Kitab Al Mumin

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Kitab Al Mumin Author:
Translator: Muhajir b. Ali
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Miscellaneous Books

Kitab Al Mumin

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Al-Husayn ibn Sa`id al-Kufi al-Ahwazi
Translator: Muhajir b. Ali
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Kitab Al Mumin

Kitab Al Mumin

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Kitab Al-Mumin,The Book of the Believer

Author(s): Al-Husayn ibn Sa` id al-Kufi al-Ahwazi

Translator(s): Muhajir b. Ali

Publisher(s): Ansariyan Publications - Qum

Table of Contents

Biography of the Compiler 3

Notes 5

Introduction 6

Notes 7

Chapter 1: The Severity of a Believer’s Afflictions 8

باب شدة ابتلاء المؤمن 8

Notes 23

Chapter 2: The Exclusive Honors that Allah has Reserved for the Believers 26

ما خص الله به المؤمنين من الكرامات والثواب 26

Notes 34

Chapter 3: The bond that Allah has set amongst the believers 37

باب ما جعل الله بين المؤمنين من الاخاء 37

Notes 39

Chapter 4: The Rights of a Believer on a Fellow Believers 40

باب حق المؤمن على أخيه 40

Notes 46

Chapter 5: The Reward of Helping a Believer, Relieving Him of Distress And Showing Him Kindness 48

باب ثواب قضاء حاجة المؤمن وتنفيس كربه وإدخال الرفق عليه 48

Notes 60

Chapter 6: Visiting a Believer Socially and When He is Ill 63

باب زيارة المؤمن وعيادته 63

Notes 67

Chapter 7: The Reward of one who Feeds a Believer, Quenches his Thirst, Clothes him or Pays off his Debt 69

باب ثواب من أطعم مؤمنا أو سقاه أو كساه أو قضى دينه 69

Notes 71

Chapter 8: What Allah has Forbidden a Believer to do Against a Fellow Believer 73

باب ما حرم الله(جلّ جلاله) على المؤمن من حرمة أخيه المؤمن 73

Notes 79

Biography of the Compiler

Al-Husayn ibn Sa'id ibn Hammad ibn Mihran al-Ahwazi (epithet Abu Muhammad)1 was originally from al-Kufah2 but he moved with his brother al-Hasan ibn Sa'id to al-Ahwaz3 and thus he became popular by the city's name (i.e. al-Ahwazi). (His brother) al-Hasan was known by the nickname “Dandan” and the two brothers were amongst the (descendents of the) companions of 'Ali ibn Al-Husayn [a.s].4

Al-Husayn ibn Sa'id lived in the times of Imam al-Riďa, al-Jawad and al-Hadi [a.s], and he narrated traditions from them. For this reason, he is enumerated amongst their companions as can be found often in the books of biographies and of people who narrated traditions.

He has been praised and lauded by all the companions and scholars who have written concerning him; and they have extolled him as being trustworthy. For example, al-Shaykh al-Tusi has extolled him in his two books al-Rijal and al-Fihrist as has al-'Allamah al-Hilli in his al-Khulasah describing him as: “very trustworthy and illustrious.” Abu Dawud also described him as: “trustworthy, of an exalted nature.”

Ibn Nadim said (of him): “al-Hasan al-Ahwazi and Al-Husayn al-Ahwazi, the two sons of Sa'id are from the people of al-Kufah… most well-versed in their era in the knowledge of jurisprudence, traditions, virtues and other subjects from the sciences of the Shi'ah.”

Al-Majlisii has mentioned him in one of his books with the words: “… a principle amongst the main supports of the traditionists is the trustworthy Shaykh Al-Husayn ibn Sa'id al-Ahwazi; he is also the author of the Book of Asceticism (Kitab al-Zuhd) and the Book of the Believer (Kitab al-Mu'min).”5

As mentioned earlier, the two brothers moved from al-Kufah to al-Ahwaz at one point in their lives in order to disseminate the teachings of the progeny of the Messenger of Allah and the children of Fatimah the Chaste [a.s] from whom Allah has removed all impurities and purified with a thorough purification.6

The two brothers authored many books concerning the lawful and the forbidden as well as primers in various other sciences. Al-Kashi reports fifty books by al-Hasan alone and al-Najashi mentions thirty books between the two, saying: “The sons of Sa'id compiled excellent and useful books, and they are thirty in number.”

Al-Husayn joined hands with his brother al-Hasan in writing the thirty books but Al-Husayn is more renowned for them than his brother; and these books are:

1. Kitab al-Wuďu' (The Book of Ablutions)

2. Kitab al-Salat (The Book of Prayers)

3. Kitab al-Zakat (The Book of Alms)

4. Kitab al-Sawm (The Book of Fasting)

5. Kitab al-Hajj (The Book of Pilgrimage)

6. Kitab al-Nikah (The Book of Marriage)

7. Kitab al-Talaq (The Book of Divorce)

8. Kitab al-`Itq wa'l-Tadbir wa'l-Mukatabah (The Book of Manumission of Slaves, Management and Correspondence)

9. Kitab al-Ayman wa'l-Nudhur (The Book of Oaths and Vows)

10. Kitab al-Tijarat wa'l-Ijarat (The Book of Trade and Leasing)

11. Kitab al-Khums (The Book of Islamic Tax)

12. Kitab al-Shahadat (The Book of Testimonies)

13. Kitab al-Sayd wa'l-Dhaba`ih (The Book of Game and Slaughtered Animals)

14. Kitab al-Makasib (The Book of Earnings)

15. Kitab al-Ashribah (The Book of Drinks)

16. Kitab al-Ziyarat (The Book of Pilgrimages)

17. Kitab al-Taqiyah (The Book of Dissimulation)

18. Kitab al-Radd `Ala'l-Ghulah (The Book of Refuting the Extremists)

19. Kitab al-Manaqib (The Book of Virtues)

20. Kitab al-Mathalib (The Book on Slandering)

21. Kitab al-Zuhd (The Book of Asceticism)

22. Kitab al-Muru'ah (The Book of Chivalry)

23. Kitab Huquq al-Mu'minin wa-Fadhlihim (The Book concerning the Rights and Excellencies of Believers)

24. Kitab Tafsir al-Qur'an (The Book of the Exegesis of the Qur'an)

25. Kitab al-Wasaya (The Book of Bequests)

26. Kitab al-Fara'idh (The Book of Obligations)

27. Kitab al-Hudud (The Book of Legal Punishments)

28. Kitab al-Diyat (The Book of Blood Money)

29. Kitab al-Malahim (The Book of Battles)

30. Kitab al-Du'a` (The Book of Supplications)

Al-Husayn ibn Yazid al-Surani used to say: “al-Hasan is a partner to his brother Al-Husayn in all of the latter's chain of narrators except concerning Zur'ah ibn Muhammad al-Haďrami and Faďalah ibn Ayyub, where Al-Husayn used to narrate through his brother from these two.”7

Their maternal uncle, Ja'far ibn Yahya ibnSa'd al-Ahwal, was amongst the companions of Abu Ja'far al-Thani (Imam al-Jawad [a.s]). Thus, the members of this household were known for their profound faith in Allah, the Most High, and their sincerity towards Him; and also their true love for the Messenger of Allah and his pure progeny [a.s]. They were also well known for their prolonged striving for righteous actions and defending the truth against the ruling `Abbasid rulers of their ages, who used to banish or hound the believers amongst the Shi'ah of 'Ali and Al-Husayn [a.s].

Despite all the obstacles, the two brothers were active in all venues, fearing none in matters concerning Allah, and not giving a free rein to others. Courageously, they defended the rights of the pure chosen ones from the family of Muhammad [a.s], with words and actions, in a most evident manner.

From the treasures of the Ahl al-Bayt's knowledge, Al-Husayn ibn Sa'id propagated their teachings treating them like a precious and rare commodity. Thus did he do with a lofty spirit and sincere intention for the sake of the Honorable Lord that the number of those who love them and understand their trusteeship maymultiply. In doing so, he became deserving of what has been narrated from the Ahl al-Bayt [a.s]:

رحِم الله مَن أحيا أمرَنا

“May Allah have mercy on the person who keeps our affairsalive.

By reaching the message to others, he actually influenced a number of people and introduced them to Imam al-Riďa [a.s] and thus their right path was completed and their perception and understanding were more balanced and equitable concerning the Book (i.e. Qur'an), the Holy Prophet and his family [a.s]. This was after they had been heedless of them or inimical, and opposed to following their path and in fact a comrade to their enemies.

Amongst these personalities that he influenced were: Ishaq ibn Ibrahim al-Haďini, 'Ali ibn al-Rasan, 'Ali ibn Mahziyar, 'Abd Allah ibn Muhammad al-Haďini and others. In due course, they began being of service and authored many books. All this was by the grace of Allah that He made him (Al-Husayn ibn Sa'id) the cause in a community's guidance. Due to Allah was his achievement and upon Allah rests his reward!

Finally, Al-Husayn ibn Sa'id, the great traditionist, migrated to Qum where he put up with al-Hasan ibn Aban, and there he died. May Allah have mercy on him the day he was born, the day he passed away and the day He brings him back to life! May Allah resurrect him with those heloved. Amen, O' Lord of the Worlds!

Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Muwahhid al-Abtahi al-Isfahani


1. Rijal al-Najashi 46

2. Al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 54, Ibn al-Nadim: al-Fihrist 104 and Abu Dawud: al-Rijal No. 473.

3. Ibn al-Nadim: al-Fihrist 104.

4. Ibid.

5. Al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 1/16.

6.As in Qur’an, 33:33.

7. Rijal al-Najashi 46.


In the Name of Allah; the Beneficent the Merciful

All praise is to Allah for having favored us with a pure faith like the faith in Him of the Prophets, the Messengers and the monotheists - those who truly know Him. And for having blessed us with a true conviction as have attested the archangels, the saints and the righteous.

And peacebe on the Messengers, those who conveyed the message of their Lord while remaining patient over what befell upon them in their mission. These are they onwhom are blessings and mercy from their Lord and these are the most rightly guided - neither shall they fear anymore nor shall they grieve.

And peace and blessings be on the best of Allah's creatures, the pure and the chosen ones; Muhammad and his family, the leaders of all creation; and peace and blessings be also on those who follow them in goodness, until the Day of Judgment; those who show patience and fortitude in their love for the Ahl al-Bayt, for which they are tormented, killed, burnt and expelled from their homes but still have not ceased holding on to their (Ahl al-Bayt's) rope. They are those concerning whom Imam al-Sadiq [a.s]1 commented:

نحنُ نصبر وشيعتُنا أصبرُ منّا؛ وذلك أنّا صبرنا على ما نعلمُ، وصَبروا هُم على ما لا يعلمون

“We are patient but our Shi'ah are even more patient than us; and that is because we bear patience over what we know whilst they bear patience even over what the do not.”2

These are indeed those who are true to the promise that Allah took from them.

And perpetual calamitous cursesbe upon all their enemies; those who seek to cheat Allah but in reality cheat themselves only. Thus, they carry on their backs the burden of all creation. Indeed, evil is what they bear.

In summary, faith (iman) has levels, degrees and a lofty status; and the true believers who have been tried and tested have specific characteristics that make them stand out from the rest of mankind like a luminous full-moon.

The common man rejects them and deems them to be sick when in fact, they are not sick, but rather, out of awe for Allah, they are apprehensive. They (the true believers) appear confused and confounded. And yet, what confounds them is a mighty matter, of what has been revealed to them of the painful chastisement awaiting the criminals and everlasting bliss awaiting the righteous.

Every time they recite a passage of the Qur'an concerning the hereafter, they are, with regards to the verses of Paradise like one who has seen it and is in it enjoying its pleasures and they are, with regards to the verses concerning the Fire of hell like one who has seen it and abides in it tormented.

These are they whose eyes are wakeful in the dark of the night, fulfilling their obligation to their Creator until they are overcome with drowsiness; then they lie down on the ground, using their palm as a pillow. Their eyes cannot sleep out of fear of the Return, their bodies forsake their beds (to supplicate) and their lips hum with the remembrance of their Lord.

These are they whom Amir al-Mu'minin (the Commander of the Faithful, namely Imam 'Ali ibn Abi Talib [a.s]) described with the words:

مُره العُيون من البكاءِ، خمصُ البطون من الصّيام، صُفرُ الألوانِ من السّهر؛ على وُجوههِم غَبرةُ الخاشِعين، اولئِك إخواني الذّاهِبون، فحقَّ لنا أن نظمأَ إليهم ونعضَّ الأيدي على فراقِهم

“Their eyes are swollen due to weeping; their stomachs are hollow due to fasting; their colour is pale because of wakefulness; on their faces are the effects of the fearful. They are my brothers gone by. It is a right for us to long for them and lament their departure.”

As for the believer, every time he draws closer to his Lord by a degree, Allah surrounds him with a variety of misfortunes and afflictions. He is surrounded from every corner, and obstacles are erected for him from every side. Yet, have misfortunes inflicted anyone but the one who is sincere to Allah and believes in Him? And this continues in different forms and manners so that Allah may reward him amply.

The subject of the severity of afflictions and their types has been discussed in our book entitled 'al-Tamhis (The Testing)' so there is no need to repeat it here. This book has other traditions that will light up the path for the wayfarer and illumine the heart, feeding it from the spring of the Ahl al-Bayt [a.s]. They (the Ahl al-Bayt) are the most knowledgeable of the maladies of the soul and the whisperings of the devil; so they, naturally, are best suited to remove the illnesses with clear and unpolluted antidotes.

May Allah make us of those who hold on to the rope of their guardianship (Wilayah), and of those whose deeds are accepted, whose sins are forgiven and who are given glad tidings with a refreshing drink from the fountain of al-Kawthar - those who attain the intercession of the Ahl al-Bayt [a.s] on the Day when neither one's wealth nor children will be of any use, except one who comes with a free heart. And the last of our supplication is: All Praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds.


1. For maintaining readability, [a.s] which is an acronym for “Alayhum Salaam” is used throughout the book to denote “May God bless him, her or them”. When used for the Prophet, his Household is included. When used for others, it only refers to that person.

2. Al-Qummi, Ali ibn Ibrahim: al-Tafsir 489 [19], and Al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 71/84 [27].