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The Principles Of Education (Upbringing)

The Principles Of Education (Upbringing)

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

4. And Now about duties

The way the parents have a number of rights upon their children, similarly they have some "duties" concerning their children.And in "Quran and Surah (traditions of Prophet and lmams)" there is a magnanimous treasure regarding this, which enlightens the thinking and conscience.

Children are a great blessing of Almighty Allah, for which we should always remain highly obliged to Him.but be cautious!the meaning of gratitude is not just that we verbally keep on uttering the word of "thanks" all along our lives, and that is all! The purpose of "the recognition of grace" in Islam is that, whatsoever favour Allah Almighty has bestowed upon us, we should do full justice with it. In relation to it, we should keep our attitude flawless, so that in accordance with the promise of Allah, He keeps on extending His Blessings upon us,with regards to each thanksgiving.30

Witness the Allah's Gracel When after a long spell; consecutively two roses bloomed in the family of Hazrat Ibrahim Khalil-ullah!

Under such conditions, the common practice is that the children are borne with extreme care andExtraordinary affection!And the minimum list of expectation is expressed in this verse:

Health, Happiness, and Good fortune,Abundant grandeur, Enormous property (land), and long life.

But Hazrat lbrahim who in a blink, had uprooted the hundreds of year old Calesdient culture, had trampled the politics of the boastful, ferocious, and proud man like Namrood, and moreover whose examplary style of guidance provided a new enlightenment for mankind, and originated a completely new innovative style in thinking; knew very well, his responsibilities regarding the upbringing and modelling of his children, and along with paying gratitude for His blessings, knew what to initially demand from his Nourisher, and what to request at a later stage! In these words, The Holy Quran expresses the feelings, impression,desires and the supplication of Khalil-e-Khuda:-

First verse:

"I praise Allah, who at this old age has blessed me with (the sons like) lsmail and lshaq, and there is no doubt in it, that my Nourisher definitely compliesto the supplication."31 Second Verse:

"Oh Creator! I have settled some of my children in a waterless (infertile) and barren valley, nearYour distinguished House. Ohmy Nourisher!all this has been done so that they may live under the aegis of Your House, establish the system of prayer (Namaz). Therefore it is requested that, (You Please) mould the hearts of the people towards them, and bless them with subsistence, so that they may keep on paying gratitude to."

Come on! Let us now start examining our duties. In this regards our first obligation is, that we should provide our children with complete protection (security). Pay attention towards their intellectual training, along with physical development, so that in this world there is a continual growth in men of qualities.

At thisstage someone might think as to what is the good idea behind discussing the significance Of caring for the children? In this world, whether it may be the civilized or the primitive society, everyone lovetheir dear ones! Yes it is true....! But what to do, when if ha~ been a common experience that due to the social differential, economic tussle, sense of deprivation, lack-bf self confidence, unawareness from religion, and above all, the indifferent attitude towards Allah, sometimes intentionally, or unintentionally, people sacrifice their children yes, I stress again, their children for political, social, and economic expedience, or at occasions slaughter them at the alter of their egoistic desires.

However there do exist some difference in approach, between the culturally conscious and in undeveloped societies, but these minute differences or variances are not something fundamental, they are just superficial. Due to the divergence in environmental conditions and style, the approach differs.And that is all! For example, in the era of darkness, i.e the pre-lslamic period, the dwellers of the Arabian Peninsula, had extremely poor economy, and mainly due to economic frustration, would kill their children, and sometimes for the fulfillment of their desires, would slaughter them in the alter of their idols!

The Holy Quran, while forbidding such act of "the slaughter of Sons and daughters", terms it as a grave crime. Note the eloquence of Quran, that along with the instructions forit's forbiddance, just in two words, it reveal the old history, the customs and traditions of the Arabs, and the real motive behind the intent of this men slaughter!

Allah Almighty says:

"Do not slaughter your children due to the fear of Poverty and paucity, becauseWe provide subsistence to you and as well as to them."33 Further there is a verse in Surah Bani Israel:

"You should not slaughter your children due to the fear of destitution. We are the one who provide subsistence to them,and also to you. Believe it!to slaughter them is a grievous crime!"34 Did you notice that the real motive behind this illegitimate murder, and loss of these petty innocent lives, was nothing but the fear of "adversities and loss"? If there would be children, from where would they eat?and the lesser be their number , more would be the savings in bread and butter!

Therefore to stop them from such mal-practices of brutality and ferocity, they were told that the reasons of your ill luck is not associated with the fortunes of these children. Note the words "the way we are sustaining you, similarly we are responsible for the provision of subsistence for your progeny (children)".

Well the baseless notion regarding Arabs, which has gained popularity is that, during the age of ignorance they only used to slaughter, their daughters due to zealot and the concerns regarding the unbearable economic burden, needs to be clarified, and also that in that society the sons were considered as a gift of Allah!

The fact is that in the verses which prohibits the slaughter of children, the word progeny (au'lad) is being used,which according to the "current language" bears the meaning of both the boy and girl. That is why the Greatest exegesist of our times Allama Sayed Muhammad Hussain Tabataba'i has explained it in the following manner:

'In this verse and in other verses on the same topic the slaughter of progeny from fear of poverty and destitution has been prohibited, and because the word progeny is more generalized, so their is no reason whatsoever to accept that this word is Only meant for girls."35

Besides this, the old history of the Arabs also reveals the same. For reference we have a number of sources, and especially the two popular works of this century, i.e. Sera't A1-Nabi'. VoI:6 , page 229, which has been compiled by Allama Syed Salman Nadavi, and the scholarly works of Dr. Hussain Ha'j Hasan, Naqad Al-Hadi'th. In both ofthem they have at length commented upon the economic conditions of the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula, regarding their culture and customs, and it complements our stand.

The truth is, that those Arabs who were comparatively well off, had cultivatable lands, animal rearing, home industry, and piracy etc, used to breed (raise) Sons as a means of personnel power, but like most of the other areas of the world, the majority of their population was starving and poverty stricken.

Therefore the masseswho were completely indigent (empty handed), thought that since it is even difficult to sustain the relation of life and bread for themselves, how can they bear the burden of their children? Well, of course!the children are a source of satisfaction of their heart and consolence for soul, but when it was "a matter of self survival and existence" they were willing to give them up. Therefore in the eradicating vision of insolvency, in utterbe wilderness they preferred to build the graves of their alive innocent children.

While referring to their intellectual bankruptcy and brutality the Holy Quran mentions:

"Certainly those people remained in (total) loss,

who due to their ignorance and unawareness,

without any deliberation slaughtered their children."36

Whereas the Islamic code of life, ascertains the sons of Adam: -

"There is no living creature on the face of Earth,

whose subsistence in not due upon Allah".37

Well as far as the issue of depriving the girls from their right of life is concern, we can term it as an involute egoistic craze of the poverty striken Arabs of the age of ignorance. The Holy Quran, while explaining the "psychology and approach" of these nomads, mentions:

"When someone of them was informed that to him a female baby has been born to him, his face would turn pale, the eyes frown out with anger, and then due to this dreadful news, would try to conceal himself from his clan, and kept on thinking either he keep his daughter alive and live in disgrace, or buries her alive? See, what an evil decision they used to take."38

Also in Surah Takvi'r there is a mention regarding this ruthless custom, which in the Arab society, was calledva'd . The Islamic code of life has termed it as the most barbaric tradition. Itis mentioned :-

And when the girl who was buried alive would be questioned, as to what was her crime that she was so deprived from her life."39 The mood of the expression tells, that at the time of decision, the murderedwould be questioned instead of the murderer. As the poetic verse expresses:

Due to what sindid this brutality befell upon us?that is, the cruelty of the brutal is proved, only the details of the story and the happening from the innocent's viewpoint needs narration! Yes, all that would take place on the Day of Judgment.Nothing would remain concealed ,no action would remain veiled !and how is it possible, when it is a question of the disgrace of a human blood? As a poetic verse says:

"If the guilty would conceal his crime, the blood spots will themselves reveal the truth!" Now, if someone asks, to forget about this dreadful story! and argues that, it is a tale of the olden times; it was the temperament of the dreadful desert inhibited Arabs, their miserable environment and conditions, at that time all was quiet different, which has no bearing with anything else. Well, this preposition is to some extent true,but however both in the old and the modern societies the in-built lust for economic supersession and social status is all the same!Till date, there has been no difference in this attitude.Though the history has trotted on quiet a long distance, but still the desire for boundless prosperity, and higher status, has not changed. However, the only difference in the man, of the olden periods and that of today is, that in the past he used to burry his child alive, to support his economicwell being , and to boast of being prestigious in their society!

While in the "twilight of the present era", captivated by the gloss of modern culture and civilization, the man does not commit "murder by intent", by depriving his child from life!But , from the "outlook" of the Islamic code of life, even now he willfully buries his beloved, the hope of the future, in the mausoleum of mental and intellectual annihilation!

What I intend to say is, that we fail to give our children the faintest concept of the religious life, and with utmost confidence, willfully hand-over these pious souls to such agencies, whose managers and operators have yet to evolve an interest in understanding the Quranic spirit!

The natural outcome of this 'situation is, that these unbloom buds and half smiled roses of our lives, after passing their preliminary stages in institutions like, kindergarten, nursery, montessori, preparatory, convent or vernacular school, cross over to the western styled universities, and start trotting along their practical lives, and according to their capabilities and situations at hand, acquire the places and positions of eminent bureaucrates, renowned technocrates,

excelling businessman, famous jurists competent doctor, expert journalists learned educationists polished politicians, and well groomed soldiers, but as a "believer of Allah" are completely incompetent of meeting the collective needs of their society, because none of them ever had a chance of fulfilling the requisites to develop into a well informed, trustworthy Muslim! The factis, that in accordance with the basic environmental and educational (i.e. institutional) framework provided, their brains got adapted accordingly to the given conditions!and got accustomed to the prefabricated structure that they found. Thus, what else could we expectas a result of their efforts to the future "flowers" that would bloom and the "colours that would shape?

The height of plight is that even on knowing, that all this is the outcome of our Western oriented society, and the non-Islamic styled universities, we still have no aptitude towards the changing of our present system of education, therefore the question to modify the "philosophy of education", is a task of high dexterity.

Therefore, the only alternative left over is, to have an Islamic environment right at our homes and in this regards to pay special attention towards the temperaments, habits, approach, and spirits of our elders, that it should be Islamic. Because the firstenvironment which affects the brain of a child is his home, and every deed and action of the family member continuously and persistently keep on engraving its carvings upon his lucid mind and brain.

So with full sincerity of truth and conscience, and keeping in view the stated facts, we should fully prepare ourselves to undertake this gigantic task of "educating our children". Even before we startit's first stage, everyone of us must well understand the fact that there is no difference between the "Pre-lslamic dark age" and the "age of ignorance" of the twentieth century.

" Alas, all the heritage, of knowledge and wisdom, culture and awareness, which we received from the Book of Allah, the Prophet of Allah, and His (SAWAW) infallible progeny, has been placed in the dark storages of obliviousness!and that is why we are neither left over with anything which could be termed as the original Islamic civilization nor culture. How appealingly has Mirza Ghalib put it in his following verse:- literal meaning:

Even the pleasures of meeting or the rememberence of the beloved, is not being leftover. Such a fire overtook this house that, whatsoever was their, was burnt to ashes.

Then is the determination of the aims and objectives of the "educaticin", necessarily followed by the steadfastness to achieve the objectives. We haveto totally commit by our deeds and actions, that we are resolute in making our children Muslims, so that their lives are full of the blessings of Islamic life. They could easily reach the real destiny and right objective of life, and feel satisfied on achieving it.

Their thinking balanced, their hearts contended. By beingan honest and subtle servants of Allah, they should not only be a symbol, for their homes, families and surroundings, but due to their high standards, spotless character, decent attitudes.magnificent traditions and legends, could successfully pass on their beneficial experiences elegantly to the coming generations.

Now to tread along this surmountable path, we have to thoroughly understand all the instructions, present in the Islamic wealth of guidance, and in the wise and thought provoking sayings of the leaders of this school, so that such a change manifest in our approach, that wherever we cast our eyes, the thorny path turn into a bed of roses, and every stone on our way, prove to be a milestone towards our destiny!

Oh well,I remembered!

We should have had at first explained the concept of "rights" and 'duties". Well, stilltheir is time. Neither have we gone too far, norit is still too late. Well, rights are not just the progerative of the elders, or duties just obligatory upon the youngsters. The factual positionis, that everything in this universe bears a relation with man. It may be the decor of the earth, or the illumination of the skies, all is for man and man alone:-

"It is He who has created for you, all that exists on the earth."40 Now in this world of existence, when, we are the' only ones blessed with all the assets of spirit and liveliness, from the fragrance of a rose to the sweet melodies of the nightingale, then everyone of us needs to observe with a healthy mind and far sightedness of wisdom, that a thing created for a purpose ought to be utilized for the same. Moreover suchan healthy and progressive environment be created for the beneficial species and genus of the world, that they have the security of existence and the guarantee for development and progress.

Well that was all about it, i.e. every advantageous creation be protected, this isit's "right".And anyone having rapport with it, should compulsorily provide protection to it, this is his "duty". It needs to be noted that the scholars of modern times, who are authority on this subject, consider "rights and duties" to be only related to social life.

But may Allah bestow upon His special benevolence upon Dr. Khawaja Ghulam As-Sayadden, that Hewrites : -

The domain of ethics is even much wider than what exists between man and man. The oriental scholars of ethics have divided these rights into three parts, to which every person is responsible:-

First, Obligations to Allah, i.e. those rightswhich the Creator has upon His creation, and without it's recognition and fulfillment them, the man cannot understand his complete reality. Secondly: Obligations to fellow human beings, i.e. those obligations which are due on us because of our fellow species, and because of which all human beings are mutually linked with each other.


own soul. Obligation to our souls, i.e. those obligationswhich are due on us because of our It's a moral obligation on man to honestly adhere in fulfilling these three types of obligations.41

Besides mentioning the depth and details and significance of the rights and duties.Islam has also arranged them in accordance with the degree of closeness, relationships, feelings, perception and traditions. It has graded them, and then in an extremely organized way, has presented them to the world.

In this context the first ever guidance to mankind, on "the rights and duties" regarding taking a step or it's abstention, and the relations and associations in all the aspects of life, has been provided in the Charter of guidance "Risa'la-e-Huqooq", by the minaret of guidance and the elegance of divine submission Hazrat lmam Zain-ul-Abedee'n (ASWS) (38-95 A.H.):

Memoir: From prayer and submission to the Creator of the soul and universe, to the protection of body and soul; and from economy and civics to the issues of state and politics, the Honourable Imam In this first charter for the world, consisting of fifty articles, has conveyed to us in profound depth and detail, all the types and kinds of "rights and duties", to the human intellect.

It could be referred to, in the masterpiece works, titled Tuhf Alaqu'lun Ale ar-Rasool (published in Beirut) page 184-198 of the renowned researcher of the fourth century the Grand Shaykh Abu Muhammad Hasan bin Shaba'h Hur'rani.

Further, it could also be referred to in the renowned publication al-Ama'li of the Ra'is al- Muhaddaseen Abu Jaffer Muhammad lbne Babuiya Al-Sadooqh (may Allah bless his soul). (for reference see page 301-306 al-Ama'li published in Beirut), and is also present in other books of Sadooqh, as Alkhisa'I, vol 2, page 126; and in the basic collection of traditions, Man'la Yahzurb aI-Faqih, page 233.

Concluding, after the explanation and commentary on the rights and duties it is repeatedly stated that, as a number of rights of the parents are due upon the children and their fulfillment is obligatory upon them, so are a number of rights of the children for which the "parents" are responsible, and their fulfillment is obligatory upon them too. Let us now probe into them, in more details.

5. Organizing Education

The first responsibility is the provision of all possible means for the education and upbringing of the children.

Islam has vested upon the father the responsibility, of health, security, and the nourishment of the children. All the responsibility of food, medicine,clothing and place of living, moreover the protection of the honour and prestige of the child, lies with the father.

According to the law of Shari'ah it is obligatory upon father to bear the expenses of the children,and in the same manner the "expenses for maintenance" or the expenses for the necessity of life are obligatory, and in the same context the management for a bright future is extremely essential. The significance of this issuecan be realized from this event in the days of the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), and from His following saying:-

The author of Qurb ul-Asna'd writes:-

"Amougst the tribes of Ansa'r, a member of some family had a small amount of money, and a number of young kids. When the time of his death approached, for the attainment of reward and requital, and in the desire of achieving a high place in the Hereafter, he spent all of his assets in the path of Allah. When he left thisworld his innocent orphans became dependent upon others!

When the Holy Prophet came to know of his death and the situation, be inquired from his tribe men, "What did you do?" The people answered, "Oh Prophet! We buried him". Oh hearingthis the Holy Prophet said:-

"Had I known before, I would not have allowed him to be buried in the graveyard of Muslims. That man spent all his savings, leaving his children, to beg!"42

6. Art of Education

Developing progressively in steps, the potential and capabilities, needs and requirements. power and ability, of an individual or a group; with organization and methodology; enabling them to attain it's prime and apex.is termed as "education".43

It is of two types; physical and intellectual, i.e. the physical education and the mental education. The physical education encompasses the issues regarding ways and means of rearing and nourishment, and mental educationis linked with the development of virtues and ethical deeds (actions).

Therefore providing physical facilities to their youngsters, is not the only responsibility of the guardians, but it is also obligatory upon them that they should earnestly and sincerely keep on introducing the spiritual and ethical (moral) standards, in the heart and brains of their children.Far sighted and enlightened parents seriously concentrate on the proper growth of their off spring.Therefore regarding their children, they are more inclined towards the development of the qualities of insight and vision in soul and percept.

Well, let us observe how the obedient person of Allah Hazrat Zakariya (Peace be upon him), with both of his arms stretched in His Grace, is requesting from Him. The words of the supplication do reveal the condition of his heart. By your grace, bestow upon me a successor, who should be my successor, as well as a

Inenglish the word "instruction" is used for the normal teaching (education) that is imparted in the institution, by which different arts and technologies are taught.but there in an other, more common and much wider meaning of education, according to which human life and all the various aspects and faculties are being educated. In English the word "education" is used in this context (translated as tar'biat" in Urdu) Published in Delhi.

successor of Ale-Yaqoob, and Oh my nourisher! Make him one of your dearest being.44

While addressing to Hazrat Ali-e-Murtaza (ASWS), the Last Prophet of Allah (SAWAW) says Oh Ali!may Allah's curse befell upon those parents, who educate their child in such an evil way that the situation reaches the stage of disinheritance (a'qh).45 There is still another Hadith of the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), in which it is stated:-

May Allah's blessings be upon those parents, who nourished their off springs in such a manner that, it assists them in adopting a decent approach towards theirparents. 46 In the same context. Imam Ali (ASWS) has guided us, in the following way:-

There is no better gift from a father to his son, than perfect education and excellence in etiquettes.47 At another instance, the lmam of the pious. Hazrat Ali (ASWS) has expressed in the following manner:-

Whosoever has imparted proper education will tremble less, and whosoever has a lacking in his education will stumble more.48 Further in these words, lmam Zain-uI-Abe;deen (ASWS), preaches the lesson regarding the obligation for education:

One of the rights of your son on you is, to consider him as yours, andshould also know that in this world every good and bad act performed by him, and the relation of each of his virtue and evil is linked with you.

You must know that, due to the relation of being a guardian, the responsibility of infusing "decent etiquette" in your child has been vested upon you, and to draw his attention towards Allahis also your obligation. Besides this, it is also your duty to assist your son in praying and in submission to Allah.

Not only this! but to impart admirable education, having complete faith that if you succeed in fulfilling the right (due upon you) then you would be rewarded for it, and if you, had been negligent then you would certainly be penalized for it.49 Sadiq-e-Ale-Muhammad Hazrat lmam Jaffar Sadiq (ASWS) Says:-

"The most precious heritage for your sons is not goods and wealth, but etiquettes and education. " 50

Not only every sentence in the Grace of Allah Almighty, but even each and every word of the supplications regarding his progeny, uttered by the minaret of guidance for the knowledgeable.

Hazrat lmam Zain-ul-Abe'deen (ASWS), is an illustration of elegance in desire and of absolute sincerity, but while demanding boundless dignity and honour for his dear ones, of what he has been desirous for himself from the Almighty Creator,should be considered as the ultimate wish of all sensible "parents" in times immemorial! Every individual needs to engross upon his heart the following "thought provoking, creative and directive sentence" of the lmam.

Oh Allah! help me in educating my children in modeling their etiquettes, and in enriching them with virtues.51

7. Ethics and Etiquettes

The period of childhood is the right time for the modeling of "good citizen" or an "Ideal Muslim". Thoseparents who try their utmost from what is available to them, for physical safety and nourishment of their children, ought to pay full attention and concentration towards their mental development, i.e. the social and cultural education, and they must know for sure that the basis of decent culture, and amicable living mainly depends upon ethics.

But the meanings of ethics is not that, what has been infused upon us, by feudalism and has engrossed upon every mind that anyone who has acquaintance with the prevailing etiquettes of cordially meeting each other, (hypocritical) mutual hospitality, and etiquettes of eating and drinking, and moreover modest use of charming words and melodious tone during discussion, is considered to be the total domain of ethics! No, it is definitely not so!

While considering the limits of ethics, this is but a very particular or brief definition of ethics, just a meagre notion! Well! it is accepted that provided it is not hypocrisy, then a decent way of living and a modest style of meeting others, is an essential and a desirable feature of a cultured character, however the issues of ethics does not end up here!

Well, "the science of ethics" is an art of living, with the help of which man can distinguish between "virtue and evil", and recognize "good and bad". For everyone, ethics is an effective means of learning the skills to shape one's self, seek the correct direction, trod along the right path, and live abetter cultured life. The cultured manners are linked with all the domains of life, and only pleasant manners could help achieve a dignified place in allwalks of life .

The great philosopher of Islam, Hazrat Ali-lbne-Abi Talib (ASWS), while discussing the "philosophy of ethics" highlights the significance ethics in the following way:- 35

Even if we do not have the desire of the Heavens, the longing for reward, the fear of Hell, and the concern regarding punishment, still the aspiration for "noble actions (maka'rim-e-Akhlaq)"cannot be separated from life, because man can only seek the path of success in the brilliance of ethics.52

The truthis, that Islam is a religion for the realization of all directional accomplishment for the sons of Adam. As by it's principles, ideology and approach, this legitimate religion intends to shape an ever better human being. That is why in this system there is an extra ordinary emphasis on ethics, and the ethical virtues have a distinguished stature.

Therefore the highest quality of the Last Prophet (SAWAW) enumerated by the Holy Quran is:- "And there is no doubt in it that you possess an extremely elevated position of ethics."53 And the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), the emerald amongst the prophets, by his virtuous tongue (quenched in Vah'i) elucidates regarding himself that:-

I have descended upon (this world), to raise the moral virtues toit's zenith.54 The renowned scholar, Sa'adi Shira'zi, has elegantly elucidated this great human virtue of the Holy Prophet (SAWAW). Hesays: -

From amongst the thousands of His miracles were: Elegant manners and generosity..

As a matter of fact in this world, only he who has decent habits, is virtuous. The grading of the dignity of a personality is only by the intellectual standards it bears. The person, whose physical qualities and spiritual virtues arefavourite to all, is considered reliable.

Hazrat lmam Zain-ul-Abi'deen (ASWS)enumerates: -

"Oh what a luck! that person is really fortunate, who has decent manners; a pious soul, fine temperaments, fair intentions, and is apparently unblemished. Moreover, he helps others from his savings, keeps his tongues under control, and is fair in attitude with everyone."55

Keeping these facts in view, we have no hesitation to comments that in the development of a religious mentality and a spiritual culture, ethics is of prime significance!

In the school of monotheism, the "spring" of ethicsneither sprout from the creditable concepts of Aristotle, nor from the fascinating statements of the western scholars who are influenced from the Greek philosophers!

As an example, this saying of Matthew Arnold,that: -

"Religion is, but the name of zealous and enthusiastic ethics"56 This could be classed as a nice statement, but it can in no way be an authority for a believer, because just like all the source of beliefs and realities, the limitless wealth of ethics, also radiates from the Holy Quran, and also as guided by the Book of Allah, the second source is the "exemplary model (Us'wa-e-Hasana)" of the Prophet of Allah (SAWAW).

"In fact their is an exemplary model for you in the Prophet of Allah (SAWAW). " 57 Further in the light of the instructions of the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), another source of direction and guidance is in the pious conduct of those leaders, who assimilated all the facilities and qualities of the "master of all ethical virtues (Sa'hib-e-Khulq-eAzeem)" (i.e. the Holy Prophet (SAWAW)) in such a way that their remained no difference in their self and the verdict of Quran!

These are the members of the family (Ahle-Bait) of the Prophet of Allah (SAWAW). We observe that, from the very instance of the birth of a child in a Muslim family, the "system of Sharia'h (Divine code of life)" directs the parents or the guardians of the infant to take special care for his religious and moral education.

"By Carving the impression of the greatest reality of the universe on the plain (lucid) memory of the newly born, by transmitting the unadornable (factual) melodies of Aza'n in his right ear, and Aqa'mat in his left.

And along with it, they ~re instructed to observe Aqi'qah.59 That is to say that the opening page of the infants life, should start from the aspect of the philosophy of Islam in which the care of people of Allah has been considered as essential, along with His remembrance. So that this Ideologygets infused in the life and blood of the infant, and mixed in the life stream of all the generations to follow.

After this first step, the parents are expected to persistently endeavor, in organising the brains of their children; keeping in view the ethical standards, and help develop in him the religious customs and culture. It needs to be so, so that they may be regarded as an esteemed personality in this world, and on every step and at all instances be considered as the exponent of the human virtues and Quranicview point .

Therefore, the prime obligation on those responsible for the education of their dear ones is to nourish them under the canopy of truth, breed them with virtues deeds, accord them an organisedmind and make them time conscious.Moreover this new generation should be so nurtured that the respect of word and treaty becomes a part and parcel of their personality! They should

They -should not consider power in equivalence to justice, and material success as a sign of virtue. They should be refuge for the destitutes, a fortified barrier against the tyranny and aggression, and be blessed by the supplications of the oppressed. In this regard, through his dignified son, the leader of the pious Ame'r-ul-Momene'n Hazrat All (ASWS) has conveyed us an ideal path and direction, which is of extreme importance, for us and for our children.

In 37 A.H. i.e. 657 A.D., while returning from the Battle of Shif'fen at the location called Hazereen. Ali-lbne-Abi Talib (ASWS) inscribed this "ethical scripture".

This "manual of education"is based on twenty one (21) points, in which the genius of the secrets of Allah has specially highlighted the following realities:

-the relationship of man with Allah.

-the relationship of man with his own self.

-the relationship of a person to others.

The whole documentis addressed to his elder son Hazrat lmam Hasan-e-Mujtaba (ASWS). The actual text is quiet lengthy. We are mentioning here, just few ofit's sections.

The will of the father is that,my son!with utmost zeal you should kindle the sentiments of tenderness and responsibility. Obey every commandment of Allah Almighty.Habitate your heart with His remembrance. Never let loose, the rope of Allah, remember!that the association you owe with Allah, there is no other association more firmer than this for contact.

Behold!keep your brain and conscience alive with elegant discourse! Ifinterim desires tries to over power you, diffuse them with the power of devotion and piety.The strength of faith luminates heart and vision.

Enlighten the environment of your heart (chest) with the light of wisdom. If the desire for longevity triesto over take you, defeat it with the rememberence of death. Preoccupy (yourself) this fact with certainty that this world is a passway and is mortal.Apprise your soul with the misfortunes and calamities of this place. Make it feel the insurgency of time. Make it realize the befalling calamities of the days and nights. Reveal.

to it the admonitory events of the past. Tell it, what befell upon those who passed away. Roam in between the ruins and rumbles of the past.

Observe that those who proceeded away from this destination, from where did they come, and to which place did they left for? (As the' versesays: ) From where they departed, and where didthey stayed:

Well, if you would focus your attention, you would soon realize that they went away leaving besides all their friends (and inmates)! They have now habitated a new land!and moreover very soon, you too would turn into "a symbol" of the past!Therefore where you are destined for, manage a nice place of stay there, before you arrival.And be cautious!never bargain your eternity, with your worldly life.

Theissue which is not related to you, always abstain from opening your tongue for it.And the issue which is not your liability, never make it as a topic of discussion.

Notemy son!the path whose bend and twist endangers you to lead astray, do not try to trod along it. Because itis better to stop your steps from moving further and be on track, than to go off the track, and get shattered and lost.

Arouse in the people the awareness ofDivinely admired conduct and behaviour, awake conscienceness, so that you may be considered amongst the pious and auspicious personalities.

Well of course, negate evil deeds andIndecent discussions by speech and conduct.

Moreover, to the extent possible isolate your self, from the nefarious segment of the society! You are required to keep on conducting praise worthy and examplary style of crusade (war against evils) in the path of Allah!and never bother about any indecent taunt and blemish about it, Moreover surmount all the difficulties for the attainment of dignified standards, and consider all difficulties transitory.

The competence in religious knowledge is essential. Habituate your self in bearing hardship, and note that the demonstration of forbearance andpatience, enlightens the virtues of ethics! Ohmy son! In everyaffair submit yourself to Allah. In thisway you would find yourself to be in a strong refuge, and you would be blessed with an extremely powerful preservator!60