Qalbe-Saleem; [Immaculate Conscience]
![Qalbe-Saleem; [Immaculate Conscience]](
Author: Ayatullah Sayyid Abdul Husayn Dastghaib Shirazi
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Miscellaneous Books
Qalbe-Saleem; [Immaculate Conscience]
- Mission of the Prophets
- Training and self-purification means knowledge and action
- Knowledge sans actions or a fruitless Branch
- Body and Soul
- Sins related to the body and soul
- Duty of the religious Scholars
- Compilation of Greater Sins, an Important Step
- Qalbe Saleem (Immaculate Conscience) and Gunahane Kabira (Greater Sins)
- Responsibility of the Respected Readers
- Introduction
- Sin of the Heart
- Quran and the sins of the heart
- Sin of the Heart or inner disease
- Paradise is the abode of only those who possess a perfect heart
- Harmful effects of the diseases of the Heart
- Physical sins are caused by diseases of the Heart
- Depravity of the Society
- Jealousy, an Example
- A Healthy soul and a Healthy Body
- Cleanliness of the Body from the food consumed
- Spiritual Hygiene is also Important
- Prescription
- Materialist man has no spiritual cure
- Quran, The Message that Bestows life
- Refutation of a wrong notion
- A Wrong Notion
- To be cautious of Satanic whisperings is a sign of belief
- There is no other way
- An Astounding Fact
- Prescription is not a cure
- Disbelief is not the only Spiritual Disease
- Lack of belief is real ignorance
- A disbeliever is worse than animals
- The Dead
- Death of the Soul
- Peaceful life and a comfortable Hereafter
- Hope in Allah, the strongest support for a believer
- The disbeliever’s heart is a Horrible Ruin
- The Unbeliever’s dread will never end
- Joy and Sorrow
- Acquire as much belief as possible
- Belief means Certainty
- Conclusion of this Introduction
- Notes
- First Disease-Disbelief
- Consequence of Disbelief
- Two Types of Disbeliefs
- Disbelief Despite Knowledge
- Irreligious People
- Infidels of Mecca and Jews of Medina
- Worldly Punishment
- Two Inner Eyes
- An Objection and its Reply
- Blindness and Deafness
- Cure for the Denial of the Origin and Hereafter
- Lack of knowledge is different from lack of realization that one lacks knowledge
- In Doubt
- If you cannot find proof you cannot say that there is no proof
- Ray of Hope
- Difference in the Understanding capacity of Human beings and Animals
- Disbelievers are like Beasts
- Quranic Cure of Disbelief
- Precaution makes Sense
- The style of Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (a.s.)
- A Good Tree
- Leaves, Branches and Fruits of the Tree of Belief
- Consequence of Disbelief
- Belief and Disbelief
- The Believer does no evil, the Infidel does no good
- Denial of Prophethood
- Benefit of a Guide
- Intellect in isolation is subdued by desires
- Denial of the Messengership of the Last Prophet
- Denial of Wilayat and Imamat
- Notes
- Second Disease: Hypocrisy
- Types of Hypocrisy
- First Type: Hypocrisy against Allah regarding actual faith
- Dissimulation and its Types
- Difference between Dissimulation and Hypocrisy
- Second Type: Hypocrisy with Allah Regarding the Necessities of faith
- A Believer is not a Habitual sinner
- Spending in Allah’s way is a sign of Hope in Allah
- False claim of Piety and Religiousness
- Hypocrisy with Allah regarding the worship acts
- Sins that cause Hypocrisy
- Third Type: Hypocrisy with people
- The worst folks on Judgment Day
- Difference between Dissimulation and False Praise
- Double-Facedness
- Punishment in proportion to Hypocrisy
- Justice of Allah, Intercession and Repentance
- Verbal Repentance
- Heartfelt Regret
- Divine Mercy
- Cure of Hypocrisy with Allah
- Deceiving Oneself
- Respite
- Loss in the world and the Hereafter
- Deceit to Counter Deceit
- Repentance from Hypocrisy
- Conditions for leaving hypocrisy
- First ConditionFirst Condition
- Second ConditionSecond Condition
- Third ConditionThird Condition
- Fourth ConditionFourth Condition
- Cure of Sins related to the Soul
- Sincerity is the only way
- Performing good deeds secretly
- Cure for Hypocrisy with people
- Hypocrisy of States
- Hypocrisy is widespread
- Worldly Harm of Hypocrisy
- Result of Jealousy
- Spiritual harm of Hypocrisy
- All those you see are not humans
- Animal Qualities
- Men who are Satans
- Humans have a higher status than Angels
- Truth and Reality
- Giving up Hypocrisy
- Some customs that are against Reality
- Notes
- Third Disease: Polytheism
- From the height of Monotheism to the depravity of Polytheism
- The Demand of Humanity : Monotheism
- Cannot ever create a Mosquito
- Types of False Deities
- Worship of the most lowly things
- Excuses for Idol Worship
- Worship of the Four Elements
- Sun, Moon and the Stars
- From the aspect of creation, Earth is like the Moon and Stars
- False beliefs
- Worship of Trees and Division of Good and Evil
- The Nature of Man says that God is One
- Polytheism in Actions
- Idol-worship is open Polytheism
- The Polytheism of Ahlul Kitab is Hidden Polytheism
- Extremists and believers in ‘delegation’ (Tafweez) are also Polytheists
- Obedience of the Lord
- People who make legal things illegal and illegal things legal
- Following the scholars of false religions is also Polytheism
- Quality of the Shia Jurisprudents
- Polytheism along with worship
- Obedience in every moment of life
- He should not serve anyone else
- Worshipping the Desires
- Slave of many masters and Slave of One Master
- Steadfastness in Monotheism
- An Example
- Polytheism in seeking the help of causes
- We should repose hope in the final cause
- Obeying someone in sin is also Polytheism
- Swearing by anyone else is not Prohibited
- Practice for Monotheism
- Do not Hide faith by oppression
- Believers in Difficulties and Polytheists in Comfort
- Forgetting the Favors
- A Wrong Notion
- All blessings are from Allah
- When the fact will be known
- They have come alone and would return alone
- Imploring the Causes is Deviation
- One who forgets Allah, gets himself forgotten
- Monotheism of Actions
- Strengthen your Faith
- Verbal confession is not enough
- Worship of carnal desires is contrary to the belief in Monotheism
- Attention on belief in monotheism through words and deeds
- Hope from Allah and fear of Sins
- More subtle than the footfall of an Ant
- Making someone a medium (Wasilah) for God is not polytheism
- To augur evil is a kind of polytheism
- Sneeze is a blessing
- ‘Inauspicious moment’ is also nonsense
- Amirul Momineen (a.s.) marches to Naharwan
- Marched at the same time and returned victorious
- Crowing of the crow
- To consider someone as auspicious or inauspicious is also nonsense
- Misunderstanding
- Inauspiciousness lies in wrong beliefs and disapproved qualities
- Do not care for Bad Omen
- Travel on Wednesday and its Supplication
- We must always augur good
- Auguring evil is related to polytheism
- Conclusion
- Making Imams as intermediaries is not polytheism
- Visitation (Ziyarat) is not deification
- Respecting the kings and rulers
- Taking someone as intermediary is different from considering him a deity
- After the demise of the Holy Prophet (S)
- Prophet Yaqub (a.s.) interceded for his sons
- Hidden Wisdoms of Intercession
- Cure of the disease of polytheism
- Cause and Effect
- Effect of the causes
- Man is helpless in creation
- Will of Allah
- One should say ‘If Allah wills’ (Insha Allah)
- With the expectations being broken
- Dua Faraj and release of Hasan Muthanna
- Beyond the Will of Allah
- Necessary to understand
- He may forgive us
- Dua Jaushan Kabir and Dua Arafah
- Notes
- Fourth Disease: Doubt
- Doubt is a sign of the disease of heart
- Doubt is a serious disease
- Nothing but Allah
- Loss in both the worlds
- Do not doubt! You may become an infidel
- One who doubts in Allah is an infidel
- Good deeds in the state of doubt are useless
- Destruction forever
- This is not reasonable
- Way to Paradise
- Punishment of the Hereafter is not revenge
- Another Misunderstanding
- Allah is not hidden from any sensible being
- The blind cannot see the sun
- They do not want to recognize the truth
- The book of nature should be read with attention
- Knowledge of the Universe
- Advancement of science
- Courage is low and limited to material pleasures
- An historic example of an elevated spirit
- Wealth, Position and Lust
- Spiritual Pleasures are many times tastier
- Continued praying though hit with arrows
- The brave ones of Karbala
- Science supports belief of Monotheism
- The Purpose of all creation is recognition of God
- Worship and Knowledge of Allah
- The Remedy of doubt and the position of certainty
- Power of electricity
- Purification of filth
- Belief is a natural thing
- One kind of Creation cannot be changed into another kind
- Firmness on Monotheism is an excellence
- If man seriously tries he can definitely gain Allah’s recognition
- Awakening of conscience
- 1. Darwin
- 2. Raeng
- 3. Rumien
- 4. Faraday
- Islam is a natural religion
- When there is none to hear the plea
- Divine help to seek knowledge
- Do not deliberate on Allah’s Being
- The Flight of thought is limited
- Eyes only see material things
- Three questions-a single reply
- Some scientists
- A Drop of Sea
- The Ant and The Telephone Pole
- Recognition of God and Science are related to each other
- An Eternal and Everlasting power
- The Universe and its Creator
- Brief statements of other thinkers
- Removal of Dirt
- Cure of Self-worship
- Self Recognition
- Don’t consider yourself free
- Beastly pleasures and desires
- The Most dangerous pain of the heart
- Allah is Manifest, but veils of desires intervene
- Preoccupation makes one forget Allah
- We have lost the way
- A Miserable time
- Social life must also not be forsaken
- The Self of man, and Satan
- Congregational prayer and Hajj
- Islamic laws and acting on them
- Five times purification every twenty-four hours
- Every act has a particular effect
- Remembering death purifies the heart
- Everything should be within limits
- Pleasure of Supplication
- Worship slashes the veil
- It is a difficult but important task
- Assimilation
- Contemplation
- Material Progress
- Another World
- This world is for divine recognition (Ma’arifat)
- Contemplation is the best worship act
- Contemplation results in good deeds
- Contemplation is the way of recognition
- Hands of the clock
- The Human Body
- Habit or Warning
- Study the Quran
- The Infidel king and the Pious vizier
- Discussion of Ali Bin Mitham
- White and Yolk of an egg
- Words of Allah
- A Great Power
- Shaddad could not see his self-made Paradise
- Pharaoh was disappointed
- Nimrod, Abraha and Prophet Sulaiman (a.s.)
- Remembrance of Allah
- Pride on ancestry
- Remembrance and thanks all the time
- One Breath
- Man forgets himself
- Man is not only a physical body
- Concern for Obligatory and Unlawful Acts
- The Best and the most Difficult work
- Importance of Remembering Allah
- This is watchfulness
- Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) and Zulaikha
- Allah is watching
- What the shepherd said
- A slave of Allah
- Verbal remembrance
- The Four Praises
- The More the Better
- Excellence of the Midnight Prayer
- Emphasis on the Midnight Prayer
- Those who wake up at dawn
- Twenty-six Qualities of the Midnight Prayer
- The Messenger of Allah (S) has said that the Midnight Prayer
- Method of the Midnight Prayer
- Stages of Faith
- Three stages of Infidelity
- A Condition of a True Believer
- Obligatory and Recommended Deeds
- Deviation of the Sufis
- People of Perception
- Fondness of Allah’s proximity
- The Great Signs of Certainty
- Certainty is Peace and Doubt is Perplexity
- Everything belongs to Allah
- People of certainty are satisfied in all conditions
- Fear and Hope only from Allah
- Importance of a Deed is based on certainty
- It is Better to Sleep with certainty of Faith
- Love of the world
- Only Deeds Remain
- Worship is an action devoid of the love of the world
- For the eternal world
- Love the Hereafter
- Love the world for the Hereafter
- Worldly bounties for the pleasure of Allah
- It is better if it is for the Hereafter
- Temporary love of the world is not Blameworthy
- Signs of the love of the world for the sake of the Hereafter
- Permanent Love of the world
- Ranks of Worldly love
- First LevelFirst Level
- Loving the world too much
- Second levelSecond level
- A heart imbued with the love of Allah becomes empty of the love of the world
- The Heart–moving words of Amirul Momineen(a.s.)
- Removing the Love of the world from the Heart
- Since the love of the world begets poverty and destitution it is not obligatory to forgo it
- It is a Voluntary act to have more and more love for the Hereafter
- The Universe would disintegrate if there is no love for the world
- Love of the world is not absolutely unlawful
- Piety means that the heart becomes devoid of the love of the world
- Deeds Performed for Allah are more Beneficial
- Love of the world is the source of all Evil
- Love of the world be gets Evil
- Conclusion of the above Discussion
- Promise of Chastisement for the world-worshippers
- Four Noteworthy points in this verse
- Satisfied with the life of this world
- Nostalgia of a traveler
- Peace for the world-worshippers
- Ignoring the Signs of Allah
- Place of comfort for the world-worshippers
- Ignoring the Remembrance of God
- The Love of the world has sealed the Hearts
- The Utmost limit of Deviation
- They left behind the Difficult Day
- On the crossroads of the world and the Hereafter
- Three Groups
- Love of the world is the source of all evil
- Trouble from the moment of death
- Prophet Isa (a.s.) and his companions
- Love of the world disables reason
- The world and the Hereafter are deadly foes of each other
- The Second Level – Where the love of the world is preferable
- Exposition of the Verse
- Love for Allah necessitates love for His friends
- Love for the faith is love for Allah
- Take your Account
- Ahlul Bayt consider him an Enemy
- Love of Ahlul Bayt is obedience of Allah
- All good deeds result from love of God
- Twenty characteristics of the love for Ahlul Bayt
- Intellect of man informs about his mistake
- The criterion of the love of the Creator is divine recognition, not seeing Him with our physical eyes
- Divine Recognition and love for the Hereafter
- What Amirul Momineen (a.s.) says regarding Paradise and the Chosen People
- Additional verse on the unlawfulness of the love of the world
- Those who preferred the comforts of the world
- Some notable verses
- Allah does not like those who are proud and vain
- Further Explanation
- Signs of the Thankful and the Denier
- Thankfulness for a Bounty is more valuable than the Bounty itself
- Self-pride distances one from Allah
- Unlawful despair in the world
- Do not eye others’ property
- Explanation of Muhaqqiq Ardebeli
- Conclusion derived from the above verses
- Desiring the world brings trouble
- Love of the world causes fearlessness of and despair from Allah
- Sorrows of the world and the Hereafter
- Good Deeds, but Aimless
- Those who sacrifice the Hereafter on the world
- Good deeds without sincerity
- One who loves the world is not eligible for salvation
- That which Allah hates
- Enmity of the world is the best deed
- Sayings of the elders about the different kinds of deeds
- More harmful than hungry wolves
- World-worshipping scholars are robbers on the path of Allah
- Followers of the world-worshipping scholar also become like him
- Status-seekers are accursed
- Musa advises his scholar friend
- Beasts in Human Forms
- Ali (a.s.) introduces the Animals
- The Third Rank is Detestable
- That which stalls perfection of faith and human upliftment
- Love for anyone or anything other than God takes one away from God
- Divine injunction about such degree of attachment
- Let not the wealth and children make you negligent of remembering God
- Those who cannot be stopped from remembering God
- Worldly Beauties are Merely a Test
- The Primary and Secondary Aims of Creation
- How people are Tested through worldly Adornments
- Paradise is a better place for the pious
- A Wonderful narration regarding worldly love
- Love for the world is universal
- Three Groups of Theists
- Unmindful Worshippers
- All are equal in this matter
- Self-Glorification of Jews and Christians
- Evil of running away from Religious Scholars
- When intelligence will become perfect
- Our Responsibility in the present age
- Crooked thinking of the unwise and its answer
- An advice for the Faithful
- Divine Messengers are more worthy of emulation
- An example worth pondering over
- The world tries to entice Ali (a.s.)
- Love for the Hereafter and Negligence do not go together
- Lessening the love of the world
- Worldly love comes in the way of Gathering provision for the Hereafter
- This Illness must be remedied
- Danger upto the brink of grave
- Excessiveness of lust and intensity of anxiety
- Increase in Greed
- Growing Anxieties
- Envy, anger and Fearlessness
- Annoyance
- Fearlessness
- The Difficulty of Death
- Last moments of Abu Zakaria
- Gold coins and a creditor
- Flight from good advice
- Ponder over the Holy Quran
- (1) La’b (play)
- (2) Lahv (vain pastimes)
- (3) Beautification
- (4)Self Glorification
- (5) Abundance of wealth and children
- Do not pass on cursorily, but ponder
- Youth also was a spring season, which passed away
- This world is a place of warning
- Wise words of Amirul Momineen (a.s.) about instability of the world
- Those who are blind in seeing the Hereafter and run after the world
- Amirul Momineen (a.s.) forbids excess
- Success in this world is failure in Hereafter
- Light of wisdom, the result of worldly piety
- Examples of worldly life
- A beautiful but dreadful snake
- A strange story about a snake
- Luqman’s Admonition to his son
- Notes
- Intention
- Intention for sinning and remaining pleased with it
- Instances of sinful advances
- Verses and Narrations
- Deeds will be questioned about, be they open or hidden
- Good intention too will be rewarded
- Punishment for spreading scandals
- Allah will hold you responsible on the basis of your intention
- The killer and the killed, both in Hell
- Those who have been cursed
- Whoever threatens a believer will go to Hell
- One who is pleased with an act is a partner in that act
- Imam az-Zaman (a.s.) will take revenge
- Reason supports such narrations
- Statements of Shaykh Bahai
- Intention of sin has been pardoned
- Addition of a Good deed
- A sin not actually done will not be recorded
- Canceling of intention is the expiation for a sinful wish
- Intention of sinning without preliminaries of the act
- One should at least be cautious
- Intention to obey God
- For a poor person, intention to donate is charity
- Reward of Night Prayer Recorded
- A Believer and the Good Deeds He could not do
- With the martyrs of Karbala
- The wound of the battle of Siffin lasted for several years
- Notes