Peshawer Nights

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Peshawer Nights Author:
Translator: Hamid Quinlan & Charles Ali Campbell
Publisher: Pak Books
Category: Debates and Replies

Peshawer Nights

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Author: Sultanu'l-Wa'izin Shirazi
Translator: Hamid Quinlan & Charles Ali Campbell
Publisher: Pak Books
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Peshawer Nights

Peshawer Nights

Publisher: Pak Books

This book is corrected and edited by Al-Hassanain (p) Institue for Islamic Heritage and Thought

Table of Contents

Translators' Preface 16

Notes 20

The Book 21

The First Session, Thursday night, 23rd Rajab, 1345 A.H 22

Relationship with the Holy Prophet 22

Additional evidence proving that the descendants of Bibi Fatima are of the progeny of the Holy Prophet 24

Why Shi’as combine their prayers 25

How the Allama's ancestors migrated from the Hijaz to Iran 28

How the grave of the Commander of the Faithful, ‘Ali, was discovered 29

Desecration of graves by Bani Umayyad 29

Misdeeds of this dynasty 30

Discovery of the sacred grave of ‘Ali 30

Differences about the burial place of the commander of the faithful 31

Second Session, Friday night, 20th Rajab, 1345 A.H 33

Misconception about origin of the ‘Shi’as’ sect 33

Absurd to associate Abdullah Ibn Saba with Shi’as 33

Meaning of Shi’as 34

Further merits of Shi’as 35

Shi’as merits proven from Sunni books 36

Rank of Salman, Abu Dharr, Miqdad, and Ammar 37

Causes of Iranian's Receptivity to Shi’as'ism 38

Iranians grateful for ‘Ali's compassion 39

Debates between Allama Hilli and the Chief Justice concerning the imamate 39

Iranian king accepted Shi’as belief 40

Islam forbids boasting about ancestors 41

Islam also forbids racism 41

Condemnation of the extremists 41

Shi’as separate from Ghalis 43

Clarification about reverence towards Imams 43

The people of Ya Sin refers to the people of Muhammad 43

‘Salawat’ (blessings) on Muhammad and ‘Ahle-Muhammad’ is the ‘sunna’ (commendable), and in ritual prayer it is compulsory 44

Third Session, Saturday night, 25th of Rajab, 1345 A.H 46

Shi’as not divided into factions 46

The Kaysaniyyas and their belief 46

The ‘Qaddahiyyas’ and their belief 47

The ‘Ghullat’ and their belief 47

Shi’as Imamiyya Ithna Ashari, and their belief 48

Belief in Allah and the Prophets 48

Belief in chastisement, reward, hell, Paradise, and day of judgement 48

Belief in the articles of practice 48

Belief in Imams 49

References about visibility of Allah 51

Holy Qur'an rejects doctrine of visibility of Allah 52

Arguments and ‘hadith’ about the invisibility of Allah 52

Further references to absurdities in two collections of traditions 52

Hadith al-Thaqalain 54

Polytheism and its kinds 54

Polytheism in prayer 55

Concerning offerings or pledges 56

Offerings in the name of Allah 56

Hidden Polytheism: Making a Display of Prayers 57

Polytheism regarding causation 57

Why prophets sought help from people 58

The Holy Ahlul Muhammad (descendants of the prophet) are means of divine bounty 59

Bukhari and Muslim have recorded many traditions reported by fabricators 61

Many authentic hadith regarding Ahlul Bayt scrupulously avoided 61

Sources of hadith al-Thaqalain 62

Hadith al-Safina 63

Seeking means to approach Allah not polytheism 63

Du'a al-Tawassul 65

Shi’as do not malign Sunnis 65

Sunni ulama’ call Shi’as infidels 65

Shi’as and the four Sunni schools of law 66

Murders of Shi’as in Iran and Afghanistan 67

Martyrdom of Shahid al-thalis 67

Instructions about ziarat 68

‘Namaz al-ziarat’ and invocations after the prayer 69

Invocation after namaz 69

Prostration of the brothers of Joseph before him 71

Invoking Imams is not worshiping the dead 71

The infidelity of Yazid 72

Sanction by Sunni ulama’ for cursing Yazid 73

Desecration of Graves 75

The descendants of the Holy Prophet are martyrs in the way of Allah, and are alive 76

The position of infallible Imams 76

Note 77

Fourth Session, Sunday night, 2nd Rajab 1345 A.H 78

Discussion regarding Imamate 78

Limitation to four schools of law has no basis 79

Shi’as'ism compared to four schools of law 79

The four imams have declared each other to be infidels 80

The Sunni ulama’s condemnation of Abu Hanifa 80

Imamate according to Shi’as means vicegerency of Allah 81

The rank of imamate is higher than that of general prophethood 83

General and special prophethood 83

Differences in the rank of the prophets 83

Characteristics of special prophethood 84

Arguments for the rank of prophethood for ‘Ali from hadith of manzila 85

Authenticity of hadith of manzila from the usual sources 85

Amadi unreliable as narrator of hadith 87

Confirmation of hadith of manzila by ‘Umar ibn Khattab 88

The position of single narration in the Sunni sect 88

Characteristics of ‘Ali 89

(2) The rank of successor to the Holy Prophet; and 89

Significance of ‘Ali's rank 90

Hadith that by order of the Prophet the doors of houses facing the mosque were closed except the door of ‘Ali's house 91

While bowing in ritual prayer, ‘Ali gave a ring to a beggar 93

Aaron's position as Prophet as well as caliph 93

Fifth Session, Tuesday night, 27th Rajab 1345 A.H 97

Hadith of manzila narrated several times 97

Aaron was the ordained successor of Moses 98

Similarity between the affairs of ‘Ali and Aaron 98

Hadith of invitation to relatives and the Prophet's appointing ‘Ali as his successor 99

Confirmation by Sunni ulama’ and by European writers 100

Clear hadith about the caliphate of ‘Ali 100

Characteristics of the companions 102

Hadith in praise of Abu Bakr 103

Abu Huraira's character and his condemnation 104

Ibn Abd Rabbih's slanders against the Shi’as 105

Slanders by Ibn Hazm 106

Slanders by Abu Taimiyya 106

Abu Huraira's character and hadith calling for his condemnation 108

Abu Huraira's collusion with Busr ibn Artat in the massacre of Muslims 109

Condemnation of Abu huraira and ‘Umar's beating him 109

Ahadith in praise of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar and their disqualification 111

Hadith that both Hasan and Husain are the foremost of youth of paradise 113

Reply to supposed hadith that Abu Bakr and A’ysha were preferred by the Prophet 114

Shafi'is acknowledgement that love for Ahlul Bayt is obligatory 116

Misconception regarding Holy Prophet's love for A’ysha 116

Holy Prophet preferred ‘Ali to all other men 117

Hadith of the roasted bird 118

“People of the remembrance” are the Ahlul Muhammad, the descendants of the Holy Prophet 120

Citation of a verse of the Holy Qur’an about the appointment of the four caliphs, and a reply 120

Argument from the “verse of cave” and its reply 122

Facts about Abu Bakr's accompanying the Holy Prophet 122

The Prophet's words “Allah is with us” no proof of excellence of Abu Bakr 124

Barsisa Abid 125

The sending down of peace was on the Prophet of Allah 126

Sixth Session, Tuesday night, 28th Rajab 1345 A.H 128

300 hundred verses in praise of ‘Ali 128

‘Ali first to declare belief in Prophet of Allah 129

Training of ‘Ali from childhood by the Holy Prophet 130

‘Ali's faith while only a child 132

‘Ali's faith was part of his very nature 134

‘Ali excelled all other companions and the whole community in merit 134

‘Ali's faith superior to Abu Bakr's 135

‘Ali as the self of the Holy Prophet 136

Qur'anic verse in praise of ‘Ali on his sleeping in the Prophet's bed on the night of hijra 136

Evidence regarding ‘Umar's saying “had ‘Ali not been there, ‘Umar would have been ruined” 138

Caliph ‘Umar’s bravery was never observed on any battlefield 140

Conquests not due to personal merits of ‘Umar 140

Abu Bakr's and ‘Umar's defeat in the battle of Khaibar 141

‘Ali was the loved one of Allah and of the Holy Prophet 143

Hadith of the standard in the conquest of Khaibar 144

Uthman's character and way of life compared to that of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar 146

The wealth of caliph Uthman 146

Caliph Uthman encouraged the evildoers among the Umayyads 147

Holy prophet cursed Abu Sufyan, Mu'awiya and his son Yazid 149

Uthman did not accept counsel of ‘Ali 149

Uthman mercilessly beat companions of Holy Prophet 150

Ammar beaten by order of Uthman 150

The hadith “all companions are like stars” applied also to Abu Dharr 153

‘Ali ibn Abu Talib's kindness and generosity 154

‘Ali's kindness to marwan Abdullah ibn Zubair 155

‘Ali's kindness to A’ysha 155

Doubts and complications regarding the “verse of guardianship” and their clarification 157

Seventh Session, Wednesday Night, 29th Rajab 1345 A.H 162

Difference between assumed unity and real unity 162

The verse of imprecation (Mubahala) proves the unity of the soul of ‘Ali with the Holy Prophet 163

The Holy Prophet's arrival for the imprecation 163

Merits of ‘Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain proven by the verse of imprecation 164

Further narrations and hadith as evidence of the essential unity of the Holy Prophet and ‘Ali 166

Since the Holy Prophet was superior to all other prophets, ‘Ali was also superior to them 167

Consensus for Abu Bakr 170

Arguments against validity of ijma 171

‘Ali was deliberately kept uninformed of the meeting at saqifa 173

Hadith al-Thaqalain and Hadith al-Safina 176

Hadith “‘Ali is with the truth and the truth is with ‘Ali” 179

Hadith of the Ark - Hadith of Saqifa 181

Holy Prophet's hadith urging the believers to follow ‘Ali 182

Forced allegiance by ‘Ali and Bani Hashim after six months 183

‘Ali dragged from his home and his house set on fire 184

Twelve arguments in support of the fact that ‘Ali was taken to the mosque at the point of a sword 184

Fatima told Abu Bakr and ‘Umar that she cursed them both in every prayer 186

Narrations about Fatima’s miscarriage 188

Imam Husain was never desirous of political power 189

Imam Husain refused advice to abandon his mission 190

Effects of visiting shrines of the Holy Imams 195

Eighth Session, Thursday night, 1 Sha'ban, 1345 A.H 196

Association of Shi’as'ism with Imam Ja'far Sadiq 203

Criticizing the companions does not mean infidelity 205

Caliphs themselves did not regard cursing them as infidelity 207

Caliph Abu Bakr abused ‘Ali 207

Caliph ‘Umar held that cursing a Muslim is not infidelity 208

According to Abu'l-Hasan Ash'ari even calling Allah or Holy Prophet by evil names is not infidelity 208

Most companions abused one another but not regarded as infidels 208

Holy Prophet of Islam knew all good and bad actions of sahaba 208

Merit of being a party to Bai'at al-Rizwan 209

Shi’as do acknowledge merits of sahaba 209

Hadith of “following companions” examined 210

Aqaba affair and design to kill Holy Prophet 210

The Prophet never bade us follow liars 211

Opposition of companions at saqifa 212

Sa'd ibn ubaida's opposition to Abu bakr and ‘Umar 212

Talha and Zubair confront ‘Ali at Basra 212

Mu'awiya and 'Amr as used to curse and abuse ‘Ali 212

Sources of hadith “My companions are like stars.” are weak 213

Companions were not infallible 213

Taking wine by ten companions in a secret meeting 214

Companions' breaking their pledge 215

In the Holy Qur'an “Truthful Ones” refers to Muhammad and ‘Ali 216

Ghadir Hadith and its nature 216

Gabriel's advice to ‘Umar 219

Hadith of “Following Companions” is unauthentic 220

Some of companions were slaves to their wishes and turned against truth 220

Imam Ghazali’s view about companions breaking the pledge taken on the day of Ghadir al-Khum 221

Sirru'l-Alamin is Imam Ghazali's book 222

Reference to ibn Iqda's status 222

Reference to Tabari's death 222

Nisa'i's murder 223

Sunnis' doubt about meaning of “maula” 223

Meaning of “maula” as “guide,” “master” in light of the verse “Ya ayyuha'r-rasul baligh” 224

Revelation of verse “This day have I perfected for you your religion.” at Ghadir al-Khum 225

Sibt ibn Jauzi's view about the meaning of “maula” 226

View of ibn Talha Shafi'i about the meaning of maula 227

‘Ali's argument based on hadith of Ghadir in the Mosque at Kufa 228

Sad plight of those who did not confirm hadith of Ghadir 228

Hasan's couplets before the Holy Prophet 230

Companions breaking their promise made on the day of Ghadir 231

Companions breaking the promise at Uhud, Hunain, and Hudaibiyya 232

Shi’as condemn only those companions whose acts were unjust 232

Companions running away at Hudaibiyya 232

Shi’as will seek redress on the Day of Judgment 233

Fadak and its usurpation 234

Revelation of the verse “Give to near of kin” 234

Argument from hadith 'la nuris' - we do not leave legacies 235

Fadak was a gift - not a legacy 235

Hadith 'la nuris' is concocted 236

Fatima argues her case 236

Fatima's arguments rejecting hadith la nuris 236

Fatima pleading in vain 237

Caliph used abusive language 237

‘Ali's remonstrating with Abu Bakr 238

Abu Bakr’s Insolence 238

History judges a man 239

Hadid's surprise at Abu Bakr's abusing ‘Ali and Fatima 239

Tormenting ‘Ali is tormenting the Holy Prophet 239

Hadith “I am the city of knowledge and ‘Ali is its gate 240

Hadith about the vicegerency 241

Allah selected ‘Ali from among all men to be my vicegerent 243

Ahlul Bayt endowed with seven matchless qualities 243

Mahdi to fill the earth with justice 243

Inquiring about immediate succession or vicegerency 244

Couplets of some companions about the vicegerency 244

Holy Prophet's will concerning ‘Ali’s vicegerency exists in all authentic books 245

Holy Prophet was prevented from writing his will at the time of his death 245

Disobedience to Holy Prophet's command unbelievable 246

Authentic reports concerning the Prophet's being prevented from making his will 246

Ibn Abbas weeping because the Holy Prophet was prevented from writing his will 247

‘Umar prevented the Holy Prophet from writing his will 247

Sources of hadith of “Prevention of will” 247

‘Umar said: “This man is speaking nonsense, the Qur’an is sufficient for us” 248

The Holy Prophet orders the quarreling companions to leave him 248

To call the holy prophet “this man” was great insolence 248

The word 'hajar' used by ‘Umar means nonsense 248

Insolence against Holy Prophet is infidelity 249

First mischief in Islam in the presence of the Holy Prophet 249

Words “this man speaks nonsense” were most insulting 250

A caliph cannot be exonerated for disobeying the Holy Prophet 250

The Holy Prophet, not ‘Umar was responsible for the security of the religion 250

Holy Qur’an alone is not sufficient for our guidance 251

Holy Qur’an also asks us to consult Ahlul dhikr, that is, Ahlul Bayt 252

Qutbu'd-din shirazi's objection to ‘Umar's words 252

Abu bakr was not prevented from writing his will 252

So it is clear that ‘Ali was Holy Prophet's immediate successor 253

Hadith 'la nuris' rejected 254

Caliphate belongs to the heir of knowledge 254

‘Ali's verdict concerning a woman who gave birth to a child after a six-month pregnancy 254

Hadith 'la nuris' not applied to other properties 255

Abu Bakr's returning fadak to Fatima and ‘Umar's intervention 255

Caliph's returning Fadak to descendants of Fatima 256

Returning Fadak by ‘Umar ibn Abdu'l-aziz 256

Returning Fadak to descendants of Fatima by Abdullah Mahdi and Mamun, the Abbasid 256

Proof that Fadak had been given to Fatima 257

Contention that Abu Bakr acted according to “Verse of Evidence” and its reply 257

To demand witnesses from occupants was against religious law 258

Rejecting witnesses of Fatima was against religious law 258

“Truthful ones” refers to Muhammad and ‘Ali 259

‘Ali is most exalted among the truthful ones 260

‘Ali is with truth and with the Qur’an 260

Obedience to ‘Ali is obedience to Allah and his Holy Prophet 261

Caliph Abu Bakr did not follow law of evidence in other cases 261

Abu Bakr giving wealth to Jabir without calling for witness 262

‘Ali and Fatima were referents of the verse of purification 263

Proving that the verse of purity was not in praise of the Prophet's wives 263

Wives of Prophet are not included in Ahlul Bayt 264

Numerous hadith concerning “verse of purity” being in praise of Holy Five 265

Hadith of Umm Salma about 'harrira'(a sweet liquid food) of Fatima and revelation of “verse of purity” 265

Fadak was taken away for political reasons 266

Khums interdicted 266

Caliph may not pass an order in violation of a clear ordinance of Allah and the practice of Holy Prophet 268

Allah has made ‘Ali witness of the Holy Prophet 268

‘Ali's mental anguish 269

Hadith condemning tormentors of ‘Ali 269

Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad, Imam Tha'labi in his Tafsir and 269

‘Ali was tormented and insulted 270

Fatima remained indignant with Abu bakr and ‘Umar until her death 270

Fatima's distress is Allah’s and Prophet's distress 270

Allegation about ‘Ali’s intending to marry Abu Jahl's daughter 271

Fabricating of hadith during Mu'awiya's period 272

Misunderstanding about Fatima’s indignation being non-religious 273

Fatima was free from worldly attachment 274

Fatima's indignation motivated by religion 274

Fatima's silence did not indicate her acquiescence 274

‘Ali was not free to act during his caliphate 274

Abu bakr and ‘Umar tried to visit Fatima to explain their point, but in vain 276

Abu Bakr realized the seriousness of Fatima’s anger 277

Fatima was buried at night, a proof of her lasting displeasure with Abu Bakr and ‘Umar 277

Ninth Session, Friday night, 2nd Sha'ban 1345 A.H 279

Shi’as accusing A’ysha of adultery and its reply 279

A’ysha's exoneration from the charge of adultery 279

A husband and wife do not necessarily share the same level of attainment 279

Meaning of faithlessness of Noah’s and Lot’s wives 280

Faithlessness of wives does not imply impurity 280

Reference to A’ysha's conduct 281

A’ysha grieved the Holy Prophet 281

No such reports about other wives of the Holy Prophet 282

Ummu'l-mu'minin Suda did not go out even for hajj or umra 282

A’ysha goes out to fight against ‘Ali 283

‘Ali's virtues are beyond number 283

Hadith in praise of ‘Ali’s virtues 284

Friendship with ‘Ali is faith and opposition to him is infidelity and hypocrisy 284

‘Ali 'Best of Mankind' said the Holy Prophet- reported by A’ysha 284

Authors who narrate Holy Prophet's hadith about hypocrites' hatred of ‘Ali 286

Slaughter of sahaba (companions) and innocent believers in Basra by order of A’ysha 287

Shi’as say about A’ysha exactly what history shows 287

No evidence that A’ysha repented 288

A’ysha prevents burial of Imam Hasan near the Holy Prophet 288

A’ysha's prostration at martyrdom of Amiru'l-Mu'minin 289

Contradictory statements of A’ysha about Uthman 289

Allah is merciful but the blood of innocent Muslims cannot go unquestioned 290

A’ysha cannot plead loss of memory because she was reminded by Umm Salma 290

Hadith of mending shoes is the greatest proof of the imamate and caliphate of ‘Ali 292

Difference in mode of appointment of the first three caliphs is proof of invalidity of their caliphate 292

Holy prophet's nomination of ‘Ali ignored and abu bakr's nomination of ‘Umar upheld 293

Objection to Abdu'r-Rahman ibn Auf being arbiter 294

According to the holy prophet, ‘Ali should be followed in preference to all the others 294

Worst injustice done by ‘Umar to Amiru'l-Mu'minin's position 294

Caliphate of ‘Ali was ordained by Allah 295

Real basis of ‘Ali's caliphate is not consensus but the Holy Prophet's declarations 296

‘Ali was superior to all the other caliphs 296

Hadith of Holy Prophet regarding ‘Ali’s superiority 297

‘Ali's pure ancestry 297

‘Ali's creation from light and his association with the Holy Prophet 298

‘Ali's physical ancestry 299

Azar was Abraham’s father 299

Fathers and mothers of the Holy Prophet were not polytheists but they were all believers 300

‘Ali's forefathers were equally free from polytheism 302

Misunderstanding about Abu Talib's faith clarified 302

Shi’as consensus regarding belief of Abu Talib 302

Misunderstanding about concocted hadith of Zuhzah clarified 303

Evidence for Abu Talib's belief 304

Ibn Abi’l-Hadid’s couplets in prais of Abu Talib 304

Couplets of Abu Talib Prove his Islam 305

Abu Talib's acknowledgement of his belief in Allah at the time of his death 306

Holy Prophet's conversation with Abu Talib at the announcement of his Prophethood 307

Abraham's announcement of prophethood and his conversation with Azar 307

Abu talib assures Holy Prophet of full support and also recites couplets in praise of Islam 307

Abu Talib was a supporter and guardian of the Holy Prophet 308

Mu'awiya pronounces takbir at Imam Hasan's martyrdom 309

Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr was killed thirsty and burnt to ashes for love of Ahlul Bayt 309

Mu'awiya was not a scribe of wahi (revelation) but only of letters 309

Evidence for Mu'awiya's infidelity 310

Evidence from suras of the Holy Qur’an and hadith Mu'awiya and Yazid are cursed 310

Murder of prominent believers, like Imam Hasan, Ammar Hajar ibn Adi Malik Ashtar, and Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, by order of Mu'awiya 311

Murder of 30,000 believers by Busr ibn Artat on order of Mu'awiya 312

Mu'awiya ordered that ‘Ali be cursed 312

The companions of the Prophet were at different levels of understanding 313

In the words of the holy Qur’an “sahab” and “sahaba,” meaning “companions”, have no reverential significance 314

Holy Qur’an praises good companions but also condemns bad companions 315

Abu Talib was a firm believer 316

Additional proof of Abu Talib's belief 316

Ja'far Tayyar's embracing Islam by his father's order 316

The Holy Prophet wept bitterly at Abu Talib's death and invoked Allah's blessings on him 317

‘Ali’s elergy for his father, Abu Talib 317

Abu Talib concealed his faith while Hamza and Abbas proclaimed theirs 317

Why Abu Talib concealed his faith 318

Abu Talib's faith was commonly known during the time of the Holy Prophet 318

Mut'a marriage and hajj Nisa were lawful up to Abu Bakr's time but made unlawful by ‘Umar 319

Sunnis are really rafizis and Shi’as are Sunni 319

Arguments for lawfulness of mut'a 320

Ahlul Sunna regarding lawfulness of mut'a 321

Command permitting mut'a was not repealed 322

Sheikh: In sura 23, Mu'minin (The Believers), verse 6 repeals this order. It says 322

Distinguished companions and Imam Malik insist that the ordinance of mut'a was not abrogated 322

All conditions of wedlock are fulfilled by mut'a 323

Arguments concerning its abrogation during the time of the Holy Prophet 324

Command of Allah or of the Holy Prophet may not be abrogated by a caliph 326

Expediency not grounds for abrogation 326

Abu Talib's faith was well known during the time of the Holy Prophet 328

‘Ali's birthplace was the Ka'ba 328

The origin of ‘Ali’s name was the unseen world 329

After the names of Allah and the Holy Prophet, ‘Ali's name is written on Arsh 329

Words used by Adam for acceptance of his repentance were the names of the five pure ones 331

Wahi (revelation) and ilham (intuition) bestowed on persons other than Prophets, even on animals 331

Abu Talib was guided by Allah to name his son ‘Ali 332

Revelation of lawh (tablet) to Abu Talib 332

‘Ali's piety 333

Abdullah ibn Rafi'i's report 333

Suwaid ibn Ghafla's report 333

‘Ali's abstaining from eating halwa 334

‘Ali's dress 335

Zurar's conversation with Mu'awiya concerning ‘Ali 335

The Prophet's recognition of ‘Ali's piety 336

As Imamu'l-muttaqin ‘Ali had no inclination for self-indulgence or authority 337

‘Ali's refusal to pay allegiance to Abu Bakr proves the method of his appointment as caliph was not right 338

Silence of holy prophets 339

‘Ali's situation similar to Aaron's 340

Acquiescence of prophets 340

The Holy Prophet could not effect drastic changes for fear of people 340

After the death of the Holy Prophet ‘Ali’s patience was for the sake of Allah 341

‘Ali's statements on the expediency of his silence after the demise of the Holy Prophet 342

Amiru'l-Mu'minin's letter to the people of Egypt explaining his silence when deprived of the caliphate 342

Amiru'l-Mu'minin's sermon after martyrdom of Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr 343

Sermon of Shiqshiqayya also explains ‘Ali’s silence 344

Doubt about the Sermon of Shiqshiqayya 344

Sayyid Razi 344

Sermon of Shiqshiqayya recorded long before the birth of Sayyid Razi 345

Tenth Session, Saturday night, 3rd Sha'ban 1345 A.H 347

Assessment of ‘Umar's knowledge of Islamic law 347

‘Umar's knowledge of Islamic law was weak 347

A woman silences ‘Umar on a point of law 347

Confiscation of any portion of mehr is unlawful 348

‘Umar denying the Prophet's death proves that he was ignorant of several verses of the Holy Qur’an 349

‘Umar's order to stone five people and ‘Ali’s intervention 349

‘Umar's ordering a pregnant woman to be stoned to death and ‘Ali’s intervention 350

‘Umar ordering an insane woman to be stoned and ‘Ali’s intervention 350

‘Ali’s knowledge and merit 351

All knowledge was clearly visible to ‘Ali 353

Mu'awiya defending the position of ‘Ali 354

‘Umar's admission of his ignorance concerning difficult problems and his declaration that if ‘Ali had not helped him, his difficulties would not have been solved 354

‘Ali was most suitable for the office of caliphate 355

By all standards ‘Ali was the fittest man for the caliphate 356

‘Ali's “allegiance” to caliphs was forced 356

There should be no “blind faith” in religion 357

Faith should be based on reason and honest inquiry 357

Prophet's order to obey ‘Ali 358

No hadith exists designating other caliphs as the “Guides of the Community” or “Gates of Knowledge” 358

Sunni ulama’ do not want cooperation with us 359

Prostration on dust by Shi’as objected to by others without reason 359

Differences among the four schools are ignored but Shi’as are not tolerated 359

Verdicts by Sunni scholars in contradiction to Qur'anic injunctions 360

In absence of water ghusl and wuzu' one should perform tayammum 360

Washing of the feet in wuzu' is against the Qur'anic ordinance 362

Wiping over the socks against the explicit ordinance of the Holy Qur’an 363

The wiping over the turban is against the Quranic ordinance 364

Shi’as alone blamed for such differences 364

According to Sunni ulama’ prostration on dry excrement and dung is lawful 365

Prostration on floor coverings instead of the ground is against Qur'anic injunction 365

Shi’as do not consider prostration on dust of Karbala compulsory 365

Shi’as keep sajdagahs (tablets of earth) for prostration during prayers 366

Why we prostrate on the soil of Karbala 366

Characteristics of soil of Karbala 366

Old age is no criterion for the caliphate 367

‘Ali appointed for conveyance of verses of sura bara'a (the immunity) of the holy Qur’an 368

Reason for ‘Ali’s appointment 369

Accompanying report of Abu Bakr 369

Another proof that age is no criterion for the caliphate 370

Holy Prophet sent ‘Ali to Yemen 370

After the Holy Prophet ‘Ali was the guide of the community 370

Conspiracies of enemies 370

‘Ali hated corrupt politics 371

Rebellion during Amiru'l-mu'minin's caliphate was due to enmity against him 371

A’ysha was largely responsible for the revolt against ‘Ali 371

‘Ali's battles of Jamal, Siffin, and Nahrwan were like the battles of the Holy Prophet against the infidels 372

After the holy prophet, ‘Ali was the greatest statesman 373

‘Ali possessed knowledge of the unseen world 373

Qur'anic evidence that prophets possessed knowledge of the unseen 376

Claims for knowledge of the unseen through other means are false 377

Vicegerents of prophets also had knowledge of the unseen 377

Holy Imams were true caliphs and had the knowledge of unseen 379

Gate of knowledge 379

Sunni ulama’ who have narrated the hadith of “city of knowledge” 380

To narrate ‘Ali’s merits is worship 382

Hadith “I am the house of wisdom” 383

Elucidation of the hadith of “Gate of Knowledge” 384

‘Ali had knowledge of the unseen 384

‘Ali knew outer and concealed meanings of the Holy Qur’an 385

Holy Prophet opened 1,000 chapters of knowledge in ‘Ali’s heart 385

Entrusting the Prophet's knowledge to ‘Ali 386

Jafr al-Jami'a and its nature 387

Imam ar-Ridha’ prophesied his death 389

Gabriel brought a sealed book for wasi (successor) of the Holy Prophet 389

‘Ali's announcement of saluni (ask me) and the reports of the Sunnis 391

‘Ali's claim that he could judge cases according to the Torah as well as the gospels 392

‘Ali's knowledge about verses of the Holy Qur’an 392

‘Ali's knowledge about people who guide or misguide 393

Prophesying that Sinan ibn Anas was the murderer of Imam Husain 393

Foretelling the standard bearing of Habib ibn Ammar 393

Foretelling Mu'awiya's oppression 394

Foretelling of Dhu'th-Thadiyya's murder 395

Prophecy about his own martyrdom and about ibn Muljim 395

‘Ali's Superiority 396

Allah could not have willed that the superior be superseded by the inferior 396

“City of knowledge” proves ‘Ali’s right to be the first caliph 397

According to the Holy Prophet ‘Ali excelled all others in knowledge 398

Description of zones of space in agreement with the modern science of astronomy 399

‘Ali mastered all sciences 400

Ibn abi'l-hadid's admission of ‘Ali’s superior knowledge 400

Imam Husain’s birth and the Angels’ congratulations 400

Nawab sahib's acceptance of Shi’as'ism 401

Last Session, Sunday, 4th Sha'ban, 1345 A.H 403

Birthday of Imam Husain 403

Genuine Liberty 403

Sunnis belief concerning the meaning of “those vested with authority” 403

Leaders of Israel selected by Moses were considered worthless 403

The words 'Uli'l-amr' do not refer to rulers 404

'Uli'l-amr' must be ordained and appointed by Allah 404

Infallibility of the Holy Imams generally reported 406

Knowledge of the Ahlul Bayt 406

Why the names of the Imams do not appear in the Holy Qur’an 407

There is no mention of units (rak'ats) of prayers in the Holy Qur’an 407

Uli'l-amr refers to ‘Ali and the imams of the Ahlul Bayt 408

Names of the twelve Imams and their number 410

The number of caliphs after the Holy Prophet is twelve 411