death, precarious events continued to occur. When studying the era following the Prophet's (as) death, history speaks of the wonders, which occurred.

Indeed, history tells us about "Apostasy" which included the majority of Muslims who objected to Abu Bakr's seize of power from its righteous candidate, ‘Ali Ibn Abu Talib (as).

It also tells us how Fatima's rights were usurped. notably Fadak, and how ‘Ali (as) was dragged to the Mosque to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr!!

History tells us how Fatima’s (sa) house was set on fire by him (Umar) who yesterday pretended not to believe in her father's death.

Yes, history tells us how the Prophet (S) died, and with him died his repeated warnings to those who would oppress his family members, and that they will be met with the wrath of Allah. It also tells us of Lady Fatima’s (sa) sadness and misery which she suffered after the death of her dear father.

Fidhdha, Fatima’s (sa) helper, spoke of Fatima’s (sa) sadness; she said:

"It was on the eighth day after the Prophet's death that Fatima revealed the extent of her sadness and inability to bear life without her father. She (sa) came to the Mosque and while crying said:

`Oh! Father

Oh! My sincere friend

Oh! Abu Al-Qasim

Oh! The helper of the widowed and the orphans

Who do we have for Kaaba and the Mosque?

Who does your saddened and grieved daughter have?"

Fidhdha added:

"Fatima (sa) then proceeded towards the tomb of the Prophet; it was difficult for her to walk because her tears covered her eyes. When she saw the Mizaneh, she passed out; so the women rushed to rescue her; after putting water of her face, she regained consciousness; Fatima then said:

`My strength has been eradicated

My endurance has betrayed me

My enemies have rejoiced at my misfortune

And my grief will kill me

Father! I remain bewildered and lonely

Confused and lonesome

My voice is subdued

My back is broken

My life is disturbed

I find no one, Father, after you to attend to my loneliness

Neither to stop my tears

Nor to support me in times of weakness

Surely precise revelations, the place of Gabriel's descendence and Michael's location have vanished after you


Motives (of others) have changed

And gates have been shut in my face

Thus, I detest this world after you

And my tears shall be shed for you as long as breath continues to exist in me

My longing for you shall not cease

My sadness for (being separated from) you shall not vanish

Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then cried out loudly:


With you went the light of the world

Its flowers wither away after blossoming in your presence


I will forever be sorrowful for you until we are reunited


Sleeping has left me since we have been separated


Who is there for the widows and the orphans

Who will we have for the Ummah until

The Day of Rising?!


We became-after you-among the oppressed


People shun us after you

After we were glorified by your presence among men

Thus, what tear shall not spill on your departure?

What sadness (after you) shall not continue to exist?

Which eyelid shall be smeared with slumber?

You are the spring of faith and the light of Prophets

So how can mountains not sway?

And seas not dry out?

How can the Earth not tremble?

Father! I have been afflicted with the greatest sorrow, and my disaster is not minor!


I have been inflicted with the greatest misfortune and the biggest calamity

Angels cry for you, and stars cease to move because of you

Your minbar (after you) is gloomy, Your minbar is empty

Of your secret conversation (with your Lord)

Your grave is joyful for holding you

And Paradise is delighted with your presence

Supplication and prayers


How gloomy are your meeting places (without your presence)!!

How pained I am for you, until I soon join you!!

How bereaved is Abu Al-Hussan, The entrusted one!!

The Father of your two sons, Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn; your beloved one

He whom you brought up as a youth, and made your brother as a man (Abu Al-Hasan)

The most beloved of your companions to you

Abu Al-Hasan, who was the first to immigrate and help you

Sadness has overtaken us; Crying will kill us

And distress will always accompany us.'

Lady Fatima az-Zahra (sa) then returned to her house and lived in misery and sadness until she joined her beloved father not long after he passed away."

Following ‘Ali (as) to The Mosque

After the Messenger of Allah (S), Abu Bakr seized Caliphate. He and his followers claimed that since he was unanimously elected by the Muslims, he was the righteous leader of the Ummah.

Yet, with little reflection upon the matter of Caliphate, one realizes that it is an extension, and continuation of the Prophethood without revelation. Thereupon, since Prophethood can only be assigned to someone through Divine specification, likewise Caliphate cannot be assigned to anyone by mankind; rather, it is a Divine code bestowed upon men by Divine specification.

Moreover, this consensus that Abu Bakr and his followers claim to have achieved is not valid; because the Ansar, Bani Hashim, Ammar, Salman, Miqdad, Abu Dharr and many other companions opposed the election of Abu Bakr to the Divine post, which was previously granted to ‘Ali (as). Nevertheless, Abu Bakr was able to seize power and eradicate ‘Ali's (as) and his followers attempts to regain his righteous post.

Why was Abu Bakr Elected?

Several factors can be cited to have motivated some Muslims to choose Abu Bakr as their leader:

1. Resentment to see both Prophethood and Imamate posts occupied by Bani Hashim. This factor was revealed by Umar in a long conversation with Ibn Abbas: According to Umar:

(If Prophethood and Imamate posts were both occupied by Bani Hashim) then they would constantly brag about them!!

2. ‘Ali's (as) young age

3. The Arabs, especially the Quraishans envy of ‘Ali (as)

4. ‘Ali (as) would lead and judge people according to righteousness, and the right path, had he been chosen as the leader, as Umar stated.

It is inevitable after Abu Bakr seized power that ‘Ali (as) should pay allegiance to him, for it is the natural path of every coup to force the opposition to announce its support to the -new regime. But what can they do with ‘Ali (as) who refused to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr?

Can they threaten him? But he (‘Ali (as)) is the famous hero who was able to extinguish the Arab heroes, kill their brave men, and compete with their "wolves"!! Can they deceive him (as) into doing so?! But ‘Ali is that cautious man who is aware in such matters!! Nevertheless, allegiance must be taken from ‘Ali (as) at any rate. But behold! What would Lady Fatima’s (sa) stand be had ‘Ali (as) been forced to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr? In other Words, what can be done if Lady Fatima (sa) chooses to defend her husband?! Should they ignore all these obstacles?! Or what should they do?! This created an unsolvable problem for the coup leaders who spent long hours reflecting on the issue. Meanwhile, Imam ‘Ali (as) confined himself to his house to collect the Holy Qur’an, after realizing the fruitlessness of his efforts to regain his rights. He was virtually secluded from the outside world. This situation was disadvantageous to the coup leaders, for in ‘Ali's (as) refusal to pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr gives a deep meaning and an excuse for others to object to Abu Bakr's seizure of power.

Yet, opinions met of the necessity to bring ‘Ali (as) by force to the Mosque, whatever the price may be. Especially in light of the fact, which they later came to realize, that he was more concerned about the Islamic interests than his own. Therefore, a commissioned force led by Umar's slave boy, Qunfud, was sent to ‘Ali's (as) house. When this force reached the house, Qunfud requested permission to enter so they may speak to him regarding the issue; but ‘Ali (as) refused them permission to enter; after which they returned to the Mosque, and said to Abu Bakr and Umar:

"We were refused permission to enter."

Umar said: "Go back and if you are denied permission again, then enter (the house) with force."

So the group once again asked for permission, but Fatima (sa) said: "You are prohibited from entering my house without permission."

Upon hearing this, the members of the force went back, save Qunfud. They informed Umar that they were not allowed to enter the house. This angered Umar who said:

"What do women have in this?!"

Events continued to occur, and two pictures are drawn in front to us:


Umar orders his slave boy to start Fatima’s (sa) house on fire! A man objects by saying:

"But Fatima is in it."

Yet Umar replied: "So what!!"

Second: (According to Jahiz and the author of Abaqat Al-Anwar):

The Prophet assigned ‘Ali (as) as his successor. All the companions had full knowledge of this assignment. Yet, Umar forges the fact for the sake of Abu Bakr, and strikes Fatima's womb, which caused her to miscarry Mohsin.

(Two pictures with no comments.)

At any rate, ‘Ali (as) was forced to the Mosque. When Fatima az-Zahra (sa) saw this, she followed him, and addressed Abu Bakr by saying:

"Do you wish to make me a widow?! By Allah if you do not let him go, I will uncover my head, rip my shirt, and go to my Father's tomb and cry to my Lord..."

So, she (Fatima az-Zahra (sa)) took Al-Hasan (as) and Al-Husayn's (as) hands, and proceeded towards her father's (as) tomb!

When Imam ‘Ali (as) saw the seriousness of the situation, he immediately interfered, and said to Salman:

"Prevent Muhammad's daughter (from reaching her father's grave) for surely I can see the outskirts of Medina being sunk into the earth."

Salman later said:

"I was near Lady Fatima (sa) when, by Allah, I saw the foundations of the Mosque's walls being elevated up to a point that had a man wanted to go from under them, he would have been able to do so. So I said:

`My Mistress, surely Allah, the Exalted, sent your father to be mercy, thus do not become the cause of His wrath. "'

These noble stands of Fatima az-Zahra (sa), forced Abu Bakr and Umar to release ‘Ali (as); Fatima az-Zahra (sa) returned home after setting the most honorable example of devotion to her husband.

Encounters in the Mosque:

As we have already mentioned, Abu Bakr sent Umar to Fatima’s (sa) house with orders to compel ‘Ali (as) and his friends to come and pledge allegiance to him. If they could not be persuaded by fair means, Umar was going to set the house on fire. When Fatima az-Zahra (sa) asked him what he meant, he told her that he would certainly burn the house down unless they would be content to do as the rest of the people had done.

Knowing Umar's temper, ‘Ali (as) and his friends chose to come out of the house. Imam ‘Ali (as), who was accompanied by Abbas and Zubair, reproached Umar's party saying:

"O you Muhajirs! You claim the succession to the Prophet of Allah preferring your priority in Islam and your kinship, to him before the Ansars. Now, I put forward the same arguments in preference to you. Am I not the first who believed in the Prophet before any of you embraced his faith? Am I not the nearest in relation to the Prophet than any of you?

Fear Allah, if you are true believers, and do not snatch away the Prophet's authority from his house to your own."

Standing behind the door, Fatima az-Zahra (sa) reproachfully addressed the raiding people thus:

"O people! You left behind the Prophet's dead body to us, and proceeded to wring out the Caliphate for yourselves, extinguishing our rights." She (sa) then burst into tears and cried:

"O Father! O Prophet of Allah! How soon after you troubles are pouring on us at the hands of the son of Khattab (Umar) and the son of Abu Quhafa (Abu Bakr). How soon they have ignored your words at Ghadir al-Khum, and your saying that ‘Ali (as) was to you as Haroun was to Musa. "

Hearing Fatima’s (sa) wailing, most of the people in Umar's party turned back .’Ali (as) was however, taken to Abubakr and was asked to swear allegiance to him.

Imam ‘Ali (as) said: "What if I do not do him homage?"

He (Abu Bakr) was answered: "By Allah, we shall kill you if you do not do as others have done"

Upon hearing this ‘Ali (as) said: "What! Will you kill a man who is a servant of the lord and a brother of the Prophet of the Lord?"

Hearing this Umar said; "We do not acknowledge you as a brother of the prophet of the Lord" and addressed Abu Bakr who was silent, requesting him to speak out ‘Ali's (as) fate, but (it was claimed) Abu Bakr said that so long as Fatima az-Zahra (sa) was alive, he would not compel her husband to do so. So, ‘Ali (as) departed and proceeded directly to the tomb of the Prophet (S) where he cried out:

"O my brother! Your people now treat me with contempt and are bent on killing me."