Contemporary Man and The Social Problem

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Contemporary Man and The Social Problem Author:
Translator: Yasin T. al-Jibouri
Category: Various Books

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Contemporary Man and The Social Problem

Contemporary Man and The Social Problem


This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Alhassanain (p) Network for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Contemporary Man and the Social Problem

This full-length text is, as stated by the author himself, dedicated to answering the following question: “What is the system that suits humanity, the one through which humanity achieves a happy social life?” The author critically analyzes the most prominent systems known today, namely Capitalistic Democracy, Socialism and Communism, and then presents the Islamic system as opposed to these and describes how Islam can solve the social problem through its religious message.

Author(s): Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Baqir As-Sadr

Translator(s): Yasin T. Al-Jibouri

Publisher(s): W.O.F.I.S. World Organization for Islamic Services


Table of Contents

Publisher's Foreword 4

Author's Foreword 5

Contemporary Man and his Capability to Solve the Social Problem 7

The Actual Human Problem 7

Humanity and its Treatment of the Problem 8

The Difference between a Natural Experiment and a Social Experience 11

Note 18

Capitalist Democracy 19

Materialistic Trend in Capitalism 21

Position of Ethics in Capitalism 22

Tragedies of the Capitalist System 23

Notes 25

Socialism and Communism 27

Communism Criticized 30

Note 32

Islam and The Social Problem 33

The Accurate Analysis of The Problem 33

How to Solve the Problem 35

The Religious Message 39

Note 43

Islam’s Position Towards Freedom and Social Assurance 44

Freedom According to Capitalism and Islam 44

Freedom According to the Capitalist Civilization 45

Freedom in the Personal Sphere 49

Freedom in the Social Sphere 52

Insurance in Islam vs. Marxism 57

1) Social Security in Islam 57

2) Islamic Concept of Practising Social Security 57

3) Insurance, as a Human Right According to Islam 57

4) Insurance According to Marxism 58

Notes 58

Publisher's Foreword

In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful

We express our gratitude to Allah, the most Glorified, the One Who can grant us success in publishing this book, Contemporary Man and the Social Problem ( الإنسان المعاصر و المشكلة الاجتماعية ) which was written by the great scholar, martyr and Islamic thinker, Sayyid Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr and translated by Mr. Yasin T. al-Jibouri. This is his third book, after The Revealer, the Messenger and the Message” ( المرسل و الرسول و الرسالة ) and A General Outlook at Rites ( نظرة عامة في العبادات ), the publication and distribution of which has been undertaken by our Organization, W.O.F.I.S.

In the Preface to the translation of The Revealer, The Messenger and The Message, we wrote a biography of the eminent author; and in the foreword to this book-Contemporary Man and the Social Problem-, the author himself discusses its subject matter. Therefore, there is no need to repeat what we have written before about the author or what the author himself has written (in his foreword) about this book. It is from Allah, the Almighty, that we seek help, and we rely on Him for accomplishment, success and support; surely He is the Lord and the best to help.

Board of Writing, Translation and Publication

World Organization For Islamic Services

Tehran, Iran

Muharram 1, 1400 A. H./November 26, 1979 A. D.

Author's Foreword

Three years ago, we attempted a humble under­taking: studying the deepest bases on which each of Marxism and Islam stands, and the book Our Philosophy فلسفتنا interpreted our attempt. That was a starting ­point for a successive strain of thought trying to study Islam from base to top .

So was Our Philosophy, then, published to be succeeded, after about two years, by Our Economy اقتصادنا ; and the two intellectual brothers (meaning books) are still waiting for other brothers to join, so that the whole intellectual series, which we aspire to present to Muslims, may be completed.

From the very beginning, we noticed that ­in spite of the unmatchable welcome with which the series was met, so much so that the copies of Our Philosophy were sold out within only few weeks-there is a considerable paradox between the high Muslim intellect and the general intellectual atmosphere in which we nowadays live. It is even very difficult, for many, to live upto this high standard of Muslim intellect without exerting a great deal of hard effort. It was inevitable, then, to initiate successive series of books through which the reader ascends higher steps of Muslim intellectualism that may en­able him to appreciate its supreme standard.

Thus emerged the idea of “The Islamic School”: an attempt to use a scholastic procedure in intro­ducing the Muslim intellect through successive series parallel to the main series; (i.e., Our Philosophy and Our Economy), sharing its burden of carrying the Muslim intellectual message and agreeing with it in mutual and main purpose, although it differs in degree and level.

As we were contemplating on issuing “The Islamic School”, we defined the characteristics of the Muslim intellect composing the general outlook and intellectual taste of the presumed School.

These characteristics may be summed up thus:

1. The direct aim behind establishing “The Islamic School” is to supply conviction, more than innovation; therefore, it derives its intellectual topics from Our Philosophy, Our Econ­omy and their intellectual brothers, displaying them all within a specific scholastic framework, without confining itself to ideas presented for the first time.

2. “The Islamic School” does not always restrict itself to proving the form of any particular idea. Such form here is less clearly highlighted than in Our Philosophy and her sisters-all this is done according to the degree of simplification ex­pected from scholastic series.

3. “The Islamic School” deals with a broader in­tellectual horizon than that of Our Philosophy and her sisters. It does not only deal with the major aspects of the general Islamic intellect. It deals with the different philosophical, histori­cal or Qur'anic topics which affect the growth of the Islamic awareness, the building and com­pletion of the Muslim character, from both intellectual and spiritual standpoints.

Allah Almighty has decreed that the idea of “The Islamic School” should meet another idea derived from the Introduction to Our Philosophy, and that both ideas get intermingled with each other and see the light in the form of this book.

The other idea came out of the dear readers' persistence that we must reprint Our Philosophy, and to attempt broadening and simplifying the topics in Our Philosophy before we reprint the whole book for the second time, a matter that requires a leisure which I do not have at the present time.

Accordingly, the dear readers' wish started to make a direction towards the Introduction to Our Philosophy itself because reprinting such Introduction would not take as much effort as reprinting the entire book. The influx of requests left no room to suspect the necessity of responding to them.

There did both ideas meet: Why should the Introduction to Our Philosophy not be the first series of “The Islamic School”?

And so it was.

But we were not satisfied with printing the Introduction only; we also introduced some sig­nificant adjustments, giving some of its concepts a broader explanation, such as the concept of the egotistic instinct. We added to it two important chapters: One is “Contemporary man and his capac­ity to solve the social problem”, which is the first chapter of this book and which deals with the human capac­ity to establish the social system that guarantees happiness and perfection.

The other chapter is “Islam's standpoint regarding freedom and security”. It is the last chapter of this book. In it we attempted a comparative study between the standpoint of each of Islam and capitalism towards freedom, and that of Islam and Marxism towards security.

Thus did the Introduction multiply, taking a new name: Contemporary Man and the Social Prob­lem, as the first series of “The Islamic School”; verily, only Allah grants success.

Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr

an-Najaf al-Ashraf,
