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Elementary Arabic Morphology

Elementary Arabic Morphology Volume 2

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

The Comparative and Superlative Noun

118. What are comparative and superlative nouns?

119. What are comparative and superlative nouns formed from?

120. What verbs are not formed into comparative and superlative nouns?

121. Why are comparative and superlative nouns not formed from triliteral verbs that indicate color, defect or trickery?

122. What do we do if we want to use the comparative or superlative form from a verb that is not put into the comparative or superlative tense?

118. The comparative and superlative noun is a form which changes an adjective to indicate a comparison between one thing and another. An example of an adjective is:یوسفُ کبیرٌ (Joseph is big.) An example of a comparative is:یوسفُ أکبرُ من إبراهیمَ (Joseph is bigger than Abraham.)

119. The comparative and superlative are only formed from triliteral active verbs and always are put in the formأفعل . For example:کَرُمَ (which is a active verb) becomesأکرَم (more generous) andضُرِبَ (which is a passive verb) is not put into the comparative or superlative form.

120. Triliteral active verbs which indicate color, defect or trickery as well as any verb that has more than three letters are not put into the comparative or superlative forms.

121. The reason that triliteral active verbs which indicate color, defect or trickery are not formed into the comparative and superlative forms is because the formأفعل for these verbs is used as an adjective. For example:سَوِدَ (to make black) becomesأسوَد (black) andعَوِرَ (to loose an eye) becomesأعوَر (one-eyed).

122. If we want to use the comparative or superlative form from a verb that is not put into the comparative or superlative tense we must use one of the wordsأشد (more severe),أکثر (more)أوفر (more abundant) orأکبر (larger) and then add the infinitive of the verb in the accusative form (because it is a specificative). For example:سَوِدَ becomesأشَدُّ سَواداً (blacker) orعَوِرَ becomesأکثرُ عَوَراً (more one-eyed).

Definite and Indefinite Nouns

123. What is an indefinite noun?

124. What is a definite noun?

125. How many types of definite nouns are there?

126. How is an indefinite noun made definite?

123. An indefinite noun is a noun that is common amongst a certain species, not specific to any one of the instances. For example:قَلَمٌ (pen) andبُستانٌ (garden).

124. A definite noun is a noun that indicates a specific instance from a species. For example:القَلَمُ (the pen) andالبُستانُ

125. There are six forms of definite nouns:

• Proper nouns:سلیمان (Solomon)

• Pronouns:أنا (I)

• Demonstrative pronouns:هذا (this)

• conjuncts:الذي (he who)

• Made definite by a alif-lām:الرجل (the man)

• Compliment of a prefixed noun :کتابُ الرجل (The man's book)

126. A common noun is made definite in the following ways:

• if an alif-lām is added to it (and the nunation is erased if it was nunated). For example:کتابٌ (a book) becomesالکتابُ (the book).

• if it is contracted with a definite noun (and the nunation is erased if it was nunated). For example:کتابي (my book).

Masculine and Feminine

127. What is a masculine noun?

128. What is a feminine noun?

129. How is a masculine noun differentiated from a feminine noun?

130. What are the signs of a literated feminine noun?

131. Are all nouns ending with the feminine tā' feminine?

132. Are all nouns ending with the alif maqsūrah (یَ ) feminine?

133. Are all nouns ending with an alif and hamzah femine?

134. How many types of masculine and feminine nouns are there?

135. How is a relative clause noun put into the feminine form?

136. How is an adjective put into the feminine form?

137. Are there exceptions to this rule about adjectives?

138. How is an adjective in theفعلان form put into the feminine form?

139. How is an adjective in theأفعل form that indicates a color, defect or trickery put into the feminine form?

140. How is an adjective in theأفعل form indicating the comparative or superlative form put into the feminine form?

127. A masculine noun is a noun that indicates masculinity. For example:رَجُلٌ (man)

128. A feminine noun is a noun that indicates femininity. For example:اِمرأة (woman)

129. There is no sign for a masculine noun. It is known by its meaning. But, feminine nouns are either:

• literated, there are signs indicating its femininity. For example,اِمرأة

• unliterated, there are no signs indicating its femininity. For example,شمس (sun)

130. There are three signs for literated feminine nouns:

• The feminine tā':نعمة (comfort)

• Alif maqsūrah:عَطشیَ (thirsty woman)

• Alif and hamzah:صَحراء (desertlike)

131. No, some nouns ending with the feminine tā' are masculine. For example:طلحة (a male name)

132. No, The nouns that end with an alif maqsūrah which is part of its root (not added) are not feminine. For example:هُدیَ (correct guidance).

133. No, the nouns that end with a hamzah preceded by an alif which is part of its root (not added) are not feminine. For example:بِناء (building)

134. There are two types of masculine and feminine nouns:

• Literal: a noun that is actually masculine or feminine, for example:رجل (man) andاِمرأة (woman).

• Figurative: a noun that is not actually masculine or feminine, for example:قَلَم (pen) andقَوس (arch).

135. A noun (non-adjective) is made feminine in two ways:

• Grammatically: by adding a feminine tā' to the end of the word. For example:نَمِر (panther) becomesنَمرة (female panther).

• Non-grammatically: there are no rules for this. For example:رجلٌ becomesإمرأةٌ .

136. An adjective is made feminine by adding a feminine tā' to the end of the word. For example:کاذب (male liar) becomesکاذبة (female liar).

137. Yes, there are three exceptions to this rule.

• The form:فَعلان

• The formأفعل when the verb indicates color, defects, or trickery.

• The superlative and comparative form.

138. An adjective has theفعلان form is made feminine by putting it into theفَعلیَ form. For example:عَطشان (thirsty male) becomesعَطشیَ (thirsty female).

139. An adjective has theأفعل form and it denotes color, defect, or trickery is made feminine by putting it into theفَعلاء form. For example:أحمَر (red) becomesحَمراء (red).

140. A superlative or comparative is made feminine by putting it into theفُعلیَ form. For example:أکبر (bigger) becomesکُبریَ (bigger)

Maqsur, Mamdud, and Manqus Nouns

141. What is a maqsūr noun?

142. How is a manqsūr noun verbalized?

143. What is a mamdūd noun?

144. What is a manqūs noun?

145. How is a manqūs noun verbalized?

141. A maqsūr noun is a noun that ends in an alif. The alif can either be:

• long, for example:عصا (cane)

• maqsūrah, for example:فتیَ (young man)

142. Maqsūr nouns are always verbalized with a fathah nunation, except if it is an unnonated noun. For example:جاءَ فتیً (a young man came),رأیتُ فتیً (I saw a young man), andمَرَرتُ بفتیً (I passed by a young man)

143. A mamdūd noun is a noun that ends with a hamzah preceded by an alif. For example:سماء (sky).

144. A manqūs noun is a noun that ends with a yā' preceded by a kasrah. For example:القاضي (judge).

145. A manqūs noun is verbalized:

• By two kasrahs after the yā' is erased when it is in the nominative and genitive cases. For example:جاءَ قاضٍ (a judge came).

• Just like any other noun in the accusative case, unless it is unnonated. For example:رأیتُ قاضیاً (I saw a judge).

Single and Dual Forms

146. What is a singular noun?

147. What is a dual noun?

148. How is a dual noun formed?

149. Are there some exceptions to this rule?

150. How are maqsūr nouns made dual?

151. How are mamdūd nouns made dual?

146. A singular noun is a noun that indicates one person, one animal, or one thing. For example:نجَّار (a carpenter).

147. A dual noun is a noun that indicates two people, two animals, or two things. For example:نحَّاران (two carpenters).

148. A noun is put into the dual form by giving the last syllable a fathah and adding the dual letters which are:

• An alif and nūn that has a kasrah if the noun is in the nominative state. For example:جاءَ وَلدَانِ (two boys came)

• A yā' and nūn that has a kasrah if the noun is in the accusative or genitive case. For example:اسطدتُ عُصفرَینِ (I hunted two sparrows)

149. Yes, there are some exceptions to this rule. The exceptions are maqsūr nouns and mamdūd nouns.

150. A maqsūr noun has two cases:

• If it ends in a straight alif - the alif should be changed to a wāw and then the dual letters should be added. For example:عصا (cane) becomesعَصَو which becomesعَصَوانِ (two canes).

• If it ends in an alif maqsūrah - the alif should be changed to a yā' and then the dual letters should be added. For example:فتیَ (young man) becomesفَتي which becomesفَتَیَانِ (two young men).

151. A mamdūd noun has two cases:

• If the hamzah is a feminine hamzah - the hamzah should be changed into a wāw with a fathah and then the dual letters should be added. For example:خَصراء (green) becomesخَضراوَ which becomesخَضراوانِ .

• If the hamzah is not a feminine hamzah - the hamzah can either remain or be changed into a wāw with a fathah and then the dual letters should be added. For exampleسماء (sky) becomesسماء orسَماوَ which becomesسَماءَانِ orسَماوَانِ (two skies).

Plural Nouns

152. What is a plural?

153. How many forms of plurals are there?

154. What is a sound plural?

155. How many kinds of sound plurals are there?

156. What are the signs of a masculine sound plural?

157. When is a noun (non-adjective) put into the masculine sound plural form?

158. When is an adjective put into the masculine sound plural form?

159. What are the signs of a feminine sound plural?

160. When is a noun (non-adjective) put into the feminine sound plural form?

161. When is an adjective put into the feminine sound plural form?

162. What is a broken plural?

163. How many kinds of broken plurals are there?

164. Are there rules for some of the forms of broken plurals?

165. What are some forms of broken plurals for nouns (non-adjectives)?

166. What are some forms of broken plurals for adjectives?

152. A plural is a noun that indicates more than two people, animals, or things. For example:نجَّارون (carpenters).

153. There are two types of plurals: sound plurals and broken plurals.

154. A sound plural is a plural where the word remains the same and the plural letters are added to it. For example:مُعَلِّم (teacher) becomesمُعَلِّمونَ (teachers).

155. There are two types of sound plurals: masculine sound plurals and feminine sound plurals.

156. The plural letters for a masculine sound plural are:

• Wāw and nūn with a fathah when it is in the nominative state. For example:قَدِمَ الزَّائِرُونَ (The visitors came)

• Yā' and nūn with a fathah when it is in the accusative state. For example:رَأیتُ المُومِنینَ (I saw the believers)

• Yā' and nūn with a fathah when it is in the genative state. For example:سلَّمتُ علی القادمینَ (I greeted the arrivers)

157. A noun (non-adjective) is put into the masculine sound plural form if it is a proper male name that does not have a feminine tā'. For example:زید becomesزیدونَ .

158. An adjective is put into the masculine sound plural form if:

• it is an adjective of a human that does not have a feminine tā' when it is masculine and it is made feminine by adding a feminine tā'. For example:عالِم (scholar) becomesعالِمونَ (scholars).

• it is an adjective of a human in the comparative/superlative form. For example:أکرَم becomesأکرَمونَ

159. The plural letters for a sound feminine plural are an alif and tā' which is added after erasing the feminine tā'. For example:مومنة (believer woman) becomesمومنات (believer women).

160. A noun (non-adjective) is put into the feminine sound plural form if:

• it is a female proper name, even if it does not end in the feminine tā'. For example:مریم becomesمریمات .

• it is a infinitive that has more than three letters. For example:تعریف (definition) becomesتعریفات (definitions).

• it is a noun (masculine or feminine) that ends in one of the feminine letters. For example:وَرَقَة (paper) becomesوَرَقات (papers).

161. An adjective is put into the feminine sound plural form if it ends in one of the feminine letters. For example:کَبیرة (big female) becomesکَبیرات (big females).

162. A broken plural is a plural where the original letters of the word change. For example:کتاب (book) becomesکُتب (books).

163. There are three types of broken plurals:

• by changing the verbalization of the word, for example:أسَدٌ (lion) becomesأُسدٌ (lions).

• by erasing one of the letters of the word, for example:رَسولٌ (messenger) becomesرُسُلٌ (messengers).

• by adding letters to the word, for example:رَجُلٌ (man) becomesرِجالٌ (men).

164. Yes, there are some rules for some of the broken plurals.

165. Broken plural forms for some nouns (non-adjectives):

•فَعَل becomesفِعال , for example:جَمَل (camel) becomesجِمال (camels)

•فِعَل becomesأفعال , for example:عِنَب (grape) becomesأعناب (grapes)

•فَعِل becomesأفعال , for example:کَتِف (shoulder) becomesأکتاف (shoulders)

•فِعل becomesأفعال , for example:طِفل (child) becomesأطفال (children)

•فُعلَة becomesفُعَل , for example:عُلبَة (box) becomesعُلَب (boxes)

•فِعلَة becomesفِعَل , for example:حِرفة (occupation) becomesحِرَف (occupations)

•فاعِل becomesفَواعل , for example:خاتِم (ring) becomesخواتم (rings)

•فاعلة becomesفَواعل , for example:قائمة (leg) becomesقوائم (legs)

•فعیلة becomesفَعائل , for example:قبیلة (tribe) becomesقبائل (tribes)

•فعیلة becomesفَعایل , for example:مکیدة (scheme) becomesمکاید (schemes)

•مِفعَل becomesمَفاعِل , for example:مِنجَل (sickle) becomesمَناجِل (sickles)

•مِفعال becomesمَفاعیل , for example:مِفتاح (key) becomesمَفاتیح (keys)

166. Broken plural forms for some adjectives:

•أفعَل which becomes feminine in the following formفَعلاء becomesفُعل , for example:أحمَر (red) becomesحُمر

•أفعَل which is the comparative/superlative form becomesأفاعِل , for example:أفضَل (better) becomesأفاضِل

Possessive Nouns

167. What is a possessive noun?

168. What is the rule of possessive nouns?

169. What exceptions are there to this rule?

170. How is a possessive noun formed from a word ending in a hamzah?

171. How is a possessive noun formed from a word ending in a weak letter?

172. How is a possessive noun formed from a triliteral or quadriliteral word ending in an alif or yā'?

167. A possessive noun is a form that indicates a relationship between two things. For example:لبنانيٌّ (a man from Lebanon).

168. A. The noun is placed in the single masculine form and the last letter is given a kasrah then given yā's contracted together. For example:ناصرة (female helper) becomesناصر (male helper) which becomesناصريٌّ (from a helper). If the word is a broken plural the possessive noun can be formed from it or its singular form. For example:ملائکة (angels) becomesملائکيٌّ orملاکيٌّ (of the angels).

169. The following words are exceptions to this rule:

•مدینة becomesمدنيٌّ (a man from Medina)

•قریة (village) becomesقَرَويٌّ (a man from a village)

•حيّ (living) becomesحَیَويٌّ (a man from the living)

•ید (hand) becomesیَدَويٌّ (hand-made)

•أب (father) becomesأبَويٌّ (fatherly)

•ابن (son) becomesبَنَويٌّ (sonly)

•أخ (brother) becomesأخَويٌّ (brotherly)

•سنة (year) becomesسَنَويٌّ (yearly)

•لُقة (language) becomesلُغَويٌّ (literal)

•دَم (blood) becomesدَمويٌّ (of blood)

170. A noun ending in a hamzah:

• If the hamzah is a feminine hamzah it should be changed into a wāw, for example:بَیضاء (white) becomesبَیضاوِيٌّ (from white).

• If the hamzah is not a feminine hamzah then it can be changed into a wāw or it can remain, for example:سماء (sky) becomesسماويٌّ orسمائيٌّ (of the skies).

171. A noun ending in a weak letter is put into the possessive noun form by erasing the weak letter and then adding the yā's.مصطفیَ becomesمصطفيٌّ (from Mustafa).

172. If the word is a triliteral or quadriliteral word ending in a yā' or alif the last letter should be changed into a wāw and then the yā's should be added. For example:فَتیَ (young man) becomesفَتَوِيٌّ (of a young man).

The Diminutive Pattern

173. What is the diminutive pattern?

174. What are the rules of the diminutive pattern?

175. When is the letter after the diminutive yā' given a fathah?

173. The diminutive pattern is a form which indicates smallness, degradation or love. For example:وَلَد (boy) becomesوُلَید (small boy)

174. The rules of the diminutive pattern are:

• The first letter of the word must be given a dummah

• The second letter must be given a fathah and if it is a weak letter it is put in its original form and then given a fathah

• Then the diminutive yā' is added after the second letter without any vowel sign

• The next letter is given a kasrah except in some cases where it is given a fathah

175. The letter after the diminutive yā' is given a fathah if it is followed by a tā' or an alif. For example:زُهرَة (flower) becomesزُهَیرَة (small flower).


176. What is a pronoun?

177. How many kinds of pronouns are there?

178. What is a clear pronoun?

179. How many kinds of clear pronouns are there?

180. What is a separated clear pronoun?

181. How many kinds of separated clear pronouns are there?

182. What are the separated clear pronouns in the nominative state?

183. What are the separated clear pronouns in the accusative state?

184. What is a connected clear pronoun?

185. How many kinds of connected clear pronouns are there?

186. What are the connected clear pronouns in the nominative state?

187. What are the connected clear pronouns in the accusative and genitive states?

188. What are the connected clear pronouns in the nominative, accusative and genitive states?

189. What is a hidden pronoun?

190. How many kinds of hidden pronouns are there?

191. When is it permissible for a pronoun to be hidden?

192. When is it obligatory for a pronoun to be hidden?

176. A pronoun is a noun that represents a speaking, present, or absent person. For example:أنا (I)

177. There are two types of pronouns: clear and hidden.

178. A clear pronoun is a pronoun that is pronounced. For example:هو مجتهدٌ (he is a mujtahid)1

179. There are two types of clear pronouns: separated and connected.

180. A separated clear pronoun is a pronoun that is essentially independent. For example:هو نجح (he succeeded).

181. There are two types of separated clear pronouns: separated clear pronouns in the nominative state and separated clear pronouns in the accusative state.

182. The separated clear pronouns in the nominative state are:

•هُوَ (he)

•هُما (he dual)

•هُم (they male plural)

•هِيَ (she)

•هُما (she dual)

•هُنَّ (they female plural)

•أنتَ (you male)

•أنتُما (you dual male)

•أنتُم (you plural male)

•أنتِ (you female)

•أنتُما (you dual female)

•أنتُنَّ (you plural female)

•أنا (I)

•نَحنُ (we)

183. The separated clear pronouns in the accusative state are:

•إیاهُ (he)

•إیاهُما (he dual)

•إیاهُم (they male plural)

•إیاها (she)

•إیاهُما (she dual)

•إیاهُنَّ (they female plural)

•إیاکَ (you male)

•إیاکُما (you dual male)

•إیاکُم (you plural male)

•إیاکِ (you female)

•إیاکُما (you dual female)

•إیاکُنَّ (you plural female)

•إیايَ (I)

•إیانا (we)

184. A connected clear pronoun is a pronoun that is like a part of the word it is connected to. For example:فَتَحنا (We conquered)

185. There are three kinds of connected clear pronouns: connected clear pronouns in the nominative state, connected clear pronouns in the accusative and genitive states, and connected clear pronouns in the nominative, accusative and genitive states.

186. The connected clear pronouns in the nominative state are:

•تُ (I) ,جَلستُ (I sat)

•تَ (you male),جَلستَ (you sat)

•تِ (you female),جَلستِ (you sat)

•تُما (you dual male/female),جَلستُما (you two sat)

•تُم (you plural male),جَلستُم (you guys sat)

•تُنَّ (you plural female) ,جَلستُنَّ (you girls sat)

• The dual alif,جَلسا (they two sat)

•و (masculine plural),جَلسوا (they sat)

•ن (feminine plural),جَلسنا (they sat)

•ي (second person feminine pronoun),تَجلسین (she is sitting)

187. The connected clear pronouns in the accusative and genitive states are:

•ي (me,my)أکرمَني والدي (My father respects me)

•کَ (your, you male)أکرمَکَ والدکَ (your father respects you)

•کِ (your, you female)أکرمَکِ والدکِ (your father respects you)

•کُم (your, you male plural)أکرمَکُم والدکُم (your father respects you)

•کُنَّ (your, you female plural)أکرمَکُنَّ والدکُنَّ (your father respects you)

•هُ (his, him)أکرمَهُ والدهُ (his father respects him)

•ها (her)أکرمَها والدها (her father respects her)

•هُم (their, them male)أکرمَهُم والدهُم (their father respects them)

•هُنَّ (their, them female)أکرمَهُنَّ والدهُنَّ (their father respects them)

188. The connected clear pronouns in the nominative, accusative, and genitive states are:

•نا (our, us)أکرمَنا والدنا فَدَرَسنا (our father respects us so we study)

189. A hidden pronoun is a pronoun that is not pronounced. For example:کَتَبَ (he wrote)

190. There are two types of hidden pronouns: permissibly hidden and obligatorily hidden.

191. The permissibly hidden pronouns are the masculine and feminine third person pronouns. For example:زَیدٌ أتیَ (هو ) (Zayd came).

192. The obligatorily hidden pronouns are the first and second person pronouns. For example:أقول (I say)

    1. A mujtahid is a person who is able to derive religious rulings from their sources. For more information one can refer to the book The Basics of Islamic Jurisprudence by Hassan al-Ridā’ī available at www.lulu.com/islamicbooks.

Demonstrative Pronouns

193. What is a demonstrative pronoun?

194. How many kinds of demonstrative pronouns are there?

195. What are the demonstrative pronouns?

196. What is the ha that is at the beginning of the demonstrative pronouns for close objects called and is it ever erased?

197. Is a demonstrative pronoun declinable or indeclinable?

193. A demonstrative pronoun is a noun that indicates a specific person, animal, or thing. For example:هَذا الولد (this child).

194. There are three kinds of demonstrative pronouns: for close objects, for objects in between close and far, for far objects.

195. The demonstrative pronouns are:

• For things that are close:

    1.هذا (this, m.)

    2.هذانِ (these two, m.)

    3.هَوُلاء (these, m.)

    4.هذهِ (this, f.)

    5.هَاتانِ (these two, f.)

    6.هَوُلاء (these, f.)

• For things that are medium range:

    1.ذاکَ (that, m.)

    2.ذانِکَ (those two, m.)

    3.ﺃولئکَ (those, m.)

    4.تیکَ (that, f.)

    5.تانِکَ (those two, f.)

    6.ﺃولِوکَ (those, f.)

• For things that are far:

    1.ذلِکَ (that, m.)

    2.ذانّکَ (those two, m.)

    3.ﺃولالِکَ (those, m.)

    4.تِلکَ (that, f.)

    5.تانّکَ (those two, f.)

    6.ﺃولالِکَ (those, f.)

• For places:

    1.هُنا (here)

    2.هُناکَ (there, medium range)

    3.هُنالِک تَمّ (there, far)

196. The ha that is in the front of demonstrative pronouns for close objects is called the demonstrative ha and sometimes is erased.

197. All of the demonstrative pronouns are indeclinable. The dual forms are made indeclinable on an alif if it is in the nominative case, for exampleهذانِ , and on a yā' if it is in the accusative or genitive cases, for exampleهذَینِ .


198. What is a conjunct?

199. What is a sentence with a conjunct called?

200. What is the pronoun in the sentence with a conjunct called?

201. How many kinds of conjuncts are there?

202. What is a specific conjunct?

203. What are the specific conjuncts?

204. Are specific conjuncts declinable or indeclinable?

205. What is a common conjunct?

206. What are the common conjuncts?

198. A conjunct is a noun whose meaning is not complete unless there is a sentence after it with a pronoun that relates to it. For example:جاءَ الخادم الذي کلَّمتُکَ عنه (The servant who you talked about came).

199. The sentence after a conjunct is called a relative sentence.

200. The pronoun in the relative sentence is called a returning pronoun. There are two kinds of returning pronouns: clear, for exampleجاء الذي سافر أبوه (the person whose father is traveling came) and hidden, for exampleجاء الذي أرسلتُ (the person who I sent for came).

201. There are two types of conjuncts: specific and common.

202. A specific conjunct is a word used specifically for single, dual, and plural masculine and feminine words.

203. The specific conjuncts are:

• Masculine:

    1.الّذی (single)

    2.اللّذانِ اللّذَینِ (dual)

    3.اللّذِینَ (plural)

• Feminine:

    1.الّتی (single)

    2.اللّتانِ اللّّتَینِ (dual)

    3.اللّواتی اللاتی اللائی (plural)

204. Conjuncts are always indeclinable. The dual forms are made indeclinable on an alif if it is in the nominative state, for exampleاللّذانِ and on a yā' if it is in the accusative or genitive states, for exampleاللّذَینِ .

205. A common conjunct is a noun that is used for all the different tenses of conjuncts.

206. There are three common conjuncts:

•مَن which is used for rational beings. For example:أُکرِّمُ مَن یَزُورُني (I respect whoever visits me)

•ما which is used for non-rational beings. For example:کُل ما تَشتهیهِ نَفسُکَ (Eat whatever your heart desires)

•أيّ which is used for both rational and non-rational beings. For example:أُحِبُّ أيَّ التلامذةِ یدرسُ (I love whichever student who studies)

Conditional Words, Interrogative Words and Adverbial Nouns of Time or Place

207. What is a conditional word?

208. What are the conditional words?

209. What is an interrogative word?

210. What are the interrogative words?

211. Where is a conditional or question word used in a sentence?

212. What is an adverbial noun of time or place?

213. How many kinds of adverbial nouns of time or place are there in regards to their vowel signs?

214. What are the indeclinable adverbial nouns of time or place?

207. A conditional word is a noun written before two sentences indicating that the result of the second sentence is conditional upon the first sentence. For example:إذا درستُ تنجح (if you study you will succeed)

208. Conditional words are:مَن (whoever),ما (whatever),مَهما (whatever),مَتیَ (whenever),أیّان (whenever),أین (wherever),أنَّیَ (whenever),حَیثُما (however),کَیفُما (however),أيُّ (whichever). All of these words are indeclinable exceptأيُّ which is declinable.

209. An interrogative word is a noun which is used to ask about something. For example:مَن هَذا؟ (Who is this?)

210. Interrogative words are:مَن (who),مَن ذا (who is this),ما (what),ماذا (what),کَم (how much), andأيُّ (which). All of these words are indeclinable exceptأيُّ which is declinable.

211. All conditional words and question words are written at the beginning of the sentence.

212. An adverbial noun of time or place is a noun that indicates time or place. For example:تاجِر حیثُ أخوکَ مقیمٌ (Sell wherever your brother is settled.)

213. There are two types of adverbial nouns of time and place regarding their vowel signs:

• Indeclinable:حَیثُ andأمسِ (yesterday).

• Declinable:قَبل (before) andبَعد (after).

214. Indeclinable adverbial nouns of time and place are:

• Adverbial nouns of place:حَیثُ, لَدُن (near),لَدی (at),أین, هُنا

• Adverbial nouns of time:إذ (whenever),أمسِ (yesterday),مُذ (since),مُنذ (since),قَطُّ (never),لمّا (when,since),أیّان (when),مَتیَ , andالان (now)

• Adverbial nouns of both time and place:أنَّیَ

Cardinal Numbers

215. How many types of numbers are there?

216. What is a cardinal number?

217. How many foundational cardinal numbers are there?

218. How many types of cardinal numbers are there?

219. What is the rule regarding a single number?

220. What is the rule regarding a compound number?

221. What is the rule regarding a decimal number?

222. What is the rule regarding a coupled number?

223. What is the rule of the number in regards to its vowel sign?

224. What is the rule of the noun after the number in regards to its vowel sign?

215. There are two types of numbers: cardinal and ordinal.

216. A cardinal number is a noun that indicates the amount of a countable thing. For example:أربعة أولاد (four children)

217. There are twelve foundational cardinal numbers:واحِد (one),إثنان (two),ثَلاثَة (three),أربعَة (four),خَمسَة (five),سِتَّة (six),سَبعَة (seven),ثمانیَة (eight),تِسعَة (nine),عَشرَة (ten),مائَة (hundred), andألف (thousand).

218. There are four types of cardinal numbers:

• Single: from one to ten, including a hundred and a thousand.

• Compound: from eleven to nineteen.

• Decimal: from twenty until ninety.

• Coupled: from twenty-one until ninety-nine.

219. The rules relating single numbers are:

• One and two: they are masculine when the numbered object is masculine and feminine when the numbered object is feminine. For example:رجلٌ واحدٌ (one man) andإمرَأةٌ واحدةٌ (one woman).

• From three to ten: they are feminine when the numbered object is masculine and masculine when the numbered object is feminine. For example:ثَلاثَةُ أولادِ three boys) andثَلاثُ والداتٍ (three girls).

• A hundred and a thousand: they remain the same regardless if the numbered object is masculine or feminine. For example:مائةُ صبيٍّ (a hundred boys) andمائة فتاةٍ (a hundred girls).

220. The rule regarding compound numbers is that the first part of the number follows the rules for single numbers and the second part follows the numbered object in gender. For example:عَشَرَ عَدَداً (eleven numbers) andخَمسَة عَشَرَ بَیتاً (fifteen houses).

221. The rule regarding decimal numbers is that they remain the same regardless of the gender of the numbered object. For example:عِشرونَ رَجُلاً (twenty men) andعِشرونَ امرَةً (twenty women).

222. The rule regarding coupled numbers is that the first part of the number follows the rules for single numbers and the second part remains the same regardless of the gender of the numbered object. For example:واحد و عشرون, اِثنان و عشرون , andثلاثةٌ و عشرون for masculine objects andواحدة و عشرون, اثنتان و عشرون andثلاثٌ و عشرون for feminine objects.

223. The rules of numbers in respect to vowel signs are:

• Two: follows the rules regarding dual forms. For example:اثنان andاثنَین (two masculine) andاثنتان andاثنتَین (two feminine).

• Decimal: follows the rules of sound masculine plurals. For example:عِشرون andعِشرین (twenty).

• Compound: The first part of the number is indeclinable with a fathah. For example:جَلَسَ أحَدَ عَشَرَ رَجُلاً علیَ أحَدَ عَسَرَ کُرسیاً (eleven men sat on eleven chairs).

• The rest of the numbers: follow the rules regarding other nouns. For example:جاءَ رجالٌ ثلاثةٌ حاملینَ أربعةَ کُتُبٍ (three men came carrying four books).

224. The rules of the numbered object are:

• From three until ten: the numbered object is plural in the genitive state. For example:جاءَ ثلاثةٌ أولادٍ (three boys came).

• From a hundred to a thousand: the numbered object is singular and in the genitive state. For example:جاءَ مئةُ ولدٍ (a hundred boys came).

• From eleven to ninety-nine: the numbered object is singular and in the accusative state. For example:جاءَ أربعةَ عَشَرَ وَاداً (fourteen boys came).

Ordinal Numbers

225. What is an ordinal number?

226. How many ordinal numbers are there?

227. How many types of ordinal numbers are there?

228. What is the ruling of ordinal numbers and the numbered object?

229. What is the ruling of ordinary numbers in regards to their vowel signs?

225. Ordinal numbers are nouns that indicate the order of things. For example:الولد الرابع (the fourth boy).

226. There are twelve ordinal numbers:أوَّل (first),ثانٍ (second),ثالِث (third),رابِع (fourth),خامِس (fifth),سادِس (sixth),سابِع (seventh),ثامِن (eighth),تاسِع (ninth),عاشِر (tenth),مِئَة (hundredth), andألف (thousandth).

227. There are four types of ordinal numbers:

• Single: from first to tenth.

• Compound: from eleventh to nineteenth.

• Decimal: from twentieth to ninetieth and a hundredth and a thousandth.

• Coupled: from twenty-first to ninety-ninth.

228. Ordinal numbers follow the numbered object in gender. For example:الرجل الرابع و الفتاة الرابعة (the fourth man and the fourth girl). The exception to this rule is decimal numbers, they remain the same regardless of the gender of the numbered object. For example:الکاتب العشرون و الکاتبة العشرون (the twentieth male author and the twentieth female author)

229. All of the ordinal numbers are declinable. The exception to this is compound numbers, they are indeclinable with a fathah.

The Status of Nouns

230. What are states?

231. How many types of states are there for nouns?

232. What are the signs of the different states of nouns?

233. Are there exceptions to this rule?

234. What are the signs of the nominative state for nouns that are exceptions to the principle rule?

235. What are the signs of the accusative state for these nouns?

236. What are the signs of the genitive state for these nouns?

230. States are the changes of the end of nouns and verbs due to the different places of a sentence that they are put into. For example:قَدِمَ الغائِبُ (the absent person came),رأیتُ الغائِبَ (I saw the absent person), andسلَّمتُ علی الغائِبِ (I greeted the absent person).

231. There are three states for nouns: nominative, accusative and genitive.

232. The signs of the states are as follows:

• The nominative state: a dummah.

• The accusative state: a fathah.

• The genitive state: a kasrah.

233. Yes, there are exceptions to this rule, for example: dual forms, masculine sound plurals, feminine sound plurals, the five nouns and the words that are unnonated.

234. The signs of the nominative state in the words that are exceptions to the general rule:

• Dual form: alif, for example:الکاتبان مفیدانِ (two useful authors).

• Sound masculine plurals: wāw, for example:جاء المحامونَ (The lawyers came).

• The five nouns: wāw, for example:أبوک عالمٌ (Your father is a scholar).

235. The signs of the accusative state in these words:

• Dual form: yā' that has a fathah before it, for example:اشتریتُ کتابَین (I bought two books).

• Masculine sound plurals: yā', for example:رأیتُ المحامین (I saw the lawyers).

• The five nouns: alif, for example:کرَّمتُ أباک (I was generous to your father).

• Feminine sound plulars: kasrah, for example:اشتریت ساعاتٍ جمیلةً (I bought a beautiful watch).

236. The sings of the genitive state in these words:

• Dual form: yā' that has a fathah before it, for example:بَحَثتُ في کتابَین (I researched two books).

• Masculine plurals: yā', for example:مع المحامین (with lawyers).

• The five nouns: yā', for example:سلَّمتُ علی أبیک (I greeted your father).

• Unnonated nouns: fathah, for example:ذهَبتُ إلی بیروتَ (I went to Beirut).