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The Principles Of Education (Upbringing)

The Principles Of Education (Upbringing)

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

8. Appreciation and Acclamation

The meaning of appreciation and acclamation is that the "'parents" should respect their children, should appreciate their sweet and admirable tasks, direct them on the right path with sincerity and soberity. Make the atmosphere at home peaceful and dignified. These freshly bloomed roses are weak in physique, therefore adopt extreme Politeness and tenderness in making them to read and write, it is very important to take care of their ignorance.Therefore when a remedial measure is required, adopt love and affection!

Well, on hearing the issue of "appreciation and acclamation" with respect to their children, some parents may feel irritated!-- -But, what to do? To harness your beloved and dear ones, to foster a complete and fully balanced personality, these are the demands of the rules of psychology and the laws of Sharia'hThe Holy Prophet (SAWAW) has ordained:-

"You should respect yourchildren, enrich them with the qualities of decent etiquettes.

Allah would forego your short falls.61 The Greatest blessings of the universe, Holy Prophet (SAWAW) has further directed: - "Do not under evaluate the value and prestige of any Muslim, because in the Grace of Allah, even the small children of believers have an extremely highstature , "62 In this context, there is still another saying of the Holy Prophet: -

"Oh people! I stress upon you to unceasingly demonstrate honest and decent attitude towards your youngsters."63 Now let us dwell a while on these sayings.

The first stage of appreciation of the children is to pay special attention towards the signs of their general recognition, i.e. their name. The name of every individual permanently binds tohimself , and is permanently used for his recognit1on. Therefore the name should be so selected that, it should be beautiful (attractive), dignified, and a base for "the cognizance of Allah" rather the "cognizance of one's self".

Regarding this, the Prophet of Allah (SAWAW), guides us in the following manner:- "The first prize awarded to your child should be that you give him an extremely beautiful name."64 Out of the special teachings that the Holy Prophet taught Hazrat Ameer (ASWS) one of themwas: -

"Oh All (ASWS)! every son has a right over his father, that he should suggest a nice name for him, and should educate him by extremely refined techniques."65 The seventh guide of the progeny of the Holy Prophet, Hazrat Imatn Musa Kazim narrates:

Once a person came to the Holy Prophet, andsaid: "Oh Prophet of Allah (SAWAW)!what is the right of this son of mine, upon me"? The Holy Prophet answered:

"Give him an attractive name, enrich him with the qualities of decentetiquettes and provide him with the best possible means to work."66 Further in the same context there is another saying of lmam Musa Kazim (ASWS)

"Whosoever he may be, the first good deed he should do for his son is the selection of a decent name. Moreover, at the time of selection of the name everyone of you has to fully concentrate onit's beautification aspect"67

There is no reason to refute the fact that, the elegance or the ill structuredness of a name has a profound impact on one's personality!Good names are liked by all , no one prefers a bad name!And the "beauty or distortion" of a name, produces a pleasant or repulsive reaction by which the biological composition of the body keeps on accepting positive and negative effects.

During a mutual introduction session in a gathering, any sensible person would definitely feel shy and uncomfortable by introducing himself, say by the name as Lousy, or his father as Crook, and moreover due to the persistence and continuity of this state, would certainly develop inferiority complex. Since name is an extremely significant issue of the whole life, therefore the leaders of the caravan, assigned to lead the mankind to the apex of perfection with peace and safety, did not deprived us from their divine guidance in this sphere.

To lead, right from the very start, the new generation to a dignified life, our guides who are well aware of "the Islamic mood", besides bestowing us with many other enlightenments for our thought and percept, also gave this divine guidance that we must decorate our beloveds with names, elegantly carved as emeralds; so that, when these innocent buds, in the garden of our desires, bloom out as roses, the sumptuous composition of their names and the fascinating grace of it's meanings, should start generating in them lofty waves of "life and colour".

Well, the measure of the beauty and grandeur of names is that, when called out, be graceful; when heard, be vibrant; and on writing be lucid.Moreover there meaning should portray nobility, bear grandeur, and encompass a world of well being and prosperity, in it.

Well there is a possibility that, someone due to his environment and mental stature, gets, impressed by a name because ofit's literal subtlety (delicacy) and it's euphonic (sweet) melody, but while giving someone a name, just the lingual elegance and attractive expression, is not sufficient! Here all the relationships of grandeur and purity, both historical and traditional are essential init's selection.

Otherwise, when someone is given an incomplete name, he would not only be deprived from his established right of "respect and acclamation", but it would also be an injustice with his personality! That is why the righteous leaders have very openly pinpointed the model and approved names. Hazrat Imam Muhammad Baqar (ASWS) says, that the Holy Prophet (SAWAW) hasstated: -

`"The best names are those by which manifest dedication to Allah, and ideal names are the names of the Honourable Prophet!" The Holy Prophetsays: -

"If some person has four sons, and none of. them bear my name, then he has been unjust to me!"68 Sadiq-e-Ale-Muhammad lm?m Jaffa'ras-Sadiq was being questioned: - "Oh Mola' (Our Lord)! We name our children on the names of your forefathers, would we be deriving any benefit out of it?"

lmam replied: yes, by God you would definitely draw benefit." 69 The Ba'b-ul-Hawa'ij Hazrat Imam Musa Kazimdirects: -

"In any family if the names (of males) are Muhammad, Ahmad, Ali, Hasan, Hussain, Ja'ffar, Ta'lib, or Abdulla'h, and the names of any of the female is Fatima, then poverty and hunger would never struck that home!" 70

Under the chapter of "Respect and Honour", not only the adoption of an appropriate and suitable name is being emphasized, but the wealth of Islamic knowledge and ethics instructs us that the leaders of the religion of Allah, at certain instances, in order to satisfy the people and for keeping them as well-wishers, changed the undesirable names of personalities and localities.

Hazrat Imam JaffarSadiq, quotes through his father:-

"The bad names which the people, cities, and localities bored, the Prophet of Allah used to change them." 71 Among one of the renowned personalities, to whom the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), handed over his written scriptures, is also the representative of Banu' Salim, named Rashid-bin-Abd'eRa'b. It is mentioned in the books of traditions, general history and history of narrators, it is mentioned that his name was originally "Za'lim (i.e. meaning a tyrant)", and according to Marzbani, before. Islambe used to be called as Ghavi (i.e. meaning Misleader)"! When hewas blessed with the audience of Holy Prophet, the Grace of the two worlds, Hazrat Muhammad (SAWAW) changed his old name to "Rashid (i.e. meaning pious)".72

In the same way, there was another elder named as Abu-Rashid Abdar-Rahman Az'di.The editor of Asa'd-ul-Gha'ba. IbneKaseer, narrates that he belonged to Palestine. Probably in the year nine (9) A.H. he was blessed by the audience of the Holy Prophet.

The Holy Prophet inquired:What is your name?

He replied:Abdul -Ghuz'a. The Prophet asked:And Surname?

He replied:Abu Mghavia.on hearing this, the Prophet said:

"From today, your surname is Abu-Rashid, and name, Abdur- Rahman" 73 Imam Muslim-bin-Haj'jaj in his Sah'ih, chapter AI-A'ada'b, and Abu Dawood in his Sanan, chapter A'ada'b has mentioned this tradition:-

lbn-Umar states that the name of one of the daughter of Umar bin Khat'ab was As'siya (meaning sinner, culprit), the Holy Prophet changed it to Jamila (meaning beautiful, elegant).74

Summing up the issue, in the instructions given to us regarding giving of names, there is no yielding! The name should be appropriate, exquisitive (refined) and purposeful. Our guides changed those names,where ever there was the slightest doubt of indecency or inappropriateness. They either replaced them with a better name, or made the persons feel the displeasure of his name and surname.

The Great authentic scholar, like Zurara-ibne-Aeyan Shiba'ni, narrates in this tradition, after directly hearing it from Baqar-ul- Uloo'm lmam Muhammad Baqar (ASWS):-

Zurara quotes that lrnam Muhammad Baqar narrates that, a person, whose surname was Abu- Marrah, frequently used to visit l-Iazrat lmam Zain-ul-Abe'edin, and when ever he used toarrive, he used to tell his surname, and request permission to meet. As soon as the Imam heard of his surname, he said that, for God when you come here next time do not get yourself identified by saying Abu-Marrah.

Note: Abu-Marrah75 is the surname of Iblis.76

Another method of giving respect and encouragement is by paying "attention"! Every child persistently requires the courtesy of the elders, to satisfy his ego, by the expression of his self through his talks, his means of sport, or by the small tasks that he accomplishes, and it is necessary upon the guardians to whole heartedly satisfy his needs.

If we do justice, we would certainly come to know that, this is not only the requirement of the off springs, but of the elders too! That is, when ever they speak the listener must pay full attention to what they say, give due importance to their discourse, and in the same context if they are involved in some favourite entertaining hobby, they would like that their involvement be free from intervention, disapproval or critic.

And moreover, when they are carrying out some task, this desire do persists in their hearts that, if not somebody else, at least the directly related circles must appreciate their efforts, and it's worth be given recognition!

Pleaseconsider, that children are also human!What if they are small? After all nature has awarded them with sense and understanding, comprehension and perception, along with the qualities of liking and disliking, inclination and displeasure. Just like their elders, these youngsters also get aware of the attitudes of "respect and neglect". And when it is an undeniable reality, then there is no reason whatsoever that instead of protecting their mini emotions and fragile feelings, we crush them mercilessly due to our unattentiveness?

The princess of Divine Light and the ideallady of the universe, Hazrat Fatima Zahra (ASWS), often used to hear the "events" that took place in the assembly with the Prophet, from her elder son Hasan Mujtaba!and at possible occasions, use to invite Ameer-ul Momene'n Ali-Ibne-Abi Talib (ASWS), and would herself say emphatically:

"You should listen, and appreciate the style of expression of your son Hasan" The authorities on history and tradition mention that the Holy Prophet used to participate with full interest, in the sport played by his younger grandson Hussain lbne Ali.77

And in this respect the most significant aspect is that the living environment of the "children", should be a nucleus of peace and tranquil. That is, that every nook and corner of the "home" be scented with the sweet fragrance of "well being and prosperity".

Regarding family life, the Holy Quran ordains us with the following philosophy: -

"One of the signs of Allah is that, He created a life partner for you, from amongst your own specie, so that you may live in peace; and Allah created the feelings of love and affection amongst you, Certainly there are many signs in it, for those who ponder."78 Home does notmean, rooms, courtyard, walls and windows, and beautifully decorated furniture and material!but a location where the residents find love at every step, and peace and tranquility at every instance.

Islam intends that every' home be a model in itself! That is why the Shari'ah (Islamic code of life) has implemented such laws and injunctions, which protects and enumerates the rights and duties ofeach and every member of the family.So that every family could live with concord and harmony in his own tranquil atmosphere.

Well, the wisdon in this arrangementis, that when the peripheral conditions would be satisfactory, then the new generation would also be cheerful and glad, and as a result would increase the good and pleasant citizens, in the future!

But , God forbid, if there is a convulsion in the family life, the result of this tension would also entangle the nerves of these tender children, which would have extremely ill effects on the growth of these innocent lives. Please remember, may be due to their certain natural weakness, these innocents have a special affection with their "mother", and may be because of this, they pay special significance to the "personality of their mother".

But, if some ferocious and Ill tempered father, constantly scolds their "mother", disgraces her, teases her at all occasions, in front of them then surely there would be an ebb and flow, a strong turmoil in their emotions, and psychologically they would not remain normal, like other children! Thisshould be considered as an extremely grave situation for the human society! Therefore, when we study religion in a little more depth and detail, we find that the Islamic Sharl'ah throughIt's system of education, has fully organised the development of a refined and cultured brains.

Ithas already been written at length that "the new off springs" greatly demand admiration and appreciation. That is why the religion of Allah has directed us to fulfill this demand from every angle and aspect.But the issue does not end up here when every child demands that he should be given affection and love, at the same instance he also desires that his "mother" should also have a highly dignified status. That is why our perfect guides have directed us:-.

"It is obligatory upon every individual that he should accept the respect and honour of "the mother of his child" as an important duty and asa authentic right" of his children". Quoting Prophet Muhammad (SAWAW), lmam Jaffar Sadiq (ASWS) states:- "Every son has this right on his father that he should behave with respect and dignity with his mother, and similarly every daughter has this right on his father that, her mother be honoured and dignified!79

9. Love and Affection

At another instance, the Holy Prophet (SAWAW), has so directed: "You should frequently kiss your children, because the number of times you kiss, for each kiss you would receive in return a grade in Paradise."81

It is obvious from these topics of stimulation and inducement, that religion of monotheism demands that we should not make our children "passive", but should "actively" habituate them with lively feelings, so that the glittering sincerity and warmth of dynamic intellect, should remain enlightened in the world.

Another tradition, of the same class, has been transmitted by the elderly scholar of Islamic Ummah, Abdullah ibne Abb'as ! Itstates: -

The Holy Prophet has said: The person who gratify (overjoy) his daughter, his character would be considered like the person who managed the release of the sons of Isma'iI from the bonds of slavery, and whosoever would bring relief for his son, would be considered amongst those who sheds his tears in the fear of Allah.82 Well, Muhammad Ibne lsmaiI Bukhari writes:-

According to Haj'jaj Ibne Minha'l and Sha'ba, Ad'di has stated that he has heard Bar'ra lbne Aazib as saying that, we ourselves saw that the Prophet of Allah was carrying Hasan Ibne Ali on his shoulders, and was reciting this supplication: "Oh AlIah! I love him andYou should also love him."83 This sentenceis further added in Sahi'h Muslim: -

and Oh Allah!those who love him, bestow upon him Your kindness.84 And now , notice these conditions of eagerness, and unfold your hearts!This the tradition from the well known narrator, Abu Hurrara'h:-

If we intend to put this tradition in our own style, we would say: At one occasion, our beloved Prophet was caressing (kissing) his elder grandson Hasan Mujtaba", and according to Ibne Abi Umer the younger grandson Hussain was also present, and the grandfather was kissing him too.On witnessing this. Aq'rah lbne, Ha'bis could not.bear , and spontaneously burst out:

"I have ten sons, but I have never kissed them like this!" On hearing this, the Holy Prophetreplied: "The person who is not affectionate and kind on others would remain deprived of the favour and kindness of others."85 Through the authenticity of Sadiq-e-Ale Muhammad, there is an instruction of the Holy Prophet (SAWAW) :

- A person said to the Holy Prophet: - "I have never kissed any of mychild !" When that person left, the Holy Prophet commented: "In my opinion this person is infernal (i.e. belongs to Hell)."86

It must be borne in mind that, if in the family there are more than one child, then equal treatment be given to all of them so that from the very beginning, they may develop a just and equitable attitude, and should not be biased at any instant.And especially, there should not be any consideration of in-equality in "love and affection". Children are extremely sensitive.If a child slightly perceives and witnesses that, "there is affection to one, while displeasure to the other", then all the time in his heart he feels the pinch of this attitude, and then this dissatisfaction would find place in his mind, as a result of which, when he would grow old, he would face severe difficulty in finding the right course for a satisfied life!

That is why, the Islamic legislation (Sha'raih-e-Muqad'dass) has insisted that for our children, at no instant should we maintain double standards.Should never have differences in our attitudes. Therefore regarding this issue, the True Guide (SAWAW), has profounded this judicious tradition:-

The Holy Prophet (SAWAW) saw a person kissing one of his two children, while not heeding to the other! On observing this, He warned:

"Oh you servant of Allah! You did not show, justice in affection to both of your sons."87 Any way!without love and affection, we would neither get decent children, nor the society would have balanced sons, and the world would remain vacant from men of confidence!

But , putting "love and affection" in practice, needs moderation. The elders should neither make it so boring, dreary, and monotonous that the innocent souls start hating themselves, and nor should they "bear with the whims and airs" of their children, and accept their pretention to such an extent, that they go astray, and get lost in the bewilderness!

Well, excess and deficiency in any sphere of humanlife, is dangerous. Children are also, no exception to this rule! When the undue "love and affection" to the dear ones reachit's apex, the beloved's go astray.

The children who have gained maturity but are still extremely naughty, stubborn, perverse, wilful, boastful, arrogant, ill mannered, libelous, ruddy, and abusive, one could rightly guess.that all this is the result of undue favouritism of their parents, and an extremely evil omen for the future! Due to this fact, Baqar-ul-Uloom, Hazrat lmam Muhammad Baqar has said:- The worst parents are those, who exceed their limits in loving their children, making them feel happy, and In pleasing them.88