Kitab Al Mumin

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Kitab Al Mumin Author:
Translator: Muhajir b. Ali
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Miscellaneous Books

Kitab Al Mumin

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Al-Husayn ibn Sa`id al-Kufi al-Ahwazi
Translator: Muhajir b. Ali
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
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Kitab Al Mumin

Kitab Al Mumin

Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Chapter 6: Visiting a BelieverSocially and When He is Ill

باب زيارة المؤمن وعيادته

146 - عن النبي (ص) انه قال

أيّما مؤمنٍ عادَ مريضاً في اللهِ (جلّ جلاله) خاض في الرحمة خَوضاً وإذا قعدَ عندَه استنقَع استنقاعاً فإنْ عادَه غَدوةً صلّى عليه سبعون ألف ملَك إلى أنْ يمسيَ، فإنْ عادَه عَشيّةً صلّى عليه سبعون ألف ملَك إلى أن يُصبحَ

146. It has been reported that the Prophet [a.s] said:

Whenever a believer visits one who is sick for the sake of Allah, he will be immersed in mercy totally. When he sits and spends some time with him, he will be soaked in mercy completely. If he visits him in the morning, seventy thousand angels will bless him until he retires in the evening; and if he visits him at night, seventy thousand angels will bless him until he rises in the morning.1

147 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

أيّما مؤمنٍ عادَ أخاه المؤمنَ في مرَضه صلّى عليه سبعةٌ وسبعون ألف ملَك، فإذا قعد عندَه غَمرتهُ الرّحمةُ واستغفَروا له حتىّ يُمسي، فإنْ عاده مَساءً كان له مثلُ ذلك حتىّ يُصبحَ

147. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

If a believer visits his fellow believer when he is sick, seventy-seven thousand angels will pray for him; and if he sits with him a while, he will be inundated with mercy, and the angels seek forgiveness for him until he retires in the evening; and if he visits in the evening, it shall be the same for him until he rises in the morning.2

148 - وعن أبي جعفر (ع) قال

إنّ العبدَ المسلمَ إذا خرج مِن بيته يريدُ أخاهُ لله لا لِغيرهِ التماسَ وجهِ الله (جلّ جلاله) ورغبَةً فيما عندَه، وكّلَ الله به سبعين ألف ملَك يُنادونَه مِن خلفه إلى أن يرجِعَ إلى منـزله: ألا طِبتَ وطابت لك الجنّةُ

148. It has been reported that Abu Ja'far [a.s] said:

When a Muslim servant (of Allah) leaves his home intending to visit his brother for the sake of none but Allah, seeking the pleasure of Allah and hoping for what (reward) is with Him, Allah will appoint seventy thousand angels calling out from behind him until he returns home (saying), 'Rejoice and enjoy Paradise!'3

149 - وعن أمير المؤمنين (ع) أنه قال لبعض أصحابه: تذهب بنا نعود فلانا؟ قال: فذهبتُ معه فإذا أبو موسى الأشعري جالس عنده، فقال أمير المؤمنين (ع): يا أبا موسى، أعائداً جئت أم زائراً؟ فقال: لا بل عائداً. فقال :

أما إنّ المؤمنَ إذا عاد أخاه المؤمنَ صلّى عليه سبعون ألفَ ملَك حتى يرجعَ إلى أهله

149. It has been related that Amir al-Mu'minin [a.s] said to some of his companions, 'Will you come with me to visit so-and-so who is sick?' They therefore went with him and found Abu Musa al-Ash'ari seated with him. Amir al-Mu'minin [a.s] asked, 'O Abu Musa, have you come to see him because he is sick or is it just a social visit?' 'Rather (I came) because he is sick,' he replied.

'When a believer visits his sick brother-in-faith,' Amir al-Mu'minin [a.s] said, 'seventy thousand angels bless him until he returns to his family.'4

150 - وعن أبي جعفر عن أبيه عن الحسين بن علي (ع) عن النبي (ص) أنه قال: حدثني جبرئيل (ع) أن الله أهبط إلى الأرض ملكاً، وأقبل ذلك الملَكُ يمشي حتى وقع إلى باب دار رجل، وإذا رجل يستأذن على رب الدار، فقال له الملك: ما حاجتك إلى رب الدار؟ قال: أخ لي مسلم زرته في الله، قال له: ما جاء بك إلاّ ذلك؟ قال: ما جاء بي إلاّ ذلك، قال: فإني رسول الله (جلّ جلاله) إليك، وهو يُقرئك السلامَ ويقول: أوجبتُ لك الجنةَ، قال: وقال الملَك: إن الله (جلّ جلاله) يقول

أيّما مسلمٍ زار مسلماً ليس إيّاه يزورُ وإنّما إيّاي يزور وثوابُه الجنّة

150. It has been related that Abu Ja'far, on the authority of his fathers, narrated that Al-Husayn ibn 'Ali [a.s] said that the Prophet [a.s] narrated:

Archangel Gabriel narrated to me that Allah [M.G] once sent down an angel who walked up to a house door where a man stood seeking permission to enter. The angel said to him, 'What do you want from the owner of this house?' 'He is my Muslim brother. I am visiting him for the sake of Allah,' he replied. 'No other motive has brought you, has it not?' asked the angel. 'None whatsoever,' replied the man. 'I am a messenger from Allah to you,' said the angel, 'He sends you greetings saying: I have made Paradise for you undoubtedly.

'Allah says,' added the angel, 'any Muslim who visits a fellow Muslim has in fact visitedMe and his reward shall be Paradise.'5

151 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ص): ألا أخبركم برجالكم من أهل الجنة؟ قالوا: بلى يا رسول الله، قال

النّبي والصدّيقُ والشهيد والوليد والرجلُ الذي يزور أخاه في ناحيةِ المِصرِ لا يزوره إلاّ في الله (جلّ جلاله

151. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said: the Messenger of Allah [a.s] said, May I inform you of the people amongst you that are the people of Paradise?' 'Indeed, O Messenger of Allah,' they replied. 'They are the Prophets,' he said, 'the truthful, the martyrs, the newborns and those who visit their brothers at far away places in the city for no reason except seeking the pleasure of Allah.'

152 - عن أبي حمزة، قال: سمعت العبد الصالح يقول

مَن زار أخاه المؤمنَ للهِ لا لغَيرهِ يطلبُ به ثوابَ اللهِ (جلّ جلاله) وينتَجزُ مواعيدَ اللهِ تعالى وكَّلَ اللهُ به سبعينَ ألف ملَك مِن حين يخرجُ من منْزلِه حتى يعودَ إلَيه ينادونه: ألا طِبتَ وطابت لك الجنةُ، تبوّأتَ من الجنّة منـزلاً

152. It has been related that Abu Hamzah said: I heard al-'Abd al-Salih (The righteous servant of Allah; namely, Imam al-Kaďim [a.s]) saying:

One who visits his fellow believer for no reason other that seeking Allah's pleasure and reward and fulfilling the pledges to obey Him, Allah will appoint for him seventy thousand angels from the time he leaves his house to the time he returns, calling out to him, 'Rejoice and enjoy Paradise. You have reserved a place in it!'6

153 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

مَن زار أخاه المؤمنَ قال الربُّ : أيّها الزائرُ طِبتَ وطابت لك الجنّةُ

153. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

When one visits his brother-in-faith, the Lord [M.G] says, 'O you who are visiting! Rejoice and enjoy Paradise.'7

154 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال: قال رسول الله (ص)

أيّما مسلم عادَ مريضاً من المؤمنين خاضَ رمالَ الرحمةِ، فإذا جلَس إلَيهِ غَمرتهُ الرّحمةُ، فإذا رجعَ إلى بَيتِه شيَّعَهُ سبعون ألف ملَك حتى يدخُلَ إلى منْزِله كلُّهم يقولون: ألا طِبتَ وطابت لك الجنّةُ

154. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said: the Messenger of Allah [a.s] said:

Any Muslim who visits a sick believer will be absorbed in mercy. When he sits with him (the sick believer), mercy will submerge him; and when he returns, he will be accompanied by seventy thousand angels until he enters his house, every one of them saying, 'Rejoice and enjoy Paradise.'8

155 - وعن أبي جعفر (ع) قال

إنّ لله (جلّ جلاله) جنةً لا يدخلها إلاّ ثلاثةٌ: رجُل حكَم في نفسه بالحق ورجل زار أخاه المؤمنَ في البِرّ ورجل أبرَّ أخاه المؤمنَ في الله (جلّ جلاله )

155. It has been reported that Abu Ja'far [a.s] said:

Allah has a Paradise that none shall enter except three kinds of people: one who judges concerning himself with justice, one who visits his fellow righteous believer and one who does good for his fellow believer for the sake of Allah.9

156 - وعن أبي جعفر وأبي عبد الله (ع)، قالا

إذا كان يوم القِيامةِ اوتيَ العبدُ المؤمن إلى الله (جلّ جلاله) فيُحاسبُه حساباً يسيراً ثمَّ يُعاتبُه فيقولُ له: يا مؤمنُ، ما منعكَ أن تعودَني حيثُ مرِضتُ؟ فيقول المؤمنُ: أنتَ ربي وأنا عبدك، أنت الحيُّ الذي لا يصيبك ألمٌ ولا نصبٌ، فيقولُ الربّ (جلّ جلاله): مَن عاد مؤمناً فقد عادني، ثم يقول اللهُ (جلّ جلاله)، هل تعرف فلانَ بن فلان؟ فيقول: نعَم، فيقول له: ما منعكَ أن تعودَه حيث مرِض؟ أما لو عدتَهُ لعُدتَني ثمّ لوَجدتَني عندَ سؤالِك ثم لو سألتَني حاجةً لَقضيتُها لك ثم لم أرُدَّكَ عنها

156. It has been narrated that Abu Ja'far and Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] both said:

On the Day of Resurrection, when a believing servant comes before Allah, He will account him with an easy accounting but then reproach him saying, 'O believer, what stopped you from visiting Me when I was sick?'

The believer shall reply, 'You are my Lord and I amYour servant; and You are ever-living and never afflicted with suffering or illness!' 'One who visits a believer in sickness has in fact visitedMe ,' shall say the Lord [M.G], 'Do you not know so-and-so?' 'Yes,' the believer shall reply, 'I know him.' Allah [M.G] shall then say, 'What stopped you from visiting him when he was sick? Had you visited him, you would have visitedMe . Then you would have foundMe ever-present at the time of your need. If you then would have asked me for any need, I would have fulfilled it for you and not turned you away fromit .'10

157 - وعن أبي جعفر (ع): إن ملَكاً من الملائكة مرّ برجل قائم على باب دار فقال له الملك: يا عبد الله ما يقيمك على باب هذه الدار؟ قال: أخ لي في بيتها أردت أن أسلّم عليه، فقال الملك: هل بينك وبينه رحمٌ ماسة أو نزعت بك إليه حاجة؟ قال: لا، ما بيني وبينه قرابة ولا نزعني إليه حاجة إلاّ أخوة الإسلام وحرمته، فأنا أتعاهده، وأسلم عليه في الله رب العالمين. قال له الملك: إني رسول الله إليك وهو يقرئك السلام، ويقول لك :

إنّما إيّاي أرَدتَ وإليَّ تعمَّدتَ وقد أوجبتُ لك الجنةَ وأعتقتُكَ من غضبي وأجَرتُك من النار

157. It has been narrated that Abu Ja'far said:

An angel once passed by a man standing at the door of a house. He asked, 'Servant of Allah, what brings you here?' 'My brother lives here,' replied the man, 'I intend to greet him.' 'Is there any blood relation between you or has a need brought you to him?' asked the angel. 'No,' answered the man, 'we are neither related nor has a need brought me to him except our Islamic brotherhood and respect for him. I am acquainted to him and I greet him only for the sake of Allah; the Lord of the worlds.' The angel said, 'I am a messenger of Allah to you and He sends you greetings saying to you: It is in fact I that you have visited and it is I that you have approached; and for that, I have made Paradise mandatory for you, put off My wrath from you and protected you from the Fire (of Hell).11

158 - وعن أبي جعفر (ع) قال

أيّما مؤمنٍ زار مؤمناً كان زائراً لله (جلّ جلاله)، وأيّما مؤمنٍ عاد مؤمناً خاض الرحمةَ خَوضاً، فإذا جلسَ غَمرتْه الرحمةُ، فاذا انصرفَ وكّلَ الله به سبعين ألف ملَك يستغفرون له ويسترحمون عليه ويقولون: طِبتَ وطابت لك الجنّةُ، إلى تلك الساعة من الغدِ وكان له خريفٌ من الجنة

قال الراوي: وما الخريف؟ جعلت فداك، قال

زاويةٌ في الجنة يسيرُ الراكبُ فيها أربعين عاماً

158. It has been reported that Abu Ja'far [a.s] said:

Any believer who visits a believer has in fact visited Allah;12 and any believer who visits a sick believer will be immersed in mercy. When he sits with the sick believer, mercy will inundate him; and when he leaves, Allah [M.G] will appoint for him seventy thousand angels who seek forgiveness and mercy for him, saying, 'Rejoice and enjoy Paradise' until the same time the next day and he shall have a kharif in Paradise.'

The narrator asked, 'May I be ransomed for you, what is a kharif?'

'Kharif is a corner in Paradise,' he replied, 'It would take a rider forty years to journey through.'13


1. Al-Mustadrak 1/84 h.4 and al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 81/225 h.34 [as quoted from Ibn Fahad al-illi: `Uddat al-Da`i 115].

2. Al-Mustadrak 1/84 h.5 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 2/636 h.1 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/120 h.6 and 2/121 h.7] and al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 81/224 h.32 [as quoted from al-Rawandi: Muhaj al-Da`awat with little difference].

3. Al-Mustadrak 2/230 h. 1, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/348 h.9 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 10/456 h.3 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/177 h.9].

4. Al-Mustadrak 1/83 h.7.

5. Al-Mustadrak 2/228 h.1, Shaykh al-Mufid: al-Ikhtisas 21, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/344 h.3, 59/188 h.39, 74/355 h.32 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 10/456 h.6 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/176 h.3 and Shaykh al-Mufid: al-Ikhtisas 21].

6. Al-Mustadrak 2/228 h.2, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/350 h.15 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 10/456 h.3 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/178 h.15].

7. Al-Mustadrak 2/230 h.4, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/348 h.10 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 10/455 h.2 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/177 h.10], al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/350 h.17 [as quoted from al-imyari al-Qummi: Qurb al-Isnad 18 and Shaykh al-Saduq: Thawab al-A`mal 221] and Al-Mustadrak 2/229 h.17 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: Musadaqat al-Ikhwan 42 h.1].

8. Al-Mustadrak 1/83 h.8.

9. Al-Mustadrak 2/228 h.3, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/348 h.11 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/178 h.11], 2/352 h.24 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: al-Khisal 131 h.136 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 10/456 h.4] and Warram: Tanbih al-Khawatirwa Nuzhat al-Nawaďir 2/198.

10. Al-Mustadrak 1/83 h.9, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 81/227 h.39 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Tabrisi: Makarim al-Akhlaq 386 with little difference.]

11. Al-Mustadrak 2/228 h.6, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/351 h.19 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: al-Amali 166 h.7, Shaykh al-Mufid: al-Ikhtisas 219 and Shaykh al-Tusi: al-Amali 2/209 with very little difference] and 74/354 h.30 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: Thawab al-A`mal 204]. A similar narration is recorded in Bihar al-Anwar 59/192 h.52 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: al-Amali] and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 10/457 h.6 and 8/436 h.5 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: al-Amali and Thawab al-A`mal].

12. Al-Mustadrak 2/228 h.5 and 1/83 [part of] h.10.

13. Al-Mustadrak 1/83 [part of] h.10, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 81/216 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 2/634 h.3 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 3/120 h.3].

Chapter 7:The Reward of one who Feeds a Believer, Quenches his Thirst, Clothes him or Pays off his Debt

باب ثواب من أطعم مؤمنا أو سقاه أو كساه أو قضى دينه

159 - عن أبي جعفر (ع) أنه قال

شَبعُ أربعةٍ من المسلمين يعدِلُ فكَّ رقبةٍ من وُلدِ إسماعيل (ع)

159. It has been narrated that Abu Ja'far [a.s] said:

Feeding four Muslims is equal to freeing a slave from the descendants of Prophet Ishmael.1

160 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

ما مِن مؤمنٍ يُدخل بيتَه مؤمنَين يُطعمُهُما ويُشبعُهما إلاّ كان ذلك أفضلَ من عِتقِ نَسمةٍ

160. It has been narrated that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

If two believers were to enter the house of a believer and hewere to feed them to full, this would be better than freeing a slave.”2

161 - وعن علي بن الحسين (ع) قال

مَن أطعم مؤمناً مِن جوعٍ أطعمه اللهُ (جلّ جلاله) من ثمارِ الجنةِ، ومَن سقى مؤمناً مِن ظمأٍ سقاهُ اللهُ يوم القيامة من الرّحيق المختومِ، ومَن كَسى مؤمناً مِن العُريِّ كساه اللهُ (جلّ جلاله) مِن الثّياب الخُضر

161. It has been reported that 'Ali ibn Al-Husayn [a.s] said:

Whoever feeds a hungry believer, Allah will feed him with the fruits of Paradise; and whoever gives a drink to a thirsty believer, Allah will quench his thirst (on the Day of Judgment) with an exquisite drink of Paradise; and whoever clothes a believer, Allah will clothe him with a green robe of Paradise.

وفي حديث آخر قال

مَن كسا مؤمناً مِن عُريٍّ لم يزَلْ في ضمانِ الله ما دامَ عليه سلك

According to another tradition, the Imam said:

Whoever clothes a believer will remain under the security of Allah as long as a thread of the cloth remains.3

162 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

مَن أطعمَ مؤمناً مِن جوعٍ أطعمَه اللهُ مِن ثمارِ الجنةِ، وأيّما مؤمن سقى مؤمناً سقاه الله مِن الرحيق المختومِ، وأيّما مؤمن كسا مؤمناً مِن عُريٍّ لم يزلْ في سترِ الله وحِفظِه ما بقِيتْ منه خُرقةٌ

162. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

Whoever feeds a hungry believer, Allah will feed him with the fruits of Paradise; and any believer who quenches the thirst of another believer, Allah will quench his thirst with an exquisite drink of Paradise; and any believer who clothes another believer will remains under the guard and protection of Allah as long as a shred of it remains.4

163 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال لبعض أصحابه

يا ثابت، أما تستطيعُ أن تعتقَ كلَّ يوم رقبةً؟

قال: أصلحك الله، ما أقوى على ذلك، قال

أما تقدرُ أن تغدّي أو تُعشّيَ أربعةً من المسلمين؟

قلت: أما هذا فاني أقوي عليه، قال

هو واللهِ يعدلُ عِتقَ رقبةٍ

163. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] once said to one of his companions, “O Thabit! Can you not free a slave every day?' 'May Allah make you prosper,' he replied, 'I do not have the (financial) power to do it!' 'Are you not able,' asked the Imam [a.s], 'to entertain four Muslims for lunch or dinner?' 'I am able to do,' replied the companion.

'By Allah I swear,' said the Imam [a.s], 'that is equal to free a slave.'5

164 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

مَن كسا مؤمناً ثوباً لم يزلْ في رحمةِ الله (جلّ جلاله) ما بقيَ مِن الثّوب شئٌ، ومَن سقاه شربةً من ماءٍ سقاه اللهُ (جلّ جلاله) مِن رحيقٍ مختومٍ، ومَن أشبعَ جُوعتَه أطعمهُ اللهُ (جلّ جلاله) من ثمارِ الجنّة

164. It has been narrated that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

Whoever clothes a believer will remain in the mercy of Allah [M.G] as long anything of that cloth remains; and one who gives him a sip of water, Allah will quench his thirst with an exquisite drink (of Paradise); and one who satiates his hunger, Allah will feed him with the fruits of Paradise.6

165 - وعن أمير المؤمنين علي (ع) أنه قال

لأَنْ أُطعِمَ أخاك لُقمةً أحَبُّ إليَّ مِن أنْ أتصدَّقَ بدرهمٍ، ولأنْ أُعطيَه درهماً أحَبُّ إليَّ مِن أنْ أتصدَّقَ بعَشَرةٍ، ولأَنْ أُعطيَه عَشرةً أحَبُّ إليَّ مِن أنْ أعتقَ رقَبةً

165. It has been narrated that Amir al-Mu'minin [a.s] said:

Feeding your brother a mouthful is more loveable to me than giving a dirham in charity; and giving him a dirham is more lovable to me than giving ten in charity; and giving him ten Dirhams is more loveable to me than freeing a slave.7

166 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

ما مِن مؤمنٍ يُطعمُ مؤمناً شبعاً إلاّ أطعمَهُ اللهُ (جلّ جلاله) مِن ثمار الجنّة، ولا سقاه شَربةً إلاّ سقاه اللهُ من الرّحيقِ المختوم، ولا كساهُ ثَوباً إلاّ كساه اللهُ (جلّ جلاله) مِن الثيابِ الخُضرِ وكان في ضَمانِ الله تعالى ما دام مِن ذلك الثّوبِ سلكٌ

166. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

If any believer feeds another believer to full, Allah will feed him from the fruits of Paradise; and if he gives him a sip to drink, He will quench his thirst with an exquisite drink (of Paradise); and if he clothes him, Allah will clothe him with a green robe (of Paradise) and he will remain under the protection of Allah as long as a thread of that cloth remains.8

167 - وعن أبي جعفر (ع) قال

مِن أحَبِّ الخِصال إلى الله (جلّ جلاله) ثلاثةٌ: مُسلمٌ أطعمَ مسلماً مِن جوعٍ أو فكَّ عنه كُربةً أو قَضى عنه دَيناً

167. It has been narrated that Abu Ja'far [a.s] said:

(Amongst) the qualities most loved by Allah are three: aMuslim who feeds a hungry Muslim, relieves him from a distress or settle his debt for him.9

168 - وعن أبي عبد الله (ع) قال

أوّلُ ما يُتحَفُ به المؤمنُ في قبرهِ أنَّهُ يُغفرُ لمَن تبِعَ جنازتَهُ

168. It has been reported that Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] said:

The first gift that a believer is presented with in his grave is the forgiveness for those who accompanied his bier.10

169 - وعن سدير قال: قال أبو عبد الله (ع)

ما يمنعُك أن تعتقَ كلَّ يوم نسَمة؟

قلت: لا يحتمل ذلك مالي. قال، فقال

تُطعمُ كلَّ يوم رجُلاً مسلماً

فقلت: موسرا أو معسرا؟ قال

إنّ الموسِرَ قد يشتهي الطعامَ

169. Sudayr reported: Abu 'Abd Allah [a.s] once asked me, 'What stops you from freeing a slave every day?' 'My financial status will not allow that,' I replied.

'Can you feed a Muslim every day (to equal that reward)?' the Imam [a.s] asked.

'Must that Muslim be well-to-do or poor?' I asked.

'Even the well-to-do sometimes long for food,' the Imam [a.s] replied.11

170 - وعن أبي جعفر (ع) أنه قال

إطعامُ مسلمٍ يعدِلُ عِتقَ نسَمة

170. It has been narrated that Abu Ja'far [a.s] said:

Feeding a Muslim is equal to freeing a human being.12


1. Al-Mustadrak 3/90 h.1, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/385 h.102 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: Thawab al-A`mal 165 and al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/395 h.60], 75/460 h.12, al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/444 h.32 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/395 h.59], 16/463 h.4 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: Thawab al-A`mal].

2. Al-Mustadrak 3/90 h.2, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/373 h.66 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/201 h.4], 75/460 h.10 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/394 h.54], 74/311 h.67, Al-Mustadrak 1/545 h.3 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Mufid: al-Ikhtisas 21] and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/447 h.1 [as quoted from al-Kafi and al-Mahasin].

3. Shaykh al-Mufid: al-Ikhtisas 220, al-Mustadrak 1/546 h.8, 1/220 h.4 [as quoted from al-Ikhtisas 220], 3/88 h.4, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/384 h.89 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: Thawab al-A`mal 164 and Shaykh al-Mufid: al-Amali 12], 74/373 h.67, al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/453 h.1 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/201 h.5]. The last statement of the narration is recorded in al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/381 h.86 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 3/420 h.2 and 3 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/205 h.4] and 3/421 h.6 [as quoted from Shaykh al-Saduq: Thawab al-A`mal and others].

4. This narration is the same as No. 161.

5. Al-Mustadrak 1/87 h.4, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/364 h.31 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/443 h.28 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/394 h.51].

6. Al-Mustadrak 1/88 h.1. The first statement is also recorded in Al-Mustadrak 1/220 [last part of] h.5. A similar to the first statement of the narration is recorded in al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/381 h.87 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 3/420 h.4 as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi: 2/205 [part of] h.5.

7. Al-Mustadrak 3/91 h.2.

8. The first statement is recorded in Al-Mustadrak 3/88 h.5 and the last in 1/220 h.5.

9. Al-Mustadrak 3/86 h.12, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/365 h.36 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/441 h.14 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/388 h.12].

10. Al-Mustadrak 1/119 h.9. A similar narration is recorded in al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 81/259 [part of] h.7, 81/377 [part of] h.28 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 2/821 h.7 [as quoted from al-Amali: 1/45. At any rate, this narration should have been mentioned in the Chapter 2, where it would be more appropriate.

11. Al-Mustadrak 3/87 h.5, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/377 h.74 [as quoted from al-Kulayni: al-Kafi 2/202 h.12], 74/364 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/394 h.49] and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/443 h.28 and 16/448 h.30 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 16/443 h.28 and al-Kulayni: al-Kafi].

12. Al-Mustadrak 3/87 h.4, al-Majlisi: Bihar al-Anwar 74/363 h.24, 75/460 h.11 and al-Hurr al-`Amili: Wasa`il al-Shi`ah 16/442 h.21, 16/443 h.30 [as quoted from al-Barqi: al-Mahasin 2/391 h.33 and 2/395 h.56].