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The Prophets

The Prophets

Publisher: www.alhassanain.org/english

Angels prostration for Adam PUH

Said God let praise be to Him: And whenWe said unto the angels: Prostrate yourselves before Adam, they fell prostrate, all saveIblis . He demurred through pride, and so became a disbeliever (Al-Baqarah : 34).And in another position He said toIblis blaming him for not prostrating: He said: What hindered thee that thou didst not fall prostrate when I bade thee?

(Al-A’raf : 12). The damned said then: I am better thanhim .Thoucreatedst me of fire while him Thou didst create of mud, and continued: Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk in ambush for them on Thy Right Path, then I shall come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right hands and from their left hands, and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden (unto Thee). And also said: Reprieve me till the day when they are raised (from the dead).and God answered: Then lo!thou art of those reprieved Till the Day of appointed time. And Godsaid also: and they fell prostrate, all saveIblis . He was of the jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord’s command (Al-Kahf : 50)

So the phrases that points out the facts about the creation of Adam (PUH) and the prostration of Angels before him after the commandments of God and the rebel ofIblis against God’s command for he is created of fire and Adam was created of mud or clay and God’s damnations upon him and his exile out of paradise and keeping him unable to get through the veils while he used to go through them with Angles before and the request ofIblis for God to compensate him for his worship to God for thousands of years and the God’s answer to him and giving him whatever he likes of life’s goods and the most important of those goods is staying alive as long as life do exist and being in control of Adam’s descendants and being close to them as blood in the vessels and Made (God) their chests a home for him and for his sons (Iblis ) except the faithful slaves of God, such phrases are a lot in the Holy Book and they can be founded also in Holy Books that was revealed before Quran.

Meditate in these Holy phrases a meditation of thinking and not as memorizing a tale. Without understanding the desired meaning of God’sspeech, and you must check out the truth from these whowho know Quran very well, or their viceroys, who act and do as they did, and don’t take saying meant to give explanation to the phrases of the Book of your God who said: Noneknoweth its explanation save Allah.And those who are of sound instruction say: We believe therein;

the whole is from our Lord; but only men of understanding really heed (Al-Imran : 7), and those who know are only who upon them the Holy Book was revealed and that is Muhammad (PUH) and his descendants who had the Prevention (They make no mistakes) and they know better. [Note: this paragraph contained a high level of philosophicalterms which I couldn’t translate nor understand, so it wasapproperiate to take the overall meaning and translate it]

And what was told of tidings from them (the Holy Family PUT) that growing proud was the first sin, soIblis did say: O Lord, release me from prostration before Adam, and I used to worship you as no close Angel did nor a sent prophet, then the God did say to him: no need for your worshipping, but I want to be worshipped as I want not as you want. And so Iblis refused to prostrate, then God said to him: Get out of it, you are damned. Then saidIblis : O Lord!how ?and you are the Just that does no wrong, so my reward for worshipping is false? Then God said tohim: No, but ask anything of life’s matter as a reward for your deeds and I shall give it to you.

The first thing he asked was to be immortal until the time of the doomsday, so God said to him: it isyours.Then he asked to be in control of Adam’s descendants, so God said to him:I made you of control. Then he asked to make him run through them as blood in vessels, so God said tohim: I made you run through them.

ThenIblis did say: no one would give a birth for one, shall be accompanied by two for me, and I will see them but they won’t and I would be shaped in front of them in whatever shape I like, so the God said then: I give all of that. Then the damned (Iblis )said: O Lord, give me more. Sothen the God said: I made for you and your descendants homes in their chests. After all thatIblis did say: O Lord, this is enough forme . Then that he did say: O Lord by your Highness I would make them domischiefs except your faithful slaves, then I shall come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right hands and from their left hands, and Thou wilt not find most of them beholden.

It was told about the explanation of the Holy phrase “then I shall come upon them from before them” is that “I will make them not serious in thinking of the doomsday” like telling them that God is merciful and only punishes for worshipping another, but everything else God can forgive you about.And “from behind them” that is “I will order them to keep on gathering money and be misers to keep it for their heirs”, and “from their right hands” that is “I will worsen their believes and let them add and change their creeds”, and “from their left hands” that is “I will make their hearts in great love for joys and amusement and whatever like it.”

FromIbnAbbâs , that the first one to measure (compare) wasIblis , and he was wrong in this matter, and whoever after him would do the same he would be paired by God in the doomsday withIblis , and the measurement (comparement ) is that when he said: You made me of fire and made him of mud (or clay), and that meant to be that I’m (Iblis speaking) of morehonour than him (Adam) and better, because fire is higher and of morehonour than mud, and so the prostrate must have been from him (Adam) to me (Iblis ) and not the other wise by the measurements ofhonour and priority,

and the damned didn’t know thehonour of Adam and of what God knows from his virtues (Adam’s) and the Holy Lights that he bore in his descendants, and it will come from his descendants the prophets and their viceroys with the saints and the faithful, and the masters of the creation, Muhammad and his Household (family, descendants) that God wish is but to remove uncleanness far from them, and cleanse them with a thorough cleansing, who are the main reason for the creation of the universe and everything in it. And so he (Iblis ) envied him (Adam) and got wicked.And for the God’s saying “Lo! I am about to create a mortal out of mire,And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My Spirit,

then fall down before him prostrate” (Sad: 71,72) the Prince of Believers (‘Aliben Abi Tâlib PUH) commented about this: They all prostrated, exceptIblis who got pride growing into him for his creation of fire and scorned the mud (or clay) creation, and so God gave him the delay for he (Iblis ) deserved damnations, and for the completeness of his trouble, and the completeness of his mortality, so God said to him: Then lo! thou art of those reprieved, Till the Day of appointed time (Al-Hijr : 37,38).

Notice how muchdid the Prince of Believers (PUH) overflow us with the facts about this interesting matter of unique meanings and wisdom that could be deduced from its deepest secrets and its hidden jokes.We have left out most of his speech (PUH) for the fear of boredom, and it was told that after what God gave toIblis from control and power, Adam (PUH) said: O Lord, you have givenIblis the control over my descendants and made him run as the blood in the vessel into them and all of the other things that you gave to him, so for what for me and my descendants?

So God answered him: the wrong done would be counted as one, and the good done would be counted as ten. Then did Adam (PUH) say: O Lord, giveme more, so the God answered: Repentance would be accepted until the soul would come to the throat [apparently meant at death time], then Adam (PUH) said: O Lord, give me more.So the God answered: I will forgive no matter what, then Adam (PUH) said: O Lord this is quite enough. One questioner did say to Al-Imam Al-Sâdiq (PUH): O may I be a ransom to you, for what didIblis deserve all of what God gave him?he answered (PUH): for something he did to God and God appreciated that for him, then the question did say: and what did he do may I be a ransom to you?he answered (PUH): for two bows (kneeling, in prayer) he did in heavens in a time of fourthousands years.

And it was told from Al-Nahj [Nahj Al-Balâgha , a book that collected speeches of ‘Aliben Abi Tâlib PUH] that Al-Imam ‘Ali (PUH) said that he (Iblis ) did pray two bows in heavens in sixthousands years. Itis not known if it is counted as years of earthly time, or in time of heavens, and it is not quite far that both tales are true and God only knows.

FromTawoos andMojâhid : thatIblis before doing the sin was one of the Angels and his name was ‘Azâziel , and he was one of the earth’s inhabitants, and the inhabitants of earth from Angels were called theDjinn , and among Angels there were on like him in his worshipping and wisdom, so when he rebelled against God may praise be to Him, God damned him and made him a demon and called himIblis , and he was noted as being a disbeliever in God’s knowledge.

The apparent from this tale thatIblis was one of the Angels opposes the apparent phrase from the Holy Book “all saveIblis . He was of the jinn, so he rebelled against his Lord’s command” (Al-Kahf : 50) and also opposes the famous opinion among the wise men of Muslims and its tales and stories, and it is the base that all Muslims agreed on naturally and the repeated phrases in the Holy Book about this matter, and the most of the explanations made for them (the phrases), and even it opposes the thought ofIblis when he said: You created me of fire and created him of mud..etc and so this tale opposes the most famous opinions about the matter so be aware.

FromJameel ben Darâj said: I askedAbâ ‘Abdullah Al-Sâdiq (PUH) about whetherIblis was one of the Angels orDjinn , so he said (PUH): Angels saw that he was one of them but only God knew that he wasn’t one of them, and when was ordered to prostrate he did what he did. Some wise men that are into deep insight said that wise men of Islam differ in considering whetherIblis is one of the Angels or not.Most of the speakers about the matter and lot of our wise men [Shiites wise men are meant here] like Al-Shaikh Al-Mofeed and others that said thatIblis is one of theDjinn and not Angels, and then he said (Al-Shaikh Al-Mofeed ) that tidings been told frequently from the Imam’s of Guidance (PUT) about this fact, and it is true in the creed ofImamism . [Imamism :this term is coined by me and don’t know if there is an equivalent term for it. It points out to the creed of believing in the 12 viceroys or Imams after the death of the prophet Muhammad,may peace be upon him and his Household], and other branch believed that he (Iblis ) was one of the Angels.

The clue of the second branch that believed thatIblis is one of the Angels is from someHadith’s (or speeches) and one of them is what have been mentioned before fromTawoos andMojâhid , and also believed thatIblis was one of the keepers of paradises, and he held the treasures of heavens and earth, and other stuff had been said, but anyhow as you can see nothing of that is convenient to what was mentioned about the believe of the first branch which is the mostchoosen and the most supported with the confession ofIblis himself as mentioned before.

It had been told from Al-Zajjâj that he said: Holy phrases did differ in mentioning of whatdid the creation of Adam (PUH) start with. In one position in the Holy Book that God created him out of sand, and in other out of mud, and in another out of black mud, and also in another position out of clay. He continued: and all of the previous belong to one origin which is the sand, which is the origin of mud, and so God informed us that he made him out of sand, then made it into mud, then transferred into black mud and finally as clay.

Useful Caution

About what was been told in the Holy phrases of the saying of the damned which is “Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk in ambush for them on Thy Right Path...etc”, it is apparent that the damned thought God made him astray and this is something can’t be accepted by the right-thinking minds and it is against and opposes the justice and the holiness that are well-known of God may praise be to Him, and above all these mistaken words about Him He shall be. And so the damned appointed to God that He made him astray, and this is what is mentioned in the creed ofJabarism [Another coined term by me] of Al-Ashâ’irah (?) [seems a branch of this creed], and it is one of the corrupted believes without any doubt about that, because its contents is not accepted by me, nor others would accept it for themselves.

Is it possible for someone to accept for himself being mentioned that he obliged a slave of him to domischiefs and sins and then punish him for doing this?

No and no, and this is the case here of what had been appointed to God, The most exalted. May God make shame be with them, as He made it with their master and director and teacher the damnedIblis may damnations be upon him.All of the matter was because of his wrong chosen path, and God exiled him and avoided him from His mercy and banned him from His paradise, because he rebelled and refused His command to prostrate to Adam (PUH) with the rest of Angels, and them (PUT) didn’t stop for one moment but prostrated directly as they are commanded to do and they did not think about a reason for this and didn’t get a pride against it, but instead they did obey the command of their Lord and don’t think about anything else except His command, and never argue about it.

When God examinedIblis by prostrating for Adam (PUH), he got so high with his pride andhonour for what he was created of and got rebelled, and God knew his intention and his perversity, and all of his long worshipping and praising was only for the sake of life and for what he wishes and deems, and so he got wicked by his soul and obeyed it and so it owned him and captivated him away from his Creator. And when God wanted to put him under the test and wanted him to refuse what his soul is ordering him to do, he disbelieved in His grace and got ready for war, and so he is a foe for the Great God, The One of Grace, and then his greatest foe is this to whom he was ordered to prostrate before him and that is Adam (PUH) so he sat his hate for him (Adam) and for his descendants until the time of doomsday.

(The inhabitation of Adam in paradise)

The Prince of Believers (PUH) said in Al-Nahj : Then God made Adam inhabit a place of much grace and made it a safe place for him, and warned him ofIblis and his hostility, and so his foe envied him (Adam) for his place of inhabitation and his company of the faithful, so then he (Adam) paid for what was so sure with his doubt, and for the power with his weakness,

and exchanged hilarity with fear, and pride with regret, then God Relented toward him and Gave him the words of His mercy and Promised him that he would be back to his paradise, and Got him down to the place of troubles and breeding.What is apparent from this speech of the Prince of Believers (PUH) and from lot of tales and Holy phrases about the subject of Adam’s paradise that God made himinhabt , that it is the paradise that God promised for His faithful after life for their deeds, or even as a gift for these of faith in His prophets and Holy Books, and so his saying (PUH) about the place of inhabitation and the company of the faithful, do appoint out to the paradise after life and not the gardens of this life, and it is apparent for these who got a cautious hearts and a well mind, and then meditate in his saying (PUH) about getting back to his (Adam) paradise and getting him down to the place of troubles and breeding.

And there is no need to explain and interpret more than that and saying the opposition of what had been said in the speech, and the more opposition that might be made against it, then it is an ignorance and perversity that are not needed.

It is told from some tales and speeches that theinhbaitation of Adam and Eve (PUT) in paradise lasted for seven hours as measured in this life’s days, and so their out was in the same day that they got in and if they did obey the commandments of their Lord, they would have been lasted for more time and never got out of it.

(How was it correct to prostrate before Adam by angels and he’s just a creation)

Prostration, is not allowed and not correct except for God may praise be to Him, because it is a worshipping and it won’t be except for God, otherwise it would be a disbelieve or paganism and such thing is impossible to be done by the Angels that are protected against doing any sins. The real matter is that this prostration is done by a commandment from God and so it is a prostration for God asit was mentioned by them (PUT) [“them” meaning the prophet and his Household PUT] about this matter. From Al-Sâdiq (PUH): whoever prostrated by a command from God, then it is a prostration for God and obeying his order, and if itwasn’t the commandment by His Highness he wouldn’t prostrate.And this is what had been told also by Al-Imam ‘Aliben Muhammad Al-Hâdi (PUH) when he said: prostration before Adam by Angels was not for Adam but for obeying God and endearment for Adam.

After all, prostration before Adam was but as an endearment for him and inreal it was worshipping for God because it was done by His command.Al-Mohaddeth Al-Qommi in “Safeenat Al-Bihâr ” in Al-Moqâm [apparently seems it is a book name done by a person called Al-Mohaddeth Al-Qommi ] did say: you should know that Muslims all agreed that prostrating was not for the purpose of worshipping, but as an endearment for Adam (PUH) and in deep it was a worshipping for God since it was by His command and this is chosen by most of the interpreters,

and God’s sayings “then fall down before him prostrate”(Sad: 72) and about Joseph (PUH) “they fell down before him prostrate” (Yusuf: 100) both have the same interpretation, and the prostration was for God only and for obeying His commandment and was for the endearment of Adam and Joseph (PUT), like prostrating for God for theoccurence of grace or the disappearing of a grace. It is told from Prince of Believers (PUH) that he said that the first spot on earth that God was worshipped on is that onKufa [a city in Iraq that had been made a capital during the rule of ‘Aliben Abi Tâlib PUH] and that was when God ordered Angels to prostrate before Adam (PUH) and so they did that on the surface ofKufa .

(Some tales related to our research)

From Musaben Jafar (PUH), that ajew came and asked the Prince of Believers (PUH) about a miracle for the prophet (PUH) like the miracles of other prophets, and that God made Angels prostrate before Adam so would that be also for Muhammad (PUH)? so ‘Ali (PUH) answered: that was indeed, but God made the Angels prostrate for Adam not for obeying nor worshipping Adam instead of God, but it was as a confession from them for the virtues of Adam (PUH),

and for Muhammad (PUH) he was given what is better than this and higher, and that is because God assigned blessings upon him in His Highness and ordered the Angels to say the blessings upon him, and also the believers worship and pray by saying the blessings upon him Don’t you say in your prayer and other prayers: Oh God bless Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad? and this is in a place much higher and greater than prostrating before Adam (PUH),

and in the speech of God to the damnedIblis : Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted?(Sad: 75), and in a speech for the prophet of God (PUH) that these “high exalted” are the prophet himself (PUH), Muhammadben ‘Abdullah (PUH) and ‘Ali,Fâtima , Al-Hasan and Al-Husain (PUT), then said the prophet (PUH): we were in the awning of the Throne, sanctifying God and Angels with us, before creating Adam by twothousands years, and when God created Adam He commanded the Angels to prostrate before him but Did not command us, and so all the Angels prostrated exceptIblis , so then God said to him: Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted? Meaning ofthe these five that their names are written on the awning of the Throne.

From ‘Aliben Al-Husain (PUH): Adam did look to the apex of the Throne and saw the lights of our ghosts, so then God said tohim: O Adam, these ghosts are the best of my creation. Then He told him their names and Told him: By them I take and by them I give and by them I punish and by them I reward, O Adam ask me by them, and when you are in trouble make them your intercessors to me, because I decided not to refuse any requests (prayers) made by them.That’s why after that after he and Eve got into the trouble of the sin, he prayed and asked God by their names so then God made arepentace upon him.

From an interpretation from Al-Imam Al-’Askari (PUH) in a long speech and this is part of it: When God put Al-Husainben ‘Ali (PUH) and these who were with him under the test by the army that wanted to kill him, he (Al-Husain PUH) saw their large numbers and saw his folks and knew that they want not but him, and whenever they would kill him they wouldn’t ask for another, and so he released them (his folks) from their swear of fealty and commanded them to quit and depart him and said to them: let me with these.

God helpsme as He used to be with our ancestors, and his folks did depart him except few of them.His closer relatives and household refused to leave and told him: we will not leave you until we die forthee OAbâ ‘Abdullah [another name for Al-Husain PUH] and when he saw their assertiveness and that they would not leave him until they die for him, he said to them: if you decided for yourselves what I decided for myself then know that God gives the high places for his slaves by their patience for the troubles they face and that you will have that from God’s gifts to you, and know that this life is just a dream and theafter life is the real awakening.

Shall notI tell you our beginnings?They answered: for sure O son of the prophet, then he said: When God created Adam, He told him the names of everything, and when He showed them to the Angels they said “We have no knowledge saving that which Thou hast taught us” (Al-Baqarah : 32) and He made the lights of Muhammad, ‘Ali,Fâtima , Al-Hasan and Al-Husain and they are the five ghosts, at the back of Adam, and their lights were shining in the horizons of heavens,

veils, paradises, the Chair (?) and the Throne, and God then commanded the Angels to prostrate before Adam as an endearment for he was but a container for these ghosts that their lights shined in the horizons, so the Angels did prostrate exceptIblis who denied to be humble for our lights we the Household, after the Angels did humbling and obeyed the command of God and for this their level got higher and got thehonour , andIblis was damned and exiled out and shame got upon him and so he is a foe for Him and His faithful slaves until the doomsday.

It was mentioned in some tales of Al-Sâdiqiyah [here, maybe it meant tales that was told by Al-Sâdiq PUH] and also from ‘Aliben Ibrâhim about thesaying of God: Till the Day of appointed time (Al-Hijr : 38), what is meant here is the time when he (Iblis ) gets slaughtered by the hands of the prophet of God (PUH) on the Rock that is in Jerusalem.

Al-Sayed Al-Jazâ’eri said that he (Iblis ) was appointedtil the day of the appearance of Al-Mahdee (PUH) and it is the minor doomsday, and there are lot of tidings about this matter, and we have explained what is related to this subject in the introduction of this book that you read now, and the return of the prophets and messengers and in special our prophet Muhammad The Chosen (PUH) and the purified Imams (PUT) after the appearance of the “Awaited Absent” may our souls be in ransom to him to take revenge of their foes, is something that must be and it is one of the believes for Shiites, orlets say most of the Muslims in general, and it is called the minor doomsday, but only after the long journey with troubles and when most of the created would turn away from the path and life would be full of wrong and injustice, it is then when we shall see the release is close and it is the time. May God paces up the re-appearance of Muhammad and the Household of Muhammad and May He make us one of their supporters and companions, and martyrs between their hands by the rights of the prophet and his purified Household (PUT )

The reason for getting Adam down from paradise to earth

FromMos’adah ben Sadaqah from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) from the prophet (PUH) that Moses the son ofAmram [Arabic: Musaben Imrân ] (PUH) asked his Lord to let him see Adam (PUH) and so He answered him and made him see Adam, and then Moses didsay: O Father!you are the one that God created with His own hands and made you live in His paradise and prohibited you from one tree so you couldn’t be patient enoughtil you fell on earth because of it, and couldn’t you control yourself away from it and soIblis seduced you and you followed him and so you are the one that got us out of paradise because of your sin.

Then did say Adam (PUH): O son take it easy on your father for the matter of this tree. O sonmy foe approached by trick and plot, so he swore to me by God that his opinion is a good advice and he said to me: O Adam I am sad for you, so I said to him: and how is that?he said: I enjoyed being with you and you will be out of what you are in now to what you hate, I asked him: and what to do?he said to me: here is what to do, do you want me to guide you to the tree of eternity and an endless reign so you can eat from it with your wife and then you shall both be in paradise with me for eternity, and he swore to me by God and he was a liar that he has the truthful advice, and O Moses I never thought that someone would swear by God and he is a liar, so I trusted his oath and this is my excuse, so tell me son, do you find out from what had been revealed to you from God that my sin was noted before I get created, then Moses said to him: before a long time. Then said the prophet (Muhammad PUH): and so did Adamovercame Moses in the argument.

From Al-Sâdiq (PUH) also: when Adam was put out of paradise, Gabriel (PUH) came down to him and said: O Adam, didn’t God create you with His hands and Breathed into you of His Spirit and made the Angels prostrate before you, and Got you Eve as a wife and Made you inhabit paradise and Prohibited you directly from eating from that tree but you made the sin? Then Adam (PUH)said: Iblis did swear to me by God, and I never thought that someone from God’s creation would swear by Him falsely!

And what is understood from the previous conversation between Moses and Adam (PUT) that the sin was something meant to be and predestinated long ago before Adam’s creation and from the world of atom [It is believed that everything exists in this life including people existed before becoming alive or born in a world or a dimension where they were just atoms], at the time of creating the spirits before his (Adam) existence by twothousands years, and it is a case which was a battle field for several opinions and many people got doomed for theirmis -interpretations and not understanding the truth in it, and it is a case of God’sjudgement and what He Has predestined for His creation before his existence.

And the solution for this case for us in general is: God founded in this human the power that could aid him in doing what God appointed to him and Made him able to do, and Left him the selection and Gave him the mind and brain with which he can differentiate between what’s wrong andwhats true, and what would make God satisfied or dissatisfied. After the knowledge and looking into the path of these faithful to God and their viceroys and every allowed path that leads to it (?), that God knows whatever he chooses or does fromwether it be a sin or obeying for His commandments, for He knows the ends of workings and deeds that are done by His slaves and no incidents would happen without Hisknowledgement before his (the human) existence, by his well or bad chose, and He His Highness the one that knows thethe guilt of Adam whatever would be acted by him and whatever he would choose, as it is the case with all His creations and slaves,

so from Him may praise be to Him the powers and destinies in doings and not-doings, and the selection is made for these of responsibilities by mind, heart and reality, and He is the one who Knows the ends and what these of responsibilities might choose for themselves, if it was good it is good, and if it an evil it is an evil, and there is no forcing for the slave, but it is something in between, because the force and power is from His Highness, and the full choice for these of responsibilities, and God knows what might the slave choose for himself.

(What is the tree that was prohibited for AdamPUH )

Tales and speeches had differed about of what type is it and what is it. Some said it is wheat and some said it is vine and grape while others said it is camphor and still others said it is the fig. Itis said also that it is the tree of good and evil and it was said it is the tree of eternity that the Angels used to eat from, and more had been said. FromM’ânee Al-Akhbâr [seems a book name] in its basing to Al-Harawee said:I said to Al-Ridhâ (PUH): O son of prophet of God, tell me about the tree that Adam and Eve ate from, what was it?

because many people differ in its nature, some say it is wheat, some say it is grape and some say it is tree of the envy, then he said (PUH): all of that is right, then I said: then what is the meaning of all these different opinions?then he said (PUH): OAbâ As-Silt [=Al-Harawee ], the tree of paradise carries types, so it was wheat carrying grapes and it is not like the trees of our life, and when Godhonoured him and Reminded him of the prostrating of Angels before him and Letting him into the paradise, he (Adam) said to himself: did God created a human better than me? and God knew what was between him and himself and so Called him and told him:

O Adam, left up your head and look to the leg of the Throne, so then Adam left up his head and looked into the leg of the Throne and found there it was written on it: No other God but Allah, Muhammad is the prophet of Allah, ‘Aliben Abi Tâlib is the Appointed from God and his wifeFâtima is the mistress of all women, and Al-Hasan and Al-Husain are the masters of paradise’s young people, so said Adam: O Lord, who are they? then said His Highness: they are from your descendants, and they are better than you and than the rest of my creation, and for them only I did create you, and Created paradise and hell, and heavens with earth, so be aware not to envy them and wish for their place and so demon would take control over you, so then he got something inhisself about them and then did the demon control over him until he ate from the tree that he was prohibited from, and took control over Eve for her thoughts of envy aboutFâtima (PUH) until she ate from the tree like Adam did, and so God put them out from His side down to earth.

And in contents of the tale as it is with other tales, the word “wish for their place” points out that the meaning is “glee” and not “envy” in its real meaning, because glee like wishing for their place, and envy is wishing for their obsolescence, because envying is a sin and points out to a lame character and the glee is totally against that, and it is impossible for the father of human beings and prophets and messenger, and the one whom Angels did prostrate before by God’s commandment and whom God Had created with His Hands and Inhabited in paradise then had been chosen by God and Made him a prophet, it is impossible for him to be an envious one, and from this point we believe that the prohibition from eating from that tree was a prohibition for the purity and not for a taboo, and it was mentioned before something about the protection of prophets against doing sins and there is more to do about that to come to you by God’s well, and the meaning of the tree of envy is that eating from it was because of envy, and if it was the envy it would not have been eaten.

And it is mentioned that if it wasn’t Adam’s (PUH) guilt, no faithful would have done any guilt ever, and if it wasn’t that God relented toward Adam, there would not have been any repentance for any guilty ever, and from Al-Sâdiq (PUH) that he was asked that how come the inheritance of man is as much as twice of that of females so he said (PUH): that is because the number of fruits that Adam and Eve ate were eighteen, twelve were eaten by Adam and six were eaten by Eve and so the inheritance is made up as mentioned before.

Ithad been told that when Adam was down from paradise a black mole appeared in his face from the top of ittil its feet and so long was his sadness and crying for this, then came Gabriel (PUH) and said to him: why crying Adam?so he (Adam) said: for this mole thatoccured in me, so then he (Gabriel) told him: get up and pray, it is time for the first prayer, so Adam did that and the moleshrinked to his chest, then he (Gabriel) came again at the time of the second prayer and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the second prayer and so he did and the moleshrinked to his navel, and then came again at the time of the third prayer and said to him:

get up Adam and pray this is the time for the third prayer and so he did and the moleshrinked to his knee, then he came at the time of the fourth prayer and said to him: get up Adam and pray this is the time for the fourth prayer and so he did and the moleshrinked to his legs, then he came at the time of the fifth prayer and Adam did the same and the mole was out of him and he thanked God for this a lot, then Gabriel did say to him: O Adam, your sons in this prayer are like you in this mole, and who would pray from your sons each day and night five prayers he would be out of his sins as you got out of this mole.

And also in a speech that when Adam (PUH) got down on earth he got a beard as black as coal, so he held it with his hand and said: O Lord, what is this?and He answered him: this is the beard, I made it as anornamet for you and your male descendants until the doomsday. And it was mentioned before that the inhabitation of Adam and Eve in paradise was for seven hours until they got out of it, and that God breathed in Adam with His Spirit after the sunset of Friday and then Created Eve after him,

then Commanded the Angels to prostrate before him and Made him inhabit His paradise since then, and the Imam (PUH) swore [not mentioned which Imam is it] that they did not stay more than these hours on that day until they did what was prohibited then God got them out after sunset and didn’t stay in it (Paradise) and they were moved to the yards of paradise until it was the morning and their loins appeared then their Lord said to them: Did not I prohibited you from that tree, so Adam got ashamed and shy of his Lord and said: O our Lord, we did wrong to ourselves and made a confession of our sins, O may You forgive us, then did God say: get down from My heavens to earth for no sinners would be in My paradise nor My heavens.