The Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency And the Political Authority in Islam
Author: Ahmed Hussein Ya'qub
Translator: A Group of Scholars
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: Debates and Replies
ISBN: 964-438-091-6
Author: Ahmed Hussein Ya'qub
Translator: A Group of Scholars
Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qum
Category: ISBN: 964-438-091-6
visits: 24375
Download: 3537
- Preface
- Part 1 - Chapter 1
- 1. the Lexical Meaning of Sahaba
- A. in Lexicons
- B. in the Holy Quran
- C. Induce the Quranic Verses for Providing for the Lexical Meaning
- D. Lexical Aspects of the Idiom
- 2. Terminological Meaning of Sahaba
- A. An Explanation of bnHajar's Definition
- B. bnHajar's Estimation of this Definition
- C. Means of Recognizing the Sahaba
- D. The Entire People are Sahaba
- Chapter 2 - Sunnis' Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency
- The Sunni Scholars’ Argument Regarding this Conception
- Tenor of Sunnis' Conception of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency
- Punition of Dissents of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- The Mystery Beyond Such An Extreme Harshness
- Recall
- An Attempt for Mitigating Such A Hyperbole
- Denying and Eradicating this Attempt
- Effects of this Opinion of Generalization
- Wonderment and End Result
- Criticism of the Conception
- Unanimity and Discrepancy
- An Endeavor for Reconciling
- The Benefit of Such A Classification
- Discrimination is A Divine Norm
- Evidence of Legal Discrimination
- Classes of Sahaba
- Classification Of The Sahaba As Posited By AlHakam In His AlMustedrak
- Approach of Discrimination in Islam
- Pillars Of Discrimination And Courses Of Decency
- Estimating the Criteria
- Wonderment
- Chapter 3 - Outward Refutation of the Conception
- First Face: Admission and Witnesses
- Second Face
- Prefatory Perusal
- 1st - Confusion
- 2nd - Suggestive Words
- 3rd - Protection and Covering Up
- A Topical Refutation of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- The Wonder of Wonders
- Aspect of Annulment
- Expatiating and Proving Aspects of Annulment
- I. the Conception Opposes Categorical Quranic Texts
- Manifestation Of Hypocrisy
- Categorical Divine Judgment
- Examples Of Contradiction Between The Holy Quran And The Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- Explication of the 3 Examples
- 1. God's Judgment In The Three Individuals
- 2. Sunnis' Judgment Respecting The Three
- 2 The Conception Opposes the Prophet's Traditions - 6 Examples
- A Solicitation To Scrutinizing The 6 Examples
- 3 The Conception is Contradictory to Actuality - 7 Examples
- Explication Of The 7 Examples
- 4 The Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception Opposes the General Spirit of Islam, Concept of the Unforeseen End Result and Concept of Cause Finale
- Explication of the Above Texts
- Incoherence of the Conception
- Remarks
- The Sahaba's Role in Legislation
- Chapter 4 - the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception At Shias
- 1. Shias' acceding to the Sahaba
- 2. for Shias, Who are the Sahaba?
- 3. The Basic Difference Point
- 4. Shias' Supplication for Mohammed's Companions
- The Most Well Memorized Supplication of the Shiite
- Chapter 5 - Grounds of Consideration of Sahaba
- BnAbbas describes the Sahaba before Muawiya
- The Will of HutheifehbnAlYeman, the Sahabi
- AzZubeir and the End Result
- Talha and the End Result
- Confederates Kill Each Other
- AmmarbnYasir's Satisfactory End Result
- Muawiya's Argument
- Muawiya Penalizes Othman's Assassinators
- AlHassan AlBasri's Impression on Muawiya
- Muawiya's Zenith of Glories
- Muawiya's Officials Revile At Ali
- Chapter 6 - The Right Course to Recognizing the Decent Sahaba
- Topical Introductory
- Inspecting the 2 supplications
- A wonderment
- Prospects
- Explication
- The solving method
- Obstructions Of The Solving Methods
- Conclusive Judgment of the Sahaba's Decency - Recall and Abstract of the Views of Sunnis and Shias
- Confusion
- An Event for the Shariite Disclosure
- The Entire Sahaba's Decency
- Logical Characterization
- Wonderment
- Abstract
- How should we discriminate the indecent Sahaba?
- Submission to the Authority Nominated By the Prophet is the Clue to Decency
- The Decent Sahaba
- Models of the Sluggish Iraqi and Syrian Individuals
- Those Who Complied to Muawiya
- Part 2 - Chapter 1- The Tribal Root
- The Impermissibility to Combine Caliphate and Prophesy
- A. the Clans of Quraish
- B. the Political Form
- C. Endeavors for Shaking the Form
- D. the Augury of Prophesy
- E. the Declaration of Prophesy
- F. the Hashimites' Guarding Mohammed
- G. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, It Was Envy, and Preserving the Political Form
- H. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, the Wars Were Due to Envy and Preserving the Political Form
- I. the Hashemite Prophesy is An Inescapable Fate
- J. the most enthusiast clan towards occluding the Hashemite advancement
- K. The Preeminent Trend
- L. The Immaculate Kinship is the Statutory Base of Caliphate
- M. The Rebellion and the Dissipation of the Preeminent Trend
- The literal quotation of this narrative
- N. Statutory Ground of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy Conception
- O. Effects of Practicing the Conception of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy
- The First Effect
- The Second Effect
- The Third Effect
- The Fourth Effect
- Chapter 2 - Political Roots of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- Islamic political system
- A. Contradiction Between Idealism and Reality
- B. the Islamic Political System
- C. Pillars of the Islamic Political System
- 1st Pillar - Political Leadership
- Purpose Of The Divine Election For Political Leadership
- 2nd Pillar - Organic Relationship Between Divine Doctrine And Selected Leaders
- 3rd Pillar - The Divine Jurisprudential Formulation
- 4th Pillar - The Commonalty's Contentment
- Simplicity of the Islamic System
- Political Circumstances of Inventing the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- Disregarding the Announced Goal for Dissenting the Legality
- Renaissance After Inadvertence
- Hypotheses Serving the Factuality
- Chapter 3 - Purpose of Inventing the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- 1. Substantiation
- 2. Immunity Against Criticism, Maligning, Reviling and Imputing Dishonor
- 3. Confronting Rivals of Muawiya and His Faction
- 4. Engaging Muslims in Discrepancies
- Grounds of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- Ahaadeeths Narrators
- Muawiya's Merits
- Ashafi'i's Impression on Muawiya
- AlHassan AlBasri's Saying
- The Entire Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception is Having Umayid Flavor
- Chapter 4 - The Jurisprudential Roots of the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- The Jurisprudential Authority
- The Two Authorities
- 1. The Sunnis' Authority is the Entire Sahaba
- What Is The Doctrinal Base Upon Which Sunnis Relied In Referring To The Sahaba As Legal Authority?
- 2. The Shias' Authority is the Imams and the Authentic Sahaba
- What Is The Doctrinal Base Upon Which Shias Relied In Referring To The Imams As Legal Authority?
- Role of the Two Authorities
- Role Of The Authority At Sunnis
- Role Of The Authority At Shias
- Difference in Base is Difference in Effects
- Numerous Authorities
- The Doctrinal Judgment About The Variety Of Authorities
- Cancellation Of The Doctrinal Authority Necessarily Entails Founding A Surrogate One
- The Only Way Of Founding A Surrogate AuthorityWAS Fabricating The Entire Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- The Conception Would Have Proved Its Failure If It Had Been Invented By Other Than The Rulers
- The Surrogate Authority Became Legitimate
- The Solution
- In the Absence of the Doctrinal Authority
- The Jurisprudential Dissent
- Roots Of The Aggressive Prosecution Against The Prophet's Household
- Property Of The Immaculate Kinship To The Prophet
- Prospect Of This Property
- Meanings Of Property Of The Immaculate Kinship
- Functions Of The Immaculate Kinship Of The Prophet
- Reasons Beyond Granting Property
- Incentives
- This Property Was Used As A Political Argument In Various Ages
- The Rulers' Political Treatment With The Prophet's Immaculate People
- Categories Of The Prophet's Kinship
- Dismissal Of The Immaculate Progeny
- Representation Of The Prophet's Progeny's Property
- Chapter 5 - Prospects Attached to the Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- Finding Competitive Specifications
- A Factual Example
- Another Factual Example
- Expounding Upon the Previous States
- A Striking Surprising and A Wonderment
- Fulfillment Of The Mission
- Finding Competitive Protection
- In Respect of Proclamation
- Examples on What the Sahaba Gain from the Entire Sahaba's Ultimate Decency Conception
- Texts for Reflecting on
- Wonderment
- Imparting the Argument By A Medium
- Expansion in Issuing Verdicts
- A Principal Restraint on the Narrators
- Part 3 - Chapter 1 - Signification of Authority
- Coherence of Authority and Doctrine
- Authority is A Matter of Specialization and A Technique of Thorough Experience
- Variety of Authorities
- Difference Between Doctrine and Authority
- Wisdom of Effecting the Authority
- The Authority is An Undeniable Fact
- Chapter 2 - The Doctrine
- Two Categories of Doctrines
- Creating Doctrines and their Essences
- Characteristics of the Islamic Doctrine
- The Dogmatic Depiction
- The Divine Jurisprudential Formulation
- Chapter 3 - The Competent Practitioner of Nominating the Authority
- Missions and Functions of the Authority Nominated By God
- The Authority in the Prophet's Reign
- The Authority After the Prophet
- A Preliminary Review To The Actuality
- The Need Of An Authority After The Prophet
- Wonderments in Need of Answers
- Chapter 4 - the Muslims' Attitudes Towards the Authority After the Prophet
- Who is the Authority Succeeding the Prophet?
- The Sunnis' Opinion: the Claim of the Prophet's Leaving His Nation Without Nominating A Successor Or An Authority
- Settlement of the Claim of the Prophet's Leaving His Nation Without An Authority
- The Prophet’s Successor According to the Sunnis' Opinion
- For Sunnis, the Prevalent Ruler is the Authority
- The Representative Authority
- Congregational Authority for Sunnis
- Roles of the Authorities for Sunnis
- Chapter 5 - The Surrogate Authority
- The Consummation of Installing Features of the Surrogate Authority
- The Clamorous Encounter
- Analysis of the Encounter
- Parties of Encounter
- Preliminary Results of the Encounter
- 1. Dissension
- 2. Emanation Of A New Huge Trend
- 3. Emergence Of The Ideas Of Predominance And Preferring The Follower To The Master
- Two Similar Occurrences
- 4. Success And Mastery Of The Prevalent
- 5. Dismissing The Prophet's Immaculate Progeny
- The New Stuff of Authority
- Effects of Opposition
- Chapter 6 - the Authority After the Prophet
- Shia’s Opinion
- A. Requisiteness of Authority
- B. the Divine Declaration of the Authority
- The Leader and the Authority Nominated By God
- Reasons Beyond Hostility of Sunnis to Shias
- Sunnis' Velocity
- Replication on that Velocity
- The Two Authorities
- God is The Nominator Of The 2 Authorities
- Shariite Proof Of God's Nominating The Individual Authority
- A Model of the Ghadeer Declaration
- The Doctrinal Assertion on Ali's Leadership
- Guidance After the Prophet
- The Attester After the Prophet
- The Shias' Congregational Authority
- The Fruit of the Shias' Pursuing the Doctrinal Authority
- Part 4 - Chapter 1
- Regulations of the Society Movement
- Harmony and Perfection Between the Divine Doctrine and the Political Leadership
- Qualifications of the Doctrinal Political Leadership
- Adept At Assuring Availability of the Qualifications Involved
- The Acceptingness of the Divine Volition
- The Refusal of the Divine Volition
- Varieties of Refusal of the Divine Volition
- Chapter 2 - The Pre-Adamic Divine Preparations for Nominating the Prophet's Successor
- Before the Birth of Adam
- In Front of the Solicitation
- Following the Prophesy
- Declaring the Succession After the Declaration of Prophesy
- Declaring and Arranging for the Heir Apparent
- 1. The Credit
- 2. The Fraternity
- 3. The Wilaya
- Showing Loyalty and Affection to Ali is Estimated As Same As Showing Loyalty and Affection to Allah
- The Consecutive Declarations and Arrangements for Ali's Next Leadership Were God's Mandate
- Chapter 3 - The Wali is the Master, the Imam and the Leader
- The Most Consequential Objective Qualifications Enjoyed By the Leader Succeeding the Prophet
- Allah's Confidant and the Apostle's Successor is the Knight of Islam
- Chapter 4 - Allah's Marrying His Confidant and His Apostle's Successor
- The Good Tidings
- The Blessed Progeny
- The Habitation of the Prophet and His Successor
- Ali is the Prophet's Disciple
- Denial of the Prophet's Nominating Ali As His Inheritor
- The Endowments Exclusively Enjoyed By the Leader and the Prophet's Successor
- The Immunization of the Leader and the Prophet's Successor
- Chapter 5 - Crowning Ali the Leader and the Prophet's Successor
- 1. When: the Farewell Pilgrimage
- 2. Where: Ghadeer Khum
- The Divine Mandate of Nominating the Leader and the Prophet's Successor
- The Verse of Tabligh
- The Style of the Decision of Nominating the Leader and the Prophet's Successor
- 1. The Text Related By HutheifehbnUseid AlGhefari And Recorded in AtTabarani's AlKabeer
- 2. The Text Related By ZaidbnArqam
- 3. The Text Related By AlBerabnAzib
- 4. The Text Related By Sa'dbnAbiWaqqas
- 5. The Text Related By Sa'd In Another Form
- The Perception of the Decision and Receiving Congratulations
- Texts Quoted from the Immortal Decision of Nominating Ali for the Leadership
- The Hadith of Ghadeer and the Event of the Nomination is A Certitude
- The Ghadeer Festivity
- Fasting On The Day Of Ghadeer
- Chapter 6 - The Perfection of the Religion and the Completion of the Grace By Nominating the Imam
- The Divine Disposition of the Transference of Imamate After the Leader's Decease
- The Specialist in Nominating the Prophet and the Imam
- The Conscript Imam
- The Authority in Charge of Nominating the Successor of the Prophet's Successor
- The Wisdom of Dedicating Imamate to Mohammed's Progeny
- People's Role in the Process of Nominating the Imam
- Disintegration Between Actuality and Legality
- The Legal Imams
- Exposing the Future for the Leader and the Prophet's Successor
- The Collapse of the Jahilite Political Form
- Chapter 7 - the Rebellion
- The Historical Circumstance that Helped the Rebellion Prevail and the Legality Retreat
- A. the Clans of Quraish
- B. the Political Form
- C. Endeavors for Shaking the Form
- D. the Augury of Prophesy
- E. the Declaration of Prophesy
- F. the Hashimites' Guarding Mohammed
- G. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, It Was Envy, and Preserving the Political Form
- H. Not for the Favor of the Pagans, the Wars Were Due to Envy and Preserving the Political Form
- I. the Hashemite Prophesy is An Inescapable Fate
- J. The Preeminent Trend
- K. the Immaculate Kinship is the Statutory Base of Caliphate
- L. the Rebellion and the Dissipation of the Preeminent Trend
- The Literal Quotation Of This Narrative
- M. the Statutory Ground of the Conception of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy
- N. Effects of Practic€ing the Conception of Intercepting the Hashemites from Joining Headship to Prophesy
- 1st Effect: The Total Disappearance Of The Discrimination Between Those Who Fought Against Islam And Those Who Fought For Its Sake Till Triumph Was Achieved
- 2nd Effect: Seeding And Sheltering The Unceasing Discrepancy
- 3rd Effect: Excluding The Hashemites Particularly From Coming To Power
- 4th Effect: Confusedness
- Chapter 8 - Introductories to the Rebellion
- With the Prophet in His Final Disease
- The Encounter: Parties and Preliminary Results
- 1. Dissension
- 2. The Emanation Of A New Huge Trend
- 3. Emergence Of The Ideas Of Predominance And Preferring The Follower To The Master
- Two Similar Occurrences
- 4. Success And Mastery Of The Prevalent
- 5. Dismissing The Prophet's Immaculate Progeny
- 6. Seizure of the Power
- 1. Recollection And Reconnection Of Events
- 2. The Conclusive Success
- The Two Choices
- Dress of Legality
- Chapter 9 - Aims and Objects of Al-Faruq
- The Ideal Solution
- Probing the Solution
- AlFaruq's Adopting and Developing the Saying
- Like their Alliance Against the Prophet, People of Quraish Allied Against His Successor
- The Quraishis Were Planning While the Hashemites Were Drowned in their Grief
- The Punctilious Planning
- The First Fruit Of The Planning
- Planning for Defeating the Hashemites
- Benefiting the Same Preponderancies for Achieving Aims
- Equality, Opportunity and Objectivity
- The Authority Capable of Defeating the Divinely Elected Leader, and the Flawless Cabal
- The Saqeefa Meeting
- Unanswerable Questions
- Who Conveyed the News of the Meeting?
- Two Men from the Ansar
- Chapter 10 - Objective Analysis, and Denial of Serendipity
- The Entering of the Three Muhajirs
- The Purpose Beyond The Three Muhajirs' Participation
- In the Saqeefa
- The Greatest Humanitarian Wealth
- The Legal Arguments of People of Saqeefa
- The Argument of the Present Ansar
- The Purpose of the Three Muhajirs
- The Legal Arguments of the Three Muhajirs
- Summary of AbuBakr’s Argument Provided Before the Ansar
- Summary of Omar’s Argument Provided Before the Ansar
- The Ansar’s Replication
- Expectation and Substantiation
- The Caliph Should Be One of Those Three
- The First Declarer of Fealty
- Nominating and Swearing Allegiance to the Caliph
- The Reward
- Spreading of the News of the Declaration
- The Unequal Confrontation Between the Divinely Nominated Leader and the New Power
- The Foremost Declarer’s Judgment
- An Activity
- Humiliating and Threatening the Divinely Nominated Leader for Taking His Declaration of Fealty
- An Endeavor for Seeking AzZahra’s Affability
- AbuBakr Aimed At Abdicating
- The Final Situation of the Divinely Nominated Leader
- Mystery of the Quraishis’ Rejecting Ali’s Leadership
- Anticipating The Falling Of The Critical Matter
- The Fair Partitioning
- The Quraishi Clans’ Forming a Team
- Chapter 11 - Depriving the Hashemites of their Political Rights
- What is the Idea of Deferring the Hashemites
- Disclosure of Hiddens
- AlFaruq’s Expressing the Reasons
- AlFaruq’s Impression on the Impracticality of the Hashemites’ Joining Leadership to Prophesy Slogan
- The Exaggeration In Loyalty To The Slogan
- Was The Slogan Allah’s Order?
- What for was AlFaruq, then, Adherent and Sincere to the Slogan?
- AlFaruq’s Situations Towards the Divinely Nominated Leader and the Prophet’s Household
- On the Intersection of Courses
- Collapses
- The Ruling Authority And The Opposition
- Two Choices Before the Opposition
- Two Choices Before the Nation
- Discrepancy of People
- 1. Sunnis
- 2. Shias
- Notes
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4