Who can be the Prophet's Successor?
The passengers of thisaeroplane
have boarded, but the pilot hasn't come yet. It seems he has fallen sick and is unable to come.
Who will be put in his place to fly the passengers to their destination?One of the passengers?
Stewardess?A passer-by?
Will they select someone to take the place of the pilot who doesn't have the awareness and vision of this skill? Would the passengers have confidence in him? Would they fly with him? Who can become the pilot's replacement?
it must be someone who knows how to fly a plane and has the "insight and awareness" of this skill. Now, with regard to this example, can you say: Who can be the "Imam"?
Who can be the Prophet's replacement?
How must the Prophet's replacement be?
Can someone who doesn't have the vision and awareness to guide the people, be the Prophet's replacement? Is someone who doesn't know the rules of religion properly, who sins and makes mistakes, be worthy ofsuccessorship
Would people have confidence in him? Who knows better which person is capable of succeeding the Prophet?...
God, or the people? Of course, God knows better and that is why He appoints the capable person to be the Prophet's replacement and orders the Prophet to place his divine vision and awareness at his successor's disposal.the
Prophet acts according to God's command and picks the person out to be his successor and introduces him to the people as such.
The successor of a Prophet is called an "Imam".
The Prophet, according to God's command, selects an honest andtrusworthy
person to be his successor and to perform his tasks after him. The Imam is a trustworthy and honest person selected by God for Imamate and Leadership of Mankind.the
Prophet, according to god's command, introduces this person so that by words and deeds he guides mankind towards God, and the people take example from him and follow him in the way they live their lives.
The Prophet, with the permission of god, places his vision, knowledge and awareness at the disposal of his successor for him to correctly lead and guide the people.the
Imam knows the laws and instructions of religion (as God and the Prophet have taught him), and communicates this to the people.the
Imam, like the Prophet, is a perfect example of religion and acts perfectly in accordance with religious instructions.
The Imam, like the Prophet, sees the ugliness and foulness of sin and because of this vision and awareness he never commits sins, rather he is disgusted by them. Because the Imam, like the Prophet, commits no sins and makes no mistakes, people have confidence in him and are able to follow his words and actions.
The Imams (twelve Imams) are all infallible. This means that:
They commit no sin, they are perfectly honest and trustworthy, and they fully and correctly communicate the laws and instructions of religion to the people. (That is, they never make mistakes or forget anything).
: Sayings of Imam Ali (a.s
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful
my brothers and sisters,
I was looking for something else yesterday, and I stumbled upon this wonderful sermon of Imam Ali (as). What a guide for our lives!!
Somebody requested Imam Ali to advise him how to lead a useful and sober life. Imam Ali thereupon advised him thus: "Do not be among those people who want to gain good returns without working hard for them, who have long hopes and keep on postponing repentance and penance,who
talk like pious persons but run after vicious pleasures. Do not be among those who are not satisfied if they get more in life and are not content if their lot in life's pleasures is less (they are never satisfied), who never thank Allah for what they get and keep on constantly demanding increase in what is left with them;
who advise others to such good deeds that they themselves refrain from; who appreciate good people but do not follow their ways of life; who hate bad and vicious people but follow their ways of life; who, on account of their excessive sins hate death but do not give up the sinful ways of life; who, if fallen ill, repent their ways of life and on regaining their health fearlessly readopt the same frivolous ways;
who get despondent and lose all hopes, but on gaining health, become arrogant and careless; who, if faced with misfortunes, dangers or afflictions, turn to Allah and keep on beseeching Him for relief and when relieved orfavoured
with comfort and ease they are deceived by the comfortable conditions they found themselves in and forget Allah and forsake prayers; whose minds are allured by day dreams and forlorn hopes and who abhor to face realities of life; who fear for others the enormous repercussions of vices and sins but for their own deeds expect very high rewards or very light disciplinary actions. Riches make such people arrogant, rebellious and wicked, and poverty makes them despondent and lethargic. If they have to work, they work lazily and if they put up a demand they do it stubbornly.
Under the influence of inordinate cravings, they commit sins in quick succession and keep on postponing repentance. Calamities and adversities make them give up the distinguished characteristics of Muslims (patience, hope in future and work for improvement of circumstances).they
advise people with narration's of events and facts but do not take any lesson from them.they
are good atpreachings
but bad at practice, therefore they always talk of lofty deeds but their actions belie their words.they
are keen to acquire temporal pleasures but are careless and slow to achieve permanent (Divine) benefits.they
think good for themselves the things which are actually injurious to them and regard harmful the things which really benefit them.they
are afraid of death but waste their time and do not resort to good deeds before death overtakes them.
vices which they regard as enormous sins for others, they consider as minor shortcomings for themselves. Similarly, they attach great importance to their obedience to the orders of Allah and belittle similar actions in others.therefore
, they often criticize others and speak very highly of their own deeds.they
are happy to spend their time in society of rich persons, wasting it in luxuries and vices but are averse to employing for useful purposes in company of the poor and pious people: they are quick and free to pass verdicts against others but they never pass a verdict against their own vicious deeds.they
force others to obey them but they never obey Allah.they
collect their dues carefully but never pay the dues they owe.they
are not afraid of Allah but fear powerful men".
Your sister,Zainab
Lessons from Karbala
Accept all physical pressure and pain
on our true faith we steadfastly remain
Battle begun unjustly by oppressors
Husain till the end tried to guide aggressors
Combine with words, when necessary, more swords
speech, if it fails, with spears against stubborn warlords
Differentiate, by trial, true faithful from false claimants
lovers of worldly pleasures rejected as remnants
Expose true identity of governing tyrant
Umayyad family who ruled as if invincible giant
Face bravely and fight fiercely transgressors
taught Islam's Prophet to Husain, the True Successor
Gandhi and other freedom fighters won independence
inspired by Husain's unforgettable resistance
, self-respect, self-determination
call to humanity till world's termination
Invite, instruct,instill
in all mankind godly values
such were Islam, Prophet's(s) and his family's views
Job in life is to perform God-given task
results by Godly standards, questions don't ask.
Keep your debt-book clean owe nothing from anyone
of martyrs refused to meet His Lord having hurt someone
Ladies in captivity bravely spread Karbala's message
and thunderous words hastened tyrants downward passage
preferable to life of humiliation under evil-doers
might never frightens brave good-doers
Never despair in struggle against falsehood by small quantity
matter less with sterling quality
Objectives of uprising declared publicly at all stages
utilized maximally for sacred rage
Perseverance on truth till the last breath
refusal to surrender evil till death
Unending support to Godly Leader's advice
struggle against ungodly army's stance.
Victory of holy blood over blade of sword
might with right, brawn with brain, sword with word
Warriors of truth participated from all ages, race, class & sanctuaries
in war, those whose message alive over centuries
power & position corrupt ungodly human
, lifestyle of immature Man
Yield total person & possessions to God's pleasure
engage in holy war, not in temporary leisure.
Zealous to die for truth, virtue, Laws of God
of life is to love God & live for God.