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The Prophets

The Prophets

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english


The Prophets




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The composing errorsare not corrected .

Table of Contents

Translator’s Word 5

Introduction 6

Introduction of The Second Edition 12

About Some Conditions of The Father of Human Beings “Adam” (PUH) and The Beginning of This Creation 13

(Subjects from different sources with agreement in contents) 15

Angels prostration for Adam PUH 17

Useful Caution 21

(The inhabitation of Adam in paradise) 21

(How was it correct to prostrate before Adam by angels and he’s just a creation) 22

(Some tales related to our research) 23

The reason for getting Adam down from paradise to earth 25

(What is the tree that was prohibited for Adam PUH) 26

The place of falling of Adam and Eve when they got down from paradise 29

(Crying of Adam PUH for paradise) 30

Having a tent for them in the place of the Holy House 35

(Of what was the dog created) 36

Having a tent for them in the place of the Holy House 39

Translator’s Word

This is my humble translation for the book of Abdul-Sâhib Al-’âmeli . Of course, and because of the high flexibility of Arabic and it’s numerous words and divisions, my translation won’t exactly be in the same line of the book, but I tried my best to give the overall meaning as much as and as clearer as possible.

This book is considered a valuable item in any Shiite library, and I would like to notice out that there is another book and considered older than this one which was written by a scholar and a holy faithful man called “Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ’iri ” but I really did not get to know this book very well, but in this translation of the book of Abdul-Sâhib you will find some reference for the book of Al-Sayed Al-Jazâiri .

I faced many troublesanalysing and trying to understand the complex philosophical terms in order to proceed with my translation but I couldn’t be lucky all the time, so whenever I couldn’t continue translating I’ve put a notice of that between square brackets [..] .

Maybe it is important to show some of the characteristics of the creed of Shiite in order to understand some parts of the book, of course if you are an Arabic learner and could read, then reading this book by its Arabic contents would be far more beneficial to you to understand what is going on.

For Shiite people, they believe that every prophet or a messenger from God, since the time of Adam until the lastmessenger which is Muhammad, every one of them got a viceroy or a saint that would take care of things after the death of the prophet or the messenger himself.For example, there isAsaph the son ofBerechiah who was a viceroy for king Solomon, and there is Joshua the viceroy of Moses and lot others, and so do the prophet Muhammad got a viceroy, which is his cousin and the husband of his daughter, ‘Aliben Abi Tâlib , and after ‘Aliben Abi Tâlib comes his children and his descendants.

Forsunnite muslims , they do not believe in such thing, but believe that the prophet ordered things to be organized in a committee after his death, and such thing is denied by Shiite believers. It is important to note out that Shiite and Sunnite are creeds and not bound to some borders and to some countries as some others think.

Lot of people think that a Shiite would mean Iranian person which is something not true at all, but people got this impression because supposedly that the modernislamic government in Iran is a Shiite government, although it has different aspects than other sub-Shiite creeds, and the speech about this will take long time and maybe it needs a book for its own sake. Here are some of the abbreviations and notifications first thatI used in my translation:

PUH: PeaceUpon Him (Her)

PUT: PeaceUpon Them


from (name1) from (name2) ...etc: This is called the chain of the speech or saying and points out the names of people that carried the tidings or news.


In the name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful And prays on the most righteous of His creation, Muhammad and his Household and his mates thehonourable and guided (It is) About what concerns a bunch of prophets, and viceroys, in some of their own matters (Know) that our believe inprophets , and their viceroys and the Angels (PUT), they are infallible and purified from any impurities and theydon’’t guilt either a big one or a small one, and never refuse the commandments of God and do whatever they are commanded with, and whoever refuse the idea of their infallibility in any situation then he did miss them.

And our believe in them is that they are described with completeness of wisdom andhonour and patience and bravery and so on and never described with less aspects in any of their matters.

Then, the prophets and viceroys and the purified Imams and the like before them (PUT), it is doubtless that their times are busy with God and their hearts are full of Him and their minds are connected to the heavens world and always watching for God, for he said (The prophet PUH): worship God as you see Him, so if youdon’’t see Him, He sees you. So, they are always watching, attending toward Him, the Exalted, with their total.

Whatever is apparent in their prays (psalms) and their speeches and their books and the other of their sayings about falling in sin it is just to behave humbly for God and it includes the maximum thankfulness for Him, the Exalted. It is mentioned about our prophet (PUH) that he used to exhaust himself in worshipping, so one of his wives asked him:didn’’t Godforgive you for whatever was made and whatever will be from your sins? So he said toher: Yes, butshouldn’’t I be a thankful slave? Until The Holy called him byHis call “Ta. Ha. We have not revealed unto thee (Muhammad) thisQur’’an that thoushouldst be distressed”( Ta Ha:1-2) meaning not to exhaust yourself and spend the maximum of your power in worshipping.

In it also there is a teaching for people and directing them towards Him, the Exalted, and to take people away from pride and preventing the worshipping and praying, and to be humble for Him, the Exalted. How shall we consider whatever comes from them (the prophets PUT) from deeds and sayings what is apparent to be a sin that is indeed a sin towards God, the Exalted? God forbid!And they are morehonourable and faithful than that level to be blamed for a sin.

Aren’’t they the commanders by God over the creatures and Hisloyals for His laws and His religion and the callers to obey Him, and God put them for this purpose, so they are the tongue of God that speaks to His slaves and Its translator to His creation.So, how come they do a sin and how come they become like normal people and notdestinctive from them, and they are the ones who take care of His commandments to His creation, and is it rightful by logic for them to beloyals for God over His creation and someone would say to them “Enjoin ye righteousness upon mankind while ye yourselves forget”(Al-Baqarah : 44) Are they mentioned with sin?

It is the reason to let people go away from them.Doesn’’t the sinner get thrown by stones if he tried to forbid people of the sins he did himself, or gets his head in the sand and told to him: discipline yourself and your people before you try to discipline others?So , how come they can beloyals to God and they are polluted with sins and people should have gone away from them and deny their deeds?

Don’’t people understand the claim of sins to the saints of God (apostles of God, faithful people),don’’t they stop? Was God unable toMake infallible people anddestinctive from others to take care of His laws?No, and God forbid! But He did not Send any messenger and Made a viceroy after him except he was purified and infallible and without any sins and mistakes or impurity.

So , how do we consider anything done by them as a guilt and it is a sin and that theirhumilating for themselves for God and sanctifying Him is because that they are like all creatures and their Lord did not Make them special or Care much about them. Look with your heart to some of the slaves in this life whenever they refuse the commands of their masters and their masters heard about that,won’’t they be blamed by people and deserved for punishment as they think. So what do you think of the Lord of lords and the King of kings that nothing can be hidden from Him from his kingdom on earth or in heavens, and for this he pointed out (PUH) [maybe ‘‘Aliben Abi Tâlib is meant here] : the good deeds of the faithful are the sins of the close relative (?).

Some said: it might be said that doing something undesirable and leaving the desirable deed and do some of the allowed things might look like in the eyes of the infallible persons like prophets and saints (viceroys) that they are sins so they sanctify God (asking for forgiveness) and if they did it again they become more sad for it and have great sadness in their holy souls. Look with the eye of your heart to the psalms (prays) of the Prince of Believers (PUH) and the psalms (prays) of Al-Imam Al-Sajjâd Zain Al-’’âbideen [ i.e.

‘‘Aliben Al-Husainben ‘‘Aliben Abi Tâlib PUH] in Al-Saheefah Al-Sajjâdiyah [it is a name of a book that contains prays and psalms of the Imam] and his psalm that mentioned byAbi Hamzah Al-omâly and to his boredom in his prays and the hard sadness over him and the great sorrow of him for what he did beside his Lord and others than him from his fathers and children and how great is theirhumilation and theirperishableness in the Self of God for they had the deep view into His might and His power and pride and they know very well how great He is and how gracious He is. So , for this, most of their deeds in their worshipping and prayers were for someone that was sure of the torture and punishment. As if hecommited every crime and done the great sins.

From this concept was the mistake of our father Adam (PUH) where thefobid of eating from the tree inside paradisewas only forhonourable purposes and not a strict forbid as for a sin. As itis mentioned and approved in books made for this subject (the infallibility of prophets) by ‘‘Alam Al-Huda Al-Sayid Al-Mortadhâ and others, check out.And God forbid that prophets and the messengers and the saints (viceroys) and the Arch-Angels may commit any sin and they are the ones that were assigned by God to take care of His religion and the callers and the ones that take care of His slaves and His rulers over His creations.

Then if we did accept that they do sins and guilt so then wedon’’t mind them to do the great sins for which punishments must be applied without any difference. So who will do the punishment of them? Only the one that takes care of religion would do the punishment, so would he do it overhimself? Or someone else would do it over him by an order from him? (Answerme may God have mercy upon you,isn’’t that one who claims this shy of God for this?). Or maybe the one who claims this have some sickness in his soul to let other wear this dress [meaning infallibility] and let others take their places instead (places of prophets), Those who do wrong will come to know by what a (great) reverse they will be overturned!And your Lord is not in the least unjust for the slaves.

Then do not forget that all the prophets and saints (viceroys) had been oppressed and hurt and no one answered their calls except few from their nations (Few of My bondmen are thankful) (Saba’’: 13)

Then what does it meanGod’’s saying “Lo! We verily do help Our messengers, and those who believe, in the life of the world and on the day when the witnesses arise”( Al-Mu’’min ,Ghâfir : 51)?Al-Imâm Al-Sâdiq (PUH) was asked about the meaning of this holy phrase and he answered: this is, and I swear by God, in the day of coming back,didn’’t you know that lot of the prophets of God did not get a victory in life and the viceroys after them got killed and never helped in life, but they will gain victory in the day of coming back before the doomsday. And the witnesses are theImâms (PUT).

The tidings coming from the Holy Household for this subject are a lot and in brief it points out that the return of the prophets to the life after death and before the doomsday is something essential and no way out of it to get revenge from their enemies that wronged them and hurt them and fought them anddidn’’t believe in them and set wars against them and took their rights from them: but when that is going to happen?

It would be at the day when the witnesses arise and they are the purifiedImâms from the Household of Muhammad (PUH) and that is when the “awaited” appears, the ruler of the current time that we are in and he is theImâm that his name is the same as the messenger of God (PUH) and his surname is the same as well and he is the son of Al-Hasan ben ‘‘Aliben Muhammadben ‘‘Aliben Musaben Ja’’far ben Muhammadben ‘‘Aliben Al-Husainben ‘‘Aliben Abi Tâlib (PUT) (the one born in year 256Hejira ) inSâmarra ’’ in Iraq.

Al-Sayid Al-Jazâ’’iri said in his tales:

The meaning of the messengers in the holy phrase “Lo! We verily do helpOur messengers” is the prophets.The apparent from this Holy Speech and whatever comes in its meaning is a sign that all the prophets will come back to life in the small doomsday and God will give them victory by power and Angels over their enemies and the enemies of the Household of Muhammad (PUH), and God will give life again to their nations that hurt them and the bad ones fromUmayyads [Bani Umayya or the Children ofUmayya , who had a kingdom in Syria and the surroundings, they were usually marked with aggressive nature and even killed the grandson of the prophet, but still some people deny this although it is a well known fact in history!] and whoever accepted their deeds from their children and others.

Also God will give life to whoever had a pure faith from the nations to let them win the rewards of victory and fights and live in the kingdom ofMuhammad’’s Household (PUH). [here comes a holy phrase but Icouldn’’t locate it in Quran, maybe the writerdidn’’t memorize it so well!]

Then all the prophets since Adam (PUH) until their end and the master of messengers Muhammad the Chosen (PUH), and they count for one hundredthousands and twenty four thousands prophets and one hundred and twenty four thousands viceroys, for every prophet has a viceroy and their masters are five upon which life went around and they are the owners of laws and whoever came with repeated laws they were copied from the previous and they are Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad and they are the “prophets of constancy”, may peace be upon them all.

This is what was pointed out by tidings and what was said by our scholars and as said by Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ’’iri and whatever points the opposite of that it would be carried byself trial for interpretation. About the messengers, as mentioned by the prophet (PUH) and the sure paths that they were (three hundreds and thirteen) messengers..etc and it is probable also that the books are one hundred and four books, and twenty one books were revealed on Adam (PUH).

It is mentioned also that it was revealed on Seth the gift of God (PUH), by God, fifty books and on Enoch (PUH) thirty books, and on Abraham twenty books, and Revealed (God) Torah, Bible, Psalms and Quran and this speech been repeated many times so no doubt about its contents. And they were called the “ones of constancy”, and they are the five masters but because they were sent to the east and west and to people and Djinns and this meaning is mentioned in lot of tidings and mentioned by lot of Muslims scholars, byIbn ‘‘Abbâs andQotâdah .

And they say that they were called “ones of constancy” because they were the first to believe in God in the world of atoms and believed in every prophet that would come before or after them and decided to have patienceinspite of calling them liars and being hurt.And said also that they were called like that because they were ones of laws and regulations so that every prophet that came after Noah (PUH) was on his (Noah’’s ) laws and path and a follower to his books until the time of Abraham (PUH) and then until the time of Moses the son ofAmram (PUH) then until the time of Jesus the son of Mary (PUH) and then until the time of Muhammad (PUH).

Then the difference between the messenger and the prophet is that the messenger is the one that gets inspiration from God the Exalted by a message or a book or allowances and non-allowances and so on, and so he is a messenger from God to the ones whoare sent to from His slaves and creation. The messenger could be non-human but it may be an Angel like Gabriel andAzrael and others (PUT).Or it may be a bird like the hoopoe of Solomon the son of David (PUH) and so on either from God or from the creature as it appears.

And the prophet is the one that God inspires and Guides him and whatever God wants from him flows in his heart without any doubt or imagination and he listens to the sound of Angels in his dreams but hecan’’t see them, and the messenger also can dream about Angels and listens to them and also see them as we see each other. But the viceroy that is appointed from God to take care of matters after the messenger can hear the Angels butcan’’t see them. It is mentioned in Al-Saheeh [seems a book name] from Al-Ahwal said: I heardZorârah ben A’’yon askingAbâ Ja ’’far Al-Bâqir (PUH) so he said to him: tell me about the messenger and the prophet and the speaker.

So he said in his answer: the messenger is the one that Gabriel (PUH) come to him so he can talk to him and see, and the prophet is the one that see in his dreams as it was for Abraham (PUH) and as the prophet of God (Muhammad PUH) did see the reasons of prophecy before getting inspired until Gabriel (PUH) did come to him from God with the message andand when Muhammad (PUH) got the prophecy and the message from God, Gabriel (PUH) used to come to him and talk to him about it, and the speaker is the one that speaks and listens but do not see in his dreams nor in hisawakeness .

What is understood from the trusted speeches that one person can have the prophecy and the message and theimamship [imam = viceroy] like our prophet Muhammad (PUH) and Abraham (PUH) and others than them, and Abraham was a prophet and not a viceroy until God said to him “Lo! I have appointed thee a leader formankind. (Abraham) said: And of my offspring (will there be leaders) ?

He said: My covenantincludeth not wrong-doers” (Al-Baqarah : 124) and it is thatwho ever is wrong and worshipping idols will not get the covenant of God sowon’’t be a leader (imam) taking care of matters and a viceroy for the messenger for his nation and whoever the messenger was sent to, and so hewon’’t be appointed by God for this purpose to save the religion and the laws after the messenger is lost, so hewon’’t be good forimamship (caliphate) after him (the messenger) and doing the things after him except these who are purified from a pure descendants.

Becauseimamship is the general leadership over all the creations from human beings and Djinns and it is not to be except from God, the Exalted, and by His commandments, and He supported the imam with miracles and virtues and he must be the mostintellegent among people and the most brave and the most faithful one and the most eloquent the knows the most about everything and about everything that the creation needs from living purposes and have the knowledge of every tongue and language and can speak it better than its natives even. There are other stuff concerning theimamship that the human braincan’’t take nor bear but only the special of them, soimamship is better than prophecy and morehonourable and higher with no doubt.

Then our book that is between your hands, is to obtain some of the conditions of prophets and messengers that were mentioned in Quran by names or by some of their characteristics, and Quran may point to someone by his character only and theMuhammedan laws (tales) mention him by name and person. We may mention a lot of them that Quran did not mention but the tales come to mention them where Quran did not mention of prophets except few of them that do not exceed forty almost. Then thedependance in obtaining their conditions was on theMuhammedan tales thatwere reached by the trusted persons who interpreted it and by the tidings from the Household of Muhammad (PUT) that were taken from the trusted books and persons, with a notification of what was taken from the Torah and the Bible.

Lot of people wrote about this subject but it is a great sorrow thatI did not see any of such writings that would satisfy, but it was the opposite.Lot of them mixed things together and lost the truth and deformed the beauty of such thing and so made others be away from catching some of its seas. And no one of its subjects’’ matters would be without a collection of the thin and the fat and edited with weird stuff and picked from it several straws or written with ill hand, so it looks with an ill eye and ill heart inclined away from the path of truth.

So there were no subject that keeps up its own matters or collects its own requirements. But this one between your hands (and thanks be to God, for Him be the pretty praises) we were lucky to get it organized and check all of its contents to its certain limits except few which, for necessity, had to be planted other than its position, and God is the Guider to the path of truth.

Introduction ofThe Second Edition

I did not expect when I started to write my book (The prophet, theirlifes and tales) that it would be so famous and hands will try to get it from the press before it becomes available in the markets, although I did not come up with a miracle.But all what I was able to do is to show a complete summary for the lives of some of the prophets and their tales which was written with lot of mistakes sometimes and fabricated in other times, so my style was easy and simplified to be fit for all levels, and that had the good effects over the readers and this is what I thanked God for,

and after a while all the copies were sold out from markets although it was printed in the offset without a previous permission and we had a tale with them, andinspite all of that we got lot of requests to re-print it with some fixes and corrections, so we answered the call of “Al-Tawjeeh Al-Islami ” press, for they publish theislamic book away from the benefits. May God help these who runit.

Then I ordered our son, the scholar, Mr. Muhammad ‘Ali Al-Hasani to notice out some chapters and check and correct whatever mistakes did occur bycoincedence in the first edition to let out this new edition in a satisfactory and proper way compared to the researches of this book, and that it gets the satisfaction from the readers and the Prevention is for God’s only.

I won’t exaggerate when I say that when I started writing I’ve feared the situation, because the search is in the lives of prophets died thousands of years ago, and in their lives that was full of action and humanity and dignity and nobility, and to mention the mysteries of these long times of their movements and their lives and spreading out the religion that was assigned to them by God, and for which God did send them and made them prophets and messengers,

but this fear did fade away when I started and began although it did take lot of my time in looking at the numerous resources and investigating that needs a time not be considered easy and checking in some stories and tales that opposes each other sometimes in the life of each prophet, not as the books I made before and after this book whatever was printed of them and whatever still written, until God helped me with success so it came out with this relatively good picture to the existence, and thanks to God firstly and lastly, asking Him to Accept it from me with a good acceptance and Give me from His grace, and Make the believers that avoid the stumbles benefit from it, and God is the Helper.

The Author

Markabâ-JabalAmil -Lebanon

1/1980AD - 2/1400H

About Some Conditions ofThe Father of Human Beings “Adam” (PUH) and The Beginning of This Creation

Said God in his HolyBook: And when thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth, they said: Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctifyThee ? He said:Surely I know that which ye know not.

Since “Viceroy” by language and tradition points out to what takes the place of what was before in time, then there must have been another Responsible agent before him (Adam), and that is pointed out by the opposition of the Angels, and this opposition is not done except by them for they bear the knowledge of the ex-mischiefers because they said “Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood, while we, we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee?”

and it was pointed out by news, tidings and traces that the existence of pre-Adam creatures did take place and they are the Djinns and others and earth was full of them.And also pointed out of the existence of lions, beasts and all of the other animals, and also the existence of rulers and vicegerents for God, command by His commandment and prohibit by His prohibition, so they were ordering for Goodness and prohibiting theMischiefts , but theDjinn got wicked and rebelled, and they refused the commandments of God and changed lot of His orders and laws.

From ‘Aliben Ibrâhim fromAlbâqir (PUH) from the Prince of Believers, ‘Aliben Abi Tâlib (PUH) that he said: When God wanted to create a creation by His hand and that was afterDjinn andNesnas spent seven thousands years on earth, He removed the layers of heavens and Said to the Angels: Look to the inhabitants of earth from my creation ofDjinn andNesnas , and when they saw what was done by them (Djinn andNesnas ) ofmischiefs and evils,

that grew hard upon them (Angels), and said: our Lord you are the Almighty, and this is Your weak worthless creation, live by Your grace and refuse to take your orders and You don’t take a revenge of them?And when He heard that from the Angels He said “Lo! I am about to place a viceroy in the earth” and he will be a ruler on earth. The Angels said: AreYou going to place someone that will makemischiefs and evils as theDjinn did? May you make the viceroy one ofus,

and we don’t refuse Your commandments and “we hymn Thy praise and sanctify Thee”, so the God said: I know what you know not, I want to make a creation by my Hand and make out of his descendants prophets and faithful slaves of mine and guiders. I will make them rulers on my creations in myearth and purify my earth from theNesnas and move the rebellious Djinns those who refused my commandments away from my creation and make them live in the air and shattered across the lands and make a veil between Djinns and my creation.

Angels then said: Our Lord You command and prohibit, praise toYou , no other god than You, and You have the knowledge of everything. Then they got farthest (Angels) from the Holy Throne a distant of fivehundreds years of travelling. Until the Imam (‘Aliben Abi Tâlib PUH) said in a long speech:

then God held the clay of Adam (PUH) and worked on it the four natures of air, mucus, bitterness, and blood.And connected with the air the love of women, length of hope and caution.And connected with the mucus the love of food, drinks, goodness, gentleness and easiness.And connected with bitterness the anger, stupidity, evil, pride, and haste.And connected with the blood the love of women, pleasure, and doing sins.

And the summary of some of the tidings is that God created Angels from light, and createdDjinn from fire, and created Adam from clay, then He ran the light, the fire, the air and water, so with light he saw and understood and by fire he ate and drank, and if it wasn’t the fire in thestomache (the heat of thestomache ) food won’t be cooked (digested), and if it wasn’t the air in the body of people to flame the fire, fire wouldn’t be existed, and if it wasn’t the water existence to cool it down and extinguish it, thestomache would have been burnt and the body would be burnt in return.

And it has been said that it was meant by the black wind ofstomache -or soul- that it might be thestomache’s movements with breathing that leads to the foundation of cells with the heat of the core (?)

And the most probable that Adam (PUH) was created from all types of clays and if he was created with one type only people wouldn’t know each other and all would be with one shape, but instead he was created from the easiness of the earth and its sadness, bitterness, sweetness, andsaltness , and from all its shapes and colors, from its whiteness, redness, yellowness, blackness and (blondeness)..etc and that’s why you see human beings differ in their colors and types.

From the Prince of Muslim (PUH) that God sent Gabriel and ordered him to bring from the skin of earth (Arabic:Adeem ) four clays: white, red, yellowish and black and that would be from its (earth) easiness and sadness. Then He ordered him (Gabriel) to bring four types of waters: sweet, saline, bitter, and stinking. Then He ordered him (Gabriel) to pour all the waters in the clay so He made the sweet in his throat, the saline in his eyes, the bitter in his ears and the stinking in his nose.

And in “Tawheed Al-Mofadhal ben Omar” (??) from Al-Sâdiq (PUH): The sweet water was placed in the throat to make him (Adam or the human) able to eat and taste the food, and the saline water was placed in the eyes to protect the flesh of the eyes since the flesh will remain when salt or saline water is placed on it. And for the bitter water in the ears it is to protect the brain from the attacks of insects and organisms since they die when they reach the bitter water in the ear.

Maybe they can get pass over the bitter water and reach the brain for their power and the small quantity of bitter water in the ears and that might be because of the weak body for it might be a sick man, old man, or a child.And they brought many cases, tidings and witnesses for the truthfulness of such analysis and some of those cases were during the time of Plato and other perfect doctors that found an animal (organism) that grew up in the brain and didn’t find any other way than the ears to let it reach there.

(Subjects from different sources with agreement in contents)

Adam was named as Adam because he was created from the skin of the earth (Arabic:Adeem ) and from Al-Sadooq : that the fourth ground (or earth) was calledAdeem and from it Adam was created and that’s why he was called Adam, and the mother of human beings Eve (Arabic:Hawâ ’) was called like this because she was made from the living (Arabic: living = Hay) and that is Adam (PUH). And from Al-Sâdiq (PUH): that God created Adam from clay and created Eve from Adam, and so the work of men is on land (earth, ground) and the work of women is in men. It was told that when Adam was created and God placed the soul in his body He made him stand between His hands then Adam sneezed and praised the God by saying: Praisebe to the God.

then God said: O Adam, you praised me, and I swear by my Highness, if it was but to make two slaves at the end of time, I wouldn’t have created you. Then Adam said: O Lord, by their endearment and their values toYou , what are their names? So Godsaid: O Adam, look to the Throne.So Adam took a look and found two lines made of light. The first linewas: No God but Allah, Muhammad the prophet of mercy and ‘Ali is the key of paradise. The second line was: I decided to bear mercy for these whobe victorious to them and follow their path, and torture these who oppose them.

The trustworthy ‘Aliben Ibrâhim had told fromAbi Jafar Al-Bâqir (PUH) in telling the meaning of God’s saying “And verily We made a covenant of old with Adam, but he forgot, and We found no constancy in him” (Taha:115) he said: God made a covenant with him in Muhammad and the Imam’s after him (PUT), but he left that out and he never thought they were (Muhammad and the Imam’s PUT) in such high place and value, and the “Them of Constancy” (meaning: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad) are called like that because God made a covenant with them in Muhammad and the viceroys after him and in Al-Qâ’im (PUT) and gathered their constancies in admitting their (Muhammad and his viceroys PUT) rights and virtues. And fromAbi ‘Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH) that he said: the sons of Adam (PUH) gathered in a house and had an argument about who’s better, Adam or the close Angels.

Some of them said that our father Adam is better and others said the close Angels are, and few others said the carriers of the Throne.While they were like that, “Gift of God” Seth (Also:Sheth PUH) entered and they told him the story, so he got back to his father Adam (PUH) and told him the story of the fighting men and they asked him (asked Seth) but he didn’t have an answer for this, then said Adam: O son, I’ve stood between the hands of God may praise be to him, then I looked into a line on the door of the Throne that was written on it: By the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Muhammad and the descendants of Muhammad are the best of what Allah started.

From Al-’Ayyashi fromAmr ben Abi Miqdâm from his father that he said: I askedAba Jafar Al-Bâqir (PUH) from what thing did God made Eve (PUH)? he said (Al-Bâqir PUH): and what thing do they say about this creation? I said: they say from one of Adam’s (PUH) ribs,then he said (PUH): they lied.

Is God unable to create her except out of Adam’s rib? ThenI said: O may I be a ransom to you son of the prophet of God, of what thing did God create her?He said (PUH): my father told me from hisfathers that the prophet of God (PUH) said: God, may praise be to Him, held a clay and mixed it with his right hand, and both of His hands are right, so He created out of it Adam and part of it was left untouched so He created Eve out of it (Al-Sayed Ne’mato -Allah Al-Jaza’eri said: thisHadith or speech is trustworthy and believed in among our comrades and partners.

Meaning what had been told by Al-’Ayyashi ..etc) and this speech has what supports it and there is no doubt among us about its contents and anything oppose it would oppose the rules and laws of what God made what we are in now, and so the claim of creating Eve out of his (Adam) rib is something strange and weird instead of creating her out of the remaining of his (Adam) clay as it was told by them (meaning them the Holy family of Muhammad PUT) many times.

About the story of creating Eve out of the rib, and that is the little left rib, is carried by explaining according to the pictorial match for these who believe it and there are other taken paths and God onlyknows.And it is probable that God created Adam and Eve without a mother and father and created Jesus (PUH) without a father to let know that He is able to create anything anyhow, and His laws in nature used to be creating any creation out of a father and a mother except these mentioned before.

And it is told that the Angels (PUT) when they felt about their mistake and got sorrowful for their arguing with God about the creation of Adam (PUH) and saying “Wilt thou place therein one who will do harm therein and will shed blood” and they knew that they made a mistake and regretted and got to the Throne praising and asking for pardon for what they did, and this was a reason to put up a house in the fourth heaven at the edge of the Throne and was called Ad-Dhirâh ,

then after that He put up a house in the earth’s sky and Called it Al-Bayt Al-Ma’moor (The Great House) at the edge of Ad-Dhirâh , and Put up on earth Al-Bayt Al-’Ateeq (The Old House, or Holy House) at the edge of Al-Bayt Al-Ma’moor . Then after He ordered his slave Adam (PUH) to go around it and so he did, so He had mercy upon him and that spread out among his sons until the doomsday. And it was told that Adam (PUH) visited the Holy House for a thousand times on his feet, for seven hundredsHijjas (pilgrimages) and three hundreds ‘Omras (‘Omrah = A visit not in the pilgrimage time)