Wasiyatnama (Last Will & Testament)

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Wasiyatnama (Last Will & Testament)

Wasiyatnama (Last Will & Testament)

Publisher: www.al-islam.org


Wasiyatnama, Last Will & Testament

Ayatullah Shaikh Abdulla Mamkani (a.r .)'s will to his children, relatives, well-wishers and friends

Author(s): Ayatullah Shaykh Abdullah Mamkani

Publisher(s): World Islamic Network (WIN)



This version is published on behalf of www.alhassanain.org/english

The composing errors are not corrected.

Table of Contents

Preface 6

A Few Clarifications and Confessions by The Translator 7

A Few Words about ‘Principles of Religion’ (Usul al-Deen) 8

Invitation to Obedience And Warning Against Sin 11

Protection of Tongue 12

Self-Introspection 12

Taking care of Nafs (soul) 13

Meditation – thought 13

Patience 15

Faith in Allah (Tawakkul) 17

Contentment - Satisfaction 18

Modesty 19

Good character, Good Deeds 19

Politeness and forgiveness 20

Justice and Bravery 21

Keeping Promise and Faithfulness 22

Charity 22

Notes 22

Additional Advices 24

Respect of Aalims (Religious Scholar) 26

Respect for The Progeny of the Holy Prophet (S) 26

Compassion 27

Will 28

Witness for Debt 28

Remembrance of Allah 28

Asking for Forgiveness 29

The Observance of Nafila 30

Reading & Review of Ahadith & Advices 31

Excessive Laughter 31

Jealousy 32

Lies – Falsehood 32

Taunting 32

Stone Hearted -Cruel 32

Arrogance – Pride 32

Politeness 33

Greed – Temptation 33

Self-Praise 33

Show-Off 34

Dejection – Disappointment 34

Asking of Forgiveness of Allah – Repentance 34

Patience During Calamity 36

Notes 38

The Importance of Education and Advices on How To Achieve It 40

Qasde Qurbat 42

Danger spots 49

1st Danger spot: Becoming a judge 49

2nd danger spot: Usurping Someone’s Rights 50

3rd danger spot: Haste in Issuing Fatwa 51

4th Danger spot: Lust of power 51

5th dangers spot: Pretence – Fraud 51

Notes 51

Advice regarding Business 53

Notes 56


Bismillahir Rehamanir Rahim

Alhamdi Lillahe Rabbil Aalamin Wassalato Wassalamo Ala Nabiyeid-dinwa Aalehi Gurral Mayamin Amma Baad.

When this weak slave Abdullah Mamkani realized this world's short life and unreliability and when he became sure that death does not give extension to anybody - you cannot delay the destined time by even a second - then I became afraid, lest

I depart from this world without teaching my son spiritual guidance! Therefore I found it necessary to write a book in the form of a 'Will' which will serve as a guidance to my children, my friends, my relatives and others who wish to get religious and worldly benefits.

It is my heartfelt desire that all my children and my religious brethrens should read this 'Will' at least once or once a month. Whosoever of mychildren who doesn't read this, will be considered 'Aak' in my view and there will be no hope of salvation either in this world or the hereafter. If someone draws salvation from some of the advices in this 'Will', then he should try to act on the remaining advices also, so that one day, he is strong enough to act on all the advices in this book.

Those of my relatives, who may act on this 'Will', I pray to Allah to bless them in this world as well as in the next world, to protect them from sins and losses, to increase their life-span and may they live in peace and ease.

O God! For this 'Will', I reward me and my children on that day - the day when neither wealth nor children will be of any help.

- Shaikh Abdullah Mamkani (a.r)

A Few Clarifications and Confessions byThe Translator

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful

'Miratur-Rashad' by Ayatulla As-Shaikh Abdulla Al-Mamkani (t.s) was translated into Urdu by Allama Syed Zeeshan Haider Jawadi and then from Urdu to Gujarati by Janab Yusuf Jigar.

I have translated it into English from the Gujarati version, though, for obvious reasons, it would have been much better had it been translated from the original text. However, I must confess that there were a few sentences and paragraphs which I could not understand.so , instead of translating those sentences and paragraphs, I have thought it prudent not to translate them at all, lest I convey some other meaning that what the author intended. Besides, at certain places, instead of literal translation, I have taken the liberty of 'rephrasing' to make the meaning more clear and explicit. In my humble opinion, these deletions and 'rephrasings', in no way effect the overall impact of this book.

This is my first attempt at translation. So, it is likely that there may be some mistakes. I request my readers to point out these mistakes to me so that they can be corrected in the next edition.

If any Mu’min wants to translate any religious matter from Gujarati to English or vice versa. I will be happy to do it 'Fi Sabilillah' free of cost -

provided subsequent publishing is not meant for making profits. Those interested, may contact Mr. Imran Rasool at World Islamic Network, Mumbai, India.

Your critical comments and suggestions are most welcome.

May Allah give us Tawfik to act on the advices contained in this scholarlybook. Ameen.

C. I. Valjee – Translator

A Few Words about ‘Principles of Religion’ (Usul al-Deen)

My son! May Allah guide you to the right path and protect you from all sins and mistakes. Remember, your first Islamic duty is to think and ponder deeply about the principles of religion (Usul al-Deen). Make the foundation of faith strong by forceful arguments, have implicit faith in the Creator of the Universe, prophets and walis. Human being is born from human being. He is not an animal.

This does not mean that man should delve deep into the realm of knowledge and wisdom and continue reading voluminous books. Masoomeen (a.m.s) have also warned against going too deep and I also warn you.

What I mean to say is that you should read such books like ‘Aqaaed–e-Majlisi’ by Allama Majlisi (a.r.). Strengthen your belief by arguments, e.g. to prove the existence of Allah, study the creation of the world and its wonderful objects, and ponder that the creation cannot be any creation without a creator.

Amirul Mu’mineen Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s) has said in ‘Nahjul Balagah’.

“These people think that this grass is such that no one has grown it! This is such a picture for which there is no painter! These people do not put forward any proof in support for their claim. How I wish they would think that nothing could be created without a creator, or how is it possible to create something without a creator.”

Son! May Allah save you from ‘Shirk’ (equating someone else with Allah). To prove that there is only one God, suffice is to say that if there were more than one god then they would have destroyed the world. Allah has said that if there were two gods, then both the earth and sky would have been destroyed.

Amirul Mu’mineen Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s) has said:

“If there was another god except Allah, then that god also would have had his messengers and prophets.’

Son! To prove prophethood, suffice is to say that it is imperative for Allah’s mercy, bounty and love that there should be a link between the creator and the creation – someone who can bring his ‘Faiz’ from there; and inform about good and evil, beneficial and harmful, who desists you from evil deeds and encourages you to do good deeds.

Therefore to make you understand the real benefits and harms, there is no other way except ‘Wahi’ and ‘Ilham’. Human beings, who are immersed in worldly desires, cannot get Wahi or Ilham. They cannot reach that height. For that, it requires a ‘Soul’ who is above worldly desires, who is not a slave to Nafs al-Ammara (soul which is attracted towards worldly desires), and who deserves Allah’s bounties and mercies by his spirituality and purity of soul.

It is essential to remember that each and every man cannot have knowledge of Wahi or Ilham. For that, miracle is necessary whereby prophethood is proved, and whereby special relation between Allah and his messenger can be understood.

To prove that fact that Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (S) was the prophet of Allah, it is suffice to say that he proclaimed his prophethood in Mecca, announced that there is only one God and that he is His prophet and performed innumerable miracles. Now show anyone else, who can perform like him and who has his attributes! Allah never supports a liar nor does He give him any miracles.

Of all his miracles, the Holy Qur’an is sufficient to prove his prophethood, while it is very illogical to put miracle in the hands of a wrong claimant and it is tantamount to supporting a liar. Not only that, it is against the Justice of Allah.

From the prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (S), the prophethood of one hundred twenty four thousand prophets is also proved. He had given information about all these prophets. Prophet never gives wrong information and he does not lie.

The proof that the Holy Qur’an is a miracle is that the Holy Hazrat Prophet (S) put two options before the scholars of Arabic language: Eitherbring its reply or have faith in my prophethood; otherwise get ready for war which will result in all sorts of humiliations and insults. Though they were scholars of Arabic language, they bore all the hardships but did not reply to the Holy Qur’an. This means that they could not reply. They were not in a position to reply otherwise they would not have suffered all these hardships.

It is wrong to think that ‘word’ cannot be a miracle. ‘Mojiza’ is a name of everything to which people cannot reply and it becomes evident that the person has special relation with Allah. The fact that Mojiza is beyond the capacity of human beings is proved and accepted by those who specialize in this subject. The scholars of Arabic language have accepted the miracle of Holy Qur’an in the same way as the magicians of Firaun accepted the miracle of the Asa (Stick) of Hazrat Moosa (a.s.), and they removed the Kasidas (poems) hanging in the Holy Kaaba in deference to the Ayaats of the Holy Qur’an.

The argument that applies to ‘Naboowate Mutlaqa’ also applies to ‘Vilayat-Mutlaqa’. There are clear Ahadith from the Holy Prophet (S) about ‘Vilayat al-Khassa,’ in which the Holy Prophet (S) has declared the “Khilafat” of Hazrat ‘Ali (a.s .) and after him, his eleven progenies, as Imams. In addition, the deeds of these personalities are proofs in themselves.

The objections of the opponents are nothing but obstinacy. These objections have been replied in details in many books. This question has become so very clear that even the enemies have no doubts in their hearts, though they may deny it on the face.

As regards ‘Qayamat’ (Day of Judgment), it is the unanimous opinion of all sects of Islam that it should be accepted and cannot be denied. However, some scholars and philosophers have raised doubts about its details, but common man is not concerned with it in anyway. Suffice is to have faith in Qayamat which is clear from the many Ayaats and Ahadith. We have even been shown the way to argue about it. That a just ruler must reward or punish everyone according to his deeds and that too, to the one who performed these deeds.

Just because body is destroyed is no argument thata the body cannot be brought back to its original state. When the ‘Creator can create Adam (from nothing), so what difficulty is there in creating it again when the ‘Madda’ (essence) is present in whatever state it may be. It is stated in the Holy Qur’an, “We will recreate you second time in the same way asWe created you originally.”